path: root/graphgraph-fe/src/GraphSettings.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'graphgraph-fe/src/GraphSettings.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 239 deletions
diff --git a/graphgraph-fe/src/GraphSettings.js b/graphgraph-fe/src/GraphSettings.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d511068..0000000
--- a/graphgraph-fe/src/GraphSettings.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
-import React from 'react'
-import _ from 'underscore'
-import { DropdownButton, MenuItem, Label } from 'react-bootstrap'
-import './GraphSettings.css'
-import Popup from './PopupSettings'
-import ValidationModal from './ValidationModal'
-import DownloadExport from './DownloadExport'
-import { validateSchema, pathGraph, basicGraph, schemas, nodeNames } from './requests'
-var emptyState = {
- schemaProblems: [],
- nodeNames: [],
- fromNode: '',
- graph: {
- nodeNames: [],
- edges: []
- },
- showHops: false,
- enableDestinationNode: false,
- toNode: '',
- edgeFilter: 'Edgerules',
- hops: {
- parents: 1,
- cousin: 1,
- child: 1
- },
- selectedSchema: ''
-class GraphSettings extends React.Component {
- constructor (props, context) {
- super(props, context)
- this.onChangeStartNode = this.onChangeStartNode.bind(this)
- this.onSelectNode = this.onSelectNode.bind(this)
- this.selectSchema = this.selectSchema.bind(this)
- this.onChangeToNode = this.onChangeToNode.bind(this)
- this.loadInitialGraph = this.loadInitialGraph.bind(this)
- this.updateHops = this.updateHops.bind(this)
- this.changeEdgeFilter = this.changeEdgeFilter.bind(this)
- this.graphFingerprint = this.graphFingerprint.bind(this)
- this.state = emptyState
- }
- // this serves as a config 'fingerprint' to know if the d3 visualisation should be redrawn from scratch or just updated
- graphFingerprint (schema, from, to, parents, cousin, child, edgeFilter) {
- return `${schema}:${from}:${to}:${parents}:${cousin}:${child}:${edgeFilter}`
- }
- loadInitialGraph (startNode, endNode, parentHops, cousinHops, childHops, edgeFilter) {
- if (this.state.selectedSchema === '' || startNode === 'none') {
- var s = this.state
- s['edgeFilter'] = edgeFilter
- this.setState(s)
- return
- }
- if (startNode === 'all') {
- endNode = 'none'
- }
- let requestUri = endNode === 'none'
- ? basicGraph(this.state.selectedSchema, startNode, parentHops, cousinHops, childHops, edgeFilter) : pathGraph(this.state.selectedSchema, startNode, endNode, edgeFilter)
- fetch(requestUri)
- .then(response => response.json())
- .then(g => {
- let schema = this.state.selectedSchema
- let f = this.graphFingerprint(schema, startNode, endNode, parentHops, cousinHops, childHops, edgeFilter)
- this.props.graphData(g, this.state.selectedSchema, f)
- return g
- })
- .then(g => {
- var s = this.state
- s['hops']['parents'] = parentHops
- s['hops']['cousin'] = cousinHops
- s['hops']['child'] = childHops
- s['fromNode'] = startNode
- s['toNode'] = endNode
- s['graph'] = g
- s['edgeFilter'] = edgeFilter
- s['showHops'] = endNode === 'none' && startNode !== 'none' && startNode !== 'all'
- s['enableDestinationNode'] = startNode !== 'none' && startNode !== 'all'
- this.setState(s)
- if (startNode !== 'all') {
- this.onSelectNode(startNode)
- }
- })
- }
- selectSchema (schema) {
- var s = this.state
- s['selectedSchema'] = schema
- fetch(nodeNames(schema, s['edgeFilter']))
- .then(response => response.json())
- .then(nodeNames => {
- s['fromNode'] = s['toNode'] = 'none'
- s['nodeNames'] = nodeNames
- this.setState(s)
- })
- fetch(validateSchema(schema))
- .then(response => response.json())
- .then(p => {
- s['schemaProblems'] = p.problems
- this.setState(s)
- })
- }
- changeEdgeFilter (edgeFilter) {
- fetch(nodeNames(this.state.selectedSchema, edgeFilter))
- .then(response => response.json())
- .then(nodeNames => {
- let s = this.state
- s['edgeFilter'] = edgeFilter
- s['fromNode'] = s['toNode'] = 'none'
- s['nodeNames'] = nodeNames
- this.setState(s)
- })
- this.loadInitialGraph(
- this.state.fromNode,
- this.state.toNode,
- this.state.hops.parents,
- this.state.hops.cousin,
- this.state.hops.child,
- edgeFilter
- )
- }
- updateHops (parentHops, cousinHops, childHops) {
- this.loadInitialGraph(
- this.state.fromNode,
- this.state.toNode,
- parentHops,
- cousinHops,
- childHops,
- this.state.edgeFilter)
- }
- onChangeToNode (eventKey) {
- this.loadInitialGraph(this.state.fromNode,
- eventKey,
- this.state.hops.parents,
- this.state.hops.cousin,
- this.state.hops.child,
- this.state.edgeFilter)
- }
- onSelectNode (eventKey) {
- this.props.nodePropsLoader(eventKey)
- }
- onChangeStartNode (eventKey) {
- this.loadInitialGraph(eventKey, this.state.toNode,
- this.state.hops.parents,
- this.state.hops.cousin,
- this.state.hops.child,
- this.state.edgeFilter)
- }
- componentDidMount () {
- fetch(schemas())
- .then(response => response.json())
- .then(schemas => {
- let s = this.state
- s['schemas'] = schemas
- this.setState(s)
- })
- }
- render () {
- var schemas = _.map(this.state.schemas, (x, k) => <MenuItem key={k} eventKey={x}>{x}</MenuItem>)
- var items = _.map(this.state.nodeNames, (x, k) => <MenuItem key={k} eventKey={x.id}>{x.id}</MenuItem>)
- let sortedNames = _.sortBy(this.state.graph.nodeNames, 'id')
- var currentNodeNames = _.map(sortedNames, (x, k) => <MenuItem key={k} eventKey={x.id}>{x.id}</MenuItem>)
- var fromItems = items.slice()
- fromItems.unshift(<MenuItem key='divider' divider />)
- fromItems.unshift(<MenuItem key='all' eventKey='all'>all</MenuItem>)
- items.unshift(<MenuItem key='anotherdivider' divider />)
- items.unshift(<MenuItem key='none' eventKey='none'>none</MenuItem>)
- let edgeFilterItems = [
- <MenuItem key='Edgerules' eventKey='Edgerules'>Edgerules</MenuItem>,
- <MenuItem key='Parents' eventKey='Parents'>Parent-child (OXM structure)</MenuItem>,
- ]
- return (
- <div>
- <div className="graph-menu">
- <div className="startendnode-dropdown">
- <div>
- <Label>Schemas</Label>
- <DropdownButton className="schemas-dropdown" onSelect={this.selectSchema} id="schemas" title={this.state.selectedSchema}>
- {schemas}
- </DropdownButton>
- </div>
- <div className="source-dropdown-div">
- <Label>Source Node</Label>
- <DropdownButton className="node-dropdown" onSelect={this.onChangeStartNode} id="namesFrom" title={this.state.fromNode}>
- {fromItems}
- </DropdownButton>
- </div>
- <div>
- <Label>Destination Node</Label>
- <DropdownButton disabled={!this.state.enableDestinationNode} className="node-dropdown" onSelect={this.onChangeToNode} id="namesTo" title={this.state.toNode}>
- {items}
- </DropdownButton>
- </div>
- <div className="source-dropdown-div">
- <Label>Edge filter</Label>
- <DropdownButton className="node-dropdown" onSelect={this.changeEdgeFilter} id="filterEdge" title={this.state.edgeFilter}>
- {edgeFilterItems}
- </DropdownButton>
- </div>
- <div className="source-dropdown-div">
- <Label>Selected Node</Label>
- <DropdownButton className="node-dropdown" onSelect={this.onSelectNode} id="selectedNode" title={this.props.selectedNode}>
- {currentNodeNames}
- </DropdownButton>
- </div>
- <Popup isDisabled={!this.state.showHops} edgeFilter={this.state.edgeFilter} parentHops={this.state.hops.parents} childHops={this.state.hops.child} cousinHops={this.state.hops.cousin} updateHops={this.updateHops}/>
- <div className="modal-button">
- <ValidationModal schemaProblems={this.state.schemaProblems}/>
- </div>
- <div className="modal-button">
- <DownloadExport schemaVersion={this.state.selectedSchema}/>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- )
- }
-export default GraphSettings