path: root/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/odl
diff options
authordemx8as6 <martin.skorupski@highstreet-technologies.com>2018-07-10 18:07:44 +0200
committerTimoney, Dan (dt5972) <dt5972@att.com>2018-07-11 16:30:28 -0400
commit27fb2d06608fbb070ae2c15a5580a4f5b2423d15 (patch)
treeccd717991b4e556b67f1fd2cacb345b4d174b41f /sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/odl
parent60315525ab5e7c12a9f47c409092e8dba6ad656d (diff)
Add seed code for sdnr app based on ONF Centennial
At this point in time all the Carbon code from ONF Centennial is added to ONAP. Later it needs to be refactored and modified for ODL Oxygen. Change-Id: Iff85dd940c05c3827f1c4e6f9542ecd060c58a46 Issue-ID: SDNC-374 Signed-off-by: demx8as6 <martin.skorupski@highstreet-technologies.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/odl')
1 files changed, 925 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/odl b/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/odl
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..3dc8c08b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sdnr/wireless-transport/code-Carbon-SR1/odl
@@ -0,0 +1,925 @@
+# (c) 2016 highstreet technologies
+# History
+# 2.1 Modify to use config/active directory
+# 2.2 Correct problems
+# 2.3 Shift config/active to code/apps/persistentDatabase/activConfig
+# 2.4 Update to Boron
+# 2.5 One feature to start apps
+# 2.6 New variant of install.sh
+# 2.12 CMDBIN, switch of DLUX for prepare
+# 2.13 Adapt ODLBIN to odl.sh and buildv2.sh,
+# Fix "yes" answer for cluster distremove
+# introduce cluster push
+# kill command
+# 2.14 add compile command
+# 2.15 move im install script to odl.cmd
+# 2.16 Add $ODL_KARAF_STARTUP_SCRIPT_CLUSTER for cluster command
+# cp for filecopy
+# 2.17 odl.cmd moved back into bin/odl.sh
+# Added prepare with copy of etc/preload.cache.schema to cache/schema into startup
+# status command delivers version information
+# 2.18 Add loop for cluster commands
+# 2.19 Change startup feature
+# Add parent version variable ODLPARENT
+# 2.20 Added parameter KARAFSLEEPFORSTART
+# 2.21 Typos fixed
+# ----- Constants not depending on variables specified by $CONFIG
+# ----- Functions to startup Vanilla ODL
+karaf_prepare() {
+ echo "Prepare"
+ ETCCACHESCHEMADIR="$ODL_KARAF_HOME/etc/preload.cache.schema"
+ if [ -d "$ETCCACHESCHEMADIR" ] ; then
+ echo "Handle YANG preload"
+ if [ -d "$ODLCACHESCHEMADIR" ] ; then
+ echo "Remove all files in YANG cache/schema directory"
+ else
+ echo "YANG cache/schema directory created"
+ fi
+ fi
+# Startup of single node (no clustering)
+karaf_startup_all() {
+ # Prepare
+ karaf_prepare
+ # Base
+ karafcmd "feature:install odl-netconf-topology"
+ karafcmd "feature:install odl-netconf-connector"
+ karafcmd "feature:install odl-restconf-all"
+ karafcmd "feature:install odl-mdsal-apidocs"
+ # Logs and apps
+ karaf_enable_logs
+ karaf_startup_apps
+# Startup of clustered nodes (no clustering)
+karaf_startup_cluster_all() {
+ # Prepare
+ karaf_prepare
+ # Base
+ karafcmd "feature:repo-add mvn:org.opendaylight.mwtn/mwtn-parent/$ODLPARENT/xml/features"
+ karafcmd "feature:install odl-mwtn-cluster-preparation"
+ # Logs and apps
+ karaf_enable_logs DEBUG
+ karaf_startup_apps
+# Sub functions
+karaf_startup_apps() {
+ # Wireless (mwtn: microwave transport network)
+ karafcmd "feature:repo-add mvn:org.opendaylight.mwtn/mwtn-parent/$ODLPARENT/xml/features"
+ karafcmd "feature:install $STARTFEATURE"
+ #If restart is required set RESTART to true
+ # RESTART="true"
+karaf_enable_logs() {
+ if [ -z "$1" ] ; then
+ else
+ fi
+ karafcmd "log:set $LOGLEVEL com.highstreet.technologies"
+ karafcmd "log:set $LOGLEVEL org.opendaylight.mwtn"
+ karafcmd "log:set $LOGLEVEL org.opendaylight.netconf"
+karafcmd() {
+ echo "$@"
+ $ODL_KARAF_HOME/bin/client -u karaf "$@" 2> /dev/null
+ if [ ! -z "$ODL_KARAF_AFTERCMD_DELAY_SECONDS" ] ; then
+ fi
+install_originM2() {
+ #Network apps
+ cp -r ~/.m2/repository/org/opendaylight/mwtn $ODL_KARAF_HOME/system/org/opendaylight
+ cp -r ~/.m2/repository/com/highstreet $ODL_KARAF_HOME/system/com
+ #Additional package for feature odl-ht-info
+ mkdir -p $ODL_KARAF_HOME/system/org/apache/commons/commons-compress
+ cp -r ~/.m2/repository/org/apache/commons/commons-compress/1.14 $ODL_KARAF_HOME/system/org/apache/commons/commons-compress
+# ----- Functions of script to implement commands
+#check if tool is installed as prereq
+tool_check_installed() {
+ hash $1 2>/dev/null || { echo >&2 "I require $1 but it's not installed. Please install. Aborting."; exit 1; }
+#check if karaf instance is running
+karaf_checkrunning() {
+ NETSTATRESULT=$(netstat -ant | grep 8101)
+ if [ -n "$NETSTATRESULT" ] ; then
+ running="true"
+ else
+ running1=$(ps -ef | grep -c karaf.jar)
+ sleep 1
+ running2=$(ps -ef | grep -c karaf.jar)
+ reason="psResults: $running1 $running2"
+ if [ "$running1" = "2" -o "$running2" = "2" ] ; then
+ running="true"
+ else
+ running="false"
+ fi
+ fi
+ #echo "Test running: $running indication:$reason"
+karaf_status() {
+ echo "Version information"
+ cat $ODL_KARAF_HOME/networkAppVersion.txt
+ karaf_checkrunning
+ echo "Karaf is running: $running"
+karaf_waittillstopped() {
+ anzahl=0
+ echo -n "Wait for stop "
+ karaf_checkrunning
+ while [ "$running" = "true" -a "$anzahl" -lt 30 ]
+ do
+ (( anzahl++ ))
+ # echo "Wait ($anzahl) for karaf stop. Wait $KARAF_WAITFORSTOP seconds"
+ echo -n "."
+ karaf_checkrunning
+ done
+ echo
+ if [ "$running" = "true" ]
+ then
+ echo "Exceeded wait counter. Waited $anzahl * $KARAF_WITFORSTOP seconds. Karaf still running. Reason is $reason"
+ else
+ echo "Karaf reached stop status with $reason"
+ fi
+karaf_startifnotrunning() {
+ karaf_checkrunning
+ if [ "$running" = "true" ]
+ then
+ echo "Can not start, karaf is already running. Reason: $reason"
+ else
+ if [ "$1" = "clean" ] ; then
+ $ODL_KARAF_HOME/bin/start clean
+ echo "Started with clean"
+ else
+ $ODL_KARAF_HOME/bin/start
+ echo "Started"
+ fi
+ fi
+# Start all servies
+# see beginning of this script
+#Param1 Optional Param2 Optional
+karaf_cleanstart() {
+ echo "start karaf clean with parameters $1 $2"
+ if [ -f "$ODL_KARAF_HOME/etc/opendaylight" ]
+ then
+ echo "Remove old ODL configuration"
+ rm -r $ODL_KARAF_HOME/etc/opendaylight
+ fi
+ echo "Start karaf"
+ $ODL_KARAF_HOME/bin/start clean
+ echo "Wait $KARAFSLEEPFORSTART s till karaf and ssh is in a working level"
+ netstat -ant | grep 8101
+ echo "Provisioning $1"
+ if [ -z "$ODL_KARAF_STARTUP_SCRIPT" ] ; then #Old scripting names
+ if [ "$1" = "1b" ] ; then
+ karaf_startup_1b
+ else
+ karaf_startup_all
+ fi
+ else #Use startup script according to configuration
+ if [ "$1"="cluster" ] ; then
+ echo "Cluster start command"
+ echo "Using normal startup script"
+ else
+ echo "Using cluster startup script"
+ fi
+ else
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ "$1" = "x" -o "$2" = "x" -o "$RESTART" = "true" ] ; then
+ echo "Executed with restart option .."
+ sleep 5
+ $ODL_KARAF_HOME/bin/stop
+ echo "Re-starting Karaf to finish setup"
+ karaf_waittillstopped
+ if [ "$1" = "d" -o "$2" = "d" ] ; then
+ rp=$ODL_KARAF_HOME/data/log
+ echo "Remove all logs from $rp"
+ rm "$rp"/*
+ fi
+ karaf_startifnotrunning
+ fi
+ echo "Ready"
+# Install from dir $1 all subs with mask $2.
+# Example: install_originM2Range "com/highstreet/technologies/solutions" "sdn4*"
+install_originM2Range() {
+ mkdir -p $ODL_KARAF_HOME/system/$1
+ cp -R $HOME/.m2/repository/$1/$2 $ODL_KARAF_HOME/system/$1
+install_tarFile() {
+ if [ ! -e "$1" ] ; then
+ echo "No tar file $1"
+ exit 4
+ else
+ echo "Do install file $1 to karaf container"
+ tar -xf "$1" -C "$ODL_KARAF_HOME"
+ echo "Done"
+ fi
+install_originBuild() {
+ if [ -z "$ODL_BUILD_HOME" ] ; then
+ echo "No ODL_BUILD_HOME defined. Terminate" ; exit 2
+ fi
+ echo "Build home at $ODL_BUILD_HOME"
+ if [ ! -e $ODL_BUILD_HOME/builds/version.txt ] ; then
+ echo "No builds available Terminate." ; exit 2
+ fi
+ source $ODL_BUILD_HOME/builds/version.txt
+ echo "Install Version $LASTBUILDTAR"
+ echo "Version info"
+ cat $ODL_KARAF_HOME/networkAppVersion.txt
+clean_repository() {
+ echo Clean repository .m2 and karaf/system
+ rm -r ~/.m2/repository/org/opendaylight/mwtn
+ rm -r ~/.m2/repository/org/opendaylight/apigateway
+ rm -r ~/.m2/repository/cn/com/zte
+ rm -r ~/.m2/repository/com/hcl
+ rm -r ~/.m2/repository/com/highstreet
+ rm -r $ODL_KARAF_HOME/system/com/highstreet
+ rm -r $ODL_KARAF_HOME/system/com/hcl
+ rm -r $ODL_KARAF_HOME/system/cn/com/zte
+ rm -r $ODL_KARAF_HOME/system/org/opendaylight/mwtn
+ rm -r $ODL_KARAF_HOME/system/org/opendaylight/apigateway
+# Parameter1 nodlux
+prepare() {
+ #tool_check_installed unzip
+ #tool_check_installed sshpass
+ NODLUX="nodlux"
+ if [ ! -f "$KARAFGZ" ] ; then
+ echo "ERROR: Could not find tar file with karaf distribution: $KARAFGZ"
+ else
+ if [ "$1" != "$NODLUX" -a ! -f "$TARFILE_DLUXLOADER" ] ; then
+ echo "WARN: Could not find tar with DLUX patch $TARFILE_DLUXLOADER. .. proceeding without Patching"
+ fi
+ if [ -d "$ODL_KARAF_HOME" ] ; then
+ echo "Found existing Karaf distribution at $ODL_KARAF_HOME. Can not proceed. Please remove or rename."
+ else
+ echo "Start installation $KARAFDISTBASENAME"
+ echo "Unpack karaf distribution"
+ cd $HOME
+ cd Downloads
+ tar -xzf $KARAFDISTBASENAME".tar.gz"
+ cd "$here"
+ if ! [ -d "$ODL_KARAF_HOME" ] ; then
+ echo "ERROR: Could not find ODL_KARAF_HOME. Can not proceed if not existing."
+ else
+ echo "READY, create link dist"
+ ln -s $ODL_KARAF_HOME dist
+ if [ "$1" != "$NODLUX" ] ; then
+ echo "Install DLUX patch"
+ installDluxPatch tar
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+show_env() {
+ echo "ENV settings:"
+#Param1: Mandatory Param2:optional Param3:optional
+do_install() {
+ echo "Install from $1 to Karaf"
+ if [ ! -d "$ODL_KARAF_HOME" ] ; then
+ echo "ERROR: Karaf not installed at $ODL_KARAF_HOME. Stop execution."
+ exit 2
+ fi
+ sleep 2
+ karaf_checkrunning
+ if [ "$running" = "true" ]
+ then
+ echo "karaf instance is running. Stop first. Indication '$reason'"
+ else
+ echo "Start install to karaf"
+ case "$1" in
+ build)
+ install_originBuild
+ karaf_cleanstart $2 $3
+ ;;
+ m2)
+ if [ "$(type -t install_originM2)" == "function" ] ; then
+ install_originM2
+ karaf_cleanstart $2 $3
+ else
+ echo "Error: Install function not defined. Exit."
+ fi
+ ;;
+ tar)
+ install_tarFile $2
+ shift
+ karaf_cleanstart $3 $4
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Script error: missing installation command"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+karaf_distremove() {
+ echo "Remove karaf installation"
+ karaf_checkrunning
+ if [ "$running" = "true" ]
+ then
+ echo "karaf instance is running. Stop first"
+ else
+ if [ "$1" = "force" ] ; then
+ answer=yes
+ else
+ read -p "Delete karaf installation. if you are sure type yes<enter> " answer
+ fi
+ if [ "$answer" == "yes" ] ; then
+ echo "Remove ..."
+ echo "Remove link"
+ rm dist
+ echo "removed"
+ else
+ echo "Did nothing"
+ fi
+ fi
+# Par1 Install command
+installDluxPatch() {
+ #Default is the tar file
+ DLUXAPPHOME="apps/dlux"
+ TARGETDIR="$DLUXAPPHOME/loader/impl/target"
+ LOADERREPO="org/opendaylight/dlux"
+ LOADERNAME="loader.implementation"
+ case "$1" in
+ m2)
+ if [ -d $TARGETDIR ] ; then
+ echo "Copy DLUX Patch from repository"
+ cp -r "$HOME/.m2/repository/$LOADERREPO/loader.implementation" "$ODL_KARAF_HOME/system/$LOADERREPO"
+ else
+ echo "ERROR No compiled DLUX Version or tarfile for repositiory found. "
+ echo " - Please compile dlux."
+ echo " - Install DLUX Patch with $ODL/odl.sh dlux m2"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ tar)
+ if [ -f "$TARFILE_DLUXLOADER" ] ; then
+ echo "Install DLUX Patch from existing tar"
+ tar -xzf "$TARFILE_DLUXLOADER" -C "$ODL_KARAF_HOME/system"
+ echo "Done"
+ else
+ echo "DLUX tar file not found: $TARFILE_DLUXLOADER"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ create)
+ echo "Create tar file"
+ if [ -d $TARGETDIR ] ; then
+ HERE=$(pwd)
+ stringa=($(cd $TARGETDIR ; ls $LOADERNAME*jar))
+ if [[ ${stringa[0]} =~ $LOADERNAME-(.*).jar ]] ; then
+ version="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
+ echo $version
+ echo "Creating file: $TAROUTPUTNAME"
+ echo "Reading from: $M2INPUTNAME"
+ cd "$HOME/.m2/repository"
+ echo Done
+ fi
+ cd $HERE
+ else
+ echo "ERROR No compiled DLUX Version for repositiory found. "
+ echo " - Please compile dlux."
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "use $ODLBIN/odl.sh dlux [m2|tar|create] to install from m2-repository or install tar file or create tar file"
+ ;;
+ esac
+# -----------------------------------------------------
+# ----- Cluster commands
+# P1: Passwd P2: Username P3:ServerIP P4, P5: Remote commands
+karafclustercmd() {
+ rcmd="cd $here ; $ODLBIN/odl.sh $4 $5"
+ cmd="sshpass -p$1 ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no $2@$3 $rcmd"
+ echo "--------- Begin at node: $3 -----------"
+ $cmd
+ echo "--------- Ende at node: $3 ------------"
+# P1: Passwd P2: Username P3:ServerIP P4, P5: Remote commands
+karafclustercmdnohup() {
+ #Template: nohup myprogram > foo.out 2> foo.err < /dev/null &
+ echo " Start install for node $3"
+ rcmd="cd $here ; nohup $ODLBIN/odl.sh $4 $5 &> odl.log < /dev/null &"
+ cmd="sshpass -p$1 ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no $2@$3 $rcmd"
+ $cmd
+ echo "Command executed in background. Result see odl.log."
+karafclustercreate() {
+ if [ -z "$1" ] ; then
+ read -p "Please enter password for user $USER: " -r -s USERPWD
+ echo
+ fi
+ for i in ${!ODL_CLUSTER_ARRAY[@]} ; do
+ rcmd="cd $here ; $ODL_KARAF_HOME/bin/configure_cluster.sh $((i+1)) ${ODL_CLUSTER_ARRAY[@]}"
+ cmd="sshpass -p$USERPWD ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no $USER@${ODL_CLUSTER_ARRAY[$i]} $rcmd"
+ echo "--------- Start Node: ${ODL_CLUSTER_ARRAY[$i]} ----------- CMD: $rcmd"
+ $cmd
+ echo "--------- Ende Node: ${ODL_CLUSTER_ARRAY[$i]}------------"
+ done
+pause() {
+ read -p "($1) Hit enter ..." -r -s TMP
+ echo
+#Destination is $ODL_BUILD_HOME
+pushbuildinfo() {
+ if [ -z $ODL_CLUSTER_REPO ] ; then
+ echo "No cluster repository specified by ODL_CLUSTER_REPO. Can not proceed."
+ else
+ if [ -z "$ODL_BUILD_HOME" ] ; then
+ echo "No ODL_BUILD_HOME defined. Terminate" ; exit 2
+ fi
+ echo "Build home at $ODL_CLUSTER_REPO"
+ ODL_VERSION_FILE="$ODL_CLUSTER_REPO/builds/version.txt"
+ if [ ! -e $ODL_VERSION_FILE ] ; then
+ echo "No builds available Terminate." ; exit 2
+ fi
+ #Read version information
+ echo "Prepare cluster with $BUILDTAG and prepare configuration files."
+ echo "Destination repository: $ODL_BUILD_HOME Source repository: $ODL_CLUSTER_REPO"
+ if [ -z "$1" ] ; then
+ read -p "Please enter password for user $USER: " -r -s USERPWD
+ echo
+ fi
+ for i in ${ODL_CLUSTER_ARRAY[@]} ; do
+ echo "Copy to $i:$ODL_BUILD_HOME"
+ sshpass -p$USERPWD ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no $USER@$i "mkdir -p $ODL_BUILD_HOME/builds"
+ sshpass -p$USERPWD scp "$ODL_CLUSTER_REPO/builds/$LASTBUILDTAR" "$i:$ODL_BUILD_HOME/builds"
+ sshpass -p$USERPWD scp "$ODL_VERSION_FILE" "$i:$ODL_BUILD_HOME/builds"
+ sshpass -p$USERPWD scp -r "$ODL_CLUSTER_REPO/bin" "$i:$ODL_BUILD_HOME"
+ sshpass -p$USERPWD ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no $USER@$i "mkdir -p $here"
+ sshpass -p$USERPWD scp "$here/$CONFIG" "$i:$here"
+ # sshpass -p$USERPWD scp "$here/$ODLCMD" "$i:$here"
+ sshpass -p$USERPWD ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no $USER@$i "cd $here ; chmod 755 $ODL_BUILD_HOME/bin/odl.sh ; if [ ! -e odl ] ; then ln -s $ODL_BUILD_HOME/bin/odl.sh odl ; fi"
+ done
+ fi
+#Destination is $here/dist
+#Parameter $1 is sourcedirectory
+clusterfilecopy() {
+ if [ -z "$1" ] ; then
+ echo "ERROR: Need a path as parameter"
+ else
+ echo "Copy all files from directory $1/* to $here/dist/$1 on each node."
+ read -p "Please enter password for user $USER: " -r -s USERPWD
+ echo
+ for i in ${ODL_CLUSTER_ARRAY[@]} ; do
+ destpath="$i:$here/dist"
+ echo "Copy $here/$1 to $destpath"
+ sshpass -p$USERPWD scp -r "$1" "$destpath"
+ done
+ fi
+karafclusterinfo() {
+ echo "Using user $USER"
+ echo "Cluster: ${ODL_CLUSTER_ARRAY[@]}"
+karafcluster() {
+ while [ $CLUSTERCLI = "TRUE" ] ; do
+ if [ -z "$ODL_CLUSTER_ARRAY" ] ; then
+ echo "No cluster in '$ODL_CLUSTER_ARRAY' specified"
+ else
+ tool_check_installed sshpass
+ echo "Cluster: ${ODL_CLUSTER_ARRAY[@]}"
+ if [ -z "$1" ] ; then
+ read -p "cluster cmd> " answer
+ set -- $answer
+ else
+ fi
+ case "$1" in
+ cp)
+ clusterfilecopy $2
+ ;;
+ create)
+ karafclustercreate
+ ;;
+ distremove)
+ read -p "Confirm karaf cluster installation deletion. If you are sure type yes<enter> " answer
+ if [ "$answer" = "yes" ] ; then
+ echo "Change to forced mode."
+ set -- distremove force
+ function="karafclustercmd"
+ else
+ echo "Terminated by user"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ "" | exit)
+ function=""
+ ;;
+ info)
+ karafclusterinfo
+ ;;
+ im* | ib*)
+ echo "Started on each node in background. See odl.log"
+ function="karafclustercmdnohup"
+ set -- $1 cluster
+ ;;
+ push)
+ pushbuildinfo
+ ;;
+ *)
+ function="karafclustercmd"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if [ ! -z "$function" ] ; then
+ read -p "Please enter password for user $USER: " -r -s USERPWD
+ echo
+ for i in "${ODL_CLUSTER_ARRAY[@]}" ; do
+ $function $USERPWD $USER $i $1 $2
+ done
+ if [ "$1" = "prepare" ] ; then
+ read -p "Proceed with create (y/n): " answer
+ case "$answer" in
+ y*) karafclustercreate $USERPWD
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ $CLUSTERCLI = "TRUE" ] ; then
+ set -- ""
+ fi
+# -----------------------------------------------------
+# ----- Script body
+echo "AppToODL installer $Version"
+if [ -f $CONFIG ] ; then
+ echo "Load configuration"
+ source "$CONFIG"
+ script_command="Error: No $CONFIG file .. can not proceed. Create this file and specify the right versions:"
+ echo $script_command
+ echo 'ODL_KARAF_DIST="distribution-karaf-0.6.1-Carbon"'
+ echo 'ODL_KARAF_DISTGZ="$HOME/Downloads/"$ODL_KARAF_DIST".tar.gz"'
+ echo 'ODL_BUILD_HOME="$HOME/build/acme"'
+ echo 'ODL_KARAF_STARTUP_SCRIPT="karaf_startup_all"'
+ echo 'export JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64"'
+ echo
+ echo "Example for downloading the distribution:"
+ echo 'wget https://nexus.opendaylight.org/content/repositories/opendaylight.release/org/opendaylight/integration/distribution-karaf/0.6.1-Carbon/distribution-karaf-0.6.1-Carbon.tar.gz'
+ exit 1
+#Since 2.17 moved back to script
+#if [ -f $ODLCMD ] ; then
+# source $ODLCMD
+# script_command="Error: No $ODLCMD file .. can not proceed"
+# echo $script_command
+# exit 1
+echo "Karaf home: $ODL_KARAF_HOME"
+echo "Executed here: $here"
+echo ""
+if [ -z "$ODL_KARAF_HOME" -o -z "$ODL_KARAF_DIST" ]
+ echo "Missing ENV setting ODL_KARAF_HOME or ODL_KARAF_DIST. Can not execute."
+ show_env
+ script_command="Error Incomplete ENV"
+ script_command="ok"
+#echo "Command: $script_command"
+if [ "$script_command" = "ok" ] ; then
+case "$1" in
+ build)
+ if [ -z "$ODL_BUILD_HOME" ] ; then
+ echo "No build configuration found. Specify '$ODL_BUILD_HOME'."
+ else
+ echo "Enter build subsystem at location $ODL_BUILD_HOME"
+ shift
+ $ODLBIN/buildv2.sh $@
+ fi
+ ;;
+ cli)
+ shift
+ karafcmd $@
+ ;;
+ clu*)
+ shift
+ karafcluster $@
+ ;;
+ dlux)
+ echo "Install DLUX Patch"
+ shift
+ installDluxPatch $@
+ ;;
+ env)
+ show_env
+ ;;
+ kill)
+ echo "Kill ODL instance"
+ pkill -e -f "Dkaraf.home=.home.herbert.odl.$ODL_KARAF_DIST"
+ ;;
+ test)
+ echo "Test a little bit"
+ here=$(pwd)
+ echo "Path: $here"
+ cd $HOME
+ echo "List1"
+ ls
+ cd $here
+ echo "List2"
+ ls
+ karaf_prepare
+ ;;
+ v)
+ echo "List app versions"
+ mvn --version
+ git --version
+ echo "node: " ; node --version
+ echo "npm: " ; npm --version
+ echo "jq: " ; jq --version
+ echo "bower" ; bower --version
+ ;;
+ restart)
+ echo "restart command"
+ karaf_checkrunning
+ if [ "$running" = "true" ] ; then
+ $ODL_KARAF_HOME/bin/stop
+ karaf_waittillstopped
+ karaf_startifnotrunning $2
+ else
+ echo "Already stopped .. do start"
+ karaf_startifnotrunning $2
+ fi
+ ;;
+ stop)
+ echo "stop command"
+ karaf_checkrunning
+ if [ "$running" = "true" ] ; then
+ $ODL_KARAF_HOME/bin/stop
+ karaf_waittillstopped
+ else
+ echo "Already stopped"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ start)
+ echo "start command"
+ karaf_startifnotrunning $2
+ ;;
+ bower)
+ echo "Install bower"
+ cd ./ux/mwtnCommons/mwtnCommons-module/src/main/resources/mwtnCommons/
+ ./bowerInstall.sh
+ cd $here
+ ;;
+ dbclean)
+ database_cleansetup
+ ;;
+ untar)
+ echo "Extract karaf"
+ prepare nodlux
+ ;;
+ prepare)
+ echo "Prepare prepare"
+ prepare $2
+ ;;
+ a)
+ echo "Compile all"
+ mvn clean install -DskipTests
+ if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] ; then
+ echo "could not complete"
+ else
+ do_install m2
+ fi
+ ;;
+ d)
+ app="devicemanager"
+ echo "Compile $app"
+ cd apps/$app
+ mvn clean install -DskipTests
+ rc=$?
+ cd $here
+ if [[ $rc -ne 0 ]] ; then
+ echo "could not complete"
+ else
+ do_install m2 d
+ fi
+ ;;
+ distremove)
+ karaf_distremove $2
+ ;;
+ ib)
+ do_install build $2
+ ;;
+ imd)
+ do_install m2 d $2
+ ;;
+ im)
+ do_install m2 $2
+ ;;
+ it)
+ do_install tar $2
+ ;;
+ karafclean)
+ karaf_cleanstart
+ ;;
+ log)
+ vi dist/data/log/karaf.log
+ ;;
+ migrate)
+ echo "Migrate index$2 to index$3"
+ elasticdump --input=http://localhost:9200/sdnevents_$2 --output=http://localhost:9200/sdnevents_$3 --type=data --limit=100000
+ ;;
+ mvn)
+ echo "try to compile $2"
+ here=`pwd`
+ cd "$2"
+ mvn clean install -DskipTests
+ cd "$here"
+ ;;
+ status)
+ karaf_status
+ ;;
+ debug)
+ karaf_enable_logs $2
+ ;;
+ *)
+ if [ ! "$1" == "help" ] ; then
+ echo "ERROR Unknown command $1"
+ fi
+ echo "Commands:"
+ echo " a for build all and install from M2"
+ echo " build enter build subsystem"
+ echo " build, deliver"
+ echo " bower for install bower"
+ echo " cli start karaf command line"
+ echo " cluster xx cluster commands and all other commands"
+ echo " status, ib, im, stop, push, distremove, cp"
+ echo " env List environment variables"
+ echo " d for devicemanager and install from M2"
+ echo " dbclean clean db and load with initial data"
+ echo " debug activate debug for netconf and mwtn"
+ echo " distremove remove existing karaf distribution"
+ echo " dlux install DLUX patch. Use dlux [m2|tar|create] to install from m2-repository or install tar file or create tar file"
+ echo " help List this help"
+ echo " ib for install from Build-directory"
+ echo " im for install from M2-directory"
+ echo " imd for install from M2-directory. Delete logs before start command"
+ echo " it fn install tar file to container"
+ echo " karafclean start clean and install apps on karaf"
+ echo " kill hard termination of ODL instance"
+ echo " log vi karaf.log"
+ echo " migrate migrate Param1 Param2 Migrate on localhost"
+ echo " mvn [folder] compile folder with maven with parameter -DskipTests"
+ echo " prepare [nodlux] to install and prepare a karaf. tar version expected in Downloads."
+ echo " untar to extract karaf."
+ echo " test do some testing"
+ echo " start start karaf"
+ echo " status display karaf status"
+ echo " stop stop and wait karaf"
+ echo " restart stop and start karaf"
+ echo " repoclean clean the repositories"
+ echo " v get Versions"
+ ;;
+unset install_err