path: root/oom-app-common/db-scripts/README.md
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 23 deletions
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-# ONAP Operations Manager Dashboard Database Scripts
-This directory has a DDL to create tables and and DML scripts to populate tables
-in Postgresql for the ONAP Operations Manager Dashboard web application.
-## Internal deployments
-To create a database for internal use:
-- Run the common DDL script
-- Run the common DML script
-- Run the internal-use-only DML script, which can be found in a different project
-## Open-source deployments
-To create a database for ONAP use:
-- Run the common DDL script
-- Run the common DML script
-## Notes on Postgresql:
-Set default schema for user:
- ALTER USER <the-user-name> SET search_path to <the-schema-name>;
- (the above statement is not needed for version 9.4 and above)