path: root/src/test/java/org/onap/aai/sparky/viewandinspect/
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-package org.onap.aai.sparky.viewandinspect;
-import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude.Include;
-import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
-import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
-import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
-import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.PropertyNamingStrategy;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import org.onap.aai.sparky.viewandinspect.config.VisualizationConfig;
-import org.onap.aai.sparky.viewandinspect.entity.ActiveInventoryNode;
- * The Class ActiveInventoryNodeTester.
- */
-public class ActiveInventoryNodeTester {
- /**
- * Builds the tree 1.
- *
- * @return the active inventory node
- */
- public ActiveInventoryNode buildTree1() {
- ActiveInventoryNode nodeA = new ActiveInventoryNode("A");
- nodeA.setSelfLink(String.format(selfLinkFormat, "A", "A"));
- nodeA.addProperty("a1", "a1");
- nodeA.addProperty("a2", "a2");
- nodeA.addProperty("a3", "a3");
- createChildNode("C", nodeA, "c1", "c2", "c3");
- createChildNode("D", nodeA, "d1", "d2", "d3");
- createChildNode("E", nodeA, "e1", "e2", "e3");
- /*
- * Assume key uniqueness within a single tree. Safe?? Can we say that every nodeId is unique?
- */
- return nodeA;
- }
- /**
- * Builds the tree 2.
- *
- * @return the active inventory node
- */
- public ActiveInventoryNode buildTree2() {
- ActiveInventoryNode nodeA = new ActiveInventoryNode("A");
- nodeA.setSelfLink(String.format(selfLinkFormat, "A", "A"));
- nodeA.addProperty("a4", "a4");
- ActiveInventoryNode nodeD = createChildNode("D", nodeA, "d7", "d8");
- ActiveInventoryNode nodeW = createChildNode("W", nodeD, "w1", "w2", "w3");
- createChildNode("H", nodeA, "h2", "h4", "h6");
- return nodeA;
- }
- private String selfLinkFormat = "https://aai-hostname:9292/aai/v7/network/generic-vnfs/%s/%s";
- /**
- * Creates the child node.
- *
- * @param key the key
- * @param parent the parent
- * @param propertyNames the property names
- * @return the active inventory node
- */
- private ActiveInventoryNode createChildNode(String key, ActiveInventoryNode parent,
- String... propertyNames) {
- // ActiveInventoryNode ain = parent.addNode(new ActiveInventoryNode(key));
- // ain.setSelfLink(String.format(SELF_LINK_FORMAT, key, key));
- /*
- * if (propertyNames != null) { for (String p : propertyNames) { ain.addProperty(p, p); } }
- */
- ActiveInventoryNode ain = new ActiveInventoryNode();
- return ain;
- }
- /**
- * Builds the tree 3.
- *
- * @return the active inventory node
- */
- public ActiveInventoryNode buildTree3() {
- ActiveInventoryNode nodeA = new ActiveInventoryNode("A");
- nodeA.setSelfLink(String.format(selfLinkFormat, "A", "A"));
- nodeA.addProperty("a1", "a1");
- createChildNode("B", nodeA, "b1");
- createChildNode("C", nodeA, "c1");
- createChildNode("D", nodeA, "d1");
- createChildNode("E", nodeA, "e1");
- createChildNode("F", nodeA, "f1");
- createChildNode("G", nodeA, "g1");
- return nodeA;
- }
- /**
- * Builds the tree 4.
- *
- * @return the active inventory node
- */
- public ActiveInventoryNode buildTree4() {
- ActiveInventoryNode nodeA = new ActiveInventoryNode("A");
- nodeA.setSelfLink(String.format(selfLinkFormat, "A", "A"));
- nodeA.addProperty("a2", "a2");
- ActiveInventoryNode nodeB = createChildNode("B", nodeA, "b2");
- ActiveInventoryNode nodeC = createChildNode("C", nodeB, "c2");
- ActiveInventoryNode nodeD = createChildNode("D", nodeC, "d2");
- ActiveInventoryNode nodeE = createChildNode("E", nodeD, "e2");
- ActiveInventoryNode nodeF = createChildNode("F", nodeE, "f2");
- ActiveInventoryNode nodeG = createChildNode("G", nodeF, "g2");
- return nodeA;
- }
- /**
- * Do test 1.
- */
- public void doTest1() {
- ActiveInventoryNode one = buildTree1();
- ActiveInventoryNode two = buildTree2();
- one.dumpNodeTree(true);
- System.out.println("---");
- two.dumpNodeTree(true);
- System.out.println("---");
- // one.merge(two);
- one.dumpNodeTree(true);
- }
- /**
- * Do test 2.
- *
- * @param showProps the show props
- */
- public void doTest2(boolean showProps) {
- VisualizationConfig.getConfig().setVisualizationDebugEnabled(false);
- ActiveInventoryNode one = buildTree3();
- ActiveInventoryNode two = buildTree4();
- System.out.println(one.dumpNodeTree(showProps));
- System.out.println("---");
- System.out.println(two.dumpNodeTree(showProps));
- System.out.println("---");
- // MergeResult mr = one.merge(two);
- // System.out.println("merge result = " +;
- System.out.println(one.dumpNodeTree(showProps));
- }
- "{\"complex\":{\"physical-location-id\":\"MJ-1604-COMPLEX\",\"data-center-code\":\"DAYTONNJ\",\"complex-name\":\"complex-name-MDTWNJ23A4\",\"resource-version\":\"1470195143\",\"physical-location-type\":\"SBC/VHO and Mega Pop\",\"street1\":\"451 Western Ave\",\"street2\":\"CU-212\",\"city\":\"dayton\",\"state\":\"NJ\",\"postal-code\":\"08852\",\"country\":\"USA\",\"region\":\"Northeast\",\"latitude\":\"40.3896\",\"longitude\":\"-74.5463\",\"relationship-list\":{\"relationship\":[{\"related-to\":\"pserver\",\"related-link\":\"https://aai-hostname:8443/aai/v8/cloud-infrastructure/pservers/pserver/MJ-1604-PSERVER/\",\"relationship-data\":[{\"relationship-key\":\"pserver.hostname\",\"relationship-value\":\"MJ-1604-PSERVER\"}],\"related-to-property\":[{\"property-key\":\"pserver.pserver-name2\",\"property-value\":\"MJ-1604-PSERVER\"}]}]}}}";
- "{\"pserver\":{\"hostname\":\"MJ-1604-PSERVER\",\"equip-type\":\"JUNIPER UCPE\",\"equip-vendor\":\"JUNIPER\",\"equip-model\":\"QFX5100-24P-AA\",\"ipv4-oam-address\":\"10.402.143.1\",\"serial-number\":\"VX371521MAHI\",\"pserver-id\":\"1C2B8D47-AVAE-4721-0110-E2C41A07MAHI\",\"in-maint\":false,\"resource-version\":\"1456765026\",\"pserver-name2\":\"MJ-1604-PSERVER\",\"relationship-list\":{\"relationship\":[{\"related-to\":\"complex\",\"related-link\":\"https://aai-hostname:8443/aai/v8/cloud-infrastructure/complexes/complex/MJ-1604-COMPLEX/\",\"relationship-data\":[{\"relationship-key\":\"complex.physical-location-id\",\"relationship-value\":\"MJ-1604-COMPLEX\"}]}]},\"p-interfaces\":{\"p-interface\":[{\"interface-name\":\"ge-0/2/0\",\"speed-value\":\"1\",\"speed-units\":\"GBPS\",\"resource-version\":\"1456723241\",\"relationship-list\":{\"relationship\":[{\"related-to\":\"physical-link\",\"related-link\":\"https://aai-hostname:8443/aai/v8/network/physical-links/physical-link/BBEC.112430..ATI/\",\"relationship-data\":[{\"relationship-key\":\"\",\"relationship-value\":\"BBEC.112430..ATI\"}]}]}},{\"interface-name\":\"ge-0/2/1\",\"speed-value\":\"1\",\"speed-units\":\"GBPS\",\"resource-version\":\"1456723241\",\"relationship-list\":{\"relationship\":[{\"related-to\":\"physical-link\",\"related-link\":\"https://aai-hostname:8443/aai/v8/network/physical-links/physical-link/BBEC.112431..ATI/\",\"relationship-data\":[{\"relationship-key\":\"\",\"relationship-value\":\"BBEC.112431..ATI\"}]}]}}]}}}";
- /**
- * Parses the direct self link json response.
- *
- * @param selfLinkJsonResponse the self link json response
- * @throws JsonProcessingException the json processing exception
- * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
- */
- public void parseDirectSelfLinkJsonResponse(String selfLinkJsonResponse)
- throws JsonProcessingException, IOException {
- ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
- mapper.setSerializationInclusion(Include.NON_EMPTY);
- mapper.setPropertyNamingStrategy(new PropertyNamingStrategy.KebabCaseStrategy());
- // try {
- JsonNode jsonNodeArray = mapper.readTree(selfLinkJsonResponse);
- Iterator<String> iterator = jsonNodeArray.fieldNames();
- JsonNode entityNode = null;
- String entityTypeStr = null;
- String entityNodeFieldName = null;
- while (iterator.hasNext()) {
- entityTypeStr =;
- entityNode = jsonNodeArray.get(entityTypeStr);
- Iterator<String> entityNodeFields = entityNode.fieldNames();
- while (entityNodeFields.hasNext()) {
- entityNodeFieldName =;
- System.out.println(String.format("%s.%s", entityTypeStr, entityNodeFieldName));
- }
- }
- /*
- * Iterator<Entry<String, JsonNode>> fieldNames = jsonNode.fields(); Entry<String,JsonNode>
- * field = null; List<String> entitiesToFilter = null;
- */
- /*
- * try { entitiesToFilter =
- * ActiveInventoryConfig.getConfig().getAaiRestConfig().getFilteredEntities(); } catch (
- * Exception e ) { LOG.error(
- * "Caught an exception while retrieving filtered entities. Error Cause = " +
- * e.getLocalizedMessage());; return; }
- */
- /*
- * JsonNode entityNode = jsonNode.
- *
- * /*String entityType = entityNode.textValue(); fieldNames = entityNode.fields();
- *
- * while ( fieldNames.hasNext() ) {
- *
- * field =;
- *
- * /* Is there a way to tell if the field is an aggregate or an atomic value? This is where our
- * flattening code needs to live
- */
- /*
- * String fieldName = field.getKey();
- *
- * System.out.println(
- * "processDirectSelfLinkResponse(), fieldName for current node with entityType = " + entityType
- * + " and field name " + fieldName);
- *
- *
- * /*if ( "relationship-list".equals( fieldName ) ) {
- *
- * /* Parse the relationship list like we were doing before, or at least navigate it so we can
- * extract the relationship data
- */
- /*
- * cloud-region is the only exception to this rule where we don't want to collect the
- * relationship data from the self-link (for now).
- */
- /*
- * if ( !entitiesToFilter.contains(entityType) ) {
- *
- * // if the current depth >= maxTraversal depth, stop analyzing relationships RelationshipList
- * relationships = null;
- *
- * /* At each level we traverse, we want the properties + relationship-list, until we reach the
- * max traversal depth, then we only the properties, and we want to ignore the relationship-list
- * to avoid excessive traversal.
- */
- /*
- * if ( linkDepth < VisualizationConfig.getConfig().getMaxSelfLinkTraversalDepth()) {
- * relationships = analyzeSelfLinkRelationshipList(field.getValue().toString());
- * addSelfLinkRelationshipChildren( relationships, linkDepth ); } else { LOG.warn(
- * "Ignoring relationship-list for entity = " + entityType + " at traversal depth = " +
- * linkDepth); }
- *
- * } else { LOG.warn(String.format(
- * "Ignoring relationship-list attribute for '%s' based on configuration", entityType)); }
- *
- * } else {
- *
- * JsonNode nodeValue = field.getValue();
- *
- * if ( nodeValue.isValueNode() ) {
- *
- * // current behavior, but we need to discover how to translate groups into flattened text by
- * using the Jackson JsonNode API addProperty(fieldName, nodeValue.asText()); } else { // need
- * special handling for collections
- *
- * if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Complex field discovered = " + fieldName); }
- *
- * Iterator<String> childFields = nodeValue.fieldNames(); StringBuilder sb = new
- * StringBuilder(128);
- *
- * while ( childFields.hasNext() ) { String f=;
- *
- * if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("found field = " + f + " for parent field = " +
- * fieldName); } sb.append(fieldName + "=" + nodeValue.get(f).asText()); }
- *
- * addProperty(fieldName, sb.toString());
- *
- * }
- *
- * }
- */
- /*
- * Conscious choice to not log the filtered out resources because it would dump on every node.
- * We can always re-visit that choice and put a debug log here if need to / want to.
- */
- /*
- * }
- *
- *
- * } catch (IOException exc) {
- *
- * System.out.println("Argh an io exception occurred with message = " +
- * e.getLocalizedMessage());
- *
- * /*LOG.error("An error occurred while converting JSON into POJO = " +
- * e.getLocalizedMessage());
- *
- * this.setProcessingErrorOccurred(true); this.addErrorCause(
- * "An error occurred while converting JSON into POJO = " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
- */
- // }
- }