diff options
26 files changed, 10809 insertions, 9757 deletions
diff --git a/odlsli/src/main/properties/ b/odlsli/src/main/properties/
index 471e6fb9..be2a2256 100644
--- a/odlsli/src/main/properties/
+++ b/odlsli/src/main/properties/
@@ -15,8 +15,7 @@ naming.gen-name.pwd=ccsdkapps
#URLs for A1 Mediator
diff --git a/odlsli/src/main/properties/ b/odlsli/src/main/properties/
index 293d375b..7dba4d85 100644
--- a/odlsli/src/main/properties/
+++ b/odlsli/src/main/properties/
@@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ restapi.removeRRMPolicyMember.ToCUUP=/restconf/config/ran-network:ran-network/Ne
# Restconf URLs with Netconf Mount of Ran Simulator TO BE FINALIZED
@@ -151,6 +152,7 @@ restapi.removeRRMPolicyMember.ToCUUP.ransim-mounted=/restconf/config/network-top
diff --git a/opendaylight/aluminum/aluminum-alpine/pom.xml b/opendaylight/aluminum/aluminum-alpine/pom.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index ba82d8dc..00000000
--- a/opendaylight/aluminum/aluminum-alpine/pom.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
- <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
- <parent>
- <groupId>org.onap.ccsdk.distribution</groupId>
- <artifactId>distribution-odl-aluminum</artifactId>
- <version>1.2.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
- </parent>
- <artifactId>distribution-odl-aluminum-docker</artifactId>
- <packaging>pom</packaging>
- <name>ccsdk-distribution :: opendaylight :: aluminum :: docker</name>
- <description>Creates OpenDaylight container</description>
- <organization>
- <name>ONAP</name>
- </organization>
- <properties>
- <>onap/ccsdk-odl-aluminum-alpine-image</>
- <odl.karaf.artifactId>onap-karaf</odl.karaf.artifactId>
- <odl.shiro.version>0.12.1</odl.shiro.version>
- </properties>
- <build>
- <plugins>
- <plugin>
- <groupId>org.codehaus.groovy.maven</groupId>
- <artifactId>gmaven-plugin</artifactId>
- <version>1.0</version>
- <executions>
- <execution>
- <phase>validate</phase>
- <goals>
- <goal>execute</goal>
- </goals>
- <configuration>
- <source>${basedir}/../../../src/main/scripts/TagVersion.groovy</source>
- </configuration>
- </execution>
- </executions>
- </plugin>
- <plugin>
- <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
- <artifactId>maven-dependency-plugin</artifactId>
- <version>3.0.0</version>
- <executions>
- <execution>
- <id>get-odl-distribution</id>
- <phase>validate</phase>
- <goals>
- <goal>copy</goal>
- </goals>
- <configuration>
- <artifactItems>
- <artifactItem>
- <groupId>org.opendaylight.integration</groupId>
- <artifactId>${odl.karaf.artifactId}</artifactId>
- <version>${ccsdk.opendaylight.version}</version>
- <type>tar.gz</type>
- <overWrite>true</overWrite>
- <outputDirectory>${basedir}/target/docker-stage</outputDirectory>
- </artifactItem>
- </artifactItems>
- <overWriteReleases>false</overWriteReleases>
- <overWriteSnapshots>true</overWriteSnapshots>
- <overWriteIfNewer>true</overWriteIfNewer>
- </configuration>
- </execution>
- <execution>
- <id>copy-with-alternalte-repo-2</id>
- <phase>generate-sources</phase>
- <goals>
- <goal>copy</goal>
- </goals>
- <configuration>
- <artifactItems>
- <artifactItem>
- <groupId></groupId>
- <artifactId>aaa-shiro</artifactId>
- <version>${odl.shiro.version}</version>
- <outputDirectory>${}/docker-stage/system/org/opendaylight/aaa/aaa-shiro/${odl.shiro.version}</outputDirectory>
- <destFileName>aaa-shiro-${odl.shiro.version}.jar</destFileName>
- <excludes>*</excludes>
- </artifactItem>
- <artifactItem>
- <groupId></groupId>
- <artifactId>aaa-authn-api</artifactId>
- <version>${odl.shiro.version}</version>
- <outputDirectory>${}/docker-stage/system/org/opendaylight/aaa/aaa-authn-api/${odl.shiro.version}</outputDirectory>
- <destFileName>aaa-authn-api-${odl.shiro.version}.jar</destFileName>
- <excludes>*</excludes>
- </artifactItem>
- </artifactItems>
- <overWriteReleases>false</overWriteReleases>
- <overWriteSnapshots>true</overWriteSnapshots>
- <overWriteIfNewer>true</overWriteIfNewer>
- </configuration>
- </execution>
- </executions>
- </plugin>
- <plugin>
- <artifactId>maven-resources-plugin</artifactId>
- <version>2.6</version>
- <executions>
- <execution>
- <id>copy-dockerfile</id>
- <goals>
- <goal>copy-resources</goal>
- </goals><!-- here the phase you need -->
- <phase>validate</phase>
- <configuration>
- <outputDirectory>${basedir}/target/docker-stage</outputDirectory>
- <resources>
- <resource>
- <directory>src/main/docker</directory>
- <includes>
- <include>Dockerfile</include>
- </includes>
- <filtering>true</filtering>
- </resource>
- <resource>
- <directory>src/main/odlscripts</directory>
- <includes>
- <include>*</include>
- </includes>
- <filtering>false</filtering>
- </resource>
- </resources>
- </configuration>
- </execution>
- </executions>
- </plugin>
- </plugins>
- </build>
- <profiles>
- <profile>
- <id>docker</id>
- <build>
- <plugins>
- <plugin>
- <groupId>io.fabric8</groupId>
- <artifactId>docker-maven-plugin</artifactId>
- <version>0.34.0</version>
- <inherited>false</inherited>
- <configuration>
- <images>
- <image>
- <name>${}</name>
- <build>
- <cleanup>try</cleanup>
- <noCache>true</noCache>
- <contextDir>${basedir}/target/docker-stage</contextDir>
- <dockerFile>Dockerfile</dockerFile>
- <tags>
- <tag>${project.docker.latestminortag.version}</tag>
- <tag>${project.docker.latestfulltag.version}</tag>
- <tag>${project.docker.latesttagtimestamp.version}</tag>
- </tags>
- </build>
- </image>
- </images>
- <verbose>${docker.verbose}</verbose>
- <skipPush>${docker.skip.push}</skipPush>
- </configuration>
- <executions>
- <execution>
- <id>build-push-images</id>
- <goals>
- <goal>build</goal>
- <goal>push</goal>
- </goals>
- </execution>
- </executions>
- </plugin>
- </plugins>
- </build>
- </profile>
- </profiles>
diff --git a/opendaylight/aluminum/aluminum-alpine/src/main/docker/Dockerfile b/opendaylight/aluminum/aluminum-alpine/src/main/docker/Dockerfile
deleted file mode 100644
index 978a0919..00000000
--- a/opendaylight/aluminum/aluminum-alpine/src/main/docker/Dockerfile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-# Prepare stage for multistage image build
-FROM onap/ccsdk-alpine-j11-image:${project.docker.latestfulltag.version} AS stage0
-USER root
-ENV ODL_HOME /opt/opendaylight/current
-# copy the opendaylight tar and expand
-COPY ${odl.karaf.artifactId}-${ccsdk.opendaylight.version}.tar.gz /tmp/
-RUN mkdir -p /opt/odl \
- && tar xzf /tmp/${odl.karaf.artifactId}-${ccsdk.opendaylight.version}.tar.gz --directory /opt/odl \
- && rm -rf /tmp/${odl.karaf.artifactId}-${ccsdk.opendaylight.version}.tar.gz \
- && mv /opt/odl/${odl.karaf.artifactId}-${ccsdk.opendaylight.version} /opt/opendaylight \
- && ln -s /opt/opendaylight /opt/opendaylight/${odl.karaf.artifactId}-${ccsdk.opendaylight.version} \
- && ln -s /opt/opendaylight /opt/opendaylight/current
-# Enable wheel and create a group and user
-RUN sed -i -e 's/# %wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL/%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL/g' /etc/sudoers \
- && addgroup -S odl \
- && adduser -S odl -G odl \
- && addgroup odl wheel
-# Patch some opendaylight artifacts
-COPY system $ODL_HOME/system
-# Add missing scripts see SDNC-1056
-#COPY custom_shard_config.txt $ODL_HOME/bin/
-#RUN chmod 755 $ODL_HOME/bin/ $ODL_HOME/bin/ $ODL_HOME/bin/ $ODL_HOME/bin/custom_shard_config.txt
-# Changing ownership and permission of /opt
-RUN chown -R odl:odl /opt && chmod -R 755 /opt
-## END OF STAGE0 ##
-## This will create actual image
-FROM scratch
-USER root
-ENV JAVA_HOME=/opt/java/openjdk \
- PATH=$PATH:/opt/java/openjdk/bin \
- ODL_HOME=/opt/opendaylight/current
-# Copy Everything from stage0
-COPY --from=stage0 / /
-USER odl
-EXPOSE 8181
-# ENTRYPOINT exec /opt/opendaylight/bin/karaf
diff --git a/opendaylight/aluminum/pom.xml b/opendaylight/aluminum/pom.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index e4155bd8..00000000
--- a/opendaylight/aluminum/pom.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
- <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
- <parent>
- <groupId>org.onap.ccsdk.distribution</groupId>
- <artifactId>distribution-opendaylight</artifactId>
- <version>1.2.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
- </parent>
- <artifactId>distribution-odl-aluminum</artifactId>
- <packaging>pom</packaging>
- <name>ccsdk-distribution :: opendaylight :: aluminum</name>
- <description>Creates OpenDaylight container</description>
- <modules>
- <module>aluminum-alpine</module>
- </modules>
- <properties>
- <ccsdk.opendaylight.version>0.13.1</ccsdk.opendaylight.version>
- </properties>
- <dependencyManagement>
- <dependencies>
- <dependency>
- <groupId>org.opendaylight.integration</groupId>
- <artifactId>onap-karaf</artifactId>
- <version>${ccsdk.opendaylight.version}</version>
- <type>tar.gz</type>
- </dependency>
- </dependencies>
- </dependencyManagement>
diff --git a/opendaylight/sodium/pom.xml b/opendaylight/sodium/pom.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index fe63f6db..00000000
--- a/opendaylight/sodium/pom.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
- <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
- <parent>
- <groupId>org.onap.ccsdk.distribution</groupId>
- <artifactId>distribution-opendaylight</artifactId>
- <version>1.1.1-SNAPSHOT</version>
- </parent>
- <artifactId>distribution-odl-sodium</artifactId>
- <packaging>pom</packaging>
- <name>ccsdk-distribution :: opendaylight :: sodium</name>
- <description>Creates OpenDaylight container</description>
- <modules>
- <module>sodium-alpine</module>
- </modules>
- <properties>
- <ccsdk.opendaylight.version>0.11.4</ccsdk.opendaylight.version>
- </properties>
- <dependencyManagement>
- <dependencies>
- <dependency>
- <groupId>org.opendaylight.integration</groupId>
- <artifactId>onap-karaf</artifactId>
- <version>${ccsdk.opendaylight.version}</version>
- <type>tar.gz</type>
- </dependency>
- </dependencies>
- </dependencyManagement>
diff --git a/opendaylight/sodium/sodium-alpine/pom.xml b/opendaylight/sodium/sodium-alpine/pom.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 885262ee..00000000
--- a/opendaylight/sodium/sodium-alpine/pom.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
- <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
- <parent>
- <groupId>org.onap.ccsdk.distribution</groupId>
- <artifactId>distribution-odl-sodium</artifactId>
- <version>1.1.1-SNAPSHOT</version>
- </parent>
- <artifactId>distribution-odl-sodium-docker</artifactId>
- <packaging>pom</packaging>
- <name>ccsdk-distribution :: opendaylight :: sodium :: docker</name>
- <description>Creates OpenDaylight container</description>
- <organization>
- <name>ONAP</name>
- </organization>
- <properties>
- <>onap/ccsdk-odl-sodium-alpine-image</>
- <odl.karaf.artifactId>onap-karaf</odl.karaf.artifactId>
- </properties>
- <build>
- <plugins>
- <plugin>
- <groupId>org.codehaus.groovy.maven</groupId>
- <artifactId>gmaven-plugin</artifactId>
- <version>1.0</version>
- <executions>
- <execution>
- <phase>validate</phase>
- <goals>
- <goal>execute</goal>
- </goals>
- <configuration>
- <source>${basedir}/../../../src/main/scripts/TagVersion.groovy</source>
- </configuration>
- </execution>
- </executions>
- </plugin>
- <plugin>
- <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
- <artifactId>maven-dependency-plugin</artifactId>
- <version>3.0.0</version>
- <executions>
- <execution>
- <id>get-odl-distribution</id>
- <phase>validate</phase>
- <goals>
- <goal>copy</goal>
- </goals>
- <configuration>
- <artifactItems>
- <artifactItem>
- <groupId>org.opendaylight.integration</groupId>
- <artifactId>${odl.karaf.artifactId}</artifactId>
- <version>${ccsdk.opendaylight.version}</version>
- <type>tar.gz</type>
- <overWrite>true</overWrite>
- <outputDirectory>${basedir}/target/docker-stage</outputDirectory>
- </artifactItem>
- </artifactItems>
- <overWriteReleases>false</overWriteReleases>
- <overWriteSnapshots>true</overWriteSnapshots>
- <overWriteIfNewer>true</overWriteIfNewer>
- </configuration>
- </execution>
- </executions>
- </plugin>
- <plugin>
- <artifactId>maven-resources-plugin</artifactId>
- <version>2.6</version>
- <executions>
- <execution>
- <id>copy-dockerfile</id>
- <goals>
- <goal>copy-resources</goal>
- </goals><!-- here the phase you need -->
- <phase>validate</phase>
- <configuration>
- <outputDirectory>${basedir}/target/docker-stage</outputDirectory>
- <resources>
- <resource>
- <directory>src/main/docker</directory>
- <includes>
- <include>Dockerfile</include>
- </includes>
- <filtering>true</filtering>
- </resource>
- <resource>
- <directory>src/main/odlscripts</directory>
- <includes>
- <include>*</include>
- </includes>
- <filtering>false</filtering>
- </resource>
- </resources>
- </configuration>
- </execution>
- </executions>
- </plugin>
- </plugins>
- </build>
- <profiles>
- <profile>
- <id>docker</id>
- <build>
- <plugins>
- <plugin>
- <groupId>io.fabric8</groupId>
- <artifactId>docker-maven-plugin</artifactId>
- <version>0.34.0</version>
- <inherited>false</inherited>
- <configuration>
- <images>
- <image>
- <name>${}</name>
- <build>
- <cleanup>try</cleanup>
- <noCache>true</noCache>
- <contextDir>${basedir}/target/docker-stage</contextDir>
- <dockerFile>Dockerfile</dockerFile>
- <tags>
- <tag>${project.docker.latestminortag.version}</tag>
- <tag>${project.docker.latestfulltag.version}</tag>
- <tag>${project.docker.latesttagtimestamp.version}</tag>
- </tags>
- </build>
- </image>
- </images>
- <verbose>${docker.verbose}</verbose>
- <skipPush>${docker.skip.push}</skipPush>
- </configuration>
- <executions>
- <execution>
- <id>build-push-images</id>
- <goals>
- <goal>build</goal>
- <goal>push</goal>
- </goals>
- </execution>
- </executions>
- </plugin>
- </plugins>
- </build>
- </profile>
- </profiles>
diff --git a/opendaylight/sodium/sodium-alpine/src/main/docker/Dockerfile b/opendaylight/sodium/sodium-alpine/src/main/docker/Dockerfile
deleted file mode 100644
index 11eeacd8..00000000
--- a/opendaylight/sodium/sodium-alpine/src/main/docker/Dockerfile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-FROM onap/ccsdk-alpine-j11-image:${project.docker.latestfulltag.version}
-ENV ODL_HOME /opt/opendaylight/current
-# copy the opendaylight tar and expand
-USER root
-COPY ${odl.karaf.artifactId}-${ccsdk.opendaylight.version}.tar.gz /tmp/
-RUN mkdir -p /opt/odl \
- && tar zxvf /tmp/${odl.karaf.artifactId}-${ccsdk.opendaylight.version}.tar.gz --directory /opt/odl \
- && rm -rf /tmp/${odl.karaf.artifactId}-${ccsdk.opendaylight.version}.tar.gz \
- && mv /opt/odl/${odl.karaf.artifactId}-${ccsdk.opendaylight.version} /opt/opendaylight \
- && ln -s /opt/opendaylight /opt/opendaylight/${odl.karaf.artifactId}-${ccsdk.opendaylight.version} \
- && ln -s /opt/opendaylight /opt/opendaylight/current
-# Add missing scripts see SDNC-1056
-#COPY custom_shard_config.txt $ODL_HOME/bin/
-#RUN chmod 755 $ODL_HOME/bin/ $ODL_HOME/bin/ $ODL_HOME/bin/ $ODL_HOME/bin/custom_shard_config.txt
-# ENTRYPOINT exec /opt/opendaylight/bin/karaf
-USER onap
-EXPOSE 8181
diff --git a/platform-logic/a1Adapter-api/src/main/json/A1-ADAPTER-API_deleteA1Policy.json b/platform-logic/a1Adapter-api/src/main/json/A1-ADAPTER-API_deleteA1Policy.json
index 89c14a88..bae3ba86 100644
--- a/platform-logic/a1Adapter-api/src/main/json/A1-ADAPTER-API_deleteA1Policy.json
+++ b/platform-logic/a1Adapter-api/src/main/json/A1-ADAPTER-API_deleteA1Policy.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- "id": "7c435ae3.69565c",
+ "id": "40b94c2a.1d5be4",
"type": "service-logic",
"name": "A1-ADAPTER-API ${project.version}",
"module": "A1-ADAPTER-API",
@@ -8,310 +8,507 @@
"comments": "",
"xml": "<service-logic xmlns='' xmlns:xsi='' xsi:schemaLocation=' ./svclogic.xsd' module='A1-ADAPTER-API' version='${project.version}'>",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 188,
- "y": 153,
- "z": "cb244f73.c06648",
+ "x": 194,
+ "y": 237,
+ "z": "5421e0da.e98ea",
"wires": [
- "710b1a71.cbae84"
+ "c8e7631.2112ba"
- "id": "710b1a71.cbae84",
+ "id": "c8e7631.2112ba",
"type": "method",
"name": "method deleteA1Policy",
"xml": "<method rpc='deleteA1Policy' mode='sync'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 248,
- "y": 273,
- "z": "cb244f73.c06648",
+ "x": 254,
+ "y": 357,
+ "z": "5421e0da.e98ea",
"wires": [
- "4378a18e.7f739"
+ "4faf22ab.4c738c"
- "id": "6ce20bdf.ad9a1c",
+ "id": "166f48b5.9a3a17",
"type": "record",
"name": "record",
- "xml": "<record plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"file\" value=\"/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/A1-Adapter.log\" />\n<parameter name=\"level\" value=\"info\" />\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"Delete Policy:\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field2\" value=\"`$delete-a1-policy-input.near-rt-ric-url`\"/>",
+ "xml": "<record plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"file\" value=\"/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/A1-Adapter.log\" />\n<parameter name=\"level\" value=\"info\" />\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"Delete A1 Policy:\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field2\" value=\"`$delete-a1-policy-input.near-rt-ric-url`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 712,
- "y": 87,
- "z": "cb244f73.c06648",
+ "x": 718,
+ "y": 171,
+ "z": "5421e0da.e98ea",
"wires": [
- "id": "4378a18e.7f739",
+ "id": "4faf22ab.4c738c",
"type": "block",
"name": "block : atomic",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 453,
- "y": 227,
- "z": "cb244f73.c06648",
+ "x": 459,
+ "y": 311,
+ "z": "5421e0da.e98ea",
"wires": [
- "6ce20bdf.ad9a1c",
- "e5238148.fd374",
- "bdf5754e.9b53f8",
- "7e804e03.9c90b",
- "fb64d04f.8f7d68"
+ "166f48b5.9a3a17",
+ "b2679b68.1462c8",
+ "4148a57a.c7efcc",
+ "f504796c.262f88",
+ "aba0ccb1.73758"
- "id": "ee4edddb.f32858",
+ "id": "4e2bdc30.8909a4",
"type": "dgstart",
"name": "DGSTART",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 120,
- "y": 89,
- "z": "cb244f73.c06648",
+ "x": 126,
+ "y": 173,
+ "z": "5421e0da.e98ea",
"wires": [
- "7c435ae3.69565c"
+ "40b94c2a.1d5be4"
- "id": "e5238148.fd374",
+ "id": "b2679b68.1462c8",
"type": "set",
"name": "set default status value",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='response-code' value='200' />\n<parameter name='response-message' value='deletePolicy executed successfully' />",
"comments": "",
- "x": 753.0000610351562,
- "y": 142,
- "z": "cb244f73.c06648",
+ "x": 759.0000610351562,
+ "y": 226,
+ "z": "5421e0da.e98ea",
"wires": []
- "id": "bdf5754e.9b53f8",
+ "id": "4148a57a.c7efcc",
"type": "execute",
"name": "execute Properties",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.prop.PropertiesNode' method='readProperties' >\n <parameter name='fileName' value='/opt/onap/ccsdk/data/properties/' />\n <parameter name='contextPrefix' value='prop' />\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 752,
- "y": 195,
- "z": "cb244f73.c06648",
+ "x": 758,
+ "y": 279,
+ "z": "5421e0da.e98ea",
"wires": [
- "id": "fb64d04f.8f7d68",
+ "id": "aba0ccb1.73758",
"type": "block",
"name": "A1 Mediator RestAPI Invocation",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 782.0001220703125,
- "y": 279,
- "z": "cb244f73.c06648",
+ "x": 788.0001220703125,
+ "y": 363,
+ "z": "5421e0da.e98ea",
"wires": [
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"type": "set",
"name": "set tmp variables for A1 Mediator REST API call",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name=\"tmp.near-rt-ric-url\" value=\"`$delete-a1-policy-input.near-rt-ric-url`\"/>",
"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"wires": [
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"name": "Delete Policy Instance",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$tmp.near-rt-ric-url`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"format\" value=\"json\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"DELETE\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"a1MediatorRsp\"/>\n<parameter name='contentType' value='application/json' />\n<parameter name='accept' value='application/json' />\n<parameter name=\"convertResponse\" value=\"false\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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+ "id": "2eaa9315.f1267c",
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"name": "failure",
"xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 412.0001220703125,
- "z": "cb244f73.c06648",
+ "x": 1325,
+ "y": 625.0001220703125,
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"type": "success",
"name": "success",
"xml": "<outcome value='success'>\n",
"comments": "",
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- "z": "cb244f73.c06648",
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"type": "returnFailure",
"name": "return failure",
"xml": "<return status='failure'>\n<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n<parameter name=\"response-code\" value=\"404\" />\n<parameter name=\"response-message\" value=\"Error in Deleting A1 Policy Instance. Aborting\" />",
"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"type": "returnSuccess",
"name": "return success",
"xml": "<return status='success'>\n<parameter name=\"ack-final-indicator\" value=\"Y\" />\n<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"200\" />\n<parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"`$error-message`\" />\n<parameter name='response-code' value='200' />\n<parameter name='response-message' value='deletePolicyInstance executed successfully'/>\n<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n",
"comments": "",
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"name": "set",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='body' value='`$a1MediatorRsp.httpResponse`'/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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+ "id": "19e9382.863dfc8",
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+ "y": 252,
+ "z": "5421e0da.e98ea",
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": "df43d920.c48608",
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+ "name": "for",
+ "xml": "<for index='idx' start='3' end=\"`$tmp.near-rt-ric-url-splitList_length`\" >",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 2021,
+ "y": 322,
+ "z": "5421e0da.e98ea",
+ "wires": [
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+ "e32aea7c.0c7418"
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+ "id": "e32aea7c.0c7418",
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+ "name": "set concat url",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.proxy-url' value=\"`$tmp.proxy-url +'/' + $tmp.near-rt-ric-url-splitList[$idx] `\" />\n\n\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 2199,
+ "y": 322,
+ "z": "5421e0da.e98ea",
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+ []
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+ "comments": "",
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+ "x": 2021,
+ "y": 376,
+ "z": "5421e0da.e98ea",
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+ "comments": "",
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+ "x": 1825,
+ "y": 288,
+ "z": "5421e0da.e98ea",
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": "cb7535ae.d9c2b8",
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+ "comments": "",
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+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "3bf50c57.2c0d74",
+ "type": "outcome",
+ "name": "No proxy URL",
+ "xml": "<outcome value=''>\n",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "x": 1657,
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+ "z": "5421e0da.e98ea",
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+ "c793909b.fccf4"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "719dd702.c98f88",
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+ "name": "Otherwise",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='Other'>\n",
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+ "x": 1653,
+ "y": 356,
+ "z": "5421e0da.e98ea",
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+ "dbb430eb.1e3ee"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "77200c7b.1ac3f4",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set tmp url variables with proxy information",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name=\"tmp.proxy-url\" value=\"`$prop.a1Mediator.proxy.url`\"/>",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 1596,
+ "y": 164,
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+ "xml": "<record plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"file\" value=\"/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/A1-Adapter.log\" />\n<parameter name=\"level\" value=\"info\" />\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"Delete A1 Policy: Check for proxy url: \"/>\n<parameter name=\"field2\" value=\"`$tmp.proxy-url`\"/>\n\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1479,
+ "y": 239,
+ "z": "5421e0da.e98ea",
"wires": [
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+ {
+ "id": "d521b1c.f9f805",
+ "type": "switchNode",
+ "name": "switch",
+ "xml": "<switch test='`$tmp.proxy-url`'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "x": 1478,
+ "y": 322,
+ "z": "5421e0da.e98ea",
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+ "id": "793b4300.b8738c",
+ "type": "block",
+ "name": "block Substitute proxy address if available",
+ "xml": "<block>\n",
+ "atomic": "false",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "x": 1141,
+ "y": 321,
+ "z": "5421e0da.e98ea",
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] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/platform-logic/a1Adapter-api/src/main/json/A1-ADAPTER-API_getA1Policy.json b/platform-logic/a1Adapter-api/src/main/json/A1-ADAPTER-API_getA1Policy.json
index 65f97d08..679a5648 100644
--- a/platform-logic/a1Adapter-api/src/main/json/A1-ADAPTER-API_getA1Policy.json
+++ b/platform-logic/a1Adapter-api/src/main/json/A1-ADAPTER-API_getA1Policy.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- "id": "9623ac21.784518",
+ "id": "a60fb60b.241a28",
"type": "service-logic",
"name": "A1-ADAPTER-API ${project.version}",
"module": "A1-ADAPTER-API",
@@ -8,325 +8,522 @@
"comments": "",
"xml": "<service-logic xmlns='' xmlns:xsi='' xsi:schemaLocation=' ./svclogic.xsd' module='A1-ADAPTER-API' version='${project.version}'>",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 168,
- "y": 142,
- "z": "e064bcd1.68ce88",
+ "x": 175,
+ "y": 269,
+ "z": "7304d8ed.dab258",
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- "id": "ccd84436.04e408",
+ "id": "57fe6f06.92d82",
"type": "method",
"name": "method getA1Policy",
"xml": "<method rpc='getA1Policy' mode='sync'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 227,
- "y": 263,
- "z": "e064bcd1.68ce88",
+ "x": 234,
+ "y": 390,
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"name": "record",
"xml": "<record plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"file\" value=\"/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/A1-Adapter.log\" />\n<parameter name=\"level\" value=\"info\" />\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"Get A1 Policy:\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field2\" value=\"`$get-a1-policy-input.near-rt-ric-url`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 691,
- "y": 77,
- "z": "e064bcd1.68ce88",
+ "x": 695,
+ "y": 191,
+ "z": "7304d8ed.dab258",
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"type": "block",
"name": "block : atomic",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 432,
- "y": 217,
- "z": "e064bcd1.68ce88",
+ "x": 439,
+ "y": 344,
+ "z": "7304d8ed.dab258",
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+ "id": "24f44e9b.4aa622",
"type": "dgstart",
"name": "DGSTART",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 99,
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- "z": "e064bcd1.68ce88",
+ "x": 106,
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- "id": "ecf93800.1c6098",
+ "id": "ca0351d6.caa3e",
"type": "set",
"name": "set default status value",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='response-code' value='200' />\n<parameter name='response-message' value='Get A1 Policy executed successfully' />",
"comments": "",
- "x": 732.0000610351562,
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"wires": []
- "id": "50c242ff.949c04",
+ "id": "18c8dded.66a2f2",
"type": "execute",
"name": "execute Properties",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.prop.PropertiesNode' method='readProperties' >\n <parameter name='fileName' value='/opt/onap/ccsdk/data/properties/' />\n <parameter name='contextPrefix' value='prop' />\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 731,
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- "z": "e064bcd1.68ce88",
+ "x": 738,
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"wires": [
- "id": "63a848d9.da34b",
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"type": "block",
"name": "A1 Mediator RestAPI Invocation",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 761.0001220703125,
- "y": 269,
- "z": "e064bcd1.68ce88",
+ "x": 768.0001220703125,
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- "id": "91d29dbf.a6a538",
+ "id": "ddc15ef5.9b7b4",
"type": "set",
"name": "set tmp variables for A1 Mediator REST API call",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name=\"tmp.near-rt-ric-url\" value=\"`$get-a1-policy-input.near-rt-ric-url`\"/>",
"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1011.0001220703125,
- "y": 251,
- "z": "e064bcd1.68ce88",
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"wires": [
- "id": "81af0899.ed949",
+ "id": "8a8335fe.a1c9b8",
"type": "execute",
"name": "Get Policy Instance",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$tmp.near-rt-ric-url`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"format\" value=\"json\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"GET\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"a1MediatorRsp\"/>\n<parameter name='contentType' value='application/json' />\n<parameter name='accept' value='application/json' />\n<parameter name=\"convertResponse\" value=\"false\"/>",
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"name": "success",
"xml": "<outcome value='success'>\n",
"comments": "",
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+ "y": 542.0000305175781,
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"type": "returnFailure",
"name": "return failure",
"xml": "<return status='failure'>\n<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n<parameter name=\"response-code\" value=\"500\" />\n<parameter name=\"response-message\" value=\"Error in Getting A1 Policy Instance. Aborting\" />",
"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"type": "returnSuccess",
"name": "return success",
"xml": "<return status='success'>\n<parameter name=\"ack-final-indicator\" value=\"Y\" />\n<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"200\" />\n<parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"`$error-message`\" />\n<parameter name='response-code' value='200' />\n<parameter name='response-message' value='Get PolicyInstance executed successfully'/>\n<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n",
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"type": "execute",
"name": "set",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='responseBody' value='`$tmp.a1-mediator-restapi.httpResponse`'/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 297,
- "z": "e064bcd1.68ce88",
+ "x": 1581,
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"type": "execute",
"name": "execute",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replaceAll' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$a1MediatorRsp.httpResponse`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.a1-mediator-restapi.httpResponse\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"\\n\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1614,
- "y": 152,
- "z": "e064bcd1.68ce88",
+ "x": 1587,
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+ "z": "7304d8ed.dab258",
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+ "id": "2e1a3941.d3ca26",
+ "type": "block",
+ "name": "block Substitute proxy address if available",
+ "xml": "<block>\n",
+ "atomic": "false",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "z": "7304d8ed.dab258",
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+ "id": "75b00f49.dcc31",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set tmp url variables with proxy information",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name=\"tmp.proxy-url\" value=\"`$prop.a1Mediator.proxy.url`\"/>",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "comments": "",
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+ "x": 1429,
+ "y": 256,
+ "z": "7304d8ed.dab258",
+ "wires": [
+ []
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "26ee6f37.aa426",
+ "type": "execute",
+ "name": "split near-rt-ric URL",
+ "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='split'>\n <parameter name=\"original_string\" value=\"`$tmp.near-rt-ric-url`\" />\n <parameter name=\"regex\" value=\"/\"/>\n <parameter name=\"ctx_memory_result_key\" value=\"tmp.near-rt-ric-url-splitList\"/>",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "z": "7304d8ed.dab258",
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+ {
+ "id": "2545ffb.f98f8",
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+ "name": "for",
+ "xml": "<for index='idx' start='3' end=\"`$tmp.near-rt-ric-url-splitList_length`\" >",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "x": 1944,
+ "y": 408,
+ "z": "7304d8ed.dab258",
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+ "79fcf81b.cca0a8"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
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+ "id": "79fcf81b.cca0a8",
+ "type": "execute",
+ "name": "set concat url",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.proxy-url' value=\"`$tmp.proxy-url +'/' + $tmp.near-rt-ric-url-splitList[$idx] `\" />\n\n\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 2122,
+ "y": 408,
+ "z": "7304d8ed.dab258",
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+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1944,
+ "y": 471,
+ "z": "7304d8ed.dab258",
"wires": [
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "e1b6f74c.e43ab8",
+ "type": "switchNode",
+ "name": "switch",
+ "xml": "<switch test='`$tmp.proxy-url`'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
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+ "z": "7304d8ed.dab258",
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": "8d722c43.e9664",
+ "type": "outcome",
+ "name": "No proxy URL",
+ "xml": "<outcome value=''>\n",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "x": 1607,
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+ "z": "7304d8ed.dab258",
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+ "comments": "",
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+ "x": 1775,
+ "y": 305,
+ "z": "7304d8ed.dab258",
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+ []
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "1b872074.8d5e4",
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+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "b2366d8c.1909",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set variables for A1 Mediator with proxy url",
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+ "comments": "",
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] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/platform-logic/a1Adapter-api/src/main/json/A1-ADAPTER-API_getA1PolicyStatus.json b/platform-logic/a1Adapter-api/src/main/json/A1-ADAPTER-API_getA1PolicyStatus.json
index 14b08a80..85db3a55 100644
--- a/platform-logic/a1Adapter-api/src/main/json/A1-ADAPTER-API_getA1PolicyStatus.json
+++ b/platform-logic/a1Adapter-api/src/main/json/A1-ADAPTER-API_getA1PolicyStatus.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- "id": "792b8892.64457",
+ "id": "7547a4fa.c7bbcc",
"type": "service-logic",
"name": "A1-ADAPTER-API ${project.version}",
"module": "A1-ADAPTER-API",
@@ -8,325 +8,522 @@
"comments": "",
"xml": "<service-logic xmlns='' xmlns:xsi='' xsi:schemaLocation=' ./svclogic.xsd' module='A1-ADAPTER-API' version='${project.version}'>",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 167,
- "y": 179,
- "z": "6c2cfe41.61b868",
+ "x": 172,
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+ "id": "1108b3bd.2f6f4c",
"type": "method",
"name": "method getA1PolicyStatus",
"xml": "<method rpc='getA1PolicyStatus' mode='sync'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 226,
- "y": 300,
- "z": "6c2cfe41.61b868",
+ "x": 231,
+ "y": 334,
+ "z": "ba6f4cc8.60e08",
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"name": "record",
"xml": "<record plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"file\" value=\"/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/A1-Adapter.log\" />\n<parameter name=\"level\" value=\"info\" />\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"Get A1 Policy Status:\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field2\" value=\"`$get-a1-policy-status-input.near-rt-ric-url`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 690,
- "y": 114,
- "z": "6c2cfe41.61b868",
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"name": "block : atomic",
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"comments": "",
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+ "id": "9743b8a8.158568",
"type": "dgstart",
"name": "DGSTART",
"outputs": 1,
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"type": "set",
"name": "set default status value",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='response-code' value='200' />\n<parameter name='response-message' value='Get A1 Policy executed successfully' />",
"comments": "",
- "x": 731.0000610351562,
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"wires": []
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"type": "execute",
"name": "execute Properties",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.prop.PropertiesNode' method='readProperties' >\n <parameter name='fileName' value='/opt/onap/ccsdk/data/properties/' />\n <parameter name='contextPrefix' value='prop' />\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 730,
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- "z": "6c2cfe41.61b868",
+ "x": 735,
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"name": "A1 Mediator RestAPI Invocation",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 760.0001220703125,
- "y": 306,
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- "id": "42b67c54.7a5fc4",
+ "id": "484e89c8.8a2518",
"type": "set",
"name": "set tmp variables for A1 Mediator REST API call",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name=\"tmp.near-rt-ric-url\" value=\"`$get-a1-policy-status-input.near-rt-ric-url`\"/>",
"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1009.0001220703125,
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "Get Policy Instance Status",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$tmp.near-rt-ric-url`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"format\" value=\"json\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"GET\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"a1MediatorRsp\"/>\n<parameter name='contentType' value='application/json' />\n<parameter name='accept' value='application/json' />\n<parameter name=\"convertResponse\" value=\"true\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"name": "success",
"xml": "<outcome value='success'>\n",
"comments": "",
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"name": "return failure",
"xml": "<return status='failure'>\n<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n<parameter name=\"response-code\" value=\"404\" />\n<parameter name=\"response-message\" value=\"Error in Getting A1 Policy Status. Aborting\" />",
"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"name": "return success",
"xml": "<return status='success'>\n<parameter name=\"ack-final-indicator\" value=\"Y\" />\n<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"200\" />\n<parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"`$error-message`\" />\n<parameter name='response-code' value='200' />\n<parameter name='response-message' value='Get Policy Status executed successfully'/>\n<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n",
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"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='responseBody' value='`$tmp.a1-mediator-restapi.httpResponse`'/>",
"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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+ "id": "6e6d1a6a.783024",
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+ "name": "for",
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+ "comments": "",
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+ "x": 1960,
+ "y": 388,
+ "z": "ba6f4cc8.60e08",
+ "wires": [
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+ "91e4428c.7143b"
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+ "id": "91e4428c.7143b",
+ "type": "execute",
+ "name": "set concat url",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.proxy-url' value=\"`$tmp.proxy-url +'/' + $tmp.near-rt-ric-url-splitList[$idx] `\" />\n\n\n",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "x": 2138,
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+ "comments": "",
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+ "comments": "",
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+ "x": 1791,
+ "y": 285,
+ "z": "ba6f4cc8.60e08",
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+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "9090a68a.628a58",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set variables for A1 Mediator with proxy url",
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+ "comments": "",
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+ "id": "768b81d4.9d20c",
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+ "name": "Otherwise",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='Other'>\n",
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+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "b3216caa.c1505",
+ "type": "outcome",
+ "name": "No proxy URL",
+ "xml": "<outcome value=''>\n",
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+ "x": 1623,
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+ "type": "switchNode",
+ "name": "switch",
+ "xml": "<switch test='`$tmp.proxy-url`'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "x": 1444,
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+ "z": "ba6f4cc8.60e08",
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+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1445,
+ "y": 236,
+ "z": "ba6f4cc8.60e08",
"wires": [
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "862a1de8.7e469",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set tmp url variables with proxy information",
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+ "comments": "",
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+ "y": 161,
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+ "wires": []
+ },
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+ "type": "block",
+ "name": "block Substitute proxy address if available",
+ "xml": "<block>\n",
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+ "comments": "",
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+ "z": "ba6f4cc8.60e08",
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diff --git a/platform-logic/a1Adapter-api/src/main/json/A1-ADAPTER-API_getA1PolicyType.json b/platform-logic/a1Adapter-api/src/main/json/A1-ADAPTER-API_getA1PolicyType.json
index c797668a..e29dc2ad 100644
--- a/platform-logic/a1Adapter-api/src/main/json/A1-ADAPTER-API_getA1PolicyType.json
+++ b/platform-logic/a1Adapter-api/src/main/json/A1-ADAPTER-API_getA1PolicyType.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- "id": "5a3c07ae.e366b8",
+ "id": "c57a85a7.6d9e28",
"type": "service-logic",
"name": "A1-ADAPTER-API ${project.version}",
"module": "A1-ADAPTER-API",
@@ -8,325 +8,522 @@
"comments": "",
"xml": "<service-logic xmlns='' xmlns:xsi='' xsi:schemaLocation=' ./svclogic.xsd' module='A1-ADAPTER-API' version='${project.version}'>",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 175,
- "y": 157.00000095367432,
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+ "x": 184,
+ "y": 217,
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+ "id": "7f8f754.1d44a8c",
"type": "method",
"name": "method getA1PolicyType",
"xml": "<method rpc='getA1PolicyType' mode='sync'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 238.00000762939453,
- "y": 280.0000104904175,
- "z": "4a015e5c.e4da6",
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"name": "record",
"xml": "<record plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"file\" value=\"/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/A1-Adapter.log\" />\n<parameter name=\"level\" value=\"info\" />\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"Get Policy Type:\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field2\" value=\"`$get-a1-policy-type-input.near-rt-ric-url`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 703.0000267028809,
- "y": 93,
- "z": "4a015e5c.e4da6",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"name": "DGSTART",
"outputs": 1,
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"type": "set",
"name": "set default status value",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='response-code' value='200' />\n<parameter name='response-message' value='getA1PolicyType executed successfully' />",
"comments": "",
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"wires": []
- "id": "c4f19376.cb13b",
+ "id": "37a94c09.766b94",
"type": "execute",
"name": "execute Properties",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.prop.PropertiesNode' method='readProperties' >\n <parameter name='fileName' value='/opt/onap/ccsdk/data/properties/' />\n <parameter name='contextPrefix' value='prop' />\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 740,
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- "z": "4a015e5c.e4da6",
+ "x": 749,
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"wires": [
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"type": "block",
"name": "A1 Mediator RestAPI Invocation",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 764.0001525878906,
- "y": 284.99999475479126,
- "z": "4a015e5c.e4da6",
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+ "d12e5095.54989"
- "id": "72ae0a37.799b94",
+ "id": "80c7ebd8.e99678",
"type": "set",
"name": "set tmp variables for A1 Mediator REST API call",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name=\"tmp.near-rt-ric-url\" value=\"`$get-a1-policy-type-input.near-rt-ric-url`\"/>",
"comments": "",
- "x": 1214.00146484375,
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"wires": []
- "id": "56399f4b.cae578",
+ "id": "c14dac35.e1db6",
"type": "execute",
"name": "Get Policy Types",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$tmp.near-rt-ric-url`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"format\" value=\"json\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"GET\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"a1MediatorRsp\"/>\n<parameter name='contentType' value='application/json' />\n<parameter name='accept' value='application/json' />\n<parameter name=\"convertResponse\" value=\"true\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1021.000602722168,
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- "z": "4a015e5c.e4da6",
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+ "id": "c5fcaf09.27937",
"type": "failure",
"name": "failure",
"xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "z": "4a015e5c.e4da6",
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"name": "success",
"xml": "<outcome value='success'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"type": "returnFailure",
"name": "return failure",
"xml": "<return status='failure'>\n<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n<parameter name=\"response-code\" value=\"404\" />\n<parameter name=\"response-message\" value=\"Error in Getting A1 Policy Type. Aborting\" />",
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"comments": "",
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"type": "set",
"name": "set",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='response-code' value='500'/>\n<parameter name='response-message' value='Seems A1 Mediator Not Healthy'/>\n",
"comments": "",
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"name": "return success",
"xml": "<return status='success'>\n<parameter name=\"ack-final-indicator\" value=\"Y\" />\n<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"200\" />\n<parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"`$error-message`\" />\n<parameter name='response-code' value='200' />\n<parameter name='response-message' value='A1 Adapter is healthy'/>\n<parameter name='health-status' value='200'/>\n<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n",
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"comments": "",
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"type": "execute",
"name": "set",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"comments": "",
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+ "name": "for",
+ "xml": "<for index='idx' start='3' end=\"`$tmp.near-rt-ric-url-splitList_length`\" >",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "comments": "",
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+ "x": 1884,
+ "y": 281,
+ "z": "6b10bb22.27b454",
+ "wires": [
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+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "e7cb17c0.4634f8",
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+ "name": "set variables for A1 Mediator with proxy url",
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+ },
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+ "type": "outcome",
+ "name": "No proxy URL",
+ "xml": "<outcome value=''>\n",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "x": 1716,
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+ "z": "6b10bb22.27b454",
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+ },
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+ "id": "d9949951.7f0e98",
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+ "name": "Otherwise",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='Other'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "x": 1712,
+ "y": 349,
+ "z": "6b10bb22.27b454",
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+ "type": "switchNode",
+ "name": "switch",
+ "xml": "<switch test='`$tmp.proxy-url`'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "y": 315,
+ "z": "6b10bb22.27b454",
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+ "comments": "",
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ddbc9e41.e0fde",
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+ "name": "set tmp url variables with proxy information",
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+ "type": "block",
+ "name": "block Substitute proxy address if available",
+ "xml": "<block>\n",
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+ "comments": "",
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+ "z": "6b10bb22.27b454",
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index 419d5b71..e7cdfdab 100644
--- a/platform-logic/a1Adapter-api/src/main/json/A1-ADAPTER-API_putA1Policy.json
+++ b/platform-logic/a1Adapter-api/src/main/json/A1-ADAPTER-API_putA1Policy.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- "id": "270a5aa5.bc52d6",
+ "id": "a6683616.46e428",
"type": "service-logic",
"name": "A1-ADAPTER-API ${project.version}",
"module": "A1-ADAPTER-API",
@@ -8,266 +8,463 @@
"comments": "",
"xml": "<service-logic xmlns='' xmlns:xsi='' xsi:schemaLocation=' ./svclogic.xsd' module='A1-ADAPTER-API' version='${project.version}'>",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 171,
- "y": 150,
- "z": "33919dc9.0e17ba",
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+ "y": 202,
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+ "id": "55ac3f1d.94381",
"type": "method",
"name": "method putA1Policy",
"xml": "<method rpc='putA1Policy' mode='sync'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 158,
- "y": 219,
- "z": "33919dc9.0e17ba",
+ "x": 196,
+ "y": 271,
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"name": "record",
"xml": "<record plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"file\" value=\"/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/A1-Adapter.log\" />\n<parameter name=\"level\" value=\"info\" />\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"Put A1 Policy :\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field2\" value=\"`$put-a1-policy-input.near-rt-ric-url`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field3\" value=\"`$put-a1-policy-input.body`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 472,
- "y": 187,
- "z": "33919dc9.0e17ba",
+ "x": 510,
+ "y": 239,
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"name": "block : atomic",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
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"comments": "",
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"type": "dgstart",
"name": "DGSTART",
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"type": "execute",
"name": "execute Properties",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.prop.PropertiesNode' method='readProperties' >\n <parameter name='fileName' value='/opt/onap/ccsdk/data/properties/' />\n <parameter name='contextPrefix' value='prop' />\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"wires": [
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"name": "failure",
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"comments": "",
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- "z": "33919dc9.0e17ba",
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+ "y": 415.00006103515625,
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"name": "success",
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"comments": "",
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- "z": "33919dc9.0e17ba",
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"comments": "",
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- "y": 449.00006103515625,
- "z": "33919dc9.0e17ba",
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"type": "set",
"name": "set tmp variables for input RPC parms",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name=\"tmp.near-rt-ric-url\" value=\"`$put-a1-policy-input.near-rt-ric-url`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"tmp.body\" value=\"`$put-a1-policy-input.body`\"/>",
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"wires": []
- "id": "1fe61572.90f523",
+ "id": "41cd845d.cbb3bc",
"type": "execute",
"name": "Put A1 Policy",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$tmp.near-rt-ric-url`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"format\" value=\"json\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"PUT\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"a1MediatorRsp\"/>\n<parameter name='contentType' value='application/json' />\n<parameter name='accept' value='application/json' />\n<parameter name=\"requestBody\" value=\"`$tmp.body`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"convertResponse\" value=\"false\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 411.0103759765625,
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+ "x": 849.00048828125,
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"type": "block",
"name": "A1 Mediator RestAPI Invocation",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"xml": "<record plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"file\" value=\"/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/A1-Adapter.log\" />\n<parameter name=\"level\" value=\"info\" />\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"Setting variables for Put A1 Policy.\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field2\" value=\"`$tmp.near-rt-ric-url`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field3\" value=\"`$tmp.body`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 807.0000610351562,
- "y": 335,
- "z": "33919dc9.0e17ba",
+ "x": 830.0000610351562,
+ "y": 417,
+ "z": "7db096e2.c70bf8",
"wires": [
- "id": "44bf0d67.60023c",
+ "id": "13a7ce3e.7474d2",
"type": "record",
"name": "record",
"xml": "<record plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"file\" value=\"/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/A1-Adapter.log\" />\n<parameter name=\"level\" value=\"info\" />\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"A1 Policy Instance Created.\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1293,
- "y": 448.00006103515625,
- "z": "33919dc9.0e17ba",
+ "x": 1331,
+ "y": 500.00006103515625,
+ "z": "7db096e2.c70bf8",
"wires": [
- "id": "a0360147.468f3",
+ "id": "5e390699.7a2918",
"type": "returnFailure",
"name": "return failure",
"xml": "<return status='failure'>\n<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n<parameter name=\"response-code\" value=\"404\" />\n<parameter name=\"response-message\" value=\"Error creating A1 Policy. Aborting A1 Policy creation\" />",
"comments": "",
- "x": 1286,
- "y": 401,
- "z": "33919dc9.0e17ba",
+ "x": 1324,
+ "y": 453,
+ "z": "7db096e2.c70bf8",
"wires": []
- "id": "a7fa8c3e.f91198",
+ "id": "de4ae81.e69d418",
"type": "set",
"name": "set default status value",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='response-code' value='200' />\n<parameter name='response-message' value='Put A1 Policy executed successfully' />",
"comments": "",
- "x": 517,
- "y": 240,
- "z": "33919dc9.0e17ba",
+ "x": 555,
+ "y": 292,
+ "z": "7db096e2.c70bf8",
"wires": []
- "id": "424bcc5a.68059c",
+ "id": "42f98b0.e003174",
"type": "block",
"name": "block",
"xml": "<block>\n",
"atomic": "false",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1124,
- "y": 361,
- "z": "33919dc9.0e17ba",
+ "x": 1162,
+ "y": 413,
+ "z": "7db096e2.c70bf8",
"wires": [
- "b8ca1bb9.7870e",
- "a0360147.468f3"
+ "45242a9a.990c74",
+ "5e390699.7a2918"
- "id": "b8ca1bb9.7870e",
+ "id": "45242a9a.990c74",
"type": "set",
"name": "set",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='response-code' value='500'/>\n<parameter name='response-message' value='Seems A1 Mediator Not Healthy'/>\n",
"comments": "",
- "x": 1268,
+ "x": 1306,
+ "y": 359,
+ "z": "7db096e2.c70bf8",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "6a96fe57.d042e",
+ "type": "execute",
+ "name": "split near-rt-ric URL",
+ "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='split'>\n <parameter name=\"original_string\" value=\"`$tmp.near-rt-ric-url`\" />\n <parameter name=\"regex\" value=\"/\"/>\n <parameter name=\"ctx_memory_result_key\" value=\"tmp.near-rt-ric-url-splitList\"/>",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1878,
+ "y": 180,
+ "z": "7db096e2.c70bf8",
+ "wires": [
+ []
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "bba56b28.73aad8",
+ "type": "for",
+ "name": "for",
+ "xml": "<for index='idx' start='3' end=\"`$tmp.near-rt-ric-url-splitList_length`\" >",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1844,
+ "y": 250,
+ "z": "7db096e2.c70bf8",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "efb1667d.1585f8"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "efb1667d.1585f8",
+ "type": "execute",
+ "name": "set concat url",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.proxy-url' value=\"`$tmp.proxy-url +'/' + $tmp.near-rt-ric-url-splitList[$idx] `\" />\n\n\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 2022,
+ "y": 250,
+ "z": "7db096e2.c70bf8",
+ "wires": [
+ []
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "d31b610e.4b717",
+ "type": "record",
+ "name": "record",
+ "xml": "<record plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"file\" value=\"/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/A1-Adapter.log\" />\n<parameter name=\"level\" value=\"info\" />\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"Put A1 Policy: Url with proxy: \"/>\n<parameter name=\"field2\" value=\"`$tmp.proxy-url`\"/>\n\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1844,
"y": 307,
- "z": "33919dc9.0e17ba",
+ "z": "7db096e2.c70bf8",
+ "wires": [
+ []
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "10f86c59.93f224",
+ "type": "record",
+ "name": "record",
+ "xml": "<record plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"file\" value=\"/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/A1-Adapter.log\" />\n<parameter name=\"level\" value=\"info\" />\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"Put A1 Policy: No proxy found on properties file \"/>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1648,
+ "y": 216,
+ "z": "7db096e2.c70bf8",
+ "wires": [
+ []
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "a1eabac4.71c208",
+ "type": "block",
+ "name": "block",
+ "xml": "<block>\n",
+ "atomic": "false",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1640,
+ "y": 284,
+ "z": "7db096e2.c70bf8",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "6a96fe57.d042e",
+ "bba56b28.73aad8",
+ "d31b610e.4b717",
+ "2462752b.bd93aa"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "2462752b.bd93aa",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set variables for A1 Mediator with proxy url",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name=\"tmp.near-rt-ric-url\" value=\"`$tmp.proxy-url`\"/>",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 1954,
+ "y": 363,
+ "z": "7db096e2.c70bf8",
"wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "8b5f261e.23f748",
+ "type": "outcome",
+ "name": "No proxy URL",
+ "xml": "<outcome value=''>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1480,
+ "y": 216,
+ "z": "7db096e2.c70bf8",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "10f86c59.93f224"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "fcbbd2a7.10f08",
+ "type": "outcome",
+ "name": "Otherwise",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='Other'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1476,
+ "y": 284,
+ "z": "7db096e2.c70bf8",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "a1eabac4.71c208"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "921d95cc.6097d8",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set tmp url variables with proxy information",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name=\"tmp.proxy-url\" value=\"`$prop.a1Mediator.proxy.url`\"/>",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 1419,
+ "y": 92,
+ "z": "7db096e2.c70bf8",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "1fb088e3.0e4167",
+ "type": "record",
+ "name": "record",
+ "xml": "<record plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"file\" value=\"/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/A1-Adapter.log\" />\n<parameter name=\"level\" value=\"info\" />\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"Put A1 Policy: Check for proxy url: \"/>\n<parameter name=\"field2\" value=\"`$tmp.proxy-url`\"/>\n\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1302,
+ "y": 167,
+ "z": "7db096e2.c70bf8",
+ "wires": [
+ []
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "cea9d686.3a7118",
+ "type": "switchNode",
+ "name": "switch",
+ "xml": "<switch test='`$tmp.proxy-url`'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1301,
+ "y": 250,
+ "z": "7db096e2.c70bf8",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "8b5f261e.23f748",
+ "fcbbd2a7.10f08"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "378c77.9a4d338a",
+ "type": "block",
+ "name": "block Substitute proxy address if available",
+ "xml": "<block>\n",
+ "atomic": "false",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 964,
+ "y": 249,
+ "z": "7db096e2.c70bf8",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "921d95cc.6097d8",
+ "1fb088e3.0e4167",
+ "cea9d686.3a7118"
+ ]
+ ]
] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/platform-logic/a1Adapter-api/src/main/xml/A1-ADAPTER-API_deleteA1Policy.xml b/platform-logic/a1Adapter-api/src/main/xml/A1-ADAPTER-API_deleteA1Policy.xml
index a351cc5c..3f264e57 100644
--- a/platform-logic/a1Adapter-api/src/main/xml/A1-ADAPTER-API_deleteA1Policy.xml
+++ b/platform-logic/a1Adapter-api/src/main/xml/A1-ADAPTER-API_deleteA1Policy.xml
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
<record plugin="org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder">
<parameter name="file" value="/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/A1-Adapter.log" />
<parameter name="level" value="info" />
- <parameter name="field1" value="Delete Policy:"/>
+ <parameter name="field1" value="Delete A1 Policy:"/>
<parameter name="field2" value="`$delete-a1-policy-input.near-rt-ric-url`"/>
@@ -21,6 +21,49 @@
<parameter name="tmp.near-rt-ric-url" value="`$delete-a1-policy-input.near-rt-ric-url`"/>
+ <block>
+ <set>
+ <parameter name="tmp.proxy-url" value="`$prop.a1Mediator.proxy.url`"/>
+ </set>
+ <record plugin="org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder">
+ <parameter name="file" value="/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/A1-Adapter.log" />
+ <parameter name="level" value="info" />
+ <parameter name="field1" value="Delete A1 Policy: Check for proxy url: "/>
+ <parameter name="field2" value="`$tmp.proxy-url`"/>
+ </record>
+ <switch test='`$tmp.proxy-url`'>
+ <outcome value=''>
+ <record plugin="org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder">
+ <parameter name="file" value="/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/A1-Adapter.log" />
+ <parameter name="level" value="info" />
+ <parameter name="field1" value="Delete A1 Policy: No proxy found on properties file "/>
+ </record>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value='Other'>
+ <block>
+ <execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='split'>
+ <parameter name="original_string" value="`$tmp.near-rt-ric-url`" />
+ <parameter name="regex" value="/"/>
+ <parameter name="ctx_memory_result_key" value="tmp.near-rt-ric-url-splitList"/>
+ </execute>
+ <for index='idx' start='3' end="`$tmp.near-rt-ric-url-splitList_length`" >
+ <set>
+ <parameter name='tmp.proxy-url' value="`$tmp.proxy-url +'/' + $tmp.near-rt-ric-url-splitList[$idx] `" />
+ </set>
+ </for>
+ <record plugin="org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder">
+ <parameter name="file" value="/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/A1-Adapter.log" />
+ <parameter name="level" value="info" />
+ <parameter name="field1" value="Delete A1 Policy: Url with proxy: "/>
+ <parameter name="field2" value="`$tmp.proxy-url`"/>
+ </record>
+ <set>
+ <parameter name="tmp.near-rt-ric-url" value="`$tmp.proxy-url`"/>
+ </set>
+ </block>
+ </outcome>
+ </switch>
+ </block>
<record plugin="org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder">
<parameter name="file" value="/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/A1-Adapter.log" />
<parameter name="level" value="info" />
diff --git a/platform-logic/a1Adapter-api/src/main/xml/A1-ADAPTER-API_getA1Policy.xml b/platform-logic/a1Adapter-api/src/main/xml/A1-ADAPTER-API_getA1Policy.xml
index 79b4a9c7..2cedc9ca 100644
--- a/platform-logic/a1Adapter-api/src/main/xml/A1-ADAPTER-API_getA1Policy.xml
+++ b/platform-logic/a1Adapter-api/src/main/xml/A1-ADAPTER-API_getA1Policy.xml
@@ -21,6 +21,49 @@
<parameter name="tmp.near-rt-ric-url" value="`$get-a1-policy-input.near-rt-ric-url`"/>
+ <block>
+ <set>
+ <parameter name="tmp.proxy-url" value="`$prop.a1Mediator.proxy.url`"/>
+ </set>
+ <record plugin="org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder">
+ <parameter name="file" value="/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/A1-Adapter.log" />
+ <parameter name="level" value="info" />
+ <parameter name="field1" value="A1 Get Policy Information: Check for proxy url: "/>
+ <parameter name="field2" value="`$tmp.proxy-url`"/>
+ </record>
+ <switch test='`$tmp.proxy-url`'>
+ <outcome value=''>
+ <record plugin="org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder">
+ <parameter name="file" value="/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/A1-Adapter.log" />
+ <parameter name="level" value="info" />
+ <parameter name="field1" value="A1 Get Policy Information: No proxy found on properties file "/>
+ </record>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value='Other'>
+ <block>
+ <execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='split'>
+ <parameter name="original_string" value="`$tmp.near-rt-ric-url`" />
+ <parameter name="regex" value="/"/>
+ <parameter name="ctx_memory_result_key" value="tmp.near-rt-ric-url-splitList"/>
+ </execute>
+ <for index='idx' start='3' end="`$tmp.near-rt-ric-url-splitList_length`" >
+ <set>
+ <parameter name='tmp.proxy-url' value="`$tmp.proxy-url +'/' + $tmp.near-rt-ric-url-splitList[$idx] `" />
+ </set>
+ </for>
+ <record plugin="org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder">
+ <parameter name="file" value="/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/A1-Adapter.log" />
+ <parameter name="level" value="info" />
+ <parameter name="field1" value="A1 Get Policy Information: Url with proxy: "/>
+ <parameter name="field2" value="`$tmp.proxy-url`"/>
+ </record>
+ <set>
+ <parameter name="tmp.near-rt-ric-url" value="`$tmp.proxy-url`"/>
+ </set>
+ </block>
+ </outcome>
+ </switch>
+ </block>
<record plugin="org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder">
<parameter name="file" value="/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/A1-Adapter.log" />
<parameter name="level" value="info" />
diff --git a/platform-logic/a1Adapter-api/src/main/xml/A1-ADAPTER-API_getA1PolicyStatus.xml b/platform-logic/a1Adapter-api/src/main/xml/A1-ADAPTER-API_getA1PolicyStatus.xml
index 703c7dfe..5750c528 100644
--- a/platform-logic/a1Adapter-api/src/main/xml/A1-ADAPTER-API_getA1PolicyStatus.xml
+++ b/platform-logic/a1Adapter-api/src/main/xml/A1-ADAPTER-API_getA1PolicyStatus.xml
@@ -21,6 +21,49 @@
<parameter name="tmp.near-rt-ric-url" value="`$get-a1-policy-status-input.near-rt-ric-url`"/>
+ <block>
+ <set>
+ <parameter name="tmp.proxy-url" value="`$prop.a1Mediator.proxy.url`"/>
+ </set>
+ <record plugin="org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder">
+ <parameter name="file" value="/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/A1-Adapter.log" />
+ <parameter name="level" value="info" />
+ <parameter name="field1" value="Get A1 Policy Status: Check for proxy url: "/>
+ <parameter name="field2" value="`$tmp.proxy-url`"/>
+ </record>
+ <switch test='`$tmp.proxy-url`'>
+ <outcome value=''>
+ <record plugin="org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder">
+ <parameter name="file" value="/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/A1-Adapter.log" />
+ <parameter name="level" value="info" />
+ <parameter name="field1" value="Get A1 Policy Status: No proxy found on properties file "/>
+ </record>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value='Other'>
+ <block>
+ <execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='split'>
+ <parameter name="original_string" value="`$tmp.near-rt-ric-url`" />
+ <parameter name="regex" value="/"/>
+ <parameter name="ctx_memory_result_key" value="tmp.near-rt-ric-url-splitList"/>
+ </execute>
+ <for index='idx' start='3' end="`$tmp.near-rt-ric-url-splitList_length`" >
+ <set>
+ <parameter name='tmp.proxy-url' value="`$tmp.proxy-url +'/' + $tmp.near-rt-ric-url-splitList[$idx] `" />
+ </set>
+ </for>
+ <record plugin="org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder">
+ <parameter name="file" value="/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/A1-Adapter.log" />
+ <parameter name="level" value="info" />
+ <parameter name="field1" value="Get A1 Policy Status: Url with proxy: "/>
+ <parameter name="field2" value="`$tmp.proxy-url`"/>
+ </record>
+ <set>
+ <parameter name="tmp.near-rt-ric-url" value="`$tmp.proxy-url`"/>
+ </set>
+ </block>
+ </outcome>
+ </switch>
+ </block>
<record plugin="org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder">
<parameter name="file" value="/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/A1-Adapter.log" />
<parameter name="level" value="info" />
diff --git a/platform-logic/a1Adapter-api/src/main/xml/A1-ADAPTER-API_getA1PolicyType.xml b/platform-logic/a1Adapter-api/src/main/xml/A1-ADAPTER-API_getA1PolicyType.xml
index cea0bc5f..41091e0a 100644
--- a/platform-logic/a1Adapter-api/src/main/xml/A1-ADAPTER-API_getA1PolicyType.xml
+++ b/platform-logic/a1Adapter-api/src/main/xml/A1-ADAPTER-API_getA1PolicyType.xml
@@ -21,6 +21,49 @@
<parameter name="tmp.near-rt-ric-url" value="`$get-a1-policy-type-input.near-rt-ric-url`"/>
+ <block>
+ <set>
+ <parameter name="tmp.proxy-url" value="`$prop.a1Mediator.proxy.url`"/>
+ </set>
+ <record plugin="org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder">
+ <parameter name="file" value="/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/A1-Adapter.log" />
+ <parameter name="level" value="info" />
+ <parameter name="field1" value="Get Policy Type: Check for proxy url: "/>
+ <parameter name="field2" value="`$tmp.proxy-url`"/>
+ </record>
+ <switch test='`$tmp.proxy-url`'>
+ <outcome value=''>
+ <record plugin="org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder">
+ <parameter name="file" value="/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/A1-Adapter.log" />
+ <parameter name="level" value="info" />
+ <parameter name="field1" value="Get Policy Type: No proxy found on properties file "/>
+ </record>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value='Other'>
+ <block>
+ <execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='split'>
+ <parameter name="original_string" value="`$tmp.near-rt-ric-url`" />
+ <parameter name="regex" value="/"/>
+ <parameter name="ctx_memory_result_key" value="tmp.near-rt-ric-url-splitList"/>
+ </execute>
+ <for index='idx' start='3' end="`$tmp.near-rt-ric-url-splitList_length`" >
+ <set>
+ <parameter name='tmp.proxy-url' value="`$tmp.proxy-url +'/' + $tmp.near-rt-ric-url-splitList[$idx] `" />
+ </set>
+ </for>
+ <record plugin="org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder">
+ <parameter name="file" value="/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/A1-Adapter.log" />
+ <parameter name="level" value="info" />
+ <parameter name="field1" value="Get Policy Type: Url with proxy: "/>
+ <parameter name="field2" value="`$tmp.proxy-url`"/>
+ </record>
+ <set>
+ <parameter name="tmp.near-rt-ric-url" value="`$tmp.proxy-url`"/>
+ </set>
+ </block>
+ </outcome>
+ </switch>
+ </block>
<record plugin="org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder">
<parameter name="file" value="/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/A1-Adapter.log" />
<parameter name="level" value="info" />
diff --git a/platform-logic/a1Adapter-api/src/main/xml/A1-ADAPTER-API_putA1Policy.xml b/platform-logic/a1Adapter-api/src/main/xml/A1-ADAPTER-API_putA1Policy.xml
index d674abfd..2f6abb89 100644
--- a/platform-logic/a1Adapter-api/src/main/xml/A1-ADAPTER-API_putA1Policy.xml
+++ b/platform-logic/a1Adapter-api/src/main/xml/A1-ADAPTER-API_putA1Policy.xml
@@ -23,6 +23,49 @@
<parameter name="tmp.near-rt-ric-url" value="`$put-a1-policy-input.near-rt-ric-url`"/>
<parameter name="tmp.body" value="`$put-a1-policy-input.body`"/>
+ <block>
+ <set>
+ <parameter name="tmp.proxy-url" value="`$prop.a1Mediator.proxy.url`"/>
+ </set>
+ <record plugin="org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder">
+ <parameter name="file" value="/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/A1-Adapter.log" />
+ <parameter name="level" value="info" />
+ <parameter name="field1" value="Put A1 Policy: Check for proxy url: "/>
+ <parameter name="field2" value="`$tmp.proxy-url`"/>
+ </record>
+ <switch test='`$tmp.proxy-url`'>
+ <outcome value=''>
+ <record plugin="org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder">
+ <parameter name="file" value="/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/A1-Adapter.log" />
+ <parameter name="level" value="info" />
+ <parameter name="field1" value="Put A1 Policy: No proxy found on properties file "/>
+ </record>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value='Other'>
+ <block>
+ <execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='split'>
+ <parameter name="original_string" value="`$tmp.near-rt-ric-url`" />
+ <parameter name="regex" value="/"/>
+ <parameter name="ctx_memory_result_key" value="tmp.near-rt-ric-url-splitList"/>
+ </execute>
+ <for index='idx' start='3' end="`$tmp.near-rt-ric-url-splitList_length`" >
+ <set>
+ <parameter name='tmp.proxy-url' value="`$tmp.proxy-url +'/' + $tmp.near-rt-ric-url-splitList[$idx] `" />
+ </set>
+ </for>
+ <record plugin="org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder">
+ <parameter name="file" value="/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/A1-Adapter.log" />
+ <parameter name="level" value="info" />
+ <parameter name="field1" value="Put A1 Policy: Url with proxy: "/>
+ <parameter name="field2" value="`$tmp.proxy-url`"/>
+ </record>
+ <set>
+ <parameter name="tmp.near-rt-ric-url" value="`$tmp.proxy-url`"/>
+ </set>
+ </block>
+ </outcome>
+ </switch>
+ </block>
<record plugin="org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder">
<parameter name="file" value="/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/A1-Adapter.log" />
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diff --git a/platform-logic/ran-slice-api/src/main/json/ran-slice-api_instantiateRANSliceAllocate.json b/platform-logic/ran-slice-api/src/main/json/ran-slice-api_instantiateRANSliceAllocate.json
index e062f240..b195fb34 100644
--- a/platform-logic/ran-slice-api/src/main/json/ran-slice-api_instantiateRANSliceAllocate.json
+++ b/platform-logic/ran-slice-api/src/main/json/ran-slice-api_instantiateRANSliceAllocate.json
@@ -1,36 +1,36 @@
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"type": "method",
"name": "method",
"xml": "<method rpc='instantiateRANSliceAllocate' mode='sync'>\n",
"comments": "",
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- "y": 138.75,
- "z": "54a98307.1c261c",
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"type": "dgstart",
"name": "DGSTART",
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- "z": "54a98307.1c261c",
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"type": "service-logic",
"name": "ran-slice-api ${project.version}",
"module": "ran-slice-api",
@@ -38,6546 +38,6557 @@
"comments": "",
"xml": "<service-logic xmlns='' xmlns:xsi='' xsi:schemaLocation=' ./svclogic.xsd' module='ran-slice-api' version='${project.version}'>",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 140.75005340576172,
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"type": "returnSuccess",
"name": "return success",
"xml": "<return status='success'>\n<parameter name=\"ack-final\" value=\"N\" />\n<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"200\" />\n<parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"SUCCESSFUL Execution\" />",
"comments": "",
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"name": "Get NRT RIC Details",
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"comments": "",
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- "id": "dbb914f1.f676d8",
+ "id": "ae9e610b.5618b",
"type": "execute",
"name": "generate getNearRTRICsFromTrackingArea URL",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.configdb.getNearRTRICsFromTrackingArea`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.configdb.getNearRTRICsFromTrackingArea.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{trackingArea}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.payload.trackingArea`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2160.75,
- "y": 125.65969848632812,
- "z": "54a98307.1c261c",
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"comments": "",
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"name": "Get nearRTRIC for TrackingArea",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.configdb.url + $tmp.configdb.getNearRTRICsFromTrackingArea.url`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"GET\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"getRIC-configdb-response\"/>\n<parameter name='contentType' value='application/json' /> \n<parameter name='format' value='json' />\n<parameter name='accept' value='application/json' />\n<parameter name=\"convertResponse\" value=\"true\"/>",
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"name": "success",
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"comments": "",
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"type": "returnFailure",
"name": "return failure",
"xml": "<return status='failure'>\n<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='500'/>\n<parameter name='error-message' value='Error Getting Info from ConfigDB. Aborting RPC executiopn'/>",
"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"name": "set",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='500'/>\n<parameter name='error-message' value='Error Getting Info from ConfigDB. Aborting RPC executiopn'/>",
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"wires": []
- "id": "aa24c712.f70938",
+ "id": "7a212979.cc33f8",
"type": "execute",
"name": "printContext",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='printContext' >\n<parameter name='filename' value='/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/ranSlice-instantiateRANSlice-configrsp-context.log' />\n\n\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"name": "For ConfigDB Entries",
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"type": "switchNode",
"name": "ransim mounted",
"xml": "<switch test='`$prop.ransim-mounted`'>\n",
"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"type": "for",
"name": "For List of Cells",
"xml": "<for index='id3' start='0' end='`$getListofCells-configdb-response._length `' >",
"comments": "",
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"name": "pLMNInfoList Level Parms",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"name": "pLMNInfoListEntries",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.pLMNInfoListEntries' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'getRIC-configdb-response.[' + $id1 + '].gNBDUList[' + $id2 + '].cellDUList[' + $idCell + '].pLMNInfoList_length'`\" />",
"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 6051.760566711426,
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"name": "pLMNInfoList Parms",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 4041.739776611328,
- "y": 6320.7613887786865,
- "z": "54a98307.1c261c",
+ "x": 3935.9898071289062,
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+ "id": "4e790459.0021ec",
"type": "execute",
"name": "sNSSAI",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.fromRAN.sNSSAI' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'getRIC-configdb-response.[' + $id1 + '].gNBDUList[' + $id2 + '].cellDUList[' + $idCell + '].pLMNInfoList[' + $id4 + '].sNSSAI.sNSSAI'`\" />",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 6264.760736942291,
- "z": "54a98307.1c261c",
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+ "id": "34ba2aaf.361466",
"type": "comment",
"name": "Check if sNSSAI already exists in YANG tree",
"info": "This needs more work. If sNSSAI already exists in the YANG tree, need to patch the existing pLMNInfoList entry",
"comments": "",
- "x": 3842.7399520874023,
- "y": 6278.761163711548,
- "z": "54a98307.1c261c",
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"xml": "<record plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"file\" value=\"/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/instantiateRANSlice.log\" />\n<parameter name=\"level\" value=\"info\" />\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"sNSSAI from RAN to check if already exists \"/>\n<parameter name=\"field2\" value=\"`$tmp.fromRAN.sNSSAI`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 4225.7395362854,
- "y": 6342.760740280151,
- "z": "54a98307.1c261c",
+ "x": 4119.9895668029785,
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "nearRTRICId",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.nearRTRICId' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'getRIC-configdb-response.[' + $id1 + '].nearRTRICId'`\" />",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1653.7396926879883,
- "y": 611.7605495452881,
- "z": "54a98307.1c261c",
+ "x": 1547.9897232055664,
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"wires": [
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+ "id": "20661c8c.9d1b24",
"type": "execute",
"name": "cellLocalId",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.cellLocalId' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'getRIC-configdb-response.[' + $id1 + '].gNBDUList[' + $id2 + '].cellDUList[' + $idCell + '].cellLocalId'`\" />",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 4029.739776611328,
- "y": 6242.760570526123,
- "z": "54a98307.1c261c",
+ "x": 3923.9898071289062,
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"name": "record",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3979.75150680542,
- "y": 6827.094183921814,
- "z": "54a98307.1c261c",
+ "x": 3874.001537322998,
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"type": "block",
"name": "Add PLMNInfoList Entry",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 6486.104493141174,
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+ "id": "6e1c4e1e.30632",
"type": "execute",
"name": "add PLMNInfoListEntry ToNRCellDU using PUT",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"templateFileName\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.templateDir + '/ranSlice-add-get-PLMNInfoListEntry-NRCellDU.json'`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.controller.url + $tmp.addPLMNInfoListEntry.ToNRCellDU.url`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"restapiUser\" value=\"`$prop.controller.user`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiPassword\" value=\"`$prop.controller.pwd`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"PUT\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"PLMNInfoListEntry-response\"/>\n<parameter name='contentType' value='application/json' /> \n<parameter name='format' value='json' />",
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"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"name": "Populate idGNBDUFunction",
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"name": "return failure",
"xml": "<return status='failure'>\n<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n<parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"Error adding PLMNInfo List Entry to NRCellCUr\" />",
"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"type": "execute",
"name": "populate mountName",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.addPLMNInfoListEntry.ToNRCellDU.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.addPLMNInfoListEntry.ToNRCellDU.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{mountName}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.gNBDUList.gNBDUId`\"/>",
"comments": "",
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"type": "comment",
"name": "Connect to AddPLMNInfoList Entry",
"info": "when able to talk to latest SDNC",
"comments": "",
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"type": "switchNode",
"name": "ransim mounted",
"xml": "<switch test='`$prop.ransim-mounted`'>\n",
"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"name": "add RRM Policy ToNRCellDU using PUT",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"templateFileName\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.templateDir + '/ranSlice-add-RRMPolicyRatio-NRCellDU.json'`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.controller.url + $tmp.addRRMPolicyRatio.ToNRCellDU.url`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"restapiUser\" value=\"`$prop.controller.user`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiPassword\" value=\"`$prop.controller.pwd`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"PUT\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"addRRMPolicyRatio-response\"/>\n<parameter name='contentType' value='application/json' /> \n<parameter name='format' value='json' />",
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"name": "populate mountName",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.addRRMPolicyRatio.ToNRCellDU.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.addRRMPolicyRatio.ToNRCellDU.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{mountName}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.gNBDUList.gNBDUId`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"name": "Connect to RRM P{olicy Ratio",
"info": "when able to talk to latest SDNC",
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"name": "gNBCUCPList.gNBCUName",
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"comments": "",
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- "y": 2062.0938720703125,
- "z": "54a98307.1c261c",
+ "x": 3208.979274749756,
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"type": "execute",
"name": "pLMNInfoListEntries",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.pLMNInfoListEntries' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'getRIC-configdb-response.[' + $id1 + '].gNBCUCPList[' + $id2 + '].cellCUList[' + $id3 + '].pLMNInfoList_length'`\" />",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3579.729259490967,
- "y": 2040.0938625335693,
- "z": "54a98307.1c261c",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3281.729259490967,
- "y": 2120.0938625335693,
- "z": "54a98307.1c261c",
+ "x": 3175.979290008545,
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"type": "for",
"name": "For pLMNInfoListEntries",
"xml": "<for index='id4' start='0' end='`$tmp.pLMNInfoListEntries`' >",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3312.729259490967,
- "y": 2218.0938625335693,
- "z": "54a98307.1c261c",
+ "x": 3206.979290008545,
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"xml": "<record plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"file\" value=\"/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/instantiateRANSlice.log\" />\n<parameter name=\"level\" value=\"info\" />\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"MCC \"/>\n<parameter name=\"field2\" value=\"`$tmp.mcc`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field3\" value=\"MNC \"/>\n<parameter name=\"field4\" value=\"`$tmp.mnc`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field5\" value=\"Calculated uLThptPerSlice \"/>\n<parameter name=\"field6\" value=\"`$tmp.uLThptPerSlice`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field7\" value=\"Calculated dLThptPerSlice \"/>\n<parameter name=\"field8\" value=\"`$tmp.dLThptPerSlice`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field9\" value=\"Calculated maxNumberOfConns \"/>\n<parameter name=\"field10\" value=\"`$tmp.maxNumberOfConns`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2214.7293014526367,
- "y": 1932.0938386917114,
- "z": "54a98307.1c261c",
+ "x": 2108.979331970215,
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"wires": [
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"type": "block",
"name": "pLMNInfoList Parms",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3532.729259490967,
- "y": 2214.0938625335693,
- "z": "54a98307.1c261c",
+ "x": 3426.979290008545,
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- "id": "2afaab49.96e9c4",
+ "id": "a60a5219.86792",
"type": "execute",
"name": "sNSSAI",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.fromRAN.sNSSAI' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'getRIC-configdb-response.[' + $id1 + '].gNBDUList[' + $id2 + '].cellDUList[' + $id3 + '].pLMNInfoList[' + $id4 + '].sNSSAI.sNSSAI'`\" />",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3706.7293128967285,
- "y": 2170.0938625335693,
- "z": "54a98307.1c261c",
+ "x": 3600.9793434143066,
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"wires": [
- "id": "becfba53.04cca8",
+ "id": "b5325d5c.4b2a2",
"type": "comment",
"name": "Check if sNSSAI already exists in YANG tree",
"info": "This needs more work. If sNSSAI already exists in the YANG tree, need to patch the existing pLMNInfoList entry",
"comments": "",
- "x": 3384.729259490967,
- "y": 2169.0938625335693,
- "z": "54a98307.1c261c",
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"name": "record",
"xml": "<record plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"file\" value=\"/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/instantiateRANSlice.log\" />\n<parameter name=\"level\" value=\"info\" />\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"sNSSAI from RAN to check if already exists \"/>\n<parameter name=\"field2\" value=\"`$tmp.fromRAN.sNSSAI`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3709.729259490967,
- "y": 2234.0938625335693,
- "z": "54a98307.1c261c",
+ "x": 3603.979290008545,
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"wires": [
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+ "id": "b1a72d91.c8006",
"type": "execute",
"name": "cellLocalId",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.cellLocalId' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'getRIC-configdb-response.[' + $id1 + '].gNBCUCPList[' + $id2 + '].cellCUList[' + $id3 + '].cellLocalId'`\" />",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3556.7292518615723,
- "y": 2100.0938472747803,
- "z": "54a98307.1c261c",
+ "x": 3450.9792823791504,
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"name": "record",
"xml": "<record plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"file\" value=\"/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/instantiateRANSlice.log\" />\n<parameter name=\"level\" value=\"info\" />\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"Setting variables for PLMNInfoList Entry Add to NRCellCU\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field2\" value=\"`$prop.controller.url + $tmp.addPLMNInfoListEntry.ToNRCellCU.url`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field3\" value=\"`$tmp.mcc`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field4\" value=\"`$tmp.mnc`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field5\" value=\"`$payloadJson.input.sliceProfile.sNSSAI`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field6\" value=\"`$tmp.uLThptPerSlice`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field7\" value=\"`$tmp.dLThptPerSlice`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3493.740509033203,
- "y": 2673.4275579452515,
- "z": "54a98307.1c261c",
+ "x": 3387.9905395507812,
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"type": "block",
"name": "Add PLMNInfoList Entry",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3198.7393531799316,
- "y": 2609.4379329681396,
- "z": "54a98307.1c261c",
+ "x": 3092.9893836975098,
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"type": "execute",
"name": "add PLMNInfoListEntry ToNRCellCU using PUT",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"templateFileName\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.templateDir + '/ranSlice-add-get-PLMNInfoListEntry-NRCellCU.json'`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.controller.url + $tmp.addPLMNInfoListEntry.ToNRCellCU.url`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"restapiUser\" value=\"`$prop.controller.user`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiPassword\" value=\"`$prop.controller.pwd`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"PUT\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"PLMNInfoListEntry-response\"/>\n<parameter name='contentType' value='application/json' /> \n<parameter name='format' value='json' />",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3600.7400436401367,
- "y": 2748.4378929138184,
- "z": "54a98307.1c261c",
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"name": "record",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3487.739471435547,
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- "z": "54a98307.1c261c",
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"type": "execute",
"name": "generate addPLMNInfoListEntry.ToNRCellDU",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.addPLMNInfoListEntry.ToNRCellCU`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.addPLMNInfoListEntry.ToNRCellCU.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idNearRTRIC}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.nearRTRICId`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3627.739589691162,
- "y": 2303.0941104888916,
- "z": "54a98307.1c261c",
+ "x": 3521.9896202087402,
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "Populate idGNBDUFunction",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.addPLMNInfoListEntry.ToNRCellCU.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.addPLMNInfoListEntry.ToNRCellCU.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idGNBCUCPFunction}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.gNBCUCPList.gNBCUName`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3509.7293815612793,
- "y": 2439.0939326286316,
- "z": "54a98307.1c261c",
+ "x": 3403.9794120788574,
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "Populate idNRCellDU",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.addPLMNInfoListEntry.ToNRCellCU.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.addPLMNInfoListEntry.ToNRCellCU.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idNRCellCU}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.cellLocalId`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"name": "Populate mcc",
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"type": "execute",
"name": "Populate mnc",
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"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"atomic": "false",
"comments": "",
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"xml": "<block>\n",
"atomic": "false",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"name": "return failure",
"xml": "<return status='failure'>\n<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n<parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"Error adding PLMNInfoList Entry to NRCellCU\" />",
"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"type": "set",
"name": "Calculate RRM Parms",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.maxNumberOfConns' value='`$payloadJson.input.sliceProfile.maxNumberofConns`' />\n<parameter name='tmp.uLThptPerSlice' value='`$payloadJson.input.sliceProfile.uLThptPerSlice`' />\n<parameter name='tmp.dLThptPerSlice' value='`$payloadJson.input.sliceProfile.dLThptPerSlice`' />",
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"wires": []
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+ "id": "cdecce9.6fb6d3",
"type": "execute",
"name": "generate addPLMNInfoListEntry.ToNRCellDU",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.addPLMNInfoListEntry.ToNRCellCU.ransim-mounted`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.addPLMNInfoListEntry.ToNRCellCU.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idNearRTRIC}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.nearRTRICId`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "z": "54a98307.1c261c",
+ "x": 3716.979347229004,
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"name": "ransim URL",
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"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
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"name": "Get Cells List in TA",
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"comments": "",
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"type": "execute",
"name": "generate getListOfCells URL",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.configdb.getListOfCells`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.configdb.getListOfCells.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{trackingArea}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.payload.trackingArea`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"comments": "",
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"name": "Get ListOfCells for TrackingArea",
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"name": "return failure",
"xml": "<return status='failure'>\n<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='500'/>\n<parameter name='error-message' value='Error Getting Info from ConfigDB. Aborting RPC executiopn'/>",
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"name": "printContext",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='printContext' >\n<parameter name='filename' value='/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/ranSlice-instantiateRANSlice-configrsp-context.log' />\n\n\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"name": "Connect to AddPLMNInfoList Entry",
"info": "when able to talk to latest SDNC",
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"type": "switchNode",
"name": "ransim mounted",
"xml": "<switch test='`$prop.ransim-mounted`'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"name": "generate addRRMPolicy.ToNRCellDU URL",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.addRRMPolicyRatio.ToNRCellCU`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.addRRMPolicyRatio.ToNRCellCU.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idNearRTRIC}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.nearRTRICId`\"/>",
"comments": "",
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"name": "Populate idGNBDUFunction",
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"name": "Populate idNRCellDU",
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"name": "Populate id",
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"comments": "",
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"xml": "<return status='failure'>\n<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n<parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"Error adding RRMPolicyr\" />",
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"name": "generate RRMPolicy Ratio URL ToNRCellDU",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.addRRMPolicyRatio.ToNRCellCU.ransim-mounted`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.addRRMPolicyRatio.ToNRCellCU.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idNearRTRIC}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.nearRTRICId`\"/>",
"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"type": "execute",
"name": "populate mountName",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.addRRMPolicyRatio.ToNRCellCU.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.addRRMPolicyRatio.ToNRCellCU.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{mountName}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.gNBCUCPList.gNBCUName`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 2933.7605743408203,
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"type": "comment",
"name": "Connect to RRM P{olicy Ratio",
"info": "when able to talk to latest SDNC",
"comments": "",
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+ "id": "3fbba716.3dadf8",
"type": "execute",
"name": "gNBCUCPList-nFType",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.gNBCUCPList.nFType' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'getRIC-configdb-response.[' + $id1 + '].gNBCUCPList[' + $id2 + '].nFType'`\" />",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"type": "switchNode",
"name": "ransim mounted",
"xml": "<switch test='`$prop.ransim-mounted`'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "z": "54a98307.1c261c",
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"name": "Not Mounted",
"xml": "<outcome value='false'>\n",
"comments": "",
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"xml": "<outcome value='true'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"name": "For List of CUUP's",
"xml": "<for index='id2' start='0' end='`$tmp.CUUPListEntries `' >",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"name": "set CUUP Level parms",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.CUUPListEntries' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'getRIC-configdb-response.[' + $id1 + '].gNBCUUPList_length'`\" />",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"type": "execute",
"name": "gNBCUUPList.gNBCUUPId",
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"comments": "",
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"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.gNBCUUPList.gNBId' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'getRIC-configdb-response.[' + $id1 + '].gNBCUUPList[' + $id2 + '].gNBId'`\" />",
"comments": "",
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"name": "gNBCUUPList-gNBIdLength",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.gNBCUUPList.gNBIdLength' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'getRIC-configdb-response.[' + $id1 + '].gNBCUUPList[' + $id2 + '].gNBIdLength'`\" />",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"wires": [
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"type": "for",
"name": "For pLMNInfoListEntries",
"xml": "<for index='id4' start='0' end='`$tmp.pLMNInfoListEntries`' >",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"xml": "<record plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"file\" value=\"/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/instantiateRANSlice.log\" />\n<parameter name=\"level\" value=\"info\" />\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"MCC \"/>\n<parameter name=\"field2\" value=\"`$tmp.mcc`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field3\" value=\"MNC \"/>\n<parameter name=\"field4\" value=\"`$tmp.mnc`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field5\" value=\"Calculated uLThptPerSlice \"/>\n<parameter name=\"field6\" value=\"`$tmp.uLThptPerSlice`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field7\" value=\"Calculated dLThptPerSlice \"/>\n<parameter name=\"field8\" value=\"`$tmp.dLThptPerSlice`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 3908.839115858078,
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"type": "block",
"name": "pLMNInfoList Parms",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3757.7605323791504,
- "y": 4053.839189529419,
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+ "id": "c6f71a2f.6d6258",
"type": "execute",
"name": "sNSSAI",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.fromRAN.sNSSAI' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'getRIC-configdb-response.[' + $id1 + '].gNBCUUPList[' + $id2 + '].pLMNInfoList[' + $id3 + '].sNSSAI'`\" />",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3971.760498046875,
- "y": 4004.8393115997314,
- "z": "54a98307.1c261c",
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"wires": [
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+ "id": "ce73c3dc.bd809",
"type": "comment",
"name": "Check if sNSSAI already exists in YANG tree",
"info": "This needs more work. If sNSSAI already exists in the YANG tree, need to patch the existing pLMNInfoList entry",
"comments": "",
- "x": 3574.7605171203613,
- "y": 4109.839189529419,
- "z": "54a98307.1c261c",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3975.7605590820312,
- "y": 4088.8388233184814,
- "z": "54a98307.1c261c",
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"xml": "<record plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"file\" value=\"/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/instantiateRANSlice.log\" />\n<parameter name=\"level\" value=\"info\" />\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"Setting variables for PLMNInfoList Entry Add to NRCellCU\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field2\" value=\"`$tmp.addPLMNInfoListEntry.ToNRCellDU.url`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field3\" value=\"`$tmp.mcc`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field4\" value=\"`$tmp.mnc`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field5\" value=\"`$payloadJson.input.sliceProfile.sNSSAI`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field6\" value=\"`$tmp.uLThptPerSlice`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field7\" value=\"`$tmp.dLThptPerSlice`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"name": "Add PLMNInfoList Entry",
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"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"name": "add PLMNInfoListEntry ToGNBCUUPFn using PUT",
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"name": "Populate idGNBDUFunction",
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"type": "returnFailure",
"name": "return failure",
"xml": "<return status='failure'>\n<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n<parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"Error adding PLMNInfoList Entry to GNBCUUPFn\" />",
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"type": "execute",
"name": "populate mountName",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.addPLMNInfoListEntry.ToGNBCUUPFn.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.addPLMNInfoListEntry.ToGNBCUUPFn.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{mountName}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.gNBCUUPList.gNBCUUPId`\"/>",
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"name": "Connect to AddPLMNInfoList Entry",
"info": "when able to talk to latest SDNC",
"comments": "",
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"type": "switchNode",
"name": "ransim mounted",
"xml": "<switch test='`$prop.ransim-mounted`'>\n",
"comments": "",
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"name": "Populate idGNBDUFunction",
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"name": "Populate id",
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+ "id": "eb35cd37.f245e",
"type": "returnFailure",
"name": "return failure",
"xml": "<return status='failure'>\n<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n<parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"Error adding RRMPolicy\" />",
"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 4392.760627746582,
- "y": 5184.840064287186,
- "z": "54a98307.1c261c",
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "generate RRMPolicy Ratio URL ToNRCellDU",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.addRRMPolicyRatio.ToGNBCUUPFn.ransim-mounted`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.addRRMPolicyRatio.ToGNBCUUPFn.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idNearRTRIC}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.nearRTRICId`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 4857.505460500717,
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"name": "ransim URL",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "z": "54a98307.1c261c",
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+ "id": "b25b5c46.f534d",
"type": "execute",
"name": "populate mountName",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.addRRMPolicyRatio.ToGNBCUUPFn.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.addRRMPolicyRatio.ToGNBCUUPFn.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{mountName}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.gNBCUUPList.gNBCUUPId`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 4938.505788087845,
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"type": "comment",
"name": "Connect to RRM P{olicy Ratio",
"info": "when able to talk to latest SDNC",
"comments": "",
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"name": "rrmPolicyDedicatedRatio",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
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- "y": 3505.5164098739624,
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"type": "set",
"name": "calculation rrm5",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.rRMPolicyDedicatedRatio.CUUP' value='`$tmp.rRMPolicyDedicatedRatio.CUUP1 / $prop.cuupfunction.maxNumberOfDRBsPerCUUP`' />",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3201.7712783813477,
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- "z": "54a98307.1c261c",
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"wires": [
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+ "id": "b678ffb6.d61bb",
"type": "execute",
"name": "gNBCUUPList-pLMNInfoList_length",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.pLMNInfoListEntries' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'getRIC-configdb-response.[' + $id1 + '].gNBCUUPList[' + $id2 + '].pLMNInfoList_length'`\" />",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3959.770606994629,
- "y": 3844.8391535282135,
- "z": "54a98307.1c261c",
+ "x": 3854.020637512207,
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"wires": [
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+ "id": "2d6c426b.e24eee",
"type": "execute",
"name": "gNBCUUPList-pLMNId",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.pLMNId' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'getRIC-configdb-response.[' + $id1 + '].gNBCUUPList[' + $id2 + '].pLMNId'`\" />",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3965.9935340881348,
- "y": 3932.515090942383,
- "z": "54a98307.1c261c",
+ "x": 3860.243564605713,
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+ "id": "e7cff8f9.ce4148",
"type": "comment",
"name": "Assumption pLMNId in configDB resp",
"info": "Assumed that configDB responnse will include pLMNId...currently, it is not there",
"comments": "",
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"wires": []
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"type": "for",
"name": "For list of cells",
"xml": "<for index='idx' start='0' end='`$getListofCells-configdb-response._length `' >",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 637.7604541778564,
- "z": "54a98307.1c261c",
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"xml": "<record plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"file\" value=\"/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/instantiateRANSlice.log\" />\n<parameter name=\"level\" value=\"info\" />\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"`$tmp.trackingarea.cell`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"type": "execute",
"name": "Cells in TrackingArea",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.trackingarea.cell' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'getListofCells-configdb-response.[' + $ids + ']'`\" />",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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+ "x": 2511.000068664551,
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"type": "execute",
"name": "cellLocalID",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.cellLocalId' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'getListofCells-configdb-response.[' + $id3 + ']'`\" />",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"name": "SO Response",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"name": "set tmp variables for SO response",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name=\"tmp.reason\" value=\"`$error-message`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"tmp.requestID\" value=\"`$instantiate-r-a-n-slice-input.common-header.request-id `\"/>\n<parameter name=\"tmp.action\" value=\"`$instantiate-r-a-n-slice-input.action`\"/>\n",
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"name": "record SO reply parms",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"type": "execute",
"name": "Send to SO",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"templateFileName\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.templateDir + '/ranSlice-so-response.json'`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$payloadJson.input.callbackURL`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"POST\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"so-callback-response\"/>\n<parameter name='contentType' value='application/json' /> \n<parameter name='format' value='json' />\n<parameter name='accept' value='*/*' />\n<parameter name=\"restapiUser\" value=\"`$`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiPassword\" value=\"`$`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "z": "54a98307.1c261c",
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+ "id": "4dcc88d1.71a6c8",
"type": "failure",
"name": "failure",
"xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "z": "54a98307.1c261c",
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"type": "success",
"name": "success",
"xml": "<outcome value='success'>\n",
"comments": "",
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+ "id": "3507d53c.90a68a",
"type": "returnFailure",
"name": "return failure",
"xml": "<return status='failure'>\n<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n<parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"Error sending SO Response\" />",
"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"name": "set tmp variables for SO response",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name=\"\" value=\"`$payloadJson.input.callbackURL`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"tmp.status\" value=\"`$error-code`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"tmp.reason\" value=\"`$error-message`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"tmp.requestID\" value=\"`$instantiateRANSlice-input.common-header.request-id`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"tmp.action\" value=\"`$instantiateRANSlice-input.action`\"/>\n",
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"name": "record configdb RestAPI parms",
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"name": "Calculate RRM Parms2",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.dLThptPerSlice' value='`$payloadJson.input.sliceProfile.dLThptPerSlice`' />\n",
"comments": "",
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"name": "Calculate RRM Parms3",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.maxNumberOfConns' value='`$payloadJson.input.sliceProfile.maxNumberOfConns`' />",
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"name": "Calculate RRM Parms4",
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"comments": "",
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"type": "set",
"name": "Calculate RRM Parms7",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.nrcelldu.totalPRBForSNSSAI' value='`$tmp.nearRTRIC.trafficCapacityBPS / 1008000`' />\n",
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"name": "calculation8",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.nrcelldu.PRBPerImpactedCell' value='`$tmp.nrcelldu.totalPRBForSNSSAI / $tmp.DUListEntries`' />\n",
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"name": "prepare gNBCUUPList for SO callback",
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"comments": "",
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"name": "set RRMPolicyRatio IDs",
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"comments": "",
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"name": "check status",
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"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"wires": []
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+ "id": "499e0f1a.7c5e1",
"type": "set",
"name": "failure status",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name=\"tmp.status\" value=\"`$error-code`\"/>",
"comments": "",
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"type": "other",
"name": "other",
"xml": "<outcome value='Other'>\n",
"comments": "",
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- "z": "54a98307.1c261c",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 2338.7500286102295,
- "z": "54a98307.1c261c",
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"type": "set",
"name": "set plmn id",
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"comments": "",
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+ "wires": []
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+ "id": "a577c06a.9caa",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "Calculate parms",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.nearRTRIC.maxNumberOfConns' value='`$payloadJson.input.sliceProfile.maxNumberofConns`' />\n<parameter name='tmp.nearRTRIC.uLThptPerSlice' value='`$payloadJson.input.sliceProfile.uLThptPerSlice/$getRIC-configdb-response._length`' />\n<parameter name='tmp.nearRTRIC.dLThptPerSlice' value='`$payloadJson.input.sliceProfile.dLThptPerSlice/$getRIC-configdb-response._length`' />\n",
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+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "Calculate SliceProfile - NEarRTRIC part 2",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.nearRTRIC.uLThptPerSlice' value='`$tmp.nearRTRIC.uLThptPerSlice1 / $getRIC-configdb-response._length`' />\n<parameter name='tmp.nearRTRIC.dLThptPerSlice' value='`$tmp.nearRTRIC.dLThptPerSlice1 / $getRIC-configdb-response._length`' />\n<parameter name='tmp.nearRTRIC.maxNumberOfConns' value='`$tmp.nearRTRIC.maxNumberOfConns1 / $getRIC-configdb-response._length`' />",
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index 23d47438..ecc45b84 100644
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+++ b/platform-logic/ran-slice-api/src/main/json/ran-slice-api_instantiateRANSliceModifyAllocate.json
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
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+ "id": "c2214eca.623e8",
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"name": "DGSTART",
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- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
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"name": "ran-slice-api ${project.version}",
"module": "ran-slice-api",
@@ -22,7795 +22,7542 @@
"comments": "",
"xml": "<service-logic xmlns='' xmlns:xsi='' xsi:schemaLocation=' ./svclogic.xsd' module='ran-slice-api' version='${project.version}'>",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 208.7500228881836,
- "y": 131.74996662139893,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
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"type": "method",
"name": "method",
"xml": "<method rpc='instantiateRANSliceModifyAllocate' mode='sync'>\n",
"comments": "",
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- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
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"name": "block : atomic",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"type": "execute",
"name": "generate getNearRTRICsFromRANNFNSSI URL",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.configdb.getNearRTRICByNSSI`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.configdb.getNearRTRICByNSSI.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{ranNFNSSIId}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.payload.RANNFNSSIId`\"/>",
"comments": "",
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"name": "Get nearRTRIC for RANNFNSSIId",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.configdb.url + $tmp.configdb.getNearRTRICByNSSI.url`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"GET\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"getNFNSSIRIC-configdb-response\"/>\n<parameter name='contentType' value='application/json' /> \n<parameter name='format' value='json' />\n<parameter name='accept' value='application/json' />\n<parameter name=\"convertResponse\" value=\"true\"/>",
"comments": "",
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"type": "success",
"name": "success",
"xml": "<outcome value='success'>\n",
"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"name": "printContext",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='printContext' >\n<parameter name='filename' value='/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/ranSlice-instantiateRANSlice-configrsp-context.log' />\n\n\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1371.0959815979004,
- "y": 351.5682029724121,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
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"wires": [
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"comments": "",
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- "y": 268.0681390762329,
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"type": "set",
"name": "set",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='500'/>\n<parameter name='error-message' value='Error Getting Info from ConfigDB. Aborting RPC executiopn'/>",
"comments": "",
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"wires": []
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"type": "for",
"name": "foreach NearRTRIC",
"xml": "<for index='idy' start='0' end='`$getNFNSSIRIC-configdb-response._length`' >\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 265.75003814697266,
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- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
+ "x": 295.75003814697266,
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"type": "block",
"name": "Process NearRTRIC",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 591.659065246582,
- "y": 1147.477331161499,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
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- "id": "a1b18c5c.659da",
+ "id": "2bc2b5ac.4905fa",
"type": "execute",
"name": "read nearRTRICId",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.nearRTRICId' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'getNFNSSIRIC-configdb-response.['+ $idy +'].nearRTRICId'`\" />\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "read gNBId",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.gNBId' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'getNFNSSIRIC-configdb-response.[' + $idy + '].gNBId'`\" />",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"name": "Calculate uLThptPerSlice dLThptPerSlice maxNumberOfConns",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.nearRTRIC.uLThptPerSlice1' value='`$payloadJson.input.sliceProfile.uLThptPerSlice * 1.1`' />\n<parameter name='tmp.nearRTRIC.uLThptPerSlice' value='`$tmp.nearRTRIC.uLThptPerSlice1 / $getNFNSSIRIC-configdb-response._length`' />\n<parameter name='tmp.nearRTRIC.dLThptPerSlice1' value='`$payloadJson.input.sliceProfile.dLThptPerSlice * 1.1`' />\n<parameter name='tmp.nearRTRIC.dLThptPerSlice' value='`$tmp.nearRTRIC.dLThptPerSlice1 / $getNFNSSIRIC-configdb-response._length`' />\n<parameter name='tmp.nearRTRIC.maxNumberOfConns1' value='`$payloadJson.input.sliceProfile.maxNumberofConns * 1.1`' />\n<parameter name='tmp.nearRTRIC.maxNumberOfConns' value='`$tmp.nearRTRIC.maxNumberOfConns1 / $getNFNSSIRIC-configdb-response._length`' />",
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"name": "record",
"xml": "<record plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"file\" value=\"/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/instantiateRANSliceModifyAllocate.log\" />\n<parameter name=\"level\" value=\"info\" />\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"Calculated uLThptPerSlice for nearRTRIC \"/>\n<parameter name=\"field2\" value=\"`$tmp.nearRTRIC.uLThptPerSlice`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field3\" value=\"dLThptPerSlice for nearRTRIC\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field4\" value=\"`$tmp.nearRTRIC.dLThptPerSlice`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field5\" value=\"maxNumberOfConn for nearRTRIC\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field6\" value=\"`$tmp.nearRTRIC.maxNumberOfConns`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field7\" value=\"nearRTRICId\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field8\" value=\"`$tmp.nearRTRICId`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field9\" value=\"gNBId\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field10\" value=\"`$tmp.gNBId`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field11\" value=\"RANNFNSSI\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field12\" value=\"`$tmp.ranNFNSSIListEntry`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field13\" value=\"NSSAI\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field14\" value=\"`$tmp.payload.sNSSAI`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"name": "failure",
"xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
"comments": "",
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"wires": []
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"name": "set params",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.ranNFNSSIListEntry' value=\"`$payloadJson.input.RANNFNSSIId`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"type": "execute",
"name": "read CUCP list size",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.CUCPList_length' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'getNFNSSIRIC-configdb-response.[' + $idy +'].gNBCUCPList_length'`\" />\n ",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"comments": "",
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"type": "for",
"name": "foreach CUCP",
"xml": "<for index='idz' start='0' end='`$tmp.CUCPList_length`'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"name": "block : process CUCP",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
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"type": "execute",
"name": "read CUCP name",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.CUCPName' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'getNFNSSIRIC-configdb-response.['+ $idy +'].gNBCUCPList['+ $idz +'].gNBCUName'`\" />",
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"wires": [
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"type": "for",
"name": "for cellCUList",
"xml": "<for index='idcu' start='0' end='`$tmp.cellCUList_length`' >\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"type": "execute",
"name": "prepare mnc",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.patchPLMNInfoListEntry.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.patchPLMNInfoListEntry.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{mnc}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.mnc`\"/>",
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"type": "execute",
"name": "patch PLMNInfoListEntry ToNRCellCU",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"templateFileName\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.templateDir + '/ranSlice-patch-sNSSAI-NRCellCU.json'`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.controller.url + $tmp.patchPLMNInfoListEntry.url`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"restapiUser\" value=\"`$prop.controller.user`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiPassword\" value=\"`$prop.controller.pwd`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"PATCH\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"patch-cellCU-PLMNInfoList-response\"/>\n<parameter name='contentType' value='application/yang.patch+json' />\n<parameter name='accept' value='application/yang.patch-status+json'/>\n<parameter name='format' value='json' />",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"comments": "",
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"name": "return failure",
"xml": "<return status='failure'>\n<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='500'/>\n<parameter name='error-message' value='Error updating NRcellCU - PLMNInfo. Aborting RPC executiopn'/>",
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"type": "set",
"name": "set",
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"comments": "",
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"wires": []
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"name": "prepare idGNBCUCPFunction",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.patchPLMNInfoListEntry.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.patchPLMNInfoListEntry.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idGNBCUCPFunction}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.CUCPName`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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+ "x": 2306.75,
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"type": "execute",
"name": "prepare idNRCellCU",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "prepare mcc",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.patchPLMNInfoListEntry.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.patchPLMNInfoListEntry.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{mcc}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.mcc`\"/>\n ",
"comments": "",
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- "y": 1355.749997138977,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "read cellCU list size",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.cellCUList_length' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'getNFNSSIRIC-configdb-response.[' + $idy +'].gNBCUCPList[' + $idz +'].cellCUList_length'`\" />\n ",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
+ "x": 1585.75,
+ "y": 1381.75,
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"name": "ransim mounted",
"xml": "<switch test='`$prop.ransim-mounted`'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 1065.749997138977,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
+ "x": 2312.75,
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"type": "outcome",
"name": "Not Mounted",
"xml": "<outcome value='false'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"type": "execute",
"name": "generate patch PLMNInfoListEntry ToNRCellCU",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.patchPLMNInfoListEntry.ToNRCellCU`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.patchPLMNInfoListEntry.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idNearRTRIC}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.nearRTRICId`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2810.75,
- "y": 1045.749997138977,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
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"name": "Mounted",
"xml": "<outcome value='true'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"type": "set",
"name": "Calculate maxNumberOfConnsPercellCU",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.maxNumberOfConnsPercellCU' value='`$tmp.payload.maxNumberofConns / $tmp.cellCUList_length`' />\n",
"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"name": "ransim mounted",
"xml": "<switch test='`$prop.ransim-mounted`'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
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"type": "outcome",
"name": "Not Mounted",
"xml": "<outcome value='false'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"type": "execute",
"name": "fetch RRMPolicyRatio NRCellCU - URL",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.RRMPolicyRatioEntry.ToNRCellCU`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.getRRMPolicyRatio.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idNearRTRIC}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.nearRTRICId`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2515.75,
- "y": 1681.749997138977,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
+ "x": 2545.75,
+ "y": 1711.75,
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "prepare idGNBCUCPFunction",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.getRRMPolicyRatio.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.getRRMPolicyRatio.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idGNBCUCPFunction}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.CUCPName`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"name": "prepare idNRCellCU",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
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"wires": [
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"name": "success",
"xml": "<outcome value='success'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"name": "block : atomic",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 1942.750322818756,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
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"xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
"comments": "",
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"type": "block",
"name": "block : atomic",
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"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2499.750244140625,
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- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
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+ "id": "b54e7d89.fbbcd",
"type": "returnFailure",
"name": "return failure",
"xml": "<return status='failure'>\n<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='500'/>\n<parameter name='error-message' value='Error in Fetching RRMPolicyRatio - CellCU. Aborting RPC executiopn'/>",
"comments": "",
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"type": "set",
"name": "set",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='500'/>\n<parameter name='error-message' value='Error in retrieving RRMPolicyRatio. Aborting RPC executiopn'/>",
"comments": "",
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"wires": []
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+ "id": "9015ed7e.9220e",
"type": "execute",
"name": "fetch RRMPolicyRatio - NRCellCU",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.controller.url + $tmp.getRRMPolicyRatio.url`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"restapiUser\" value=\"`$prop.controller.user`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiPassword\" value=\"`$prop.controller.pwd`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"GET\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"get-rrmpolicyratio-response\"/>\n<parameter name='contentType' value='application/json' /> \n<parameter name='format' value='json' />\n<parameter name='accept' value='application/json' />\n<parameter name=\"convertResponse\" value=\"true\"/>",
"comments": "",
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+ "id": "f42fc9fc.ed4b98",
"type": "execute",
"name": "printContext",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='printContext' >\n<parameter name='filename' value='/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/ranSlice-instantiateRANSlice-configrsp-context.log' />\n\n\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2686.7499256134033,
- "y": 1975.7500476837158,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
+ "x": 2716.7499256134033,
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"wires": [
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+ "id": "9feb61f8.03034",
"type": "for",
"name": "for each rrmpolicyratio",
"xml": "<for index='idcu-rrm' start='0' end='`$tmp.rrmPolicyRatioList_length`' >\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2029.75,
- "y": 2079.750226020813,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
+ "x": 2059.75,
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"type": "block",
"name": "block : atomic",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"type": "set",
"name": "Calculate updated RRMPolicyRatio",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.rrmPolicyDedicatedRatio_CellCU_new' value='`$tmp.rrmPolicyDedicatedRatiocellCU_old + $tmp.rRMPolicyDedicatedRatio_SliceProfile`' />",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"type": "switchNode",
"name": "ransim mounted",
"xml": "<switch test='`$prop.ransim-mounted`'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2543.75,
- "y": 2127.749997138977,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
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"type": "outcome",
"name": "Not Mounted",
"xml": "<outcome value='false'>\n",
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"name": "fetch RRMPolicyRatio NRCellCU - URL",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.RRMPolicyRatioEntry.ToNRCellCU`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.getRRMPolicyRatio.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idNearRTRIC}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.nearRTRICId`\"/>\n",
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"name": "Update cellCU for gNBCUCP in ConfigDB",
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+ "fb5bc42b.289a38"
- "id": "1ef058f2.6cc2e7",
+ "id": "f69b5089.b25d4",
"type": "execute",
"name": "read CUUP list size",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.CUUPList_length' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'getNFNSSIRIC-configdb-response.[' + $idy +'].gNBCUUPList_length'`\" />\n ",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 881.75,
- "y": 1471.749997138977,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
+ "x": 911.75,
+ "y": 1501.75,
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"name": "record",
"xml": "<record plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"file\" value=\"/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/instantiateRANSliceModifyAllocate.log\" />\n<parameter name=\"level\" value=\"info\" />\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"Number of CUUP List Entries \"/>\n<parameter name=\"field2\" value=\"`$tmp.CUUPList_length`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field3\" value=\"for the NearRTRIC\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field4\" value=\"`$tmp.nearRTRICId`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 853.75,
- "y": 1536.749997138977,
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+ "x": 883.75,
+ "y": 1566.75,
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"wires": [
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"type": "for",
"name": "foreach CUUP",
"xml": "<for index='id-cuup' start='0' end='`$tmp.CUUPList_length`'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 881.75,
- "y": 1611.749997138977,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
+ "x": 911.75,
+ "y": 1641.75,
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"type": "block",
"name": "block : process CUUP",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1102.75,
- "y": 1618.749997138977,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
+ "x": 1132.75,
+ "y": 1648.75,
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+ "7a2f5f61.b5cd5"
- "id": "4f6e4831.5ed598",
+ "id": "30526248.9b641e",
"type": "execute",
"name": "read CUUP id",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.idGNBCUUPFunction' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'getNFNSSIRIC-configdb-response.['+ $idy +'].gNBCUUPList['+ $id-cuup +'].gNBCUUPId'`\" />",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1356.7500076293945,
- "y": 1440.5277528762817,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
+ "x": 1386.7500076293945,
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"name": "record",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1336.083351135254,
- "y": 1492.3055529594421,
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"type": "block",
"name": "block : atomic",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1335.75,
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- "id": "c5f6d3d4.1bebd",
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"type": "execute",
"name": "patch PLMNInfoListEntry gNBCUUP",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"templateFileName\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.templateDir + '/ranSlice-patch-sNSSAI-NRCellCU.json'`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.controller.url + $tmp.patchPLMNInfoList-CUUP.url`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"restapiUser\" value=\"`$prop.controller.user`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiPassword\" value=\"`$prop.controller.pwd`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"PATCH\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"patch-gNBCUUP-PLMNInfoList-response\"/>\n<parameter name='contentType' value='application/yang.patch+json' />\n<parameter name='accept' value='application/yang.patch-status+json'/>\n<parameter name='format' value='json' />",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1650.4167785644531,
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- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
+ "x": 1680.4167785644531,
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+ "id": "9be815bd.a70df8",
"type": "failure",
"name": "failure",
"xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1946.8612480163574,
- "y": 2936.083517074585,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
+ "x": 1976.8612480163574,
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"name": "block : atomic",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2136.0835189819336,
- "y": 2922.861397743225,
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+ "x": 2166.0835189819336,
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"type": "set",
"name": "set",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='500'/>\n<parameter name='error-message' value='Error patching CUUP PLMNInfoList. Aborting RPC executiopn'/>",
"comments": "",
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"wires": []
- "id": "473bd742.5bc978",
+ "id": "75a0620e.fb099c",
"type": "returnFailure",
"name": "return failure",
"xml": "<return status='failure'>\n<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='500'/>\n<parameter name='error-message' value='Error patching CUUP PLMNInfo. Aborting RPC executiopn'/>",
"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2309.4164237976074,
- "y": 2966.9724168777466,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
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"comments": "",
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"type": "success",
"name": "success",
"xml": "<outcome value='success'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1937.5277481079102,
- "y": 2976.416995048523,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
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"type": "switchNode",
"name": "ransim mounted",
"xml": "<switch test='`$prop.ransim-mounted`'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1602.75,
- "y": 2704.749997138977,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
+ "x": 1632.75,
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+ "id": "18a87053.6eb9d",
"type": "outcome",
"name": "Not Mounted",
"xml": "<outcome value='false'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1810.75,
- "y": 2669.749752998352,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
+ "x": 1840.75,
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"type": "outcome",
"name": "Mounted",
"xml": "<outcome value='true'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1794.3056640625,
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- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
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"type": "execute",
"name": "generate patch PLMNInfoListEntry CUUP URL",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.patchPLMNInfoListEntry.ToGNBCUUP`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.patchPLMNInfoList-CUUP.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idNearRTRIC}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.nearRTRICId`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2130.75,
- "y": 2684.749997138977,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
+ "x": 2160.75,
+ "y": 2714.75,
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "prepare idGNBCUCPFunction",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.patchPLMNInfoList-CUUP.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.patchPLMNInfoList-CUUP.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idGNBCUUPFunction}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.idGNBCUUPFunction`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1614.4166259765625,
- "y": 2749.305711746216,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
+ "x": 1644.4166259765625,
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"wires": [
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+ "id": "2ab85c17.432804",
"type": "set",
"name": "RRMPolicyRatio id",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.RRMPolicyRatio_id' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'get-rrmpolicyratio-response.attributes.RRMPolicyRatio['+ $idcu-rrm+'].id'`\" />\n",
"comments": "",
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"wires": []
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+ "id": "8a75c18b.7a57e",
"type": "set",
"name": "RRMPolicyMember Id",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.RRMPolicyMember_id' value='`$tmp.rrmPolicyMembers+1`'/>\n",
"comments": "",
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"wires": []
- "id": "23364ec2.9ea012",
+ "id": "651554e.32dfcac",
"type": "set",
"name": "Calculate rRMPolicyDedicatedRatio Temp",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.rRMPolicyDedicatedRatio1' value='`$tmp.maxNumberOfDRBsPerCUUP*100`' />\n",
"comments": "",
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"wires": []
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"type": "record",
"name": "record",
"xml": "<record plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"file\" value=\"/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/instantiateRANSliceModifyAllocate.log\" />\n<parameter name=\"level\" value=\"info\" />\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"RRMPolicyRatio for this profile is - \"/>\n<parameter name=\"field2\" value=\"`$tmp.rRMPolicyDedicatedRatio-CUUP`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1576.0835304260254,
- "y": 3079.1949553489685,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
+ "x": 1606.0835304260254,
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"wires": [
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+ "id": "540a70f7.6ef82",
"type": "switchNode",
"name": "ransim mounted",
"xml": "<switch test='`$prop.ransim-mounted`'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1593.75,
- "y": 3119.749997138977,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
+ "x": 1623.75,
+ "y": 3149.75,
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+ "id": "b223df9e.74217",
"type": "outcome",
"name": "Not Mounted",
"xml": "<outcome value='false'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1771.75,
- "y": 3086.749752998352,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
+ "x": 1801.75,
+ "y": 3116.749755859375,
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+ "id": "d713d062.9d049",
"type": "execute",
"name": "fetch RRMPolicyRatio CUUP - URL",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.RRMPolicyRatioEntry.ToGNBCUUP`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.getRRMPolicyRatio-CUUP.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idNearRTRIC}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.nearRTRICId`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2066.750030517578,
- "y": 3032.7500534057617,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "prepare idGNBCUUPFunction",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.getRRMPolicyRatio-CUUP.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.getRRMPolicyRatio-CUUP.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idGNBCUUPFunction}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.idGNBCUUPFunction`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"wires": [
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+ "id": "d3280960.b00268",
"type": "execute",
"name": "fetch RRMPolicyRatio - CUUP",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.controller.url + $tmp.getRRMPolicyRatio-CUUP.url`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"restapiUser\" value=\"`$prop.controller.user`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiPassword\" value=\"`$prop.controller.pwd`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"GET\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"get-rrmpolicyratio-cuup-response\"/>\n<parameter name='contentType' value='application/json' /> \n<parameter name='format' value='json' />\n<parameter name='accept' value='application/json' />\n<parameter name=\"convertResponse\" value=\"true\"/>",
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"xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
"comments": "",
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"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
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"comments": "",
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"wires": []
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"name": "return failure",
"xml": "<return status='failure'>\n<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='500'/>\n<parameter name='error-message' value='Error in fetching RRMPolicyRatio. Aborting RPC executiopn'/>",
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"wires": []
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"type": "execute",
"name": "printContext",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='printContext' >\n<parameter name='filename' value='/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/ranSlice-instantiateRANSlice-configrsp-context.log' />\n\n\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"comments": "",
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- "y": 3289.9723348617554,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
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+ "id": "113ea23f.66f80e",
"type": "success",
"name": "success",
"xml": "<outcome value='success'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1867.7500953674316,
- "y": 3291.750178337097,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
+ "x": 1897.7500953674316,
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"type": "for",
"name": "for each rrmpolicyratio",
"xml": "<for index='idcuup-rrm' start='0' end='`$tmp.rrmPolicyRatioList_CUUP_length`' >\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
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"name": "block : atomic",
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"type": "set",
"name": "Calculate updated RRMPolicyRatio",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.rrmPolicyDedicatedRatio_CUUP_updated' value=\"`$tmp.rrmPolicyDedicatedRatio_CUUP + $tmp.rRMPolicyDedicatedRatio-CUUP`\" />",
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"type": "switchNode",
"name": "ransim mounted",
"xml": "<switch test='`$prop.ransim-mounted`'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2103.416603088379,
- "y": 3534.1944851875305,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
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"type": "outcome",
"name": "Not Mounted",
"xml": "<outcome value='false'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2320.4167251586914,
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"type": "execute",
"name": "patch RRMPolicyRatio CUUP- URL",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.RRMPolicyRatioEntry.ToGNBCUUP`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.getRRMPolicyRatio-CUUP.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idNearRTRIC}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.nearRTRICId`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 3500.083619117737,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
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"name": "RRMPolicyMember Id",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.RRMPolicyMember_id' value=\"`$tmp.rrmPolicyMembers-CUUP+1`\" />",
"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "patch CUUP- RRMPolicyRatio",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"templateFileName\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.templateDir + '/ranSlice-patch-RRMPolicyRatio-NRCellCU.json'`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.controller.url + $tmp.getRRMPolicyRatio-CUUP.url`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"restapiUser\" value=\"`$prop.controller.user`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiPassword\" value=\"`$prop.controller.pwd`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"PATCH\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"patch-CUUP-RRMPolicyRatio-response\"/>\n<parameter name='contentType' value='application/yang.patch+json' />\n<parameter name='accept' value='application/yang.patch-status+json'/>\n<parameter name='format' value='json' />",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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+ "id": "75909dc4.f5ff34",
"type": "success",
"name": "success",
"xml": "<outcome value='success'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2404.4166259765625,
- "y": 3706.083249092102,
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"name": "block : atomic",
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"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"name": "set",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='500'/>\n<parameter name='error-message' value='Error patching cellCU RRMPolicyRatio. Aborting RPC executiopn'/>",
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"wires": []
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"type": "returnFailure",
"name": "return failure",
"xml": "<return status='failure'>\n<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='500'/>\n<parameter name='error-message' value='Error updating nearRTRIC info in ConfigDB. Aborting RPC executiopn'/>",
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"name": "block : atomic",
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"comments": "",
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"type": "failure",
"name": "failure",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"name": "block : atomic",
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"comments": "",
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"type": "execute",
"name": "Update gNBCUUP in ConfigDB",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.configdb.url + $prop.restapi.configdb.updategNBCUUP`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"templateFileName\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.templateDir + '/ranSlice-configDB-updategNBCUUP.json'`\" />\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"PUT\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"update-gNBCUUP-configdb-response\"/>\n<parameter name='contentType' value='application/json' /> \n<parameter name='format' value='json' />\n<parameter name='accept' value='application/json' />\n<parameter name=\"convertResponse\" value=\"true\"/>",
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"name": "failure",
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"comments": "",
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"name": "return failure",
"xml": "<return status='failure'>\n<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='500'/>\n<parameter name='error-message' value='Error updating CUUP-PLMNInfo in ConfigDB. Aborting RPC executiopn'/>",
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"name": "set",
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"name": "set",
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"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.configdb.url + $prop.restapi.configdb.updateRRMPolicy`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"templateFileName\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.templateDir + '/ranSlice-configDB-updateRRMPolicy-CUUP.json'`\" />\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"PUT\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"update-gNBCUUP-rrmpolicy-configdb-response\"/>\n<parameter name='contentType' value='application/json' /> \n<parameter name='format' value='json' />\n<parameter name='accept' value='application/json' />\n<parameter name=\"convertResponse\" value=\"true\"/>",
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"type": "block",
"name": "Process gNBDU",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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+ "853eadbb.42442"
- "id": "b26ca130.207ff",
+ "id": "cfc674b2.d812d8",
"type": "execute",
"name": "read DUlist size",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.DUList_length' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'getNFNSSIRIC-configdb-response.[' + $idy +'].gNBDUList_length'`\" />\n ",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"comments": "",
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"name": "foreach DU",
"xml": "<for index='id-du' start='0' end='`$tmp.DUList_length`'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1236.5002975463867,
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"type": "block",
"name": "block : process gNBDU",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"type": "execute",
"name": "read DU id",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.GNBDUId' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'getNFNSSIRIC-configdb-response.['+ $idy +'].gNBDUList['+ $id-du +'].gNBDUId'`\" />",
"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"type": "for",
"name": "for cellDUList",
"xml": "<for index='id-celldu' start='0' end='`$tmp.cellDUList_length`' >\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"comments": "",
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"name": "ransim mounted",
"xml": "<switch test='`$prop.ransim-mounted`'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"type": "outcome",
"name": "Not Mounted",
"xml": "<outcome value='false'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"type": "outcome",
"name": "Mounted",
"xml": "<outcome value='true'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"type": "execute",
"name": "generate patch PLMNInfoListEntry ToNRCellDU",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.patchPLMNInfoListEntry.ToNRCellDU`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.patchPLMNInfoListEntry-cellDU.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idNearRTRIC}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.nearRTRICId`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
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"wires": [
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"name": "read cellDU",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.cellDULocalId' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'getNFNSSIRIC-configdb-response.['+ $idy +'].gNBDUList['+ $id-du +'].cellDUList['+ $id-celldu +'].cellLocalId'`\" />",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "prepare idGNBDUFunction",
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"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"name": "patch PLMNInfoListEntry ToNRCellDU",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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+ "x": 3122.250213623047,
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+ "id": "79732e1e.48d5",
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"name": "failure",
"xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
"comments": "",
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- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
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"type": "success",
"name": "success",
"xml": "<outcome value='success'>\n",
"comments": "",
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"name": "block : atomic",
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"comments": "",
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"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
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"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
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"wires": [
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"name": "return failure",
"xml": "<return status='failure'>\n<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='500'/>\n<parameter name='error-message' value='Error updating NECellDU - PLMNInfo. Aborting RPC executiopn'/>",
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"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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+ "y": 5294.75,
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"type": "switchNode",
"name": "ransim mounted",
"xml": "<switch test='`$prop.ransim-mounted`'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"type": "outcome",
"name": "Not Mounted",
"xml": "<outcome value='false'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3367.2147064208984,
- "y": 5183.036772727966,
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"type": "execute",
"name": "fetch RRMPolicyRatio NRCellDU - URL",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.RRMPolicyRatioEntry.ToGNBDU`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.getRRMPolicyRatio-gNBDU.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idNearRTRIC}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.nearRTRICId`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"name": "prepare idGNBDUFunction",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.getRRMPolicyRatio-gNBDU.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.getRRMPolicyRatio-gNBDU.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idGNBDUFunction}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.GNBDUId`\"/>\n",
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"name": "prepare idNRCellDU",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "fetch RRMPolicyRatio - NRCellDU",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.controller.url + $tmp.getRRMPolicyRatio-gNBDU.url`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"restapiUser\" value=\"`$prop.controller.user`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiPassword\" value=\"`$prop.controller.pwd`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"GET\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"get-rrmpolicyratio-du-response\"/>\n<parameter name='contentType' value='application/json' /> \n<parameter name='format' value='json' />\n<parameter name='accept' value='application/json' />\n<parameter name=\"convertResponse\" value=\"true\"/>",
"comments": "",
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+ "id": "2f7546d9.06953a",
"type": "failure",
"name": "failure",
"xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
"comments": "",
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"name": "success",
"xml": "<outcome value='success'>\n",
"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"name": "set",
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"comments": "",
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"wires": []
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"name": "return failure",
"xml": "<return status='failure'>\n<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='500'/>\n<parameter name='error-message' value='Error in Fetching RRMPolicyRatio - CellDU. Aborting RPC executiopn'/>",
"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "printContext",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='printContext' >\n<parameter name='filename' value='/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/ranSlice-instantiateRANSlice-configrsp-context.log' />\n\n\n",
"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"name": "Calculate RRM Parms1",
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"name": "Calculate RRM Parms5",
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"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"wires": []
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"type": "set",
"name": "Calculate RRM Parms7",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.nrcelldu.totalPRBForSNSSAI' value='`$tmp.nearRTRIC.trafficCapacityBPS / 1008000`' />\n",
"comments": "",
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"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.nrcelldu.PRBPerImpactedCell' value='`$tmp.nrcelldu.totalPRBForSNSSAI / $tmp.cellDUList_length`' />\n",
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"name": "calculation9",
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"name": "for each rrmpolicyratio",
"xml": "<for index='iddu-rrm' start='0' end='`$tmp.rrmPolicyRatioDUList_length`' >\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3113.75,
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"name": "Calculate updated RRMPolicyRatio",
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"name": "ransim mounted",
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"comments": "",
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"name": "Not Mounted",
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"comments": "",
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"name": "patchRRMPolicyRatio NRCellDU - URL",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.RRMPolicyRatioEntry.ToGNBDU`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.getRRMPolicyRatio-gNBDU.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idNearRTRIC}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.nearRTRICId`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
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"wires": []
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+ "id": "30b77633.71a56a",
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"name": "return failure",
"xml": "<return status='failure'>\n<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='500'/>\n<parameter name='error-message' value='Error updating RRMPolicyRatio for NRCellDU. Aborting RPC executiopn'/>",
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"name": "failure",
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"comments": "",
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+ "id": "6ec5836d.5ec48c",
"type": "execute",
"name": "Update cellDU for gNBDU in ConfigDB",
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"xml": "<return status='failure'>\n<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='500'/>\n<parameter name='error-message' value='Error updating NRCellDU-RRMPolicyRatio in ConfigDB. Aborting RPC executiopn'/>",
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"name": "Update RRMPolicy for gNBDU in ConfigDB",
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"type": "execute",
"name": "generate patchPLMNInfoList.ToNRCellDU",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.patchPLMNInfoListEntry.ToNRCellDU.ransim-mounted`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.patchPLMNInfoListEntry-cellDU.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idNearRTRIC}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.nearRTRICId`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3675.250431060791,
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- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
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"comments": "",
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"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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+ "id": "c851e662.6c3f88",
"type": "execute",
"name": "generate patchRRMPolicyRatio.ToNRCellDU",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.RRMPolicyRatioEntry.ToGNBDU.ransim-mounted`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.getRRMPolicyRatio-gNBDU.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idNearRTRIC}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.nearRTRICId`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3735.0000495910645,
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "populate mountName",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"type": "execute",
"name": "generate patchRRMPolicyRatio.ToNRCellDU",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.RRMPolicyRatioEntry.ToGNBDU.ransim-mounted`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.getRRMPolicyRatio-gNBDU.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idNearRTRIC}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.nearRTRICId`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
+ "x": 4234.999771118164,
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "populate mountName",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.getRRMPolicyRatio-gNBDU.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.getRRMPolicyRatio-gNBDU.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{mountName}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.GNBDUId`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 4143.714820861816,
- "y": 5607.285742759705,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
+ "x": 4173.714820861816,
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"type": "comment",
"name": "instantiateRANSlice-ModifyAllocate",
"info": "",
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"wires": []
- "id": "6f0046fe.7f6388",
+ "id": "4524ca88.520da4",
"type": "returnSuccess",
"name": "return success",
"xml": "<return status='success'>\n<parameter name=\"ack-final\" value=\"Y\" />\n<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"200\" />\n<parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"SUCCESSFUL Execution\" />",
"comments": "",
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"wires": []
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+ "id": "da9a6518.74e5b8",
"type": "execute",
"name": "set sNSSAI & PLMN id",
"xml": "<set>\n\n<parameter name='tmp.payload.sNSSAI' value='`$payloadJson.input.sliceProfile.snssaiList[0]`'/>\n<parameter name='tmp.payload.pLMNId' value='`$payloadJson.input.sliceProfile.pLMNIdList[0]`'/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 635.4999694824219,
- "y": 164.00000953674316,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
+ "x": 665.4999694824219,
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"type": "set",
"name": "Calculate maxNumberOfConnsPercellCU * 100",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.rRMPolicyDedicatedRatio.CellCU1' value='`$tmp.maxNumberOfConnsPercellCU * 100`' />\n",
"comments": "",
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"wires": []
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+ "id": "c8227d61.35758",
"type": "set",
"name": "Calculate RRMPolicyRatio",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.rRMPolicyDedicatedRatio_SliceProfile' value='`$tmp.rRMPolicyDedicatedRatio.CellCU1 / $prop.nrcellcu.maxNumberOfConnsPerCell`' />",
"comments": "",
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"wires": []
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"type": "set",
"name": "set rrmpolicyratio list size",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.rrmPolicyRatioList_length' value='`$get-rrmpolicyratio-response.attributes.RRMPolicyRatio_length`'/>\n\n ",
"comments": "",
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"wires": []
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+ "id": "f5ecffc5.0f7b9",
"type": "execute",
"name": "read rrmPolicyDedicatedRatio_cellCU",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.rrmPolicyDedicatedRatiocellCU_old' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'get-rrmpolicyratio-response.attributes.RRMPolicyRatio['+ $idcu-rrm +'].attributes.rRMPolicyDedicatedRatio'`\" />\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2570.4999866485596,
- "y": 2025.0000820159912,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
+ "x": 2600.4999866485596,
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"wires": [
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"type": "block",
"name": "Get Cells List in TA",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
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"type": "execute",
"name": "generate getListOfCells URL",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.configdb.getListOfCells`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.configdb.getListOfCells.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{trackingArea}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.payload.trackingArea`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"name": "Get ListOfCells for TrackingArea",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.configdb.url + $tmp.configdb.getListOfCells.url`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"GET\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"getListofCells-configdb-response\"/>\n<parameter name='contentType' value='application/json' /> \n<parameter name='format' value='json' />\n<parameter name='accept' value='application/json' />",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"type": "for",
"name": "For list of cells",
"xml": "<for index='idx' start='0' end='`$getListofCells-configdb-response._length `' >",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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+ "id": "631dafc6.b9cac",
"type": "execute",
"name": "printContext",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='printContext' >\n<parameter name='filename' value='/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/ranSlice-instantiateRANSlice-configrsp-context.log' />\n\n\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "Cells in TrackingArea",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.trackingarea.cell' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'getListofCells-configdb-response.[' + $idx + ']'`\" />",
"comments": "",
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"type": "set",
"name": "set",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='500'/>\n<parameter name='error-message' value='Error Getting Info from ConfigDB. Aborting RPC executiopn'/>",
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"wires": []
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+ "id": "cfb227e0.e92678",
"type": "returnFailure",
"name": "return failure",
"xml": "<return status='failure'>\n<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='500'/>\n<parameter name='error-message' value='Error Getting Info from ConfigDB. Aborting RPC executiopn'/>",
"comments": "",
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"wires": []
- "id": "451a06f1.e68438",
+ "id": "6096b89c.76c6f8",
"type": "for",
"name": "foreach TACell",
"xml": "<for index='id-ta' start='0' end='`$getListofCells-configdb-response._length`' >\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1992.833381652832,
- "y": 901.3612098693848,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
+ "x": 2022.833381652832,
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"type": "switchNode",
"name": "is cellCU applicable for NSSAI",
"xml": "<switch test='`$tmp.cellCULocalId == $tmp.cellCU2`'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2241.75,
- "y": 836.499997138977,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
+ "x": 2271.75,
+ "y": 866.5,
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"type": "outcome",
"name": "Applicable",
"xml": "<outcome value='true'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2182.75,
- "y": 909.499997138977,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
+ "x": 2212.75,
+ "y": 939.5,
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"type": "block",
"name": "block : atomic",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2034.75,
- "y": 736.499997138977,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
+ "x": 2064.75,
+ "y": 766.5,
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+ "684301d2.a20c1"
- "id": "30c1ba1c.3122f6",
+ "id": "49662f8c.bcd88",
"type": "execute",
"name": "read Cell from getNFNSSIRIC-configdb-response",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.cellCULocalId' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'getNFNSSIRIC-configdb-response.['+ $idy +'].gNBCUCPList['+ $idz +'].cellCUList['+ $idcu +'].cellLocalId'`\" />",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2360.75,
- "y": 679.499997138977,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
+ "x": 2390.75,
+ "y": 709.5,
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"wires": [
- "id": "8d003d00.b29f2",
+ "id": "684301d2.a20c1",
"type": "execute",
"name": "read cellCU from getListofCells-configdb-response",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.cellCU2' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'getListofCells-configdb-response.[' + $id-ta + ']'`\" />",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2370.75,
- "y": 744.499997138977,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
+ "x": 2400.75,
+ "y": 774.5,
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2515.944496154785,
- "y": 2269.611144065857,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "prepare idGNBCUCPFunction",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.getRRMPolicyRatio.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.getRRMPolicyRatio.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idGNBCUCPFunction}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.CUCPName`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2800.666549682617,
- "y": 2135.444312095642,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "prepare idNRCellCU",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.getRRMPolicyRatio.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.getRRMPolicyRatio.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idNRCellCU}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.cellCULocalId`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2795.222007751465,
- "y": 2165.44455242157,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
+ "x": 2825.222007751465,
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+ "z": "851f20d0.cecb9",
"wires": [
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+ "id": "8db65cb2.433a",
"type": "execute",
"name": "read rrmPolicyMemberListLength",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.rrmPolicyMembers' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'get-rrmpolicyratio-response.attributes.RRMPolicyRatio['+ $idcu-rrm+ ']'.attributes.rRMPolicyMemberList_length'`\" />\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2805.944625854492,
- "y": 2198.777895927429,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
+ "x": 2835.944625854492,
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"wires": [
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"type": "set",
"name": "set API params",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.cellLocalId' value='`$tmp.cellCULocalId`'/>\n<parameter name='tmp.maxNumberOfConns' value='`$tmp.payload.maxNumberofConns`'/>\n<parameter name='tmp.gNBCUCPList.gNBCUName' value='`$tmp.CUCPName`'/>\n<parameter name='tmp.gNBCUCPList.gNBId' value='`$tmp.gNBId`'/>\n<parameter name='tmp.gNBCUCPList.nFType' value='RRC Connected Users'/>\n ",
"comments": "",
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"xml": "<record plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"file\" value=\"/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/instantiateRANSliceModifyAllocate.log\" />\n<parameter name=\"level\" value=\"info\" />\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"cellLocalId\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field2\" value=\"`$tmp.cellLocalId`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field3\" value=\"pLMNId\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field4\" value=\"`$tmp.payload.pLMNId`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field5\" value=\"maxNumberOfConns\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field6\" value=\"`$tmp.maxNumberOfConns`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field7\" value=\"gNBCUName\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field8\" value=\"`$tmp.gNBCUCPList.gNBCUName`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field9\" value=\"gNBId\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field10\" value=\"`$tmp.gNBCUCPList.gNBId`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field11\" value=\"nFType\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field12\" value=\"`$tmp.gNBCUCPList.nFType`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 2242.666621208191,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
+ "x": 1909.9721794128418,
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"comments": "",
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- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
- "wires": [
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- {
- "id": "e5c03462.fa86e8",
- "type": "execute",
- "name": "get PLMNId URL",
- "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.configdb.getplmn`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.configdb.getPLMNId.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{sliceProfileId}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.payload.sliceProfileId`\"/>",
- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 669.9375,
- "y": 343.18749713897705,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
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- "comments": "",
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- "x": 643.4375686645508,
- "y": 386.18753147125244,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
- "wires": [
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- ]
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- "id": "d2cc7abd.c97368",
- "type": "execute",
- "name": "Get PLMN from Sliceprofile id",
- "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.configdb.url + $tmp.configdb.getPLMNId.url`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"GET\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"getPLMN-configdb-response\"/>\n<parameter name='contentType' value='application/json' /> \n<parameter name='format' value='json' />\n<parameter name='accept' value='application/json' />\n<parameter name=\"convertResponse\" value=\"true\"/>",
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- "id": "db7c909d.0349f",
- "type": "execute",
- "name": "find MCC",
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- "id": "10c59f19.bc3e91",
- "type": "execute",
- "name": "find MNC",
- "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='substring'>\n <parameter name=\"string\" value=\"`$tmp.pLMNId`\" />\n <parameter name=\"result\" value=\"tmp.mnc\"/>\n <parameter name=\"begin-index\" value=\"4\" />",
- "comments": "",
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- "x": 655.9375762939453,
- "y": 546.6874504089355,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
- "wires": [
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- ]
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- "type": "block",
- "name": "get PLMNId",
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- "atomic": "true",
- "comments": "",
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- "x": 404.93750762939453,
- "y": 453.18750286102295,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
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- "id": "2969fa25.1ec4a6",
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- "comments": "",
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- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
- "wires": []
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- {
- "id": "5eb99eb9.515aa",
- "type": "success",
- "name": "success",
- "xml": "<outcome value='success'>\n",
- "comments": "",
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- "y": 434.43749713897705,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
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- "comments": "",
- "outputs": 1,
- "x": 1322.4370307922363,
- "y": 423.1875944137573,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
+ "x": 1893.6875,
+ "y": 2187.25,
+ "z": "851f20d0.cecb9",
"wires": [
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- "type": "execute",
- "name": "printContext",
- "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='printContext' >\n<parameter name='filename' value='/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/ranSlice-instantiateRANSlice-configrsp-context.log' />\n\n\n",
- "comments": "",
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- "x": 1358.215244293213,
- "y": 466.4376029968262,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
- "wires": [
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- ]
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- {
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+ "id": "8ae4e7a8.66a468",
"type": "set",
"name": "set API params",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.rRMPolicyDedicatedRatio.CellCU' value='`$tmp.rrmPolicyDedicatedRatio_CellCU_new`'/>\n<parameter name='tmp.resourceID' value='`$tmp.cellCULocalId`'/>",
"comments": "",
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"wires": []
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"name": "record",
"xml": "<record plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"file\" value=\"/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/instantiateRANSliceModifyAllocate.log\" />\n<parameter name=\"level\" value=\"info\" />\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"rRMPolicyDedicatedRatio\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field2\" value=\"`$tmp.rRMPolicyDedicatedRatio.CellCU`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field3\" value=\"pLMNId\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field4\" value=\"`$tmp.payload.pLMNId`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field5\" value=\"sNSSAI\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field6\" value=\"`$tmp.payload.sNSSAI`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field7\" value=\"rrmPolicyID\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field8\" value=\"`$prop.configDB.rrmPolicyID`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field9\" value=\"resourceID\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field10\" value=\"`$tmp.resourceID`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2009.5627059936523,
- "y": 2615.035126686096,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
+ "x": 2039.5627059936523,
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"wires": [
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+ "id": "d036625e.6fa45",
"type": "execute",
"name": "generate getRRMPolicyRatio URL",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.configdb.getRRMPolicyRatio`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.configdb.getRRMPolicyRatio-existing.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{resourceType}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"RRC Connected Users\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1977.7222137451172,
- "y": 2319.055624961853,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
+ "x": 2007.7222137451172,
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"wires": [
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+ "id": "448a23c3.9d7ecc",
"type": "execute",
"name": "Get rrmPolicy by resourceid",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.configdb.url + $tmp.configdb.getRRMPolicyRatio-existing.url`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"GET\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"getrrmpolicyratioinfo-configdb-response\"/>\n<parameter name='contentType' value='application/json' /> \n<parameter name='format' value='json' />\n<parameter name='accept' value='application/json' />",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1980.1109161376953,
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- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
+ "x": 2010.1109161376953,
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"type": "execute",
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"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.configdb.getRRMPolicyRatio-existing.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.configdb.getRRMPolicyRatio-existing.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{resourceId}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.cellCULocalId`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1933.2776947021484,
- "y": 2348.2222385406494,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
+ "x": 1963.2776947021484,
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+ "id": "25f5099c.8fa316",
"type": "failure",
"name": "failure",
"xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2283.833251953125,
- "y": 2474.055417060852,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
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+ "id": "3c1b796b.5b30c6",
"type": "success",
"name": "success",
"xml": "<outcome value='success'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2287.9443130493164,
- "y": 2519.277719974518,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
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"name": "block : atomic",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 2472.0553970336914,
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+ "x": 2465.833543777466,
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"type": "set",
"name": "set",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='500'/>\n<parameter name='error-message' value='Error in retrieving RRMPolicyRatio. Aborting RPC executiopn'/>",
"comments": "",
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"wires": []
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+ "id": "41ef315c.d4e56",
"type": "returnFailure",
"name": "return failure",
"xml": "<return status='failure'>\n<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='500'/>\n<parameter name='error-message' value='Error in Fetching RRMPolicyRatio - CellCU. Aborting RPC executiopn'/>",
"comments": "",
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"xml": "<record plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"file\" value=\"/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/instantiateRANSliceModifyAllocate.log\" />\n<parameter name=\"level\" value=\"info\" />\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"Successfully Retrieved - RRMPolicyRatio\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2605.7222442626953,
- "y": 2502.0557680130005,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
+ "x": 2635.7222442626953,
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"wires": [
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"name": "printContext",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='printContext' >\n<parameter name='filename' value='/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/ranSlice-instantiateRANSlice-configrsp-context.log' />\n\n\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2703.9444122314453,
- "y": 2528.3888635635376,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
+ "x": 2733.9444122314453,
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"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
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- "y": 2522.9441957473755,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
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"name": "record",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1917.7221908569336,
- "y": 2383.3887016773224,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
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"wires": [
- "id": "c5fe3b99.1d3e78",
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"type": "set",
"name": "Calculate maxNumberOfDRBsPerNSSAI",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.maxNumberOfDRBsPerNSSAI' value='`$tmp.payload.maxNumberofConns*4`' />",
"comments": "",
- "x": 1665.222183227539,
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+ "x": 1695.222183227539,
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+ "z": "851f20d0.cecb9",
"wires": []
- "id": "a1b8c8f8.74d788",
+ "id": "a029e507.1af008",
"type": "set",
"name": "Calculate maxNumberOfDRBsPerCUUP",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.maxNumberOfDRBsPerCUUP' value='`$tmp.maxNumberOfDRBsPerNSSAI /$tmp.CUUPList_length`' />",
"comments": "",
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"wires": []
- "id": "19ef14fc.39bc0b",
+ "id": "1379639e.bafadc",
"type": "set",
"name": "Calculate RRMPolicyRatio",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.rRMPolicyDedicatedRatio-CUUP' value='`$tmp.rRMPolicyDedicatedRatio1/$prop.cuupfunction.maxNumberOfDRBsPerCUUP`' />",
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"wires": []
- "id": "e10674b2.c2e2b8",
+ "id": "86e8886b.e9c628",
"type": "execute",
"name": "prepare mcc",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.patchPLMNInfoList-CUUP.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.patchPLMNInfoList-CUUP.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{mcc}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.mcc`\"/>\n ",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1611.611083984375,
- "y": 2793.499752998352,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
+ "x": 1641.611083984375,
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "prepare mnc",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.patchPLMNInfoList-CUUP.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.patchPLMNInfoList-CUUP.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{mnc}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.mnc`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1620.5000762939453,
- "y": 2829.722231864929,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
+ "x": 1650.5000762939453,
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"wires": [
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"type": "record",
"name": "record API params",
"xml": "<record plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"file\" value=\"/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/instantiateRANSliceModifyAllocate.log\" />\n<parameter name=\"level\" value=\"info\" />\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"patch CUUP NSSAI parameters\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field2\" value=\"`$tmp.nearRTRICId`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field3\" value=\"`$tmp.idGNBCUUPFunction`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field4\" value=\"`$tmp.mcc`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field5\" value=\"`$tmp.mnc`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field6\" value=\"`$tmp.patchPLMNInfoList-CUUP.url`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1623.3890838623047,
- "y": 2865.7222261428833,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
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"wires": [
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+ "id": "69da97cc.d97eb8",
"type": "execute",
"name": "read existing rrmPolicyDedicatedRatio ",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.rrmPolicyDedicatedRatio_CUUP' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'get-rrmpolicyratio-cuup-response.attributes.RRMPolicyRatio['+ $idcuup-rrm +'].attributes.rRMPolicyDedicatedRatio'`\" />\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2147.4442749023438,
- "y": 3447.944214820862,
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "read rrmPolicyMemberListLength",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.rrmPolicyMembers-CUUP' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'get-rrmpolicyratio-cuup-response.attributes.RRMPolicyRatio['+ $idcuup-rrm+ ']'.attributes.rRMPolicyMemberList_length'`\" />\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2148.0000762939453,
- "y": 3647.9441652297974,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "prepare idGNBCUUPFunction",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.getRRMPolicyRatio-CUUP.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.getRRMPolicyRatio-CUUP.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idGNBCUUPFunction}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.idGNBCUUPFunction`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2151.055419921875,
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"wires": [
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"type": "set",
"name": "set rrmpolicyratio list size",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.rrmPolicyRatioList_CUUP_length' value='`$get-rrmpolicyratio-cuup-response.attributes.RRMPolicyRatio_length`'/>\n\n ",
"comments": "",
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"wires": []
- "id": "b942a6b.7960d58",
+ "id": "34b9c13.ba3c13e",
"type": "execute",
"name": "read RRMPolicyRatio_id",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.RRMPolicyRatio_id' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'get-rrmpolicyratio-cuup-response.attributes.RRMPolicyRatio['+ $idcuup-rrm+'].id'`\" />\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2130.2222061157227,
- "y": 3614.6107473373413,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
+ "x": 2160.2222061157227,
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"name": "record",
"xml": "<record plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"file\" value=\"/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/instantiateRANSliceModifyAllocate.log\" />\n<parameter name=\"level\" value=\"info\" />\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"Config DB update\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1797.0625,
- "y": 3694.749997138977,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
+ "x": 1827.0625,
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"wires": [
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"name": "set API params",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.gNBCUUPList.gNBCUUPId' value='`$tmp.idGNBCUUPFunction`'/>\n<parameter name='tmp.gNBCUUPList.gNBId' value='`$tmp.gNBId`'/>\n<parameter name='tmp.maxNumberOfConns' value='`$tmp.payload.maxNumberofConns`'/>\n ",
"comments": "",
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"wires": []
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"type": "record",
"name": "record",
"xml": "<record plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"file\" value=\"/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/instantiateRANSliceModifyAllocate.log\" />\n<parameter name=\"level\" value=\"info\" />\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"sNSSAI\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field2\" value=\"`$payloadJson.input.sliceProfile.sNSSAI`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field3\" value=\"maxNumberOfConns\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field4\" value=\"`$tmp.maxNumberOfConns`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field5\" value=\"gNBCUUPId\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field6\" value=\"`$tmp.gNBCUUPList.gNBCUUPId`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field7\" value=\"pLMNId\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field8\" value=\"`$tmp.payload.pLMNId`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field9\" value=\"gNBId\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field10\" value=\"`$tmp.gNBCUUPList.gNBId`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1813.3471794128418,
- "y": 3780.166621208191,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "generate getRRMPolicyRatio URL",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.configdb.getRRMPolicyRatio`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.configdb.getRRMPolicyRatio-existing.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{resourceType}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"DRB\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1893.1388397216797,
- "y": 3888.9514303207397,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
+ "x": 1923.1388397216797,
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "prepare resourceId",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.configdb.getRRMPolicyRatio-existing.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.configdb.getRRMPolicyRatio-existing.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{resourceId}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.idGNBCUUPFunction`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1845.360939025879,
- "y": 3932.5623865127563,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
+ "x": 1875.360939025879,
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"type": "record",
"name": "record",
"xml": "<record plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"file\" value=\"/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/instantiateRANSliceModifyAllocate.log\" />\n<parameter name=\"level\" value=\"info\" />\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"get RRMPolicyby Resource URL\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field2\" value=\"`$tmp.configdb.getRRMPolicyRatio-existing.url`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1808.694480895996,
- "y": 3970.0623960494995,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
+ "x": 1838.694480895996,
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"wires": [
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+ "id": "4e9b0acc.4799f4",
"type": "execute",
"name": "Get rrmPolicy by resourceid",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.configdb.url + $tmp.configdb.getRRMPolicyRatio-existing.url`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"GET\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"getrrmpolicyratioinfo-cuup-configdb-response\"/>\n<parameter name='contentType' value='application/json' /> \n<parameter name='format' value='json' />\n<parameter name='accept' value='application/json' />",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1872.1944427490234,
- "y": 3999.7846603393555,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
+ "x": 1902.1944427490234,
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"wires": [
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+ "id": "f381d76b.7c5b58",
"type": "set",
"name": "set API params",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.rRMPolicyDedicatedRatio.CUUP' value='`$tmp.rrmPolicyDedicatedRatio_CUUP_updated`'/>\n<parameter name='tmp.resourceID' value='`$tmp.idGNBCUUPFunction`'/>",
"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"type": "block",
"name": "block : atomic",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"type": "set",
"name": "set",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='500'/>\n<parameter name='error-message' value='Error in retrieving RRMPolicyRatio. Aborting RPC executiopn'/>",
"comments": "",
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"wires": []
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"name": "return failure",
"xml": "<return status='failure'>\n<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='500'/>\n<parameter name='error-message' value='Error in Fetching RRMPolicyRatio - CellCU. Aborting RPC executiopn'/>",
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"wires": []
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"type": "execute",
"name": "printContext",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
+ "x": 2642.9722213745117,
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"comments": "",
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- "y": 4019.3127908706665,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
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"comments": "",
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- "y": 4030.284740447998,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
+ "x": 2218.9168090820312,
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"type": "block",
"name": "block",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
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"comments": "",
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"type": "for",
"name": "foreach TACell",
"xml": "<for index='id-ta' start='0' end='`$getListofCells-configdb-response._length`' >\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2151.47225189209,
- "y": 4402.889130592346,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
+ "x": 2181.47225189209,
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"type": "block",
"name": "block : atomic",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2352.277557373047,
- "y": 4404.694355964661,
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- "id": "bf0671ef.cd08",
+ "id": "e9235cff.bc697",
"type": "execute",
"name": "read Cell from getNFNSSIRIC-configdb-response",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.cellCULocalId' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'getNFNSSIRIC-configdb-response.['+ $idy +'].gNBDUList['+ $id-du +'].cellDUList['+ $id-celldu +'].cellLocalId'`\" />",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "read cellCU from getListofCells-configdb-response",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.cellCU2' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'getListofCells-configdb-response.[' + $id-ta + ']'`\" />",
"comments": "",
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"type": "switchNode",
"name": "is cellCU applicable for NSSAI",
"xml": "<switch test='`$tmp.cellCULocalId == $tmp.cellCU2`'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2597.0553665161133,
- "y": 4315.805633381009,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
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"name": "Applicable",
"xml": "<outcome value='true'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2834.722137451172,
- "y": 4319.91624546051,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"type": "set",
"name": "set rrmpolicyratio list size",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.rrmPolicyRatioDUList_length' value='`$get-rrmpolicyratio-du-response.attributes.RRMPolicyRatio_length`'/>\n\n ",
"comments": "",
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"wires": []
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+ "id": "8c22b1e3.6e53b",
"type": "execute",
"name": "Set existing RRMPolicyRatio",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.rrmPolicyDedicatedRatio_cellDU-old' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'get-rrmpolicyratio-du-response.attributes.RRMPolicyRatio['+ $iddu-rrm +'].attributes.rRMPolicyDedicatedRatio'`\" />\n\t\n\t",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"type": "execute",
"name": "Read RRMPolicyRatioid",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.RRMPolicyRatio_id' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'get-rrmpolicyratio-du-response.attributes.RRMPolicyRatio['+ $iddu-rrm+'].id'`\" />\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "Read RRMPolicyMembers Length",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.RRMPolicyMembersDU_Length' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'get-rrmpolicyratio-du-response.attributes.RRMPolicyRatio['+ $iddu-rrm+ ']'.attributes.rRMPolicyMemberList_length'`\" />\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3620.857208251953,
- "y": 5685.285481452942,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "set gNBDUId",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.getRRMPolicyRatio-gNBDU.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.getRRMPolicyRatio-gNBDU.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idGNBDUFunction}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.GNBDUId`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3787.642822265625,
- "y": 5624.928708076477,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
+ "x": 3817.642822265625,
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "set NRCellDU",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.getRRMPolicyRatio-gNBDU.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.getRRMPolicyRatio-gNBDU.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idNRCellDU}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.cellDULocalId`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3780.5,
- "y": 5656.356930732727,
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"type": "set",
"name": "set API params",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.cellLocalId' value='`$tmp.cellDULocalId`'/>\n<parameter name='tmp.maxNumberOfConns' value='`$tmp.payload.maxNumberofConns`'/>\n<parameter name='tmp.dLThptPerSlice' value='`$tmp.payload.dLThptPerSlice`'/>\n<parameter name='tmp.uLThptPerSlice' value='`$tmp.payload.uLThptPerSlice`'/>\n<parameter name='tmp.gNBId' value='`$tmp.gNBId`'/>\n<parameter name='tmp.gNBDUList.gNBDUId' value='`$tmp.GNBDUId`'/>\n<parameter name='tmp.pLMNId' value='`$tmp.payload.pLMNId`'/>\n ",
"comments": "",
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"wires": []
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+ "id": "4e2b0f1e.b37e9",
"type": "execute",
"name": "generate getRRMPolicyRatio URL",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.configdb.getRRMPolicyRatio`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.configdb.getRRMPolicyRatio-existing.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{resourceType}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"PRB\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3298.375,
- "y": 5900.937497138977,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "prepare resourceId",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.configdb.getRRMPolicyRatio-existing.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.configdb.getRRMPolicyRatio-existing.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{resourceId}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.cellDULocalId`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3256.9305114746094,
- "y": 5940.103959083557,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
+ "x": 3286.9305114746094,
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"name": "record",
"xml": "<record plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"file\" value=\"/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/instantiateRANSliceModifyAllocate.log\" />\n<parameter name=\"level\" value=\"info\" />\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"get RRMPolicyby Resource URL\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field2\" value=\"`$tmp.configdb.getRRMPolicyRatio-existing.url`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3238.374954223633,
- "y": 5974.270541191101,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
+ "x": 3268.374954223633,
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"wires": [
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+ "id": "ebe8ed9f.8997a",
"type": "execute",
"name": "Get rrmPolicy by resourceid",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.configdb.url + $tmp.configdb.getRRMPolicyRatio-existing.url`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"GET\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"getrrmpolicyratioinfoDU-configdb-response\"/>\n<parameter name='contentType' value='application/json' /> \n<parameter name='format' value='json' />\n<parameter name='accept' value='application/json' />",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3300.763702392578,
- "y": 6005.103970527649,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
+ "x": 3330.763702392578,
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- "id": "85dce642.2bebd8",
+ "id": "621f0caa.46eec4",
"type": "failure",
"name": "failure",
"xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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+ "id": "34a437e1.c05138",
"type": "execute",
"name": "set globalCustomerId",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.payload.globalCustomerId' value='`$payloadJson.input.globalSubscriberId`'/>\n",
"comments": "",
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"name": "set serviceType",
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"comments": "",
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"name": "Update RAN Inventory ConfigDB",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.configdb.url + $prop.restapi.configdb.updateRANSliceInventory`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"templateFileName\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.templateDir + '/ranSlice-configDB-updateRANSliceInventory.json'`\" />\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"PUT\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"update-inventory-configdb-response\"/>\n<parameter name='contentType' value='application/json' /> \n<parameter name='format' value='json' />\n<parameter name='accept' value='application/json' />\n<parameter name=\"convertResponse\" value=\"true\"/>",
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- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
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"comments": "",
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"wires": []
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"name": "return failure",
"xml": "<return status='failure'>\n<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='500'/>\n<parameter name='error-message' value='Error updating inventory in ConfigDB. Aborting RPC executiopn'/>",
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"comments": "",
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"name": "set API params",
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"wires": []
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"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"type": "for",
"name": "For coverageAreaTAList",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "name": "printContext",
- "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='printContext' >\n<parameter name='filename' value='/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/ranSlice-instantiateRANSlice-configrsp-context.log' />\n\n\n",
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+ "id": "11096942.0fe4b7",
"type": "execute",
"name": "read trackingArea",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.payload.trackingArea' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'payloadJson.input.sliceProfile.coverageAreaTAList['+ $ta+']'`\" />\n",
"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"name": "for each rrmpolicyratio",
"xml": "<for index='idcuup-rrm1' start='0' end='`$tmp.rrmPolicyRatio_configdb_length`' >\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1798.0001678466797,
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- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
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"comments": "",
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+ "id": "23354179.3a37be",
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"wires": []
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"comments": "",
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"type": "set",
"name": "set rrmpolicyratioid",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='prop.configDB.rrmPolicyID' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'getrrmpolicyratioinfoDU-configdb-response.['+$iddu-rrm1+'].rrmPolicyID'`\" />\n",
"comments": "",
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"wires": []
- "id": "80361e5c.20845",
+ "id": "a7e4a69a.4eee18",
"type": "set",
"name": "set rrmpolicyratio list size",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.rrmPolicyRatioConfigDB_length' value='`$getrrmpolicyratioinfo-configdb-response._length`'/>\n\n ",
"comments": "",
- "x": 1974.5,
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"wires": []
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"type": "for",
"name": "for each rrmpolicyratio",
"xml": "<for index='idcu-rrm1' start='0' end='`$tmp.rrmPolicyRatioConfigDB_length`' >\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1791.500114440918,
- "y": 2497.2500925064087,
- "z": "759e49d3.adb538",
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"name": "block : atomic",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"type": "set",
"name": "set rrmpolicyratio list size",
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"comments": "",
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"name": "for each rrmpolicyratio",
"xml": "<for index='iddu-rrm1' start='0' end='`$tmp.rrmPolicyRatioDUList_length`' >\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3270,
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+ "x": 3300,
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+++ b/platform-logic/ran-slice-api/src/main/json/ran-slice-api_instantiateRANSliceReconfigure.json
@@ -1,36 +1,36 @@
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"name": "method",
"xml": "<method rpc='instantiateRANSliceReconfigure' mode='sync'>\n",
"comments": "",
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"name": "DGSTART",
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"name": "ran-slice-api ${project.version}",
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@@ -38,2111 +38,2137 @@
"comments": "",
"xml": "<service-logic xmlns='' xmlns:xsi='' xsi:schemaLocation=' ./svclogic.xsd' module='ran-slice-api' version='${project.version}'>",
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"name": "return success",
"xml": "<return status='success'>\n<parameter name=\"ack-final\" value=\"N\" />\n<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"200\" />\n<parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"SUCCESSFUL Execution\" />",
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"name": "add RRM Policy ToNRCellDU using PUT",
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"comments": "",
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"name": "Intelligent Slicing",
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"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"type": "execute",
"name": "Update slice profile for nearRTRIC",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"templateFileName\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.templateDir + '/ranSlice-closed-loop-nearRTRIC-patch.json'`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.controller.url + $tmp.restapi.addSliceProfile.ToNearRTRIC.url`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"restapiUser\" value=\"`$prop.controller.user`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiPassword\" value=\"`$prop.controller.pwd`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"PATCH\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"nearRTRIC-slice-patch-response\"/>\n<parameter name='contentType' value='application/yang.patch+json' /> \n<parameter name='format' value='json' />\n<parameter name='accept' value='application/yang.patch-status+json' />",
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"comments": "",
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"name": "Populate MOUNT NAME",
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"comments": "",
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"name": "Populate addSliceProfile.ToNearRTRIC URL",
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"name": "Populate addSliceProfile.ToNearRTRIC URL",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.restapi.addSliceProfile.ToNearRTRIC.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.restapi.addSliceProfile.ToNearRTRIC.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{sliceProfileId}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.sliceProfileId`\"/>",
"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"comments": "",
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"name": "set Temp Variables",
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"type": "for",
"name": "For Number of patches",
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"comments": "",
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"type": "set",
"name": "set",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='500'/>\n<parameter name='error-message' value='Error Patching slice profile parms for close loop. Exiting close loop operation'/>",
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"wires": []
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"name": "return failure",
"xml": "<return status='failure'>\n<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='500'/>\n<parameter name='error-message' value='Error Patching slice profile parms for close loop. Exiting close loop operation'/>",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "z": "d1da56d7.1e7b78",
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"name": "printContext",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='printContext' >\n<parameter name='filename' value='/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/ranSlice-closedloop-nearRTRIC-context.log' />\n\n\n",
"comments": "",
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- "z": "d1da56d7.1e7b78",
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"wires": []
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"type": "for",
"name": "For Number of data Points",
"xml": "<for index='id-is' start='0' end=\"`$tmp.payload.dataPoints`\" >",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"name": "get PLMNId",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"name": "Get PLMN from Sliceprofile id",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.configdb.url + $tmp.configdb.getPLMNId.url`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"GET\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"getPLMN-CL-configdb-response\"/>\n<parameter name='contentType' value='application/json' /> \n<parameter name='format' value='json' />\n<parameter name='accept' value='application/json' />\n<parameter name=\"convertResponse\" value=\"true\"/>",
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"name": "set PLMNId",
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"wires": []
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"type": "execute",
"name": "find MCC",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='substring'>\n <parameter name=\"string\" value=\"`$tmp.pLMNId`\" />\n <parameter name=\"result\" value=\"tmp.mcc\"/>\n <parameter name=\"begin-index\" value=\"0\" />\n <parameter name=\"end-index\" value=\"3\" />",
"comments": "",
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "find MNC",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='substring'>\n <parameter name=\"string\" value=\"`$tmp.pLMNId`\" />\n <parameter name=\"result\" value=\"tmp.mnc\"/>\n <parameter name=\"begin-index\" value=\"4\" />",
"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"wires": [
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"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"name": "printContext",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='printContext' >\n<parameter name='filename' value='/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/ranSlice-instantiateRANSlice-configrsp-context.log' />\n\n\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"name": "set",
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"wires": []
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+ "id": "197cdde3.d46d22",
"type": "returnFailure",
"name": "return failure",
"xml": "<return status='failure'>\n<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='500'/>\n<parameter name='error-message' value='Error Getting Info from ConfigDB. Aborting RPC executiopn'/>",
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"name": "Update NearRTRIC Config",
"xml": "<block atomic=\"true\">",
"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"type": "switchNode",
"name": "ransim mounted",
"xml": "<switch test='`$prop.ransim-mounted`'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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+ "id": "a3a3615e.3cea9",
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"name": "Not Mounted",
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"name": "generate addnSSAIEntry.ToNearRTRIC URL",
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"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.addnSSAIEntry.ToNearRTRIC.ransim-mounted`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.restapi.addnSSAIEntry.ToNearRTRIC.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idNearRTRIC}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.nearRTRICId`\"/>",
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"name": "Populate MOUNT NAME",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.restapi.addnSSAIEntry.ToNearRTRIC.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.restapi.addnSSAIEntry.ToNearRTRIC.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{mountName}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.nearRTRICId`\"/>",
"comments": "",
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"type": "execute",
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"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.restapi.addnSSAIEntry.ToNearRTRIC.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.restapi.addnSSAIEntry.ToNearRTRIC.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{mcc}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.mcc`\"/>",
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"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.restapi.addnSSAIEntry.ToNearRTRIC.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.restapi.addnSSAIEntry.ToNearRTRIC.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{mnc}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.mnc`\"/>",
"comments": "",
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"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.restapi.addnSSAIEntry.ToNearRTRIC.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.restapi.addnSSAIEntry.ToNearRTRIC.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{sNssai}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.payload.sNSSAI`\"/>",
"comments": "",
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"type": "execute",
"name": "prepare uLThptPerSlice",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.restapi.addnSSAIEntry.ToNearRTRIC.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.restapi.addnSSAIEntry.ToNearRTRIC.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{configParameter}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.uLThptPerSlice`\"/>",
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"name": "prepare dLThptPerSlice",
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"comments": "",
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"wires": []
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"type": "returnFailure",
"name": "return failure",
"xml": "<return status='failure'>\n<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='500'/>\n<parameter name='error-message' value='Error Getting Info from ConfigDB. Aborting RPC executiopn'/>",
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"wires": []
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+ "id": "2b9caae9.350b86",
"type": "execute",
"name": "patch NearRTRIC - config",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"templateFileName\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.templateDir + '/ranSlice-closed-loop-nearRTRIC-config-patch.json'`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.controller.url + $tmp.restapi.addnSSAIEntry.ToNearRTRIC.url`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"restapiUser\" value=\"`$prop.controller.user`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiPassword\" value=\"`$prop.controller.pwd`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"PATCH\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"patch-nearRTRIC-config-response\"/>\n<parameter name='contentType' value='application/yang.patch+json' />\n<parameter name='accept' value='application/yang.patch-status+json'/>\n<parameter name='format' value='json' />",
"comments": "",
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"type": "set",
"name": "set tmp variables for SO response",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name=\"tmp.status\" value=\"`$error-code`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"tmp.reason\" value=\"`$error-message`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"tmp.requestID\" value=\"`$instantiate-r-a-n-slice-input.common-header.request-id `\"/>\n<parameter name=\"tmp.action\" value=\"`$instantiate-r-a-n-slice-input.action`\"/>\n",
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"wires": []
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+ "id": "d5e822c6.e425",
"type": "execute",
"name": "Send to SO",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"templateFileName\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.templateDir + '/ranSlice-so-response.json'`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$payloadJson.input.callbackURL`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"POST\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"so-callback-response\"/>\n<parameter name='contentType' value='application/json' /> \n<parameter name='format' value='json' />\n<parameter name='accept' value='*/*' />\n<parameter name=\"restapiUser\" value=\"`$`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiPassword\" value=\"`$`\"/>",
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"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"name": "generate addnSSAIEntry.ToNearRTRIC URL",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.addnSSAIEntry.ToNearRTRIC`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.restapi.addnSSAIEntry.ToNearRTRIC.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idNearRTRIC}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.nearRTRICId`\"/>",
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"name": "generate addnSSAIEntry.ToNearRTRIC URL",
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"type": "execute",
"name": "Populate MOUNT NAME",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.restapi.addnSSAIEntry.ToNearRTRIC.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.restapi.addnSSAIEntry.ToNearRTRIC.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{mountName}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.nearRTRICId`\"/>",
"comments": "",
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"type": "switchNode",
"name": "ransim mounted",
"xml": "<switch test='`$prop.ransim-mounted`'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 1055.750005722046,
- "z": "d1da56d7.1e7b78",
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"type": "execute",
"name": "prepare mcc",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.restapi.addnSSAIEntry.ToNearRTRIC.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.restapi.addnSSAIEntry.ToNearRTRIC.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{mcc}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.mcc`\"/>",
"comments": "",
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "prepare mnc",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.restapi.addnSSAIEntry.ToNearRTRIC.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.restapi.addnSSAIEntry.ToNearRTRIC.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{mnc}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.mnc`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1448.0000381469727,
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"type": "for",
"name": "For Number of cells",
"xml": "<for index='id2' start='0' end=\"`$tmp.CUCellListEntries`\" >",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"name": "cellLocalId",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.cellLocalId' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'['+$id-is+'].cellCUList['+$id2+'].cellLocalId'`\" />",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "z": "d1da56d7.1e7b78",
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"name": "block : atomic",
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"atomic": "true",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1671.5,
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- "z": "d1da56d7.1e7b78",
+ "x": 1715.4375,
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+ "id": "fa247a04.5db3f8",
"type": "execute",
"name": "predictedMaxNumberofConns",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.predictedMaxNumberofConns' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'['+$id-is+'].cellCUList['+$id2+'].configData.predictedMaxNumberofConns'`\" />",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1929.2500457763672,
- "y": 1275.7501058578491,
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "patch NearRTRIC - config",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"templateFileName\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.templateDir + '/ranSlice-closed-loop-nearRTRIC-config-patch.json'`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.controller.url + $tmp.restapi.addnSSAIEntry.ToNearRTRIC.url`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"restapiUser\" value=\"`$prop.controller.user`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiPassword\" value=\"`$prop.controller.pwd`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"PATCH\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"patch-nearRTRIC-config-response\"/>\n<parameter name='contentType' value='application/yang.patch+json' />\n<parameter name='accept' value='application/yang.patch-status+json'/>\n<parameter name='format' value='json' />",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "z": "d1da56d7.1e7b78",
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+ "id": "4c0b32fd.c75afc",
"type": "success",
"name": "success",
"xml": "<outcome value='success'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2152.5,
- "y": 1384.000012397766,
- "z": "d1da56d7.1e7b78",
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"type": "failure",
"name": "failure",
"xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
"comments": "",
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- "y": 1433.5625114440918,
- "z": "d1da56d7.1e7b78",
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"name": "block",
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"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"type": "returnFailure",
"name": "return failure",
"xml": "<return status='failure'>\n<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='500'/>\n<parameter name='error-message' value='Error Getting Info from ConfigDB. Aborting RPC executiopn'/>",
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"type": "set",
"name": "set",
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"comments": "",
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"xml": "<record plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"file\" value=\"/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/closedLoop.log\" />\n<parameter name=\"level\" value=\"info\" />\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"Successfully patched NearRTRIC configuration\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "CUCellListEntries",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.CUCellListEntries' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'['+$id-is+'].cellCUList_length'`\" />\n\t",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "z": "d1da56d7.1e7b78",
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"xml": "<record plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"file\" value=\"/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/intelligentSlicing.log\" />\n<parameter name=\"level\" value=\"info\" />\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"CUCEll List length \"/>\n<parameter name=\"field2\" value=\"`$tmp.CUCellListEntries`\"/>\n\n\n\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1442.75,
- "y": 1235,
- "z": "d1da56d7.1e7b78",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"name": "set Temp Variables",
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"comments": "",
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"type": "set",
"name": "set mcc & mnc Variables",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.mcc' value='`$tmp.plmnList[0]`'/>\n<parameter name='tmp.mnc' value='`$tmp.plmnList[1]`'/>",
"comments": "",
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"wires": []
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+ "id": "2eae9783.b3f048",
"type": "execute",
"name": "split pLMNId",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='split'>\n <parameter name=\"original_string\" value=\"`$tmp.pLMNId`\" />\n <parameter name=\"regex\" value=\"-\"/>\n <parameter name=\"ctx_memory_result_key\" value=\"tmp.plmnList\" />",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1480.5224609375,
- "y": 622.2623138427734,
- "z": "d1da56d7.1e7b78",
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+ "name": "append configParam",
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+ "comments": "",
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+ "z": "9ebd676c.bc9298",
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+ "id": "4a947320.b506ac",
+ "type": "execute",
+ "name": "append configParam",
+ "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='concat'>\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.cellLocalId`\" />\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"-maxNumberofConns\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.cellLocalId\" />",
+ "comments": "",
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+ "x": 1930.9375457763672,
+ "y": 1282.1875324249268,
+ "z": "9ebd676c.bc9298",
"wires": [
diff --git a/platform-logic/ran-slice-api/src/main/json/ran-slice-api_terminateRANSliceInstance.json b/platform-logic/ran-slice-api/src/main/json/ran-slice-api_terminateRANSliceInstance.json
index e20a83d0..191922df 100644
--- a/platform-logic/ran-slice-api/src/main/json/ran-slice-api_terminateRANSliceInstance.json
+++ b/platform-logic/ran-slice-api/src/main/json/ran-slice-api_terminateRANSliceInstance.json
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
- "id": "62502bcc.66f714",
+ "id": "ab2cbb38.5b1548",
"type": "dgstart",
"name": "DGSTART",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 159,
- "y": 51,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 125.93746948242188,
+ "y": 110.50000286102295,
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"type": "service-logic",
"name": "ran-slice-api ${project.version}",
"module": "ran-slice-api",
@@ -22,8665 +22,8911 @@
"comments": "",
"xml": "<service-logic xmlns='' xmlns:xsi='' xsi:schemaLocation=' ./svclogic.xsd' module='ran-slice-api' version='${project.version}'>",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 214.0000228881836,
- "y": 137.99996852874756,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 180.93749237060547,
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"type": "method",
"name": "method",
"xml": "<method rpc='terminateRANSliceInstance' mode='sync'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"name": "generate getNearRTRICsFromRANNFNSSI URL",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.configdb.getNearRTRICByNSSI`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.configdb.getNearRTRICByNSSI.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{ranNFNSSIId}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$payloadJson.input.RANNFNSSIId`\"/>",
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"name": "Get nearRTRIC for TrackingArea",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.configdb.url + $tmp.configdb.getNearRTRICByNSSI.url`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"GET\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"getNFNSSIRIC-configdb-response\"/>\n<parameter name='contentType' value='application/json' /> \n<parameter name='format' value='json' />\n<parameter name='accept' value='application/json' />\n<parameter name=\"convertResponse\" value=\"true\"/>",
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"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"comments": "",
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"name": "set",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='500'/>\n<parameter name='error-message' value='Error Getting Info from ConfigDB. Aborting RPC executiopn'/>",
"comments": "",
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"wires": []
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"type": "for",
"name": "foreach NearRTRIC",
"xml": "<for index='idy' start='0' end='`$getNFNSSIRIC-configdb-response._length`' >\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 349.25,
- "y": 903.0681796073914,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 316.1874694824219,
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"type": "block",
"name": "Process NearRTRIC",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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+ "id": "ceea0525.15ef08",
"type": "execute",
"name": "read nearRTRICId-PLMN",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.RICPLMNEntries' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'getNFNSSIRIC-configdb-response.['+ $idy +'].pLMNInfoList_length'`\" />\n",
"comments": "",
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"type": "execute",
"name": "read nearRTRICId",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"name": "Update nearRT RIC Details in ConfigDB",
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"name": "failure",
"xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"type": "set",
"name": "set",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='500'/>\n<parameter name='error-message' value='Error updating nearRTRIC info in ConfigDB. Aborting RPC executiopn'/>",
"comments": "",
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"wires": []
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"name": "return failure",
"xml": "<return status='failure'>\n<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='500'/>\n<parameter name='error-message' value='Error updating nearRTRIC info in ConfigDB. Aborting RPC executiopn'/>",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "read CUCP list size",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.CUCPList_length' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'getNFNSSIRIC-configdb-response.[' + $idy +'].gNBCUCPList_length'`\" />\n ",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1023.25,
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- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 990.1874694824219,
+ "y": 1325.750006198883,
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"wires": [
- "id": "4a8f6a0e.6c7b64",
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"type": "block",
"name": "Process CUCP",
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"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"comments": "",
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"type": "block",
"name": "block : process CUCP",
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"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"name": "read CUCP name",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.CUCPName' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'getNFNSSIRIC-configdb-response.['+ $idy +'].gNBCUCPList['+ $idz +'].gNBCUName'`\" />",
"comments": "",
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"type": "for",
"name": "for cellCUList",
"xml": "<for index='idcu' start='0' end='`$tmp.cellCUList_length`' >\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 1410.25000333786,
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"type": "execute",
"name": "read cellCU",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.cellCULocalId' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'getNFNSSIRIC-configdb-response.['+ $idy +'].gNBCUCPList['+ $idz +'].cellCUList['+ $idcu +'].cellLocalId'`\" />",
"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"type": "execute",
"name": "terminate sNNSAI ToNRCellCU",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.controller.url + $tmp.deleteSNSSAIListEntry.url`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"restapiUser\" value=\"`$prop.controller.user`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiPassword\" value=\"`$prop.controller.pwd`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"DELETE\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"delete-cellCU-sNSSAI-response\"/>\n<parameter name='contentType' value='application/json' /> \n<parameter name='format' value='json' />",
"comments": "",
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"name": "record API params",
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"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"name": "block : atomic",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"type": "returnFailure",
"name": "return failure",
"xml": "<return status='failure'>\n<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='500'/>\n<parameter name='error-message' value='Error updating NRcellCU - PLMNInfo. Aborting RPC executiopn'/>",
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"name": "set",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='500'/>\n<parameter name='error-message' value='Error patching cellCU PLMNInfoList. Aborting RPC executiopn'/>",
"comments": "",
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"wires": []
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"type": "execute",
"name": "prepare idGNBCUCPFunction",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.deleteSNSSAIListEntry.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deleteSNSSAIListEntry.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idGNBCUCPFunction}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.CUCPName`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"name": "prepare idNRCellCU",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "prepare mcc",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.deleteSNSSAIListEntry.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deleteSNSSAIListEntry.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{mcc}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.mcc`\"/>\n ",
"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "read cellCU list size",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.cellCUList_length' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'getNFNSSIRIC-configdb-response.[' + $idy +'].gNBCUCPList[' + $idz +'].cellCUList_length'`\" />\n ",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"type": "switchNode",
"name": "ransim mounted",
"xml": "<switch test='`$prop.ransim-mounted`'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"type": "outcome",
"name": "Not Mounted",
"xml": "<outcome value='false'>\n",
"comments": "",
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"type": "execute",
"name": "generate terminate sNSSAItEntry ToNRCellCU",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.terminateSNSSAIEntry.ToNRCellCU`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deleteSNSSAIListEntry.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idNearRTRIC}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.nearRTRICId`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"xml": "<outcome value='true'>\n",
"comments": "",
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"name": "block : atomic",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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+ "y": 1890.750006198883,
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"type": "set",
"name": "Calculate RRMPolicyRatio",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.maxNumberOfConnsPercellCU' value='`$tmp.payload.maxNumberofConns / $tmp.cellCUList_length`' />\n<parameter name='tmp.rRMPolicyDedicatedRatio.CellCU1' value='`$tmp.maxNumberOfConnsPercellCU * 100`' />\n<parameter name='tmp.rRMPolicyDedicatedRatio_SliceProfile' value='`$tmp.rRMPolicyDedicatedRatio.CellCU1 / $prop.nrcellcu.maxNumberOfConnsPerCell`' />",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"comments": "",
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"type": "execute",
"name": "fetch RRMPolicyRatio NRCellCU - URL",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.RRMPolicyRatioEntry.ToNRCellCU`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.getRRMPolicyRatio.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idNearRTRIC}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.nearRTRICId`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2569.25,
- "y": 1696.25000333786,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 2536.187469482422,
+ "y": 1755.750006198883,
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "prepare idGNBCUCPFunction",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.getRRMPolicyRatio.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.getRRMPolicyRatio.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idGNBCUCPFunction}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.CUCPName`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2148.25,
- "y": 1809.25000333786,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 2115.187469482422,
+ "y": 1868.750006198883,
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"wires": [
- "id": "f9a1e0f0.4cf34",
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"type": "execute",
"name": "prepare idNRCellCU",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.getRRMPolicyRatio.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.getRRMPolicyRatio.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idNRCellCU}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.cellCULocalId`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2113.25,
- "y": 1861.25000333786,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 2080.187469482422,
+ "y": 1920.750006198883,
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"wires": [
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"name": "success",
"xml": "<outcome value='success'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 1988.25000333786,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 2366.187469482422,
+ "y": 2047.750006198883,
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"name": "block : atomic",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2563.2498779296875,
- "y": 1989.2501254081726,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 2530.1873474121094,
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"xml": "<record plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"file\" value=\"/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/terminateRANSlice.log\" />\n<parameter name=\"level\" value=\"info\" />\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"Successfully Retrieved - RRMPolicyRatio\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2713.2498779296875,
- "y": 1984.250247478485,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 2680.1873474121094,
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"name": "failure",
"xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2395.25,
- "y": 1909.25000333786,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 2362.187469482422,
+ "y": 1968.750006198883,
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"name": "block : atomic",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2553.250244140625,
- "y": 1857.25000333786,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 2520.187713623047,
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+ "96bc23d2.c6dae"
- "id": "ced8e9ed.01f3a8",
+ "id": "872ccc72.03626",
"type": "returnFailure",
"name": "return failure",
"xml": "<return status='failure'>\n<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='500'/>\n<parameter name='error-message' value='Error in Fetching RRMPolicyRatio - CellCU. Aborting RPC executiopn'/>",
"comments": "",
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"wires": []
- "id": "c478c403.a695c8",
+ "id": "8325d214.0e469",
"type": "set",
"name": "set",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='500'/>\n<parameter name='error-message' value='Error in retrieving RRMPolicyRatio. Aborting RPC executiopn'/>",
"comments": "",
- "x": 2719.25,
- "y": 1823.25000333786,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 2686.187469482422,
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+ "z": "7dbbf2af.ccfd8c",
"wires": []
- "id": "59f372a7.4cc0dc",
+ "id": "18100639.1a24ea",
"type": "execute",
"name": "fetch RRMPolicyRatio - NRCellCU",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.controller.url + $tmp.getRRMPolicyRatio.url`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"restapiUser\" value=\"`$prop.controller.user`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiPassword\" value=\"`$prop.controller.pwd`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"GET\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"get-rrmpolicyratio-response\"/>\n<parameter name='contentType' value='application/json' /> \n<parameter name='format' value='json' />\n<parameter name='accept' value='application/json' />\n<parameter name=\"convertResponse\" value=\"true\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2148.25,
- "y": 1936.25000333786,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 2115.187469482422,
+ "y": 1995.750006198883,
+ "z": "7dbbf2af.ccfd8c",
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- "id": "f4c556d2.a897e8",
+ "id": "e8b718e7.1c4b88",
"type": "execute",
"name": "printContext",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='printContext' >\n<parameter name='filename' value='/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/ranSlice-terminateRANSlice-configrsp-context.log' />\n\n\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2736.2499656677246,
- "y": 2021.2499423027039,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 2703.1874351501465,
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"wires": [
- "id": "a91f5808.a93658",
+ "id": "67b6b32e.bbf47c",
"type": "for",
"name": "for each rrmpolicyratio",
"xml": "<for index='idcu-rrm' start='0' end='`$tmp.rrmPolicyRatioList_length`'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2083.25,
- "y": 2094.250232219696,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 2050.187469482422,
+ "y": 2153.750235080719,
+ "z": "7dbbf2af.ccfd8c",
"wires": [
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+ "cfc19ebc.ebfd8"
- "id": "5fd18804.b77ea8",
+ "id": "f62abaf2.608288",
"type": "execute",
"name": "read rrmpolicyratio list size",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.rrmPolicyRatioList_length' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'get-rrmpolicyratio-response.attributes.RRMPolicyRatio_length'`\" />\n ",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2127.25,
- "y": 1990.25000333786,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 2094.187469482422,
+ "y": 2049.750006198883,
+ "z": "7dbbf2af.ccfd8c",
"wires": [
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"type": "block",
"name": "block : atomic",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2304.25,
- "y": 2114.250232219696,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 2271.187469482422,
+ "y": 2173.750235080719,
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- "id": "ce2ea549.0f1118",
+ "id": "1ec1a04f.366fe",
"type": "set",
"name": "Calculate updated RRMPolicyRatio",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.rrmPolicyDedicatedRatio_cellCU' value=\"`'$get-rrmpolicyratio-response.attributes.RRMPolicyRatio['+ $idcu-rrm +'].attributes.rRMPolicyDedicatedRatio'`\" />\n<parameter name='tmp.rrmPolicyDedicatedRatio_CellCU_updated' value=\"`$tmp.rrmPolicyDedicatedRatio_cellCU + $tmp.rRMPolicyDedicatedRatio_SliceProfile`\" />",
"comments": "",
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- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 2492.1873359680176,
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+ "z": "7dbbf2af.ccfd8c",
"wires": []
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+ "id": "eb3c3874.8d9fc8",
"type": "record",
"name": "record",
"xml": "<record plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"file\" value=\"/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/terminateRANSlice.log\" />\n<parameter name=\"level\" value=\"info\" />\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"RRMPolicyRatioList size\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field2\" value=\"`$tmp.rrmPolicyRatioList_length`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2067.25,
- "y": 2044.25000333786,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 2034.1874694824219,
+ "y": 2103.750006198883,
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"wires": [
- "id": "aa710b38.7299d8",
+ "id": "ac2cacb3.f66fe",
"type": "for",
"name": "foreach PLMNInfo",
"xml": "<for index='id-cuplmn' start='0' end='`$tmp.pLMNInfoList_length`' >\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2588.3611221313477,
- "y": 546.472261428833,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 2555.2985916137695,
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"wires": [
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"type": "block",
"name": "block",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1815.2499771118164,
- "y": 1286.2499742507935,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 1782.1874465942383,
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+ "7a26e192.c21df"
- "id": "54c5833d.bb252c",
+ "id": "d6b537e8.0fef58",
"type": "switchNode",
"name": "is NSSAI exists",
"xml": "<switch test='`$tmp.configDBSNSSAI == $tmp.sNSSAI`'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2824.0274810791016,
- "y": 804.0277628898621,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 2790.9649505615234,
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"type": "outcome",
"name": "True",
"xml": "<outcome value='true'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2486.25,
- "y": 921.2500033378601,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 2453.187469482422,
+ "y": 980.750006198883,
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"wires": [
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"name": "record",
"xml": "<record plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"file\" value=\"/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/terminateRANSlice.log\" />\n<parameter name=\"level\" value=\"info\" />\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"NSSAI exists for cucp plmninfo \"/>\n\n\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2276.2500801086426,
- "y": 903.2500143051147,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2863.1388092041016,
- "y": 739.4722437858582,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 2830.0762786865234,
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"wires": [
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"type": "block",
"name": "block : atomic",
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"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2672.2501373291016,
- "y": 713.2500758171082,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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+ "60b9733.364df8c"
- "id": "d021cf43.653b9",
+ "id": "60b9733.364df8c",
"type": "execute",
"name": "read sNSSAI from getNFNSSIRIC-configdb-response",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.configDBSNSSAI' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'getNFNSSIRIC-configdb-response.['+ $idy +'].gNBCUCPList['+ $idz +'].cellCUList['+ $idcu +'].pLMNInfoList['+ $id-cuplmn +'].sNSSAI['+ $id-cusnssai +'].sNSSAI'`\" />",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3043.1386108398438,
- "y": 663.472291469574,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 3010.0760803222656,
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"wires": [
- "id": "b79aca29.8b4fd8",
+ "id": "42e489d3.c47a38",
"type": "block",
"name": "Process CUUP",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 604.25,
- "y": 1476.25000333786,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 571.1874694824219,
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+ "25527780.2599c8"
- "id": "390c92be.363bae",
+ "id": "8d1ecf94.56c75",
"type": "execute",
"name": "read CUUP list size",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.CUUPList_length' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'getNFNSSIRIC-configdb-response.[' + $idy +'].gNBCUUPList_length'`\" />\n ",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 935.25,
- "y": 1486.25000333786,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 902.1874694824219,
+ "y": 1545.750006198883,
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 907.25,
- "y": 1551.25000333786,
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"wires": [
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"type": "for",
"name": "foreach CUUP",
"xml": "<for index='id-cuup' start='0' end='`$tmp.CUUPList_length`'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 935.25,
- "y": 1626.25000333786,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 902.1874694824219,
+ "y": 1685.750006198883,
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"type": "block",
"name": "block : process CUUP",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 1986.2502059936523,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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- "id": "9dc494c6.2df118",
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"type": "execute",
"name": "read CUUP id",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.idGNBCUUPFunction' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'getNFNSSIRIC-configdb-response.['+ $idy +'].gNBCUUPList['+ $id-cuup +'].gNBCUUPId'`\" />",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 2039.2500247955322,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"comments": "",
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "read plmninfolist size",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.pLMNInfoList' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'getNFNSSIRIC-configdb-response.['+ $idy +'].gNBCUUPList['+ $id-cuup +'].pLMNInfoList_length'`\" />",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 2143.2500762939453,
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+ "x": 1164.187515258789,
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"wires": [
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"type": "for",
"name": "foreach pLMNInfo",
"xml": "<for index='id-plmn' start='0' end='1'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 2278.250228881836,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"name": "block : atomic",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"name": "failure",
"xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"type": "set",
"name": "set",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='500'/>\n<parameter name='error-message' value='Error removing CUUP PLMNInfoList. Aborting RPC executiopn'/>",
"comments": "",
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"wires": []
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"type": "returnFailure",
"name": "return failure",
"xml": "<return status='failure'>\n<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='500'/>\n<parameter name='error-message' value='Error removing CUUP PLMNInfo. Aborting RPC executiopn'/>",
"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 2935.2503356933594,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"comments": "",
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"name": "success",
"xml": "<outcome value='success'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 2928.2503356933594,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"type": "switchNode",
"name": "ransim mounted",
"xml": "<switch test='`$prop.ransim-mounted`'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2037.2500267028809,
- "y": 2649.2503805160522,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"type": "outcome",
"name": "Not Mounted",
"xml": "<outcome value='false'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"name": "Mounted",
"xml": "<outcome value='true'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2390.250015258789,
- "y": 2798.250346660614,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"type": "execute",
"name": "generate terminate PLMNInfoListEntry CUUP URL",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.terminateSNSSAIEntry.ToCUUP`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deletePLMNInfo-CUUP.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idNearRTRIC}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.nearRTRICId`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "prepare idGNBCUUPFunction",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.deletePLMNInfo-CUUP.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deletePLMNInfo-CUUP.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idGNBCUUPFunction}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.idGNBCUUPFunction`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 2753.250138282776,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"wires": [
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"type": "set",
"name": "Calculate RRMPolicyRatio",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.maxNumberOfDRBsPerNSSAI' value='`$tmp.payload.maxNumberofConns*4`' />\n<parameter name='tmp.maxNumberOfDRBsPerCUUP' value='`$tmp.maxNumberOfDRBsPerNSSAI /$tmp.CUUPList_length`' />\n<parameter name='tmp.rRMPolicyDedicatedRatio1' value='`$tmp.maxNumberOfDRBsPerCUUP*100`' />\n<parameter name='tmp.rRMPolicyDedicatedRatio-CUUP' value='`$tmp.rRMPolicyDedicatedRatio1/$prop.cuupfunction.maxNumberOfDRBsPerCUUP`' />",
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"wires": []
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"name": "record",
"xml": "<record plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"file\" value=\"/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/terminateRANSlice.log\" />\n<parameter name=\"level\" value=\"info\" />\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"RRMPolicyRatio for this profile is - \"/>\n<parameter name=\"field2\" value=\"`$tmp.rRMPolicyDedicatedRatio-CUUP`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1371.2501411437988,
- "y": 3193.250389099121,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 1338.1876106262207,
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"wires": [
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"type": "switchNode",
"name": "ransim mounted",
"xml": "<switch test='`$prop.ransim-mounted`'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 3239.2501945495605,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"type": "outcome",
"name": "Not Mounted",
"xml": "<outcome value='false'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1746.2499771118164,
- "y": 3195.2497539520264,
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"type": "execute",
"name": "fetch RRMPolicyRatio CUUP - URL",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.RRMPolicyRatioEntry.ToGNBCUUP`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.getRRMPolicyRatio-CUUP.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idNearRTRIC}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.nearRTRICId`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2005.2497863769531,
- "y": 3197.249948978424,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"wires": [
- "id": "7ef41.8ec040bf8",
+ "id": "675f0053.7c06e",
"type": "execute",
"name": "prepare idGNBCUUPFunction",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.getRRMPolicyRatio-CUUP.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.getRRMPolicyRatio-CUUP.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idGNBCUUPFunction}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.idGNBCUUPFunction`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1484.2501430511475,
- "y": 3288.2503910064697,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 1451.1876125335693,
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "fetch RRMPolicyRatio - CUUP",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.controller.url + $tmp.getRRMPolicyRatio-CUUP.url`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"restapiUser\" value=\"`$prop.controller.user`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiPassword\" value=\"`$prop.controller.pwd`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"GET\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"get-rrmpolicyratio-cuup-response\"/>\n<parameter name='contentType' value='application/json' /> \n<parameter name='format' value='json' />\n<parameter name='accept' value='application/json' />\n<parameter name=\"convertResponse\" value=\"true\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 3336.250343322754,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 1470.1876114606857,
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+ "id": "fd89aea9.7b5b3",
"type": "failure",
"name": "failure",
"xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1909.2501754760742,
- "y": 3301.2501459121704,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"name": "block : atomic",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2083.250175476074,
- "y": 3312.2499504089355,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 2050.187644958496,
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"type": "set",
"name": "set",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='500'/>\n<parameter name='error-message' value='Error in retrieving RRMPolicyRatio. Aborting RPC executiopn'/>",
"comments": "",
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"wires": []
- "id": "8e112a81.27a5e8",
+ "id": "48ae1a5d.537aa4",
"type": "returnFailure",
"name": "return failure",
"xml": "<return status='failure'>\n<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='500'/>\n<parameter name='error-message' value='Error in fetching RRMPolicyRatio. Aborting RPC executiopn'/>",
"comments": "",
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"wires": []
- "id": "91367f6d.db4a3",
+ "id": "64787e93.580a7",
"type": "execute",
"name": "printContext",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='printContext' >\n<parameter name='filename' value='/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/ranSlice-instantiateRANSlice-configrsp-context.log' />\n\n\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2306.249984741211,
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 3336.2503414154053,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"name": "success",
"xml": "<outcome value='success'>\n",
"comments": "",
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"name": "read rrmpolicyratio list size",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.rrmPolicyRatioList_CUUP_length' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'get-rrmpolicyratio-cuup-response.attributes.RRMPolicyRatio_length'`\" />\n ",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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+ "x": 1469.1876106262207,
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"name": "for each rrmpolicyratio",
"xml": "<for index='idcuup-rrm' start='0' end='`$tmp.rrmPolicyRatioList_CUUP_length`' >\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1520.9166469573975,
- "y": 3476.5835971832275,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2836.9167098999023,
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- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"type": "set",
"name": "set",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='500'/>\n<parameter name='error-message' value='Error removing CUUP RRMPolicyRatio. Aborting RPC executiopn'/>",
"comments": "",
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"wires": []
- "id": "7c3a20e2.bb93",
+ "id": "1c5249b9.4a95e6",
"type": "returnFailure",
"name": "return failure",
"xml": "<return status='failure'>\n<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='500'/>\n<parameter name='error-message' value='Error removing RRMPolicyRatio. Aborting RPC executiopn'/>",
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"comments": "",
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+ "id": "84ca50d3.1e31c",
"type": "failure",
"name": "failure",
"xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 3704.5831604003906,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 2389.8540077209473,
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"type": "block",
"name": "Process gNBDU",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 4114.000731945038,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 933.9376449584961,
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- "id": "5117c7e1.aa3ff8",
+ "id": "582f726c.7fcb3c",
"type": "execute",
"name": "read DUlist size",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.DUList_length' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'getNFNSSIRIC-configdb-response.[' + $idy +'].gNBDUList_length'`\" />\n ",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1296.0001754760742,
- "y": 4145.000731945038,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"name": "foreach DU",
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"comments": "",
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- "y": 4272.000356674194,
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"name": "block : process gNBDU",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 4277.00070142746,
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- "id": "6c75d78e.cd0aa8",
+ "id": "ef834b23.f949a8",
"type": "execute",
"name": "read DU id",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.GNBDUId' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'getNFNSSIRIC-configdb-response.['+ $idy +'].gNBDUList['+ $id-du +'].gNBDUId'`\" />",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1826,
- "y": 4273.00000333786,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 1792.9374694824219,
+ "y": 4332.500006198883,
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"name": "read cellDU list size",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.cellDUList_length' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'getNFNSSIRIC-configdb-response.[' + $idy +'].gNBDUList[' + $id-du +'].cellDUList_length'`\" />\n ",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1808,
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- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 1774.9374694824219,
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"wires": [
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"type": "for",
"name": "for cellDUList",
"xml": "<for index='id-celldu' start='0' end='`$tmp.cellDUList_length`' >\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 1811.9374465942383,
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"name": "block : atomic",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"type": "switchNode",
"name": "ransim mounted",
"xml": "<switch test='`$prop.ransim-mounted`'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3079.75,
- "y": 4534.00000333786,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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+ "id": "ecc13f89.797d3",
"type": "outcome",
"name": "Not Mounted",
"xml": "<outcome value='false'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3287.75,
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- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"type": "outcome",
"name": "Mounted",
"xml": "<outcome value='true'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"type": "execute",
"name": "generate terminate PLMNInfoListEntry ToNRCellDU",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.terminateSNSSAIEntry.ToNRCellDU`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deletePLMNInfoListEntry-cellDU.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idNearRTRIC}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.nearRTRICId`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 4514.00000333786,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 3574.687469482422,
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "read cellDU",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3131.750213623047,
- "y": 4687.0001854896545,
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"name": "prepare idNRCellDU",
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"comments": "",
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "prepare mcc",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.deletePLMNInfoListEntry-cellDU.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deletePLMNInfoListEntry-cellDU.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{mcc}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.mcc`\"/>\n ",
"comments": "",
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"name": "prepare mnc",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.deletePLMNInfoListEntry-cellDU.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deletePLMNInfoListEntry-cellDU.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{mnc}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.mnc`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"name": "record API params",
"xml": "<record plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"file\" value=\"/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/terminateRANSlice.log\" />\n<parameter name=\"level\" value=\"info\" />\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"patch cellCU NSSAI parameters\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field2\" value=\"`$tmp.nearRTRICId`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field3\" value=\"`$tmp.GNBDUId`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field4\" value=\"`$tmp.cellDULocalId`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field5\" value=\"`$tmp.mcc`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field6\" value=\"`$tmp.mnc`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field7\" value=\"`$tmp.sNSSAI`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field8\" value=\"`$tmp.deletePLMNInfoListEntry-cellDU.url`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"type": "execute",
"name": "terminate PLMNInfoListEntry ToNRCellDU",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.controller.url + $tmp.deletePLMNInfoListEntry-cellDU.url`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"restapiUser\" value=\"`$prop.controller.user`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiPassword\" value=\"`$prop.controller.pwd`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"DELETE\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"delete-cellDU-PLMNInfoList-response\"/>\n<parameter name='contentType' value='application/json' /> \n<parameter name='format' value='json' />",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 3113.68741607666,
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+ "id": "cab537eb.c5ec18",
"type": "failure",
"name": "failure",
"xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
"comments": "",
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- "x": 3399.749954223633,
- "y": 4824.249975204468,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"type": "success",
"name": "success",
"xml": "<outcome value='success'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"wires": [
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"name": "return failure",
"xml": "<return status='failure'>\n<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='500'/>\n<parameter name='error-message' value='Error deleting NECellDU - PLMNInfo. Aborting RPC executiopn'/>",
"comments": "",
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"type": "set",
"name": "set",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='500'/>\n<parameter name='error-message' value='Error deleting cellDU PLMNInfoList. Aborting RPC executiopn'/>",
"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"type": "switchNode",
"name": "ransim mounted",
"xml": "<switch test='`$prop.ransim-mounted`'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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+ "id": "41f49c7f.41bb44",
"type": "outcome",
"name": "Not Mounted",
"xml": "<outcome value='false'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"type": "execute",
"name": "fetch RRMPolicyRatio NRCellDU - URL",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.RRMPolicyRatioEntry.ToGNBDU`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.getRRMPolicyRatio-gNBDU.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idNearRTRIC}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.nearRTRICId`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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+ "x": 3662.9378204345703,
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "prepare idGNBDUFunction",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.getRRMPolicyRatio-gNBDU.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.getRRMPolicyRatio-gNBDU.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idGNBDUFunction}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.GNBDUId`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
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"name": "prepare idNRCellDU",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "fetch RRMPolicyRatio - NRCellDU",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.controller.url + $tmp.getRRMPolicyRatio-gNBDU.url`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"restapiUser\" value=\"`$prop.controller.user`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiPassword\" value=\"`$prop.controller.pwd`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"GET\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"get-rrmpolicyratio-du-response\"/>\n<parameter name='contentType' value='application/json' /> \n<parameter name='format' value='json' />\n<parameter name='accept' value='application/json' />\n<parameter name=\"convertResponse\" value=\"true\"/>",
"comments": "",
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- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 3176.93741607666,
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+ "id": "6d6b10de.c6776",
"type": "failure",
"name": "failure",
"xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"name": "success",
"xml": "<outcome value='success'>\n",
"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"type": "set",
"name": "set",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='500'/>\n<parameter name='error-message' value='Error in retrieving RRMPolicyRatio. Aborting RPC executiopn'/>",
"comments": "",
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"wires": []
- "id": "c3e1437a.57e3f",
+ "id": "c0f9bf0.670f84",
"type": "returnFailure",
"name": "return failure",
"xml": "<return status='failure'>\n<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='500'/>\n<parameter name='error-message' value='Error in Fetching RRMPolicyRatio - CellDU. Aborting RPC executiopn'/>",
"comments": "",
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"wires": []
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"type": "block",
"name": "block : atomic",
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"comments": "",
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"xml": "<record plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"file\" value=\"/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/instantiateRANSliceModifyAllocate.log\" />\n<parameter name=\"level\" value=\"info\" />\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"Successfully Retrieved - RRMPolicyRatio\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3793.500347137451,
- "y": 5438.999982833862,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 3760.437816619873,
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "printContext",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='printContext' >\n<parameter name='filename' value='/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/ranSlice-instantiateRANSlice-configrsp-context.log' />\n\n\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3808.0003509521484,
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- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "read rrmpolicyratio list size",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.rrmPolicyRatioDUList_length' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'get-rrmpolicyratio-du-response.attributes.RRMPolicyRatio_length'`\" />\n ",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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+ "x": 3148.93741607666,
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"name": "Calculate RRM Parms1",
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"name": "Calculate RRM Parms2",
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"comments": "",
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"name": "Calculate RRM Parms4",
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"comments": "",
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"type": "set",
"name": "Calculate RRM Parms7",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.nrcelldu.totalPRBForSNSSAI' value='`$tmp.nearRTRIC.trafficCapacityBPS / 1008000`' />\n",
"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"name": "return failure",
"xml": "<return status='failure'>\n<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n<parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"Error sending SO Response\" />",
"comments": "",
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"xml": "<outcome value='success'>\n",
"comments": "",
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"name": "return failure",
"xml": "<return status='failure'>\n<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n<parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"Error sending SO Response\" />",
"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"name": "fetch RRMPolicyRatio.TogNBCUUP",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.RRMPolicyRatioEntry.ToGNBCUUP.ransim-mounted`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.getRRMPolicyRatio-CUUP.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idNearRTRIC}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.nearRTRICId`\"/>",
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"name": "populate mountName",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.getRRMPolicyRatio-CUUP.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.getRRMPolicyRatio-CUUP.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{mountName}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.idGNBCUUPFunction`\"/>",
"comments": "",
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"name": "generate patchPLMNInfoList.ToNRCellDU",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.terminateSNSSAIEntry.ToNRCellDU.ransim-mounted`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deletePLMNInfoListEntry-cellDU.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idNearRTRIC}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.nearRTRICId`\"/>",
"comments": "",
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"type": "execute",
"name": "populate mountName",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.deletePLMNInfoListEntry-cellDU.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deletePLMNInfoListEntry-cellDU.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{mountName}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.GNBDUId`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 4606.25013589859,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"name": "Mounted",
"xml": "<outcome value='true'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3368.4999504089355,
- "y": 5273.249979019165,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"type": "block",
"name": "ransim URL",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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+ "id": "4ed4aad5.917ba4",
"type": "execute",
"name": "generate getRRMPolicyRatio.ToNRCellDU",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.RRMPolicyRatioEntry.ToGNBDU.ransim-mounted`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.getRRMPolicyRatio-gNBDU.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idNearRTRIC}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.nearRTRICId`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3779.5003509521484,
- "y": 5273.49958896637,
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "populate mountName",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.getRRMPolicyRatio-gNBDU.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.getRRMPolicyRatio-gNBDU.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{mountName}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.GNBDUId`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3770.500343322754,
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- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 3737.437812805176,
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"type": "comment",
"name": "terminateRANSliceInstance/instantiateRANSliceModifyDeallocate",
"info": "",
"comments": "",
- "x": 830.5000286102295,
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"name": "record",
"xml": "<record plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"file\" value=\"/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/terminateRANSlice.log\" />\n<parameter name=\"level\" value=\"info\" />\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"RPC to handle terminateRANSlice.: \"/>\n<parameter name=\"field2\" value=\"`$terminate-r-a-n-slice-instance-input.action`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field3\" value=\"`$terminate-r-a-n-slice-instance-input.common-header.timestamp`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field4\" value=\"`$terminate-r-a-n-slice-instance-input.common-header.request-id`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field5\" value=\"`$terminate-r-a-n-slice-instance-input.common-header.originator-id`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field6\" value=\"RPC Payload String \"/>\n<parameter name=\"field7\" value=\"`$terminate-r-a-n-slice-instance-input.payload`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 530.7500076293945,
- "y": 75.74999284744263,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 497.6874771118164,
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"wires": [
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"type": "set",
"name": "set default status value",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='200' />\n<parameter name='error-message' value='Successful execution of terminateRANSice RPC' />",
"comments": "",
- "x": 636.7497634887695,
- "y": 129.75000619888306,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 603.6872329711914,
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"wires": []
- "id": "29a4c2d.d7ff73e",
+ "id": "5f4a0c3f.45ca24",
"type": "execute",
"name": "printContext",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='printContext' >\n<parameter name='filename' value='/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/ranSlice-terminateRANSlice-context.log' />\n\n\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 671.7497253417969,
- "y": 273.73954677581787,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 638.6871948242188,
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "execute Properties",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.prop.PropertiesNode' method='readProperties' >\n <parameter name='fileName' value='/opt/onap/ccsdk/data/properties/' />\n <parameter name='contextPrefix' value='prop' />\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 691.7497100830078,
- "y": 314.7499122619629,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 658.6871795654297,
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"name": "record",
"xml": "<record plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"file\" value=\"/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/terminateRANSlice.log\" />\n<parameter name=\"level\" value=\"info\" />\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"Properties read .. controller details \"/>\n<parameter name=\"field2\" value=\"`$prop.controller.user`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field3\" value=\"`$prop.controller.pwd`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field4\" value=\"`$prop.controller.url`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field5\" value=\"ransim-mounted (true/false): \"/>\n<parameter name=\"field6\" value=\"`$prop.ransim-mounted`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field7\" value=\"config DB deployed (true/false): \"/>\n<parameter name=\"field8\" value=\"`$prop.configdb-deployed`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 702.7497787475586,
- "y": 384.49999380111694,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 669.6872482299805,
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "get PLMNId URL",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.configdb.getplmn`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.configdb.getPLMNId.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{sliceProfileId}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.sliceprofileid`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 652.2499923706055,
- "y": 635.750027179718,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 594.1874618530273,
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 623.2500228881836,
- "y": 697.5000519752502,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 555.1875,
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"wires": [
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+ "id": "9f643c74.9b9b1",
"type": "execute",
"name": "Get PLMN from Sliceprofile id",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.configdb.url + $tmp.configdb.getPLMNId.url`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"GET\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"getPLMN-configdb-response\"/>\n<parameter name='contentType' value='application/json' /> \n<parameter name='format' value='json' />\n<parameter name='accept' value='application/json' />\n<parameter name=\"convertResponse\" value=\"true\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 757.250006198883,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"wires": [
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+ "id": "aa19d446.f11918",
"type": "execute",
"name": "read PLMN Id",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.pLMNId' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`getPLMN-configdb-response.plmnId`\" />\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 641.25,
- "y": 815.2500548362732,
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+ "x": 544.4375152587891,
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 631.4935302734375,
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"wires": [
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+ "id": "24f3bd47.aa5b72",
"type": "execute",
"name": "read PLMNList size",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.pLMNInfoList_length' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'getNFNSSIRIC-configdb-response.['+ $idy +'].gNBCUCPList['+ $idz +'].cellCUList['+ $idcu +'].pLMNInfoList_length'`\" />",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2117.7776947021484,
- "y": 545.7221846580505,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 2084.7151641845703,
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"wires": [
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"type": "for",
"name": "for each rrmpolicyMember",
"xml": "<for index='idcu-rrm1' start='0' end='`$tmp.NRCellCURRMPolicyMembersLength`' >\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2586.749767303467,
- "y": 2259.333149433136,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 2553.6872367858887,
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"name": "block : atomic",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2816.416763305664,
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- "id": "7a818a33.d6fc14",
+ "id": "bb3793cb.f7ec2",
"type": "switchNode",
"name": "if length > 0 ",
"xml": "<switch test='`$tmp.NRCellCURRMPolicyMembersLength > 0`'>\n\n \n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2955.583595275879,
- "y": 2172.583086490631,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 2922.521064758301,
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+ "id": "982ada76.de9ef8",
"type": "success",
"name": "success",
"xml": "<outcome value='true'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"type": "block",
"name": "block : atomic",
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"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 2148.1389441490173,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 3240.8539390563965,
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"type": "switchNode",
"name": "ransim mounted",
"xml": "<switch test='`$prop.ransim-mounted`'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3121.694351196289,
- "y": 2027.027679681778,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 3088.631820678711,
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+ "id": "c68e98ce.4d53f8",
"type": "outcome",
"name": "Not Mounted",
"xml": "<outcome value='false'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3365.028091430664,
- "y": 2042.9163584709167,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"type": "outcome",
"name": "Mounted",
"xml": "<outcome value='true'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"type": "block",
"name": "block : atomic",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"type": "block",
"name": "block : atomic",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 2086.47199678421,
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+ "id": "834ea9d0.722278",
"type": "execute",
"name": "delete RRMPolicyRatio NRCellCU - URL",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.removeRRMPolicyRatio.ToNRCellCU`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deleteRRMPolicyRatio.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idNearRTRIC}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.nearRTRICId`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3831.694221496582,
- "y": 2041.4722361564636,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 3798.631690979004,
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "generate deleteRRMPolicyRatio.ToNRCellCU URL",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.removeRRMPolicyRatio.ToNRCellCU.ransim-mounted`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deleteRRMPolicyRatio.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idNearRTRIC}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.nearRTRICId`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "populate mountName",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.deleteRRMPolicyRatio.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deleteRRMPolicyRatio.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{mountName}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.CUCPName`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 2120.3610796928406,
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"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"type": "set",
"name": "Read RRMPolicyMember-sNSSA",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.RRMPolicyMember_sNSSAI' value=\"`'$get-rrmpolicyratio-response.attributes.RRMPolicyRatio['+ $idcu-rrm+'].attributes.rRMPolicyMemberList['+ $idcu-rrm1 +'].sNSSAI'`\" />",
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"wires": []
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"type": "switchNode",
"name": "find matching RRMPolicyMember",
"xml": "<switch test='`$tmp.RRMPolicyMember_sNSSAI==$tmp.sNSSAI`'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3587.8055419921875,
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- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"name": "success",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"comments": "",
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"type": "set",
"name": "Read RRMPolicyMember-id",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.RRMPolicyMember_id' value=\"`'$get-rrmpolicyratio-response.attributes.RRMPolicyRatio['+ $idcu-rrm+'].attributes.rRMPolicyMemberList['+ $idcu-rrm1 +'].idx'`\" />",
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"wires": []
- "id": "36ec693b.2217d6",
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"type": "execute",
"name": "generate deleteRRMPolicyMember.ToNRCellCU URL",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.removeRRMPolicyMember.ToNRCellCU`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deleteRRMPolicyRatio.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idNearRTRIC}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.nearRTRICId`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 4804.2978439331055,
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"type": "switchNode",
"name": "ransim mounted",
"xml": "<switch test='`$prop.ransim-mounted`'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 2258.1389212608337,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"type": "outcome",
"name": "Not Mounted",
"xml": "<outcome value='false'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"name": "Mounted",
"xml": "<outcome value='true'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"type": "execute",
"name": "generate deleteRRMPolicyRatio.ToNRCellCU URL",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.removeRRMPolicyMember.ToNRCellCU.ransim-mounted`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deleteRRMPolicyRatio.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idNearRTRIC}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.nearRTRICId`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "populate mountName",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.deleteRRMPolicyRatio.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deleteRRMPolicyRatio.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{mountName}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.CUCPName`\"/>",
"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"name": "record",
"xml": "<record plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"file\" value=\"/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/terminateRANSlice.log\" />\n<parameter name=\"level\" value=\"info\" />\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"Delete RRMPolicy URL - \"/>\n<parameter name=\"field2\" value=\"`$tmp.deleteRRMPolicyRatio.url`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field3\" value=\"RRMPolicyRatio id\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field4\" value=\"`$tmp.RRMPolicyRatio_id`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 2315.639142513275,
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "Terminate NRCellCU - RRMPolicyRatio",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.controller.url + $tmp.deleteRRMPolicyRatio.url`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"restapiUser\" value=\"`$prop.controller.user`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiPassword\" value=\"`$prop.controller.pwd`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"DELETE\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"delete-cellCU-RRMPolicyRatio-response\"/>\n<parameter name='contentType' value='application/json' /> \n<parameter name='format' value='json' />",
"comments": "",
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"type": "success",
"name": "success",
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"comments": "",
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"name": "block : atomic",
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"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3347.3886528015137,
- "y": 2313.139141559601,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"type": "set",
"name": "set",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='500'/>\n<parameter name='error-message' value='Error Removing cellCU RRMPolicyRatio. Aborting RPC executiopn'/>",
"comments": "",
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"wires": []
- "id": "33c478c3.0c73f8",
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"type": "returnFailure",
"name": "return failure",
"xml": "<return status='failure'>\n<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='500'/>\n<parameter name='error-message' value='Error removing NRCellDU - RRMPolicyRAtio. Aborting RPC executiopn'/>",
"comments": "",
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"name": "block : atomic",
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"comments": "",
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"name": "failure",
"xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
"comments": "",
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- "x": 2911.6388359069824,
- "y": 2442.638961315155,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"name": "record",
"xml": "<record plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"file\" value=\"/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/terminateRANSlice.log\" />\n<parameter name=\"level\" value=\"info\" />\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"RRMPolicyMember id - \"/>\n<parameter name=\"field2\" value=\"`$tmp.RRMPolicyMember_id`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 2210.4652819633484,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "prepare sNSSAI",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.deleteSNSSAIListEntry.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deleteSNSSAIListEntry.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{sNssai}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.sNSSAI`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2325.138946533203,
- "y": 1304.652853012085,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "prepare idGNBCUCPFunction",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.deleteRRMPolicyRatio.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deleteRRMPolicyRatio.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idGNBCUCPFunction}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.CUCPName`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3073.3265075683594,
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"type": "execute",
"name": "prepare idNRCellCU",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.deleteRRMPolicyRatio.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deleteRRMPolicyRatio.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idNRCellCU}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.cellCULocalId`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "prepare RRMPolicyRatio id",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.deleteRRMPolicyRatio.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deleteRRMPolicyRatio.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{id}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.RRMPolicyRatio_id`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3069.264389038086,
- "y": 2319.5278449058533,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 3036.201858520508,
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"wires": [
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+ "id": "160d644e.9945bc",
"type": "execute",
"name": "prepare RRMPolicyMember id",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.getRRMPolicyRatio.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.getRRMPolicyRatio.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idx}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.RRMPolicyMember_id`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3076.763946533203,
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- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 3043.701416015625,
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"wires": [
- "id": "b45cc7bf.8981f8",
+ "id": "1785991.56ac167",
"type": "execute",
"name": "read NFType",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.cucpNFType' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'getNFNSSIRIC-configdb-response.['+ $idy +'].gNBCUCPList['+ $idz +'].nFType'`\" />",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2328.013946533203,
- "y": 1069.3403491973877,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 2294.951416015625,
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"wires": [
- "id": "be30729d.352f3",
+ "id": "8fa4df32.142dc",
"type": "execute",
"name": "read sNSSAI from getNFNSSIRIC-configdb-response",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.configDBSNSSAI1' />\n <parameter name='source' value=\"`'getNFNSSIRIC-configdb-response.['+ $idy +'].gNBCUUPList['+ $id-cuup +'].pLMNInfoList['+ $id-plmn +'].sNSSAI['+ $id-snssai +'].sNSSAI'`\" />",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1602.13916015625,
- "y": 2594.4726457595825,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 1569.0766296386719,
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"xml": "<record plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"file\" value=\"/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/terminateRANSlice.log\" />\n<parameter name=\"level\" value=\"info\" />\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"sNSSAI - getNFNSSIRIC-configdb-response\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field2\" value=\"`$tmp.configDBSNSSAI1`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field3\" value=\"sNSSAI from Request\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field4\" value=\"`$tmp.sNSSAI`\"/>\n\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1456.1390838623047,
- "y": 2644.472743988037,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"wires": [
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"type": "switchNode",
"name": "is NSSAI exists",
"xml": "<switch test='`$tmp.configDBSNSSAI1 == $tmp.sNSSAI`'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1463.0282440185547,
- "y": 2688.0276279449463,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 1429.9657135009766,
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+ "id": "e54d6cd0.5ca6b",
"type": "outcome",
"name": "True",
"xml": "<outcome value='true'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1636.2500228881836,
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- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"type": "execute",
"name": "prepare mcc",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.deletePLMNInfo-CUUP.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deletePLMNInfo-CUUP.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{mcc}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.mcc`\"/>\n ",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1998.2499771118164,
- "y": 2793.250334739685,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 1965.1874465942383,
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "prepare mnc",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.deletePLMNInfo-CUUP.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deletePLMNInfo-CUUP.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{mnc}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.mnc`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2003.7501678466797,
- "y": 2828.75053024292,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 1970.6876373291016,
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "prepare sNSSAI",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.deletePLMNInfo-CUUP.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deletePLMNInfo-CUUP.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{sNssai}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.sNSSAI`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1992.3891372680664,
- "y": 2863.9028749465942,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 1959.3266067504883,
+ "y": 2923.402877807617,
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"wires": [
- "id": "ad3ea034.b772c",
+ "id": "9c7e75.4c2dd188",
"type": "execute",
"name": "terminate sNNSAI - CUUP",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.controller.url + $tmp.deletePLMNInfo-CUUP.url`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"restapiUser\" value=\"`$prop.controller.user`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiPassword\" value=\"`$prop.controller.pwd`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"DELETE\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"delete-CUUP-sNSSAI-response\"/>\n<parameter name='contentType' value='application/json' /> \n<parameter name='format' value='json' />",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2005.0001678466797,
- "y": 2902.2503356933594,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 1971.9376373291016,
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+ "id": "13823fd6.0655",
"type": "success",
"name": "success",
"xml": "<outcome value='success'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2427.9165382385254,
- "y": 3644.5839405059814,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 2394.8540077209473,
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- "id": "cda8ee51.c8dd3",
+ "id": "ee8bcbfb.3c7bd8",
"type": "for",
"name": "for each rrmpolicyMember",
"xml": "<for index='idcu-rrm2' start='0' end='`$tmp.CUUPRRMPolicyMembersLength`' >\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2120.2222442626953,
- "y": 3581.027786254883,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 2087.159713745117,
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"type": "block",
"name": "block : atomic",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2345.888900756836,
- "y": 3471.1390647888184,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 2312.826370239258,
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"wires": [
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- "id": "40fda035.3c346",
+ "id": "a1c228b0.110cf8",
"type": "switchNode",
"name": "if length > 0 ",
"xml": "<switch test='`$tmp.CUUPRRMPolicyMembersLength > 0`'>\n \n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2484.055892944336,
- "y": 3372.277886867523,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 2450.993362426758,
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+ "id": "10ff2554.4a5e3b",
"type": "success",
"name": "True",
"xml": "<outcome value='true'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 3326.8329634666443,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"type": "block",
"name": "block : atomic",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
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- "y": 3383.833547115326,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 2759.3263206481934,
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+ "id": "67cca0fe.8f03e",
"type": "switchNode",
"name": "ransim mounted",
"xml": "<switch test='`$prop.ransim-mounted`'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2840.1669311523438,
- "y": 3199.722415447235,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 2807.1044006347656,
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+ "id": "f8291b2c.62b258",
"type": "outcome",
"name": "Not Mounted",
"xml": "<outcome value='false'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 3278.6109614372253,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"type": "outcome",
"name": "Mounted",
"xml": "<outcome value='true'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2874.343982696533,
- "y": 3319.055244922638,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"name": "block : atomic",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"name": "block : atomic",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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+ "id": "202a446.1aab7bc",
"type": "execute",
"name": "delete RRMPolicyRatio CUUP- URL",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.removeRRMPolicyRatio.ToCUUP`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deleteRRMPolicyRatio-CUUP.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idNearRTRIC}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.nearRTRICId`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3386.1665000915527,
- "y": 3179.167140483856,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 3353.1039695739746,
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "generate deleteRRMPolicyRatio.ToNRCellCU URL",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.removeRRMPolicyRatio.ToCUUP.ransim-mounted`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deleteRRMPolicyRatio-CUUP.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idNearRTRIC}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.nearRTRICId`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3361.277862548828,
- "y": 3320.5002007484436,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 3328.21533203125,
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "populate mountName",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.deleteRRMPolicyRatio-CUUP.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deleteRRMPolicyRatio-CUUP.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{mountName}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.idGNBCUUPFunction`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3285.72208404541,
- "y": 3356.055682659149,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 3252.659553527832,
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"wires": [
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"name": "False",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 3417.166949748993,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 2599.271099090576,
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"type": "block",
"name": "block : atomic",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 3425.500039577484,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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- "id": "f3edc121.dc54c",
+ "id": "4541fc8d.b17394",
"type": "set",
"name": "Read RRMPolicyMember-sNSSAI",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.CUUPRRMPolicyMember_sNSSAI' value=\"`'$get-rrmpolicyratio-cuup-response.attributes.RRMPolicyRatio['+ $idcuup-rrm+'].attributes.rRMPolicyMemberList['+ $idcu-rrm2 +'].sNSSAI'`\" />",
"comments": "",
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"wires": []
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+ "id": "2d1f3c78.990674",
"type": "switchNode",
"name": "find matching RRMPolicyMember",
"xml": "<switch test='`$tmp.CUUPRRMPolicyMember_sNSSAI==$tmp.sNSSAI`'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3106.2777786254883,
- "y": 3466.389214992523,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"type": "success",
"name": "success",
"xml": "<outcome value='success'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3337.1112670898438,
- "y": 3433.833224773407,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"type": "block",
"name": "block : atomic",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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+ "x": 3527.6595764160156,
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- "id": "4d5fc4b1.c2afec",
+ "id": "b9828127.cbde9",
"type": "set",
"name": "Read RRMPolicyMember-id",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.CUUPRRMPolicyMember_id' value=\"`'$get-rrmpolicyratio-cuup-response.attributes.RRMPolicyRatio['+ $idcuup-rrm+'].attributes.rRMPolicyMemberList['+ $idcu-rrm2 +'].idx'`\" />",
"comments": "",
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"name": "record",
"xml": "<record plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"file\" value=\"/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/terminateRANSlice.log\" />\n<parameter name=\"level\" value=\"info\" />\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"RRMPolicyMember id - \"/>\n<parameter name=\"field2\" value=\"`$tmp.CUUPRRMPolicyMember_id`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3778.0487670898438,
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"name": "ransim mounted",
"xml": "<switch test='`$prop.ransim-mounted`'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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+ "id": "d898bdf.66a304",
"type": "outcome",
"name": "Not Mounted",
"xml": "<outcome value='false'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"type": "outcome",
"name": "Mounted",
"xml": "<outcome value='true'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 4017.7883224487305,
- "y": 3544.610942363739,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"type": "execute",
"name": "generate deleteRRMPolicyMember.CUUP URL",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.removeRRMPolicyMember.ToCUUP`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deleteRRMPolicyRatio-CUUP.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idNearRTRIC}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.nearRTRICId`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 3490.5000586509705,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 4322.770225524902,
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"wires": [
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"type": "block",
"name": "block : atomic",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 4184.7221755981445,
- "y": 3542.1667761802673,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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+ "id": "d61366a4.26bf58",
"type": "execute",
"name": "generate deleteRRMPolicyRatio.ToNRCellCU URL",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.removeRRMPolicyMember.CUUP.ransim-mounted`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deleteRRMPolicyRatio-CUUP.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idNearRTRIC}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.nearRTRICId`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 4484.999885559082,
- "y": 3536.055984020233,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "populate mountName",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.deleteRRMPolicyRatio-CUUP.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deleteRRMPolicyRatio-CUUP.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{mountName}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.idGNBCUUPFunction`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 4404.999603271484,
- "y": 3594.9444003105164,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 4371.937072753906,
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"wires": [
- "id": "3bf69c69.a43924",
+ "id": "1f148330.077d3d",
"type": "execute",
"name": "prepare idGNBCUUPFunction",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.deleteRRMPolicyRatio-CUUP.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deleteRRMPolicyRatio-CUUP.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idGNBCUUPFunction}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.idGNBCUUPFunction`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2578.5001373291016,
- "y": 3489.5003447532654,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 2545.4376068115234,
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"wires": [
- "id": "9f2ab222.4805",
+ "id": "d6e8e92e.fa5f08",
"type": "execute",
"name": "prepare RRMPolicyRatio id",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.deleteRRMPolicyRatio-CUUP.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deleteRRMPolicyRatio-CUUP.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{id}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.CUUPRRMPolicyRatio_id`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2567.4380264282227,
- "y": 3522.3128452301025,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 2534.3754959106445,
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"wires": [
- "id": "8523ea44.7a0898",
+ "id": "f823ca63.c76588",
"type": "execute",
"name": "prepare RRMPolicyMember id",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.deleteRRMPolicyRatio-CUUP.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deleteRRMPolicyRatio-CUUP.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idx}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.CUUPRRMPolicyMember_id`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2577.9376373291016,
- "y": 3559.062846183777,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 2544.8751068115234,
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"name": "record",
"xml": "<record plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"file\" value=\"/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/terminateRANSlice.log\" />\n<parameter name=\"level\" value=\"info\" />\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"Delete RRMPolicy URL - \"/>\n<parameter name=\"field2\" value=\"`$tmp.deleteRRMPolicyRatio-CUUP.url`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field3\" value=\"RRMPolicyRatio id\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field4\" value=\"`$tmp.CUUPRRMPolicyRatio_id`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2066.034355163574,
- "y": 3625.4242725372314,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"wires": [
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+ "id": "b886c16f.ec3f9",
"type": "execute",
"name": "Terminate NRCellCU - RRMPolicyRatio",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.controller.url + $tmp.deleteRRMPolicyRatio-CUUP.url`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"restapiUser\" value=\"`$prop.controller.user`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiPassword\" value=\"`$prop.controller.pwd`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"DELETE\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"delete-CUUP-RRMPolicyRatio-response\"/>\n<parameter name='contentType' value='application/json' /> \n<parameter name='format' value='json' />",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2142.812286376953,
- "y": 3671.423490524292,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 2109.749755859375,
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"wires": [
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- "id": "1a09eab5.8fb4d5",
+ "id": "dd8a2b25.19ba28",
"type": "execute",
"name": "read PLMNList size",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.DUpLMNInfoList_length' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'getNFNSSIRIC-configdb-response.['+ $idy +'].gNBDUList['+ $id-du +'].cellDUList['+ $id-celldu +'].pLMNInfoList_length'`\" />",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2194.437728881836,
- "y": 4194.125453948975,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 2161.375198364258,
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+ "z": "7dbbf2af.ccfd8c",
"wires": [
- "id": "a8c983be.71b54",
+ "id": "62d32210.5d22bc",
"type": "for",
"name": "foreach PLMNInfo",
"xml": "<for index='id-duplmn' start='0' end='`$tmp.DUpLMNInfoList_length`' >\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2237.7713165283203,
- "y": 4311.125455856323,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 2204.708786010742,
+ "y": 4370.625458717346,
+ "z": "7dbbf2af.ccfd8c",
"wires": [
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+ "9dac9c85.ee826"
- "id": "ba53b011.6cacf",
+ "id": "57798dd0.ea3d04",
"type": "execute",
"name": "read sNSSAI from getNFNSSIRIC-configdb-response",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.configDBSNSSAI-DU' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'getNFNSSIRIC-configdb-response.['+ $idy +'].gNBDUList['+ $id-du +'].cellDUList['+ $id-celldu +'].pLMNInfoList['+ $id-duplmn +'].sNSSAI['+ $id-dusnssai +'].sNSSAI'`\" />",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2859.29891204834,
- "y": 4309.375453948975,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 2826.2363815307617,
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+ "z": "7dbbf2af.ccfd8c",
"wires": [
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"name": "record",
"xml": "<record plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"file\" value=\"/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/terminateRANSlice.log\" />\n<parameter name=\"level\" value=\"info\" />\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"sNSSAI - getNFNSSIRIC-configdb-response\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field2\" value=\"`$tmp.configDBSNSSAI-DU`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field3\" value=\"sNSSAI from request\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field4\" value=\"`$tmp.sNSSAI`\"/>\n\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2779.0487670898438,
- "y": 4351.3750648498535,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 2745.9862365722656,
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"wires": [
- "id": "ca93bc12.6b465",
+ "id": "ab1def53.0564f",
"type": "switchNode",
"name": "is NSSAI exists",
"xml": "<switch test='`$tmp.configDBSNSSAI-DU == $tmp.sNSSAI`'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2777.1876335144043,
- "y": 4407.680534362793,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 2744.125102996826,
+ "y": 4467.180537223816,
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"type": "outcome",
"name": "True",
"xml": "<outcome value='true'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2930.659900665283,
- "y": 4411.152799606323,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 2897.597370147705,
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- "id": "78a62f70.66a53",
+ "id": "d0124a83.aa2ab8",
"type": "execute",
"name": "prepare sNSSAI",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.deletePLMNInfoListEntry-cellDU.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deletePLMNInfoListEntry-cellDU.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{sNssai}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.sNSSAI`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3106.1875,
- "y": 4878.81250333786,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 3073.124969482422,
+ "y": 4938.312506198883,
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"wires": [
- "id": "419b3c7a.8d5e74",
+ "id": "62ecc111.352e3",
"type": "for",
"name": "for each rrmpolicyMember",
"xml": "<for index='iddu-rrm2' start='0' end='`$tmp.DURRMPolicyMembersLength`' >\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3697.4722213745117,
- "y": 5644.71551322937,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 3664.4096908569336,
+ "y": 5704.215516090393,
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"wires": [
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+ "id": "a044a425.d4a8f8",
"type": "block",
"name": "block : atomic",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3915.1390228271484,
- "y": 5643.82684135437,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 3882.0764923095703,
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+ "5cd69f40.d5bb",
+ "341237e5.667278"
- "id": "ab01c8e3.401bb8",
+ "id": "4c0eb91e.016be8",
"type": "switchNode",
"name": "if length > 0 ",
"xml": "<switch test='`$tmp.DURRMPolicyMembersLength > 0`'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 4072.056137084961,
- "y": 5558.465371608734,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 4038.993606567383,
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"wires": [
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+ "id": "f995b42b.c62888",
"type": "success",
"name": "success",
"xml": "<outcome value='true'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 4214.972393035889,
- "y": 5516.520587444305,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 4181.909862518311,
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"type": "block",
"name": "block : atomic",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 4381.6388511657715,
- "y": 5516.521047115326,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 4348.576320648193,
+ "y": 5576.021049976349,
+ "z": "7dbbf2af.ccfd8c",
"wires": [
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+ "32032a83.0e2796"
- "id": "5550981e.495028",
+ "id": "32032a83.0e2796",
"type": "switchNode",
"name": "ransim mounted",
"xml": "<switch test='`$prop.ransim-mounted`'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 4229.416732788086,
- "y": 5395.409782648087,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 4196.354202270508,
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"wires": [
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+ "id": "657a7bbc.3a03a4",
"type": "outcome",
"name": "Not Mounted",
"xml": "<outcome value='false'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 4472.750473022461,
- "y": 5411.298461437225,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 4439.687942504883,
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+ "id": "1ff67891.fe0d97",
"type": "outcome",
"name": "Mounted",
"xml": "<outcome value='true'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 4463.593982696533,
- "y": 5451.742744922638,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 4430.531452178955,
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"wires": [
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"type": "block",
"name": "block : atomic",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 4654.138893127441,
- "y": 5412.632061481476,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 4621.076362609863,
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- "id": "682537c.8c9fec8",
+ "id": "50f4a2d7.1c2d7c",
"type": "execute",
"name": "delete RRMPolicyRatio DU- URL",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.removeRRMPolicyRatio.ToNRCellDU`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deleteRRMPolicyRatio-DU.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idNearRTRIC}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.nearRTRICId`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 4939.416603088379,
- "y": 5409.854339122772,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 4906.354072570801,
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"wires": [
- "id": "865d667d.44a788",
+ "id": "5cfd6451.1e572c",
"type": "execute",
"name": "generate deleteRRMPolicyRatio.ToNRCellCU URL",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.removeRRMPolicyRatio.ToNRCellDU.ransim-mounted`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deleteRRMPolicyRatio-DU.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idNearRTRIC}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.nearRTRICId`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 4950.527862548828,
- "y": 5453.187700748444,
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"name": "populate mountName",
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"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"name": "failure",
"xml": "<outcome value='false'>\n",
"comments": "",
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- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"comments": "",
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"type": "set",
"name": "Read RRMPolicyMember-sNSSA",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.cellDURRMPolicyMember_sNSSAI' value=\"`'$get-rrmpolicyratio-du-response.attributes.RRMPolicyRatio['+ $iddu-rrm+'].attributes.rRMPolicyMemberList['+ $iddu-rrm2 +'].sNSSAI'`\" />",
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"wires": []
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"name": "find matching RRMPolicyMember",
"xml": "<switch test='`$tmp.cellDURRMPolicyMember_sNSSAI==$tmp.sNSSAI`'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 5580.40962934494,
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"type": "success",
"name": "success",
"xml": "<outcome value='success'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"comments": "",
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"type": "set",
"name": "Read RRMPolicyMember-id",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.CellDURRMPolicyMember_id' value=\"`'$get-rrmpolicyratio-du-response.attributes.RRMPolicyRatio['+ $iddu-rrm+'].attributes.rRMPolicyMemberList['+ $iddu-rrm2 +'].idx'`\" />",
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"xml": "<record plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"file\" value=\"/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/terminateRANSlice.log\" />\n<parameter name=\"level\" value=\"info\" />\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"RRMPolicyMember id - \"/>\n<parameter name=\"field2\" value=\"`$tmp.CellDURRMPolicyMember_id`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 5597.18066740036,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"name": "ransim mounted",
"xml": "<switch test='`$prop.ransim-mounted`'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 5372.964912414551,
- "y": 5644.8543066978455,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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+ "id": "873127af.ddb218",
"type": "outcome",
"name": "Not Mounted",
"xml": "<outcome value='false'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 5616.298973083496,
- "y": 5644.076330661774,
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"type": "outcome",
"name": "Mounted",
"xml": "<outcome value='true'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 5607.142387390137,
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- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"type": "execute",
"name": "generate deleteRRMPolicyMember.ToNRCellDU URL",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.removeRRMPolicyMember.ToNRCellDU`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deleteRRMPolicyRatio-DU.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idNearRTRIC}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.nearRTRICId`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"name": "block : atomic",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"type": "execute",
"name": "generate deleteRRMPolicyRatio.ToNRCellCU URL",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.removeRRMPolicyMember.ToNRCellDU.ransim-mounted`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deleteRRMPolicyRatio-DU.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idNearRTRIC}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.nearRTRICId`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 5687.076766490936,
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "populate mountName",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.deleteRRMPolicyRatio-DU.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deleteRRMPolicyRatio-DU.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{mountName}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.GNBDUId`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 5994.353668212891,
- "y": 5745.9651827812195,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 5961.2911376953125,
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "prepare idGNBDUFunction",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.deleteRRMPolicyRatio-DU.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deleteRRMPolicyRatio-DU.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idGNBDUFunction}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.GNBDUId`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 5630.688269615173,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"name": "prepare idNRCellDu",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.deleteRRMPolicyRatio-DU.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deleteRRMPolicyRatio-DU.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idNRCellDU}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.cellDULocalId`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "prepare RRMPolicyRatio id",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.deleteRRMPolicyRatio-DU.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deleteRRMPolicyRatio-DU.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{id}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.cellDURRMPolicyRatio_id`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 5698.500771522522,
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+ "x": 4210.6254959106445,
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "prepare RRMPolicyMember id",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.deleteRRMPolicyRatio-DU.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deleteRRMPolicyRatio-DU.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idx}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.cellDURRMPolicyMember_sNSSAI`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 4251.18758392334,
- "y": 5734.250741004944,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"xml": "<record plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"file\" value=\"/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/terminateRANSlice.log\" />\n<parameter name=\"level\" value=\"info\" />\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"Delete RRMPolicy URL - \"/>\n<parameter name=\"field2\" value=\"`$tmp.deleteRRMPolicyRatio-DU.url`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field3\" value=\"RRMPolicyRatio id\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field4\" value=\"`$tmp.cellDURRMPolicyRatio_id`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 5727.112832546234,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "Terminate NRCellDU - RRMPolicyRatio",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.controller.url + $tmp.deleteRRMPolicyRatio-DU.url`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"restapiUser\" value=\"`$prop.controller.user`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiPassword\" value=\"`$prop.controller.pwd`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"DELETE\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"delete-cellDU-RRMPolicyRatio-response\"/>\n<parameter name='contentType' value='application/json' /> \n<parameter name='format' value='json' />",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3701.312454223633,
- "y": 5793.362391471863,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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- "id": "4b4f8ae1.4d04f4",
+ "id": "a84fd19d.c1404",
"type": "returnSuccess",
"name": "return success",
"xml": "<return status='success'>\n<parameter name=\"ack-final\" value=\"Y\" />\n<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"200\" />\n<parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"SUCCESSFUL Execution\" />",
"comments": "",
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"wires": []
- "id": "2df95230.31a61e",
+ "id": "627d8fb4.50f7c",
"type": "for",
"name": "foreach PLMNInfo",
"xml": "<for index='id-ric' start='0' end='`$tmp.RICPLMNEntries`' >\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1013.0000534057617,
- "y": 712.2500514984131,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 908.6875381469727,
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"type": "block",
"name": "block : atomic",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1210.25,
- "y": 694.2500042915344,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 1090.9375381469727,
+ "y": 1207.5000166893005,
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+ "id": "e17075dc.31d448",
"type": "switchNode",
"name": "is NSSAI exists",
"xml": "<switch test='`$tmp.ric.sNSSAI == $tmp.sNSSAI`'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1385.2499771118164,
- "y": 741.5000486373901,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 1550.9375839233398,
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"type": "block",
"name": "block : atomic",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 1594.437728881836,
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"xml": "<record plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"file\" value=\"/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/terminateRANSlice.log\" />\n<parameter name=\"level\" value=\"info\" />\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"PLMNInfo List before removal\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field2\" value=\"`$tmp.RICPLMNEntries`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 665,
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+ "x": 893.6875343322754,
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"name": "Read RRMPolicy Member List Length",
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"name": "RRMPolicyRatio id",
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"comments": "",
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"name": "set mcc & mnc Variables",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.mcc' value='`$tmp.plmnList[0]`'/>\n<parameter name='tmp.mnc' value='`$tmp.plmnList[1]`'/>",
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"wires": []
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"type": "execute",
"name": "read sNSSAIList Length",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.ric.sNSSAILength' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'getNFNSSIRIC-configdb-response.['+ $idy +'].pLMNInfoList['+$id-ric+'].sNSSAI_length'`\" />\n",
"comments": "",
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"wires": [
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"type": "for",
"name": "foreach sNSSAI",
"xml": "<for index='id-ric-snssai' start='0' end='`$tmp.ric.sNSSAILength`' >\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"comments": "",
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"type": "execute",
"name": "read sNSSAI",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.ric.sNSSAI' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'getNFNSSIRIC-configdb-response.['+ $idy +'].pLMNInfoList['+$id-ric+'].sNSSAI['+$id-ric-snssai+'].sNSSAI'`\" />\n",
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"name": "read sNSSAI",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.ric.sNSSAIremoved' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'getNFNSSIRIC-configdb-response.['+ $idy +'].pLMNInfoList['+$id-ric+'].sNSSAI['+$id-ric-snssai+'].sNSSAI'`\" />\n",
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"type": "execute",
"name": "generate removesNSSAIFromRIC URL",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.configdb.url + $prop.restapi.configdb.removenSSAINearRTRIC`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.configdb.getNearRTRICNSSAIRemoval.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{nearRTRICId}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.nearRTRICId`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "prepare sNSSAI",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.configdb.getNearRTRICNSSAIRemoval.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.configdb.getNearRTRICNSSAIRemoval.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{sNSSAI}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.ric.sNSSAIremoved`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "Read RRMPolicy Member List Length",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.CUUPRRMPolicyMembersLength' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'get-rrmpolicyratio-cuup-response.attributes.RRMPolicyRatio['+ $idcuup-rrm+'].attributes.rRMPolicyMemberList_length'`\" />\n ",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 3491.199954032898,
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"comments": "",
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "RRMPolicyRatio id",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.CUUPRRMPolicyRatio_id' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'get-rrmpolicyratio-cuup-response.attributes.RRMPolicyRatio['+ $idcuup-rrm+'].id'`\" />\n ",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 3126.300099849701,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"xml": "<record plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"file\" value=\"/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/terminateRANSlice.log\" />\n<parameter name=\"level\" value=\"info\" />\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"Delete RRMPolicy URL after setting - \"/>\n<parameter name=\"field2\" value=\"`$tmp.deleteRRMPolicyRatio-CUUP.url`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 3149.10010099411,
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 3377.1001505851746,
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"type": "execute",
"name": "generate terminate PLMNInfoListEntry CUUP URL for configdb",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.configdb.removenSSAICUUP`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deletePLMNInfo-CUUP.configdb.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{gnbCUUPId}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.idGNBCUUPFunction`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2016.0000305175781,
- "y": 2956.8000440597534,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "prepare sNSSAI",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.deletePLMNInfo-CUUP.configdb.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deletePLMNInfo-CUUP.configdb.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{sNSSAI}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.sNSSAI`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1859.0000228881836,
- "y": 2996.200240135193,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 1825.9374923706055,
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "Update nearRT RIC Details in ConfigDB",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.configdb.url + $tmp.deletePLMNInfo-CUUP.configdb.url`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"DELETE\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"delete-CUUP-plmninfo-configdb-response\"/>\n<parameter name='contentType' value='application/json' /> \n<parameter name='format' value='json' />\n<parameter name='accept' value='application/json' />\n<parameter name=\"convertResponse\" value=\"true\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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+ "y": 3104.3000478744507,
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+ "id": "3902bf5f.e01ce",
"type": "failure",
"name": "failure",
"xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 2147.3374977111816,
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"type": "success",
"name": "success",
"xml": "<outcome value='success'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 3081.2000455856323,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 2174.3374938964844,
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"xml": "<record plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"file\" value=\"/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/terminateRANSlice.log\" />\n<parameter name=\"level\" value=\"info\" />\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"Successfully removed - gNBCUUP PLMNInfo Entry from configdb\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2560.4000358581543,
- "y": 3093.2000455856323,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"wires": [
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"type": "returnFailure",
"name": "return failure",
"xml": "<return status='failure'>\n<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='500'/>\n<parameter name='error-message' value='Error removing CUUP PLMNInfo. Aborting RPC executiopn'/>",
"comments": "",
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"type": "set",
"name": "set",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='500'/>\n<parameter name='error-message' value='Error removing CUUP PLMNInfoList. Aborting RPC executiopn'/>",
"comments": "",
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"wires": []
- "id": "fdc0ff7c.ee3fc",
+ "id": "e69dbd8f.eeb1f",
"type": "execute",
"name": "read snssailist size",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.sNssaiListLength' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'getNFNSSIRIC-configdb-response.['+ $idy +'].gNBCUUPList['+ $id-cuup +'].pLMNInfoList['+ $id-plmn +'].sNSSAI_length'`\" />",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 1328.9999923706055,
- "y": 2263.599838256836,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 1295.9374618530273,
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"type": "for",
"name": "foreach snssai",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"type": "block",
"name": "block : atomic",
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"comments": "",
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"type": "switchNode",
"name": "check the action",
"xml": "<switch test='`$tmp.sNssaiListLength > 0`'>\n",
"comments": "",
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"xml": "<record plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"file\" value=\"/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/terminateRANSlice.log\" />\n<parameter name=\"level\" value=\"info\" />\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"nssaimatch in false \"/>\n<parameter name=\"field2\" value=\"`nssai deletion does not takes place`\"/>\n\n",
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"comments": "",
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"type": "execute",
"name": "Read RRMPolicyResourcetype",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.CUUPRRMPolicyMembersResourceType' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'get-rrmpolicyratio-cuup-response.attributes.RRMPolicyRatio['+ $idcuup-rrm+'].attributes.resourceType'`\" />\n ",
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"type": "execute",
"name": "generate terminate rrmpolicy CUUP URL for configdb",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.configdb.removenSSAICUUPRRMPOLICY`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deleteRRMPolicy-CUUP.configdb.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{gnbCUUPId}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.idGNBCUUPFunction`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"name": "prepare sNSSAI",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"name": "prepare resourcetype",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.deleteRRMPolicy-CUUP.configdb.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deleteRRMPolicy-CUUP.configdb.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{resourcetype}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.CUUPRRMPolicyMembersResourceType`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"type": "execute",
"name": "Update nearRT RIC Details in ConfigDB",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.configdb.url + $tmp.deleteRRMPolicy-CUUP.configdb.url`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"DELETE\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"delete-CUUP-rrmpolicy-configdb-response\"/>\n<parameter name='contentType' value='application/json' /> \n<parameter name='format' value='json' />\n<parameter name='accept' value='application/json' />\n<parameter name=\"convertResponse\" value=\"true\"/>",
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"name": "failure",
"xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
"comments": "",
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"type": "success",
"name": "success",
"xml": "<outcome value='success'>\n",
"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"type": "returnFailure",
"name": "return failure",
"xml": "<return status='failure'>\n<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='500'/>\n<parameter name='error-message' value='Error removing CUUP PLMNInfo. Aborting RPC executiopn'/>",
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"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"comments": "",
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"name": "RRMPolicyRatio id",
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"wires": []
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+ "id": "3cec9739.39d9f8",
"type": "execute",
"name": "Read RRMPolicy Member List Length",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.DURRMPolicyMembersLength' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'get-rrmpolicyratio-du-response.attributes.RRMPolicyRatio['+ $iddu-rrm+'].attributes.rRMPolicyMemberList_length'`\" />\n ",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 5548.1998863220215,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "generate terminate plmn GNBDU URL for configdb",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.configdb.removenSSAINRCellDU`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deleteplmninfo-GNBDU.configdb.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idNRCellDU}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.cellDULocalId`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3139.39990234375,
- "y": 4999.39990234375,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 3106.337371826172,
+ "y": 5058.899905204773,
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "prepare sNSSAI",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.deleteplmninfo-GNBDU.configdb.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deleteplmninfo-GNBDU.configdb.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{sNSSAI}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.sNSSAI`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 5061.400075912476,
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"wires": [
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+ "id": "2623a9f9.8193d6",
"type": "execute",
"name": "Update nearRT RIC Details in ConfigDB",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.configdb.url + $tmp.deleteplmninfo-GNBDU.configdb.url`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"DELETE\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"delete-GNBDU-plmninfo-configdb-response\"/>\n<parameter name='contentType' value='application/json' /> \n<parameter name='format' value='json' />\n<parameter name='accept' value='application/json' />\n<parameter name=\"convertResponse\" value=\"true\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"comments": "",
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"type": "returnFailure",
"name": "return failure",
"xml": "<return status='failure'>\n<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='500'/>\n<parameter name='error-message' value='Error removing CUUP PLMNInfo. Aborting RPC executiopn'/>",
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"name": "set",
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "Read RRMPolicyResourcetype",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.DURRMPolicyMembersResourceType' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'get-rrmpolicyratio-du-response.attributes.RRMPolicyRatio['+ $iddu-rrm+'].attributes.resourceType'`\" />\n ",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "generate terminate rrmpolicy CUUP URL for configdb",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.configdb.removenSSAICUUPRRMPOLICY`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deleteRRMPolicy-CUUP.configdb.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{gnbCUUPId}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.cellDULocalId`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3631.800148010254,
- "y": 5924.600184440613,
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+ "x": 3598.737617492676,
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "prepare sNSSAI",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.deleteRRMPolicy-CUUP.configdb.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deleteRRMPolicy-CUUP.configdb.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{sNSSAI}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.sNSSAI`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 6009.600185394287,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 3493.737617492676,
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "prepare resourcetype",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.deleteRRMPolicy-CUUP.configdb.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deleteRRMPolicy-CUUP.configdb.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{resourcetype}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.DURRMPolicyMembersResourceType`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 5964.600185394287,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 3503.737617492676,
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "Update nearRT RIC Details in ConfigDB",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.configdb.url + $tmp.deleteRRMPolicy-CUUP.configdb.url`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"DELETE\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"delete-DU-rrmpolicy-configdb-response\"/>\n<parameter name='contentType' value='application/json' /> \n<parameter name='format' value='json' />\n<parameter name='accept' value='application/json' />\n<parameter name=\"convertResponse\" value=\"true\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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+ "id": "b43a35d2.f46d38",
"type": "failure",
"name": "failure",
"xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
"comments": "",
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+ "x": 3809.737621307373,
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"type": "success",
"name": "success",
"xml": "<outcome value='success'>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 3822.737621307373,
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"name": "block : atomic",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"name": "record",
"xml": "<record plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"file\" value=\"/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/terminateRANSlice.log\" />\n<parameter name=\"level\" value=\"info\" />\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"Successfully removed - gNBDU rrmpolicy Entry from configdb\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 4012.8001556396484,
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- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 3979.7376251220703,
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "Read RRMPolicyResourcetype",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>\n\t<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.CURRMPolicyMembersResourceType' />\n\t<parameter name='source' value=\"`'get-rrmpolicyratio-response.attributes.RRMPolicyRatio['+ $idcu-rrm+'].attributes.resourceType'`\" />\n ",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2564.199951171875,
- "y": 2429.60009765625,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 2531.137420654297,
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"wires": [
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+ "id": "e9d595ba.da8798",
"type": "execute",
"name": "generate terminate rrmpolicy CUUP URL for configdb",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.configdb.removenSSAICUUPRRMPOLICY`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deleteRRMPolicy-CUUP.configdb.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{gnbCUUPId}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.cellCULocalId`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2622.599952697754,
- "y": 2472.60009765625,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 2589.537422180176,
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"wires": [
- "id": "57973a51.8c2c54",
+ "id": "75e674c6.e4e7ec",
"type": "execute",
"name": "prepare sNSSAI",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.deleteRRMPolicy-CUUP.configdb.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deleteRRMPolicy-CUUP.configdb.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{sNSSAI}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.sNSSAI`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2517.599952697754,
- "y": 2557.6000986099243,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 2484.537422180176,
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"wires": [
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+ "id": "bcdd3642.205538",
"type": "execute",
"name": "prepare resourcetype",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.deleteRRMPolicy-CUUP.configdb.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deleteRRMPolicy-CUUP.configdb.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{resourcetype}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.CURRMPolicyMembersResourceType`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2527.599952697754,
- "y": 2512.6000986099243,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 2494.537422180176,
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"wires": [
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+ "id": "15f1b3ba.7f395c",
"type": "execute",
"name": "Update nearRT RIC Details in ConfigDB",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.configdb.url + $tmp.deleteRRMPolicy-CUUP.configdb.url`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"DELETE\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"delete-CU-rrmpolicy-configdb-response\"/>\n<parameter name='contentType' value='application/json' /> \n<parameter name='format' value='json' />\n<parameter name='accept' value='application/json' />\n<parameter name=\"convertResponse\" value=\"true\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 2600.600100040436,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 2545.537422180176,
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+ "id": "162e717e.ef11af",
"type": "failure",
"name": "failure",
"xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
"comments": "",
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- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
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"name": "success",
"xml": "<outcome value='success'>\n",
"comments": "",
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"name": "block : atomic",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 3003.5999603271484,
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "generate terminate PLMNInfoListEntry CellCU URL for configdb",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.configdb.removenSSAINRCellCU`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deletePLMNInfo-CellCU.configdb.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idNRCellCU}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.cellCULocalId`\"/>\n",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2321.800048828125,
- "y": 1460.5999755859375,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 2288.737518310547,
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"wires": [
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"type": "execute",
"name": "prepare sNSSAI",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.deletePLMNInfo-CellCU.configdb.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deletePLMNInfo-CellCU.configdb.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{sNSSAI}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.sNSSAI`\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
- "x": 2164.8000411987305,
- "y": 1500.000171661377,
- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 2131.7375106811523,
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"wires": [
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+ "id": "167c0e22.901b82",
"type": "execute",
"name": "Update nearRT RIC Details in ConfigDB",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.configdb.url + $tmp.deletePLMNInfo-CellCU.configdb.url`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"DELETE\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"delete-CELLCU-plmninfo-configdb-response\"/>\n<parameter name='contentType' value='application/json' /> \n<parameter name='format' value='json' />\n<parameter name='accept' value='application/json' />\n<parameter name=\"convertResponse\" value=\"true\"/>",
"comments": "",
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- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 2194.737503051758,
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+ "id": "bd05ffc.53b06",
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"name": "failure",
"xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
"comments": "",
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"name": "success",
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"comments": "",
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"name": "block : atomic",
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"comments": "",
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"type": "block",
"name": "block : atomic",
"xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
"atomic": "true",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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"type": "record",
"name": "record",
"xml": "<record plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"file\" value=\"/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/terminateRANSlice.log\" />\n<parameter name=\"level\" value=\"info\" />\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"Successfully removed - CEllCU PLMNInfo Entry from configdb\"/>",
"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "z": "681fe365.17b79c",
+ "x": 2833.137523651123,
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"wires": [
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+ "id": "8f30284f.20e3a8",
"type": "returnFailure",
"name": "return failure",
"xml": "<return status='failure'>\n<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='500'/>\n<parameter name='error-message' value='Error removing CUUP PLMNInfo. Aborting RPC executiopn'/>",
"comments": "",
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"type": "set",
"name": "set",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='500'/>\n<parameter name='error-message' value='Error removing CUUP PLMNInfoList. Aborting RPC executiopn'/>",
"comments": "",
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"wires": []
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"type": "block",
"name": "block : atomic",
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"comments": "",
"outputs": 1,
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- "y": 4083.000060081482,
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- "id": "6740dc9f.71ec44",
+ "id": "a6dc58d6.ae0068",
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"name": "read snssailist size",
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"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"name": "read sNSSAI from input",
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"type": "set",
"name": "read action from input",
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"comments": "",
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"name": "read action from input",
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"name": "printContext",
"xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='printContext' >\n<parameter name='filename' value='/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/ranSlice-terminateRANSlice-context.log' />\n\n\n",
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"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"comments": "",
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"wires": []
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"type": "set",
"name": "read sNSSAI from input sliceprofile",
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"comments": "",
- "x": 2010.4000244140625,
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"wires": []
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"type": "set",
"name": "read SpId from input sliceprofile",
"xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='tmp.sliceprofileid' value=\"`$payloadJson.input.sliceProfile.sliceProfileId`\"/>",
"comments": "",
- "x": 2037.800048828125,
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"name": "read SpId from input ",
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"comments": "",
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+ {
+ "id": "b9eb91f2.91722",
+ "type": "outcome",
+ "name": "Not Mounted",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='false'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1047.8125305175781,
+ "y": 730.4373331069946,
+ "z": "7dbbf2af.ccfd8c",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "9cfb3d86.53f5d"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "9e6449f8.230918",
+ "type": "outcome",
+ "name": "Mounted",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='true'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1037.3125,
+ "y": 771.9375038146973,
+ "z": "7dbbf2af.ccfd8c",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "c06723d0.11693"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "c06723d0.11693",
+ "type": "block",
+ "name": "ransim URL",
+ "xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
+ "atomic": "true",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1186.3121643066406,
+ "y": 784.9376091957092,
+ "z": "7dbbf2af.ccfd8c",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "a6810ff4.93fe9",
+ "759b90a0.4de46"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "9cfb3d86.53f5d",
+ "type": "execute",
+ "name": "generate remove sliceProfile url",
+ "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.nearrtric.removeSliceProfile`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deleteSliceProfileEntry.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idNearRTRIC}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.nearRTRICId`\"/>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1318.5624313354492,
+ "y": 728.1875038146973,
+ "z": "7dbbf2af.ccfd8c",
+ "wires": [
+ []
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "a6810ff4.93fe9",
+ "type": "execute",
+ "name": "generate sliceprofile removal",
+ "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$prop.restapi.nearrtric.removeSliceProfile.ransim-mounted`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deleteSliceProfileEntry.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{idNearRTRIC}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.nearRTRICId`\"/>",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1084.562156677246,
+ "y": 849.9374575614929,
+ "z": "7dbbf2af.ccfd8c",
+ "wires": [
+ []
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "759b90a0.4de46",
+ "type": "execute",
+ "name": "populate mountName",
+ "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.deleteSliceProfileEntry.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deleteSliceProfileEntry.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{mountName}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.nearRTRICId`\"/>",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1007.312614440918,
+ "y": 890.4376420974731,
+ "z": "7dbbf2af.ccfd8c",
+ "wires": [
+ []
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "cd467a3c.ebd308",
+ "type": "execute",
+ "name": "Remove Slice Profile",
+ "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >\n<parameter name=\"restapiUrl\" value=\"`$prop.controller.url + $tmp.deleteSliceProfileEntry.url`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"restapiUser\" value=\"`$prop.controller.user`\" />\n<parameter name=\"restapiPassword\" value=\"`$prop.controller.pwd`\"/>\n<parameter name=\"httpMethod\" value=\"DELETE\"/>\n<parameter name=\"responsePrefix\" value=\"delete-slice-profile-response\"/>\n<parameter name='contentType' value='application/json' /> \n<parameter name='format' value='json' />\n<parameter name='accept' value='application/json' />\n<parameter name=\"convertResponse\" value=\"true\"/>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1007.812614440918,
+ "y": 1044.6875190734863,
+ "z": "7dbbf2af.ccfd8c",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "248f7539.80f80a",
+ "fe50e02f.34e6a"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "248f7539.80f80a",
+ "type": "failure",
+ "name": "failure",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1209.0625,
+ "y": 913.4375,
+ "z": "7dbbf2af.ccfd8c",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "474adbe.5237424"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "fe50e02f.34e6a",
+ "type": "success",
+ "name": "success",
+ "xml": "<outcome value='success'>\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1192.3806381225586,
+ "y": 986.0965933799744,
+ "z": "7dbbf2af.ccfd8c",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "9d8f45bc.4383f8"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "474adbe.5237424",
+ "type": "block",
+ "name": "block : atomic",
+ "xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
+ "atomic": "true",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1375.9375,
+ "y": 894.6875,
+ "z": "7dbbf2af.ccfd8c",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "579a1802.2390b8",
+ "53530b53.9b2494"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "53530b53.9b2494",
+ "type": "set",
+ "name": "set",
+ "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='500'/>\n<parameter name='error-message' value='Error updating nearRTRIC info in ConfigDB. Aborting RPC executiopn'/>",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 1524.9371910095215,
+ "y": 857.7984781265259,
+ "z": "7dbbf2af.ccfd8c",
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "579a1802.2390b8",
+ "type": "returnFailure",
+ "name": "return failure",
+ "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='500'/>\n<parameter name='error-message' value='Error updating nearRTRIC info in ConfigDB. Aborting RPC executiopn'/>",
+ "comments": "",
+ "x": 1538.9371948242188,
+ "y": 932.6875467300415,
+ "z": "7dbbf2af.ccfd8c",
"wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "17e5f427.41e40c",
+ "type": "record",
+ "name": "record",
+ "xml": "<record plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"file\" value=\"/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/terminateRANSlice.log\" />\n<parameter name=\"level\" value=\"info\" />\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"Successfully REmoved Slice Profile\"/>",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1453.4375305175781,
+ "y": 1054.6875228881836,
+ "z": "7dbbf2af.ccfd8c",
+ "wires": [
+ []
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "9d8f45bc.4383f8",
+ "type": "block",
+ "name": "block : atomic",
+ "xml": "<block atomic='true'>",
+ "atomic": "true",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 1373.9374923706055,
+ "y": 1000.4374145269394,
+ "z": "7dbbf2af.ccfd8c",
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "17e5f427.41e40c"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "13495f7c.967481",
+ "type": "execute",
+ "name": "prepare slice profile id",
+ "xml": "<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >\n <parameter name=\"source\" value=\"`$tmp.deleteSliceProfileEntry.url`\"/>\n <parameter name=\"outputPath\" value=\"tmp.deleteSliceProfileEntry.url\"/>\n <parameter name=\"target\" value=\"{sliceProfileId}\"/>\n <parameter name=\"replacement\" value=\"`$tmp.sliceprofileid`\"/>",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 929.3750038146973,
+ "y": 950.9375200271606,
+ "z": "7dbbf2af.ccfd8c",
+ "wires": [
+ []
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "4d8386dc.633268",
+ "type": "record",
+ "name": "record",
+ "xml": "<record plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"file\" value=\"/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/terminateRANSlice.log\" />\n<parameter name=\"level\" value=\"info\" />\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"sliceprofileid\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field2\" value=\"`$tmp.sliceprofileid`\" />\n<parameter name=\"field3\" value=\"nearRTRICId\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field4\" value=\"`$tmp.nearRTRICId`\" />\n<parameter name=\"field5\" value=\"endpoint URL\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field6\" value=\"`$tmp.deleteSliceProfileEntry.url`\" />\n",
+ "comments": "",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "x": 909.0625,
+ "y": 999.6875,
+ "z": "7dbbf2af.ccfd8c",
+ "wires": [
+ []
+ ]
] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/platform-logic/ran-slice-api/src/main/xml/ran-slice-api_instantiateRANSliceAllocate.xml b/platform-logic/ran-slice-api/src/main/xml/ran-slice-api_instantiateRANSliceAllocate.xml
index bd16b093..1cdb59db 100644
--- a/platform-logic/ran-slice-api/src/main/xml/ran-slice-api_instantiateRANSliceAllocate.xml
+++ b/platform-logic/ran-slice-api/src/main/xml/ran-slice-api_instantiateRANSliceAllocate.xml
@@ -287,14 +287,14 @@
<parameter name="field8" value="`$payloadJson.input.sliceProfile.uLThptPerSlice`"/>
- <parameter name='tmp.nearRTRIC.uLThptPerSlice' value='`$payloadJson.input.sliceProfile.uLThptPerSlice`' />
- <parameter name='tmp.nearRTRIC.dLThptPerSlice' value='`$payloadJson.input.sliceProfile.dLThptPerSlice`' />
+ <parameter name='tmp.nearRTRIC.uLThptPerSlice1' value='`$payloadJson.input.sliceProfile.uLThptPerSlice * 1.1`' />
+ <parameter name='tmp.nearRTRIC.dLThptPerSlice1' value='`$payloadJson.input.sliceProfile.dLThptPerSlice * 1.1`' />
+ <parameter name='tmp.nearRTRIC.maxNumberOfConns1' value='`$payloadJson.input.sliceProfile.maxNumberofConns * 1.1`' />
- <parameter name='tmp.nearRTRIC.maxNumberOfConns' value='`$payloadJson.input.sliceProfile.maxNumberofConns`' />
- <parameter name='tmp.maxNumberOfConns' value='`$payloadJson.input.sliceProfile.maxNumberofConns`' />
- <parameter name='tmp.uLThptPerSlice' value='`$payloadJson.input.sliceProfile.uLThptPerSlice`' />
- <parameter name='tmp.dLThptPerSlice' value='`$payloadJson.input.sliceProfile.dLThptPerSlice`' />
+ <parameter name='tmp.nearRTRIC.uLThptPerSlice' value='`$tmp.nearRTRIC.uLThptPerSlice1 / $getRIC-configdb-response._length`' />
+ <parameter name='tmp.nearRTRIC.dLThptPerSlice' value='`$tmp.nearRTRIC.dLThptPerSlice1 / $getRIC-configdb-response._length`' />
+ <parameter name='tmp.nearRTRIC.maxNumberOfConns' value='`$tmp.nearRTRIC.maxNumberOfConns1 / $getRIC-configdb-response._length`' />
<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='printContext' >
<parameter name='filename' value='/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/ranSlice-instantiateRANSlice-sliceparms-context.log' />
@@ -687,7 +687,7 @@
<parameter name="replacement" value="`$tmp.mnc`"/>
- <parameter name='tmp.maxNumberOfConns' value='`$tmp.payload.maxNumberofConns/$tmp.cellCUListEntries`'/>
+ <parameter name='tmp.maxNumberOfConns' value='`$tmp.nearRTRIC.maxNumberOfConns/$tmp.cellCUListEntries`'/>
<record plugin="org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder">
<parameter name="file" value="/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/instantiateRANSlice.log" />
@@ -1261,7 +1261,7 @@
<parameter name="replacement" value="`$tmp.mnc`"/>
- <parameter name='tmp.maxNumberOfConns' value='`$tmp.payload.maxNumberofConns/$tmp.cellCUListEntries`'/>
+ <parameter name='tmp.maxNumberOfConns' value='`$tmp.nearRTRIC.maxNumberOfConns/$tmp.cellCUListEntries`'/>
<record plugin="org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder">
<parameter name="file" value="/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/instantiateRANSlice.log" />
@@ -1886,8 +1886,8 @@
<parameter name="replacement" value="`$tmp.mnc`"/>
- <parameter name='tmp.uLThptPerSlice' value='`$tmp.payload.uLThptPerSlice/$tmp.cellDUListEntries`'/>
- <parameter name='tmp.dLThptPerSlice' value='`$tmp.payload.dLThptPerSlice/$tmp.cellDUListEntries`'/>
+ <parameter name='tmp.uLThptPerSlice' value='`$tmp.nearRTRIC.uLThptPerSlice/$tmp.cellDUListEntries`'/>
+ <parameter name='tmp.dLThptPerSlice' value='`$tmp.nearRTRIC.uLThptPerSlice/$tmp.cellDUListEntries`'/>
<record plugin="org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder">
<parameter name="file" value="/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/instantiateRANSlice.log" />
@@ -2506,4 +2506,4 @@
-</service-logic> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/platform-logic/ran-slice-api/src/main/xml/ran-slice-api_instantiateRANSliceModifyAllocate.xml b/platform-logic/ran-slice-api/src/main/xml/ran-slice-api_instantiateRANSliceModifyAllocate.xml
index 82d590c8..baf92b5c 100644
--- a/platform-logic/ran-slice-api/src/main/xml/ran-slice-api_instantiateRANSliceModifyAllocate.xml
+++ b/platform-logic/ran-slice-api/src/main/xml/ran-slice-api_instantiateRANSliceModifyAllocate.xml
@@ -167,6 +167,72 @@
<parameter name='error-code' value='500'/>
<parameter name='error-message' value='Error Getting Info from ConfigDB. Aborting RPC executiopn'/>
+ <block atomic='true'>
+ <record plugin="org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder">
+ <parameter name="file" value="/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/instantiateRANSlice.log" />
+ <parameter name="level" value="info" />
+ <parameter name="field1" value="Response code"/>
+ <parameter name="field2" value="`$error-code`" />
+ </record>
+ <set>
+ <parameter name="" value="`$payloadJson.input.callbackURL`"/>
+ <parameter name="tmp.reason" value="`$error-message`"/>
+ <parameter name="tmp.requestID" value="`$instantiateRANSlice-input.common-header.request-id`"/>
+ <parameter name="tmp.action" value="`$instantiateRANSlice-input.action`"/>
+ </set>
+ <switch test='`$error-code`'>
+ <outcome value='200'>
+ <set>
+ <parameter name="tmp.status" value="success"/>
+ </set>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value='Other'>
+ <set>
+ <parameter name="tmp.status" value="`$error-code`"/>
+ </set>
+ </outcome>
+ </switch>
+ <record plugin="org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder">
+ <parameter name="file" value="/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/so-callback-response.log" />
+ <parameter name="level" value="info" />
+ <parameter name="field1" value="URL for SO Callback Response"/>
+ <parameter name='field2' value="`$`" />
+ <parameter name='field3' value="`$tmp.status`" />
+ <parameter name='field4' value="`$tmp.reason`" />
+ <parameter name='field5' value="`$tmp.requestID`" />
+ <parameter name='field6' value="`$tmp.action`" />
+ </record>
+ <execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >
+ <parameter name="templateFileName" value="`$prop.restapi.templateDir + '/ranSlice-so-response.json'`" />
+ <parameter name="restapiUrl" value="`$`"/>
+ <parameter name="httpMethod" value="POST"/>
+ <parameter name="responsePrefix" value="so-callback-modify-response"/>
+ <parameter name='contentType' value='application/json' />
+ <parameter name='format' value='json' />
+ <parameter name='accept' value='*/*' />
+ <parameter name="convertResponse" value="true"/>
+ <parameter name="restapiUser" value="`$`" />
+ <parameter name="restapiPassword" value="`$`"/>
+ <outcome value='failure'>
+ <block>
+ <return status='failure'>
+ <parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>
+ <parameter name="error-code" value="500" />
+ <parameter name="error-message" value="Error sending SO Response" />
+ </return>
+ </block>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value='success'>
+ <block>
+ <record plugin="org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder">
+ <parameter name="file" value="/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/instantiateRANSliceModifyAllocate.log" />
+ <parameter name="level" value="info" />
+ <parameter name="field1" value="SO Response Sent "/>
+ </record>
+ </block>
+ </outcome>
+ </execute>
+ </block>
<outcome value='success'>
@@ -256,6 +322,164 @@
<parameter name="field13" value="NSSAI"/>
<parameter name="field14" value="`$tmp.payload.sNSSAI`"/>
+ <block atomic='true'>
+ <switch test='`$prop.ransim-mounted`'>
+ <outcome value='false'>
+ <block atomic='true'>
+ <execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >
+ <parameter name="source" value="`$prop.restapi.addSliceProfile.ToNearRTRIC`"/>
+ <parameter name="outputPath" value="tmp.restapi.addSliceProfile.ToNearRTRIC.url"/>
+ <parameter name="target" value="{idNearRTRIC}"/>
+ <parameter name="replacement" value="`$tmp.nearRTRICId`"/>
+ </execute>
+ <execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >
+ <parameter name="source" value="`$tmp.restapi.addSliceProfile.ToNearRTRIC.url`"/>
+ <parameter name="outputPath" value="tmp.restapi.addSliceProfile.ToNearRTRIC.url"/>
+ <parameter name="target" value="{sliceProfileId}"/>
+ <parameter name="replacement" value="`$payloadJson.input.sliceProfile.sliceProfileId`"/>
+ </execute>
+ </block>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value='true'>
+ <block atomic='true'>
+ <execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >
+ <parameter name="source" value="`$prop.restapi.addSliceProfile.ToNearRTRIC.ransim-mounted`"/>
+ <parameter name="outputPath" value="tmp.restapi.addSliceProfile.ToNearRTRIC.url"/>
+ <parameter name="target" value="{idNearRTRIC}"/>
+ <parameter name="replacement" value="`$tmp.nearRTRICId`"/>
+ </execute>
+ <execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >
+ <parameter name="source" value="`$tmp.restapi.addSliceProfile.ToNearRTRIC.url`"/>
+ <parameter name="outputPath" value="tmp.restapi.addSliceProfile.ToNearRTRIC.url"/>
+ <parameter name="target" value="{sliceProfileId}"/>
+ <parameter name="replacement" value="`$payloadJson.input.sliceProfile.sliceProfileId`"/>
+ </execute>
+ <execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >
+ <parameter name="source" value="`$tmp.restapi.addSliceProfile.ToNearRTRIC.url`"/>
+ <parameter name="outputPath" value="tmp.restapi.addSliceProfile.ToNearRTRIC.url"/>
+ <parameter name="target" value="{mountName}"/>
+ <parameter name="replacement" value="`$tmp.nearRTRICId`"/>
+ </execute>
+ </block>
+ </outcome>
+ </switch>
+ <record plugin="org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder">
+ <parameter name="file" value="/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/instantiateRANSlice.log" />
+ <parameter name="level" value="info" />
+ <parameter name="field1" value="Add SliceProfile ToNearRTRIC url:"/>
+ <parameter name="field2" value="`$tmp.restapi.addSliceProfile.ToNearRTRIC.url`"/>
+ </record>
+ <record plugin="org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder">
+ <parameter name="file" value="/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/instantiateRANSlice.log" />
+ <parameter name="level" value="info" />
+ <parameter name="field1" value="Setting variables for ADD SliceProfile ToNearRTRIC"/>
+ <parameter name="field2" value="`$prop.controller.url + $tmp.restapi.addSliceProfile.ToNearRTRIC.url`"/>
+ <parameter name="field3" value="`$payloadJson.input.sliceProfile.sliceProfileId`"/>
+ <parameter name="field4" value="`$payloadJson.input.sliceProfile.sNSSAI`"/>
+ <parameter name="field5" value="`$payloadJson.input.sliceProfile.maxNumberofUEs`"/>
+ <parameter name="field6" value="`$payloadJson.input.sliceProfile.latency`"/>
+ <parameter name="field7" value="`$tmp.nearRTRIC.uLThptPerSlice`"/>
+ <parameter name="field8" value="`$tmp.nearRTRIC.dLThptPerSlice`"/>
+ <parameter name="field9" value="`$tmp.nearRTRIC.maxNumberOfConns`"/>
+ <parameter name="field10" value="`$payloadJson.input.sliceProfile.uEMobilityLevel`"/>
+ <parameter name="field11" value="`$tmp.trackingArea`"/>
+ <parameter name="field12" value="`$payloadJson.input.sliceProfile.resourceSharingLevel`"/>
+ </record>
+ <execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >
+ <parameter name="templateFileName" value="`$prop.restapi.templateDir + '/ranSlice-add-sliceProfile-NRRIC.json'`" />
+ <parameter name="restapiUrl" value="`$prop.controller.url + $tmp.restapi.addSliceProfile.ToNearRTRIC.url`"/>
+ <parameter name="restapiUser" value="`$prop.controller.user`" />
+ <parameter name="restapiPassword" value="`$prop.controller.pwd`"/>
+ <parameter name="httpMethod" value="PUT"/>
+ <parameter name="responsePrefix" value="addSliceProfile-NRTRIC-response"/>
+ <parameter name='contentType' value='application/json' />
+ <parameter name='format' value='json' />
+ <outcome value='failure'>
+ <block>
+ <return status='failure'>
+ <parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>
+ <parameter name="error-code" value="500" />
+ <parameter name="error-message" value="Error adding slice proficle to NearRTRIC" />
+ </return>
+ <block atomic='true'>
+ <record plugin="org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder">
+ <parameter name="file" value="/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/instantiateRANSlice.log" />
+ <parameter name="level" value="info" />
+ <parameter name="field1" value="Response code"/>
+ <parameter name="field2" value="`$error-code`" />
+ </record>
+ <set>
+ <parameter name="" value="`$payloadJson.input.callbackURL`"/>
+ <parameter name="tmp.reason" value="`$error-message`"/>
+ <parameter name="tmp.requestID" value="`$instantiateRANSlice-input.common-header.request-id`"/>
+ <parameter name="tmp.action" value="`$instantiateRANSlice-input.action`"/>
+ </set>
+ <switch test='`$error-code`'>
+ <outcome value='200'>
+ <set>
+ <parameter name="tmp.status" value="success"/>
+ </set>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value='Other'>
+ <set>
+ <parameter name="tmp.status" value="`$error-code`"/>
+ </set>
+ </outcome>
+ </switch>
+ <record plugin="org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder">
+ <parameter name="file" value="/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/so-callback-response.log" />
+ <parameter name="level" value="info" />
+ <parameter name="field1" value="URL for SO Callback Response"/>
+ <parameter name='field2' value="`$`" />
+ <parameter name='field3' value="`$tmp.status`" />
+ <parameter name='field4' value="`$tmp.reason`" />
+ <parameter name='field5' value="`$tmp.requestID`" />
+ <parameter name='field6' value="`$tmp.action`" />
+ </record>
+ <execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >
+ <parameter name="templateFileName" value="`$prop.restapi.templateDir + '/ranSlice-so-response.json'`" />
+ <parameter name="restapiUrl" value="`$`"/>
+ <parameter name="httpMethod" value="POST"/>
+ <parameter name="responsePrefix" value="so-callback-modify-response"/>
+ <parameter name='contentType' value='application/json' />
+ <parameter name='format' value='json' />
+ <parameter name='accept' value='*/*' />
+ <parameter name="convertResponse" value="true"/>
+ <parameter name="restapiUser" value="`$`" />
+ <parameter name="restapiPassword" value="`$`"/>
+ <outcome value='failure'>
+ <block>
+ <return status='failure'>
+ <parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>
+ <parameter name="error-code" value="500" />
+ <parameter name="error-message" value="Error sending SO Response" />
+ </return>
+ </block>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value='success'>
+ <block>
+ <record plugin="org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder">
+ <parameter name="file" value="/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/instantiateRANSliceModifyAllocate.log" />
+ <parameter name="level" value="info" />
+ <parameter name="field1" value="SO Response Sent "/>
+ </record>
+ </block>
+ </outcome>
+ </execute>
+ </block>
+ </block>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value='success'>
+ <block>
+ <record plugin="org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder">
+ <parameter name="file" value="/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/instantiateRANSlice.log" />
+ <parameter name="level" value="info" />
+ <parameter name="field1" value="PLMNInfo List Entry Add to NRCELLCU Executed Successfully "/>
+ </record>
+ </block>
+ </outcome>
+ </execute>
+ </block>
<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >
<parameter name="restapiUrl" value="`$prop.configdb.url + $prop.restapi.configdb.updatenearRTRIC`"/>
<parameter name="templateFileName" value="`$prop.restapi.templateDir + '/ranSlice-configDB-updatenearRTRIC.json'`" />
diff --git a/platform-logic/ran-slice-api/src/main/xml/ran-slice-api_instantiateRANSliceReconfigure.xml b/platform-logic/ran-slice-api/src/main/xml/ran-slice-api_instantiateRANSliceReconfigure.xml
index 55283c1f..3358454d 100644
--- a/platform-logic/ran-slice-api/src/main/xml/ran-slice-api_instantiateRANSliceReconfigure.xml
+++ b/platform-logic/ran-slice-api/src/main/xml/ran-slice-api_instantiateRANSliceReconfigure.xml
@@ -634,6 +634,11 @@
<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.cellLocalId' />
<parameter name='source' value="`'['+$id-is+'].cellCUList['+$id2+'].cellLocalId'`" />
+ <execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='concat'>
+ <parameter name="source" value="`$tmp.cellLocalId`" />
+ <parameter name="target" value="-maxNumberofConns"/>
+ <parameter name="outputPath" value="tmp.cellLocalId" />
+ </execute>
<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>
<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.predictedMaxNumberofConns' />
<parameter name='source' value="`'['+$id-is+'].cellCUList['+$id2+'].configData.predictedMaxNumberofConns'`" />
diff --git a/platform-logic/ran-slice-api/src/main/xml/ran-slice-api_terminateRANSliceInstance.xml b/platform-logic/ran-slice-api/src/main/xml/ran-slice-api_terminateRANSliceInstance.xml
index 93d226f5..93239cb1 100644
--- a/platform-logic/ran-slice-api/src/main/xml/ran-slice-api_terminateRANSliceInstance.xml
+++ b/platform-logic/ran-slice-api/src/main/xml/ran-slice-api_terminateRANSliceInstance.xml
@@ -268,6 +268,85 @@
<for index='idy' start='0' end='`$getNFNSSIRIC-configdb-response._length`' >
<block atomic='true'>
<execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>
+ <parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.nearRTRICId' />
+ <parameter name='source' value="`'getNFNSSIRIC-configdb-response.[' + $idy + '].nearRTRICId'`" />
+ </execute>
+ <switch test='`$prop.ransim-mounted`'>
+ <outcome value='false'>
+ <execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >
+ <parameter name="source" value="`$prop.restapi.nearrtric.removeSliceProfile`"/>
+ <parameter name="outputPath" value="tmp.deleteSliceProfileEntry.url"/>
+ <parameter name="target" value="{idNearRTRIC}"/>
+ <parameter name="replacement" value="`$tmp.nearRTRICId`"/>
+ </execute>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value='true'>
+ <block atomic='true'>
+ <execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >
+ <parameter name="source" value="`$prop.restapi.nearrtric.removeSliceProfile.ransim-mounted`"/>
+ <parameter name="outputPath" value="tmp.deleteSliceProfileEntry.url"/>
+ <parameter name="target" value="{idNearRTRIC}"/>
+ <parameter name="replacement" value="`$tmp.nearRTRICId`"/>
+ </execute>
+ <execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >
+ <parameter name="source" value="`$tmp.deleteSliceProfileEntry.url`"/>
+ <parameter name="outputPath" value="tmp.deleteSliceProfileEntry.url"/>
+ <parameter name="target" value="{mountName}"/>
+ <parameter name="replacement" value="`$tmp.nearRTRICId`"/>
+ </execute>
+ </block>
+ </outcome>
+ </switch>
+ <execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliStringUtils' method='replace' >
+ <parameter name="source" value="`$tmp.deleteSliceProfileEntry.url`"/>
+ <parameter name="outputPath" value="tmp.deleteSliceProfileEntry.url"/>
+ <parameter name="target" value="{sliceProfileId}"/>
+ <parameter name="replacement" value="`$tmp.sliceprofileid`"/>
+ </execute>
+ <record plugin="org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder">
+ <parameter name="file" value="/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/terminateRANSlice.log" />
+ <parameter name="level" value="info" />
+ <parameter name="field1" value="sliceprofileid"/>
+ <parameter name="field2" value="`$tmp.sliceprofileid`" />
+ <parameter name="field3" value="nearRTRICId"/>
+ <parameter name="field4" value="`$tmp.nearRTRICId`" />
+ <parameter name="field5" value="endpoint URL"/>
+ <parameter name="field6" value="`$tmp.deleteSliceProfileEntry.url`" />
+ </record>
+ <execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.plugins.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >
+ <parameter name="restapiUrl" value="`$prop.controller.url + $tmp.deleteSliceProfileEntry.url`"/>
+ <parameter name="restapiUser" value="`$prop.controller.user`" />
+ <parameter name="restapiPassword" value="`$prop.controller.pwd`"/>
+ <parameter name="httpMethod" value="DELETE"/>
+ <parameter name="responsePrefix" value="delete-slice-profile-response"/>
+ <parameter name='contentType' value='application/json' />
+ <parameter name='format' value='json' />
+ <parameter name='accept' value='application/json' />
+ <parameter name="convertResponse" value="true"/>
+ <outcome value='failure'>
+ <block atomic='true'>
+ <set>
+ <parameter name='error-code' value='500'/>
+ <parameter name='error-message' value='Error updating nearRTRIC info in ConfigDB. Aborting RPC executiopn'/>
+ </set>
+ <return status='failure'>
+ <parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>
+ <parameter name='error-code' value='500'/>
+ <parameter name='error-message' value='Error updating nearRTRIC info in ConfigDB. Aborting RPC executiopn'/>
+ </return>
+ </block>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value='success'>
+ <block atomic='true'>
+ <record plugin="org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.FileRecorder">
+ <parameter name="file" value="/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log/terminateRANSlice.log" />
+ <parameter name="level" value="info" />
+ <parameter name="field1" value="Successfully REmoved Slice Profile"/>
+ </record>
+ </block>
+ </outcome>
+ </execute>
+ <execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>
<parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.RICPLMNEntries' />
<parameter name='source' value="`'getNFNSSIRIC-configdb-response.['+ $idy +'].pLMNInfoList_length'`" />
@@ -285,10 +364,6 @@
<for index='id-ric-snssai' start='0' end='`$tmp.ric.sNSSAILength`' >
<block atomic='true'>
- <execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>
- <parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.ric.sNSSAI' />
- <parameter name='source' value="`'getNFNSSIRIC-configdb-response.['+ $idy +'].pLMNInfoList['+$id-ric+'].sNSSAI['+$id-ric-snssai+'].sNSSAI'`" />
- </execute>
<switch test='`$tmp.ric.sNSSAI == $tmp.sNSSAI`'>
<outcome value='true'>
<block atomic='true'>
@@ -364,6 +439,10 @@
+ <execute plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.slipluginutils.SliPluginUtils' method='getAttributeValue'>
+ <parameter name='outputPath' value='tmp.ric.sNSSAI' />
+ <parameter name='source' value="`'getNFNSSIRIC-configdb-response.['+ $idy +'].pLMNInfoList['+$id-ric+'].sNSSAI['+$id-ric-snssai+'].sNSSAI'`" />
+ </execute>