path: root/aai-resources/src/main/java/org/onap/aai/rest/bulk/BulkSingleTransactionConsumer.java
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diff --git a/aai-resources/src/main/java/org/onap/aai/rest/bulk/BulkSingleTransactionConsumer.java b/aai-resources/src/main/java/org/onap/aai/rest/bulk/BulkSingleTransactionConsumer.java
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+++ b/aai-resources/src/main/java/org/onap/aai/rest/bulk/BulkSingleTransactionConsumer.java
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+ * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+ * org.onap.aai
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Copyright © 2017-2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ */
+package org.onap.aai.rest.bulk;
+import com.google.gson.Gson;
+import com.google.gson.GsonBuilder;
+import org.javatuples.Pair;
+import org.onap.aai.config.SpringContextAware;
+import org.onap.aai.dbmap.DBConnectionType;
+import org.onap.aai.exceptions.AAIException;
+import org.onap.aai.introspection.Introspector;
+import org.onap.aai.introspection.Loader;
+import org.onap.aai.logging.ErrorLogHelper;
+import org.onap.aai.logging.LoggingContext;
+import org.onap.aai.rest.bulk.pojos.Operation;
+import org.onap.aai.rest.bulk.pojos.OperationResponse;
+import org.onap.aai.rest.bulk.pojos.Transaction;
+import org.onap.aai.rest.bulk.pojos.TransactionResponse;
+import org.onap.aai.rest.db.DBRequest;
+import org.onap.aai.rest.db.HttpEntry;
+import org.onap.aai.restcore.HttpMethod;
+import org.onap.aai.restcore.MediaType;
+import org.onap.aai.restcore.RESTAPI;
+import org.onap.aai.serialization.engines.TransactionalGraphEngine;
+import org.onap.aai.setup.SchemaVersion;
+import org.onap.aai.util.AAIConfig;
+import org.onap.aai.util.AAIConstants;
+import org.springframework.web.util.UriComponents;
+import org.springframework.web.util.UriComponentsBuilder;
+import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
+import javax.ws.rs.*;
+import javax.ws.rs.core.*;
+import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
+import java.net.URI;
+import java.util.*;
+@Path(value = "{version: v[1-9][0-9]*|latest}/bulk/single-transaction")
+public class BulkSingleTransactionConsumer extends RESTAPI {
+ private static final String TARGET_ENTITY = "aai-resources";
+ private static final Set<String> validOperations = Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("put", "patch", "delete")));
+ private int allowedOperationCount = 30;
+ private TransactionalGraphEngine dbEngine = null;
+ @Consumes(value = javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
+ @Produces(value = javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
+ public Response process(String content, @PathParam(value = "version")String versionParam, @Context HttpHeaders headers, @Context UriInfo info, @Context HttpServletRequest req){
+ String transId = headers.getRequestHeaders().getFirst("X-TransactionId");
+ String sourceOfTruth = headers.getRequestHeaders().getFirst("X-FromAppId");
+ String realTime = headers.getRequestHeaders().getFirst("Real-Time");
+ SchemaVersion version = new SchemaVersion(versionParam);
+ DBConnectionType type;
+ initLogging(req, transId, sourceOfTruth);
+ try {
+ type = this.determineConnectionType(sourceOfTruth, realTime);
+ // unmarshall the payload.
+ Gson gson = new Gson();
+ Transaction transaction;
+ try {
+ transaction = gson.fromJson(content, Transaction.class);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ throw new AAIException("AAI_6111", "Input payload does not follow bulk/single-transaction interface");
+ }
+ //set the operation count limit
+ setOperationCount(headers);
+ //validate
+ validate(transaction);
+ //generate bulkoperations
+ List<BulkOperation> bulkOperations = generateBulkOperations(transaction);
+ //init http entry
+ HttpEntry resourceHttpEntry = SpringContextAware.getBean("traversalUriHttpEntry", HttpEntry.class);
+ resourceHttpEntry.setHttpEntryProperties(version, type);
+ Loader loader = resourceHttpEntry.getLoader();
+ TransactionalGraphEngine dbEngine = resourceHttpEntry.getDbEngine();
+ //populate uri query
+ populateUriQuery(bulkOperations, dbEngine);
+ //populate introspector for operations
+ populateIntrospectors(bulkOperations, loader);
+ //generate db process from bulk operation
+ List<DBRequest> dbRequests = bulkOperationToDbRequests(headers, transId, bulkOperations);
+ //process db requests
+ Pair<Boolean, List<Pair<URI, Response>>> results = resourceHttpEntry.process(dbRequests, sourceOfTruth, this.enableResourceVersion());
+ //process result of db requests
+ TransactionResponse transactionResponse = buildTransactionResponse(transaction, results.getValue1());
+ //commit/rollback based on results
+ if (results.getValue0()) { //everything was processed without error
+ dbEngine.commit();
+ } else { //something failed
+ dbEngine.rollback();
+ }
+ return Response
+ .status(Response.Status.CREATED)
+ .entity(new GsonBuilder().serializeNulls().create().toJson(transactionResponse))
+ .build();
+ } catch (AAIException e) {
+ return consumerExceptionResponseGenerator(headers, info, javax.ws.rs.HttpMethod.POST, e);
+ } finally {
+ if (dbEngine != null) {
+ dbEngine.rollback();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Builds the response
+ * @param transaction the input transactions
+ * @param results the response of all of he operations
+ * @return TansactionResponse obj representing the result of the transaction
+ * @throws AAIException thrown if there is a failure in the result. Msg contains the details of the first failure.
+ */
+ private TransactionResponse buildTransactionResponse(Transaction transaction, List<Pair<URI, Response>> results) throws AAIException {
+ TransactionResponse transactionResponse = new TransactionResponse();
+ transactionResponse.setOperationResponses(new ArrayList<>(transaction.getOperations().size()));
+ final String failureInResponse = "Operation %s failed with status code (%s) and msg (%s)";
+ for (int i = 0; i < transaction.getOperations().size(); i++) {
+ if (!Response.Status.Family.familyOf(results.get(i).getValue1().getStatus())
+ .equals(Response.Status.Family.SUCCESSFUL)) {
+ throw new AAIException("AAI_3000",
+ String.format(
+ failureInResponse,
+ i,
+ results.get(i).getValue1().getStatus(),
+ results.get(i).getValue1().getEntity()));
+ }
+ OperationResponse operationResponse = new OperationResponse();
+ operationResponse.setResponseStatusCode(results.get(i).getValue1().getStatus());
+ operationResponse.setAction(transaction.getOperations().get(i).getAction());
+ operationResponse.setUri(transaction.getOperations().get(i).getUri());
+ operationResponse.setBody(results.get(i).getValue1().getEntity());
+ transactionResponse.getOperationResponsess().add(i, operationResponse);
+ }
+ return transactionResponse;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generate one DBRequest per BulkOperation
+ * @param headers request headers
+ * @param transId transaction id
+ * @param bulkOperations operations to convert
+ * @return One DBRequest per BulkOperation
+ * @throws AAIException thrown if there are any issues with the transform
+ */
+ private List<DBRequest> bulkOperationToDbRequests(@Context HttpHeaders headers, String transId, List<BulkOperation> bulkOperations) throws AAIException {
+ List<DBRequest> requests = new ArrayList<>();
+ for (int i = 0; i < bulkOperations.size(); i++) {
+ try {
+ BulkOperation bulkOperation = bulkOperations.get(i);
+ DBRequest request = new DBRequest.Builder(
+ bulkOperation.getHttpMethod(),
+ bulkOperation.getUri(),
+ bulkOperation.getUriQuery(),
+ bulkOperation.getIntrospector(),
+ headers,
+ bulkOperation.getUriInfo(),
+ transId
+ ).rawRequestContent(bulkOperation.getRawReq()).build();
+ requests.add(request);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ throw new AAIException("AAI_3000", "Error with operation " + i + ": " +e.getMessage());
+ }
+ }
+ return requests;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the uriquery for each bulk operation
+ * @param bulkOperations operations to generate queries for
+ * @param dbEngine engine for query builder generation
+ * @throws AAIException thrown for issues with generating uri query
+ */
+ private void populateUriQuery(List<BulkOperation> bulkOperations, TransactionalGraphEngine dbEngine) throws AAIException {
+ for (int i = 0; i < bulkOperations.size(); i++) {
+ try {
+ bulkOperations.get(i).setUriQuery(dbEngine.getQueryBuilder().createQueryFromURI(bulkOperations.get(i).getUri()));
+ } catch (AAIException e) {
+ throw new AAIException(e.getCode(), "Error with operation " + i + ": " +e.getMessage());
+ } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
+ throw new AAIException("AAI_3000", "Error with operation " + i + ": " +e.getMessage());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the introspector for each bulk operation. requires that uriquery is set per operation
+ * @param bulkOperations operations to generate introspector for
+ * @param loader Loader for generating introspector
+ * @throws AAIException thrown for issues with generating introspector
+ */
+ private void populateIntrospectors(List<BulkOperation> bulkOperations, Loader loader) throws AAIException {
+ final String objectUnMarshallMsg = "Body of operation %s could not be unmarshalled: %s";
+ Introspector obj;
+ for (int i = 0; i < bulkOperations.size(); i++) {
+ BulkOperation bulkOperation = bulkOperations.get(i);
+ try {
+ if (bulkOperation.getHttpMethod().equals(HttpMethod.PUT_EDGE)
+ || bulkOperation.getHttpMethod().equals(HttpMethod.DELETE_EDGE)) {
+ obj = loader.unmarshal("relationship", bulkOperation.getRawReq(), MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE);
+ bulkOperation.setIntrospector(obj);
+ } else {
+ String objName = bulkOperation.getUriQuery().getResultType();
+ if (bulkOperation.getHttpMethod().equals(HttpMethod.DELETE)) {
+ obj = loader.introspectorFromName(objName);
+ } else {
+ obj = loader.unmarshal(objName, bulkOperation.getRawReq(), MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE);
+ this.validateIntrospector(obj, loader, bulkOperation.getUri(), bulkOperation.getHttpMethod());
+ }
+ bulkOperation.setIntrospector(obj);
+ }
+ } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
+ throw new AAIException("AAI_3000", String.format(objectUnMarshallMsg, i, bulkOperation.getRawReq()));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the allowedOperationCount to one of the following
+ * - Integer.MAX_VALUE if override limit is configured
+ * - Property in aaiconfig
+ * - 30 by default
+ * @param headers request header
+ */
+ private void setOperationCount(HttpHeaders headers) {
+ try {
+ String overrideLimit = headers.getRequestHeaders().getFirst("X-OverrideLimit");
+ boolean isOverride = overrideLimit != null && !AAIConfig.get(AAIConstants.AAI_BULKCONSUMER_OVERRIDE_LIMIT).equals("false")
+ && overrideLimit.equals(AAIConfig.get(AAIConstants.AAI_BULKCONSUMER_OVERRIDE_LIMIT));
+ if (isOverride) {
+ allowedOperationCount = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
+ } else {
+ allowedOperationCount = AAIConfig.getInt(AAIConstants.AAI_BULKCONSUMER_LIMIT);
+ }
+ } catch (AAIException e) {
+ allowedOperationCount = 30;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Converts the request transaction into a list of bulk operations
+ * @param transaction transaction to extract bulk operations from
+ * @return list of bulk operations
+ */
+ private List<BulkOperation> generateBulkOperations(Transaction transaction) {
+ List<BulkOperation> bulkOperations = new ArrayList<>(transaction.getOperations().size());
+ BulkOperation bulkOperation;
+ for (int i = 0; i < transaction.getOperations().size(); i++) {
+ final Operation operation = transaction.getOperations().get(i);
+ bulkOperation = new BulkOperation();
+ UriComponents uriComponents = UriComponentsBuilder.fromUriString(operation.getUri()).build();
+ bulkOperation.setUri(UriBuilder.fromPath(uriComponents.getPath()).build());
+ bulkOperation.addUriInfoQueryParams(uriComponents.getQueryParams());
+ bulkOperation.setHttpMethod(getHttpMethod(operation.getAction(), bulkOperation.getUri()));
+ bulkOperation.setRawReq(operation.getBody().toString());
+ bulkOperations.add(bulkOperation);
+ }
+ return bulkOperations;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Map action to httpmethod
+ * @param action action to be mapped
+ * @param uri uri of the action
+ * @return HttpMethod thats action/uri maps to
+ */
+ private HttpMethod getHttpMethod(String action, URI uri) {
+ HttpMethod method = HttpMethod.GET;
+ switch (action) {
+ case "put":
+ method = HttpMethod.PUT;
+ break;
+ case "delete":
+ method = HttpMethod.DELETE;
+ break;
+ case "patch":
+ method = HttpMethod.MERGE_PATCH;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (uri.getPath().endsWith("/relationship-list/relationship")) {
+ if (method.equals(HttpMethod.PUT)) {
+ method = HttpMethod.PUT_EDGE;
+ } else if (method.equals(HttpMethod.DELETE)) {
+ method = HttpMethod.DELETE_EDGE;
+ }
+ }
+ return method;
+ }
+ /**
+ * For each operation validates:
+ * - action is provided and correct.
+ * - uri exists
+ * - body exists
+ * @param transaction parsed payload
+ * @throws AAIException with the violations in the msg
+ */
+ private void validate(Transaction transaction) throws AAIException {
+ if (transaction == null) {
+ throw new AAIException("AAI_6111", "input payload does not follow /bulk/single-transaction interface");
+ }
+ if (transaction.getOperations() == null
+ || transaction.getOperations().isEmpty()) {
+ throw new AAIException("AAI_6118", " Payload has no objects to operate on");
+ } else if (transaction.getOperations().size() > allowedOperationCount){
+ throw new AAIException("AAI_6147", " Allowed limit = " + allowedOperationCount);
+ }
+ final String missingFieldMsgFormat = "Operation %s missing '%s'";
+ final String invalidActionMsgFormat = "Operation %s has invalid action '%s'";
+ List<String> msgs = new ArrayList<>();
+ for (int i = 0; i < transaction.getOperations().size(); i++) {
+ final Operation operation = transaction.getOperations().get(i);
+ if (operation.getAction() == null || operation.getAction().isEmpty()) {
+ msgs.add(String.format(missingFieldMsgFormat, i, "action"));
+ } else if (!validOperations.contains(operation.getAction())) {
+ msgs.add(String.format(invalidActionMsgFormat, i, operation.getAction()));
+ }
+ if (operation.getUri() == null || operation.getUri().isEmpty()) {
+ msgs.add(String.format(missingFieldMsgFormat, i, "uri"));
+ }
+ if (operation.getBody() == null) {
+ msgs.add(String.format(missingFieldMsgFormat, i, "body"));
+ }
+ }
+ if (!msgs.isEmpty()) {
+ throw new AAIException("AAI_6111", "input payload missing required properties. [" + String.join(", ", msgs) + "]");
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Initialize logging context
+ * @param req requestContext
+ * @param transId transaction id
+ * @param sourceOfTruth application source
+ */
+ private void initLogging(@Context HttpServletRequest req, String transId, String sourceOfTruth) {
+ String serviceName = req.getMethod() + " " + req.getRequestURI().toString();
+ LoggingContext.requestId(transId);
+ LoggingContext.partnerName(sourceOfTruth);
+ LoggingContext.serviceName(serviceName);
+ LoggingContext.targetEntity(TARGET_ENTITY);
+ LoggingContext.targetServiceName(serviceName);
+ }
+ protected boolean enableResourceVersion() {
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Consumer exception response generator.
+ *
+ * @param headers the headers
+ * @param info the info
+ * @param action type of request
+ * @param e the e
+ * @return the response
+ */
+ protected Response consumerExceptionResponseGenerator(HttpHeaders headers, UriInfo info, String action, AAIException e) {
+ ArrayList<String> templateVars = new ArrayList<>();
+ templateVars.add(action); //GET, PUT, etc
+ templateVars.add(info.getPath());
+ templateVars.addAll(e.getTemplateVars());
+ ErrorLogHelper.logException(e);
+ return Response
+ .status(e.getErrorObject().getHTTPResponseCode())
+ .entity(ErrorLogHelper.getRESTAPIErrorResponseWithLogging(headers.getAcceptableMediaTypes(), e, templateVars))
+ .build();
+ }