path: root/ccsdk-app-overlay/src/main/webapp/app/ccsdk/inventory/blueprint-controllers.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ccsdk-app-overlay/src/main/webapp/app/ccsdk/inventory/blueprint-controllers.js')
1 files changed, 1037 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ccsdk-app-overlay/src/main/webapp/app/ccsdk/inventory/blueprint-controllers.js b/ccsdk-app-overlay/src/main/webapp/app/ccsdk/inventory/blueprint-controllers.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fceab0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ccsdk-app-overlay/src/main/webapp/app/ccsdk/inventory/blueprint-controllers.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1037 @@
+appDS2.controller('inventoryBlueprintTableController', function(
+ $rootScope, $scope, $log, $modal, modalService, InventoryBlueprintService, InventoryDeploymentService) {
+ 'use strict';
+ // Controls logging in this controller
+ var debug = false;
+ // this object holds all app data and functions
+ $scope.ecdapp = {};
+ // models for controls on screen
+ $scope.ecdapp.tableData = [];
+ $scope.ecdapp.currentPageNum = 1;
+ $scope.ecdapp.viewPerPage = 10;
+ // other
+ $scope.ecdapp.errMsg = null;
+ $scope.ecdapp.isDataLoading = true;
+ $scope.ecdapp.isRequestFailed = false;
+ // sorting
+ $scope.ecdapp.sortBy = null;
+ // searching
+ $scope.ecdapp.searchBy = null;
+ $scope.ecdapp.trackBpRowIndex = function(indx) {
+ $scope.ecdapp.tableData[indx].expanded = !$scope.ecdapp.tableData[indx].expanded;
+ };
+ $scope.ecdapp.updateTable = function() {
+ $scope.ecdapp.isSrvcDataLoading = true;
+ var srvcTypIds = [];
+ var srvcIds = [];
+ var bpDepls =[];
+ var cloneGrid = $scope.ecdapp.tableData;
+ angular.forEach($scope.ecdapp.tableData, function(item, index) {
+ angular.forEach(item, function(value, key) {
+ if (key === "typeId") {
+ srvcTypIds.push(value);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ InventoryBlueprintService.getDeploymentForBp(srvcTypIds)
+ .then(function(jsonObj) {
+ if (jsonObj.error) {
+ $log.error("inventoryBlueprintController.updateTable failed: " + jsonObj.error);
+ } else {
+ bpDepls = jsonObj;
+ for (var typIndx = 0; typIndx < bpDepls.length; typIndx++) {
+ srvcIds.push(bpDepls[typIndx].serviceRefList);
+ }
+ angular.forEach(cloneGrid, function(item, index) {
+ item.deployments = srvcIds[index];
+ item.expanded = false;
+ });
+ $scope.ecdapp.tableData = cloneGrid;
+ }
+ $scope.ecdapp.isSrvcDataLoading = false;
+ }, function(error) {
+ $log.error("inventoryBlueprintController.updateTable failed: " + error);
+ bpDepls = [];
+ $scope.ecdapp.isSrvcDataLoading = false;
+ });
+ }
+ $scope.ecdapp.JSONToCSVConverter = function(blueprint)
+ {
+ var array = typeof blueprint != 'object' ? JSON.parse(blueprint) : blueprint;
+ var str = '';
+ for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
+ var line = '';
+ for (var index in array[i]) {
+ line += array[i][index] + ',';
+ }
+ line.slice(0, line.Length - 1);
+ str += line + '\r\n';
+ }
+ var uri = 'data:text/csv;charset=utf-8,' + escape(str);
+ var fileName = 'exported';
+ var link = document.createElement("a");
+ link.href= uri;
+ link.style = "visibility:hidden";
+ link.download = fileName + ".csv";
+ document.body.appendChild(link);
+ link.click();
+ document.body.removeChild(link);
+ };
+ $scope.ecdapp.createcsv = function(blueprint)
+ {
+ var bpArr =[];
+ bpArr.push(blueprint);
+ $scope.ecdapp.JSONToCSVConverter(bpArr);
+ };
+ $scope.ecdapp.exportJson = function(blueprint)
+ {
+ var bpExportObj = {};
+ bpExportObj.application = blueprint.application;
+ bpExportObj.component = blueprint.component;
+ bpExportObj.typeName = blueprint.typeName;
+ bpExportObj.typeVersion = blueprint.typeVersion;
+ bpExportObj.blueprintTemplate = blueprint.blueprintTemplate;
+ var bpStr = JSON.stringify(bpExportObj);
+ var uri = 'data:text/json;charset=utf-8,' + escape(bpStr);
+ var fileName = blueprint.application + '_' + blueprint.component +
+ '_' + blueprint.typeName + '_' + blueprint.typeVersion;
+ var link = document.createElement("a");
+ link.href= uri;
+ link.style = "visibility:hidden";
+ link.download = fileName + ".json";
+ document.body.appendChild(link);
+ link.click();
+ document.body.removeChild(link);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Loads the table. Interprets the remote controller's response and copies
+ * to scope variables. The response is either list to be assigned to
+ * tableData, or an error to be shown.
+ */
+ $scope.ecdapp.loadTable = function(sortBy, searchBy) {
+ $scope.ecdapp.isDataLoading = true;
+ $scope.ecdapp.sortBy = sortBy;
+ $scope.ecdapp.searchBy = searchBy;
+ InventoryBlueprintService.getBlueprints($scope.ecdapp.currentPageNum, $scope.ecdapp.viewPerPage, sortBy, searchBy)
+ .then(function(jsonObj) {
+ if (jsonObj.error) {
+ $log.error("inventoryBlueprintController.loadTable failed: " + jsonObj.error);
+ $scope.ecdapp.isRequestFailed = true;
+ $scope.ecdapp.errMsg = jsonObj.error;
+ $scope.ecdapp.tableData = [];
+ } else {
+ //if (debug)
+ //$log.debug("inventoryBlueprintController.loadTable succeeded, size " + jsonObj.data.length);
+ $scope.ecdapp.isRequestFailed = false;
+ $scope.ecdapp.errMsg = null;
+ $scope.ecdapp.totalPages = jsonObj.totalPages;
+ $scope.ecdapp.tableData = jsonObj.items;
+ $scope.ecdapp.updateTable();
+ }
+ $scope.ecdapp.isDataLoading = false;
+ }, function(error) {
+ $log.error("inventoryBlueprintController.loadTable failed: " + error);
+ $scope.ecdapp.isRequestFailed = true;
+ $scope.ecdapp.errMsg = error;
+ $scope.ecdapp.tableData = [];
+ $scope.ecdapp.isDataLoading = false;
+ });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Loads the table. Interprets the remote controller's response and copies
+ * to scope variables. The response is either list to be assigned to
+ * tableData, or an error to be shown.
+ */
+ $scope.ecdapp.sortTable = function(sortBy) {
+ $scope.ecdapp.isDataLoading = true;
+ $scope.ecdapp.sortBy = sortBy;
+ InventoryBlueprintService.getBlueprints($scope.ecdapp.currentPageNum, $scope.ecdapp.viewPerPage, sortBy, $scope.ecdapp.searchBy)
+ .then(function(jsonObj) {
+ if (jsonObj.error) {
+ $log.error("inventoryBlueprintController.loadTable failed: " + jsonObj.error);
+ $scope.ecdapp.isRequestFailed = true;
+ $scope.ecdapp.errMsg = jsonObj.error;
+ $scope.ecdapp.tableData = [];
+ } else {
+ if (debug)
+ $log.debug("inventoryBlueprintController.loadTable succeeded, size " + jsonObj.data.length);
+ $scope.ecdapp.isRequestFailed = false;
+ $scope.ecdapp.errMsg = null;
+ $scope.ecdapp.totalPages = jsonObj.totalPages;
+ $scope.ecdapp.tableData = jsonObj.items;
+ $scope.ecdapp.updateTable();
+ }
+ $scope.ecdapp.isDataLoading = false;
+ }, function(error) {
+ $log.error("inventoryBlueprintController.loadTable failed: " + error);
+ $scope.ecdapp.isRequestFailed = true;
+ $scope.ecdapp.errMsg = error;
+ $scope.ecdapp.tableData = [];
+ $scope.ecdapp.isDataLoading = false;
+ });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Loads the table. Interprets the remote controller's response and copies
+ * to scope variables. The response is either list to be assigned to
+ * tableData, or an error to be shown.
+ */
+ $scope.ecdapp.searchTable = function(searchBy) {
+ $scope.ecdapp.isDataLoading = true;
+ $scope.ecdapp.searchBy = searchBy;
+ InventoryBlueprintService.getBlueprints($scope.ecdapp.currentPageNum, $scope.ecdapp.viewPerPage, $scope.ecdapp.sortBy, searchBy)
+ .then(function(jsonObj) {
+ if (jsonObj.error) {
+ $log.error("inventoryBlueprintController.loadTable failed: " + jsonObj.error);
+ $scope.ecdapp.isRequestFailed = true;
+ $scope.ecdapp.errMsg = jsonObj.error;
+ $scope.ecdapp.tableData = [];
+ } else {
+ if (debug)
+ $log.debug("inventoryBlueprintController.loadTable succeeded, size " + jsonObj.data.length);
+ $scope.ecdapp.isRequestFailed = false;
+ $scope.ecdapp.errMsg = null;
+ $scope.ecdapp.totalPages = jsonObj.totalPages;
+ $scope.ecdapp.tableData = jsonObj.items;
+ $scope.ecdapp.updateTable();
+ }
+ $scope.ecdapp.isDataLoading = false;
+ }, function(error) {
+ $log.error("inventoryBlueprintController.loadTable failed: " + error);
+ $scope.ecdapp.isRequestFailed = true;
+ $scope.ecdapp.errMsg = error;
+ $scope.ecdapp.tableData = [];
+ $scope.ecdapp.isDataLoading = false;
+ });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Invoked at first page load AND when
+ * user clicks on the B2B pagination control.
+ */
+ $scope.pageChangeHandler = function(page) {
+ // console.log('pageChangeHandler: current is ' + $scope.ecdapp.currentPageNum + ' new is ' + page);
+ $scope.ecdapp.currentPageNum = page;
+ $scope.ecdapp.loadTable($scope.ecdapp.sortBy, $scope.ecdapp.searchBy);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Shows a modal pop-up to update a blueprint.
+ * Passes data in via an object named "message".
+ * On success, updates the table.
+ */
+ $scope.ecdapp.updateBlueprintModalPopup = function(blueprint) {
+ $scope.ecdapp.editBlueprint = null;
+ var modalInstance = $modal.open({
+ templateUrl : 'inventory_blueprint_update_popup.html',
+ controller : 'inventoryBlueprintUpdateCtrl',
+ windowClass: 'modal-docked',
+ sizeClass: 'modal-jumbo',
+ resolve : {
+ message : function() {
+ var dataForPopup = {
+ blueprint : blueprint
+ };
+ return dataForPopup;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ modalInstance.result.then(function(response) {
+ if (debug)
+ $log.debug('updateBlueprintModalPopup: response: ' + JSON.stringify(response));
+ if (response == null) {
+ if (debug)
+ $log.debug('user closed dialog');
+ }
+ else {
+ if (response.error != null) {
+ $log.error('updateBlueprintModalPopup failed: ' + response.error);
+ alert('Failed to update blueprint:\n' + response.error);
+ }
+ else {
+ // success, get the updated list.
+ $scope.ecdapp.loadTable()
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Shows a modal pop-up with blueprint content.
+ * Passes data in via an object named "message".
+ */
+ $scope.ecdapp.viewBlueprintModalPopup = function(blueprint) {
+ $scope.ecdapp.editBlueprint = null;
+ var modalInstance = $modal.open({
+ templateUrl : 'inventory_blueprint_view_popup.html',
+ controller : 'inventoryBlueprintViewCtrl',
+ windowClass: 'modal-docked',
+ sizeClass: 'modal-jumbo',
+ resolve : {
+ message : function() {
+ var dataForPopup = {
+ blueprint : blueprint
+ };
+ return dataForPopup;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ modalInstance.result.then(function(response) {
+ // No response.
+ });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Shows a modal pop-up to upload a blueprint.
+ * Passes data in via an object named "message".
+ * On success, updates the table.
+ */
+ $scope.ecdapp.uploadBlueprintModalPopup = function() {
+ $scope.ecdapp.editBlueprint = null;
+ var modalInstance = $modal.open({
+ templateUrl : 'inventory_blueprint_upload_popup.html',
+ controller : 'inventoryBlueprintUploadCtrl',
+ windowClass: 'modal-docked',
+ sizeClass: 'modal-jumbo',
+ resolve : {
+ message : function() {
+ var dataForPopup = {
+ blueprint : $scope.ecdapp.editBlueprint,
+ blueprintList : $scope.ecdapp.tableData,
+ };
+ return dataForPopup;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ modalInstance.result.then(function(response) {
+ if (debug)
+ $log.debug('uploadBlueprintModalPopup: response: ' + JSON.stringify(response));
+ if (response == null) {
+ if (debug)
+ $log.debug('user closed dialog');
+ }
+ else {
+ if (response.error != null) {
+ $log.error('uploadBlueprintModalPopup failed: ' + response.error);
+ alert('Failed to upload blueprint:\n' + response.error);
+ }
+ else {
+ // success, get the updated list.
+ $scope.ecdapp.loadTable()
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Shows a modal pop-up to create a deployment from a blueprint.
+ * Passes data in via an object named "message".
+ */
+ $scope.ecdapp.deployBlueprintModalPopup = function(blueprint) {
+ var modalInstance = $modal.open({
+ templateUrl : 'inventory_blueprint_deploy_popup.html',
+ controller : 'inventoryBlueprintDeployCtrl',
+ windowClass: 'modal-docked',
+ sizeClass: 'modal-jumbo',
+ resolve : {
+ message : function() {
+ var dataForPopup = {
+ blueprint : blueprint,
+ };
+ return dataForPopup;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ modalInstance.result.then(function(response) {
+ if (debug)
+ $log.debug('deployBlueprintModalPopup: response: ' + JSON.stringify(response));
+ if (response == null) {
+ if (debug)
+ $log.debug('user closed dialog');
+ }
+ else {
+ if (response.error != null) {
+ $log.error('deployBlueprintModalPopup failed: ' + response.error);
+ alert('Failed to deploy blueprint:\n' + response.error);
+ // No need to update THIS table.
+ // Must switch to deployments page to see result? Awkward.
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Shows a modal pop-up to confirm deletion.
+ * On successful completion, updates the table.
+ */
+ $scope.ecdapp.deleteBlueprintModalPopup = function(blueprint) {
+ modalService.popupConfirmWin("Confirm", "Delete blueprint with name '"
+ + blueprint.typeName + "'?", function() {
+ InventoryBlueprintService.deleteBlueprint(blueprint.typeId).then(
+ function(response) {
+ if (debug)
+ $log.debug('deleteBlueprintModalPopup: response: ' + JSON.stringify(response));
+ if (response && response.error) {
+ // $log.error('deleteBlueprint failed: ' + response.error);
+ alert('Failed to delete blueprint:\n' + response.error);
+ }
+ else {
+ // No response body on success.
+ $scope.ecdapp.loadTable();
+ }
+ },
+ function(error) {
+ $log.error('InventoryBlueprintService.deleteBlueprint failed: ' + error);
+ alert('Service failed to delete blueprint:\n' + error);
+ });
+ })
+ };
+appDS2.controller('inventoryBlueprintUpdateCtrl', function(
+ $scope, $log, $modalInstance, message, InventoryBlueprintService) {
+ 'use strict';
+ // Controls logging in this controller
+ var debug = false;
+ // this object holds all app data and functions
+ $scope.ecdapp = {};
+ $scope.ecdapp.label = 'Update Blueprint';
+ $scope.ecdapp.updateInProgress = false;
+ // Create a ServiceTypeRequest object for edit
+ $scope.ecdapp.serviceType = angular.copy(message.blueprint);
+ /**
+ * Validates content of user-editable fields.
+ * Returns null if all is well,
+ * a descriptive error message otherwise.
+ */
+ $scope.ecdapp.validateRequest = function(serviceType) {
+ if (serviceType == null)
+ return 'No data found.\nPlease enter some values.';
+ if (serviceType.blueprintTemplate == null || serviceType.blueprintTemplate.trim() == '')
+ return 'Blueprint Template is required.\nPlease enter a value.';
+ let blueprintTemplate = {};
+ try {
+ blueprintTemplate = YAML.parse(serviceType.blueprintTemplate);
+ }
+ catch (ex) {
+ return ('Blueprint template is not in YAML format:\n' + ex);
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ $scope.ecdapp.updateBlueprint = function(serviceType) {
+ $scope.ecdapp.updateInProgress = true;
+ if (debug)
+ $log.debug('updateBlueprint: serviceType is ' + JSON.stringify($scope.ecdapp.serviceType));
+ var validateMsg = $scope.ecdapp.validateRequest(serviceType);
+ if (validateMsg != null) {
+ alert('Invalid Request:\n' + validateMsg);
+ return;
+ }
+ InventoryBlueprintService.updateBlueprint(serviceType)
+ .then(function(response) {
+ if (debug)
+ $log.debug('inventoryBlueprintUpdateCtrl.updateBlueprint: ' + JSON.stringify(response));
+ if (response && response.error) {
+ $log.error('InventoryBlueprintService.updateBlueprint failed: ' + response.error);
+ alert('Failed to update blueprint:\n' + response.error);
+ }
+ else {
+ // Delete service returns null on success.
+ $modalInstance.close("success");
+ }
+ $scope.ecdapp.updateInProgress = false;
+ },
+ function(error) {
+ $log.error('InventoryBlueprintService.updateBlueprint failed: ' + error);
+ $scope.ecdapp.updateInProgress = false;
+ alert('Service failed to update blueprint:\n' + error);
+ });
+ };
+appDS2.controller('inventoryBlueprintUploadCtrl', function(
+ $scope, $log, $modalInstance, message, InventoryBlueprintService) {
+ 'use strict';
+ // Controls logging in this controller
+ var debug = false;
+ // this object holds all app data and functions
+ $scope.ecdapp = {};
+ $scope.ecdapp.label = 'Upload Blueprint';
+ $scope.ecdapp.uploadInProgress = false;
+ $scope.ecdapp.serviceTypeRequest =
+ {
+ asdcResourceId : '',
+ asdcServiceId : '',
+ asdcServiceURL : '',
+ blueprintTemplate : '',
+ owner : $scope.userId,
+ serviceIds : '',
+ serviceLocations : '',
+ typeName : '',
+ typeVersion : '',
+ vnfTypes : '',
+ application: '',
+ component: ''
+ };
+ $scope.ecdapp.writeRole = false;
+ $scope.ecdapp.newCompName = "";
+ $scope.ecdapp.newCompDisplayName = "";
+ $scope.ecdapp.newCompId = null;
+ $scope.ecdapp.enableAppForm = false;
+ $scope.ecdapp.apps = [];
+ $scope.ecdapp.comps = [];
+ $scope.ecdapp.validAppl = false;
+ $scope.ecdapp.validComp = false;
+ $scope.ecdapp.isImport = false;
+ /**
+ * Handler for file-read event reads file, parses JSON, validates content.
+ */
+ var importFileReader = new FileReader();
+ importFileReader.onload = function(event) {
+ let jsonString = importFileReader.result;
+ if (debug)
+ $log.debug('fileReader.onload: read: ' + jsonString);
+ let ydict = {};
+ try {
+ ydict = JSON.parse(jsonString);
+ }
+ catch (ex) {
+ alert('Failed to parse file as JSON:\n' + ex);
+ }
+ // Process the file
+ for (var ykey in ydict) {
+ let yval = ydict[ykey];
+ if (debug)
+ $log.debug('importFileReader.onload: typeof ' + ykey + ' is ' + typeof ykey);
+ if (ykey === "application") {
+ $scope.ecdapp.serviceTypeRequest.application = yval;
+ $scope.ecdapp.validAppl = true;
+ } else if (ykey === "component") {
+ $scope.ecdapp.serviceTypeRequest.component = yval;
+ $scope.ecdapp.validComp = true;
+ } else if (ykey === "typeName") {
+ $scope.ecdapp.serviceTypeRequest.typeName = yval;
+ } else if (ykey === "typeVersion") {
+ $scope.ecdapp.serviceTypeRequest.typeVersion = yval;
+ } else if (ykey === "blueprintTemplate") {
+ $scope.ecdapp.serviceTypeRequest.blueprintTemplate = yval;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $scope.ecdapp.handleImportCb = function($event) {
+ var checkbox = $event.target;
+ var action = (checkbox.checked ? 'import' : 'regular');
+ if (action === 'import') {
+ $scope.ecdapp.serviceTypeRequest.application = '';
+ $scope.ecdapp.serviceTypeRequest.component = '';
+ $scope.ecdapp.isImport = true;
+ }
+ if (action === 'regular') {
+ $scope.ecdapp.serviceTypeRequest.application = 'Select Application';
+ $scope.ecdapp.serviceTypeRequest.component = 'Select Component';
+ $scope.ecdapp.isImport = false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Handler for file-select event
+ $scope.ecdapp.handleImportFile = function() {
+ if (debug)
+ $log.debug('handleFileSelect: $scope.ecdapp.fileModel.name is ' + $scope.ecdapp.serviceTypeRequest.fileModel.name);
+ importFileReader.readAsText($scope.ecdapp.serviceTypeRequest.fileModel);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Get the components from database
+ *
+ */
+ InventoryBlueprintService.getComponents()
+ .then(function(jsonObj) {
+ if (jsonObj.error) {
+ $log.error("inventoryBlueprintController.loadComponents failed: " + jsonObj.error);
+ $scope.ecdapp.components = [];
+ } else {
+ if (debug)
+ $log.debug("inventoryBlueprintController.loadComponents succeeded, size " + jsonObj.data.length);
+ $scope.ecdapp.isRequestFailed = false;
+ $scope.ecdapp.errMsg = null;
+ $scope.ecdapp.components = jsonObj;
+ if (Array.isArray($scope.ecdapp.components) ) {
+ angular.forEach($scope.ecdapp.components, function(item, index) {
+ angular.forEach(item, function(value, key) {
+ if (key === "app") {
+ $scope.ecdapp.apps.push(value);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ $scope.ecdapp.isDataLoading = false;
+ }, function(error) {
+ $log.error("inventoryBlueprintController.loadComponents failed: " + error);
+ $scope.ecdapp.components = [];
+ });
+ //$scope.ecdapp.components = [{"ECOMPC":[{"compId":1,"cname":"controller","dname":"CONTROLLER"},{"compId":2,"cname":"mso","dname":"MSO"},{"compId":3,"cname":"appc","dname":"APP-C"},{"compId":4,"cname":"clamp","dname":"CLAMP"},{"compId":5,"cname":"ecompscheduler","dname":"ECOMP SCHEDULER"},{"compId":6,"cname":"policy","dname":"POLICY"},{"compId":7,"cname":"eipam","dname":"EIPAM"},{"compId":181,"cname":"pdasms","dname":"PDAS-MS"},{"cname":"true"}]},
+ // {"DCAE": [{"compId":8,"cname":"dcae","dname":"DCAE"}]}];
+ $scope.ecdapp.selectAppComp = function(appName) {
+ if(appName === "Select Application"){
+ $scope.ecdapp.validAppl = false;
+ } else {
+ $scope.ecdapp.validAppl = true;
+ for (var appIndx = 0; appIndx < $scope.ecdapp.components.length; appIndx++) {
+ if ($scope.ecdapp.components[appIndx].app === appName) {
+ $scope.ecdapp.comps = $scope.ecdapp.components[appIndx].comps;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $scope.ecdapp.validateComp = function(appName) {
+ if($scope.ecdapp.serviceTypeRequest.component === "Select Component"){
+ $scope.ecdapp.validComp = false;
+ } else {
+ $scope.ecdapp.validComp = true;
+ }
+ }
+ var fileReader = new FileReader();
+ fileReader.onload = function(event) {
+ let yamlString = fileReader.result;
+ $scope.ecdapp.serviceTypeRequest.blueprintTemplate = yamlString;
+ }
+ $scope.ecdapp.enableAddApp = function() {
+ if ($scope.ecdapp.enableAppForm) {
+ $scope.ecdapp.enableAppForm = false;
+ } else {
+ $scope.ecdapp.enableAppForm = true;
+ }
+ }
+ $scope.ecdapp.addApplication = function(appName, compId, compName, compDisplayName) {
+ // save new application to database, reload components list
+ if (compName.trim().length < 1 || compDisplayName.trim().length < 1) {
+ alert("Must enter value for Component name and display name");
+ return;
+ }
+ //console.log("Saving " + applicationName + " to components list");
+ InventoryBlueprintService.insertComponent(compName, compDisplayName.toUpperCase()).then(function(jsonObj) {
+ if (jsonObj.error) {
+ $log.error("inventoryBlueprintController.loadComponents failed: " + jsonObj.error);
+ } else {
+ if (debug)
+ $log.debug("inventoryBlueprintController.loadComponents succeeded, size " + jsonObj.data.length);
+ //console.log(jsonObj);
+ InventoryBlueprintService.getComponents().then(function(jsonObj) {
+ /*
+ $scope.ecdapp.newApplicationName = "";
+ $scope.ecdapp.newApplicationDisplayName = "";
+ $scope.ecdapp.selectedOption = $scope.ecdapp.components[0];
+ */
+ $scope.ecdapp.components = jsonObj;
+ $scope.ecdapp.enableAppForm = false;
+ $scope.ecdapp.selectAppComp(appName);
+ });
+ }
+ }, function(error) {
+ $log.error("inventoryBlueprintController.addApplication failed: " + error);
+ });
+ };
+ // Handler for file-select event
+ $scope.handleFileSelect = function() {
+ if (debug)
+ $log.debug('handleFileSelect: $scope.ecdapp.fileModel.name is ' + $scope.ecdapp.serviceTypeRequest.fileModel.name);
+ fileReader.readAsText($scope.ecdapp.serviceTypeRequest.fileModel);
+ };
+ // Convert serviceIds, serviceLocations, and vnfTypes to JSON Array
+ $scope.ecdapp.convertStringsToArrays = function(serviceTypeRequest) {
+ if (serviceTypeRequest.serviceIds || serviceTypeRequest.serviceIds.trim() != '') {
+ try {
+ serviceTypeRequest.serviceIds = angular.fromJson(serviceTypeRequest.serviceIds.split(","));
+ } catch (error) {
+ return 'Service Ids is not in the correct format.';
+ }
+ } else {
+ serviceTypeRequest.serviceIds = [];
+ }
+ if (serviceTypeRequest.serviceLocations || serviceTypeRequest.serviceLocations.trim() != '') {
+ try {
+ serviceTypeRequest.serviceLocations = angular.fromJson(serviceTypeRequest.serviceLocations.split(","));
+ } catch (error) {
+ return 'Service Locations is not in the correct format.';
+ }
+ } else {
+ serviceTypeRequest.serviceLocations = [];
+ }
+ if (serviceTypeRequest.vnfTypes || serviceTypeRequest.vnfTypes.trim() != '') {
+ try {
+ serviceTypeRequest.vnfTypes = angular.fromJson(serviceTypeRequest.vnfTypes.split(","));
+ } catch (error) {
+ return 'VNF Types is not in the correct format.';
+ }
+ } else {
+ serviceTypeRequest.vnfTypes = [];
+ }
+ try {
+ if (isNaN(serviceTypeRequest.typeVersion)) {
+ serviceTypeRequest.typeVersion = serviceTypeRequest.typeVersion.replace(/\./gi, "");
+ serviceTypeRequest.typeVersion = angular.fromJson(serviceTypeRequest.typeVersion);
+ }
+ } catch (error) {
+ return 'typeVersion is not in the correct format.';
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Validates content of user-editable fields.
+ * Returns null if all is well,
+ * a descriptive error message otherwise.
+ */
+ $scope.ecdapp.validateRequest = function(serviceTypeRequest) {
+ if (!serviceTypeRequest)
+ return 'No data found.\nPlease enter some values.';
+ if (!serviceTypeRequest.owner || serviceTypeRequest.owner.trim() == '') {
+ return 'Application/Owner is required.\nPlease enter a value.';
+ }
+ if (!serviceTypeRequest.typeName || serviceTypeRequest.typeName.trim() == '') {
+ return 'Type Name is required.\nPlease enter a value.';
+ }
+ if (!serviceTypeRequest.typeVersion ) {
+ //|| serviceTypeRequest.typeVersion.trim() == '') {
+ return 'Type Version is required.\nPlease enter a value.';
+ }
+ if (!serviceTypeRequest.blueprintTemplate || serviceTypeRequest.blueprintTemplate.trim() == '')
+ return 'Blueprint Template is required.\nPlease enter a value.';
+ return null;
+ }
+ $scope.ecdapp.uploadBlueprint = function(serviceTypeRequest) {
+ if (debug)
+ $log.debug('uploadBlueprint: serviceType is ' + JSON.stringify(serviceTypeRequest));
+ $scope.ecdapp.uploadInProgress = true;
+ var validateMsg = $scope.ecdapp.validateRequest(serviceTypeRequest);
+ if (validateMsg != null) {
+ editServiceType = angular.copy(serviceTypeRequest);
+ alert('Invalid Request:\n' + validateMsg);
+ $scope.ecdapp.uploadInProgress = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ //var authUser = $scope.userId;
+ //serviceTypeRequest.owner = serviceTypeRequest.owner + ':' + authUser;
+ // Create a editServiceTypeRequest object for edit
+ var editServiceType = angular.copy(serviceTypeRequest);
+ var convertMsg = $scope.ecdapp.convertStringsToArrays(editServiceType);
+ if (convertMsg != null) {
+ editServiceType = angular.copy(serviceTypeRequest);
+ alert('Invalid Request:\n' + convertMsg);
+ return;
+ }
+ InventoryBlueprintService.uploadBlueprint(editServiceType)
+ .then(function(response) {
+ if (debug)
+ $log.debug('inventoryBlueprintUploadCtrl.uploadBlueprint: ' + JSON.stringify(response));
+ if (response && response.error) {
+ $log.error('InventoryBlueprintService.uploadBlueprint failed: ' + response.error);
+ alert('Failed to upload blueprint:\n' + response.error);
+ }
+ else {
+ // Upload service returns null on success.
+ $modalInstance.close("success");
+ }
+ $scope.ecdapp.uploadInProgress = false;
+ },
+ function(error) {
+ $log.error('InventoryBlueprintService.uploadBlueprint failed: ' + error);
+ $scope.ecdapp.uploadInProgress = false;
+ alert('Service failed to upload blueprint:\n' + error);
+ });
+ };
+appDS2.controller('inventoryBlueprintViewCtrl', function(
+ $scope, $log, message, InventoryBlueprintService) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var debug = false;
+ if (debug)
+ $log.debug("inventoryBlueprintViewCtrl.message: " + JSON.stringify(message));
+ // this object holds all app data and functions
+ $scope.ecdapp = {};
+ $scope.ecdapp.blueprintId = message.blueprint.typeId;
+ $scope.ecdapp.label = 'View Blueprint ' + message.blueprint.typeName;
+ // Fetch the blueprint
+ $scope.ecdapp.isDataLoading = true;
+ InventoryBlueprintService.viewBlueprint(message.blueprint.typeId).then(function(jsonObj) {
+ if (debug)
+ $log.debug("inventoryBlueprintViewCtrl.viewBlueprint response: " + JSON.stringify(jsonObj));
+ if (jsonObj.error) {
+ $scope.ecdapp.errMsg = 'Request Failed';
+ }
+ else {
+ $scope.ecdapp.blueprint = jsonObj.blueprintTemplate;
+ }
+ $scope.ecdapp.isDataLoading = false;
+ }, function(error) {
+ $scope.ecdapp.isDataLoading = false;
+ alert('Failed to get blueprint. Please retry.');
+ $log.error("blueprintViewCtrl failed: " + error);
+ });
+appDS2.controller('inventoryBlueprintDeployCtrl', function(
+ $scope, $rootScope, $log, $modal, $modalInstance, message, InventoryDeploymentService, InventoryBlueprintService) {
+ 'use strict';
+ // Controls logging in this controller
+ var debug = false;
+ // this object holds all app data and functions
+ $scope.ecdapp = {};
+ $scope.ecdapp.label = 'Deploy Blueprint';
+ $scope.ecdapp.errMsg = '';
+ // deployment in progress
+ $scope.ecdapp.deploymentInProgress = false;
+ $scope.ecdapp.isDataLoading = false;
+ $scope.ecdapp.tenant = $rootScope.tenantList.tenant;
+ $scope.ecdapp.validTenant = false;
+ // Cache the input parameter names for validation
+ if (debug)
+ $log.debug('inventoryBlueprintDeployCtrl: inputs: ' + JSON.stringify(message.blueprint.blueprintInputs));
+ $scope.ecdapp.inputsDict = message.blueprint.blueprintInputs;
+ // Copy the input parameter names and default values
+ let inputsAndDefaults = {};
+ for (var pkey in message.blueprint.blueprintInputs) {
+ if (debug)
+ $log.debug('inventoryBlueprintDeployCtrl: checking key ' + pkey);
+ let dval = message.blueprint.blueprintInputs[pkey].defaultValue;
+ if ( typeof dval === "undefined" )
+ dval = '';
+ inputsAndDefaults[pkey] = dval;
+ }
+ if (debug)
+ $log.debug('inventoryBlueprintDeployCtrl: inputsAndDefaults: ' + JSON.stringify(inputsAndDefaults));
+ // Create an object for edit
+ //var genDeployId = message.blueprint.component + "_" + message.blueprint.typeName;
+ $scope.ecdapp.editRequest = {
+ deployment_id : '',
+ type_id : message.blueprint.typeId,
+ fileModel : null,
+ parmFileDict : inputsAndDefaults,
+ tenant : '',
+ component: message.blueprint.component,
+ tag : message.blueprint.typeName
+ };
+ $scope.ecdapp.validateTenant = function(){
+ if($scope.ecdapp.editRequest.tenant === "Select Tenant"){
+ $scope.ecdapp.validTenant = false;
+ }else{
+ $scope.ecdapp.validTenant = true;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handler for file-read event reads file, parses JSON, validates content.
+ */
+ var fileReader = new FileReader();
+ fileReader.onload = function(event) {
+ let jsonString = fileReader.result;
+ if (debug)
+ $log.debug('fileReader.onload: read: ' + jsonString);
+ let ydict = {};
+ try {
+ ydict = JSON.parse(jsonString);
+ }
+ catch (ex) {
+ alert('Failed to parse file as JSON:\n' + ex);
+ }
+ // Process the file
+ for (var ykey in ydict) {
+ let yval = ydict[ykey];
+ if (debug)
+ $log.debug('fileReader.onload: typeof ' + ykey + ' is ' + typeof ykey);
+ // Allow only expected keys with scalar values
+ if (! (ykey in $scope.ecdapp.editRequest.parmFileDict))
+ alert('Unexpected file content:\nKey not defined by blueprint:\n' + ykey);
+ /*
+ else if (typeof yval !== 'string' && typeof yval !== 'number')
+ alert('Unexpected file content:\nNot a simple key-value pair:\n' + ykey);
+ */
+ if (yval.constructor === {}.constructor)
+ $scope.ecdapp.editRequest.parmFileDict[ykey] = angular.toJson(yval);
+ else
+ $scope.ecdapp.editRequest.parmFileDict[ykey] = yval;
+ }
+ if (debug)
+ $log.debug('fileReader.onload: parmFileDict: ' + JSON.stringify($scope.ecdapp.editRequest.parmFileDict));
+ // Update table in all cases
+ $scope.$apply();
+ }
+ // Handler for file-select event
+ $scope.handleFileSelect = function() {
+ if (debug)
+ $log.debug('handleFileSelect: $scope.ecdapp.fileModel.name is ' + $scope.ecdapp.editRequest.fileModel.name);
+ fileReader.readAsText($scope.ecdapp.editRequest.fileModel);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Validates content of user-editable fields.
+ * Returns null if all is well,
+ * a descriptive error message otherwise.
+ */
+ $scope.ecdapp.validateRequest = function(editRequest) {
+ if (editRequest == null)
+ return 'No data found.\nPlease enter some values.';
+ if (editRequest.deployment_id == null || editRequest.deployment_id.trim() == '')
+ return 'Deployment ID is required.\nPlease enter a value.';
+ if (editRequest.type_id == null || editRequest.type_id.trim() == '')
+ return 'Type ID is required.\nPlease enter a value.';
+ if (editRequest.tag == null || editRequest.tag.trim() == '')
+ return 'Deployment tag is required.\nPlease enter a value.';
+ if (editRequest.tenant == null || editRequest.tenant.trim() == '')
+ return 'Tenant name is required.\nPlease enter a value.';
+ // Check that every file parameter is defined by blueprint
+ for (var pkey in $scope.ecdapp.editRequest.parmFileDict) {
+ // Defined in blueprint?
+ if (! $scope.ecdapp.inputsDict[pkey])
+ return 'Unexpected input parameter\n' + pkey;
+ return null;
+ }
+ };
+ $scope.ecdapp.viewDeploymentExecutionsModalPopup = function(deployment) {
+ var modalInstance = $modal.open({
+ templateUrl : 'inventory_execution_view_popup.html',
+ controller : 'inventoryDeploymentExecutionsViewCtrl',
+ windowClass: 'modal-docked',
+ sizeClass: 'modal-jumbo',
+ resolve : {
+ message : function() {
+ var dataForPopup = {
+ deployment : deployment
+ };
+ return dataForPopup;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ modalInstance.result.then(function(response) {
+ // No response.
+ });
+ };
+ $scope.ecdapp.deployBlueprint = function(editRequest) {
+ //editRequest.tenant = $rootScope.tenantList.tenant;
+ $scope.ecdapp.errMsg = '';
+ editRequest.deployment_id = editRequest.component + "_" + editRequest.tag;
+ if (debug)
+ $log.debug('deployBlueprint: editRequest is ' + JSON.stringify($scope.ecdapp.editRequest));
+ var validateMsg = $scope.ecdapp.validateRequest(editRequest);
+ if (validateMsg != null) {
+ alert('Invalid Request:\n' + validateMsg);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Create request with key:value parameters dictionary
+ let deploymentRequestObject = {
+ deploymentId : editRequest.deployment_id,
+ serviceTypeId : editRequest.type_id,
+ inputs : {},
+ tenant : editRequest.tenant,
+ method : "create"
+ };
+ let deploymentExecObj = {
+ deploymentRef : editRequest.deployment_id,
+ tenant : editRequest.tenant
+ }
+ for (var pkey in $scope.ecdapp.editRequest.parmFileDict)
+ try {
+ deploymentRequestObject.inputs[pkey] = angular.fromJson($scope.ecdapp.editRequest.parmFileDict[pkey]);
+ } catch (error) {
+ deploymentRequestObject.inputs[pkey] = $scope.ecdapp.editRequest.parmFileDict[pkey];
+ }
+ if (debug)
+ $log.debug('deployBlueprint: deploymentRequestObject is ' + JSON.stringify(deployRequestObject));
+ $scope.ecdapp.deploymentInProgress = true;
+ InventoryDeploymentService.deployBlueprint(deploymentRequestObject)
+ .then(function(response) {
+ $scope.ecdapp.deploymentInProgress = false;
+ if (response.error) {
+ $scope.ecdapp.errMsg = 'Failed to deploy blueprint: ' + response.error;
+ alert('Failed to deploy blueprint:\n' + response.error);
+ }
+ else {
+ $modalInstance.close(response);
+ // launch the view executions modal
+ $scope.ecdapp.viewDeploymentExecutionsModalPopup(deploymentExecObj);
+ }
+ },
+ function (error) {
+ $log.error('inventoryBlueprintDeployCtrl: error while deploying: ' + error);
+ $scope.ecdapp.errMsg = 'Server rejected deployment request: ' + error;
+ alert('Server rejected deployment request:\n' + error);
+ $scope.ecdapp.deploymentInProgress = false;
+ }
+ );
+ };