path: root/ccsdk-app-overlay/src/main/webapp/app/ccsdk/inventory/deployment-controllers.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ccsdk-app-overlay/src/main/webapp/app/ccsdk/inventory/deployment-controllers.js')
1 files changed, 1350 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ccsdk-app-overlay/src/main/webapp/app/ccsdk/inventory/deployment-controllers.js b/ccsdk-app-overlay/src/main/webapp/app/ccsdk/inventory/deployment-controllers.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..714528c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ccsdk-app-overlay/src/main/webapp/app/ccsdk/inventory/deployment-controllers.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1350 @@
+appDS2.controller('inventoryDeploymentTableController', function(
+ $rootScope, $scope, $interval, $log, $modal, modalService, InventoryDeploymentService, InventoryBlueprintService) {
+ 'use strict';
+ // Controls logging in this controller
+ var debug = false;
+ // this object holds all app data and functions
+ $scope.ecdapp = {};
+ // models for controls on screen
+ $scope.ecdapp.tableData = [];
+ $scope.ecdapp.currentPageNum = 1;
+ $scope.ecdapp.viewPerPage = 10;
+ // other
+ $scope.ecdapp.errMsg = null;
+ $scope.ecdapp.isDataLoading = true;
+ $scope.ecdapp.isRequestFailed = false;
+ // sorting
+ $scope.ecdapp.sortBy = null;
+ // searching
+ $scope.ecdapp.searchBy = null;
+ $scope.ecdapp.selectedRow = null; // initialize our variable to null
+ $scope.ecdapp.setClickedRow = function(index){ //function that sets the value of selectedRow to current index
+ $scope.ecdapp.selectedRow = index;
+ }
+ $scope.ecdapp.updateTable = function() {
+ $scope.ecdapp.isSrvcDataLoading = true;
+ var srvcIds = [];
+ var cloneGrid = $scope.ecdapp.tableData;
+ angular.forEach($scope.ecdapp.tableData, function(item, index) {
+ angular.forEach(item, function(value, key) {
+ if (key === "deploymentRef") {
+ srvcIds.push(value);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ InventoryDeploymentService.getDeploymentStatus(srvcIds)
+ .then(function(jsonObj) {
+ if (jsonObj.error) {
+ $log.error("inventoryDeploymentTableController.updateTable failed: " + jsonObj.error);
+ } else {
+ for (var indx = 0; indx < jsonObj.length; indx++) {
+ if (jsonObj[indx].status === "terminated") {
+ jsonObj[indx].status = "completed";
+ jsonObj[indx].statusImg = "static/fusion/images/active.png";
+ } else {
+ jsonObj[indx].statusImg = "static/fusion/images/inactive.png";
+ }
+ cloneGrid[indx].statusInfo = jsonObj[indx];
+ }
+ $scope.ecdapp.tableData = cloneGrid;
+ }
+ $scope.ecdapp.isSrvcDataLoading = false;
+ }, function(error) {
+ $log.error("inventoryBlueprintController.updateTable failed: " + error);
+ $scope.ecdapp.isSrvcDataLoading = false;
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Loads the table. Interprets the remote controller's response and copies
+ * to scope variables. The response is either a list to be assigned to
+ * tableData, or an error to be shown.
+ */
+ $scope.ecdapp.loadTable = function(sortBy, searchBy) {
+ $scope.ecdapp.isDataLoading = true;
+ $scope.ecdapp.sortBy = sortBy;
+ $scope.ecdapp.searchBy = searchBy;
+ InventoryDeploymentService.getDeployments($scope.ecdapp.currentPageNum,
+ $scope.ecdapp.viewPerPage, sortBy, searchBy).then(
+ function(jsonObj) {
+ if (jsonObj.error) {
+ $log.error("inventoryDeploymentController.loadTable failed: "
+ + jsonObj.error);
+ $scope.ecdapp.isRequestFailed = true;
+ $scope.ecdapp.errMsg = jsonObj.error;
+ $scope.ecdapp.tableData = [];
+ } else {
+ $scope.ecdapp.isRequestFailed = false;
+ $scope.ecdapp.errMsg = null;
+ $scope.ecdapp.totalPages = jsonObj.totalPages;
+ $scope.ecdapp.tableData = jsonObj.items;
+ $scope.ecdapp.updateTable();
+ }
+ $scope.ecdapp.isDataLoading = false;
+ },
+ function(error) {
+ $log.error("inventoryDeploymentController.loadTable failed: "
+ + error);
+ $scope.ecdapp.isRequestFailed = true;
+ $scope.ecdapp.errMsg = error;
+ $scope.ecdapp.tableData = [];
+ $scope.ecdapp.isDataLoading = false;
+ });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Loads the table. Interprets the remote controller's response and copies
+ * to scope variables. The response is either a list to be assigned to
+ * tableData, or an error to be shown.
+ */
+ $scope.ecdapp.sortTable = function(sortBy) {
+ $scope.ecdapp.isDataLoading = true;
+ $scope.ecdapp.sortBy = sortBy;
+ InventoryDeploymentService.getDeployments($scope.ecdapp.currentPageNum,
+ $scope.ecdapp.viewPerPage, sortBy, $scope.ecdapp.searchBy).then(
+ function(jsonObj) {
+ if (jsonObj.error) {
+ $log.error("inventoryDeploymentController.loadTable failed: "
+ + jsonObj.error);
+ $scope.ecdapp.isRequestFailed = true;
+ $scope.ecdapp.errMsg = jsonObj.error;
+ $scope.ecdapp.tableData = [];
+ } else {
+ $scope.ecdapp.isRequestFailed = false;
+ $scope.ecdapp.errMsg = null;
+ $scope.ecdapp.totalPages = jsonObj.totalPages;
+ $scope.ecdapp.tableData = jsonObj.items;
+ $scope.ecdapp.updateTable();
+ }
+ $scope.ecdapp.isDataLoading = false;
+ },
+ function(error) {
+ $log.error("inventoryDeploymentController.loadTable failed: "
+ + error);
+ $scope.ecdapp.isRequestFailed = true;
+ $scope.ecdapp.errMsg = error;
+ $scope.ecdapp.tableData = [];
+ $scope.ecdapp.isDataLoading = false;
+ });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Loads the table. Interprets the remote controller's response and copies
+ * to scope variables. The response is either a list to be assigned to
+ * tableData, or an error to be shown.
+ */
+ $scope.ecdapp.searchTable = function(searchBy) {
+ $scope.ecdapp.isDataLoading = true;
+ $scope.ecdapp.searchBy = searchBy;
+ InventoryDeploymentService.getDeployments($scope.ecdapp.currentPageNum,
+ $scope.ecdapp.viewPerPage, $scope.ecdapp.sortBy, searchBy).then(
+ function(jsonObj) {
+ if (jsonObj.error) {
+ $log.error("inventoryDeploymentController.loadTable failed: "
+ + jsonObj.error);
+ $scope.ecdapp.isRequestFailed = true;
+ $scope.ecdapp.errMsg = jsonObj.error;
+ $scope.ecdapp.tableData = [];
+ } else {
+ $scope.ecdapp.isRequestFailed = false;
+ $scope.ecdapp.errMsg = null;
+ $scope.ecdapp.totalPages = jsonObj.totalPages;
+ $scope.ecdapp.tableData = jsonObj.items;
+ $scope.ecdapp.updateTable();
+ }
+ $scope.ecdapp.isDataLoading = false;
+ },
+ function(error) {
+ $log.error("inventoryDeploymentController.loadTable failed: "
+ + error);
+ $scope.ecdapp.isRequestFailed = true;
+ $scope.ecdapp.errMsg = error;
+ $scope.ecdapp.tableData = [];
+ $scope.ecdapp.isDataLoading = false;
+ });
+ };
+ $scope.ecdapp.checkHelmStatus = function(deployment) {
+ var selTenant = deployment.statusInfo.tenant_name;
+ if ( typeof selTenant === "undefined" ) {
+ selTenant = "default_tenant";
+ }
+ deployment.onlyLatest = true;
+ // This object holds data for this operation
+ $scope.ecdapp.helmStatusRequest = {
+ "deployment_id": deployment.deploymentRef,
+ "workflow_name": "status",
+ "tenant": selTenant
+ };
+ InventoryDeploymentService.helmStatusFlow($scope.ecdapp.helmStatusRequest).then(function(jsonObj) {
+ if (debug)
+ $log.debug("checkHelmStatus response: " + JSON.stringify(jsonObj));
+ if (jsonObj.error) {
+ $scope.ecdapp.errMsg = 'Request Failed: ' + jsonObj.error;
+ $scope.ecdapp.updatingDeployment = false;
+ $scope.ecdapp.isDataLoading = false;
+ } else {
+ console.log('%c POSTED helm status request', 'color: magenta; font-weight: bold;');
+ }
+ }, function(error) {
+ $log.error('helmStatusFlow failed: ' + error);
+ });
+ $scope.ecdapp.viewDeploymentExecutionsModalPopup(deployment);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Shows a modal pop-up with blueprint content.
+ * Passes data in via an object named "message".
+ */
+ $scope.ecdapp.viewBlueprintDataModal = function(deployment) {
+ var modalInstance = $modal.open({
+ templateUrl : 'blueprint_data_view_popup.html',
+ controller : 'deployBlueprintViewCtrl',
+ windowClass: 'modal-docked',
+ sizeClass: 'modal-jumbo',
+ resolve : {
+ message : function() {
+ var dataForPopup = {
+ blueprint : deployment
+ };
+ return dataForPopup;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ modalInstance.result.then(function(response) {
+ });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Invoked at first page load AND when
+ * user clicks on the B2B pagination control.
+ */
+ $scope.pageChangeHandler = function(page) {
+ // console.log('pageChangeHandler: current is ' + $scope.ecdapp.currentPageNum + ' new is ' + page);
+ $scope.ecdapp.currentPageNum = page;
+ $scope.ecdapp.loadTable($scope.ecdapp.sortBy, $scope.ecdapp.searchBy);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Shows a modal pop-up to confirm deletion.
+ * On successful completion, updates the table.
+ */
+ $scope.ecdapp.deleteDeploymentModalPopup = function(deployment) {
+ deployment.onlyLatest = true;
+ var modalInstance = $modal.open({
+ templateUrl : 'inventory_deployment_delete_popup.html',
+ controller : 'inventoryDeploymentDeleteCtrl',
+ sizeClass: 'modal-small',
+ resolve : {
+ message : function() {
+ var dataForPopup = {
+ deployment : deployment,
+ };
+ return dataForPopup;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ modalInstance.result.then(function(response) {
+ if (debug)
+ $log.debug('deleteDeploymentPopup: response: ' + JSON.stringify(response));
+ if (response == null) {
+ // $log.debug('user closed dialog');
+ }
+ else {
+ if (response.error != null) {
+ $log.error('deleteDeploymentModalPopup failed: ' + response.error);
+ alert('Failed to delete deployment:\n' + response.error);
+ }
+ else {
+ $scope.ecdapp.viewDeploymentExecutionsModalPopup(deployment);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Shows a modal pop-up with executions for a deployment.
+ * Passes data in via an object named "deployment".
+ */
+ $scope.ecdapp.viewDeploymentExecutionsModalPopup = function(deployment) {
+ var modalInstance = $modal.open({
+ templateUrl : 'inventory_execution_view_popup.html',
+ controller : 'inventoryDeploymentExecutionsViewCtrl',
+ windowClass: 'modal-docked',
+ sizeClass: 'modal-jumbo',
+ resolve : {
+ message : function() {
+ var dataForPopup = {
+ deployment : deployment
+ };
+ return dataForPopup;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ modalInstance.result.then(function(response) {
+ // No response.
+ });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Shows a modal pop-up with executions for a deployment.
+ * Passes data in via an object named "deployment".
+ */
+ $scope.ecdapp.viewDeploymentInputsModalPopup = function(deployment) {
+ var modalInstance = $modal.open({
+ templateUrl : 'inventory_deployment_inputs_view_popup.html',
+ controller : 'inventoryDeploymentInputsViewCtrl',
+ windowClass: 'modal-docked',
+ sizeClass: 'modal-jumbo',
+ resolve : {
+ message : function() {
+ var dataForPopup = {
+ deployment : deployment
+ };
+ return dataForPopup;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ modalInstance.result.then(function(response) {
+ // No response.
+ });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Shows a modal pop-up to initiate helm upgrade for a deployment
+ */
+ $scope.ecdapp.upgradeDeploymentModalPopup = function(deployment) {
+ //console.log(deployment);
+ var modalInstance = $modal.open({
+ templateUrl: 'inventory_deployment_upgrade_popup.html',
+ controller: 'inventoryDeploymentUpgradeCtrl',
+ windowClass: 'modal-docked',
+ sizeClass: 'modal-jumbo',
+ resolve: {
+ message: function() {
+ var dataForPopup = {
+ deployment : deployment
+ };
+ return dataForPopup;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ modalInstance.result.then(function(response) {
+ // No response.
+ });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Shows a modal pop-up to initiate helm rollback for a deployment
+ */
+ $scope.ecdapp.rollbackDeploymentModalPopup = function(deployment) {
+ var modalInstance = $modal.open({
+ templateUrl: 'inventory_deployment_rollback_popup.html',
+ controller: 'inventoryDeploymentRollbackCtrl',
+ windowClass: 'modal-docked',
+ sizeClass: 'modal-jumbo',
+ resolve: {
+ message: function() {
+ var dataForPopup = {
+ deployment : deployment
+ };
+ return dataForPopup;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ modalInstance.result.then(function(response) {
+ // No response.
+ });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Shows a modal pop-up to initiate update blueprint for a deployment
+ */
+ $scope.ecdapp.updateDeploymentModalPopup = function(deployment) {
+ var modalInstance = $modal.open({
+ templateUrl: 'inventory_deployment_update_popup.html',
+ controller: 'inventoryDeploymentUpdateCtrl',
+ windowClass: 'modal-docked',
+ sizeClass: 'modal-jumbo',
+ resolve: {
+ message: function() {
+ var dataForPopup = {
+ deployment : deployment
+ };
+ return dataForPopup;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Shows a modal pop-up to confirm service deletion.
+ * On successful completion, updates the table.
+ */
+ $scope.ecdapp.deleteServiceModalPopup = function(service) {
+ modalService.popupConfirmWin("Confirm", "Delete Service with ID '"
+ + service.serviceId + "'?", function() {
+ InventoryDeploymentService.deleteService(service.serviceId).then(
+ function(response) {
+ if (debug)
+ $log.debug('deleteServiceModalPopup: response: ' + JSON.stringify(response));
+ if (response && response.error) {
+ alert('Failed to delete service:\n' + response.error);
+ }
+ else {
+ // No response body on success.
+ $scope.ecdapp.loadTable();
+ }
+ },
+ function(error) {
+ $log.error('InventoryDeploymentService.deleteService failed: ' + error);
+ alert('Service failed to delete service:\n' + error);
+ });
+ })
+ };
+appDS2.controller('inventoryDeploymentDeleteCtrl', function(
+ $scope, $rootScope, $log, $modalInstance, message, InventoryDeploymentService) {
+ 'use strict';
+ // Controls logging in this controller
+ var debug = false;
+ // this object holds all app data and functions
+ $scope.ecdapp = {};
+ $scope.ecdapp.label = 'Undeploy?';
+ $scope.ecdapp.deploymentRef = message.deployment.deploymentRef;
+ var selTenant = message.deployment.statusInfo.tenant_name;
+ $scope.ecdapp.ui_tenant = selTenant;
+ $scope.ecdapp.tenant = selTenant;
+ $scope.ecdapp.deleteDeploymentById = function(){
+ InventoryDeploymentService.deleteDeployment($scope.ecdapp.deploymentRef, $scope.ecdapp.tenant).then(
+ function(response) {
+ if (debug)
+ $log.debug('inventoryDeploymentDeleteCtrl.deleteDeployment: ' + JSON.stringify(response));
+ if (response && response.error) {
+ $log.error('InventoryDeploymentService.deleteDeployment failed: ' + response.error);
+ alert('Failed to delete deployment:\n' + response.error);
+ }
+ else {
+ // Delete service returns null on success.
+ $modalInstance.close("success");
+ }
+ },
+ function(error) {
+ $log.error('InventoryDeploymentService.deleteDeployment failed: ' + error);
+ alert('Service failed to delete deployment:\n' + error);
+ });
+ }
+appDS2.controller('inventoryDeploymentExecutionsViewCtrl', function(
+ $scope, $rootScope, $interval, $log, $modalInstance, message, modalService, InventoryExecutionService, ExecutionService) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var debug = false;
+ if (debug)
+ $log.debug("inventoryDeploymentsExecutionsViewCtrl.message: " + JSON.stringify(message));
+ // this object holds all app data and functions
+ $scope.ecdapp = {};
+ // models for controls on screen
+ $scope.ecdapp.label = 'Deployment Executions';
+ $scope.ecdapp.tableData = [];
+ $scope.ecdapp.logTableData = [];
+ $scope.ecdapp.currentPageNum = 1;
+ $scope.ecdapp.viewPerPage = 50;
+ $scope.ecdapp.currentLogPageNum = 1;
+ // other
+ $scope.ecdapp.errMsg = null;
+ $scope.ecdapp.isDataLoading = true;
+ $scope.ecdapp.isEventLogQuery = false;
+ $scope.ecdapp.isRequestFailed = false;
+ $scope.ecdapp.isLastExecution = message.deployment.onlyLatest;
+ $scope.ecdapp.isLogType = true;
+ $scope.ecdapp.refresh_switch = {
+ value: true
+ };
+ $scope.ecdapp.options = {
+ "on":"On",
+ "off":"Off"
+ }
+ var selTenant = 'default_tenant';
+ if (typeof message.deployment.statusInfo === "undefined") {
+ selTenant = message.deployment.tenant;
+ } else {
+ selTenant = message.deployment.statusInfo.tenant_name;
+ }
+ $scope.ecdapp.ui_tenant = selTenant;
+ $scope.ecdapp.tenant = selTenant;
+ $scope.ecdapp.deplRef = message.deployment.deploymentRef;
+ var stop;
+ /**
+ * Loads the table. Interprets the remote controller's response and copies
+ * to scope variables. The response is either a list to be assigned to
+ * tableData, or an error to be shown.
+ */
+ $scope.ecdapp.loadTable = function() {
+ $scope.ecdapp.isDataLoading = true;
+ InventoryExecutionService.getExecutionsByDeployment(message.deployment.deploymentRef,
+ $scope.ecdapp.tenant,
+ $scope.ecdapp.currentPageNum,
+ $scope.ecdapp.viewPerPage).then(
+ function(jsonObj) {
+ if (jsonObj.error) {
+ $log.error("inventoryDeploymentExecutionsViewCtrl.loadTable failed: "
+ + jsonObj.error);
+ $scope.ecdapp.isRequestFailed = true;
+ if (jsonObj.error.includes("404")) {
+ $scope.ecdapp.errMsg = "404 - Deployment " + message.deployment.deploymentRef + " Not Found!";
+ }
+ $scope.ecdapp.tableData = [];
+ $scope.ecdapp.stopLoading();
+ } else {
+ $scope.ecdapp.isRequestFailed = false;
+ $scope.ecdapp.errMsg = null;
+ $scope.ecdapp.totalPages = jsonObj.totalPages;
+ var resultLen = jsonObj.items.length;
+ if (resultLen != undefined && resultLen > 0) {
+ var exec_id = jsonObj.items[resultLen-1].id;
+ if ($scope.ecdapp.isLastExecution) {
+ $scope.ecdapp.tableData = [];
+ $scope.ecdapp.tableData.push(jsonObj.items[resultLen-1]);
+ } else {
+ $scope.ecdapp.tableData = jsonObj.items;
+ }
+ $scope.ecdapp.getExecutionLogs(exec_id, $scope.ecdapp.tenant);
+ }
+ }
+ $scope.ecdapp.isDataLoading = false;
+ },
+ function(error) {
+ $log.error("inventoryDeploymentExecutionsViewCtrl.loadTable failed: "
+ + error);
+ $scope.ecdapp.isRequestFailed = true;
+ $scope.ecdapp.errMsg = error;
+ $scope.ecdapp.tableData = [];
+ $scope.ecdapp.isDataLoading = false;
+ $scope.ecdapp.stopLoading();
+ });
+ };
+ $scope.$watch('ecdapp.refresh_switch["value"]', function(newValue,oldValue,scope) {
+ if (newValue != oldValue) {
+ if (newValue === true) {
+ $scope.ecdapp.loadTable();
+ stop = $interval( function(){ $scope.ecdapp.loadTable(); }, 30000, 100, false);
+ } else {
+ $scope.ecdapp.stopLoading();
+ }
+ }
+ }, true);
+ if ($scope.ecdapp.refresh_switch.value === true) {
+ stop = $interval( function(){ $scope.ecdapp.loadTable(); }, 30000, 100, false);
+ }
+ $scope.ecdapp.stopLoading = function() {
+ if (angular.isDefined(stop)) {
+ $interval.cancel(stop);
+ stop = undefined;
+ }
+ };
+ $scope.ecdapp.cancelExecutionModalPopup = function(execution, tenant) {
+ modalService.popupConfirmWin("Confirm", "Cancel execution with ID '"
+ + execution.id + "'?", function() {
+ $scope.ecdapp.isCancelOn = true;
+ // TODO: gather action from user
+ InventoryExecutionService.cancelExecution(execution.id, execution.deployment_id, "force-cancel", tenant).then(
+ function(response) {
+ if (debug)
+ $log.debug("Controller.cancelExecutionModalPopup: " + JSON.stringify(response));
+ if (response && response.error) {
+ // $log.error('cancelExectuion failed: ' + response.error);
+ alert('Failed to cancel execution:\n' + response.error);
+ $scope.ecdapp.isCancelOn = false;
+ }
+ else {
+ // No response body on success.
+ $scope.ecdapp.isCancelOn = false;
+ $scope.ecdapp.loadTable();
+ }
+ },
+ function(error) {
+ $scope.ecdapp.isCancelOn = false;
+ $log.error('ExecutionService.cancelExecution failed: ' + error);
+ alert('Service failed to cancel execution:\n' + error);
+ });
+ })
+ };
+ /**
+ * Invoked at first page load AND when
+ * user clicks on the B2B pagination control.
+ */
+ $scope.pageChangeHandler = function(page) {
+ if (debug)
+ console.log('pageChangeHandler: current is ' + $scope.ecdapp.currentPageNum + ' new is ' + page);
+ $scope.ecdapp.currentPageNum = page;
+ $scope.ecdapp.loadTable();
+ }
+ $scope.ecdapp.selected = false;
+ $scope.ecdapp.toggleStatusDefinitions = function() {
+ $scope.ecdapp.selected = $scope.ecdapp.selected ? false :true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Shows a modal pop-up with the error.
+ */
+ $scope.ecdapp.viewErrorModalPopup = function(row) {
+ $modalInstance.dismiss('cancel');
+ modalService.showFailure('Error Details', row.error, function() { } );
+ };
+ $scope.ecdapp.getExecutionLogs = function(id, tenant) {
+ $scope.ecdapp.executionId = id;
+ $scope.ecdapp.isEventLogQuery = false;
+ InventoryExecutionService.getEventsByExecution(id , $scope.ecdapp.isLogType, tenant,
+ $scope.ecdapp.currentLogPageNum, $scope.ecdapp.viewPerPage ).then(
+ function(jsonObj) {
+ if (jsonObj.error) {
+ $log.error("inventoryDeploymentExecutionsViewCtrl.getExecutionLogs failed: "
+ + jsonObj.error);
+ $scope.ecdapp.isEventLogQuery = false;
+ $scope.ecdapp.evtErrMsg = jsonObj.error;
+ $scope.ecdapp.logTableData = [];
+ } else {
+ $scope.ecdapp.isEventLogQuery = true;
+ $scope.ecdapp.evtErrMsg = null;
+ $scope.ecdapp.totalLogPages = jsonObj.totalPages;
+ $scope.ecdapp.logTableData = jsonObj.items;
+ /*
+ if ($scope.ecdapp.isLogType) {
+ $scope.ecdapp.logTableData = jsonObj.items;
+ } else {
+ $scope.ecdapp.logTableData = [];
+ angular.forEach(jsonObj.items, function(item, index) {
+ angular.forEach(item, function(value, key) {
+ if (key === "type" && value != "cloudify_log") {
+ $scope.ecdapp.logTableData.push(item);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ $scope.ecdapp.isDataLoading = false;
+ },
+ function(error) {
+ $log.error("inventoryDeploymentExecutionsViewCtrl.getExecutionLogs failed: "
+ + error);
+ $scope.ecdapp.evtErrMsg = error;
+ $scope.ecdapp.logTableData = [];
+ $scope.ecdapp.isDataLoading = false;
+ });
+ }
+ $scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
+ // Make sure that the interval is destroyed too
+ $scope.ecdapp.stopLoading();
+ });
+appDS2.controller('inventoryDeploymentInputsViewCtrl', function(
+ $scope, $rootScope, $log, $modalInstance, message, InventoryDeploymentService) {
+ 'use strict';
+ // Controls logging in this controller
+ var debug = false;
+ // this object holds all app data and functions
+ $scope.ecdapp = {};
+ $scope.ecdapp.label = 'Deployment Inputs';
+ $scope.ecdapp.deployment = null;
+ $scope.ecdapp.deploymentRef = message.deployment.deploymentRef;
+ $scope.ecdapp.serviceId = message.deployment.serviceId;
+ $scope.ecdapp.errMsg = null;
+ $scope.ecdapp.isDataLoading = true;
+ $scope.ecdapp.isRequestFailed = false;
+ var selTenant = message.deployment.statusInfo.tenant_name;
+ if ( typeof selTenant === "undefined" ) {
+ selTenant = "default_tenant";
+ }
+ $scope.ecdapp.ui_tenant = selTenant;
+ $scope.ecdapp.tenant = selTenant;
+ InventoryDeploymentService.getDeployment(message.deployment.deploymentRef, $scope.ecdapp.tenant).then(function(deployment) {
+ if (deployment.items.length == 0) {
+ $scope.ecdapp.errMsg = "404 - Deployment " + message.deployment.deploymentRef + " Not Found!";
+ $log.error("InventoryDeploymentSerice.getDeployment failed: "
+ + $scope.ecdapp.errMsg);
+ $scope.ecdapp.isRequestFailed = true;
+ }
+ // Deployment IDs are unique, so this will always return exactly one item!
+ // retrieve blueprintId and inputs of deployment.
+ else {
+ $scope.ecdapp.errMsg = null;
+ $scope.ecdapp.deployment = deployment.items[0];
+ $scope.ecdapp.isRequestFailed = false;
+ }
+ $scope.ecdapp.isDataLoading = false;
+ },
+ function(error) {
+ $log.error('InventoryDeploymentService.getDeployment failed: ' + JSON.stringify(error));
+ $scope.ecdapp.isRequestFailed = true;
+ $scope.ecdapp.errMsg = error;
+ $scope.ecdapp.isDataLoading = false;
+ });
+appDS2.controller('inventoryDeploymentUpdateCtrl', function(
+ $scope, $log, $modalInstance, message, InventoryBlueprintService, InventoryDeploymentService) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var debug = false;
+ if (debug)
+ $log.debug("inventoryDeploymentUpdateCtrl.message: " + JSON.stringify(message));
+ // this object holds all app data and functions
+ $scope.ecdapp = {};
+ $scope.ecdapp.deploymentInProgress = false;
+ $scope.ecdapp.serviceTypeComplete = false;
+ $scope.ecdapp.isDataLoading = true;
+ $scope.ecdapp.errMsg = null;
+ $scope.ecdapp.label = 'Update Deployment: ' + message.deployment.deploymentRef;
+ $scope.ecdapp.deploymentRef = message.deployment.deploymentRef;
+ var selTenant = message.deployment.statusInfo.tenant_name;
+ if ( typeof selTenant === "undefined" ) {
+ selTenant = "default_tenant";
+ }
+ $scope.ecdapp.tenant = selTenant;
+ $scope.ecdapp.ui_tenant = selTenant;
+ $scope.ecdapp.typeName = '';
+ $scope.ecdapp.typeId = '';
+ $scope.ecdapp.inputsDict = {};
+ $scope.ecdapp.editRequest = {
+ deployment_id : message.deployment.deploymentRef,
+ type_id : '',
+ fileModel : null,
+ parmFileDict : {},
+ tenant : $scope.ecdapp.tenant
+ };
+ // get the blueprints from inventory matching deployment reference filter
+ $scope.ecdapp.bp = [];
+ var sortBy = '';
+ var searchBy = message.deployment.deploymentRef.split("_", 1);
+ searchBy = searchBy[0];
+ InventoryBlueprintService.getBlueprints(1, 100, sortBy, searchBy)
+ .then(function(jsonObj) {
+ if (jsonObj.error) {
+ $log.error("inventoryDeploymentUpdateCtrl.loadTable failed: " + jsonObj.error);
+ $scope.ecdapp.errMsg = jsonObj.error;
+ $scope.ecdapp.bp = [];
+ } else {
+ $scope.ecdapp.errMsg = null;
+ $scope.ecdapp.bp = jsonObj.items;
+ if (Array.isArray($scope.ecdapp.bp) ) {
+ angular.forEach($scope.ecdapp.bp, function(item, index) {
+ item.checked = false;
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ $scope.ecdapp.isDataLoading = false;
+ }, function(error) {
+ $log.error("inventoryDeploymentUpdateCtrl.loadTable failed: " + error);
+ $scope.ecdapp.errMsg = error;
+ $scope.ecdapp.bp = [];
+ $scope.ecdapp.isDataLoading = false;
+ });
+ $scope.ecdapp.updateSelection = function(position) {
+ $scope.ecdapp.typeId = position;
+ $scope.ecdapp.editRequest.type_id = position;
+ angular.forEach($scope.ecdapp.bp, function(item, index) {
+ if (position != index+1)
+ item.checked = false;
+ });
+ }
+ $scope.ecdapp.getBlueprint = function() {
+ $scope.ecdapp.isDataLoading = true;
+ InventoryBlueprintService.viewBlueprint($scope.ecdapp.typeId).then(function(jsonObj) {
+ if (debug)
+ $log.debug("inventoryDeploymentUpdateCtrl.viewBlueprint response: " + JSON.stringify(jsonObj));
+ if (jsonObj.error) {
+ $scope.ecdapp.errMsg = 'Request Failed';
+ $scope.ecdapp.serviceTypeComplete = false;
+ $scope.ecdapp.isDataLoading = false;
+ }
+ else {
+ $scope.ecdapp.typeName = jsonObj.typeName;
+ $scope.ecdapp.typeVersion = jsonObj.typeVersion;
+ $scope.ecdapp.inputsDict = jsonObj.blueprintInputs;
+ // query the current deployment inputs
+ InventoryDeploymentService.getDeployment(message.deployment.deploymentRef, $scope.ecdapp.tenant).then(function(deployment) {
+ if (deployment.items.length == 0) {
+ $scope.ecdapp.errMsg = "404 - Deployment " + message.deployment.deploymentRef + " Not Found!";
+ $log.error("InventoryDeploymentSerice.getDeployment failed: "
+ + $scope.ecdapp.errMsg);
+ //$scope.ecdapp.isRequestFailed = true;
+ $scope.ecdapp.serviceTypeComplete = true;
+ }
+ // Deployment IDs are unique, so this will always return exactly one item!
+ // retrieve inputs of deployment.
+ else {
+ $scope.ecdapp.errMsg = null;
+ $scope.ecdapp.deployment = deployment.items[0];
+ // Copy the input parameter names and default values
+ let inputsAndDefaults = {};
+ for (var pkey in $scope.ecdapp.inputsDict) {
+ if (debug)
+ $log.debug('inventoryDeploymentUpdateCtrl: checking key ' + pkey);
+ let dval = $scope.ecdapp.deployment.inputs[pkey];
+ //$scope.ecdapp.inputsDict[pkey].defaultValue;
+ if (dval === undefined || dval === null) {
+ dval = '';
+ }
+ inputsAndDefaults[pkey] = dval;
+ }
+ $scope.ecdapp.editRequest.parmFileDict = inputsAndDefaults;
+ $scope.ecdapp.editRequest.type_id = $scope.ecdapp.typeId;
+ if (debug)
+ $log.debug('inventoryBlueprintDeployCtrl: inputsAndDefaults: ' + JSON.stringify(inputsAndDefaults));
+ $scope.ecdapp.serviceTypeComplete = true;
+ //$scope.$apply();
+ }
+ $scope.ecdapp.isDataLoading = false;
+ },
+ function(error) {
+ $log.error('InventoryDeploymentService.getDeployment failed: ' + JSON.stringify(error));
+ $scope.ecdapp.isRequestFailed = true;
+ $scope.ecdapp.errMsg = error;
+ $scope.ecdapp.isDataLoading = false;
+ });
+ }
+ $scope.ecdapp.isDataLoading = false;
+ }, function(error) {
+ $scope.ecdapp.isDataLoading = false;
+ $scope.ecdapp.serviceTypeComplete = false;
+ alert('Failed to get blueprint. Please retry with valid blueprint ID.');
+ $log.error("inventoryDeploymentUpdateCtrl failed: " + error);
+ });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Handler for file-read event reads file, parses JSON, validates content.
+ */
+ var fileReader = new FileReader();
+ fileReader.onload = function(event) {
+ let jsonString = fileReader.result;
+ if (debug)
+ $log.debug('fileReader.onload: read: ' + jsonString);
+ let ydict = {};
+ try {
+ ydict = JSON.parse(jsonString);
+ }
+ catch (ex) {
+ alert('Failed to parse file as JSON:\n' + ex);
+ }
+ // Process the file
+ for (var ykey in ydict) {
+ let yval = ydict[ykey];
+ if (debug)
+ $log.debug('fileReader.onload: typeof ' + ykey + ' is ' + typeof ykey);
+ // Allow only expected keys with scalar values
+ if (! (ykey in $scope.ecdapp.editRequest.parmFileDict))
+ alert('Unexpected file content:\nKey not defined by blueprint:\n' + ykey);
+ if (yval.constructor === {}.constructor)
+ $scope.ecdapp.editRequest.parmFileDict[ykey] = angular.toJson(yval);
+ else
+ $scope.ecdapp.editRequest.parmFileDict[ykey] = yval;
+ }
+ if (debug)
+ $log.debug('fileReader.onload: parmFileDict: ' + JSON.stringify($scope.ecdapp.editRequest.parmFileDict));
+ // Update table in all cases
+ $scope.$apply();
+ }
+ // Handler for file-select event
+ $scope.handleFileSelect = function() {
+ if (debug)
+ $log.debug('handleFileSelect: $scope.ecdapp.fileModel.name is ' + $scope.ecdapp.editRequest.fileModel.name);
+ fileReader.readAsText($scope.ecdapp.editRequest.fileModel);
+ };
+ $scope.ecdapp.validateRequest = function(editRequest) {
+ if (editRequest == null)
+ return 'No data found.\nPlease enter some values.';
+ if (editRequest.deployment_id == null || editRequest.deployment_id.trim() == '')
+ return 'Deployment ID is required.\nPlease enter a value.';
+ if (editRequest.type_id == null || editRequest.type_id.trim() == '')
+ return 'Type ID is required.\nPlease enter a value.';
+ // Check that every file parameter is defined by blueprint
+ for (var pkey in $scope.ecdapp.editRequest.parmFileDict) {
+ // Defined in blueprint?
+ if (! $scope.ecdapp.inputsDict[pkey])
+ return 'Unexpected input parameter\n' + pkey;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ $scope.ecdapp.updateDeployment = function(editRequest) {
+ if (debug)
+ $log.debug('deployBlueprint: editRequest is ' + JSON.stringify($scope.ecdapp.editRequest));
+ var validateMsg = $scope.ecdapp.validateRequest(editRequest);
+ if (validateMsg != null) {
+ alert('Invalid Request:\n' + validateMsg);
+ $scope.ecdapp.errMsg = validateMsg;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Create request with key:value parameters dictionary
+ let deploymentRequestObject = {
+ deploymentId : editRequest.deployment_id,
+ serviceTypeId : editRequest.type_id,
+ inputs : {},
+ tenant : editRequest.tenant,
+ method : "update"
+ };
+ for (var pkey in $scope.ecdapp.editRequest.parmFileDict)
+ try {
+ deploymentRequestObject.inputs[pkey] = angular.fromJson($scope.ecdapp.editRequest.parmFileDict[pkey]);
+ } catch (error) {
+ deploymentRequestObject.inputs[pkey] = $scope.ecdapp.editRequest.parmFileDict[pkey];
+ }
+ if (debug)
+ $log.debug('deployBlueprint: deploymentRequestObject is ' + JSON.stringify(deployRequestObject));
+ $scope.ecdapp.deploymentInProgress = true;
+ InventoryDeploymentService.deployBlueprint(deploymentRequestObject)
+ .then(function(response) {
+ $scope.ecdapp.deploymentInProgress = false;
+ if (response.error) {
+ alert('Failed to deploy blueprint:\n' + response.error);
+ $scope.ecdapp.errMsg = response.error;
+ } else {
+ alert('Deployment update request sent successfully, query the execution status for final outcome');
+ $modalInstance.close(response);
+ }
+ },
+ function (error) {
+ $log.error('inventoryBlueprintDeployCtrl: error while deploying: ' + error);
+ alert('Server rejected deployment request:\n' + error);
+ $scope.ecdapp.deploymentInProgress = false;
+ }
+ );
+ };
+appDS2.controller('deployBlueprintViewCtrl', function(
+ $scope, $log, message, InventoryBlueprintService) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var debug = false;
+ if (debug)
+ $log.debug("deployBlueprintViewCtrl.message: " + JSON.stringify(message));
+ // this object holds all app data and functions
+ $scope.ecdapp = {};
+ $scope.ecdapp.label = 'View Blueprint ' + message.blueprint.deploymentRef;
+ var typeLink = message.blueprint.typeLink.href;
+ var n = typeLink.lastIndexOf("/");
+ var typeId = typeLink.substring(n+1);
+ // Fetch the blueprint
+ $scope.ecdapp.isDataLoading = true;
+ InventoryBlueprintService.viewBlueprint(typeId).then(function(jsonObj) {
+ if (debug)
+ $log.debug("deployBlueprintViewCtrl.viewBlueprint response: " + JSON.stringify(jsonObj));
+ if (jsonObj.error) {
+ $scope.ecdapp.errMsg = 'Request Failed';
+ }
+ else {
+ $scope.ecdapp.typeName = jsonObj.typeName;
+ $scope.ecdapp.blueprint = jsonObj.blueprintTemplate;
+ }
+ $scope.ecdapp.isDataLoading = false;
+ }, function(error) {
+ $scope.ecdapp.isDataLoading = false;
+ alert('Failed to get blueprint. Please retry.');
+ $log.error("blueprintViewCtrl failed: " + error);
+ });
+appDS2.controller('inventoryDeploymentRollbackCtrl', function(
+ $scope, $rootScope, $log, $modalInstance, message, InventoryDeploymentService) {
+ 'use strict';
+ // Controls logging in this controller
+ var debug = false;
+ // this object holds all app data and functions
+ $scope.ecdapp = {};
+ $scope.ecdapp.label = 'Deployment Rollback';
+ $scope.ecdapp.revisions = [];
+ $scope.ecdapp.deploymentRef = message.deployment.deploymentRef;
+ $scope.ecdapp.serviceId = message.deployment.serviceId;
+ $scope.ecdapp.errMsg = null;
+ $scope.ecdapp.isDataLoading = true;
+ $scope.ecdapp.isRequestFailed = false;
+ $scope.ecdapp.updatingDeployment = false;
+ var selTenant = message.deployment.statusInfo.tenant_name;
+ if ( typeof selTenant === "undefined" ) {
+ selTenant = "default_tenant";
+ }
+ $scope.ecdapp.tenant = selTenant;
+ $scope.ecdapp.ui_tenant = selTenant;
+ $scope.ecdapp.local_revisions = [];
+ // This object holds data for this operation
+ $scope.ecdapp.rollbackRequest = {
+ "deployment_id": message.deployment.deploymentRef,
+ "workflow_name": "rollback",
+ "tenant": selTenant,
+ "revision": 1
+ };
+ InventoryDeploymentService.getNodeInstanceVersions($scope.ecdapp.deploymentRef, $scope.ecdapp.tenant).then(function(nodeRunTime) {
+ if (nodeRunTime == null) {
+ $scope.ecdapp.errMsg = "Failed to retrieve Node instance runtime information";
+ $log.error("InventoryDeploymentSerice.getNodeInstanceVersions failed: "
+ + $scope.ecdapp.errMsg);
+ $scope.ecdapp.isRequestFailed = true;
+ } else {
+ $scope.ecdapp.errMsg = null;
+ $scope.ecdapp.revisions = nodeRunTime.items[0].runtime_properties['helm-history'];
+ if (Array.isArray($scope.ecdapp.revisions) ) {
+ var dLen = $scope.ecdapp.revisions.length;
+ for (var i = 1; i < dLen; i++) {
+ var str = $scope.ecdapp.revisions[i].replace(/\s+/g, ' ');
+ var itemStrArr = str.split(" ");
+ var itemLen = itemStrArr.length;
+ var revObj = {};
+ revObj.revision = itemStrArr[0].trim();
+ revObj.updated = itemStrArr.slice(1,5).toString().replace(/,/g, ' ');
+ revObj.status = itemStrArr[6].trim();
+ revObj.chart = itemStrArr[7].trim();
+ revObj.description = itemStrArr.slice(8,itemLen).toString().replace(/,/g, ' ');
+ revObj.name = itemStrArr[0].trim();
+ revObj.checked = false;
+ $scope.ecdapp.local_revisions.push(revObj);
+ }
+ }
+ console.log($scope.ecdapp.local_revisions);
+ $scope.ecdapp.isRequestFailed = false;
+ }
+ $scope.ecdapp.isDataLoading = false;
+ },
+ function(error) {
+ $log.error('InventoryDeploymentService.getNodeInstanceVersions failed: ' + JSON.stringify(error));
+ $scope.ecdapp.isRequestFailed = true;
+ $scope.ecdapp.errMsg = error;
+ $scope.ecdapp.isDataLoading = false;
+ });
+ $scope.ecdapp.updateSelection = function(position) {
+ $scope.ecdapp.rollbackRequest.revision = position;
+ angular.forEach($scope.ecdapp.local_revisions, function(item, index) {
+ if (position != index+1)
+ item.checked = false;
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * rollback deployment based on parameters user enters/adjusts in modal popup
+ * First retrieves the node-id using the blueprintId
+ * Using the node-id and deploymentId, retrieves the node-instance-id
+ * Calls the update resource API, passing object with deploymentId, and changed parameters
+ */
+ $scope.ecdapp.rollbackWorkflow = function(revision) {
+ $scope.ecdapp.updatingDeployment = true;
+ $scope.ecdapp.isDataLoading = true;
+ InventoryDeploymentService.rollbackFlow($scope.ecdapp.rollbackRequest).then(function(jsonObj) {
+ if (debug)
+ $log.debug("inventoryDeploymentRollbackCtrl.rollbackWorkflow response: " + JSON.stringify(jsonObj));
+ if (jsonObj.error) {
+ $scope.ecdapp.errMsg = 'Request Failed: ' + jsonObj.error;
+ $scope.ecdapp.updatingDeployment = false;
+ $scope.ecdapp.isDataLoading = false;
+ } else {
+ console.log('%c ROLLBACK RESOURCES COMPLETED', 'color: magenta; font-weight: bold;');
+ alert('Rollback request for ' + $scope.ecdapp.deploymentRef + ' successfully went through to Cloudiy. Rollback is now pending');
+ $scope.ecdapp.updatingDeployment = false;
+ $scope.ecdapp.isDataLoading = false;
+ }
+ }, function(error) {
+ $scope.ecdapp.updatingDeployment = false;
+ $log.error('inventoryDeploymentRollbackCtrl failed: ' + error);
+ alert('Failed to rollback Deployment ' + $scope.ecdapp.deploymentRef + '. Please retry.');
+ $scope.ecdapp.isDataLoading = false;
+ });
+ }
+appDS2.controller('inventoryDeploymentUpgradeCtrl', function(
+ $scope, $rootScope, $log, $modalInstance, message, InventoryDeploymentService) {
+ 'use strict';
+ // Controls logging in this controller
+ var debug = false;
+ // this object holds all app data and functions
+ $scope.ecdapp = {};
+ $scope.ecdapp.label = 'Deployment Upgrade';
+ $scope.ecdapp.deployment = null;
+ $scope.ecdapp.deploymentRef = message.deployment.deploymentRef; //THIS IS THE BLUEPRINT ID
+ $scope.ecdapp.serviceId = message.deployment.serviceId;
+ $scope.ecdapp.errMsg = null;
+ $scope.ecdapp.isDataLoading = true;
+ $scope.ecdapp.isRequestFailed = false;
+ $scope.ecdapp.updatingDeployment = false;
+ var selTenant = message.deployment.statusInfo.tenant_name;
+ if ( typeof selTenant === "undefined" ) {
+ selTenant = "default_tenant";
+ }
+ $scope.ecdapp.tenant = selTenant;
+ $scope.ecdapp.ui_tenant = selTenant;
+ $scope.ecdapp.parmFileDict = {};
+ // This object holds data for editing the input parameters
+ $scope.ecdapp.editRequest = {
+ deployment_id: '',
+ type_id: '',
+ fileModel: null,
+ resourceConstants: {},
+ resourceDefinitionChanges: {}
+ };
+ //First get the blueprintId associated with the deployment, along with the inputs of the deployment
+ InventoryDeploymentService.getDeployment(message.deployment.deploymentRef, $scope.ecdapp.tenant).then(function(deployment) {
+ if (deployment.items.length == 0) {
+ $scope.ecdapp.errMsg = "404 - Deployment " + message.deployment.deploymentRef + " Not Found!";
+ $log.error("InventoryDeploymentSerice.getDeployment failed: "
+ + $scope.ecdapp.errMsg);
+ $scope.ecdapp.isRequestFailed = true;
+ }
+ // Deployment IDs are unique, so this will always return exactly one item!
+ else {
+ $scope.ecdapp.errMsg = null;
+ $scope.ecdapp.deployment = deployment.items[0];
+ $scope.ecdapp.isRequestFailed = false;
+ $scope.ecdapp.editRequest.type_id = deployment.items[0].blueprint_id;
+ $scope.ecdapp.parmFileDict = deployment.items[0].inputs;
+ Object.keys($scope.ecdapp.parmFileDict).map(function(key, index) {
+ if (key == 'config-format' || key == 'config-url' || key == 'chart-version' || key == 'chart-repo-url') {
+ $scope.ecdapp.editRequest.resourceDefinitionChanges[key] = $scope.ecdapp.parmFileDict[key];
+ } else {
+ $scope.ecdapp.editRequest.resourceConstants[key] = $scope.ecdapp.parmFileDict[key];
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ $scope.ecdapp.isDataLoading = false;
+ },
+ function(error) {
+ $log.error('InventoryDeploymentService.getDeployment failed: ' + JSON.stringify(error));
+ $scope.ecdapp.isRequestFailed = true;
+ $scope.ecdapp.errMsg = error;
+ $scope.ecdapp.isDataLoading = false;
+ });
+ /**
+ * Validates content of user-editable fields.
+ * Returns null if all is well,
+ * a descriptive error message otherwise.
+ */
+ $scope.ecdapp.validateRequest = function(editRequest) {
+ if (editRequest == null)
+ return 'No data found.\nPlease enter some values.';
+ if (editRequest["chart-version"] == null || editRequest["chart-version"].trim() == '')
+ return 'Chart version is required.\nPlease enter a value.';
+ if (!editRequest["config-format"] || editRequest["config-format"].trim() == '') {
+ return 'config format is required.\nPlease enter a value.';
+ }
+ if (!editRequest["config-url"] || editRequest["config-url"].trim() == '') {
+ return 'Config URL is required.\nPlease enter a value.';
+ }
+ return null;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Helm upgrade for deployment based on parameters user enters in modal popup
+ * First retrieves the node-id using the blueprintId
+ * Using the node-id and deploymentId, retrieves the node-instance-id
+ * Calls the start execution API, passing object with deploymentId, and changed parameters
+ */
+ $scope.ecdapp.upgradeWorkflow = function(resourceDefinitionChanges) {
+ $scope.ecdapp.updatingDeployment = true;
+ let nodeId = '';
+ // validate request
+ var validateMsg = $scope.ecdapp.validateRequest(resourceDefinitionChanges);
+ if (validateMsg != null) {
+ alert('Invalid Request:\n' + validateMsg);
+ $scope.ecdapp.updatingDeployment = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ //get node id from blueprint
+ InventoryDeploymentService.getBlueprint($scope.ecdapp.deploymentRef, $scope.ecdapp.tenant).then(function(blueprint) {
+ if (debug)
+ $log.debug("inventoryDeploymentUpgradeCtrl.getBlueprint response: " + JSON.stringify(blueprint));
+ if (blueprint.error) {
+ $scope.ecdapp.errMsg = 'Request Failed: ' + blueprint.error;
+ $scope.ecdapp.updatingDeployment = false;
+ }
+ else {
+ //console.log('returned blueprint:' + blueprint);
+ let count = 0;
+ //console.log("number of node objects in array: " + blueprint.items[0].plan.nodes.length);
+ //console.log(JSON.stringify(blueprint));
+ blueprint.items[0].plan.nodes.map(function(node) {
+ if (node.type == 'onap.nodes.component') {
+ //want to get FIRST node with type 'cloudify.kubernetes.resources.Deployment' so only set nodeID for first matching type
+ if (count < 1) {
+ nodeId = node.id;
+ }
+ count = count + 1;
+ }
+ });
+ //if no node has type 'cloudify.kubernetes.resources.Deployment', return message saying no deployment exists and exit (ie nodeId still is '')
+ if (nodeId == '') {
+ alert('Failed to retrieve Node Id. No matching deployment found (no deployment exists)');
+ $scope.ecdapp.updatingDeployment = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ //found node id. now need to retrieve node-instance-id
+ console.log('%c RETRIEVED NODE ID: ' + nodeId, 'color: orange; font-weight: bold;');
+ let nodeInstanceId = '';
+ InventoryDeploymentService.getNodeInstanceId($scope.ecdapp.deploymentRef, nodeId, $scope.ecdapp.tenant).then(function(jsonObj) {
+ if (debug)
+ $log.debug("inventoryDeploymentUpgradeCtrl.getNodeInstanceId response: " + JSON.stringify(jsonObj));
+ if (jsonObj.error) {
+ $scope.ecdapp.errMsg = 'Request Failed: ' + jsonObj.error;
+ $scope.ecdapp.updatingDeployment = false;
+ }
+ else {
+ //if nodeInstanceId is still '' then it wasn't found, stop flow)
+ if (jsonObj.items[0].id == '') {
+ alert('Failed to retrieve Node Instance Id for Node Id' + nodeId);
+ $scope.ecdapp.updatingDeployment = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ //found node-instance-id. now need to update resources
+ nodeInstanceId = jsonObj.items[0].id;
+ console.log('%c RETRIEVED NODE INSTANCE ID:' + nodeInstanceId, 'color: green; font-weight: bold;');
+ //console.log(resourceDefinitionChanges);
+ InventoryDeploymentService.upgradeFlow($scope.ecdapp.deploymentRef, nodeInstanceId, resourceDefinitionChanges, $scope.ecdapp.tenant).then(function(jsonObj) {
+ if (debug)
+ $log.debug("inventoryDeploymentUpgradeCtrl.updateResources response: " + JSON.stringify(jsonObj));
+ if (jsonObj.error) {
+ $scope.ecdapp.errMsg = 'Request Failed: ' + jsonObj.error;
+ $scope.ecdapp.updatingDeployment = false;
+ }
+ else {
+ console.log('%c UPDATE RESOURCES COMPLETED', 'color: magenta; font-weight: bold;');
+ //console.log(jsonObj);
+ $scope.ecdapp.updatingDeployment = false;
+ alert('Helm Upgrade request for ' + $scope.ecdapp.deploymentRef + ' successfully went through to Cloudiy. Upgrade is now pending'); $modalInstance.dismiss('cancel');
+ }
+ }, function(error) {
+ $scope.ecdapp.updatingDeployment = false;
+ alert('Failed to perform upgrade for Deployment Id ' + $scope.ecdapp.deploymentRef + ' and Node Instance Id ' + nodeInstanceId + '. Please retry.');
+ $log.error('inventoryDeploymentUpgradeCtrl failed: ' + error);
+ });
+ }
+ }, function(error) {
+ $scope.ecdapp.updatingDeployment = false;
+ alert('Failed to get Node Instance Id for deploymentId ' + $scope.ecdapp.deploymentRef + ' and Node Id ' + nodeId + '. Please retry.');
+ $log.error('inventoryDeploymentUpgradeCtrl failed: ' + error);
+ });
+ }
+ }, function(error) {
+ $scope.ecdapp.updatingDeployment = false;
+ alert('Failed to get blueprint for blueprintId ' + $scope.ecdapp.deploymentRef + '. Please retry.');
+ $log.error('inventoryDeploymentUpgradeCtrl failed: ' + error);
+ });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Handler for file-read event reads file, parses JSON, validates content.
+ */
+ var fileReader = new FileReader();
+ fileReader.onload = function(event) {
+ let jsonString = fileReader.result;
+ if (debug)
+ $log.debug('fileReader.onload: read: ' + jsonString);
+ let ydict = {};
+ try {
+ ydict = JSON.parse(jsonString);
+ }
+ catch (ex) {
+ alert('Failed to parse file as JSON:\n' + ex);
+ }
+ // Process the file
+ for (var ykey in ydict) {
+ let yval = ydict[ykey];
+ if (debug)
+ $log.debug('fileReader.onload: typeof ' + ykey + ' is ' + typeof ykey);
+ // Allow only expected keys with scalar values
+ if (! (ykey in $scope.ecdapp.parmFileDict))
+ alert('Unexpected file content:\nKey not defined by blueprint:\n' + ykey);
+ if (yval.constructor === {}.constructor)
+ $scope.ecdapp.parmFileDict[ykey] = angular.toJson(yval);
+ else
+ $scope.ecdapp.parmFileDict[ykey] = yval;
+ }
+ if (debug)
+ $log.debug('fileReader.onload: parmFileDict: ' + JSON.stringify($scope.ecdapp.parmFileDict));
+ // Update table in all cases
+ //$scope.ecdapp.setResourceDefinitionChanges($scope.ecdapp.editRequest.resourceDefinitionChanges, $scope.ecdapp.editRequest.parmFileDict);
+ Object.keys($scope.ecdapp.parmFileDict).map(function(key, index) {
+ if (key == 'config-format' || key == 'config-url' || key == 'chart-version') {
+ $scope.ecdapp.editRequest.resourceDefinitionChanges[key] = $scope.ecdapp.parmFileDict[key];
+ } else {
+ $scope.ecdapp.editRequest.resourceConstants[key] = $scope.ecdapp.parmFileDict[key];
+ }
+ });
+ //$scope.$apply();
+ };
+ // Handler for file-select event
+ $scope.handleFileSelect = function() {
+ if (debug)
+ $log.debug('handleFileSelect: $scope.ecdapp.fileModel.name is ' + $scope.ecdapp.editRequest.fileModel.name);
+ fileReader.readAsText($scope.ecdapp.editRequest.fileModel);
+ };
+}); \ No newline at end of file