path: root/README.md
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authorDaniel Silverthorn <daniel.silverthorn@amdocs.com>2017-05-04 13:08:13 -0400
committerDaniel Silverthorn <daniel.silverthorn@amdocs.com>2017-05-09 12:05:00 -0400
commitc75a08a749718fc5ef25f8c2f826939be657c0bf (patch)
treee2a2e29f8ebc54f6e2eeac6df63d8ca2189d39a0 /README.md
parent30b899f10fb4fe638a973061bad6f8ba87003494 (diff)
Initial search service commit
Changing common logging dep Change-Id: I454697a9df0ee63f43d7b7d2a3818fe2d9b7bcf2 Signed-off-by: Daniel Silverthorn <daniel.silverthorn@amdocs.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'README.md')
1 files changed, 273 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
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+# Search Engine Micro Service
+The _Search Engine_ micro service exposes APIs via REST which allow clients to interact with the search database back end without requiring direct knowledge of or interaction with the underlying technology.
+## High Level Concepts
+This section establishes some of the terminology and concepts that relate to interacting with the _Search Engine_ service.
+A much more detailed examination of these concepts can be found on the [Search Engine Design Share](http://d2athenaconf:8090/confluence/display/AAI/AAI-4633%3A+Search+DB+Abstraction%3A+Expose+REST+Interface) Confluence page.
+### Documents
+_Documents_ are the _things_ that we want to put into our document store. At its most basic, a _document_ is a collection of _fields_ which contain the data that we want to be able to store and query.
+_Fields_ are defined as having a name, a type, and optional parameters indicating whether or not the field is intended to be searchable, and if so, how it should be indexed.
+### Indexes
+An _index_ is essentially a collection of _documents_. It is the top-level container into which we will store our documents. A single data store may have multiple _indexes_ for the purposes of segregating different types of data (most queries are performed across all documents within *single* instance).
+## Getting Started
+### Building The Micro Service
+After checking out the project, execute the following Maven command from the project's top level directory:
+ > mvn clean install
+### Running The Micro Service Locally
+To run the microservice in your local environment, execute the following Maven command from the project's top level directory:
+ > mvn -P runAjsc
+### Running The Micro Service Within An Eclipse Environment
+It is often extremely useful to be able to run a micro service from within Eclipse in order to set breakpoints and perform general debugging activities.
+For a good reference on how to launch any of the D2 micro services from within an Eclipse environment, refer to the following Confluence page: [Running An AJSC Container Within Eclipse](http://d2athenaconf:8090/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=1840887#DevelopingMicroserviceswithAT&T-RunninganAJSCContainerwithinEclipse)
+## Public Interfaces
+### Echo Service
+The _Search Database Abstraction_ micro service supports the standard echo service to allow it to be 'pinged' to verify that the service is up and responding.
+The echo service is reachable via the following REST end point:
+ http://{host}:9509/services/search-data-service/v1/jaxrsExample/jaxrs-services/echo/{input}
+### Indexes
+The _Search Engine_ service supports simple creation and deletion of document indexes via the following REST API calls:
+##### Create Index
+ Method : POST
+ URL : https://<host>:9509/services/search-data-service/v1/search/indexes/<index>/
+ URL Params : index - The name of the index to be created.
+ Request Payload:
+ A document structure expressed as json.
+ Response Payload:
+ {"url": "< resource location of the index >"
+##### Delete Index
+ Method : DELETE
+ URL : http://<host>:9509/services/search-data-service/v1/search/indexes/<index>/
+ URL Params : index - The name of the index to be deleted.
+ Request Payload:
+ None
+### Documents
+##### Create Document Without Specifying a Document Identifier
+Documents can be created via a POST request with no document identifier specified. In this case the document store will generate an identifier to associate with the document.
+ Method : POST
+ URL : https://<host>:9509/services/search-data-service/v1/search/indexes/<index>/documents/
+ URL Params : index - The name of the index to create the document in.
+ Request Payload:
+ Document contents expressed as a JSON object containing key/value pairs.
+ Response Payload:
+ { "etag": "string", "url": "string" }
+##### Create or Update Document With a Specified Document Identifier
+Documents can also be created via a PUT request which includes an identifier to associate with the document. The put endpoint is actually used for both creates and updates, where this is distinguished as follows:
+* If the request header DOES NOT include a value in the If-Match field, then the request is assumed to be a document create.
+* If the request header DOES contain a value in the If-Match field, then the request is assumed to be a document update.
+ Method : PUT
+ URL : https://<host>:9509/services/search-data-service/v1/search/indexes/<index>/documents<document id>
+ URL Params : index - The name of the index to create or update the document in.
+ document id - The identifier of the document to be created or updated.
+ Request Payload:
+ Document contents expressed as a JSON object containing key/value pairs.
+ Response Payload:
+ { "etag": "string", "url": "string"}
+##### Delete a Document
+ Method: : DELETE
+ URL : https://<host>:9509/services/search-data-service/v1/search/indexes/<index>/documents<document id>
+ URL Params : index - The name of the index to remove the document from.
+ document id - the identifier of the document to be deleted.
+ Request Payload:
+ None.
+##### Retrieve a Document
+ Method: : GET
+ URL : https://<host>:9509/services/search-data-service/v1/search/indexes/<index>/documents<document id>
+ URL Params : index - The name of the index to retrieve the document from.
+ document id - the identifier of the document to be retrieved.
+ Request Payload:
+ None.
+### Searching the Document Store
+Search statements are passed to the _Search Data Service_ as a JSON object which is structured as follows:
+* A "filter" stanza defines a set of queries to be run in _non-scoring-mode_ to reduce the document set to a smaller subset to be searched.
+* The filter stanza is optional - omitting it implies that the query is _unfiltered_.
+* This stanza is represented as a JSON object with the following structure:
+ "filter": {
+ "all": [ { query }, { query },....{ query }],
+ "any": [ { query }, { query },....{ query }]
+ },
+* the _all_ list defines a set of queryies such that ALL queries in the list must be satisfied for the document to pass the filter.
+* the _any_ list defines a set of queryies such that ANY single query in the list must be satisfied for the document to pass the filter.
+The following types of query statements are supported by the _Search Data Service_:
+_Term Query_:
+A term query attempts to match the literal value of a field, with no advanced parsing or analysis of the query string. This type of query is most appropriate for structured data like numbers, dates and enums, rather than full text fields.
+ // Find documents where the specified field contains the supplied value
+ "match": {
+ "field": "value"
+ }
+ // Find documents where the specified field DOES NOT contain the supplied value
+ "not-match": {
+ "field": "value"
+ }
+_Parsed Query_:
+Parsed queries apply a query parser to the supplied query string in order to determine the exact query to apply to the specified field.
+The query string is parsed into a series of terms and operators, as described below:
+Terms may be any of the following:
+* single words
+* exact phrases, as denoted by enclosing the phrase in open and close quotations. Example: "this is my exact phrase"
+* regular expressions, as denoted by wrapping the expressing in forward slash ( / ) character. Example: /joh?n(ath[oa]n)/
+The supported operators are as follows:
+* AND - Both terms to the left or right of the operator MUST be present
+* OR - Either the term to the left or right of the operator MUST be present
+* NOT - The term to the right of the operator MUST NOT be present.
+ "parsed-query": {
+ "field": "fieldname",
+ "query-string": "string"
+ }
+_Range Query_:
+ Range queries match fields whose term value falls within the specified numeric or date range.
+ Supported bounds operators include:
+ * gt - Greater than
+ * gte - Greater than or equal to
+ * lt - Less than
+ * lte - Less than or equal to
+ "range": {
+ "field": "fieldname",
+ "operator": "value",
+ "operator": "value"
+ }
+##### Examples
+The following snippet illustrates a search statement describing a filtered query which uses examples of all of the supported query types:
+ {
+ "filter": {
+ "all": [{"range": {"field": "timestamp", "lte": "2016-12-01T00:00:00.558+03:00"}}],
+ "any": [ ]
+ },
+ "queries": [
+ {"match": {"field": "name", "value": "Bob"}},
+ {"parsed-query": {"field": "street-name", "query-string": "Main OR First"}},
+ {"range": {"field": "street-number", "gt": 10, "lt": 50}}
+ ]
+ }
+##### REST Endpoint
+ Method: : POST
+ URL : https://<host>:9509/services/search-data-service/v1/search/indexes/<index>/query
+ URL Params : index - The name of the index to apply the query to.
+ Request Payload:
+ {
+ "filter": {
+ "all": [ { query }, { query },....{ query }],
+ "any": [ { query }, { query },....{ query }]
+ },
+ "queries": [
+ { query },
+ .
+ .
+ { query }
+ ]
+ }
+### Bulk Operations
+Bulk operations allow the client to bundle a number of actions into a single REST request.
+It is important to note that individual operations bundled into a bulk request are considered by the _Search Service_ to be completely independent operations. This has a few important consequences:
+* No guarantees are made with respect to the order in which the individual operations will be processed by the document store.
+* There is no implied transactionality between the operations. Individual operations my succeed or fail independently of one another, and it is entirely possible for the client to receive back a result set indicating a mix of success and failure results for the individual operations.
+##### Submit Bulk Request
+ Method : POST
+ URL : http://<host>:9509/services/search-data-service/v1/search/bulk/
+ URL Params : NONE
+ Request Payload:
+ A json structure containing all of the bundled actions to be performed.
+ It must correspond to the following format:
+ [
+ { "operation": {{<metaData>}, {<document>},
+ { "operation": {{<metaData>}, {<document>},
+ .
+ .
+ { "operation": {{<metaData>}, {<document>},
+ ]
+ Where,
+ operation - Is one of: "create", "update", or "delete"
+ metaData - A structure containing meta-data associated with the individual operation to be performed. Valid fields include:
+ "url" - The resource identifier of the document to be operated on.
+ "etag" - Identifies the version of the document to be acted on. Required for "update" and "delete" operations.
+ document - The document contents for "create" and "update" operations.
+ Example Payload:
+ [
+ {"create": {"metaData": {"url": "/services/search-data-service/v1/indexes/the-index/documents/1"}, "document": {"f1": "v1", "f2": "v2"}}},
+ {"create": {"metaData": {"url": "/services/search-data-service/indexes/the-index/documents/2"}, "document": {"f1": "v1", "f2": "v2"}}},
+ {"update": {"metaData": {"url": "/services/search-data-service/v1/search/indexes/the-index/documents/8", "etag": "1"}, "document": {"f1": "v1a", "f2": "v2a"}}},
+ {"delete": {"metaData": {"url": "/services/search-data-service/v1/search/indexes/the-index/documents/99", "etag": "3"}}}
+ ]
+ Response Payload:
+ The response body will contain an aggregation of the collective results as well as separate status codes for each of the operations in the request.
+ Example:
+ {
+ "total_operations": 4,
+ "total_success": 1,
+ "total_fails": 3,
+ "results": [
+ {"operation": "create", "url": "/services/search-data-service/v1/search/indexes/the-index/documents/1", "etag": "1", "status-code": "201", "status-message": "OK"},
+ {"operation": "create", "url": "/services/search-data-service/v1/search/indexes/the-index/documents/2", "etag": "1", "status-code": "201", "status-message": "OK"},
+ {"operation": "update", "url": "/services/search-data-service/v1/search/indexes/the-index/documents/8", "etag": "2", "status-code": "200", "status-message": "OK"},
+ {"operation": "delete", "url": "/services/search-data-service/v1/search/indexes/the-index/documents/2", "status-code": "200", "status-message": "OK"}
+ ]
+} \ No newline at end of file