path: root/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCompare/mwtnCompare-module/src/main/resources/mwtnCompare/mwtnCompare.controller.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCompare/mwtnCompare-module/src/main/resources/mwtnCompare/mwtnCompare.controller.js')
1 files changed, 526 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCompare/mwtnCompare-module/src/main/resources/mwtnCompare/mwtnCompare.controller.js b/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCompare/mwtnCompare-module/src/main/resources/mwtnCompare/mwtnCompare.controller.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e83885a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCompare/mwtnCompare-module/src/main/resources/mwtnCompare/mwtnCompare.controller.js
@@ -0,0 +1,526 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2017 highstreet technologies GmbH and others. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
+ * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution,
+ * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
+ */
+ 'app/mwtnCompare/mwtnCompare.services',
+ 'app/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons.services',
+ 'app/mwtnCompare/mwtnCompare.directives',
+ 'app/mwtnCommons/bower_components/angular-ui-grid/ui-grid.min'], function(mwtnCompareApp) {
+ mwtnCompareApp.register.controller('mwtnCompareCtrl', ['$scope', '$rootScope', '$mwtnCompare', '$mwtnLog', 'orderByFilter', 'OnfNetworkElement', 'MicrowavePhysicalSection', 'MicrowaveSection',
+ function($scope, $rootScope, $mwtnCompare, $mwtnLog, orderBy, OnfNetworkElement, MicrowavePhysicalSection, MicrowaveSection) {
+ $rootScope.section_logo = 'src/app/mwtnCompare/images/mwtnCompare.png'; // Add your topbar logo location here such as 'assets/images/logo_topology.gif'
+ var rOnfNe;
+ var aOnfNe;
+ $scope.status = {ne:false};
+ $scope.spinner = {ne:false};
+ $scope.separator = $mwtnCompare.separator; //' '
+ $scope.connectionStatus = 'disconnected';
+ $scope.oneATime = true;
+ $scope.match = {
+ numberOfLTPs: false,
+ numberOfLTPsStatus: 'unknown',
+ radioSignalIds: false,
+ radioSignalIdsStatus: 'unknown',
+ mapping: {},
+ addActualRadioSignalId: function(rsId) {
+ if (!this.actualRadioSignalIds) {
+ this.actualRadioSignalIds = [];
+ }
+ if (this.actualRadioSignalIds.contains(rsId)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.actualRadioSignalIds.push(rsId);
+ this.actualRadioSignalIds.sort();
+ this.checkRadioSignalIdsStatus();
+ },
+ clearActualNumberOfLtps: function() {
+ this.actualNumberOfLtps = undefined;
+ this.numberOfLTPs = false;
+ this.numberOfLTPsStatus = this.requiredNumberOfLtps;
+ },
+ clearActualRadioSignalIds: function() {
+ this.actualRadioSignalIds = undefined;
+ this.radioSignalIds = false;
+ this.radioSignalIdsStatus = this.requiredRadioSignalIds;
+ },
+ setRequiredNumberOfLtps: function(rNoLtps) {
+ this.requiredNumberOfLtps = rNoLtps;
+ this.checkNumberOfLTPs();
+ },
+ setRequiredRadioSignalIds: function(rRsIds) {
+ this.requiredRadioSignalIds = rRsIds.sort();
+ this.checkRadioSignalIdsStatus();
+ },
+ setActualNumberOfLtps: function(aNoLtps) {
+ this.actualNumberOfLtps = aNoLtps;
+ this.checkNumberOfLTPs();
+ },
+ setActualRadioSignalIds: function(aRsIds) {
+ this.actualRadioSignalIds = aRsIds.sort();
+ this.checkRadioSignalIdsStatus();
+ },
+ checkNumberOfLTPs: function() {
+ if (!this.requiredNumberOfLtps) {
+ this.numberOfLTPs = false;
+ this.numberOfLTPsStatus = 'unknown';
+ } else {
+ if (!this.actualNumberOfLtps) {
+ this.numberOfLTPs = false;
+ this.numberOfLTPsStatus = this.requiredNumberOfLtps;
+ } else {
+ if (this.requiredNumberOfLtps === this.actualNumberOfLtps) {
+ this.numberOfLTPs = true;
+ this.numberOfLTPsStatus = this.requiredNumberOfLtps;
+ } else {
+ this.numberOfLTPs = false;
+ this.numberOfLTPsStatus = ['required:', this.requiredNumberOfLtps, 'does not match actual:',this.actualNumberOfLtps].join(' ');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ checkRadioSignalIdsStatus: function() {
+ if (!this.requiredRadioSignalIds) {
+ this.radioSignalIds = false;
+ this.radioSignalIdsStatus = 'unknown';
+ } else {
+ if (!this.actualRadioSignalIds) {
+ this.radioSignalIds = false;
+ this.radioSignalIdsStatus = this.requiredRadioSignalIds;
+ } else {
+ if (JSON.stringify(this.requiredRadioSignalIds) === JSON.stringify(this.actualRadioSignalIds)) {
+ this.radioSignalIds = true;
+ this.radioSignalIdsStatus = this.requiredRadioSignalIds;
+ } else {
+ this.radioSignalIds = false;
+ this.radioSignalIdsStatus = ['required:', this.requiredRadioSignalIds, 'does not match actual:',this.actualRadioSignalIds].join(' ');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ $scope.schema = {initShowObjectCtrl:false};
+ $mwtnCompare.getSchema().then(function(data){
+ $scope.schema = data;
+ });
+ var initNodeList = function(nodes){
+ $scope.neSelection = [];
+ if (nodes.length > 0) {
+ nodes.map(function(ne) {
+ if (ne._source.onfAirInterfaceRevision) {
+ $scope.neSelection.push({id:ne._id, revision:ne._source.onfAirInterfaceRevision});
+ }
+ });
+ $scope.neSelection.sort(function(a, b){
+ if(a.id < b.id) return -1;
+ if(a.id > b.id) return 1;
+ return 0;
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ $scope.requiredNetworkElements = [];
+ $mwtnCompare.getRequiredNetworkElements(true).then(function(nodes){
+ $scope.requiredNetworkElements = nodes;
+ initNodeList(nodes);
+ }, function(error){
+ $scope.neSelection = [];
+ $scope.requiredNetworkElements = [];
+ });
+ $scope.collapseAll = function() {
+ // close all groups
+ Object.keys($scope.status).map(function(group){
+ $scope.status[group] = false;
+ });
+ Object.keys($scope.spinner).map(function(group){
+ $scope.spinner[group] = false;
+ });
+ };
+ // events
+ $scope.$watch('selection', function(neId, oldValue) {
+ if (neId && neId !== '' && neId !== oldValue) {
+ $scope.collapseAll();
+ $scope.connectionStatus = 'disconnected';
+ $scope.match.clearActualNumberOfLtps();
+ $scope.match.clearActualRadioSignalIds();
+ $mwtnCompare.getConnectionStatus(neId).then(function(connectionStatus){
+ $scope.connectionStatus = connectionStatus;
+ // get actual data
+ if ($scope.connectionStatus === 'connected') {
+ var key = 'ne';
+ var spec = {
+ nodeId: $scope.selection,
+ revision: $scope.requiredNetworkElement.onfAirInterfaceRevision,
+ pacId: key,
+ };
+ $mwtnCompare.getPacParts(spec).then(function(success){
+ updatePart(spec, success);
+ $scope.spinner[key] = false;
+ }, function(error){
+ updatePart(spec, error);
+ $scope.spinner[key] = false;
+ });
+ }
+ },function(error){
+ $scope.connectionStatus = 'disconnected';
+ });
+ $scope.requiredNetworkElements.map(function(rne){
+ console.warn(JSON.stringify(rne._id, neId, rne._id === neId));
+ if (rne._id === neId) {
+ $scope.requiredNetworkElement = rne._source;
+ rOnfNe = new OnfNetworkElement(rne._source['core-model:network-element']);
+ $scope.match.setRequiredNumberOfLtps(rOnfNe.getNumberOfLtps());
+ // required NE
+ var rMwpsList = rOnfNe.getLTPMwpsList().map(function(mwpsLtp){
+ var key = 'microwave-model:mw-air-interface-pac';
+ if ($scope.requiredNetworkElement.onfAirInterfaceRevision.contains('2016')) {
+ key = 'MicrowaveModel-ObjectClasses-AirInterface:MW_AirInterface_Pac';
+ }
+ var rMwpsList = $scope.requiredNetworkElement[key].map(function(mwps){
+ if (mwps.layerProtocol === mwpsLtp.getLayerProtocols()[0].getId()) {
+ return new MicrowavePhysicalSection(mwps);
+ }
+ });
+ if (rMwpsList) {
+ return rMwpsList.clean(undefined)[0];
+ } else {
+ return {};
+ }
+ });
+ var rRadioSignalIds = rMwpsList.map(function(rMwps){
+ return rMwps.getRadioSignalId();
+ });
+ $scope.match.setRequiredRadioSignalIds(rRadioSignalIds);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ var getArrayValueToHtml = function(array) {
+ if (array === undefined) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ if (array.length > 0 && ($mwtnCompare.getType(array[0]) === 'object' || $mwtnCompare.getType(array[0]) === 'array') ) {
+ var converted = array.map(function(item){
+ if ($mwtnCompare.getType(item) === 'object' && Object.keys(item).length === 2 ) {
+ return [item[Object.keys(item)[0]], item[Object.keys(item)[1]]].join(':');
+ } else {
+ return JSON.stringify(item);
+ }
+ });
+ return converted.join('<br/>');
+ } else {
+ return array.join('<br/>');
+ }
+ };
+ var getCompares = function(obj, actualData) {
+ var compares = [];
+ for (var labelId in obj) {
+ var missingActualValueLabelId = 'not connected';
+ var match = false;
+ switch (labelId) {
+ case 'compares':
+ break;
+ case 'open':
+ break;
+// case 'nameList':
+// var requiredName = obj[labelId][0].value;
+// var actualName = '';
+// if (actualData) {
+// actualName = actualData[labelId][0].value;
+// }
+// match = ((requiredName === '' || actualName === '') || (requiredName === actualName));
+// // console.log('NAME', requiredName, actualName, match);
+// compares.push({
+// labelId : 'NE name',
+// requiredValue : requiredName,
+// actualValue : actualName,
+// match : match,
+// missingActualValueLabelId : missingActualValueLabelId,
+//// unit : $scope.schema[labelId].unit,
+//// description : $scope.schema[labelId].description,
+// showDescriptions : false
+// });
+// break;
+ case '_ltpRefList':
+ var requiredLtpLength = obj[labelId].length;
+ var actualLtpLength = '';
+ if (actualData) {
+ actualLtpLength = actualData[labelId].length;
+ }
+ match = ((requiredLtpLength === '' || actualLtpLength === '') || (requiredLtpLength === actualLtpLength));
+ compares.push({
+ labelId : 'numberOfLTPs',
+ requiredValue : requiredLtpLength,
+ actualValue : actualLtpLength,
+ match : match,
+ missingActualValueLabelId : missingActualValueLabelId,
+ unit : $scope.schema[labelId].unit,
+ order: $scope.schema[labelId]['order-number'],
+ description : $scope.schema[labelId].description,
+ showDescriptions : false
+ });
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (labelId === 'installedCapacity') {
+ missingActualValueLabelId = '<pure planning value>';
+ }
+ if (labelId === 'timeSlotIDList') {
+ var requiredTimeSlotIDListLength = obj[labelId].length;
+ var actualTimeSlotIDListLength = '';
+ if (actualData) {
+ actualTimeSlotIDListLength = actualData[labelId].length;
+ }
+ compares.push({
+ labelId : 'currentNumberOfTimeSlots',
+ requiredValue : requiredTimeSlotIDListLength,
+ actualValue : actualTimeSlotIDListLength,
+ match : true,
+ missingActualValueLabelId : missingActualValueLabelId,
+ unit : $scope.schema[labelId].unit,
+ order: $scope.schema[labelId]['order-number'],
+ description : $scope.schema[labelId].description,
+ showDescriptions : false
+ });
+ }
+ switch($mwtnCompare.getType(obj[labelId])) {
+ case 'object':
+ if (actualData) {
+ var withActual = getCompares(obj[labelId], actualData[labelId]);
+ compares = compares.concat(withActual);
+ } else {
+ var withoutActual = getCompares(obj[labelId]);
+ compares = compares.concat(withoutActual);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'array':
+ var requiredDataValue = getArrayValueToHtml(obj[labelId]);
+ var actualDataValue = '';
+ if (actualData) {
+ actualDataValue = getArrayValueToHtml(actualData[labelId]);
+ }
+ match = ((requiredDataValue === '' || actualDataValue === '') || (requiredDataValue === actualDataValue));
+ compares.push({
+ labelId : labelId,
+ requiredValue : requiredDataValue,
+ actualValue : actualDataValue,
+ match : match,
+ missingActualValueLabelId : missingActualValueLabelId,
+ unit : $scope.schema[labelId].unit,
+ order: $scope.schema[labelId]['order-number'],
+ description : $scope.schema[labelId].description,
+ showDescriptions : false
+ });
+ break;
+ default:
+ var requiredValue = obj[labelId];
+ var actualValue = actualData ? actualData[labelId] : '';
+// // console.log('match');
+// // console.log('match1', requiredValue, (requiredValue === ''));
+// // console.log('match2', actualValue, (actualValue === ''));
+// // console.log('match3', requiredValue, actualValue, (requiredValue === actualValue));
+// // console.log('match4', (requiredValue === '' || actualValue === '') || (requiredValue === actualValue));
+ match = (requiredValue === '' || actualValue === '') || (requiredValue === actualValue);
+ compares.push({
+ labelId : labelId,
+ requiredValue : requiredValue,
+ actualValue : actualValue,
+ match : match,
+ missingActualValueLabelId : missingActualValueLabelId,
+ unit : $scope.schema[labelId].unit,
+ order: $scope.schema[labelId]['order-number'],
+ description : $scope.schema[labelId].description,
+ showDescriptions : false
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return orderBy(compares, 'order', false);
+ };
+ var updateNe = function(data) {
+ var rne = $scope.requiredNetworkElement;
+ if (!data) {
+ rne['core-model:network-element'].compares = getCompares(rne['core-model:network-element']);
+ return;
+ }
+ rne['core-model:network-element'].compares = getCompares(rne['core-model:network-element'], data['core-model:network-element']);
+ console.error(JSON.stringify(data));
+ aOnfNe = new OnfNetworkElement(data['core-model:network-element']);
+ $scope.match.setActualNumberOfLtps(aOnfNe.getNumberOfLtps());
+ var aMwpsList = aOnfNe.getLTPMwpsList().map(function(mwpsLtp){
+ var spec = {
+ nodeId: $scope.selection,
+ revision: $scope.requiredNetworkElement.onfAirInterfaceRevision,
+ pacId: 'microwave-model:mw-air-interface-pac',
+ layerProtocolId: mwpsLtp.getLayerProtocols()[0].getId(),
+ partId: 'configuration'
+ };
+ $mwtnCompare.getPacParts(spec).then(function(success){
+ updatePart(spec, success);
+ }, function(error){
+ updatePart(spec, error);
+ });
+ return mwpsLtp._lpList[0].uuid;
+ });
+ // console.log(aMwpsList)
+ var mwClient = rne['microwave-model:mw-ethernet-container-pac'][0];
+ $scope.match.mapping[mwClient.layerProtocol] = aOnfNe.getLTPEthCtpList()[0].getLayerProtocols()[0].getId();
+ };
+ var addShowDescriptionEvent = function(obj) {
+ $scope.$watch(function() {
+ return obj.showDescriptions;
+ }, function(newValue, oldValue) {
+ if (newValue !== oldValue) {
+ obj.compares.map(function(compare){
+ compare.showDescriptions = newValue;
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ var updateAirInterface = function(spec, data) {
+ if (!data) {
+ $scope.requiredNetworkElement['microwave-model:mw-air-interface-pac'].map(function(mwps){
+ mwps.compares = getCompares(mwps.airInterfaceConfiguration);
+ addShowDescriptionEvent(mwps);
+ });
+ } else {
+ var actual = new MicrowavePhysicalSection(data);
+ $scope.match.addActualRadioSignalId(actual.getRadioSignalId());
+ // console.log(actual.getRadioSignalId());
+ $scope.requiredNetworkElement['microwave-model:mw-air-interface-pac'].map(function(mwps){
+ var required = new MicrowavePhysicalSection(mwps);
+ if (actual.getRadioSignalId() === required.getRadioSignalId()) {
+ $scope.match.mapping[required.getLayerProtocolId()] = actual.getLayerProtocolId();
+ var actualData = data.airInterfaceConfiguration;
+ mwps.compares = getCompares(mwps.airInterfaceConfiguration, actualData);
+ addShowDescriptionEvent(mwps);
+ // MWS mapping
+ var rMws = rOnfNe.getClientLtpIds(required.getLayerProtocolId());
+ var aMws = aOnfNe.getClientLtpIds(actual.getLayerProtocolId());
+ // In PoC just a 1:1 relation between MWPS and MWS
+ $scope.match.mapping[rOnfNe.getLpByLtpRef(rMws[0]).uuid] = aOnfNe.getLpByLtpRef(aMws[0]).uuid;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ var updateStructure = function(spec, data) {
+ if (!data) {
+ $scope.requiredNetworkElement.MW_PureEthernetStructure_Pac.map(function(mws){
+ mws.compares = getCompares(mws.pureEthernetStructureConfiguration);
+ addShowDescriptionEvent(mws);
+ });
+ } else {
+ $scope.requiredNetworkElement.MW_PureEthernetStructure_Pac.map(function(mws){
+ if ($scope.match.mapping[mws.layerProtocol] === data.layerProtocol) {
+ var actualData = data.pureEthernetStructureConfiguration;
+ mws.compares = getCompares(mws.pureEthernetStructureConfiguration, actualData);
+ addShowDescriptionEvent(mws);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ var updateContainer = function(spec, data) {
+ // there is only one container in PoCs
+ var mwClient = $scope.requiredNetworkElement.MW_EthernetContainer_Pac[0];
+ if (!data) {
+ mwClient.compares = getCompares(mwClient.ethernetContainerConfiguration);
+ addShowDescriptionEvent(mwClient);
+ } else {
+ var actualData = data.ethernetContainerConfiguration;
+ mwClient.compares = getCompares(mwClient.ethernetContainerConfiguration, actualData);
+ addShowDescriptionEvent(mwClient);
+ }
+ };
+ var updatePart = function(spec, data) {
+ switch (spec.pacId) {
+ case 'ne':
+ updateNe(data);
+ break;
+ case 'airinterface':
+ // console.log(JSON.stringify(spec, JSON.stringify(data)));
+ updateAirInterface(spec, data);
+ break;
+ case 'structure':
+ // console.log(JSON.stringify(data));
+ updateStructure(spec, data);
+ break;
+ case 'container':
+ // console.log(JSON.stringify(data));
+ updateContainer(spec, data);
+ break;
+ }
+ };
+ $scope.$watch('status', function(status, oldValue) {
+ Object.keys(status).map(function(key){
+ if ($scope.selection && status[key] && status[key] !== oldValue[key]) {
+ var info = key.split($scope.separator);
+ var spec = {
+ nodeId: $scope.selection,
+ revision: $scope.requiredNetworkElement.onfAirInterfaceRevision,
+ pacId: info[0],
+ requiredLayerProtocolId: info[1],
+ layerProtocolId: $scope.match.mapping[info[1]],
+ partId: 'Configuration'
+ };
+ if ($scope.connectionStatus !== 'connected') {
+ updatePart(spec, undefined);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (info.length > 1 && !$scope.match.mapping[info[1]]) {
+ updatePart(spec, undefined);
+ return;
+ }
+ $scope.spinner[key] = true;
+ $mwtnCompare.getPacParts(spec).then(function(success){
+ updatePart(spec, success);
+ $scope.spinner[key] = false;
+ }, function(error){
+ updatePart(spec, error);
+ $scope.spinner[key] = false;
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ }, true);
+ }]);