path: root/aai-resources/src/main/java/org/onap/aai/rest/tools/ModelVersionTransformer.java
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 410 deletions
diff --git a/aai-resources/src/main/java/org/onap/aai/rest/tools/ModelVersionTransformer.java b/aai-resources/src/main/java/org/onap/aai/rest/tools/ModelVersionTransformer.java
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- * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
- * org.onap.aai
- * ================================================================================
- * Copyright © 2017-2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
- * ================================================================================
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
- */
-package org.onap.aai.rest.tools;
-import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
-import java.util.Set;
-import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
-import javax.ws.rs.Consumes;
-import javax.ws.rs.Encoded;
-import javax.ws.rs.POST;
-import javax.ws.rs.Path;
-import javax.ws.rs.PathParam;
-import javax.ws.rs.Produces;
-import javax.ws.rs.core.Context;
-import javax.ws.rs.core.HttpHeaders;
-import javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType;
-import javax.ws.rs.core.MultivaluedMap;
-import javax.ws.rs.core.Response;
-import javax.ws.rs.core.Response.Status;
-import javax.ws.rs.core.UriInfo;
-import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Vertex;
-import org.onap.aai.db.props.AAIProperties;
-import org.onap.aai.dbmap.DBConnectionType;
-import org.onap.aai.exceptions.AAIException;
-import org.onap.aai.introspection.Introspector;
-import org.onap.aai.introspection.Loader;
-import org.onap.aai.introspection.MarshallerProperties;
-import org.onap.aai.introspection.ModelType;
-import org.onap.aai.introspection.Version;
-import org.onap.aai.introspection.exceptions.AAIUnknownObjectException;
-import org.onap.aai.logging.ErrorLogHelper;
-import org.onap.aai.logging.LogFormatTools;
-import org.onap.aai.rest.db.HttpEntry;
-import org.onap.aai.rest.exceptions.AAIInvalidXMLNamespace;
-import org.onap.aai.rest.util.ValidateEncoding;
-import org.onap.aai.restcore.RESTAPI;
-import org.onap.aai.serialization.db.EdgeType;
-import org.onap.aai.serialization.db.exceptions.NoEdgeRuleFoundException;
-import org.onap.aai.serialization.engines.QueryStyle;
-import org.onap.aai.serialization.engines.TransactionalGraphEngine;
-import com.att.eelf.configuration.EELFLogger;
-import com.att.eelf.configuration.EELFManager;
-import com.google.common.base.Joiner;
- * The Class ModelVersionTransformer.
- */
-public class ModelVersionTransformer extends RESTAPI {
- private static final EELFLogger LOGGER = EELFManager.getInstance().getLogger(ModelVersionTransformer.class.getName());
- protected static String authPolicyFunctionName = "REST";
- private ModelType introspectorFactoryType = ModelType.MOXY;
- private QueryStyle queryStyle = QueryStyle.TRAVERSAL;
- protected static String MODEL_ELEMENTS = "model-elements";
- private static final String RELATIONSHIP="relationship";
- /**
- * POST for model transformation.
- *
- * @param content the content
- * @param uri the uri
- * @param headers the headers
- * @param info the info
- * @param req the req
- * @return the transformed model
- * @Path("/{uri: modeltransform}")
- * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException
- */
- @Path("/{uri: modeltransform}")
- @Consumes({ MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, MediaType.APPLICATION_XML })
- @Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, MediaType.APPLICATION_XML })
- public Response modelTransform (String content, @PathParam("uri") @Encoded String uri, @Context HttpHeaders headers, @Context UriInfo info, @Context HttpServletRequest req) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
- Response response = null;
- TransactionalGraphEngine dbEngine = null;
- Loader loader = null;
- MediaType mediaType = headers.getMediaType();
- String sourceOfTruth = headers.getRequestHeaders().getFirst("X-FromAppId");
- String transId = headers.getRequestHeaders().getFirst("X-TransactionId");
- String realTime = headers.getRequestHeaders().getFirst("Real-Time");
- Boolean success = true;
- AAIException ex;
- try {
- validateRequest(info);
- DBConnectionType type = this.determineConnectionType(sourceOfTruth, realTime);
- HttpEntry httpEntry = new HttpEntry(Version.v8, introspectorFactoryType, queryStyle, type);
- loader = httpEntry.getLoader();
- dbEngine = httpEntry.getDbEngine();
- if (content.length() == 0) {
- if (mediaType.toString().contains(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)) {
- content = "{}";
- } else {
- content = "<empty/>";
- }
- }
- //Unmarshall the received model and store properties and values in a map.
- Introspector obj = loader.unmarshal("Model", content, org.onap.aai.restcore.MediaType.getEnum(this.getInputMediaType(mediaType)));
- if (obj == null) {
- throw new AAIException("AAI_3000", "object could not be unmarshalled:" + content);
- }
- if (mediaType.toString().contains(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML) && !content.equals("<empty/>") && isEmptyObject(obj)) {
- throw new AAIInvalidXMLNamespace(content);
- }
- Set<String> properties = obj.getProperties();
- java.util.Iterator<String> propItr = properties.iterator();
- Map<String, Object> v8PropMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
- while (propItr.hasNext()){
- String property = propItr.next();
- Object propertyValue = obj.getValue(property);
- if (propertyValue != null) {
- v8PropMap.put(propItr.next(), propertyValue);
- }
- }
- // Get the current models and create a map of model-ver to model keys, this allows us
- // to easily figure out and construct the relationships on the supplied v8 model
- Map<String,String> modelVersionIdToModelInvariantIdMap = getCurrentModelsFromGraph(headers, transId, info);
- // Build the v10 - TODO
- HttpEntry newHttpEntry = new HttpEntry(Version.v10, introspectorFactoryType, queryStyle, type);
- Loader newLoader = newHttpEntry.getLoader();
- Introspector newModelObj = newLoader.introspectorFromName("Model");
- // pull the attributes we need to apply to the model + model-ver objects
- // model specific attrs
- String oldModelInvariantId = obj.getValue("model-id");
- String oldModelType = obj.getValue("model-type");
- // model-ver specific
- String oldModelName = obj.getValue("model-name");
- String oldModelVersionId = obj.getValue("model-name-version-id");
- String oldModelVersion = obj.getValue("model-version");
- // copy attributes from the v8 model object to the v10 model object
- newModelObj.setValue("model-invariant-id", oldModelInvariantId);
- newModelObj.setValue("model-type", oldModelType);
- Introspector modelVersObj = newModelObj.newIntrospectorInstanceOfProperty("model-vers");
- newModelObj.setValue("model-vers", modelVersObj.getUnderlyingObject());
- List<Object> modelVerList = (List<Object>)modelVersObj.getValue("model-ver");
- //create a model-ver object
- Introspector modelVerObj = newLoader.introspectorFromName("ModelVer");
- // load attributes from the v8 model object into the v10 model-ver object
- modelVerObj.setValue("model-version-id", oldModelVersionId);
- modelVerObj.setValue("model-name", oldModelName);
- modelVerObj.setValue("model-version", oldModelVersion);
- if (obj.hasProperty(MODEL_ELEMENTS)) {
- Introspector oldModelElements = obj.getWrappedValue(MODEL_ELEMENTS);
- if (oldModelElements != null) {
- Introspector newModelElements = modelVerObj.newIntrospectorInstanceOfProperty(MODEL_ELEMENTS);
- modelVerObj.setValue(MODEL_ELEMENTS, newModelElements.getUnderlyingObject());
- repackModelElements(oldModelElements, newModelElements, modelVersionIdToModelInvariantIdMap);
- }
- }
- modelVerList.add(modelVerObj.getUnderlyingObject());
- String outputMediaType = getMediaType(headers.getAcceptableMediaTypes());
- MarshallerProperties marshallerProperties =
- new MarshallerProperties.Builder(org.onap.aai.restcore.MediaType.getEnum(outputMediaType)).build();
- String result = newModelObj.marshal(marshallerProperties);
- response = Response.ok(result).build();
- } catch (AAIException e) {
- ArrayList<String> templateVars = new ArrayList<String>(2);
- templateVars.add("POST modeltransform");
- templateVars.add("model-ver.model-version-id");
- response = Response
- .status(e.getErrorObject().getHTTPResponseCode())
- .entity(ErrorLogHelper.getRESTAPIErrorResponse(
- headers.getAcceptableMediaTypes(), e,
- templateVars)).build();
- success = false;
- } catch (Exception e) {
- ArrayList<String> templateVars = new ArrayList<String>(2);
- templateVars.add("POST modeltransform");
- templateVars.add("model-ver.model-version-id");
- ex = new AAIException("AAI_4000", e);
- response = Response
- .entity(ErrorLogHelper.getRESTAPIErrorResponse(headers.getAcceptableMediaTypes(), ex, templateVars))
- .build();
- LOGGER.error("Internal server error", e);
- success = false;
- } finally {
- if (dbEngine != null) {
- if (success) {
- dbEngine.commit();
- } else {
- dbEngine.rollback();
- }
- }
- }
- return response;
- }
- private void repackModelElements(Introspector oldModelElements, Introspector newModelElements, Map<String, String> modelVersionIdToModelInvariantIdMap)
- throws AAIUnknownObjectException, AAIException {
- List<Introspector> oldModelElementList = oldModelElements.getWrappedListValue("model-element");
- List<Object> newModelElementList = (List<Object>)newModelElements.getValue("model-element");
- for (Introspector oldModelElement : oldModelElementList) {
- Introspector newModelElement = newModelElements.getLoader().introspectorFromName("model-element");
- ArrayList<String> attrs = new ArrayList<String>();
- attrs.add("model-element-uuid");
- attrs.add("new-data-del-flag");
- attrs.add("cardinality");
- attrs.add("linkage-points");
- for (String attr : attrs) {
- if (oldModelElement.hasProperty(attr)) {
- newModelElement.setValue(attr, oldModelElement.getValue(attr));
- }
- }
- if (oldModelElement.hasProperty("relationship-list")) {
- Introspector oldRelationshipList = oldModelElement.getWrappedValue("relationship-list");
- Introspector newRelationshipList = newModelElements.getLoader().introspectorFromName("relationship-list");
- newModelElement.setValue("relationship-list", newRelationshipList.getUnderlyingObject());
- List<Introspector> oldRelationshipListList = oldRelationshipList.getWrappedListValue(RELATIONSHIP);
- List<Object> newRelationshipListList = (List<Object>)newRelationshipList.getValue(RELATIONSHIP);
- for (Introspector oldRelationship : oldRelationshipListList) {
- Introspector newRelationship = newModelElements.getLoader().introspectorFromName(RELATIONSHIP);
- newRelationshipListList.add(newRelationship.getUnderlyingObject());
- List<Introspector> oldRelationshipData = oldRelationship.getWrappedListValue("relationship-data");
- List<Object> newRelationshipData = (List<Object>)newRelationship.getValue("relationship-data");
- newRelationship.setValue("related-to", "model-ver");
- for (Introspector oldRelationshipDatum : oldRelationshipData) {
- String oldProp = null;
- String oldVal = null;
- if (oldRelationshipDatum.hasProperty("relationship-key")) {
- oldProp = oldRelationshipDatum.getValue("relationship-key");
- }
- if (oldRelationshipDatum.hasProperty("relationship-value")) {
- oldVal = oldRelationshipDatum.getValue("relationship-value");
- }
- if ("model.model-name-version-id".equals(oldProp)) {
- // make two new relationshipDatum for use w/ the new style model
- // you should have the model in the list of models we collected earlier
- if (modelVersionIdToModelInvariantIdMap.containsKey(oldVal)) {
- Introspector newRelationshipDatum1 = newModelElements.getLoader().introspectorFromName("relationship-data");
- Introspector newRelationshipDatum2 = newModelElements.getLoader().introspectorFromName("relationship-data");
- String modelId = modelVersionIdToModelInvariantIdMap.get(oldVal);
- // the first one points at the model-invariant-id of found model
- newRelationshipDatum1.setValue("relationship-key", "model.model-invariant-id");
- newRelationshipDatum1.setValue("relationship-value", modelId);
- // the second one points at the model-version-id which corresponds to the old model-name-version-id
- newRelationshipDatum2.setValue("relationship-key", "model-ver.model-version-id");
- newRelationshipDatum2.setValue("relationship-value", oldVal);
- newRelationshipData.add(newRelationshipDatum1.getUnderlyingObject());
- newRelationshipData.add(newRelationshipDatum2.getUnderlyingObject());
- } else {
- throw new AAIException("AAI_6114", "No model-ver found using model-ver.model-version-id=" + oldVal);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (oldModelElement.hasProperty(MODEL_ELEMENTS)) {
- Introspector nextOldModelElements = oldModelElement.getWrappedValue(MODEL_ELEMENTS);
- if (nextOldModelElements != null) {
- Introspector nextNewModelElements = newModelElement.newIntrospectorInstanceOfProperty(MODEL_ELEMENTS);
- newModelElement.setValue(MODEL_ELEMENTS, nextNewModelElements.getUnderlyingObject());
- repackModelElements(nextOldModelElements, nextNewModelElements, modelVersionIdToModelInvariantIdMap);
- }
- }
- newModelElementList.add(newModelElement.getUnderlyingObject());
- }
- return;
- }
- private Map<String, String> getCurrentModelsFromGraph(HttpHeaders headers, String transactionId, UriInfo info) throws NoEdgeRuleFoundException, AAIException {
- TransactionalGraphEngine dbEngine = null;
- Map<String, String> modelVerModelMap = new HashMap<String,String>() ;
- try {
- Version version = AAIProperties.LATEST;
- DBConnectionType type = DBConnectionType.REALTIME;
- final HttpEntry httpEntry = new HttpEntry(version, introspectorFactoryType, queryStyle, type);
- dbEngine = httpEntry.getDbEngine();
- List<Vertex> modelVertices = dbEngine.asAdmin().getTraversalSource().V().has(AAIProperties.NODE_TYPE,"model").toList();
- for (Vertex modelVtx : modelVertices) {
- List<Vertex> modelVerVerts = dbEngine.getQueryBuilder(modelVtx).createEdgeTraversal(EdgeType.TREE, "model", "model-ver").toList();
- for (Vertex v : modelVerVerts) {
- modelVerModelMap.put(v.value("model-version-id"), modelVtx.value("model-invariant-id"));
- }
- }
- } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
- throw new NoSuchElementException();
- } catch (Exception e1) {
- LOGGER.error("Exception while getting current models from graph"+ LogFormatTools.getStackTop(e1));
- }
- return modelVerModelMap;
- }
- /**
- * Validate request.
- *
- * @param uri the uri
- * @param headers the headers
- * @param req the req
- * @param action the action
- * @param info the info
- * @throws AAIException the AAI exception
- * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException the unsupported encoding exception
- */
- private void validateRequest(UriInfo info) throws AAIException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
- if (!ValidateEncoding.getInstance().validate(info)) {
- throw new AAIException("AAI_3008", "uri=" + getPath(info));
- }
- }
- /**
- * Gets the path.
- *
- * @param info the info
- * @return the path
- */
- private String getPath(UriInfo info) {
- String path = info.getPath(false);
- MultivaluedMap<String, String> map = info.getQueryParameters(false);
- String params = "?";
- List<String> parmList = new ArrayList<>();
- for (String key : map.keySet()) {
- for (String value : map.get(key)) {
- parmList.add(key + "=" + value);
- }
- }
- String queryParams = Joiner.on("&").join(parmList);
- if (map.keySet().isEmpty()) {
- path += params + queryParams;
- }
- return path;
- }
- protected boolean isEmptyObject(Introspector obj) {
- return "{}".equals(obj.marshal(false));
- }