path: root/aai-traversal/antBuild
diff options
authorVenkata Harish K Kajur <vk250x@att.com>2018-02-06 15:06:44 -0500
committerVenkata Harish K Kajur <vk250x@att.com>2018-03-07 10:02:36 -0500
commita0d3e8ee8d78d41e4a58437983bc4c894d0024df (patch)
tree37f4698a9481349548eec326f2845f8cb1abd06f /aai-traversal/antBuild
parente688a3115c5de57ca9ac3e218fad6ecb50d6f8b1 (diff)
Update traversal from AJSC 2 to Spring Boot
Issue-ID: AAI-799 Change-Id: I6500f661db704726f529f665203a9c0605e8193e Signed-off-by: Venkata Harish K Kajur <vk250x@att.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'aai-traversal/antBuild')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 228 deletions
diff --git a/aai-traversal/antBuild/build.xml b/aai-traversal/antBuild/build.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 346380c..0000000
--- a/aai-traversal/antBuild/build.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <target name="runLocal">
- <java dir="${basedir}" fork="yes" newenvironment="true"
- failonerror="true" classname="com.att.ajsc.runner.Runner">
- <classpath
- path="${classpath}:${basedir}/ajsc-shared-config/etc:${runAjscHome}/lib/ajsc-runner-${ajscRuntimeVersion}.jar" />
- <!-- Windows Users may need to add a jvmarg arg to create a temp directory
- properly. -->
- <!-- <jvmarg value="-Djava.io.tmpdir=C:/yourTempDirectory"/> -->
- <!-- Uncomment the following 2 jvmarg values to enable Remote Debugging.
- -->
- <!-- <jvmarg value="-Xdebug" /> -->
- <!-- <jvmarg value="-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=5432"
- /> -->
- <jvmarg value="-XX:MaxPermSize=512m" />
- <jvmarg value="-Xmx1024m" />
- <!-- Main ajsc Variables below (Variables necessary for proper startup
- of AJSC) -->
- <env key="AJSC_HOME" value="${runAjscHome}" />
- <sysproperty key="AJSC_HOME" value="${runAjscHome}" />
- <!-- you may specify any external location for AJSC_CONF_HOME where etc
- folder & all other configs can be found under it. If not specified, it will
- default to AJSC_HOME -->
- <sysproperty key="AJSC_CONF_HOME" value="${basedir}/bundleconfig-local" />
- <sysproperty key="AJSC_SHARED_CONFIG" value="${basedir}/ajsc-shared-config" />
- <!-- Location of logback.xml file used for logging configurations. Please,
- note, when deploying a service to either CSI or NON-CSI environment, this
- system property will be set in sys-props.properties file. We are setting
- it here for running locally due to the ease of use of maven variable for
- basedir. -->
- <sysproperty key="logback.configurationFile"
- value="${basedir}/ajsc-shared-config/etc/logback.xml" />
- <!-- Setting system properties for the AJSC external libs and properties
- folders below. When deploying to a node, these properties will be set within
- the bundleconfig/etc/sysprops/sys-props.properties file. However, when running
- locally, the ${basedir} substitution works more efficiently in this manner. -->
- <sysproperty key="AJSC_EXTERNAL_LIB_FOLDERS" value="${basedir}/target/commonLibs" />
- value="${basedir}/ajsc-shared-config/etc" />
- <!-- End of Main ajsc Variables below (Variables necessary for proper
- startup of AJSC) -->
- <!-- Uncomment the following line to add oauthentication to your Service -->
- <!-- <sysproperty key="spring.profiles.active" value="oauth" /> -->
- <!-- If using Cassandra as Database, Enter the ip/host and port below
- based on your known configuration -->
- <!-- <sysproperty key="cassandra.ip" value="hostname" /> -->
- <!-- <sysproperty key="cassandra.port" value="9042" /> -->
- <!-- The APP_SERVLET_URL_PATTERN variable is defaulted to "/services"
- within the initial configuration of the AJSC. If you are changing the CamelServlet
- Filter within the ajsc-override-web.xml, you should use that url-pattern
- here. This is necessary to properly register your service with dme2. An empty
- value, "", is used when NO value is wanted (url-pattern would be /* for CamelServlet
- Filter) -->
- <!-- As of 4.5.1, this property is no longer needed -->
- <!-- <sysproperty key="APP_SERVLET_URL_PATTERN" value="/services" /> -->
- <!-- GRM/DME2 System Properties below -->
- <sysproperty key="AJSC_SERVICE_NAMESPACE" value="${module.ajsc.namespace.name}" />
- <sysproperty key="AJSC_SERVICE_VERSION" value="${module.ajsc.namespace.version}" />
- <sysproperty key="SOACLOUD_SERVICE_VERSION" value="${project.version}" />
- <!-- End of GRM/DME2 System Property Variables -->
- <!-- The following server.port variable was necessary for the proper registration
- of the AJSC to dme2. This value may still need to be used if the Developer
- is hardcoding their port (example: 8080). Then, the server.port value="8080".
- The default functionality for the AJSC is to use EPHEMERAL ports. In this
- case, you do NOT need to set the server.port value. The AJSC will find the
- proper port value and register to dme2 correctly -->
- <!-- <sysproperty key="server.port" value="${serverPort}" /> -->
- <!-- Command Line Arguments to add to the java command. Here, you can
- specify the port as well as the Context you want your service to run in.
- Use context=/ to run in an unnamed Context (Root Context). The default configuration
- of the AJSC is to run under the /ajsc Context. Setting the port here can
- aid during the development phase of your service. However, you can leave
- this argument out entirely, and the AJSC will default to using an Ephemeral
- port. -->
- <arg line="context=/ port=${serverPort} sslport=${sslport}" />
- </java>
- </target>
- <target name="prep_home_directory_for_swm_pkgcreate">
- Uncomment the following if your cadi key get corrupted , It would
- generate the Cadi key and password in the package phase and keep the key
- in the 'src/main/config/ajscKey' and password in the bottom of cadi.properties(you
- need to modify the 'aaf_pass' variable with this value . Plese modify the
- template.cadi.properties as well before uploading to SOA node
- <java jar="${basedir}/target/userjars/cadi-core-1.2.5.jar" fork="true">
- <arg value="keygen" /> <arg value="src/main/config/ajscKey" />
- </java>
- <echo>***Cadi Key file generated ****</echo>
- <java jar="${basedir}/target/userjars/cadi-core-1.2.5.jar"
- fork="true" append="true" output="${basedir}/src/main/config/cadi.properties">
- <arg value="digest" /> <arg value="ajscRocks!" /> <arg value="src/main/config/ajscKey"
- />
- </java>
- <!-- These tasks are copying contents from the installHomeDirectory into
- the eventual $AJSC_HOME directory for running locally and soa cloud installation -->
- <echo message="ENTERING 'prep_home_directory_for_swm_pkgcreate' ant tasks" />
- <!-- Please, NOTE: The ajsc-archetype is setup for a default CSI Env deployment.
- If you are deploying to a CSI Env, you should NOT have to change anything
- within this build file. However, if you are NOT deploying to a CSI Env, you
- should comment OUT the CSI related portion of this build.xml. -->
- <!-- The following code snippet is copying the bundleconfig-csi directory
- to the proper installation/bundleconfig directory used in CSI envs. If you
- are NOT installing to a CSI node, you should comment out (or delete) the
- following snippet, and uncomment the NON-CSI copy task to copy EVERYTHING
- to the installation/bundleconfig directory. -->
- <!-- CSI related bundleconfig copy task. If you are NOT deploying to a
- CSI Env, please COMMENT OUT or delete the following copy task code snippet. -->
- <!--<copy toDir="${basedir}/target/swm/package/nix/dist_files${distFilesRoot}/bundleconfig"
- failonerror="true"> <fileset dir="${basedir}/bundleconfig-csi" /> </copy> -->
- <!-- End of CSI related bundleconfig copy task -->
- <!-- NOTE: If you are NOT deploying to CSI environment, and you are NOT
- using an AJSC_SHARED_CONFIG location on a node, you should go ahead and copy
- EVERYTHING from bundleconfig and ajsc-shared-config (logback.xml) directory
- to utilize proper logging from logback.xml. Simply, uncomment the following
- code snippet below to copy EVERYTHING and comment out the CSI related build
- script above. -->
- <!-- NON-CSI related build copy task. Please, uncomment the following code
- snippet to deploy the proper artifacts to a NON-CSI Env. -->
- <copy
- toDir="${basedir}/target/swm/package/nix/dist_files${distFilesRoot}/bundleconfig"
- failonerror="true">
- <fileset dir="${basedir}/bundleconfig-local" includes="**/**" />
- </copy>
- <copy
- toDir="${basedir}/target/swm/package/nix/dist_files${distFilesRoot}/bundleconfig/etc"
- failonerror="true">
- <fileset dir="${basedir}/ajsc-shared-config/etc" includes="**/**" />
- </copy>
- <!-- End of NON-CSI related build copy task. -->
- <!-- Copying any zips (deployment packages) to $AJSC_HOME/services for
- auto-deployment -->
- <copy
- toDir="${basedir}/target/swm/package/nix/dist_files${distFilesRoot}/services"
- failonerror="false">
- <fileset dir="${basedir}/services" includes="*.zip" />
- </copy>
- <!-- Copying runtimeEnvironment zip file to $AJSC_HOME/runtime and renaming
- runtimeEnvironment.zip for proper auto-deployment of ajsc services. -->
- <!-- <copy
- tofile="${basedir}/target/swm/package/nix/dist_files${distFilesRoot}/runtime/runtimeEnvironment.zip">
- <fileset dir="target" includes="*-runtimeEnvironment.zip" />
- </copy>
- <!-- Copying dependencies from the service project (not provided by AJSC
- Container) to the $AJSC_HOME/extJars folder to be accessible on the classpath -->
- <copy
- toDir="${basedir}/target/swm/package/nix/dist_files${distFilesRoot}/extJars"
- failonerror="false">
- <fileset dir="target/userjars" includes="*" />
- </copy>
- <!-- extApps directory MUST be created for ajsc-runner to run correctly,
- even if empty. DO NOT REMOVE!!! -->
- <!-- extApps directory created to deploy other war files on startup or
- hot deploy War files after ajsc starts up. -->
- <mkdir
- dir="${basedir}/target/swm/package/nix/dist_files${distFilesRoot}/extApps" />
- <!-- Copying any extra wars to $AJSC_HOME/extApps to be deployed within
- AJSC -->
- <copy
- toDir="${basedir}/target/swm/package/nix/dist_files${distFilesRoot}/extApps"
- failonerror="false">
- <fileset dir="${basedir}/src/main/resources/extApps"
- includes="*" />
- </copy>
- <!-- staticContent folder is for serving static content within an ajsc
- service. Any static content to be served will be copyied to the ultimate
- $AJSC_HOME/staticContent folder and can be served with the
- camel component. -->
- <!-- Uncomment the following snippet to copy items from staticContent folder
- to ultimate $AJSC_HOME/staticConent -->
- <!-- <copy toDir="${basedir}/target/swm/package/nix/dist_files${distFilesRoot}/staticContent"
- failonerror="false"> <fileset dir="${basedir}/staticContent" includes="**/**"
- /> </copy> -->
- <!-- Copying extra jar files that have been labeled as dependencies in
- service project to /extJars folder to be made available on the classpath
- for your service -->
- <copy
- toDir="${basedir}/target/swm/package/nix/dist_files${distFilesRoot}/extJars"
- failonerror="false">
- <fileset dir="target" includes="*.jar" />
- </copy>
- <!-- Copying deployment packages created within the project to the $AJSC_HOME/services
- folder to be auto deployed. -->
- <copy
- toDir="${basedir}/target/swm/package/nix/dist_files${distFilesRoot}/services">
- <fileset dir="target" includes="*.zip" excludes="*-runtimeEnvironment.zip" />
- </copy>
- <echo message="EXITING 'prep_assembly_output_for_swm_plugin' ant tasks" />
- </target>