path: root/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnTopology/mwtnTopology-module/src/main/resources/mwtnTopology/mwtnTopology.services.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnTopology/mwtnTopology-module/src/main/resources/mwtnTopology/mwtnTopology.services.js')
1 files changed, 1020 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnTopology/mwtnTopology-module/src/main/resources/mwtnTopology/mwtnTopology.services.js b/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnTopology/mwtnTopology-module/src/main/resources/mwtnTopology/mwtnTopology.services.js
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..195c08f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnTopology/mwtnTopology-module/src/main/resources/mwtnTopology/mwtnTopology.services.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1020 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 highstreet technologies GmbH and others. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
+ * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution,
+ * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
+ */
+/** Type Definitions
+ * @typedef {{id: string, siteLink: string, radio: string, polarization: string }} AirInterfaceLink
+ * @typedef {{id: string, siteA: string, siteZ: string, siteNameA: string, siteNameZ: string, airInterfaceLinks: AirInterfaceLink[] }} DbLink
+ * @typedef {{data: {hits: {hits: {_id: string, _index: string, _score: number, _source: DbLink, _type: string}[], max_score: number, total: number}}, status: number}} DbLinkResult */
+define(['app/mwtnTopology/mwtnTopology.module'], function (mwtnTopologyApp) {
+// module.exports = function () {
+// const mwtnTopologyApp = require('app/mwtnTopology/mwtnTopology.module');
+// const mwtnTopologyCommons = require('app/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons.service');
+ mwtnTopologyApp.factory('$mwtnTopology', function ($q, $mwtnCommons, $mwtnDatabase, $mwtnLog) {
+ var service = {};
+ // AF/MF: Obsolete - will removed soon. All data access function
+ service.getRequiredNetworkElements = $mwtnCommons.getRequiredNetworkElements;
+ service.gridOptions = $mwtnCommons.gridOptions;
+ service.highlightFilteredHeader = $mwtnCommons.highlightFilteredHeader;
+ service.getAllData = $mwtnDatabase.getAllData;
+ /**
+ * Since not all browsers implement this we have our own utility that will
+ * convert from degrees into radians
+ *
+ * @param deg - The degrees to be converted into radians
+ * @return radians
+ */
+ var _toRad = function (deg) {
+ return deg * Math.PI / 180;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Since not all browsers implement this we have our own utility that will
+ * convert from radians into degrees
+ *
+ * @param rad - The radians to be converted into degrees
+ * @return degrees
+ */
+ var _toDeg = function (rad) {
+ return rad * 180 / Math.PI;
+ };
+ // public functions
+ /**
+ * Calculate the bearing between two positions as a value from 0-360
+ *
+ * @param lat1 - The latitude of the first position
+ * @param lng1 - The longitude of the first position
+ * @param lat2 - The latitude of the second position
+ * @param lng2 - The longitude of the second position
+ *
+ * @return int - The bearing between 0 and 360
+ */
+ service.bearing = function (lat1, lng1, lat2, lng2) {
+ var dLon = (lng2 - lng1);
+ var y = Math.sin(dLon) * Math.cos(lat2);
+ var x = Math.cos(lat1) * Math.sin(lat2) - Math.sin(lat1) * Math.cos(lat2) * Math.cos(dLon);
+ var brng = _toDeg(Math.atan2(y, x));
+ return 360 - ((brng + 360) % 360);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Gets the geospatial distance between two points
+ * @param lat1 {number} The latitude of the first point.
+ * @param lon1 {number} The longitude of the first point.
+ * @param lat2 {number} The latitude of the second point.
+ * @param lon2 {number} The longitude of the second point.
+ * @returns {number} The distance between the two given points.
+ */
+ service.getDistance = function (lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2) {
+ var R = 6371; // km
+ var φ1 = _toRad(lat1);
+ var φ2 = _toRad(lat2);
+ var Δφ = _toRad(lat2 - lat1);
+ var Δλ = _toRad(lon2 - lon1);
+ var a = Math.sin(Δφ / 2) * Math.sin(Δφ / 2) +
+ Math.cos(φ1) * Math.cos(φ2) *
+ Math.sin(Δλ / 2) * Math.sin(Δλ / 2);
+ var c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1 - a));
+ return (R * c).toFixed(3);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Gets a promise which is resolved if the database has been calculated the bounds containing all sites.
+ * @returns {promise} The promise which is resolved if the database has completed its calculation.
+ */
+ service.getOuterBoundingRectangleForSites = function () {
+ var getOuterBoundingRectangleForSitesDefer = $q.defer();
+ var aggregation = {
+ "aggregations": {
+ "top": {
+ "max": {
+ "field": "location.lat"
+ }
+ },
+ "right": {
+ "max": {
+ "field": "location.lon"
+ }
+ },
+ "bottom": {
+ "min": {
+ "field": "location.lat"
+ }
+ },
+ "left": {
+ "min": {
+ "field": "location.lon"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "size": 0
+ };
+ $mwtnDatabase.getAggregatedData('mwtn', 'site', aggregation).then(function (result) {
+ getOuterBoundingRectangleForSitesDefer.resolve({
+ top: result.data.aggregations.top.value,
+ right: result.data.aggregations.right.value,
+ bottom: result.data.aggregations.bottom.value,
+ left: result.data.aggregations.left.value
+ });
+ }, function (error) {
+ getOuterBoundingRectangleForSitesDefer.reject(error);
+ });
+ return getOuterBoundingRectangleForSitesDefer.promise;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Gets a promise which resolved with an array of sites within the given bounding box.
+ * @param boundingBox {{top: number, right: number, bottom: number, left: number}} The bounding box to get all sites for.
+ * @param chunkSize {number} The maximum count of sites who should return.
+ * @param chunkSiteStartIndex {number} The index of the first site element to get.
+ */
+ service.getSitesInBoundingBox = function (boundingBox, chunkSize, chunkSiteStartIndex) {
+ var resultDefer = $q.defer();
+ var filter = {
+ "geo_bounding_box": {
+ "location": {
+ "top": boundingBox.top,
+ "right": boundingBox.right,
+ "bottom": boundingBox.bottom,
+ "left": boundingBox.left
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ $mwtnDatabase.getFilteredData("mwtn", "site", chunkSiteStartIndex, chunkSize, filter)
+ .then(processResult, resultDefer.reject);
+ return resultDefer.promise;
+ /**
+ * Callback for the database request.
+ * @param result {{data: {hits: {hits: {_id: string, _index: string, _score: number, _source: {id: string, name: string, location: {lat: number, lon: number}, "amsl-ground": number, references: {"network-elements": string[], "site-links": string[]}}, _type: string}[], max_score: number, total: number}}, status: number}} The database result.
+ */
+ function processResult(result) {
+ var hits = result && result.data && result.data.hits;
+ if (!hits) {
+ resultDefer.reject("Invalid result.");
+ return;
+ }
+ var total = hits.total;
+ var sites = [];
+ for (var hitIndex = 0; hitIndex < hits.hits.length; ++hitIndex) {
+ var site = hits.hits[hitIndex];
+ sites.push({
+ id: site._source.id,
+ name: site._source.name,
+ type: site._source.type,
+ location: {
+ lat: site._source.location.lat,
+ lng: site._source.location.lon
+ },
+ amslGround: site._source["amsl-ground"],
+ references: {
+ siteLinks: site._source.references["site-links"]
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ resultDefer.resolve({
+ chunkSize: chunkSize,
+ chunkSiteStartIndex: chunkSiteStartIndex,
+ total: total,
+ sites: sites
+ })
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Gets a promise which is resolved with an array of sites filtered by given site ids.
+ * This function does not use chunks!
+ * @param siteIds {string[]} The ids of the sites to return.
+ */
+ service.getSitesByIds = function (siteIds) {
+ var resultDefer = $q.defer();
+ if (!siteIds || siteIds.length === 0) {
+ resultDefer.resolve([]);
+ return resultDefer.promise;
+ }
+ var query = {
+ bool: {
+ should: siteIds.map(function (siteId) {
+ return { term: { id: siteId } };
+ })
+ }
+ };
+ $mwtnDatabase.getFilteredData("mwtn", "site", 0, siteIds.length, query)
+ .then(processResult, resultDefer.reject);
+ return resultDefer.promise;
+ /**
+ * Callback for the database request.
+ * @param result {{data: {hits: {hits: {_id: string, _index: string, _score: number, _source: {id: string, name: string, location: {lat: number, lon: number}, "amsl-ground": number, references: {"network-elements": string[], "site-links": string[]}}, _type: string}[], max_score: number, total: number}}, status: number}} The database result.
+ */
+ function processResult(result) {
+ var hits = result && result.data && result.data.hits;
+ if (!hits) {
+ resultDefer.reject("Invalid result.");
+ return;
+ }
+ var total = hits.total;
+ var sites = [];
+ for (var hitIndex = 0; hitIndex < hits.hits.length; ++hitIndex) {
+ var site = hits.hits[hitIndex];
+ sites.push({
+ id: site._source.id,
+ name: site._source.name,
+ type: site._source.type,
+ location: {
+ lat: site._source.location.lat,
+ lng: site._source.location.lon
+ },
+ amslGround: site._source["amsl-ground"],
+ references: {
+ siteLinks: site._source.references["site-links"]
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ resultDefer.resolve({
+ total: total,
+ sites: sites
+ })
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Gets a promise which is resolved with an array of sites using the given filter expression.
+ */
+ service.getSites = function (sortColumn, sortDirection, filters, chunkSize, chunkSiteStartIndex) {
+ var resultDefer = $q.defer();
+ // determine the sort parameter
+ var sort = null;
+ if (sortColumn != null && sortDirection != null) {
+ sort = {};
+ switch (sortColumn) {
+ case 'countNetworkElements':
+ case 'countLinks':
+ sort = null;
+ break;
+ case 'amslGround':
+ sort['amsl-ground'] = {
+ order: sortDirection === 'desc' ? 'desc' : 'asc'
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ sort[sortColumn] = {
+ order: sortDirection === 'desc' ? 'desc' : 'asc'
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // determine the query parameter
+ var query = {};
+ if (filters == null || filters.length == 0) {
+ query["match_all"] = {};
+ } else {
+ var regexp = {};
+ filters.forEach(function (filter) {
+ if (filter && filter.field) {
+ regexp[filter.field] = '.*'+ filter.term + '.*';
+ }
+ });
+ query["regexp"] = regexp;
+ }
+ if (sort) {
+ $mwtnDatabase.getFilteredSortedData("mwtn", "site", chunkSiteStartIndex, chunkSize, sort, query).then(processResult, resultDefer.reject);
+ } else {
+ $mwtnDatabase.getFilteredData("mwtn", "site", chunkSiteStartIndex, chunkSize, query).then(processResult, resultDefer.reject);
+ }
+ return resultDefer.promise;
+ /**
+ * Callback for the database request.
+ * @param result {{data: {hits: {hits: {_id: string, _index: string, _score: number, _source: {id: string, name: string, location: {lat: number, lon: number}, "amsl-ground": number, references: {"network-elements": string[], "site-links": string[]}}, _type: string}[], max_score: number, total: number}}, status: number}} The database result.
+ */
+ function processResult(result) {
+ var hits = result && result.data && result.data.hits;
+ if (!hits) {
+ resultDefer.reject("Invalid result.");
+ return;
+ }
+ var total = hits.total;
+ var sites = [];
+ for (var hitIndex = 0; hitIndex < hits.hits.length; ++hitIndex) {
+ var site = hits.hits[hitIndex];
+ sites.push({
+ id: site._source.id,
+ name: site._source.name,
+ type: site._source.type,
+ location: {
+ lat: site._source.location.lat,
+ lng: site._source.location.lon
+ },
+ amslGround: site._source["amsl-ground"],
+ references: {
+ siteLinks: site._source.references["site-links"]
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ resultDefer.resolve({
+ total: total,
+ sites: sites
+ })
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Gets a promise which resolved with an array of site links referenced by given sites.
+ * @param sites {({id: string, name: string, location: {lat: number, lng: number}, amslGround: number, references: {siteLinks: string[]})[]}
+ * @param chunkSize {number} The maximum count of site links who should return.
+ * @param chunkSiteLinkStartIndex {number} The index of the first site link element to get.
+ */
+ service.getSiteLinksForSites = function (sites, chunkSize, chunkSiteLinkStartIndex) {
+ var resultDefer = $q.defer();
+ if (!sites || sites.length === 0) {
+ resultDefer.resolve([]);
+ return resultDefer.promise;
+ }
+ var siteLinkIds = Object.keys(sites.reduce(function (accumulator, currentSite) {
+ // Add all site link ids referenced by the current site to the accumulator object.
+ currentSite.references.siteLinks.forEach(function (siteLinkId) {
+ // The value "true"" isnt important, i only use the key (siteLinkId) later.
+ // But this way i dont have to check, if the key is already known.
+ accumulator[siteLinkId] = true;
+ });
+ return accumulator;
+ }, {})).map(function (siteLinkId) {
+ return { term: { id: siteLinkId } };
+ });
+ var query = {
+ bool: { should: siteLinkIds }
+ };
+ $mwtnDatabase.getFilteredData("mwtn", "site-link", chunkSiteLinkStartIndex, chunkSize, query).then(
+ /**
+ * Callback for the database request.
+ * @param result {{data: {hits: {hits: {_id: string, _index: string, _score: number, _source: {id: string, siteA: string, siteZ: string, siteNameA: string, siteNameZ: string, airInterfaceLinks: {id: string, siteLink: string, radio: string, polarization: string }[] }, _type: string}[], max_score: number, total: number}}, status: number}} The database result.
+ */
+ function (result) {
+ var hits = result && result.data && result.data.hits;
+ if (!hits) {
+ resultDefer.reject("Invalid result.");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (hits.total === 0) {
+ resultDefer.resolve([]);
+ return;
+ }
+ // get additional sites that wont be given in the sites array but are referenced by the site links.
+ // get all sites, referenced by the site links.
+ var allReferencedSiteIds = hits.hits.reduce(function (accumulator, currentSiteLink) {
+ accumulator[currentSiteLink._source.siteA] = true;
+ accumulator[currentSiteLink._source.siteZ] = true;
+ return accumulator;
+ }, {});
+ // remove all known sites
+ sites.forEach(function (site) {
+ if (allReferencedSiteIds.hasOwnProperty(site.id)) {
+ delete allReferencedSiteIds[site.id];
+ }
+ });
+ var additionalReferencedSiteIds = Object.keys(allReferencedSiteIds).map(function (referencedSiteId) {
+ return { term: { id: referencedSiteId } };
+ });
+ if (additionalReferencedSiteIds.length > 0) {
+ query = {
+ bool: { should: additionalReferencedSiteIds }
+ };
+ $mwtnDatabase.getFilteredData("mwtn", "site", 0, 400, query).then(
+ /**
+ * Callback for the database request.
+ * @param result {{data: {hits: {hits: {_id: string, _index: string, _score: number, _source: {id: string, name: string, location: {lat: number, lon: number}, "amsl-ground": number, references: {"network-elements": string[], "site-links": string[]}}, _type: string}[], max_score: number, total: number}}, status: number}} The database result.
+ */
+ function (result) {
+ var siteHits = result && result.data && result.data.hits;
+ if (!siteHits) {
+ resultDefer.reject("Invalid result.");
+ return;
+ }
+ var additionalSites = siteHits.hits.map(function (site) {
+ return {
+ id: site._source.id,
+ name: site._source.name,
+ type: site._source.type,
+ location: {
+ lat: site._source.location.lat,
+ lng: site._source.location.lon
+ },
+ amslGround: site._source["amsl-ground"],
+ type: site._source.type,
+ references: {
+ siteLinks: site._source.references["site-links"]
+ }
+ };
+ });
+ var siteLinks = hits.hits.map(function (siteLink) {
+ return {
+ id: siteLink._source.id,
+ siteA: sites.find(function (site) { return site.id === siteLink._source.siteA; }) || additionalSites.find(function (site) { return site.id === siteLink._source.siteA; }),
+ siteZ: sites.find(function (site) { return site.id === siteLink._source.siteZ; }) || additionalSites.find(function (site) { return site.id === siteLink._source.siteZ; }),
+ type: siteLink._source.type,
+ length: 5000 // AF/MF: the length will be served from the database in the next version.
+ };
+ });
+ resultDefer.resolve(siteLinks);
+ },
+ resultDefer.reject);
+ return;
+ }
+ var siteLinks = hits.hits.map(function (siteLink) {
+ return {
+ id: siteLink._source.id,
+ siteA: sites.find(function (site) { return site.id === siteLink._source.siteA; }),
+ siteZ: sites.find(function (site) { return site.id === siteLink._source.siteZ; }),
+ type: siteLink._source.type,
+ length: 5000 // AF/MF: the length will be served from the database in the next version.
+ };
+ });
+ resultDefer.resolve(siteLinks);
+ },
+ resultDefer.reject);
+ return resultDefer.promise;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Gets a promise which is resolved with an array of planned filtered by given network element ids.
+ * This function does not use chunks!
+ * @param neIds {string[]} The ids of the site links to return.
+ */
+ service.getPlannedNetworkElementsByIds = function (neIds) {
+ var resultDefer = $q.defer();
+ if (!neIds || neIds.length === 0) {
+ resultDefer.resolve([]);
+ return resultDefer.promise;
+ }
+ var query = {
+ bool: {
+ should: neIds.map(function (neId) {
+ return { term: { id: neId } };
+ })
+ }
+ };
+ $mwtnDatabase.getFilteredData("mwtn", "planned-network-elements", 0, neIds.length, query).then(
+ /**
+ * Callback for the database request.
+ * @param result {{data: {hits: {hits: {_id: string, _index: string, _score: number, _source: {id: string, name: string, type: string}, _type: string}[], max_score: number, total: number}}, status: number}} The database result.
+ */
+ function (result) {
+ var hits = result && result.data && result.data.hits;
+ if (!hits) {
+ resultDefer.reject("Invalid result.");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (hits.total === 0) {
+ resultDefer.resolve([]);
+ return;
+ }
+ var plannedNetworkElements = hits.hits.map(function (plannedNetworkElement) {
+ return {
+ id: plannedNetworkElement._source.id,
+ name: plannedNetworkElement._source.name,
+ type: plannedNetworkElement._source.radioType
+ };
+ });
+ resultDefer.resolve(plannedNetworkElements);
+ }, resultDefer.reject);
+ return resultDefer.promise;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Gets a promise which is resolved with an array of site links filtered by given site link ids.
+ * This function does not use chunks!
+ * @param siteLinkIds {string[]} The ids of the site links to return.
+ */
+ service.getSiteLinksByIds = function (siteLinkIds) {
+ var resultDefer = $q.defer();
+ if (!siteLinkIds || siteLinkIds.length === 0) {
+ resultDefer.resolve([]);
+ return resultDefer.promise;
+ }
+ var query = {
+ bool: {
+ should: siteLinkIds.map(function (siteLinkId) {
+ return { term: { id: siteLinkId } };
+ })
+ }
+ };
+ $mwtnDatabase.getFilteredData("mwtn", "site-link", 0, siteLinkIds.length, query).then(
+ /**
+ * Callback for the database request.
+ * @param result {{data: {hits: {hits: {_id: string, _index: string, _score: number, _source: {id: string, siteA: string, siteZ: string}, _type: string}[], max_score: number, total: number}}, status: number}} The database result.
+ */
+ function (result) {
+ var hits = result && result.data && result.data.hits;
+ if (!hits) {
+ resultDefer.reject("Invalid result.");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (hits.total === 0) {
+ resultDefer.resolve([]);
+ return;
+ }
+ var siteLinks = hits.hits.map(function (siteLink) {
+ return {
+ id: siteLink._source.id,
+ siteA: siteLink._source.siteA,
+ siteZ: siteLink._source.siteZ,
+ azimuthAz: siteLink._source.azimuthAZ,
+ azimuthZa: siteLink._source.azimuthZA,
+ length: siteLink._source.length,
+ type: siteLink._source.type
+ };
+ });
+ resultDefer.resolve(siteLinks);
+ }, resultDefer.reject);
+ return resultDefer.promise;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Gets a promise with all details for a given site by its id.
+ * @param siteId {string} The id of the site to request the details for.
+ */
+ service.getSiteDetailsBySiteId = function (siteId) {
+ var resultDefer = $q.defer();
+ var siteQuery = {
+ "bool": {
+ "must": [
+ {
+ "term": {
+ "id": siteId
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ };
+ // get all site details
+ $mwtnDatabase.getFilteredData("mwtn", "site", 0, 1, siteQuery).then(
+ /**
+ * Callback for the database request.
+ * @param result {{data: {hits: {hits: {_id: string, _index: string, _score: number, _source: {id: string, name: string, location: {lat: number, lon: number}, "amsl-ground": number, references: {"network-elements": string[], "site-links": string[]}}, _type: string}[], max_score: number, total: number}}, status: number}} The database result.
+ */
+ function (result) {
+ if (result.data.hits.total != 1) {
+ // todo: handle this error
+ resultDefer.reject("Error loading details for " + siteId + ((result.data.hits.total) ? ' Too many recoeds found.' : ' No record found.'));
+ }
+ var site = result.data.hits.hits[0];
+ var siteDetails = {
+ id: site._source.id,
+ name: site._source.name,
+ type: site._source.type,
+ location: {
+ lat: site._source.location.lat,
+ lng: site._source.location.lon
+ },
+ amslGround: site._source["amsl-ground"],
+ references: {
+ siteLinks: site._source.references["site-links"],
+ networkElements: site._source.references["network-elements"]
+ }
+ };
+ service.getSiteLinksByIds(siteDetails.references.siteLinks).then(
+ /** Callback for the database request.
+ * @param result {{id: string, siteA: string, siteZ: string }[]}
+ */
+ function (result) {
+ siteDetails.siteLinks = result;
+ resultDefer.resolve(siteDetails);
+ });
+ service.getPlannedNetworkElementsByIds(siteDetails.references.networkElements).then(
+ /** Callback for the database request.
+ * @param result {{id: string, name: string, type: string }[]}
+ */
+ function (result) {
+ siteDetails.plannedNetworkElements = result;
+ resultDefer.resolve(siteDetails);
+ });
+ }
+ );
+ return resultDefer.promise;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Gets a promise with all details for a given link by its id.
+ * @param siteId {string} The id of the link to request the details for.
+ */
+ service.getLinkDetailsByLinkId = function (linkId) {
+ var resultDefer = $q.defer();
+ var linkQuery = {
+ "bool": {
+ "must": [
+ {
+ "term": {
+ "id": linkId
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ };
+ // get all site details
+ $mwtnDatabase.getFilteredData("mwtn", "site-link", 0, 1, linkQuery).then(
+ /**
+ * Callback for the database request.
+ * @param result { DbLinkResult } The database result.
+ */
+ function (result) {
+ if (result.data.hits.total != 1) {
+ // todo: handle this error
+ resultDefer.reject("Error loading details for " + siteId + ((result.data.hits.total) ? ' Too many recoeds found.' : ' No record found.'));
+ }
+ var link = result.data.hits.hits[0];
+ var linkDetails = {
+ id: link._source.id,
+ siteA: link._source.siteA,
+ siteZ: link._source.siteZ,
+ siteNameA: link._source.siteNameA,
+ siteNameZ: link._source.siteNameZ,
+ length: link._source.length,
+ azimuthA: link._source.azimuthAZ,
+ azimuthB: link._source.azimuthZA,
+ airInterfaceLinks: link._source.airInterfaceLinks,
+ type: link._source.type,
+ airInterfaceLinks: link._source.airInterfaceLinks
+ };
+ service.getSitesByIds([link._source.siteA, link._source.siteZ]).then(
+ /** Callback for the database request.
+ * @param result {{ total: number, sites: { id: string, name: string } []}}
+ */
+ function (result) {
+ var siteA = result.sites.find(function (site) { return site.id == linkDetails.siteA });
+ var siteZ = result.sites.find(function (site) { return site.id == linkDetails.siteZ });
+ if (result.total != 2 || !siteA || !siteZ) {
+ resultDefer.reject("Could not load Sites for link "+linkDetails.id);
+ }
+ linkDetails.siteA = siteA;
+ linkDetails.siteZ = siteZ;
+ resultDefer.resolve(linkDetails);
+ })
+ }
+ );
+ return resultDefer.promise;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets a promise which is resolved with an array of links using the given filter expression.
+ */
+ service.getLinks = function (sortColumn, sortDirection, filters, chunkSize, chunkSiteStartIndex) {
+ var resultDefer = $q.defer();
+ // determine the sort parameter
+ var sort = null;
+ if (sortColumn != null && sortDirection != null) {
+ sort = {};
+ switch (sortColumn) {
+ case 'siteIdA':
+ sort['siteA'] = {
+ order: sortDirection === 'desc' ? 'desc' : 'asc'
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'siteIdZ':
+ sort['siteZ'] = {
+ order: sortDirection === 'desc' ? 'desc' : 'asc'
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ sort[sortColumn] = {
+ order: sortDirection === 'desc' ? 'desc' : 'asc'
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // determine the query parameter
+ var query = {};
+ if (filters == null || filters.length == 0) {
+ query["match_all"] = {};
+ } else {
+ var regexp = {};
+ filters.forEach(function (filter) {
+ if (filter && filter.field) {
+ switch (filter.field) {
+ case 'siteIdA':
+ regexp['siteIdA'] = '.*' + filter.term + '.*';
+ break;
+ case 'siteIdZ':
+ regexp['siteZ'] = '.*' + filter.term + '.*';
+ break;
+ default:
+ regexp[filter.field] = '.*' + filter.term + '.*';
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ query["regexp"] = regexp;
+ }
+ if (sort) {
+ $mwtnDatabase.getFilteredSortedData("mwtn", "site-link", chunkSiteStartIndex, chunkSize, sort, query).then(processResult, resultDefer.reject);
+ } else {
+ $mwtnDatabase.getFilteredData("mwtn", "site-link", chunkSiteStartIndex, chunkSize, query).then(processResult, resultDefer.reject);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Callback for the database request.
+ * @param result {{data: {hits: {hits: {_id: string, _index: string, _score: number, _source: {id: string, siteA: string, siteZ: string}, _type: string}[], max_score: number, total: number}}, status: number}} The database result.
+ */
+ function processResult (result) {
+ var hits = result && result.data && result.data.hits;
+ if (!hits) {
+ resultDefer.reject("Invalid result.");
+ return;
+ }
+ var total = hits.total;
+ var links = [];
+ var siteLinks = hits.hits.map(function (siteLink) {
+ return {
+ id: siteLink._source.id,
+ siteA: siteLink._source.siteA,
+ siteZ: siteLink._source.siteZ,
+ type: siteLink._source.type,
+ };
+ });
+ resultDefer.resolve({
+ total: total,
+ links: siteLinks
+ });
+ }
+ return resultDefer.promise;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Determines if a coordinate is in a bounding box
+ * @param bounds {{ top: number, left: number, right: number, bottom: number}} The bounding box.
+ * @param coordinate {{ lat: number, lng: number }} The coordinate.
+ * @return if the bounding box contains the coordinate
+ */
+ service.isInBounds = function(bounds, coordinate) {
+ var isLongInRange = (bounds.right < bounds.left)
+ ? coordinate.lng >= bounds.left || coordinate.lng <= bounds.right
+ : coordinate.lng >= bounds.left && coordinate.lng <= bounds.right ;
+ return coordinate.lat >= bounds.bottom && coordinate.lat <= bounds.top && isLongInRange;
+ }
+ service.getAllEdges = function () {
+ var edges = [];
+ return getGenericChunk("edge", edges).then(function () {
+ return edges;
+ });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Retrieves all nodes.
+ * @return a Promis containing an array of nodes
+ */
+ service.getAllNodes = function () {
+ var resultDefer = $q.defer();
+ var nodes = [];
+ getGenericChunk("node", nodes).then(function () {
+ // recreate the tree structure from the flat list
+ var finalNodes = nodes.reduce(
+ /** @param acc { Node[] } */
+ function (acc, cur, ind, arr) {
+ // the site will be added with the first device, so it can not be missing after the first device is in
+ if (!acc.some(node => node.data.type == "site" && node.data.id == cur.data.grandparent)) {
+ acc.push({
+ data: {
+ type: "site",
+ id: cur.data.grandparent,
+ label: cur.data.grandparent,
+ active: cur.data.active
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (!acc.some(node => node.data.type == "device" && node.data.id == cur.data.parent)) {
+ acc.push({
+ data: {
+ _parent: cur.data.grandparent,
+ type: "device",
+ id: cur.data.parent,
+ get parent() { return cur.data.grandparent },
+ set parent(val) { debugger; },
+ label: cur.data.parent,
+ active: cur.data.active
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ acc.push({
+ data: Object.keys(cur.data).reduce(function (obj, key) {
+ if (key == 'grandparent') {
+ obj['type'] = 'port'
+ } else {
+ cur.data.hasOwnProperty(key) && (obj[key] = cur.data[key]);
+ }
+ return obj;
+ }, {}),
+ position: cur.position
+ });
+ return acc;
+ }, []);
+ resultDefer.resolve(finalNodes);
+ }, function (err) {
+ console.error(err);
+ resultDefer.reject(err);
+ });
+ return resultDefer.promise;
+ }
+ /** @param nodes {{id: string,position:{ x:number, y:number}}}[]} */
+ service.saveChangedNodes = function (nodes) {
+ return $mwtnDatabase.getBase('topology').then(function (base) {
+ var resultDefer = $q.when();
+ nodes.forEach(function (node) {
+ resultDefer = resultDefer.then(function () {
+ return $mwtnDatabase.genericRequest({
+ method: 'POST',
+ base: base.base,
+ index: base.index,
+ docType: 'node',
+ command: encodeURI(node.id) +'/_update',
+ data: {
+ "doc": {
+ "position": node.position
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ })
+ });
+ return resultDefer;
+ });
+ }
+ // Start to initialize google maps api and save the returned promise.
+ service.googleMapsApiPromise = initializeGoogleMapsApi();
+ return service;
+ // private helper functions of $mwtnTopology
+ function getGenericChunk(docType, target) {
+ var size = 30;
+ return $mwtnDatabase.getAllData('topology', docType, target.length || 0, size, undefined)
+ .then(function (result) {
+ if (result.status === 200 && result.data) {
+ var total = (result.data.hits && result.data.hits.total) || 0;
+ var hits = (total && result.data.hits.hits) || [];
+ hits.forEach(function (hit) {
+ target.push(hit._source || {});
+ });
+ if (total > target.length) {
+ return getGenericChunk(docType, target);
+ }
+ return $q.resolve(true);
+ } else {
+ return $q.reject("Could not load " + docType + ".");
+ }
+ }, function (err) {
+ resultDefer.reject(err);
+ });
+ return resultDefer.promise;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets a promise which is resolved if the google maps api initialization is completed.
+ * @returns {promise} The promise which is resolved if the initialization is completed.
+ */
+ function initializeGoogleMapsApi() {
+ var googleMapsApiDefer = $q.defer();
+ window.googleMapsApiLoadedEvent = new Event("googleMapsApiLoaded");
+ window.addEventListener("googleMapsApiLoaded", function (event) {
+ /**
+ * Calculates the bounds this map would display at a given zoom level.
+ *
+ * @member google.maps.Map
+ * @method boundsAt
+ * @param {Number} zoom Zoom level to use for calculation.
+ * @param {google.maps.LatLng} [center] May be set to specify a different center than the current map center.
+ * @param {google.maps.Projection} [projection] May be set to use a different projection than that returned by this.getProjection().
+ * @param {Element} [div] May be set to specify a different map viewport than this.getDiv() (only used to get dimensions).
+ * @return {google.maps.LatLngBounds} the calculated bounds.
+ *
+ * @example
+ * var bounds = map.boundsAt(5); // same as map.boundsAt(5, map.getCenter(), map.getProjection(), map.getDiv());
+ */
+ google.maps.Map.prototype.boundsAt = function (zoom, center, projection, div) {
+ var p = projection || this.getProjection();
+ if (!p) return undefined;
+ var d = $(div || this.getDiv());
+ var zf = Math.pow(2, zoom) * 2;
+ var dw = d.getStyle('width').toInt() / zf;
+ var dh = d.getStyle('height').toInt() / zf;
+ var cpx = p.fromLatLngToPoint(center || this.getCenter());
+ return new google.maps.LatLngBounds(
+ p.fromPointToLatLng(new google.maps.Point(cpx.x - dw, cpx.y + dh)),
+ p.fromPointToLatLng(new google.maps.Point(cpx.x + dw, cpx.y - dh)));
+ }
+ googleMapsApiDefer.resolve();
+ });
+ var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
+ var callbackScript = document.createElement("script");
+ callbackScript.appendChild(document.createTextNode("function googleMapsApiLoadedCallback() { window.dispatchEvent(window.googleMapsApiLoadedEvent); };"));
+ var googleScript = document.createElement('script');
+ googleScript.src = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=AIzaSyBWyNNhRUhXxQpvR7i-Roh23PaWqi-kNdQ&callback=googleMapsApiLoadedCallback";
+ head.appendChild(callbackScript);
+ head.appendChild(googleScript);
+ return googleMapsApiDefer.promise;
+ }
+ });
+}); \ No newline at end of file