path: root/aai-resources/src/test
diff options
authorVenkata Harish K Kajur <>2017-05-12 17:28:40 -0400
committerVenkata Harish K Kajur <>2017-05-12 17:30:49 -0400
commitc0e8c47e202ef604b449e72556c8757764744f7d (patch)
tree9c67ffb0bf962850999e42cae909a31b2b725c7d /aai-resources/src/test
parent2801d04f58b28ed4bc94cd1263bad7b6784c895e (diff)
Add all of the resources repo
Change-Id: If2a9c584621f6d01eb70e9c51e05e054ef3486c4 Signed-off-by: Venkata Harish K Kajur <>
Diffstat (limited to 'aai-resources/src/test')
39 files changed, 25623 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/aai-resources/src/test/java/org/openecomp/aai/query/builder/ b/aai-resources/src/test/java/org/openecomp/aai/query/builder/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..694e99e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aai-resources/src/test/java/org/openecomp/aai/query/builder/
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+ * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+ * org.openecomp.aai
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ */
+package org.openecomp.aai.query.builder;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
+import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversal;
+import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversalSource;
+import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.__;
+import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Vertex;
+import org.junit.BeforeClass;
+import org.junit.Ignore;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.mockito.Mock;
+import org.openecomp.aai.db.props.AAIProperties;
+import org.openecomp.aai.exceptions.AAIException;
+import org.openecomp.aai.introspection.Introspector;
+import org.openecomp.aai.introspection.Loader;
+import org.openecomp.aai.introspection.LoaderFactory;
+import org.openecomp.aai.introspection.ModelType;
+//import org.openecomp.aai.serialization.queryformats.QueryFormatTestHelper;
+import org.openecomp.aai.util.AAIConstants;
+public class TraversalQueryTest {
+ public static Loader loader;
+ @Mock public GraphTraversalSource g;
+ @BeforeClass
+ public static void configure() throws NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException, Exception {
+ System.setProperty("AJSC_HOME", ".");
+ System.setProperty("BUNDLECONFIG_DIR", "bundleconfig-local");
+// QueryFormatTestHelper.setFinalStatic(AAIConstants.class.getField("AAI_HOME_ETC_OXM"), "src/test/resources/org/openecomp/aai/introspection/");
+ loader = LoaderFactory.createLoaderForVersion(ModelType.MOXY, AAIProperties.LATEST);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void unionQuery() {
+ TraversalQuery tQ = new TraversalQuery(loader, g);
+ TraversalQuery tQ2 = new TraversalQuery(loader, g);
+ TraversalQuery tQ3 = new TraversalQuery(loader, g);
+ tQ.union(
+ tQ2.getVerticesByProperty("test1", "value1"),
+ tQ3.getVerticesByIndexedProperty("test2", "value2"));
+ GraphTraversal<Vertex, Vertex> expected = __.<Vertex>start()
+ .union(__.has("test1", "value1"),__.has("test2", "value2"));
+ assertEquals("they are equal", expected, tQ.getQuery());
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Ignore
+ public void traversalClones() throws UnsupportedEncodingException, AAIException, URISyntaxException {
+ TraversalQuery tQ = new TraversalQuery(loader, g);
+ Introspector test = loader.introspectorFromName("test-object");
+ QueryBuilder builder = tQ.createQueryFromURI(new URI("network/test-objects/test-object/key1")).getQueryBuilder();
+ GraphTraversal<Vertex, Vertex> expected = __.<Vertex>start().has("vnf-id", "key1").has("aai-node-type", "test-object");
+ GraphTraversal<Vertex, Vertex> containerExpected = __.<Vertex>start().has("aai-node-type", "test-object");
+ assertEquals("query object", expected.toString(), builder.getQuery().toString());
+ assertEquals("container query object", containerExpected.toString(), builder.getContainerQuery().getQuery().toString());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void nestedTraversalClones() throws UnsupportedEncodingException, AAIException, URISyntaxException {
+ TraversalQuery tQ = new TraversalQuery(loader, g);
+ QueryBuilder builder = tQ.createQueryFromURI(new URI("network/generic-vnfs/generic-vnf/key1/l-interfaces/l-interface/key2")).getQueryBuilder();
+ GraphTraversal<Vertex, Vertex> expected = __.<Vertex>start().has("vnf-id", "key1").has("aai-node-type", "generic-vnf").out("hasLInterface").has(AAIProperties.NODE_TYPE, "l-interface").has("interface-name", "key2");
+ GraphTraversal<Vertex, Vertex> containerExpected = __.<Vertex>start().has("vnf-id", "key1").has("aai-node-type", "generic-vnf").out("hasLInterface").has(AAIProperties.NODE_TYPE, "l-interface");
+ assertEquals("query object", expected.toString(), builder.getQuery().toString());
+ assertEquals("container query object", containerExpected.toString(), builder.getContainerQuery().getQuery().toString());
+ }
diff --git a/aai-resources/src/test/java/org/openecomp/aai/rest/util/ b/aai-resources/src/test/java/org/openecomp/aai/rest/util/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8c6450de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aai-resources/src/test/java/org/openecomp/aai/rest/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+ * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+ * org.openecomp.aai
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ */
+import static org.junit.Assert.*;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.mockito.Mockito;
+public class ValidateEncodingTest {
+ @Test
+ public void badPath() throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
+ String badPath = "/aai/v6/network/vces/vce/blahh::blach/others/other/jklfea{}";
+ UriInfo mockUriInfo = getMockUriInfo(badPath, new MultivaluedHashMap<String, String>());
+ ValidateEncoding validator = ValidateEncoding.getInstance();
+ assertEquals(false, validator.validate(mockUriInfo));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void goodPath() throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
+ String goodPath = "/aai/v6/network/vces/vce/blahh%3A%3Ablach/others/other/jklfea%7B%7D";
+ UriInfo mockUriInfo = getMockUriInfo(goodPath, new MultivaluedHashMap<String, String>());
+ ValidateEncoding validator = ValidateEncoding.getInstance();
+ assertEquals(true, validator.validate(mockUriInfo));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void badQueryParamsKey() throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
+ MultivaluedHashMap<String, String> map = new MultivaluedHashMap<String, String>();
+ map.putSingle("blahblah", "test");
+ map.putSingle("blahblah", "test2");
+ map.putSingle("bad::bad", "test3");
+ UriInfo mockUriInfo = getMockUriInfo("", map);
+ ValidateEncoding validator = ValidateEncoding.getInstance();
+ assertEquals(false, validator.validate(mockUriInfo));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void badQueryParamsValue() throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
+ MultivaluedHashMap<String, String> map = new MultivaluedHashMap<String, String>();
+ map.putSingle("blahblah", "test");
+ map.putSingle("blahblah", "test//:2");
+ map.putSingle("badbad", "test3");
+ UriInfo mockUriInfo = getMockUriInfo("", map);
+ ValidateEncoding validator = ValidateEncoding.getInstance();
+ assertEquals(false, validator.validate(mockUriInfo));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void goodQueryParams() throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
+ MultivaluedHashMap<String, String> map = new MultivaluedHashMap<String, String>();
+ map.putSingle("blahblah", "test");
+ map.putSingle("blahblah", "test2");
+ map.putSingle("badbad", "~test%2F%2F%3A3");
+ UriInfo mockUriInfo = getMockUriInfo("", map);
+ ValidateEncoding validator = ValidateEncoding.getInstance();
+ assertEquals(true, validator.validate(mockUriInfo));
+ }
+ private UriInfo getMockUriInfo(String path, MultivaluedMap<String, String> map) {
+ UriInfo mockUriInfo = Mockito.mock(UriInfo.class);
+ Mockito.when(mockUriInfo.getPath(false)).thenReturn(path);
+ Mockito.when(mockUriInfo.getQueryParameters(false)).thenReturn(map);
+ return mockUriInfo;
+ }
diff --git a/aai-resources/src/test/java/org/openecomp/aai/schema/db/ b/aai-resources/src/test/java/org/openecomp/aai/schema/db/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8188bdd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aai-resources/src/test/java/org/openecomp/aai/schema/db/
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+ * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+ * org.openecomp.aai
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ */
+package org.openecomp.aai.schema.db;
+import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonGenerationException;
+import org.junit.BeforeClass;
+import org.junit.Ignore;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.openecomp.aai.db.schema.AuditDoc;
+import org.openecomp.aai.db.schema.AuditOXM;
+import org.openecomp.aai.db.schema.Auditor;
+import org.openecomp.aai.db.schema.AuditorFactory;
+import org.openecomp.aai.introspection.Version;
+import com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.TitanFactory;
+import com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.TitanGraph;
+@Ignore("not ready for testing")
+public class AuditOXMTest {
+ /**
+ * Before.
+ */
+ @BeforeClass
+ public static void before() {
+ System.setProperty("AJSC_HOME", "./src/test/resources/");;
+ System.setProperty("BUNDLECONFIG_DIR", "bundleconfig-local");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets the graph audit.
+ *
+ * @return the graph audit
+ * @throws JsonGenerationException the json generation exception
+ * @throws JsonMappingException the json mapping exception
+ * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void getGraphAudit() throws JsonGenerationException, JsonMappingException, IOException {
+ TitanGraph graph ="bundleconfig-local/etc/appprops/");
+ Auditor a = AuditorFactory.getGraphAuditor(graph);
+ AuditDoc doc = a.getAuditDoc();
+ ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
+ String json = mapper.writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter().writeValueAsString(doc);
+ System.out.println(json);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets the audit.
+ *
+ * @return the audit
+ * @throws JsonGenerationException the json generation exception
+ * @throws JsonMappingException the json mapping exception
+ * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void getAudit() throws JsonGenerationException, JsonMappingException, IOException {
+ AuditOXM oxm = new AuditOXM(Version.v8);
+ AuditDoc doc = oxm.getAuditDoc();
+ ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
+ String json = mapper.writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter().writeValueAsString(doc);
+ System.out.println(json);
+ }
diff --git a/aai-resources/src/test/java/org/openecomp/aai/schema/db/ b/aai-resources/src/test/java/org/openecomp/aai/schema/db/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9b7dd7cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aai-resources/src/test/java/org/openecomp/aai/schema/db/
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+ * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+ * org.openecomp.aai
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ */
+package org.openecomp.aai.schema.db;
+import java.util.Set;
+import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonParseException;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.BeforeClass;
+import org.junit.Ignore;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.openecomp.aai.db.schema.DBIndex;
+import org.openecomp.aai.db.schema.ManageTitanSchema;
+import com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.TitanFactory;
+import com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.TitanGraph;
+import com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.schema.TitanManagement;
+@Ignore("not ready yet")
+public class ManageSchemaTest {
+ private TitanGraph graph = null;
+ @BeforeClass
+ public static void before() {
+ System.setProperty("AJSC_HOME", "./src/test/resources/");;
+ System.setProperty("BUNDLECONFIG_DIR", "bundleconfig-local");
+ }
+ @Before
+ public void beforeTest() {
+ //graph ="src/test/resources/");
+ graph ="bundleconfig-local/etc/appprops/");
+ }
+ /*
+ @Test
+ public void populateEmptyGraph() {
+ ManageTitanSchema schema = new ManageTitanSchema(graph);
+ schema.buildSchema();
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void modifyIndex() {
+ ManageTitanSchema schema = new ManageTitanSchema(graph);
+ schema.buildSchema();
+ Vertex v = graph.addVertex();
+ v.setProperty("aai-node-type", "pserver");
+ v.setProperty("hostname", "test1");
+ v.setProperty("internet-topology", "test2");
+ graph.commit();
+ DBIndex index = new DBIndex();
+ index.setName("internet-topology");
+ index.setUnique(false);
+ schema.updateIndex(index);
+ }
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void closeRunningInstances() {
+ TitanManagement mgmt = graph.openManagement();
+ Set<String> instances = mgmt.getOpenInstances();
+ for (String instance : instances) {
+ if (!instance.contains("(current)")) {
+ mgmt.forceCloseInstance(instance);
+ }
+ }
+ mgmt.commit();
+ graph.close();
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void addNewIndex() throws JsonParseException, JsonMappingException, IOException {
+ ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
+ String content = " {\r\n" +
+ " \"name\" : \"equipment-name\",\r\n" +
+ " \"unique\" : false,\r\n" +
+ " \"properties\" : [ {\r\n" +
+ " \"name\" : \"equipment-name\",\r\n" +
+ " \"cardinality\" : \"SINGLE\",\r\n" +
+ " \"typeClass\" : \"java.lang.String\"\r\n" +
+ " } ]\r\n" +
+ " }";
+ DBIndex index = mapper.readValue(content, DBIndex.class);
+ ManageTitanSchema schema = new ManageTitanSchema(graph);
+ TitanManagement mgmt = graph.openManagement();
+ Set<String> instances = mgmt.getOpenInstances();
+ System.out.println(instances);
+ schema.updateIndex(index);
+ graph.close();
+ }
diff --git a/aai-resources/src/test/java/org/openecomp/aai/util/ b/aai-resources/src/test/java/org/openecomp/aai/util/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..394f636b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aai-resources/src/test/java/org/openecomp/aai/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+ * org.openecomp.aai
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ */
+package org.openecomp.aai.util;
+import static org.junit.Assert.*;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import org.apache.cxf.message.Message;
+import org.apache.cxf.message.MessageImpl;
+import org.apache.cxf.phase.PhaseInterceptorChain;
+import org.junit.Rule;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
+import org.powermock.core.classloader.annotations.PrepareForTest;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.*;
+import org.powermock.api.mockito.PowerMockito;
+import org.powermock.modules.agent.PowerMockAgent;
+import org.powermock.modules.junit4.PowerMockRunner;
+import org.powermock.modules.junit4.rule.PowerMockRule;
+@PrepareForTest({PhaseInterceptorChain.class, AAIConfig.class})
+public class AAIApiServerURLBaseTest {
+ @Rule
+ public PowerMockRule rule = new PowerMockRule();
+ static {
+ PowerMockAgent.initializeIfNeeded();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test get hostname.
+ *
+ * @throws Exception the exception
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testGetHostname() throws Exception {
+ PowerMockito.mockStatic(PhaseInterceptorChain.class);
+ Map <String, List<String>> hm = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
+ List<String> host = new ArrayList<String>();
+ host.add("my-localhost");
+ hm.put("host", host);
+ Message outMessage = new MessageImpl();
+ outMessage.put(Message.PROTOCOL_HEADERS, hm);
+ when(PhaseInterceptorChain.getCurrentMessage()).thenReturn(outMessage);
+ assertEquals("https://my-localhost/aai/", AAIApiServerURLBase.get());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test get with null hostname.
+ *
+ * @throws Exception the exception
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testGetWithNullHostname() throws Exception {
+ PowerMockito.mockStatic(AAIConfig.class);
+ String defaultHostname = "default-name";
+ when(AAIConfig.get(AAIConstants.AAI_SERVER_URL_BASE)).thenReturn(defaultHostname);
+ assertEquals(defaultHostname, AAIApiServerURLBase.get());
+ }
diff --git a/aai-resources/src/test/java/org/openecomp/aai/util/ b/aai-resources/src/test/java/org/openecomp/aai/util/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f82fc5d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aai-resources/src/test/java/org/openecomp/aai/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+ * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+ * org.openecomp.aai
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ */
+package org.openecomp.aai.util;
+import static org.junit.Assert.*;
+import org.apache.cxf.message.Message;
+import org.apache.cxf.message.MessageImpl;
+import org.apache.cxf.phase.PhaseInterceptorChain;
+import org.junit.Rule;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.powermock.core.classloader.annotations.PrepareForTest;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.*;
+import org.powermock.api.mockito.PowerMockito;
+import org.powermock.modules.agent.PowerMockAgent;
+import org.powermock.modules.junit4.rule.PowerMockRule;
+@PrepareForTest({PhaseInterceptorChain.class, AAIConfig.class})
+public class AAIApiVersionTest {
+ @Rule
+ public PowerMockRule rule = new PowerMockRule();
+ static { PowerMockAgent.initializeIfNeeded();}
+ /**
+ * Test get version.
+ *
+ * @throws Exception the exception
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testGetVersion() throws Exception {
+ PowerMockito.mockStatic(PhaseInterceptorChain.class);
+ Message outMessage = new MessageImpl();
+ String msg = "/v2/";
+ outMessage.put(Message.REQUEST_URI, msg);
+ when(PhaseInterceptorChain.getCurrentMessage()).thenReturn(outMessage);
+ assertEquals("v2", AAIApiVersion.get());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test get with null version.
+ *
+ * @throws Exception the exception
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testGetWithNullVersion() throws Exception {
+ PowerMockito.mockStatic(AAIConfig.class);
+ String defaultURI = "default-v2";
+ when(AAIConfig.get(AAIConstants.AAI_DEFAULT_API_VERSION_PROP, AAIConstants.AAI_DEFAULT_API_VERSION)).thenReturn(defaultURI);
+ assertEquals(defaultURI, AAIApiVersion.get());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test incorrect version pattern.
+ *
+ * @throws Exception the exception
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testIncorrectVersionPattern() throws Exception {
+ PowerMockito.mockStatic(PhaseInterceptorChain.class);
+ PowerMockito.mockStatic(AAIConfig.class);
+ Message outMessage = new MessageImpl();
+ String msg = "2.0.1";
+ String defaultURI = "default-v2";
+ outMessage.put(Message.REQUEST_URI, msg);
+ when(PhaseInterceptorChain.getCurrentMessage()).thenReturn(outMessage);
+ when(AAIConfig.get(AAIConstants.AAI_DEFAULT_API_VERSION_PROP, AAIConstants.AAI_DEFAULT_API_VERSION)).thenReturn(defaultURI);
+ assertEquals(defaultURI, AAIApiVersion.get());
+ }
diff --git a/aai-resources/src/test/java/org/openecomp/aai/util/ b/aai-resources/src/test/java/org/openecomp/aai/util/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..deafd5b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aai-resources/src/test/java/org/openecomp/aai/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+ * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+ * org.openecomp.aai
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ */
+package org.openecomp.aai.util;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import javax.servlet.ServletContextEvent;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.Ignore;
+import org.junit.Rule;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.powermock.api.mockito.PowerMockito;
+import org.powermock.core.classloader.annotations.PrepareForTest;
+import org.powermock.modules.agent.PowerMockAgent;
+import org.powermock.modules.junit4.rule.PowerMockRule;
+import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
+import org.openecomp.aai.dbmap.AAIGraph;
+import org.openecomp.aai.logging.ErrorLogHelper;
+import ch.qos.logback.classic.Level;
+import ch.qos.logback.classic.Logger;
+import ch.qos.logback.classic.PatternLayout;
+import ch.qos.logback.classic.spi.ILoggingEvent;
+import ch.qos.logback.core.AppenderBase;
+@PrepareForTest({AAIGraph.class, AAIConfig.class, ErrorLogHelper.class})
+public class AAIAppServletContextListenerTest {
+ @Rule
+ public PowerMockRule rule = new PowerMockRule();
+ static {
+ PowerMockAgent.initializeIfNeeded();
+ }
+ private ServletContextEvent arg;
+ private AAIAppServletContextListener listener;
+ /**
+ * Initialize.
+ */
+ @Before
+ @PrepareForTest({AAIGraph.class, AAIConfig.class, ErrorLogHelper.class})
+ public void initialize(){
+ arg = PowerMockito.mock(ServletContextEvent.class);
+ PowerMockito.mockStatic(AAIGraph.class);
+ PowerMockito.mockStatic(AAIConfig.class);
+ PowerMockito.mockStatic(ErrorLogHelper.class);
+ listener = new AAIAppServletContextListener();
+ configureLog();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test contextDestroyed.
+ */
+ @Test
+ @Ignore
+ public void testContextDestroyed(){
+ listener.contextDestroyed(arg);
+ assertTrue(logContains(Level.DEBUG, "AAI Server shutdown"));
+ assertTrue(logContains(Level.INFO, "AAI graph shutdown"));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test contextInitialized.
+ */
+ @Test
+ @Ignore
+ public void testContextInitialized(){
+ listener.contextInitialized(arg);
+ assertTrue(logContains(Level.DEBUG, "Loading"));
+ assertTrue(logContains(Level.DEBUG, "Loading"));
+ assertTrue(logContains(Level.DEBUG, "Loading graph database"));
+ assertTrue(logContains(Level.INFO, "AAI Server initialization"));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Helper method to check if a String appears in the desired log level.
+ *
+ * @param level Log level to use
+ * @param expected String to search for
+ * @return True if search String is found, false otherwise
+ */
+ private boolean logContains(Level level, String expected) {
+ String actual[] = RecordingAppender.messages();
+ for (String log : actual) {
+ if (log.contains(level.toString()) && log.contains(expected))
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set logging level, and initialize log-appender.
+ */
+ private void configureLog() {
+ Logger rootLogger = (Logger)LoggerFactory.getLogger(Logger.ROOT_LOGGER_NAME);
+ rootLogger.setLevel(Level.DEBUG);
+ rootLogger.detachAndStopAllAppenders();
+ rootLogger.addAppender(RecordingAppender.appender(new PatternLayout()));
+ }
+ * Appender class that appends log messages to a String List when some logging event occurs
+ */
+class RecordingAppender extends AppenderBase<ILoggingEvent> {
+ private static List<String> messages = new ArrayList<String>();
+ private static RecordingAppender appender = new RecordingAppender();
+ private PatternLayout patternLayout;
+ private RecordingAppender() {
+ super();
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param patternLayout Pattern to format log message
+ * @return Current appender
+ */
+ public static RecordingAppender appender(PatternLayout patternLayout) {
+ appender.patternLayout = patternLayout;
+ appender.clear();
+ return appender;
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void append(ILoggingEvent event) {
+ messages.add(patternLayout.doLayout(event));
+ }
+ public void close() {}
+ public boolean requiresLayout() {
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return Return logs as a String array
+ */
+ public static String[] messages() {
+ return (String[]) messages.toArray(new String[messages.size()]);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Clear the message container
+ */
+ private void clear() {
+ messages.clear();
+ }
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+ * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+ * org.openecomp.aai
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ */
+package org.openecomp.aai.util;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
+import static;
+import java.nio.file.Files;
+import java.nio.file.Paths;
+import org.junit.After;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.Rule;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.powermock.modules.agent.PowerMockAgent;
+import org.powermock.modules.junit4.rule.PowerMockRule;
+public class AAICSVWriterTest {
+ @Rule
+ public PowerMockRule rule = new PowerMockRule();
+ static {
+ PowerMockAgent.initializeIfNeeded();
+ }
+ Writer writer;
+ File f;
+ AAICSVWriter testObj;
+ String fileName = "test_csvWriter.csv";
+ String lineEnd = "\n";
+ char quoteChar = '\"';
+ String separator = ",";
+ String str1[], str2[];
+ /**
+ * Initialize.
+ */
+ @Before
+ public void initialize(){
+ str1 = new String[]{"s0", "s1"};
+ str2 = new String[]{"t0", "t1"};
+ try {
+ f = new File(fileName);
+ f.createNewFile();
+ writer = new PrintWriter(f);
+ testObj = new AAICSVWriter(new FileWriter(fileName), separator, quoteChar, lineEnd);
+ } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
+ fail("Input csv file not found.");
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ fail("Can't create csv file.");
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test writeNextLine with String arrays.
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testWriteNextLine(){
+ populateAndGetFileSize(false, str1, str2);
+ String wholeText = str1[0] + separator + str1[1] + lineEnd + str2[0] + separator + str2[1] + lineEnd;
+ assertTrue("CSV file missing text", allLinesFound(wholeText));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test writeNextLine with null.
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testWriteNextLine_withNull(){
+ populateAndGetFileSize(false, null, null);
+ assertTrue("CSV file should not contain any text", f.length() == 0);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test writeColumn with String arrays.
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testWriteColumn(){
+ populateAndGetFileSize(true, str1, str2);
+ String wholeText = str1[0] + str1[1] + lineEnd + str2[0] + str2[1] + lineEnd;
+ assertTrue("CSV file missing text", allLinesFound(wholeText));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test writeColumn with null.
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testWriteColumn_withNull(){
+ populateAndGetFileSize(true, null, null);
+ assertTrue("CSV file should not contain any text", f.length() == 0);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Helper method to create file with given data.
+ *
+ * @param isColumnWise True if csv file is to be written in column wise, false otherwise
+ * @param c1 First set of data
+ * @param c2 Second set of data
+ */
+ private void populateAndGetFileSize(boolean isColumnWise, String c1[], String c2[]){
+ if ( isColumnWise ){
+ testObj.writeColumn(c1);
+ testObj.writeColumn(c2);
+ } else{
+ testObj.writeNext(c1, false);
+ testObj.writeNext(c2, false);
+ }
+ try {
+ testObj.close();
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ fail("Can't close stream");
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Helper method to check if a file contains required data.
+ *
+ * @param all Data to look for
+ * @return True if data is found, false otherwise
+ */
+ private boolean allLinesFound(String all){
+ String fileContents = "";
+ try {
+ fileContents = new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(fileName)));
+ } catch (IOException e1) {
+ fail("csv file not found");
+ e1.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ return all.equals(fileContents);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Cleanup.
+ */
+ @After
+ public void cleanup(){
+ if ( f.exists() ){
+ f.delete();
+ }
+ }
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@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+ * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+ * org.openecomp.aai
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ */
+package org.openecomp.aai.util;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
+import org.junit.BeforeClass;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.openecomp.aai.exceptions.AAIException;
+public class AAIConfigPasswordDecodingTest {
+ /**
+ * Configure.
+ *
+ * @throws AAIException the AAI exception
+ */
+ @BeforeClass
+ public static void configure() throws AAIException {
+ System.setProperty("AJSC_HOME", "./src/test/resources/");
+ System.setProperty("BUNDLECONFIG_DIR", "bundleconfig-local");; //fake prop file for testing
+ }
+ /**
+ * Password check.
+ *
+ * @throws AAIException the AAI exception
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void passwordCheck() throws AAIException {
+ assertEquals("password", "aaiuser123", AAIConfig.get("ecm.auth.password"));
+ }
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+ * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+ * org.openecomp.aai
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ */
+package org.openecomp.aai.util;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
+import static;
+import java.lang.reflect.Field;
+import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
+import java.lang.reflect.Method;
+import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
+import java.nio.file.Files;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.StringTokenizer;
+import java.util.UUID;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.BeforeClass;
+import org.junit.Ignore;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.openecomp.aai.exceptions.AAIException;
+public class AAIRSyncUtilityTest {
+ AAIRSyncUtility syncUtil;
+ AAIRSyncUtility syncUtilOmitDoCommand;
+ AAIConfig aaiConfig;
+ String hostName;
+ String transId = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
+ @BeforeClass
+ public static void configure() throws AAIException {
+ System.setProperty("AJSC_HOME", "./src/test/resources/");
+ System.setProperty("BUNDLECONFIG_DIR", "bundleconfig-local");; //fake prop file for testing
+ }
+ /**
+ * Initialize.
+ */
+ @Before
+ public void initialize(){
+ syncUtil = new AAIRSyncUtility();
+ syncUtilOmitDoCommand = new AAIRSyncUtility(){
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public int doCommand(List<String> command) throws Exception
+ {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ };
+ partialSetupForAAIConfig();
+ InetAddress ip = null;
+ try {
+ ip = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
+ } catch (UnknownHostException e2) {
+ e2.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ hostName = ip.getHostName();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test sendRsync.
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testSendRsyncCommand(){
+ syncUtilOmitDoCommand.sendRsyncCommand(transId, "RandomFileName");
+ //TODO write codes to check what is being logged
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test getHost.
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testGetHost(){
+ String returnedHost = null;
+ Method getHostMethod = makePublic("getHost");
+ try {
+ returnedHost = (String)getHostMethod.invoke(syncUtil, null);
+ } catch (IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ assertEquals("Host name didn't match", returnedHost, hostName);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test getRemoteHostList.
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testGetRemoteHostList(){
+ String localHost = "host_local";
+ String remoteHost1 = "hostR1";
+ String remoteHost2 = "hostR2";
+ ArrayList<String> remotes = new ArrayList<String>();
+ remotes.add(remoteHost1);
+ remotes.add(remoteHost2);
+ StringTokenizer stTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(remoteHost1+"\r"+remoteHost2+"\r"+localHost);
+ Method m = makePublic("getRemoteHostList");
+ try {
+ assertEquals("Remote host missing", remotes, m.invoke(syncUtil, stTokenizer, localHost));
+ } catch (IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test doCommand.
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testDoCommand(){
+ assertTrue("Don't have execute permissions", Files.isExecutable(new File(".").toPath()));
+ List<String> commands = new ArrayList<String>();
+ commands.add("ping");
+ commands.add("");
+ try {
+ assertEquals("Failed to execute commands", 1, syncUtilOmitDoCommand.doCommand(commands));
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ fail("Failed to execute a command");
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test doCommand with null.
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testDoCommand_withNull(){
+ assertTrue("Don't have execute permissions", Files.isExecutable(new File(".").toPath()));
+ try {
+ assertEquals("This should be unreachable", 1, syncUtil.doCommand(null));
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ assertTrue("Expecting an NPE from ProcessBuilder", e instanceof NullPointerException);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Helper method to covert access type of a method from private to public .
+ *
+ * @param privateMethodName Method which is private originally
+ * @return method object with 'access type = 'public'
+ */
+ public Method makePublic(String privateMethodName){
+ Method targetMethod = null;
+ try {
+ if (privateMethodName.equals("getHost"))
+ targetMethod = AAIRSyncUtility.class.getDeclaredMethod(privateMethodName, null);
+ else if (privateMethodName.equals("getRemoteHostList"))
+ targetMethod = AAIRSyncUtility.class.getDeclaredMethod(privateMethodName, StringTokenizer.class, String.class);
+ } catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ targetMethod.setAccessible(true);
+ return targetMethod;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Helper method to load aai config from test configuration file
+ * This requires that the '' file is available
+ */
+ static void setFinalStatic(Field field, Object newValue) throws Exception {
+ field.setAccessible(true);
+ Field modifiersField = Field.class.getDeclaredField("modifiers");
+ modifiersField.setAccessible(true);
+ modifiersField.setInt(field, field.getModifiers() & ~Modifier.FINAL);
+ field.set(null, newValue);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Helper method to setup AAIConfig for test.
+ */
+ public void partialSetupForAAIConfig(){
+ try {
+ setFinalStatic(AAIConfig.class.getDeclaredField("GlobalPropFileName"), "src/test/resources/bundleconfig-local/etc/appprops/");
+ }
+ catch (SecurityException e) {fail();}
+ catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {fail();}
+ catch (Exception e) {fail();}
+ AAIConfig.reloadConfig();
+ }
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+ * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+ * org.openecomp.aai
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ */
+package org.openecomp.aai.util;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
+import static;
+import java.text.DateFormat;
+import java.text.ParseException;
+import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Date;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.TimeZone;
+import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.Rule;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.powermock.modules.agent.PowerMockAgent;
+import org.powermock.modules.junit4.rule.PowerMockRule;
+public class AAIUtilsTest {
+ @Rule
+ public PowerMockRule rule = new PowerMockRule();
+ static {
+ PowerMockAgent.initializeIfNeeded();
+ }
+ AAIUtils testObj;
+ /**
+ * Initialize.
+ */
+ @Before
+ public void initialize(){
+ testObj = new AAIUtils();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test nullCheck with null.
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testNullCheck_withNull(){
+ List<String> newList = null;
+ assertNotNull("method nullCheck should not return null", AAIUtils.nullCheck(newList));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test nullCheck with a List.
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testNullCheck_withList(){
+ List<String> newList = new ArrayList<String>();
+ newList.add("testString");
+ assertNotNull("method nullCheck failed for a List", AAIUtils.nullCheck(newList));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test genDate using a past and a future date.
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testGenDate(){
+ Date d1 = new Date(0);
+ DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("YYMMdd-HH:mm:ss:SSS");
+ formatter.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"));
+ formatter.setLenient(false);
+ Date d2 = null;
+ try {
+ d2 = formatter.parse(AAIUtils.genDate());
+ } catch (ParseException e) {
+ fail("Date parsing exception");
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ try {
+ TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(1);
+ } catch (InterruptedException e1) {}
+ Date d3 = new Date();
+ assertTrue("Generated date is not after a past date", d2.after(d1));
+ assertTrue("Generated date is not before a future date", d2.before(d3));
+ }
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index 00000000..8f3cfa50
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@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+ * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+ * org.openecomp.aai
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ */
+package org.openecomp.aai.util;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
+import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.Rule;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.mockito.Mockito;
+import org.powermock.core.classloader.annotations.PowerMockIgnore;
+import org.powermock.core.classloader.annotations.PrepareForTest;
+import org.powermock.modules.agent.PowerMockAgent;
+import org.powermock.modules.junit4.rule.PowerMockRule;
+import ch.qos.logback.access.spi.IAccessEvent;
+@PrepareForTest({IAccessEvent.class, HttpServletRequest.class, X509Certificate.class})
+public class CNNameTest {
+ @Rule
+ public PowerMockRule rule = new PowerMockRule();
+ static {
+ PowerMockAgent.initializeIfNeeded();
+ }
+ IAccessEvent mockAccEvent;
+ HttpServletRequest mockHttpServletRequest;
+ org.openecomp.aai.logging.CNName cnname;
+ X509Certificate cert;
+ /**
+ * Initialize.
+ */
+ @Before
+ public void initialize(){
+ mockAccEvent = Mockito.mock(IAccessEvent.class);
+ mockHttpServletRequest = Mockito.mock(HttpServletRequest.class);
+ cert = Mockito.mock(X509Certificate.class);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test 'convert' when there is no AccessConverter.
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testConvert_withoutAccessConverter(){
+ cnname = getTestObj(false);
+ assertTrue("Conversion failed with no AccessConverter", "INACTIVE_HEADER_CONV".equals(cnname.convert(mockAccEvent)));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test 'convert' with no CipherSuite.
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testConvert_withNullCipherSuite(){
+ setupForCipherSuite(null);
+ assertTrue("Conversion failed for a null CipherSuite", "-".equals(cnname.convert(mockAccEvent)));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test 'convert' with a non-null CipherSuite.
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testConvert_withNotNullCipherSuite(){
+ setupForCipherSuite("StrRepOfAValidSuite");
+ final X500Principal principal = new X500Principal("CN=AnAI, OU=DOX, O=BWS, C=CA");
+ Mockito.when(cert.getSubjectX500Principal()).thenReturn(principal);
+ final X509Certificate[] certChain = {cert};
+ when(mockHttpServletRequest.getAttribute("javax.servlet.request.X509Certificate")).thenReturn(certChain);
+ assertTrue("Conversion failed for a valid CipherSuite", principal.toString().equals(cnname.convert(mockAccEvent)));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Helper method to mock IAccessEvent and HttpServletRequest.
+ *
+ * @param suite CipherSuite to be used in current test
+ */
+ private void setupForCipherSuite(String suite){
+ cnname = getTestObj(true);
+ when(mockAccEvent.getRequest()).thenReturn(mockHttpServletRequest);
+ when(mockHttpServletRequest.getAttribute("javax.servlet.request.cipher_suite")).thenReturn(suite);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Helper method to create a CNName object with overridden 'start status' .
+ *
+ * @param instanceStarted Start status to be used
+ * @return CNName object to test
+ */
+ private org.openecomp.aai.logging.CNName getTestObj(final boolean instanceStarted){
+ return new org.openecomp.aai.logging.CNName(){
+ @Override
+ public boolean isStarted(){
+ return instanceStarted;
+ }
+ };
+ }
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index 00000000..e087108f
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+ * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+ * org.openecomp.aai
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ */
+package org.openecomp.aai.util;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
+import org.openecomp.aai.logging.CNName;
+import org.openecomp.aai.logging.CustomLogPatternLayout;
+import org.junit.Test;
+public class CustomLogPatternLayoutTest {
+ /**
+ * Test null when defaultConverterMap doesn't have corresponding entry.
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testNull(){
+ String s = CustomLogPatternLayout.defaultConverterMap.get("z");
+ assertFalse("Entry not found for key 'z'", CNName.class.getName().equals(s));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test defaultConverterMap when valid entry exists.
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testEntryFor_Z(){
+ CustomLogPatternLayout layout = new CustomLogPatternLayout();
+ String s = CustomLogPatternLayout.defaultConverterMap.get("z");
+ assertTrue("Entry not found for key 'z'", org.openecomp.aai.logging.CNName.class.getName().equals(s));
+ }
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+ * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+ * org.openecomp.aai
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ */
+package org.openecomp.aai.util;
+import java.util.Date;
+import java.util.Enumeration;
+import java.util.Properties;
+import java.util.TimerTask;
+import java.util.Timer;
+public class DbTestConfig {
+ public static final String AUDIT_FILESEP = (System.getProperty("file.separator") == null) ? "/" : System.getProperty("file.separator");
+ public static final String AUDIT_HOME = (System.getProperty("audit.home") == null) ? AUDIT_FILESEP + "opt" + AUDIT_FILESEP + "audit" : System.getProperty("audit.home");
+ public static final String AuditPropFilename = "c:\\tmp\\auditConfig.prop";
+ public static final String AUDIT_CONFIG_CHECKINGTIME = "audit.config.checktime";
+ public static final String AUDIT_NODENAME = "localhost";
+ public static final String AUDIT_DEBUG = "audit.config.debug";
+ private static Properties serverProps;
+ private static boolean propsInitialized = false;
+ private static boolean timerSet = false;
+ private static Timer timer = null;
+ private static String propFile = null;
+ /**
+ * Inits the.
+ *
+ * @param propertyFile the property file
+ */
+ public synchronized static void init(String propertyFile) {
+ propFile = propertyFile;
+ init();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Inits the.
+ */
+ public synchronized static void init() {
+ System.out.println("Initializing Config");
+ DbTestConfig.getConfigFile();
+ DbTestConfig.reloadConfig();
+ if ( propFile == null)
+ propFile = AuditPropFilename;
+ TimerTask task = null;
+ task = new DbTestFileWatcher ( new File(propFile)) {
+ protected void onChange( File file ) {
+ // here we implement the onChange
+ DbTestConfig.reloadConfig();
+ }
+ };
+ if (!timerSet) {
+ timerSet = true;
+ // repeat the check every second
+ timer = new Timer();
+ String fwi = DbTestConfig.get(AUDIT_CONFIG_CHECKINGTIME);
+ timer.schedule( task , new Date(), Integer.parseInt(fwi) );
+ System.out.println("Config Watcher Interval=" + fwi);
+ System.out.println("File" + propFile+" Loaded!");
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Cleanup.
+ */
+ public static void cleanup() {
+ timer.cancel();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets the config file.
+ *
+ * @return the config file
+ */
+ public static String getConfigFile() {
+ return propFile;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Reload config.
+ */
+ public synchronized static void reloadConfig() {
+ String propFileName = propFile;
+ Properties newServerProps = null;
+ System.out.println("Reloading config from "+propFileName);
+ try {
+ InputStream is = new FileInputStream(propFileName);
+ newServerProps = new Properties();
+ newServerProps.load(is);
+ propsInitialized = true;
+ serverProps = newServerProps;
+ if (get(AUDIT_DEBUG).equals("on")) {
+ serverProps.list(System.out);
+ }
+ newServerProps = null;
+ } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
+ System.out.println("AuditConfig: " + propFileName + ". FileNotFoundException: "+fnfe.getMessage());
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ System.out.println("AuditConfig: " + propFileName + ". IOException: "+e.getMessage());
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets the.
+ *
+ * @param key the key
+ * @param defaultValue the default value
+ * @return the string
+ */
+ public static String get(String key, String defaultValue) {
+ String result = defaultValue;
+ try {
+ result = get (key);
+ }
+ catch ( Exception a ) {
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets the.
+ *
+ * @param key the key
+ * @return the string
+ */
+ public static String get(String key) {
+ String response = null;
+ if (key.equals(AUDIT_NODENAME)) {
+ // Get this from InetAddress rather than the properties file
+ String nodeName = getNodeName();
+ if (nodeName != null) {
+ return nodeName;
+ }
+ // else get from property file
+ }
+ if (!propsInitialized || (serverProps == null)) {
+ reloadConfig();
+ }
+ if (!serverProps.containsKey(key)) {
+ System.out.println( "Property key "+key+" cannot be found");
+ } else {
+ response = serverProps.getProperty(key);
+ if (response == null || response.isEmpty()) {
+ System.out.println("Property key "+key+" is null or empty");
+ }
+ }
+ return response;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets the int.
+ *
+ * @param key the key
+ * @return the int
+ */
+ public static int getInt(String key) {
+ return Integer.valueOf(DbTestConfig.get(key));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets the server props.
+ *
+ * @return the server props
+ */
+ public static Properties getServerProps() {
+ return serverProps;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets the node name.
+ *
+ * @return the node name
+ */
+ public static String getNodeName() {
+ try {
+ InetAddress ip = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
+ if (ip != null) {
+ String hostname = ip.getHostName();
+ if (hostname != null) {
+ return hostname;
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Extracts a specific property key subset from the known properties.
+ * The prefix may be removed from the keys in the resulting dictionary,
+ * or it may be kept. In the latter case, exact matches on the prefix
+ * will also be copied into the resulting dictionary.
+ *
+ * @param prefix is the key prefix to filter the properties by.
+ * @param keepPrefix if true, the key prefix is kept in the resulting
+ * dictionary. As side-effect, a key that matches the prefix exactly
+ * will also be copied. If false, the resulting dictionary's keys are
+ * shortened by the prefix. An exact prefix match will not be copied,
+ * as it would result in an empty string key.
+ * @return a property dictionary matching the filter key. May be
+ * an empty dictionary, if no prefix matches were found.
+ *
+ * @see #getProperty( String ) is used to assemble matches
+ */
+ public static Properties matchingSubset(String prefix, boolean keepPrefix) {
+ Properties result = new Properties();
+ // sanity check
+ if (prefix == null || prefix.length() == 0) {
+ return result;
+ }
+ String prefixMatch; // match prefix strings with this
+ String prefixSelf; // match self with this
+ if (prefix.charAt(prefix.length() - 1) != '.') {
+ // prefix does not end in a dot
+ prefixSelf = prefix;
+ prefixMatch = prefix + '.';
+ } else {
+ // prefix does end in one dot, remove for exact matches
+ prefixSelf = prefix.substring(0, prefix.length() - 1);
+ prefixMatch = prefix;
+ }
+ // POSTCONDITION: prefixMatch and prefixSelf are initialized!
+ // now add all matches into the resulting properties.
+ // Remark 1: #propertyNames() will contain the System properties!
+ // Remark 2: We need to give priority to System properties. This is done
+ // automatically by calling this class's getProperty method.
+ String key;
+ for (Enumeration e = serverProps.keys(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
+ key = (String) e.nextElement();
+ if (keepPrefix) {
+ // keep full prefix in result, also copy direct matches
+ if (key.startsWith(prefixMatch) || key.equals(prefixSelf)) {
+ result.setProperty(key, serverProps.getProperty(key));
+ }
+ } else {
+ // remove full prefix in result, dont copy direct matches
+ if (key.startsWith(prefixMatch)) {
+ result.setProperty(key.substring(prefixMatch.length()), serverProps.getProperty(key));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // done
+ return result;
+ }
+ /**
+ * The main method.
+ *
+ * @param args the arguments
+ */
+ public static void main(String[] args) {
+ // TODO Auto-generated method stub
+ DbTestConfig.init( );
+ }
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+ * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+ * org.openecomp.aai
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ */
+package org.openecomp.aai.util;
+import java.util.*;
+public abstract class DbTestFileWatcher extends TimerTask {
+ private long timeStamp;
+ private File file;
+ /**
+ * Instantiates a new db test file watcher.
+ *
+ * @param file the file
+ */
+ public DbTestFileWatcher( File file ) {
+ this.file = file;
+ this.timeStamp = file.lastModified();
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ public final void run() {
+ long timeStamp = file.lastModified();
+ if( (timeStamp - this.timeStamp) > 500 ) {
+ this.timeStamp = timeStamp;
+ onChange(file);
+ }
+ try {
+ Thread.sleep(1000);
+ } catch (InterruptedException e) {
+ // TODO Auto-generated catch block
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * On change.
+ *
+ * @param file the file
+ */
+ protected abstract void onChange( File file );
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+ * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+ * org.openecomp.aai
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ */
+package org.openecomp.aai.util;
+import java.nio.file.Files;
+import java.nio.file.Path;
+import java.nio.file.Paths;
+import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributeView;
+import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes;
+import java.nio.file.attribute.FileTime;
+public class DbTestGetFileTime {
+ /**
+ * Creates the file return time.
+ *
+ * @param path the path
+ * @return the file time
+ * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
+ */
+ public FileTime createFileReturnTime( String path) throws IOException {
+ File file = new File(path);
+ if(!file.exists()) {
+ file.createNewFile();
+ }
+ Path p = Paths.get(file.getAbsolutePath());
+ BasicFileAttributes view
+ = Files.getFileAttributeView(p, BasicFileAttributeView.class)
+ .readAttributes();
+ FileTime fileTime=view.creationTime();
+ // also available view.lastAccessTine and view.lastModifiedTime
+ return fileTime;
+ }
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+ * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+ * org.openecomp.aai
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ */
+package org.openecomp.aai.util;
+import java.nio.file.attribute.FileTime;
+import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
+import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService;
+import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture;
+import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
+public class DbTestProcessBuilder {
+ ///public static Logger clog = Logger.getLogger("auditConsole");
+ //public static Logger alog = Logger.getLogger("auditLog");
+ /**
+ * Start audit process non blocking.
+ *
+ * @param wait the wait
+ * @param cmds the cmds
+ * @param dir the dir
+ */
+ public void startAuditProcessNonBlocking(final long wait, final String cmds[], final String dir) {
+ final ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(cmds).redirectErrorStream(true).directory(new File(dir));
+ new Thread(new Runnable() {
+ public void run() {
+ try {
+ //System.out.println( "sleeping seconds " + wait + " cmds " + Arrays.toString(cmds));
+ Thread.sleep(wait*1000);
+ //System.out.println( "returned from sleep");
+ final Process p = pb.start();
+ //System.out.println( "returned from pb.start");
+ final InputStream is = p.getInputStream();
+ final BufferedReader stdError = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getErrorStream()));
+ final InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(is);
+ final BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
+//clog.debug("Output of running " + Arrays.toString(cmds) + " is:");
+ System.out.println("Output of running is:" );
+ String line;
+ while ((line = br.readLine()) != null ) {
+ System.out.println(line);
+ }
+ System.out.println("stderr of running is:" );
+ while ((line = stdError.readLine()) != null ) {
+ System.out.println(line);
+ }
+ } catch (IOException ie) {
+ } catch (InterruptedException itre) {
+ Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
+ }
+ }
+ }).start();
+ }
+ private final ScheduledExecutorService auditProcessScheduler =
+ Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(10);
+ /**
+ * Run W command every X seconds for Y minutes.
+ *
+ * @param w the w
+ * @param x the x
+ * @param y the y
+ * @param runningDir the running dir
+ */
+ public void runWCommandEveryXSecondsForYMinutes(String[] w, int x, int y, final String runningDir) {
+ final String[] c1 = w;
+ final Runnable audit = new Runnable() {
+ public void run() {
+//clog.debug("checkpoint "+(new Date()).toString());
+ DbTestProcessBuilder a1 = new DbTestProcessBuilder();
+ a1.startAuditProcessNonBlocking(1, c1, "/tmp");
+ }
+ };
+ final ScheduledFuture<?> auditHandle =
+ auditProcessScheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate(audit, 0, x, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
+ auditProcessScheduler.schedule(new Runnable() {
+ public void run() {
+ auditHandle.cancel(true);
+ }
+ }, y * 60, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
+ }
+ /**
+ * The main method.
+ *
+ * @param args the arguments
+ */
+ @SuppressWarnings({ "null", "static-access" })
+ public static void main(String args[]) {
+ String props = "NA";
+ if (args.length > 0) {
+ System.out.println( "DbTestProcessBuilder called with " + args.length + " arguments, " + args[0]);
+ props = args[0].trim();
+ } else {
+ System.out.print("usage: DbTestProcessBuilder <auditConfig.prop path\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ DbTestConfig.init(props);
+ String ail = DbTestConfig.get("audit.list");
+ String path = DbTestConfig.get("audit.path");
+ final String runningDir = DbTestConfig.get("audit.runningdir");
+ try {
+ DbTestGetFileTime getFileTime = new DbTestGetFileTime();
+ FileTime fileTime = getFileTime.createFileReturnTime( path );
+ System.out.println(path + " creation time :"
+ + new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss")
+ .format(fileTime.toMillis()) + " runningDir " + runningDir);
+ } catch ( IOException io ) {
+ System.out.println( "IOException getting creation time " + path + " message " + io.getMessage());
+ io.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ List<String> items = Arrays.asList(ail.split("\\s*,\\s*"));
+ for (String ai: items) {
+ if (!DbTestConfig.get("audit.task."+ai+".status").startsWith("a")) {
+ continue;
+ }
+//clog.debug("***audit item = " + ai + " Starting***");
+ String w1 = DbTestConfig.get("audit.task."+ai+".cmd");
+ String[] w2 = w1.split("\\s*,\\s*");
+ System.out.print( "task items are : " + Arrays.toString(w2));
+ // append the audit item name as the prefix of the audit directory name
+ /*final int N = w2.length;
+ w2 = Arrays.copyOf(w2, N+1);
+ w2[N-2] = "\"-Dp=" + DbTestConfig.get("audit.task.odl.output.dir")+ai + "\"";
+//clog.debug("***java -D:"+w2[N-2]);
+ //w2[N] = "\""+DbTestConfig.get("audit.task.odl.output.dir")+ai+"\"";
+ w2[N] = "\""+DbTestConfig.get("audit.task.odl.output.dir")+ai+"\"";
+ */
+ DbTestProcessBuilder apb = new DbTestProcessBuilder();
+ String ts1 = DbTestConfig.get("audit.task."+ai+".schedule");
+ String[] ts2 = ts1.split("\\s*,\\s*");
+ // note ts2[0] is the wait-before time, and it is not being used right now. We start with ts2[1]
+ apb.runWCommandEveryXSecondsForYMinutes(w2,Integer.parseInt(ts2[1]),Integer.parseInt(ts2[2]), runningDir);
+//clog.debug("***audit item = " + ai + " started***");
+ System.out.println( "started test " + ai);
+ /*
+ int ct = 0;
+ while (true) try {
+ if (DbTestConfig.get("jcl").startsWith("q")) {
+ System.out.println("***Audit Main Program exiting...");
+ System.exit(0);
+ }
+ Thread.currentThread().sleep(1000);
+ if (ct < 10) {
+ ct++;
+ } else {
+ //clog.debug(AuditConfig.get("jcl").charAt(0));
+ ct=0;
+ }
+ } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
+ } */
+ }
+ int ct = 0;
+ while (true) try {
+ if (DbTestConfig.get("jcl").startsWith("q")) {
+ System.out.println("***Audit Main Program exiting...");
+ System.exit(0);
+ }
+ Thread.currentThread().sleep(1000);
+ if (ct < 10) {
+ ct++;
+ } else {
+ //clog.debug(AuditConfig.get("jcl").charAt(0));
+ ct=0;
+ }
+ } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
+ }
+ }
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+ * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+ * org.openecomp.aai
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ */
+package org.openecomp.aai.util;
+import static org.junit.Assert.*;
+import org.junit.Test;
+public class HbaseSaltPrefixerTest {
+ /**
+ * Test.
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void test() {
+ String key = "imakey";
+ String saltedKey = HbaseSaltPrefixer.getInstance().prependSalt(key);
+ assertTrue(saltedKey.equals("0-imakey"));
+ }
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+ * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+ * org.openecomp.aai
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ */
+package org.openecomp.aai.workarounds;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
+import org.junit.BeforeClass;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.openecomp.aai.introspection.Version;
+public class LegacyURITransformerTest {
+ private LegacyURITransformer uriTransformer = LegacyURITransformer.getInstance();
+ private String fromSuccess = "{version}/cloud-infrastructure/tenants/tenant/key1/vservers/vserver/key2";
+ private String toSuccess = "{version}/key1/vservers/key2";
+ /**
+ * Configure.
+ */
+ @BeforeClass
+ public static void configure() {
+ System.setProperty("AJSC_HOME", ".");
+ System.setProperty("BUNDLECONFIG_DIR", "bundleconfig-local");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test spec.
+ *
+ * @param version the version
+ * @param toExpected the to expected
+ * @param fromExpected the from expected
+ * @throws URISyntaxException
+ * @throws MalformedURLException the malformed URL exception
+ */
+ public void testSpec(Version version, String toExpected, String fromExpected) throws URISyntaxException {
+ URI toExpectedUri = new URI(toExpected.replace("{version}",version.toString()));
+ URI fromExpectedUri = new URI(fromExpected.replace("{version}",version.toString()));
+ URI result = toLegacyURISpec(version, fromExpectedUri);
+ assertEquals("to", toExpectedUri, result);
+ result = fromLegacyURISpec(version, toExpectedUri);
+ assertEquals("from", fromExpectedUri, result);
+ }
+ /**
+ * To legacy URL spec.
+ *
+ * @param version the version
+ * @param url the url
+ * @return the url
+ * @throws URISyntaxException
+ * @throws MalformedURLException the malformed URL exception
+ */
+ public URI toLegacyURISpec(Version version, URI uri) throws URISyntaxException {
+ return uri;
+ }
+ /**
+ * From legacy URL spec.
+ *
+ * @param version the version
+ * @param url the url
+ * @return the url
+ * @throws URISyntaxException
+ * @throws MalformedURLException the malformed URL exception
+ */
+ public URI fromLegacyURISpec(Version version, URI uri) throws URISyntaxException {
+ return uri;
+ }
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+# ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+# org.openecomp.aai
+# ================================================================================
+# Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ================================================================================
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+# this could come from
+# This is a fake one just for test so please ignore
+# for transaction log
+# single primary server
+#rsync properties
+#Service Specific Data Values
+aai.servicedescription.hostedcomm=HOSTED COMMUNICATIONS
+aai.servicedescription.vusp=VIRTUAL USP
+# This one lets us enable/disable resource-version checking on updates/deletes
+# Used by Model-processing code
+# Used by Data Grooming
+# Used by DupeTool
+# Used by the ForceDelete tool
+# Used for CTAG-Pool generation
diff --git a/aai-resources/src/test/resources/bundleconfig-local/etc/appprops/ b/aai-resources/src/test/resources/bundleconfig-local/etc/appprops/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4e98d62c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aai-resources/src/test/resources/bundleconfig-local/etc/appprops/
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+# Adding comment trying to trigger a build
+#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
+#Key=Disposition:Category:Severity:Error Code:HTTP ResponseCode:RESTError Code:Error Message
+#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
+# testing code, please don't change unless error utility source code changes
+AAI_TESTING=5:2:WARN:0000:400:0001:Error code for testing
+# General success
+# health check success
+AAI_0001=0:0:INFO:0001:200:0001:Success X-FromAppId=%1 X-TransactionId=%2
+AAI_0002=0:0:INFO:0002:200:0001:Successful health check
+# Success with additional info
+AAI_0003=0:3:INFO:0003:202:0003:Success with additional info performing %1 on %2. Added %3 with key %4
+AAI_0004=0:3:INFO:0004:202:0003:Added prerequisite object to db
+#--- aairest: 3000-3299
+# svc errors
+AAI_3000=5:2:INFO:3000:400:3000:Invalid input performing %1 on %2
+AAI_3001=5:6:INFO:3001:404:3001:Resource not found for %1 using id %2
+AAI_3002=5:1:WARN:3002:400:3002:Error writing output performing %1 on %2
+AAI_3003=5:1:WARN:3003:400:3003:Failed to make edge to missing target node of type %3 with keys %4 performing %1 on %2
+AAI_3005=5:6:WARN:3005:404:3001:Node cannot be directly accessed for read, must be accessed via ancestor(s)
+AAI_3006=5:6:WARN:3006:404:3001:Node cannot be directly accessed for write, must be accessed via ancestor(s)
+AAI_3007=5:6:INFO:3007:410:3007:This version (%1) of the API is retired, please migrate to %2
+AAI_3008=5:6:ERROR:3008:400:3008:URI is not encoded in UTF-8
+AAI_3009=5:6:ERROR:3009:400:3002:Malformed URL
+# pol errors
+AAI_3100=5:1:WARN:3100:400:3100:Unsupported operation %1
+AAI_3101=5:1:WARN:3101:403:3101:Attempt by client %1 to execute API %2
+AAI_3102=5:1:WARN:3102:400:3102:Error parsing input performing %1 on %2
+AAI_3301=5:1:WARN:3301:401:3301:Stale credentials
+AAI_3302=5:1:WARN:3302:401:3301:Not authenticated
+AAI_3303=5:1:ERROR:3303:403:3300:Too many objects would be returned by this request, please refine your request and retry
+#--- aaigen: 4000-4099
+AAI_4000=5:4:ERROR:4000:500:3002:Internal Error
+AAI_4001=5:4:FATAL:4001:500:3002:Configuration file not found
+AAI_4002=5:4:FATAL:4002:500:3002:Error reading Configuration file
+AAI_4003=5:4:ERROR:4003:500:3002:Error writing to log file
+AAI_4004=5:4:FATAL:4004:500:3002:Error reading/parsing the error properties file
+AAI_4005=5:4:FATAL:4005:500:3002:Missing or invalid configuration parameter
+AAI_4006=5:4:FATAL:4006:500:3002:Unexpected error in service
+AAI_4007=5:4:ERROR:4007:500:3102:Input parsing error
+AAI_4008=5:4:ERROR:4008:500:3002:Output parsing error
+AAI_4009=4:0:ERROR:4009:400:3000:Invalid X-FromAppId in header
+AAI_4010=4:0:ERROR:4010:400:3000:Invalid X-TransactionId in header
+AAI_4011=5:4:ERROR:4011:500:3002:Missing data for REST error response
+AAI_4012=5:4:ERROR:4012:500:3002:Bad rule data in RestRules
+AAI_4013=5:4:ERROR:4013:500:3002:Error connecting to AAI REST API
+AAI_4014=4:0:ERROR:4014:400:3000:Invalid Accept header
+AAI_4015=4:0:ERROR:4015:400:3000:You must provide at least one indexed property
+AAI_4016=4:0:ERROR:4016:400:3000:The depth parameter must be a number or the string "all"
+AAI_4017=5:2:INFO:4017:400:3000:Could not set property
+AAI_4018=5:2:ERROR:4018:400:3000:Unable to convert the string to integer
+#--- aaidbmap: 5101-5199
+AAI_5101=5:4:FATAL:5101:500:3002:Could not connect to database
+AAI_5102=5:4:FATAL:5102:500:3002:Graph database is null after open
+AAI_5103=5:4:ERROR:5103:500:3002:Unexpected error during commit
+AAI_5104=5:4:ERROR:5104:500:3002:Unexpected error during rollback
+AAI_5105=5:4:ERROR:5105:500:3002:Unexpected error reading/updating database
+AAI_5106=5:4:WARN:5106:404:3001:Node not found
+AAI_5107=5:2:WARN:5107:400:3000:Required information missing
+AAI_5108=5:2:WARN:5108:200:0:Unexpected information in request being ignored
+#--- aaidbgen: 6101-6199
+AAI_6101=5:4:ERROR:6101:500:3002:null TitanGraph object passed
+AAI_6102=5:4:WARN:6102:400:3000:Passed-in property is not valid for this nodeType
+AAI_6103=5:4:WARN:6103:400:3000:Required Node-property not found in input data
+AAI_6104=5:4:WARN:6104:400:3000:Required Node-property was passed with no data
+AAI_6105=5:4:WARN:6105:400:3000:Node-Key-Property not defined in DbMaps
+AAI_6106=5:4:WARN:6106:400:3000:Passed-in property is not valid for this edgeType
+AAI_6107=5:4:WARN:6107:400:3000:Required Edge-property not found in input data
+AAI_6108=5:4:WARN:6108:400:3000:Required Edge-property was passed with no data
+AAI_6109=5:4:WARN:6109:400:3000:Bad dependent Node value
+AAI_6110=5:4:ERROR:6110:400:3100:Node cannot be deleted
+AAI_6111=5:4:ERROR:6111:400:3000:JSON processing error
+AAI_6112=5:4:ERROR:6112:400:3000:More than one node found by getUniqueNode()
+AAI_6114=5:4:INFO:6114:404:3001:Node Not Found
+AAI_6115=5:4:ERROR:6115:400:3000:Unrecognized NodeType
+AAI_6116=5:4:ERROR:6116:400:3000:Unrecognized Property
+AAI_6117=5:4:ERROR:6117:400:3000:Uniqueness constraint violated
+AAI_6118=5:4:ERROR:6118:400:3000:Required Field not passed.
+AAI_6120=5:4:ERROR:6120:400:3000:Bad Parameter Passed
+AAI_6121=5:4:ERROR:6121:400:3000:Problem with internal AAI reference data
+AAI_6122=5:4:ERROR:6122:400:3000:Data Set not complete in DB for this request
+AAI_6123=5:4:ERROR:6123:500:3000:Bad Data found by DataGrooming Tool - Investigate
+AAI_6124=5:4:ERROR:6124:500:3000:File read/write error
+AAI_6125=5:4:WARN:6125:500:3000:Problem Pulling Data Set
+AAI_6126=5:4:ERROR:6126:400:3000:Edge cannot be deleted
+AAI_6127=5:4:INFO:6127:404:3001:Edge Not Found
+AAI_6128=5:4:INFO:6128:500:3000:Unexpected error
+AAI_6129=5:4:INFO:6129:404:3003:Error making edge to target node
+AAI_6130=5:4:WARN:6130:412:3000:Precondition Required
+AAI_6131=5:4:WARN:6131:412:3000:Precondition Failed
+AAI_6132=5:4:WARN:6132:400:3000:Bad Model Definition
+AAI_6133=5:4:WARN:6133:400:3000:Bad Named Query Definition
+AAI_6134=5:4:ERROR:6134:500:6134:Could not persist transaction to storage back end. Exhausted retry amount
+AAI_6135=5:4:WARN:6135:412:3000:Resource version specified on create
+AAI_6136=5:4:ERROR:6136:400:3000:Object cannot hold multiple items
+AAI_6137=5:4:ERROR:6137:400:3000:Cannot perform writes on multiple vertices
+AAI_6138=5:4:ERROR:6138:400:3000:Cannot delete multiple vertices
+AAI_6139=5:4:ERROR:6139:404:3000:Attempted to add edge to vertex that does not exist
+AAI_6140=5:4:ERROR:6140:400:3000:Edge multiplicity violated
+AAI_6141=5:4:WARN:6141:400:3000:Please Refine Query
+AAI_6142=5:4:INFO:6142:400:3000:Retrying transaction
+AAI_6143=5:4:INFO:6143:400:3000:Ghost vertex found
+AAI_6144=5:4:WARN:6144:400:3000:Cycle found in graph
+AAI_6145=5:4:ERROR:6145:400:3000:Cannot create a nested/containment edge via relationship
+#--- aaicsvp: 7101-7199
+AAI_7101=5:4:ERROR:7101:500:3002:Unexpected error in CSV file processing
+AAI_7102=5:4:ERROR:7102:500:3002:Error in cleanup temporary directory
+#AAI_7103=4:2:ERROR:7103:500:3002:Unsupported user
+AAI_7104=5:4:ERROR:7104:500:3002:Failed to create directory
+AAI_7105=5:4:ERROR:7105:500:3002:Temporary directory exists
+AAI_7106=5:4:ERROR:7106:500:3002:Cannot delete
+AAI_7107=5:4:ERROR:7107:500:3002:Input file does not exist
+AAI_7108=5:4:ERROR:7108:500:3002:Output file does not exist
+AAI_7109=5:4:ERROR:7109:500:3002:Error closing file
+AAI_7110=5:4:ERROR:7110:500:3002:Error loading/reading properties file
+AAI_7111=5:4:ERROR:7111:500:3002:Error executing shell script
+AAI_7112=5:4:ERROR:7112:500:3002:Error creating output file
+AAI_7113=5:4:ERROR:7113:500:3002:Trailer record error
+AAI_7114=5:4:ERROR:7114:500:3002:Input file error
+AAI_7115=5:4:ERROR:7115:500:3002:Unexpected error
+AAI_7116=5:4:ERROR:7116:500:3002:Request error
+AAI_7117=5:4:ERROR:7117:500:3002:Error in get http client object
+AAI_7118=5:4:ERROR:7118:500:3002:Script Error
+AAI_7119=5:4:ERROR:7119:500:3002:Unknown host
+#--- aaisdnc: 7201-7299
+AAI_7202=5:4:ERROR:7202:500:3002:Error getting connection to odl
+AAI_7203=5:4:ERROR:7203:500:3002:Unexpected error calling DataChangeNotification API
+AAI_7204=5:4:ERROR:7204:500:3002:Error returned by DataChangeNotification API
+AAI_7205=5:4:ERROR:7205:500:3002:Unexpected error running notifySDNCOnUpdate
+AAI_7206=5:4:ERROR:7206:500:3002:Invalid data returned from ODL
+#--- NotificationEvent, using UEB space
+AAI_7350=5:4:ERROR:7305:500:3002:Notification event creation failed
+#--- aairestctlr: 7401-7499
+AAI_7401=5:4:ERROR:7401:500:3002:Error connecting to AAI REST API
+AAI_7402=5:4:ERROR:7402:500:3002:Unexpected error
+AAI_7403=5:4:WARN:7403:400:3001:Request error
+AAI_7404=5:4:INFO:7404:404:3001:Node not found
+#--- aaiauth: 9101-9199
+AAI_9101=5:0:WARN:9101:403:3300:User is not authorized to perform function
+AAI_9102=5:0:WARN:9102:401:3301:Refresh credentials from source
+AAI_9103=5:0:WARN:9103:403:3300:User not found
+AAI_9104=5:0:WARN:9104:401:3302:Authentication error
+AAI_9105=5:0:WARN:9105:403:3300:Authorization error
+AAI_9106=5:0:WARN:9106:403:3300:Invalid AppId
+#AAI_9107=5:0:WARN:9107:403:3300:No Username in Request
+AAI_9107=5:0:WARN:9107:403:3300:SSL is not provided in request, please contact admin
+#--- aaiinstar: 9201-9299
+AAI_9201=5:4:ERROR:9201:500:3002:Unable to send notification
+AAI_9202=5:4:ERROR:9202:500:3002:Unable to start a thread
diff --git a/aai-resources/src/test/resources/bundleconfig-local/etc/auth/aai_policy.json b/aai-resources/src/test/resources/bundleconfig-local/etc/auth/aai_policy.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9706ce90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aai-resources/src/test/resources/bundleconfig-local/etc/auth/aai_policy.json
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ "roles": [{
+ "name": "testRole",
+ "functions": [{
+ "name": "testFunction",
+ "methods": [{
+ "name": "GET"
+ }, {
+ "name": "DELETE"
+ }, {
+ "name": "PUT"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "users": [{
+ "username": "testUser"
+ }
+ ]
+ }, {
+ "name": "testBasicAuth",
+ "functions": [{
+ "name": "testBasicAuthFuncyion",
+ "methods": [{
+ "name": "GET"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "users": [{
+ "user": "testBasicAuthUser",
+ "pass": "OBF:1ytc1vu91v2p1rxf1mqh1v8s1z0d1msn1san1mqf1z0h1v9u1msl1rvf1v1p1vv11yta"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/aai-resources/src/test/resources/bundleconfig-local/etc/oxm/aai_oxm_v10.xml b/aai-resources/src/test/resources/bundleconfig-local/etc/oxm/aai_oxm_v10.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9ba6c057
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aai-resources/src/test/resources/bundleconfig-local/etc/oxm/aai_oxm_v10.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,5534 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+ ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+ org.openecomp.aai
+ ================================================================================
+ Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ ================================================================================
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ -->
+<xml-bindings xmlns="" package-name="" xml-mapping-metadata-complete="true">
+ <xml-schema element-form-default="QUALIFIED">
+ <xml-ns namespace-uri="http://org.openecomp.aai.inventory/v10" />
+ </xml-schema>
+ <java-types>
+ <java-type name="Inventory">
+ <xml-root-element name="inventory" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="search" name="search" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="actions" name="actions" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cloudInfrastructure" name="cloud-infrastructure" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="business" name="business" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceDesignAndCreation" name="service-design-and-creation" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="network" name="network" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="aaiInternal" name="aai-internal" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="nodes" name="nodes" type=""/>
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Nodes">
+ <xml-root-element name="nodes" />
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Search">
+ <xml-root-element name="search" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="edgeTagQueryResult" name="edge-tag-query-result" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="edgeTagQueryRequest" name="edge-tag-query-request" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="searchResults" name="search-results" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="sdnZoneResponse" name="sdn-zone-response" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="EdgeTagQueryResult">
+ <xml-root-element name="edge-tag-query-result" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="taggedInventoryItemList" name="tagged-inventory-item-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="TaggedInventoryItemList">
+ <xml-root-element name="tagged-inventory-item-list" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="inventoryItem" name="inventory-item" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="InventoryItem">
+ <xml-root-element name="inventory-item" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="inventoryItemType" name="inventory-item-type" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="inventoryItemLink" name="inventory-item-link" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="inventoryItemData" name="inventory-item-data" type="" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="taggedInventoryItemList" name="tagged-inventory-item-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="InventoryItemData">
+ <xml-root-element name="inventory-item-data" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyName" name="property-name" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyValue" name="property-value" type="java.lang.String" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="EdgeTagQueryRequest">
+ <xml-root-element name="edge-tag-query-request" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="edgeTag" name="edge-tag" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resultDetail" name="result-detail" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="startNodeType" name="start-node-type" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="startNodeFilter" name="start-node-filter" type="" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="includeNodeFilter" name="include-node-filter" type="" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="secondaryFilter" name="secondary-filter" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="StartNodeFilter">
+ <xml-root-element name="start-node-filter" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyName" name="property-name" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyValue" name="property-value" type="java.lang.String" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="IncludeNodeFilter">
+ <xml-root-element name="include-node-filter" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="includeNodeType" name="include-node-type" type="java.lang.String" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="SecondaryFilter">
+ <xml-root-element name="secondary-filter" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyName" name="property-name" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="filterType" name="filter-type" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyValue" name="property-value" type="java.lang.String" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="SearchResults">
+ <xml-root-element name="search-results" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="resultData" name="result-data" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ResultData">
+ <xml-root-element name="result-data" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceType" name="resource-type" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The specific type of node in the A&amp;AI graph" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceLink" name="resource-link" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The URL to the specific resource" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="SdnZoneResponse">
+ <xml-root-element name="sdn-zone-response" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="oamNetworks" name="oam-networks" type="" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="azAndDvsSwitches" name="az-and-dvs-switches" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="AzAndDvsSwitches">
+ <xml-root-element name="az-and-dvs-switches" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="dvsSwitches" name="dvs-switches" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="availabilityZone" name="availability-zone" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Actions">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="APIs that are more action related than REST (e.g., notify, update)." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="actions" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="update" name="update" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="notify" name="notify" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Update">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Serves a PATCH like function. Does not enforce concurrency control. Clear each usage with AAI team." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="update" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="updateNodeType" name="update-node-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="updateNodeKey" name="update-node-key" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="updateNodeUri" name="update-node-uri" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="action" name="action" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Action">
+ <xml-root-element name="action" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="actionType" name="action-type" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="actionData" name="action-data" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ActionData">
+ <xml-root-element name="action-data" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyName" name="property-name" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyValue" name="property-value" type="java.lang.String" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="UpdateNodeKey">
+ <xml-root-element name="update-node-key" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="keyName" name="key-name" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="keyValue" name="key-value" type="java.lang.String" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Notify">
+ <xml-root-element name="notify" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="eventId" name="event-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="nodeType" name="node-type" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="eventTrigger" name="event-trigger" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="keyData" name="key-data" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="selflink" name="selflink" type="java.lang.String" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="KeyData">
+ <xml-root-element name="key-data" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="keyName" name="key-name" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="keyValue" name="key-value" type="java.lang.String" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="CloudInfrastructure">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Namespace for cloud infrastructure." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="cloud-infrastructure" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="complexes" name="complexes" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cloudRegions" name="cloud-regions" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="networkProfiles" name="network-profiles" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="pservers" name="pservers" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="virtualDataCenters" name="virtual-data-centers" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="CloudRegions">
+ <xml-root-element name="cloud-regions" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="cloudRegion" name="cloud-region" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="maximumDepth" value="0" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="CloudRegion">
+ <xml-root-element name="cloud-region" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cloudOwner" name="cloud-owner" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Identifies the vendor and cloud name. First part of composite key should be formatted as vendor-cloudname" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cloudRegionId" name="cloud-region-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Identifier used by the vendor for the region. Second part of composite key" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cloudType" name="cloud-type" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Type of the cloud (e.g., openstack)" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ownerDefinedType" name="owner-defined-type" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Cloud-owner defined type indicator (e.g., dcp, lcp)" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cloudRegionVersion" name="cloud-region-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Software version employed at the site. NOTE - THIS FIELD IS NOT KEPT UP TO DATE." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="identityUrl" name="identity-url" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="URL of the keystone identity service" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cloudZone" name="cloud-zone" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Zone where the cloud is homed. NOTE - THIS FIELD IS NOT CORRECTLY POPULATED." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="complexName" name="complex-name" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="complex name for cloud-region instance. NOTE - THIS FIELD IS NOT CORRECTLY POPULATED." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="volumeGroups" name="volume-groups" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="tenants" name="tenants" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="flavors" name="flavors" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="groupAssignments" name="group-assignments" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="snapshots" name="snapshots" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="images" name="images" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="dvsSwitches" name="dvs-switches" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="oamNetworks" name="oam-networks" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="availabilityZones" name="availability-zones" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="cloud-region designates an installation of a cloud cluster or region or instantiation. In AT&amp;Ts AIC cloud, this could be an LCP or DCP. Cloud regions are uniquely identified by a composite key, cloud-owner + cloud-region-id. The format of the cloud-owner is vendor-cloudname and we will use att-aic for AT&amp;T's AIC." />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="cloud-owner,cloud-region-id,cloud-type,owner-defined-type" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="owner-defined-type" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="cloud-regions" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="cloud-infrastructure" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="VolumeGroups">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of persistent block-level storage." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="volume-groups" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="volumeGroup" name="volume-group" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="VolumeGroup">
+ <xml-root-element name="volume-group" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="volumeGroupId" name="volume-group-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique ID of volume-group." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="volumeGroupName" name="volume-group-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of the volume group." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="heatStackId" name="heat-stack-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Heat stack id corresponding to this volume-group" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfType" name="vnf-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="String capturing type of vnf, that was intended to identify the ASDC resource. This field has been overloaded in service-specific ways and clients should expect changes to occur in the future to this field as ECOMP matures." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="orchestrationStatus" name="orchestration-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Orchestration status of this volume-group" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelCustomizationId" name="model-customization-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="captures the id of all the configuration used to customize the resource for the service." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vfModuleModelCustomizationId" name="vf-module-model-customization-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="helps relate the volume group to the vf-module whose components will require the volume group" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Persistent block-level storage." />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="volume-group-name,vnf-type,heat-stack-id,volume-group-id" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="volume-group-id,volume-group-name" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="cloud-region" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="volume-groups" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="RelationshipList">
+ <xml-root-element name="relationship-list" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="relationship" name="relationship" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Relationship">
+ <xml-root-element name="relationship" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relatedTo" name="related-to" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="A keyword provided by A&amp;AI to indicate type of node." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relatedLink" name="related-link" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="URL to the object in A&amp;AI." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="relationshipData" name="relationship-data" type="" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="relatedToProperty" name="related-to-property" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="RelatedToProperty">
+ <xml-root-element name="related-to-property" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyKey" name="property-key" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Key part of a key/value pair" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyValue" name="property-value" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Value part of a key/value pair" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="RelationshipData">
+ <xml-root-element name="relationship-data" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipKey" name="relationship-key" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="A keyword provided by A&amp;AI to indicate an attribute." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipValue" name="relationship-value" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Value of the attribute." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Complexes">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of physical locations that can house cloud-regions." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="complexes" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="complex" name="complex" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="maximumDepth" value="0" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Complex">
+ <xml-root-element name="complex" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="physicalLocationId" name="physical-location-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique identifier for physical location, e.g., CLLI" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="dataCenterCode" name="data-center-code" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Data center code which can be an alternate way to identify a complex" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="complexName" name="complex-name" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Gamma complex name for LCP instance." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="identityUrl" name="identity-url" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="URL of the keystone identity service" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="physicalLocationType" name="physical-location-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Type, e.g., central office, data center." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="street1" name="street1" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="street2" name="street2" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="city" name="city" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="state" name="state" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="postalCode" name="postal-code" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="country" name="country" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="region" name="region" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="latitude" name="latitude" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="longitude" name="longitude" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="elevation" name="elevation" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="lata" name="lata" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ctagPools" name="ctag-pools" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of physical locations that can house cloud-regions." />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="identity-url,data-center-code,complex-name,physical-location-id" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="physical-location-id,data-center-code,complex-name,street1,street2,postal-code" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="physical-location-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="complexes" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="cloud-infrastructure" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="CtagPools">
+ <xml-root-element name="ctag-pools" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="ctagPool" name="ctag-pool" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="CtagPool">
+ <xml-root-element name="ctag-pool" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="targetPe" name="target-pe" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The Target provider edge router" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="availabilityZoneName" name="availability-zone-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of the availability zone" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ctagPoolPurpose" name="ctag-pool-purpose" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Describes what the intended purpose of this pool is." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ctagValues" name="ctag-values" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Comma separated list of ctags" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="A collection of C tags (vlan tags) grouped for a specific purpose." />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="availability-zone-name" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="complex" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="ctag-pools" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Tenants">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of openstack tenants." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="tenants" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="tenant" name="tenant" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="maximumDepth" value="0" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Tenant">
+ <xml-root-element name="tenant" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="tenantId" name="tenant-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique id relative to the cloud-region." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="tenantName" name="tenant-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Readable name of tenant" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vservers" name="vservers" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Openstack tenant" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="tenant-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="tenant-name,tenant-id" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="tenant-id,tenant-name" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="cloud-region" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="tenants" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Vservers">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of virtual Servers, aka virtual machines or VMs." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="vservers" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="vserver" name="vserver" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Vserver">
+ <xml-root-element name="vserver" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vserverId" name="vserver-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique identifier for this vserver relative to its tenant" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vserverName" name="vserver-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of vserver" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vserverName2" name="vserver-name2" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Alternative name of vserver" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="provStatus" name="prov-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Trigger for operational monitoring of this resource by Service Assurance systems." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vserverSelflink" name="vserver-selflink" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="URL to endpoint where AAI can get more details" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element default-value="false" required="true" java-attribute="inMaint" name="in-maint" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used to indicate whether or not this object is in maintenance mode (maintenance mode = true). This field (in conjunction with prov-status) is used to suppress alarms and vSCL on VNFs/VMs." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element default-value="false" required="true" java-attribute="isClosedLoopDisabled" name="is-closed-loop-disabled" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used to indicate whether closed loop function is enabled on this node" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="volumes" name="volumes" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="lInterfaces" name="l-interfaces" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Virtual Servers, aka virtual machine or VM." />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="vserver-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="is-closed-loop-disabled,prov-status,vserver-name,vserver-id,in-maint,vserver-name2" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="vserver-id,vserver-name,vserver-name2" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="tenant" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="vservers" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="LInterfaces">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of logical interfaces." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="l-interfaces" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="lInterface" name="l-interface" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="LInterface">
+ <xml-root-element name="l-interface" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="interfaceName" name="interface-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name given to the interface" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="interfaceRole" name="interface-role" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="E.g., CUSTOMER, UPLINK, etc." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="v6WanLinkIp" name="v6-wan-link-ip" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Questionably placed - v6 ip addr of this interface (is in vr-lan-interface from Mary B." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="selflink" name="selflink" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="URL to endpoint where AAI can get more details" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="interfaceId" name="interface-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="ID of interface" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="macaddr" name="macaddr" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="MAC address for the interface" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="networkName" name="network-name" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of the network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="managementOption" name="management-option" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Whether A&amp;AI should be managing this interface of not. Could have value like CUSTOMER" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="interfaceDescription" name="interface-description" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Human friendly text regarding this interface." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="isPortMirrored" name="is-port-mirrored" required="true" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="boolean indicatating whether or not port is a mirrored." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element default-value="false" java-attribute="inMaint" name="in-maint" required="true" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="used to indicate whether or not this object is in maintenance mode (maintenance mode = true)" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vlans" name="vlans" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="sriovVfs" name="sriov-vfs" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="lInterfaces" name="l-interfaces" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="l3InterfaceIpv4AddressList" name="l3-interface-ipv4-address-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="l3InterfaceIpv6AddressList" name="l3-interface-ipv6-address-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Logical interfaces, e.g., a vnic." />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="macaddr,interface-id,interface-name,network-name" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="generic-vnf,newvce,vpe,p-interface,vserver,lag-interface" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="l-interfaces" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="SriovVfs">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of SR-IOV Virtual Functions." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="sriov-vfs" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="sriovVf" name="sriov-vf" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="SriovVf">
+ <xml-root-element name="sriov-vf" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="pciId" name="pci-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="PCI ID used to identify the sriov-vf" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vfVlanFilter" name="vf-vlan-filter" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This metadata provides option to specify list of VLAN filters applied on VF to pass the traffic to VM." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vfMacFilter" name="vf-mac-filter" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="When MAC filters are specified, VF-agent service configures VFs to do MAC level filtering before the traffic is passed to VM." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vfVlanStrip" name="vf-vlan-strip" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="When this field is set to true, VF will configured to strip the outer TAG before the traffic is passed to VM." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vfVlanAntiSpoofCheck" name="vf-vlan-anti-spoof-check" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This option ensures anti VLAN spoof checks are done at the VF level to comply with security. The disable check will also be honored per the VNF needs for trusted VMs." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vfMacAntiSpoofCheck" name="vf-mac-anti-spoof-check" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This option ensures anti MAC spoof checks are done at the VF level to comply with security. The disable check will also be honored per the VNF needs for trusted VMs." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vfMirrors" name="vf-mirrors" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This option defines the set of Mirror objects which essentially mirrors the traffic from source to set of collector VNF Ports." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vfBroadcastAllow" name="vf-broadcast-allow" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This option, if set to true, sets the VF in promiscuous mode and allows all broadcast traffic to reach the VM" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vfUnknownMulticastAllow" name="vf-unknown-multicast-allow" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This option, if set to true, sets the VF in promiscuous mode and allows unknown multicast traffic to reach the VM" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vfUnknownUnicastAllow" name="vf-unknown-unicast-allow" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This option, if set to true, sets the VF in promiscuous mode and allows unknown unicast traffic to reach the VM" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vfInsertStag" name="vf-insert-stag" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This option, if set to true, instructs to insert outer tag after traffic comes out of VM." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vfLinkStatus" name="vf-link-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This option is used to set the link status. Valid values as of 1607 are on, off, and auto." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="neutronNetworkId" name="neutron-network-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Neutron network id of the interface" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="SR-IOV Virtual Function (not to be confused with virtual network function)" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="pci-id,vf-vlan-filter,vf-mac-filter,vf-vlan-strip,neutron-network-id" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="l-interface" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="sriov-vfs" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="L3InterfaceIpv4AddressList">
+ <xml-root-element name="l3-interface-ipv4-address-list" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="l3InterfaceIpv4Address" name="l3-interface-ipv4-address" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="IP address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="l3InterfaceIpv4PrefixLength" name="l3-interface-ipv4-prefix-length" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Prefix length, 32 for single address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vlanIdInner" name="vlan-id-inner" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Inner VLAN tag" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vlanIdOuter" name="vlan-id-outer" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Outer VLAN tag" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="isFloating" name="is-floating" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Indicator of fixed or floating address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="neutronNetworkId" name="neutron-network-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Neutron network id of the interface that address belongs to" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="neutronSubnetId" name="neutron-subnet-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Neutron id of subnet that address belongs to" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="IPv4 Address Range" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="l3-interface-ipv4-address,vlan-id-inner,neutron-network-id,neutron-subnet-id" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="vlan,l-interface" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Vlans">
+ <xml-root-element name="vlans" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="vlan" name="vlan" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Vlan">
+ <xml-root-element name="vlan" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vlanInterface" name="vlan-interface" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="String that identifies the interface" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vlanIdInner" name="vlan-id-inner" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Inner VLAN tag" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vlanIdOuter" name="vlan-id-outer" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Outer VLAN tag" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="speedValue" name="speed-value" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Captures the numeric part of the speed" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="speedUnits" name="speed-units" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Captures the units corresponding to the speed" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vlanDescription" name="vlan-description" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used to describe (the service associated with) the vlan" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="backdoorConnection" name="backdoor-connection" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Whether customer is going to use this VLAN for backdoor connection to another customer premise device." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vpnId" name="vpn-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This indicates the customers VPN ID associated with this vlan" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="orchestrationStatus" name="orchestration-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Status of a vnf's vlan interface, on which the customer circuit resides, mastered by SDN-C." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element default-value="false" java-attribute="inMaint" name="in-maint" required="true" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="used to indicate whether or not this object is in maintenance mode (maintenance mode = true)" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="l3InterfaceIpv4AddressList" name="l3-interface-ipv4-address-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="l3InterfaceIpv6AddressList" name="l3-interface-ipv6-address-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Definition of vlan" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="vlan-interface,vlan-id-inner,vpn-id" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="vpn-id" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="l-interface" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="vlans" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="L3InterfaceIpv6AddressList">
+ <xml-root-element name="l3-interface-ipv6-address-list" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="l3InterfaceIpv6Address" name="l3-interface-ipv6-address" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="IP address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="l3InterfaceIpv6PrefixLength" name="l3-interface-ipv6-prefix-length" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Prefix length, 128 for single address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vlanIdInner" name="vlan-id-inner" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Inner VLAN tag" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vlanIdOuter" name="vlan-id-outer" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Outer VLAN tag" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="isFloating" name="is-floating" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Indicator of fixed or floating address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="neutronNetworkId" name="neutron-network-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Neutron network id of the interface that address belongs to" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="neutronSubnetId" name="neutron-subnet-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Neutron id of subnet that address belongs to" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="IPv6 Address Range" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="l3-interface-ipv6-address,vlan-id-inner,neutron-network-id,neutron-subnet-id" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="vlan,l-interface" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Volumes">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of ephemeral Block storage volumes." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="volumes" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="volume" name="volume" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Volume">
+ <xml-root-element name="volume" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="volumeId" name="volume-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique ID of block storage volume relative to the vserver." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="volumeSelflink" name="volume-selflink" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="URL to endpoint where AAI can get more details" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Ephemeral Block storage volume." />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="volume-id" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="vserver" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="volumes" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Flavors">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of openstack flavors." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="flavors" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="flavor" name="flavor" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Flavor">
+ <xml-root-element name="flavor" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="flavorId" name="flavor-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Flavor id, expected to be unique across cloud-region." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="flavorName" name="flavor-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Flavor name" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="flavorVcpus" name="flavor-vcpus" type="java.lang.Integer">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Number of CPUs" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="flavorRam" name="flavor-ram" type="java.lang.Integer">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Amount of memory" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="flavorDisk" name="flavor-disk" type="java.lang.Integer">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Disk space" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="flavorEphemeral" name="flavor-ephemeral" type="java.lang.Integer">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Amount of ephemeral disk space" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="flavorSwap" name="flavor-swap" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="amount of swap space allocation" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="flavorIsPublic" name="flavor-is-public" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="whether flavor is available to all users or private to the tenant it was created in." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="flavorSelflink" name="flavor-selflink" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="URL to endpoint where AAI can get more details" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="flavorDisabled" name="flavor-disabled" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Boolean as to whether this flavor is no longer enabled" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Openstack flavor." />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="flavor-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="flavor-name,flavor-id" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="cloud-region" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="flavors" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Snapshots">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of openstack snapshots" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="snapshots" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="snapshot" name="snapshot" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Snapshot">
+ <xml-root-element name="snapshot" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="snapshotId" name="snapshot-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Snapshot id, this is the key UUID assoc associated in glance with the snapshots." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="snapshotName" name="snapshot-name" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Snapshot name" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="snapshotArchitecture" name="snapshot-architecture" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Operating system architecture" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="snapshotOsDistro" name="snapshot-os-distro" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The common name of the operating system distribution in lowercase" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="snapshotOsVersion" name="snapshot-os-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The operating system version as specified by the distributor." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="application" name="application" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The application that the image instantiates." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="applicationVendor" name="application-vendor" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The vendor of the application." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="applicationVersion" name="application-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The version of the application." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="snapshotSelflink" name="snapshot-selflink" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="URL to endpoint where AAI can get more details" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="prevSnapshotId" name="prev-snapshot-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This field contains the UUID of the previous snapshot (if any)." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Openstack snapshot" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="snapshot-name" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="snapshot-id" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="application,snapshot-name,application-vendor,snapshot-id,application-version,prev-snapshot-id" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="cloud-region" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="snapshots" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="GroupAssignments">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of openstack group assignments" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="group-assignments" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="groupAssignment" name="group-assignment" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="GroupAssignment">
+ <xml-root-element name="group-assignment" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="groupId" name="group-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Group id, expected to be unique across cloud-region." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="groupType" name="group-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Group type - the type of group this instance refers to" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="groupName" name="group-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Group name - name assigned to the group" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="groupDescription" name="group-description" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Group description - description of the group" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Openstack group-assignment used to store exclusivity groups (EG)." />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="group-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="group-id,group-type,group-name" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="cloud-region" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="group-assignments" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Images">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collectio of Openstack images." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="images" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="image" name="image" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Image">
+ <xml-root-element name="image" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="imageId" name="image-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Image id, expected to be unique across cloud region" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="imageName" name="image-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Image name" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="imageArchitecture" name="image-architecture" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Operating system architecture." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="imageOsDistro" name="image-os-distro" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The common name of the operating system distribution in lowercase" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="imageOsVersion" name="image-os-version" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The operating system version as specified by the distributor." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="application" name="application" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The application that the image instantiates." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="applicationVendor" name="application-vendor" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The vendor of the application." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="applicationVersion" name="application-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The version of the application." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="imageSelflink" name="image-selflink" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="URL to endpoint where AAI can get more details" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="metadata" name="metadata" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Openstack image." />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="image-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="application,image-name,application-vendor,image-id,application-version" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="cloud-region" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="images" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Metadata">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of metadatum (key/value pairs)" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="metadata" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="metadatum" name="metadatum" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Metadatum">
+ <xml-root-element name="metadatum" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="metaname" name="metaname" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="metaval" name="metaval" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Key/value pairs" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="metaname" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="tenant,image,service-instance,connector,model" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="metadata" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="DvsSwitches">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of digital virtual switch metadata used for vmWare VCEs and VPEs." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="dvs-switches" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="dvsSwitch" name="dvs-switch" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="DvsSwitch">
+ <xml-root-element name="dvs-switch" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="switchName" name="switch-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="DVS switch name" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vcenterUrl" name="vcenter-url" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="URL used to reach the vcenter" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Digital virtual switch metadata, used by SDN-C to configure VCEs. A&amp;AI needs to receive this data from the PO deployment team and administer it using the into A&amp;AI. " />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="vcenter-url,switch-name" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="cloud-region" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="dvs-switches" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="NetworkProfiles">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of network profiles" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="network-profiles" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="networkProfile" name="network-profile" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="NetworkProfile">
+ <xml-root-element name="network-profile" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="nmProfileName" name="nm-profile-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique name of network profile." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="communityString" name="community-string" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Encrypted SNMP community string" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Network profile populated by SDN-GP for SNMP" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="nm-profile-name" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="network-profiles" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="cloud-infrastructure" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Pservers">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of compute hosts." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="pservers" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="pserver" name="pserver" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="maximumDepth" value="0" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Pserver">
+ <xml-root-element name="pserver" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="hostname" name="hostname" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Value from executing hostname on the compute node." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ptniiEquipName" name="ptnii-equip-name" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="PTNII name" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="numberOfCpus" name="number-of-cpus" type="java.lang.Integer">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Number of cpus" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="diskInGigabytes" name="disk-in-gigabytes" type="java.lang.Integer">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Disk size, in GBs" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ramInMegabytes" name="ram-in-megabytes" type="java.lang.Integer">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="RAM size, in MBs" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="equipType" name="equip-type" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Equipment type. Source of truth should define valid values." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="equipVendor" name="equip-vendor" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Equipment vendor. Source of truth should define valid values." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="equipModel" name="equip-model" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Equipment model. Source of truth should define valid values." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="fqdn" name="fqdn" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Fully-qualified domain name" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="pserverSelflink" name="pserver-selflink" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="URL to endpoint where AAI can get more details" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipv4OamAddress" name="ipv4-oam-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used to configure device, also used for troubleshooting and is IP used for traps generated by device." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serialNumber" name="serial-number" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Serial number, may be queried" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipaddressV4Loopback0" name="ipaddress-v4-loopback-0" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="IPV4 Loopback 0 address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipaddressV6Loopback0" name="ipaddress-v6-loopback-0" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="IPV6 Loopback 0 address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipaddressV4Aim" name="ipaddress-v4-aim" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="IPV4 AIM address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipaddressV6Aim" name="ipaddress-v6-aim" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="IPV6 AIM address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipaddressV6Oam" name="ipaddress-v6-oam" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="IPV6 OAM address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="invStatus" name="inv-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="CANOPI's inventory status. Only set with values exactly as defined by CANOPI." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="pserverId" name="pserver-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="ID of Pserver" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="internetTopology" name="internet-topology" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="internet topology of Pserver" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element default-value="false" required="true" java-attribute="inMaint" name="in-maint" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="used to indicate whether or not this object is in maintenance mode (maintenance mode = true). This field (in conjunction with prov-status) is used to suppress alarms and vSCL on VNFs/VMs." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="pserverName2" name="pserver-name2" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="alternative pserver name" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="purpose" name="purpose" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="purpose of pserver" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="provStatus" name="prov-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Prov Status of this device (not under canopi control) Valid values [PREPROV/NVTPROV/PROV]" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="pInterfaces" name="p-interfaces" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="lagInterfaces" name="lag-interfaces" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Compute host whose hostname must be unique and must exactly match what is sent as a relationship to a vserver." />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="pserver-name2" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="hostname,in-maint,pserver-id,pserver-name2,inv-status" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="hostname,pserver-name2,pserver-id,ipv4-oam-address" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="pservers" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="cloud-infrastructure" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="PInterfaces">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of physical interfaces." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="p-interfaces" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="pInterface" name="p-interface" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="PInterface">
+ <xml-root-element name="p-interface" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="interfaceName" name="interface-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name that identifies the physical interface" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="speedValue" name="speed-value" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Captures the numeric part of the speed" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="speedUnits" name="speed-units" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Captures the units corresponding to the speed" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="portDescription" name="port-description" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Nature of the services and connectivity on this port." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="equipmentIdentifier" name="equipment-identifier" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="CLEI or other specification for p-interface hardware." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="interfaceRole" name="interface-role" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Role specification for p-interface hardware." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="interfaceType" name="interface-type" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Indicates the physical properties of the interface." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="provStatus" name="prov-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Trigger for operational monitoring of this resource by Service Assurance systems." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element default-value="false" java-attribute="inMaint" name="in-maint" required="true" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="used to indicate whether or not this object is in maintenance mode (maintenance mode = true)" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="lInterfaces" name="l-interfaces" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Physical interface (e.g., nic)" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="interface-name,prov-status" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="prov-status" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="vpls-pe,pserver,pnf" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="p-interfaces" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="LagInterfaces">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of link aggregate interfaces." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="lag-interfaces" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="lagInterface" name="lag-interface" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="LagInterface">
+ <xml-root-element name="lag-interface" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="interfaceName" name="interface-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name that identifies the link aggregate interface" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="interfaceDescription" name="interface-description" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Human friendly text regarding this interface." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="speedValue" name="speed-value" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Captures the numeric part of the speed" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="speedUnits" name="speed-units" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Captures the units corresponding to the speed" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="interfaceId" name="interface-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="ID of interface" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="interfaceRole" name="interface-role" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Role assigned to this Interface, should use values as defined in ECOMP Yang models." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="provStatus" name="prov-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Trigger for operational monitoring of this resource by Service Assurance systems." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element default-value="false" java-attribute="inMaint" name="in-maint" required="true" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="used to indicate whether or not this object is in maintenance mode (maintenance mode = true)" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="lInterfaces" name="l-interfaces" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Link aggregate interface" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="interface-name,interface-id,interface-role" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="generic-vnf,pserver,vpe,vpls-pe,pnf" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="lag-interfaces" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="OamNetworks">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of OAM networks, to be deprecated shortly. Do not use for new purposes. " />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="oam-networks" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="oamNetwork" name="oam-network" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="OamNetwork">
+ <xml-root-element name="oam-network" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="networkUuid" name="network-uuid" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="UUID of the network. Unique across a cloud-region" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="networkName" name="network-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of the network." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cvlanTag" name="cvlan-tag" required="true" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="cvlan-id" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipv4OamGatewayAddress" name="ipv4-oam-gateway-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for VNF firewall rule so customer cannot send customer traffic over this oam network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipv4OamGatewayAddressPrefixLength" name="ipv4-oam-gateway-address-prefix-length" type="java.lang.Integer">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for VNF firewall rule so customer cannot send customer traffic over this oam network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="OAM network, to be deprecated shortly. Do not use for new purposes. " />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="network-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="cvlan-tag,network-uuid,network-name" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="cloud-region" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="oam-networks" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="AvailabilityZones">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of availability zones" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="availability-zones" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="availabilityZone" name="availability-zone" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="AvailabilityZone">
+ <xml-root-element name="availability-zone" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="availabilityZoneName" name="availability-zone-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of the availability zone. Unique across a cloud region" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="hypervisorType" name="hypervisor-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Type of hypervisor. Source of truth should define valid values." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="operationalState" name="operational-state" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="State that indicates whether the availability zone should be used, etc. Source of truth should define valid values." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Availability zone, a collection of compute hosts/pservers" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="availability-zone-name" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="cloud-region" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="availability-zones" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="VirtualDataCenters">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Virtual organization of cloud infrastructure elements in a data center context" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="virtual-data-centers" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="virtualDataCenter" name="virtual-data-center" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="VirtualDataCenter">
+ <xml-root-element name="virtual-data-center" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vdcId" name="vdc-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique ID of the vdc" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vdcName" name="vdc-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of the virtual data center" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Virtual organization of cloud infrastructure elements in a data center context" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="vdc-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="vdc-name,vdc-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="virtual-data-centers" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="cloud-infrastructure" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Business">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Namespace for business related constructs" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="business" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="connectors" name="connectors" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="customers" name="customers" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Connectors">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of resource instances used to connect a variety of disparate inventory widgets" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="connectors" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="connector" name="connector" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Connector">
+ <xml-root-element name="connector" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceInstanceId" name="resource-instance-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique id of resource instance." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelInvariantId" name="model-invariant-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model id for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="deployment" />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-invariant-id-local" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelVersionId" name="model-version-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model version for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="deployment" />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-version-id-local" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="personaModelVersion" name="persona-model-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model version for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="internal" />
+ <xml-property name="dataLocation" value="service-design-and-creation/models/model/{model-invariant-id}/model-vers/model-ver/{model-version-id}#model-version" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="widgetModelId" name="widget-model-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC data dictionary widget model. This maps directly to the A&amp;AI widget." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="widgetModelVersion" name="widget-model-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC data dictionary version of the widget model.This maps directly to the A&amp;AI version of the widget." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="metadata" name="metadata" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of resource instances used to connect a variety of disparate inventory widgets" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="resource-instance-id,model-invariant-id,model-version-id,widget-model-id,widget-model-version" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="connectors" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="business" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Customers">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of customer identifiers to provide linkage back to BSS information." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="customers" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="customer" name="customer" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="maximumDepth" value="0" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Customer">
+ <xml-root-element name="customer" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="globalCustomerId" name="global-customer-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Global customer id used across ECOMP to uniquely identify customer." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="subscriberName" name="subscriber-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Subscriber name, an alternate way to retrieve a customer." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="subscriberType" name="subscriber-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Subscriber type, a way to provide VID with only the INFRA customers." />
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="CUST" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceSubscriptions" name="service-subscriptions" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="customer identifiers to provide linkage back to BSS information." />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="subscriber-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="subscriber-name,global-customer-id,subscriber-type" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="global-customer-id,subscriber-name" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="global-customer-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="customers" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="business" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ServiceSubscriptions">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of objects that group service instances." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="service-subscriptions" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="serviceSubscription" name="service-subscription" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ServiceSubscription">
+ <xml-root-element name="service-subscription" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceType" name="service-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Value defined by orchestration to identify this service across ECOMP." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="tempUbSubAccountId" name="temp-ub-sub-account-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This property will be deleted from A&amp;AI in the near future. Only stop gap solution." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceInstances" name="service-instances" type="">
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Object that group service instances." />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="service-type" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="customer" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="service-subscriptions" />
+ <xml-property name="crossEntityReference" value="service-instance,service-type" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ServiceInstances">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of service instances" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="service-instances" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="serviceInstance" name="service-instance" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ServiceInstance">
+ <xml-root-element name="service-instance" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceInstanceId" name="service-instance-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Uniquely identifies this instance of a service" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceInstanceName" name="service-instance-name" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This field will store a name assigned to the service-instance." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelInvariantId" name="model-invariant-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model id for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="deployment" />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-invariant-id-local" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelVersionId" name="model-version-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model version for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="deployment" />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-version-id-local" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="personaModelVersion" name="persona-model-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model version for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="internal" />
+ <xml-property name="dataLocation" value="service-design-and-creation/models/model/{model-invariant-id}/model-vers/model-ver/{model-version-id}#model-version" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="widgetModelId" name="widget-model-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC data dictionary widget model. This maps directly to the A&amp;AI widget." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="widgetModelVersion" name="widget-model-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC data dictionary version of the widget model.This maps directly to the A&amp;AI version of the widget." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="bandwidthTotal" name="bandwidth-total" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Indicates the total bandwidth to be used for this service." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="bandwidthUpWan1" name="bandwidth-up-wan1" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="indicates the upstream bandwidth this service will use on the WAN1 port of the physical device." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="bandwidthDownWan1" name="bandwidth-down-wan1" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="indicates the downstream bandwidth this service will use on the WAN1 port of the physical device." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="bandwidthUpWan2" name="bandwidth-up-wan2" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="indicates the upstream bandwidth this service will use on the WAN2 port of the physical device." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="bandwidthDownWan2" name="bandwidth-down-wan2" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="indicates the downstream bandwidth this service will use on the WAN2 port of the physical device." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vhnPortalUrl" name="vhn-portal-url" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="URL customers will use to access the vHN Portal." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="operationalStatus" name="operational-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Operational status of the service-instance." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceInstanceLocationId" name="service-instance-location-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="An identifier that customers assign to the location where this service is being used." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="selflink" name="selflink" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Path to the controller object." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="orchestrationStatus" name="orchestration-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Orchestration status of this service." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="metadata" name="metadata" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="allottedResources" name="allotted-resources" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Instance of a service" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="service-instance-id,model-invariant-id,model-version-id,widget-model-id,widget-model-version,service-instance-name,service-instance-location-id,orchestration-status" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="service-instance-name" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="service-instance-id,service-instance-name" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="service-instance-id" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="service-subscription" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="service-instances" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ServiceDesignAndCreation">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Namespace for objects managed by ASDC" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="service-design-and-creation" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfImages" name="vnf-images" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="services" name="services" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceCapabilities" name="service-capabilities" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="models" name="models" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="namedQueries" name="named-queries" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="VnfImages">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of image objects that pertain to a VNF that doesn't have associated vservers. This is a kludge." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="vnf-images" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="vnfImage" name="vnf-image" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="VnfImage">
+ <xml-root-element name="vnf-image" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfImageUuid" name="vnf-image-uuid" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique ID of this asset" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="application" name="application" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The application that the image instantiates." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="applicationVendor" name="application-vendor" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The vendor of the application." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="applicationVersion" name="application-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The version of the application." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="selflink" name="selflink" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="URL to endpoint where AAI can get more details" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Image object that pertain to a VNF that doesn't have associated vservers. This is a kludge." />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="application,vnf-image-uuid,application-vendor,application-version" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="vnf-image-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="vnf-images" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="service-design-and-creation" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Services">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of service model definitions. Likely to be deprecated in favor of models from ASDC." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="services" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="service" name="service" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Service">
+ <xml-root-element name="service" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceId" name="service-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This gets defined by others to provide a unique ID for the service, we accept what is sent." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceDescription" name="service-description" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Description of the service" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceSelflink" name="service-selflink" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="URL to endpoint where AAI can get more details" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceVersion" name="service-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="service version" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Stand-in for service model definitions. Likely to be deprecated in favor of models from ASDC. Does not strictly map to ASDC services." />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="service-description,service-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="services" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="service-design-and-creation" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ServiceCapabilities">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of service capabilities." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="service-capabilities" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="serviceCapability" name="service-capability" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ServiceCapability">
+ <xml-root-element name="service-capability" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceType" name="service-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This gets defined by others to provide a unique ID for the service, we accept what is sent." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfType" name="vnf-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="String capturing type of vnf, that was intended to identify the ASDC resource. This field has been overloaded in service-specific ways and clients should expect changes to occur in the future to this field as ECOMP matures." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Early definition of server/resource pairings, likely to be replaced by models. No new use should be made of this." />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="service-type,vnf-type" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="service-capabilities" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="service-design-and-creation" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Network">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Namespace for network inventory resources." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="network" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="logicalLinks" name="logical-links" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="sitePairSets" name="site-pair-sets" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vpnBindings" name="vpn-bindings" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vplsPes" name="vpls-pes" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="multicastConfigurations" name="multicast-configurations" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vces" name="vces" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vpes" name="vpes" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfcs" name="vnfcs" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="l3Networks" name="l3-networks" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="networkPolicies" name="network-policies" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="genericVnfs" name="generic-vnfs" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="lagLinks" name="lag-links" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="newvces" name="newvces" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="pnfs" name="pnfs" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="physicalLinks" name="physical-links" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipsecConfigurations" name="ipsec-configurations" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="routeTableReferences" name="route-table-references" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="instanceGroups" name="instance-groups" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="zones" name="zones" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="LogicalLinks">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of logical connections" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="logical-links" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="logicalLink" name="logical-link" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="LogicalLink">
+ <xml-root-element name="logical-link" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="linkName" name="link-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="e.g., evc-name, or vnf-nameA_interface-nameA_vnf-nameZ_interface-nameZ" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="linkType" name="link-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Type of logical link, e.g., evc" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="speedValue" name="speed-value" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Captures the numeric part of the speed" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="speedUnits" name="speed-units" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Captures the units corresponding to the speed" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipVersion" name="ip-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="v4, v6, or ds for dual stack" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="routingProtocol" name="routing-protocol" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="For example, static or BGP" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelInvariantId" name="model-invariant-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model id for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="deployment" />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-invariant-id-local" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelVersionId" name="model-version-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model version for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="deployment" />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-version-id-local" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="personaModelVersion" name="persona-model-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model version for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="internal" />
+ <xml-property name="dataLocation" value="service-design-and-creation/models/model/{model-invariant-id}/model-vers/model-ver/{model-version-id}#model-version" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="widgetModelId" name="widget-model-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC data dictionary widget model. This maps directly to the A&amp;AI widget." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="widgetModelVersion" name="widget-model-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC data dictionary version of the widget model.This maps directly to the A&amp;AI version of the widget." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="operationalStatus" name="operational-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Indication of operational status of the logical link." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="provStatus" name="prov-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Trigger for operational monitoring of this VNF by BAU Service Assurance systems." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="linkRole" name="link-role" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Indication of the network use of the logical link." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="linkName2" name="link-name2" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Alias or alternate name (CLCI or D1 name)." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="linkId" name="link-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="UUID of the logical-link, SDNC generates this." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="circuitId" name="circuit-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Circuit id" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="purpose" name="purpose" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Reason for this entity, role it is playing" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Logical links generally connect l-interfaces but are used to express logical connectivity between two points" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="link-name,model-invariant-id,model-version-id,widget-model-id,widget-model-version,link-id,prov-status,circuit-id,purpose" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="link-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="logical-links" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="link-name" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="SitePairSets">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of sets of instances for probes related to generic-vnf" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="site-pair-sets" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="sitePairSet" name="site-pair-set" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="SitePairSet">
+ <xml-root-element name="site-pair-set" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="sitePairSetId" name="site-pair-set-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique id of site pair set." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="routingInstances" name="routing-instances" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Set of instances for probes used to measure service level agreements" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="site-pair-set-id" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="site-pair-set-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="site-pair-sets" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="RoutingInstances">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="set of probes related to generic-vnf routing instance" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="routing-instances" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="routingInstance" name="routing-instance" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="RoutingInstance">
+ <xml-root-element name="routing-instance" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="routingInstanceId" name="routing-instance-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique id of routing instance" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="rpmOwner" name="rpm-owner" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="rpm owner" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="sitePairs" name="site-pairs" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="routing-instance-id" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="routing-instance-id" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="site-pair-set" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="routing-instances" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="SitePairs">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="probe within a set" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="site-pairs" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="sitePair" name="site-pair" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="SitePair">
+ <xml-root-element name="site-pair" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="sitePairId" name="site-pair-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="unique identifier of probe" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="sourceIp" name="source-ip" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Prefix address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="destinationIp" name="destination-ip" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Prefix address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipVersion" name="ip-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="ip version, v4, v6" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="destinationHostname" name="destination-hostname" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Hostname of the destination equipment to which SLAs are measured against." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="destinationEquipType" name="destination-equip-type" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The type of destinatination equipment. Could be Router, etc." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="classesOfService" name="classes-of-service" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="site-pair-id" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="site-pair-id" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="routing-instance" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="site-pairs" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ClassesOfService">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="class-of-service of probe" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="classes-of-service" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="classOfService" name="class-of-service" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ClassOfService">
+ <xml-root-element name="class-of-service" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cos" name="cos" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="unique identifier of probe" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="probeId" name="probe-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="identifier of probe" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="probeType" name="probe-type" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="type of probe" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="cos" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="site-pair" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="classes-of-service" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="VpnBindings">
+ <xml-root-element name="vpn-bindings" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="vpnBinding" name="vpn-binding" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="VpnBinding">
+ <xml-root-element name="vpn-binding" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vpnId" name="vpn-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="VPN ID, globally unique within A&amp;AI" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vpnName" name="vpn-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="VPN Name" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="globalRouteTarget" name="global-route-target" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Number used to identify a VPN, globally unique in the network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vpnPlatform" name="vpn-platform" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the platform associated with the VPN example AVPN, Mobility" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vpnType" name="vpn-type" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Type of the vpn, should be taken from enumerated/valid values" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="routeDistinguisher" name="route-distinguisher" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used to distinguish the distinct VPN routes of separate customers who connect to the provider in an MPLS network." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="routeTargetRole" name="route-target-role" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Role assigned to this route target" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="l3-networks relate to vpn-bindings" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="VPN binding" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="vpn-name,vpn-type" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="vpn-name,vpn-id,global-route-target,vpn-type" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="vpn-id,vpn-name" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="vpn-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="vpn-bindings" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="VplsPes">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of VPLS Provider Edge routers" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="vpls-pes" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="vplsPe" name="vpls-pe" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="VplsPe">
+ <xml-root-element name="vpls-pe" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="equipmentName" name="equipment-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="provStatus" name="prov-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Trigger for operational monitoring of this VNF by BAU Service Assurance systems." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipv4OamAddress" name="ipv4-oam-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Address tail-f uses to configure vpe, also used for troubleshooting and is IP used for traps generated by VPE (v4-loopback0-ip-address)." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="equipmentRole" name="equipment-role" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Client should send valid enumerated value, e.g., VPLS-PE." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vlanIdOuter" name="vlan-id-outer" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Temporary location for stag to get to VCE" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="pInterfaces" name="p-interfaces" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="lagInterfaces" name="lag-interfaces" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="VPLS Provider Edge routers." />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="prov-status,equipment-name" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="vpls-pes" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="MulticastConfigurations">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="multicast configuration of generic-vnf ip-address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="multicast-configurations" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="multicastConfiguration" name="multicast-configuration" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="MulticastConfiguration">
+ <xml-root-element name="multicast-configuration" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="multicastConfigurationId" name="multicast-configuration-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique id of multicast configuration." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="multicastProtocol" name="multicast-protocol" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="protocol of multicast configuration" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="rpType" name="rp-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="rp type of multicast configuration" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="multicast-configuration-id" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="multicast-configuration-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="multicast-configurations" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Vces">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of Virtual Customer Edge Routers, used specifically for Gamma. This object is deprecated." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="vces" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="vce" name="vce" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Vce">
+ <xml-root-element name="vce" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfId" name="vnf-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique id of VNF. This is unique across the graph." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfName" name="vnf-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of VNF." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfName2" name="vnf-name2" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Alternate name of VNF." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfType" name="vnf-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="String capturing type of vnf, that was intended to identify the ASDC resource. This field has been overloaded in service-specific ways and clients should expect changes to occur in the future to this field as ECOMP matures." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceId" name="service-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique identifier of service, does not strictly map to ASDC services, SOON TO BE DEPRECATED." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="regionalResourceZone" name="regional-resource-zone" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Regional way of organizing pservers, source of truth should define values" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="provStatus" name="prov-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Trigger for operational monitoring of this resource by Service Assurance systems." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="operationalState" name="operational-state" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Indicator for whether the resource is considered operational" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="licenseKey" name="license-key" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="OBSOLETE - do not use" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="equipmentRole" name="equipment-role" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Network role being played by this VNF" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="orchestrationStatus" name="orchestration-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Orchestration status of this VNF, mastered by MSO" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="heatStackId" name="heat-stack-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Heat stack id corresponding to this instance, managed by MSO" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="msoCatalogKey" name="mso-catalog-key" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Corresponds to the SDN-C catalog id used to configure this VCE" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vpeId" name="vpe-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique ID of VPE connected to this VCE." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="v6VceWanAddress" name="v6-vce-wan-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Valid v6 IP address for the WAN Link on this router. Implied length of /64." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipv4OamAddress" name="ipv4-oam-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Address tail-f uses to configure vce, also used for troubleshooting and is IP used for traps generated by VCE." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipv4Loopback0Address" name="ipv4-loopback0-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Loopback0 address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="entitlementResourceUuid" name="entitlement-resource-uuid" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="OBSOLETE - see child relationships" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="portGroups" name="port-groups" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="licenses" name="licenses" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="entitlements" name="entitlements" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Virtual Customer Edge Router, used specifically for Gamma. This object is deprecated." />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="vnf-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="vnf-name,vnf-name2,vnf-type,heat-stack-id,vnf-id,interface-name,regional-resource-zone,vpe-id,prov-status,service-id" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="vnf-id,vnf-name,vnf-name2" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="vnf-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="vces" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ <xml-property name="extends" value="vnf" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="PortGroups">
+ <xml-root-element name="port-groups" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="portGroup" name="port-group" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="PortGroup">
+ <xml-root-element name="port-group" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="interfaceId" name="interface-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique ID of the interface" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="neutronNetworkId" name="neutron-network-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Neutron network id of this Interface" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="neutronNetworkName" name="neutron-network-name" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Neutron network name of this Interface" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="interfaceRole" name="interface-role" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Role assigned to this Interface, should use values as defined in ECOMP Yang models." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="portGroupId" name="port-group-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique ID for port group in vmware" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="portGroupName" name="port-group-name" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Likely to duplicate value of neutron network name" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="switchName" name="switch-name" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="DVS or standard switch name (should be non-null for port groups associated with DVS)" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="orchestrationStatus" name="orchestration-status" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Orchestration status of this VNF, mastered by MSO" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="heatStackId" name="heat-stack-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Heat stack id corresponding to this instance, managed by MSO" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="msoCatalogKey" name="mso-catalog-key" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Corresponds to the SDN-C catalog id used to configure this VCE" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cvlanTags" name="cvlan-tags" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used to capture the network interfaces of this VCE" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="port-group-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="port-group-id,heat-stack-id,interface-id,interface-name,switch-name" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="vce" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="port-groups" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="CvlanTags">
+ <xml-root-element name="cvlan-tags" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="cvlanTagEntry" name="cvlan-tag-entry" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="CvlanTagEntry">
+ <xml-root-element name="cvlan-tag-entry" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cvlanTag" name="cvlan-tag" required="true" type="java.lang.Long" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="See mis-na-virtualization-platform.yang" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="port-group" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="cvlan-tag" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="cvlan-tags" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Vpes">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Virtual provider edge router. In 1504, A&amp;AI will populate this object through an M&amp;P and tool provided to operations." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="vpes" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="vpe" name="vpe" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Vpe">
+ <xml-root-element name="vpe" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfId" name="vnf-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique id of VNF. This is unique across the graph." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfName" name="vnf-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of VNF." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfName2" name="vnf-name2" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Alternate name of VNF." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfType" name="vnf-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="String capturing type of vnf, that was intended to identify the ASDC resource. This field has been overloaded in service-specific ways and clients should expect changes to occur in the future to this field as ECOMP matures." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceId" name="service-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique identifier of service. Does not map strictly to ASDC services. SOON TO BE DEPRECATED" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="regionalResourceZone" name="regional-resource-zone" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Regional way of organizing pservers, source of truth should define values" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="provStatus" name="prov-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Trigger for operational monitoring of this resource by Service Assurance systems." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="operationalState" name="operational-state" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Indicator for whether the resource is considered operational" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="licenseKey" name="license-key" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="OBSOLETE - do not use. See child relationships." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="equipmentRole" name="equipment-role" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Client should send valid enumerated value" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="orchestrationStatus" name="orchestration-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Orchestration status of this VNF, mastered by MSO" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="heatStackId" name="heat-stack-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Heat stack id corresponding to this instance, managed by MSO" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="msoCatalogKey" name="mso-catalog-key" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Corresponds to the SDN-C catalog id used to configure this VCE" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipv4OamAddress" name="ipv4-oam-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Address tail-f uses to configure vpe, also used for troubleshooting and is IP used for traps generated by VPE (v4-loopback0-ip-address)." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipv4OamGatewayAddressPrefixLength" name="ipv4-oam-gateway-address-prefix-length" type="java.lang.Integer">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Prefix length for oam-address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipv4OamGatewayAddress" name="ipv4-oam-gateway-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Gateway address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="v4Loopback0IpAddress" name="v4-loopback0-ip-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Loopback0 address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vlanIdOuter" name="vlan-id-outer" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Temporary location for stag to get to VCE" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="asNumber" name="as-number" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="as-number of the VPE" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="summaryStatus" name="summary-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="details regarding the vpe operation, PLEASE DISCONTINUE USE OF THIS FIELD." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="encryptedAccessFlag" name="encrypted-access-flag" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="indicates whether vpe access uses SSH" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="lInterfaces" name="l-interfaces" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="lagInterfaces" name="lag-interfaces" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="licenses" name="licenses" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="entitlements" name="entitlements" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Relationship-list must include related to info for complex." />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="vnf-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="vnf-name,vnf-name2,vnf-type,heat-stack-id,vnf-id,regional-resource-zone,prov-status,service-id" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="vnf-id,vnf-name,vnf-name2" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="vnf-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="vpes" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ <xml-property name="extends" value="vnf" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Vnfcs">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="virtual network components associated with a vserver from application controller." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="vnfcs" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="vnfc" name="vnfc" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Vnfc">
+ <xml-root-element name="vnfc" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfcName" name="vnfc-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique ID of vnfc." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfcFunctionCode" name="vnfc-function-code" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="function code" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfcType" name="vnfc-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="type" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="provStatus" name="prov-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="prov status of this vnfc" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="orchestrationStatus" name="orchestration-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Orchestration status of this VNF, mastered by APP-C" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipaddressV4OamVip" name="ipaddress-v4-oam-vip" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Oam V4 vip address of this vnfc" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element default-value="false" required="true" java-attribute="inMaint" name="in-maint" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="used to indicate whether or not this object is in maintenance mode (maintenance mode = true)" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element default-value="false" required="true" java-attribute="isClosedLoopDisabled" name="is-closed-loop-disabled" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="used to indicate whether closed loop function is enabled on this node" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="groupNotation" name="group-notation" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Group notation of VNFC" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="vnfc-name,prov-status,vnfc-type,vnfc-function-code,ipaddress-v4-oam-vip,in-maint,is-closed-loop-disabled,group-notation" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="vnfc-name" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="vnfcs" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="L3Networks">
+ <xml-root-element name="l3-networks" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="l3Network" name="l3-network" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="L3Network">
+ <xml-root-element name="l3-network" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="networkId" name="network-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Network ID, should be uuid. Unique across A&amp;AI." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="networkName" name="network-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of the network, governed by some naming convention.." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="networkType" name="network-type" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Type of the network - who defines these values?" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="networkRole" name="network-role" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Role the network plans - who defines these values?" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="networkTechnology" name="network-technology" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Network technology - who defines these values?" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="neutronNetworkId" name="neutron-network-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Neutron network id of this Interface" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element default-value="false" required="true" java-attribute="isBoundToVpn" name="is-bound-to-vpn" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Set to true if bound to VPN" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceId" name="service-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique identifier of service from ASDC. Does not strictly map to ASDC services. SOON TO BE DEPRECATED" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="networkRoleInstance" name="network-role-instance" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="network role instance" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="orchestrationStatus" name="orchestration-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Orchestration status of this VNF, mastered by MSO" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="heatStackId" name="heat-stack-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Heat stack id corresponding to this instance, managed by MSO" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="msoCatalogKey" name="mso-catalog-key" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Corresponds to the SDN-C catalog id used to configure this VCE" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="contrailNetworkFqdn" name="contrail-network-fqdn" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Contrail FQDN for the network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelInvariantId" name="model-invariant-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model id for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="deployment" />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-invariant-id-local" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelVersionId" name="model-version-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model version for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="deployment" />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-version-id-local" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="personaModelVersion" name="persona-model-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model version for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="internal" />
+ <xml-property name="dataLocation" value="service-design-and-creation/models/model/{model-invariant-id}/model-vers/model-ver/{model-version-id}#model-version" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelCustomizationId" name="model-customization-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="captures the id of all the configuration used to customize the resource for the service." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="widgetModelId" name="widget-model-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC data dictionary widget model. This maps directly to the A&amp;AI widget." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="widgetModelVersion" name="widget-model-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC data dictionary version of the widget model.This maps directly to the A&amp;AI version of the widget." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="physicalNetworkName" name="physical-network-name" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name associated with the physical network." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="isProviderNetwork" name="is-provider-network" required="true" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="boolean indicatating whether or not network is a provider network." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="isSharedNetwork" name="is-shared-network" required="true" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="boolean indicatating whether or not network is a shared network." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="isExternalNetwork" name="is-external-network" required="true" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="boolean indicatating whether or not network is an external network." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="selflink" name="selflink" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Path to the controller object." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="operationalStatus" name="operational-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Indicator for whether the resource is considered operational." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="subnets" name="subnets" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ctagAssignments" name="ctag-assignments" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="segmentationAssignments" name="segmentation-assignments" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" >
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Relates to tenant (or is it a child of tenant), complex, service, vpn-binding" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Generic network definition" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="network-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="heat-stack-id,network-uuid,service-id,network-id,network-name,model-invariant-id,model-version-id,widget-model-id,widget-model-version,contrail-network-fqdn,network-role" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="network-id,network-name" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="network-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="l3-networks" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="NetworkPolicies">
+ <xml-root-element name="network-policies" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="networkPolicy" name="network-policy" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="NetworkPolicy">
+ <xml-root-element name="network-policy" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="networkPolicyId" name="network-policy-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="UUID representing unique key to this instance" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="networkPolicyFqdn" name="network-policy-fqdn" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Contrail FQDN for the policy" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="heatStackId" name="heat-stack-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="ID for the openStack Heat instance" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="network-policy-fqdn" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="network-policy-id,network-policy-fqdn" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="network-policy-id,network-policy-fqdn" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="network-policy-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="network-policies" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="CtagAssignments">
+ <xml-root-element name="ctag-assignments" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="ctagAssignment" name="ctag-assignment" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="CtagAssignment">
+ <xml-root-element name="ctag-assignment" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vlanIdInner" name="vlan-id-inner" required="true" type="java.lang.Long" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="id." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="vlan-id-inner" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="l3-network" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="ctag-assignments" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Subnets">
+ <xml-root-element name="subnets" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="subnet" name="subnet" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Subnet">
+ <xml-root-element name="subnet" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="subnetId" name="subnet-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Subnet ID, should be UUID." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="subnetName" name="subnet-name" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name associated with the subnet." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="neutronSubnetId" name="neutron-subnet-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Neutron id of this subnet" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="gatewayAddress" name="gateway-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="gateway ip address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="networkStartAddress" name="network-start-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="network start address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cidrMask" name="cidr-mask" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="cidr mask" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipVersion" name="ip-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="ip version" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="orchestrationStatus" name="orchestration-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Orchestration status of this VNF, mastered by MSO" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element default-value="false" required="true" java-attribute="dhcpEnabled" name="dhcp-enabled" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="dhcp enabled" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="dhcpStart" name="dhcp-start" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the start address reserved for use by dhcp" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="dhcpEnd" name="dhcp-end" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the last address reserved for use by dhcp" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="subnet-id,subnet-name" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="subnet-name" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="subnet-id" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="l3-network" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="subnets" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="GenericVnfs">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of VNFs" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="generic-vnfs" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="genericVnf" name="generic-vnf" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="maximumDepth" value="0" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="GenericVnf">
+ <xml-root-element name="generic-vnf" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfId" name="vnf-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique id of VNF. This is unique across the graph." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfName" name="vnf-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of VNF." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfName2" name="vnf-name2" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Alternate name of VNF." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfType" name="vnf-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="String capturing type of vnf, that was intended to identify the ASDC resource. This field has been overloaded in service-specific ways and clients should expect changes to occur in the future to this field as ECOMP matures." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceId" name="service-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique identifier of service, does not necessarily map to ASDC service models. SOON TO BE DEPRECATED" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="regionalResourceZone" name="regional-resource-zone" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Regional way of organizing pservers, source of truth should define values" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="provStatus" name="prov-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Trigger for operational monitoring of this resource by Service Assurance systems." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="operationalState" name="operational-state" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Indicator for whether the resource is considered operational. Valid values are in-service-path and out-of-service-path." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="licenseKey" name="license-key" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="OBSOLETE - do not use" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="equipmentRole" name="equipment-role" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Client should send valid enumerated value" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="orchestrationStatus" name="orchestration-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Orchestration status of this VNF, used by MSO." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="heatStackId" name="heat-stack-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Heat stack id corresponding to this instance, managed by MSO" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="msoCatalogKey" name="mso-catalog-key" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Corresponds to the SDN-C catalog id used to configure this VCE" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="managementOption" name="management-option" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="identifier of managed by company or customer" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipv4OamAddress" name="ipv4-oam-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Address tail-f uses to configure generic-vnf, also used for troubleshooting and is IP used for traps generated by generic-vnf." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipv4Loopback0Address" name="ipv4-loopback0-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="v4 Loopback0 address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="nmLanV6Address" name="nm-lan-v6-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="v6 Loopback address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="managementV6Address" name="management-v6-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="v6 management address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vcpu" name="vcpu" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="number of vcpus ordered for this instance of VNF, used for VNFs with no vservers/flavors, to be used only in some usecases" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vcpuUnits" name="vcpu-units" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="units associated with vcpu, used for VNFs with no vservers/flavors, to be used only in some usecases" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vmemory" name="vmemory" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="number of GB of memory ordered for this instance of VNF, used for VNFs with no vservers/flavors, to be used only in some usecases" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vmemoryUnits" name="vmemory-units" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="units associated with vmemory, used for VNFs with no vservers/flavors, to be used only in some usecases" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vdisk" name="vdisk" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="number of vdisks ordered for this instance of VNF, used for VNFs with no vservers/flavors, to be used only in some usecases" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vdiskUnits" name="vdisk-units" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="units associated with vdisk, used for VNFs with no vservers/flavors, to be used only in some usecases" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element default-value="false" required="true" java-attribute="inMaint" name="in-maint" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="used to indicate whether or not this object is in maintenance mode (maintenance mode = true). This field (in conjunction with prov-status) is used to suppress alarms and vSCL on VNFs/VMs." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element default-value="false" required="true" java-attribute="isClosedLoopDisabled" name="is-closed-loop-disabled" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="used to indicate whether closed loop function is enabled on this node" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="summaryStatus" name="summary-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="details regarding the generic-vnf operation, PLEASE DISCONTINUE USE OF THIS FIELD." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="encryptedAccessFlag" name="encrypted-access-flag" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="indicates whether generic-vnf access uses SSH" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="entitlementAssignmentGroupUuid" name="entitlement-assignment-group-uuid" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="UUID of the Entitlement group used for licensing VNFs, OBSOLETE - See child relationships." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="entitlementResourceUuid" name="entitlement-resource-uuid" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="UUID of the specific entitlement resource. OBSOLETE - See child relationships." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="licenseAssignmentGroupUuid" name="license-assignment-group-uuid" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="UUID of the license assignment group. OBSOLETE - See child relationships." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="licenseKeyUuid" name="license-key-uuid" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="UUID of the actual license resource. OBSOLETE - See child relationships." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelInvariantId" name="model-invariant-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model id for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="deployment" />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-invariant-id-local" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelVersionId" name="model-version-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model version for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="deployment" />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-version-id-local" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="personaModelVersion" name="persona-model-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model version for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="internal" />
+ <xml-property name="dataLocation" value="service-design-and-creation/models/model/{model-invariant-id}/model-vers/model-ver/{model-version-id}#model-version" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelCustomizationId" name="model-customization-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="captures the id of all the configuration used to customize the resource for the service." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="widgetModelId" name="widget-model-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC data dictionary widget model. This maps directly to the A&amp;AI widget." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="widgetModelVersion" name="widget-model-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC data dictionary version of the widget model.This maps directly to the A&amp;AI version of the widget." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="asNumber" name="as-number" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="as-number of the VNF" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="regionalResourceSubzone" name="regional-resource-subzone" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="represents sub zone of the rr plane" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="nfType" name="nf-type" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Generic description of the type of NF" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="nfFunction" name="nf-function" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="English description of Network function that the specific VNF deployment is providing" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="nfRole" name="nf-role" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="role in the network that this model will be providing" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="nfNamingCode" name="nf-naming-code" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="string assigned to this model used for naming purposes" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="selflink" name="selflink" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Path to the controller object." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="lInterfaces" name="l-interfaces" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="lagInterfaces" name="lag-interfaces" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vfModules" name="vf-modules" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="licenses" name="licenses" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="entitlements" name="entitlements" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="General purpose VNF" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="vnf-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="is-closed-loop-disabled,vnf-name2,vnf-type,heat-stack-id,in-maint,vnf-name,vnf-id,regional-resource-zone,prov-status,service-id,model-invariant-id,model-version-id,widget-model-id,widget-model-version,nf-type,nf-function,nf-naming-code,nf-role" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="vnf-id,vnf-name,vnf-name2" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="vnf-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="generic-vnfs" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ <xml-property name="extends" value="vnf" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="VfModules">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of vf-modules, a deployment unit of VNFCs" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="vf-modules" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="vfModule" name="vf-module" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="VfModule">
+ <xml-root-element name="vf-module" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vfModuleId" name="vf-module-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique ID of vf-module." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vfModuleName" name="vf-module-name" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of vf-module" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="heatStackId" name="heat-stack-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Heat stack id corresponding to this instance." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="orchestrationStatus" name="orchestration-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="orchestration status of this vf-module, mastered by MSO" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element default-value="false" required="true" java-attribute="isBaseVfModule" name="is-base-vf-module" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="used to indicate whether or not this object is base vf module" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelInvariantId" name="model-invariant-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model id for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="deployment" />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-invariant-id-local" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelVersionId" name="model-version-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model version for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="deployment" />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-version-id-local" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="personaModelVersion" name="persona-model-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model version for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="internal" />
+ <xml-property name="dataLocation" value="service-design-and-creation/models/model/{model-invariant-id}/model-vers/model-ver/{model-version-id}#model-version" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelCustomizationId" name="model-customization-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="captures the id of all the configuration used to customize the resource for the service." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="widgetModelId" name="widget-model-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC data dictionary widget model. This maps directly to the A&amp;AI widget." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="widgetModelVersion" name="widget-model-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC data dictionary version of the widget model.This maps directly to the A&amp;AI version of the widget." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="contrailServiceInstanceFqdn" name="contrail-service-instance-fqdn" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the Contrail unique ID for a service-instance" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="moduleIndex" name="module-index" type="java.lang.Integer">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the index will track the number of modules of a given type that have been deployed in a VNF, starting with 0, and always choosing the lowest available digit" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="selflink" name="selflink" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Path to the controller object." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="a deployment unit of VNFCs" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="vf-module-id,vf-module-name,heat-stack-id,model-invariant-id,model-version-id,widget-model-id,widget-model-version,contrail-service-instance-fqdn" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="vf-module-id,vf-module-name" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="generic-vnf" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="vf-modules" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="LagLinks">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of link aggregation connections" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="lag-links" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="lagLink" name="lag-link" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="LagLink">
+ <xml-root-element name="lag-link" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="linkName" name="link-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Alphabetical concatenation of lag-interface names" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="LAG links can connect lag-interfaces" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="link-name" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="lag-links" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Newvces">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This object fills in the gaps from vce that were incorporated into generic-vnf. This object will be retired with vce." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="newvces" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="newvce" name="newvce" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Newvce">
+ <xml-root-element name="newvce" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfId2" name="vnf-id2" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique id of VNF, can't use same attribute name right now until we promote this new object" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfName" name="vnf-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of VNF." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfName2" name="vnf-name2" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Alternate name of VNF." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfType" name="vnf-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="String capturing type of vnf, that was intended to identify the ASDC resource. This field has been overloaded in service-specific ways and clients should expect changes to occur in the future to this field as ECOMP matures." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="provStatus" name="prov-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Trigger for operational monitoring of this VNF by BAU Service Assurance systems." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="operationalState" name="operational-state" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Indicator for whether the resource is considered operational" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="licenseKey" name="license-key" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="OBSOLETE - do not use" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipv4OamAddress" name="ipv4-oam-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Address tail-f uses to configure vpe, also used for troubleshooting and is IP used for traps generated by VPE (v4-loopback0-ip-address)." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="equipmentRole" name="equipment-role" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Client should send valid enumerated value, e.g., VPE." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipv4Loopback0Address" name="ipv4-loopback0-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="v4 Loopback0 address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="orchestrationStatus" name="orchestration-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Orchestration status of this VNF, mastered by MSO." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="heatStackId" name="heat-stack-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Heat stack id corresponding to this instance, managed by MSO" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="msoCatalogKey" name="mso-catalog-key" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Corresponds to the SDN-C catalog id used to configure this VCE" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="lInterfaces" name="l-interfaces" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This object fills in the gaps from vce that were incorporated into generic-vnf. This object will be retired with vce." />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="vnf-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="vnf-name,vnf-name2,vnf-type,heat-stack-id,prov-status,vnf-id2" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="vnf-id2,vnf-name,vnf-name2" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="vnf-id2" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="newvces" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Pnfs">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of Physical Network Functions." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="pnfs" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="pnf" name="pnf" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="maximumDepth" value="0" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Pnf">
+ <xml-root-element name="pnf" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="pnfName" name="pnf-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="unique name of Physical Network Function." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="pnfName2" name="pnf-name2" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="name of Physical Network Function." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="pnfName2Source" name="pnf-name2-source" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="source of name2" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="pnfId" name="pnf-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="id of pnf" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="equipType" name="equip-type" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Equipment type. Source of truth should define valid values." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="equipVendor" name="equip-vendor" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Equipment vendor. Source of truth should define valid values." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="equipModel" name="equip-model" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Equipment model. Source of truth should define valid values." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="managementOption" name="management-option" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="identifier of managed by company or customer" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipaddressV4Oam" name="ipaddress-v4-oam" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="ipv4-oam-address with new naming convention for IP addresses" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="swVersion" name="sw-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="sw-version is the version of SW for the hosted application on the PNF." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element default-value="false" required="true" java-attribute="inMaint" name="in-maint" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used to indicate whether or not this object is in maintenance mode (maintenance mode = true). This field (in conjunction with prov-status) is used to suppress alarms and vSCL on VNFs/VMs." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="frameId" name="frame-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="ID of the physical frame (relay rack) where pnf is installed." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serialNumber" name="serial-number" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Serial number of the device" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipaddressV4Loopback0" name="ipaddress-v4-loopback-0" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="IPV4 Loopback 0 address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipaddressV6Loopback0" name="ipaddress-v6-loopback-0" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="IPV6 Loopback 0 address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipaddressV4Aim" name="ipaddress-v4-aim" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="IPV4 AIM address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipaddressV6Aim" name="ipaddress-v6-aim" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="IPV6 AIM address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipaddressV6Oam" name="ipaddress-v6-oam" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="IPV6 OAM address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="invStatus" name="inv-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="CANOPI's inventory status. Only set with values exactly as defined by CANOPI." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="provStatus" name="prov-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Prov Status of this device (not under canopi control) Valid values [PREPROV/NVTPROV/PROV]" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="nfRole" name="nf-role" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Nf Role is the role performed by this instance in the network." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="pInterfaces" name="p-interfaces" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="lagInterfaces" name="lag-interfaces" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="PNF represents a physical network function. typically equipment used in the D1 world." />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="pnf-name,orchestration-status,inv-status" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="pnf-name" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="pnf-name" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="pnfs" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="PhysicalLinks">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of physical connections, typically between p-interfaces" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="physical-links" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="physicalLink" name="physical-link" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="maximumDepth" value="0" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="PhysicalLink">
+ <xml-root-element name="physical-link" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="linkName" name="link-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="e.g., hostnameA_p-connection_nameA_hostnameZ+p_connection-nameZ" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="speedValue" name="speed-value" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Captures the numeric part of the speed" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="speedUnits" name="speed-units" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Captures the units corresponding to the speed" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="circuitId" name="circuit-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Circuit it" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="dualMode" name="dual-mode" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Dual access mode (e.g., primary, secondary" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="managementOption" name="management-option" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="To provide information on who manages this circuit. A&amp;AI or 3rd party transport provider" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceProviderName" name="service-provider-name" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of the service Provider on this link." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of physical connections, typically between p-interfaces" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="circuit-id,link-name" />
+ <xml-property name="alternateKeys1" value="circuit-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="physical-links" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="link-name,circuit-id" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="VigServers">
+ <xml-root-element name="vig-servers" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="vigServer" name="vig-server" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="VigServer">
+ <xml-root-element name="vig-server" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vigAddressType" name="vig-address-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="indicates whether the VIG is for AVPN or INTERNET" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="ipaddressV4Vig" name="ipaddress-v4-vig" type="java.lang.String" >
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="v4 IP of the vig server" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="ipaddressV6Vig" name="ipaddress-v6-vig" type="java.lang.String" >
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="v6 IP of the vig server" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="vig-server contains information about a vig server used for IPSec-configuration. Populated by SDN-C from 1607" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="vig-address-type" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="ipsec-configuration" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="vig-servers" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="IpsecConfigurations">
+ <xml-root-element name="ipsec-configurations" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="ipsecConfiguration" name="ipsec-configuration" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="IpsecConfiguration">
+ <xml-root-element name="ipsec-configuration" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipsecConfigurationId" name="ipsec-configuration-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="UUID of this configuration" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="requestedVigAddressType" name="requested-vig-address-type" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Indicate the type of VIG server like AVPN, INTERNET, BOTH" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="requestedEncryptionStrength" name="requested-encryption-strength" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Encryption values like 3des-cbc, des-cbc, aes-128-cbc, aes-192-cbc, aes-265-cbc" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="requestedDmzType" name="requested-dmz-type" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="can offer a shared DMZ or a DMZ specific to a customer" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="sharedDmzNetworkAddress" name="shared-dmz-network-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Network address of shared DMZ" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="requestedCustomerName" name="requested-customer-name" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="If the DMZ is a custom DMZ, this field will indicate the customer information" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ikeVersion" name="ike-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="can be 1 or 2" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ikev1Authentication" name="ikev1-authentication" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Contains values like md5, sha1, sha256, sha384" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ikev1Encryption" name="ikev1-encryption" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Encyption values like 3des-cbc, des-cbc, aes-128-cbc, aes-192-cbc, aes-265-cbc" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ikev1DhGroup" name="ikev1-dh-group" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Diffie-Hellman group like DH-GROUP2, DH-GROUP5, DH-GROUP14" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ikev1AmGroupId" name="ikev1-am-group-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Group name defined in VIG for clients using aggressive mode" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ikev1AmPassword" name="ikev1-am-password" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="pre-shared key for the above group name " />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ikev1SaLifetime" name="ikev1-sa-lifetime" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Lifetime for IKEv1 SA" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipsecAuthentication" name="ipsec-authentication" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="md5, sha1, sha256, sha384" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipsecEncryption" name="ipsec-encryption" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="3des-cbc, des-cbc, aes-128-cbc, aes-192-cbc, aes-265-cbc" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipsecSaLifetime" name="ipsec-sa-lifetime" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Life time for IPSec SA" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipsecPfs" name="ipsec-pfs" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="enable PFS or not" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="xauthUserId" name="xauth-userid" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="user ID for xAuth, sm-user, ,nmteHostName" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="xauthUserPassword" name="xauth-user-password" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Encrypted using the Juniper $9$ algorithm" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="dpdInterval" name="dpd-interval" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The time between DPD probe" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="dpdFrequency" name="dpd-frequency" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Maximum number of DPD before claiming the tunnel is down" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vigServers" name="vig-servers" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="IPSec configuration node will contain various configuration data for the NMTE VNF. This node will have an edge to the generic-vnf (vnf type = TE). Starting 1607, this data will be populated by SDN-C" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="ipsec-configuration-id" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="ipsec-configuration-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="ipsec-configurations" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="NotificationEvent">
+ <xml-root-element name="notification-event" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cambriaPartition" name="cambria.partition" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="eventHeader" name="event-header" type="" />
+ <xml-any-element java-attribute="entity" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="NotificationEventHeader">
+ <xml-root-element name="notification-event-header" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="id" name="id" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="timestamp" name="timestamp" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="sourceName" name="source-name" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="domain" name="domain" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="sequenceNumber" name="sequence-number" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="severity" name="severity" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="eventType" name="event-type" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="version" name="version" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="action" name="action" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="entityType" name="entity-type" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="topEntityType" name="top-entity-type" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="entityLink" name="entity-link" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="status" name="status" type="java.lang.String" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="AaiInternal">
+ <xml-root-element name="aai-internal" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="reservedPropNames" name="reserved-prop-names" type="" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="edgePropNames" name="edge-prop-names" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ReservedPropNames">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Internal map to define some reserved properties of a vertex" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="aai-unique-key" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="aai-unique-key,source-of-truth,aai-node-type,aai-uri" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="reserved-prop-names" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="lastModSourceOfTruth" name="last-mod-source-of-truth" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="aaiNodeType" name="aai-node-type" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="aaiCreatedTs" name="aai-created-ts" type="java.lang.Long" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="aaiUniqueKey" name="aai-unique-key" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="aaiLastModTs" name="aai-last-mod-ts" type="java.lang.Long" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="sourceOfTruth" name="source-of-truth" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="aaiUri" name="aai-uri" type="java.lang.String" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="EdgePropNames">
+ <!-- NOTE that the names of these properties are not consistent and are in mixed case and hyphen case for now -->
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Internal map to define the properties of an edge and interpret the map EdgeRules" />
+ <xml-property name="edgeInfo" value="edgeLabel,direction,multiplicityRule,isParent,usesResource,hasDelTarget,SVC-INFRA,SVC-INFRA-REV" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="edge-prop-names" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="edgeLabel" name="edgeLabel" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="direction" name="direction" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="multiplicityRule" name="multiplicityRule" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="isParent" name="isParent" type="java.lang.Boolean" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="usesResource" name="usesResource" type="java.lang.Boolean" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="hasDelTarget" name="hasDelTarget" type="java.lang.Boolean" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="SVC-INFRA" name="SVC-INFRA" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="SVC-INFRA-REV" name="SVC-INFRA-REV" type="java.lang.String" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Models">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of subgraph definitions provided by ASDC to describe the inventory assets and their connections related to ASDC models" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="models" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="model" name="model" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Model">
+ <xml-root-element name="model" />
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Subgraph definition provided by ASDC to describe an inventory asset and its connections related to ASDC models, independent of version" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="model-type" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="model-invariant-id,model-type" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="model-invariant-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="models" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="service-design-and-creation" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelInvariantId" name="model-invariant-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique identifier corresponding to the main definition of a model in ASDC" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelType" name="model-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Type of the model, e.g., service, resource, widget, etc." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelVers" name="model-vers" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ModelVers">
+ <xml-root-element name="model-vers" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="modelVer" name="model-ver" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ModelVer">
+ <xml-root-element name="model-ver" />
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Subgraph definition provided by ASDC to describe a specific version of an inventory asset and its connections related to ASDC models" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="model-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="model-version-id,model-name,model-version" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="model-version-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="model-vers" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelVersionId" name="model-version-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique identifier corresponding to one version of a model in ASDC" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelName" name="model-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of the model, which can change from version to version." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelVersion" name="model-version" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Version" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelDescription" name="model-description" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Description" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelElements" name="model-elements" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="metadata" name="metadata" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ModelElements">
+ <xml-root-element name="model-elements" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="modelElement" name="model-element" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ModelElement">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Defines how other models combine to make up a higher-level model." />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="model-element-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="model-element-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="allowDirectRead" value="true" />
+ <xml-property name="allowDirectWrite" value="false" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="model-elements" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="model-element" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelElementUuid" name="model-element-uuid" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="autoGenerateUuid" value="true" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="newDataDelFlag" name="new-data-del-flag" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Indicates whether this element was created as part of instantiation from this model" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cardinality" name="cardinality" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="How many of this type of element are required/allowed" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="linkagePoints" name="linkage-points" type="java.lang.String" >
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelElements" name="model-elements" type="">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Defines how other models combine to make up a higher-level model" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelConstraints" name="model-constraints" type="">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Describes new constraints on this model element that are not part of that model's definition" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ModelConstraints">
+ <xml-root-element name="model-constraints" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="modelConstraint" name="model-constraint" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ModelConstraint">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This is how we would capture constraints defining allowed sets of elements." />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="model-constraint-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="model-constraint-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="allowDirectRead" value="true" />
+ <xml-property name="allowDirectWrite" value="false" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="model-constraints" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="model-constraint" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelConstraintUuid" name="model-constraint-uuid" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="autoGenerateUuid" value="true" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="constrainedElementSetUuidToReplace" name="constrained-element-set-uuid-to-replace" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="constrainedElementSets" name="constrained-element-sets" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ConstrainedElementSets">
+ <xml-root-element name="constrained-element-sets" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="constrainedElementSet" name="constrained-element-set" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ConstrainedElementSet">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This is how we would capture constraints defining allowed sets of elements." />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="constrained-element-set-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="constrained-element-set-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="allowDirectRead" value="true" />
+ <xml-property name="allowDirectWrite" value="false" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="constrained-element-sets" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="constrained-element-set" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="constrainedElementSetUuid" name="constrained-element-set-uuid" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="autoGenerateUuid" value="true" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="constraintType" name="constraint-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="checkType" name="check-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="elementChoiceSets" name="element-choice-sets" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ElementChoiceSets">
+ <xml-root-element name="element-choice-sets" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="elementChoiceSet" name="element-choice-set" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ElementChoiceSet">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This is how we would capture constraints defining allowed sets of elements." />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="element-choice-set-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="element-choice-set-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="allowDirectRead" value="true" />
+ <xml-property name="allowDirectWrite" value="false" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="element-choice-sets" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="element-choice-set" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="elementChoiceSetUuid" name="element-choice-set-uuid" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="autoGenerateUuid" value="true" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="elementChoiceSetName" name="element-choice-set-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cardinality" name="cardinality" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelElements" name="model-elements" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="NamedQueries">
+ <xml-root-element name="named-queries" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="namedQuery" name="named-query" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="NamedQuery">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="TBD" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="named-query-name" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="named-query-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="named-query-uuid,named-query-name" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="named-queries" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="service-design-and-creation" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="named-query" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="namedQueryUuid" name="named-query-uuid" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="namedQueryName" name="named-query-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="namedQueryVersion" name="named-query-version" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="requiredInputParams" name="required-input-param" type="java.lang.String" >
+ <xml-element-wrapper name="required-input-params" />
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="description" name="description" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="namedQueryElements" name="named-query-elements" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="NamedQueryElements">
+ <xml-root-element name="named-query-elements" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="namedQueryElement" name="named-query-element" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="NamedQueryElement">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="TBD" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="named-query-element-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="named-query-element-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="allowDirectRead" value="true" />
+ <xml-property name="allowDirectWrite" value="false" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="named-query-elements" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="named-query-element" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="namedQueryElementUuid" name="named-query-element-uuid" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="autoGenerateUuid" value="true" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="propertyCollectList" name="property-collect-list" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyLimitDesc" name="property-limit-desc" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="doNotOutput" name="do-not-output" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="namedQueryElements" name="named-query-elements" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relatedLookups" name="related-lookups" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyConstraints" name="property-constraints" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="RelatedLookups">
+ <xml-root-element name="related-lookups" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="relatedLookup" name="related-lookup" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="RelatedLookup">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="TBD" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="related-lookup-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="related-lookup-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="allowDirectRead" value="true" />
+ <xml-property name="allowDirectWrite" value="false" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="related-lookups" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="related-lookup" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relatedLookupUuid" name="related-lookup-uuid" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="autoGenerateUuid" value="true" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="sourceNodeType" name="source-node-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="sourceNodeProperty" name="source-node-property" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="targetNodeType" name="target-node-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="targetNodeProperty" name="target-node-property" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="propertyCollectList" name="property-collect-list" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="PropertyConstraints">
+ <xml-root-element name="property-constraints" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="propertyConstraint" name="property-constraint" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="PropertyConstraint">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="TBD" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="property-constraint-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="property-constraint-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="allowDirectRead" value="true" />
+ <xml-property name="allowDirectWrite" value="false" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="property-constraints" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="property-constraint" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyConstraintUuid" name="property-constraint-uuid" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="autoGenerateUuid" value="true" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="constraintType" name="constraint-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyName" name="property-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyValue" name="property-value" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ModelAndNamedQuerySearch">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="ModelAndNamedQuerySearch holds query-parameters and instance-properties for performing a named-query or model query" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="model-and-named-query-search" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="queryParameters" name="query-parameters" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="instanceFilters" name="instance-filters" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="secondaryFilts" name="secondary-filts" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="topNodeType" name="top-node-type" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="secondaryFilterCutPoint" name="secondary-filter-cut-point" type="java.lang.String" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="QueryParameters">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="QueryParameters for performing a named-query or model query" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="query-parameters" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="namedQuery" name="named-query" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="model" name="model" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="OverloadedModel">
+ <xml-root-element name="overloaded-model" />
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Allows for legacy POST of old-style and new-style models" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelInvariantId" name="model-invariant-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique identifier corresponding to the main definition of a model in ASDC" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelNameVersionId" name="model-name-version-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique identifier corresponding to one version of a model in ASDC" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelType" name="model-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Type of the model, e.g., service, resource, widget, etc." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelName" name="model-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of the model, which can change from version to version." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelId" name="model-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Invariant unique ID which does not change from version to version" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelVersion" name="model-version" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Version" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelDescription" name="model-description" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Description" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelVers" name="model-vers" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="InstanceFilters">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="InstanceFilters for performing a named-query or model query" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="instance-filters" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="instanceFilter" name="instance-filter" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="InstanceFilter">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="InstanceFilter for performing a named-query or model query" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="instance-filters" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="instance-filter" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-any-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="any" lax="true" name="any" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="SecondaryFilts">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="SecondaryFilts for performing a named-query or model query" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="secondary-filts" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="secondaryFilt" name="secondary-filt" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="SecondaryFilt">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="SecondaryFilt for performing a named-query or model query" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="secondary-filt" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-any-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="any" lax="true" name="any" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Properties">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Property holder for query properties or instance properties" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="properties" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyName" name="property-name" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyValue" name="property-value" type="java.lang.String" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ResponseList">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Response container for the results of a named-query or model query" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="response-list" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="inventoryResponseItems" name="inventory-response-items" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="InventoryResponseItems">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Container for inventory items in response list" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="response-list" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="inventory-response-items" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="inventoryResponseItem" name="inventory-response-item" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="InventoryResponseItem">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Inventory item for response list" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="inventory-response-items" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="inventory-response-item" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelName" name="model-name" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-any-element java-attribute="item" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="extraProperties" name="extra-properties" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="inventoryResponseItems" name="inventory-response-items" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ExtraProperties">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Extra properties for inventory item for response list" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="extra-properties" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-any-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="extraProperty" name="extra-property" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ExtraProperty">
+ <xml-root-element name="extra-property" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyName" name="property-name" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-any-element java-attribute="propertyValue" lax="true" name="property-value" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="RouteTableReferences">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of openstack route table references" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="route-table-references" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="routeTableReference" name="route-table-reference" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="RouteTableReference">
+ <xml-root-element name="route-table-reference" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="routeTableReferenceId" name="route-table-reference-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Route Table Reference id, UUID assigned to this instance." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="routeTableReferenceFqdn" name="route-table-reference-fqdn" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="FQDN entry in the route table." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Concurrency value" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Openstack route table reference." />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="route-table-reference-fqdn" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="route-table-reference-id" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="route-table-reference-id,route-table-reference-fqdn" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="route-table-references" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="InstanceGroups">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of openstack route table references" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="instance-groups" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="instanceGroup" name="instance-group" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="InstanceGroup">
+ <xml-root-element name="instance-group" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="id" name="id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Instance Group ID, UUID assigned to this instance." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="description" name="description" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Descriptive text to help identify the usage of this instance-group" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="type" name="type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Only valid value today is lower case ha for high availability" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="subType" name="sub-type" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Valid values for ha type are [geo-activeactive, geo-activestandby, local-activeactive, local-activestandby]" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Concurrency value" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="General mechanism for grouping instances" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="description" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="id" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="id,description,type,sub-type" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="instance-groups" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="SegmentationAssignments">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of openstack segmentation assignments" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="segmentation-assignments" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="segmentationAssignment" name="segmentation-assignment" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="SegmentationAssignment">
+ <xml-root-element name="segmentation-assignment" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="segmentationId" name="segmentation-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Route Table Reference id, UUID assigned to this instance." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Concurrency value" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Openstack segmentation assignment." />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="segmentation-id" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="l3-network" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="segmentation-assignments" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="AllottedResources">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This object is used to store slices of services being offered" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="allotted-resources" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="allottedResource" name="allotted-resource" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="AllottedResource">
+ <xml-root-element name="allotted-resource" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="id" name="id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Allotted Resource id UUID assigned to this instance." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="description" name="description" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The descriptive information assigned to this allotted resource instance" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="selflink" name="selflink" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Link back to more information in the controller" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelInvariantId" name="model-invariant-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model id for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="deployment" />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-invariant-id-local" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelVersionId" name="model-version-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model version for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="deployment" />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-version-id-local" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="personaModelVersion" name="persona-model-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model version for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="internal" />
+ <xml-property name="dataLocation" value="service-design-and-creation/models/model/{model-invariant-id}/model-vers/model-ver/{model-version-id}#model-version" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Concurrency value" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="orchestrationStatus" name="orchestration-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Orchestration status" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="operationalStatus" name="operational-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Indicator for whether the resource is considered operational" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="type" name="type" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Generic description of the type of allotted resource." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="role" name="role" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="role in the network that this resource will be providing." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="tunnelXconnects" name="tunnel-xconnects" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Represents a slice or partial piece of a resource that gets separately allotted" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="description" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="id" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="id,model-invariant-id,model-version-id,type,role" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="service-instance" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="allotted-resources" />
+ <!-- <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" /> -->
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="TunnelXconnects">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This object is used to store the specific tunnel cross connect aspects of an allotted resource" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="tunnel-xconnects" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="tunnelXconnect" name="tunnel-xconnect" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="TunnelXconnect">
+ <xml-root-element name="tunnel-xconnect" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="id" name="id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Allotted Resource id UUID assigned to this instance." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="bandwidthUpWan1" name="bandwidth-up-wan1" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The WAN uplink bandwidth for WAN1" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="bandwidthDownWan1" name="bandwidth-down-wan1" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The WAN downlink bandwidth for WAN1" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="bandwidthUpWan2" name="bandwidth-up-wan2" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The WAN uplink bandwidth for WAN2" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="bandwidthDownWan2" name="bandwidth-down-wan2" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The WAN downlink bandwidth for WAN2" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Concurrency value" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Represents the specifics of a tunnel cross connect piece of a resource that gets separately allotted" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="id" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="id" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="allotted-resource" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="tunnel-xconnects" />
+ <!-- <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" /> -->
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Entitlements">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Entitlements, keyed by group-uuid and resource-uuid, related to license management" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="entitlements" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="entitlement" name="entitlement" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Entitlement">
+ <xml-root-element name="entitlement" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="groupUuid" name="group-uuid" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique ID for the entitlement group the resource comes from, should be uuid." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceUuid" name="resource-uuid" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique ID of an entitlement resource. " />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Concurrency value" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Metadata for entitlement group." />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="group-uuid,resource-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="generic-vnf,vce,vpe" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="entitlements" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Licenses">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Licenses to be allocated across resources, keyed by group-uuid and resource-uuid, related to license management" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="licenses" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="license" name="license" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="License">
+ <xml-root-element name="license" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="groupUuid" name="group-uuid" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique ID for the license group the resource belongs to, should be uuid." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceUuid" name="resource-uuid" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique ID of a license resource. " />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Concurrency value" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Metadata for license group." />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="group-uuid,resource-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="generic-vnf,vce,vpe" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="licenses" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Vnf">
+ <xml-root-element name="vnf"/>
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfId" name="vnf-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique id of VNF. This is unique across the graph." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Abstract vnf class" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="vnf-id" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="vnf-id" />
+ <xml-property name="inheritors" value="vce,vpe,generic-vnf" />
+ <xml-property name="abstract" value="true" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Zones">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of zones" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="zones" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="zone" name="zone" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Zone">
+ <xml-root-element name="zone" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="zoneId" name="zone-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Code assigned by AIC to the zone" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="zoneName" name="zone-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="English name associated with the zone" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="designType" name="design-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Design of zone [Medium/Large…]" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="zoneContext" name="zone-context" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Context of zone [production/test]" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="status" name="status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Status of a zone." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Concurrency value" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="A zone is a grouping of assets in a location homing to the same connections into the CBB" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="zone-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="zone-id,design-type,zone-context" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="zone-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="zones" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ </java-types>
diff --git a/aai-resources/src/test/resources/bundleconfig-local/etc/oxm/aai_oxm_v8.xml b/aai-resources/src/test/resources/bundleconfig-local/etc/oxm/aai_oxm_v8.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..be53291a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aai-resources/src/test/resources/bundleconfig-local/etc/oxm/aai_oxm_v8.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4797 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+ ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+ org.openecomp.aai
+ ================================================================================
+ Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ ================================================================================
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ -->
+<xml-bindings xmlns="" package-name="" xml-mapping-metadata-complete="true">
+ <xml-schema element-form-default="QUALIFIED">
+ <xml-ns namespace-uri="http://org.openecomp.aai.inventory/v8" />
+ </xml-schema>
+ <java-types>
+ <java-type name="Inventory">
+ <xml-root-element name="inventory" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="search" name="search" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="actions" name="actions" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cloudInfrastructure" name="cloud-infrastructure" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="business" name="business" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceDesignAndCreation" name="service-design-and-creation" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="network" name="network" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="aaiInternal" name="aai-internal" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Search">
+ <xml-root-element name="search" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="edgeTagQueryResult" name="edge-tag-query-result" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="edgeTagQueryRequest" name="edge-tag-query-request" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="searchResults" name="search-results" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="sdnZoneResponse" name="sdn-zone-response" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="EdgeTagQueryResult">
+ <xml-root-element name="edge-tag-query-result" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="taggedInventoryItemList" name="tagged-inventory-item-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="TaggedInventoryItemList">
+ <xml-root-element name="tagged-inventory-item-list" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="inventoryItem" name="inventory-item" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="InventoryItem">
+ <xml-root-element name="inventory-item" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="inventoryItemType" name="inventory-item-type" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="inventoryItemLink" name="inventory-item-link" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="inventoryItemData" name="inventory-item-data" type="" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="taggedInventoryItemList" name="tagged-inventory-item-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="InventoryItemData">
+ <xml-root-element name="inventory-item-data" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyName" name="property-name" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyValue" name="property-value" type="java.lang.String" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="EdgeTagQueryRequest">
+ <xml-root-element name="edge-tag-query-request" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="edgeTag" name="edge-tag" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resultDetail" name="result-detail" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="startNodeType" name="start-node-type" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="startNodeFilter" name="start-node-filter" type="" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="includeNodeFilter" name="include-node-filter" type="" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="secondaryFilter" name="secondary-filter" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="StartNodeFilter">
+ <xml-root-element name="start-node-filter" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyName" name="property-name" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyValue" name="property-value" type="java.lang.String" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="IncludeNodeFilter">
+ <xml-root-element name="include-node-filter" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="includeNodeType" name="include-node-type" type="java.lang.String" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="SecondaryFilter">
+ <xml-root-element name="secondary-filter" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyName" name="property-name" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="filterType" name="filter-type" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyValue" name="property-value" type="java.lang.String" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="SearchResults">
+ <xml-root-element name="search-results" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="resultData" name="result-data" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ResultData">
+ <xml-root-element name="result-data" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceType" name="resource-type" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The specific type of node in the A&amp;AI graph" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceLink" name="resource-link" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The URL to the specific resource" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="SdnZoneResponse">
+ <xml-root-element name="sdn-zone-response" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="oamNetworks" name="oam-networks" type="" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="azAndDvsSwitches" name="az-and-dvs-switches" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="AzAndDvsSwitches">
+ <xml-root-element name="az-and-dvs-switches" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="dvsSwitches" name="dvs-switches" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="availabilityZone" name="availability-zone" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Actions">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="APIs that are more action related than REST (e.g., notify, update)." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="actions" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="update" name="update" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="notify" name="notify" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Update">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Serves a PATCH like function. Does not enforce concurrency control. Clear each usage with AAI team." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="update" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="updateNodeType" name="update-node-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="updateNodeKey" name="update-node-key" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="updateNodeUri" name="update-node-uri" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="action" name="action" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Action">
+ <xml-root-element name="action" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="actionType" name="action-type" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="actionData" name="action-data" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ActionData">
+ <xml-root-element name="action-data" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyName" name="property-name" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyValue" name="property-value" type="java.lang.String" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="UpdateNodeKey">
+ <xml-root-element name="update-node-key" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="keyName" name="key-name" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="keyValue" name="key-value" type="java.lang.String" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Notify">
+ <xml-root-element name="notify" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="eventId" name="event-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="nodeType" name="node-type" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="eventTrigger" name="event-trigger" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="keyData" name="key-data" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="selflink" name="selflink" type="java.lang.String" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="KeyData">
+ <xml-root-element name="key-data" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="keyName" name="key-name" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="keyValue" name="key-value" type="java.lang.String" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="CloudInfrastructure">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Namespace for cloud infrastructure." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="cloud-infrastructure" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="complexes" name="complexes" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cloudRegions" name="cloud-regions" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="networkProfiles" name="network-profiles" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="pservers" name="pservers" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="virtualDataCenters" name="virtual-data-centers" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="CloudRegions">
+ <xml-root-element name="cloud-regions" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="cloudRegion" name="cloud-region" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="CloudRegion">
+ <xml-root-element name="cloud-region" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cloudOwner" name="cloud-owner" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Identifies the vendor and cloud name. First part of composite key should be formatted as vendor-cloudname" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cloudRegionId" name="cloud-region-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Identifier used by the vendor for the region. Second part of composite key" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cloudType" name="cloud-type" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Type of the cloud (e.g., openstack)" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ownerDefinedType" name="owner-defined-type" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Cloud-owner defined type indicator (e.g., DCP, LCP)" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cloudRegionVersion" name="cloud-region-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Software version employed at the site" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="identityUrl" name="identity-url" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="URL of the keystone identity service" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cloudZone" name="cloud-zone" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Zone where the cloud is homed" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="complexName" name="complex-name" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="complex name for cloud-region instance" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="volumeGroups" name="volume-groups" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="tenants" name="tenants" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="flavors" name="flavors" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="groupAssignments" name="group-assignments" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="snapshots" name="snapshots" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="images" name="images" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="dvsSwitches" name="dvs-switches" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="oamNetworks" name="oam-networks" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="availabilityZones" name="availability-zones" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="cloud-region designates an installation of a cloud cluster or region or instantiation. In AT&amp;Ts AIC cloud, this could be an LCP or DCP. Cloud regions are uniquely identified by a composite key, cloud-owner + cloud-region-id. The format of the cloud-owner is vendor-cloudname and we will use att-aic for AT&amp;T's AIC." />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="cloud-owner,cloud-region-id,cloud-type,owner-defined-type" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="owner-defined-type" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="cloud-regions" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="cloud-infrastructure" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="VolumeGroups">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of persistent block-level storage." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="volume-groups" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="volumeGroup" name="volume-group" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="VolumeGroup">
+ <xml-root-element name="volume-group" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="volumeGroupId" name="volume-group-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique ID of volume-group." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="volumeGroupName" name="volume-group-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of the volume group." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="heatStackId" name="heat-stack-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Heat stack id corresponding to this volume-group" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfType" name="vnf-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="String capturing type of vnf, that was intended to identify the ASDC resource. This field has been overloaded and clients should expect changes to occur in the future to this field as ASDC matures." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="orchestrationStatus" name="orchestration-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Orchestration status of this volume-group" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Persistent block-level storage." />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="volume-group-name,vnf-type,heat-stack-id,volume-group-id" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="cloud-region" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="volume-groups" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="RelationshipList">
+ <xml-root-element name="relationship-list" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="relationship" name="relationship" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Relationship">
+ <xml-root-element name="relationship" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relatedTo" name="related-to" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="A keyword provided by A&amp;AI to indicate type of node." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relatedLink" name="related-link" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="URL to the object in A&amp;AI." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="relationshipData" name="relationship-data" type="" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="relatedToProperty" name="related-to-property" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="RelatedToProperty">
+ <xml-root-element name="related-to-property" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyKey" name="property-key" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Key part of a key/value pair" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyValue" name="property-value" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Value part of a key/value pair" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="RelationshipData">
+ <xml-root-element name="relationship-data" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipKey" name="relationship-key" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="A keyword provided by A&amp;AI to indicate an attribute." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipValue" name="relationship-value" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Value of the attribute." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Complexes">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of physical locations that can house cloud-regions." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="complexes" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="complex" name="complex" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Complex">
+ <xml-root-element name="complex" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="physicalLocationId" name="physical-location-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique identifier for physical location, e.g., CLLI" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="dataCenterCode" name="data-center-code" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Data center code which can be an alternate way to identify a complex" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="complexName" name="complex-name" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Gamma complex name for LCP instance." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="identityUrl" name="identity-url" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="URL of the keystone identity service" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="physicalLocationType" name="physical-location-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Type, e.g., central office, data center." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="street1" name="street1" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="street2" name="street2" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="city" name="city" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="state" name="state" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="postalCode" name="postal-code" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="country" name="country" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="region" name="region" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="latitude" name="latitude" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="longitude" name="longitude" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="elevation" name="elevation" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="lata" name="lata" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ctagPools" name="ctag-pools" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of physical locations that can house cloud-regions." />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="identity-url,data-center-code,complex-name,physical-location-id" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="physical-location-id,data-center-code,complex-name,street1,street2,postal-code" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="physical-location-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="complexes" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="cloud-infrastructure" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="CtagPools">
+ <xml-root-element name="ctag-pools" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="ctagPool" name="ctag-pool" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="CtagPool">
+ <xml-root-element name="ctag-pool" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="targetPe" name="target-pe" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The Target provider edge router" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="availabilityZoneName" name="availability-zone-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of the availability zone" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ctagPoolPurpose" name="ctag-pool-purpose" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Describes what the intended purpose of this pool is." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ctagValues" name="ctag-values" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Comma separated list of ctags" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="A collection of C tags (vlan tags) grouped for a specific purpose." />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="availability-zone-name" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="complex" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="ctag-pools" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Tenants">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of openstack tenants." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="tenants" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="tenant" name="tenant" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Tenant">
+ <xml-root-element name="tenant" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="tenantId" name="tenant-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique id relative to the cloud-region." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="tenantName" name="tenant-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Readable name of tenant" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vservers" name="vservers" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Openstack tenant" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="tenant-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="tenant-name,tenant-id" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="cloud-region" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="tenants" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Vservers">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of virtual Servers, aka virtual machines or VMs." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="vservers" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="vserver" name="vserver" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Vserver">
+ <xml-root-element name="vserver" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vserverId" name="vserver-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique identifier for this vserver relative to its tenant" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vserverName" name="vserver-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of vserver" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vserverName2" name="vserver-name2" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Alternative name of vserver" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="provStatus" name="prov-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Trigger for operational monitoring of this resource by Service Assurance systems." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vserverSelflink" name="vserver-selflink" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="URL to endpoint where AAI can get more details" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element default-value="false" required="true" java-attribute="inMaint" name="in-maint" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used to indicate whether or not this object is in maintenance mode (maintenance mode = true). This field (in conjunction with prov-status) is used to suppress alarms and vSCL on VNFs/VMs." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element default-value="false" required="true" java-attribute="isClosedLoopDisabled" name="is-closed-loop-disabled" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used to indicate whether closed loop function is enabled on this node" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="volumes" name="volumes" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="lInterfaces" name="l-interfaces" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Virtual Servers, aka virtual machine or VM." />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="vserver-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="is-closed-loop-disabled,prov-status,vserver-name,vserver-id,in-maint,vserver-name2" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="vserver-name,vserver-id,vserver-name2" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="tenant" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="vservers" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="LInterfaces">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of logical interfaces." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="l-interfaces" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="lInterface" name="l-interface" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="LInterface">
+ <xml-root-element name="l-interface" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="interfaceName" name="interface-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name given to the interface" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="interfaceRole" name="interface-role" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="E.g., CUSTOMER, UPLINK, etc." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="v6WanLinkIp" name="v6-wan-link-ip" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Questionably placed - v6 ip addr of this interface (is in vr-lan-interface from Mary B." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="selflink" name="selflink" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="URL to endpoint where AAI can get more details" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="interfaceId" name="interface-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="ID of interface" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="macaddr" name="macaddr" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="MAC address for the interface" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="networkName" name="network-name" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of the network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="managementOption" name="management-option" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Whether A&amp;AI should be managing this interface of not. Could have value like CUSTOMER" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vlans" name="vlans" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="sriovVfs" name="sriov-vfs" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="l3InterfaceIpv4AddressList" name="l3-interface-ipv4-address-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="l3InterfaceIpv6AddressList" name="l3-interface-ipv6-address-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Logical interfaces, e.g., a vnic." />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="macaddr,interface-id,interface-name,network-name" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="generic-vnf,newvce,vpe,p-interface,vserver,lag-interface" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="l-interfaces" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="SriovVfs">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of SR-IOV Virtual Functions." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="sriov-vfs" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="sriovVf" name="sriov-vf" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="SriovVf">
+ <xml-root-element name="sriov-vf" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="pciId" name="pci-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="PCI ID used to identify the sriov-vf" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vfVlanFilter" name="vf-vlan-filter" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This metadata provides option to specify list of VLAN filters applied on VF to pass the traffic to VM." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vfMacFilter" name="vf-mac-filter" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="When MAC filters are specified, VF-agent service configures VFs to do MAC level filtering before the traffic is passed to VM." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vfVlanStrip" name="vf-vlan-strip" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="When this field is set to true, VF will configured to strip the outer TAG before the traffic is passed to VM." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vfVlanAntiSpoofCheck" name="vf-vlan-anti-spoof-check" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This option ensures anti VLAN spoof checks are done at the VF level to comply with security. The disable check will also be honored per the VNF needs for trusted VMs." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vfMacAntiSpoofCheck" name="vf-mac-anti-spoof-check" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This option ensures anti MAC spoof checks are done at the VF level to comply with security. The disable check will also be honored per the VNF needs for trusted VMs." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vfMirrors" name="vf-mirrors" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This option defines the set of Mirror objects which essentially mirrors the traffic from source to set of collector VNF Ports." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vfBroadcastAllow" name="vf-broadcast-allow" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This option, if set to true, sets the VF in promiscuous mode and allows all broadcast traffic to reach the VM" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vfUnknownMulticastAllow" name="vf-unknown-multicast-allow" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This option, if set to true, sets the VF in promiscuous mode and allows unknown multicast traffic to reach the VM" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vfUnknownUnicastAllow" name="vf-unknown-unicast-allow" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This option, if set to true, sets the VF in promiscuous mode and allows unknown unicast traffic to reach the VM" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vfInsertStag" name="vf-insert-stag" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This option, if set to true, instructs to insert outer tag after traffic comes out of VM." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vfLinkStatus" name="vf-link-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This option is used to set the link status. Valid values as of 1607 are on, off, and auto." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="neutronNetworkId" name="neutron-network-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Neutron network id of the interface" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="SR-IOV Virtual Function (not to be confused with virtual network function)" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="pci-id,vf-vlan-filter,vf-mac-filter,vf-vlan-strip,neutron-network-id" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="l-interface" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="sriov-vfs" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="L3InterfaceIpv4AddressList">
+ <xml-root-element name="l3-interface-ipv4-address-list" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="l3InterfaceIpv4Address" name="l3-interface-ipv4-address" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="IP address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="l3InterfaceIpv4PrefixLength" name="l3-interface-ipv4-prefix-length" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Prefix length, 32 for single address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vlanIdInner" name="vlan-id-inner" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Inner VLAN tag" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vlanIdOuter" name="vlan-id-outer" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Outer VLAN tag" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="isFloating" name="is-floating" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Indicator of fixed or floating address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="neutronNetworkId" name="neutron-network-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Neutron network id of the interface that address belongs to" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="neutronSubnetId" name="neutron-subnet-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Neutron id of subnet that address belongs to" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="IPv4 Address Range" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="l3-interface-ipv4-address,vlan-id-inner,neutron-network-id,neutron-subnet-id" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="vlan,l-interface" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Vlans">
+ <xml-root-element name="vlans" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="vlan" name="vlan" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Vlan">
+ <xml-root-element name="vlan" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vlanInterface" name="vlan-interface" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="String that identifies the interface" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vlanIdInner" name="vlan-id-inner" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Inner VLAN tag" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vlanIdOuter" name="vlan-id-outer" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Outer VLAN tag" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="speedValue" name="speed-value" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Captures the numeric part of the speed" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="speedUnits" name="speed-units" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Captures the units corresponding to the speed" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vlanDescription" name="vlan-description" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used to describe (the service associated with) the vlan" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="backdoorConnection" name="backdoor-connection" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Whether customer is going to use this VLAN for backdoor connection to another customer premise device." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vpnId" name="vpn-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This indicates the customers VPN ID associated with this vlan" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="l3InterfaceIpv4AddressList" name="l3-interface-ipv4-address-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="l3InterfaceIpv6AddressList" name="l3-interface-ipv6-address-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Definition of vlan" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="vlan-interface,vlan-id-inner,vpn-id" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="vpn-id" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="l-interface" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="vlans" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="L3InterfaceIpv6AddressList">
+ <xml-root-element name="l3-interface-ipv6-address-list" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="l3InterfaceIpv6Address" name="l3-interface-ipv6-address" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="IP address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="l3InterfaceIpv6PrefixLength" name="l3-interface-ipv6-prefix-length" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Prefix length, 128 for single address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vlanIdInner" name="vlan-id-inner" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Inner VLAN tag" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vlanIdOuter" name="vlan-id-outer" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Outer VLAN tag" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="isFloating" name="is-floating" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Indicator of fixed or floating address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="neutronNetworkId" name="neutron-network-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Neutron network id of the interface that address belongs to" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="neutronSubnetId" name="neutron-subnet-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Neutron id of subnet that address belongs to" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="IPv6 Address Range" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="l3-interface-ipv6-address,vlan-id-inner,neutron-network-id,neutron-subnet-id" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="vlan,l-interface" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Volumes">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of ephemeral Block storage volumes." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="volumes" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="volume" name="volume" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Volume">
+ <xml-root-element name="volume" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="volumeId" name="volume-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique ID of block storage volume relative to the vserver." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="volumeSelflink" name="volume-selflink" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="URL to endpoint where AAI can get more details" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Ephemeral Block storage volume." />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="volume-id" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="vserver" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="volumes" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Flavors">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of openstack flavors." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="flavors" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="flavor" name="flavor" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Flavor">
+ <xml-root-element name="flavor" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="flavorId" name="flavor-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Flavor id, expected to be unique across cloud-region." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="flavorName" name="flavor-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Flavor name" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="flavorVcpus" name="flavor-vcpus" type="java.lang.Integer">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Number of CPUs" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="flavorRam" name="flavor-ram" type="java.lang.Integer">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Amount of memory" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="flavorDisk" name="flavor-disk" type="java.lang.Integer">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Disk space" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="flavorEphemeral" name="flavor-ephemeral" type="java.lang.Integer">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Amount of ephemeral disk space" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="flavorSwap" name="flavor-swap" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="amount of swap space allocation" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="flavorIsPublic" name="flavor-is-public" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="whether flavor is available to all users or private to the tenant it was created in." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="flavorSelflink" name="flavor-selflink" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="URL to endpoint where AAI can get more details" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="flavorDisabled" name="flavor-disabled" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Boolean as to whether this flavor is no longer enabled" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Openstack flavor." />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="flavor-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="flavor-name,flavor-id" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="cloud-region" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="flavors" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Snapshots">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of openstack snapshots" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="snapshots" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="snapshot" name="snapshot" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Snapshot">
+ <xml-root-element name="snapshot" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="snapshotId" name="snapshot-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Snapshot id, this is the key UUID assoc associated in glance with the snapshots." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="snapshotName" name="snapshot-name" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Snapshot name" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="snapshotArchitecture" name="snapshot-architecture" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Operating system architecture" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="snapshotOsDistro" name="snapshot-os-distro" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The common name of the operating system distribution in lowercase" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="snapshotOsVersion" name="snapshot-os-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The operating system version as specified by the distributor." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="application" name="application" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The application that the image instantiates." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="applicationVendor" name="application-vendor" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The vendor of the application." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="applicationVersion" name="application-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The version of the application." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="snapshotSelflink" name="snapshot-selflink" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="URL to endpoint where AAI can get more details" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="prevSnapshotId" name="prev-snapshot-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This field contains the UUID of the previous snapshot (if any)." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Openstack snapshot" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="snapshot-name" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="snapshot-id" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="application,snapshot-name,application-vendor,snapshot-id,application-version,prev-snapshot-id" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="cloud-region" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="snapshots" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="GroupAssignments">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of openstack group assignments" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="group-assignments" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="groupAssignment" name="group-assignment" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="GroupAssignment">
+ <xml-root-element name="group-assignment" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="groupId" name="group-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Group id, expected to be unique across cloud-region." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="groupType" name="group-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Group type - the type of group this instance refers to" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="groupName" name="group-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Group name - name assigned to the group" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="groupDescription" name="group-description" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Group description - description of the group" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Openstack group-assignment used to store exclusivity groups (EG)." />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="group-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="group-id,group-type,group-name" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="cloud-region" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="group-assignments" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Images">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collectio of Openstack images." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="images" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="image" name="image" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Image">
+ <xml-root-element name="image" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="imageId" name="image-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Image id, expected to be unique across cloud region" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="imageName" name="image-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Image name" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="imageArchitecture" name="image-architecture" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Operating system architecture." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="imageOsDistro" name="image-os-distro" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The common name of the operating system distribution in lowercase" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="imageOsVersion" name="image-os-version" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The operating system version as specified by the distributor." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="application" name="application" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The application that the image instantiates." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="applicationVendor" name="application-vendor" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The vendor of the application." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="applicationVersion" name="application-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The version of the application." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="imageSelflink" name="image-selflink" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="URL to endpoint where AAI can get more details" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="metadata" name="metadata" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Openstack image." />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="image-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="application,image-name,application-vendor,image-id,application-version" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="cloud-region" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="images" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Metadata">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of metadatum (key/value pairs)" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="metadata" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="metadatum" name="metadatum" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Metadatum">
+ <xml-root-element name="metadatum" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="metaname" name="metaname" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="metaval" name="metaval" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Key/value pairs" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="metaname" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="tenant,image,service-instance,connector,model" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="metadata" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="DvsSwitches">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of digital virtual switch metadata used for vmWare VCEs and VPEs." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="dvs-switches" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="dvsSwitch" name="dvs-switch" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="DvsSwitch">
+ <xml-root-element name="dvs-switch" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="switchName" name="switch-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="DVS switch name" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vcenterUrl" name="vcenter-url" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="URL used to reach the vcenter" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Digital virtual switch metadata, used by SDN-C to configure VCEs. A&amp;AI needs to receive this data from the PO deployment team and administer it using the into A&amp;AI. " />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="vcenter-url,switch-name" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="cloud-region" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="dvs-switches" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="NetworkProfiles">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of network profiles" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="network-profiles" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="networkProfile" name="network-profile" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="NetworkProfile">
+ <xml-root-element name="network-profile" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="nmProfileName" name="nm-profile-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique name of network profile." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="communityString" name="community-string" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Encrypted SNMP community string" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Network profile populated by SDN-GP for SNMP" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="nm-profile-name" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="network-profiles" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="cloud-infrastructure" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Pservers">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of compute hosts." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="pservers" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="pserver" name="pserver" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Pserver">
+ <xml-root-element name="pserver" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="hostname" name="hostname" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Value from executing hostname on the compute node." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ptniiEquipName" name="ptnii-equip-name" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="PTNII name" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="numberOfCpus" name="number-of-cpus" type="java.lang.Integer">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Number of cpus" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="diskInGigabytes" name="disk-in-gigabytes" type="java.lang.Integer">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Disk size, in GBs" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ramInMegabytes" name="ram-in-megabytes" type="java.lang.Integer">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="RAM size, in MBs" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="equipType" name="equip-type" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Equipment type. Source of truth should define valid values." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="equipVendor" name="equip-vendor" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Equipment vendor. Source of truth should define valid values." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="equipModel" name="equip-model" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Equipment model. Source of truth should define valid values." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="fqdn" name="fqdn" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Fully-qualified domain name" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="pserverSelflink" name="pserver-selflink" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="URL to endpoint where AAI can get more details" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipv4OamAddress" name="ipv4-oam-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used to configure device, also used for troubleshooting and is IP used for traps generated by device." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serialNumber" name="serial-number" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Serial number, may be queried" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="pserverId" name="pserver-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="ID of Pserver" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="internetTopology" name="internet-topology" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="internet topology of Pserver" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element default-value="false" required="true" java-attribute="inMaint" name="in-maint" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="used to indicate whether or not this object is in maintenance mode (maintenance mode = true). This field (in conjunction with prov-status) is used to suppress alarms and vSCL on VNFs/VMs." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="pserverName2" name="pserver-name2" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="alternative pserver name" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="purpose" name="purpose" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="purpose of pserver" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="pInterfaces" name="p-interfaces" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="lagInterfaces" name="lag-interfaces" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Compute host whose hostname must be unique and must exactly match what is sent as a relationship to a vserver." />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="pserver-name2" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="hostname,in-maint,pserver-id,pserver-name2" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="hostname,pserver-name2,pserver-id,ipv4-oam-address" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="pservers" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="cloud-infrastructure" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="PInterfaces">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of physical interfaces." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="p-interfaces" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="pInterface" name="p-interface" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="PInterface">
+ <xml-root-element name="p-interface" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="interfaceName" name="interface-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name that identifies the physical interface" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="speedValue" name="speed-value" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Captures the numeric part of the speed" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="speedUnits" name="speed-units" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Captures the units corresponding to the speed" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="portDescription" name="port-description" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Nature of the services and connectivity on this port." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="equipmentIdentifier" name="equipment-identifier" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="CLEI or other specification for p-interface hardware." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="interfaceRole" name="interface-role" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Role specification for p-interface hardware." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="interfaceType" name="interface-type" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Indicates the physical properties of the interface." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="lInterfaces" name="l-interfaces" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Physical interface (e.g., nic)" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="interface-name" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="vpls-pe,pserver,pnf" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="p-interfaces" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="LagInterfaces">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of link aggregate interfaces." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="lag-interfaces" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="lagInterface" name="lag-interface" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="LagInterface">
+ <xml-root-element name="lag-interface" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="interfaceName" name="interface-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name that identifies the link aggregate interface" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="speedValue" name="speed-value" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Captures the numeric part of the speed" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="speedUnits" name="speed-units" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Captures the units corresponding to the speed" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="lInterfaces" name="l-interfaces" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Link aggregate interface" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="interface-name" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="generic-vnf,pserver,vpe,vpls-pe,pnf" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="lag-interfaces" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="OamNetworks">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of OAM networks, to be deprecated shortly. Do not use for new purposes. " />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="oam-networks" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="oamNetwork" name="oam-network" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="OamNetwork">
+ <xml-root-element name="oam-network" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="networkUuid" name="network-uuid" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="UUID of the network. Unique across a cloud-region" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="networkName" name="network-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of the network." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cvlanTag" name="cvlan-tag" required="true" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="cvlan-id" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipv4OamGatewayAddress" name="ipv4-oam-gateway-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for VNF firewall rule so customer cannot send customer traffic over this oam network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipv4OamGatewayAddressPrefixLength" name="ipv4-oam-gateway-address-prefix-length" type="java.lang.Integer">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for VNF firewall rule so customer cannot send customer traffic over this oam network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="OAM network, to be deprecated shortly. Do not use for new purposes. " />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="network-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="cvlan-tag,network-uuid,network-name" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="cloud-region" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="oam-networks" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="AvailabilityZones">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of availability zones" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="availability-zones" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="availabilityZone" name="availability-zone" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="AvailabilityZone">
+ <xml-root-element name="availability-zone" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="availabilityZoneName" name="availability-zone-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of the availability zone. Unique across a cloud region" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="hypervisorType" name="hypervisor-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Type of hypervisor. Source of truth should define valid values." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="operationalState" name="operational-state" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="State that indicates whether the availability zone should be used, etc. Source of truth should define valid values." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Availability zone, a collection of compute hosts/pservers" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="availability-zone-name" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="cloud-region" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="availability-zones" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="VirtualDataCenters">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Virtual organization of cloud infrastructure elements in a data center context" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="virtual-data-centers" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="virtualDataCenter" name="virtual-data-center" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="VirtualDataCenter">
+ <xml-root-element name="virtual-data-center" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vdcId" name="vdc-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique ID of the vdc" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vdcName" name="vdc-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of the virtual data center" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Virtual organization of cloud infrastructure elements in a data center context" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="vdc-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="vdc-name,vdc-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="virtual-data-centers" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="cloud-infrastructure" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Business">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Namespace for business related constructs" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="business" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="connectors" name="connectors" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="customers" name="customers" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Connectors">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of resource instances used to connect a variety of disparate inventory widgets" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="connectors" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="connector" name="connector" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Connector">
+ <xml-root-element name="connector" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceInstanceId" name="resource-instance-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique id of resource instance." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="personaModelId" name="persona-model-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model id for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-invariant-id-local" />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="deployment" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="personaModelVersion" name="persona-model-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model version for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="deployment" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelVersionId" name="model-version-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model version for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="internal" />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-version-id-local" />
+ <xml-property name="dataLocation" value="service-design-and-creation/models/model/{persona-model-id}/model-vers?model-version={persona-model-version}#model-version-id" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="widgetModelId" name="widget-model-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC data dictionary widget model. This maps directly to the A&amp;AI widget." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="widgetModelVersion" name="widget-model-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC data dictionary version of the widget model.This maps directly to the A&amp;AI version of the widget." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="metadata" name="metadata" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of resource instances used to connect a variety of disparate inventory widgets" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="resource-instance-id,persona-model-id,persona-model-version,widget-model-id,widget-model-version" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="connectors" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="business" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Customers">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of customer identifiers to provide linkage back to BSS information." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="customers" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="customer" name="customer" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Customer">
+ <xml-root-element name="customer" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="globalCustomerId" name="global-customer-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Global customer id used across ECOMP to uniquely identify customer." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="subscriberName" name="subscriber-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Subscriber name, an alternate way to retrieve a customer." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="subscriberType" name="subscriber-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Subscriber type, a way to provide VID with only the INFRA customers." />
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="CUST" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceSubscriptions" name="service-subscriptions" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="customer identifiers to provide linkage back to BSS information." />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="subscriber-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="subscriber-name,global-customer-id,subscriber-type" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="subscriber-name,global-customer-id" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="global-customer-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="customers" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="business" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ServiceSubscriptions">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of objects that group service instances." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="service-subscriptions" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="serviceSubscription" name="service-subscription" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ServiceSubscription">
+ <xml-root-element name="service-subscription" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceType" name="service-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Value defined by orchestration to identify this service across ECOMP." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="tempUbSubAccountId" name="temp-ub-sub-account-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This property will be deleted from A&amp;AI in the near future. Only stop gap solution." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceInstances" name="service-instances" type="">
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Object that group service instances." />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="service-type" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="customer" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="service-subscriptions" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ServiceInstances">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of service instances" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="service-instances" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="serviceInstance" name="service-instance" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ServiceInstance">
+ <xml-root-element name="service-instance" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceInstanceId" name="service-instance-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Uniquely identifies this instance of a service" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceInstanceName" name="service-instance-name" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This field will store a name assigned to the service-instance." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="personaModelId" name="persona-model-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model id for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-invariant-id-local" />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="deployment" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="personaModelVersion" name="persona-model-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model version for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="deployment" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelVersionId" name="model-version-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model version for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="internal" />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-version-id-local" />
+ <xml-property name="dataLocation" value="service-design-and-creation/models/model/{persona-model-id}/model-vers?model-version={persona-model-version}#model-version-id" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="widgetModelId" name="widget-model-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC data dictionary widget model. This maps directly to the A&amp;AI widget." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="widgetModelVersion" name="widget-model-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC data dictionary version of the widget model.This maps directly to the A&amp;AI version of the widget." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="bandwidthTotal" name="bandwidth-total" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Indicates the total bandwidth to be used for this service." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="bandwidthUpWan1" name="bandwidth-up-wan1" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="indicates the upstream bandwidth this service will use on the WAN1 port of the physical device." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="bandwidthDownWan1" name="bandwidth-down-wan1" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="indicates the downstream bandwidth this service will use on the WAN1 port of the physical device." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="bandwidthUpWan2" name="bandwidth-up-wan2" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="indicates the upstream bandwidth this service will use on the WAN2 port of the physical device." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="bandwidthDownWan2" name="bandwidth-down-wan2" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="indicates the downstream bandwidth this service will use on the WAN2 port of the physical device." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vhnPortalUrl" name="vhn-portal-url" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="URL customers will use to access the vHN Portal." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="operationalStatus" name="operational-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Operational status of the service-instance." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceInstanceLocationId" name="service-instance-location-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="An identifier that customers assign to the location where this service is being used." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="metadata" name="metadata" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Instance of a service" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="service-instance-id,persona-model-id,persona-model-version,widget-model-id,widget-model-version,service-instance-name,service-instance-location-id" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="service-instance-name" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="service-instance-id" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="service-instance-id" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="service-subscription" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="service-instances" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ServiceDesignAndCreation">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Namespace for objects managed by ASDC" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="service-design-and-creation" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfImages" name="vnf-images" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="services" name="services" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceCapabilities" name="service-capabilities" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="models" name="models" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="namedQueries" name="named-queries" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="VnfImages">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of image objects that pertain to a VNF that doesn't have associated vservers. This is a kludge." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="vnf-images" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="vnfImage" name="vnf-image" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="VnfImage">
+ <xml-root-element name="vnf-image" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfImageUuid" name="vnf-image-uuid" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique ID of this asset" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="application" name="application" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The application that the image instantiates." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="applicationVendor" name="application-vendor" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The vendor of the application." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="applicationVersion" name="application-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The version of the application." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="selflink" name="selflink" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="URL to endpoint where AAI can get more details" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Image object that pertain to a VNF that doesn't have associated vservers. This is a kludge." />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="application,vnf-image-uuid,application-vendor,application-version" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="vnf-image-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="vnf-images" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="service-design-and-creation" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Services">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of service model definitions. Likely to be deprecated in favor of models from ASDC." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="services" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="service" name="service" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Service">
+ <xml-root-element name="service" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceId" name="service-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This gets defined by others to provide a unique ID for the service, we accept what is sent." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceDescription" name="service-description" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Description of the service" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceSelflink" name="service-selflink" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="URL to endpoint where AAI can get more details" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceVersion" name="service-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="service version" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Stand-in for service model definitions. Likely to be deprecated in favor of models from ASDC." />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="service-description,service-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="services" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="service-design-and-creation" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ServiceCapabilities">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of service capabilities." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="service-capabilities" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="serviceCapability" name="service-capability" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ServiceCapability">
+ <xml-root-element name="service-capability" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceType" name="service-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This gets defined by others to provide a unique ID for the service, we accept what is sent." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfType" name="vnf-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="String capturing type of vnf, that was intended to identify the ASDC resource. This field has been overloaded and clients should expect changes to occur in the future to this field as ASDC matures." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Early definition of server/resource pairings, likely to be replaced by models. No new use should be made of this." />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="service-type,vnf-type" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="service-capabilities" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="service-design-and-creation" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Network">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Namespace for network inventory resources." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="network" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="logicalLinks" name="logical-links" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="sitePairSets" name="site-pair-sets" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vpnBindings" name="vpn-bindings" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vplsPes" name="vpls-pes" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="multicastConfigurations" name="multicast-configurations" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vces" name="vces" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vpes" name="vpes" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfcs" name="vnfcs" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="l3Networks" name="l3-networks" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="networkPolicies" name="network-policies" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="genericVnfs" name="generic-vnfs" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="lagLinks" name="lag-links" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="newvces" name="newvces" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="pnfs" name="pnfs" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="physicalLinks" name="physical-links" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipsecConfigurations" name="ipsec-configurations" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="routeTableReferences" name="route-table-references" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="LogicalLinks">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of logical connections" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="logical-links" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="logicalLink" name="logical-link" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="LogicalLink">
+ <xml-root-element name="logical-link" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="linkName" name="link-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="e.g., evc-name, or vnf-nameA_interface-nameA_vnf-nameZ_interface-nameZ" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="linkType" name="link-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Type of logical link, e.g., evc" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="speedValue" name="speed-value" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Captures the numeric part of the speed" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="speedUnits" name="speed-units" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Captures the units corresponding to the speed" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipVersion" name="ip-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="v4, v6, or ds for dual stack" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="routingProtocol" name="routing-protocol" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="For example, static or BGP" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="personaModelId" name="persona-model-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model id for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-invariant-id-local" />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="deployment" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="personaModelVersion" name="persona-model-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model version for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="deployment" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelVersionId" name="model-version-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model version for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="internal" />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-version-id-local" />
+ <xml-property name="dataLocation" value="service-design-and-creation/models/model/{persona-model-id}/model-vers?model-version={persona-model-version}#model-version-id" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="widgetModelId" name="widget-model-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC data dictionary widget model. This maps directly to the A&amp;AI widget." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="widgetModelVersion" name="widget-model-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC data dictionary version of the widget model.This maps directly to the A&amp;AI version of the widget." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="operationalStatus" name="operational-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Indication of operational status of the logical link." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="linkRole" name="link-role" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Indication of the network use of the logical link." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="linkName2" name="link-name2" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Alias or alternate name (CLCI or D1 name)." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="linkId" name="link-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="UUID of the logical-link, SDNC generates this." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Logical links generally connect l-interfaces but are used to express logical connectivity between two points" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="link-name,persona-model-id,persona-model-version,widget-model-id,widget-model-version,link-id" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="link-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="logical-links" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="SitePairSets">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of sets of instances for probes related to generic-vnf" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="site-pair-sets" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="sitePairSet" name="site-pair-set" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="SitePairSet">
+ <xml-root-element name="site-pair-set" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="sitePairSetId" name="site-pair-set-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique id of site pair set." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="routingInstances" name="routing-instances" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Set of instances for probes used to measure service level agreements" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="site-pair-set-id" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="site-pair-set-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="site-pair-sets" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="RoutingInstances">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="set of probes related to generic-vnf routing instance" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="routing-instances" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="routingInstance" name="routing-instance" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="RoutingInstance">
+ <xml-root-element name="routing-instance" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="routingInstanceId" name="routing-instance-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique id of routing instance" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="rpmOwner" name="rpm-owner" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="rpm owner" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="sitePairs" name="site-pairs" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="routing-instance-id" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="routing-instance-id" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="site-pair-set" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="routing-instances" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="SitePairs">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="probe within a set" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="site-pairs" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="sitePair" name="site-pair" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="SitePair">
+ <xml-root-element name="site-pair" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="sitePairId" name="site-pair-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="unique identifier of probe" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="sourceIp" name="source-ip" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Prefix address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="destinationIp" name="destination-ip" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Prefix address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipVersion" name="ip-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="ip version, v4, v6" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="destinationHostname" name="destination-hostname" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Hostname of the destination equipment to which SLAs are measured against." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="destinationEquipType" name="destination-equip-type" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The type of destinatination equipment. Could be Router, etc." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="classesOfService" name="classes-of-service" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="site-pair-id" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="site-pair-id" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="routing-instance" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="site-pairs" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ClassesOfService">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="class-of-service of probe" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="classes-of-service" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="classOfService" name="class-of-service" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ClassOfService">
+ <xml-root-element name="class-of-service" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cos" name="cos" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="unique identifier of probe" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="probeId" name="probe-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="identifier of probe" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="probeType" name="probe-type" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="type of probe" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="cos" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="site-pair" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="classes-of-service" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="VpnBindings">
+ <xml-root-element name="vpn-bindings" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="vpnBinding" name="vpn-binding" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="VpnBinding">
+ <xml-root-element name="vpn-binding" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vpnId" name="vpn-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="VPN ID, globally unique within A&amp;AI" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vpnName" name="vpn-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="VPN Name" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="globalRouteTarget" name="global-route-target" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Number used to identify a VPN, globally unique in the network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vpnPlatform" name="vpn-platform" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the platform associated with the VPN example AVPN, Mobility" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="l3-networks relate to vpn-bindings" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="VPN binding" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="vpn-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="vpn-name,vpn-id,global-route-target" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="vpn-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="vpn-bindings" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="VplsPes">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of VPLS Provider Edge routers" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="vpls-pes" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="vplsPe" name="vpls-pe" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="VplsPe">
+ <xml-root-element name="vpls-pe" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="equipmentName" name="equipment-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="provStatus" name="prov-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Trigger for operational monitoring of this VNF by BAU Service Assurance systems." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipv4OamAddress" name="ipv4-oam-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Address tail-f uses to configure vpe, also used for troubleshooting and is IP used for traps generated by VPE (v4-loopback0-ip-address)." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="equipmentRole" name="equipment-role" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Client should send valid enumerated value, e.g., VPLS-PE." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vlanIdOuter" name="vlan-id-outer" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Temporary location for stag to get to VCE" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="pInterfaces" name="p-interfaces" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="lagInterfaces" name="lag-interfaces" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="VPLS Provider Edge routers." />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="prov-status,equipment-name" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="vpls-pes" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="MulticastConfigurations">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="multicast configuration of generic-vnf ip-address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="multicast-configurations" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="multicastConfiguration" name="multicast-configuration" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="MulticastConfiguration">
+ <xml-root-element name="multicast-configuration" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="multicastConfigurationId" name="multicast-configuration-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique id of multicast configuration." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="multicastProtocol" name="multicast-protocol" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="protocol of multicast configuration" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="rpType" name="rp-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="rp type of multicast configuration" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="multicast-configuration-id" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="multicast-configuration-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="multicast-configurations" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Vces">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of Virtual Customer Edge Routers, used specifically for Gamma. This object is deprecated." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="vces" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="vce" name="vce" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Vce">
+ <xml-root-element name="vce" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfId" name="vnf-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique id of VNF. This is unique across the graph." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfName" name="vnf-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of VNF." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfName2" name="vnf-name2" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Alternate name of VNF." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfType" name="vnf-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="String capturing type of vnf, that was intended to identify the ASDC resource. This field has been overloaded and clients should expect changes to occur in the future to this field as ASDC matures." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceId" name="service-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique identifier of service from ASDC. Expect this to change as ASDC matures." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="regionalResourceZone" name="regional-resource-zone" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Regional way of organizing pservers, source of truth should define values" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="provStatus" name="prov-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Trigger for operational monitoring of this resource by Service Assurance systems." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="operationalState" name="operational-state" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Indicator for whether the resource is considered operational" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="licenseKey" name="license-key" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="License key" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="equipmentRole" name="equipment-role" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Network role being played by this VNF" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="orchestrationStatus" name="orchestration-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Orchestration status of this VNF, mastered by MSO" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="heatStackId" name="heat-stack-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Heat stack id corresponding to this instance, managed by MSO" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="msoCatalogKey" name="mso-catalog-key" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Corresponds to the SDN-C catalog id used to configure this VCE" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vpeId" name="vpe-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique ID of VPE connected to this VCE." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="v6VceWanAddress" name="v6-vce-wan-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Valid v6 IP address for the WAN Link on this router. Implied length of /64." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipv4OamAddress" name="ipv4-oam-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Address tail-f uses to configure vce, also used for troubleshooting and is IP used for traps generated by VCE." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipv4Loopback0Address" name="ipv4-loopback0-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Loopback0 address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="entitlementResourceUuid" name="entitlement-resource-uuid" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Entitlement resource uuid" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="portGroups" name="port-groups" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Virtual Customer Edge Router, used specifically for Gamma. This object is deprecated." />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="vnf-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="vnf-name,vnf-name2,vnf-type,heat-stack-id,vnf-id,interface-name,regional-resource-zone,vpe-id,prov-status,service-id" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="vnf-id,vnf-name,vnf-name2" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="vnf-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="vces" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ <xml-property name="extends" value="vnf" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="PortGroups">
+ <xml-root-element name="port-groups" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="portGroup" name="port-group" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="PortGroup">
+ <xml-root-element name="port-group" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="interfaceId" name="interface-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique ID of the interface" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="neutronNetworkId" name="neutron-network-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Neutron network id of this Interface" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="neutronNetworkName" name="neutron-network-name" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Neutron network name of this Interface" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="interfaceRole" name="interface-role" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Role assigned to this Interface, should use values as defined in ECOMP Yang models." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="portGroupId" name="port-group-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique ID for port group in vmware" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="portGroupName" name="port-group-name" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Likely to duplicate value of neutron network name" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="switchName" name="switch-name" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="DVS or standard switch name (should be non-null for port groups associated with DVS)" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="orchestrationStatus" name="orchestration-status" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Orchestration status of this VNF, mastered by MSO" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="heatStackId" name="heat-stack-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Heat stack id corresponding to this instance, managed by MSO" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="msoCatalogKey" name="mso-catalog-key" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Corresponds to the SDN-C catalog id used to configure this VCE" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cvlanTags" name="cvlan-tags" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used to capture the network interfaces of this VCE" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="port-group-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="port-group-id,heat-stack-id,interface-id,interface-name,switch-name" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="vce" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="port-groups" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="CvlanTags">
+ <xml-root-element name="cvlan-tags" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="cvlanTagEntry" name="cvlan-tag-entry" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="CvlanTagEntry">
+ <xml-root-element name="cvlan-tag-entry" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cvlanTag" name="cvlan-tag" required="true" type="java.lang.Long" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="See mis-na-virtualization-platform.yang" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="port-group" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="cvlan-tag" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="cvlan-tags" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Vpes">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Virtual provider edge router. In 1504, A&amp;AI will populate this object through an M&amp;P and tool provided to operations." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="vpes" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="vpe" name="vpe" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Vpe">
+ <xml-root-element name="vpe" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfId" name="vnf-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique id of VNF. This is unique across the graph." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfName" name="vnf-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of VNF." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfName2" name="vnf-name2" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Alternate name of VNF." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfType" name="vnf-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="String capturing type of vnf, that was intended to identify the ASDC resource. This field has been overloaded and clients should expect changes to occur in the future to this field as ASDC matures." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceId" name="service-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique identifier of service from ASDC" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="regionalResourceZone" name="regional-resource-zone" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Regional way of organizing pservers, source of truth should define values" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="provStatus" name="prov-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Trigger for operational monitoring of this resource by Service Assurance systems." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="operationalState" name="operational-state" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Indicator for whether the resource is considered operational" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="licenseKey" name="license-key" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="License key" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="equipmentRole" name="equipment-role" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Client should send valid enumerated value" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="orchestrationStatus" name="orchestration-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Orchestration status of this VNF, mastered by MSO" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="heatStackId" name="heat-stack-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Heat stack id corresponding to this instance, managed by MSO" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="msoCatalogKey" name="mso-catalog-key" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Corresponds to the SDN-C catalog id used to configure this VCE" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipv4OamAddress" name="ipv4-oam-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Address tail-f uses to configure vpe, also used for troubleshooting and is IP used for traps generated by VPE (v4-loopback0-ip-address)." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipv4OamGatewayAddressPrefixLength" name="ipv4-oam-gateway-address-prefix-length" type="java.lang.Integer">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Prefix length for oam-address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipv4OamGatewayAddress" name="ipv4-oam-gateway-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Gateway address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="v4Loopback0IpAddress" name="v4-loopback0-ip-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Loopback0 address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vlanIdOuter" name="vlan-id-outer" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Temporary location for stag to get to VCE" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="asNumber" name="as-number" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="as-number of the VPE" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="summaryStatus" name="summary-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="details regarding the vpe operation" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="encryptedAccessFlag" name="encrypted-access-flag" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="indicates whether vpe access uses SSH" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="lInterfaces" name="l-interfaces" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="lagInterfaces" name="lag-interfaces" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Relationship-list must include related to info for complex." />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="vnf-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="vnf-name,vnf-name2,vnf-type,heat-stack-id,vnf-id,regional-resource-zone,prov-status,service-id" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="vnf-id,vnf-name,vnf-name2" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="vnf-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="vpes" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ <xml-property name="extends" value="vnf" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Vnfcs">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="virtual network components associated with a vserver from application controller." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="vnfcs" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="vnfc" name="vnfc" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Vnfc">
+ <xml-root-element name="vnfc" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfcName" name="vnfc-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique ID of vnfc." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfcFunctionCode" name="vnfc-function-code" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="function code" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfcType" name="vnfc-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="type" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="provStatus" name="prov-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="prov status of this vnfc" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="orchestrationStatus" name="orchestration-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Orchestration status of this VNF, mastered by APP-C" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipaddressV4OamVip" name="ipaddress-v4-oam-vip" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Oam V4 vip address of this vnfc" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element default-value="false" required="true" java-attribute="inMaint" name="in-maint" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="used to indicate whether or not this object is in maintenance mode (maintenance mode = true)" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element default-value="false" required="true" java-attribute="isClosedLoopDisabled" name="is-closed-loop-disabled" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="used to indicate whether closed loop function is enabled on this node" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="groupNotation" name="group-notation" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Group notation of VNFC" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="vnfc-name,prov-status,vnfc-type,vnfc-function-code,ipaddress-v4-oam-vip,in-maint,is-closed-loop-disabled,group-notation" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="vnfcs" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="L3Networks">
+ <xml-root-element name="l3-networks" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="l3Network" name="l3-network" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="L3Network">
+ <xml-root-element name="l3-network" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="networkId" name="network-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Network ID, should be uuid. Unique across A&amp;AI." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="networkName" name="network-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of the network, governed by some naming convention.." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="networkType" name="network-type" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Type of the network - who defines these values?" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="networkRole" name="network-role" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Role the network plans - who defines these values?" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="networkTechnology" name="network-technology" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Network technology - who defines these values?" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="neutronNetworkId" name="neutron-network-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Neutron network id of this Interface" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element default-value="false" required="true" java-attribute="isBoundToVpn" name="is-bound-to-vpn" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Set to true if bound to VPN" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceId" name="service-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique identifier of service from ASDC" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="networkRoleInstance" name="network-role-instance" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="network role instance" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="orchestrationStatus" name="orchestration-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Orchestration status of this VNF, mastered by MSO" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="heatStackId" name="heat-stack-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Heat stack id corresponding to this instance, managed by MSO" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="msoCatalogKey" name="mso-catalog-key" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Corresponds to the SDN-C catalog id used to configure this VCE" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="contrailNetworkFqdn" name="contrail-network-fqdn" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Contrail FQDN for the network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="personaModelId" name="persona-model-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model id for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-invariant-id-local" />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="deployment" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="personaModelVersion" name="persona-model-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model version for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="deployment" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelVersionId" name="model-version-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model version for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="internal" />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-version-id-local" />
+ <xml-property name="dataLocation" value="service-design-and-creation/models/model/{persona-model-id}/model-vers?model-version={persona-model-version}#model-version-id" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="widgetModelId" name="widget-model-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC data dictionary widget model. This maps directly to the A&amp;AI widget." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="widgetModelVersion" name="widget-model-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC data dictionary version of the widget model.This maps directly to the A&amp;AI version of the widget." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="physicalNetworkName" name="physical-network-name" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name associated with the physical network." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="isProviderNetwork" name="is-provider-network" required="true" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="boolean indicatating whether or not network is a provider network." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="isSharedNetwork" name="is-shared-network" required="true" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="boolean indicatating whether or not network is a shared network." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="isExternalNetwork" name="is-external-network" required="true" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="boolean indicatating whether or not network is an external network." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="subnets" name="subnets" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ctagAssignments" name="ctag-assignments" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="segmentationAssignments" name="segmentation-assignments" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" >
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Relates to tenant (or is it a child of tenant), complex, service, vpn-binding" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Generic network definition" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="network-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="heat-stack-id,network-uuid,service-id,network-id,network-name,persona-model-id,persona-model-version,widget-model-id,widget-model-version,contrail-network-fqdn" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="network-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="l3-networks" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="NetworkPolicies">
+ <xml-root-element name="network-policies" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="networkPolicy" name="network-policy" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="NetworkPolicy">
+ <xml-root-element name="network-policy" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="networkPolicyId" name="network-policy-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="UUID representing unique key to this instance" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="networkPolicyFqdn" name="network-policy-fqdn" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Contrail FQDN for the policy" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="heatStackId" name="heat-stack-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="ID for the openStack Heat instance" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="network-policy-fqdn" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="network-policy-id,network-policy-fqdn" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="network-policy-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="network-policies" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="CtagAssignments">
+ <xml-root-element name="ctag-assignments" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="ctagAssignment" name="ctag-assignment" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="CtagAssignment">
+ <xml-root-element name="ctag-assignment" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vlanIdInner" name="vlan-id-inner" required="true" type="java.lang.Long" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="id." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="vlan-id-inner" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="l3-network" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="ctag-assignments" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Subnets">
+ <xml-root-element name="subnets" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="subnet" name="subnet" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Subnet">
+ <xml-root-element name="subnet" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="subnetId" name="subnet-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Subnet ID, should be UUID." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="subnetName" name="subnet-name" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name associated with the subnet." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="neutronSubnetId" name="neutron-subnet-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Neutron id of this subnet" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="gatewayAddress" name="gateway-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="gateway ip address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="networkStartAddress" name="network-start-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="network start address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cidrMask" name="cidr-mask" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="cidr mask" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipVersion" name="ip-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="ip version" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="orchestrationStatus" name="orchestration-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Orchestration status of this VNF, mastered by MSO" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element default-value="false" required="true" java-attribute="dhcpEnabled" name="dhcp-enabled" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="dhcp enabled" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="dhcpStart" name="dhcp-start" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the start address reserved for use by dhcp" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="dhcpEnd" name="dhcp-end" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the last address reserved for use by dhcp" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="subnet-id,subnet-name" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="subnet-name" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="subnet-id" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="l3-network" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="subnets" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="GenericVnfs">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of VNFs" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="generic-vnfs" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="genericVnf" name="generic-vnf" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="GenericVnf">
+ <xml-root-element name="generic-vnf" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfId" name="vnf-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique id of VNF. This is unique across the graph." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfName" name="vnf-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of VNF." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfName2" name="vnf-name2" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Alternate name of VNF." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfType" name="vnf-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="String capturing type of vnf, that was intended to identify the ASDC resource. This field has been overloaded and clients should expect changes to occur in the future to this field as ASDC matures." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceId" name="service-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique identifier of service from ASDC" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="regionalResourceZone" name="regional-resource-zone" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Regional way of organizing pservers, source of truth should define values" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="provStatus" name="prov-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Trigger for operational monitoring of this resource by Service Assurance systems." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="operationalState" name="operational-state" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Indicator for whether the resource is considered operational" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="licenseKey" name="license-key" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="License key" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="equipmentRole" name="equipment-role" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Client should send valid enumerated value" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="orchestrationStatus" name="orchestration-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Orchestration status of this VNF, used by MSO." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="heatStackId" name="heat-stack-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Heat stack id corresponding to this instance, managed by MSO" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="msoCatalogKey" name="mso-catalog-key" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Corresponds to the SDN-C catalog id used to configure this VCE" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="managementOption" name="management-option" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="identifier of managed by company or customer" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipv4OamAddress" name="ipv4-oam-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Address tail-f uses to configure generic-vnf, also used for troubleshooting and is IP used for traps generated by generic-vnf." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipv4Loopback0Address" name="ipv4-loopback0-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="v4 Loopback0 address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="nmLanV6Address" name="nm-lan-v6-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="v6 Loopback address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="managementV6Address" name="management-v6-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="v6 management address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vcpu" name="vcpu" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="number of vcpus ordered for this instance of VNF, used for VNFs with no vservers/flavors" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vcpuUnits" name="vcpu-units" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="units associated with vcpu, used for VNFs with no vservers/flavors" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vmemory" name="vmemory" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="number of GB of memory ordered for this instance of VNF, used for VNFs with no vservers/flavors" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vmemoryUnits" name="vmemory-units" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="units associated with vmemory, used for VNFs with no vservers/flavors" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vdisk" name="vdisk" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="number of vdisks ordered for this instance of VNF, used for VNFs with no vservers/flavors" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vdiskUnits" name="vdisk-units" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="units associated with vdisk, used for VNFs with no vservers/flavors" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element default-value="false" required="true" java-attribute="inMaint" name="in-maint" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="used to indicate whether or not this object is in maintenance mode (maintenance mode = true). This field (in conjunction with prov-status) is used to suppress alarms and vSCL on VNFs/VMs." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element default-value="false" required="true" java-attribute="isClosedLoopDisabled" name="is-closed-loop-disabled" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="used to indicate whether closed loop function is enabled on this node" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="summaryStatus" name="summary-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="details regarding the generic-vnf operation" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="encryptedAccessFlag" name="encrypted-access-flag" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="indicates whether generic-vnf access uses SSH" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="entitlementAssignmentGroupUuid" name="entitlement-assignment-group-uuid" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="UUID of the Entitlement group used for licensing VNFs" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="entitlementResourceUuid" name="entitlement-resource-uuid" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="UUID of the specific entitlement resource" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="licenseAssignmentGroupUuid" name="license-assignment-group-uuid" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="UUID of the license assignment group" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="licenseKeyUuid" name="license-key-uuid" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="UUID of the actual license resource" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="personaModelId" name="persona-model-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model id for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-invariant-id-local" />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="deployment" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="personaModelVersion" name="persona-model-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model version for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="deployment" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelVersionId" name="model-version-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model version for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="internal" />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-version-id-local" />
+ <xml-property name="dataLocation" value="service-design-and-creation/models/model/{persona-model-id}/model-vers?model-version={persona-model-version}#model-version-id" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="widgetModelId" name="widget-model-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC data dictionary widget model. This maps directly to the A&amp;AI widget." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="widgetModelVersion" name="widget-model-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC data dictionary version of the widget model.This maps directly to the A&amp;AI version of the widget." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="asNumber" name="as-number" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="as-number of the VNF" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="regionalResourceSubzone" name="regional-resource-subzone" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="represents sub zone of the rr plane" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="lInterfaces" name="l-interfaces" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="lagInterfaces" name="lag-interfaces" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vfModules" name="vf-modules" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="General purpose VNF" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="vnf-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="is-closed-loop-disabled,vnf-name2,vnf-type,heat-stack-id,in-maint,vnf-name,vnf-id,regional-resource-zone,prov-status,service-id,persona-model-id,persona-model-version,widget-model-id,widget-model-version" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="vnf-id,vnf-name,vnf-name2" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="vnf-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="generic-vnfs" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ <xml-property name="extends" value="vnf" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="VfModules">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of vf-modules, a deployment unit of VNFCs" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="vf-modules" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="vfModule" name="vf-module" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="VfModule">
+ <xml-root-element name="vf-module" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vfModuleId" name="vf-module-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique ID of vf-module." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vfModuleName" name="vf-module-name" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of vf-module" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="heatStackId" name="heat-stack-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Heat stack id corresponding to this instance." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="orchestrationStatus" name="orchestration-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="orchestration status of this vf-module, mastered by MSO" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element default-value="false" required="true" java-attribute="isBaseVfModule" name="is-base-vf-module" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="used to indicate whether or not this object is base vf module" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="personaModelId" name="persona-model-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model id for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-invariant-id-local" />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="deployment" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="personaModelVersion" name="persona-model-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model version for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="deployment" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelVersionId" name="model-version-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model version for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="internal" />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-version-id-local" />
+ <xml-property name="dataLocation" value="service-design-and-creation/models/model/{persona-model-id}/model-vers?model-version={persona-model-version}#model-version-id" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="widgetModelId" name="widget-model-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC data dictionary widget model. This maps directly to the A&amp;AI widget." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="widgetModelVersion" name="widget-model-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC data dictionary version of the widget model.This maps directly to the A&amp;AI version of the widget." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="contrailServiceInstanceFqdn" name="contrail-service-instance-fqdn" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the Contrail unique ID for a service-instance" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="a deployment unit of VNFCs" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="vf-module-id,vf-module-name,heat-stack-id,persona-model-id,persona-model-version,widget-model-id,widget-model-version,contrail-service-instance-fqdn" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="generic-vnf" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="vf-modules" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="LagLinks">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of link aggregation connections" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="lag-links" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="lagLink" name="lag-link" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="LagLink">
+ <xml-root-element name="lag-link" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="linkName" name="link-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Alphabetical concatenation of lag-interface names" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="LAG links can connect lag-interfaces" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="link-name" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="lag-links" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Newvces">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This object fills in the gaps from vce that were incorporated into generic-vnf. This object will be retired with vce." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="newvces" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="newvce" name="newvce" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Newvce">
+ <xml-root-element name="newvce" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfId2" name="vnf-id2" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique id of VNF, can't use same attribute name right now until we promote this new object" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfName" name="vnf-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of VNF." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfName2" name="vnf-name2" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Alternate name of VNF." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfType" name="vnf-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="String capturing type of vnf, that was intended to identify the ASDC resource. This field has been overloaded and clients should expect changes to occur in the future to this field as ASDC matures." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="provStatus" name="prov-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Trigger for operational monitoring of this VNF by BAU Service Assurance systems." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="operationalState" name="operational-state" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Indicator for whether the resource is considered operational" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="licenseKey" name="license-key" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="License key" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipv4OamAddress" name="ipv4-oam-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Address tail-f uses to configure vpe, also used for troubleshooting and is IP used for traps generated by VPE (v4-loopback0-ip-address)." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="equipmentRole" name="equipment-role" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Client should send valid enumerated value, e.g., VPE." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipv4Loopback0Address" name="ipv4-loopback0-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="v4 Loopback0 address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="orchestrationStatus" name="orchestration-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Orchestration status of this VNF, mastered by MSO." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="heatStackId" name="heat-stack-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Heat stack id corresponding to this instance, managed by MSO" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="msoCatalogKey" name="mso-catalog-key" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Corresponds to the SDN-C catalog id used to configure this VCE" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="lInterfaces" name="l-interfaces" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This object fills in the gaps from vce that were incorporated into generic-vnf. This object will be retired with vce." />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="vnf-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="vnf-name,vnf-name2,vnf-type,heat-stack-id,prov-status,vnf-id2" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="vnf-id2,vnf-name,vnf-name2" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="vnf-id2" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="newvces" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Pnfs">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of Physical Network Functions." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="pnfs" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="pnf" name="pnf" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Pnf">
+ <xml-root-element name="pnf" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="pnfName" name="pnf-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="unique name of Physical Network Function." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="pnfName2" name="pnf-name2" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="name of Physical Network Function." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="pnfName2Source" name="pnf-name2-source" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="source of name2" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="pnfId" name="pnf-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="id of pnf" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="equipType" name="equip-type" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Equipment type. Source of truth should define valid values." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="equipVendor" name="equip-vendor" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Equipment vendor. Source of truth should define valid values." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="equipModel" name="equip-model" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Equipment model. Source of truth should define valid values." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="managementOption" name="management-option" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="identifier of managed by company or customer" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipaddressV4Oam" name="ipaddress-v4-oam" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="ipv4-oam-address with new naming convention for IP addresses" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="swVersion" name="sw-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="sw-version is the version of SW for the hosted application on the PNF." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="orchestrationStatus" name="orchestration-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="orchestration-status is the status of orchestration on the PNF." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element default-value="false" required="true" java-attribute="inMaint" name="in-maint" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used to indicate whether or not this object is in maintenance mode (maintenance mode = true). This field (in conjunction with prov-status) is used to suppress alarms and vSCL on VNFs/VMs." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="frameId" name="frame-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="ID of the physical frame (relay rack) where pnf is installed." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="pInterfaces" name="p-interfaces" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="lagInterfaces" name="lag-interfaces" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="PNF represents a physical network function. typically equipment used in the D1 world." />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="pnf-name,orchestration-status" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="pnf-name" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="pnfs" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="PhysicalLinks">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of physical connections, typically between p-interfaces" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="physical-links" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="physicalLink" name="physical-link" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="PhysicalLink">
+ <xml-root-element name="physical-link" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="linkName" name="link-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="e.g., hostnameA_p-connection_nameA_hostnameZ+p_connection-nameZ" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="speedValue" name="speed-value" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Captures the numeric part of the speed" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="speedUnits" name="speed-units" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Captures the units corresponding to the speed" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="circuitId" name="circuit-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Circuit it" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="dualMode" name="dual-mode" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Dual access mode (e.g., primary, secondary" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="managementOption" name="management-option" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="To provide information on who manages this circuit. A&amp;AI or 3rd party transport provider" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceProviderName" name="service-provider-name" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of the service Provider on this link." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of physical connections, typically between p-interfaces" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="circuit-id,link-name" />
+ <xml-property name="alternateKeys1" value="circuit-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="physical-links" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="VigServers">
+ <xml-root-element name="vig-servers" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="vigServer" name="vig-server" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="VigServer">
+ <xml-root-element name="vig-server" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vigAddressType" name="vig-address-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="indicates whether the VIG is for AVPN or INTERNET" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="ipaddressV4Vig" name="ipaddress-v4-vig" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="v4 IP of the vig server" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="ipaddressV6Vig" name="ipaddress-v6-vig" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="v6 IP of the vig server" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="vig-server contains information about a vig server used for IPSec-configuration. Populated by SDN-C from 1607" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="vig-address-type" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="ipsec-configuration" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="vig-servers" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="IpsecConfigurations">
+ <xml-root-element name="ipsec-configurations" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="ipsecConfiguration" name="ipsec-configuration" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="IpsecConfiguration">
+ <xml-root-element name="ipsec-configuration" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipsecConfigurationId" name="ipsec-configuration-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="UUID of this configuration" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="requestedVigAddressType" name="requested-vig-address-type" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Indicate the type of VIG server like AVPN, INTERNET, BOTH" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="requestedEncryptionStrength" name="requested-encryption-strength" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Encryption values like 3des-cbc, des-cbc, aes-128-cbc, aes-192-cbc, aes-265-cbc" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="requestedDmzType" name="requested-dmz-type" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="can offer a shared DMZ or a DMZ specific to a customer" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="sharedDmzNetworkAddress" name="shared-dmz-network-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Network address of shared DMZ" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="requestedCustomerName" name="requested-customer-name" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="If the DMZ is a custom DMZ, this field will indicate the customer information" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ikeVersion" name="ike-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="can be 1 or 2" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ikev1Authentication" name="ikev1-authentication" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Contains values like md5, sha1, sha256, sha384" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ikev1Encryption" name="ikev1-encryption" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Encyption values like 3des-cbc, des-cbc, aes-128-cbc, aes-192-cbc, aes-265-cbc" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ikev1DhGroup" name="ikev1-dh-group" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Diffie-Hellman group like DH-GROUP2, DH-GROUP5, DH-GROUP14" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ikev1AmGroupId" name="ikev1-am-group-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Group name defined in VIG for clients using aggressive mode" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ikev1AmPassword" name="ikev1-am-password" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="pre-shared key for the above group name " />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ikev1SaLifetime" name="ikev1-sa-lifetime" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Lifetime for IKEv1 SA" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipsecAuthentication" name="ipsec-authentication" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="md5, sha1, sha256, sha384" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipsecEncryption" name="ipsec-encryption" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="3des-cbc, des-cbc, aes-128-cbc, aes-192-cbc, aes-265-cbc" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipsecSaLifetime" name="ipsec-sa-lifetime" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Life time for IPSec SA" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipsecPfs" name="ipsec-pfs" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="enable PFS or not" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="xauthUserId" name="xauth-userid" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="user ID for xAuth, sm-user, ,nmteHostName" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="xauthUserPassword" name="xauth-user-password" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Encrypted using the Juniper $9$ algorithm" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="dpdInterval" name="dpd-interval" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The time between DPD probe" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="dpdFrequency" name="dpd-frequency" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Maximum number of DPD before claiming the tunnel is down" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vigServers" name="vig-servers" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="IPSec configuration node will contain various configuration data for the NMTE VNF. This node will have an edge to the generic-vnf (vnf type = TE). Starting 1607, this data will be populated by SDN-C" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="ipsec-configuration-id" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="ipsec-configuration-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="ipsec-configurations" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="NotificationEvent">
+ <xml-root-element name="notification-event" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cambriaPartition" name="cambria.partition" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="eventHeader" name="event-header" type="" />
+ <xml-any-element java-attribute="entity" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="NotificationEventHeader">
+ <xml-root-element name="notification-event-header" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="id" name="id" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="timestamp" name="timestamp" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="sourceName" name="source-name" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="domain" name="domain" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="sequenceNumber" name="sequence-number" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="severity" name="severity" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="eventType" name="event-type" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="version" name="version" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="action" name="action" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="entityType" name="entity-type" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="topEntityType" name="top-entity-type" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="entityLink" name="entity-link" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="status" name="status" type="java.lang.String" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="AaiInternal">
+ <xml-root-element name="aai-internal" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="reservedPropNames" name="reserved-prop-names" type="" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="edgePropNames" name="edge-prop-names" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ReservedPropNames">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Internal map to define some reserved properties of a vertex" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="aai-unique-key" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="aai-unique-key,source-of-truth,aai-node-type" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="reserved-prop-names" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="lastModSourceOfTruth" name="last-mod-source-of-truth" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="aaiNodeType" name="aai-node-type" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="aaiCreatedTs" name="aai-created-ts" type="java.lang.Long" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="aaiUniqueKey" name="aai-unique-key" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="aaiLastModTs" name="aai-last-mod-ts" type="java.lang.Long" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="sourceOfTruth" name="source-of-truth" type="java.lang.String" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="EdgePropNames">
+ <!-- NOTE that the names of these properties are not consistent and are in mixed case and hyphen case for now -->
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Internal map to define the properties of an edge and interpret the map EdgeRules" />
+ <xml-property name="edgeInfo" value="edgeLabel,direction,multiplicityRule,isParent,usesResource,hasDelTarget,SVC-INFRA,SVC-INFRA-REV" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="edge-prop-names" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="edgeLabel" name="edgeLabel" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="direction" name="direction" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="multiplicityRule" name="multiplicityRule" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="isParent" name="isParent" type="java.lang.Boolean" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="usesResource" name="usesResource" type="java.lang.Boolean" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="hasDelTarget" name="hasDelTarget" type="java.lang.Boolean" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="SVC-INFRA" name="SVC-INFRA" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="SVC-INFRA-REV" name="SVC-INFRA-REV" type="java.lang.String" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Models">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of subgraph definitions provided by ASDC to describe the inventory assets and their connections related to ASDC models" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="models" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="model" name="model" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Model">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Subgraph definition provided by ASDC to describe an inventory asset and its connections related to ASDC models" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="model-name,model-type" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="model-name-version-id,model-type,model-name,model-id,model-version" />
+ <xml-property name="alternateKeys1" value="model-id,model-version" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="model-name-version-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="models" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="service-design-and-creation" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="model" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelNameVersionId" name="model-name-version-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique identifier corresponding to one version of a model in ASDC" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelType" name="model-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Type of the model, e.g., service, resource, widget, etc." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelName" name="model-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of the model, which can change from version to version." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelId" name="model-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Invariant unique ID which does not change from version to version" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelVersion" name="model-version" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Version" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelDescription" name="model-description" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Description" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelElements" name="model-elements" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="metadata" name="metadata" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ModelElements">
+ <xml-root-element name="model-elements" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="modelElement" name="model-element" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ModelElement">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Defines how other models combine to make up a higher-level model." />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="model-element-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="model-element-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="allowDirectRead" value="true" />
+ <xml-property name="allowDirectWrite" value="false" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="model-elements" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="model-element" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelElementUuid" name="model-element-uuid" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="autoGenerateUuid" value="true" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="newDataDelFlag" name="new-data-del-flag" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Indicates whether this element was created as part of instantiation from this model" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cardinality" name="cardinality" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="How many of this type of element are required/allowed" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="linkagePoints" name="linkage-points" type="java.lang.String">
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelElements" name="model-elements" type="">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Defines how other models combine to make up a higher-level model" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelConstraints" name="model-constraints" type="">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Describes new constraints on this model element that are not part of that model's definition" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ModelConstraints">
+ <xml-root-element name="model-constraints" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="modelConstraint" name="model-constraint" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ModelConstraint">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This is how we would capture constraints defining allowed sets of elements." />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="model-constraint-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="model-constraint-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="allowDirectRead" value="true" />
+ <xml-property name="allowDirectWrite" value="false" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="model-constraints" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="model-constraint" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelConstraintUuid" name="model-constraint-uuid" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="autoGenerateUuid" value="true" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="constrainedElementSetUuidToReplace" name="constrained-element-set-uuid-to-replace" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="constrainedElementSets" name="constrained-element-sets" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ConstrainedElementSets">
+ <xml-root-element name="constrained-element-sets" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="constrainedElementSet" name="constrained-element-set" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ConstrainedElementSet">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This is how we would capture constraints defining allowed sets of elements." />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="constrained-element-set-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="constrained-element-set-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="allowDirectRead" value="true" />
+ <xml-property name="allowDirectWrite" value="false" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="constrained-element-sets" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="constrained-element-set" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="constrainedElementSetUuid" name="constrained-element-set-uuid" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="autoGenerateUuid" value="true" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="constraintType" name="constraint-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="checkType" name="check-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="elementChoiceSets" name="element-choice-sets" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ElementChoiceSets">
+ <xml-root-element name="element-choice-sets" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="elementChoiceSet" name="element-choice-set" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ElementChoiceSet">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This is how we would capture constraints defining allowed sets of elements." />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="element-choice-set-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="element-choice-set-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="allowDirectRead" value="true" />
+ <xml-property name="allowDirectWrite" value="false" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="element-choice-sets" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="element-choice-set" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="elementChoiceSetUuid" name="element-choice-set-uuid" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="autoGenerateUuid" value="true" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="elementChoiceSetName" name="element-choice-set-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cardinality" name="cardinality" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelElements" name="model-elements" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="NamedQueries">
+ <xml-root-element name="named-queries" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="namedQuery" name="named-query" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="NamedQuery">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="TBD" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="named-query-name" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="named-query-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="named-query-uuid,named-query-name" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="named-queries" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="service-design-and-creation" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="named-query" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="namedQueryUuid" name="named-query-uuid" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="namedQueryName" name="named-query-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="namedQueryVersion" name="named-query-version" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="requiredInputParams" name="required-input-param" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-element-wrapper name="required-input-params" />
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="description" name="description" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="namedQueryElements" name="named-query-elements" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="NamedQueryElements">
+ <xml-root-element name="named-query-elements" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="namedQueryElement" name="named-query-element" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="NamedQueryElement">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="TBD" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="named-query-element-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="named-query-element-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="allowDirectRead" value="true" />
+ <xml-property name="allowDirectWrite" value="false" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="named-query-elements" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="named-query-element" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="namedQueryElementUuid" name="named-query-element-uuid" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="autoGenerateUuid" value="true" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="propertyCollectList" name="property-collect-list" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String" />
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+ <xml-element java-attribute="namedQueryElements" name="named-query-elements" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relatedLookups" name="related-lookups" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyConstraints" name="property-constraints" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="RelatedLookups">
+ <xml-root-element name="related-lookups" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="relatedLookup" name="related-lookup" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="RelatedLookup">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="TBD" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="related-lookup-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="related-lookup-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="allowDirectRead" value="true" />
+ <xml-property name="allowDirectWrite" value="false" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="related-lookups" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="related-lookup" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relatedLookupUuid" name="related-lookup-uuid" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="autoGenerateUuid" value="true" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="sourceNodeType" name="source-node-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
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+ <xml-element java-attribute="targetNodeProperty" name="target-node-property" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="propertyCollectList" name="property-collect-list" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="PropertyConstraints">
+ <xml-root-element name="property-constraints" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="propertyConstraint" name="property-constraint" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="PropertyConstraint">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="TBD" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="property-constraint-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="property-constraint-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="allowDirectRead" value="true" />
+ <xml-property name="allowDirectWrite" value="false" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="property-constraints" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="property-constraint" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyConstraintUuid" name="property-constraint-uuid" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="autoGenerateUuid" value="true" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="constraintType" name="constraint-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="property-name" name="property-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
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+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ModelAndNamedQuerySearch">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="ModelAndNamedQuerySearch holds query-parameters and instance-properties for performing a named-query or model query" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="model-and-named-query-search" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="queryParameters" name="query-parameters" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="instanceFilters" name="instance-filters" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="topNodeType" name="top-node-type" type="java.lang.String" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="QueryParameters">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="QueryParameters for performing a named-query or model query" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="query-parameters" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="namedQuery" name="named-query" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="model" name="model" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="InstanceFilters">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="InstanceFilters for performing a named-query or model query" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="instance-filters" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="instanceFilter" name="instance-filter" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="InstanceFilter">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="InstanceFilter for performing a named-query or model query" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="instance-filters" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="instance-filter" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-any-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="any" lax="true" name="any" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Properties">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Property holder for query properties or instance properties" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="properties" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyName" name="property-name" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyValue" name="property-value" type="java.lang.String" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ResponseList">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Response container for the results of a named-query or model query" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="response-list" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="inventoryResponseItems" name="inventory-response-items" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="InventoryResponseItems">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Container for inventory items in response list" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="response-list" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="inventory-response-items" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="inventoryResponseItem" name="inventory-response-item" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="InventoryResponseItem">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Inventory item for response list" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="inventory-response-items" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="inventory-response-item" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelName" name="model-name" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-any-element java-attribute="item" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="extraProperties" name="extra-properties" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="inventoryResponseItems" name="inventory-response-items" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ExtraProperties">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Extra properties for inventory item for response list" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="extra-properties" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-any-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="extraProperty" name="extra-property" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ExtraProperty">
+ <xml-root-element name="extra-property" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyName" name="property-name" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-any-element java-attribute="propertyValue" lax="true" name="property-value" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="RouteTableReferences">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of openstack route table references" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="route-table-references" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="routeTableReference" name="route-table-reference" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="RouteTableReference">
+ <xml-root-element name="route-table-reference" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="routeTableReferenceId" name="route-table-reference-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Route Table Reference id, UUID assigned to this instance." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="routeTableReferenceFqdn" name="route-table-reference-fqdn" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="FQDN entry in the route table." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Concurrency value" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Openstack route table reference." />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="route-table-reference-fqdn" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="route-table-reference-id" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="route-table-reference-id,route-table-reference-fqdn" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="route-table-references" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="SegmentationAssignments">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of openstack segmentation assignments" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="segmentation-assignments" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="segmentationAssignment" name="segmentation-assignment" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="SegmentationAssignment">
+ <xml-root-element name="segmentation-assignment" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="segmentationId" name="segmentation-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Route Table Reference id, UUID assigned to this instance." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Concurrency value" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Openstack segmentation assignment." />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="segmentation-id" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="l3-network" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="segmentation-assignments" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Vnf">
+ <xml-root-element name="vnf"/>
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfId" name="vnf-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique id of VNF. This is unique across the graph." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Abstract vnf class" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="vnf-id" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="vnf-id" />
+ <xml-property name="inheritors" value="vce,vpe,generic-vnf" />
+ <xml-property name="abstract" value="true" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ </java-types>
diff --git a/aai-resources/src/test/resources/bundleconfig-local/etc/oxm/aai_oxm_v9.xml b/aai-resources/src/test/resources/bundleconfig-local/etc/oxm/aai_oxm_v9.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7b8d0324
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aai-resources/src/test/resources/bundleconfig-local/etc/oxm/aai_oxm_v9.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,5469 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+ ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+ org.openecomp.aai
+ ================================================================================
+ Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ ================================================================================
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ -->
+<xml-bindings xmlns="" package-name="" xml-mapping-metadata-complete="true">
+ <xml-schema element-form-default="QUALIFIED">
+ <xml-ns namespace-uri="http://org.openecomp.aai.inventory/v9" />
+ </xml-schema>
+ <java-types>
+ <java-type name="Inventory">
+ <xml-root-element name="inventory" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="search" name="search" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="actions" name="actions" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cloudInfrastructure" name="cloud-infrastructure" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="business" name="business" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceDesignAndCreation" name="service-design-and-creation" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="network" name="network" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="aaiInternal" name="aai-internal" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="nodes" name="nodes" type=""/>
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Nodes">
+ <xml-root-element name="nodes" />
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Search">
+ <xml-root-element name="search" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="edgeTagQueryResult" name="edge-tag-query-result" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="edgeTagQueryRequest" name="edge-tag-query-request" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="searchResults" name="search-results" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="sdnZoneResponse" name="sdn-zone-response" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="EdgeTagQueryResult">
+ <xml-root-element name="edge-tag-query-result" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="taggedInventoryItemList" name="tagged-inventory-item-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="TaggedInventoryItemList">
+ <xml-root-element name="tagged-inventory-item-list" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="inventoryItem" name="inventory-item" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="InventoryItem">
+ <xml-root-element name="inventory-item" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="inventoryItemType" name="inventory-item-type" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="inventoryItemLink" name="inventory-item-link" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="inventoryItemData" name="inventory-item-data" type="" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="taggedInventoryItemList" name="tagged-inventory-item-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="InventoryItemData">
+ <xml-root-element name="inventory-item-data" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyName" name="property-name" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyValue" name="property-value" type="java.lang.String" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="EdgeTagQueryRequest">
+ <xml-root-element name="edge-tag-query-request" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="edgeTag" name="edge-tag" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resultDetail" name="result-detail" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="startNodeType" name="start-node-type" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="startNodeFilter" name="start-node-filter" type="" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="includeNodeFilter" name="include-node-filter" type="" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="secondaryFilter" name="secondary-filter" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="StartNodeFilter">
+ <xml-root-element name="start-node-filter" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyName" name="property-name" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyValue" name="property-value" type="java.lang.String" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="IncludeNodeFilter">
+ <xml-root-element name="include-node-filter" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="includeNodeType" name="include-node-type" type="java.lang.String" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="SecondaryFilter">
+ <xml-root-element name="secondary-filter" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyName" name="property-name" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="filterType" name="filter-type" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyValue" name="property-value" type="java.lang.String" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="SearchResults">
+ <xml-root-element name="search-results" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="resultData" name="result-data" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ResultData">
+ <xml-root-element name="result-data" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceType" name="resource-type" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The specific type of node in the A&amp;AI graph" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceLink" name="resource-link" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The URL to the specific resource" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="SdnZoneResponse">
+ <xml-root-element name="sdn-zone-response" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="oamNetworks" name="oam-networks" type="" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="azAndDvsSwitches" name="az-and-dvs-switches" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="AzAndDvsSwitches">
+ <xml-root-element name="az-and-dvs-switches" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="dvsSwitches" name="dvs-switches" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="availabilityZone" name="availability-zone" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Actions">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="APIs that are more action related than REST (e.g., notify, update)." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="actions" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="update" name="update" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="notify" name="notify" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Update">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Serves a PATCH like function. Does not enforce concurrency control. Clear each usage with AAI team." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="update" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="updateNodeType" name="update-node-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="updateNodeKey" name="update-node-key" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="updateNodeUri" name="update-node-uri" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="action" name="action" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Action">
+ <xml-root-element name="action" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="actionType" name="action-type" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="actionData" name="action-data" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ActionData">
+ <xml-root-element name="action-data" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyName" name="property-name" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyValue" name="property-value" type="java.lang.String" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="UpdateNodeKey">
+ <xml-root-element name="update-node-key" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="keyName" name="key-name" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="keyValue" name="key-value" type="java.lang.String" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Notify">
+ <xml-root-element name="notify" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="eventId" name="event-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="nodeType" name="node-type" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="eventTrigger" name="event-trigger" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="keyData" name="key-data" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="selflink" name="selflink" type="java.lang.String" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="KeyData">
+ <xml-root-element name="key-data" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="keyName" name="key-name" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="keyValue" name="key-value" type="java.lang.String" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="CloudInfrastructure">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Namespace for cloud infrastructure." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="cloud-infrastructure" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="complexes" name="complexes" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cloudRegions" name="cloud-regions" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="networkProfiles" name="network-profiles" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="pservers" name="pservers" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="virtualDataCenters" name="virtual-data-centers" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="CloudRegions">
+ <xml-root-element name="cloud-regions" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="cloudRegion" name="cloud-region" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="maximumDepth" value="0" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="CloudRegion">
+ <xml-root-element name="cloud-region" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cloudOwner" name="cloud-owner" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Identifies the vendor and cloud name. First part of composite key should be formatted as vendor-cloudname" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cloudRegionId" name="cloud-region-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Identifier used by the vendor for the region. Second part of composite key" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cloudType" name="cloud-type" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Type of the cloud (e.g., openstack)" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ownerDefinedType" name="owner-defined-type" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Cloud-owner defined type indicator (e.g., dcp, lcp)" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cloudRegionVersion" name="cloud-region-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Software version employed at the site. NOTE - THIS FIELD IS NOT KEPT UP TO DATE." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="identityUrl" name="identity-url" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="URL of the keystone identity service" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cloudZone" name="cloud-zone" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Zone where the cloud is homed. NOTE - THIS FIELD IS NOT CORRECTLY POPULATED." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="complexName" name="complex-name" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="complex name for cloud-region instance. NOTE - THIS FIELD IS NOT CORRECTLY POPULATED." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="volumeGroups" name="volume-groups" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="tenants" name="tenants" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="flavors" name="flavors" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="groupAssignments" name="group-assignments" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="snapshots" name="snapshots" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="images" name="images" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="dvsSwitches" name="dvs-switches" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="oamNetworks" name="oam-networks" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="availabilityZones" name="availability-zones" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="cloud-region designates an installation of a cloud cluster or region or instantiation. In AT&amp;Ts AIC cloud, this could be an LCP or DCP. Cloud regions are uniquely identified by a composite key, cloud-owner + cloud-region-id. The format of the cloud-owner is vendor-cloudname and we will use att-aic for AT&amp;T's AIC." />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="cloud-owner,cloud-region-id,cloud-type,owner-defined-type" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="owner-defined-type" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="cloud-regions" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="cloud-infrastructure" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="VolumeGroups">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of persistent block-level storage." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="volume-groups" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="volumeGroup" name="volume-group" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="VolumeGroup">
+ <xml-root-element name="volume-group" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="volumeGroupId" name="volume-group-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique ID of volume-group." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="volumeGroupName" name="volume-group-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of the volume group." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="heatStackId" name="heat-stack-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Heat stack id corresponding to this volume-group" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfType" name="vnf-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="String capturing type of vnf, that was intended to identify the ASDC resource. This field has been overloaded in service-specific ways and clients should expect changes to occur in the future to this field as ECOMP matures." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="orchestrationStatus" name="orchestration-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Orchestration status of this volume-group" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="personaModelCustomizationId" name="persona-model-customization-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="captures the id of all the configuration used to customize the resource for the service." />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-customization-id" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vfModulePersonaModelCustomizationId" name="vf-module-persona-model-customization-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="helps relate the volume group to the vf-module whose components will require the volume group" />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="vf-module-model-customization-id" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Persistent block-level storage." />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="volume-group-name,vnf-type,heat-stack-id,volume-group-id" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="volume-group-id,volume-group-name" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="cloud-region" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="volume-groups" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="RelationshipList">
+ <xml-root-element name="relationship-list" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="relationship" name="relationship" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Relationship">
+ <xml-root-element name="relationship" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relatedTo" name="related-to" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="A keyword provided by A&amp;AI to indicate type of node." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relatedLink" name="related-link" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="URL to the object in A&amp;AI." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="relationshipData" name="relationship-data" type="" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="relatedToProperty" name="related-to-property" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="RelatedToProperty">
+ <xml-root-element name="related-to-property" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyKey" name="property-key" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Key part of a key/value pair" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyValue" name="property-value" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Value part of a key/value pair" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="RelationshipData">
+ <xml-root-element name="relationship-data" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipKey" name="relationship-key" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="A keyword provided by A&amp;AI to indicate an attribute." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipValue" name="relationship-value" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Value of the attribute." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Complexes">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of physical locations that can house cloud-regions." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="complexes" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="complex" name="complex" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="maximumDepth" value="0" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Complex">
+ <xml-root-element name="complex" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="physicalLocationId" name="physical-location-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique identifier for physical location, e.g., CLLI" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="dataCenterCode" name="data-center-code" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Data center code which can be an alternate way to identify a complex" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="complexName" name="complex-name" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Gamma complex name for LCP instance." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="identityUrl" name="identity-url" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="URL of the keystone identity service" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="physicalLocationType" name="physical-location-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Type, e.g., central office, data center." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="street1" name="street1" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="street2" name="street2" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="city" name="city" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="state" name="state" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="postalCode" name="postal-code" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="country" name="country" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="region" name="region" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="latitude" name="latitude" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="longitude" name="longitude" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="elevation" name="elevation" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="lata" name="lata" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ctagPools" name="ctag-pools" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of physical locations that can house cloud-regions." />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="identity-url,data-center-code,complex-name,physical-location-id" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="physical-location-id,data-center-code,complex-name,street1,street2,postal-code" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="physical-location-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="complexes" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="cloud-infrastructure" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="CtagPools">
+ <xml-root-element name="ctag-pools" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="ctagPool" name="ctag-pool" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="CtagPool">
+ <xml-root-element name="ctag-pool" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="targetPe" name="target-pe" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The Target provider edge router" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="availabilityZoneName" name="availability-zone-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of the availability zone" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ctagPoolPurpose" name="ctag-pool-purpose" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Describes what the intended purpose of this pool is." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ctagValues" name="ctag-values" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Comma separated list of ctags" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="A collection of C tags (vlan tags) grouped for a specific purpose." />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="availability-zone-name" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="complex" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="ctag-pools" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Tenants">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of openstack tenants." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="tenants" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="tenant" name="tenant" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="maximumDepth" value="0" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Tenant">
+ <xml-root-element name="tenant" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="tenantId" name="tenant-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique id relative to the cloud-region." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="tenantName" name="tenant-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Readable name of tenant" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vservers" name="vservers" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Openstack tenant" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="tenant-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="tenant-name,tenant-id" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="tenant-id,tenant-name" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="cloud-region" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="tenants" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Vservers">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of virtual Servers, aka virtual machines or VMs." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="vservers" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="vserver" name="vserver" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Vserver">
+ <xml-root-element name="vserver" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vserverId" name="vserver-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique identifier for this vserver relative to its tenant" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vserverName" name="vserver-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of vserver" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vserverName2" name="vserver-name2" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Alternative name of vserver" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="provStatus" name="prov-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Trigger for operational monitoring of this resource by Service Assurance systems." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vserverSelflink" name="vserver-selflink" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="URL to endpoint where AAI can get more details" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element default-value="false" required="true" java-attribute="inMaint" name="in-maint" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used to indicate whether or not this object is in maintenance mode (maintenance mode = true). This field (in conjunction with prov-status) is used to suppress alarms and vSCL on VNFs/VMs." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element default-value="false" required="true" java-attribute="isClosedLoopDisabled" name="is-closed-loop-disabled" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used to indicate whether closed loop function is enabled on this node" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="volumes" name="volumes" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="lInterfaces" name="l-interfaces" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Virtual Servers, aka virtual machine or VM." />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="vserver-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="is-closed-loop-disabled,prov-status,vserver-name,vserver-id,in-maint,vserver-name2" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="vserver-id,vserver-name,vserver-name2" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="tenant" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="vservers" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="LInterfaces">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of logical interfaces." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="l-interfaces" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="lInterface" name="l-interface" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="LInterface">
+ <xml-root-element name="l-interface" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="interfaceName" name="interface-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name given to the interface" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="interfaceRole" name="interface-role" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="E.g., CUSTOMER, UPLINK, etc." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="v6WanLinkIp" name="v6-wan-link-ip" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Questionably placed - v6 ip addr of this interface (is in vr-lan-interface from Mary B." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="selflink" name="selflink" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="URL to endpoint where AAI can get more details" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="interfaceId" name="interface-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="ID of interface" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="macaddr" name="macaddr" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="MAC address for the interface" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="networkName" name="network-name" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of the network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="managementOption" name="management-option" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Whether A&amp;AI should be managing this interface of not. Could have value like CUSTOMER" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="interfaceDescription" name="interface-description" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Human friendly text regarding this interface." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vlans" name="vlans" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="sriovVfs" name="sriov-vfs" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="l3InterfaceIpv4AddressList" name="l3-interface-ipv4-address-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="l3InterfaceIpv6AddressList" name="l3-interface-ipv6-address-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Logical interfaces, e.g., a vnic." />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="macaddr,interface-id,interface-name,network-name" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="generic-vnf,newvce,vpe,p-interface,vserver,lag-interface" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="l-interfaces" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="SriovVfs">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of SR-IOV Virtual Functions." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="sriov-vfs" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="sriovVf" name="sriov-vf" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="SriovVf">
+ <xml-root-element name="sriov-vf" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="pciId" name="pci-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="PCI ID used to identify the sriov-vf" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vfVlanFilter" name="vf-vlan-filter" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This metadata provides option to specify list of VLAN filters applied on VF to pass the traffic to VM." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vfMacFilter" name="vf-mac-filter" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="When MAC filters are specified, VF-agent service configures VFs to do MAC level filtering before the traffic is passed to VM." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vfVlanStrip" name="vf-vlan-strip" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="When this field is set to true, VF will configured to strip the outer TAG before the traffic is passed to VM." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vfVlanAntiSpoofCheck" name="vf-vlan-anti-spoof-check" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This option ensures anti VLAN spoof checks are done at the VF level to comply with security. The disable check will also be honored per the VNF needs for trusted VMs." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vfMacAntiSpoofCheck" name="vf-mac-anti-spoof-check" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This option ensures anti MAC spoof checks are done at the VF level to comply with security. The disable check will also be honored per the VNF needs for trusted VMs." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vfMirrors" name="vf-mirrors" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This option defines the set of Mirror objects which essentially mirrors the traffic from source to set of collector VNF Ports." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vfBroadcastAllow" name="vf-broadcast-allow" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This option, if set to true, sets the VF in promiscuous mode and allows all broadcast traffic to reach the VM" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vfUnknownMulticastAllow" name="vf-unknown-multicast-allow" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This option, if set to true, sets the VF in promiscuous mode and allows unknown multicast traffic to reach the VM" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vfUnknownUnicastAllow" name="vf-unknown-unicast-allow" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This option, if set to true, sets the VF in promiscuous mode and allows unknown unicast traffic to reach the VM" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vfInsertStag" name="vf-insert-stag" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This option, if set to true, instructs to insert outer tag after traffic comes out of VM." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vfLinkStatus" name="vf-link-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This option is used to set the link status. Valid values as of 1607 are on, off, and auto." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="neutronNetworkId" name="neutron-network-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Neutron network id of the interface" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="SR-IOV Virtual Function (not to be confused with virtual network function)" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="pci-id,vf-vlan-filter,vf-mac-filter,vf-vlan-strip,neutron-network-id" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="l-interface" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="sriov-vfs" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="L3InterfaceIpv4AddressList">
+ <xml-root-element name="l3-interface-ipv4-address-list" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="l3InterfaceIpv4Address" name="l3-interface-ipv4-address" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="IP address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="l3InterfaceIpv4PrefixLength" name="l3-interface-ipv4-prefix-length" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Prefix length, 32 for single address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vlanIdInner" name="vlan-id-inner" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Inner VLAN tag" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vlanIdOuter" name="vlan-id-outer" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Outer VLAN tag" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="isFloating" name="is-floating" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Indicator of fixed or floating address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="neutronNetworkId" name="neutron-network-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Neutron network id of the interface that address belongs to" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="neutronSubnetId" name="neutron-subnet-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Neutron id of subnet that address belongs to" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="IPv4 Address Range" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="l3-interface-ipv4-address,vlan-id-inner,neutron-network-id,neutron-subnet-id" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="vlan,l-interface" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Vlans">
+ <xml-root-element name="vlans" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="vlan" name="vlan" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Vlan">
+ <xml-root-element name="vlan" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vlanInterface" name="vlan-interface" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="String that identifies the interface" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vlanIdInner" name="vlan-id-inner" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Inner VLAN tag" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vlanIdOuter" name="vlan-id-outer" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Outer VLAN tag" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="speedValue" name="speed-value" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Captures the numeric part of the speed" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="speedUnits" name="speed-units" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Captures the units corresponding to the speed" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vlanDescription" name="vlan-description" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used to describe (the service associated with) the vlan" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="backdoorConnection" name="backdoor-connection" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Whether customer is going to use this VLAN for backdoor connection to another customer premise device." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vpnId" name="vpn-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This indicates the customers VPN ID associated with this vlan" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="orchestrationStatus" name="orchestration-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Status of a vnf's vlan interface, on which the customer circuit resides, mastered by SDN-C." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="l3InterfaceIpv4AddressList" name="l3-interface-ipv4-address-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="l3InterfaceIpv6AddressList" name="l3-interface-ipv6-address-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Definition of vlan" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="vlan-interface,vlan-id-inner,vpn-id" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="vpn-id" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="l-interface" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="vlans" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="L3InterfaceIpv6AddressList">
+ <xml-root-element name="l3-interface-ipv6-address-list" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="l3InterfaceIpv6Address" name="l3-interface-ipv6-address" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="IP address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="l3InterfaceIpv6PrefixLength" name="l3-interface-ipv6-prefix-length" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Prefix length, 128 for single address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vlanIdInner" name="vlan-id-inner" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Inner VLAN tag" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vlanIdOuter" name="vlan-id-outer" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Outer VLAN tag" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="isFloating" name="is-floating" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Indicator of fixed or floating address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="neutronNetworkId" name="neutron-network-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Neutron network id of the interface that address belongs to" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="neutronSubnetId" name="neutron-subnet-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Neutron id of subnet that address belongs to" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="IPv6 Address Range" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="l3-interface-ipv6-address,vlan-id-inner,neutron-network-id,neutron-subnet-id" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="vlan,l-interface" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Volumes">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of ephemeral Block storage volumes." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="volumes" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="volume" name="volume" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Volume">
+ <xml-root-element name="volume" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="volumeId" name="volume-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique ID of block storage volume relative to the vserver." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="volumeSelflink" name="volume-selflink" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="URL to endpoint where AAI can get more details" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Ephemeral Block storage volume." />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="volume-id" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="vserver" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="volumes" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Flavors">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of openstack flavors." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="flavors" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="flavor" name="flavor" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Flavor">
+ <xml-root-element name="flavor" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="flavorId" name="flavor-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Flavor id, expected to be unique across cloud-region." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="flavorName" name="flavor-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Flavor name" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="flavorVcpus" name="flavor-vcpus" type="java.lang.Integer">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Number of CPUs" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="flavorRam" name="flavor-ram" type="java.lang.Integer">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Amount of memory" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="flavorDisk" name="flavor-disk" type="java.lang.Integer">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Disk space" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="flavorEphemeral" name="flavor-ephemeral" type="java.lang.Integer">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Amount of ephemeral disk space" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="flavorSwap" name="flavor-swap" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="amount of swap space allocation" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="flavorIsPublic" name="flavor-is-public" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="whether flavor is available to all users or private to the tenant it was created in." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="flavorSelflink" name="flavor-selflink" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="URL to endpoint where AAI can get more details" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="flavorDisabled" name="flavor-disabled" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Boolean as to whether this flavor is no longer enabled" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Openstack flavor." />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="flavor-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="flavor-name,flavor-id" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="cloud-region" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="flavors" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Snapshots">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of openstack snapshots" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="snapshots" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="snapshot" name="snapshot" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Snapshot">
+ <xml-root-element name="snapshot" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="snapshotId" name="snapshot-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Snapshot id, this is the key UUID assoc associated in glance with the snapshots." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="snapshotName" name="snapshot-name" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Snapshot name" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="snapshotArchitecture" name="snapshot-architecture" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Operating system architecture" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="snapshotOsDistro" name="snapshot-os-distro" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The common name of the operating system distribution in lowercase" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="snapshotOsVersion" name="snapshot-os-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The operating system version as specified by the distributor." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="application" name="application" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The application that the image instantiates." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="applicationVendor" name="application-vendor" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The vendor of the application." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="applicationVersion" name="application-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The version of the application." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="snapshotSelflink" name="snapshot-selflink" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="URL to endpoint where AAI can get more details" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="prevSnapshotId" name="prev-snapshot-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This field contains the UUID of the previous snapshot (if any)." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Openstack snapshot" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="snapshot-name" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="snapshot-id" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="application,snapshot-name,application-vendor,snapshot-id,application-version,prev-snapshot-id" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="cloud-region" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="snapshots" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="GroupAssignments">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of openstack group assignments" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="group-assignments" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="groupAssignment" name="group-assignment" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="GroupAssignment">
+ <xml-root-element name="group-assignment" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="groupId" name="group-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Group id, expected to be unique across cloud-region." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="groupType" name="group-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Group type - the type of group this instance refers to" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="groupName" name="group-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Group name - name assigned to the group" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="groupDescription" name="group-description" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Group description - description of the group" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Openstack group-assignment used to store exclusivity groups (EG)." />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="group-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="group-id,group-type,group-name" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="cloud-region" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="group-assignments" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Images">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collectio of Openstack images." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="images" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="image" name="image" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Image">
+ <xml-root-element name="image" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="imageId" name="image-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Image id, expected to be unique across cloud region" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="imageName" name="image-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Image name" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="imageArchitecture" name="image-architecture" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Operating system architecture." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="imageOsDistro" name="image-os-distro" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The common name of the operating system distribution in lowercase" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="imageOsVersion" name="image-os-version" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The operating system version as specified by the distributor." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="application" name="application" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The application that the image instantiates." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="applicationVendor" name="application-vendor" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The vendor of the application." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="applicationVersion" name="application-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The version of the application." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="imageSelflink" name="image-selflink" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="URL to endpoint where AAI can get more details" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="metadata" name="metadata" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Openstack image." />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="image-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="application,image-name,application-vendor,image-id,application-version" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="cloud-region" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="images" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Metadata">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of metadatum (key/value pairs)" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="metadata" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="metadatum" name="metadatum" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Metadatum">
+ <xml-root-element name="metadatum" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="metaname" name="metaname" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="metaval" name="metaval" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Key/value pairs" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="metaname" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="tenant,image,service-instance,connector,model" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="metadata" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="DvsSwitches">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of digital virtual switch metadata used for vmWare VCEs and VPEs." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="dvs-switches" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="dvsSwitch" name="dvs-switch" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="DvsSwitch">
+ <xml-root-element name="dvs-switch" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="switchName" name="switch-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="DVS switch name" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vcenterUrl" name="vcenter-url" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="URL used to reach the vcenter" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Digital virtual switch metadata, used by SDN-C to configure VCEs. A&amp;AI needs to receive this data from the PO deployment team and administer it using the into A&amp;AI. " />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="vcenter-url,switch-name" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="cloud-region" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="dvs-switches" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="NetworkProfiles">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of network profiles" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="network-profiles" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="networkProfile" name="network-profile" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="NetworkProfile">
+ <xml-root-element name="network-profile" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="nmProfileName" name="nm-profile-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique name of network profile." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="communityString" name="community-string" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Encrypted SNMP community string" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Network profile populated by SDN-GP for SNMP" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="nm-profile-name" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="network-profiles" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="cloud-infrastructure" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Pservers">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of compute hosts." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="pservers" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="pserver" name="pserver" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="maximumDepth" value="0" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Pserver">
+ <xml-root-element name="pserver" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="hostname" name="hostname" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Value from executing hostname on the compute node." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ptniiEquipName" name="ptnii-equip-name" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="PTNII name" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="numberOfCpus" name="number-of-cpus" type="java.lang.Integer">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Number of cpus" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="diskInGigabytes" name="disk-in-gigabytes" type="java.lang.Integer">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Disk size, in GBs" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ramInMegabytes" name="ram-in-megabytes" type="java.lang.Integer">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="RAM size, in MBs" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="equipType" name="equip-type" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Equipment type. Source of truth should define valid values." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="equipVendor" name="equip-vendor" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Equipment vendor. Source of truth should define valid values." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="equipModel" name="equip-model" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Equipment model. Source of truth should define valid values." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="fqdn" name="fqdn" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Fully-qualified domain name" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="pserverSelflink" name="pserver-selflink" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="URL to endpoint where AAI can get more details" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipv4OamAddress" name="ipv4-oam-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used to configure device, also used for troubleshooting and is IP used for traps generated by device." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serialNumber" name="serial-number" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Serial number, may be queried" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipaddressV4Loopback0" name="ipaddress-v4-loopback-0" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="IPV4 Loopback 0 address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipaddressV6Loopback0" name="ipaddress-v6-loopback-0" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="IPV6 Loopback 0 address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipaddressV4Aim" name="ipaddress-v4-aim" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="IPV4 AIM address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipaddressV6Aim" name="ipaddress-v6-aim" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="IPV6 AIM address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipaddressV6Oam" name="ipaddress-v6-oam" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="IPV6 OAM address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="invStatus" name="inv-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="CANOPI's inventory status. Only set with values exactly as defined by CANOPI." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="pserverId" name="pserver-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="ID of Pserver" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="internetTopology" name="internet-topology" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="internet topology of Pserver" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element default-value="false" required="true" java-attribute="inMaint" name="in-maint" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="used to indicate whether or not this object is in maintenance mode (maintenance mode = true). This field (in conjunction with prov-status) is used to suppress alarms and vSCL on VNFs/VMs." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="pserverName2" name="pserver-name2" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="alternative pserver name" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="purpose" name="purpose" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="purpose of pserver" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="provStatus" name="prov-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Prov Status of this device (not under canopi control) Valid values [PREPROV/NVTPROV/PROV]" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="pInterfaces" name="p-interfaces" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="lagInterfaces" name="lag-interfaces" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Compute host whose hostname must be unique and must exactly match what is sent as a relationship to a vserver." />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="pserver-name2" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="hostname,in-maint,pserver-id,pserver-name2,inv-status" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="hostname,pserver-name2,pserver-id,ipv4-oam-address" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="pservers" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="cloud-infrastructure" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="PInterfaces">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of physical interfaces." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="p-interfaces" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="pInterface" name="p-interface" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="PInterface">
+ <xml-root-element name="p-interface" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="interfaceName" name="interface-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name that identifies the physical interface" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="speedValue" name="speed-value" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Captures the numeric part of the speed" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="speedUnits" name="speed-units" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Captures the units corresponding to the speed" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="portDescription" name="port-description" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Nature of the services and connectivity on this port." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="equipmentIdentifier" name="equipment-identifier" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="CLEI or other specification for p-interface hardware." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="interfaceRole" name="interface-role" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Role specification for p-interface hardware." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="interfaceType" name="interface-type" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Indicates the physical properties of the interface." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="provStatus" name="prov-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Trigger for operational monitoring of this resource by Service Assurance systems." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="lInterfaces" name="l-interfaces" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Physical interface (e.g., nic)" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="interface-name,prov-status" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="prov-status" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="vpls-pe,pserver,pnf" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="p-interfaces" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="LagInterfaces">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of link aggregate interfaces." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="lag-interfaces" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="lagInterface" name="lag-interface" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="LagInterface">
+ <xml-root-element name="lag-interface" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="interfaceName" name="interface-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name that identifies the link aggregate interface" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="interfaceDescription" name="interface-description" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Human friendly text regarding this interface." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="speedValue" name="speed-value" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Captures the numeric part of the speed" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="speedUnits" name="speed-units" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Captures the units corresponding to the speed" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="interfaceId" name="interface-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="ID of interface" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="interfaceRole" name="interface-role" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Role assigned to this Interface, should use values as defined in ECOMP Yang models." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="provStatus" name="prov-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Trigger for operational monitoring of this resource by Service Assurance systems." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="lInterfaces" name="l-interfaces" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Link aggregate interface" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="interface-name,interface-id,interface-role" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="generic-vnf,pserver,vpe,vpls-pe,pnf" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="lag-interfaces" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="OamNetworks">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of OAM networks, to be deprecated shortly. Do not use for new purposes. " />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="oam-networks" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="oamNetwork" name="oam-network" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="OamNetwork">
+ <xml-root-element name="oam-network" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="networkUuid" name="network-uuid" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="UUID of the network. Unique across a cloud-region" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="networkName" name="network-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of the network." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cvlanTag" name="cvlan-tag" required="true" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="cvlan-id" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipv4OamGatewayAddress" name="ipv4-oam-gateway-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for VNF firewall rule so customer cannot send customer traffic over this oam network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipv4OamGatewayAddressPrefixLength" name="ipv4-oam-gateway-address-prefix-length" type="java.lang.Integer">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for VNF firewall rule so customer cannot send customer traffic over this oam network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="OAM network, to be deprecated shortly. Do not use for new purposes. " />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="network-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="cvlan-tag,network-uuid,network-name" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="cloud-region" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="oam-networks" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="AvailabilityZones">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of availability zones" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="availability-zones" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="availabilityZone" name="availability-zone" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="AvailabilityZone">
+ <xml-root-element name="availability-zone" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="availabilityZoneName" name="availability-zone-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of the availability zone. Unique across a cloud region" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="hypervisorType" name="hypervisor-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Type of hypervisor. Source of truth should define valid values." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="operationalState" name="operational-state" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="State that indicates whether the availability zone should be used, etc. Source of truth should define valid values." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Availability zone, a collection of compute hosts/pservers" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="availability-zone-name" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="cloud-region" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="availability-zones" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="VirtualDataCenters">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Virtual organization of cloud infrastructure elements in a data center context" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="virtual-data-centers" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="virtualDataCenter" name="virtual-data-center" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="VirtualDataCenter">
+ <xml-root-element name="virtual-data-center" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vdcId" name="vdc-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique ID of the vdc" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vdcName" name="vdc-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of the virtual data center" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Virtual organization of cloud infrastructure elements in a data center context" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="vdc-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="vdc-name,vdc-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="virtual-data-centers" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="cloud-infrastructure" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Business">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Namespace for business related constructs" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="business" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="connectors" name="connectors" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="customers" name="customers" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Connectors">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of resource instances used to connect a variety of disparate inventory widgets" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="connectors" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="connector" name="connector" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Connector">
+ <xml-root-element name="connector" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceInstanceId" name="resource-instance-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique id of resource instance." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="personaModelId" name="persona-model-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model id for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-invariant-id-local" />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="deployment" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="personaModelVersion" name="persona-model-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model version for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="deployment" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelVersionId" name="model-version-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model version for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="internal" />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-version-id-local" />
+ <xml-property name="dataLocation" value="service-design-and-creation/models/model/{persona-model-id}/model-vers?model-version={persona-model-version}#model-version-id" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="widgetModelId" name="widget-model-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC data dictionary widget model. This maps directly to the A&amp;AI widget." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="widgetModelVersion" name="widget-model-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC data dictionary version of the widget model.This maps directly to the A&amp;AI version of the widget." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="metadata" name="metadata" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of resource instances used to connect a variety of disparate inventory widgets" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="resource-instance-id,persona-model-id,persona-model-version,widget-model-id,widget-model-version" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="connectors" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="business" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Customers">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of customer identifiers to provide linkage back to BSS information." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="customers" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="customer" name="customer" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="maximumDepth" value="0" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Customer">
+ <xml-root-element name="customer" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="globalCustomerId" name="global-customer-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Global customer id used across ECOMP to uniquely identify customer." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="subscriberName" name="subscriber-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Subscriber name, an alternate way to retrieve a customer." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="subscriberType" name="subscriber-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Subscriber type, a way to provide VID with only the INFRA customers." />
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="CUST" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceSubscriptions" name="service-subscriptions" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="customer identifiers to provide linkage back to BSS information." />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="subscriber-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="subscriber-name,global-customer-id,subscriber-type" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="global-customer-id,subscriber-name" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="global-customer-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="customers" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="business" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ServiceSubscriptions">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of objects that group service instances." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="service-subscriptions" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="serviceSubscription" name="service-subscription" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ServiceSubscription">
+ <xml-root-element name="service-subscription" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceType" name="service-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Value defined by orchestration to identify this service across ECOMP." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="tempUbSubAccountId" name="temp-ub-sub-account-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This property will be deleted from A&amp;AI in the near future. Only stop gap solution." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceInstances" name="service-instances" type="">
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Object that group service instances." />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="service-type" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="customer" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="service-subscriptions" />
+ <xml-property name="crossEntityReference" value="service-instance,service-type" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ServiceInstances">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of service instances" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="service-instances" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="serviceInstance" name="service-instance" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ServiceInstance">
+ <xml-root-element name="service-instance" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceInstanceId" name="service-instance-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Uniquely identifies this instance of a service" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceInstanceName" name="service-instance-name" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This field will store a name assigned to the service-instance." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="personaModelId" name="persona-model-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model id for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-invariant-id-local" />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="deployment" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="personaModelVersion" name="persona-model-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model version for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="deployment" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelVersionId" name="model-version-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model version for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="internal" />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-version-id-local" />
+ <xml-property name="dataLocation" value="service-design-and-creation/models/model/{persona-model-id}/model-vers?model-version={persona-model-version}#model-version-id" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="widgetModelId" name="widget-model-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC data dictionary widget model. This maps directly to the A&amp;AI widget." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="widgetModelVersion" name="widget-model-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC data dictionary version of the widget model.This maps directly to the A&amp;AI version of the widget." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="bandwidthTotal" name="bandwidth-total" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Indicates the total bandwidth to be used for this service." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="bandwidthUpWan1" name="bandwidth-up-wan1" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="indicates the upstream bandwidth this service will use on the WAN1 port of the physical device." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="bandwidthDownWan1" name="bandwidth-down-wan1" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="indicates the downstream bandwidth this service will use on the WAN1 port of the physical device." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="bandwidthUpWan2" name="bandwidth-up-wan2" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="indicates the upstream bandwidth this service will use on the WAN2 port of the physical device." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="bandwidthDownWan2" name="bandwidth-down-wan2" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="indicates the downstream bandwidth this service will use on the WAN2 port of the physical device." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vhnPortalUrl" name="vhn-portal-url" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="URL customers will use to access the vHN Portal." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="operationalStatus" name="operational-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Operational status of the service-instance." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceInstanceLocationId" name="service-instance-location-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="An identifier that customers assign to the location where this service is being used." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="selflink" name="selflink" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Path to the controller object." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="orchestrationStatus" name="orchestration-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Orchestration status of this service." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="metadata" name="metadata" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="allottedResources" name="allotted-resources" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Instance of a service" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="service-instance-id,persona-model-id,persona-model-version,widget-model-id,widget-model-version,service-instance-name,service-instance-location-id,orchestration-status" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="service-instance-name" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="service-instance-id,service-instance-name" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="service-instance-id" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="service-subscription" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="service-instances" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ServiceDesignAndCreation">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Namespace for objects managed by ASDC" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="service-design-and-creation" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfImages" name="vnf-images" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="services" name="services" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceCapabilities" name="service-capabilities" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="models" name="models" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="namedQueries" name="named-queries" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="VnfImages">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of image objects that pertain to a VNF that doesn't have associated vservers. This is a kludge." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="vnf-images" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="vnfImage" name="vnf-image" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="VnfImage">
+ <xml-root-element name="vnf-image" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfImageUuid" name="vnf-image-uuid" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique ID of this asset" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="application" name="application" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The application that the image instantiates." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="applicationVendor" name="application-vendor" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The vendor of the application." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="applicationVersion" name="application-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The version of the application." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="selflink" name="selflink" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="URL to endpoint where AAI can get more details" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Image object that pertain to a VNF that doesn't have associated vservers. This is a kludge." />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="application,vnf-image-uuid,application-vendor,application-version" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="vnf-image-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="vnf-images" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="service-design-and-creation" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Services">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of service model definitions. Likely to be deprecated in favor of models from ASDC." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="services" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="service" name="service" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Service">
+ <xml-root-element name="service" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceId" name="service-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This gets defined by others to provide a unique ID for the service, we accept what is sent." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceDescription" name="service-description" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Description of the service" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceSelflink" name="service-selflink" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="URL to endpoint where AAI can get more details" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceVersion" name="service-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="service version" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Stand-in for service model definitions. Likely to be deprecated in favor of models from ASDC. Does not strictly map to ASDC services." />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="service-description,service-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="services" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="service-design-and-creation" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ServiceCapabilities">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of service capabilities." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="service-capabilities" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="serviceCapability" name="service-capability" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ServiceCapability">
+ <xml-root-element name="service-capability" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceType" name="service-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This gets defined by others to provide a unique ID for the service, we accept what is sent." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfType" name="vnf-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="String capturing type of vnf, that was intended to identify the ASDC resource. This field has been overloaded in service-specific ways and clients should expect changes to occur in the future to this field as ECOMP matures." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Early definition of server/resource pairings, likely to be replaced by models. No new use should be made of this." />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="service-type,vnf-type" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="service-capabilities" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="service-design-and-creation" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Network">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Namespace for network inventory resources." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="network" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="logicalLinks" name="logical-links" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="sitePairSets" name="site-pair-sets" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vpnBindings" name="vpn-bindings" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vplsPes" name="vpls-pes" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="multicastConfigurations" name="multicast-configurations" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vces" name="vces" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vpes" name="vpes" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfcs" name="vnfcs" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="l3Networks" name="l3-networks" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="networkPolicies" name="network-policies" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="genericVnfs" name="generic-vnfs" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="lagLinks" name="lag-links" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="newvces" name="newvces" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="pnfs" name="pnfs" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="physicalLinks" name="physical-links" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipsecConfigurations" name="ipsec-configurations" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="routeTableReferences" name="route-table-references" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="instanceGroups" name="instance-groups" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="zones" name="zones" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="LogicalLinks">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of logical connections" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="logical-links" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="logicalLink" name="logical-link" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="LogicalLink">
+ <xml-root-element name="logical-link" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="linkName" name="link-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="e.g., evc-name, or vnf-nameA_interface-nameA_vnf-nameZ_interface-nameZ" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="linkType" name="link-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Type of logical link, e.g., evc" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="speedValue" name="speed-value" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Captures the numeric part of the speed" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="speedUnits" name="speed-units" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Captures the units corresponding to the speed" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipVersion" name="ip-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="v4, v6, or ds for dual stack" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="routingProtocol" name="routing-protocol" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="For example, static or BGP" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="personaModelId" name="persona-model-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model id for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-invariant-id-local" />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="deployment" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="personaModelVersion" name="persona-model-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model version for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="deployment" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelVersionId" name="model-version-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model version for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="internal" />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-version-id-local" />
+ <xml-property name="dataLocation" value="service-design-and-creation/models/model/{persona-model-id}/model-vers?model-version={persona-model-version}#model-version-id" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="widgetModelId" name="widget-model-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC data dictionary widget model. This maps directly to the A&amp;AI widget." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="widgetModelVersion" name="widget-model-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC data dictionary version of the widget model.This maps directly to the A&amp;AI version of the widget." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="operationalStatus" name="operational-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Indication of operational status of the logical link." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="provStatus" name="prov-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Trigger for operational monitoring of this VNF by BAU Service Assurance systems." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="linkRole" name="link-role" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Indication of the network use of the logical link." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="linkName2" name="link-name2" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Alias or alternate name (CLCI or D1 name)." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="linkId" name="link-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="UUID of the logical-link, SDNC generates this." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="circuitId" name="circuit-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Circuit id" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="purpose" name="purpose" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Reason for this entity, role it is playing" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Logical links generally connect l-interfaces but are used to express logical connectivity between two points" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="link-name,persona-model-id,persona-model-version,widget-model-id,widget-model-version,link-id,prov-status,circuit-id,purpose" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="link-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="logical-links" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="link-name" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="SitePairSets">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of sets of instances for probes related to generic-vnf" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="site-pair-sets" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="sitePairSet" name="site-pair-set" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="SitePairSet">
+ <xml-root-element name="site-pair-set" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="sitePairSetId" name="site-pair-set-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique id of site pair set." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="routingInstances" name="routing-instances" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Set of instances for probes used to measure service level agreements" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="site-pair-set-id" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="site-pair-set-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="site-pair-sets" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="RoutingInstances">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="set of probes related to generic-vnf routing instance" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="routing-instances" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="routingInstance" name="routing-instance" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="RoutingInstance">
+ <xml-root-element name="routing-instance" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="routingInstanceId" name="routing-instance-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique id of routing instance" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="rpmOwner" name="rpm-owner" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="rpm owner" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="sitePairs" name="site-pairs" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="routing-instance-id" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="routing-instance-id" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="site-pair-set" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="routing-instances" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="SitePairs">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="probe within a set" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="site-pairs" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="sitePair" name="site-pair" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="SitePair">
+ <xml-root-element name="site-pair" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="sitePairId" name="site-pair-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="unique identifier of probe" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="sourceIp" name="source-ip" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Prefix address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="destinationIp" name="destination-ip" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Prefix address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipVersion" name="ip-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="ip version, v4, v6" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="destinationHostname" name="destination-hostname" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Hostname of the destination equipment to which SLAs are measured against." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="destinationEquipType" name="destination-equip-type" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The type of destinatination equipment. Could be Router, etc." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="classesOfService" name="classes-of-service" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="site-pair-id" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="site-pair-id" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="routing-instance" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="site-pairs" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ClassesOfService">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="class-of-service of probe" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="classes-of-service" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="classOfService" name="class-of-service" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ClassOfService">
+ <xml-root-element name="class-of-service" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cos" name="cos" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="unique identifier of probe" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="probeId" name="probe-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="identifier of probe" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="probeType" name="probe-type" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="type of probe" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="cos" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="site-pair" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="classes-of-service" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="VpnBindings">
+ <xml-root-element name="vpn-bindings" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="vpnBinding" name="vpn-binding" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="VpnBinding">
+ <xml-root-element name="vpn-binding" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vpnId" name="vpn-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="VPN ID, globally unique within A&amp;AI" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vpnName" name="vpn-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="VPN Name" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="globalRouteTarget" name="global-route-target" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Number used to identify a VPN, globally unique in the network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vpnPlatform" name="vpn-platform" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the platform associated with the VPN example AVPN, Mobility" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vpnType" name="vpn-type" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Type of the vpn, should be taken from enumerated/valid values" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="routeDistinguisher" name="route-distinguisher" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used to distinguish the distinct VPN routes of separate customers who connect to the provider in an MPLS network." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="routeTargetRole" name="route-target-role" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Role assigned to this route target" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="l3-networks relate to vpn-bindings" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="VPN binding" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="vpn-name,vpn-type" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="vpn-name,vpn-id,global-route-target,vpn-type" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="vpn-id,vpn-name" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="vpn-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="vpn-bindings" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="VplsPes">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of VPLS Provider Edge routers" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="vpls-pes" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="vplsPe" name="vpls-pe" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="VplsPe">
+ <xml-root-element name="vpls-pe" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="equipmentName" name="equipment-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="provStatus" name="prov-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Trigger for operational monitoring of this VNF by BAU Service Assurance systems." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipv4OamAddress" name="ipv4-oam-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Address tail-f uses to configure vpe, also used for troubleshooting and is IP used for traps generated by VPE (v4-loopback0-ip-address)." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="equipmentRole" name="equipment-role" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Client should send valid enumerated value, e.g., VPLS-PE." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vlanIdOuter" name="vlan-id-outer" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Temporary location for stag to get to VCE" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="pInterfaces" name="p-interfaces" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="lagInterfaces" name="lag-interfaces" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="VPLS Provider Edge routers." />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="prov-status,equipment-name" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="vpls-pes" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="MulticastConfigurations">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="multicast configuration of generic-vnf ip-address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="multicast-configurations" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="multicastConfiguration" name="multicast-configuration" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="MulticastConfiguration">
+ <xml-root-element name="multicast-configuration" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="multicastConfigurationId" name="multicast-configuration-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique id of multicast configuration." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="multicastProtocol" name="multicast-protocol" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="protocol of multicast configuration" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="rpType" name="rp-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="rp type of multicast configuration" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="multicast-configuration-id" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="multicast-configuration-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="multicast-configurations" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Vces">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of Virtual Customer Edge Routers, used specifically for Gamma. This object is deprecated." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="vces" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="vce" name="vce" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Vce">
+ <xml-root-element name="vce" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfId" name="vnf-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique id of VNF. This is unique across the graph." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfName" name="vnf-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of VNF." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfName2" name="vnf-name2" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Alternate name of VNF." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfType" name="vnf-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="String capturing type of vnf, that was intended to identify the ASDC resource. This field has been overloaded in service-specific ways and clients should expect changes to occur in the future to this field as ECOMP matures." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceId" name="service-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique identifier of service, does not strictly map to ASDC services, SOON TO BE DEPRECATED." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="regionalResourceZone" name="regional-resource-zone" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Regional way of organizing pservers, source of truth should define values" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="provStatus" name="prov-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Trigger for operational monitoring of this resource by Service Assurance systems." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="operationalState" name="operational-state" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Indicator for whether the resource is considered operational" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="licenseKey" name="license-key" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="OBSOLETE - do not use" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="equipmentRole" name="equipment-role" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Network role being played by this VNF" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="orchestrationStatus" name="orchestration-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Orchestration status of this VNF, mastered by MSO" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="heatStackId" name="heat-stack-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Heat stack id corresponding to this instance, managed by MSO" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="msoCatalogKey" name="mso-catalog-key" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Corresponds to the SDN-C catalog id used to configure this VCE" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vpeId" name="vpe-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique ID of VPE connected to this VCE." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="v6VceWanAddress" name="v6-vce-wan-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Valid v6 IP address for the WAN Link on this router. Implied length of /64." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipv4OamAddress" name="ipv4-oam-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Address tail-f uses to configure vce, also used for troubleshooting and is IP used for traps generated by VCE." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipv4Loopback0Address" name="ipv4-loopback0-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Loopback0 address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="entitlementResourceUuid" name="entitlement-resource-uuid" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="OBSOLETE - see child relationships" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="portGroups" name="port-groups" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="licenses" name="licenses" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="entitlements" name="entitlements" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Virtual Customer Edge Router, used specifically for Gamma. This object is deprecated." />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="vnf-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="vnf-name,vnf-name2,vnf-type,heat-stack-id,vnf-id,interface-name,regional-resource-zone,vpe-id,prov-status,service-id" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="vnf-id,vnf-name,vnf-name2" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="vnf-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="vces" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ <xml-property name="extends" value="vnf" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="PortGroups">
+ <xml-root-element name="port-groups" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="portGroup" name="port-group" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="PortGroup">
+ <xml-root-element name="port-group" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="interfaceId" name="interface-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique ID of the interface" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="neutronNetworkId" name="neutron-network-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Neutron network id of this Interface" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="neutronNetworkName" name="neutron-network-name" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Neutron network name of this Interface" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="interfaceRole" name="interface-role" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Role assigned to this Interface, should use values as defined in ECOMP Yang models." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="portGroupId" name="port-group-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique ID for port group in vmware" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="portGroupName" name="port-group-name" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Likely to duplicate value of neutron network name" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="switchName" name="switch-name" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="DVS or standard switch name (should be non-null for port groups associated with DVS)" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="orchestrationStatus" name="orchestration-status" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Orchestration status of this VNF, mastered by MSO" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="heatStackId" name="heat-stack-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Heat stack id corresponding to this instance, managed by MSO" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="msoCatalogKey" name="mso-catalog-key" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Corresponds to the SDN-C catalog id used to configure this VCE" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cvlanTags" name="cvlan-tags" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used to capture the network interfaces of this VCE" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="port-group-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="port-group-id,heat-stack-id,interface-id,interface-name,switch-name" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="vce" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="port-groups" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="CvlanTags">
+ <xml-root-element name="cvlan-tags" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="cvlanTagEntry" name="cvlan-tag-entry" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="CvlanTagEntry">
+ <xml-root-element name="cvlan-tag-entry" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cvlanTag" name="cvlan-tag" required="true" type="java.lang.Long" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="See mis-na-virtualization-platform.yang" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="port-group" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="cvlan-tag" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="cvlan-tags" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Vpes">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Virtual provider edge router. In 1504, A&amp;AI will populate this object through an M&amp;P and tool provided to operations." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="vpes" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="vpe" name="vpe" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Vpe">
+ <xml-root-element name="vpe" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfId" name="vnf-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique id of VNF. This is unique across the graph." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfName" name="vnf-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of VNF." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfName2" name="vnf-name2" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Alternate name of VNF." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfType" name="vnf-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="String capturing type of vnf, that was intended to identify the ASDC resource. This field has been overloaded in service-specific ways and clients should expect changes to occur in the future to this field as ECOMP matures." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceId" name="service-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique identifier of service. Does not map strictly to ASDC services. SOON TO BE DEPRECATED" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="regionalResourceZone" name="regional-resource-zone" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Regional way of organizing pservers, source of truth should define values" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="provStatus" name="prov-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Trigger for operational monitoring of this resource by Service Assurance systems." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="operationalState" name="operational-state" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Indicator for whether the resource is considered operational" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="licenseKey" name="license-key" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="OBSOLETE - do not use. See child relationships." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="equipmentRole" name="equipment-role" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Client should send valid enumerated value" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="orchestrationStatus" name="orchestration-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Orchestration status of this VNF, mastered by MSO" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="heatStackId" name="heat-stack-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Heat stack id corresponding to this instance, managed by MSO" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="msoCatalogKey" name="mso-catalog-key" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Corresponds to the SDN-C catalog id used to configure this VCE" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipv4OamAddress" name="ipv4-oam-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Address tail-f uses to configure vpe, also used for troubleshooting and is IP used for traps generated by VPE (v4-loopback0-ip-address)." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipv4OamGatewayAddressPrefixLength" name="ipv4-oam-gateway-address-prefix-length" type="java.lang.Integer">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Prefix length for oam-address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipv4OamGatewayAddress" name="ipv4-oam-gateway-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Gateway address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="v4Loopback0IpAddress" name="v4-loopback0-ip-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Loopback0 address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vlanIdOuter" name="vlan-id-outer" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Temporary location for stag to get to VCE" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="asNumber" name="as-number" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="as-number of the VPE" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="summaryStatus" name="summary-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="details regarding the vpe operation, PLEASE DISCONTINUE USE OF THIS FIELD." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="encryptedAccessFlag" name="encrypted-access-flag" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="indicates whether vpe access uses SSH" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="lInterfaces" name="l-interfaces" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="lagInterfaces" name="lag-interfaces" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="licenses" name="licenses" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="entitlements" name="entitlements" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Relationship-list must include related to info for complex." />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="vnf-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="vnf-name,vnf-name2,vnf-type,heat-stack-id,vnf-id,regional-resource-zone,prov-status,service-id" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="vnf-id,vnf-name,vnf-name2" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="vnf-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="vpes" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ <xml-property name="extends" value="vnf" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Vnfcs">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="virtual network components associated with a vserver from application controller." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="vnfcs" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="vnfc" name="vnfc" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Vnfc">
+ <xml-root-element name="vnfc" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfcName" name="vnfc-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique ID of vnfc." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfcFunctionCode" name="vnfc-function-code" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="function code" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfcType" name="vnfc-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="type" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="provStatus" name="prov-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="prov status of this vnfc" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="orchestrationStatus" name="orchestration-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Orchestration status of this VNF, mastered by APP-C" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipaddressV4OamVip" name="ipaddress-v4-oam-vip" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Oam V4 vip address of this vnfc" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element default-value="false" required="true" java-attribute="inMaint" name="in-maint" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="used to indicate whether or not this object is in maintenance mode (maintenance mode = true)" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element default-value="false" required="true" java-attribute="isClosedLoopDisabled" name="is-closed-loop-disabled" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="used to indicate whether closed loop function is enabled on this node" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="groupNotation" name="group-notation" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Group notation of VNFC" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="vnfc-name,prov-status,vnfc-type,vnfc-function-code,ipaddress-v4-oam-vip,in-maint,is-closed-loop-disabled,group-notation" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="vnfc-name" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="vnfcs" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="L3Networks">
+ <xml-root-element name="l3-networks" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="l3Network" name="l3-network" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="L3Network">
+ <xml-root-element name="l3-network" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="networkId" name="network-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Network ID, should be uuid. Unique across A&amp;AI." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="networkName" name="network-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of the network, governed by some naming convention.." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="networkType" name="network-type" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Type of the network - who defines these values?" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="networkRole" name="network-role" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Role the network plans - who defines these values?" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="networkTechnology" name="network-technology" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Network technology - who defines these values?" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="neutronNetworkId" name="neutron-network-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Neutron network id of this Interface" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element default-value="false" required="true" java-attribute="isBoundToVpn" name="is-bound-to-vpn" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Set to true if bound to VPN" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceId" name="service-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique identifier of service from ASDC. Does not strictly map to ASDC services. SOON TO BE DEPRECATED" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="networkRoleInstance" name="network-role-instance" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="network role instance" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="orchestrationStatus" name="orchestration-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Orchestration status of this VNF, mastered by MSO" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="heatStackId" name="heat-stack-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Heat stack id corresponding to this instance, managed by MSO" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="msoCatalogKey" name="mso-catalog-key" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Corresponds to the SDN-C catalog id used to configure this VCE" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="contrailNetworkFqdn" name="contrail-network-fqdn" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Contrail FQDN for the network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="personaModelId" name="persona-model-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model id for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-invariant-id-local" />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="deployment" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="personaModelVersion" name="persona-model-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model version for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="deployment" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelVersionId" name="model-version-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model version for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="internal" />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-version-id-local" />
+ <xml-property name="dataLocation" value="service-design-and-creation/models/model/{persona-model-id}/model-vers?model-version={persona-model-version}#model-version-id" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="personaModelCustomizationId" name="persona-model-customization-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="captures the id of all the configuration used to customize the resource for the service." />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-customization-id" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="widgetModelId" name="widget-model-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC data dictionary widget model. This maps directly to the A&amp;AI widget." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="widgetModelVersion" name="widget-model-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC data dictionary version of the widget model.This maps directly to the A&amp;AI version of the widget." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="physicalNetworkName" name="physical-network-name" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name associated with the physical network." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="isProviderNetwork" name="is-provider-network" required="true" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="boolean indicatating whether or not network is a provider network." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="isSharedNetwork" name="is-shared-network" required="true" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="boolean indicatating whether or not network is a shared network." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="isExternalNetwork" name="is-external-network" required="true" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="boolean indicatating whether or not network is an external network." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="selflink" name="selflink" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Path to the controller object." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="subnets" name="subnets" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ctagAssignments" name="ctag-assignments" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="segmentationAssignments" name="segmentation-assignments" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" >
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Relates to tenant (or is it a child of tenant), complex, service, vpn-binding" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Generic network definition" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="network-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="heat-stack-id,network-uuid,service-id,network-id,network-name,persona-model-id,persona-model-version,widget-model-id,widget-model-version,contrail-network-fqdn,network-role" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="network-id,network-name" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="network-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="l3-networks" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="NetworkPolicies">
+ <xml-root-element name="network-policies" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="networkPolicy" name="network-policy" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="NetworkPolicy">
+ <xml-root-element name="network-policy" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="networkPolicyId" name="network-policy-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="UUID representing unique key to this instance" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="networkPolicyFqdn" name="network-policy-fqdn" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Contrail FQDN for the policy" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="heatStackId" name="heat-stack-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="ID for the openStack Heat instance" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="network-policy-fqdn" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="network-policy-id,network-policy-fqdn" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="network-policy-id,network-policy-fqdn" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="network-policy-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="network-policies" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="CtagAssignments">
+ <xml-root-element name="ctag-assignments" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="ctagAssignment" name="ctag-assignment" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="CtagAssignment">
+ <xml-root-element name="ctag-assignment" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vlanIdInner" name="vlan-id-inner" required="true" type="java.lang.Long" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="id." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="vlan-id-inner" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="l3-network" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="ctag-assignments" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Subnets">
+ <xml-root-element name="subnets" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="subnet" name="subnet" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Subnet">
+ <xml-root-element name="subnet" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="subnetId" name="subnet-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Subnet ID, should be UUID." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="subnetName" name="subnet-name" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name associated with the subnet." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="neutronSubnetId" name="neutron-subnet-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Neutron id of this subnet" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="gatewayAddress" name="gateway-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="gateway ip address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="networkStartAddress" name="network-start-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="network start address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cidrMask" name="cidr-mask" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="cidr mask" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipVersion" name="ip-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="ip version" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="orchestrationStatus" name="orchestration-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Orchestration status of this VNF, mastered by MSO" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element default-value="false" required="true" java-attribute="dhcpEnabled" name="dhcp-enabled" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="dhcp enabled" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="dhcpStart" name="dhcp-start" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the start address reserved for use by dhcp" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="dhcpEnd" name="dhcp-end" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the last address reserved for use by dhcp" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="subnet-id,subnet-name" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="subnet-name" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="subnet-id" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="l3-network" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="subnets" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="GenericVnfs">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of VNFs" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="generic-vnfs" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="genericVnf" name="generic-vnf" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="maximumDepth" value="0" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="GenericVnf">
+ <xml-root-element name="generic-vnf" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfId" name="vnf-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique id of VNF. This is unique across the graph." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfName" name="vnf-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of VNF." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfName2" name="vnf-name2" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Alternate name of VNF." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfType" name="vnf-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="String capturing type of vnf, that was intended to identify the ASDC resource. This field has been overloaded in service-specific ways and clients should expect changes to occur in the future to this field as ECOMP matures." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceId" name="service-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique identifier of service, does not necessarily map to ASDC service models. SOON TO BE DEPRECATED" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="regionalResourceZone" name="regional-resource-zone" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Regional way of organizing pservers, source of truth should define values" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="provStatus" name="prov-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Trigger for operational monitoring of this resource by Service Assurance systems." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="operationalState" name="operational-state" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Indicator for whether the resource is considered operational. Valid values are in-service-path and out-of-service-path." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="licenseKey" name="license-key" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="OBSOLETE - do not use" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="equipmentRole" name="equipment-role" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Client should send valid enumerated value" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="orchestrationStatus" name="orchestration-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Orchestration status of this VNF, used by MSO." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="heatStackId" name="heat-stack-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Heat stack id corresponding to this instance, managed by MSO" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="msoCatalogKey" name="mso-catalog-key" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Corresponds to the SDN-C catalog id used to configure this VCE" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="managementOption" name="management-option" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="identifier of managed by company or customer" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipv4OamAddress" name="ipv4-oam-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Address tail-f uses to configure generic-vnf, also used for troubleshooting and is IP used for traps generated by generic-vnf." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipv4Loopback0Address" name="ipv4-loopback0-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="v4 Loopback0 address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="nmLanV6Address" name="nm-lan-v6-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="v6 Loopback address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="managementV6Address" name="management-v6-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="v6 management address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vcpu" name="vcpu" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="number of vcpus ordered for this instance of VNF, used for VNFs with no vservers/flavors, to be used only in some usecases" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vcpuUnits" name="vcpu-units" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="units associated with vcpu, used for VNFs with no vservers/flavors, to be used only in some usecases" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vmemory" name="vmemory" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="number of GB of memory ordered for this instance of VNF, used for VNFs with no vservers/flavors, to be used only in some usecases" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vmemoryUnits" name="vmemory-units" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="units associated with vmemory, used for VNFs with no vservers/flavors, to be used only in some usecases" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vdisk" name="vdisk" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="number of vdisks ordered for this instance of VNF, used for VNFs with no vservers/flavors, to be used only in some usecases" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vdiskUnits" name="vdisk-units" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="units associated with vdisk, used for VNFs with no vservers/flavors, to be used only in some usecases" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element default-value="false" required="true" java-attribute="inMaint" name="in-maint" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="used to indicate whether or not this object is in maintenance mode (maintenance mode = true). This field (in conjunction with prov-status) is used to suppress alarms and vSCL on VNFs/VMs." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element default-value="false" required="true" java-attribute="isClosedLoopDisabled" name="is-closed-loop-disabled" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="used to indicate whether closed loop function is enabled on this node" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="summaryStatus" name="summary-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="details regarding the generic-vnf operation, PLEASE DISCONTINUE USE OF THIS FIELD." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="encryptedAccessFlag" name="encrypted-access-flag" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="indicates whether generic-vnf access uses SSH" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="entitlementAssignmentGroupUuid" name="entitlement-assignment-group-uuid" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="UUID of the Entitlement group used for licensing VNFs, OBSOLETE - See child relationships." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="entitlementResourceUuid" name="entitlement-resource-uuid" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="UUID of the specific entitlement resource. OBSOLETE - See child relationships." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="licenseAssignmentGroupUuid" name="license-assignment-group-uuid" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="UUID of the license assignment group. OBSOLETE - See child relationships." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="licenseKeyUuid" name="license-key-uuid" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="UUID of the actual license resource. OBSOLETE - See child relationships." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="personaModelId" name="persona-model-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model id for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-invariant-id-local" />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="deployment" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="personaModelVersion" name="persona-model-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model version for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="deployment" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelVersionId" name="model-version-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model version for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="internal" />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-version-id-local" />
+ <xml-property name="dataLocation" value="service-design-and-creation/models/model/{persona-model-id}/model-vers?model-version={persona-model-version}#model-version-id" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="personaModelCustomizationId" name="persona-model-customization-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="captures the id of all the configuration used to customize the resource for the service." />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-customization-id" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="widgetModelId" name="widget-model-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC data dictionary widget model. This maps directly to the A&amp;AI widget." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="widgetModelVersion" name="widget-model-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC data dictionary version of the widget model.This maps directly to the A&amp;AI version of the widget." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="asNumber" name="as-number" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="as-number of the VNF" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="regionalResourceSubzone" name="regional-resource-subzone" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="represents sub zone of the rr plane" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="selflink" name="selflink" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Path to the controller object." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="lInterfaces" name="l-interfaces" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="lagInterfaces" name="lag-interfaces" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vfModules" name="vf-modules" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="licenses" name="licenses" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="entitlements" name="entitlements" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="General purpose VNF" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="vnf-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="is-closed-loop-disabled,vnf-name2,vnf-type,heat-stack-id,in-maint,vnf-name,vnf-id,regional-resource-zone,prov-status,service-id,persona-model-id,persona-model-version,widget-model-id,widget-model-version" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="vnf-id,vnf-name,vnf-name2" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="vnf-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="generic-vnfs" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ <xml-property name="extends" value="vnf" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="VfModules">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of vf-modules, a deployment unit of VNFCs" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="vf-modules" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="vfModule" name="vf-module" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="VfModule">
+ <xml-root-element name="vf-module" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vfModuleId" name="vf-module-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique ID of vf-module." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vfModuleName" name="vf-module-name" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of vf-module" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="heatStackId" name="heat-stack-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Heat stack id corresponding to this instance." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="orchestrationStatus" name="orchestration-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="orchestration status of this vf-module, mastered by MSO" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element default-value="false" required="true" java-attribute="isBaseVfModule" name="is-base-vf-module" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="used to indicate whether or not this object is base vf module" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="personaModelId" name="persona-model-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model id for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-invariant-id-local" />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="deployment" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="personaModelVersion" name="persona-model-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model version for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="deployment" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelVersionId" name="model-version-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model version for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="internal" />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-version-id-local" />
+ <xml-property name="dataLocation" value="service-design-and-creation/models/model/{persona-model-id}/model-vers?model-version={persona-model-version}#model-version-id" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="personaModelCustomizationId" name="persona-model-customization-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="captures the id of all the configuration used to customize the resource for the service." />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-customization-id" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="widgetModelId" name="widget-model-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC data dictionary widget model. This maps directly to the A&amp;AI widget." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="widgetModelVersion" name="widget-model-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC data dictionary version of the widget model.This maps directly to the A&amp;AI version of the widget." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="contrailServiceInstanceFqdn" name="contrail-service-instance-fqdn" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the Contrail unique ID for a service-instance" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="moduleIndex" name="module-index" type="java.lang.Integer">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the index will track the number of modules of a given type that have been deployed in a VNF, starting with 0, and always choosing the lowest available digit" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="selflink" name="selflink" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Path to the controller object." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="a deployment unit of VNFCs" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="vf-module-id,vf-module-name,heat-stack-id,persona-model-id,persona-model-version,widget-model-id,widget-model-version,contrail-service-instance-fqdn" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="vf-module-id,vf-module-name" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="generic-vnf" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="vf-modules" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="LagLinks">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of link aggregation connections" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="lag-links" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="lagLink" name="lag-link" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="LagLink">
+ <xml-root-element name="lag-link" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="linkName" name="link-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Alphabetical concatenation of lag-interface names" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="LAG links can connect lag-interfaces" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="link-name" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="lag-links" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Newvces">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This object fills in the gaps from vce that were incorporated into generic-vnf. This object will be retired with vce." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="newvces" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="newvce" name="newvce" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Newvce">
+ <xml-root-element name="newvce" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfId2" name="vnf-id2" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique id of VNF, can't use same attribute name right now until we promote this new object" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfName" name="vnf-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of VNF." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfName2" name="vnf-name2" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Alternate name of VNF." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfType" name="vnf-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="String capturing type of vnf, that was intended to identify the ASDC resource. This field has been overloaded in service-specific ways and clients should expect changes to occur in the future to this field as ECOMP matures." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="provStatus" name="prov-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Trigger for operational monitoring of this VNF by BAU Service Assurance systems." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="operationalState" name="operational-state" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Indicator for whether the resource is considered operational" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="licenseKey" name="license-key" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="OBSOLETE - do not use" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipv4OamAddress" name="ipv4-oam-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Address tail-f uses to configure vpe, also used for troubleshooting and is IP used for traps generated by VPE (v4-loopback0-ip-address)." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="equipmentRole" name="equipment-role" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Client should send valid enumerated value, e.g., VPE." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipv4Loopback0Address" name="ipv4-loopback0-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="v4 Loopback0 address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="orchestrationStatus" name="orchestration-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Orchestration status of this VNF, mastered by MSO." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="heatStackId" name="heat-stack-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Heat stack id corresponding to this instance, managed by MSO" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="msoCatalogKey" name="mso-catalog-key" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Corresponds to the SDN-C catalog id used to configure this VCE" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="lInterfaces" name="l-interfaces" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This object fills in the gaps from vce that were incorporated into generic-vnf. This object will be retired with vce." />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="vnf-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="vnf-name,vnf-name2,vnf-type,heat-stack-id,prov-status,vnf-id2" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="vnf-id2,vnf-name,vnf-name2" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="vnf-id2" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="newvces" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Pnfs">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of Physical Network Functions." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="pnfs" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="pnf" name="pnf" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="maximumDepth" value="0" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Pnf">
+ <xml-root-element name="pnf" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="pnfName" name="pnf-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="unique name of Physical Network Function." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="pnfName2" name="pnf-name2" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="name of Physical Network Function." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="pnfName2Source" name="pnf-name2-source" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="source of name2" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="pnfId" name="pnf-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="id of pnf" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="equipType" name="equip-type" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Equipment type. Source of truth should define valid values." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="equipVendor" name="equip-vendor" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Equipment vendor. Source of truth should define valid values." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="equipModel" name="equip-model" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Equipment model. Source of truth should define valid values." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="managementOption" name="management-option" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="identifier of managed by company or customer" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipaddressV4Oam" name="ipaddress-v4-oam" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="ipv4-oam-address with new naming convention for IP addresses" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="swVersion" name="sw-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="sw-version is the version of SW for the hosted application on the PNF." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element default-value="false" required="true" java-attribute="inMaint" name="in-maint" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used to indicate whether or not this object is in maintenance mode (maintenance mode = true). This field (in conjunction with prov-status) is used to suppress alarms and vSCL on VNFs/VMs." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="frameId" name="frame-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="ID of the physical frame (relay rack) where pnf is installed." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serialNumber" name="serial-number" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Serial number of the device" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipaddressV4Loopback0" name="ipaddress-v4-loopback-0" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="IPV4 Loopback 0 address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipaddressV6Loopback0" name="ipaddress-v6-loopback-0" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="IPV6 Loopback 0 address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipaddressV4Aim" name="ipaddress-v4-aim" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="IPV4 AIM address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipaddressV6Aim" name="ipaddress-v6-aim" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="IPV6 AIM address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipaddressV6Oam" name="ipaddress-v6-oam" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="IPV6 OAM address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="invStatus" name="inv-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="CANOPI's inventory status. Only set with values exactly as defined by CANOPI." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="provStatus" name="prov-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Prov Status of this device (not under canopi control) Valid values [PREPROV/NVTPROV/PROV]" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="nfRole" name="nf-role" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Nf Role is the role performed by this instance in the network." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="pInterfaces" name="p-interfaces" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="lagInterfaces" name="lag-interfaces" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="PNF represents a physical network function. typically equipment used in the D1 world." />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="pnf-name,orchestration-status,inv-status" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="pnf-name" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="pnf-name" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="pnfs" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="PhysicalLinks">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of physical connections, typically between p-interfaces" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="physical-links" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="physicalLink" name="physical-link" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="maximumDepth" value="0" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="PhysicalLink">
+ <xml-root-element name="physical-link" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="linkName" name="link-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="e.g., hostnameA_p-connection_nameA_hostnameZ+p_connection-nameZ" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="speedValue" name="speed-value" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Captures the numeric part of the speed" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="speedUnits" name="speed-units" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Captures the units corresponding to the speed" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="circuitId" name="circuit-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Circuit it" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="dualMode" name="dual-mode" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Dual access mode (e.g., primary, secondary" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="managementOption" name="management-option" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="To provide information on who manages this circuit. A&amp;AI or 3rd party transport provider" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceProviderName" name="service-provider-name" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of the service Provider on this link." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of physical connections, typically between p-interfaces" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="circuit-id,link-name" />
+ <xml-property name="alternateKeys1" value="circuit-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="physical-links" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="link-name,circuit-id" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="VigServers">
+ <xml-root-element name="vig-servers" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="vigServer" name="vig-server" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="VigServer">
+ <xml-root-element name="vig-server" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vigAddressType" name="vig-address-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="indicates whether the VIG is for AVPN or INTERNET" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="ipaddressV4Vig" name="ipaddress-v4-vig" type="java.lang.String" >
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="v4 IP of the vig server" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="ipaddressV6Vig" name="ipaddress-v6-vig" type="java.lang.String" >
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="v6 IP of the vig server" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="vig-server contains information about a vig server used for IPSec-configuration. Populated by SDN-C from 1607" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="vig-address-type" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="ipsec-configuration" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="vig-servers" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="IpsecConfigurations">
+ <xml-root-element name="ipsec-configurations" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="ipsecConfiguration" name="ipsec-configuration" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="IpsecConfiguration">
+ <xml-root-element name="ipsec-configuration" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipsecConfigurationId" name="ipsec-configuration-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="UUID of this configuration" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="requestedVigAddressType" name="requested-vig-address-type" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Indicate the type of VIG server like AVPN, INTERNET, BOTH" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="requestedEncryptionStrength" name="requested-encryption-strength" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Encryption values like 3des-cbc, des-cbc, aes-128-cbc, aes-192-cbc, aes-265-cbc" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="requestedDmzType" name="requested-dmz-type" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="can offer a shared DMZ or a DMZ specific to a customer" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="sharedDmzNetworkAddress" name="shared-dmz-network-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Network address of shared DMZ" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="requestedCustomerName" name="requested-customer-name" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="If the DMZ is a custom DMZ, this field will indicate the customer information" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ikeVersion" name="ike-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="can be 1 or 2" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ikev1Authentication" name="ikev1-authentication" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Contains values like md5, sha1, sha256, sha384" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ikev1Encryption" name="ikev1-encryption" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Encyption values like 3des-cbc, des-cbc, aes-128-cbc, aes-192-cbc, aes-265-cbc" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ikev1DhGroup" name="ikev1-dh-group" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Diffie-Hellman group like DH-GROUP2, DH-GROUP5, DH-GROUP14" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ikev1AmGroupId" name="ikev1-am-group-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Group name defined in VIG for clients using aggressive mode" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ikev1AmPassword" name="ikev1-am-password" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="pre-shared key for the above group name " />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ikev1SaLifetime" name="ikev1-sa-lifetime" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Lifetime for IKEv1 SA" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipsecAuthentication" name="ipsec-authentication" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="md5, sha1, sha256, sha384" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipsecEncryption" name="ipsec-encryption" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="3des-cbc, des-cbc, aes-128-cbc, aes-192-cbc, aes-265-cbc" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipsecSaLifetime" name="ipsec-sa-lifetime" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Life time for IPSec SA" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipsecPfs" name="ipsec-pfs" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="enable PFS or not" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="xauthUserId" name="xauth-userid" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="user ID for xAuth, sm-user, ,nmteHostName" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="xauthUserPassword" name="xauth-user-password" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Encrypted using the Juniper $9$ algorithm" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="dpdInterval" name="dpd-interval" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The time between DPD probe" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="dpdFrequency" name="dpd-frequency" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Maximum number of DPD before claiming the tunnel is down" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vigServers" name="vig-servers" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="IPSec configuration node will contain various configuration data for the NMTE VNF. This node will have an edge to the generic-vnf (vnf type = TE). Starting 1607, this data will be populated by SDN-C" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="ipsec-configuration-id" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="ipsec-configuration-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="ipsec-configurations" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="NotificationEvent">
+ <xml-root-element name="notification-event" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cambriaPartition" name="cambria.partition" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="eventHeader" name="event-header" type="" />
+ <xml-any-element java-attribute="entity" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="NotificationEventHeader">
+ <xml-root-element name="notification-event-header" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="id" name="id" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="timestamp" name="timestamp" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="sourceName" name="source-name" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="domain" name="domain" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="sequenceNumber" name="sequence-number" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="severity" name="severity" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="eventType" name="event-type" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="version" name="version" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="action" name="action" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="entityType" name="entity-type" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="topEntityType" name="top-entity-type" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="entityLink" name="entity-link" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="status" name="status" type="java.lang.String" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="AaiInternal">
+ <xml-root-element name="aai-internal" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="reservedPropNames" name="reserved-prop-names" type="" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="edgePropNames" name="edge-prop-names" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ReservedPropNames">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Internal map to define some reserved properties of a vertex" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="aai-unique-key" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="aai-unique-key,source-of-truth,aai-node-type,aai-uri" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="reserved-prop-names" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="lastModSourceOfTruth" name="last-mod-source-of-truth" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="aaiNodeType" name="aai-node-type" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="aaiCreatedTs" name="aai-created-ts" type="java.lang.Long" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="aaiUniqueKey" name="aai-unique-key" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="aaiLastModTs" name="aai-last-mod-ts" type="java.lang.Long" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="sourceOfTruth" name="source-of-truth" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="aaiUri" name="aai-uri" type="java.lang.String" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="EdgePropNames">
+ <!-- NOTE that the names of these properties are not consistent and are in mixed case and hyphen case for now -->
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Internal map to define the properties of an edge and interpret the map EdgeRules" />
+ <xml-property name="edgeInfo" value="edgeLabel,direction,multiplicityRule,isParent,usesResource,hasDelTarget,SVC-INFRA,SVC-INFRA-REV" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="edge-prop-names" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="edgeLabel" name="edgeLabel" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="direction" name="direction" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="multiplicityRule" name="multiplicityRule" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="isParent" name="isParent" type="java.lang.Boolean" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="usesResource" name="usesResource" type="java.lang.Boolean" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="hasDelTarget" name="hasDelTarget" type="java.lang.Boolean" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="SVC-INFRA" name="SVC-INFRA" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="SVC-INFRA-REV" name="SVC-INFRA-REV" type="java.lang.String" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Models">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of subgraph definitions provided by ASDC to describe the inventory assets and their connections related to ASDC models" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="models" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="model" name="model" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Model">
+ <xml-root-element name="model" />
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Subgraph definition provided by ASDC to describe an inventory asset and its connections related to ASDC models, independent of version" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="model-type" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="model-invariant-id,model-type" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="model-invariant-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="models" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="service-design-and-creation" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelInvariantId" name="model-invariant-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique identifier corresponding to the main definition of a model in ASDC" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelType" name="model-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Type of the model, e.g., service, resource, widget, etc." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelVers" name="model-vers" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ModelVers">
+ <xml-root-element name="model-vers" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="modelVer" name="model-ver" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ModelVer">
+ <xml-root-element name="model-ver" />
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Subgraph definition provided by ASDC to describe a specific version of an inventory asset and its connections related to ASDC models" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="model-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="model-version-id,model-name,model-version" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="model-version-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="model-vers" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelVersionId" name="model-version-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique identifier corresponding to one version of a model in ASDC" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelName" name="model-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of the model, which can change from version to version." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelVersion" name="model-version" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Version" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelDescription" name="model-description" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Description" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelElements" name="model-elements" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="metadata" name="metadata" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ModelElements">
+ <xml-root-element name="model-elements" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="modelElement" name="model-element" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ModelElement">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Defines how other models combine to make up a higher-level model." />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="model-element-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="model-element-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="allowDirectRead" value="true" />
+ <xml-property name="allowDirectWrite" value="false" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="model-elements" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="model-element" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelElementUuid" name="model-element-uuid" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="autoGenerateUuid" value="true" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="newDataDelFlag" name="new-data-del-flag" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Indicates whether this element was created as part of instantiation from this model" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cardinality" name="cardinality" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="How many of this type of element are required/allowed" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="linkagePoints" name="linkage-points" type="java.lang.String" >
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelElements" name="model-elements" type="">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Defines how other models combine to make up a higher-level model" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelConstraints" name="model-constraints" type="">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Describes new constraints on this model element that are not part of that model's definition" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ModelConstraints">
+ <xml-root-element name="model-constraints" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="modelConstraint" name="model-constraint" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ModelConstraint">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This is how we would capture constraints defining allowed sets of elements." />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="model-constraint-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="model-constraint-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="allowDirectRead" value="true" />
+ <xml-property name="allowDirectWrite" value="false" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="model-constraints" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="model-constraint" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelConstraintUuid" name="model-constraint-uuid" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="autoGenerateUuid" value="true" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="constrainedElementSetUuidToReplace" name="constrained-element-set-uuid-to-replace" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="constrainedElementSets" name="constrained-element-sets" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ConstrainedElementSets">
+ <xml-root-element name="constrained-element-sets" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="constrainedElementSet" name="constrained-element-set" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ConstrainedElementSet">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This is how we would capture constraints defining allowed sets of elements." />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="constrained-element-set-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="constrained-element-set-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="allowDirectRead" value="true" />
+ <xml-property name="allowDirectWrite" value="false" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="constrained-element-sets" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="constrained-element-set" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="constrainedElementSetUuid" name="constrained-element-set-uuid" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="autoGenerateUuid" value="true" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="constraintType" name="constraint-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="checkType" name="check-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="elementChoiceSets" name="element-choice-sets" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ElementChoiceSets">
+ <xml-root-element name="element-choice-sets" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="elementChoiceSet" name="element-choice-set" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ElementChoiceSet">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This is how we would capture constraints defining allowed sets of elements." />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="element-choice-set-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="element-choice-set-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="allowDirectRead" value="true" />
+ <xml-property name="allowDirectWrite" value="false" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="element-choice-sets" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="element-choice-set" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="elementChoiceSetUuid" name="element-choice-set-uuid" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="autoGenerateUuid" value="true" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="elementChoiceSetName" name="element-choice-set-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cardinality" name="cardinality" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelElements" name="model-elements" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="NamedQueries">
+ <xml-root-element name="named-queries" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="namedQuery" name="named-query" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="NamedQuery">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="TBD" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="named-query-name" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="named-query-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="named-query-uuid,named-query-name" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="named-queries" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="service-design-and-creation" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="named-query" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="namedQueryUuid" name="named-query-uuid" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="namedQueryName" name="named-query-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="namedQueryVersion" name="named-query-version" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="requiredInputParams" name="required-input-param" type="java.lang.String" >
+ <xml-element-wrapper name="required-input-params" />
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="description" name="description" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="namedQueryElements" name="named-query-elements" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="NamedQueryElements">
+ <xml-root-element name="named-query-elements" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="namedQueryElement" name="named-query-element" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="NamedQueryElement">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="TBD" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="named-query-element-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="named-query-element-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="allowDirectRead" value="true" />
+ <xml-property name="allowDirectWrite" value="false" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="named-query-elements" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="named-query-element" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="namedQueryElementUuid" name="named-query-element-uuid" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="autoGenerateUuid" value="true" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="propertyCollectList" name="property-collect-list" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyLimitDesc" name="property-limit-desc" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="doNotOutput" name="do-not-output" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="namedQueryElements" name="named-query-elements" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relatedLookups" name="related-lookups" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyConstraints" name="property-constraints" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="RelatedLookups">
+ <xml-root-element name="related-lookups" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="relatedLookup" name="related-lookup" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="RelatedLookup">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="TBD" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="related-lookup-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="related-lookup-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="allowDirectRead" value="true" />
+ <xml-property name="allowDirectWrite" value="false" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="related-lookups" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="related-lookup" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relatedLookupUuid" name="related-lookup-uuid" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="autoGenerateUuid" value="true" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="sourceNodeType" name="source-node-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="sourceNodeProperty" name="source-node-property" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="targetNodeType" name="target-node-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="targetNodeProperty" name="target-node-property" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="propertyCollectList" name="property-collect-list" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="PropertyConstraints">
+ <xml-root-element name="property-constraints" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="propertyConstraint" name="property-constraint" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="PropertyConstraint">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="TBD" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="property-constraint-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="property-constraint-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="allowDirectRead" value="true" />
+ <xml-property name="allowDirectWrite" value="false" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="property-constraints" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="property-constraint" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyConstraintUuid" name="property-constraint-uuid" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="autoGenerateUuid" value="true" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="constraintType" name="constraint-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyName" name="property-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyValue" name="property-value" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ModelAndNamedQuerySearch">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="ModelAndNamedQuerySearch holds query-parameters and instance-properties for performing a named-query or model query" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="model-and-named-query-search" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="queryParameters" name="query-parameters" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="instanceFilters" name="instance-filters" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="secondaryFilts" name="secondary-filts" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="topNodeType" name="top-node-type" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="secondaryFilterCutPoint" name="secondary-filter-cut-point" type="java.lang.String" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="QueryParameters">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="QueryParameters for performing a named-query or model query" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="query-parameters" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="namedQuery" name="named-query" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="model" name="model" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="OverloadedModel">
+ <xml-root-element name="overloaded-model" />
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Allows for legacy POST of old-style and new-style models" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelInvariantId" name="model-invariant-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique identifier corresponding to the main definition of a model in ASDC" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelNameVersionId" name="model-name-version-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique identifier corresponding to one version of a model in ASDC" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelType" name="model-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Type of the model, e.g., service, resource, widget, etc." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelName" name="model-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of the model, which can change from version to version." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelId" name="model-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Invariant unique ID which does not change from version to version" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelVersion" name="model-version" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Version" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelDescription" name="model-description" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Description" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelVers" name="model-vers" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="InstanceFilters">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="InstanceFilters for performing a named-query or model query" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="instance-filters" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="instanceFilter" name="instance-filter" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="InstanceFilter">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="InstanceFilter for performing a named-query or model query" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="instance-filters" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="instance-filter" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-any-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="any" lax="true" name="any" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="SecondaryFilts">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="SecondaryFilts for performing a named-query or model query" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="secondary-filts" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="secondaryFilt" name="secondary-filt" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="SecondaryFilt">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="SecondaryFilt for performing a named-query or model query" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="secondary-filt" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-any-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="any" lax="true" name="any" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Properties">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Property holder for query properties or instance properties" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="properties" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyName" name="property-name" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyValue" name="property-value" type="java.lang.String" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ResponseList">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Response container for the results of a named-query or model query" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="response-list" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="inventoryResponseItems" name="inventory-response-items" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="InventoryResponseItems">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Container for inventory items in response list" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="response-list" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="inventory-response-items" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="inventoryResponseItem" name="inventory-response-item" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="InventoryResponseItem">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Inventory item for response list" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="inventory-response-items" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="inventory-response-item" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelName" name="model-name" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-any-element java-attribute="item" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="extraProperties" name="extra-properties" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="inventoryResponseItems" name="inventory-response-items" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ExtraProperties">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Extra properties for inventory item for response list" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="extra-properties" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-any-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="extraProperty" name="extra-property" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ExtraProperty">
+ <xml-root-element name="extra-property" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyName" name="property-name" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-any-element java-attribute="propertyValue" lax="true" name="property-value" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="RouteTableReferences">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of openstack route table references" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="route-table-references" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="routeTableReference" name="route-table-reference" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="RouteTableReference">
+ <xml-root-element name="route-table-reference" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="routeTableReferenceId" name="route-table-reference-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Route Table Reference id, UUID assigned to this instance." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="routeTableReferenceFqdn" name="route-table-reference-fqdn" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="FQDN entry in the route table." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Concurrency value" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Openstack route table reference." />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="route-table-reference-fqdn" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="route-table-reference-id" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="route-table-reference-id,route-table-reference-fqdn" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="route-table-references" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="InstanceGroups">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of openstack route table references" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="instance-groups" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="instanceGroup" name="instance-group" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="InstanceGroup">
+ <xml-root-element name="instance-group" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="id" name="id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Instance Group ID, UUID assigned to this instance." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="description" name="description" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Descriptive text to help identify the usage of this instance-group" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="type" name="type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Only valid value today is lower case ha for high availability" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="subType" name="sub-type" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Valid values for ha type are [geo-activeactive, geo-activestandby, local-activeactive, local-activestandby]" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Concurrency value" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="General mechanism for grouping instances" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="description" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="id" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="id,description,type,sub-type" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="instance-groups" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="SegmentationAssignments">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of openstack segmentation assignments" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="segmentation-assignments" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="segmentationAssignment" name="segmentation-assignment" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="SegmentationAssignment">
+ <xml-root-element name="segmentation-assignment" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="segmentationId" name="segmentation-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Route Table Reference id, UUID assigned to this instance." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Concurrency value" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Openstack segmentation assignment." />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="segmentation-id" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="l3-network" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="segmentation-assignments" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="AllottedResources">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This object is used to store slices of services being offered" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="allotted-resources" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="allottedResource" name="allotted-resource" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="AllottedResource">
+ <xml-root-element name="allotted-resource" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="id" name="id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Allotted Resource id UUID assigned to this instance." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="description" name="description" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The descriptive information assigned to this allotted resource instance" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="selflink" name="selflink" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Link back to more information in the controller" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="personaModelId" name="persona-model-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model id for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-invariant-id-local" />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="deployment" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="personaModelVersion" name="persona-model-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model version for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="deployment" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelVersionId" name="model-version-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model version for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="internal" />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-version-id-local" />
+ <xml-property name="dataLocation" value="service-design-and-creation/models/model/{persona-model-id}/model-vers?model-version={persona-model-version}#model-version-id" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="personaModelCustomizationId" name="persona-model-customization-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="captures the id of all the configuration used to customize the resource for the service." />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-customization-id" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Concurrency value" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="tunnelXconnects" name="tunnel-xconnects" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Represents a slice or partial piece of a resource that gets separately allotted" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="description" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="id" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="id,persona-model-id,persona-model-version" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="service-instance" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="allotted-resources" />
+ <!-- <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" /> -->
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="TunnelXconnects">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This object is used to store the specific tunnel cross connect aspects of an allotted resource" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="tunnel-xconnects" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="tunnelXconnect" name="tunnel-xconnect" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="TunnelXconnect">
+ <xml-root-element name="tunnel-xconnect" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="id" name="id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Allotted Resource id UUID assigned to this instance." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="bandwidthUpWan1" name="bandwidth-up-wan1" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The WAN uplink bandwidth for WAN1" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="bandwidthDownWan1" name="bandwidth-down-wan1" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The WAN downlink bandwidth for WAN1" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="bandwidthUpWan2" name="bandwidth-up-wan2" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The WAN uplink bandwidth for WAN2" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="bandwidthDownWan2" name="bandwidth-down-wan2" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The WAN downlink bandwidth for WAN2" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Concurrency value" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Represents the specifics of a tunnel cross connect piece of a resource that gets separately allotted" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="id" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="id" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="allotted-resource" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="tunnel-xconnects" />
+ <!-- <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" /> -->
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Entitlements">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Entitlements, keyed by group-uuid and resource-uuid, related to license management" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="entitlements" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="entitlement" name="entitlement" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Entitlement">
+ <xml-root-element name="entitlement" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="groupUuid" name="group-uuid" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique ID for the entitlement group the resource comes from, should be uuid." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceUuid" name="resource-uuid" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique ID of an entitlement resource. " />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Concurrency value" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Metadata for entitlement group." />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="group-uuid,resource-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="generic-vnf,vce,vpe" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="entitlements" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Licenses">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Licenses to be allocated across resources, keyed by group-uuid and resource-uuid, related to license management" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="licenses" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="license" name="license" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="License">
+ <xml-root-element name="license" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="groupUuid" name="group-uuid" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique ID for the license group the resource belongs to, should be uuid." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceUuid" name="resource-uuid" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique ID of a license resource. " />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Concurrency value" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Metadata for license group." />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="group-uuid,resource-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="generic-vnf,vce,vpe" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="licenses" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Vnf">
+ <xml-root-element name="vnf"/>
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfId" name="vnf-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique id of VNF. This is unique across the graph." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Abstract vnf class" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="vnf-id" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="vnf-id" />
+ <xml-property name="inheritors" value="vce,vpe,generic-vnf" />
+ <xml-property name="abstract" value="true" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Zones">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of zones" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="zones" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="zone" name="zone" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Zone">
+ <xml-root-element name="zone" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="zoneId" name="zone-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Code assigned by AIC to the zone" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="zoneName" name="zone-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="English name associated with the zone" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="designType" name="design-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Design of zone [Medium/Large…]" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="zoneContext" name="zone-context" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Context of zone [production/test]" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="status" name="status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Status of a zone." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Concurrency value" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="A zone is a grouping of assets in a location homing to the same connections into the CBB" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="zone-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="zone-id,design-type,zone-context" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="zone-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="zones" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ </java-types>
diff --git a/aai-resources/src/test/resources/com/att/aai/introspection/aai_oxm_v10.xml b/aai-resources/src/test/resources/com/att/aai/introspection/aai_oxm_v10.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cf53ad23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aai-resources/src/test/resources/com/att/aai/introspection/aai_oxm_v10.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,5933 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+ ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+ org.openecomp.aai
+ ================================================================================
+ Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ ================================================================================
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ -->
+<xml-bindings xmlns="" package-name="" xml-mapping-metadata-complete="true">
+ <xml-schema element-form-default="QUALIFIED">
+ <xml-ns namespace-uri="http://org.openecomp.aai.inventory/v10" />
+ </xml-schema>
+ <java-types>
+ <java-type name="Inventory">
+ <xml-root-element name="inventory" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="search" name="search" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="actions" name="actions" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cloudInfrastructure" name="cloud-infrastructure" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="business" name="business" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceDesignAndCreation" name="service-design-and-creation" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="network" name="network" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="aaiInternal" name="aai-internal" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="nodes" name="nodes" type=""/>
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Nodes">
+ <xml-root-element name="nodes" />
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Search">
+ <xml-root-element name="search" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="edgeTagQueryResult" name="edge-tag-query-result" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="edgeTagQueryRequest" name="edge-tag-query-request" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="searchResults" name="search-results" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="sdnZoneResponse" name="sdn-zone-response" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="EdgeTagQueryResult">
+ <xml-root-element name="edge-tag-query-result" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="taggedInventoryItemList" name="tagged-inventory-item-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="TaggedInventoryItemList">
+ <xml-root-element name="tagged-inventory-item-list" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="inventoryItem" name="inventory-item" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="InventoryItem">
+ <xml-root-element name="inventory-item" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="inventoryItemType" name="inventory-item-type" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="inventoryItemLink" name="inventory-item-link" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="inventoryItemData" name="inventory-item-data" type="" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="taggedInventoryItemList" name="tagged-inventory-item-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="InventoryItemData">
+ <xml-root-element name="inventory-item-data" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyName" name="property-name" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyValue" name="property-value" type="java.lang.String" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="EdgeTagQueryRequest">
+ <xml-root-element name="edge-tag-query-request" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="edgeTag" name="edge-tag" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resultDetail" name="result-detail" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="startNodeType" name="start-node-type" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="startNodeFilter" name="start-node-filter" type="" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="includeNodeFilter" name="include-node-filter" type="" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="secondaryFilter" name="secondary-filter" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="StartNodeFilter">
+ <xml-root-element name="start-node-filter" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyName" name="property-name" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyValue" name="property-value" type="java.lang.String" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="IncludeNodeFilter">
+ <xml-root-element name="include-node-filter" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="includeNodeType" name="include-node-type" type="java.lang.String" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="SecondaryFilter">
+ <xml-root-element name="secondary-filter" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyName" name="property-name" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="filterType" name="filter-type" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyValue" name="property-value" type="java.lang.String" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="SearchResults">
+ <xml-root-element name="search-results" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="resultData" name="result-data" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ResultData">
+ <xml-root-element name="result-data" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceType" name="resource-type" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The specific type of node in the A&amp;AI graph" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceLink" name="resource-link" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The URL to the specific resource" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="SdnZoneResponse">
+ <xml-root-element name="sdn-zone-response" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="oamNetworks" name="oam-networks" type="" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="azAndDvsSwitches" name="az-and-dvs-switches" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="AzAndDvsSwitches">
+ <xml-root-element name="az-and-dvs-switches" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="dvsSwitches" name="dvs-switches" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="availabilityZone" name="availability-zone" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Actions">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="APIs that are more action related than REST (e.g., notify, update)." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="actions" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="update" name="update" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="notify" name="notify" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Update">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Serves a PATCH like function. Does not enforce concurrency control. Clear each usage with AAI team." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="update" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="updateNodeType" name="update-node-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="updateNodeKey" name="update-node-key" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="updateNodeUri" name="update-node-uri" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="action" name="action" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Action">
+ <xml-root-element name="action" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="actionType" name="action-type" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="actionData" name="action-data" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ActionData">
+ <xml-root-element name="action-data" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyName" name="property-name" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyValue" name="property-value" type="java.lang.String" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="UpdateNodeKey">
+ <xml-root-element name="update-node-key" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="keyName" name="key-name" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="keyValue" name="key-value" type="java.lang.String" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Notify">
+ <xml-root-element name="notify" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="eventId" name="event-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="nodeType" name="node-type" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="eventTrigger" name="event-trigger" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="keyData" name="key-data" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="selflink" name="selflink" type="java.lang.String" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="KeyData">
+ <xml-root-element name="key-data" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="keyName" name="key-name" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="keyValue" name="key-value" type="java.lang.String" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="CloudInfrastructure">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Namespace for cloud infrastructure." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="cloud-infrastructure" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="complexes" name="complexes" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cloudRegions" name="cloud-regions" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="networkProfiles" name="network-profiles" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="pservers" name="pservers" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="virtualDataCenters" name="virtual-data-centers" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="CloudRegions">
+ <xml-root-element name="cloud-regions" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="cloudRegion" name="cloud-region" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="maximumDepth" value="0" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="CloudRegion">
+ <xml-root-element name="cloud-region" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cloudOwner" name="cloud-owner" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Identifies the vendor and cloud name. First part of composite key should be formatted as vendor-cloudname" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cloudRegionId" name="cloud-region-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Identifier used by the vendor for the region. Second part of composite key" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cloudType" name="cloud-type" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Type of the cloud (e.g., openstack)" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ownerDefinedType" name="owner-defined-type" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Cloud-owner defined type indicator (e.g., dcp, lcp)" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cloudRegionVersion" name="cloud-region-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Software version employed at the site. NOTE - THIS FIELD IS NOT KEPT UP TO DATE." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="identityUrl" name="identity-url" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="URL of the keystone identity service" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cloudZone" name="cloud-zone" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Zone where the cloud is homed. NOTE - THIS FIELD IS NOT CORRECTLY POPULATED." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="complexName" name="complex-name" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="complex name for cloud-region instance. NOTE - THIS FIELD IS NOT CORRECTLY POPULATED." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="volumeGroups" name="volume-groups" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="tenants" name="tenants" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="flavors" name="flavors" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="groupAssignments" name="group-assignments" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="snapshots" name="snapshots" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="images" name="images" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="dvsSwitches" name="dvs-switches" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="oamNetworks" name="oam-networks" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="availabilityZones" name="availability-zones" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="cloud-region designates an installation of a cloud cluster or region or instantiation. In AT&amp;Ts AIC cloud, this could be an LCP or DCP. Cloud regions are uniquely identified by a composite key, cloud-owner + cloud-region-id. The format of the cloud-owner is vendor-cloudname and we will use att-aic for AT&amp;T's AIC." />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="cloud-owner,cloud-region-id,cloud-type,owner-defined-type" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="owner-defined-type" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="cloud-regions" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="cloud-infrastructure" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="VolumeGroups">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of persistent block-level storage." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="volume-groups" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="volumeGroup" name="volume-group" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="VolumeGroup">
+ <xml-root-element name="volume-group" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="volumeGroupId" name="volume-group-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique ID of volume-group." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="volumeGroupName" name="volume-group-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of the volume group." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="heatStackId" name="heat-stack-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Heat stack id corresponding to this volume-group" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfType" name="vnf-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="String capturing type of vnf, that was intended to identify the ASDC resource. This field has been overloaded in service-specific ways and clients should expect changes to occur in the future to this field as ECOMP matures." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="orchestrationStatus" name="orchestration-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Orchestration status of this volume-group" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelCustomizationId" name="model-customization-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="captures the id of all the configuration used to customize the resource for the service." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vfModuleModelCustomizationId" name="vf-module-model-customization-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="helps relate the volume group to the vf-module whose components will require the volume group" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Persistent block-level storage." />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="volume-group-name,vnf-type,heat-stack-id,volume-group-id" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="volume-group-id,volume-group-name" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="cloud-region" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="volume-groups" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="RelationshipList">
+ <xml-root-element name="relationship-list" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="relationship" name="relationship" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Relationship">
+ <xml-root-element name="relationship" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relatedTo" name="related-to" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="A keyword provided by A&amp;AI to indicate type of node." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relatedLink" name="related-link" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="URL to the object in A&amp;AI." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="relationshipData" name="relationship-data" type="" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="relatedToProperty" name="related-to-property" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="RelatedToProperty">
+ <xml-root-element name="related-to-property" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyKey" name="property-key" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Key part of a key/value pair" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyValue" name="property-value" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Value part of a key/value pair" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="RelationshipData">
+ <xml-root-element name="relationship-data" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipKey" name="relationship-key" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="A keyword provided by A&amp;AI to indicate an attribute." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipValue" name="relationship-value" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Value of the attribute." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Complexes">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of physical locations that can house cloud-regions." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="complexes" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="complex" name="complex" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="maximumDepth" value="0" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Complex">
+ <xml-root-element name="complex" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="physicalLocationId" name="physical-location-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique identifier for physical location, e.g., CLLI" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="dataCenterCode" name="data-center-code" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Data center code which can be an alternate way to identify a complex" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="complexName" name="complex-name" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Gamma complex name for LCP instance." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="identityUrl" name="identity-url" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="URL of the keystone identity service" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="physicalLocationType" name="physical-location-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Type, e.g., central office, data center." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="street1" name="street1" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="street2" name="street2" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="city" name="city" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="state" name="state" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="postalCode" name="postal-code" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="country" name="country" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="region" name="region" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="latitude" name="latitude" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="longitude" name="longitude" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="elevation" name="elevation" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="lata" name="lata" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ctagPools" name="ctag-pools" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of physical locations that can house cloud-regions." />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="identity-url,data-center-code,complex-name,physical-location-id" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="physical-location-id,data-center-code,complex-name,street1,street2,postal-code" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="physical-location-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="complexes" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="cloud-infrastructure" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="CtagPools">
+ <xml-root-element name="ctag-pools" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="ctagPool" name="ctag-pool" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="CtagPool">
+ <xml-root-element name="ctag-pool" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="targetPe" name="target-pe" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The Target provider edge router" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="availabilityZoneName" name="availability-zone-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of the availability zone" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ctagPoolPurpose" name="ctag-pool-purpose" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Describes what the intended purpose of this pool is." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ctagValues" name="ctag-values" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Comma separated list of ctags" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="A collection of C tags (vlan tags) grouped for a specific purpose." />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="availability-zone-name" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="complex" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="ctag-pools" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Tenants">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of openstack tenants." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="tenants" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="tenant" name="tenant" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="maximumDepth" value="0" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Tenant">
+ <xml-root-element name="tenant" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="tenantId" name="tenant-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique id relative to the cloud-region." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="tenantName" name="tenant-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Readable name of tenant" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vservers" name="vservers" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Openstack tenant" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="tenant-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="tenant-name,tenant-id" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="tenant-id,tenant-name" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="cloud-region" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="tenants" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Vservers">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of virtual Servers, aka virtual machines or VMs." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="vservers" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="vserver" name="vserver" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Vserver">
+ <xml-root-element name="vserver" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vserverId" name="vserver-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique identifier for this vserver relative to its tenant" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vserverName" name="vserver-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of vserver" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vserverName2" name="vserver-name2" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Alternative name of vserver" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="provStatus" name="prov-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Trigger for operational monitoring of this resource by Service Assurance systems." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vserverSelflink" name="vserver-selflink" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="URL to endpoint where AAI can get more details" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element default-value="false" required="true" java-attribute="inMaint" name="in-maint" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used to indicate whether or not this object is in maintenance mode (maintenance mode = true). This field (in conjunction with prov-status) is used to suppress alarms and vSCL on VNFs/VMs." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element default-value="false" required="true" java-attribute="isClosedLoopDisabled" name="is-closed-loop-disabled" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used to indicate whether closed loop function is enabled on this node" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="volumes" name="volumes" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="lInterfaces" name="l-interfaces" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Virtual Servers, aka virtual machine or VM." />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="vserver-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="is-closed-loop-disabled,prov-status,vserver-name,vserver-id,in-maint,vserver-name2" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="vserver-id,vserver-name,vserver-name2" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="tenant" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="vservers" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="LInterfaces">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of logical interfaces." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="l-interfaces" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="lInterface" name="l-interface" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="LInterface">
+ <xml-root-element name="l-interface" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="interfaceName" name="interface-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name given to the interface" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="interfaceRole" name="interface-role" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="E.g., CUSTOMER, UPLINK, etc." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="v6WanLinkIp" name="v6-wan-link-ip" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Questionably placed - v6 ip addr of this interface (is in vr-lan-interface from Mary B." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="selflink" name="selflink" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="URL to endpoint where AAI can get more details" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="interfaceId" name="interface-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="ID of interface" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="macaddr" name="macaddr" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="MAC address for the interface" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="networkName" name="network-name" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of the network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="managementOption" name="management-option" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Whether A&amp;AI should be managing this interface of not. Could have value like CUSTOMER" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="interfaceDescription" name="interface-description" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Human friendly text regarding this interface." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="isPortMirrored" name="is-port-mirrored" required="true" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="boolean indicatating whether or not port is a mirrored." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element default-value="false" java-attribute="inMaint" name="in-maint" required="true" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="used to indicate whether or not this object is in maintenance mode (maintenance mode = true)" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vlans" name="vlans" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="sriovVfs" name="sriov-vfs" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="lInterfaces" name="l-interfaces" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="l3InterfaceIpv4AddressList" name="l3-interface-ipv4-address-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="l3InterfaceIpv6AddressList" name="l3-interface-ipv6-address-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Logical interfaces, e.g., a vnic." />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="macaddr,interface-id,interface-name,network-name" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="generic-vnf,newvce,vpe,p-interface,vserver,lag-interface" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="l-interfaces" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="SriovVfs">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of SR-IOV Virtual Functions." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="sriov-vfs" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="sriovVf" name="sriov-vf" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="SriovVf">
+ <xml-root-element name="sriov-vf" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="pciId" name="pci-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="PCI ID used to identify the sriov-vf" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vfVlanFilter" name="vf-vlan-filter" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This metadata provides option to specify list of VLAN filters applied on VF to pass the traffic to VM." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vfMacFilter" name="vf-mac-filter" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="When MAC filters are specified, VF-agent service configures VFs to do MAC level filtering before the traffic is passed to VM." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vfVlanStrip" name="vf-vlan-strip" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="When this field is set to true, VF will configured to strip the outer TAG before the traffic is passed to VM." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vfVlanAntiSpoofCheck" name="vf-vlan-anti-spoof-check" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This option ensures anti VLAN spoof checks are done at the VF level to comply with security. The disable check will also be honored per the VNF needs for trusted VMs." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vfMacAntiSpoofCheck" name="vf-mac-anti-spoof-check" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This option ensures anti MAC spoof checks are done at the VF level to comply with security. The disable check will also be honored per the VNF needs for trusted VMs." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vfMirrors" name="vf-mirrors" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This option defines the set of Mirror objects which essentially mirrors the traffic from source to set of collector VNF Ports." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vfBroadcastAllow" name="vf-broadcast-allow" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This option, if set to true, sets the VF in promiscuous mode and allows all broadcast traffic to reach the VM" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vfUnknownMulticastAllow" name="vf-unknown-multicast-allow" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This option, if set to true, sets the VF in promiscuous mode and allows unknown multicast traffic to reach the VM" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vfUnknownUnicastAllow" name="vf-unknown-unicast-allow" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This option, if set to true, sets the VF in promiscuous mode and allows unknown unicast traffic to reach the VM" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vfInsertStag" name="vf-insert-stag" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This option, if set to true, instructs to insert outer tag after traffic comes out of VM." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vfLinkStatus" name="vf-link-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This option is used to set the link status. Valid values as of 1607 are on, off, and auto." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="neutronNetworkId" name="neutron-network-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Neutron network id of the interface" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="SR-IOV Virtual Function (not to be confused with virtual network function)" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="pci-id,vf-vlan-filter,vf-mac-filter,vf-vlan-strip,neutron-network-id" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="l-interface" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="sriov-vfs" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="L3InterfaceIpv4AddressList">
+ <xml-root-element name="l3-interface-ipv4-address-list" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="l3InterfaceIpv4Address" name="l3-interface-ipv4-address" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="IP address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="l3InterfaceIpv4PrefixLength" name="l3-interface-ipv4-prefix-length" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Prefix length, 32 for single address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vlanIdInner" name="vlan-id-inner" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Inner VLAN tag" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vlanIdOuter" name="vlan-id-outer" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Outer VLAN tag" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="isFloating" name="is-floating" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Indicator of fixed or floating address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="neutronNetworkId" name="neutron-network-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Neutron network id of the interface that address belongs to" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="neutronSubnetId" name="neutron-subnet-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Neutron id of subnet that address belongs to" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="IPv4 Address Range" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="l3-interface-ipv4-address,vlan-id-inner,neutron-network-id,neutron-subnet-id" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="vlan,l-interface" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Vlans">
+ <xml-root-element name="vlans" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="vlan" name="vlan" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Vlan">
+ <xml-root-element name="vlan" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vlanInterface" name="vlan-interface" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="String that identifies the interface" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vlanIdInner" name="vlan-id-inner" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Inner VLAN tag" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vlanIdOuter" name="vlan-id-outer" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Outer VLAN tag" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="speedValue" name="speed-value" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Captures the numeric part of the speed" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="speedUnits" name="speed-units" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Captures the units corresponding to the speed" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vlanDescription" name="vlan-description" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used to describe (the service associated with) the vlan" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="backdoorConnection" name="backdoor-connection" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Whether customer is going to use this VLAN for backdoor connection to another customer premise device." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vpnId" name="vpn-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This indicates the customers VPN ID associated with this vlan" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="orchestrationStatus" name="orchestration-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Status of a vnf's vlan interface, on which the customer circuit resides, mastered by SDN-C." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element default-value="false" java-attribute="inMaint" name="in-maint" required="true" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="used to indicate whether or not this object is in maintenance mode (maintenance mode = true)" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="l3InterfaceIpv4AddressList" name="l3-interface-ipv4-address-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="l3InterfaceIpv6AddressList" name="l3-interface-ipv6-address-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Definition of vlan" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="vlan-interface,vlan-id-inner,vpn-id" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="vpn-id" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="l-interface" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="vlans" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="L3InterfaceIpv6AddressList">
+ <xml-root-element name="l3-interface-ipv6-address-list" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="l3InterfaceIpv6Address" name="l3-interface-ipv6-address" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="IP address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="l3InterfaceIpv6PrefixLength" name="l3-interface-ipv6-prefix-length" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Prefix length, 128 for single address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vlanIdInner" name="vlan-id-inner" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Inner VLAN tag" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vlanIdOuter" name="vlan-id-outer" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Outer VLAN tag" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="isFloating" name="is-floating" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Indicator of fixed or floating address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="neutronNetworkId" name="neutron-network-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Neutron network id of the interface that address belongs to" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="neutronSubnetId" name="neutron-subnet-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Neutron id of subnet that address belongs to" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="IPv6 Address Range" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="l3-interface-ipv6-address,vlan-id-inner,neutron-network-id,neutron-subnet-id" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="vlan,l-interface" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Volumes">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of ephemeral Block storage volumes." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="volumes" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="volume" name="volume" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Volume">
+ <xml-root-element name="volume" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="volumeId" name="volume-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique ID of block storage volume relative to the vserver." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="volumeSelflink" name="volume-selflink" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="URL to endpoint where AAI can get more details" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Ephemeral Block storage volume." />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="volume-id" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="vserver" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="volumes" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Flavors">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of openstack flavors." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="flavors" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="flavor" name="flavor" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Flavor">
+ <xml-root-element name="flavor" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="flavorId" name="flavor-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Flavor id, expected to be unique across cloud-region." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="flavorName" name="flavor-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Flavor name" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="flavorVcpus" name="flavor-vcpus" type="java.lang.Integer">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Number of CPUs" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="flavorRam" name="flavor-ram" type="java.lang.Integer">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Amount of memory" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="flavorDisk" name="flavor-disk" type="java.lang.Integer">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Disk space" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="flavorEphemeral" name="flavor-ephemeral" type="java.lang.Integer">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Amount of ephemeral disk space" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="flavorSwap" name="flavor-swap" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="amount of swap space allocation" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="flavorIsPublic" name="flavor-is-public" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="whether flavor is available to all users or private to the tenant it was created in." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="flavorSelflink" name="flavor-selflink" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="URL to endpoint where AAI can get more details" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="flavorDisabled" name="flavor-disabled" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Boolean as to whether this flavor is no longer enabled" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Openstack flavor." />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="flavor-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="flavor-name,flavor-id" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="cloud-region" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="flavors" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Snapshots">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of openstack snapshots" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="snapshots" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="snapshot" name="snapshot" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Snapshot">
+ <xml-root-element name="snapshot" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="snapshotId" name="snapshot-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Snapshot id, this is the key UUID assoc associated in glance with the snapshots." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="snapshotName" name="snapshot-name" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Snapshot name" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="snapshotArchitecture" name="snapshot-architecture" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Operating system architecture" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="snapshotOsDistro" name="snapshot-os-distro" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The common name of the operating system distribution in lowercase" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="snapshotOsVersion" name="snapshot-os-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The operating system version as specified by the distributor." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="application" name="application" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The application that the image instantiates." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="applicationVendor" name="application-vendor" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The vendor of the application." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="applicationVersion" name="application-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The version of the application." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="snapshotSelflink" name="snapshot-selflink" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="URL to endpoint where AAI can get more details" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="prevSnapshotId" name="prev-snapshot-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This field contains the UUID of the previous snapshot (if any)." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Openstack snapshot" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="snapshot-name" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="snapshot-id" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="application,snapshot-name,application-vendor,snapshot-id,application-version,prev-snapshot-id" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="cloud-region" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="snapshots" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="GroupAssignments">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of openstack group assignments" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="group-assignments" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="groupAssignment" name="group-assignment" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="GroupAssignment">
+ <xml-root-element name="group-assignment" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="groupId" name="group-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Group id, expected to be unique across cloud-region." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="groupType" name="group-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Group type - the type of group this instance refers to" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="groupName" name="group-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Group name - name assigned to the group" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="groupDescription" name="group-description" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Group description - description of the group" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Openstack group-assignment used to store exclusivity groups (EG)." />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="group-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="group-id,group-type,group-name" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="cloud-region" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="group-assignments" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Images">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collectio of Openstack images." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="images" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="image" name="image" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Image">
+ <xml-root-element name="image" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="imageId" name="image-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Image id, expected to be unique across cloud region" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="imageName" name="image-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Image name" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="imageArchitecture" name="image-architecture" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Operating system architecture." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="imageOsDistro" name="image-os-distro" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The common name of the operating system distribution in lowercase" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="imageOsVersion" name="image-os-version" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The operating system version as specified by the distributor." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="application" name="application" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The application that the image instantiates." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="applicationVendor" name="application-vendor" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The vendor of the application." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="applicationVersion" name="application-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The version of the application." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="imageSelflink" name="image-selflink" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="URL to endpoint where AAI can get more details" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="metadata" name="metadata" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Openstack image." />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="image-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="application,image-name,application-vendor,image-id,application-version" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="cloud-region" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="images" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Metadata">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of metadatum (key/value pairs)" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="metadata" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="metadatum" name="metadatum" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Metadatum">
+ <xml-root-element name="metadatum" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="metaname" name="metaname" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="metaval" name="metaval" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Key/value pairs" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="metaname" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="tenant,image,service-instance,connector,model" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="metadata" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="DvsSwitches">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of digital virtual switch metadata used for vmWare VCEs and VPEs." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="dvs-switches" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="dvsSwitch" name="dvs-switch" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="DvsSwitch">
+ <xml-root-element name="dvs-switch" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="switchName" name="switch-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="DVS switch name" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vcenterUrl" name="vcenter-url" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="URL used to reach the vcenter" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Digital virtual switch metadata, used by SDN-C to configure VCEs. A&amp;AI needs to receive this data from the PO deployment team and administer it using the into A&amp;AI. " />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="vcenter-url,switch-name" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="cloud-region" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="dvs-switches" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="NetworkProfiles">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of network profiles" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="network-profiles" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="networkProfile" name="network-profile" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="NetworkProfile">
+ <xml-root-element name="network-profile" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="nmProfileName" name="nm-profile-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique name of network profile." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="communityString" name="community-string" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Encrypted SNMP community string" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Network profile populated by SDN-GP for SNMP" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="nm-profile-name" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="network-profiles" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="cloud-infrastructure" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Pservers">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of compute hosts." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="pservers" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="pserver" name="pserver" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="maximumDepth" value="0" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Pserver">
+ <xml-root-element name="pserver" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="hostname" name="hostname" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Value from executing hostname on the compute node." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ptniiEquipName" name="ptnii-equip-name" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="PTNII name" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="numberOfCpus" name="number-of-cpus" type="java.lang.Integer">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Number of cpus" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="diskInGigabytes" name="disk-in-gigabytes" type="java.lang.Integer">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Disk size, in GBs" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ramInMegabytes" name="ram-in-megabytes" type="java.lang.Integer">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="RAM size, in MBs" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="equipType" name="equip-type" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Equipment type. Source of truth should define valid values." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="equipVendor" name="equip-vendor" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Equipment vendor. Source of truth should define valid values." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="equipModel" name="equip-model" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Equipment model. Source of truth should define valid values." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="fqdn" name="fqdn" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Fully-qualified domain name" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="pserverSelflink" name="pserver-selflink" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="URL to endpoint where AAI can get more details" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipv4OamAddress" name="ipv4-oam-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used to configure device, also used for troubleshooting and is IP used for traps generated by device." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serialNumber" name="serial-number" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Serial number, may be queried" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipaddressV4Loopback0" name="ipaddress-v4-loopback-0" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="IPV4 Loopback 0 address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipaddressV6Loopback0" name="ipaddress-v6-loopback-0" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="IPV6 Loopback 0 address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipaddressV4Aim" name="ipaddress-v4-aim" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="IPV4 AIM address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipaddressV6Aim" name="ipaddress-v6-aim" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="IPV6 AIM address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipaddressV6Oam" name="ipaddress-v6-oam" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="IPV6 OAM address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="invStatus" name="inv-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="CANOPI's inventory status. Only set with values exactly as defined by CANOPI." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="pserverId" name="pserver-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="ID of Pserver" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="internetTopology" name="internet-topology" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="internet topology of Pserver" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element default-value="false" required="true" java-attribute="inMaint" name="in-maint" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="used to indicate whether or not this object is in maintenance mode (maintenance mode = true). This field (in conjunction with prov-status) is used to suppress alarms and vSCL on VNFs/VMs." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="pserverName2" name="pserver-name2" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="alternative pserver name" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="purpose" name="purpose" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="purpose of pserver" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="provStatus" name="prov-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Prov Status of this device (not under canopi control) Valid values [PREPROV/NVTPROV/PROV]" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="pInterfaces" name="p-interfaces" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="lagInterfaces" name="lag-interfaces" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Compute host whose hostname must be unique and must exactly match what is sent as a relationship to a vserver." />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="pserver-name2" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="hostname,in-maint,pserver-id,pserver-name2,inv-status" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="hostname,pserver-name2,pserver-id,ipv4-oam-address" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="pservers" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="cloud-infrastructure" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="PInterfaces">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of physical interfaces." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="p-interfaces" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="pInterface" name="p-interface" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="PInterface">
+ <xml-root-element name="p-interface" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="interfaceName" name="interface-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name that identifies the physical interface" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="speedValue" name="speed-value" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Captures the numeric part of the speed" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="speedUnits" name="speed-units" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Captures the units corresponding to the speed" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="portDescription" name="port-description" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Nature of the services and connectivity on this port." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="equipmentIdentifier" name="equipment-identifier" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="CLEI or other specification for p-interface hardware." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="interfaceRole" name="interface-role" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Role specification for p-interface hardware." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="interfaceType" name="interface-type" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Indicates the physical properties of the interface." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="provStatus" name="prov-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Trigger for operational monitoring of this resource by Service Assurance systems." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element default-value="false" java-attribute="inMaint" name="in-maint" required="true" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="used to indicate whether or not this object is in maintenance mode (maintenance mode = true)" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="lInterfaces" name="l-interfaces" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Physical interface (e.g., nic)" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="interface-name,prov-status" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="prov-status" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="vpls-pe,pserver,pnf" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="p-interfaces" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="LagInterfaces">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of link aggregate interfaces." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="lag-interfaces" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="lagInterface" name="lag-interface" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="LagInterface">
+ <xml-root-element name="lag-interface" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="interfaceName" name="interface-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name that identifies the link aggregate interface" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="interfaceDescription" name="interface-description" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Human friendly text regarding this interface." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="speedValue" name="speed-value" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Captures the numeric part of the speed" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="speedUnits" name="speed-units" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Captures the units corresponding to the speed" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="interfaceId" name="interface-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="ID of interface" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="interfaceRole" name="interface-role" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Role assigned to this Interface, should use values as defined in ECOMP Yang models." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="provStatus" name="prov-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Trigger for operational monitoring of this resource by Service Assurance systems." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element default-value="false" java-attribute="inMaint" name="in-maint" required="true" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="used to indicate whether or not this object is in maintenance mode (maintenance mode = true)" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="lInterfaces" name="l-interfaces" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Link aggregate interface" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="interface-name,interface-id,interface-role" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="generic-vnf,pserver,vpe,vpls-pe,pnf" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="lag-interfaces" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="OamNetworks">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of OAM networks, to be deprecated shortly. Do not use for new purposes. " />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="oam-networks" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="oamNetwork" name="oam-network" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="OamNetwork">
+ <xml-root-element name="oam-network" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="networkUuid" name="network-uuid" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="UUID of the network. Unique across a cloud-region" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="networkName" name="network-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of the network." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cvlanTag" name="cvlan-tag" required="true" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="cvlan-id" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipv4OamGatewayAddress" name="ipv4-oam-gateway-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for VNF firewall rule so customer cannot send customer traffic over this oam network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipv4OamGatewayAddressPrefixLength" name="ipv4-oam-gateway-address-prefix-length" type="java.lang.Integer">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for VNF firewall rule so customer cannot send customer traffic over this oam network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="OAM network, to be deprecated shortly. Do not use for new purposes. " />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="network-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="cvlan-tag,network-uuid,network-name" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="cloud-region" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="oam-networks" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="AvailabilityZones">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of availability zones" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="availability-zones" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="availabilityZone" name="availability-zone" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="AvailabilityZone">
+ <xml-root-element name="availability-zone" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="availabilityZoneName" name="availability-zone-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of the availability zone. Unique across a cloud region" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="hypervisorType" name="hypervisor-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Type of hypervisor. Source of truth should define valid values." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="operationalState" name="operational-state" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="State that indicates whether the availability zone should be used, etc. Source of truth should define valid values." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Availability zone, a collection of compute hosts/pservers" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="availability-zone-name" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="cloud-region" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="availability-zones" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="VirtualDataCenters">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Virtual organization of cloud infrastructure elements in a data center context" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="virtual-data-centers" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="virtualDataCenter" name="virtual-data-center" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="VirtualDataCenter">
+ <xml-root-element name="virtual-data-center" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vdcId" name="vdc-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique ID of the vdc" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vdcName" name="vdc-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of the virtual data center" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Virtual organization of cloud infrastructure elements in a data center context" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="vdc-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="vdc-name,vdc-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="virtual-data-centers" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="cloud-infrastructure" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Business">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Namespace for business related constructs" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="business" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="connectors" name="connectors" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="customers" name="customers" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Connectors">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of resource instances used to connect a variety of disparate inventory widgets" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="connectors" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="connector" name="connector" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Connector">
+ <xml-root-element name="connector" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceInstanceId" name="resource-instance-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique id of resource instance." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelInvariantId" name="model-invariant-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model id for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="deployment" />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-invariant-id-local" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelVersionId" name="model-version-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model version for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="deployment" />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-version-id-local" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="personaModelVersion" name="persona-model-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model version for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="internal" />
+ <xml-property name="dataCopy" value="service-design-and-creation/models/model/{model-invariant-id}/model-vers/model-ver/{model-version-id}#model-version" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="widgetModelId" name="widget-model-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC data dictionary widget model. This maps directly to the A&amp;AI widget." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="widgetModelVersion" name="widget-model-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC data dictionary version of the widget model.This maps directly to the A&amp;AI version of the widget." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="metadata" name="metadata" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of resource instances used to connect a variety of disparate inventory widgets" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="resource-instance-id,model-invariant-id,model-version-id,widget-model-id,widget-model-version" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="connectors" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="business" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Customers">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of customer identifiers to provide linkage back to BSS information." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="customers" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="customer" name="customer" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="maximumDepth" value="0" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Customer">
+ <xml-root-element name="customer" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="globalCustomerId" name="global-customer-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Global customer id used across ECOMP to uniquely identify customer." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="subscriberName" name="subscriber-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Subscriber name, an alternate way to retrieve a customer." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="subscriberType" name="subscriber-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Subscriber type, a way to provide VID with only the INFRA customers." />
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="CUST" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceSubscriptions" name="service-subscriptions" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="customer identifiers to provide linkage back to BSS information." />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="subscriber-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="subscriber-name,global-customer-id,subscriber-type" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="global-customer-id,subscriber-name" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="global-customer-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="customers" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="business" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ServiceSubscriptions">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of objects that group service instances." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="service-subscriptions" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="serviceSubscription" name="service-subscription" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ServiceSubscription">
+ <xml-root-element name="service-subscription" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceType" name="service-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Value defined by orchestration to identify this service across ECOMP." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="tempUbSubAccountId" name="temp-ub-sub-account-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This property will be deleted from A&amp;AI in the near future. Only stop gap solution." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceInstances" name="service-instances" type="">
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Object that group service instances." />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="service-type" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="customer" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="service-subscriptions" />
+ <xml-property name="crossEntityReference" value="service-instance,service-type" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ServiceInstances">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of service instances" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="service-instances" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="serviceInstance" name="service-instance" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ServiceInstance">
+ <xml-root-element name="service-instance" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceInstanceId" name="service-instance-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Uniquely identifies this instance of a service" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceInstanceName" name="service-instance-name" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This field will store a name assigned to the service-instance." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelInvariantId" name="model-invariant-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model id for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="deployment" />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-invariant-id-local" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelVersionId" name="model-version-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model version for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="deployment" />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-version-id-local" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="personaModelVersion" name="persona-model-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model version for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="internal" />
+ <xml-property name="dataCopy" value="service-design-and-creation/models/model/{model-invariant-id}/model-vers/model-ver/{model-version-id}#model-version" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="widgetModelId" name="widget-model-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC data dictionary widget model. This maps directly to the A&amp;AI widget." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="widgetModelVersion" name="widget-model-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC data dictionary version of the widget model.This maps directly to the A&amp;AI version of the widget." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="bandwidthTotal" name="bandwidth-total" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Indicates the total bandwidth to be used for this service." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="bandwidthUpWan1" name="bandwidth-up-wan1" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="indicates the upstream bandwidth this service will use on the WAN1 port of the physical device." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="bandwidthDownWan1" name="bandwidth-down-wan1" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="indicates the downstream bandwidth this service will use on the WAN1 port of the physical device." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="bandwidthUpWan2" name="bandwidth-up-wan2" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="indicates the upstream bandwidth this service will use on the WAN2 port of the physical device." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="bandwidthDownWan2" name="bandwidth-down-wan2" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="indicates the downstream bandwidth this service will use on the WAN2 port of the physical device." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vhnPortalUrl" name="vhn-portal-url" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="URL customers will use to access the vHN Portal." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="operationalStatus" name="operational-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Operational status of the service-instance." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceInstanceLocationId" name="service-instance-location-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="An identifier that customers assign to the location where this service is being used." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="selflink" name="selflink" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Path to the controller object." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="orchestrationStatus" name="orchestration-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Orchestration status of this service." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="metadata" name="metadata" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="allottedResources" name="allotted-resources" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Instance of a service" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="service-instance-id,model-invariant-id,model-version-id,widget-model-id,widget-model-version,service-instance-name,service-instance-location-id,orchestration-status" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="service-instance-name" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="service-instance-id,service-instance-name" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="service-instance-id" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="service-subscription" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="service-instances" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ServiceDesignAndCreation">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Namespace for objects managed by ASDC" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="service-design-and-creation" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfImages" name="vnf-images" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="services" name="services" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceCapabilities" name="service-capabilities" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="models" name="models" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="namedQueries" name="named-queries" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="VnfImages">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of image objects that pertain to a VNF that doesn't have associated vservers. This is a kludge." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="vnf-images" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="vnfImage" name="vnf-image" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="VnfImage">
+ <xml-root-element name="vnf-image" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfImageUuid" name="vnf-image-uuid" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique ID of this asset" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="application" name="application" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The application that the image instantiates." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="applicationVendor" name="application-vendor" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The vendor of the application." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="applicationVersion" name="application-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The version of the application." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="selflink" name="selflink" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="URL to endpoint where AAI can get more details" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Image object that pertain to a VNF that doesn't have associated vservers. This is a kludge." />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="application,vnf-image-uuid,application-vendor,application-version" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="vnf-image-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="vnf-images" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="service-design-and-creation" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Services">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of service model definitions. Likely to be deprecated in favor of models from ASDC." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="services" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="service" name="service" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Service">
+ <xml-root-element name="service" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceId" name="service-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This gets defined by others to provide a unique ID for the service, we accept what is sent." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceDescription" name="service-description" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Description of the service" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceSelflink" name="service-selflink" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="URL to endpoint where AAI can get more details" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceVersion" name="service-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="service version" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Stand-in for service model definitions. Likely to be deprecated in favor of models from ASDC. Does not strictly map to ASDC services." />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="service-description,service-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="services" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="service-design-and-creation" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ServiceCapabilities">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of service capabilities." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="service-capabilities" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="serviceCapability" name="service-capability" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ServiceCapability">
+ <xml-root-element name="service-capability" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceType" name="service-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This gets defined by others to provide a unique ID for the service, we accept what is sent." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfType" name="vnf-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="String capturing type of vnf, that was intended to identify the ASDC resource. This field has been overloaded in service-specific ways and clients should expect changes to occur in the future to this field as ECOMP matures." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Early definition of server/resource pairings, likely to be replaced by models. No new use should be made of this." />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="service-type,vnf-type" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="service-capabilities" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="service-design-and-creation" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Network">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Namespace for network inventory resources." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="network" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="logicalLinks" name="logical-links" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="sitePairSets" name="site-pair-sets" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vpnBindings" name="vpn-bindings" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vplsPes" name="vpls-pes" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="multicastConfigurations" name="multicast-configurations" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vces" name="vces" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vpes" name="vpes" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfcs" name="vnfcs" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="l3Networks" name="l3-networks" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="networkPolicies" name="network-policies" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="genericVnfs" name="generic-vnfs" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="lagLinks" name="lag-links" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="newvces" name="newvces" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="pnfs" name="pnfs" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="physicalLinks" name="physical-links" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipsecConfigurations" name="ipsec-configurations" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="routeTableReferences" name="route-table-references" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="instanceGroups" name="instance-groups" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="zones" name="zones" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="testObjects" name="test-objects"
+ type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="LogicalLinks">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of logical connections" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="logical-links" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="logicalLink" name="logical-link" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="LogicalLink">
+ <xml-root-element name="logical-link" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="linkName" name="link-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="e.g., evc-name, or vnf-nameA_interface-nameA_vnf-nameZ_interface-nameZ" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="linkType" name="link-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Type of logical link, e.g., evc" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="speedValue" name="speed-value" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Captures the numeric part of the speed" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="speedUnits" name="speed-units" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Captures the units corresponding to the speed" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipVersion" name="ip-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="v4, v6, or ds for dual stack" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="routingProtocol" name="routing-protocol" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="For example, static or BGP" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelInvariantId" name="model-invariant-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model id for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="deployment" />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-invariant-id-local" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelVersionId" name="model-version-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model version for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="deployment" />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-version-id-local" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="personaModelVersion" name="persona-model-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model version for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="internal" />
+ <xml-property name="dataCopy" value="service-design-and-creation/models/model/{model-invariant-id}/model-vers/model-ver/{model-version-id}#model-version" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="widgetModelId" name="widget-model-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC data dictionary widget model. This maps directly to the A&amp;AI widget." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="widgetModelVersion" name="widget-model-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC data dictionary version of the widget model.This maps directly to the A&amp;AI version of the widget." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="operationalStatus" name="operational-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Indication of operational status of the logical link." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="provStatus" name="prov-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Trigger for operational monitoring of this VNF by BAU Service Assurance systems." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="linkRole" name="link-role" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Indication of the network use of the logical link." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="linkName2" name="link-name2" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Alias or alternate name (CLCI or D1 name)." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="linkId" name="link-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="UUID of the logical-link, SDNC generates this." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="circuitId" name="circuit-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Circuit id" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="purpose" name="purpose" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Reason for this entity, role it is playing" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Logical links generally connect l-interfaces but are used to express logical connectivity between two points" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="link-name,model-invariant-id,model-version-id,widget-model-id,widget-model-version,link-id,prov-status,circuit-id,purpose" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="link-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="logical-links" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="link-name" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="SitePairSets">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of sets of instances for probes related to generic-vnf" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="site-pair-sets" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="sitePairSet" name="site-pair-set" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="SitePairSet">
+ <xml-root-element name="site-pair-set" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="sitePairSetId" name="site-pair-set-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique id of site pair set." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="routingInstances" name="routing-instances" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Set of instances for probes used to measure service level agreements" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="site-pair-set-id" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="site-pair-set-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="site-pair-sets" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="RoutingInstances">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="set of probes related to generic-vnf routing instance" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="routing-instances" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="routingInstance" name="routing-instance" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="RoutingInstance">
+ <xml-root-element name="routing-instance" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="routingInstanceId" name="routing-instance-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique id of routing instance" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="rpmOwner" name="rpm-owner" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="rpm owner" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="sitePairs" name="site-pairs" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="routing-instance-id" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="routing-instance-id" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="site-pair-set" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="routing-instances" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="SitePairs">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="probe within a set" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="site-pairs" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="sitePair" name="site-pair" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="SitePair">
+ <xml-root-element name="site-pair" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="sitePairId" name="site-pair-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="unique identifier of probe" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="sourceIp" name="source-ip" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Prefix address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="destinationIp" name="destination-ip" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Prefix address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipVersion" name="ip-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="ip version, v4, v6" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="destinationHostname" name="destination-hostname" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Hostname of the destination equipment to which SLAs are measured against." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="destinationEquipType" name="destination-equip-type" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The type of destinatination equipment. Could be Router, etc." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="classesOfService" name="classes-of-service" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="site-pair-id" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="site-pair-id" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="routing-instance" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="site-pairs" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ClassesOfService">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="class-of-service of probe" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="classes-of-service" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="classOfService" name="class-of-service" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ClassOfService">
+ <xml-root-element name="class-of-service" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cos" name="cos" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="unique identifier of probe" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="probeId" name="probe-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="identifier of probe" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="probeType" name="probe-type" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="type of probe" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="cos" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="site-pair" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="classes-of-service" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="VpnBindings">
+ <xml-root-element name="vpn-bindings" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="vpnBinding" name="vpn-binding" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="VpnBinding">
+ <xml-root-element name="vpn-binding" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vpnId" name="vpn-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="VPN ID, globally unique within A&amp;AI" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vpnName" name="vpn-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="VPN Name" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="globalRouteTarget" name="global-route-target" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Number used to identify a VPN, globally unique in the network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vpnPlatform" name="vpn-platform" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the platform associated with the VPN example AVPN, Mobility" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vpnType" name="vpn-type" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Type of the vpn, should be taken from enumerated/valid values" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="routeDistinguisher" name="route-distinguisher" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used to distinguish the distinct VPN routes of separate customers who connect to the provider in an MPLS network." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="routeTargetRole" name="route-target-role" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Role assigned to this route target" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="routeTargets" name="route-targets" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="l3-networks relate to vpn-bindings" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="VPN binding" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="vpn-name,vpn-type" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="vpn-name,vpn-id,global-route-target,vpn-type" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="vpn-id,vpn-name" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="vpn-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="vpn-bindings" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="RouteTargets">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of route target information" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="route-targets" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="routeTarget" name="route-target" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="RouteTarget">
+ <xml-root-element name="route-target" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="globalRouteTarget" name="global-route-target" required="true" xml-key="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Number used to identify an RT, globally unique in the network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="routeTargetRole" name="route-target-role" required="true" xml-key="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Role assigned to this route target" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Route target information" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="route-targets" />
+ <xml-property name="canBeLinked" value="true" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="VplsPes">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of VPLS Provider Edge routers" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="vpls-pes" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="vplsPe" name="vpls-pe" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="VplsPe">
+ <xml-root-element name="vpls-pe" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="equipmentName" name="equipment-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="provStatus" name="prov-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Trigger for operational monitoring of this VNF by BAU Service Assurance systems." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipv4OamAddress" name="ipv4-oam-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Address tail-f uses to configure vpe, also used for troubleshooting and is IP used for traps generated by VPE (v4-loopback0-ip-address)." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="equipmentRole" name="equipment-role" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Client should send valid enumerated value, e.g., VPLS-PE." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vlanIdOuter" name="vlan-id-outer" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Temporary location for stag to get to VCE" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="pInterfaces" name="p-interfaces" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="lagInterfaces" name="lag-interfaces" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="VPLS Provider Edge routers." />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="prov-status,equipment-name" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="vpls-pes" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="MulticastConfigurations">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="multicast configuration of generic-vnf ip-address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="multicast-configurations" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="multicastConfiguration" name="multicast-configuration" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="MulticastConfiguration">
+ <xml-root-element name="multicast-configuration" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="multicastConfigurationId" name="multicast-configuration-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique id of multicast configuration." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="multicastProtocol" name="multicast-protocol" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="protocol of multicast configuration" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="rpType" name="rp-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="rp type of multicast configuration" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="multicast-configuration-id" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="multicast-configuration-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="multicast-configurations" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Vces">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of Virtual Customer Edge Routers, used specifically for Gamma. This object is deprecated." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="vces" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="vce" name="vce" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Vce">
+ <xml-root-element name="vce" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfId" name="vnf-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique id of VNF. This is unique across the graph." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfName" name="vnf-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of VNF." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfName2" name="vnf-name2" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Alternate name of VNF." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfType" name="vnf-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="String capturing type of vnf, that was intended to identify the ASDC resource. This field has been overloaded in service-specific ways and clients should expect changes to occur in the future to this field as ECOMP matures." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceId" name="service-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique identifier of service, does not strictly map to ASDC services, SOON TO BE DEPRECATED." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="regionalResourceZone" name="regional-resource-zone" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Regional way of organizing pservers, source of truth should define values" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="provStatus" name="prov-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Trigger for operational monitoring of this resource by Service Assurance systems." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="operationalState" name="operational-state" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Indicator for whether the resource is considered operational" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="licenseKey" name="license-key" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="OBSOLETE - do not use" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="equipmentRole" name="equipment-role" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Network role being played by this VNF" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="orchestrationStatus" name="orchestration-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Orchestration status of this VNF, mastered by MSO" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="heatStackId" name="heat-stack-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Heat stack id corresponding to this instance, managed by MSO" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="msoCatalogKey" name="mso-catalog-key" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Corresponds to the SDN-C catalog id used to configure this VCE" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vpeId" name="vpe-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique ID of VPE connected to this VCE." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="v6VceWanAddress" name="v6-vce-wan-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Valid v6 IP address for the WAN Link on this router. Implied length of /64." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipv4OamAddress" name="ipv4-oam-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Address tail-f uses to configure vce, also used for troubleshooting and is IP used for traps generated by VCE." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipv4Loopback0Address" name="ipv4-loopback0-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Loopback0 address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="entitlementResourceUuid" name="entitlement-resource-uuid" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="OBSOLETE - see child relationships" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="portGroups" name="port-groups" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="licenses" name="licenses" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="entitlements" name="entitlements" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Virtual Customer Edge Router, used specifically for Gamma. This object is deprecated." />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="vnf-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="vnf-name,vnf-name2,vnf-type,heat-stack-id,vnf-id,interface-name,regional-resource-zone,vpe-id,prov-status,service-id" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="vnf-id,vnf-name,vnf-name2" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="vnf-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="vces" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ <xml-property name="extends" value="vnf" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="PortGroups">
+ <xml-root-element name="port-groups" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="portGroup" name="port-group" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="PortGroup">
+ <xml-root-element name="port-group" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="interfaceId" name="interface-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique ID of the interface" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="neutronNetworkId" name="neutron-network-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Neutron network id of this Interface" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="neutronNetworkName" name="neutron-network-name" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Neutron network name of this Interface" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="interfaceRole" name="interface-role" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Role assigned to this Interface, should use values as defined in ECOMP Yang models." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="portGroupId" name="port-group-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique ID for port group in vmware" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="portGroupName" name="port-group-name" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Likely to duplicate value of neutron network name" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="switchName" name="switch-name" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="DVS or standard switch name (should be non-null for port groups associated with DVS)" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="orchestrationStatus" name="orchestration-status" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Orchestration status of this VNF, mastered by MSO" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="heatStackId" name="heat-stack-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Heat stack id corresponding to this instance, managed by MSO" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="msoCatalogKey" name="mso-catalog-key" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Corresponds to the SDN-C catalog id used to configure this VCE" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cvlanTags" name="cvlan-tags" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used to capture the network interfaces of this VCE" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="port-group-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="port-group-id,heat-stack-id,interface-id,interface-name,switch-name" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="vce" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="port-groups" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="CvlanTags">
+ <xml-root-element name="cvlan-tags" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="cvlanTagEntry" name="cvlan-tag-entry" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="CvlanTagEntry">
+ <xml-root-element name="cvlan-tag-entry" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cvlanTag" name="cvlan-tag" required="true" type="java.lang.Long" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="See mis-na-virtualization-platform.yang" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="port-group" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="cvlan-tag" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="cvlan-tags" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Vpes">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Virtual provider edge router. In 1504, A&amp;AI will populate this object through an M&amp;P and tool provided to operations." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="vpes" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="vpe" name="vpe" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Vpe">
+ <xml-root-element name="vpe" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfId" name="vnf-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique id of VNF. This is unique across the graph." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfName" name="vnf-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of VNF." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfName2" name="vnf-name2" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Alternate name of VNF." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfType" name="vnf-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="String capturing type of vnf, that was intended to identify the ASDC resource. This field has been overloaded in service-specific ways and clients should expect changes to occur in the future to this field as ECOMP matures." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceId" name="service-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique identifier of service. Does not map strictly to ASDC services. SOON TO BE DEPRECATED" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="regionalResourceZone" name="regional-resource-zone" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Regional way of organizing pservers, source of truth should define values" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="provStatus" name="prov-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Trigger for operational monitoring of this resource by Service Assurance systems." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="operationalState" name="operational-state" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Indicator for whether the resource is considered operational" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="licenseKey" name="license-key" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="OBSOLETE - do not use. See child relationships." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="equipmentRole" name="equipment-role" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Client should send valid enumerated value" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="orchestrationStatus" name="orchestration-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Orchestration status of this VNF, mastered by MSO" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="heatStackId" name="heat-stack-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Heat stack id corresponding to this instance, managed by MSO" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="msoCatalogKey" name="mso-catalog-key" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Corresponds to the SDN-C catalog id used to configure this VCE" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipv4OamAddress" name="ipv4-oam-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Address tail-f uses to configure vpe, also used for troubleshooting and is IP used for traps generated by VPE (v4-loopback0-ip-address)." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipv4OamGatewayAddressPrefixLength" name="ipv4-oam-gateway-address-prefix-length" type="java.lang.Integer">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Prefix length for oam-address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipv4OamGatewayAddress" name="ipv4-oam-gateway-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Gateway address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="v4Loopback0IpAddress" name="v4-loopback0-ip-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Loopback0 address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vlanIdOuter" name="vlan-id-outer" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Temporary location for stag to get to VCE" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="asNumber" name="as-number" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="as-number of the VPE" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="summaryStatus" name="summary-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="details regarding the vpe operation, PLEASE DISCONTINUE USE OF THIS FIELD." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="encryptedAccessFlag" name="encrypted-access-flag" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="indicates whether vpe access uses SSH" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="lInterfaces" name="l-interfaces" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="lagInterfaces" name="lag-interfaces" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="licenses" name="licenses" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="entitlements" name="entitlements" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Relationship-list must include related to info for complex." />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="vnf-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="vnf-name,vnf-name2,vnf-type,heat-stack-id,vnf-id,regional-resource-zone,prov-status,service-id" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="vnf-id,vnf-name,vnf-name2" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="vnf-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="vpes" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ <xml-property name="extends" value="vnf" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Vnfcs">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="virtual network components associated with a vserver from application controller." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="vnfcs" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="vnfc" name="vnfc" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Vnfc">
+ <xml-root-element name="vnfc" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfcName" name="vnfc-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique ID of vnfc." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfcFunctionCode" name="vnfc-function-code" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="function code" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfcType" name="vnfc-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="type" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="provStatus" name="prov-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="prov status of this vnfc" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="orchestrationStatus" name="orchestration-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Orchestration status of this VNF, mastered by APP-C" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipaddressV4OamVip" name="ipaddress-v4-oam-vip" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Oam V4 vip address of this vnfc" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element default-value="false" required="true" java-attribute="inMaint" name="in-maint" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="used to indicate whether or not this object is in maintenance mode (maintenance mode = true)" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element default-value="false" required="true" java-attribute="isClosedLoopDisabled" name="is-closed-loop-disabled" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="used to indicate whether closed loop function is enabled on this node" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="groupNotation" name="group-notation" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Group notation of VNFC" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="vnfc-name,prov-status,vnfc-type,vnfc-function-code,ipaddress-v4-oam-vip,in-maint,is-closed-loop-disabled,group-notation" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="vnfc-name" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="vnfcs" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="L3Networks">
+ <xml-root-element name="l3-networks" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="l3Network" name="l3-network" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="L3Network">
+ <xml-root-element name="l3-network" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="networkId" name="network-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Network ID, should be uuid. Unique across A&amp;AI." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="networkName" name="network-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of the network, governed by some naming convention.." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="networkType" name="network-type" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Type of the network - who defines these values?" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="networkRole" name="network-role" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Role the network plans - who defines these values?" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="networkTechnology" name="network-technology" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Network technology - who defines these values?" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="neutronNetworkId" name="neutron-network-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Neutron network id of this Interface" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element default-value="false" required="true" java-attribute="isBoundToVpn" name="is-bound-to-vpn" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Set to true if bound to VPN" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceId" name="service-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique identifier of service from ASDC. Does not strictly map to ASDC services. SOON TO BE DEPRECATED" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="networkRoleInstance" name="network-role-instance" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="network role instance" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="orchestrationStatus" name="orchestration-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Orchestration status of this VNF, mastered by MSO" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="heatStackId" name="heat-stack-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Heat stack id corresponding to this instance, managed by MSO" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="msoCatalogKey" name="mso-catalog-key" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Corresponds to the SDN-C catalog id used to configure this VCE" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="contrailNetworkFqdn" name="contrail-network-fqdn" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Contrail FQDN for the network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelInvariantId" name="model-invariant-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model id for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="deployment" />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-invariant-id-local" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelVersionId" name="model-version-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model version for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="deployment" />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-version-id-local" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="personaModelVersion" name="persona-model-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model version for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="internal" />
+ <xml-property name="dataCopy" value="service-design-and-creation/models/model/{model-invariant-id}/model-vers/model-ver/{model-version-id}#model-version" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelCustomizationId" name="model-customization-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="captures the id of all the configuration used to customize the resource for the service." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="widgetModelId" name="widget-model-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC data dictionary widget model. This maps directly to the A&amp;AI widget." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="widgetModelVersion" name="widget-model-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC data dictionary version of the widget model.This maps directly to the A&amp;AI version of the widget." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="physicalNetworkName" name="physical-network-name" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name associated with the physical network." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="isProviderNetwork" name="is-provider-network" required="true" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="boolean indicatating whether or not network is a provider network." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="isSharedNetwork" name="is-shared-network" required="true" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="boolean indicatating whether or not network is a shared network." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="isExternalNetwork" name="is-external-network" required="true" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="boolean indicatating whether or not network is an external network." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="selflink" name="selflink" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Path to the controller object." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="operationalStatus" name="operational-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Indicator for whether the resource is considered operational." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="subnets" name="subnets" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ctagAssignments" name="ctag-assignments" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="segmentationAssignments" name="segmentation-assignments" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" >
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Relates to tenant (or is it a child of tenant), complex, service, vpn-binding" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Generic network definition" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="network-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="heat-stack-id,network-uuid,service-id,network-id,network-name,model-invariant-id,model-version-id,widget-model-id,widget-model-version,contrail-network-fqdn,network-role" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="network-id,network-name" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="network-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="l3-networks" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="NetworkPolicies">
+ <xml-root-element name="network-policies" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="networkPolicy" name="network-policy" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="NetworkPolicy">
+ <xml-root-element name="network-policy" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="networkPolicyId" name="network-policy-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="UUID representing unique key to this instance" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="networkPolicyFqdn" name="network-policy-fqdn" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Contrail FQDN for the policy" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="heatStackId" name="heat-stack-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="ID for the openStack Heat instance" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="network-policy-fqdn" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="network-policy-id,network-policy-fqdn" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="network-policy-id,network-policy-fqdn" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="network-policy-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="network-policies" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="CtagAssignments">
+ <xml-root-element name="ctag-assignments" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="ctagAssignment" name="ctag-assignment" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="CtagAssignment">
+ <xml-root-element name="ctag-assignment" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vlanIdInner" name="vlan-id-inner" required="true" type="java.lang.Long" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="id." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="vlan-id-inner" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="l3-network" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="ctag-assignments" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Subnets">
+ <xml-root-element name="subnets" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="subnet" name="subnet" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Subnet">
+ <xml-root-element name="subnet" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="subnetId" name="subnet-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Subnet ID, should be UUID." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="subnetName" name="subnet-name" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name associated with the subnet." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="neutronSubnetId" name="neutron-subnet-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Neutron id of this subnet" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="gatewayAddress" name="gateway-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="gateway ip address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="networkStartAddress" name="network-start-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="network start address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cidrMask" name="cidr-mask" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="cidr mask" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipVersion" name="ip-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="ip version" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="orchestrationStatus" name="orchestration-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Orchestration status of this VNF, mastered by MSO" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element default-value="false" required="true" java-attribute="dhcpEnabled" name="dhcp-enabled" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="dhcp enabled" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="dhcpStart" name="dhcp-start" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the start address reserved for use by dhcp" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="dhcpEnd" name="dhcp-end" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the last address reserved for use by dhcp" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="subnet-id,subnet-name" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="subnet-name" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="subnet-id" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="l3-network" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="subnets" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="GenericVnfs">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of VNFs" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="generic-vnfs" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="genericVnf" name="generic-vnf" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="maximumDepth" value="0" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="GenericVnf">
+ <xml-root-element name="generic-vnf" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfId" name="vnf-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique id of VNF. This is unique across the graph." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfName" name="vnf-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of VNF." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfName2" name="vnf-name2" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Alternate name of VNF." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfType" name="vnf-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="String capturing type of vnf, that was intended to identify the ASDC resource. This field has been overloaded in service-specific ways and clients should expect changes to occur in the future to this field as ECOMP matures." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceId" name="service-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique identifier of service, does not necessarily map to ASDC service models. SOON TO BE DEPRECATED" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="regionalResourceZone" name="regional-resource-zone" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Regional way of organizing pservers, source of truth should define values" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="provStatus" name="prov-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Trigger for operational monitoring of this resource by Service Assurance systems." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="operationalState" name="operational-state" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Indicator for whether the resource is considered operational. Valid values are in-service-path and out-of-service-path." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="licenseKey" name="license-key" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="OBSOLETE - do not use" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="equipmentRole" name="equipment-role" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Client should send valid enumerated value" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="orchestrationStatus" name="orchestration-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Orchestration status of this VNF, used by MSO." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="heatStackId" name="heat-stack-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Heat stack id corresponding to this instance, managed by MSO" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="msoCatalogKey" name="mso-catalog-key" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Corresponds to the SDN-C catalog id used to configure this VCE" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="managementOption" name="management-option" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="identifier of managed by company or customer" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipv4OamAddress" name="ipv4-oam-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Address tail-f uses to configure generic-vnf, also used for troubleshooting and is IP used for traps generated by generic-vnf." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipv4Loopback0Address" name="ipv4-loopback0-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="v4 Loopback0 address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="nmLanV6Address" name="nm-lan-v6-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="v6 Loopback address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="managementV6Address" name="management-v6-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="v6 management address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vcpu" name="vcpu" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="number of vcpus ordered for this instance of VNF, used for VNFs with no vservers/flavors, to be used only in some usecases" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vcpuUnits" name="vcpu-units" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="units associated with vcpu, used for VNFs with no vservers/flavors, to be used only in some usecases" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vmemory" name="vmemory" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="number of GB of memory ordered for this instance of VNF, used for VNFs with no vservers/flavors, to be used only in some usecases" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vmemoryUnits" name="vmemory-units" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="units associated with vmemory, used for VNFs with no vservers/flavors, to be used only in some usecases" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vdisk" name="vdisk" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="number of vdisks ordered for this instance of VNF, used for VNFs with no vservers/flavors, to be used only in some usecases" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vdiskUnits" name="vdisk-units" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="units associated with vdisk, used for VNFs with no vservers/flavors, to be used only in some usecases" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element default-value="false" required="true" java-attribute="inMaint" name="in-maint" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="used to indicate whether or not this object is in maintenance mode (maintenance mode = true). This field (in conjunction with prov-status) is used to suppress alarms and vSCL on VNFs/VMs." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element default-value="false" required="true" java-attribute="isClosedLoopDisabled" name="is-closed-loop-disabled" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="used to indicate whether closed loop function is enabled on this node" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="summaryStatus" name="summary-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="details regarding the generic-vnf operation, PLEASE DISCONTINUE USE OF THIS FIELD." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="encryptedAccessFlag" name="encrypted-access-flag" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="indicates whether generic-vnf access uses SSH" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="entitlementAssignmentGroupUuid" name="entitlement-assignment-group-uuid" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="UUID of the Entitlement group used for licensing VNFs, OBSOLETE - See child relationships." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="entitlementResourceUuid" name="entitlement-resource-uuid" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="UUID of the specific entitlement resource. OBSOLETE - See child relationships." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="licenseAssignmentGroupUuid" name="license-assignment-group-uuid" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="UUID of the license assignment group. OBSOLETE - See child relationships." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="licenseKeyUuid" name="license-key-uuid" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="UUID of the actual license resource. OBSOLETE - See child relationships." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelInvariantId" name="model-invariant-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model id for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="deployment" />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-invariant-id-local" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelVersionId" name="model-version-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model version for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="deployment" />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-version-id-local" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="personaModelVersion" name="persona-model-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model version for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="internal" />
+ <xml-property name="dataCopy" value="service-design-and-creation/models/model/{model-invariant-id}/model-vers/model-ver/{model-version-id}#model-version" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelCustomizationId" name="model-customization-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="captures the id of all the configuration used to customize the resource for the service." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="widgetModelId" name="widget-model-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC data dictionary widget model. This maps directly to the A&amp;AI widget." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="widgetModelVersion" name="widget-model-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC data dictionary version of the widget model.This maps directly to the A&amp;AI version of the widget." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="asNumber" name="as-number" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="as-number of the VNF" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="regionalResourceSubzone" name="regional-resource-subzone" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="represents sub zone of the rr plane" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="nfType" name="nf-type" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Generic description of the type of NF" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="nfFunction" name="nf-function" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="English description of Network function that the specific VNF deployment is providing" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="nfRole" name="nf-role" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="role in the network that this model will be providing" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="nfNamingCode" name="nf-naming-code" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="string assigned to this model used for naming purposes" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="selflink" name="selflink" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Path to the controller object." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="lInterfaces" name="l-interfaces" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="lagInterfaces" name="lag-interfaces" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vfModules" name="vf-modules" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="licenses" name="licenses" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="entitlements" name="entitlements" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="General purpose VNF" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="vnf-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="is-closed-loop-disabled,vnf-name2,vnf-type,heat-stack-id,in-maint,vnf-name,vnf-id,regional-resource-zone,prov-status,service-id,model-invariant-id,model-version-id,widget-model-id,widget-model-version,nf-type,nf-function,nf-naming-code,nf-role" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="vnf-id,vnf-name,vnf-name2" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="vnf-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="generic-vnfs" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ <xml-property name="extends" value="vnf" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="VfModules">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of vf-modules, a deployment unit of VNFCs" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="vf-modules" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="vfModule" name="vf-module" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="VfModule">
+ <xml-root-element name="vf-module" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vfModuleId" name="vf-module-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique ID of vf-module." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vfModuleName" name="vf-module-name" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of vf-module" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="heatStackId" name="heat-stack-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Heat stack id corresponding to this instance." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="orchestrationStatus" name="orchestration-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="orchestration status of this vf-module, mastered by MSO" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element default-value="false" required="true" java-attribute="isBaseVfModule" name="is-base-vf-module" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="used to indicate whether or not this object is base vf module" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelInvariantId" name="model-invariant-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model id for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="deployment" />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-invariant-id-local" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelVersionId" name="model-version-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model version for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="deployment" />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-version-id-local" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="personaModelVersion" name="persona-model-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model version for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="internal" />
+ <xml-property name="dataCopy" value="service-design-and-creation/models/model/{model-invariant-id}/model-vers/model-ver/{model-version-id}#model-version" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelCustomizationId" name="model-customization-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="captures the id of all the configuration used to customize the resource for the service." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="widgetModelId" name="widget-model-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC data dictionary widget model. This maps directly to the A&amp;AI widget." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="widgetModelVersion" name="widget-model-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC data dictionary version of the widget model.This maps directly to the A&amp;AI version of the widget." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="contrailServiceInstanceFqdn" name="contrail-service-instance-fqdn" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the Contrail unique ID for a service-instance" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="moduleIndex" name="module-index" type="java.lang.Integer">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the index will track the number of modules of a given type that have been deployed in a VNF, starting with 0, and always choosing the lowest available digit" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="selflink" name="selflink" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Path to the controller object." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="a deployment unit of VNFCs" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="vf-module-id,vf-module-name,heat-stack-id,model-invariant-id,model-version-id,widget-model-id,widget-model-version,contrail-service-instance-fqdn" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="vf-module-id,vf-module-name" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="generic-vnf" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="vf-modules" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="LagLinks">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of link aggregation connections" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="lag-links" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="lagLink" name="lag-link" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="LagLink">
+ <xml-root-element name="lag-link" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="linkName" name="link-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Alphabetical concatenation of lag-interface names" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="LAG links can connect lag-interfaces" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="link-name" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="lag-links" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Newvces">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This object fills in the gaps from vce that were incorporated into generic-vnf. This object will be retired with vce." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="newvces" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="newvce" name="newvce" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Newvce">
+ <xml-root-element name="newvce" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfId2" name="vnf-id2" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique id of VNF, can't use same attribute name right now until we promote this new object" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfName" name="vnf-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of VNF." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfName2" name="vnf-name2" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Alternate name of VNF." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfType" name="vnf-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="String capturing type of vnf, that was intended to identify the ASDC resource. This field has been overloaded in service-specific ways and clients should expect changes to occur in the future to this field as ECOMP matures." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="provStatus" name="prov-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Trigger for operational monitoring of this VNF by BAU Service Assurance systems." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="operationalState" name="operational-state" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Indicator for whether the resource is considered operational" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="licenseKey" name="license-key" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="OBSOLETE - do not use" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipv4OamAddress" name="ipv4-oam-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Address tail-f uses to configure vpe, also used for troubleshooting and is IP used for traps generated by VPE (v4-loopback0-ip-address)." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="equipmentRole" name="equipment-role" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Client should send valid enumerated value, e.g., VPE." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipv4Loopback0Address" name="ipv4-loopback0-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="v4 Loopback0 address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="orchestrationStatus" name="orchestration-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Orchestration status of this VNF, mastered by MSO." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="heatStackId" name="heat-stack-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Heat stack id corresponding to this instance, managed by MSO" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="msoCatalogKey" name="mso-catalog-key" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Corresponds to the SDN-C catalog id used to configure this VCE" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="lInterfaces" name="l-interfaces" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This object fills in the gaps from vce that were incorporated into generic-vnf. This object will be retired with vce." />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="vnf-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="vnf-name,vnf-name2,vnf-type,heat-stack-id,prov-status,vnf-id2" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="vnf-id2,vnf-name,vnf-name2" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="vnf-id2" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="newvces" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Pnfs">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of Physical Network Functions." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="pnfs" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="pnf" name="pnf" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="maximumDepth" value="0" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Pnf">
+ <xml-root-element name="pnf" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="pnfName" name="pnf-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="unique name of Physical Network Function." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="pnfName2" name="pnf-name2" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="name of Physical Network Function." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="pnfName2Source" name="pnf-name2-source" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="source of name2" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="pnfId" name="pnf-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="id of pnf" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="equipType" name="equip-type" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Equipment type. Source of truth should define valid values." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="equipVendor" name="equip-vendor" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Equipment vendor. Source of truth should define valid values." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="equipModel" name="equip-model" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Equipment model. Source of truth should define valid values." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="managementOption" name="management-option" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="identifier of managed by company or customer" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipaddressV4Oam" name="ipaddress-v4-oam" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="ipv4-oam-address with new naming convention for IP addresses" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="swVersion" name="sw-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="sw-version is the version of SW for the hosted application on the PNF." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element default-value="false" required="true" java-attribute="inMaint" name="in-maint" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used to indicate whether or not this object is in maintenance mode (maintenance mode = true). This field (in conjunction with prov-status) is used to suppress alarms and vSCL on VNFs/VMs." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="frameId" name="frame-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="ID of the physical frame (relay rack) where pnf is installed." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serialNumber" name="serial-number" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Serial number of the device" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipaddressV4Loopback0" name="ipaddress-v4-loopback-0" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="IPV4 Loopback 0 address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipaddressV6Loopback0" name="ipaddress-v6-loopback-0" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="IPV6 Loopback 0 address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipaddressV4Aim" name="ipaddress-v4-aim" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="IPV4 AIM address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipaddressV6Aim" name="ipaddress-v6-aim" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="IPV6 AIM address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipaddressV6Oam" name="ipaddress-v6-oam" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="IPV6 OAM address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="invStatus" name="inv-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="CANOPI's inventory status. Only set with values exactly as defined by CANOPI." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="provStatus" name="prov-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Prov Status of this device (not under canopi control) Valid values [PREPROV/NVTPROV/PROV]" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="nfRole" name="nf-role" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Nf Role is the role performed by this instance in the network." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="pInterfaces" name="p-interfaces" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="lagInterfaces" name="lag-interfaces" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="PNF represents a physical network function. typically equipment used in the D1 world." />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="pnf-name,orchestration-status,inv-status" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="pnf-name" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="pnf-name" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="pnfs" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="PhysicalLinks">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of physical connections, typically between p-interfaces" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="physical-links" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="physicalLink" name="physical-link" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="maximumDepth" value="0" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="PhysicalLink">
+ <xml-root-element name="physical-link" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="linkName" name="link-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="e.g., hostnameA_p-connection_nameA_hostnameZ+p_connection-nameZ" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="speedValue" name="speed-value" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Captures the numeric part of the speed" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="speedUnits" name="speed-units" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Captures the units corresponding to the speed" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="circuitId" name="circuit-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Circuit it" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="dualMode" name="dual-mode" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Dual access mode (e.g., primary, secondary" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="managementOption" name="management-option" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="To provide information on who manages this circuit. A&amp;AI or 3rd party transport provider" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceProviderName" name="service-provider-name" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of the service Provider on this link." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of physical connections, typically between p-interfaces" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="circuit-id,link-name" />
+ <xml-property name="alternateKeys1" value="circuit-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="physical-links" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="link-name,circuit-id" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="VigServers">
+ <xml-root-element name="vig-servers" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="vigServer" name="vig-server" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="VigServer">
+ <xml-root-element name="vig-server" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vigAddressType" name="vig-address-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="indicates whether the VIG is for AVPN or INTERNET" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="ipaddressV4Vig" name="ipaddress-v4-vig" type="java.lang.String" >
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="v4 IP of the vig server" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="ipaddressV6Vig" name="ipaddress-v6-vig" type="java.lang.String" >
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="v6 IP of the vig server" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="vig-server contains information about a vig server used for IPSec-configuration. Populated by SDN-C from 1607" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="vig-address-type" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="ipsec-configuration" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="vig-servers" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="IpsecConfigurations">
+ <xml-root-element name="ipsec-configurations" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="ipsecConfiguration" name="ipsec-configuration" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="IpsecConfiguration">
+ <xml-root-element name="ipsec-configuration" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipsecConfigurationId" name="ipsec-configuration-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="UUID of this configuration" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="requestedVigAddressType" name="requested-vig-address-type" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Indicate the type of VIG server like AVPN, INTERNET, BOTH" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="requestedEncryptionStrength" name="requested-encryption-strength" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Encryption values like 3des-cbc, des-cbc, aes-128-cbc, aes-192-cbc, aes-265-cbc" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="requestedDmzType" name="requested-dmz-type" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="can offer a shared DMZ or a DMZ specific to a customer" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="sharedDmzNetworkAddress" name="shared-dmz-network-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Network address of shared DMZ" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="requestedCustomerName" name="requested-customer-name" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="If the DMZ is a custom DMZ, this field will indicate the customer information" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ikeVersion" name="ike-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="can be 1 or 2" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ikev1Authentication" name="ikev1-authentication" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Contains values like md5, sha1, sha256, sha384" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ikev1Encryption" name="ikev1-encryption" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Encyption values like 3des-cbc, des-cbc, aes-128-cbc, aes-192-cbc, aes-265-cbc" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ikev1DhGroup" name="ikev1-dh-group" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Diffie-Hellman group like DH-GROUP2, DH-GROUP5, DH-GROUP14" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ikev1AmGroupId" name="ikev1-am-group-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Group name defined in VIG for clients using aggressive mode" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ikev1AmPassword" name="ikev1-am-password" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="pre-shared key for the above group name " />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ikev1SaLifetime" name="ikev1-sa-lifetime" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Lifetime for IKEv1 SA" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipsecAuthentication" name="ipsec-authentication" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="md5, sha1, sha256, sha384" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipsecEncryption" name="ipsec-encryption" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="3des-cbc, des-cbc, aes-128-cbc, aes-192-cbc, aes-265-cbc" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipsecSaLifetime" name="ipsec-sa-lifetime" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Life time for IPSec SA" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipsecPfs" name="ipsec-pfs" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="enable PFS or not" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="xauthUserId" name="xauth-userid" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="user ID for xAuth, sm-user, ,nmteHostName" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="xauthUserPassword" name="xauth-user-password" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Encrypted using the Juniper $9$ algorithm" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="dpdInterval" name="dpd-interval" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The time between DPD probe" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="dpdFrequency" name="dpd-frequency" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Maximum number of DPD before claiming the tunnel is down" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vigServers" name="vig-servers" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="IPSec configuration node will contain various configuration data for the NMTE VNF. This node will have an edge to the generic-vnf (vnf type = TE). Starting 1607, this data will be populated by SDN-C" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="ipsec-configuration-id" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="ipsec-configuration-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="ipsec-configurations" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="NotificationEvent">
+ <xml-root-element name="notification-event" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cambriaPartition" name="cambria.partition" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="eventHeader" name="event-header" type="" />
+ <xml-any-element java-attribute="entity" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="NotificationEventHeader">
+ <xml-root-element name="notification-event-header" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="id" name="id" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="timestamp" name="timestamp" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="sourceName" name="source-name" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="domain" name="domain" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="sequenceNumber" name="sequence-number" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="severity" name="severity" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="eventType" name="event-type" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="version" name="version" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="action" name="action" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="entityType" name="entity-type" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="topEntityType" name="top-entity-type" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="entityLink" name="entity-link" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="status" name="status" type="java.lang.String" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="AaiInternal">
+ <xml-root-element name="aai-internal" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="reservedPropNames" name="reserved-prop-names" type="" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="edgePropNames" name="edge-prop-names" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ReservedPropNames">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Internal map to define some reserved properties of a vertex" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="aai-unique-key" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="aai-unique-key,source-of-truth,aai-node-type,aai-uri" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="reserved-prop-names" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="lastModSourceOfTruth" name="last-mod-source-of-truth" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="aaiNodeType" name="aai-node-type" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="aaiCreatedTs" name="aai-created-ts" type="java.lang.Long" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="aaiUniqueKey" name="aai-unique-key" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="aaiLastModTs" name="aai-last-mod-ts" type="java.lang.Long" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="sourceOfTruth" name="source-of-truth" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="aaiUri" name="aai-uri" type="java.lang.String" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="EdgePropNames">
+ <!-- NOTE that the names of these properties are not consistent and are in mixed case and hyphen case for now -->
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Internal map to define the properties of an edge and interpret the map EdgeRules" />
+ <xml-property name="edgeInfo" value="edgeLabel,direction,multiplicityRule,isParent,usesResource,hasDelTarget,SVC-INFRA,SVC-INFRA-REV" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="edge-prop-names" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="edgeLabel" name="edgeLabel" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="direction" name="direction" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="multiplicityRule" name="multiplicityRule" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="isParent" name="isParent" type="java.lang.Boolean" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="usesResource" name="usesResource" type="java.lang.Boolean" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="hasDelTarget" name="hasDelTarget" type="java.lang.Boolean" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="SVC-INFRA" name="SVC-INFRA" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="SVC-INFRA-REV" name="SVC-INFRA-REV" type="java.lang.String" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Models">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of subgraph definitions provided by ASDC to describe the inventory assets and their connections related to ASDC models" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="models" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="model" name="model" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Model">
+ <xml-root-element name="model" />
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Subgraph definition provided by ASDC to describe an inventory asset and its connections related to ASDC models, independent of version" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="model-type" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="model-invariant-id,model-type" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="model-invariant-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="models" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="service-design-and-creation" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelInvariantId" name="model-invariant-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique identifier corresponding to the main definition of a model in ASDC" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelType" name="model-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Type of the model, e.g., service, resource, widget, etc." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelVers" name="model-vers" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ModelVers">
+ <xml-root-element name="model-vers" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="modelVer" name="model-ver" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ModelVer">
+ <xml-root-element name="model-ver" />
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Subgraph definition provided by ASDC to describe a specific version of an inventory asset and its connections related to ASDC models" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="model-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="model-version-id,model-name,model-version" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="model-version-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="model-vers" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelVersionId" name="model-version-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique identifier corresponding to one version of a model in ASDC" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelName" name="model-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of the model, which can change from version to version." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelVersion" name="model-version" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Version" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelDescription" name="model-description" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Description" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelElements" name="model-elements" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="metadata" name="metadata" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ModelElements">
+ <xml-root-element name="model-elements" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="modelElement" name="model-element" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ModelElement">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Defines how other models combine to make up a higher-level model." />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="model-element-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="model-element-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="allowDirectRead" value="true" />
+ <xml-property name="allowDirectWrite" value="false" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="model-elements" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="model-element" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelElementUuid" name="model-element-uuid" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="autoGenerateUuid" value="true" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="newDataDelFlag" name="new-data-del-flag" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Indicates whether this element was created as part of instantiation from this model" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cardinality" name="cardinality" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="How many of this type of element are required/allowed" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="linkagePoints" name="linkage-points" type="java.lang.String" >
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelElements" name="model-elements" type="">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Defines how other models combine to make up a higher-level model" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelConstraints" name="model-constraints" type="">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Describes new constraints on this model element that are not part of that model's definition" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ModelConstraints">
+ <xml-root-element name="model-constraints" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="modelConstraint" name="model-constraint" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ModelConstraint">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This is how we would capture constraints defining allowed sets of elements." />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="model-constraint-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="model-constraint-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="allowDirectRead" value="true" />
+ <xml-property name="allowDirectWrite" value="false" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="model-constraints" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="model-constraint" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelConstraintUuid" name="model-constraint-uuid" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="autoGenerateUuid" value="true" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="constrainedElementSetUuidToReplace" name="constrained-element-set-uuid-to-replace" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="constrainedElementSets" name="constrained-element-sets" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ConstrainedElementSets">
+ <xml-root-element name="constrained-element-sets" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="constrainedElementSet" name="constrained-element-set" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ConstrainedElementSet">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This is how we would capture constraints defining allowed sets of elements." />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="constrained-element-set-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="constrained-element-set-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="allowDirectRead" value="true" />
+ <xml-property name="allowDirectWrite" value="false" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="constrained-element-sets" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="constrained-element-set" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="constrainedElementSetUuid" name="constrained-element-set-uuid" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="autoGenerateUuid" value="true" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="constraintType" name="constraint-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="checkType" name="check-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="elementChoiceSets" name="element-choice-sets" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ElementChoiceSets">
+ <xml-root-element name="element-choice-sets" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="elementChoiceSet" name="element-choice-set" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ElementChoiceSet">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This is how we would capture constraints defining allowed sets of elements." />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="element-choice-set-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="element-choice-set-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="allowDirectRead" value="true" />
+ <xml-property name="allowDirectWrite" value="false" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="element-choice-sets" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="element-choice-set" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="elementChoiceSetUuid" name="element-choice-set-uuid" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="autoGenerateUuid" value="true" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="elementChoiceSetName" name="element-choice-set-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="cardinality" name="cardinality" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelElements" name="model-elements" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="NamedQueries">
+ <xml-root-element name="named-queries" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="namedQuery" name="named-query" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="NamedQuery">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="TBD" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="named-query-name" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="named-query-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="named-query-uuid,named-query-name" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="named-queries" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="service-design-and-creation" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="named-query" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="namedQueryUuid" name="named-query-uuid" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="namedQueryName" name="named-query-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="namedQueryVersion" name="named-query-version" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="requiredInputParams" name="required-input-param" type="java.lang.String" >
+ <xml-element-wrapper name="required-input-params" />
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="description" name="description" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="namedQueryElements" name="named-query-elements" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="NamedQueryElements">
+ <xml-root-element name="named-query-elements" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="namedQueryElement" name="named-query-element" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="NamedQueryElement">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="TBD" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="named-query-element-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="named-query-element-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="allowDirectRead" value="true" />
+ <xml-property name="allowDirectWrite" value="false" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="named-query-elements" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="named-query-element" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="namedQueryElementUuid" name="named-query-element-uuid" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="autoGenerateUuid" value="true" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="propertyCollectList" name="property-collect-list" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyLimitDesc" name="property-limit-desc" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="doNotOutput" name="do-not-output" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="namedQueryElements" name="named-query-elements" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relatedLookups" name="related-lookups" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyConstraints" name="property-constraints" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="RelatedLookups">
+ <xml-root-element name="related-lookups" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="relatedLookup" name="related-lookup" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="RelatedLookup">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="TBD" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="related-lookup-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="related-lookup-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="allowDirectRead" value="true" />
+ <xml-property name="allowDirectWrite" value="false" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="related-lookups" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="related-lookup" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relatedLookupUuid" name="related-lookup-uuid" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="autoGenerateUuid" value="true" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="sourceNodeType" name="source-node-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="sourceNodeProperty" name="source-node-property" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="targetNodeType" name="target-node-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="targetNodeProperty" name="target-node-property" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="propertyCollectList" name="property-collect-list" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="PropertyConstraints">
+ <xml-root-element name="property-constraints" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="propertyConstraint" name="property-constraint" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="PropertyConstraint">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="TBD" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="property-constraint-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="property-constraint-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="allowDirectRead" value="true" />
+ <xml-property name="allowDirectWrite" value="false" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="property-constraints" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="property-constraint" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyConstraintUuid" name="property-constraint-uuid" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="autoGenerateUuid" value="true" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="constraintType" name="constraint-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyName" name="property-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyValue" name="property-value" required="true" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ModelAndNamedQuerySearch">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="ModelAndNamedQuerySearch holds query-parameters and instance-properties for performing a named-query or model query" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="model-and-named-query-search" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="queryParameters" name="query-parameters" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="instanceFilters" name="instance-filters" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="secondaryFilts" name="secondary-filts" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="topNodeType" name="top-node-type" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="secondaryFilterCutPoint" name="secondary-filter-cut-point" type="java.lang.String" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="QueryParameters">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="QueryParameters for performing a named-query or model query" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="query-parameters" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="namedQuery" name="named-query" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="model" name="model" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="OverloadedModel">
+ <xml-root-element name="overloaded-model" />
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Allows for legacy POST of old-style and new-style models" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelInvariantId" name="model-invariant-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique identifier corresponding to the main definition of a model in ASDC" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelNameVersionId" name="model-name-version-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique identifier corresponding to one version of a model in ASDC" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelType" name="model-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Type of the model, e.g., service, resource, widget, etc." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelName" name="model-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of the model, which can change from version to version." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelId" name="model-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Invariant unique ID which does not change from version to version" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelVersion" name="model-version" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Version" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelDescription" name="model-description" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Description" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelVers" name="model-vers" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="InstanceFilters">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="InstanceFilters for performing a named-query or model query" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="instance-filters" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="instanceFilter" name="instance-filter" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="InstanceFilter">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="InstanceFilter for performing a named-query or model query" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="instance-filters" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="instance-filter" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-any-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="any" lax="true" name="any" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="SecondaryFilts">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="SecondaryFilts for performing a named-query or model query" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="secondary-filts" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="secondaryFilt" name="secondary-filt" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="SecondaryFilt">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="SecondaryFilt for performing a named-query or model query" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="secondary-filt" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-any-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="any" lax="true" name="any" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Properties">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Property holder for query properties or instance properties" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="properties" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyName" name="property-name" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyValue" name="property-value" type="java.lang.String" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ResponseList">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Response container for the results of a named-query or model query" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="response-list" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="inventoryResponseItems" name="inventory-response-items" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="InventoryResponseItems">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Container for inventory items in response list" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="response-list" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="inventory-response-items" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="inventoryResponseItem" name="inventory-response-item" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="InventoryResponseItem">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Inventory item for response list" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="inventory-response-items" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="inventory-response-item" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelName" name="model-name" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-any-element java-attribute="item" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="extraProperties" name="extra-properties" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="inventoryResponseItems" name="inventory-response-items" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ExtraProperties">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Extra properties for inventory item for response list" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="extra-properties" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-any-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="extraProperty" name="extra-property" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ExtraProperty">
+ <xml-root-element name="extra-property" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyName" name="property-name" type="java.lang.String" />
+ <xml-any-element java-attribute="propertyValue" lax="true" name="property-value" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="RouteTableReferences">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of openstack route table references" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="route-table-references" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="routeTableReference" name="route-table-reference" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="RouteTableReference">
+ <xml-root-element name="route-table-reference" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="routeTableReferenceId" name="route-table-reference-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Route Table Reference id, UUID assigned to this instance." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="routeTableReferenceFqdn" name="route-table-reference-fqdn" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="FQDN entry in the route table." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Concurrency value" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Openstack route table reference." />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="route-table-reference-fqdn" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="route-table-reference-id" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="route-table-reference-id,route-table-reference-fqdn" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="route-table-references" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="InstanceGroups">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of openstack route table references" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="instance-groups" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="instanceGroup" name="instance-group" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="InstanceGroup">
+ <xml-root-element name="instance-group" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="id" name="id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Instance Group ID, UUID assigned to this instance." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="description" name="description" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Descriptive text to help identify the usage of this instance-group" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="type" name="type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Only valid value today is lower case ha for high availability" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="subType" name="sub-type" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Valid values for ha type are [geo-activeactive, geo-activestandby, local-activeactive, local-activestandby]" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Concurrency value" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="General mechanism for grouping instances" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="description" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="id" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="id,description,type,sub-type" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="instance-groups" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="SegmentationAssignments">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of openstack segmentation assignments" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="segmentation-assignments" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="segmentationAssignment" name="segmentation-assignment" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="SegmentationAssignment">
+ <xml-root-element name="segmentation-assignment" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="segmentationId" name="segmentation-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Route Table Reference id, UUID assigned to this instance." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Concurrency value" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Openstack segmentation assignment." />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="segmentation-id" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="l3-network" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="segmentation-assignments" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="AllottedResources">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This object is used to store slices of services being offered" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="allotted-resources" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="allottedResource" name="allotted-resource" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="AllottedResource">
+ <xml-root-element name="allotted-resource" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="id" name="id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Allotted Resource id UUID assigned to this instance." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="description" name="description" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The descriptive information assigned to this allotted resource instance" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="selflink" name="selflink" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Link back to more information in the controller" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelInvariantId" name="model-invariant-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model id for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="deployment" />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-invariant-id-local" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelVersionId" name="model-version-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model version for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="deployment" />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-version-id-local" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="personaModelVersion" name="persona-model-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model version for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="internal" />
+ <xml-property name="dataCopy" value="service-design-and-creation/models/model/{model-invariant-id}/model-vers/model-ver/{model-version-id}#model-version" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Concurrency value" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="orchestrationStatus" name="orchestration-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Orchestration status" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="operationalStatus" name="operational-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Indicator for whether the resource is considered operational" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="type" name="type" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Generic description of the type of allotted resource." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="role" name="role" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="role in the network that this resource will be providing." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="tunnelXconnects" name="tunnel-xconnects" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Represents a slice or partial piece of a resource that gets separately allotted" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="description" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="id" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="id,model-invariant-id,model-version-id,type,role" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="service-instance" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="allotted-resources" />
+ <!-- <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" /> -->
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="TunnelXconnects">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="This object is used to store the specific tunnel cross connect aspects of an allotted resource" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="tunnel-xconnects" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="tunnelXconnect" name="tunnel-xconnect" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="TunnelXconnect">
+ <xml-root-element name="tunnel-xconnect" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="id" name="id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Allotted Resource id UUID assigned to this instance." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="bandwidthUpWan1" name="bandwidth-up-wan1" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The WAN uplink bandwidth for WAN1" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="bandwidthDownWan1" name="bandwidth-down-wan1" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The WAN downlink bandwidth for WAN1" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="bandwidthUpWan2" name="bandwidth-up-wan2" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The WAN uplink bandwidth for WAN2" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="bandwidthDownWan2" name="bandwidth-down-wan2" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="The WAN downlink bandwidth for WAN2" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Concurrency value" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Represents the specifics of a tunnel cross connect piece of a resource that gets separately allotted" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="id" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="id" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="allotted-resource" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="tunnel-xconnects" />
+ <!-- <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" /> -->
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Entitlements">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Entitlements, keyed by group-uuid and resource-uuid, related to license management" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="entitlements" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="entitlement" name="entitlement" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Entitlement">
+ <xml-root-element name="entitlement" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="groupUuid" name="group-uuid" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique ID for the entitlement group the resource comes from, should be uuid." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceUuid" name="resource-uuid" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique ID of an entitlement resource. " />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Concurrency value" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Metadata for entitlement group." />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="group-uuid,resource-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="generic-vnf,vce,vpe" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="entitlements" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Licenses">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Licenses to be allocated across resources, keyed by group-uuid and resource-uuid, related to license management" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="licenses" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="license" name="license" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="License">
+ <xml-root-element name="license" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="groupUuid" name="group-uuid" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique ID for the license group the resource belongs to, should be uuid." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceUuid" name="resource-uuid" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique ID of a license resource. " />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Concurrency value" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Metadata for license group." />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="group-uuid,resource-uuid" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="generic-vnf,vce,vpe" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="licenses" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Vnf">
+ <xml-root-element name="vnf"/>
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfId" name="vnf-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique id of VNF. This is unique across the graph." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Abstract vnf class" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="vnf-id" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="vnf-id" />
+ <xml-property name="inheritors" value="vce,vpe,generic-vnf" />
+ <xml-property name="abstract" value="true" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Zones">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of zones" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="zones" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="zone" name="zone" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Zone">
+ <xml-root-element name="zone" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="zoneId" name="zone-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Code assigned by AIC to the zone" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="zoneName" name="zone-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="English name associated with the zone" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="designType" name="design-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Design of zone [Medium/Large…]" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="zoneContext" name="zone-context" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Context of zone [production/test]" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="status" name="status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Status of a zone." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Concurrency value" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="A zone is a grouping of assets in a location homing to the same connections into the CBB" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="zone-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="zone-id,design-type,zone-context" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="zone-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="zones" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="TestObjects">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of VNFs" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="test-objects" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList"
+ java-attribute="testObject" name="test-object"
+ type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="maximumDepth" value="0" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="TestObject">
+ <xml-root-element name="test-object" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfId" name="vnf-id"
+ required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description"
+ value="Unique id of VNF. This is unique across the graph." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfName" name="vnf-name"
+ required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of VNF." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfName2" name="vnf-name2"
+ type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Alternate name of VNF." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfType" name="vnf-type"
+ required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description"
+ value="String capturing type of vnf, that was intended to identify the ASDC resource. This field has been overloaded in service-specific ways and clients should expect changes to occur in the future to this field as ECOMP matures." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceId" name="service-id"
+ type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description"
+ value="Unique identifier of service, does not necessarily map to ASDC service models. SOON TO BE DEPRECATED" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="regionalResourceZone" name="regional-resource-zone"
+ type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description"
+ value="Regional way of organizing pservers, source of truth should define values" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="provStatus" name="prov-status"
+ type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description"
+ value="Trigger for operational monitoring of this resource by Service Assurance systems." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="operationalState" name="operational-state"
+ type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description"
+ value="Indicator for whether the resource is considered operational. Valid values are in-service-path and out-of-service-path." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="licenseKey" name="license-key"
+ type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="OBSOLETE - do not use" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="equipmentRole" name="equipment-role"
+ type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description"
+ value="Client should send valid enumerated value" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="orchestrationStatus" name="orchestration-status"
+ type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description"
+ value="Orchestration status of this VNF, used by MSO." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="heatStackId" name="heat-stack-id"
+ type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description"
+ value="Heat stack id corresponding to this instance, managed by MSO" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="msoCatalogKey" name="mso-catalog-key"
+ type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description"
+ value="Corresponds to the SDN-C catalog id used to configure this VCE" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="managementOption" name="management-option"
+ type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description"
+ value="identifier of managed by company or customer" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipv4OamAddress" name="ipv4-oam-address"
+ type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description"
+ value="Address tail-f uses to configure generic-vnf, also used for troubleshooting and is IP used for traps generated by generic-vnf." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipv4Loopback0Address" name="ipv4-loopback0-address"
+ type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="v4 Loopback0 address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="nmLanV6Address" name="nm-lan-v6-address"
+ type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="v6 Loopback address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="managementV6Address" name="management-v6-address"
+ type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="v6 management address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vcpu" name="vcpu" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description"
+ value="number of vcpus ordered for this instance of VNF, used for VNFs with no vservers/flavors, to be used only in some usecases" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vcpuUnits" name="vcpu-units"
+ type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description"
+ value="units associated with vcpu, used for VNFs with no vservers/flavors, to be used only in some usecases" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vmemory" name="vmemory"
+ type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description"
+ value="number of GB of memory ordered for this instance of VNF, used for VNFs with no vservers/flavors, to be used only in some usecases" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vmemoryUnits" name="vmemory-units"
+ type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description"
+ value="units associated with vmemory, used for VNFs with no vservers/flavors, to be used only in some usecases" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vdisk" name="vdisk"
+ type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description"
+ value="number of vdisks ordered for this instance of VNF, used for VNFs with no vservers/flavors, to be used only in some usecases" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vdiskUnits" name="vdisk-units"
+ type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description"
+ value="units associated with vdisk, used for VNFs with no vservers/flavors, to be used only in some usecases" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element default-value="false" required="true"
+ java-attribute="inMaint" name="in-maint" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false" />
+ <xml-property name="description"
+ value="used to indicate whether or not this object is in maintenance mode (maintenance mode = true). This field (in conjunction with prov-status) is used to suppress alarms and vSCL on VNFs/VMs." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element default-value="false" required="true"
+ java-attribute="isClosedLoopDisabled" name="is-closed-loop-disabled"
+ type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false" />
+ <xml-property name="description"
+ value="used to indicate whether closed loop function is enabled on this node" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version"
+ type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description"
+ value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="summaryStatus" name="summary-status"
+ type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description"
+ value="details regarding the generic-vnf operation, PLEASE DISCONTINUE USE OF THIS FIELD." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="encryptedAccessFlag" name="encrypted-access-flag"
+ type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description"
+ value="indicates whether generic-vnf access uses SSH" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="entitlementAssignmentGroupUuid"
+ name="entitlement-assignment-group-uuid" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description"
+ value="UUID of the Entitlement group used for licensing VNFs, OBSOLETE - See child relationships." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="entitlementResourceUuid"
+ name="entitlement-resource-uuid" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description"
+ value="UUID of the specific entitlement resource. OBSOLETE - See child relationships." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="licenseAssignmentGroupUuid"
+ name="license-assignment-group-uuid" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description"
+ value="UUID of the license assignment group. OBSOLETE - See child relationships." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="licenseKeyUuid" name="license-key-uuid"
+ type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description"
+ value="UUID of the actual license resource. OBSOLETE - See child relationships." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelInvariantId" name="model-invariant-id"
+ type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description"
+ value="the ASDC model id for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="deployment" />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-invariant-id-local" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelVersionId" name="model-version-id"
+ type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description"
+ value="the ASDC model version for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="deployment" />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-version-id-local" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="personaModelVer" name="persona-model-ver"
+ type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description"
+ value="the ASDC model version for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="internal" />
+ <xml-property name="dataCopy"
+ value="service-design-and-creation/models/model/{model-invariant-id}/model-vers/model-ver/{model-version-id}#model-version" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="notVisibleTestElement"
+ name="not-visible-test-element" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="internal" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelCustomizationId" name="model-customization-id"
+ type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description"
+ value="captures the id of all the configuration used to customize the resource for the service." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="widgetModelId" name="widget-model-id"
+ type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description"
+ value="the ASDC data dictionary widget model. This maps directly to the A&amp;AI widget." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="widgetModelVersion" name="widget-model-version"
+ type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description"
+ value="the ASDC data dictionary version of the widget model.This maps directly to the A&amp;AI version of the widget." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="asNumber" name="as-number"
+ type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="as-number of the VNF" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="regionalResourceSubzone"
+ name="regional-resource-subzone" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description"
+ value="represents sub zone of the rr plane" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="nfType" name="nf-type"
+ type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description"
+ value="Generic description of the type of NF" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="nfFunction" name="nf-function"
+ type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description"
+ value="English description of Network function that the specific VNF deployment is providing" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="nfRole" name="nf-role"
+ type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description"
+ value="role in the network that this model will be providing" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="nfNamingCode" name="nf-naming-code"
+ type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description"
+ value="string assigned to this model used for naming purposes" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="selflink" name="selflink"
+ type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Path to the controller object." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="testObjects" name="test-objects" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="General purpose VNF" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="vnf-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps"
+ value="is-closed-loop-disabled,vnf-name2,vnf-type,heat-stack-id,in-maint,vnf-name,vnf-id,regional-resource-zone,prov-status,service-id,persona-model-id,persona-model-version,widget-model-id,widget-model-version,nf-type,nf-function,nf-naming-code,nf-role" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="vnf-id,vnf-name,vnf-name2" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="vnf-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="test-objects" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ <xml-property name="extends" value="vnf" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ </java-types>
diff --git a/aai-resources/src/test/resources/com/att/aai/introspection/aai_oxm_v8.xml b/aai-resources/src/test/resources/com/att/aai/introspection/aai_oxm_v8.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1eb8f9cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aai-resources/src/test/resources/com/att/aai/introspection/aai_oxm_v8.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+ ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+ org.openecomp.aai
+ ================================================================================
+ Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ ================================================================================
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ -->
+<xml-bindings xmlns="" package-name="" xml-mapping-metadata-complete="true">
+ <xml-schema element-form-default="QUALIFIED">
+ <xml-ns namespace-uri="http://org.openecomp.aai.inventory/v8" />
+ </xml-schema>
+ <java-types>
+ <java-type name="RelationshipList">
+ <xml-root-element name="relationship-list" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="relationship" name="relationship" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Relationship">
+ <xml-root-element name="relationship" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relatedTo" name="related-to" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="A keyword provided by A&amp;AI to indicate type of node." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relatedLink" name="related-link" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="URL to the object in A&amp;AI." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="relationshipData" name="relationship-data" type="" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="relatedToProperty" name="related-to-property" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="RelatedToProperty">
+ <xml-root-element name="related-to-property" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyKey" name="property-key" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Key part of a key/value pair" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyValue" name="property-value" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Value part of a key/value pair" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="RelationshipData">
+ <xml-root-element name="relationship-data" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipKey" name="relationship-key" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="A keyword provided by A&amp;AI to indicate an attribute." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipValue" name="relationship-value" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Value of the attribute." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ </java-types>
diff --git a/aai-resources/src/test/resources/com/att/aai/introspection/aai_oxm_v9.xml b/aai-resources/src/test/resources/com/att/aai/introspection/aai_oxm_v9.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ee02d84a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aai-resources/src/test/resources/com/att/aai/introspection/aai_oxm_v9.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,596 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+ ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+ org.openecomp.aai
+ ================================================================================
+ Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ ================================================================================
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ -->
+<xml-bindings xmlns="" package-name="" xml-mapping-metadata-complete="true">
+ <xml-schema element-form-default="QUALIFIED">
+ <xml-ns namespace-uri="http://org.openecomp.aai.inventory/v9" />
+ </xml-schema>
+ <java-types>
+ <java-type name="Inventory">
+ <xml-root-element name="inventory" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="network" name="network" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Network">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Namespace for network inventory resources." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="network" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="testObjects" name="test-objects" type="" />
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vpnBindings" name="vpn-bindings" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ServiceDesignAndCreation">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Namespace for objects managed by ASDC" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="service-design-and-creation" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="models" name="models" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Models">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of subgraph definitions provided by ASDC to describe the inventory assets and their connections related to ASDC models" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <xml-root-element name="models" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="model" name="model" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Model">
+ <xml-root-element name="model" />
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Subgraph definition provided by ASDC to describe an inventory asset and its connections related to ASDC models, independent of version" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="model-type" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="model-invariant-id,model-type" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="model-invariant-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="models" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="service-design-and-creation" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelInvariantId" name="model-invariant-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique identifier corresponding to the main definition of a model in ASDC" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelType" name="model-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Type of the model, e.g., service, resource, widget, etc." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelVers" name="model-vers" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ModelVers">
+ <xml-root-element name="model-vers" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="modelVer" name="model-ver" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="ModelVer">
+ <xml-root-element name="model-ver" />
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Subgraph definition provided by ASDC to describe a specific version of an inventory asset and its connections related to ASDC models" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="model-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="model-version-id,model-name,model-version" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="model-version-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="model-vers" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelVersionId" name="model-version-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique identifier corresponding to one version of a model in ASDC" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelName" name="model-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of the model, which can change from version to version." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelVersion" name="model-version" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Version" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelDescription" name="model-description" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Description" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="TestObjects">
+ <xml-root-element name="test-objects" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="testObject" name="test-object" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="maximumDepth" value="0" />
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Collection of VNFs" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="TestObject">
+ <xml-root-element name="test-object" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfId" name="vnf-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique id of VNF. This is unique across the graph." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfName" name="vnf-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Name of VNF." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfName2" name="vnf-name2" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Alternate name of VNF." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vnfType" name="vnf-type" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="String capturing type of vnf, that was intended to identify the ASDC resource. This field has been overloaded in service-specific ways and clients should expect changes to occur in the future to this field as ECOMP matures." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="serviceId" name="service-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique identifier of service, does not necessarily map to ASDC service models. SOON TO BE DEPRECATED" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="regionalResourceZone" name="regional-resource-zone" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Regional way of organizing pservers, source of truth should define values" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="provStatus" name="prov-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Trigger for operational monitoring of this resource by Service Assurance systems." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="operationalState" name="operational-state" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Indicator for whether the resource is considered operational. Valid values are in-service-path and out-of-service-path." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="licenseKey" name="license-key" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="OBSOLETE - do not use" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="equipmentRole" name="equipment-role" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Client should send valid enumerated value" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="orchestrationStatus" name="orchestration-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Orchestration status of this VNF, used by MSO." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="heatStackId" name="heat-stack-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Heat stack id corresponding to this instance, managed by MSO" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="msoCatalogKey" name="mso-catalog-key" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Corresponds to the SDN-C catalog id used to configure this VCE" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="managementOption" name="management-option" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="identifier of managed by company or customer" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipv4OamAddress" name="ipv4-oam-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Address tail-f uses to configure test-object, also used for troubleshooting and is IP used for traps generated by test-object." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="ipv4Loopback0Address" name="ipv4-loopback0-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="v4 Loopback0 address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="nmLanV6Address" name="nm-lan-v6-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="v6 Loopback address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="managementV6Address" name="management-v6-address" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="v6 management address" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vcpu" name="vcpu" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="number of vcpus ordered for this instance of VNF, used for VNFs with no vservers/flavors, to be used only in some usecases" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vcpuUnits" name="vcpu-units" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="units associated with vcpu, used for VNFs with no vservers/flavors, to be used only in some usecases" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vmemory" name="vmemory" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="number of GB of memory ordered for this instance of VNF, used for VNFs with no vservers/flavors, to be used only in some usecases" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vmemoryUnits" name="vmemory-units" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="units associated with vmemory, used for VNFs with no vservers/flavors, to be used only in some usecases" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vdisk" name="vdisk" type="java.lang.Long">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="number of vdisks ordered for this instance of VNF, used for VNFs with no vservers/flavors, to be used only in some usecases" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vdiskUnits" name="vdisk-units" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="units associated with vdisk, used for VNFs with no vservers/flavors, to be used only in some usecases" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element default-value="false" required="true" java-attribute="inMaint" name="in-maint" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="used to indicate whether or not this object is in maintenance mode (maintenance mode = true). This field (in conjunction with prov-status) is used to suppress alarms and vSCL on VNFs/VMs." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element default-value="false" required="true" java-attribute="isClosedLoopDisabled" name="is-closed-loop-disabled" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="defaultValue" value="false"/>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="used to indicate whether closed loop function is enabled on this node" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="summaryStatus" name="summary-status" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="details regarding the test-object operation, PLEASE DISCONTINUE USE OF THIS FIELD." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="encryptedAccessFlag" name="encrypted-access-flag" type="java.lang.Boolean">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="indicates whether access uses SSH" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="entitlementAssignmentGroupUuid" name="entitlement-assignment-group-uuid" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="UUID of the Entitlement group used for licensing VNFs, OBSOLETE - See child relationships." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="entitlementResourceUuid" name="entitlement-resource-uuid" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="UUID of the specific entitlement resource. OBSOLETE - See child relationships." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="licenseAssignmentGroupUuid" name="license-assignment-group-uuid" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="UUID of the license assignment group. OBSOLETE - See child relationships." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="licenseKeyUuid" name="license-key-uuid" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="UUID of the actual license resource. OBSOLETE - See child relationships." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="personaModelId" name="persona-model-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model id for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-invariant-id-local" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="personaModelVersion" name="persona-model-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model version for this resource or service model." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="modelVersionId" name="model-version-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC model version for this resource or service model." />
+ <xml-property name="visibility" value="internal" />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-version-id-local" />
+ <xml-property name="dataCopy" value="service-design-and-creation/models/model/{persona-model-id}/model-vers?model-version={persona-model-version}#model-version-id" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="personaModelCustomizationId" name="persona-model-customization-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="captures the id of all the configuration used to customize the resource for the service." />
+ <xml-property name="dbAlias" value="model-customization-id" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="widgetModelId" name="widget-model-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC data dictionary widget model. This maps directly to the A&amp;AI widget." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="widgetModelVersion" name="widget-model-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the ASDC data dictionary version of the widget model.This maps directly to the A&amp;AI version of the widget." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="asNumber" name="as-number" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="as-number of the VNF" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="regionalResourceSubzone" name="regional-resource-subzone" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="represents sub zone of the rr plane" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="selflink" name="selflink" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Path to the controller object." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="General purpose VNF" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="vnf-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="is-closed-loop-disabled,vnf-name2,vnf-type,heat-stack-id,in-maint,vnf-name,vnf-id,regional-resource-zone,prov-status,service-id,persona-model-id,persona-model-version,widget-model-id,widget-model-version" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="vnf-id,vnf-name,vnf-name2" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="vnf-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="test-objects" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ <xml-property name="extends" value="vnf" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="PortGroups">
+ <xml-root-element name="port-groups" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="portGroup" name="port-group" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="PortGroup">
+ <xml-root-element name="port-group" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="interfaceId" name="interface-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique ID of the interface" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="neutronNetworkId" name="neutron-network-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Neutron network id of this Interface" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="neutronNetworkName" name="neutron-network-name" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Neutron network name of this Interface" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="interfaceRole" name="interface-role" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Role assigned to this Interface, should use values as defined in ECOMP Yang models." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="portGroupId" name="port-group-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Unique ID for port group in vmware" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="portGroupName" name="port-group-name" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Likely to duplicate value of neutron network name" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="switchName" name="switch-name" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="DVS or standard switch name (should be non-null for port groups associated with DVS)" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="orchestrationStatus" name="orchestration-status" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Orchestration status of this VNF, mastered by MSO" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="heatStackId" name="heat-stack-id" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Heat stack id corresponding to this instance, managed by MSO" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="msoCatalogKey" name="mso-catalog-key" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Corresponds to the SDN-C catalog id used to configure this VCE" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used to capture the network interfaces of this VCE" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="port-group-name" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="port-group-id,heat-stack-id,interface-id,interface-name,switch-name" />
+ <xml-property name="dependentOn" value="vce" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="port-groups" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="RelationshipList">
+ <xml-root-element name="relationship-list" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="relationship" name="relationship" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="Relationship">
+ <xml-root-element name="relationship" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relatedTo" name="related-to" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="A keyword provided by A&amp;AI to indicate type of node." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relatedLink" name="related-link" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="URL to the object in A&amp;AI." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="relationshipData" name="relationship-data" type="" />
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="relatedToProperty" name="related-to-property" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="RelatedToProperty">
+ <xml-root-element name="related-to-property" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyKey" name="property-key" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Key part of a key/value pair" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="propertyValue" name="property-value" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Value part of a key/value pair" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="RelationshipData">
+ <xml-root-element name="relationship-data" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipKey" name="relationship-key" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="A keyword provided by A&amp;AI to indicate an attribute." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipValue" name="relationship-value" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Value of the attribute." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="RelationshipData">
+ <xml-root-element name="relationship-data" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipKey" name="relationship-key" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="A keyword provided by A&amp;AI to indicate an attribute." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipValue" name="relationship-value" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Value of the attribute." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="VpnBindings">
+ <xml-root-element name="vpn-bindings" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="vpnBinding" name="vpn-binding" type="" />
+ </java-attributes>
+ </java-type>
+ <java-type name="VpnBinding">
+ <xml-root-element name="vpn-binding" />
+ <java-attributes>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vpnId" name="vpn-id" required="true" type="java.lang.String" xml-key="true">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="VPN ID, globally unique within A&amp;AI" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vpnName" name="vpn-name" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="VPN Name" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="globalRouteTarget" name="global-route-target" required="true" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Number used to identify a VPN, globally unique in the network" />
+ <xml-property name="dataLink" value="./route-targets/route-target/{global-route-target}/{route-target-role}" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vpnPlatform" name="vpn-platform" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="the platform associated with the VPN example AVPN, Mobility" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="vpnType" name="vpn-type" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Type of the vpn, should be taken from enumerated/valid values" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="routeDistinguisher" name="route-distinguisher" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used to distinguish the distinct VPN routes of separate customers who connect to the provider in an MPLS network." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="routeTargetRole" name="route-target-role" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Role assigned to this route target" />
+ <xml-property name="dataLink" value="./route-targets/route-target/{global-route-target}/{route-target-role}" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="resourceVersion" name="resource-version" type="java.lang.String">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete." />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ <xml-element java-attribute="relationshipList" name="relationship-list" type="">
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="l3-networks relate to vpn-bindings" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </xml-element>
+ </java-attributes>
+ <xml-properties>
+ <xml-property name="description" value="VPN binding" />
+ <xml-property name="nameProps" value="vpn-name,vpn-type" />
+ <xml-property name="indexedProps" value="vpn-name,vpn-id,global-route-target,vpn-type" />
+ <xml-property name="searchable" value="vpn-id,vpn-name" />
+ <xml-property name="uniqueProps" value="vpn-id" />
+ <xml-property name="container" value="vpn-bindings" />
+ <xml-property name="namespace" value="network" />
+ </xml-properties>
+ </java-type>
+ </java-types>
diff --git a/aai-resources/src/test/resources/com/att/aai/introspection/sideeffect/nested-case.json b/aai-resources/src/test/resources/com/att/aai/introspection/sideeffect/nested-case.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..40a0493a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aai-resources/src/test/resources/com/att/aai/introspection/sideeffect/nested-case.json
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ "global-customer-id": "key1",
+ "subscriber-name": "44IPZu0Ri",
+ "subscriber-type": "gIgOtou5Np5u",
+ "service-subscriptions": {
+ "service-subscription" : [ {
+ "service-type" : "key2",
+ "temp-ub-sub-account-id" : "JJYRez",
+ "service-instances" : {
+ "service-instance" : [ {
+ "service-instance-id" : "nested-instance-key",
+ "model-invariant-id" : "key1",
+ "model-version-id" : "key2"
+ }]
+ }
+ }]
+ }
+ } \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/aai-resources/src/test/resources/com/att/aai/serialization/queryformats/graphson/resource.graphson b/aai-resources/src/test/resources/com/att/aai/serialization/queryformats/graphson/resource.graphson
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..257916a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aai-resources/src/test/resources/com/att/aai/serialization/queryformats/graphson/resource.graphson
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+{"id": 386506928,"label": "vertex","properties": {"aai-last-mod-ts": [{"id": "ob632u-6e46nk-5j45","value": 1488308500413}],"aai-uri": [{"id": "ob6712-6e46nk-5lhh","value": "/cloud-infrastructure/cloud-regions/cloud-region/cloud-owner-987654321-9922/cloud-region-id-987654320-9922/tenants/tenant/tenant-987654321-9999/vservers/vserver/vserver-987654321-9999"}],"prov-status": [{"id": "ob651y-6e46nk-1kw5","value": "example-prov-status-val-7367"}],"aai-created-ts": [{"id": "ob62ae-6e46nk-5gqt","value": 1488308500413}],"source-of-truth": [{"id": "ob61w6-6e46nk-5jwl","value": "FitNesse-Test"}],"vserver-selflink": [{"id": "ob65g6-6e46nk-3xfp","value": "example-vserver-selflink-val-7367"}],"aai-node-type": [{"id": "ob61hy-6e46nk-5f5x","value": "vserver"}],"in-maint": [{"id": "ob65ue-6e46nk-20p1","value": false}],"resource-version": [{"id": "ob62om-6e46nk-23ut","value": "1488308500413"}],"vserver-name": [{"id": "ob649i-6e46nk-3u9x","value": "example-vserver-name-val-7367vserver-987654321-9999"}],"vserver-id": [{"id": "ob63va-6e46nk-3sp1","value": "vserver-987654321-9999"}],"last-mod-source-of-truth": [{"id": "ob63h2-6e46nk-5edh","value": "FitNesse-Test"}],"vserver-name2": [{"id": "ob64nq-6e46nk-3vut","value": "example-vserver-name2-val-7367"}],"is-closed-loop-disabled": [{"id": "ob668m-6e46nk-229x","value": false}]}}
+{"id": 2461872,"label": "vertex","properties": {"aai-last-mod-ts": [{"id": "21hqu-1grlc-5j45","value": 1467901600}],"in-maint": [{"id": "21i52-1grlc-20p1","value": false}],"resource-version": [{"id": "21ija-1grlc-23ut","value": "1467901600"}],"vserver-name": [{"id": "21ixi-1grlc-3u9x","value": "PerfTest_VServerFix0027TenantPez002701611467901587187Name"}],"aai-created-ts": [{"id": "21jbq-1grlc-5gqt","value": 1467901600}],"vserver-id": [{"id": "21jpy-1grlc-3sp1","value": "PerfTest_VServerFix0027TenantPez002701611467901587187"}],"last-mod-source-of-truth": [{"id": "21k46-1grlc-5edh","value": "MSO"}],"vserver-name2": [{"id": "21kie-1grlc-3vut","value": "PerfTest_VServerFix0027TenantPez002701611467901587187-VM Name2 optional"}],"source-of-truth": [{"id": "21kwm-1grlc-5jwl","value": "MSO"}],"vserver-selflink": [{"id": "21lau-1grlc-3xfp","value": ""}],"is-closed-loop-disabled": [{"id": "21lp2-1grlc-229x","value": false}],"aai-node-type": [{"id": "21m3a-1grlc-5f5x","value": "vserver"}],"aai-uri": [{"id": "21m3a-1grlc-5a5x","value": "/vservers/vserver/test1"}]}}
diff --git a/aai-resources/src/test/resources/com/att/aai/serialization/queryformats/resource-format.json b/aai-resources/src/test/resources/com/att/aai/serialization/queryformats/resource-format.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c7e42556
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aai-resources/src/test/resources/com/att/aai/serialization/queryformats/resource-format.json
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ "results": [
+ {
+ "vserver": {
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "vserver": {
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/aai-resources/src/test/resources/com/att/aai/serialization/queryformats/resource_and_url-format.json b/aai-resources/src/test/resources/com/att/aai/serialization/queryformats/resource_and_url-format.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..80d6560b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aai-resources/src/test/resources/com/att/aai/serialization/queryformats/resource_and_url-format.json
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ "results": [
+ {
+ "url" : "/cloud-infrastructure/cloud-regions/cloud-region/cloud-owner-987654321-9922/cloud-region-id-987654321-9922/tenants/tenant/tenant-987654321-9999/vservers/vserver/vserver-987654321-9999",
+ "vserver": {
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "url" : "/vservers/vserver/test1",
+ "vserver": {
+ }
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/aai-resources/src/test/resources/com/att/aai/serialization/queryformats/simple-format.json b/aai-resources/src/test/resources/com/att/aai/serialization/queryformats/simple-format.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dd342615
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aai-resources/src/test/resources/com/att/aai/serialization/queryformats/simple-format.json
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+ "results" : [{
+ "id" : "0",
+ "node-type" : "generic-vnf",
+ "url" : "urimissing",
+ "properties" : {
+ "vnf-name" : "myVnf"
+ },
+ "related-to" : [{
+ "node-type" : "vserver",
+ "id" : "1",
+ "url" : "urimissing"
+ }]
+ } , {
+ "id" : "1",
+ "node-type" : "vserver",
+ "url" : "urimissing",
+ "properties" : {
+ "vserver-name" : "myVserver"
+ },
+ "related-to" : [{
+ "node-type" : "generic-vnf",
+ "id" : "0",
+ "url" : "urimissing"
+ },{
+ "node-type" : "pserver",
+ "id" : "2",
+ "url" : "/pservers/pserver/key1"
+ }]
+ },{
+ "id" : "2",
+ "node-type" : "pserver",
+ "url" : "/pservers/pserver/key1",
+ "properties" : {
+ "hostname" : "myPserver"
+ },
+ "related-to" : [{
+ "node-type" : "vserver",
+ "id" : "1",
+ "url" : "urimissing"
+ }]
+ }]
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/aai-resources/src/test/resources/ b/aai-resources/src/test/resources/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..46695d68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aai-resources/src/test/resources/
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+# org.openecomp.aai
+# ================================================================================
+# Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ================================================================================
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
diff --git a/aai-resources/src/test/resources/ b/aai-resources/src/test/resources/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2e68f61a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aai-resources/src/test/resources/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/aai-resources/src/test/resources/logback.xml b/aai-resources/src/test/resources/logback.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..65682b01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aai-resources/src/test/resources/logback.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+ ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+ org.openecomp.aai
+ ================================================================================
+ Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ ================================================================================
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ -->
+<configuration scan="true" scanPeriod="60 seconds" debug="false">
+ <contextName>${}</contextName>
+ <jmxConfigurator />
+ <property name="logDirectory" value="${AJSC_HOME}/logs" />
+ <!-- Example evaluator filter applied against console appender -->
+ <appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
+ <filter class="ch.qos.logback.classic.filter.LevelFilter">
+ <!-- <filter class="ch.qos.logback.classic.filter.ThresholdFilter"> -->
+ <level>ERROR</level>
+ <onMatch>ACCEPT</onMatch>
+ <onMismatch>DENY</onMismatch>
+ </filter>
+ <encoder>
+ <pattern>%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] %-5level %logger{1024} - %msg%n
+ </pattern>
+ </encoder>
+ </appender>
+ <appender name="METRIC"
+ class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
+ <filter class="ch.qos.logback.classic.filter.LevelFilter">
+ <level>INFO</level>
+ <onMatch>ACCEPT</onMatch>
+ <onMismatch>DENY</onMismatch>
+ </filter>
+ <file>${logDirectory}/rest/metric.log</file>
+ <rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy">
+ <fileNamePattern>${logDirectory}/rest/metric.log.%d{yyyy-MM-dd}</fileNamePattern>
+ </rollingPolicy>
+ <!-- <triggeringPolicy
+ class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy">
+ <maxFileSize>5MB</maxFileSize>
+ </triggeringPolicy> -->
+ <encoder>
+ <pattern>%d{yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX}|%m%n</pattern>
+ </encoder>
+ </appender>
+ <appender name="DEBUG"
+ class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
+ <filter class="ch.qos.logback.classic.filter.ThresholdFilter">
+ <level>DEBUG</level>
+ <onMatch>ACCEPT</onMatch>
+ <onMismatch>DENY</onMismatch>
+ </filter>
+ <file>${logDirectory}/rest/debug.log</file>
+ <rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy">
+ <fileNamePattern>${logDirectory}/rest/debug.log.%d{yyyy-MM-dd}</fileNamePattern>
+ </rollingPolicy>
+ <!-- <triggeringPolicy
+ class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy">
+ <maxFileSize>5MB</maxFileSize>
+ </triggeringPolicy>-->
+ <encoder>
+ <pattern>%d{yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX}|%m%n</pattern>
+ </encoder>
+ </appender>
+ <appender name="ERROR"
+ class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
+ <filter class="ch.qos.logback.classic.filter.ThresholdFilter">
+ <level>WARN</level>
+ <onMatch>ACCEPT</onMatch>
+ <onMismatch>DENY</onMismatch>
+ </filter>
+ <file>${logDirectory}/rest/error.log</file>
+ <rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy">
+ <fileNamePattern>${logDirectory}/rest/error.log.%d{yyyy-MM-dd}</fileNamePattern>
+ </rollingPolicy>
+ <!-- <triggeringPolicy
+ class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy">
+ <maxFileSize>5MB</maxFileSize>
+ </triggeringPolicy>-->
+ <encoder>
+ <!-- <pattern>"%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] %-5level %logger{1024} - %msg%n"</pattern> -->
+ <pattern>%d{yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX}|%m%n</pattern>
+ </encoder>
+ </appender>
+ <appender name="AUDIT"
+ class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
+ <filter class="ch.qos.logback.core.filter.EvaluatorFilter">
+ <evaluator>
+ <matcher>
+ <Name>audit</Name>
+ <!-- filter out odd numbered statements -->
+ <regex>co\=aairest</regex>
+ </matcher>
+ <expression>level == INFO &amp;&amp; audit.matches(formattedMessage)</expression>
+ </evaluator>
+ <OnMatch>ACCEPT</OnMatch>
+ <OnMismatch>DENY</OnMismatch>
+ </filter>
+ <file>${logDirectory}/rest/audit.log</file>
+ <rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy">
+ <fileNamePattern>${logDirectory}/rest/metric.log.%d{yyyy-MM-dd}</fileNamePattern>
+ </rollingPolicy>
+ <encoder>
+ <pattern>%d{yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX}|%m%n</pattern>
+ </encoder>
+ </appender>
+ <appender name="auditLogs"
+ class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
+ <filter class="ch.qos.logback.classic.filter.ThresholdFilter">
+ </filter>
+ <file>${logDirectory}/rest/audit.log</file>
+ <rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy">
+ <fileNamePattern>${logDirectory}/rest/audit.%d{yyyy-MM-dd}
+ </fileNamePattern>
+ </rollingPolicy>
+ <triggeringPolicy
+ class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy">
+ <maxFileSize>5MB</maxFileSize>
+ </triggeringPolicy>
+ <encoder>
+ <pattern>"%d [%thread] %-5level %logger{1024} - %msg%n"</pattern>
+ </encoder>
+ </appender>
+ <appender name="perfLogs"
+ class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
+ <filter class="ch.qos.logback.classic.filter.ThresholdFilter">
+ </filter>
+ <file>${logDirectory}/rest/perform.log</file>
+ <rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy">
+ <fileNamePattern>${logDirectory}/rest/perform.%d{yyyy-MM-dd}
+ </fileNamePattern>
+ </rollingPolicy>
+ <!-- <triggeringPolicy
+ class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy">
+ <maxFileSize>5MB</maxFileSize>
+ </triggeringPolicy> -->
+ <encoder>
+ <pattern>"%d [%thread] %-5level %logger{1024} - %msg%n"</pattern>
+ </encoder>
+ </appender>
+ <!-- Spring related loggers -->
+ <logger name="org.springframework" level="WARN" />
+ <logger name="org.springframework.beans" level="WARN" />
+ <logger name="org.springframework.web" level="WARN" />
+ <logger name="" level="WARN" />
+ <!-- AJSC Services (bootstrap services) -->
+ <logger name="ajsc" level="WARN" />
+ <logger name="ajsc.RouteMgmtService" level="WARN" />
+ <logger name="ajsc.ComputeService" level="WARN" />
+ <logger name="ajsc.VandelayService" level="WARN" />
+ <logger name="ajsc.FilePersistenceService" level="WARN" />
+ <logger name="ajsc.UserDefinedJarService" level="WARN" />
+ <logger name="ajsc.UserDefinedBeansDefService" level="WARN" />
+ <logger name="ajsc.LoggingConfigurationService" level="WARN" />
+ <!-- AJSC related loggers (DME2 Registration, csi logging, restlet, servlet
+ logging) -->
+ <logger name="ajsc.utils" level="WARN" />
+ <logger name="ajsc.utils.DME2Helper" level="WARN" />
+ <logger name="ajsc.filters" level="WARN" />
+ <logger name="ajsc.beans.interceptors" level="WARN" />
+ <logger name="ajsc.restlet" level="WARN" />
+ <logger name="ajsc.servlet" level="WARN" />
+ <logger name="com.att.ajsc" level="WARN" />
+ <logger name="com.att.ajsc.csi.logging" level="WARN" />
+ <logger name="com.att.ajsc.filemonitor" level="WARN" />
+ <!-- Other Loggers that may help troubleshoot -->
+ <logger name="net.sf" level="WARN" />
+ <logger name="org.apache.commons.httpclient" level="WARN" />
+ <logger name="org.apache.commons" level="WARN" />
+ <logger name="org.apache.coyote" level="WARN" />
+ <logger name="org.apache.jasper" level="WARN" />
+ <!-- Camel Related Loggers (including restlet/servlet/jaxrs/cxf logging.
+ May aid in troubleshooting) -->
+ <logger name="org.apache.camel" level="WARN" />
+ <logger name="org.apache.cxf" level="WARN" />
+ <logger name="org.apache.camel.processor.interceptor" level="WARN" />
+ <logger name="org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.interceptor" level="WARN" />
+ <logger name="org.apache.cxf.service" level="WARN" />
+ <logger name="org.restlet" level="WARN" />
+ <logger name="org.apache.camel.component.restlet" level="WARN" />
+ <!-- logback internals logging -->
+ <logger name="ch.qos.logback.classic" level="INFO" />
+ <logger name="ch.qos.logback.core" level="INFO" />
+ <appender name="ASYNC-audit" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender">
+ <queueSize>1000</queueSize>
+ <discardingThreshold>0</discardingThreshold>
+ <appender-ref ref="Audit-Record-Queue" />
+ </appender>
+ <appender name="ASYNC-perf" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender">
+ <queueSize>1000</queueSize>
+ <discardingThreshold>0</discardingThreshold>
+ <appender-ref ref="Performance-Tracker-Queue" />
+ </appender>
+ <!--
+ <logger name="AuditRecord" level="INFO" additivity="FALSE">
+ <appender-ref ref="ASYNC-audit" />
+ <appender-ref ref="auditLogs" />
+ </logger>
+ <logger name="AuditRecord_DirectCall" level="INFO" additivity="FALSE">
+ <appender-ref ref="ASYNC-audit" />
+ <appender-ref ref="auditLogs" />
+ </logger>
+ <logger name="PerfTrackerRecord" level="INFO" additivity="FALSE">
+ <appender-ref ref="ASYNC-perf" />
+ <appender-ref ref="perfLogs" />
+ </logger>
+ -->
+ <logger name="org.openecomp.aai" level="INFO" />
+ <!--
+ <logger name="org.openecomp.aai.util" level="WARN" />
+ <logger name="" level="WARN" />
+ <logger name="" level="WARN" />
+ -->
+ <logger name="org.apache" level="WARN" />
+ <logger name="org.zookeeper" level="WARN" />
+ <logger name="com.thinkaurelius" level="WARN" />
+ <root level="WARN">
+ <appender-ref ref="DEBUG" />
+ <appender-ref ref="ERROR" />
+ <appender-ref ref="METRIC" />
+ <appender-ref ref="AUDIT" />
+ </root>
diff --git a/aai-resources/src/test/resources/maputils/testcases/TestCase1.json b/aai-resources/src/test/resources/maputils/testcases/TestCase1.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1f7a7943
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aai-resources/src/test/resources/maputils/testcases/TestCase1.json
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ "input": {
+ "myImage": {
+ "imageId": "test-imageId-1",
+ "imageName": "test-image-name",
+ "imageList": [
+ {
+ "imageListName": "testListName",
+ "imageListId": "testListId",
+ "imageListNumber": 200,
+ "imageListBoolean": true,
+ "imageListNull": null
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "output": {
+ "my-image": {
+ "image-id": "test-imageId-1",
+ "image-name": "test-image-name",
+ "image-list": [
+ {
+ "image-list-name": "testListName",
+ "image-list-id": "testListId",
+ "image-list-number": 200,
+ "image-list-boolean": true,
+ "image-list-null": null
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/aai-resources/src/test/resources/maputils/testcases/TestCase2.json b/aai-resources/src/test/resources/maputils/testcases/TestCase2.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9b8a1e39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aai-resources/src/test/resources/maputils/testcases/TestCase2.json
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ "input": {
+ "myImage": {
+ "imageId": "test-imageId-1",
+ "imageName": "test-image-name",
+ "imageList": [
+ {
+ "imageListName": "testListName",
+ "imageListId": "testListId",
+ "imageArray": [
+ [
+ {
+ "imageNestedArrayElement": "value"
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "output": {
+ "my-image": {
+ "image-id": "test-imageId-1",
+ "image-name": "test-image-name",
+ "image-list": [
+ {
+ "image-list-name": "testListName",
+ "image-list-id": "testListId",
+ "image-array": [
+ [
+ {
+ "image-nested-array-element": "value"
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/aai-resources/src/test/resources/ b/aai-resources/src/test/resources/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d5a7c259
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aai-resources/src/test/resources/
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+# org.openecomp.aai
+# ================================================================================
+# Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ================================================================================
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+# this could come from
+# the following parameters are not reloaded automatically and require a manual bounce
+# Setting db-cache to false ensure the fastest propagation of changes across servers
+cache.db-cache = false
+#cache.db-cache-clean-wait = 20
+#cache.db-cache-time = 180000
+#cache.db-cache-size = 0.5
+# for transaction log
+# single primary server
+#rsync properties
+#Service Specific Data Values
+aai.servicedescription.hostedcomm=HOSTED COMMUNICATIONS
+aai.servicedescription.vusp=VIRTUAL USP
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+>>>>>>> feature/AAI-8158-cleanup-at-t-specific-reference
+# This one lets us enable/disable resource-version checking on updates/deletes