path: root/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-module
diff options
authorTimoney, Dan (dt5972) <>2018-10-30 09:39:59 -0400
committerTimoney, Dan (dt5972) <>2018-10-30 09:39:59 -0400
commit609f193862339c50420553b45f3bb56f9711cf95 (patch)
tree870b81bf6c01b4923986203e9392a4bdd3d0f2f1 /sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-module
parentf39904fbe580301b896ad598e85a135d11c8944b (diff)
Remove SDNR seed code
Remove SDNR seed code to resolve license issues. Code is not currently used, so it will be removed for now and a cleaned version resubmitted for Dublin release. Change-Id: I37ca0feb458012626bf448739ff2497679fcb357 Issue-ID: CCSDK-641 Signed-off-by: Timoney, Dan (dt5972) <>
Diffstat (limited to 'sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-module')
18 files changed, 0 insertions, 6932 deletions
diff --git a/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-module/pom.xml b/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-module/pom.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index b031831f..00000000
--- a/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-module/pom.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- xmlns=""
- xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
- <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
- <parent>
- <artifactId>mwtnCommons</artifactId>
- <groupId>com.highstreet.technologies.odl.dlux</groupId>
- <version>0.5.1-SNAPSHOT</version>
- </parent>
- <artifactId>mwtnCommons-module</artifactId>
- <name>${prefix} ${project.artifactId}</name>
- <packaging>jar</packaging>
- <build>
- <pluginManagement>
- <plugins>
- <!--This plugin's configuration is used to store Eclipse m2e settings only. It has no influence
- on the Maven build itself. -->
- <plugin>
- <groupId>org.eclipse.m2e</groupId>
- <artifactId>lifecycle-mapping</artifactId>
- <version>1.0.0</version>
- <configuration>
- <lifecycleMappingMetadata>
- <pluginExecutions>
- <pluginExecution>
- <pluginExecutionFilter>
- <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>
- <artifactId>exec-maven-plugin</artifactId>
- <versionRange>[1.0.0,)</versionRange>
- <goals>
- <goal>exec</goal>
- </goals>
- </pluginExecutionFilter>
- <action>
- <execute/>
- </action>
- </pluginExecution>
- </pluginExecutions>
- </lifecycleMappingMetadata>
- </configuration>
- </plugin>
- </plugins>
- </pluginManagement>
- <plugins>
- <plugin>
- <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>
- <artifactId>exec-maven-plugin</artifactId>
- <version>1.6.0</version>
- <executions>
- <execution>
- <phase>generate-sources</phase>
- <goals>
- <goal>exec</goal>
- </goals>
- </execution>
- </executions>
- <configuration>
- <executable>./</executable>
- <arguments>
- <argument>install</argument>
- </arguments>
- <workingDirectory>${basedir}/src/main/resources/mwtnCommons/</workingDirectory>
- </configuration>
- </plugin>
- </plugins>
- </build>
-</project> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-module/src/main/resources/mwtnCommons/ b/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-module/src/main/resources/mwtnCommons/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c254917..00000000
--- a/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-module/src/main/resources/mwtnCommons/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# MTWN Comments
-This component offers services for MTWN specific ODL DLUX application development.
-It should ensure, that common functionality of ODL DLUX applications is implemented and tested only once, but reused by several applications.
-All MWTN ODL DLUX application should have a dependency to 'mtwnCommons'.
-However, it is a case by case decision by developers, whether such dependency is needed for their application of not.
-Common functions are:
-* A centralized service ($mwtnLog), which stores application logs in a centralized database. It should simplify failure analysis and debugging.
-* Communication with the RestConf API of OpenDaylight.
-* WebSocket subscription for notification handling
-* Implementation of common object classes as defined by the Microwave Information model (e.g. NetConfServer, NetworkElement, LogicalTerminationPoint, LayerProtocol, MW_AirInterface_Pac, MW_PureEthernetStructure_Pac, MW_EthernetContainer_Pac)
-* Enhanced [angular.js]( features for web development, which are not native in [ODL DLUX](
-## Installation
-Additional [angular.js]( feature and implementations are listed in the file [bower.json](./bower.json).
-bower install
-Please see []( for further information about bower.
-## angular-chart.js
-* Open app/mwtnCommons/bower_components/angular-chart.js/dist/angular-chart
-* Locate
- else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
- // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
- define(['angular', 'chart'], factory);
- }
- * change define(['angular', 'chart'], factory); to define(['angular', 'app/mwtnCommons/bower_components/chart.js/dist/Chart'], factory);
diff --git a/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-module/src/main/resources/mwtnCommons/bower.json b/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-module/src/main/resources/mwtnCommons/bower.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 77aed945..00000000
--- a/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-module/src/main/resources/mwtnCommons/bower.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
- "name": "mwtn-commons",
- "homepage": "",
- "authors": [
- "Martin Skorupski <>"
- ],
- "description": "bower components for microwave transport network specific opendaylight dlux applications",
- "main": "",
- "version": "0.5.1-SNAPSHOT",
- "dependencies": {
- "bootstrap": "~3.3.7",
- "font-awesome": "~4.6.3",
- "angular-ui-grid": "3.2.9",
- "angular-clipboard": "~1.5.0",
- "angular-chart.js": "~1.1.1",
- "chart.js": "^2.5.0",
- "lodash": "^4.17.4",
- "json-formatter": "^0.6.0",
- "cytoscape": "^3.1.1"
- },
- "keywords": [
- "Microwave",
- "Millimeterwave",
- "MWTN",
- "ONF",
- "SDN",
- "Transport",
- "Wireless",
- "xHaul"
- ],
- "license": "MIT",
- "ignore": [
- "**/.*",
- "node_modules",
- "bower_components",
- "test",
- "tests"
- ]
diff --git a/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-module/src/main/resources/mwtnCommons/ b/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-module/src/main/resources/mwtnCommons/
deleted file mode 100755
index 054cf683..00000000
--- a/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-module/src/main/resources/mwtnCommons/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-echo "---------------------------------"
-echo "Install bower and adapt to ODL UX"
-echo "---------------------------------"
-echo "Step1: Install bower"
-bower install -q
-echo "Step2: Install Bower patches to adapt to ODL-DLUX"
-echo "- File to handle: $FileToPatch"
-mv $FileToPatchDestination/$FileToPatch $FileToPatchDestination/$FileToPatch.orig
-cp $FileToPatchOrigination/$FileToPatch.patch $FileToPatchDestination
-mv $FileToPatchDestination/$FileToPatch.patch $FileToPatchDestination/$FileToPatch
-echo "Install bower script ends"
diff --git a/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-module/src/main/resources/mwtnCommons/bower_components_patches/angular-chart.js.patch b/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-module/src/main/resources/mwtnCommons/bower_components_patches/angular-chart.js.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 23a4b361..00000000
--- a/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-module/src/main/resources/mwtnCommons/bower_components_patches/angular-chart.js.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,400 +0,0 @@
- * angular-chart.js - An angular.js wrapper for Chart.js
- *
- * Version: 1.1.1
- *
- * Copyright 2016 Jerome Touffe-Blin
- * Released under the BSD-2-Clause license
- *
- */
-(function (factory) {
- 'use strict';
- if (typeof exports === 'object') {
- // Node/CommonJS
- module.exports = factory(
- typeof angular !== 'undefined' ? angular : require('angular'),
- typeof Chart !== 'undefined' ? Chart : require('chart.js'));
- } else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
- // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
- define(['angular', 'app/mwtnCommons/bower_components/chart.js/dist/Chart'], factory);
- } else {
- // Browser globals
- if (typeof angular === 'undefined') {
- throw new Error('AngularJS framework needs to be included, see');
- } else if (typeof Chart === 'undefined') {
- throw new Error('Chart.js library needs to be included, see');
- }
- factory(angular, Chart);
- }
-}(function (angular, Chart) {
- 'use strict';
- = '<%if (datasetLabel){%><%=datasetLabel%>: <%}%><%= value %>';
- = 'label';
- = 2;
- = 2;
- = false;
- = [
- '#97BBCD', // blue
- '#DCDCDC', // light grey
- '#F7464A', // red
- '#46BFBD', // green
- '#FDB45C', // yellow
- '#949FB1', // grey
- '#4D5360' // dark grey
- ];
- var useExcanvas = typeof window.G_vmlCanvasManager === 'object' &&
- window.G_vmlCanvasManager !== null &&
- typeof window.G_vmlCanvasManager.initElement === 'function';
- if (useExcanvas) = false;
- return angular.module('chart.js', [])
- .provider('ChartJs', ChartJsProvider)
- .factory('ChartJsFactory', ['ChartJs', '$timeout', ChartJsFactory])
- .directive('chartBase', ['ChartJsFactory', function (ChartJsFactory) { return new ChartJsFactory(); }])
- .directive('chartLine', ['ChartJsFactory', function (ChartJsFactory) { return new ChartJsFactory('line'); }])
- .directive('chartBar', ['ChartJsFactory', function (ChartJsFactory) { return new ChartJsFactory('bar'); }])
- .directive('chartHorizontalBar', ['ChartJsFactory', function (ChartJsFactory) { return new ChartJsFactory('horizontalBar'); }])
- .directive('chartRadar', ['ChartJsFactory', function (ChartJsFactory) { return new ChartJsFactory('radar'); }])
- .directive('chartDoughnut', ['ChartJsFactory', function (ChartJsFactory) { return new ChartJsFactory('doughnut'); }])
- .directive('chartPie', ['ChartJsFactory', function (ChartJsFactory) { return new ChartJsFactory('pie'); }])
- .directive('chartPolarArea', ['ChartJsFactory', function (ChartJsFactory) { return new ChartJsFactory('polarArea'); }])
- .directive('chartBubble', ['ChartJsFactory', function (ChartJsFactory) { return new ChartJsFactory('bubble'); }])
- .name;
- /**
- * Wrapper for chart.js
- * Allows configuring chart js using the provider
- *
- * angular.module('myModule', ['chart.js']).config(function(ChartJsProvider) {
- * ChartJsProvider.setOptions({ responsive: false });
- * ChartJsProvider.setOptions('Line', { responsive: true });
- * })))
- */
- function ChartJsProvider () {
- var options = { responsive: true };
- var ChartJs = {
- Chart: Chart,
- getOptions: function (type) {
- var typeOptions = type && options[type] || {};
- return angular.extend({}, options, typeOptions);
- }
- };
- /**
- * Allow to set global options during configuration
- */
- this.setOptions = function (type, customOptions) {
- // If no type was specified set option for the global object
- if (! customOptions) {
- customOptions = type;
- options = angular.merge(options, customOptions);
- } else {
- // Set options for the specific chart
- options[type] = angular.merge(options[type] || {}, customOptions);
- }
- angular.merge(ChartJs.Chart.defaults, options);
- };
- this.$get = function () {
- return ChartJs;
- };
- }
- function ChartJsFactory (ChartJs, $timeout) {
- return function chart (type) {
- return {
- restrict: 'CA',
- scope: {
- chartGetColor: '=?',
- chartType: '=',
- chartData: '=?',
- chartLabels: '=?',
- chartOptions: '=?',
- chartSeries: '=?',
- chartColors: '=?',
- chartClick: '=?',
- chartHover: '=?',
- chartDatasetOverride: '=?'
- },
- link: function (scope, elem/*, attrs */) {
- if (useExcanvas) window.G_vmlCanvasManager.initElement(elem[0]);
- // Order of setting "watch" matter
- scope.$watch('chartData', watchData, true);
- scope.$watch('chartSeries', watchOther, true);
- scope.$watch('chartLabels', watchOther, true);
- scope.$watch('chartOptions', watchOther, true);
- scope.$watch('chartColors', watchOther, true);
- scope.$watch('chartDatasetOverride', watchOther, true);
- scope.$watch('chartType', watchType, false);
- scope.$on('$destroy', function () {
- destroyChart(scope);
- });
- scope.$on('$resize', function () {
- if (scope.chart) scope.chart.resize();
- });
- function watchData (newVal, oldVal) {
- if (! newVal || ! newVal.length || (Array.isArray(newVal[0]) && ! newVal[0].length)) {
- destroyChart(scope);
- return;
- }
- var chartType = type || scope.chartType;
- if (! chartType) return;
- if (scope.chart && canUpdateChart(newVal, oldVal))
- return updateChart(newVal, scope);
- createChart(chartType, scope, elem);
- }
- function watchOther (newVal, oldVal) {
- if (isEmpty(newVal)) return;
- if (angular.equals(newVal, oldVal)) return;
- var chartType = type || scope.chartType;
- if (! chartType) return;
- // chart.update() doesn't work for series and labels
- // so we have to re-create the chart entirely
- createChart(chartType, scope, elem);
- }
- function watchType (newVal, oldVal) {
- if (isEmpty(newVal)) return;
- if (angular.equals(newVal, oldVal)) return;
- createChart(newVal, scope, elem);
- }
- }
- };
- };
- function createChart (type, scope, elem) {
- var options = getChartOptions(type, scope);
- if (! hasData(scope) || ! canDisplay(type, scope, elem, options)) return;
- var cvs = elem[0];
- var ctx = cvs.getContext('2d');
- scope.chartGetColor = getChartColorFn(scope);
- var data = getChartData(type, scope);
- // Destroy old chart if it exists to avoid ghost charts issue
- //
- destroyChart(scope);
- scope.chart = new ChartJs.Chart(ctx, {
- type: type,
- data: data,
- options: options
- });
- scope.$emit('chart-create', scope.chart);
- bindEvents(cvs, scope);
- }
- function canUpdateChart (newVal, oldVal) {
- if (newVal && oldVal && newVal.length && oldVal.length) {
- return Array.isArray(newVal[0]) ?
- newVal.length === oldVal.length && newVal.every(function (element, index) {
- return element.length === oldVal[index].length; }) :
- oldVal.reduce(sum, 0) > 0 ? newVal.length === oldVal.length : false;
- }
- return false;
- }
- function sum (carry, val) {
- return carry + val;
- }
- function getEventHandler (scope, action, triggerOnlyOnChange) {
- var lastState = {
- point: void 0,
- points: void 0
- };
- return function (evt) {
- var atEvent = scope.chart.getElementAtEvent || scope.chart.getPointAtEvent;
- var atEvents = scope.chart.getElementsAtEvent || scope.chart.getPointsAtEvent;
- if (atEvents) {
- var points =, evt);
- var point = atEvent ?, evt)[0] : void 0;
- if (triggerOnlyOnChange === false ||
- (! angular.equals(lastState.points, points) && ! angular.equals(lastState.point, point))
- ) {
- lastState.point = point;
- lastState.points = points;
- scope[action](points, evt, point);
- }
- }
- };
- }
- function getColors (type, scope) {
- var colors = angular.copy(scope.chartColors ||
- ChartJs.getOptions(type).chartColors ||
- );
- var notEnoughColors = colors.length < scope.chartData.length;
- while (colors.length < scope.chartData.length) {
- colors.push(scope.chartGetColor());
- }
- // mutate colors in this case as we don't want
- // the colors to change on each refresh
- if (notEnoughColors) scope.chartColors = colors;
- return;
- }
- function convertColor (color) {
- // Allows RGB and RGBA colors to be input as a string: e.g.: "rgb(159,204,0)", "rgba(159,204,0, 0.5)"
- if (typeof color === 'string' && color[0] === 'r') return getColor(rgbStringToRgb(color));
- // Allows hex colors to be input as a string.
- if (typeof color === 'string' && color[0] === '#') return getColor(hexToRgb(color.substr(1)));
- // Allows colors to be input as an object, bypassing getColor() entirely
- if (typeof color === 'object' && color !== null) return color;
- return getRandomColor();
- }
- function getRandomColor () {
- var color = [getRandomInt(0, 255), getRandomInt(0, 255), getRandomInt(0, 255)];
- return getColor(color);
- }
- function getColor (color) {
- var alpha = color[3] || 1;
- color = color.slice(0, 3);
- return {
- backgroundColor: rgba(color, 0.2),
- pointBackgroundColor: rgba(color, alpha),
- pointHoverBackgroundColor: rgba(color, 0.8),
- borderColor: rgba(color, alpha),
- pointBorderColor: '#fff',
- pointHoverBorderColor: rgba(color, alpha)
- };
- }
- function getRandomInt (min, max) {
- return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
- }
- function rgba (color, alpha) {
- // rgba not supported by IE8
- return useExcanvas ? 'rgb(' + color.join(',') + ')' : 'rgba(' + color.concat(alpha).join(',') + ')';
- }
- // Credit:
- function hexToRgb (hex) {
- var bigint = parseInt(hex, 16),
- r = (bigint >> 16) & 255,
- g = (bigint >> 8) & 255,
- b = bigint & 255;
- return [r, g, b];
- }
- function rgbStringToRgb (color) {
- var match = color.match(/^rgba?\(([\d,.]+)\)$/);
- if (! match) throw new Error('Cannot parse rgb value');
- color = match[1].split(',');
- return;
- }
- function hasData (scope) {
- return scope.chartData && scope.chartData.length;
- }
- function getChartColorFn (scope) {
- return typeof scope.chartGetColor === 'function' ? scope.chartGetColor : getRandomColor;
- }
- function getChartData (type, scope) {
- var colors = getColors(type, scope);
- return Array.isArray(scope.chartData[0]) ?
- getDataSets(scope.chartLabels, scope.chartData, scope.chartSeries || [], colors, scope.chartDatasetOverride) :
- getData(scope.chartLabels, scope.chartData, colors, scope.chartDatasetOverride);
- }
- function getDataSets (labels, data, series, colors, datasetOverride) {
- return {
- labels: labels,
- datasets: (item, i) {
- var dataset = angular.extend({}, colors[i], {
- label: series[i],
- data: item
- });
- if (datasetOverride && datasetOverride.length >= i) {
- angular.merge(dataset, datasetOverride[i]);
- }
- return dataset;
- })
- };
- }
- function getData (labels, data, colors, datasetOverride) {
- var dataset = {
- labels: labels,
- datasets: [{
- data: data,
- backgroundColor: (color) {
- return color.pointBackgroundColor;
- }),
- hoverBackgroundColor: (color) {
- return color.backgroundColor;
- })
- }]
- };
- if (datasetOverride) {
- angular.merge(dataset.datasets[0], datasetOverride);
- }
- return dataset;
- }
- function getChartOptions (type, scope) {
- return angular.extend({}, ChartJs.getOptions(type), scope.chartOptions);
- }
- function bindEvents (cvs, scope) {
- cvs.onclick = scope.chartClick ? getEventHandler(scope, 'chartClick', false) : angular.noop;
- cvs.onmousemove = scope.chartHover ? getEventHandler(scope, 'chartHover', true) : angular.noop;
- }
- function updateChart (values, scope) {
- if (Array.isArray(scope.chartData[0])) {
- (dataset, i) {
- = values[i];
- });
- } else {
-[0].data = values;
- }
- scope.chart.update();
- scope.$emit('chart-update', scope.chart);
- }
- function isEmpty (value) {
- return ! value ||
- (Array.isArray(value) && ! value.length) ||
- (typeof value === 'object' && ! Object.keys(value).length);
- }
- function canDisplay (type, scope, elem, options) {
- // TODO: check parent?
- if (options.responsive && elem[0].clientHeight === 0) {
- $timeout(function () {
- createChart(type, scope, elem);
- }, 50, false);
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- function destroyChart(scope) {
- if(! scope.chart) return;
- scope.chart.destroy();
- scope.$emit('chart-destroy', scope.chart);
- }
- }
diff --git a/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-module/src/main/resources/mwtnCommons/locale/locale-en_US.json b/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-module/src/main/resources/mwtnCommons/locale/locale-en_US.json
deleted file mode 100644
index eb0ef3b5..00000000
--- a/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-module/src/main/resources/mwtnCommons/locale/locale-en_US.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,924 +0,0 @@
- "PNF_NAME": "Name",
- "PNF_IDENTIFIER":"Identifier",
- "PNF_EQUIPMENT_TYPE":"Equipment type",
- "PNF_EQUIPMENT_MODEL": "Equipment model",
- "PNF_EQUIPMENT_VENDOR": "Equipment vendor",
- "PNF_IPv4ADDRESS": "IPv4 address",
- "PNF_MAINTENANCE_MODE": "Maintenace mode",
- "PNF_CREATE_IN_AAI": "Create PNF in Active and Available Inventory",
- "PNF_DELETE_IN_AAI": "Delete PNF in Active and Available Inventory",
- "PNF_RESOURCE_VERSION": "Resource version",
- "MWTN_AMSL_GRD": "Above mean sea level (ground)",
- "MWTN_APPCOMMAND": "Application command",
- "MWTN_AIR_INTERFACE_LINKS": "Air interface links",
- "MWTN_BAND": "Band",
- "MWTN_CLIADDRESS": "CLI address",
- "MWTN_CURRENT_PROBLEMS": "Current problem list",
- "MWTN_CURRENT_PERFORMANCE": "Current performance",
- "MWTN_DURATION": "Duration",
- "MWTN_END_TIME": "End time",
- "MWTN_FORWARDING_DOMAIN": "Forwarding domain (ETH switch)",
- "MWTN_FORWARDING_CONSTRUCTS":"Forwarding constructs",
- "MWTN_FC": "Forwarding constructs",
- "MWTN_FC_PORT#1": "Port #1",
- "MWTN_FC_PORT#2": "Port #2",
- "MWTN_FC_UUID": "Forwarding construct UUID",
- "MWTN_FD_EX":"Extension",
- "MWTN_HISTORICAL_PERFORMANCES": "Performance history",
- "MWTN_HTMEDIATOR": "Has mediator",
- "MWTN_INFORMATION_RATE_CUR":"Current infromation rate",
- "MWTN_LAT_LON":"Lat/Lon",
- "MWTN_LTP1":"LTP#1",
- "MWTN_LTP2":"LTP#2",
- "MWTN_LTPEXTENSION": "Extension",
- "MWTN_LINK_IDENTIFIER": "Link identifier",
- "MWTN_LINKS": "Links",
- "MWTN_LOWER_LEVEL_LINK": "Lower level link",
- "MWTN_LOOP_BACK_IS_AVAIL": "Loopback support",
- "MWTN_LOOP_BACK_IS_ON": "Loop-back is on",
- "MWTN_LOOP_BACK_IS_UP": "Loopback",
- "MWTN_MED_ADD": "Add",
- "MWTN_MED_START":"Start",
- "MWTN_MED_STOP":"Stop",
- "MWTN_MED_CLOSE":"Close",
- "MWTN_MED_DELETE":"Delete",
- "MWTN_NEIPADDRESS": "IP address",
- "MWTN_NEEXTENSION": "Extension",
- "MWTN_NE_EXTENSION":"Extension",
- "MWTN_NETYPE": "Network element type",
- "MWTN_PTP_DEFAULT_DS_CONFIGURATION": "PTP default dataset configuration",
- "MWTN_PTP_PORT_CONFIGURATION":"PTP port configuration",
- "MWTN_RADIO": "Radio",
- "MWTN_REQUIRED_NETWORK_ELEMENTS": "Required network elements",
- "MWTN_REVISION": "Revision",
- "MWTN_ROOTEQUIPMENT": "Equipment",
- "MWTN_SERVICE_ID":"Service ID",
- "MWTN_SCANNING": "Scanning...",
- "MWTN_SCAN_NETWORK": "Scan network",
- "MWTN_START_TIME": "Start time",
- "MWTN_SITE_ID": "Site identifier",
- "MWTN_SITE_NAME": "Site-name",
- "MWTN_SUPPORTED_LOOP_BACK_KIND_LIST":"Supported loopback types",
- "MWTN_STATUS": "Status",
- "MWTN_TOP_LEVEL_EQUIPMENT":"Main equipment",
- "MWTN_TYPE": "Type",
- "MWTN_UNKNOWN_NETWORK_ELEMENTS": "Unknown network elements",
- "MWTN_VEXTENSION": "Extension",
- "MWTN_WEBURI": "Web UI",
- "MWTN_$$HASHKEY": "Key",
- "MWTN_ACTION_VERB": "action-verb",
- "MWTN_ACTUAL_EQUIPMENT": "actual-equipment",
- "MWTN_ACTUAL_HOLDER": "actual-holder",
- "MWTN_ADAPTIVEMODULATIONISAVAIL": "adaptiveModulationIsAvail",
- "MWTN_ADAPTIVEMODULATIONISON": "adaptiveModulationIsOn",
- "MWTN_ADAPTIVE_MODULATION_IS_AVAIL": "adaptive-modulation-is-avail",
- "MWTN_ADAPTIVE_MODULATION_IS_ON": "adaptive-modulation-is-on",
- "MWTN_ADDRESS_ELEMENT": "address-element",
- "MWTN_ADDRESS_ELEMENT_NAME": "address-element-name",
- "MWTN_ADDRESS_NAME": "address-name",
- "MWTN_ADD_TO_REQUIRED_NETWORKELEMENTS": "Add to required Network Elements",
- "MWTN_ADMINISTRATIVECONTROL": "administrativeControl",
- "MWTN_ADMINISTRATIVESTATE": "administrativeState",
- "MWTN_ADMINISTRATIVE_CONTROL": "administrative-control",
- "MWTN_ADMINISTRATIVE_STATE": "administrative-state",
- "MWTN_AGGREGATE_FUNCTION": "aggregate-function",
- "MWTN_AIRINTERFACECAPABILITY": "airInterfaceCapability",
- "MWTN_AIRINTERFACECONFIGURATION": "AirInterfaceConfiguration",
- "MWTN_AIRINTERFACECURRENTPROBLEMS": "airInterfaceCurrentProblems",
- "MWTN_AIRINTERFACEDIVERSITY": "airInterfaceDiversity",
- "MWTN_AIRINTERFACEDIVERSITYCAPABILITY": "airInterfaceDiversityCapability",
- "MWTN_AIRINTERFACEDIVERSITYCONFIGURATION": "airInterfaceDiversityConfiguration",
- "MWTN_AIRINTERFACEHISTORICALPERFORMANCES": "airInterfaceHistoricalPerformances",
- "MWTN_AIRINTERFACEID": "Air interface identifier",
- "MWTN_AIRINTERFACELIST": "airInterfaceList",
- "MWTN_AIRINTERFACELTPLIST": "airInterfaceLtpList",
- "MWTN_AIRINTERFACENAME": "Air interface name",
- "MWTN_AIRINTERFACESTATUS": "airInterfaceStatus",
- "MWTN_AIR_INTERFACE": "Air interface",
- "MWTN_AIR_INTERFACES": "Air interfaces",
- "MWTN_AIR_INTERFACE_CAPABILITY": "air-interface-capability",
- "MWTN_AIR_INTERFACE_CONFIGURATION": "air-interface-configuration",
- "MWTN_AIR_INTERFACE_CURRENT_PERFORMANCE": "air-interface-current-performance",
- "MWTN_AIR_INTERFACE_CURRENT_PROBLEMS": "air-interface-current-problems",
- "MWTN_AIR_INTERFACE_DIVERSITY": "air-interface-diversity",
- "MWTN_AIR_INTERFACE_DIVERSITY_CAPABILITY": "air-interface-diversity-capability",
- "MWTN_AIR_INTERFACE_DIVERSITY_CONFIGURATION": "air-interface-diversity-configuration",
- "MWTN_AIR_INTERFACE_DIVERSITY_CURRENT_PERFORMANCE": "air-interface-diversity-current-performance",
- "MWTN_AIR_INTERFACE_DIVERSITY_CURRENT_PROBLEMS": "air-interface-diversity-current-problems",
- "MWTN_AIR_INTERFACE_DIVERSITY_HISTORICAL_PERFORMANCES": "air-interface-diversity-historical-performances",
- "MWTN_AIR_INTERFACE_DIVERSITY_STATUS": "air-interface-diversity-status",
- "MWTN_AIR_INTERFACE_HISTORICAL_PERFORMANCES": "air-interface-historical-performances",
- "MWTN_AIR_INTERFACE_HSB_CONFIGURATION_IS_FAULTY_SEVERITY": "air-interface-hsb-configuration-is-faulty-severity",
- "MWTN_AIR_INTERFACE_HSB_IS_DOWN_SEVERITY": "air-interface-hsb-is-down-severity",
- "MWTN_AIR_INTERFACE_HSB_IS_PARTLY_DOWN_SEVERITY": "air-interface-hsb-is-partly-down-severity",
- "MWTN_AIR_INTERFACE_NAME": "air-interface-name",
- "MWTN_AIR_INTERFACE_STATUS": "air-interface-status",
- "MWTN_ALARMS": "Alarms",
- "MWTN_ALARM_LOG": "Alarm log",
- "MWTN_ALARM_NOTIFICATIONS": "Alarm notifications",
- "MWTN_ALARM_STATUS": "Alarm status",
- "MWTN_ALICISAVAIL": "alicIsAvail",
- "MWTN_ALICISON": "alicIsOn",
- "MWTN_ALICISUP": "alicIsUp",
- "MWTN_ALIC_IS_AVAIL": "alic-is-avail",
- "MWTN_ALIC_IS_ON": "alic-is-on",
- "MWTN_ALIC_IS_UP": "alic-is-up",
- "MWTN_AMDOWNSHIFTLEVEL": "AM downshift level",
- "MWTN_AMUPSHIFTLEVEL": "AM upshift level",
- "MWTN_AM_DOWNSHIFT_LEVEL": "am-downshift-level",
- "MWTN_AM_UPSHIFT_LEVEL": "am-upshift-level",
- "MWTN_ANNOUNCE_RECEIPT_TIMEOUT": "announce-receipt-timeout",
- "MWTN_APPLY": "Apply",
- "MWTN_ARBITRARY_ELEMENT": "arbitrary-element",
- "MWTN_ASSET_INSTANCE_IDENTIFIER": "asset-instance-identifier",
- "MWTN_ASSET_TYPE_IDENTIFIER": "asset-type-identifier",
- "MWTN_ATPCISAVAIL": "atpcIsAvail",
- "MWTN_ATPCISON": "atpcIsOn",
- "MWTN_ATPCISUP": "atpcIsUp",
- "MWTN_ATPCRANGE": "atpcRange",
- "MWTN_ATPCTHRESHLOWER": "atpcThreshLower",
- "MWTN_ATPCTHRESHUPPER": "atpcThreshUpper",
- "MWTN_ATPC_IS_AVAIL": "atpc-is-avail",
- "MWTN_ATPC_IS_ON": "atpc-is-on",
- "MWTN_ATPC_IS_UP": "atpc-is-up",
- "MWTN_ATPC_RANGE": "atpc-range",
- "MWTN_ATPC_THRESH_LOWER": "atpc-thresh-lower",
- "MWTN_ATPC_THRESH_UPPER": "atpc-thresh-upper",
- "MWTN_ATTRIBUTE": "Attribute",
- "MWTN_ATTRIBUTE_NAME": "attribute-name",
- "MWTN_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_CHANGED": "Attribute value changed",
- "MWTN_AUTOFREQSELECTISAVAIL": "Automatic frequency selection",
- "MWTN_AUTOFREQSELECTRANGE": "autoFreqSelectRange",
- "MWTN_AUTO_FREQ_SELECT_IS_AVAIL": "auto-freq-select-is-avail",
- "MWTN_AUTO_FREQ_SELECT_IS_ON": "auto-freq-select-is-on",
- "MWTN_AUTO_FREQ_SELECT_IS_UP": "auto-freq-select-is-up",
- "MWTN_AUTO_FREQ_SELECT_RANGE": "auto-freq-select-range",
- "MWTN_AVAILABLEKINDSOFDIVERSITY": "availableKindsOfDiversity",
- "MWTN_AVAILABLE_KINDS_OF_DIVERSITY": "available-kinds-of-diversity",
- "MWTN_BUNDLINGISAVAIL": "bundlingIsAvail",
- "MWTN_BUNDLING_IS_AVAIL": "bundling-is-avail",
- "MWTN_CANCEL": "Cancel",
- "MWTN_CAPABILITY": "Capability",
- "MWTN_CATEGORY": "category",
- "MWTN_CHANNELBANDWIDTH": "Channel bandwidth",
- "MWTN_CHANNEL_BANDWIDTH": "channel-bandwidth",
- "MWTN_CLASS_OF_INSTANCE": "class-of-instance",
- "MWTN_CLEAR": "Clear",
- "MWTN_CLIENT_LTP": "Client LTPs",
- "MWTN_CLOCK": "Clock (IEEE 1588v2)",
- "MWTN_CLOCK_ACCURACY": "clock-accuracy",
- "MWTN_CLOCK_CLASS": "clock-class",
- "MWTN_CLOCK_IDENTITY": "clock-identity",
- "MWTN_CLOCK_QUALITY": "clock-quality",
- "MWTN_CLOSE": "Close",
- "MWTN_COCHANNELGROUP": "CoChannelGroup",
- "MWTN_COCHANNELGROUPID": "coChannelGroupId",
- "MWTN_CODE_RATE": "code-rate",
- "MWTN_CODE_RATE_CUR": "code-rate-cur",
- "MWTN_COLLAPSE_ALL": "Collapse all",
- "MWTN_CONDITIONALPACKAGE": "Conditional package",
- "MWTN_CONDITIONAL_PACKAGE": "Conditional package",
- "MWTN_CONFIGURATION": "Configuration",
- "MWTN_CONFIGUREDCLIENTCAPACITY": "configuredClientCapacity",
- "MWTN_CONFIGURED_CLIENT_CAPACITY": "configured-client-capacity",
- "MWTN_CONFIG_AND_SWITCH_CONTROLLER": "config-and-switch-controller",
- "MWTN_CONNECTED_LTP": "connected-ltp",
- "MWTN_CONNECTIONSTATUS": "Connection status",
- "MWTN_CONNECTION_STATUS_LOG": "Connection status log",
- "MWTN_CONNECTOR": "connector",
- "MWTN_CONNECTOR_CABLE_END": "connector-cable-end",
- "MWTN_CONNECTOR_CAPABILITY": "connector-capability",
- "MWTN_CONNECTOR_CONFIGURATION": "connector-configuration",
- "MWTN_CONNECTOR_CURRENT_PROBLEMS": "connector-current-problems",
- "MWTN_CONNECTOR_IN_HOLDER": "connector-in-holder",
- "MWTN_CONNECTOR_ON_EQUIPMENT_FOR_CABLE": "connector-on-equipment-for-cable",
- "MWTN_CONNECTOR_ON_EQUIPMENT_FOR_HOLDER": "connector-on-equipment-for-holder",
- "MWTN_CONNECTOR_PAC": "connector-pac",
- "MWTN_CONNECTOR_STATUS": "connector-status",
- "MWTN_CONNECTOR_TYPE": "connector-type",
- "MWTN_CONTAINED_HOLDER": "contained-holder",
- "MWTN_CONTAINER": "Client",
- "MWTN_CONTAINERID": "containerID",
- "MWTN_CONTAINERTYPE": "containerType",
- "MWTN_CONTAINER_ID": "container-id",
- "MWTN_CONTAINER_NAME": "container-name",
- "MWTN_CONTAINER_TYPE": "container-type",
- "MWTN_CONTROL_PARAMETERS": "control-parameters",
- "MWTN_COUNTER": "counter",
- "MWTN_CO_CHANNEL_GROUP": "co-channel-group",
- "MWTN_CO_CHANNEL_GROUP_ID": "co-channel-group-id",
- "MWTN_CREATE": "Create",
- "MWTN_CRYPTOGRAPHICKEY": "cryptographicKey",
- "MWTN_CRYPTOGRAPHIC_KEY": "cryptographic-key",
- "MWTN_CURRENTPERFORMANCEDATALIST": "currentPerformanceDataList",
- "MWTN_CURRENTPROBLEMLIST": "currentProblemList",
- "MWTN_CURRENT_DS": "current-ds",
- "MWTN_CURRENT_PERFORMANCE_DATA_LIST": "current-performance-data",
- "MWTN_CURRENT_PROBLEM_LIST": "Current problem list",
- "MWTN_CURRENT_UTC_OFFSET": "current-utc-offset",
- "MWTN_CURRENT_UTC_OFFSET_VALID": "current-utc-offset-valid",
- "MWTN_CUT_THROUGH_COMMANDS": "Cut-through commands",
- "MWTN_DEFAULT_DS": "default-ds",
- "MWTN_DEFECTBLOCKSSUM": "Defect blocks (sum)",
- "MWTN_DEFECT_BLOCKS_SUM": "defect-blocks-sum",
- "MWTN_DELAY_ASYMMETRY": "delay-asymmetry",
- "MWTN_DELAY_MECHANISM": "delay-mechanism",
- "MWTN_DELETE": "Delete",
- "MWTN_DESCRIPTION": "description",
- "MWTN_DESIGNATED_ENABLED": "designated-enabled",
- "MWTN_DIRECTIONALITY": "Directionality",
- "MWTN_DIVERSITY_NAME": "diversity-name",
- "MWTN_DOMAIN_NUMBER": "domain-number",
- "MWTN_DUPLEXDISTANCE": "Duplex distance",
- "MWTN_DUPLEXDISTANCEISVARIABLE": "Variable duplex distance",
- "MWTN_DUPLEX_DISTANCE": "duplex-distance",
- "MWTN_DUPLEX_DISTANCE_IS_VARIABLE": "duplex-distance-is-variable",
- "MWTN_EFFORT_AND_ACTION": "effort-and-action",
- "MWTN_ELAPSEDTIME": "elapsedTime",
- "MWTN_ELAPSED_TIME": "elapsed-time",
- "MWTN_ENCRYPTIONISAVAIL": "encryptionIsAvail",
- "MWTN_ENCRYPTIONISON": "encryptionIsOn",
- "MWTN_ENCRYPTION_IS_AVAIL": "encryption-is-avail",
- "MWTN_ENCRYPTION_IS_ON": "encryption-is-on",
- "MWTN_ENDPOINT": "endpoint",
- "MWTN_EQUIPMENT": "equipment",
- "MWTN_EQUIPMENT_CAPABILITY": "equipment-capability",
- "MWTN_EQUIPMENT_CONFIGURATION": "equipment-configuration",
- "MWTN_EQUIPMENT_CURRENT_PROBLEMS": "equipment-current-problems",
- "MWTN_EQUIPMENT_INSTANCE": "equipment-instance",
- "MWTN_EQUIPMENT_LOCATION": "equipment-location",
- "MWTN_EQUIPMENT_PAC": "equipment-pac",
- "MWTN_EQUIPMENT_STATUS": "equipment-status",
- "MWTN_EQUIPMENT_TYPE": "equipment-type",
- "MWTN_ES": "ES",
- "MWTN_ETH": "Ethernet (ETH)",
- "MWTN_ETH-CTP": "Ethernet connection termination point (ETH-CTP)",
- "MWTN_ETHERNETCONTAINERCAPABILITY": "EthernetContainerCapability",
- "MWTN_ETHERNETCONTAINERCONFIGURATION": "ethernetContainerConfiguration",
- "MWTN_ETHERNETCONTAINERCURRENTPERFORMANCE": "ethernetContainerCurrentPerformance",
- "MWTN_ETHERNETCONTAINERCURRENTPROBLEMS": "ethernetContainerCurrentProblems",
- "MWTN_ETHERNETCONTAINERHISTORICALPERFORMANCES": "ethernetContainerHistoricalPerformances",
- "MWTN_ETHERNETCONTAINERSTATUS": "ethernetContainerStatus",
- "MWTN_ETHERNET_CAPABILITY": "ethernet-capability",
- "MWTN_ETHERNET_CONFIGURATION": "ethernet-configuration",
- "MWTN_ETHERNET_CONTAINER_CAPABILITY": "ethernet-container-capability",
- "MWTN_ETHERNET_CONTAINER_CONFIGURATION": "ethernet-container-configuration",
- "MWTN_ETHERNET_CONTAINER_CURRENT_PERFORMANCE": "ethernet-container-current-performance",
- "MWTN_ETHERNET_CONTAINER_CURRENT_PROBLEMS": "ethernet-container-current-problems",
- "MWTN_ETHERNET_CONTAINER_HISTORICAL_PERFORMANCES": "ethernet-container-historical-performances",
- "MWTN_ETHERNET_CONTAINER_STATUS": "ethernet-container-status",
- "MWTN_ETHERNET_CURRENT_PERFORMANCE": "ethernet-current-performance",
- "MWTN_ETHERNET_CURRENT_PROBLEMS": "ethernet-current-problems",
- "MWTN_ETHERNET_HISTORICAL_PERFORMANCES": "ethernet-historical-performances",
- "MWTN_ETHERNET_PAC": "ethernet-pac",
- "MWTN_ETHERNET_STATUS": "ethernet-status",
- "MWTN_EXPECTED_EQUIPMENT": "expected-equipment",
- "MWTN_EXPECTED_HOLDER": "expected-holder",
- "MWTN_EXPOSED_CABLE": "exposed-cable",
- "MWTN_EXTENSION": "Extension",
- "MWTN_EXTENSIONLIST": "extensionList",
- "MWTN_FAULTY_FLAG": "faulty-flag",
- "MWTN_FCPORT": "FcPort",
- "MWTN_FCPORTDIRECTION": "fcPortDirection",
- "MWTN_FCSWITCH": "fcswitch",
- "MWTN_FC_BLOCKS_SIGNAL_TO_LP": "fc-blocks-signal-to-lp",
- "MWTN_FC_PORT": "fc-port",
- "MWTN_FC_PORT_DIRECTION": "fc-port-direction",
- "MWTN_FC_SWITCH": "fc-switch",
- "MWTN_FD": "fd",
- "MWTN_FIRE_CHARACTERISTICS": "fire-characteristics",
- "MWTN_FORWARDINGCONSTRUCT": "ForwardingConstruct",
- "MWTN_FORWARDINGDIRECTION": "forwardingDirection",
- "MWTN_FORWARDINGDOMAIN": "ForwardingDomain",
- "MWTN_FORWARDING_CONSTRUCT": "forwarding-construct",
- "MWTN_FORWARDING_DIRECTION": "forwarding-direction",
- "MWTN_FREQUENCY_TRACEABLE": "frequency-traceable",
- "MWTN_FUNCTION_ENABLERS": "function-enablers",
- "MWTN_GENERALDIRECTIVES": "generaldirectives",
- "MWTN_GEOGRAPHICAL_LOCATION": "geographical-location",
- "MWTN_GLOBALCLASS": "GlobalClass",
- "MWTN_GLOBAL_PAC": "global-pac",
- "MWTN_GRAPH": "Graph",
- "MWTN_GRANDMASTER_CLOCK_QUALITY": "grandmaster-clock-quality",
- "MWTN_GRANDMASTER_IDENTITY": "grandmaster-identity",
- "MWTN_GRANDMASTER_PRIORITY1": "grandmaster-priority1",
- "MWTN_GRANDMASTER_PRIORITY2": "grandmaster-priority2",
- "MWTN_GRANULARITYPERIOD": "granularityPeriod",
- "MWTN_GRANULARITY_PERIOD": "granularity-period",
- "MWTN_HEIGHT": "height",
- "MWTN_HIDE": "Hide",
- "MWTN_HISTORICALPERFORMANCEDATALIST": "historicalPerformanceDataList",
- "MWTN_HISTORICAL_PERFORMANCE_DATA_LIST": "historical-performance-data",
- "MWTN_HISTORYDATAID": "historyDataId",
- "MWTN_HISTORY_DATA_ID": "history-data-id",
- "MWTN_HOLDER": "holder",
- "MWTN_HOLDER_CAPABILITY": "holder-capability",
- "MWTN_HOLDER_CATEGORY": "holder-category",
- "MWTN_HOLDER_CONFIGURATION": "holder-configuration",
- "MWTN_HOLDER_CURRENT_PROBLEMS": "holder-current-problems",
- "MWTN_HOLDER_LOCATION": "holder-location",
- "MWTN_HOLDER_MONITORS": "holder-monitors",
- "MWTN_HOLDER_PAC": "holder-pac",
- "MWTN_HOLDER_STATUS": "holder-status",
- "MWTN_HOLDER_STRUCTURE": "holder-structure",
- "MWTN_HOLDOFFTIME": "holdOffTime",
- "MWTN_HOLD_OFF_TIME": "hold-off-time",
- "MWTN_HYBRIDMWSTRUCTURECAPABILITY": "hybridMwStructureCapability",
- "MWTN_HYBRIDMWSTRUCTURESTATUS": "hybridMwStructureStatus",
- "MWTN_HYBRID_MW_STRUCTURE_CAPABILITY": "hybrid-mw-structure-capability",
- "MWTN_HYBRID_MW_STRUCTURE_CONFIGURATION": "hybrid-mw-structure-configuration",
- "MWTN_HYBRID_MW_STRUCTURE_CURRENT_PERFORMANCE": "hybrid-mw-structure-current-performance",
- "MWTN_HYBRID_MW_STRUCTURE_CURRENT_PROBLEMS": "hybrid-mw-structure-current-problems",
- "MWTN_HYBRID_MW_STRUCTURE_HISTORICAL_PERFORMANCES": "hybrid-mw-structure-historical-performances",
- "MWTN_HYBRID_MW_STRUCTURE_STATUS": "hybrid-mw-structure-status",
- "MWTN_ID": "Identifier",
- "MWTN_INFORMATIONRATE": "Information rate",
- "MWTN_INFORMATIONRATECUR": "informationRateCur",
- "MWTN_INSTANCE_LIST": "instances",
- "MWTN_INSTANCE_NUMBER": "instance-number",
- "MWTN_INTERFACE": "Interface",
- "MWTN_INTERFERENCE_ALARM?": "Interference alarm?",
- "MWTN_INTERFERENCE_ALARM_STATUS": "Interferance alarm status",
- "MWTN_INTERNAL_CONFIGURATION_AND_SWITCH_CONTROL": "internal-configuration-and-switch-control",
- "MWTN_IPADDRESS": "IP address",
- "MWTN_IPV4COMPRESSIONISAVAIL": "ipv4CompressionIsAvail",
- "MWTN_IPV4COMPRESSIONISON": "ipv4CompressionIsOn",
- "MWTN_IPV4_COMPRESSION_IS_AVAIL": "ipv4-compression-is-avail",
- "MWTN_IPV4_COMPRESSION_IS_ON": "ipv4-compression-is-on",
- "MWTN_IPV6COMPRESSIONISAVAIL": "ipv6CompressionIsAvail",
- "MWTN_IPV6COMPRESSIONISON": "ipv6CompressionIsOn",
- "MWTN_IPV6_COMPRESSION_IS_AVAIL": "ipv6-compression-is-avail",
- "MWTN_IPV6_COMPRESSION_IS_ON": "ipv6-compression-is-on",
- "MWTN_IS_ACTIVE": "is-active",
- "MWTN_IS_ACTUAL_MISMATCH_WITH_EXPECTED": "is-actual-mismatch-with-expected",
- "MWTN_IS_CAPTIVE": "is-captive",
- "MWTN_IS_COORDINATED_SWITCHING_BOTH_ENDS": "is-coordinated-switching-both-ends",
- "MWTN_IS_FIELD_REPLACEABLE": "is-field-replaceable",
- "MWTN_IS_FROZEN": "is-frozen",
- "MWTN_IS_GUIDED": "is-guided",
- "MWTN_IS_HOT_SWAPPABLE": "is-hot-swappable",
- "MWTN_IS_INTERNAL_PORT": "is-internal-port",
- "MWTN_IS_NOT": "is-not",
- "MWTN_IS_PROTECTION_LOCK_OUT": "is-protection-lock-out",
- "MWTN_IS_QUANTIZED_SPACE": "is-quantized-space",
- "MWTN_IS_SHORT_LIVED": "is-short-lived",
- "MWTN_ITEMS": "items",
- "MWTN_LABEL": "Label",
- "MWTN_LABELLIST": "labelList",
- "MWTN_LASTSTATUSCHANGE": "lastStatusChange",
- "MWTN_LAST_STATUS_CHANGE": "last-status-change",
- "MWTN_LAYER": "Layer",
- "MWTN_LAYER2COMPRESSIONISAVAIL": "layer2CompressionIsAvail",
- "MWTN_LAYER2COMPRESSIONISON": "layer2CompressionIsOn",
- "MWTN_LAYER2_COMPRESSION_IS_AVAIL": "layer2-compression-is-avail",
- "MWTN_LAYER2_COMPRESSION_IS_ON": "layer2-compression-is-on",
- "MWTN_LAYER4COMPRESSIONISAVAIL": "layer4CompressionIsAvail",
- "MWTN_LAYER4COMPRESSIONISON": "layer4CompressionIsOn",
- "MWTN_LAYER4_COMPRESSION_IS_AVAIL": "layer4-compression-is-avail",
- "MWTN_LAYER4_COMPRESSION_IS_ON": "layer4-compression-is-on",
- "MWTN_LAYERPROTOCOL": "LayerProtocol",
- "MWTN_LAYERPROTOCOLNAME": "layerProtocolName",
- "MWTN_LAYERPROTOCOLNAMELIST": "layerProtocolNameList",
- "MWTN_LAYER_PROTOCOL": "layer-protocol",
- "MWTN_LAYER_PROTOCOL_NAME": "layer-protocol-name",
- "MWTN_LEAP59": "leap59",
- "MWTN_LEAP61": "leap61",
- "MWTN_LENGTH": "length",
- "MWTN_LIFECYCLESTATE": "lifecycleState",
- "MWTN_LIFECYCLE_STATE": "lifecycle-state",
- "MWTN_LINKISUP": "linkIsUp",
- "MWTN_LINK_IS_UP": "link-is-up",
- "MWTN_LOADING": "Loading...",
- "MWTN_LOCALCLASS": "LocalClass",
- "MWTN_LOCALENDPOINTID": "localEndPointId",
- "MWTN_LOCALIDLIST": "localIdList",
- "MWTN_LOCAL_END_POINT": "local-end-point",
- "MWTN_LOCAL_END_POINT_ID": "local-end-point-id",
- "MWTN_LOCAL_ID": "local-id",
- "MWTN_LOCAL_PAC": "local-pac",
- "MWTN_LOCAL_PRIORITY": "local-priority",
- "MWTN_LOCATION": "location",
- "MWTN_LOGICALTERMINATIONPOINT": "LogicalTerminationPoint",
- "MWTN_LOGICAL_TERMINATION_POINT": "logical-termination-point",
- "MWTN_ONF_PTP_DATASET:LOGICAL_TERMINATION_POINT": "logical-termination-point",
- "MWTN_LOG_ANNOUNCE_INTERVAL": "log-announce-interval",
- "MWTN_LOG_MIN_DELAY_REQ_INTERVAL": "log-min-delay-req-interval",
- "MWTN_LOG_MIN_PDELAY_REQ_INTERVAL": "log-min-pdelay-req-interval",
- "MWTN_LOG_SYNC_INTERVAL": "log-sync-interval",
- "MWTN_LOOPBACKISAVAIL": "loopBackIsAvail",
- "MWTN_LOOPBACKISON": "loopBackIsOn",
- "MWTN_LOOPBACKISUP": "loopBackIsUp",
- "MWTN_LOOP_BACK_KIND_ON": "loop-back-kind-on",
- "MWTN_LOOP_BACK_KIND_UP": "loop-back-kind-up",
- "MWTN_LP": "Layer protocol",
- "MWTN_LPDIRECTION": "lpDirection",
- "MWTN_LP_DIRECTION": "lp-direction",
- "MWTN_LTP": "LTP",
- "MWTN_LTPS": "LTPs",
- "MWTN_LTPDIRECTION": "ltpDirection",
- "MWTN_LTP_DIRECTION": "ltp-direction",
- "MWTN_MAINTENANCETIMER": "maintenanceTimer",
- "MWTN_MAINTENANCETIMERRANGE": "maintenanceTimerRange",
- "MWTN_MAINTENANCE_TIMER": "maintenance-timer",
- "MWTN_MAINTENANCE_TIMER_RANGE": "maintenance-timer-range",
- "MWTN_MAKE_KNOWN": "To required NEs...",
- "MWTN_MANUFACTURED_THING": "manufactured-thing",
- "MWTN_MANUFACTURER_IDENTIFIER": "manufacturer-identifier",
- "MWTN_MANUFACTURER_NAME": "manufacturer-name",
- "MWTN_MANUFACTURER_PROPERTIES": "manufacturer-properties",
- "MWTN_MANUFACTURE_DATE": "manufacture-date",
- "MWTN_MASTER_ONLY": "master-only",
- "MWTN_MATERIALS": "materials",
- "MWTN_MAX_NUMBER_OF_SEGMENTS_RESERVABLE": "max-number-of-segments-reservable",
- "MWTN_MAX_STEPS_REMOVED": "max-steps-removed",
- "MWTN_MEAN_PATH_DELAY": "mean-path-delay",
- "MWTN_MECHANICAL_FEATURES": "mechanical-features",
- "MWTN_MECHANICAL_FUNCTIONS": "mechanical-functions",
- "MWTN_MESSAGE": "Message",
- "MWTN_MIMOCHANNELS": "mimoChannels",
- "MWTN_MIMOISAVAIL": "mimoIsAvail",
- "MWTN_MIMOISON": "mimoIsOn",
- "MWTN_MIMOISUP": "mimoIsUp",
- "MWTN_MIMO_CHANNELS": "mimo-channels",
- "MWTN_MIMO_IS_AVAIL": "mimo-is-avail",
- "MWTN_MIMO_IS_ON": "mimo-is-on",
- "MWTN_MIMO_IS_UP": "mimo-is-up",
- "MWTN_MODEL_IDENTIFIER": "model-identifier",
- "MWTN_MODULATIONCUR": "modulationCur",
- "MWTN_MODULATIONISON": "modulationIsOn",
- "MWTN_MODULATIONMAX": "modulationMax",
- "MWTN_MODULATIONMIN": "modulationMin",
- "MWTN_MODULATIONSCHEME": "Modulation scheme",
- "MWTN_MODULATION_CUR": "modulation-cur",
- "MWTN_MODULATION_IS_ON": "modulation-is-on",
- "MWTN_MODULATION_MAX": "modulation-max",
- "MWTN_MODULATION_MIN": "modulation-min",
- "MWTN_MODULATION_SCHEME": "modulation-scheme",
- "MWTN_MOUNT": "Mount",
- "MWTN_MOUNTPOINT": "Mountpoint",
- "MWTN_MPLSCOMPRESSIONISAVAIL": "mplsCompressionIsAvail",
- "MWTN_MPLSCOMPRESSIONISON": "mplsCompressionIsOn",
- "MWTN_MPLS_COMPRESSION_IS_AVAIL": "mpls-compression-is-avail",
- "MWTN_MPLS_COMPRESSION_IS_ON": "mpls-compression-is-on",
- "MWTN_MULTICAST_MAC_ADDRESS": "multicast-mac-address",
- "MWTN_MWCURRENTPROBLEM": "MwCurrentProblem",
- "MWTN_MWPS": "Microwave Physical Section (MWPS)",
- "MWTN_MWS": "Microwave Section (MWS)",
- "MWTN_MW_AIRINTERFACE_PAC": "MW_AirInterface_Pac",
- "MWTN_MW_AIR_INTERFACE_DIVERSITY_PAC": "mw-air-interface-diversity-pac",
- "MWTN_MW_AIR_INTERFACE_HSB_END_POINT_PAC": "mw-air-interface-hsb-end-point-pac",
- "MWTN_MW_AIR_INTERFACE_HSB_FC_SWITCH_PAC": "mw-air-interface-hsb-fc-switch-pac",
- "MWTN_MW_AIR_INTERFACE_PAC": "mw-air-interface-pac",
- "MWTN_MW_ETHERNETCONTAINER_PAC": "MW_EthernetContainer_Pac",
- "MWTN_MW_ETHERNET_CONTAINER_PAC": "mw-ethernet-container-pac",
- "MWTN_MW_HYBRID_MW_STRUCTURE_PAC": "mw-hybrid-mw-structure-pac",
- "MWTN_MW_PURE_ETHERNET_STRUCTURE_PAC": "mw-pure-ethernet-structure-pac",
- "MWTN_MW_TDMCONTAINER_PAC": "MW_TdmContainer_Pac",
- "MWTN_MW_TDM_CONTAINER_PAC": "mw-tdm-container-pac",
- "MWTN_NAME": "Name",
- "MWTN_NAMEBINDING": "nameBinding",
- "MWTN_NAMELIST": "nameList",
- "MWTN_NAME_BINDING": "name-binding",
- "MWTN_NECESSARY_INITIALCONDITION_CONSTRAINTS": "necessary-initialcondition-constraints",
- "MWTN_NETCONF_PORT": "NetConf port",
- "MWTN_NETWORKELEMENT": "Network element",
- "MWTN_NETWORK_ELEMENT": "network-element",
- "MWTN_NETWORK_ELEMENT_CAPABILITY": "network-element-capability",
- "MWTN_NETWORK_ELEMENT_CONFIGURATION": "network-element-configuration",
- "MWTN_NETWORK_ELEMENT_CURRENT_PROBLEMS": "network-element-current-problems",
- "MWTN_NETWORK_ELEMENT_PAC": "network-element-pac",
- "MWTN_NETWORK_ELEMENT_STATUS": "network-element-status",
- "MWTN_NETWORK_SCHEME_SPECIFICATION": "network-scheme-specification",
- "MWTN_NEW_VALUE": "new-value",
- "MWTN_NICKNAME": "Nickname",
- "MWTN_NODES": "Nodes",
- "MWTN_NO_DEVICES_CONNECTED": "Sorry, no Microwave devices connected to OpenDaylight.",
- "MWTN_NUMBER_OF_AIR_INTERFACES_MAX": "number-of-air-interfaces-max",
- "MWTN_NUMBER_OF_TDM_SEGMENTS_TO_BE_RESERVED": "number-of-tdm-segments-to-be-reserved",
- "MWTN_NUMBER_OF_TIME_SLOTS_REQUIRED": "number-of-time-slots-required",
- "MWTN_NUMBER_PORTS": "number-ports",
- "MWTN_OBJECTCLASS": "objectClass",
- "MWTN_OBJECT_CLASS": "object-class",
- "MWTN_OBJECT_DELETION_CREATION": "Object deletion or creation",
- "MWTN_OBJECT_ID_REF": "object-id-ref",
- "MWTN_OBJECT_REFERENCE": "object-reference",
- "MWTN_OBJECT_TYPE": "object-type",
- "MWTN_OBSERVED_PARENT_CLOCK_PHASE_CHANGE_RATE": "observed-parent-clock-phase-change-rate",
- "MWTN_OBSERVED_PARENT_OFFSET_SCALED_LOG_VARIANCE": "observed-parent-offset-scaled-log-variance",
- "MWTN_OBSOLETE_DROP_ORDER_RANK": "obsolete-drop-order-rank",
- "MWTN_OBSOLETE_PRIORITY_CLASS": "obsolete-priority-class",
- "MWTN_OCCUPYING_FRU": "occupying-fru",
- "MWTN_OFFSET_FROM_MASTER": "offset-from-master",
- "MWTN_OFFSET_SCALED_LOG_VARIANCE": "offset-scaled-log-variance",
- "MWTN_OK": "Ok",
- "MWTN_OPERATIONALSTATE": "operationalState",
- "MWTN_OPERATIONALSTATUS": "Operational status",
- "MWTN_OPERATIONAL_STATE": "operational-state",
- "MWTN_OPERATIONAL_STATUS": "operational-status",
- "MWTN_OPERATIONIDENTIFIERS": "operationidentifiers",
- "MWTN_OPERATION_DETAILS": "operation-details",
- "MWTN_OPERATION_ENVELOPE": "operation-envelope",
- "MWTN_OPERATION_SET": "operation-set",
- "MWTN_OPERATOR_AUGMENTED_EQUIPMENT_TYPE": "operator-augmented-equipment-type",
- "MWTN_OPERTYPE": "operType",
- "MWTN_ORIENTATION": "orientation",
- "MWTN_PACKETCOMPRESSIONISAVAIL": "packetCompressionIsAvail",
- "MWTN_PACKETCOMPRESSIONISON": "packetCompressionIsOn",
- "MWTN_PACKET_COMPRESSION_IS_AVAIL": "packet-compression-is-avail",
- "MWTN_PACKET_COMPRESSION_IS_ON": "packet-compression-is-on",
- "MWTN_PARENT_DS": "parent-ds",
- "MWTN_PARENT_PORT_IDENTITY": "parent-port-identity",
- "MWTN_PARENT_STATS": "parent-stats",
- "MWTN_PART_TYPE_IDENTIFIER": "part-type-identifier",
- "MWTN_PASSWORD": "Password",
- "MWTN_PAUSE_RESUME_RULE": "pause-resume-rule",
- "MWTN_PEER_LTP": "peer-ltp",
- "MWTN_PEER_MEAN_PATH_DELAY": "peer-mean-path-delay",
- "MWTN_PERFORMANCEDATA": "Performance data",
- "MWTN_PERFORMANCE_DATA": "Performance-data",
- "MWTN_PERIODENDTIME": "period-end-time",
- "MWTN_PERIOD_END_TIME": "period-end-time",
- "MWTN_PHYSICALPORTREFERENCE": "physical-port-reference",
- "MWTN_PHYSICAL_CHARACTERISTICS": "physical-characteristics",
- "MWTN_PHYSICAL_PROPERTIES": "physical-properties",
- "MWTN_PHYSICAL_RATING": "physical-rating",
- "MWTN_PIN": "pin",
- "MWTN_PIN_GROUP": "pin-group",
- "MWTN_PIN_LAYOUT": "pin-layout",
- "MWTN_POLARIZATION": "Polarization",
- "MWTN_PORT": "Port",
- "MWTN_PORT_DS_LIST": "ptp-ports",
- "MWTN_PORT_IDENTITY": "port-identity",
- "MWTN_PORT_NUMBER": "port-number",
- "MWTN_PORT_STATE": "port-state",
- "MWTN_POSITION": "position",
- "MWTN_POWERISON": "powerIsOn",
- "MWTN_POWER_IS_ON": "power-is-on",
- "MWTN_POWER_RATING": "power-rating",
- "MWTN_POWER_STATE": "power-state",
- "MWTN_PRIMARY_DOMAIN": "primary-domain",
- "MWTN_PRIORITY1": "priority1",
- "MWTN_PRIORITY2": "priority2",
- "MWTN_PROBLEM": "problem",
- "MWTN_PROBLEMNAME": "Problem name",
- "MWTN_PROBLEM_KIND_NAME": "problem-type",
- "MWTN_PROBLEM_NAME": "problem-name",
- "MWTN_PROBLEM_SEVERITY": "problem-severity",
- "MWTN_PROBLEM_TYPE_NAME": "problem-type-name",
- "MWTN_PROBLEM_TYPE_SEVERITY": "problem-type-severity",
- "MWTN_PROBLEM_TYPE_SEVERITY_LIST": "problem-severities",
- "MWTN_PROTTYPE": "protType",
- "MWTN_PROT_TYPE": "prot-type",
- "MWTN_PTP_TIMESCALE": "ptp-timescale",
- "MWTN_PUREETHERNETSTRUCTURECAPABILITY": "pureEthernetStructureCapability",
- "MWTN_PUREETHERNETSTRUCTURECONFIGURATION": "pureEthernetStructureConfiguration",
- "MWTN_PURE_ETHERNET_STRUCTURE_CAPABILITY": "pure-ethernet-structure-capability",
- "MWTN_PURE_ETHERNET_STRUCTURE_CONFIGURATION": "pure-ethernet-structure-configuration",
- "MWTN_PURE_ETHERNET_STRUCTURE_CURRENT_PERFORMANCE": "pure-ethernet-structure-current-performance",
- "MWTN_PURE_ETHERNET_STRUCTURE_CURRENT_PROBLEMS": "pure-ethernet-structure-current-problems",
- "MWTN_PURE_ETHERNET_STRUCTURE_HISTORICAL_PERFORMANCES": "pure-ethernet-structure-historical-performances",
- "MWTN_PURE_ETHERNET_STRUCTURE_STATUS": "pure-ethernet-structure-status",
- "MWTN_Q_IN_Q_COMPRESSION_IS_AVAIL": "q-in-q-compression-is-avail",
- "MWTN_Q_IN_Q_COMPRESSION_IS_ON": "q-in-q-compression-is-on",
- "MWTN_RADIOPOWERISUP": "radioPowerIsUp",
- "MWTN_RADIOSIGNALID": "Radio signal identifier",
- "MWTN_RADIOSIGNALIDS": "Radio signal identifiers",
- "MWTN_RADIO_POWER_IS_UP": "radio-power-is-up",
- "MWTN_RADIO_SIGNAL_ID": "radio-signal-id",
- "MWTN_RECEIVERISON": "receiverIsOn",
- "MWTN_RECEIVER_IS_ON": "receiver-is-on",
- "MWTN_REFRESH": "Refresh",
- "MWTN_REFRESH_STATUS": "refresh-status",
- "MWTN_RELATIVE_POSITION": "relative-position",
- "MWTN_REMOTEENDPOINTID": "remoteEndPointId",
- "MWTN_REMOTE_END_POINT": "remote-end-point",
- "MWTN_REMOTE_END_POINT_ID": "remote-end-point-id",
- "MWTN_REVERSION_MODE": "reversion-mode",
- "MWTN_REVISON": "Revision",
- "MWTN_RFTEMPAVG": "Temerature (avg)",
- "MWTN_RFTEMPCUR": "rfTempCur",
- "MWTN_RFTEMPMAX": "Temerature (max)",
- "MWTN_RFTEMPMIN": "Temerature (min)",
- "MWTN_RF_TEMP_AVG": "rf-temp-avg",
- "MWTN_RF_TEMP_CUR": "rf-temp-cur",
- "MWTN_RF_TEMP_MAX": "rf-temp-max",
- "MWTN_RF_TEMP_MIN": "rf-temp-min",
- "MWTN_ROLE": "role",
- "MWTN_ROTATION_SPEED": "rotation-speed",
- "MWTN_RXCHANNELBANDWIDTH": "rxChannelBandwidth",
- "MWTN_RXFREQUENCY": "Receive frequency",
- "MWTN_RXFREQUENCYCUR": "rxFrequencyCur",
- "MWTN_RXFREQUENCYMAX": "rxFrequencyMax",
- "MWTN_RXFREQUENCYMIN": "rxFrequencyMin",
- "MWTN_RXLEVELAVG": "Receive level (avg)",
- "MWTN_RXLEVELCUR": "rxLevelCur",
- "MWTN_RXLEVELMAX": "Receive level (min)",
- "MWTN_RXLEVELMIN": "Receive level (max)",
- "MWTN_RXTHRESHOLD": "RX threshold",
- "MWTN_RX_CHANNEL_BANDWIDTH": "rx-channel-bandwidth",
- "MWTN_RX_FREQUENCY": "rx-frequency",
- "MWTN_RX_FREQUENCY_CUR": "rx-frequency-cur",
- "MWTN_RX_FREQUENCY_MAX": "rx-frequency-max",
- "MWTN_RX_FREQUENCY_MIN": "rx-frequency-min",
- "MWTN_RX_LEVEL_AVG": "rx-level-avg",
- "MWTN_RX_LEVEL_CUR": "rx-level-cur",
- "MWTN_RX_LEVEL_MAX": "rx-level-max",
- "MWTN_RX_LEVEL_MIN": "rx-level-min",
- "MWTN_RX_THRESHOLD": "rx-threshold",
- "MWTN_SCANNERID": "scannerId",
- "MWTN_SCANNER_ID": "scanner-id",
- "MWTN_SCRIPTID": "Script id",
- "MWTN_SCRIPTLIST": "Scripts",
- "MWTN_SEGMENTID": "segmentID",
- "MWTN_SEGMENTSIDLIST": "segmentsIDList",
- "MWTN_SEGMENTSTATUSLIST": "segmentStatusList",
- "MWTN_SEGMENTS_ID_LIST": "segments-ids",
- "MWTN_SEGMENT_ID": "segment-id",
- "MWTN_SEGMENT_ID_REF": "segment-id-ref",
- "MWTN_SEGMENT_IS_RESERVED_FOR_TDM": "segment-is-reserved-for-tdm",
- "MWTN_SEGMENT_STATUS_LIST": "segment-status",
- "MWTN_SEGMENT_STATUS_TYPE_ID": "segment-status-type-id",
- "MWTN_SELECTION_PRIORITY": "selection-priority",
- "MWTN_SELECT_LTP": "Select LTP",
- "MWTN_SELECT_NETWORK_ELEMENT": "Select network element",
- "MWTN_SEND": "Send",
- "MWTN_SEQUENCENUMBER": "sequenceNumber",
- "MWTN_SEQUENCE_NUMBER": "sequence-number",
- "MWTN_SERIAL_NUMBER": "serial-number",
- "MWTN_SERVERID": "Server identifier",
- "MWTN_SERVER_LTP": "Server LTPs",
- "MWTN_SERVICE_PRIORITY": "service-priority",
- "MWTN_SES": "SES",
- "MWTN_SEVERITY": "severity",
- "MWTN_SHOWLIST": "Show list",
- "MWTN_SHOWOBJECT": "Show object",
- "MWTN_SINR": "Signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR)",
- "MWTN_SITE": "Site",
- "MWTN_SLAVE_ONLY": "slave-only",
- "MWTN_SNIRAVG": "SINR (avg)",
- "MWTN_SNIRCUR": "SINR (current)",
- "MWTN_SNIRMAX": "SINR (max)",
- "MWTN_SNIRMIN": "SINR (min)",
- "MWTN_SNIR_AVG": "SINR (avg)",
- "MWTN_SNIR_CUR": "SINR (current)",
- "MWTN_SNIR_MAX": "SINR (max)",
- "MWTN_SNIR_MIN": "SINR (min)",
- "MWTN_SORT_OF_CO_CHANNEL_GROUP": "sort-of-co-channel-group",
- "MWTN_SPATIAL_PROPERTIES_OF_TYPE": "spatial-properties-of-type",
- "MWTN_STATE_PAC": "State_Pac",
- "MWTN_STEPS_REMOVED": "steps-removed",
- "MWTN_STRUCTUREID": "structureId",
- "MWTN_STRUCTURETYPE": "structureType",
- "MWTN_STRUCTURE_ID": "structure-id",
- "MWTN_STRUCTURE_ID_REF": "structure-id-ref",
- "MWTN_STRUCTURE_TYPE": "structure-type",
- "MWTN_SUBOBJECT": "Subobject",
- "MWTN_SUM": "Sum",
- "MWTN_SUPPORTEDALARMS": "supportedAlarms",
- "MWTN_SUPPORTEDCHANNELPLANLIST": "supportedChannelPlanList",
- "MWTN_SUPPORTEDCHANNELPLANS": "Supported channel plans",
- "MWTN_SUPPORTED_ALARMS": "supported-alarms",
- "MWTN_SUPPORTED_CHANNEL_PLAN": "supported-channel-plan",
- "MWTN_SUPPORTED_CHANNEL_PLAN_LIST": "supported-channel-plans",
- "MWTN_SUPPORTED_TDM_CONTAINER_TYPES_LIST": "supported-tdm-container-types",
- "MWTN_SUPPORTED_TDM_STRUCTURE_TYPES_LIST": "supported-tdm-structure-types",
- "MWTN_SUSPECTINTERVALFLAG": "suspectIntervalFlag",
- "MWTN_SUSPECT_INTERVAL_FLAG": "suspect-interval-flag",
- "MWTN_SWAPABILITY": "swapability",
- "MWTN_SWITCH_CONTROL": "switch-control",
- "MWTN_SWITCH_RULE": "switch-rule",
- "MWTN_SWITCH_SELECTION_REASON": "switch-selection-reason",
- "MWTN_SWITCH_SELECTS_PORTS": "switch-selects-ports",
- "MWTN_TDMCONTAINERCAPABILITY": "tdmContainerCapability",
- "MWTN_TDMCONTAINERCONFIGURATION": "tdmContainerConfiguration",
- "MWTN_TDMCONTAINERCURRENTPROBLEMS": "tdmContainerCurrentProblems",
- "MWTN_TDMCONTAINERSTATUS": "tdmContainerStatus",
- "MWTN_TDM_CONTAINER_CAPABILITY": "tdm-container-capability",
- "MWTN_TDM_CONTAINER_CONFIGURATION": "tdm-container-configuration",
- "MWTN_TDM_CONTAINER_CURRENT_PERFORMANCE": "tdm-container-current-performance",
- "MWTN_TDM_CONTAINER_CURRENT_PROBLEMS": "tdm-container-current-problems",
- "MWTN_TDM_CONTAINER_HISTORICAL_PERFORMANCES": "tdm-container-historical-performances",
- "MWTN_TDM_CONTAINER_NAME": "tdm-container-name",
- "MWTN_TDM_CONTAINER_SIZE": "tdm-container-size",
- "MWTN_TDM_CONTAINER_STATUS": "tdm-container-status",
- "MWTN_TDM_SEGMENT_SIZE": "tdm-segment-size",
- "MWTN_TDM_STRUCTURE_NAME": "tdm-structure-name",
- "MWTN_TDM_TIME_SLOTS_IS_REQUIRED": "tdm-time-slots-is-required",
- "MWTN_TEMPERATURE": "temperature",
- "MWTN_TERMINATIONSTATE": "terminationState",
- "MWTN_TERMINATION_STATE": "Termination state",
- "MWTN_THERMAL_RATING": "thermal-rating",
- "MWTN_TIME1024SYMBOLS": "Time 1024 QAM",
- "MWTN_TIME1024SYMBOLSL": "Time 1024 QAM (light)",
- "MWTN_TIME1024_STATES": "time1024-states",
- "MWTN_TIME1024_STATES_L": "time1024-states-l",
- "MWTN_TIME128SYMBOLS": "Time 128 QAM",
- "MWTN_TIME128_STATES": "time128-states",
- "MWTN_TIME16SYMBOLS": "Time 16 QAM",
- "MWTN_TIME16SYMBOLSS": "Time 16 QAM (strong)",
- "MWTN_TIME16_STATES": "time16-states",
- "MWTN_TIME16_STATES_S": "time16-states-s",
- "MWTN_TIME2048SYMBOLS": "Time 2048 QAM",
- "MWTN_TIME2048SYMBOLSL": "Time 2048 QAM (light)",
- "MWTN_TIME2048_STATES": "time2048-states",
- "MWTN_TIME2048_STATES_L": "time2048-states-l",
- "MWTN_TIME256SYMBOLS": "Time 256 QAM",
- "MWTN_TIME256_STATES": "time256-states",
- "MWTN_TIME2_STATES": "time2-states",
- "MWTN_TIME32SYMBOLS": "Time 32 QAM",
- "MWTN_TIME32_STATES": "time32-states",
- "MWTN_TIME4096SYMBOLS": "Time 4096 QAM",
- "MWTN_TIME4096SYMBOLSL": "Time 4096 QAM (light)",
- "MWTN_TIME4096_STATES": "time4096-states",
- "MWTN_TIME4096_STATES_L": "time4096-states-l",
- "MWTN_TIME4SYMBOLSS": "Time 4 QAM (strong)",
- "MWTN_TIME4_STATES": "time4-states",
- "MWTN_TIME4_STATES_S": "time4-states-s",
- "MWTN_TIME512SYMBOLS": "Time 512 QAM",
- "MWTN_TIME512SYMBOLSL": "Time 512 QAM (light)",
- "MWTN_TIME512_STATES": "time512-states",
- "MWTN_TIME512_STATES_L": "time512-states-l",
- "MWTN_TIME64SYMBOLS": "Time 64 QAM",
- "MWTN_TIME64_STATES": "time64-states",
- "MWTN_TIME8192SYMBOLS": "Time 8192 QAM",
- "MWTN_TIME8192SYMBOLSL": "Time 8192 QAM (light)",
- "MWTN_TIME8192_STATES": "time8192-states",
- "MWTN_TIME8192_STATES_L": "time8192-states-l",
- "MWTN_TIME8_STATES": "time8-states",
- "MWTN_TIMEPERIOD": "Period",
- "MWTN_TIMESLOTCAPACITY": "Time slot capacity",
- "MWTN_TIMESLOTID": "Time slot",
- "MWTN_TIMESLOTIDLIST": "Time slot identifiers",
- "MWTN_TIMESLOTSTATUSLIST": "Time slot status list",
- "MWTN_TIMESTAMP": "timestamp",
- "MWTN_TIME_PERIOD": "time-period",
- "MWTN_TIME_PROPERTIES_DS": "time-properties-ds",
- "MWTN_TIME_SOURCE": "time-source",
- "MWTN_TIME_STAMP": "time-stamp",
- "MWTN_TIME_TRACEABLE": "time-traceable",
- "MWTN_TOTALNUMBEROFTIMESLOTS": "Total number of time slots",
- "MWTN_TRAFFIC": "Traffic (Logical termination points)",
- "MWTN_TRANSMISSIONMODEID": "Transmission mode identifier",
- "MWTN_TRANSMISSIONMODELIST": "Transmission modes",
- "MWTN_TRANSMISSION_MODE_ID": "transmission-mode-id",
- "MWTN_TRANSMISSION_MODE_LIST": "transmission-mode",
- "MWTN_TRANSMITTERISON": "transmitterIsOn",
- "MWTN_TRANSMITTER_IS_ON": "transmitter-is-on",
- "MWTN_TRANSPARENT_CLOCK_DEFAULT_DS": "transparent-clock-default-ds",
- "MWTN_TRANSPARENT_CLOCK_PORT_DS_LIST": "transparent-clock-port",
- "MWTN_TRIGGER_REFRESH": "trigger-refresh",
- "MWTN_TWO_STEP_FLAG": "two-step-flag",
- "MWTN_TXCHANNELBANDWIDTH": "txChannelBandwidth",
- "MWTN_TXFREQUENCY": "Transmit frequency",
- "MWTN_TXFREQUENCYCUR": "txFrequencyCur",
- "MWTN_TXFREQUENCYMAX": "txFrequencyMax",
- "MWTN_TXFREQUENCYMIN": "txFrequencyMin",
- "MWTN_TXLEVELAVG": "Transmit level (avg)",
- "MWTN_TXLEVELCUR": "txLevelCur",
- "MWTN_TXLEVELMAX": "Transmit level (max)",
- "MWTN_TXLEVELMIN": "Transmit level (min)",
- "MWTN_TXPOWER": "txPower",
- "MWTN_TXPOWERMAX": "Max tx power",
- "MWTN_TXPOWERMIN": "Min tx power",
- "MWTN_TX_CHANNEL_BANDWIDTH": "tx-channel-bandwidth",
- "MWTN_TX_ETHERNET_BYTES_MAX_M": "tx-ethernet-bytes-max-m",
- "MWTN_TX_ETHERNET_BYTES_MAX_S": "tx-ethernet-bytes-max-s",
- "MWTN_TX_ETHERNET_BYTES_SUM": "tx-ethernet-bytes-sum",
- "MWTN_TX_FREQUENCY": "tx-frequency",
- "MWTN_TX_FREQUENCY_CUR": "tx-frequency-cur",
- "MWTN_TX_FREQUENCY_MAX": "tx-frequency-max",
- "MWTN_TX_FREQUENCY_MIN": "tx-frequency-min",
- "MWTN_TX_LEVEL_AVG": "tx-level-avg",
- "MWTN_TX_LEVEL_CUR": "tx-level-cur",
- "MWTN_TX_LEVEL_MAX": "tx-level-max",
- "MWTN_TX_LEVEL_MIN": "tx-level-min",
- "MWTN_TX_POWER": "tx-power",
- "MWTN_TX_POWER_MAX": "tx-power-max",
- "MWTN_TX_POWER_MIN": "tx-power-min",
- "MWTN_TYPEOFEQUIPMENT": "typeOfEquipment",
- "MWTN_TYPE_NAME": "type-name",
- "MWTN_TYPE_OF_EQUIPMENT": "type-of-equipment",
- "MWTN_UNAVAILABILITY": "unavailability",
- "MWTN_UNIVERSALIDAUTHORITY": "UniversalIdAuthority",
- "MWTN_USERNAME": "User name",
- "MWTN_VALUE": "value",
- "MWTN_VALUE_NAME": "value-name",
- "MWTN_VERSION": "version",
- "MWTN_VERSION_NUMBER": "version-number",
- "MWTN_VLANCOMPRESSIONISAVAIL": "vlanCompressionIsAvail",
- "MWTN_VLANCOMPRESSIONISON": "vlanCompressionIsOn",
- "MWTN_VLAN_COMPRESSION_IS_AVAIL": "vlan-compression-is-avail",
- "MWTN_VLAN_COMPRESSION_IS_ON": "vlan-compression-is-on",
- "MWTN_VLAN_ID": "vlan-id",
- "MWTN_WAITTORESTORETIME": "waitToRestoreTime",
- "MWTN_WAIT_TO_RESTORE_TIME": "wait-to-restore-time",
- "MWTN_WAIT_TO_REVERT_TIME": "wait-to-revert-time",
- "MWTN_WEIGHT_CHARACTERISTICS": "weight-characteristics",
- "MWTN_WIDTH": "width",
- "MWTN_X_CONNECTIONS": "Cross connections",
- "MWTN_XPDAVG": "Cross polarization discrimination (avg)",
- "MWTN_XPDCUR": "xpdCur",
- "MWTN_XPDMAX": "Cross polarization discrimination (max)",
- "MWTN_XPDMIN": "Cross polarization discrimination (min)",
- "MWTN_XPD_AVG": "xpd-avg",
- "MWTN_XPD_CUR": "xpd-cur",
- "MWTN_XPD_MAX": "xpd-max",
- "MWTN_XPD_MIN": "xpd-min",
- "MWTN_XPICISON": "xpicIsOn",
- "MWTN_XPICISUP": "xpicIsUp",
- "MWTN_XPIC_IS_AVAIL": "xpic-is-avail",
- "MWTN_XPIC_IS_ON": "xpic-is-on",
- "MWTN_XPIC_IS_UP": "xpic-is-up",
- "MWTN_YANG_CAPABILITIES": "Yang capabilities",
- "MWTN__CLIENTLTPREFLIST": "_clientLtpRefList",
- "MWTN__CONNECTEDLTPREF": "_connectedLtpRef",
- "MWTN__FCPORTLIST": "_fcPortList",
- "MWTN__FCREFLIST": "_fcRefList",
- "MWTN__FCSWITCHLIST": "_fcSwitchList",
- "MWTN__FDREFLIST": "_fdRefList",
- "MWTN__LOWERLEVELFCREFLIST": "_lowerLevelFcRefList",
- "MWTN__LOWERLEVELFDREFLIST": "_lowerLevelFdRefList",
- "MWTN__LPLIST": "_lpList",
- "MWTN__LTPREFLIST": "_ltpRefList",
- "MWTN__PEERLTPREF": "_peerLtpRef",
- "MWTN__SELECTEDFCPORTREFLIST": "_selectedFcPortRefList",
- "MWTN__SERVERLTPREFLIST": "_serverLtpRefList",
- "MWTN_«Q.822»-CURRENTDATA": "«Q.822»-CurrentData",
- "MWTN_«Q.822»-HISTORYDATA": "«Q.822»-HistoryData",
- "MWTN_«X.721»-TOP": "«X.721»-Top",
- "MWTN_«X.739»-SCANNER": "«X.739»-Scanner"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-module/src/main/resources/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-custom.css b/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-module/src/main/resources/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-custom.css
deleted file mode 100644
index cf22c146..00000000
--- a/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-module/src/main/resources/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-custom.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
- * Add your application related css here
- */
- .ht-header {
- display: block;
- height: 32px;
-} {
- float: right;
-.owl {
- padding:5px;
-.owl-dark {
- color: #414042;
-.owl .owl-dark {
- color: #414042;
-.owl span {
- color: white;
-.owl a span {
- color: white;
-.owl .panel-default span {
- color: #414042;
-.owl .panel-default a span.owl-dark {
- color: #414042;
-.owl .panel-default .mwtn-json-viewer span.owl-dark {
- color: #414042;
-.owl .panel-default .json-formatter-row .string{color:green;white-space:pre;word-wrap:break-word}
-.owl .panel-default .json-formatter-row .number{color:#00f}
-.owl .panel-default .json-formatter-row .boolean{color:red}
-.owl .panel-default .json-formatter-row .null{color:#855A00}
-.owl .panel-default .json-formatter-row .undefined{color:#ca0b69}
-.owl .panel-default .json-formatter-row .function{color:#FF20ED}
-.owl .panel-default .json-formatter-row .date{background-color:rgba(0,0,0,.05)}
-.owl .panel-default .json-formatter-row .url{text-decoration:underline;color:#00f;cursor:pointer}
-.owl .panel-default .json-formatter-row a span.bracket{color:#00f}
-.owl .panel-default .json-formatter-row a span.key{color:#00008B;cursor:pointer}
-.owl .panel-default .json-formatter-row a span.constructor-name{color: #888888; cursor:pointer}
-.mwtn-grid {
- background-color: white;
- color:black;
-@media (min-width: 1296px) {
- .modal-huge {
- width: 1200px;
- }
-.form-group span.mwtnError {
- color: red;
-.mwtnLight {
- color: white;
-.panel-group .panel-default span .mwtnError {
- color: red;
-.mwtnSuccess {
- color: darkgreen;
-.panel-group .panel-default span .mwtnSuccess {
- color: darkgreen;
-.number {
- text-align: right;
-.rotated {
- transform: rotate(180deg);
- -webkit-transform: rotate(180deg);
- -ms-transform: rotate(180deg);
- -moz-transform: rotate(180deg);
- -o-transform: rotate(180deg);
-.vCenter {
- margin: 5px 30px 5px 0px;
- display: inline-block;
- vertical-align: middle;
- float: none;
-a.vCenter {
- text-decoration: none;
diff --git a/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-module/src/main/resources/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons.controller.js b/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-module/src/main/resources/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons.controller.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 872c2aa8..00000000
--- a/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-module/src/main/resources/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons.controller.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2016 highstreet technologies GmbH and others. All rights reserved.
- *
- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution,
- * and is available at
- */
- 'app/mwtnCommons/'], function(mwtnCommonsApp) {
- mwtnCommonsApp.register.controller('mwtnCommonsCtrl', ['$scope', '$rootScope', '$mwtnCommons', '$mwtnLog', 'FileReader',
- function($scope, $rootScope, $mwtnCommons, $mwtnLog, FileReader) {
- $rootScope.section_logo = ''; // Add your topbar logo location here such as 'assets/images/logo_topology.gif'
- $scope.mwtnCommonsInfo = {};
- $mwtnCommons.getData(function(data){
- $ = data;
- });
- }]);
diff --git a/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-module/src/main/resources/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons.module.js b/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-module/src/main/resources/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons.module.js
deleted file mode 100755
index ebc515ca..00000000
--- a/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-module/src/main/resources/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons.module.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,622 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2016 highstreet technologies GmbH and others. All rights reserved.
- *
- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution,
- * and is available at
- */
- 'app/routingConfig',
- 'app/core/',
- 'common/config/env.module',
- 'app/mwtnCommons/bower_components/angular-ui-grid/ui-grid.min',
- 'app/mwtnCommons/bower_components/chart.js/dist/Chart',
- 'app/mwtnCommons/bower_components/angular-chart.js/dist/angular-chart',
- 'app/mwtnCommons/bower_components/angular-clipboard/angular-clipboard',
- 'ui-bootstrap',
- 'app/mwtnCommons/bower_components/json-formatter/dist/json-formatter.min'],
- function(ng) {
- var mwtnCommonsApp = angular.module('app.mwtnCommons', ['app.core','chart.js', 'ui.router.state', 'ui.grid', 'ui.bootstrap', 'jsonFormatter', 'config', 'pascalprecht.translate', 'angular-clipboard']);
- mwtnCommonsApp.config(function($stateProvider, $compileProvider, $controllerProvider, $provide, NavHelperProvider, $httpProvider, $translateProvider, $translatePartialLoaderProvider) {
- mwtnCommonsApp.register = {
- controller : $controllerProvider.register,
- directive : $compileProvider.directive,
- factory : $provide.factory,
- service : $provide.service
- };
- $translatePartialLoaderProvider.addPart('app/mwtnCommons/locale/locale');
- var access = routingConfig.accessLevels;
- });
- mwtnCommonsApp.directive('htHeader', [ '$injector' ,function ($injector) {
- return {
- template: '<div class="ht-header"><div class="ht-header-right"><alarm-status ng-if="mwtnFaultExists"></alarm-status><help ng-if="helpExists" link="{{helpLink}}" ></help></div></div>',
- controller: ['$scope', function ($scope) {
- $scope.helpExists = $injector.has('helpDirective');
- $scope.mwtnFaultExists = $injector.has('alarmStatusDirective');
- }],
- restict: "EA",
- replace: true,
- scope: {
- helpLink: "@"
- }
- };
- }]);
- return mwtnCommonsApp;
- Copyright 2011-2013 Abdulla Abdurakhmanov
- Original sources are available at
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
- */
-function X2JS(config) {
- 'use strict';
- var VERSION = "1.1.5";
- config = config || {};
- initConfigDefaults();
- initRequiredPolyfills();
- function initConfigDefaults() {
- if(config.escapeMode === undefined) {
- config.escapeMode = true;
- }
- config.attributePrefix = config.attributePrefix || "_";
- config.arrayAccessForm = config.arrayAccessForm || "none";
- config.emptyNodeForm = config.emptyNodeForm || "text";
- if(config.enableToStringFunc === undefined) {
- config.enableToStringFunc = true;
- }
- config.arrayAccessFormPaths = config.arrayAccessFormPaths || [];
- if(config.skipEmptyTextNodesForObj === undefined) {
- config.skipEmptyTextNodesForObj = true;
- }
- if(config.stripWhitespaces === undefined) {
- config.stripWhitespaces = true;
- }
- config.datetimeAccessFormPaths = config.datetimeAccessFormPaths || [];
- }
- var DOMNodeTypes = {
- TEXT_NODE : 3,
- };
- function initRequiredPolyfills() {
- function pad(number) {
- var r = String(number);
- if ( r.length === 1 ) {
- r = '0' + r;
- }
- return r;
- }
- // Hello IE8-
- if(typeof String.prototype.trim !== 'function') {
- String.prototype.trim = function() {
- return this.replace(/^\s+|^\n+|(\s|\n)+$/g, '');
- }
- }
- if(typeof Date.prototype.toISOString !== 'function') {
- // Implementation from
- Date.prototype.toISOString = function() {
- return this.getUTCFullYear()
- + '-' + pad( this.getUTCMonth() + 1 )
- + '-' + pad( this.getUTCDate() )
- + 'T' + pad( this.getUTCHours() )
- + ':' + pad( this.getUTCMinutes() )
- + ':' + pad( this.getUTCSeconds() )
- + '.' + String( (this.getUTCMilliseconds()/1000).toFixed(3) ).slice( 2, 5 )
- + 'Z';
- };
- }
- }
- function getNodeLocalName( node ) {
- var nodeLocalName = node.localName;
- if(nodeLocalName == null) // Yeah, this is IE!!
- nodeLocalName = node.baseName;
- if(nodeLocalName == null || nodeLocalName=="") // =="" is IE too
- nodeLocalName = node.nodeName;
- return nodeLocalName;
- }
- function getNodePrefix(node) {
- return node.prefix;
- }
- function escapeXmlChars(str) {
- if(typeof(str) == "string")
- return str.replace(/&/g, '&amp;').replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;').replace(/"/g, '&quot;').replace(/'/g, '&#x27;').replace(/\//g, '&#x2F;');
- else
- return str;
- }
- function unescapeXmlChars(str) {
- return str.replace(/&amp;/g, '&').replace(/&lt;/g, '<').replace(/&gt;/g, '>').replace(/&quot;/g, '"').replace(/&#x27;/g, "'").replace(/&#x2F;/g, '\/');
- }
- function toArrayAccessForm(obj, childName, path) {
- switch(config.arrayAccessForm) {
- case "property":
- if(!(obj[childName] instanceof Array))
- obj[childName+"_asArray"] = [obj[childName]];
- else
- obj[childName+"_asArray"] = obj[childName];
- break;
- /*case "none":
- break;*/
- }
- if(!(obj[childName] instanceof Array) && config.arrayAccessFormPaths.length > 0) {
- var idx = 0;
- for(; idx < config.arrayAccessFormPaths.length; idx++) {
- var arrayPath = config.arrayAccessFormPaths[idx];
- if( typeof arrayPath === "string" ) {
- if(arrayPath == path)
- break;
- }
- else
- if( arrayPath instanceof RegExp) {
- if(arrayPath.test(path))
- break;
- }
- else
- if( typeof arrayPath === "function") {
- if(arrayPath(obj, childName, path))
- break;
- }
- }
- if(idx!=config.arrayAccessFormPaths.length) {
- obj[childName] = [obj[childName]];
- }
- }
- }
- function fromXmlDateTime(prop) {
- // Implementation based up on
- // Improved to support full spec and optional parts
- var bits = prop.split(/[-T:+Z]/g);
- var d = new Date(bits[0], bits[1]-1, bits[2]);
- var secondBits = bits[5].split("\.");
- d.setHours(bits[3], bits[4], secondBits[0]);
- if(secondBits.length>1)
- d.setMilliseconds(secondBits[1]);
- // Get supplied time zone offset in minutes
- if(bits[6] && bits[7]) {
- var offsetMinutes = bits[6] * 60 + Number(bits[7]);
- var sign = /\d\d-\d\d:\d\d$/.test(prop)? '-' : '+';
- // Apply the sign
- offsetMinutes = 0 + (sign == '-'? -1 * offsetMinutes : offsetMinutes);
- // Apply offset and local timezone
- d.setMinutes(d.getMinutes() - offsetMinutes - d.getTimezoneOffset())
- }
- else
- if(prop.indexOf("Z", prop.length - 1) !== -1) {
- d = new Date(Date.UTC(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), d.getDate(), d.getHours(), d.getMinutes(), d.getSeconds(), d.getMilliseconds()));
- }
- // d is now a local time equivalent to the supplied time
- return d;
- }
- function checkFromXmlDateTimePaths(value, childName, fullPath) {
- if(config.datetimeAccessFormPaths.length > 0) {
- var path = fullPath.split("\.#")[0];
- var idx = 0;
- for(; idx < config.datetimeAccessFormPaths.length; idx++) {
- var dtPath = config.datetimeAccessFormPaths[idx];
- if( typeof dtPath === "string" ) {
- if(dtPath == path)
- break;
- }
- else
- if( dtPath instanceof RegExp) {
- if(dtPath.test(path))
- break;
- }
- else
- if( typeof dtPath === "function") {
- if(dtPath(obj, childName, path))
- break;
- }
- }
- if(idx!=config.datetimeAccessFormPaths.length) {
- return fromXmlDateTime(value);
- }
- else
- return value;
- }
- else
- return value;
- }
- function parseDOMChildren( node, path ) {
- if(node.nodeType == DOMNodeTypes.DOCUMENT_NODE) {
- var result = new Object;
- var nodeChildren = node.childNodes;
- // Alternative for firstElementChild which is not supported in some environments
- for(var cidx=0; cidx <nodeChildren.length; cidx++) {
- var child = nodeChildren.item(cidx);
- if(child.nodeType == DOMNodeTypes.ELEMENT_NODE) {
- var childName = getNodeLocalName(child);
- result[childName] = parseDOMChildren(child, childName);
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- else
- if(node.nodeType == DOMNodeTypes.ELEMENT_NODE) {
- var result = new Object;
- result.__cnt=0;
- var nodeChildren = node.childNodes;
- // Children nodes
- for(var cidx=0; cidx <nodeChildren.length; cidx++) {
- var child = nodeChildren.item(cidx); // nodeChildren[cidx];
- var childName = getNodeLocalName(child);
- if(child.nodeType!= DOMNodeTypes.COMMENT_NODE) {
- result.__cnt++;
- if(result[childName] == null) {
- result[childName] = parseDOMChildren(child, path+"."+childName);
- toArrayAccessForm(result, childName, path+"."+childName);
- }
- else {
- if(result[childName] != null) {
- if( !(result[childName] instanceof Array)) {
- result[childName] = [result[childName]];
- toArrayAccessForm(result, childName, path+"."+childName);
- }
- }
- (result[childName])[result[childName].length] = parseDOMChildren(child, path+"."+childName);
- }
- }
- }
- // Attributes
- for(var aidx=0; aidx <node.attributes.length; aidx++) {
- var attr = node.attributes.item(aidx); // [aidx];
- result.__cnt++;
- result[]=attr.value;
- }
- // Node namespace prefix
- var nodePrefix = getNodePrefix(node);
- if(nodePrefix!=null && nodePrefix!="") {
- result.__cnt++;
- result.__prefix=nodePrefix;
- }
- if(result["#text"]!=null) {
- result.__text = result["#text"];
- if(result.__text instanceof Array) {
- result.__text = result.__text.join("\n");
- }
- if(config.escapeMode)
- result.__text = unescapeXmlChars(result.__text);
- if(config.stripWhitespaces)
- result.__text = result.__text.trim();
- delete result["#text"];
- if(config.arrayAccessForm=="property")
- delete result["#text_asArray"];
- result.__text = checkFromXmlDateTimePaths(result.__text, childName, path+"."+childName);
- }
- if(result["#cdata-section"]!=null) {
- result.__cdata = result["#cdata-section"];
- delete result["#cdata-section"];
- if(config.arrayAccessForm=="property")
- delete result["#cdata-section_asArray"];
- }
- if( result.__cnt == 1 && result.__text!=null ) {
- result = result.__text;
- }
- else
- if( result.__cnt == 0 && config.emptyNodeForm=="text" ) {
- result = '';
- }
- else
- if ( result.__cnt > 1 && result.__text!=null && config.skipEmptyTextNodesForObj) {
- if( (config.stripWhitespaces && result.__text=="") || (result.__text.trim()=="")) {
- delete result.__text;
- }
- }
- delete result.__cnt;
- if( config.enableToStringFunc && (result.__text!=null || result.__cdata!=null )) {
- result.toString = function() {
- return (this.__text!=null? this.__text:'')+( this.__cdata!=null ? this.__cdata:'');
- };
- }
- return result;
- }
- else
- if(node.nodeType == DOMNodeTypes.TEXT_NODE || node.nodeType == DOMNodeTypes.CDATA_SECTION_NODE) {
- return node.nodeValue;
- }
- }
- function startTag(jsonObj, element, attrList, closed) {
- var resultStr = "<"+ ( (jsonObj!=null && jsonObj.__prefix!=null)? (jsonObj.__prefix+":"):"") + element;
- if(attrList!=null) {
- for(var aidx = 0; aidx < attrList.length; aidx++) {
- var attrName = attrList[aidx];
- var attrVal = jsonObj[attrName];
- if(config.escapeMode)
- attrVal=escapeXmlChars(attrVal);
- resultStr+=" "+attrName.substr(config.attributePrefix.length)+"='"+attrVal+"'";
- }
- }
- if(!closed)
- resultStr+=">";
- else
- resultStr+="/>";
- return resultStr;
- }
- function endTag(jsonObj,elementName) {
- return "</"+ (jsonObj.__prefix!=null? (jsonObj.__prefix+":"):"")+elementName+">";
- }
- function endsWith(str, suffix) {
- return str.indexOf(suffix, str.length - suffix.length) !== -1;
- }
- function jsonXmlSpecialElem ( jsonObj, jsonObjField ) {
- if((config.arrayAccessForm=="property" && endsWith(jsonObjField.toString(),("_asArray")))
- || jsonObjField.toString().indexOf(config.attributePrefix)==0
- || jsonObjField.toString().indexOf("__")==0
- || (jsonObj[jsonObjField] instanceof Function) )
- return true;
- else
- return false;
- }
- function jsonXmlElemCount ( jsonObj ) {
- var elementsCnt = 0;
- if(jsonObj instanceof Object ) {
- for( var it in jsonObj ) {
- if(jsonXmlSpecialElem ( jsonObj, it) )
- continue;
- elementsCnt++;
- }
- }
- return elementsCnt;
- }
- function parseJSONAttributes ( jsonObj ) {
- var attrList = [];
- if(jsonObj instanceof Object ) {
- for( var ait in jsonObj ) {
- if(ait.toString().indexOf("__")== -1 && ait.toString().indexOf(config.attributePrefix)==0) {
- attrList.push(ait);
- }
- }
- }
- return attrList;
- }
- function parseJSONTextAttrs ( jsonTxtObj ) {
- var result ="";
- if(jsonTxtObj.__cdata!=null) {
- result+="<![CDATA["+jsonTxtObj.__cdata+"]]>";
- }
- if(jsonTxtObj.__text!=null) {
- if(config.escapeMode)
- result+=escapeXmlChars(jsonTxtObj.__text);
- else
- result+=jsonTxtObj.__text;
- }
- return result;
- }
- function parseJSONTextObject ( jsonTxtObj ) {
- var result ="";
- if( jsonTxtObj instanceof Object ) {
- result+=parseJSONTextAttrs ( jsonTxtObj );
- }
- else
- if(jsonTxtObj!=null) {
- if(config.escapeMode)
- result+=escapeXmlChars(jsonTxtObj);
- else
- result+=jsonTxtObj;
- }
- return result;
- }
- function parseJSONArray ( jsonArrRoot, jsonArrObj, attrList ) {
- var result = "";
- if(jsonArrRoot.length == 0) {
- result+=startTag(jsonArrRoot, jsonArrObj, attrList, true);
- }
- else {
- for(var arIdx = 0; arIdx < jsonArrRoot.length; arIdx++) {
- result+=startTag(jsonArrRoot[arIdx], jsonArrObj, parseJSONAttributes(jsonArrRoot[arIdx]), false);
- result+=parseJSONObject(jsonArrRoot[arIdx]);
- result+=endTag(jsonArrRoot[arIdx],jsonArrObj);
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- function parseJSONObject ( jsonObj ) {
- var result = "";
- var elementsCnt = jsonXmlElemCount ( jsonObj );
- if(elementsCnt > 0) {
- for( var it in jsonObj ) {
- if(jsonXmlSpecialElem ( jsonObj, it) )
- continue;
- var subObj = jsonObj[it];
- var attrList = parseJSONAttributes( subObj )
- if(subObj == null || subObj == undefined) {
- result+=startTag(subObj, it, attrList, true);
- }
- else
- if(subObj instanceof Object) {
- if(subObj instanceof Array) {
- result+=parseJSONArray( subObj, it, attrList );
- }
- else if(subObj instanceof Date) {
- result+=startTag(subObj, it, attrList, false);
- result+=subObj.toISOString();
- result+=endTag(subObj,it);
- }
- else {
- var subObjElementsCnt = jsonXmlElemCount ( subObj );
- if(subObjElementsCnt > 0 || subObj.__text!=null || subObj.__cdata!=null) {
- result+=startTag(subObj, it, attrList, false);
- result+=parseJSONObject(subObj);
- result+=endTag(subObj,it);
- }
- else {
- result+=startTag(subObj, it, attrList, true);
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- result+=startTag(subObj, it, attrList, false);
- result+=parseJSONTextObject(subObj);
- result+=endTag(subObj,it);
- }
- }
- }
- result+=parseJSONTextObject(jsonObj);
- return result;
- }
- this.parseXmlString = function(xmlDocStr) {
- var isIEParser = window.ActiveXObject || "ActiveXObject" in window;
- if (xmlDocStr === undefined) {
- return null;
- }
- var xmlDoc;
- if (window.DOMParser) {
- var parser=new window.DOMParser();
- var parsererrorNS = null;
- // IE9+ now is here
- if(!isIEParser) {
- try {
- parsererrorNS = parser.parseFromString("INVALID", "text/xml").childNodes[0].namespaceURI;
- }
- catch(err) {
- parsererrorNS = null;
- }
- }
- try {
- xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString( xmlDocStr, "text/xml" );
- if( parsererrorNS!= null && xmlDoc.getElementsByTagNameNS(parsererrorNS, "parsererror").length > 0) {
- //throw new Error('Error parsing XML: '+xmlDocStr);
- xmlDoc = null;
- }
- }
- catch(err) {
- xmlDoc = null;
- }
- }
- else {
- // IE :(
- if(xmlDocStr.indexOf("<?")==0) {
- xmlDocStr = xmlDocStr.substr( xmlDocStr.indexOf("?>") + 2 );
- }
- xmlDoc=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
- xmlDoc.async="false";
- xmlDoc.loadXML(xmlDocStr);
- }
- return xmlDoc;
- };
- this.asArray = function(prop) {
- if(prop instanceof Array)
- return prop;
- else
- return [prop];
- };
- this.toXmlDateTime = function(dt) {
- if(dt instanceof Date)
- return dt.toISOString();
- else
- if(typeof(dt) === 'number' )
- return new Date(dt).toISOString();
- else
- return null;
- };
- this.asDateTime = function(prop) {
- if(typeof(prop) == "string") {
- return fromXmlDateTime(prop);
- }
- else
- return prop;
- };
- this.xml2json = function (xmlDoc) {
- return parseDOMChildren ( xmlDoc );
- };
- this.xml_str2json = function (xmlDocStr) {
- var xmlDoc = this.parseXmlString(xmlDocStr);
- if(xmlDoc!=null)
- return this.xml2json(xmlDoc);
- else
- return null;
- };
- this.json2xml_str = function (jsonObj) {
- return parseJSONObject ( jsonObj );
- };
- this.json2xml = function (jsonObj) {
- var xmlDocStr = this.json2xml_str (jsonObj);
- return this.parseXmlString(xmlDocStr);
- };
- this.getVersion = function () {
- return VERSION;
- };
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-module/src/main/resources/mwtnCommons/ b/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-module/src/main/resources/mwtnCommons/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a713436..00000000
--- a/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-module/src/main/resources/mwtnCommons/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3826 +0,0 @@
- * @copyright 2017 highstreet technologies GmbH and others. All rights reserved.
- *
- * @license
- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution,
- * and is available at {@link}
- */
-if (!String.prototype.toHumanReadableTimeFormat) {
- String.prototype.toHumanReadableTimeFormat = function () {
- return this.replace(/T/g, ' ').replace(/Z/g, ' UTC').replace(/\+00:00/g, ' UTC');
- };
-if (!String.prototype.base64ToHex) {
- String.prototype.base64ToHex = function () {
- var raw = atob(this);
- var result = [];
- for ( i = 0; i < raw.length; i++ ) {
- var _hex = raw.charCodeAt(i).toString(16)
- result.push('0x' + ( _hex.length === 2 ? _hex:'0' + _hex));
- }
- return result.join(' ');
- };
-if (!String.prototype.contains) {
- /**
- * An extension to String, which checks whether another string is contained.
- * @param {string} find A string to be checked, whether it is contained in 'this'.
- * @return {boolean} True, if 'this' contains param 'find', otherwise false.
- */
- String.prototype.contains = function (find) {
- return this.indexOf(find) > -1;
- };
-if (!String.prototype.format) {
- /**
- * An extension to String, which replaces certain patterns by arguments.
- * @see {@link|javascript-equivalent-to-printf-string-format}
- * @return {string} Formated string.
- */
- String.prototype.format = function () {
- var args = arguments;
- return this.replace(/{(\d+)}/g, function (match, number) {
- return typeof args[number] !== 'undefined' ? args[number] : match
- ;
- });
- };
-if (!String.prototype.replaceAll) {
- /**
- * An extension to String, which replaces certain patterns by arguments.
- * @see {@link|how-to-replace-all-occurrences-of-a-string-in-javascript}
- * @param {string} find - The string which should be replaced.
- * @param {string} replace - The string which should replace 'find'.
- * @return {string} String where 'find' is replaced by 'replace'.
- */
- String.prototype.replaceAll = function (find, replace) {
- return this.replace(new RegExp(find, 'g'), replace);
- }
-if (!Array.prototype.contains) {
- /**
- * An extension to Array checking whether an array of primitive types contains a given value.
- * @param {string|number|boolean|null|undefined} find An object which should be removed from the array.
- * @return {boolean} True, if 'this' contains param 'find', otherwise false..
- */
- Array.prototype.contains = function (find) {
- return this.indexOf(find) > -1;
- };
-if (!Array.prototype.clean) {
- /**
- * An extension to Array removing defined values from an array.
- * @see {@link|Array.clean()}
- * @param {Object} deleteValue An object which should be removed from the array.
- * @return {Array} An array without 'deleteValue'.
- */
- Array.prototype.clean = function (deleteValue) {
- for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { // TODO swtich to .map() ?
- if (this[i] === deleteValue) {
- this.splice(i, 1);
- i--;
- }
- }
- return this;
- };
- ['app/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons.module'],
- function (mwtnCommonsApp) {
- mwtnCommonsApp.register.controller('mwtnFooterController', ['$scope', function ($scope) {
- var vm = this;
- $scope.prefix = 'ONF Wireless for OpenDaylight Boron-SR3';
- }]);
- mwtnCommonsApp.register.directive('mwtnFooter', function () {
- return {
- restrict: 'E',
- controller: 'mwtnFooterController',
- controllerAs: 'vm',
- templateUrl: 'src/app/mwtnCommons/templates/mwtnFooter.tpl.html'
- };
- });
- mwtnCommonsApp.register.controller('openConfigViewController', ['$scope', '$uibModalInstance', '$mwtnGlobal', '$mwtnCommons', '$mwtnDatabase', '$mwtnLog', 'valueData',
- function ($scope, $uibModalInstance, $mwtnGlobal, $mwtnCommons, $mwtnDatabase, $mwtnLog, data) {
- var vm = this;
- var COMPONENT = 'openConfigViewController';
- $scope.getType = $mwtnGlobal.getType;
- $scope.spec = data.spec;
- $mwtnCommons.getConditionalPackagePart($scope.spec).then(function (success) {
- var getControlType = function(type) {
- var result = 'text'
- switch (type) {
- case 'boolean':
- result = 'checkbox';
- break;
- case 'number':
- result = 'number';
- break;
- case 'string':
- case 'array':
- case 'object':
- break;
- default:
- var message = 'Check control type for ' + type;
- $mwtnLog.warning({ component: COMPONENT, message: message });
- }
- return result;
- };
- success.layerProtocol = $scope.spec.layerProtocolId;
- $scope.configuredData = success;
- $scope.newData = $scope.configuredData[$scope.spec.partId];
- $scope.viewData = $mwtnGlobal.getViewData($scope.configuredData[$scope.spec.partId], $;
- $mwtnDatabase.getSchema().then(function(schema){
- var ordered = {};
- var clone = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify($scope.viewData));
- var keys = Object.keys(clone).map(function(key){
- if ($mwtnGlobal.getType(key) !== 'string') {
- console.log('key', key);
- return;
- }
- var item = clone[key];
- if (!schema[key]) {
- var message = 'No schema information for ' + key;
- console.error(key, schema[key]);
- $mwtnLog.warning({ component: COMPONENT, message: message });
- item['order-number'] = $mwtnCommons.getOrderNumber(97, item);
- item.description = 'No description available.';
- item.visible = true;
- return key;
- }
- if (schema[key].controlType === undefined) {
- item.controlType = getControlType(item.type);
- } else {
- item.controlType = schema[key].controlType;
- }
- item.unit = schema[key].unit;
- item.description = schema[key].description;
- item['order-number'] = $mwtnCommons.getOrderNumber(schema[key]['order-number'], item);
- if (item.description === undefined || item.description === '') {
- item.description = 'No description available.';
- }
- // hide complex types for now -> TODO
- if (item.type === 'array' || item.type === 'object') {
- item.visible = false;
- }
- return key;
- }).sort(function(a,b){
- if (clone[a]['order-number'] < clone[b]['order-number']) return -1;
- if (clone[a]['order-number'] > clone[b]['order-number']) return 1;
- return 0;
- }).map(function(key){
- ordered[key] = clone[key];
- });
- $scope.viewData = ordered;
- }, function(error){
- $scope.empty = true;
- });
- }, function (error) {
- $scope.configuredData = undefined;
- $mwtnLog.error({ component: COMPONENT, message: 'Requesting conditional package of ' + JSON.stringify($scope.spec) + ' failed!' });
- });
- $scope.ok = function () {
- $scope.processing = true;
- Object.keys($scope.viewData).map(function(key){
- $scope.newData[key] = $scope.viewData[key].value;
- });
- $mwtnCommons.setConditionalPackagePart($scope.spec, $scope.newData).then(function(success){
- $scope.applied = {text: 'Applied: ' + new Date().toISOString(), class:'mwtnSuccess'};
- $scope.processing = false;
- }, function(error){
- $scope.applied = {text: 'Error: ' + new Date().toISOString(), class:'mwtnError'};
- $scope.processing = false;
- $mwtnLog.error({component: COMPONENT, message: JSON.stringify(error)});
- });
- };
- $scope.cancel = function () {
- $uibModalInstance.close($scope.newData);
- };
- }]);
- mwtnCommonsApp.register.controller('mwtnJsonViewerController', ['$scope', '$uibModal', '$mwtnGlobal', '$mwtnCommons', '$mwtnDatabase', '$mwtnLog',
- function ($scope, $uibModal, $mwtnGlobal, $mwtnCommons, $mwtnDatabase, $mwtnLog) {
- var vm = this;
- var COMPONENT = 'mwtnJsonViewerController';
- $scope.getType = $mwtnGlobal.getType;
- if ($ {
- $scope.replace = false;
- if ($scope.path && $scope.path.endsWith('-configuration') ) {
- $scope.replace = true;
- }
- $scope.viewData = $mwtnGlobal.getViewData($, $;
- var path = [undefined, undefined, undefined];
- if ($scope.path) {
- path = $scope.path.split($mwtnCommons.separator);
- }
- $scope.spec = {
- nodeId: $scope.networkElement,
- revision: '2017-03-20',
- pacId: path[0],
- layer: '???',
- layerProtocolId: path[1],
- partId: path[2],
- config: true
- };
- $scope.openConfigView = function(){
- var modalInstance = ${
- animation: true,
- ariaLabelledBy: 'modal-title',
- ariaDescribedBy: 'modal-body',
- templateUrl: 'src/app/mwtnCommons/templates/openConfigView.html',
- controller: 'openConfigViewController',
- size: 'huge',
- resolve: {
- valueData: function () {
- return {spec:$scope.spec};
- }
- }
- });
- modalInstance.result.then(function(object) {
- // update fetch new data from ODL
- $mwtnCommons.getPacParts($scope.spec).then(function(success){
- // intermedite step to display something, even processing fails or takes time
- $scope.viewData = $mwtnGlobal.getViewData(success[$scope.spec.partId], $;
- // now the nice way ;)
- $scope.viewData = processData($scope.schema);
- }, function(error){
- // ignore;
- });
- }, function () {
- // ignore;
- });
- };
- $scope.myClipboard = {
- data: [$],
- supported: true,
- getJson: function () {
- return JSON.stringify(, null, ' ');
- },
- copyToClipboard: function () {
- var message = 'Copied to clipboard! ' + this.getJson();
- ${ component: COMPONENT, message: message });
- },
- error: function (err) {
- $mwtnLog.error({ component: COMPONENT, message: err });
- }
- };
- var processData = function(schema) {
- var ordered = {};
- var clone = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify($scope.viewData));
- var keys = Object.keys(clone).map(function(key){
- if ($mwtnGlobal.getType(key) !== 'string') {
- console.log('key', key);
- return;
- }
- var item = clone[key];
- if (!schema[key]) {
- var message = 'No schema information for ' + key;
- $mwtnLog.warning({ component: COMPONENT, message: message });
- item['order-number'] = $mwtnCommons.getOrderNumber(97, item);
- item.description = 'No description available.';
- item.visible = true;
- return key;
- }
- item.unit = schema[key].unit;
- item.description = schema[key].description;
- item['order-number'] = $mwtnCommons.getOrderNumber(schema[key]['order-number'], item);
- if (item.description === undefined || item.description === '') {
- item.description = 'No description available.';
- }
- return key;
- }).sort(function(a,b){
- if (clone[a]['order-number'] < clone[b]['order-number']) return -1;
- if (clone[a]['order-number'] > clone[b]['order-number']) return 1;
- return 0;
- }).map(function(key){
- ordered[key] = clone[key];
- });
- $ = false;
- if (Object.keys(ordered).length === 0) {
- $ = 'An empty object is displayed. Please check if the NetConf server has send an empty object.';
- }
- return ordered;
- };
- $mwtnDatabase.getSchema().then(function(schema){
- $scope.schema = schema;
- $scope.viewData = processData($scope.schema);
- }, function(error){
- // ignore;
- });
- }
- }]);
- mwtnCommonsApp.register.directive('mwtnJsonViewer', function () {
- return {
- restrict: 'E',
- scope: {
- data: '=',
- path: '=',
- ne: '=', // flag if ne class
- networkElement: '=',
- noButtons: '='
- },
- controller: 'mwtnJsonViewerController',
- controllerAs: 'vm',
- templateUrl: 'src/app/mwtnCommons/templates/mwtnJsonViewer.tpl.html'
- };
- });
- mwtnCommonsApp.register.controller('showGridCellDetailController', ['$scope', '$uibModalInstance', '$mwtnGlobal', 'valueData',
- function ($scope, $uibModalInstance, $mwtnGlobal, valueData) {
- $scope.networkElement = valueData.networkElement;
- $scope.path = valueData.path;
- $scope.type = $mwtnGlobal.getType(valueData.value);
- $scope.value = valueData.value;
- // $scope.gridOptions = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify($mwtnCommons.gridOptions));
- // $scope.highlightFilteredHeader = $mwtnCommons.highlightFilteredHeader;
- console.log('valueData', JSON.stringify(valueData));
- // $scope.ok = function () {
- // $scope.processing = true;
- // $mwtnCommons.setPacPartLists($scope.path, $scope.listData).then(function(success){
- // $scope.applied = {text: 'Applied: ' + new Date().toISOString(), class:'mwtnSuccess'};
- // $scope.processing = false;
- // }, function(error){
- // $scope.applied = {text: 'Error: ' + new Date().toISOString(), class:'mwtnError'};
- // $scope.processing = false;
- // $mwtnLog.error({component: COMPONENT, message: JSON.stringify(error)});
- // });
- // };
- $scope.cancel = function () {
- $uibModalInstance.dismiss('cancel');
- };
- }]);
- mwtnCommonsApp.register.controller('mwtnGridController', ['$scope', '$filter', '$uibModal', '$mwtnGlobal', '$mwtnCommons', '$mwtnLog',
- function ($scope, $filter, $uibModal, $mwtnGlobal, $mwtnCommons, $mwtnLog) {
- var vm = this;
- var COMPONENT = 'mwtnGridController';
- $ = false;
- var data = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify($;
- if (!data) {
- var message = 'No data to be displayed!";'
- ${ component: COMPONENT, message: message });
- data = [{'message':message}];
- }
- if ($mwtnGlobal.getType(data) !== 'array') {
- var message = 'Data must be of type "array"!';
- ${ component: COMPONENT, message: message });
- data = [{'message':message}];
- }
- if (data.length === 0) {
- var message = 'Data list must have at least one entry!';
- ${ component: COMPONENT, message: message });
- data = [{'message':message}];
- }
- if ($mwtnGlobal.getType(data[0]) !== 'object') {
- data ={
- return {value: item};
- });
- }
- $scope.gridOptions = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify($mwtnCommons.gridOptions));
- $scope.highlightFilteredHeader = $mwtnCommons.highlightFilteredHeader;
- $scope.getTableHeight = function() {
- var rowHeight = 30;
- var headerHeight = 40;
- var maxCount = 12;
- var rowCount = $ + 2;
- var count = rowCount;
- if (rowCount > maxCount) {
- count = maxCount;
- headerHeight = 31;
- }
- return {
- height: (count * rowHeight + headerHeight) + 'px'
- };
- };
- var getCellTemplate = function(field) {
- var object = ['transmission-mode-list', 'performance-data'];
- if (object.contains(field)) {
- console.warn(JSON.stringify(field));
- return ['<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents">',
- '<i class="fa fa-info-circle" aria-hidden="true"',
- ' ng-click=", col))"',
- ' style="color: rgb(66, 139, 202); cursor: pointer;"></i> ',
- '{{grid.getCellValue(row, col)}}</div>'].join('');
- }
- return '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents">{{grid.getCellValue(row, col)}}</div>';
- };
- $ = function(value){
- // console.warn(JSON.stringify(value));
- var type = $mwtnGlobal.getType(value);
- // if (type === 'object')
- var modalInstance = ${
- animation: true,
- ariaLabelledBy: 'modal-title',
- ariaDescribedBy: 'modal-body',
- templateUrl: 'src/app/mwtnCommons/templates/showGridCellDetail.html',
- controller: 'showGridCellDetailController',
- size: 'huge',
- resolve: {
- valueData: function () {
- return {networkElement: $scope.networkElement, path:$scope.path, value:value};
- }
- }
- });
- };
- var enable = data.length > 10;
- $scope.gridOptions.columnDefs = Object.keys(data[0]).map(function (field) {
- var type = $mwtnGlobal.getType(data[0][field]);
- var labelId = $mwtnGlobal.getLabelId(field);
- var displayName = $filter('translate')(labelId);
- var visible = $mwtnGlobal.getVisibilityOf(field);
- if (labelId.contains('$$') || labelId === 'MWTN_SPEC') {
- visible = false;
- }
- return {
- field: field,
- type: type,
- displayName: displayName,
- enableSorting: true,
- enableFiltering: enable,
- headerCellClass: $scope.highlightFilteredHeader,
- cellTemplate: getCellTemplate(field),
- cellClass: type,
- visible: visible
- };
- });
- if ($ < 10) {
- $scope.gridOptions.minRowsToShow = data.length; // 10 is default
- }
- $ = data;
- // .sort(function(a, b){
- // if (a.type === 'object') return -1;
- // if (a.type === 'array' ) return -2;
- // return 0;
- // })
- $scope.myClipboard = {
- data: $,
- supported: true,
- getJson: function () {
- return JSON.stringify(, null, ' ');
- },
- copyToClipboard: function () {
- var message = 'Copied to clipboard! ' + this.getJson();
- ${ component: COMPONENT, message: message });
- },
- error: function (err) {
- $mwtnLog.error({ component: COMPONENT, message: err });
- }
- };
- }]);
- mwtnCommonsApp.register.directive('mwtnGrid', function () {
- return {
- restrict: 'E',
- scope: {
- data: '=',
- path: '=',
- networkElement: '='
- },
- controller: 'mwtnGridController',
- controllerAs: 'vm',
- templateUrl: 'src/app/mwtnCommons/templates/mwtnGrid.tpl.html'
- };
- });
- mwtnCommonsApp.register.controller('mwtnSelectNetworkElementController', ['$scope', '$state','$mwtnCommons', function ($scope, $state, $mwtnCommons) {
- var vm = this;
- /**
- * A function which scanns the mountpoints for connected network-elements and adds it to networkElements.
- * @param {{"onfAirInterfaceRevision": string, "node-id": string, "netconf-node-topology:connection-status": string}[]} mountpoints An array of mountpoints from OpenDaylight.
- */
- var initNodeList = function (mountpoints) {
- $scope.loading = true;
- $scope.mountPoints = mountpoints;
- $scope.networkElements = mountpoints.filter(function (mountpoint) {
- return mountpoint['netconf-node-topology:connection-status'] === 'connected';
- }).map(function (mountpoint) {
- return { id: mountpoint['node-id'], revision: mountpoint.onfAirInterfaceRevision };
- }).sort(function (a, b) {
- if ( < return -1;
- if ( > return 1;
- return 0;
- });
- $scope.networkElement = undefined;
- if ($state.params.nodeId) {
- }
- console.error('nodeId', $state.params.nodeId);
- // select one of the nodes
- /* dont do it in field applications!!!!
- var select = parseInt(Math.random() * $scope.networkElements.length);
- if (select !== undefined && $scope.networkElements[select]) {
- $scope.networkElement = $scope.networkElements[select].id;
- $scope.mountpoint = $scope.mountPoints.filter(function (mountpoint) {
- return mountpoint['node-id'] === $scope.networkElement;
- })[0];
- }
- */
- $scope.loading = false;
- };
- $mwtnCommons.getMountPoints().then(function (mountpoints) {
- initNodeList(mountpoints);
- }, function (error) {
- $scope.networkElements = [];
- });
- }]);
- mwtnCommonsApp.register.directive('mwtnSelectNetworkElement', function () {
- return {
- restrict: 'E',
- controller: 'mwtnSelectNetworkElementController',
- controllerAs: 'vm',
- templateUrl: 'src/app/mwtnCommons/templates/mwtnSelectNetworkElement.tpl.html'
- };
- });
- // mwtnCommonsApp.register.factory('$notifying', function($rootScope) {
- // return {
- // subscribe: function(scope, callback) {
- // var handler = $rootScope.$on('notifying-service-event', callback);
- // scope.$on('$destroy', handler);
- // },
- // notify: function(text) {
- // $rootScope.$emit('notifying-service-event', text);
- // }
- // };
- // });
- mwtnCommonsApp.register.factory('$mwtnGlobal', function () {
- var service = {};
- /**
- * Returns false, if parameter/attribute should be in visible
- * @param {string} field - a json to be analyzed
- * @return {boolean} true, if the parameter should be visible, otherwise false.
- */
- service.getVisibilityOf = function(field) {
- var hide = ['name-binding', 'object-class'];
- return !hide.contains(field);
- };
- /**
- * Returns the (json) type of a value
- * @param {*} value - a json to be analyzed
- * @return type of json
- */
- service.getType = function (value) {
- var result = typeof value;
- if (result === 'object' && JSON.stringify(value).substring(0, 1) === '[') {
- result = 'array';
- } else if (result === 'object' && value === null) {
- result = 'null';
- } else if (result === 'object' && value['value-name'] && value.value) {
- result = 'name-value';
- }
- return result;
- };
- service.getLabelId = function (string) {
- return ['mwtn', string].join('_').replaceAll('-', '_').toUpperCase();
- };
- var isIntesting = function(key) {
- var instesting = ['name', 'local-id', 'label', 'extension', 'physical-port-reference', 'lp', 'server-ltp', 'client-ltp', 'layer-protocol-name'];
- return instesting.contains(key);
- }
- /**
- * Returns a simplfies json for display
- * @param {*} data - the json to be simplified
- * @param {boolean} ne - control parameter for finetuning
- * @return a simplfied json for display
- */
- service.getViewData = function (data, ne) {
- var viewData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data));
- if (ne) {
- viewData.ltp = undefined;
- viewData.fd = undefined;
- }
- Object.keys(viewData).map(function (key) {
- var type = service.getType(viewData[key]);
- var viewValue = {
- value: viewData[key],
- type: type,
- labelId: service.getLabelId(key),
- visible: service.getVisibilityOf(key)
- };
- viewData[key] = viewValue;
- if (type === 'array') {
- if (key === 'extension') {
- (item) {
- viewData[item['value-name']] = { value: item.value, type: 'string', labelId:service.getLabelId(item['value-name']) };
- });
- viewData[key] = undefined;
- } else if (viewValue.value.length === 1 && isIntesting(key)) {
- // console.warn(key, JSON.stringify(viewData[key]));
- var valueType = service.getType(viewValue.value[0]);
- viewData[key].value = viewValue.value[0];
- viewData[key].type = valueType;
- if (valueType === 'object') {
- viewData[key].value = service.getViewData(viewValue.value);
- } else if (valueType === 'name-value') {
- viewData[key].value = viewValue.value.value;
- //viewData[key].type = 'string';
- }
- } else if (type === 'object') {
- viewData[key].value = service.getViewData(viewValue.value);
- }
- }
- });
- return viewData;
- };
- return service;
- });
- /**
- * Process an array of data synchronously.
- * Please see
- * @param {Array} data An array of data.
- * @param {function} processData A function that processes an item of data.
- * Signature: function(item, i, callback), where {@code item} is the i'th item,
- * {@code i} is the loop index value and {@code calback} is the
- * parameterless function to call on completion of processing an item.
- * @param {function} done A callback function indecating that all items are processed.
- */
- var doSynchronousLoop = function (data, processData, done) {
- if (data && data.length > 0) {
- var loop = function (data, i, processData, done) {
- processData(data[i], i, function () {
- if (++i < data.length) {
- loop(data, i, processData, done);
- } else {
- done();
- }
- });
- };
- loop(data, 0, processData, done);
- } else {
- done();
- }
- };
- mwtnCommonsApp.register.factory('$mwtnCommons', function ($http, $q, $mwtnGlobal, $mwtnLog, $mwtnDatabase, LogicalTerminationPoint, PtpClock) {
- var COMPONENT = '$mwtnCommons';
- var service = {
- base: window.location.origin + "/restconf/",
- database: {},
- 'sdn-controller': [],
- modules: {},
- layerProtocolNameOrder: {
- 'MWPS': 6,
- 'MWS': 5,
- 'ETC': 4,
- 'TDM': 3,
- 'ETY': 2,
- 'ETH-CTP': 1,
- 'ETH': 1,
- }
- };
- service.getOrderNumber = function(proposal, item){
- var result = proposal;
- if (item.type === 'array') {
- proposal = 99;
- } else if (item.type === 'object') {
- proposal = 98;
- } else if (item.labelId === 'MWTN_LOCAL_ID') {
- proposal = -1;
- } else if (item.labelId === 'MWTN_LABEL') {
- proposal = -2;
- } else if (item.labelId === 'MWTN_NAME') {
- proposal = -3;
- } else if (item.labelId === 'MWTN_UUID') {
- proposal = -4;
- }
- return proposal;
- }
- /**
- * A function to get the global-identifier of a condtional package subClass by a specifcation object of such subClass and a local-name.
- * @param {{pacId: string, layerProtocolId: string, partId:string}} spec - Specification object of a conditional package subclass.
- * @param {string} local-name (e.g. current-problems)
- * @return {string} globel-identifier of a conditional packages subClass (e.g. 'air-interface-diversity-current-problems')
- */
- service.getPartGlobalId = function (spec, localName) {
- var address = spec.pacId.split(':');
- var module = address[0];
- var pacName = address[1];
- // check for unexpected issues
- if (!module) {
- console.error('not module', module, JSON.stringify(spec));
- return;
- }
- if (!pacName) {
- console.error('not pacName', pacName, JSON.stringify(spec));
- return;
- }
- if (!service.modules[module]) {
- console.error('not service.modules[module]', service.modules[module], JSON.stringify(spec));
- return;
- }
- if (!service.modules[module][pacName]) {
- console.error('not service.modules[module][pacName]', service.modules[module][pacName], JSON.stringify(spec));
- return;
- }
- if (!service.modules[module]) {
- console.error('not ervice.modules[module][pacName][subClass]', service.modules[module][pacName][subClass], JSON.stringify(spec));
- return;
- }
- return Object.keys(service.modules[module][pacName]).filter(function (subClass) {
- return service.modules[module][pacName][subClass]['local-name'] === localName;
- }).map(function (subClass) {
- return service.modules[module][pacName][subClass].name;
- })[0];
- };
- /**
- * A function to get the local-name of a condtional package subClass by a specifcation object of such subClass.
- * @param {{pacId: string, layerProtocolId: string, partId:string}} spec - Specification object of a conditional package subclass
- * @return {string} local-name of a conditional packages subClass (e.g. 'current-problems')
- */
- service.getPartLocalId = function (spec) {
- var result;
- Object.keys(service.modules).map(function (module) {
- Object.keys(service.modules[module]).filter(function (pacName) {
- return spec.pacId === [module, pacName].join(':') && service.modules[module][pacName][spec.partId].name === spec.partId;
- }).map(function (pacName) {
- result = service.modules[module][pacName][spec.partId]['local-name'];
- });
- });
- return result;
- };
- var init = function () {
- var deferred = $q.defer();
- var databaseRequest = {
- base: $mwtnDatabase.base,
- index: 'config',
- docType: 'sdn-controller',
- command: '_search',
- method: 'GET',
- from: 0,
- size: 10
- };
- $mwtnDatabase.genericRequest(databaseRequest).then(function (success) {
- // console.log('sc', JSON.stringify(;
- service['sdn-controller'] =;
- $mwtnDatabase.getModules().then(function (success) {
- service.modules = success;
- }, function (error) {
- service.modules = [];
- console.error('modules', JSON.stringify(error));
- deferred.reject(error);
- });
- deferred.resolve();
- }, function (error) {
- service['sdn-controller'] = [];
- console.error('sc', JSON.stringify(error));
- deferred.reject(error);
- });
- return deferred.promise;
- };
- service.getMainConroller = function () {
- var deferred = $q.defer();
- if (service['sdn-controller'].length === 0) {
- init().then(function (success) {
- service['sdn-controller'].map(function (controller) {
- result = controller;
- });
- deferred.resolve(result);
- }, function (error) {
- deferred.reject(error);
- });
- } else {
- service['sdn-controller'].map(function (controller) {
- result = controller;
- });
- deferred.resolve(result);
- }
- return deferred.promise;
- };
- var createStream = function (streamName, callback) {
- service.getMainConroller().then(function (success) {
- var src = success._source;
- var ip =;
- if (ip === 'localhost') {
- ip = service.base.split('//')[1].split(':')[0];
- }
- var url = [src['transport-protocol'], '://', ip, ':', src.port, '/restconf/streams/stream/', streamName].join('');
- var request = {
- method: 'GET',
- url: url
- };
- $http(request).then(function (response) {
- // console.log(response.headers('Location'));
- callback(response.headers('Location'));
- }, function errorCallback(response) {
- console.error(JSON.stringify(response));
- callback();
- });
- }, function (error) {
- console.error('mainController', error);
- callback();
- });
- };
- service.getMwtnWebSocketUrl = function () {
- var deferred = $q.defer();
- service.getMainConroller().then(function (success) {
- var protocol = window.location.protocol.replace(/http/g, 'ws');
- var host = window.location.hostname;
- var user = window.localStorage.odlUser;
- if (user === undefined) user = 'admin' // ODL default user
- var pw = window.localStorage.odlPass;
- if (pw === undefined) pw = 'admin' // ODL default password
- var url = [protocol, '//', user, ':',pw, '@', host, ':8085/websocket'].join('');
-'url', url);
- deferred.resolve(url);
- }, function (error) {
- console.error('mainController', error);
- deferred.reject(error);
- });
- return deferred.promise;
- };
- service.formatTimeStamp = function (t) {
- // t: time in ONF format, e.g. 20161020081633.7Z, 20161025235946.0+0000
- if (t.length !== '20161020081633.7Z'.length || t.length !== '20161025221822.0+0000') {
- if (t.endsWith('Z') || t.endsWith('+0000')) {
- if (!t.contains('-')) {
- return [[t.slice(0, 4), t.slice(4, 6), t.slice(6, 8)].join('-'),
- [t.slice(8, 10), t.slice(10, 12), t.slice(12, 16)].join(':')].join(' ') + ' UTC';
- }
- }
- }
- //'check', t);
- // return new Date().toISOString().toHumanReadableTimeFormat();
- return t.toHumanReadableTimeFormat();
- };
- service.formatData = function (event) {
- var deferred = $q.defer();
- var x2js = new X2JS();
- var jsonObj = x2js.xml_str2json(;
- //'a', service.getType(jsonObj), JSON.stringify(jsonObj));
- if (jsonObj === null || service.getType(jsonObj) !== 'object') {
- deferred.reject('ignore');
- } else {
- notifType = Object.keys(jsonObj)[0];
- var formated = jsonObj[notifType];
- formated.timeStamp = service.formatTimeStamp(formated.timeStamp);
- formated.notifType = notifType;
- formated.myMessage = 'someMessage';
- formated.time = new Date().toISOString();
- deferred.resolve(formated);
- }
- return deferred.promise;
- };
- service.getData = function (callback) {
- return callback('$mwtnCommons registered to this application.');
- };
- service.getType = $mwtnGlobal.getType;
- service.getViewData = $mwtnGlobal.getViewData;
- service.getLayer = function (pacId) {
- console.warn('@depricated', '$mwtnCommons.getLayer()');
- switch (pacId) {
- case 'airinterface':
- case 'air-interface':
- return 'MWPS';
- case 'structure':
- case 'pureEthernetStructure':
- case 'hybridStructure':
- case 'pure-ethernet-structure':
- case 'hybrid-structure':
- return 'MWS';
- case 'container':
- case 'ethernetContainer':
- case 'ethernet-container':
- return 'ETC';
- case 'tdmContainer':
- case 'tdm-container':
- return 'TDM';
- default:
- return (pacId);
- }
- };
- /** @deprecated */
- = ['Capability', 'Configuration', 'Status', 'CurrentProblems', 'CurrentPerformance', 'HistoricalPerformances'];
- service.getLabelId = function (key, callback) {
- return callback(['mwtn', key].join('_').toUpperCase());
- };
- service.checkModules = function (names) {
- // accepts a list of module names and
- // attempts to load them, in order.
- // attempt to load the module into m
- var m;
- var result = {};
- (name) {
- try {
- m = angular.module(name);
- result[name] = true;
- } catch (err) {
- result[name] = false;
- }
- });
- return result;
- };
- service.mount = function (mp) {
- // mp: mounting point
- var url = [service.base, service.url.mount(].join('');
- /* deprecated
- var xml = [
- '<module xmlns="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:config">',
- '<type xmlns:prefix="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:md:sal:connector:netconf">prefix:sal-netconf-connector</type>',
- '<name>{0}</name>',
- '<address xmlns="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:md:sal:connector:netconf">{1}</address>',
- '<port xmlns="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:md:sal:connector:netconf">{2}</port>',
- '<username xmlns="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:md:sal:connector:netconf">{3}</username>',
- '<password xmlns="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:md:sal:connector:netconf">{4}</password>',
- '<tcp-only xmlns="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:md:sal:connector:netconf">false</tcp-only>',
- '<event-executor xmlns="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:md:sal:connector:netconf">',
- ' <type xmlns:prefix="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:netty">prefix:netty-event-executor</type>',
- ' <name>global-event-executor</name>',
- '</event-executor>',
- '<binding-registry xmlns="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:md:sal:connector:netconf">',
- ' <type xmlns:prefix="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:md:sal:binding">prefix:binding-broker-osgi-registry</type>',
- ' <name>binding-osgi-broker</name>',
- '</binding-registry>',
- '<dom-registry xmlns="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:md:sal:connector:netconf">',
- ' <type xmlns:prefix="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:md:sal:dom">prefix:dom-broker-osgi-registry</type>',
- ' <name>dom-broker</name>',
- '</dom-registry>',
- '<client-dispatcher xmlns="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:md:sal:connector:netconf">',
- ' <type xmlns:prefix="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:config:netconf">prefix:netconf-client-dispatcher</type>',
- ' <name>global-netconf-dispatcher</name>',
- '</client-dispatcher>',
- '<processing-executor xmlns="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:md:sal:connector:netconf">',
- ' <type xmlns:prefix="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:threadpool">prefix:threadpool</type>',
- ' <name>global-netconf-processing-executor</name>',
- '</processing-executor>',
- '<keepalive-executor xmlns="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:md:sal:connector:netconf">',
- ' <type xmlns:prefix="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:threadpool">prefix:scheduled-threadpool</type>',
- ' <name>global-netconf-ssh-scheduled-executor</name>',
- '</keepalive-executor>',
- '</module>' ].join('').format(, mp.ipaddress, mp.port, mp.username, mp.password); */
- var xml = [
- '<node xmlns="urn:TBD:params:xml:ns:yang:network-topology">',
- ' <node-id>{0}</node-id>',
- ' <host xmlns="urn:opendaylight:netconf-node-topology">{1}</host>',
- ' <port xmlns="urn:opendaylight:netconf-node-topology">{2}</port>',
- ' <username xmlns="urn:opendaylight:netconf-node-topology">{3}</username>',
- ' <password xmlns="urn:opendaylight:netconf-node-topology">{4}</password>',
- ' <tcp-only xmlns="urn:opendaylight:netconf-node-topology">false</tcp-only>',
- ' <!-- non-mandatory fields with default values, you can safely remove these if you do not wish to override any of these values-->',
- ' <reconnect-on-changed-schema xmlns="urn:opendaylight:netconf-node-topology">false</reconnect-on-changed-schema>',
- ' <connection-timeout-millis xmlns="urn:opendaylight:netconf-node-topology">20000</connection-timeout-millis>',
- ' <max-connection-attempts xmlns="urn:opendaylight:netconf-node-topology">100</max-connection-attempts>',
- ' <between-attempts-timeout-millis xmlns="urn:opendaylight:netconf-node-topology">2000</between-attempts-timeout-millis>',
- ' <sleep-factor xmlns="urn:opendaylight:netconf-node-topology">1.5</sleep-factor>',
- ' <!-- keepalive-delay set to 0 turns off keepalives-->',
- ' <keepalive-delay xmlns="urn:opendaylight:netconf-node-topology">120</keepalive-delay>',
- '</node>'].join('').format(, mp.ipaddress, mp.port, mp.username, mp.password);
- var request = {
- method: 'PUT',
- url: url,
- headers: {
- 'Content-Type': 'application/xml',
- 'Accept': 'application/xml'
- },
- data: xml
- };
- var deferred = $q.defer();
- $http(request).then(function (success) {
- deferred.resolve(;
- }, function (error) {
- $mwtnLog.error({ component: '$mwtnCommons.mount', message: JSON.stringify( });
- deferred.reject(error);
- });
- return deferred.promise;
- };
- /**
- * A promise to unmount netconf devices the old way from OpenDaylight Lithium.
- * This is needed in case Netconf devices from 3rd ONF Wireless PoC were mounted.
- * @param {string} nodeId - The mountpoint identifier which should be unmounted the old way.
- */
- var unmountDeprecated = function (nodeId) {
- var url = [service.base,
- 'config/network-topology:network-topology/topology/topology-netconf/node/controller-config/yang-ext:mount/config:modules/module/odl-sal-netconf-connector-cfg:sal-netconf-connector/',
- nodeId].join('');
- var request = {
- method: 'DELETE',
- url: url
- };
- var deferred = $q.defer();
- $http(request).then(function (success) {
- ${ component: COMPONENT, message: 'Mounting Point deleted: ' + nodeId });
- deferred.resolve(;
- }, function (error) {
- ${ component: '$mwtnCommons.unmount', message: JSON.stringify( });
- deferred.reject(error);
- });
- return deferred.promise;
- }
- /**
- * A promise to unmount netconf devices from OpenDaylight Beryllium and higher.
- * @param {string} nodeId - The mountpoint identifier which unmounted/disconnected from OpenDaylight.
- */
- service.unmount = function (nodeId) {
- var url = [service.base, service.url.unmount(nodeId)].join('');
- var request = {
- method: 'DELETE',
- url: url
- };
- var deferred = $q.defer();
- $http(request).then(function (success) {
- ${ component: COMPONENT, message: 'Mounting Point deleted: ' + nodeId });
- deferred.resolve(;
- }, function (error) {
- // try the old way
- unmountDeprecated(nodeId).then(
- function (success) {
- ${ component: COMPONENT, message: 'Mounting Point deleted: ' + nodeId });
- deferred.resolve(;
- },
- function (error) {
- ${ component: '$mwtnCommons.unmount', message: JSON.stringify( });
- deferred.reject(error);
- }
- );
- });
- return deferred.promise;
- };
- service.getPacParts = function (spec) {
- var errorMsg = { info: 'No data received' };
- var deferred = $q.defer();
- switch (spec.pacId) {
- case 'ne':
- service.getActualNetworkElement(spec.nodeId, spec.revision).then(function (success) {
- deferred.resolve(success);
- }, function (error) {
- $mwtnLog.error({ component: COMPONENT, message: 'Requesting ' + spec.nodeId + ' failed!' });
- deferred.reject(error);
- });
- break;
- case 'clock':
- service.getPtpClockData(spec.nodeId, spec.revision).then(function (success) {
- deferred.resolve(success);
- }, function (error) {
- $mwtnLog.error({ component: COMPONENT, message: 'Requesting clock for ' + spec.nodeId + ' failed!' });
- deferred.reject();
- });
- break;
- case 'forwardingDomain':
- console.warn('fd', JSON.stringify(spec));
- service.getForwardingDomain(spec.nodeId, 'eth-switch').then(function (success) {
- deferred.resolve(success);
- }, function (error) {
- $mwtnLog.error({ component: COMPONENT, message: 'Requesting forwarding domain for ' + spec.nodeId + ' failed!' });
- deferred.reject(error);
- });
- break;
- case 'ltp':
- var ltpKey = 'ltp';
- switch (spec.revision) {
- case '2017-02-17':
- case '2017-03-20':
- case '2017-03-24':
- case '2017-10-20':
- ltpKey = 'ltp';
- break;
- default:
- ltpKey = '_ltpRefList';
- }
- var odlRequest = {
- method: 'GET',
- url: [service.url.actualNetworkElement(spec.nodeId, spec.revision), ltpKey, spec.layerProtocolId].join('/')
- };
- //;
- service.genericRequest(odlRequest).then(function (success) {
- deferred.resolve(success);
- }, function (error) {
- $mwtnLog.error({ component: COMPONENT, message: 'Requesting LTPs of ' + spec.nodeId + ' failed!' });
- deferred.reject(errorMsg);
- });
- break;
- case 'MWPS':
- case 'MWS':
- case 'ETH-CTP':
- case 'ETC':
- case 'airinterface':
- case 'structure':
- case 'container':
- // 3rd PoC
- case 'MicrowaveModel-ObjectClasses-AirInterface:MW_AirInterface_Pac':
- case 'MicrowaveModel-ObjectClasses-EthernetContainer:MW_EthernetContainer_Pac':
- case 'MicrowaveModel-ObjectClasses-PureEthernetStructure:MW_PureEthernetStructure_Pac':
- // 4th PoC
- case 'microwave-model:mw-air-interface-pac':
- case 'microwave-model:mw-air-interface-diversity-pac':
- case 'microwave-model:mw-pure-ethernet-structure-pac':
- case 'microwave-model:mw-hybrid-mw-structure-pac':
- case 'microwave-model:mw-tdm-container-pac':
- case 'microwave-model:mw-ethernet-container-pac':
- case 'onf-ethernet-conditional-packages:ethernet-pac':
- // PoC 4.1
- case 'onf-otn-odu-conditional-packages:otn-odu-connection-pac':
- case 'onf-otn-odu-conditional-packages:otn-odu-termination-pac':
- if (spec.partId) {
- service.getConditionalPackagePart(spec).then(function (success) {
- success.layerProtocol = spec.layerProtocolId;
- deferred.resolve(success);
- }, function (error) {
- $mwtnLog.error({ component: COMPONENT, message: 'Requesting conditional package of ' + JSON.stringify(spec) + ' failed!' });
- deferred.reject(errorMsg);
- });
- } else {
- deferred.resolve();
- }
- break;
- case 'neCurrentProblems':
- service.getNetworkElementCurrentProblemList(spec.nodeId, spec.revision).then(function (success) {
- deferred.resolve(success);
- }, function (error) {
- $mwtnLog.error({ component: COMPONENT, message: 'Requesting ' + spec.nodeId + ' failed!' });
- deferred.reject(error);
- });
- break;
- case 'mountpoint':
- case 'forwardingConstructs':
- // not needed (currently)
- deferred.resolve();
- break;
- default:
- $mwtnLog.error({ component: COMPONENT, message: 'Requesting ' + spec.pacId + ' is not supported!' });
- deferred.reject(errorMsg);
- }
- return deferred.promise;
- };
- service.setPacParts = function (spec, data) {
- var errorMsg = { info: 'No data received' };
- var deferred = $q.defer();
- switch (spec.pacId) {
- // case 'ne':
- // service.getActualNetworkElement(spec.nodeId, spec.revision).then(function(success){
- // deferred.resolve(success);
- // }, function(error){
- // $mwtnLog.error({component: COMPONENT, message: 'Requesting ' + spec.nodeId + ' failed!'});
- // deferred.reject(errorMsg);
- // });
- // break;
- // case 'ltp':
- // var odlRequest = {
- // method: 'GET',
- // url: [service.url.actualNetworkElement(spec.nodeId, spec.revision), '_ltpRefList', spec.layerProtocolId].join('/')
- // };
- // service.genericRequest(odlRequest).then(function(success){
- // deferred.resolve(success);
- // }, function(error){
- // $mwtnLog.error({component: COMPONENT, message: 'Requesting LTPs of ' + spec.nodeId + ' failed!'});
- // deferred.reject(errorMsg);
- // });
- // break;
- case 'airinterface':
- case 'structure':
- case 'container':
- // 4th PoC
- case 'microwave-model:mw-air-interface-pac':
- case 'microwave-model:mw-air-interface-diversity-pac':
- case 'microwave-model:mw-pure-ethernet-structure-pac':
- case 'microwave-model:mw-hybrid-mw-structure-pac':
- case 'microwave-model:mw-tdm-container-pac':
- case 'microwave-model:mw-ethernet-container-pac':
- case 'onf-ethernet-conditional-packages:ethernet-pac':
- // PoC 4.1
- case 'onf-otn-odu-conditional-packages:otn-odu-connection-pac':
- case 'onf-otn-odu-conditional-packages:otn-odu-termination-pac':
- service.setConditionalPackagePart(spec, data).then(function (success) {
- deferred.resolve(success);
- }, function (error) {
- $mwtnLog.error({ component: COMPONENT, message: 'Modification of ' + JSON.stringify(spec) + ' failed!' });
- deferred.reject(errorMsg);
- });
- break;
- default:
- $mwtnLog.error({ component: COMPONENT, message: 'Modification of ' + spec.pacId + ' not supported!' });
- deferred.reject(errorMsg);
- }
- return deferred.promise;
- };
- service.setPacPartLists = function (spec, listData) {
- var errorMsg = { info: 'No data received' };
- var deferred = $q.defer();
- switch (spec.pacId) {
- // case 'ne':
- // service.getActualNetworkElement(spec.nodeId, spec.revision).then(function(success){
- // deferred.resolve(success);
- // }, function(error){
- // $mwtnLog.error({component: COMPONENT, message: 'Requesting ' + spec.nodeId + ' failed!'});
- // deferred.reject(errorMsg);
- // });
- // break;
- // case 'ltp':
- // var odlRequest = {
- // method: 'GET',
- // url: [service.url.actualNetworkElement(spec.nodeId, spec.revision), '_ltpRefList', spec.layerProtocolId].join('/')
- // };
- // service.genericRequest(odlRequest).then(function(success){
- // deferred.resolve(success);
- // }, function(error){
- // $mwtnLog.error({component: COMPONENT, message: 'Requesting LTPs of ' + spec.nodeId + ' failed!'});
- // deferred.reject(errorMsg);
- // });
- // break;
- case 'airinterface':
- case 'structure':
- case 'container':
- // 4th PoC
- case 'microwave-model:mw-air-interface-pac':
- case 'microwave-model:mw-air-interface-diversity-pac':
- case 'microwave-model:mw-pure-ethernet-structure-pac':
- case 'microwave-model:mw-hybrid-mw-structure-pac':
- case 'microwave-model:mw-tdm-container-pac':
- case 'microwave-model:mw-ethernet-container-pac':
- case 'onf-ethernet-conditional-packages:ethernet-pac':
- // PoC 4.1
- case 'onf-otn-odu-conditional-packages:otn-odu-connection-pac':
- case 'onf-otn-odu-conditional-packages:otn-odu-termination-pac':
- service.setConditionalPackagePartList(spec, listData).then(function (success) {
- deferred.resolve(success);
- }, function (error) {
- $mwtnLog.error({ component: COMPONENT, message: 'Modification of ' + JSON.stringify(spec) + ' failed!' });
- deferred.reject(errorMsg);
- });
- break;
- default:
- $mwtnLog.error({ component: COMPONENT, message: 'Modification of ' + spec.pacId + ' not supported!' });
- deferred.reject(errorMsg);
- }
- return deferred.promise;
- };
- var nodeIntId = 100;
- service.getNodeIntIdFromNodeId = function (nodeId) {
- nodeIntId = nodeIntId + 1;
- if (nodeId.contains('-')) {
- return nodeId.split('-')[1];
- }
- return nodeIntId;
- };
- service.getRequiredNetworkElements = function (complete) {
- var sort = [{ _id: { order: 'asc' } }];;
- var query = {
- match: {
- required: true
- }
- };
- var deferred = $q.defer();
- $mwtnDatabase.getFilteredSortedData('mwtn', 'required-networkelement', 0, 10000, sort, query).then(
- function (success) {
- if (complete) {
- deferred.resolve(;
- }
- var result = (ne) {
- var yangifiedObj = service.yangifyObject(ne._source);
- var pacKey = 'microwave-model:mw-air-interface-pac';
- if (yangifiedObj['microwave-model-object-classes-air-interface:mw-air-interface-pac']) {
- pacKey = 'microwave-model-object-classes-air-interface:mw-air-interface-pac';
- }
- var configKey = 'air-interface-configuration';
- var radioSignalIds = [];
- if (yangifiedObj[pacKey]) {
- radioSignalIds = yangifiedObj[pacKey].filter(
- function (mwps) {
- return mwps[configKey] && mwps[configKey]['radio-signal-id'];
- }
- ).map(
- function (mwps) {
- return mwps[configKey]['radio-signal-id'];
- }
- ).sort();
- }
- return {
- id: service.getNodeIntIdFromNodeId(yangifiedObj['node-id']),
- name: yangifiedObj['node-id'],
- ipaddress:,
- port: yangifiedObj.connect.port,
- username: yangifiedObj.connect.username,
- password: yangifiedObj.connect.password,
- radioSignalIds: JSON.stringify(radioSignalIds),
- connectionStatus: 'disconnected'
- };
- });
- deferred.resolve(result);
- },
- function (error) {
- $mwtnLog.error({ component: COMPONENT, message: 'Problems in retrieving required network elements.' });
- deferred.reject(error);
- }
- );
- return deferred.promise;
- };
- service.getConnectionStatus = function (neId) {
- var url = service.base + service.url.connectionStatus(neId);
- var request = {
- method: 'GET',
- url: url
- };
- var deferred = $q.defer();
- $http(request).then(function (success) {
- // console.log(JSON.stringify(success));
- deferred.resolve([0]['netconf-node-topology:connection-status']);
- }, function (error) {
- deferred.reject(error);
- });
- return deferred.promise;
- };
- service.executeClosedLoopAutomation = function () {
- var url = service.base + 'operations/closedLoopAutomation:start';
- var request = {
- method: 'POST',
- url: url
- };
- var deferred = $q.defer();
- $http(request).then(function (success) {
- deferred.resolve(success);
- }, function (error) {
- deferred.reject(error);
- });
- return deferred.promise;
- };
- service.saveClosedLoopAutomation = function (enabled, option) {
- var url = service.base + 'operations/closedLoopAutomation:save-timer';
- var request = {
- method: 'POST',
- url: url,
- data: {
- "input": {
- "enabled": enabled,
- "option": option
- }
- }
- };
- var deferred = $q.defer();
- $http(request).then(function (success) {
- deferred.resolve(success);
- }, function (error) {
- deferred.reject(error);
- });
- return deferred.promise;
- };
- service.readClosedLoopAutomation = function () {
- var url = service.base + 'operations/closedLoopAutomation:read-timer';
- var request = {
- method: 'POST',
- url: url,
- };
- var deferred = $q.defer();
- $http(request).then(function (success) {
- deferred.resolve(success);
- }, function (error) {
- deferred.reject(error);
- });
- return deferred.promise;
- };
- /**
- * A promise inquiring the a single mountpoint from topology-netconf.
- * @param {string} nodeId - The mountpoint identifier.
- * @return {{'node-id':string, 'netconf-node-topology:tcp-only': boolean, 'netconf-node-topology:host', string, 'netconf-node-topology:keepalive-delay':number, 'netconf-node-topology:port':number, 'netconf-node-topology:username':string, 'netconf-node-topology:password': string}} - The mountpoint from topology-netconf.
- */
- service.getMountPoint = function (nodeId) {
- var odlRequest = {
- method: 'GET',
- url: service.url.mount(nodeId)
- };
- var deferred = $q.defer();
- service.genericRequest(odlRequest).then(
- function (success) {
- deferred.resolve([0]);
- },
- function (error) {
- deferred.reject(error);
- }
- );
- return deferred.promise;
- };
- service.getMountPoints = function () {
- var url = service.base + service.url.actualNetworkElements();
- var request = {
- method: 'GET',
- url: url
- };
- var deferred = $q.defer();
- $http(request).then(function (success) {
- var requiredTopology = 'topology-netconf';
- var topo = (topo) {
- return topo['topology-id'] === requiredTopology;
- });
- // console.log('topo', JSON.stringify(topo));
- if (topo.length === 0) {
- var message = ['ODL', requiredTopology, 'not found!'].join(' ');
- $mwtnLog.error({ component: COMPONENT, message: message });
- deferred.reject(message);
- } else if (topo[0].node) {
- var mwMountPoints = topo[0].node.filter(function (mountpoint) {
- return mountpoint['node-id'] !== 'controller-config';
- }).map(function (mountpoint) {
- //'mountpoint', JSON.stringify(mountpoint));
- var capId = 'netconf-node-topology:available-capabilities';
- if (mountpoint[capId] && mountpoint[capId]['available-capability']) {
- var caps = mountpoint[capId]['available-capability'].filter(function (cap) {
- //;
- return cap.capability.contains('?revision=');
- }).map(function (cap) {
- return {
- module: cap.capability.split(')')[1],
- revision: cap.capability.split('?revision=')[1].substring(0, 10)
- };
- }).sort(function (a, b) {
- if (a.module < b.module) return -1;
- if (a.module > b.module) return 1;
- return 0;
- });
- // console.log('mountpoint', JSON.stringify(caps));
- mountpoint.onfCapabilities = caps;
- mountpoint.onfCoreModelRevision = caps.filter(function (cap) {
- return cap.module === 'core-model' || cap.module === 'CoreModel-CoreNetworkModule-ObjectClasses';
- }).map(function (cap) {
- return cap.revision;
- });
- if (mountpoint.onfCoreModelRevision.length === 1) {
- mountpoint.onfCoreModelRevision = mountpoint.onfCoreModelRevision[0];
- } else {
- $mwtnLog.error({ component: COMPONENT, message: mountpoint.onfCoreModelRevision.length + ' CoreModels supported by ' + mountpoint['node-id'] });
- }
- // console.log('caps', JSON.stringify(caps));
- mountpoint.onfAirInterfaceRevision = caps.filter(function (cap) {
- return cap.module === 'microwave-model' || cap.module === 'MicrowaveModel-ObjectClasses-AirInterface';
- }).map(function (cap) {
- return cap.revision;
- });
- // console.log('onfAirInterfaceRevision', mountpoint.onfAirInterfaceRevision);
- if (mountpoint.onfAirInterfaceRevision.length === 1) {
- mountpoint.onfAirInterfaceRevision = mountpoint.onfAirInterfaceRevision[0];
- } else {
- $mwtnLog.error({ component: COMPONENT, message: 'More than 1 or no MicrowaveModel supported by ' + mountpoint['node-id'] });
- }
- }
- var clusterConneactionStatus = 'netconf-node-topology:clustered-connection-status';
- if (mountpoint[clusterConneactionStatus] && mountpoint[clusterConneactionStatus]['netconf-master-node']) {
- var value = mountpoint[clusterConneactionStatus]['netconf-master-node'];
- value = value.substring(value.indexOf('@'));
- mountpoint.client = value.substring(1, value.indexOf(':'));
- } else {
- mountpoint.client = window.location.hostname;
- }
- return mountpoint;
- });
- // console.log('mwMountPoints', JSON.stringify(mwMountPoints));
- deferred.resolve(mwMountPoints);
- }
- }, function (error) {
- $mwtnLog.error({ component: COMPONENT, message: JSON.stringify( });
- deferred.reject(error);
- });
- return deferred.promise;
- };
- service.separator = '&nbsp;';
- // grid settings
- service.highlightFilteredHeader = function (row, rowRenderIndex,
- col, colRenderIndex) {
- if (col.filters[0].term) {
- return 'header-filtered';
- } else {
- return '';
- }
- };
- service.gridOptions = {
- data: [],
- enableColumnResizing: true,
- enableSorting: true,
- enableFiltering: true,
- enableGridMenu: true,
- exporterMenuPdf: false,
- showGridFooter: true,
- // showColumnFooter: true,
- fastWatch: true,
- enableRowSelection: true,
- enableRowHeaderSelection: true,
- multiSelect: false
- };
- service.gridOptions.gridMenuCustomItems = [{
- title: 'Rotate Grid',
- action: function ($event) {
- this.grid.element.toggleClass('rotated');
- },
- order: 210
- }];
- service.url = {
- actualNetworkElements: function () {
- return 'operational/network-topology:network-topology/topology/topology-netconf';
- },
- connectionStatus: function (neId) {
- return 'operational/network-topology:network-topology/topology/topology-netconf/node/' + neId;
- },
- mount: function (neId) {
- return 'config/network-topology:network-topology/topology/topology-netconf/node/' + neId;
- // return 'config/network-topology:network-topology/topology/topology-netconf/node/controller-config/yang-ext:mount/config:modules'; // depricated
- },
- unmount: function (neId) {
- // return 'config/network-topology:network-topology/topology/topology-netconf/node/controller-config/yang-ext:mount/config:modules/module/odl-sal-netconf-connector-cfg:sal-netconf-connector/' + neId; // depricated
- return 'config/network-topology:network-topology/topology/topology-netconf/node/' + neId;
- },
- forwardingDomain: function (neId, fdUuid) {
- return 'operational/network-topology:network-topology/topology/topology-netconf/node/' + neId + '/yang-ext:mount/core-model:network-element/fd/' +fdUuid;
- },
- forwardingConstruct: function (neId, fcUuid) {
- return 'operational/network-topology:network-topology/topology/topology-netconf/node/' + neId + '/yang-ext:mount/core-model:forwarding-construct/' +fcUuid;
- },
- clock: function (neId, revision) {
- return 'operational/network-topology:network-topology/topology/topology-netconf/node/' + neId + '/yang-ext:mount/ietf-ptp-dataset:instance-list/1';
- },
- actualNetworkElement: function (neId, revision) {
- switch (revision) {
- case "2016-03-23":
- return [
- 'operational/network-topology:network-topology/topology/topology-netconf/node/',
- neId,
- '/yang-ext:mount/CoreModel-CoreNetworkModule-ObjectClasses:NetworkElement/',
- neId].join('');
- case "2017-02-17":
- case "2017-03-20":
- case "2017-03-24":
- case "2017-10-20":
- return [
- 'operational/network-topology:network-topology/topology/topology-netconf/node/',
- neId,
- '/yang-ext:mount/core-model:network-element'].join('');
- default: // 2016-08-11
- return [
- 'operational/network-topology:network-topology/topology/topology-netconf/node/',
- neId,
- '/yang-ext:mount/CoreModel-CoreNetworkModule-ObjectClasses:NetworkElement'].join('');
- }
- },
- networkElementCurrentProblemList: function (neId, revision) {
- console.log(neId, revision);
- switch (revision) {
- case "2016-08-11":
- return [
- 'operational/network-topology:network-topology/topology/topology-netconf/node/',
- neId,
- '/yang-ext:mount/MicrowaveModel-NetworkElement-CurrentProblemList:NetworkElementCurrentProblems'].join('');
- case "2017-02-17":
- case "2017-03-20": // TODO sko equipmentAlarms check new yang file if agreed
- return [
- 'operational/network-topology:network-topology/topology/topology-netconf/node/',
- neId,
- '/yang-ext:mount/onf-core-model-conditional-packages:network-element-pac/network-element-current-problems'].join('');
- default:
- return [
- 'operational/network-topology:network-topology/topology/topology-netconf/node/',
- neId,
- '/yang-ext:mount/onf-core-model-conditional-packages:network-element-pac/network-element-current-problems'].join('');
- }
- }
- };
- /*
- * Changes different time formats to a common time fromat
- * TODO currently not implemented!
- */
- service.normalizeTimeFormat = function (time, format) {
- return time;
- };
- /*
- * Changing a string according to yang naming conventions.
- * The function should be alinged with the ONF Eagle project.
- */
- service.yangify = function (str) {
- var result = str
- .replace(/RefList+$/, '') // endling "List" was removed
- .replace(/List+$/, '') // endling "List" was removed
- .replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, '$1-$2') // insert dashes
- .replace(/([0-9])([a-zA-Z])/g, '$1-$2') // insert dashes
- .replace(/([A-Z])([A-Z])([a-z])/g, '$1-$2$3') // insert dashes
- .toLowerCase() // lowercase everything
- .replace(/^_/, '') // remove leading underscore
- .replace(/:_/g, ':') // and leading underscores in path segments
- .replace(/_/g, '-'); // convert underscore to dashes
- // catch "wrong" UML labels
- var exceptions = {
- 'air-interface':'air-interface-list',
- 'air-interface-ltp':'air-interface-ltp-list',
- 'air-interface-capability': 'air-interface-capability-list',
- 'air-interface-current-problem': 'air-interface-current-problem-list',
- 'container-capability': 'container-capability-list',
- 'current-performance-data':'current-performance-data-list',
- 'current-problem':'current-problem-list',
- 'historical-performance-data':'historical-performance-data-list',
- 'problem-kind-severity':'problem-kind-severity-list',
- 'pure-ethernet-structure-capability':'pure-ethernet-structure-capability-list',
- 'segment-status':'segment-status-list',
- 'segments-id':'segments-id-list',
- 'structure-capability': 'structure-capability-list',
- 'structure-current-problem': 'structure-current-problem-list',
- 'supported-tdm-container-types':'supported-tdm-container-types-list',
- 'supported-tdm-structure-types':'supported-tdm-structure-types-list',
- 'supported-channel-plan':'supported-channel-plan-list',
- 'supported-loop-back-kind':'transmission-mode-list',
- 'transmission-mode':'transmission-mode-list'
- };
- if (exceptions[result]) {
- console.warn(result, '.>', exceptions[result]);
- result=exceptions[result];
- }
- // catch modulation value difference
- if (result.startsWith('time') && result.endsWith('symbols')
- || result.startsWith('time') && result.contains('-symbols-') && result.endsWith('-s')
- || result.startsWith('time') && result.contains('-symbols-') && result.endsWith('-l')) {
- result = result.replace('symbols', 'states');
- }
- return result;
- };
- /*
- * Checking, whether a jsonObject should be yangifyed
- */
- service.isCamelCase = function (jsonObject) {
- if (jsonObject === undefined || jsonObject === null) {
- return true;
- }
- var result;
- var type = service.getType(jsonObject);
- switch (type) {
- case 'object':
- result = false;
- Object.keys(jsonObject).map(function (key) {
- result = result || key !== [service.yangify(key)];
- });
- break;
- case 'array':
- case 'boolean':
- case 'function':
- case 'string':
- case 'number':
- case 'null':
- case 'undefined':
- result = true;
- break;
- default:
- console.error('Type1:', type, ' is not supported!');
- result = true;
- }
- return result;
- };
- /*
- * Yangifies a names/keys of a jsonOject
- */
- service.yangifyObject = function (jsonObject) {
- if (jsonObject === undefined || jsonObject === null) {
- return jsonObject;
- }
- var result;
- var type = service.getType(jsonObject);
- switch (type) {
- case 'object':
- case 'name-value':
- result = {};
- Object.keys(jsonObject).map(function (key) {
- result[service.yangify(key)] = service.yangifyObject(jsonObject[key]);
- });
- break;
- case 'array':
- result = (item, index) {
- return service.yangifyObject(item);
- });
- break;
- case 'boolean':
- case 'function':
- case 'string':
- case 'number':
- case 'null':
- case 'undefined':
- result = jsonObject;
- break;
- default:
- console.error('Type:', type, ' is not supported!');
- result = jsonObject;
- }
- return result;
- };
- /*
- * Send a restconf request to OpenDayligth.
- * All ODL restconf requests should pass this function.
- */
- service.genericRequest = function (odlRequest) {
- var url = [service.base, odlRequest.url].join('');
- var request = {
- method: odlRequest.method,
- url: url,
- data:
- };
- var deferred = $q.defer();
- $http(request).then(function (success) {
- // yangifing the response is required until all NEs has switch to CoreModel 1.2 (ONF-TR-532)
- // deferred.resolve(service.yangifyObject(success));
- deferred.resolve(success);
- }, function (error) {
- $mwtnLog.error({ component: COMPONENT + '.genericRequest', message: JSON.stringify( });
- deferred.reject(error);
- });
- return deferred.promise;
- };
- service.getMountedNetConfServers = function (callback) {
- var url = service.base + service.url.actualNetworkElements();
- var request = {
- method: 'GET',
- url: url
- };
- $http(request).then(function (success) {
- return callback(;
- }, function (error) {
- console.error(JSON.stringify(error));
- return callback();
- });
- };
- service.getActualNetworkElement = function (neId, revision) {
- var url = [service.base,
- service.url.actualNetworkElement(neId, revision)].join('');
- var request = {
- method: 'GET',
- url: url
- };
- var taskId = [neId, 'ONF:CoreModel:NetworkElement data received'].join(' ');
- var deferred = $q.defer();
- console.time(taskId);
- $http(request).then(function (success) {
- console.timeEnd(taskId);
- = revision;
- // deferred.resolve(service.yangifyObject(;
- deferred.resolve(;
- }, function (error) {
- console.timeEnd(taskId);
- ${ component: '$mwtnCommons.getActualNetworkElement', message: JSON.stringify( });
- deferred.reject(error);
- });
- return deferred.promise;
- };
- service.getForwardingDomain = function(neId, fdUuid) {
- var url = [service.base,
- service.url.forwardingDomain(neId, fdUuid)].join('');
- var request = {
- method: 'GET',
- url: url
- };
- var taskId = [neId, 'ONF:ForwardingDomain received'].join(' ');
- var deferred = $q.defer();
- console.time(taskId);
- $http(request).then(function (success) {
- console.timeEnd(taskId);
- // deferred.resolve(service.yangifyObject(;
- deferred.resolve(;
- }, function (error) {
- console.timeEnd(taskId);
- ${ component: '$mwtnCommons.getForwardingDomain', message: JSON.stringify( });
- deferred.reject(error);
- });
- return deferred.promise;
- };
- service.getForwardingConstruct = function(neId, fcUuid) {
- var url = [service.base,
- service.url.forwardingConstruct(neId, fcUuid)].join('');
- var request = {
- method: 'GET',
- url: url
- };
- var taskId = [neId, fcUuid, 'ONF:ForwardingConstruct received'].join(' ');
- var deferred = $q.defer();
- console.time(taskId);
- $http(request).then(function (success) {
- console.timeEnd(taskId);
- // deferred.resolve(service.yangifyObject(;
- deferred.resolve(;
- }, function (error) {
- console.timeEnd(taskId);
- ${ component: '$mwtnCommons.getForwardingConstruct', message: JSON.stringify( });
- deferred.reject();
- });
- return deferred.promise;
- };
- service.getPtpClockData = function(neId, revision) {
- var url = [service.base,
- service.url.clock(neId, revision)].join('');
- var request = {
- method: 'GET',
- url: url
- };
- var taskId = [neId, 'ONF:PTP:DataSet received'].join(' ');
- var deferred = $q.defer();
- console.time(taskId);
- $http(request).then(function (success) {
- console.timeEnd(taskId);
- = revision;
- // deferred.resolve(service.yangifyObject(;
- deferred.resolve(;
- }, function (error) {
- console.timeEnd(taskId);
- ${ component: '$mwtnCommons.getPtpClockData', message: JSON.stringify( });
- deferred.reject(error);
- });
- return deferred.promise;
- };
- service.getNetworkElementCurrentProblemList = function (neId, revision) {
- var url = [service.base,
- service.url.networkElementCurrentProblemList(neId, revision)].join('');
- var request = {
- method: 'GET',
- url: url
- };
- var taskId = [neId, 'ONF:CoreModel:NetworkElement data received'].join(' ');
- var deferred = $q.defer();
- console.time(taskId);
- $http(request).then(function (success) {
- console.timeEnd(taskId);
- = revision;
- // deferred.resolve(service.yangifyObject(; TODO: check if correct
- deferred.resolve(;
- }, function (error) {
- console.timeEnd(taskId);
- ${ component: '$mwtnCommons.getActualNetworkElement', message: JSON.stringify( });
- deferred.reject(error);
- });
- return deferred.promise;
- };
- var getIdsByRevision = function (revision, pacId, partId) {
- switch (revision) {
- case '2016-03-23':
- switch (pacId) {
- case 'MWPS':
- case 'AirInterface':
- case 'airinterface':
- case 'airInterface':
- pacId = 'MicrowaveModel-ObjectClasses-MwConnection:MW_AirInterface_Pac';
- partId = 'airInterface' + partId;
- if (partId === 'airInterfaceCapability' || partId === 'airInterfaceCurrentProblems') {
- partId = undefined;
- }
- break;
- case 'MWS':
- case 'Structure':
- case 'structure':
- pacId = 'MicrowaveModel-ObjectClasses-MwConnection:MW_Structure_Pac';
- partId = 'structure' + partId;
- break;
- case 'ETH-CTP':
- case 'ETH':
- case 'Container':
- case 'container':
- pacId = 'MicrowaveModel-ObjectClasses-MwConnection:MW_Container_Pac';
- partId = 'container' + partId;
- break;
- case 'TDM':
- pacId = 'MicrowaveModel-ObjectClasses-MwConnection:MW_Container_Pac';
- partId = 'container' + partId;
- break;
- }
- break;
- case '2017-02-17':
- case '2017-03-20':
- case '2017-03-24':
- switch (pacId) {
- case 'MWPS':
- case 'AirInterface':
- case 'airinterface':
- case 'airInterface':
- case 'air-interface':
- pacId = 'microwave-model:mw-air-interface-pac';
- partId = 'air-interface-' + service.yangify(partId);
- break;
- case 'MWS':
- case 'Structure':
- case 'structure':
- var isHybrid = false; // TODO How do I know this?
- if (isHybrid) {
- pacId = 'microwave-model:mw-hybrid-mw-structure-pac';
- partId = 'hybrid-mw-structure-' + service.yangify(partId);
- } else {
- pacId = 'microwave-model:mw-pure-ethernet-structure-pac';
- partId = 'pure-ethernet-structure-' + service.yangify(partId);
- }
- break;
- case 'ETH-CTP':
- case 'ETC':
- case 'Container':
- case 'container':
- pacId = 'microwave-model:mw-ethernet-container-pac';
- partId = 'ethernet-container-' + service.yangify(partId);
- break;
- case 'TDM':
- pacId = 'microwave-model:mw-tdm-container-pac';
- partId = 'tdm-container-' + service.yangify(partId);
- break;
- }
- break;
- default:
- switch (pacId) {
- case 'MWPS':
- case 'AirInterface':
- case 'airinterface':
- case 'airInterface':
- pacId = 'MicrowaveModel-ObjectClasses-AirInterface:MW_AirInterface_Pac';
- partId = 'airInterface' + partId;
- break;
- case 'MWS':
- case 'Structure':
- case 'structure':
- pacId = 'MicrowaveModel-ObjectClasses-PureEthernetStructure:MW_PureEthernetStructure_Pac';
- partId = 'pureEthernetStructure' + partId;
- break;
- case 'ETH-CTP':
- case 'ETH':
- case 'Container':
- case 'container':
- pacId = 'MicrowaveModel-ObjectClasses-EthernetContainer:MW_EthernetContainer_Pac';
- partId = 'ethernetContainer' + partId;
- break;
- case 'TDM':
- pacId = 'microwave-model:mw-tdm-container-pac';
- partId = 'tdm-container-' + service.yangify(partId);
- break;
- }
- }
- return {
- pacId: pacId,
- partId: partId
- };
- };
- service.getConditionalPackagePart = function (spec) {
- // console.log(JSON.stringify(spec));
- var deferred = $q.defer();
- if (!spec.partId) {
- deferred.reject('ignore');
- return deferred.promise;
- }
- var ids = getIdsByRevision(spec.revision, spec.pacId, spec.partId);
- var operation = 'operational';
- if (spec.config === true) {
- operation = 'config';
- }
- var url = [service.base, operation,
- '/network-topology:network-topology/topology/topology-netconf/node/',
- spec.nodeId,
- '/yang-ext:mount/', ids.pacId, '/',
- spec.layerProtocolId, '/',
- ids.partId].join('');
- var request = {
- method: 'GET',
- url: url
- };
- // console.log(JSON.stringify(request));
- var taskId = [spec.nodeId, spec.layerProtocolId, spec.pacId, 'data received'].join(' ');
- console.time(taskId);
- $http(request).then(function (success) {
- console.timeEnd(taskId);
- = spec.revision;
- deferred.resolve(;
- // console.log(JSON.stringify(service.yangifyObject(;
- // [sko] not now - later after all apps are updated to the new model: deferred.resolve(service.yangifyObject(;
- }, function (error) {
- console.timeEnd(taskId);
- ${ component: '$mwtnCommons.getConditionalPackagePart', message: JSON.stringify( });
- deferred.reject(error);
- });
- return deferred.promise;
- };
- service.getPtpPort = function (spec) {
- var deferred = $q.defer();
- if (!spec.networkElement || !spec.value) {
- deferred.reject('ignore');
- return deferred.promise;
- }
- var operation = 'config';
- var url = [service.base, operation,
- '/network-topology:network-topology/topology/topology-netconf/node/',
- spec.networkElement,
- '/yang-ext:mount/ietf-ptp-dataset:instance-list/1/port-ds-list/',
- spec.value['port-number']].join('');
- var request = {
- method: 'GET',
- url: url
- };
- console.warn(JSON.stringify(request));
- var taskId = [spec.networkElement, spec.value['port-number'], 'data received'].join(' ');
- console.time(taskId);
- $http(request).then(function (success) {
- console.timeEnd(taskId);
- console.warn(JSON.stringify(;
- deferred.resolve(;
- }, function (error) {
- console.timeEnd(taskId);
- ${ component: '$mwtnCommons.getPtpPort', message: JSON.stringify( });
- deferred.reject(error);
- });
- return deferred.promise;
- };
- service.setPtpPort = function (spec, data) {
- var deferred = $q.defer();
- if (!spec.networkElement || !spec.value) {
- deferred.reject('ignore');
- return deferred.promise;
- }
- var operation = 'config';
- var url = [service.base, operation,
- '/network-topology:network-topology/topology/topology-netconf/node/',
- spec.networkElement,
- '/yang-ext:mount/ietf-ptp-dataset:instance-list/1/port-ds-list/',
- spec.value['port-number']].join('');
- var body = {'port-ds-list': data};
- var request = {
- method: 'PUT',
- url: url,
- headers: {
- 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
- 'Accept': 'application/json'
- },
- data: body
- };
- var taskId = [spec.networkElement, spec.value['port-number'], 'data received'].join(' ');
- console.time(taskId);
- $http(request).then(function (success) {
- console.timeEnd(taskId);
- deferred.resolve(;
- // deferred.resolve(service.yangifyObject(;
- }, function (error) {
- console.timeEnd(taskId);
- $mwtnLog.error({ component: '$mwtnCommons.setPtpPort', message: JSON.stringify( });
- deferred.reject(error);
- });
- return deferred.promise;
- };
- service.getPtpDefaultDs = function (spec) {
- var deferred = $q.defer();
- if (!spec.networkElement || !spec.value) {
- deferred.reject('ignore');
- return deferred.promise;
- }
- var operation = 'config';
- var url = [service.base, operation,
- '/network-topology:network-topology/topology/topology-netconf/node/',
- spec.networkElement,
- '/yang-ext:mount/ietf-ptp-dataset:instance-list/1/default-ds/'].join('');
- var request = {
- method: 'GET',
- url: url
- };
- console.warn(JSON.stringify(request));
- var taskId = [spec.networkElement, 'default-ds', 'data received'].join(' ');
- console.time(taskId);
- $http(request).then(function (success) {
- console.timeEnd(taskId);
- console.warn(JSON.stringify(;
- deferred.resolve(;
- }, function (error) {
- console.timeEnd(taskId);
- ${ component: '$mwtnCommons.getPtpPort', message: JSON.stringify( });
- deferred.reject(error);
- });
- return deferred.promise;
- };
- service.setPtpDefaultDs = function (spec, data) {
- var deferred = $q.defer();
- if (!spec.networkElement || !spec.value) {
- deferred.reject('ignore');
- return deferred.promise;
- }
- var operation = 'config';
- var url = [service.base, operation,
- '/network-topology:network-topology/topology/topology-netconf/node/',
- spec.networkElement,
- '/yang-ext:mount/ietf-ptp-dataset:instance-list/1/default-ds/'].join('');
- var body = {'default-ds': data};
- var request = {
- method: 'PUT',
- url: url,
- headers: {
- 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
- 'Accept': 'application/json'
- },
- data: body
- };
- var taskId = [spec.networkElement, 'default-ds', 'data received'].join(' ');
- console.time(taskId);
- $http(request).then(function (success) {
- console.timeEnd(taskId);
- deferred.resolve(;
- // deferred.resolve(service.yangifyObject(;
- }, function (error) {
- console.timeEnd(taskId);
- $mwtnLog.error({ component: '$mwtnCommons.setPtpPort', message: JSON.stringify( });
- deferred.reject(error);
- });
- return deferred.promise;
- };
- service.setConditionalPackagePart = function (spec, data) {
- var deferred = $q.defer();
- if (!spec.partId) {
- deferred.reject('ignore');
- return deferred.promise;
- }
- var ids = getIdsByRevision(spec.revision, spec.pacId, spec.partId);
- var body = {};
- body[ids.partId] = data;
- var url = [service.base,
- 'config/network-topology:network-topology/topology/topology-netconf/node/',
- spec.nodeId,
- '/yang-ext:mount/', ids.pacId, '/',
- spec.layerProtocolId, '/',
- ids.partId].join('');
- var request = {
- method: 'PUT',
- url: url,
- headers: {
- 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
- 'Accept': 'application/json'
- },
- data: body
- };
- var taskId = [spec.nodeId, spec.layerProtocolId, spec.pacId, 'data received'].join(' ');
- console.time(taskId);
- $http(request).then(function (success) {
- console.timeEnd(taskId);
- = spec.revision;
- deferred.resolve(;
- // deferred.resolve(service.yangifyObject(;
- }, function (error) {
- console.timeEnd(taskId);
- $mwtnLog.error({ component: '$mwtnCommons.setConditionalPackagePart', message: JSON.stringify( });
- deferred.reject(error);
- });
- return deferred.promise;
- };
- // pureEthernetStructureConfiguration/problemKindSeverityList/value1
- // {
- // "problemKindSeverityList": [
- // {
- // "problemKindName": "severity1",
- // "problemKindSeverity": "warning"
- // }
- // ]
- // }
- var processData = function (item, i, callback) {
- var spec = item.spec;
- var ids = getIdsByRevision(spec.revision, spec.pacId,
- spec.partId);
- item.spec = undefined;
- var body = {};
- body[spec.attribute] = [item];
- $mwtnDatabase.getSchema().then(function (schema) {
- var key;
- Object.keys(item).map(function (k) {
- // works currently only for single key lists
- if (schema[k] && schema[k]['is-key']) {
- key = k;
- }
- });
- var url = [
- service.base.slice(0, -1),
- 'config/network-topology:network-topology/topology/topology-netconf/node',
- spec.nodeId, 'yang-ext:mount', ids.pacId,
- spec.layerProtocolId, ids.partId,
- spec.attribute, item[key]].join('/');
- var request = {
- method: 'PUT',
- url: url,
- headers: {
- 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
- 'Accept': 'application/json'
- },
- data: body
- };
- // console.log(JSON.stringify(request));
- var taskId = [spec.nodeId, spec.layerProtocolId,
- spec.pacId, item.problemKindName,
- 'data received'].join(' ');
- console.time(taskId);
- $http(request).then(function (success) {
- console.timeEnd(taskId);
- = spec.revision;
- return callback();
- },
- function (error) {
- console.timeEnd(taskId);
- $mwtnLog
- .error({
- component: '$mwtnCommons.setConditionalPackagePart',
- message: JSON
- .stringify(
- });
- return callback();
- });
- });
- };
- service.setConditionalPackagePartList = function (spec, data) {
- var deferred = $q.defer();
- if (!spec.partId) {
- deferred.reject('ignore');
- return deferred.promise;
- }
- (item) {
- item.spec = spec;
- });
- doSynchronousLoop(data, processData, function () {
- deferred.resolve();
- });
- return deferred.promise;
- };
- var saveRequiredNetworkElement = function (requiredNode) {
- var url = [$mwtnDatabase.base, $mwtnDatabase.index, 'required-networkelement',
- requiredNode.nodeId].join('/');
- var bodyString = JSON.stringify(requiredNode);
- var headers = {
- 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
- 'Content-Length': bodyString.length
- };
- var request = {
- method: 'PUT',
- url: url,
- data: requiredNode
- };
- var deferred = $q.defer();
- console.time('database:' + url);
- $http(request).then(function (success) {
- console.timeEnd('database:' + url);
- // console.log(JSON.stringify(success));
- deferred.resolve(success);
- }, function (error) {
- console.timeEnd('database:' + url);
- $mwtnLog.error({ component: '$mwtnCommons.saveRequiredNetworkElement', message: JSON.stringify( });
- deferred.reject(error);
- });
- return deferred.promise;
- };
- /**
- * A function which inquires data from a netconf server and stores it in a database.
- * @param {{'node-id': string, ipAddress: string, port: number, username: string, password: string, site:string, onfCoreModelRevision: string, onfAirInterfaceRevision: string}} netconfServer - A netConf server object with all connectivity parameters.
- */
- service.addRequiredNetworkElement = function (netconfServer) {
- /** {Object} requiredNode - Data set to be stored in database */
- var requiredNode = {
- nodeId: netconfServer['node-id'],
- siteRef:,
- onfCoreModelRevision: netconfServer.onfCoreModelRevision,
- onfAirInterfaceRevision: netconfServer.onfAirInterfaceRevision,
- required: true,
- connect: {
- mountId: netconfServer['node-id'],
- host: netconfServer['netconf-node-topology:host'],
- port: netconfServer['netconf-node-topology:port'],
- username: netconfServer.username,
- password: netconfServer.password
- },
- 'core-model:network-element': {},
- };
- var deferred = $q.defer();
- saveRequiredNetworkElement(requiredNode).then(function (success) {
- deferred.resolve(success);
- }, function (error) {
- $mwtnLog.error({ component: '$mwtnCommons.saveRequiredNetworkElement', message: JSON.stringify( });
- deferred.reject(error);
- });
- // [sko] much simplified du to ONAP concepts, no device configuration needs to be stored in database.
- // // get NetworkElement object from node
- // var spec = {
- // nodeId: requiredNode.nodeId,
- // revision: requiredNode.onfCoreModelRevision,
- // pacId: 'ne'
- // };
- // var updatePart = function (spec, data) {
- // data.layerProtocol = spec.layerProtocolId;
- // requiredNode[spec.pacId].push(data);
- // };
- // var numberOfLtps = -1;
- // var processLTPs = function (item, i, callback) {
- // var ltp = new LogicalTerminationPoint(item);
- // ltp.getLayerProtocols().map(
- // /**
- // * A function processing a layer-protocol object
- // * @param {LayerProtocol} lp A layer-protocol object
- // */
- // function (lp) {
- // var conditionalPackage = lp.getConditionalPackage(true);
- // if (conditionalPackage !== '') {
- // if (requiredNode[conditionalPackage] === undefined) {
- // // create missing pac array
- // requiredNode[conditionalPackage] = [];
- // }
- // var spec = {
- // nodeId: requiredNode.nodeId,
- // revision: requiredNode.onfCoreModelRevision,
- // pacId: conditionalPackage,
- // layer: lp.getLayer(),
- // layerProtocolId: lp.getId()
- // };
- // spec.partId = service.getPartGlobalId(spec, 'configuration');
- // //;
- // service.getPacParts(spec).then(function (success) {
- // // console.log(JSON.stringify(success));
- // spec.message = ['Process LTP', i+1, 'of', numberOfLtps].join(' ');
- // $notifying.notify(spec);
- // updatePart(spec, service.yangifyObject(success));
- // return callback();
- // }, function (error) {
- // spec.message = ['Process LTP', i+1, 'of', numberOfLtps].join(' ');
- // $notifying.notify(spec);
- // $mwtnLog.error({ component: '$mwtnCommons.processLTPs bad data', message: JSON.stringify(error) });
- // return callback();
- // });
- // } else {
- // ${ component: COMPONENT, message: 'No condtional package found: ' + ltp.getId() });
- // return callback();
- // }
- // });
- // // console.log(JSON.stringify(ltp.getData()));
- // };
- // service.getPacParts(spec).then(function (success) {
- // success = service.yangifyObject(success);
- // requiredNode['core-model:network-element'] = success['network-element'];
- // var id = success['network-element']['node-id'];
- // numberOfLtps = success['network-element'].ltp.length;
- // doSynchronousLoop(success['network-element'].ltp, processLTPs, function () {
- // saveRequiredNetworkElement(requiredNode).then(function (success) {
- // $notifying.notify( { nodeId: id, message: 'finish'} );
- // deferred.resolve(success);
- // }, function (error) {
- // $mwtnLog.error({ component: '$mwtnCommons.saveRequiredNetworkElement', message: JSON.stringify( });
- // deferred.reject(error);
- // });
- // });
- // }, function (error) {
- // $mwtnLog.error({ component: '$mwtnCommons.getPacParts', message: JSON.stringify( });
- // deferred.reject(error);
- // });
- return deferred.promise;
- };
- service.registerForOdlEvents = function (path, callback) {
- var request = {
- method: 'POST',
- url: [service.base,
- 'operations/sal-remote:create-data-change-event-subscription']
- .join(''),
- data: {
- "input": {
- "path": path,
- "sal-remote-augment:datastore": "CONFIGURATION",
- "sal-remote-augment:scope": "SUBTREE"
- }
- }
- };
- $http(request).then(
- function successCallback(response) {
- // this callback will be called asynchronously
- // when the response is available
- // console.log(JSON.stringify(response));
- createStream(['stream-name'],
- function (socketLocation) {
- callback(socketLocation);
- });
- }, function errorCallback(response) {
- // called asynchronously if an error occurs
- // or server returns response with an error status.
- console.error(JSON.stringify(response));
- });
- };
- return service;
- });
- // Precision Time Protocol PTP
- mwtnCommonsApp.register.factory('$mwtnPtp', function ($http, $q, $mwtnCommons, PtpClock) {
- var key1 = 'netconf-node-topology:available-capabilities';
- var key2 = 'available-capability';
- var filterActivePtpClocks = function(mountpoints) {
- return mountpoints.filter(function(mountpoint) {
- if (!mountpoint) return false;
- if (!mountpoint[key1]) return false;
- if (!mountpoint[key1][key2]) return false;
- if (mountpoint['netconf-node-topology:connection-status'] !== 'connected') return false;
- var ptpCapability = mountpoint[key1][key2].filter(function(capability){
- return capability.contains('ietf-ptp-dataset');
- });
- return ptpCapability.length > 0;
- }).map(function(mountpoint){
- return mountpoint['node-id'];
- });
- };
- var ptpClocks = {};
- var processData = function (nodeId, i, callback) {
- $mwtnCommons.getPtpClockData(nodeId).then(
- function (success) {
- ptpClocks[nodeId] = new PtpClock(success);
- callback();
- },
- function (error) {
- console.error(error);
- callback();
- }
- );
- };
- var service = {};
- service.getPtpClocks = function() {
- var deferred = $q.defer();
- $mwtnCommons.getMountPoints().then(function (mountpoints) {
- var ptpClockNodeIds = filterActivePtpClocks(mountpoints);
- doSynchronousLoop(ptpClockNodeIds, processData, function () {
- deferred.resolve(ptpClocks);
- });
- }, function (error) {
- console.log(error);
- deferred.reject();
- });
- return deferred.promise;
- };
- service.getParent = function(nodeId) {
- var deferred = $q.defer();
- var request = {
- method: 'GET',
- url: 'operational/network-topology:network-topology/topology/topology-netconf/node/' + nodeId + '/yang-ext:mount/ietf-ptp-dataset:instance-list/1/parent-ds/parent-port-identity'
- };
- $mwtnCommons.genericRequest(request).then(function(success){
- console.warn(JSON.stringify(success));
- deferred.resolve(['parent-port-identity']);
- }, function(error) {
- console.error(JSon.stringify(error));
- deferred.reject();
- });
- return deferred.promise;
- };
- return service;
- });
- // Service log
- mwtnCommonsApp.register.factory('$mwtnLog', function ($http, $q, $mwtnDatabase) {
- var writeLogToDB = function (data, callback) {
- var url = [$mwtnDatabase.base, $mwtnDatabase.index, 'log'].join('/');
- var request = {
- method: 'POST',
- url: url,
- data: {
- timestamp: data.timestamp ? data.timestamp : new Date().toISOString(),
- type: data.type ? data.type : 'info',
- component: data.component ? data.component : 'unkonwn',
- message: data.message
- }
- };
- $http(request).then(function successCallback(response) {
- return callback(true);
- }, function errorCallback(response) {
- console.error(JSON.stringify(response));
- return callback(false);
- });
- };
- var createIndex = function (index, callback) {
- var url = [$mwtnDatabase.base, index].join('/');
- var request = {
- method: 'POST',
- url: url,
- data: {
- timestamp: new Date().toISOString(),
- type: 'info',
- component: '$mwtnLog',
- message: 'init log'
- }
- };
- $http(request).then(function (success) {
- return callback(true);
- }, function (error) {
- console.error(JSON.stringify(error));
- return callback(false);
- });
- };
- var checkIndex = function (index, callback) {
- var url = [$mwtnDatabase.base, index].join('/');
- var request = {
- method: 'HEAD',
- url: url
- };
- $http(request).then(function successCallback(response) {
- return callback(true);
- }, function errorCallback(response) {
- console.error(JSON.stringify(response));
- createIndex(index, function (created) {
- return callback(created);
- });
- });
- };
- var checkDatabase = function (callback) {
- var url = $mwtnDatabase.base;
- var request = {
- method: 'GET',
- url: url
- };
- $http(request).then(function successCallback(response) {
- checkIndex($mwtnDatabase.index, function (exists) {
- return callback(exists);
- });
- }, function errorCallback(response) {
- console.error(JSON.stringify(response));
- return callback(false);
- });
- };
- var getData = function (type, log) {
- var data = {};
- data.timestamp = new Date().toISOString();
- switch (typeof log) {
- case 'string':
- data.type = type;
- data.component = 'unknown';
- data.message = log;
- break;
- case 'object':
- data.type = type;
- data.component = log.component;
- data.message = log.message;
- break;
- default:
- data.type = 'error';
- data.component = '$mwtnLog';
- data.message = 'pnf log service is called with wrong parameters.';
- }
- // console.log(JSON.stringify(data));
- return data;
- };
- var service = {
- base: $mwtnDatabase.base
- };
- service.debug = function (log) {
- var data = getData('debug', log);
- checkDatabase(function (isRunning) {
- if (isRunning) {
- writeLogToDB(data, function () {
- // console.log('log stored');
- });
- } else {
- console.error(data.timestamp, service.base,
- 'Database (ElasticSerach) not reachable!?');
- }
- });
- console.log(data.timestamp, JSON.stringify(log));
- };
- service.error = function (log) {
- var data = getData('error', log);
- checkDatabase(function (isRunning) {
- if (isRunning) {
- writeLogToDB(data, function () {
- // console.log('log stored');
- });
- } else {
- console.error(data.timestamp, service.base,
- 'Database (ElasticSerach) not reachable!?');
- }
- });
- console.error(data.timestamp, JSON.stringify(log));
- };
- = function (log) {
- var data = getData('info', log);
- checkDatabase(function (isRunning) {
- if (isRunning) {
- writeLogToDB(data, function () {
- // console.log('log stored');
- });
- } else {
- console.error(data.timestamp, service.base, 'Database (ElasticSerach) not reachable!?');
- }
- });
-, JSON.stringify(log));
- };
- service.warning = function (log) {
- var data = getData('warning', log);
- checkDatabase(function (isRunning) {
- if (isRunning) {
- writeLogToDB(data, function () {
- // console.log('log stored');
- });
- } else {
- console.error(data.timestamp, service.base, 'Database (ElasticSerach) not reachable!?');
- }
- });
- console.warn(data.timestamp, JSON.stringify(log));
- };
- return service;
- });
- // Service log
- mwtnCommonsApp.register.factory('$mwtnEthernet', function ($http, $q) {
- var service = {};
- service.base = window.location.origin + '/restconf';
- service.url = {
- create: service.base + '/operations/route:create',
- delete: service.base + '/operations/route:delete'
- };
- service.createForwardingConstruct = function(spec) {
- var deferred = $q.defer();
- var request = {
- method: 'POST',
- url: service.url.create,
- data: {
- input: {
- vlanid: spec.vlan,
- fc: [{
- nodeName: spec.nodeId,
- aEnd: spec.ltp1,
- zEnd: spec.ltp2
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- };
- console.log(JSON.stringify(spec));
- console.log(JSON.stringify(request));
- var consoleId = 'create-forwarding-consturuct: ';
- console.time(consoleId);
- $http(request).then(function (success) {
- console.timeEnd(consoleId);
- console.log(JSON.stringify(success));
- deferred.resolve(;
- }, function (error) {
- console.timeEnd(consoleId);
- // console.error(JSON.stringify(error.statusText));
- deferred.reject(error.statusText);
- });
- return deferred.promise;
- };
- service.deleteForwardingConstruct = function(spec) {
- var deferred = $q.defer();
- var request = {
- method: 'POST',
- url: service.url.delete,
- data: {input:{vlanid:spec.ltp.slice(-2)}}
- };
- console.log(JSON.stringify(spec));
- console.log(JSON.stringify(request));
- var consoleId = 'delete-forwarding-consturuct: ';
- console.time(consoleId);
- $http(request).then(function (success) {
- console.timeEnd(consoleId);
- console.log(JSON.stringify(success));
- deferred.resolve(;
- }, function (error) {
- console.timeEnd(consoleId);
- // console.error(JSON.stringify(error.statusText));
- deferred.reject(error.statusText);
- });
- return deferred.promise;
- };
- return service;
- });
- // Service Database (ElasticSerach)
- mwtnCommonsApp.register.factory('$mwtnDatabase', function ($http, $q) {
- var service = {
- base: window.location.origin + '/database',
- index: 'mwtn',
- command: '_search',
- mwtn: 'todo'
- };
- // TODO getBase is not needed anymore
- service.getBase = function (functionId) {
- var deferred = $q.defer();
- deferred.resolve({
- base: service.base,
- index: functionId
- });
- return deferred.promise;
- };
- service.genericRequest = function (databaseRequest) {
- var url = [databaseRequest.base, databaseRequest.index, databaseRequest.docType,
- databaseRequest.command].join('/');
- var request = {
- method: databaseRequest.method,
- url: url,
- data: {
- from: databaseRequest.from,
- size: databaseRequest.size,
- sort: databaseRequest.sort,
- filter: databaseRequest.filter,
- query: databaseRequest.query
- }
- };
- // overwrite request data if given
- if ( {
- =;
- }
- var deferred = $q.defer();
- var consoleId = 'database: ' + url;
- console.time(consoleId);
- $http(request).then(function (success) {
- console.timeEnd(consoleId);
- // console.log(JSON.stringify(success));
- deferred.resolve(success);
- }, function (error) {
- console.timeEnd(consoleId);
- console.warn(JSON.stringify(error));
- deferred.reject(error);
- });
- return deferred.promise;
- };
- service.aggregationRequest = function (databaseRequest) {
- var url = [databaseRequest.base, databaseRequest.index, databaseRequest.docType,
- databaseRequest.command].join('/');
- var request = {
- method: databaseRequest.method,
- url: url,
- data: databaseRequest.aggregation
- };
- var deferred = $q.defer();
- var consoleId = 'database: ' + url;
- console.time(consoleId);
- $http(request).then(function (success) {
- console.timeEnd(consoleId);
- deferred.resolve(success);
- }, function (error) {
- console.timeEnd(consoleId);
- console.warn(JSON.stringify(error));
- deferred.reject(error);
- });
- return deferred.promise;
- };
- service.getAllData = function (functionId, docType, from, size, sort) {
- var deferred = $q.defer();
- service.getBase(functionId).then(function (success) {
- var databaseRequest = {
- method: 'POST',
- base: success.base,
- index: success.index,
- command: '_search',
- docType: docType,
- from: from,
- size: size,
- sort: sort,
- query: {
- match_all: {}
- }
- };
- service.genericRequest(databaseRequest).then(function (success) {
- // console.log('getAllData', success);
- deferred.resolve(success);
- }, function (error) {
- deferred.reject(error);
- });
- }, function (error) {
- deferred.reject(error);
- });
- return deferred.promise;
- };
- service.getFilteredData = function (functionId, docType, from, size, query) {
- var deferred = $q.defer();
- service.getBase(functionId).then(function (success) {
- var databaseRequest = {
- method: 'POST',
- base: success.base,
- index: success.index,
- command: '_search',
- docType: docType,
- from: from,
- size: size,
- sort: [],
- query: query
- };
- service.genericRequest(databaseRequest).then(function (success) {
- // console.log('getAllData', success);
- deferred.resolve(success);
- }, function (error) {
- deferred.reject(error);
- });
- }, function (error) {
- deferred.reject(error);
- });
- return deferred.promise;
- };
- service.getFilteredSortedData = function (functionId, docType, from, size, sort, query) {
- var deferred = $q.defer();
- service.getBase(functionId).then(function (success) {
- var databaseRequest = {
- method: 'POST',
- base: success.base,
- index: success.index,
- command: '_search',
- docType: docType,
- from: from,
- size: size,
- sort: sort,
- query: query
- };
- service.genericRequest(databaseRequest).then(function (success) {
- // console.log('getAllData', success);
- deferred.resolve(success);
- }, function (error) {
- deferred.reject(error);
- });
- }, function (error) {
- deferred.reject(error);
- });
- return deferred.promise;
- };
- service.getAggregatedData = function (functionId, docType, aggregation) {
- var deferred = $q.defer();
- service.getBase(functionId).then(function (success) {
- var databaseRequest = {
- method: 'POST',
- base: success.base,
- index: success.index,
- command: '_search',
- docType: docType,
- aggregation: aggregation
- };
- service.aggregationRequest(databaseRequest).then(function (success) {
- deferred.resolve(success);
- }, function (error) {
- deferred.reject(error);
- });
- }, function (error) {
- deferred.reject(error);
- });
- return deferred.promise;
- };
- service.getAggregations = function (functionId, docType, aggregations) {
- var deferred = $q.defer();
- service.getBase(functionId).then(function (success) {
- var databaseRequest = {
- method: 'POST',
- base: success.base,
- index: success.index,
- command: '_search',
- docType: docType,
- aggregation: aggregations
- };
- service.aggregationRequest(databaseRequest).then(function (success) {
- deferred.resolve(success);
- }, function (error) {
- deferred.reject(error);
- });
- }, function (error) {
- deferred.reject(error);
- });
- return deferred.promise;
- };
- service.getData = function (docType, from, size, sort, filter, query) {
- var deferred = $q.defer();
- service.getBase('mwtn').then(function (success) {
- var databaseRequest = {
- method: 'POST',
- base: success.base,
- index: success.index,
- docType: docType,
- from: from,
- size: size,
- sort: sort,
- filter: filter,
- query: query
- };
- service.genericRequest(databaseRequest).then(function (success) {
- deferred.resolve(success);
- }, function (error) {
- deferred.reject(error);
- });
- }, function (error) {
- deferred.reject(error);
- });
- return deferred.promise;
- };
- service.deleteDocType = function (spec) {
- var deferred = $q.defer();
- service.getBase(spec.functionId).then(function (success) {
- var databaseRequest = {
- method: 'DELETE',
- base: success.base,
- index: success.index,
- docType: spec.docType,
- command: '_query',
- query: spec.query
- };
- service.genericRequest(databaseRequest).then(function (success) {
- deferred.resolve(status);
- }, function (error) {
- deferred.reject(error);
- });
- }, function (error) {
- deferred.reject(error);
- });
- return deferred.promise;
- };
- /**
- * A promise, which inquires a single document from database.
- * @param {string} functionId - An identifier of an SDN function (e.g 'mwtn').
- * @param {string} docType - The document type of the document to be deleted.
- * @param {string} id - An identifier of the document to be deleted.
- */
- service.getSingleDocument = function (functionId, docType, id) {
- var deferred = $q.defer();
- service.getBase(functionId).then(function (success) {
- var databaseRequest = {
- method: 'GET',
- base: success.base,
- index: success.index,
- docType: docType,
- command: id
- };
- service.genericRequest(databaseRequest).then(function (success) {
- deferred.resolve(;
- }, function (error) {
- deferred.reject(error);
- });
- }, function (error) {
- deferred.reject(error);
- });
- return deferred.promise;
- };
- /**
- * A promise, creating or updateing a single document of the database.
- * @param {string} functionId - An identifier of an SDN function (e.g 'mwtn').
- * @param {string} docType - The document type of the document to be deleted.
- * @param {string} id - An identifier of the document to be deleted.
- * @param {Object} data - A json object to be stored in the database
- */
- service.createSingleDocument = function (functionId, docType, id, data) {
- var deferred = $q.defer();
- service.getBase(functionId).then(function (success) {
- var databaseRequest = {
- method: 'PUT',
- base: success.base,
- index: success.index,
- docType: docType,
- command: id,
- data: data
- };
- service.genericRequest(databaseRequest).then(function (success) {
- deferred.resolve(success);
- }, function (error) {
- deferred.reject(error);
- });
- }, function (error) {
- deferred.reject(error);
- });
- return deferred.promise;
- };
- /**
- * A promise, which deletes one document within the database.
- * @param {string} functionId - An identifier of an SDN function (e.g 'mwtn').
- * @param {string} docType - The document type of the document to be deleted.
- * @param {string} id - An identifier of the document to be deleted.
- */
- service.deleteSingleDocument = function (functionId, docType, id) {
- var deferred = $q.defer();
- service.getBase(functionId).then(function (success) {
- var databaseRequest = {
- method: 'DELETE',
- base: success.base,
- index: success.index,
- docType: docType,
- command: id,
- };
- service.genericRequest(databaseRequest).then(function (success) {
- deferred.resolve({ status: success.status, logId: });
- }, function (error) {
- deferred.reject(error);
- });
- }, function (error) {
- deferred.reject(error);
- });
- return deferred.promise;
- };
- var moduleInformation;
- var inquireModuleInformation = function () {
- var deferred = $q.defer();
- service.getBase('mwtn').then(function (success) {
- var databaseRequest = {
- method: 'GET',
- base: success.base,
- index: success.index,
- from: 0,
- size: 999
- };
- service.getAllData('mwtn', 'module', 0, 999, undefined).then(function (success) {
- // console.log(JSON.stringify(;
- moduleInformation = {};
- (hit) {
- moduleInformation[hit._id] = hit._source;
- });
- // console.log('got moduleInformation', Object.keys(moduleInformation).length);
- return deferred.resolve(moduleInformation);
- }, function (error) {
- deferred.reject(error);
- });
- }, function (error) {
- deferred.reject(error);
- });
- return deferred.promise;
- };
- /**
- * A promise which returns object yang class and attribute descriptions
- */
- service.getModules = function () {
- var deferred = $q.defer();
- if (moduleInformation) {
- deferred.resolve(moduleInformation);
- } else {
- inquireModuleInformation().then(function (success) {
- deferred.resolve(success);
- }, function (error) {
- deferred.reject(error);
- });
- }
- return deferred.promise;
- };
- var schemaInformation;
- var inquireSchemaInformation = function () {
- var deferred = $q.defer();
- service.getBase('mwtn').then(function (success) {
- var databaseRequest = {
- method: 'GET',
- base: success.base,
- index: success.index,
- from: 0,
- size: 999
- };
- service.getAllData('mwtn', 'schema-information', 0, 9999, undefined).then(function (success) {
- // console.log(JSON.stringify(;
- schemaInformation = {};
- (hit) {
- schemaInformation[hit._id] = hit._source;
- });
- // console.log('got schemaInformation', Object.keys(schemaInformation).length);
- return deferred.resolve(schemaInformation);
- }, function (error) {
- deferred.reject(error);
- });
- }, function (error) {
- deferred.reject(error);
- });
- return deferred.promise;
- };
- /**
- * A promise which returns object yang class and attribute descriptions
- */
- service.getSchema = function () {
- var deferred = $q.defer();
- if (schemaInformation) {
- deferred.resolve(schemaInformation);
- } else {
- inquireSchemaInformation().then(function (success) {
- deferred.resolve(success);
- }, function (error) {
- deferred.reject(error);
- });
- }
- return deferred.promise;
- };
- return service;
- });
- // Class NetConfServer
- mwtnCommonsApp.register.factory('NetConfServer', function () {
- // Classes
- // Class NetConfServer
- var NetConfServer = function (data) {
- = data;
- this.getData = function () {
- return;
- };
- this.getRadioSignalId = function () {
- return;
- };
- this.isLinkUp = function () {
- return;
- };
- this.isPowerOn = function () {
- return;
- };
- this.isActive = function () {
- return this.isPowerOn() && this.isLinkUp();
- };
- };
- return NetConfServer;
- });
- mwtnCommonsApp.register.factory('ActualNetworkElement', function () {
- // Classes
- // Class ActualNetworkElement
- var ActualNetworkElement = function (data) {
- = data;
- = {};
- this.setOnfNetworkElement = function (onfNe) {
- = onfNe;
- };
- this.getLpByRadioSignalId = function (radioSignalId) {
- //console.log('getLP', JSON.stringify(;
- var layerProtocol;
- for (var layerProtocolKey in {
- if ([layerProtocolKey].getRadioSignalId &&
- radioSignalId === parseInt([layerProtocolKey].getRadioSignalId())) {
- layerProtocol =[layerProtocolKey];
- }
- }
- return layerProtocol;
- };
- this.getLpByRadioSignalIds = function (radioSignalIds) {
- //console.log('getLP', JSON.stringify(;
- var layerProtocol;
- if (radioSignalIds !== undefined) {
- for (var layerProtocolKey in {
- if ([layerProtocolKey].getRadioSignalIds &&
- radioSignalIds.toString() ===[layerProtocolKey].getRadioSignalIds(this).toString()) {
- layerProtocol =[layerProtocolKey];
- }
- }
- }
- return layerProtocol;
- };
- this.setLP = function (onfPac) {
-[] = onfPac;
- };
- this.getLpPac = function (lpRef) {
- return[lpRef];
- };
- this.getName = function () {
- return;
- };
- this.getConnectionStatus = function () {
- return;
- };
- this.isConnected = function () {
- return !== 'controller-config' && == 'connected';
- };
- this.setConnectionStatus = function (status) {
- = status;
- };
- };
- return ActualNetworkElement;
- });
- mwtnCommonsApp.register.factory('LogicalTerminationPoint', function ($mwtnGlobal, $mwtnLog) {
- // Sub-Class LayerProtocol
- /**
- * An object representing an LP.
- * @typedef {Object} LayerProtocol
- */
- var LayerProtocol = function (data) {
- // take a guess, if termiation-state is not exposed
- if (data['termination-state'] === undefined) {
- data['termination-state'] = 'terminated-bidirectional';
- if (data['layer-protocol-name'] === "ETH") {
- data['termination-state'] = 'lp-can-never-terminate';
- }
- $mwtnLog.warning({ component: 'LTP.getTerminationState', message: 'Check whether NE provided mandatory termination state. ' + data.uuid });
- } else if (data['termination-state'] === false || data['termination-state'] === 'false' ) {
- data['termination-state'] = 'terminated-bidirectional';
- }
- // console.log('in', JSON.stringify(data));
- var defaultMapping = {
- 'ety-ttp': {},
- // [FFA 1709] 'etc-ttp': { 'capability': 'urn:onf:params:xml:ns:yang:microwave-model?module=microwave-model', 'revision': '2017-03-24', 'conditional-package': 'mw-ethernet-container-pac' },
- 'etc-ttp': { 'capability': 'uri:onf:MicrowaveModel-ObjectClasses-EthernetContainerl?module=MicrowaveModel-ObjectClasses-EthernetContainer', 'revision': '2016-09-02', 'conditional-package': 'MW_EthernetContainer_Pac' },
- 'tdm-ctp': { 'capability': 'urn:onf:params:xml:ns:yang:microwave-model?module=microwave-model', 'revision': '2017-03-24', 'conditional-package': 'mw-tdm-container-pac' },
- // due to E///
- 'mws-ctp': { 'capability': 'uri:onf:MicrowaveModel-ObjectClasses-PureEthernetStructure?module=MicrowaveModel-ObjectClasses-PureEthernetStructure', 'revision': '2016-09-02', 'conditional-package': 'MW_PureEthernetStructure_Pac' },
- 'mwps-ctp': { 'capability': 'uri:onf:MicrowaveModel-ObjectClasses-AirInterface?module=MicrowaveModel-ObjectClasses-AirInterface', 'revision': '2016-09-01', 'conditional-package': 'MW_AirInterface_Pac' },
- // 'mws-ctp': { 'capability': 'urn:onf:params:xml:ns:yang:microwave-model?module=microwave-model', 'revision': '2017-03-24', 'conditional-package': 'mw-air-interface-diversity-pac' },
- 'eth-ctp': { 'capability': 'urn:onf:params:xml:ns:yang:onf-ethernet-conditional-packages?module=onf-ethernet-conditional-packages', 'revision': '2017-04-02', 'conditional-package': 'ethernet-pac' },
- // 3rd PoC
- 'mwps-ttp': { 'capability': 'uri:onf:MicrowaveModel-ObjectClasses-AirInterface?module=MicrowaveModel-ObjectClasses-AirInterface', 'revision': '2016-09-01', 'conditional-package': 'MW_AirInterface_Pac' },
- 'mws-ttp': { 'capability': 'uri:onf:MicrowaveModel-ObjectClasses-PureEthernetStructure?module=MicrowaveModel-ObjectClasses-PureEthernetStructure', 'revision': '2016-09-02', 'conditional-package': 'MW_PureEthernetStructure_Pac' },
- 'eth-ctp-ctp': { 'capability': 'uri:onf:MicrowaveModel-ObjectClasses-EthernetContainerl?module=MicrowaveModel-ObjectClasses-EthernetContainer', 'revision': '2016-09-02', 'conditional-package': 'MW_EthernetContainer_Pac' },
- 'etc-ctp': { 'capability': 'uri:onf:MicrowaveModel-ObjectClasses-EthernetContainerl?module=MicrowaveModel-ObjectClasses-EthernetContainer', 'revision': '2016-09-02', 'conditional-package': 'MW_EthernetContainer_Pac' },
- };
- // create empty extension, if not exists
- if (!data.extension) {
- data.extension = [];
- }
- = data;
- // methods
- this.getData = function () {
- return;
- };
- this.getId = function () {
- return this.getData().uuid;
- };
- this.getLabel = function () {
- return ['LP(', this.getItuLabel(true).toUpperCase(), '): ', this.getId()].join('');
- };
- this.getLayer = function () {
- var layer = this.getData()['layer-protocol-name'];
- if (layer === 'ETH-CTP') {
- layer = 'ETC';
- }
- return layer;
- };
- this.getTerminationState = function (abstract) {
- // 3th PoC termination state is of type boolean
- if (this.getData()['termination-state'] === true) {
- return 'ttp';
- } else if (this.getData()['termination-state'] === false) {
- return 'ctp';
- }
- // 4th PoC termination state is of type enum
- if (abstract !== true) {
- return this.getData()['termination-state'];
- }
- var mapping = {
- 'lp-can-never-terminate': 'ctp',
- 'lt-not-terminated': 'ctp',
- 'terminated-server-to-client-flow': 'ttp',
- 'terminated-client-to-server-flow': 'ttp',
- 'terminated-bidirectional': 'ttp',
- 'lt-permenantly-terminated': 'ttp',
- 'termination-state-unknown': 'ttp'
- };
- return mapping[this.getData()['termination-state']];
- };
- this.getItuLabel = function () {
- return [this.getLayer(), this.getTerminationState(true)].join('-').toLowerCase();
- };
- this.getExtension = function (key) {
- var result = this.getData().extension.filter(function (ex) {
- return ex['value-name'] === key;
- }).map(function (ex) {
- return ex.value;
- });
- if (result && result.length > 0) {
- return result[0];
- }
- // check hardcoded alternatives
- var ituLabel = this.getItuLabel();
- if (!defaultMapping[ituLabel]) {
- return '';
- }
- return defaultMapping[ituLabel][key];
- };
- /**
- * A getter for the yang-capability of the LayerProtocol
- * @param {boolean|undefined} moduleOnly - Defines, whether the result should contain only yang-module-name.
- * @return {string} The conditional package name of the LayerProtocol
- */
- this.getCapability = function (moduleOnly) {
- var cap = this.getExtension('capability');
- if (!cap) return '';
- // workaround bug in spec
- if (cap.contains('onf-ethernet-conditional-package') && !cap.contains('onf-ethernet-conditional-packages')) {
- console.warn('Inform vendor about spec error and updates');
- cap = cap.replaceAll('onf-ethernet-conditional-package', 'onf-ethernet-conditional-packages');
- }
- if (cap !== '' && moduleOnly === true) {
- return cap.split('?module=')[1];
- }
- return cap;
- };
- this.getRevision = function () {
- return this.getExtension('revision');
- };
- /**
- * A getter for the conditional package name of the LayerProtocol
- * @param {boolean|undefined} addModule - Defines, whether the result should include the yang-module-name.
- * @return {string} The conditional package name of the LayerProtocol
- */
- this.getConditionalPackage = function (addModule) {
- var cp = this.getExtension('conditional-package');
- if (!cp) {
- return '';
- }
- if (addModule === true) {
- return [this.getCapability(true), cp].join(':');
- }
- return cp;
- };
- };
- // Sub-Class LogicalTerminationPoint
- /**
- * An object representing an LTP.
- * @typedef {Object} LogicalTerminationPoint
- */
- var LogicalTerminationPoint = function (data) {
- = data;
- this.layerProtocols = (layerProtocol) {
- return new LayerProtocol(layerProtocol);
- });
- // console.log(this.layerProtocols);
- this.getData = function () {
- return;
- };
- this.getId = function () {
- return this.getData().uuid;
- };
- this.getName = function () {
- return this.getData().name[0].value;
- };
- this.getDirectionality = function () {
- return this.getData()['ltp-direction'];
- };
- this.getServerLtps = function () {
- return this.getData()['server-ltp'];
- };
- this.getClientLtps = function () {
- return this.getData()['client-ltp'];
- };
- this.getLayer = function () {
- return this.getLayerProtocols()[0].getLayer();
- };
- this.getLabel = function () {
- return ['LTP(', this.getLayerProtocols()[0].getItuLabel(true).toUpperCase(), '): ', this.getId()].join('');
- };
- this.getLayerProtocols = function () {
- return this.layerProtocols;
- };
- this.getConditionalPackages = function () {
- console.error(JSON.stringifythis.getLayerProtocols()());
- return this.getLayerProtocols().map(function (lp) {
- return lp.getConditionalPackage();
- });
- };
- }
- return LogicalTerminationPoint;
- });
- mwtnCommonsApp.register.factory('PtpClock', function (PtpPort) {
- var PtpClock = function (data) {
- var COMPONENT = "PtpClock";
- = {};
- if (data && data['instance-list'] && data['instance-list'][0]) {
- = data['instance-list'][0];
- }
- if (!['port-ds-list'] ||['port-ds-list'].length === 0) {
- this.ptpPorts = [];
- var message = ['The PTP clock', data['instance-number'], 'dose not support a single PTP port.'].join(' ');
-{ component: COMPONENT, message: message });
- } else {
- this.ptpPorts =['port-ds-list'].map(function(ptpPort) {
- return new PtpPort(ptpPort);
- });
- }
- this.getData = function () {
- return;
- // return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify('onf-ptp-dataset:', ''));
- };
- this.getIdentity = function(hex) {
- var defaultDs = this.getData()['default-ds'];
- var result = 'ERROR: no clock identity found';
- if (defaultDs && defaultDs['clock-identity']) {
- result = defaultDs['clock-identity'];
- if (hex) {
- result = result.base64ToHex();
- }
- }
- return result;
- };
- this.getParent = function(hex) {
- var parentDs = this.getData()['parent-ds'];
- var key = 'parent-port-identity';
- var result = '';
- if (parentDs && parentDs[key] && parentDs[key]['clock-identity'] && parentDs[key]['port-number']) {
- result = parentDs[key]['clock-identity'];
- if (hex) {
- result = result.base64ToHex();
- }
- result = [result, parentDs[key]['port-number']].join('#');
- }
- return result;
- };
- this.getGrandMaster = function(hex) {
- var parentDs = this.getData()['parent-ds'];
- // console.warn(JSON.stringify(parentDs));
- var key = 'parent-port-identity';
- var result = '';
- if (parentDs && parentDs['grandmaster-identity']) {
- result = parentDs['grandmaster-identity'];
- if (hex) {
- result = result.base64ToHex();
- }
- }
- return result;
- };
- this.getPtpPorts = function () {
- return this.ptpPorts;
- };
- };
- return PtpClock;
- });
- mwtnCommonsApp.register.factory('PtpPort', function () {
- var PtpPort = function (data) {
- = data;
- this.getData = function () {
- return;
- };
- this.getId = function() {
- return this.getData()['port-number'];
- };
- this.getNumber = function() {
- return this.getData()['port-number'];
- };
- this.getState = function() {
- return this.getData()['port-state'];
- };
- this.isSlave = function() {
- return this.getData()['port-state'] === 'SLAVE';
- };
- this.isMaster = function() {
- return this.getData()['port-state'] === 'MASTER';
- };
- this.getLogicalTerminationPointReference = function() {
- return this.getData()['onf-ptp-dataset:logical-termination-point'];
- };
- };
- return PtpPort;
- });
- mwtnCommonsApp.register.factory('OnfNetworkElement', function ($mwtnGlobal, LogicalTerminationPoint) {
- // Classes
- // Class OnfNetworkElement
- var OnfNetworkElement = function (data) {
- var COMPONENT = "OnfNetworkElement";
- = data;
- if (! {
- var message = ['No data received.'].join(' ');
- console.warn({ component: COMPONENT, message: message });
- return;
- }
- // console.log(JSON.stringify(data));
- if (! || === 0) {
- this.logicalTerminationPoints = [];
- var message = ['The network-element', data.uuid, 'does not support a single LTP. No LTP -> no SDN integration via ONF core-model.'].join(' ');
- // TODO $mwtnLog -> Unknown provider: $mwtnlogProvider <- $mwtnlog <- OnfNetworkElement [sko] Dont get it ;(
- console.warn({ component: COMPONENT, message: message });
- } else {
- this.logicalTerminationPoints = (logicalTerminationPoint) {
- return new LogicalTerminationPoint(logicalTerminationPoint);
- });
- }
- this.getData = function () {
- return;
- };
- this.getId = function () {
- return this.getData().uuid;
- };
- this.getForwardingDomain = function () {
- return this.getData().fd;
- };
- this.getName = function () {
- return this.getData().name[0].value || this.getData().uuid;
- };
- this.getLogicalTerminationPoints = function () {
- return this.logicalTerminationPoints;
- };
- this.getLtp = function (id) {
- var result = this.getLogicalTerminationPoints().filter(function (ltp) {
- return ltp.getId() === id;
- });
- if (result.length === 1) {
- return result[0];
- }
- return undefined;
- };
- this.getLpById = function (id) {
- var result = {};
- this.getLogicalTerminationPoints().map(function (ltp) {
- ltp.getLayerProtocols().map(function (lp) {
- if (lp.getData().uuid === id) {
- result = lp;
- }
- });
- });
- return result;
- };
- this.getNumberOfLtps = function () {
- return this.logicalTerminationPoints.length;
- };
- this.getServerLtps = function (layerProtocolRef) {
- var result = [];
- if ( {
- var ltpList = (ltp) {
- if (ltp.lp[0].uuid === layerProtocolRef) {
- result = ltp._serverLtpRefList;
- }
- });
- }
- return result;
- };
- this.getClientLtpIds = function (layerProtocolRef) {
- var result = [];
- if ( {
- var ltpList = (ltp) {
- if (ltp.lp[0].uuid === layerProtocolRef) {
- result = ltp._clientLtpRefList;
- }
- });
- }
- return result;
- };
- this.getLpByLtpRef = function (ltpRef) {
- var result;
- if ( {
- var ltpList = (ltp) {
- if (ltp.uuid === ltpRef) {
- result = ltp.lp[0];
- }
- });
- }
- return result;
- };
- this.getLtpsByLayer = function (layerProtocolName) {
- return this.getLogicalTerminationPoints().filter(function (ltp) {
- return ltp.getLayer() === layerProtocolName;
- });
- };
- this.getLTPMwpsList = function () {
- return this.getLtpsByLayer('MWPS');
- };
- this.getLTPMwsList = function () {
- return this.getLtpsByLayer('MWS');
- };
- this.getLTPEthCtpList = function () {
- return this.getLtpsByLayer('ETH');
- };
- this.getLTPTdmCtpList = function () {
- return this.getLtpsByLayer('TDM');
- };
- };
- return OnfNetworkElement;
- });
- mwtnCommonsApp.register.factory('MicrowavePhysicalSection', function () {
- // Classes
- // Class MicrowavePhysicalSection
- var MicrowavePhysicalSection = function (data) {
- = data;
- this.getData = function () {
- return;
- };
- this.getLayerProtocolId = function () {
- return this.getData().layerProtocol;
- };
- this.getRadioSignalId = function () {
- return this.getData()['air-interface-configuration'] ?['air-interface-configuration']['radio-signal-id'] : -1;
- };
- this.isLinkUp = function () {
- return this.getData()['air-interface-status']['link-is-up'];
- };
- this.isPowerOn = function () {
- return this.getData()['air-interface-configuration']['power-is-on'];
- };
- this.isActive = function () {
- return this.isPowerOn() && this.isLinkUp();
- };
- };
- return MicrowavePhysicalSection;
- });
- mwtnCommonsApp.register.factory('MicrowaveSection', function () {
- // Classes
- // Class MicrowaveSection
- var MicrowaveSection = function (data) {
- = data;
- this.getData = function () {
- return;
- };
- this.getId = function () {
- return;
- };
- this.getRadioSignalIds = function (actualNe) {
- = actualNe;
- var result = [];
- var onfNe =;
- var lpId = this.getId();
- onfNe.getServerLtps(lpId).map(function (mwpsLtpRef) {
- var lpRef = onfNe.getLpByLtpRef(mwpsLtpRef).uuid;
- var mwps = actualNe.getLpPac(lpRef);
- result.push(mwps.getRadioSignalId());
- });
- return result;
- };
- this.getTimeSlotCapacity = function () {
- return;
- };
- this.getTotalNumberOfTimeSlots = function () {
- return;
- };
- this.getNumberOfEffectiveTimeSlots = function () {
- var count = 0;
- (ts) {
- if (ts.operationalStatus === 'ENABLED') {
- count = count + 1;
- }
- });
- return count;
- };
- this.getConfiguredCapacity = function () {
- return this.getTotalNumberOfTimeSlots() * this.getTimeSlotCapacity();
- };
- this.getEffectiveCapacity = function () {
- return this.getNumberOfEffectiveTimeSlots() * this.getTimeSlotCapacity();
- };
- this.isActive = function () {
- if ( === undefined) {
- return false;
- }
- var actualNe =;
- var result = true;
- var onfNe =;
- var lpId = this.getId();
- onfNe.getServerLtps(lpId).map(function (mwpsLtpRef) {
- var lpRef = onfNe.getLpByLtpRef(mwpsLtpRef).uuid;
- var mwps = actualNe.getLpPac(lpRef);
- result = result && mwps.isActive();
- });
- return result;
- };
- };
- return MicrowaveSection;
- });
- }); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-module/src/main/resources/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons.tpl.html b/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-module/src/main/resources/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons.tpl.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 9594bca7..00000000
--- a/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-module/src/main/resources/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons.tpl.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-<!-- This is the landing page of you application, Update the content as per your requirements -->
-<h4>Your {{data}} application is loaded</h4>
-<hr />
-<div class="owl">
- <span class="white">ONAP SDN-R | ONF Wireless for @distversion@ - Build: @buildtime@</span>
diff --git a/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-module/src/main/resources/mwtnCommons/templates/mwtnFooter.tpl.html b/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-module/src/main/resources/mwtnCommons/templates/mwtnFooter.tpl.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 597bcb98..00000000
--- a/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-module/src/main/resources/mwtnCommons/templates/mwtnFooter.tpl.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-<hr />
-<div class="owl">
- <span class="white">{{prefix}} - Build: @buildtime@</span>
-</div> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-module/src/main/resources/mwtnCommons/templates/mwtnGrid.tpl.html b/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-module/src/main/resources/mwtnCommons/templates/mwtnGrid.tpl.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 2751ffcb..00000000
--- a/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-module/src/main/resources/mwtnCommons/templates/mwtnGrid.tpl.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-<div class="owl co1ntainer" >
- <div class="row">
- <div class="col-md-12">
- <div ng-if="info !== false">
- <span class="owl-dark">{{info}}</span>
- </div>
- <div ui-grid="gridOptions"
- ui-grid-exporter
- ui-grid-selection
- ui-grid-pinning
- ui-grid-resize-columns
- ui-grid-move-columns
- ui-grid-auto-resize
- class="mwtn-grid"
- ng-style="getTableHeight()"></div>
- </div>
- </div>
-</div> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-module/src/main/resources/mwtnCommons/templates/mwtnJsonViewer.tpl.html b/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-module/src/main/resources/mwtnCommons/templates/mwtnJsonViewer.tpl.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f3cfbf5..00000000
--- a/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-module/src/main/resources/mwtnCommons/templates/mwtnJsonViewer.tpl.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-<div class="owl">
- <div class="row text-right" >
- <div class="form-group" ng-if="noButtons !== true">
- <button class="btn btn-default" type="button" clipboard supported="myClipboard.supported" text="myClipboard.getJson()"
- on-copied="myClipboard.copyToClipboard()" on-error="myClipboard.error(err)">
- <i class="fa fa-clipboard" aria-hidden="true"></i>
- </button>
- <button class="btn btn-default" type="button" ng-if="replace" ng-click="openConfigView()">
- <i class="fa fa-pencil-square-o pointer" aria-hidden="true" ></i>
- </button>
- <div>
- </div>
-<div class="owl">
- <div ng-if="info !== false">
- <span class="owl-dark">{{info}}</span>
- </div>
- <div class="row" ng-repeat="(key, value) in viewData track by $index" ng-show="value.value !== undefined">
- <!-- type- default -->
- <div class="col col-md-4 text-right" title="{{value.description}}" ng-if="value.type !== 'array' && value.visible === true">
- <span class="owl-dark">{{value.labelId | translate}}</span>
- </div>
- <div class="col col-md-4 text-left" ng-if="value.type !== 'boolean' && value.type !== 'number' && value.type !== 'object' && value.type !== 'array' && value.visible === true">
- <b>{{value.value}}</b>
- </div>
- <!-- type-boolean -->
- <div class="col col-md-2" ng-if="value.type === 'boolean' && value.visible === true">
- <i class="fa" ng-class="{'fa-square-o': value.value === false, 'fa-check-square-o green': value.value === true}" aria-hidden="true"></i>
- </div>
- <!-- type- number -->
- <div class="col col-md-2 number" ng-if="value.type === 'number' && value.visible === true">
- <b>{{value.value}}</b>
- </div>
- <div class="col col-md-2 text-left" ng-if="value.unit && value.visible === true">
- <span class="owl-dark">{{value.unit}}</span>
- </div>
- <!-- type- array of objects -->
- <div class="col col-md-12" ng-if="value.type === 'array' && value.value.length !== 0 && getType(value.value[0]) === 'object'">
- <span class="owl-dark text-right" style="margin-top: 5px;">{{value.labelId | translate}}</span><br/>
- <mwtn-grid network-element="networkElement" data="value.value" path="path"></mwtn-grid>
- </div>
- <!-- type- array of non objects -->
- <div class="col col-md-4 text-right" title="{{value.description}}" ng-if="value.type === 'array' && value.value.length !== 0 && getType(value.value[0]) !== 'object'">
- <span class="owl-dark">{{value.labelId | translate}}</span>
- </div>
- <div class="col col-md-8 text-left" ng-if="value.type === 'array' && value.value.length !== 0 && getType(value.value[0]) !== 'object'">
- <b>{{value.value}}</b>
- </div>
- <!-- type- object -->
- <div class="col col-md-7" ng-if="value.type === 'object'">
-<!-- <pre>{{value | json}}</pre>
- ###
- <hr>
-<mwtn-json-viewer data="value.value"></mwtn-json-viewer>
- <hr>
- ### -->
- <div class="owl">
- <!-- TODO exception case: current pm -->
- <div class="row" ng-repeat="(oKey, oValue) in value.value track by $index" ng-if="oValue.value === undefined">
- <div class="col col-md-3 text-right">
- <span class="owl-dark">{{oKey | translate}}</span>
- </div>
- <div class="col col-md-4 text-right" ng-if="oValue.type !== 'object'">
- <b>{{oValue | json}}</b>
- </div>
- </div>
- <!-- expected case: -->
- <div class="row" ng-repeat="(oKey, oValue) in value.value track by $index" ng-if="oValue.value !== undefined">
- <!-- oValue.type !== 'object'' && oValue.type !== 'array' -->
- <div class="col col-md-3 text-right" ng-if="oValue.type !== 'object' && oValue.type !== 'array'">
- <span class="owl-dark">{{oValue.labelId || oKey.replace('onf-ptp-dataset:' ,'') | translate}}</span>
- </div>
- <div class="col col-md-4 text-right" ng-if="oValue.type !== 'object' && oValue.type !== 'array'">
- <b>{{oValue.value || oValue}}</b>
- </div>
- <!-- oValue.type === 'array'' -->
- <div class="col col-md-3 text-right" ng-if="oValue.type === 'array'">
- <span class="owl-dark">{{oValue.labelId || oKey.replace('onf-ptp-dataset:' ,'') | translate}}</span>
- </div>
- <div class="col col-md-4" ng-if="oValue.type === 'array'">
- <json-formatter json="oValue.value" open="1"></json-formatter>
- </div>
- <!-- oValue.type === 'object' -->
- <div class="col col-md-3 text-right" ng-if="oValue.type === 'object'">
- <span class="owl-dark">{{oValue.labelId || oKey.replace('onf-ptp-dataset:' ,'') | translate}}</span>
- </div>
- <div class="col col-md-4" ng-if="oValue.type === 'object'">
- <json-formatter json="oValue.value" open="1"></json-formatter>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
-</div> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-module/src/main/resources/mwtnCommons/templates/mwtnSelectNetworkElement.tpl.html b/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-module/src/main/resources/mwtnCommons/templates/mwtnSelectNetworkElement.tpl.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 58515605..00000000
--- a/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-module/src/main/resources/mwtnCommons/templates/mwtnSelectNetworkElement.tpl.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-<div class="owl container" ng-hide="networkElements.lenght !== 0" style="width: 100%">
- <p>
- <span>{{ 'MWTN_NO_DEVICES_CONNECTED' | translate }}</span>
- <span>Please check</span>
- <a href="#/mwtnConnect" class="white">
- <span>MWTN Connect</span>
- </a>
- <span>.</span>
- </p>
-<div class="owl container" ng-show="networkElements.lenght !== 0" style="width: 100%">
- <div class="row">
- <div class="col-md-3 form-group" ng-show="networkElements.length > 30">
- <input list="networkElements" class="form-control" ng-model="networkElement">
- <datalist id="networkElements">
- <option ng-repeat="ne in networkElements" value="{{}}">{{}}</option>
- </datalist>
- </div>
- <div class="col-md-3 form-group" ng-hide="networkElements.length > 30">
- <select class="form-control" ng-model="networkElement">
- <option ng-repeat="ne in networkElements" value="{{}}">{{}}</option>
- </select>
- </div>
- <div class="col-md-2">
- <span class="white">{{'MWTN_SELECT_NETWORK_ELEMENT' | translate}}</span>
- </div>
- <div class="col-md-7 text-right">
- <div class="form-group">
- <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" ng-click="collapseAll()">{{'MWTN_COLLAPSE_ALL' | translate}}</button>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
-</div> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-module/src/main/resources/mwtnCommons/templates/openConfigView.html b/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-module/src/main/resources/mwtnCommons/templates/openConfigView.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 64c06e96..00000000
--- a/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-module/src/main/resources/mwtnCommons/templates/openConfigView.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-<div class="modal-header">
- <h3 class="modal-title" id="modal-title">{{'MWTN_CONFIGURATION' | translate}}</h3>
-<div class="modal-body" id="modal-body">
- <div class="container" style="width:100%">
- <div class="row">
- <div class="col-md-3 text-right" >
- {{'MWTN_NETWORKELEMENT' | translate}}
- </div>
- <div class="col-md-9">
- <b>{{spec.nodeId}}</b>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="row">
- <div class="col-md-3 text-right" >
- {{'MWTN_CONDITIONAL_PACKAGE' | translate}}
- </div>
- <div class="col-md-9">
- <b>{{spec.pacId}}</b>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="row">
- <div class="col-md-3 text-right" >
- {{'MWTN_LP' | translate}}
- </div>
- <div class="col-md-9">
- <b>{{spec.layerProtocolId}}</b>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="row">
- <div class="col-md-3 text-right" >
- {{'MWTN_SUBOBJECT' | translate}}
- </div>
- <div class="col-md-9">
- <b>{{spec.partId}}</b>
- </div>
- <hr />
- </div>
- <div class="row">
- <div ng-repeat="(key, item) in viewData" ng-if="item.visible === true">
- <!-- text, number, combo -->
- <div class="col-md-3 text-right radio">{{item.labelId | translate}}</div>
- <div ng-class="{'col-md-2':item.unit, 'col-md-3':!item.unit}" class="form-group" ng-if="item.controlType !== 'checkbox' && getType(item.controlType) !== 'array'">
- <input class="form-control" type="{{item.controlType}}" ng-model="item.value"></input>
- </div>
- <div class="col-md-3 checkbox" ng-if="item.controlType === 'checkbox'"><input type="checkbox" ng-model="item.value" /></div>
- <div ng-class="{'col-md-2':item.unit, 'col-md-3':!item.unit}" class="form-group" ng-if="getType(item.controlType) === 'array'">
- <select class="form-control" ng-model="item.value">
- <option ng-repeat="option in item.controlType track by $index" value="{{option}}">{{option}}</option>
- </select>
- </div>
- <div class="col-md-1 radio" ng-if="item.unit">
- <span class="owl-dark">{{item.unit}}</span>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
-<div class="modal-footer">
- <div class="{{applied.class}}", ng-show="applied">{{applied.text}}</div>
- <button class="btn btn-primary" type="button" ng-click="ok()">
- <span style="color: white;">{{'MWTN_APPLY' | translate}}</span>
- <i class="pull-right fa fa-spinner fa-pulse" ng-show="processing"></i>
- </button>
- <button class="btn btn-warning" type="button" ng-click="cancel()">{{'MWTN_CLOSE' | translate}}</button>
-</div> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-module/src/main/resources/mwtnCommons/templates/showGridCellDetail.html b/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-module/src/main/resources/mwtnCommons/templates/showGridCellDetail.html
deleted file mode 100644
index ab449bbc..00000000
--- a/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-module/src/main/resources/mwtnCommons/templates/showGridCellDetail.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<div class="modal-header">
- <h3 class="modal-title" id="modal-title">{{'MWTN_CONFIGURATION' | translate}}</h3>
-<div class="modal-body" id="modal-body">
- <div class="container" style="width:100%">
- <div class="row">
- <div class="col-md-3 text-right" >
- {{'MWTN_NETWORKELEMENT' | translate}}
- </div>
- <div class="col-md-9">
- <b>{{networkElement}}</b>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="row">
- <div class="col-md-3 text-right" >
- {{'MWTN_CONDITIONAL_PACKAGE' | translate}}
- </div>
- <div class="col-md-9">
- <b>{{path.split('&amp;nbsp;')[0]}}</b>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="row">
- <div class="col-md-3 text-right" >
- {{'MWTN_LP' | translate}}
- </div>
- <div class="col-md-9">
- <b>{{path.split('&amp;nbsp;')[1]}}</b>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="row">
- <div class="col-md-3 text-right" >
- {{'MWTN_SUBOBJECT' | translate}}
- </div>
- <div class="col-md-9">
- <b>{{path.split('&amp;nbsp;')[2]}}</b>
- </div>
- <hr />
- </div>
- <div class="row">
- <mwtn-json-viewer network-element="networkElement" data="value" ng-if="type === 'object'"></mwtn-json-viewer>
- <mwtn-grid network-element="networkElement" data="value" ng-if="type === 'array'"></mwtn-grid>
- </div>
- </div>
-<div class="modal-footer">
- <div class="{{applied.class}}", ng-show="applied">{{applied.text}}</div>
- <button class="btn btn-primary" type="button" ng-click="ok()">
- <span>{{'MWTN_APPLY' | translate}}</span>
- <i class="pull-right fa fa-spinner fa-pulse" ng-show="processing"></i>
- </button> -->
- <button class="btn btn-warning" type="button" ng-click="cancel()">{{'MWTN_CLOSE' | translate}}</button>
-</div> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-module/src/main/resources/mwtnCommons/xml2json.js b/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-module/src/main/resources/mwtnCommons/xml2json.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ff7e578..00000000
--- a/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/ux/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-module/src/main/resources/mwtnCommons/xml2json.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,567 +0,0 @@
- Copyright 2011-2013 Abdulla Abdurakhmanov
- Original sources are available at
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
- */
-function X2JS(config) {
- 'use strict';
- var VERSION = "1.1.5";
- config = config || {};
- initConfigDefaults();
- initRequiredPolyfills();
- function initConfigDefaults() {
- if(config.escapeMode === undefined) {
- config.escapeMode = true;
- }
- config.attributePrefix = config.attributePrefix || "_";
- config.arrayAccessForm = config.arrayAccessForm || "none";
- config.emptyNodeForm = config.emptyNodeForm || "text";
- if(config.enableToStringFunc === undefined) {
- config.enableToStringFunc = true;
- }
- config.arrayAccessFormPaths = config.arrayAccessFormPaths || [];
- if(config.skipEmptyTextNodesForObj === undefined) {
- config.skipEmptyTextNodesForObj = true;
- }
- if(config.stripWhitespaces === undefined) {
- config.stripWhitespaces = true;
- }
- config.datetimeAccessFormPaths = config.datetimeAccessFormPaths || [];
- }
- var DOMNodeTypes = {
- TEXT_NODE : 3,
- };
- function initRequiredPolyfills() {
- function pad(number) {
- var r = String(number);
- if ( r.length === 1 ) {
- r = '0' + r;
- }
- return r;
- }
- // Hello IE8-
- if(typeof String.prototype.trim !== 'function') {
- String.prototype.trim = function() {
- return this.replace(/^\s+|^\n+|(\s|\n)+$/g, '');
- }
- }
- if(typeof Date.prototype.toISOString !== 'function') {
- // Implementation from
- Date.prototype.toISOString = function() {
- return this.getUTCFullYear()
- + '-' + pad( this.getUTCMonth() + 1 )
- + '-' + pad( this.getUTCDate() )
- + 'T' + pad( this.getUTCHours() )
- + ':' + pad( this.getUTCMinutes() )
- + ':' + pad( this.getUTCSeconds() )
- + '.' + String( (this.getUTCMilliseconds()/1000).toFixed(3) ).slice( 2, 5 )
- + 'Z';
- };
- }
- }
- function getNodeLocalName( node ) {
- var nodeLocalName = node.localName;
- if(nodeLocalName == null) // Yeah, this is IE!!
- nodeLocalName = node.baseName;
- if(nodeLocalName == null || nodeLocalName=="") // =="" is IE too
- nodeLocalName = node.nodeName;
- return nodeLocalName;
- }
- function getNodePrefix(node) {
- return node.prefix;
- }
- function escapeXmlChars(str) {
- if(typeof(str) == "string")
- return str.replace(/&/g, '&amp;').replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;').replace(/"/g, '&quot;').replace(/'/g, '&#x27;').replace(/\//g, '&#x2F;');
- else
- return str;
- }
- function unescapeXmlChars(str) {
- return str.replace(/&amp;/g, '&').replace(/&lt;/g, '<').replace(/&gt;/g, '>').replace(/&quot;/g, '"').replace(/&#x27;/g, "'").replace(/&#x2F;/g, '\/');
- }
- function toArrayAccessForm(obj, childName, path) {
- switch(config.arrayAccessForm) {
- case "property":
- if(!(obj[childName] instanceof Array))
- obj[childName+"_asArray"] = [obj[childName]];
- else
- obj[childName+"_asArray"] = obj[childName];
- break;
- /*case "none":
- break;*/
- }
- if(!(obj[childName] instanceof Array) && config.arrayAccessFormPaths.length > 0) {
- var idx = 0;
- for(; idx < config.arrayAccessFormPaths.length; idx++) {
- var arrayPath = config.arrayAccessFormPaths[idx];
- if( typeof arrayPath === "string" ) {
- if(arrayPath == path)
- break;
- }
- else
- if( arrayPath instanceof RegExp) {
- if(arrayPath.test(path))
- break;
- }
- else
- if( typeof arrayPath === "function") {
- if(arrayPath(obj, childName, path))
- break;
- }
- }
- if(idx!=config.arrayAccessFormPaths.length) {
- obj[childName] = [obj[childName]];
- }
- }
- }
- function fromXmlDateTime(prop) {
- // Implementation based up on
- // Improved to support full spec and optional parts
- var bits = prop.split(/[-T:+Z]/g);
- var d = new Date(bits[0], bits[1]-1, bits[2]);
- var secondBits = bits[5].split("\.");
- d.setHours(bits[3], bits[4], secondBits[0]);
- if(secondBits.length>1)
- d.setMilliseconds(secondBits[1]);
- // Get supplied time zone offset in minutes
- if(bits[6] && bits[7]) {
- var offsetMinutes = bits[6] * 60 + Number(bits[7]);
- var sign = /\d\d-\d\d:\d\d$/.test(prop)? '-' : '+';
- // Apply the sign
- offsetMinutes = 0 + (sign == '-'? -1 * offsetMinutes : offsetMinutes);
- // Apply offset and local timezone
- d.setMinutes(d.getMinutes() - offsetMinutes - d.getTimezoneOffset())
- }
- else
- if(prop.indexOf("Z", prop.length - 1) !== -1) {
- d = new Date(Date.UTC(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), d.getDate(), d.getHours(), d.getMinutes(), d.getSeconds(), d.getMilliseconds()));
- }
- // d is now a local time equivalent to the supplied time
- return d;
- }
- function checkFromXmlDateTimePaths(value, childName, fullPath) {
- if(config.datetimeAccessFormPaths.length > 0) {
- var path = fullPath.split("\.#")[0];
- var idx = 0;
- for(; idx < config.datetimeAccessFormPaths.length; idx++) {
- var dtPath = config.datetimeAccessFormPaths[idx];
- if( typeof dtPath === "string" ) {
- if(dtPath == path)
- break;
- }
- else
- if( dtPath instanceof RegExp) {
- if(dtPath.test(path))
- break;
- }
- else
- if( typeof dtPath === "function") {
- if(dtPath(obj, childName, path))
- break;
- }
- }
- if(idx!=config.datetimeAccessFormPaths.length) {
- return fromXmlDateTime(value);
- }
- else
- return value;
- }
- else
- return value;
- }
- function parseDOMChildren( node, path ) {
- if(node.nodeType == DOMNodeTypes.DOCUMENT_NODE) {
- var result = new Object;
- var nodeChildren = node.childNodes;
- // Alternative for firstElementChild which is not supported in some environments
- for(var cidx=0; cidx <nodeChildren.length; cidx++) {
- var child = nodeChildren.item(cidx);
- if(child.nodeType == DOMNodeTypes.ELEMENT_NODE) {
- var childName = getNodeLocalName(child);
- result[childName] = parseDOMChildren(child, childName);
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- else
- if(node.nodeType == DOMNodeTypes.ELEMENT_NODE) {
- var result = new Object;
- result.__cnt=0;
- var nodeChildren = node.childNodes;
- // Children nodes
- for(var cidx=0; cidx <nodeChildren.length; cidx++) {
- var child = nodeChildren.item(cidx); // nodeChildren[cidx];
- var childName = getNodeLocalName(child);
- if(child.nodeType!= DOMNodeTypes.COMMENT_NODE) {
- result.__cnt++;
- if(result[childName] == null) {
- result[childName] = parseDOMChildren(child, path+"."+childName);
- toArrayAccessForm(result, childName, path+"."+childName);
- }
- else {
- if(result[childName] != null) {
- if( !(result[childName] instanceof Array)) {
- result[childName] = [result[childName]];
- toArrayAccessForm(result, childName, path+"."+childName);
- }
- }
- (result[childName])[result[childName].length] = parseDOMChildren(child, path+"."+childName);
- }
- }
- }
- // Attributes
- for(var aidx=0; aidx <node.attributes.length; aidx++) {
- var attr = node.attributes.item(aidx); // [aidx];
- result.__cnt++;
- result[]=attr.value;
- }
- // Node namespace prefix
- var nodePrefix = getNodePrefix(node);
- if(nodePrefix!=null && nodePrefix!="") {
- result.__cnt++;
- result.__prefix=nodePrefix;
- }
- if(result["#text"]!=null) {
- result.__text = result["#text"];
- if(result.__text instanceof Array) {
- result.__text = result.__text.join("\n");
- }
- if(config.escapeMode)
- result.__text = unescapeXmlChars(result.__text);
- if(config.stripWhitespaces)
- result.__text = result.__text.trim();
- delete result["#text"];
- if(config.arrayAccessForm=="property")
- delete result["#text_asArray"];
- result.__text = checkFromXmlDateTimePaths(result.__text, childName, path+"."+childName);
- }
- if(result["#cdata-section"]!=null) {
- result.__cdata = result["#cdata-section"];
- delete result["#cdata-section"];
- if(config.arrayAccessForm=="property")
- delete result["#cdata-section_asArray"];
- }
- if( result.__cnt == 1 && result.__text!=null ) {
- result = result.__text;
- }
- else
- if( result.__cnt == 0 && config.emptyNodeForm=="text" ) {
- result = '';
- }
- else
- if ( result.__cnt > 1 && result.__text!=null && config.skipEmptyTextNodesForObj) {
- if( (config.stripWhitespaces && result.__text=="") || (result.__text.trim()=="")) {
- delete result.__text;
- }
- }
- delete result.__cnt;
- if( config.enableToStringFunc && (result.__text!=null || result.__cdata!=null )) {
- result.toString = function() {
- return (this.__text!=null? this.__text:'')+( this.__cdata!=null ? this.__cdata:'');
- };
- }
- return result;
- }
- else
- if(node.nodeType == DOMNodeTypes.TEXT_NODE || node.nodeType == DOMNodeTypes.CDATA_SECTION_NODE) {
- return node.nodeValue;
- }
- }
- function startTag(jsonObj, element, attrList, closed) {
- var resultStr = "<"+ ( (jsonObj!=null && jsonObj.__prefix!=null)? (jsonObj.__prefix+":"):"") + element;
- if(attrList!=null) {
- for(var aidx = 0; aidx < attrList.length; aidx++) {
- var attrName = attrList[aidx];
- var attrVal = jsonObj[attrName];
- if(config.escapeMode)
- attrVal=escapeXmlChars(attrVal);
- resultStr+=" "+attrName.substr(config.attributePrefix.length)+"='"+attrVal+"'";
- }
- }
- if(!closed)
- resultStr+=">";
- else
- resultStr+="/>";
- return resultStr;
- }
- function endTag(jsonObj,elementName) {
- return "</"+ (jsonObj.__prefix!=null? (jsonObj.__prefix+":"):"")+elementName+">";
- }
- function endsWith(str, suffix) {
- return str.indexOf(suffix, str.length - suffix.length) !== -1;
- }
- function jsonXmlSpecialElem ( jsonObj, jsonObjField ) {
- if((config.arrayAccessForm=="property" && endsWith(jsonObjField.toString(),("_asArray")))
- || jsonObjField.toString().indexOf(config.attributePrefix)==0
- || jsonObjField.toString().indexOf("__")==0
- || (jsonObj[jsonObjField] instanceof Function) )
- return true;
- else
- return false;
- }
- function jsonXmlElemCount ( jsonObj ) {
- var elementsCnt = 0;
- if(jsonObj instanceof Object ) {
- for( var it in jsonObj ) {
- if(jsonXmlSpecialElem ( jsonObj, it) )
- continue;
- elementsCnt++;
- }
- }
- return elementsCnt;
- }
- function parseJSONAttributes ( jsonObj ) {
- var attrList = [];
- if(jsonObj instanceof Object ) {
- for( var ait in jsonObj ) {
- if(ait.toString().indexOf("__")== -1 && ait.toString().indexOf(config.attributePrefix)==0) {
- attrList.push(ait);
- }
- }
- }
- return attrList;
- }
- function parseJSONTextAttrs ( jsonTxtObj ) {
- var result ="";
- if(jsonTxtObj.__cdata!=null) {
- result+="<![CDATA["+jsonTxtObj.__cdata+"]]>";
- }
- if(jsonTxtObj.__text!=null) {
- if(config.escapeMode)
- result+=escapeXmlChars(jsonTxtObj.__text);
- else
- result+=jsonTxtObj.__text;
- }
- return result;
- }
- function parseJSONTextObject ( jsonTxtObj ) {
- var result ="";
- if( jsonTxtObj instanceof Object ) {
- result+=parseJSONTextAttrs ( jsonTxtObj );
- }
- else
- if(jsonTxtObj!=null) {
- if(config.escapeMode)
- result+=escapeXmlChars(jsonTxtObj);
- else
- result+=jsonTxtObj;
- }
- return result;
- }
- function parseJSONArray ( jsonArrRoot, jsonArrObj, attrList ) {
- var result = "";
- if(jsonArrRoot.length == 0) {
- result+=startTag(jsonArrRoot, jsonArrObj, attrList, true);
- }
- else {
- for(var arIdx = 0; arIdx < jsonArrRoot.length; arIdx++) {
- result+=startTag(jsonArrRoot[arIdx], jsonArrObj, parseJSONAttributes(jsonArrRoot[arIdx]), false);
- result+=parseJSONObject(jsonArrRoot[arIdx]);
- result+=endTag(jsonArrRoot[arIdx],jsonArrObj);
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- function parseJSONObject ( jsonObj ) {
- var result = "";
- var elementsCnt = jsonXmlElemCount ( jsonObj );
- if(elementsCnt > 0) {
- for( var it in jsonObj ) {
- if(jsonXmlSpecialElem ( jsonObj, it) )
- continue;
- var subObj = jsonObj[it];
- var attrList = parseJSONAttributes( subObj )
- if(subObj == null || subObj == undefined) {
- result+=startTag(subObj, it, attrList, true);
- }
- else
- if(subObj instanceof Object) {
- if(subObj instanceof Array) {
- result+=parseJSONArray( subObj, it, attrList );
- }
- else if(subObj instanceof Date) {
- result+=startTag(subObj, it, attrList, false);
- result+=subObj.toISOString();
- result+=endTag(subObj,it);
- }
- else {
- var subObjElementsCnt = jsonXmlElemCount ( subObj );
- if(subObjElementsCnt > 0 || subObj.__text!=null || subObj.__cdata!=null) {
- result+=startTag(subObj, it, attrList, false);
- result+=parseJSONObject(subObj);
- result+=endTag(subObj,it);
- }
- else {
- result+=startTag(subObj, it, attrList, true);
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- result+=startTag(subObj, it, attrList, false);
- result+=parseJSONTextObject(subObj);
- result+=endTag(subObj,it);
- }
- }
- }
- result+=parseJSONTextObject(jsonObj);
- return result;
- }
- this.parseXmlString = function(xmlDocStr) {
- var isIEParser = window.ActiveXObject || "ActiveXObject" in window;
- if (xmlDocStr === undefined) {
- return null;
- }
- var xmlDoc;
- if (window.DOMParser) {
- var parser=new window.DOMParser();
- var parsererrorNS = null;
- // IE9+ now is here
- if(!isIEParser) {
- try {
- parsererrorNS = parser.parseFromString("INVALID", "text/xml").childNodes[0].namespaceURI;
- }
- catch(err) {
- parsererrorNS = null;
- }
- }
- try {
- xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString( xmlDocStr, "text/xml" );
- if( parsererrorNS!= null && xmlDoc.getElementsByTagNameNS(parsererrorNS, "parsererror").length > 0) {
- //throw new Error('Error parsing XML: '+xmlDocStr);
- xmlDoc = null;
- }
- }
- catch(err) {
- xmlDoc = null;
- }
- }
- else {
- // IE :(
- if(xmlDocStr.indexOf("<?")==0) {
- xmlDocStr = xmlDocStr.substr( xmlDocStr.indexOf("?>") + 2 );
- }
- xmlDoc=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
- xmlDoc.async="false";
- xmlDoc.loadXML(xmlDocStr);
- }
- return xmlDoc;
- };
- this.asArray = function(prop) {
- if(prop instanceof Array)
- return prop;
- else
- return [prop];
- };
- this.toXmlDateTime = function(dt) {
- if(dt instanceof Date)
- return dt.toISOString();
- else
- if(typeof(dt) === 'number' )
- return new Date(dt).toISOString();
- else
- return null;
- };
- this.asDateTime = function(prop) {
- if(typeof(prop) == "string") {
- return fromXmlDateTime(prop);
- }
- else
- return prop;
- };
- this.xml2json = function (xmlDoc) {
- return parseDOMChildren ( xmlDoc );
- };
- this.xml_str2json = function (xmlDocStr) {
- var xmlDoc = this.parseXmlString(xmlDocStr);
- if(xmlDoc!=null)
- return this.xml2json(xmlDoc);
- else
- return null;
- };
- this.json2xml_str = function (jsonObj) {
- return parseJSONObject ( jsonObj );
- };
- this.json2xml = function (jsonObj) {
- var xmlDocStr = this.json2xml_str (jsonObj);
- return this.parseXmlString(xmlDocStr);
- };
- this.getVersion = function () {
- return VERSION;
- };