diff options
1 files changed, 78 insertions, 36 deletions
diff --git a/ms/blueprintsprocessor/functions/python-executor/src/main/kotlin/org/onap/ccsdk/cds/blueprintsprocessor/functions/python/executor/ComponentRemotePythonExecutor.kt b/ms/blueprintsprocessor/functions/python-executor/src/main/kotlin/org/onap/ccsdk/cds/blueprintsprocessor/functions/python/executor/ComponentRemotePythonExecutor.kt
index d66e8b374..e707e5315 100644
--- a/ms/blueprintsprocessor/functions/python-executor/src/main/kotlin/org/onap/ccsdk/cds/blueprintsprocessor/functions/python/executor/ComponentRemotePythonExecutor.kt
+++ b/ms/blueprintsprocessor/functions/python-executor/src/main/kotlin/org/onap/ccsdk/cds/blueprintsprocessor/functions/python/executor/ComponentRemotePythonExecutor.kt
@@ -62,18 +62,23 @@ open class ComponentRemotePythonExecutor(private val remoteScriptExecutionServic
const val INPUT_ENV_PREPARE_TIMEOUT = "env-prepare-timeout"
const val INPUT_EXECUTE_TIMEOUT = "execution-timeout"
+ const val STEP_PREPARE_ENV = "prepare-env"
+ const val STEP_EXEC_CMD = "execute-command"
const val ATTRIBUTE_EXEC_CMD_STATUS = "status"
const val ATTRIBUTE_PREPARE_ENV_LOG = "prepare-environment-logs"
const val ATTRIBUTE_EXEC_CMD_LOG = "execute-command-logs"
const val ATTRIBUTE_RESPONSE_DATA = "response-data"
+ const val TIMEOUT_DELTA = 100L
override suspend fun processNB(executionRequest: ExecutionServiceInput) {
log.debug("Processing : $operationInputs")
+ val isLogResponseEnabled = false
val bluePrintContext = bluePrintRuntimeService.bluePrintContext()
val blueprintName = bluePrintContext.name()
val blueprintVersion = bluePrintContext.version()
@@ -114,6 +119,9 @@ open class ComponentRemotePythonExecutor(private val remoteScriptExecutionServic
val executionTimeout = getOptionalOperationInput(INPUT_EXECUTE_TIMEOUT)?.asInt()
+ // component level timeout should be => env_prep_timeout + execution_timeout
+ val timeout = implementation.timeout
var scriptCommand = command.replace(pythonScript.name, pythonScript.absolutePath)
if (args != null && args.isNotEmpty()) {
scriptCommand = scriptCommand.plus(" ").plus(args)
@@ -142,32 +150,39 @@ open class ComponentRemotePythonExecutor(private val remoteScriptExecutionServic
val prepareEnvOutput = remoteScriptExecutionService.prepareEnv(prepareEnvInput)
log.info("$ATTRIBUTE_PREPARE_ENV_LOG - ${prepareEnvOutput.response}")
- val logs = prepareEnvOutput.response
- val logsEnv = logs.toString().asJsonPrimitive()
- setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_PREPARE_ENV_LOG, logsEnv)
+ val logs = JacksonUtils.jsonNodeFromObject(prepareEnvOutput.response)
+ setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_PREPARE_ENV_LOG, logs)
+ // there are no artifacts for env. prepare, but we reuse it for err_log...
if (prepareEnvOutput.status != StatusType.SUCCESS) {
- setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_EXEC_CMD_LOG, "N/A".asJsonPrimitive())
- setNodeOutputErrors(prepareEnvOutput.status.name, logsEnv)
+ setNodeOutputErrors(STEP_PREPARE_ENV, "".asJsonPrimitive(), prepareEnvOutput.payload, isLogResponseEnabled)
+ addError(StatusType.FAILURE.name, STEP_PREPARE_ENV, logs.toString())
} else {
- setNodeOutputProperties(prepareEnvOutput.status.name.asJsonPrimitive(), logsEnv, "".asJsonPrimitive())
+ setNodeOutputProperties(prepareEnvOutput.status, STEP_PREPARE_ENV, logs, prepareEnvOutput.payload, isLogResponseEnabled)
} else {
// set env preparation log to empty...
setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_PREPARE_ENV_LOG, "".asJsonPrimitive())
+ // in cases where the exception is caught in BP side due to timeout, we do not have `err_msg` returned by cmd-exec (inside `payload`),
+ // hence `artifact` field will be empty
} catch (grpcEx: io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException) {
- val grpcErrMsg = "Command failed during env. preparation... timeout($envPrepTimeout) requestId ($processId)."
+ val componentLevelWarningMsg = if (timeout < envPrepTimeout) "Note: component-level timeout ($timeout) is shorter than env-prepare timeout ($envPrepTimeout). " else ""
+ val grpcErrMsg = "Command failed during env. preparation... timeout($envPrepTimeout) requestId ($processId).$componentLevelWarningMsg grpcError: (${grpcEx.cause?.message})"
+ // no execution log in case of timeout (as cmd-exec side hasn't finished to transfer output)
+ // set prepare-env-log to the error msg, and cmd-exec-log to empty
setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_PREPARE_ENV_LOG, grpcErrMsg.asJsonPrimitive())
- setNodeOutputErrors(status = grpcErrMsg, message = "${grpcEx.status}".asJsonPrimitive())
+ setNodeOutputErrors(STEP_PREPARE_ENV, "".asJsonPrimitive(), "".asJsonPrimitive(), isLogResponseEnabled)
+ addError(StatusType.FAILURE.name, STEP_PREPARE_ENV, grpcErrMsg)
log.error(grpcErrMsg, grpcEx)
} catch (e: Exception) {
- val timeoutErrMsg = "Command executor failed during env. preparation.. timeout($envPrepTimeout) requestId ($processId)."
- setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_PREPARE_ENV_LOG, e.message.asJsonPrimitive())
- setNodeOutputErrors(status = timeoutErrMsg, message = "${e.message}".asJsonPrimitive())
- log.error("Failed to process on remote executor requestId ($processId)", e)
- addError(timeoutErrMsg)
+ val catchallErrMsg = "Command executor failed during env. preparation.. catch-all case. timeout($envPrepTimeout) requestId ($processId). exception msg: ${e.message}"
+ // no environment prepare log from executor in case of timeout (as cmd-exec side hasn't finished to transfer output), set it to error msg. Execution logs is empty.
+ setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_PREPARE_ENV_LOG, catchallErrMsg.asJsonPrimitive())
+ setNodeOutputErrors(STEP_PREPARE_ENV, "".asJsonPrimitive(), "".asJsonPrimitive(), isLogResponseEnabled)
+ addError(StatusType.FAILURE.name, STEP_PREPARE_ENV, catchallErrMsg)
+ log.error(catchallErrMsg, e)
// if Env preparation was successful, then proceed with command execution in this Env
if (bluePrintRuntimeService.getBluePrintError().errors.isEmpty()) {
@@ -186,7 +201,7 @@ open class ComponentRemotePythonExecutor(private val remoteScriptExecutionServic
- val remoteExecutionOutput = withTimeout(implementation.timeout * 1000L) {
+ val remoteExecutionOutput = withTimeout(executionTimeout * 1000L + TIMEOUT_DELTA) {
@@ -194,22 +209,31 @@ open class ComponentRemotePythonExecutor(private val remoteScriptExecutionServic
"Error: Request-id $processId did not return a restul from remote command execution."
val logs = JacksonUtils.jsonNodeFromObject(remoteExecutionOutput.response)
+ val returnedPayload = remoteExecutionOutput.payload
+ // In case of execution, `payload` (dictionary from Python execution) is preserved in `remoteExecutionOutput.payload`;
+ // It would contain `err_msg` key. It is valid to return it.
if (remoteExecutionOutput.status != StatusType.SUCCESS) {
- setNodeOutputErrors(remoteExecutionOutput.status.name, logs, remoteExecutionOutput.payload)
+ setNodeOutputErrors(STEP_EXEC_CMD, logs, returnedPayload, isLogResponseEnabled)
+ addError(StatusType.FAILURE.name, STEP_EXEC_CMD, logs.toString())
} else {
- setNodeOutputProperties(remoteExecutionOutput.status.name.asJsonPrimitive(), logs,
- remoteExecutionOutput.payload)
- }
+ setNodeOutputProperties(remoteExecutionOutput.status, STEP_EXEC_CMD, logs, returnedPayload, isLogResponseEnabled)
+ } // In timeout exception cases, we don't have payload, hence `payload` is empty value.
} catch (timeoutEx: TimeoutCancellationException) {
- val timeoutErrMsg = "Command executor timed out executing after $executionTimeout seconds requestId ($processId)"
- setNodeOutputErrors(status = timeoutErrMsg, message = "".asJsonPrimitive())
+ val componentLevelWarningMsg = if (timeout < executionTimeout) "Note: component-level timeout ($timeout) is shorter than execution timeout ($executionTimeout). " else ""
+ val timeoutErrMsg = "Command executor execution timeout. DetailedMessage: (${timeoutEx.message}) requestId ($processId). $componentLevelWarningMsg"
+ setNodeOutputErrors(STEP_EXEC_CMD, timeoutErrMsg.asJsonPrimitive(), logging = isLogResponseEnabled)
+ addError(StatusType.FAILURE.name, STEP_EXEC_CMD, timeoutErrMsg)
log.error(timeoutErrMsg, timeoutEx)
} catch (grpcEx: io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException) {
- val timeoutErrMsg = "Command executor timed out executing after $executionTimeout seconds requestId ($processId)"
- setNodeOutputErrors(status = timeoutErrMsg, message = "".asJsonPrimitive())
- log.error("Command executor time out during GRPC call", grpcEx)
+ val timeoutErrMsg = "Command executor timed out executing after $executionTimeout seconds requestId ($processId) grpcErr: ${grpcEx.status}"
+ setNodeOutputErrors(STEP_EXEC_CMD, timeoutErrMsg.asJsonPrimitive(), logging = isLogResponseEnabled)
+ addError(StatusType.FAILURE.name, STEP_EXEC_CMD, timeoutErrMsg)
+ log.error(timeoutErrMsg, grpcEx)
} catch (e: Exception) {
- log.error("Failed to process on remote executor requestId ($processId)", e)
+ val catchAllErrMsg = "Command executor failed during process catch-all case requestId ($processId) timeout($envPrepTimeout) exception msg: ${e.message}"
+ setNodeOutputErrors(STEP_PREPARE_ENV, catchAllErrMsg.asJsonPrimitive(), logging = isLogResponseEnabled)
+ addError(StatusType.FAILURE.name, STEP_EXEC_CMD, catchAllErrMsg)
+ log.error(catchAllErrMsg, e)
log.debug("Trying to close GRPC channel. request ($processId)")
@@ -234,25 +258,43 @@ open class ComponentRemotePythonExecutor(private val remoteScriptExecutionServic
* Utility function to set the output properties of the executor node
- private fun setNodeOutputProperties(status: JsonNode, message: JsonNode, artifacts: JsonNode) {
- setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_EXEC_CMD_STATUS, status)
- log.info("Executor status : $status")
+ private fun setNodeOutputProperties(
+ status: StatusType,
+ step: String,
+ executionLogs: JsonNode,
+ artifacts: JsonNode,
+ logging: Boolean = true
+ ) {
+ setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_EXEC_CMD_STATUS, status.name.asJsonPrimitive())
+ setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_EXEC_CMD_LOG, executionLogs)
setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_RESPONSE_DATA, artifacts)
- log.info("Executor artifacts: $artifacts")
- setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_EXEC_CMD_LOG, message)
- log.info("Executor message : $message")
+ if (logging) {
+ log.info("Executor status : $step : $status")
+ log.info("Executor logs : $step : $executionLogs")
+ log.info("Executor artifacts: $step : $artifacts")
+ }
* Utility function to set the output properties and errors of the executor node, in cas of errors
- private fun setNodeOutputErrors(status: String, message: JsonNode, artifacts: JsonNode = "".asJsonPrimitive()) {
+ private fun setNodeOutputErrors(
+ step: String,
+ executionLogs: JsonNode = "N/A".asJsonPrimitive(),
+ artifacts: JsonNode = "N/A".asJsonPrimitive(),
+ logging: Boolean = true
+ ) {
+ val status = StatusType.FAILURE.name
setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_EXEC_CMD_STATUS, status.asJsonPrimitive())
- log.info("Executor status : $status")
- setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_EXEC_CMD_LOG, message)
- log.info("Executor message : $message")
+ setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_EXEC_CMD_LOG, executionLogs)
setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_RESPONSE_DATA, artifacts)
- log.info("Executor artifacts: $artifacts")
- addError(status, ATTRIBUTE_EXEC_CMD_LOG, message.toString())
+ if (logging) {
+ log.info("Executor status : $step : $status")
+ log.info("Executor logs : $step : $executionLogs")
+ log.info("Executor artifacts: $step : $artifacts")
+ }