path: root/src/main/java/org/onap/aai/dbgen/DupeTool.java
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/java/org/onap/aai/dbgen/DupeTool.java')
1 files changed, 1854 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/onap/aai/dbgen/DupeTool.java b/src/main/java/org/onap/aai/dbgen/DupeTool.java
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index 0000000..7b7ef99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/org/onap/aai/dbgen/DupeTool.java
@@ -0,0 +1,1854 @@
+ * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+ * org.onap.aai
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Copyright © 2017-2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ */
+package org.onap.aai.dbgen;
+import java.io.FileInputStream;
+import java.io.InputStream;
+import java.util.*;
+import java.util.Map.Entry;
+import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversal;
+import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversalSource;
+import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.__;
+import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Direction;
+import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Edge;
+import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Graph;
+import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Vertex;
+import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.VertexProperty;
+import org.onap.aai.db.props.AAIProperties;
+import org.onap.aai.dbmap.AAIGraphConfig;
+import org.onap.aai.dbmap.AAIGraph;
+import org.onap.aai.edges.enums.EdgeProperty;
+import org.onap.aai.exceptions.AAIException;
+import org.onap.aai.introspection.Introspector;
+import org.onap.aai.introspection.Loader;
+import org.onap.aai.introspection.LoaderFactory;
+import org.onap.aai.introspection.ModelType;
+import org.onap.aai.logging.ErrorLogHelper;
+import org.onap.aai.logging.LogFormatTools;
+import org.onap.aai.logging.LoggingContext;
+import org.onap.aai.logging.LoggingContext.StatusCode;
+import org.onap.aai.edges.enums.AAIDirection;
+import org.onap.aai.setup.SchemaVersions;
+import org.onap.aai.util.AAIConfig;
+import org.onap.aai.util.AAIConstants;
+import org.slf4j.MDC;
+import com.att.eelf.configuration.Configuration;
+import com.att.eelf.configuration.EELFLogger;
+import com.att.eelf.configuration.EELFManager;
+import org.janusgraph.core.JanusGraphFactory;
+import org.janusgraph.core.JanusGraph;
+import org.springframework.context.annotation.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext;
+public class DupeTool {
+ private static final EELFLogger logger = EELFManager.getInstance().getLogger(DupeTool.class.getSimpleName());
+ private static final String FROMAPPID = "AAI-DB";
+ private static final String TRANSID = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
+ private static String graphType = "realdb";
+ private final SchemaVersions schemaVersions;
+ private boolean shouldExitVm = true;
+ public void exit(int statusCode) {
+ if (this.shouldExitVm) {
+ System.exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ private LoaderFactory loaderFactory;
+ public DupeTool(LoaderFactory loaderFactory, SchemaVersions schemaVersions){
+ this(loaderFactory, schemaVersions, true);
+ }
+ public DupeTool(LoaderFactory loaderFactory, SchemaVersions schemaVersions, boolean shouldExitVm){
+ this.loaderFactory = loaderFactory;
+ this.schemaVersions = schemaVersions;
+ this.shouldExitVm = shouldExitVm;
+ }
+ public void execute(String[] args){
+ String defVersion = "v12";
+ try {
+ defVersion = AAIConfig.get(AAIConstants.AAI_DEFAULT_API_VERSION_PROP);
+ } catch (AAIException ae) {
+ String emsg = "Error trying to get default API Version property \n";
+ System.out.println(emsg);
+ LoggingContext.statusCode(StatusCode.ERROR);
+ LoggingContext.responseCode(LoggingContext.DATA_ERROR);
+ logger.error(emsg);
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ Loader loader = null;
+ try {
+ loader = loaderFactory.createLoaderForVersion(ModelType.MOXY, schemaVersions.getDefaultVersion());
+ } catch (Exception ex) {
+ LoggingContext.statusCode(StatusCode.ERROR);
+ LoggingContext.responseCode(LoggingContext.UNKNOWN_ERROR);
+ logger.error("ERROR - Could not do the moxyMod.init() " + LogFormatTools.getStackTop(ex));
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ JanusGraph graph1 = null;
+ JanusGraph graph2 = null;
+ Graph gt1 = null;
+ Graph gt2 = null;
+ boolean specialTenantRule = false;
+ try {
+ AAIConfig.init();
+ int maxRecordsToFix = AAIConstants.AAI_DUPETOOL_DEFAULT_MAX_FIX;
+ int timeWindowMinutes = 0; // A value of 0 means that we will not have a time-window -- we will look
+ // at all nodes of the passed-in nodeType.
+ long windowStartTime = 0; // Translation of the window into a starting timestamp
+ try {
+ String maxFixStr = AAIConfig.get("aai.dupeTool.default.max.fix");
+ if (maxFixStr != null && !maxFixStr.equals("")) {
+ maxRecordsToFix = Integer.parseInt(maxFixStr);
+ }
+ String sleepStr = AAIConfig.get("aai.dupeTool.default.sleep.minutes");
+ if (sleepStr != null && !sleepStr.equals("")) {
+ sleepMinutes = Integer.parseInt(sleepStr);
+ }
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ // Don't worry, we'll just use the defaults that we got from AAIConstants
+ logger.warn("WARNING - could not pick up aai.dupeTool values from aaiconfig.properties file. Will use defaults. ");
+ }
+ String nodeTypeVal = "";
+ String userIdVal = "";
+ String filterParams = "";
+ Boolean skipHostCheck = false;
+ Boolean autoFix = false;
+ String argStr4Msg = "";
+ Introspector obj = null;
+ if (args != null && args.length > 0) {
+ // They passed some arguments in that will affect processing
+ for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
+ String thisArg = args[i];
+ argStr4Msg = argStr4Msg + " " + thisArg;
+ if (thisArg.equals("-nodeType")) {
+ i++;
+ if (i >= args.length) {
+ LoggingContext.statusCode(StatusCode.ERROR);
+ LoggingContext.responseCode(LoggingContext.BUSINESS_PROCESS_ERROR);
+ logger.error(" No value passed with -nodeType option. ");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ nodeTypeVal = args[i];
+ argStr4Msg = argStr4Msg + " " + nodeTypeVal;
+ } else if (thisArg.equals("-sleepMinutes")) {
+ i++;
+ if (i >= args.length) {
+ LoggingContext.statusCode(StatusCode.ERROR);
+ LoggingContext.responseCode(LoggingContext.BUSINESS_PROCESS_ERROR);
+ logger.error("No value passed with -sleepMinutes option.");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ String nextArg = args[i];
+ try {
+ sleepMinutes = Integer.parseInt(nextArg);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ LoggingContext.statusCode(StatusCode.ERROR);
+ LoggingContext.responseCode(LoggingContext.BUSINESS_PROCESS_ERROR);
+ logger.error("Bad value passed with -sleepMinutes option: ["
+ + nextArg + "]");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ argStr4Msg = argStr4Msg + " " + sleepMinutes;
+ } else if (thisArg.equals("-maxFix")) {
+ i++;
+ if (i >= args.length) {
+ LoggingContext.statusCode(StatusCode.ERROR);
+ LoggingContext.responseCode(LoggingContext.BUSINESS_PROCESS_ERROR);
+ logger.error("No value passed with -maxFix option.");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ String nextArg = args[i];
+ try {
+ maxRecordsToFix = Integer.parseInt(nextArg);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ LoggingContext.statusCode(StatusCode.ERROR);
+ LoggingContext.responseCode(LoggingContext.BUSINESS_PROCESS_ERROR);
+ logger.error("Bad value passed with -maxFix option: ["
+ + nextArg + "]");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ argStr4Msg = argStr4Msg + " " + maxRecordsToFix;
+ } else if (thisArg.equals("-timeWindowMinutes")) {
+ i++;
+ if (i >= args.length) {
+ LoggingContext.statusCode(StatusCode.ERROR);
+ LoggingContext.responseCode(LoggingContext.BUSINESS_PROCESS_ERROR);
+ logger.error("No value passed with -timeWindowMinutes option.");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ String nextArg = args[i];
+ try {
+ timeWindowMinutes = Integer.parseInt(nextArg);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ LoggingContext.statusCode(StatusCode.ERROR);
+ LoggingContext.responseCode(LoggingContext.BUSINESS_PROCESS_ERROR);
+ logger.error("Bad value passed with -timeWindowMinutes option: ["
+ + nextArg + "]");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ argStr4Msg = argStr4Msg + " " + timeWindowMinutes;
+ } else if (thisArg.equals("-skipHostCheck")) {
+ skipHostCheck = true;
+ } else if (thisArg.equals("-specialTenantRule")) {
+ specialTenantRule = true;
+ } else if (thisArg.equals("-autoFix")) {
+ autoFix = true;
+ } else if (thisArg.equals("-userId")) {
+ i++;
+ if (i >= args.length) {
+ LoggingContext.statusCode(StatusCode.ERROR);
+ LoggingContext.responseCode(LoggingContext.BUSINESS_PROCESS_ERROR);
+ logger.error(" No value passed with -userId option. ");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ userIdVal = args[i];
+ argStr4Msg = argStr4Msg + " " + userIdVal;
+ } else if (thisArg.equals("-params4Collect")) {
+ i++;
+ if (i >= args.length) {
+ LoggingContext.statusCode(StatusCode.ERROR);
+ LoggingContext.responseCode(LoggingContext.BUSINESS_PROCESS_ERROR);
+ logger.error(" No value passed with -params4Collect option. ");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ filterParams = args[i];
+ argStr4Msg = argStr4Msg + " " + filterParams;
+ } else {
+ LoggingContext.statusCode(StatusCode.ERROR);
+ LoggingContext.responseCode(LoggingContext.BUSINESS_PROCESS_ERROR);
+ logger.error(" Unrecognized argument passed to DupeTool: ["
+ + thisArg + "]. ");
+ logger.error(" Valid values are: -action -userId -vertexId -edgeId -overRideProtection ");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ userIdVal = userIdVal.trim();
+ if ((userIdVal.length() < 6) || userIdVal.toUpperCase().equals("AAIADMIN")) {
+ String emsg = "userId parameter is required. [" + userIdVal + "] passed to DupeTool(). userId must be not empty and not aaiadmin \n";
+ System.out.println(emsg);
+ LoggingContext.statusCode(StatusCode.ERROR);
+ LoggingContext.responseCode(LoggingContext.BUSINESS_PROCESS_ERROR);
+ logger.error(emsg);
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ nodeTypeVal = nodeTypeVal.trim();
+ if (nodeTypeVal.equals("")) {
+ String emsg = " nodeType is a required parameter for DupeTool().\n";
+ System.out.println(emsg);
+ LoggingContext.statusCode(StatusCode.ERROR);
+ LoggingContext.responseCode(LoggingContext.BUSINESS_PROCESS_ERROR);
+ logger.error(emsg);
+ exit(0);
+ } else {
+ obj = loader.introspectorFromName(nodeTypeVal);
+ }
+ if (timeWindowMinutes > 0) {
+ // Translate the window value (ie. 30 minutes) into a unix timestamp like
+ // we use in the db - so we can select data created after that time.
+ windowStartTime = figureWindowStartTime(timeWindowMinutes);
+ }
+ String msg = "";
+ msg = "DupeTool called with these params: [" + argStr4Msg + "]";
+ System.out.println(msg);
+ logger.info(msg);
+ // Determine what the key fields are for this nodeType (and we want them ordered)
+ ArrayList<String> keyPropNamesArr = new ArrayList<String>(obj.getKeys());
+ // Determine what kinds of nodes (if any) this nodeType is dependent on for uniqueness
+ ArrayList<String> depNodeTypeList = new ArrayList<String>();
+ Collection<String> depNTColl = obj.getDependentOn();
+ Iterator<String> ntItr = depNTColl.iterator();
+ while (ntItr.hasNext()) {
+ depNodeTypeList.add(ntItr.next());
+ }
+ // Based on the nodeType, window and filterData, figure out the vertices that we will be checking
+ System.out.println(" ---- NOTE --- about to open graph (takes a little while)--------\n");
+ graph1 = setupGraph(logger);
+ gt1 = getGraphTransaction(graph1, logger);
+ ArrayList<Vertex> verts2Check = new ArrayList<Vertex>();
+ try {
+ verts2Check = figureOutNodes2Check(TRANSID, FROMAPPID, gt1,
+ nodeTypeVal, windowStartTime, filterParams, logger);
+ } catch (AAIException ae) {
+ String emsg = "Error trying to get initial set of nodes to check. \n";
+ System.out.println(emsg);
+ LoggingContext.statusCode(StatusCode.ERROR);
+ LoggingContext.responseCode(LoggingContext.DATA_ERROR);
+ logger.error(emsg);
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ if (verts2Check == null || verts2Check.size() == 0) {
+ msg = " No vertices found to check. Used nodeType = [" + nodeTypeVal
+ + "], windowMinutes = " + timeWindowMinutes
+ + ", filterData = [" + filterParams + "].";
+ logger.info(msg);
+ System.out.println(msg);
+ exit(0);
+ } else {
+ msg = " Found " + verts2Check.size() + " nodes of type " + nodeTypeVal
+ + " to check using passed filterParams and windowStartTime. ";
+ logger.info(msg);
+ System.out.println(msg);
+ }
+ ArrayList<String> firstPassDupeSets = new ArrayList<String>();
+ ArrayList<String> secondPassDupeSets = new ArrayList<String>();
+ Boolean isDependentOnParent = false;
+ if (!obj.getDependentOn().isEmpty()) {
+ isDependentOnParent = true;
+ }
+ if (isDependentOnParent) {
+ firstPassDupeSets = getDupeSets4DependentNodes(TRANSID, FROMAPPID, gt1,
+ defVersion, nodeTypeVal, verts2Check, keyPropNamesArr, loader,
+ specialTenantRule, logger);
+ } else {
+ firstPassDupeSets = getDupeSets4NonDepNodes(TRANSID, FROMAPPID, gt1,
+ defVersion, nodeTypeVal, verts2Check, keyPropNamesArr,
+ specialTenantRule, loader, logger);
+ }
+ msg = " Found " + firstPassDupeSets.size() + " sets of duplicates for this request. ";
+ logger.info(msg);
+ System.out.println(msg);
+ if (firstPassDupeSets.size() > 0) {
+ msg = " Here is what they look like: ";
+ logger.info(msg);
+ System.out.println(msg);
+ for (int x = 0; x < firstPassDupeSets.size(); x++) {
+ msg = " Set " + x + ": [" + firstPassDupeSets.get(x) + "] ";
+ logger.info(msg);
+ System.out.println(msg);
+ showNodeDetailsForADupeSet(gt1, firstPassDupeSets.get(x), logger);
+ }
+ }
+ boolean didSomeDeletesFlag = false;
+ ArrayList<String> dupeSetsToFix = new ArrayList<String>();
+ if (autoFix && firstPassDupeSets.size() == 0) {
+ msg = "AutoFix option is on, but no dupes were found on the first pass. Nothing to fix.";
+ logger.info(msg);
+ System.out.println(msg);
+ } else if (autoFix) {
+ // We will try to fix any dupes that we can - but only after sleeping for a
+ // time and re-checking the list of duplicates using a seperate transaction.
+ try {
+ msg = "\n\n----------- About to sleep for " + sleepMinutes + " minutes."
+ + " -----------\n\n";
+ logger.info(msg);
+ System.out.println(msg);
+ int sleepMsec = sleepMinutes * 60 * 1000;
+ Thread.sleep(sleepMsec);
+ } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
+ msg = "\n >>> Sleep Thread has been Interrupted <<< ";
+ logger.info(msg);
+ System.out.println(msg);
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ graph2 = setupGraph(logger);
+ gt2 = getGraphTransaction(graph2, logger);
+ if (isDependentOnParent) {
+ secondPassDupeSets = getDupeSets4DependentNodes(TRANSID, FROMAPPID, gt2,
+ defVersion, nodeTypeVal, verts2Check, keyPropNamesArr, loader,
+ specialTenantRule, logger);
+ } else {
+ secondPassDupeSets = getDupeSets4NonDepNodes(TRANSID, FROMAPPID, gt2,
+ defVersion, nodeTypeVal, verts2Check, keyPropNamesArr,
+ specialTenantRule, loader, logger);
+ }
+ dupeSetsToFix = figureWhichDupesStillNeedFixing(firstPassDupeSets, secondPassDupeSets, logger);
+ msg = "\nAfter running a second pass, there were " + dupeSetsToFix.size()
+ + " sets of duplicates that we think can be deleted. ";
+ logger.info(msg);
+ System.out.println(msg);
+ if (dupeSetsToFix.size() > 0) {
+ msg = " Here is what the sets look like: ";
+ logger.info(msg);
+ System.out.println(msg);
+ for (int x = 0; x < dupeSetsToFix.size(); x++) {
+ msg = " Set " + x + ": [" + dupeSetsToFix.get(x) + "] ";
+ logger.info(msg);
+ System.out.println(msg);
+ showNodeDetailsForADupeSet(gt2, dupeSetsToFix.get(x), logger);
+ }
+ }
+ if (dupeSetsToFix.size() > 0) {
+ if (dupeSetsToFix.size() > maxRecordsToFix) {
+ String infMsg = " >> WARNING >> Dupe list size ("
+ + dupeSetsToFix.size()
+ + ") is too big. The maxFix we are using is: "
+ + maxRecordsToFix
+ + ". No nodes will be deleted. (use the"
+ + " -maxFix option to override this limit.)";
+ System.out.println(infMsg);
+ logger.info(infMsg);
+ } else {
+ // Call the routine that fixes known dupes
+ didSomeDeletesFlag = deleteNonKeepers(gt2, dupeSetsToFix, logger);
+ }
+ }
+ if (didSomeDeletesFlag) {
+ gt2.tx().commit();
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (AAIException e) {
+ logger.error("Caught AAIException while running the dupeTool: " + LogFormatTools.getStackTop(e));
+ ErrorLogHelper.logException(e);
+ } catch (Exception ex) {
+ logger.error("Caught exception while running the dupeTool: " + LogFormatTools.getStackTop(ex));
+ ErrorLogHelper.logError("AAI_6128", ex.getMessage() + ", resolve and rerun the dupeTool. ");
+ } finally {
+ if (gt1 != null && gt1.tx().isOpen()) {
+ // We don't change any data with gt1 - so just roll it back so it knows we're done.
+ try {
+ gt1.tx().rollback();
+ } catch (Exception ex) {
+ // Don't throw anything because JanusGraph sometimes is just saying that the graph is already closed
+ logger.warn("WARNING from final gt1.rollback() " + LogFormatTools.getStackTop(ex));
+ }
+ }
+ if (gt2 != null && gt2.tx().isOpen()) {
+ // Any changes that worked correctly should have already done
+ // their commits.
+ try {
+ gt2.tx().rollback();
+ } catch (Exception ex) {
+ // Don't throw anything because JanusGraph sometimes is just saying that the graph is already closed
+ logger.warn("WARNING from final gt2.rollback() " + LogFormatTools.getStackTop(ex));
+ }
+ }
+ try {
+ if (graph1 != null && graph1.isOpen()) {
+ closeGraph(graph1, logger);
+ }
+ } catch (Exception ex) {
+ // Don't throw anything because JanusGraph sometimes is just saying that the graph is already closed{
+ logger.warn("WARNING from final graph1.shutdown() " + LogFormatTools.getStackTop(ex));
+ }
+ try {
+ if (graph2 != null && graph2.isOpen()) {
+ closeGraph(graph2, logger);
+ }
+ } catch (Exception ex) {
+ // Don't throw anything because JanusGraph sometimes is just saying that the graph is already closed{
+ logger.warn("WARNING from final graph2.shutdown() " + LogFormatTools.getStackTop(ex));
+ }
+ }
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ /**
+ * The main method.
+ *
+ * @param args the arguments
+ */
+ public static void main(String[] args) {
+ System.setProperty("aai.service.name", DupeTool.class.getSimpleName());
+ // Set the logging file properties to be used by EELFManager
+ Properties props = System.getProperties();
+ props.setProperty(Configuration.PROPERTY_LOGGING_FILE_NAME, "dupeTool-logback.xml");
+ props.setProperty(Configuration.PROPERTY_LOGGING_FILE_PATH, AAIConstants.AAI_HOME_BUNDLECONFIG);
+ MDC.put("logFilenameAppender", DupeTool.class.getSimpleName());
+ LoggingContext.init();
+ LoggingContext.partnerName(FROMAPPID);
+ LoggingContext.serviceName(AAIConstants.AAI_RESOURCES_MS);
+ LoggingContext.component("dupeTool");
+ LoggingContext.targetEntity(AAIConstants.AAI_RESOURCES_MS);
+ LoggingContext.targetServiceName("main");
+ LoggingContext.requestId(TRANSID);
+ LoggingContext.statusCode(StatusCode.COMPLETE);
+ LoggingContext.responseCode(LoggingContext.SUCCESS);
+ AnnotationConfigApplicationContext ctx = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(
+ "org.onap.aai.config",
+ "org.onap.aai.setup"
+ );
+ LoaderFactory loaderFactory = ctx.getBean(LoaderFactory.class);
+ SchemaVersions schemaVersions = ctx.getBean(SchemaVersions.class);
+ DupeTool dupeTool = new DupeTool(loaderFactory, schemaVersions);
+ dupeTool.execute(args);
+ }// end of main()
+ /**
+ * Collect Duplicate Sets for nodes that are NOT dependent on parent nodes.
+ *
+ * @param transId the trans id
+ * @param fromAppId the from app id
+ * @param g the g
+ * @param version the version
+ * @param nType the n type
+ * @param passedVertList the passed vert list
+ * @param dbMaps the db maps
+ * @return the array list
+ */
+ private ArrayList<String> getDupeSets4NonDepNodes(String transId,
+ String fromAppId, Graph g, String version, String nType,
+ ArrayList<Vertex> passedVertList,
+ ArrayList<String> keyPropNamesArr,
+ Boolean specialTenantRule, Loader loader, EELFLogger logger) {
+ ArrayList<String> returnList = new ArrayList<String>();
+ // We've been passed a set of nodes that we want to check.
+ // They are all NON-DEPENDENT nodes meaning that they should be
+ // unique in the DB based on their KEY DATA alone. So, if
+ // we group them by their key data - if any key has more than one
+ // vertex mapped to it, those vertices are dupes.
+ //
+ // When we find duplicates, we return then as a String (there can be
+ // more than one duplicate for one set of key data):
+ // Each element in the returned arrayList might look like this:
+ // "1234|5678|keepVid=UNDETERMINED" (if there were 2 dupes, and we
+ // couldn't figure out which one to keep)
+ // or, "100017|200027|30037|keepVid=30037" (if there were 3 dupes and we
+ // thought the third one was the one that should survive)
+ HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> keyVals2VidHash = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>();
+ HashMap<String, Vertex> vtxHash = new HashMap<String, Vertex>();
+ Iterator<Vertex> pItr = passedVertList.iterator();
+ while (pItr.hasNext()) {
+ try {
+ Vertex tvx = pItr.next();
+ String thisVid = tvx.id().toString();
+ vtxHash.put(thisVid, tvx);
+ // if there are more than one vertexId mapping to the same keyProps -- they are dupes
+ String hKey = getNodeKeyValString(tvx, keyPropNamesArr, logger);
+ if (keyVals2VidHash.containsKey(hKey)) {
+ // We've already seen this key
+ ArrayList<String> tmpVL = (ArrayList<String>) keyVals2VidHash.get(hKey);
+ tmpVL.add(thisVid);
+ keyVals2VidHash.put(hKey, tmpVL);
+ } else {
+ // First time for this key
+ ArrayList<String> tmpVL = new ArrayList<String>();
+ tmpVL.add(thisVid);
+ keyVals2VidHash.put(hKey, tmpVL);
+ }
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ logger.warn(" >>> Threw an error in getDupeSets4NonDepNodes - just absorb this error and move on. " + LogFormatTools.getStackTop(e));
+ }
+ }
+ for (Map.Entry<String, ArrayList<String>> entry : keyVals2VidHash.entrySet()) {
+ ArrayList<String> vidList = entry.getValue();
+ try {
+ if (!vidList.isEmpty() && vidList.size() > 1) {
+ // There are more than one vertex id's using the same key info
+ String dupesStr = "";
+ ArrayList<Vertex> vertList = new ArrayList<Vertex>();
+ for (int i = 0; i < vidList.size(); i++) {
+ String tmpVid = vidList.get(i);
+ dupesStr = dupesStr + tmpVid + "|";
+ vertList.add(vtxHash.get(tmpVid));
+ }
+ if (dupesStr != "") {
+ Vertex prefV = getPreferredDupe(transId, fromAppId,
+ g, vertList, version, specialTenantRule, loader, logger);
+ if (prefV == null) {
+ // We could not determine which duplicate to keep
+ dupesStr = dupesStr + "KeepVid=UNDETERMINED";
+ returnList.add(dupesStr);
+ } else {
+ dupesStr = dupesStr + "KeepVid=" + prefV.id();
+ returnList.add(dupesStr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ logger.warn(" >>> Threw an error in getDupeSets4NonDepNodes - just absorb this error and move on. " + LogFormatTools.getStackTop(e));
+ }
+ }
+ return returnList;
+ }// End of getDupeSets4NonDepNodes()
+ /**
+ * Collect Duplicate Sets for nodes that are dependent on parent nodes.
+ *
+ * @param transId the trans id
+ * @param fromAppId the from app id
+ * @param g the g
+ * @param version the version
+ * @param nType the n type
+ * @param passedVertList the passed vert list
+ * @param dbMaps the db maps
+ * @param keyPropNamesArr Array (ordered) of keyProperty names
+ * @param specialTenantRule flag
+ * @param EELFLogger the logger
+ * @return the array list
+ */
+ private ArrayList<String> getDupeSets4DependentNodes(String transId,
+ String fromAppId, Graph g, String version, String nType,
+ ArrayList<Vertex> passedVertList,
+ ArrayList<String> keyPropNamesArr, Loader loader,
+ Boolean specialTenantRule, EELFLogger logger) {
+ // This is for nodeTypes that DEPEND ON A PARENT NODE FOR UNIQUNESS
+ ArrayList<String> returnList = new ArrayList<String>();
+ ArrayList<String> alreadyFoundDupeVidArr = new ArrayList<String>();
+ // We've been passed a set of nodes that we want to check. These are
+ // all nodes that ARE DEPENDENT on a PARENT Node for uniqueness.
+ // The first thing to do is to identify the key properties for the node-type
+ // and pull from the db just using those properties.
+ // Then, we'll check those nodes with their parent nodes to see if there
+ // are any duplicates.
+ //
+ // When we find duplicates, we return then as a String (there can be
+ // more than one duplicate for one set of key data):
+ // Each element in the returned arrayList might look like this:
+ // "1234|5678|keepVid=UNDETERMINED" (if there were 2 dupes, and we
+ // couldn't figure out which one to keep)
+ // or, "100017|200027|30037|keepVid=30037" (if there were 3 dupes and we
+ // thought the third one was the one that should survive)
+ HashMap<String, Object> checkVertHash = new HashMap<String, Object>();
+ try {
+ Iterator<Vertex> pItr = passedVertList.iterator();
+ while (pItr.hasNext()) {
+ Vertex tvx = pItr.next();
+ String passedId = tvx.id().toString();
+ if (!alreadyFoundDupeVidArr.contains(passedId)) {
+ // We haven't seen this one before - so we should check it.
+ HashMap<String, Object> keyPropValsHash = getNodeKeyVals(tvx, keyPropNamesArr, logger);
+ ArrayList<Vertex> tmpVertList = getNodeJustUsingKeyParams(transId, fromAppId, g,
+ nType, keyPropValsHash, version, logger);
+ if (tmpVertList.size() <= 1) {
+ // Even without a parent node, this thing is unique so don't worry about it.
+ } else {
+ for (int i = 0; i < tmpVertList.size(); i++) {
+ Vertex tmpVtx = (tmpVertList.get(i));
+ String tmpVid = tmpVtx.id().toString();
+ alreadyFoundDupeVidArr.add(tmpVid);
+ String hKey = getNodeKeyValString(tmpVtx, keyPropNamesArr, logger);
+ if (checkVertHash.containsKey(hKey)) {
+ // add it to an existing list
+ ArrayList<Vertex> tmpVL = (ArrayList<Vertex>) checkVertHash.get(hKey);
+ tmpVL.add(tmpVtx);
+ checkVertHash.put(hKey, tmpVL);
+ } else {
+ // First time for this key
+ ArrayList<Vertex> tmpVL = new ArrayList<Vertex>();
+ tmpVL.add(tmpVtx);
+ checkVertHash.put(hKey, tmpVL);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // More than one node have the same key fields since they may
+ // depend on a parent node for uniqueness. Since we're finding
+ // more than one, we want to check to see if any of the
+ // vertices that have this set of keys are also pointing at the
+ // same 'parent' node.
+ // Note: for a given set of key data, it is possible that there
+ // could be more than one set of duplicates.
+ for (Entry<String, Object> lentry : checkVertHash.entrySet()) {
+ ArrayList<Vertex> thisIdSetList = (ArrayList<Vertex>) lentry.getValue();
+ if (thisIdSetList == null || thisIdSetList.size() < 2) {
+ // Nothing to check for this set.
+ continue;
+ }
+ HashMap<String, ArrayList<Vertex>> vertsGroupedByParentHash = groupVertsByDepNodes(
+ transId, fromAppId, g, version, nType,
+ thisIdSetList, loader);
+ for (Map.Entry<String, ArrayList<Vertex>> entry : vertsGroupedByParentHash
+ .entrySet()) {
+ ArrayList<Vertex> thisParentsVertList = entry
+ .getValue();
+ if (thisParentsVertList.size() > 1) {
+ // More than one vertex found with the same key info
+ // hanging off the same parent/dependent node
+ String dupesStr = "";
+ for (int i = 0; i < thisParentsVertList.size(); i++) {
+ dupesStr = dupesStr
+ + ((thisParentsVertList
+ .get(i))).id() + "|";
+ }
+ if (dupesStr != "") {
+ Vertex prefV = getPreferredDupe(transId,
+ fromAppId, g, thisParentsVertList,
+ version, specialTenantRule, loader, logger);
+ if (prefV == null) {
+ // We could not determine which duplicate to keep
+ dupesStr = dupesStr + "KeepVid=UNDETERMINED";
+ returnList.add(dupesStr);
+ } else {
+ dupesStr = dupesStr + "KeepVid="
+ + prefV.id().toString();
+ returnList.add(dupesStr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ logger.warn(" >>> Threw an error in checkAndProcessDupes - just absorb this error and move on. " + LogFormatTools.getStackTop(e));
+ }
+ return returnList;
+ }// End of getDupeSets4DependentNodes()
+ private Graph getGraphTransaction(JanusGraph graph, EELFLogger logger) {
+ Graph gt = null;
+ try {
+ if (graph == null) {
+ String emsg = "could not get graph object in DupeTool. \n";
+ System.out.println(emsg);
+ LoggingContext.statusCode(StatusCode.ERROR);
+ LoggingContext.responseCode(LoggingContext.AVAILABILITY_TIMEOUT_ERROR);
+ logger.error(emsg);
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ gt = graph.newTransaction();
+ if (gt == null) {
+ String emsg = "null graphTransaction object in DupeTool. \n";
+ throw new AAIException("AAI_6101", emsg);
+ }
+ } catch (AAIException e1) {
+ String msg = e1.getErrorObject().toString();
+ System.out.println(msg);
+ LoggingContext.statusCode(StatusCode.ERROR);
+ LoggingContext.responseCode(LoggingContext.DATA_ERROR);
+ logger.error(msg);
+ exit(0);
+ } catch (Exception e2) {
+ String msg = e2.toString();
+ System.out.println(msg);
+ LoggingContext.statusCode(StatusCode.ERROR);
+ LoggingContext.responseCode(LoggingContext.UNKNOWN_ERROR);
+ logger.error(msg);
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ return gt;
+ }// End of getGraphTransaction()
+ public void showNodeInfo(EELFLogger logger, Vertex tVert, Boolean displayAllVidsFlag) {
+ try {
+ Iterator<VertexProperty<Object>> pI = tVert.properties();
+ String infStr = ">>> Found Vertex with VertexId = " + tVert.id() + ", properties: ";
+ System.out.println(infStr);
+ logger.info(infStr);
+ while (pI.hasNext()) {
+ VertexProperty<Object> tp = pI.next();
+ infStr = " [" + tp.key() + "|" + tp.value() + "] ";
+ System.out.println(infStr);
+ logger.info(infStr);
+ }
+ ArrayList<String> retArr = collectEdgeInfoForNode(logger, tVert, displayAllVidsFlag);
+ for (String infoStr : retArr) {
+ System.out.println(infoStr);
+ logger.info(infoStr);
+ }
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ String warnMsg = " -- Error -- trying to display edge info. [" + e.getMessage() + "]";
+ System.out.println(warnMsg);
+ LoggingContext.statusCode(StatusCode.ERROR);
+ LoggingContext.responseCode(LoggingContext.UNKNOWN_ERROR);
+ logger.warn(warnMsg);
+ LoggingContext.statusCode(StatusCode.COMPLETE);
+ LoggingContext.responseCode(LoggingContext.SUCCESS);
+ }
+ }// End of showNodeInfo()
+ public ArrayList<String> collectEdgeInfoForNode(EELFLogger logger, Vertex tVert, boolean displayAllVidsFlag) {
+ ArrayList<String> retArr = new ArrayList<String>();
+ Direction dir = Direction.OUT;
+ for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++) {
+ if (i == 1) {
+ // Second time through we'll look at the IN edges.
+ dir = Direction.IN;
+ }
+ Iterator<Edge> eI = tVert.edges(dir);
+ if (!eI.hasNext()) {
+ retArr.add("No " + dir + " edges were found for this vertex. ");
+ }
+ while (eI.hasNext()) {
+ Edge ed = eI.next();
+ String lab = ed.label();
+ Vertex vtx = null;
+ if (dir == Direction.OUT) {
+ // get the vtx on the "other" side
+ vtx = ed.inVertex();
+ } else {
+ // get the vtx on the "other" side
+ vtx = ed.outVertex();
+ }
+ if (vtx == null) {
+ retArr.add(" >>> COULD NOT FIND VERTEX on the other side of this edge edgeId = " + ed.id() + " <<< ");
+ } else {
+ String nType = vtx.<String>property("aai-node-type").orElse(null);
+ if (displayAllVidsFlag) {
+ // This should rarely be needed
+ String vid = vtx.id().toString();
+ retArr.add("Found an " + dir + " edge (" + lab + ") between this vertex and a [" + nType + "] node with VtxId = " + vid);
+ } else {
+ // This is the normal case
+ retArr.add("Found an " + dir + " edge (" + lab + ") between this vertex and a [" + nType + "] node. ");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return retArr;
+ }// end of collectEdgeInfoForNode()
+ private long figureWindowStartTime(int timeWindowMinutes) {
+ // Given a window size, calculate what the start-timestamp would be.
+ if (timeWindowMinutes <= 0) {
+ // This just means that there is no window...
+ return 0;
+ }
+ long unixTimeNow = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ long windowInMillis = timeWindowMinutes * 60 * 1000;
+ long startTimeStamp = unixTimeNow - windowInMillis;
+ return startTimeStamp;
+ } // End of figureWindowStartTime()
+ /**
+ * Gets the node(s) just using key params.
+ *
+ * @param transId the trans id
+ * @param fromAppId the from app id
+ * @param graph the graph
+ * @param nodeType the node type
+ * @param keyPropsHash the key props hash
+ * @param apiVersion the api version
+ * @return the node just using key params
+ * @throws AAIException the AAI exception
+ */
+ public ArrayList<Vertex> getNodeJustUsingKeyParams(String transId, String fromAppId, Graph graph, String nodeType,
+ HashMap<String, Object> keyPropsHash, String apiVersion, EELFLogger logger) throws AAIException {
+ ArrayList<Vertex> retVertList = new ArrayList<Vertex>();
+ // We assume that all NodeTypes have at least one key-property defined.
+ // Note - instead of key-properties (the primary key properties), a user could pass
+ // alternate-key values if they are defined for the nodeType.
+ ArrayList<String> kName = new ArrayList<String>();
+ ArrayList<Object> kVal = new ArrayList<Object>();
+ if (keyPropsHash == null || keyPropsHash.isEmpty()) {
+ throw new AAIException("AAI_6120", " NO key properties passed for this getNodeJustUsingKeyParams() request. NodeType = [" + nodeType + "]. ");
+ }
+ int i = -1;
+ for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : keyPropsHash.entrySet()) {
+ i++;
+ kName.add(i, entry.getKey());
+ kVal.add(i, entry.getValue());
+ }
+ int topPropIndex = i;
+ Vertex tiV = null;
+ String propsAndValuesForMsg = "";
+ Iterator<Vertex> verts = null;
+ GraphTraversalSource g = graph.traversal();
+ try {
+ if (topPropIndex == 0) {
+ propsAndValuesForMsg = " (" + kName.get(0) + " = " + kVal.get(0) + ") ";
+ verts = g.V().has(kName.get(0), kVal.get(0)).has("aai-node-type", nodeType);
+ } else if (topPropIndex == 1) {
+ propsAndValuesForMsg = " (" + kName.get(0) + " = " + kVal.get(0) + ", "
+ + kName.get(1) + " = " + kVal.get(1) + ") ";
+ verts = g.V().has(kName.get(0), kVal.get(0)).has(kName.get(1), kVal.get(1)).has("aai-node-type", nodeType);
+ } else if (topPropIndex == 2) {
+ propsAndValuesForMsg = " (" + kName.get(0) + " = " + kVal.get(0) + ", "
+ + kName.get(1) + " = " + kVal.get(1) + ", "
+ + kName.get(2) + " = " + kVal.get(2) + ") ";
+ verts = g.V().has(kName.get(0), kVal.get(0)).has(kName.get(1), kVal.get(1)).has(kName.get(2), kVal.get(2)).has("aai-node-type", nodeType);
+ } else if (topPropIndex == 3) {
+ propsAndValuesForMsg = " (" + kName.get(0) + " = " + kVal.get(0) + ", "
+ + kName.get(1) + " = " + kVal.get(1) + ", "
+ + kName.get(2) + " = " + kVal.get(2) + ", "
+ + kName.get(3) + " = " + kVal.get(3) + ") ";
+ verts = g.V().has(kName.get(0), kVal.get(0)).has(kName.get(1), kVal.get(1)).has(kName.get(2), kVal.get(2)).has(kName.get(3), kVal.get(3)).has("aai-node-type", nodeType);
+ } else {
+ throw new AAIException("AAI_6114", " We only support 4 keys per nodeType for now \n");
+ }
+ } catch (Exception ex) {
+ LoggingContext.statusCode(StatusCode.ERROR);
+ LoggingContext.responseCode(LoggingContext.DATA_ERROR);
+ logger.error(" ERROR trying to get node for: [" + propsAndValuesForMsg + "] " + LogFormatTools.getStackTop(ex));
+ LoggingContext.statusCode(StatusCode.COMPLETE);
+ LoggingContext.responseCode(LoggingContext.SUCCESS);
+ }
+ if (verts != null) {
+ while (verts.hasNext()) {
+ tiV = verts.next();
+ retVertList.add(tiV);
+ }
+ }
+ if (retVertList.size() == 0) {
+ logger.debug("DEBUG No node found for nodeType = [" + nodeType +
+ "], propsAndVal = " + propsAndValuesForMsg);
+ }
+ return retVertList;
+ }// End of getNodeJustUsingKeyParams()
+ /**
+ * Gets the node(s) just using key params.
+ *
+ * @param transId the trans id
+ * @param fromAppId the from app id
+ * @param graph the graph
+ * @param nodeType the node type
+ * @param windowStartTime the window start time
+ * @param propsHash the props hash
+ * @param apiVersion the api version
+ * @return the nodes
+ * @throws AAIException the AAI exception
+ */
+ public ArrayList<Vertex> figureOutNodes2Check(String transId, String fromAppId,
+ Graph graph, String nodeType, long windowStartTime,
+ String propsString, EELFLogger logger) throws AAIException {
+ ArrayList<Vertex> retVertList = new ArrayList<Vertex>();
+ String msg = "";
+ GraphTraversal<Vertex, Vertex> tgQ = graph.traversal().V().has("aai-node-type", nodeType);
+ String qStringForMsg = "graph.traversal().V().has(\"aai-node-type\"," + nodeType + ")";
+ if (propsString != null && !propsString.trim().equals("")) {
+ propsString = propsString.trim();
+ int firstPipeLoc = propsString.indexOf("|");
+ if (firstPipeLoc <= 0) {
+ msg = "Bad props4Collect passed: [" + propsString + "]. \n Expecting a format like, 'propName1|propVal1,propName2|propVal2'";
+ System.out.println(msg);
+ LoggingContext.statusCode(StatusCode.ERROR);
+ LoggingContext.responseCode(LoggingContext.DATA_ERROR);
+ logger.error(msg);
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ // Note - if they're only passing on parameter, there won't be any commas
+ String[] paramArr = propsString.split(",");
+ for (int i = 0; i < paramArr.length; i++) {
+ int pipeLoc = paramArr[i].indexOf("|");
+ if (pipeLoc <= 0) {
+ msg = "Bad propsString passed: [" + propsString + "]. \n Expecting a format like, 'propName1|propVal1,propName2|propVal2'";
+ System.out.println(msg);
+ LoggingContext.statusCode(StatusCode.ERROR);
+ LoggingContext.responseCode(LoggingContext.DATA_ERROR);
+ logger.error(msg);
+ exit(0);
+ } else {
+ String propName = paramArr[i].substring(0, pipeLoc);
+ String propVal = paramArr[i].substring(pipeLoc + 1);
+ tgQ = tgQ.has(propName, propVal);
+ qStringForMsg = qStringForMsg + ".has(" + propName + "," + propVal + ")";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (tgQ == null) {
+ msg = "Bad JanusGraphQuery object. ";
+ System.out.println(msg);
+ LoggingContext.statusCode(StatusCode.ERROR);
+ LoggingContext.responseCode(LoggingContext.AVAILABILITY_TIMEOUT_ERROR);
+ logger.error(msg);
+ exit(0);
+ } else {
+ Iterator<Vertex> vertItor = tgQ;
+ while (vertItor.hasNext()) {
+ Vertex tiV = vertItor.next();
+ if (windowStartTime <= 0) {
+ // We're not applying a time-window
+ retVertList.add(tiV);
+ } else {
+ Object objTimeStamp = tiV.property("aai-created-ts").orElse(null);
+ if (objTimeStamp == null) {
+ // No timestamp - so just take it
+ retVertList.add(tiV);
+ } else {
+ long thisNodeCreateTime = (long) objTimeStamp;
+ if (thisNodeCreateTime > windowStartTime) {
+ // It is in our window, so we can take it
+ retVertList.add(tiV);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (retVertList.size() == 0) {
+ logger.debug("DEBUG No node found for: [" + qStringForMsg + ", with aai-created-ts > " + windowStartTime);
+ }
+ return retVertList;
+ }// End of figureOutNodes2Check()
+ /**
+ * Gets the preferred dupe.
+ *
+ * @param transId the trans id
+ * @param fromAppId the from app id
+ * @param g the g
+ * @param dupeVertexList the dupe vertex list
+ * @param ver the ver
+ * @param EELFLogger the logger
+ * @return Vertex
+ * @throws AAIException the AAI exception
+ */
+ public Vertex getPreferredDupe(String transId,
+ String fromAppId, Graph g,
+ ArrayList<Vertex> dupeVertexList, String ver,
+ Boolean specialTenantRule, Loader loader, EELFLogger logger)
+ throws AAIException {
+ // This method assumes that it is being passed a List of vertex objects
+ // which violate our uniqueness constraints.
+ Vertex nullVtx = null;
+ if (dupeVertexList == null) {
+ return nullVtx;
+ }
+ int listSize = dupeVertexList.size();
+ if (listSize == 0) {
+ return nullVtx;
+ }
+ if (listSize == 1) {
+ return (dupeVertexList.get(0));
+ }
+ Vertex vtxPreferred = null;
+ Vertex currentFaveVtx = dupeVertexList.get(0);
+ for (int i = 1; i < listSize; i++) {
+ Vertex vtxB = dupeVertexList.get(i);
+ vtxPreferred = pickOneOfTwoDupes(transId, fromAppId, g,
+ currentFaveVtx, vtxB, ver, specialTenantRule, loader, logger);
+ if (vtxPreferred == null) {
+ // We couldn't choose one
+ return nullVtx;
+ } else {
+ currentFaveVtx = vtxPreferred;
+ }
+ }
+ return (currentFaveVtx);
+ } // end of getPreferredDupe()
+ /**
+ * Pick one of two dupes.
+ *
+ * @param transId the trans id
+ * @param fromAppId the from app id
+ * @param g the g
+ * @param vtxA the vtx A
+ * @param vtxB the vtx B
+ * @param ver the ver
+ * @param boolean specialTenantRuleFlag flag
+ * @param EELFLogger the logger
+ * @return Vertex
+ * @throws AAIException the AAI exception
+ */
+ public Vertex pickOneOfTwoDupes(String transId,
+ String fromAppId, Graph g, Vertex vtxA,
+ Vertex vtxB, String ver, Boolean specialTenantRule, Loader loader, EELFLogger logger) throws AAIException {
+ Vertex nullVtx = null;
+ Vertex preferredVtx = null;
+ Long vidA = new Long(vtxA.id().toString());
+ Long vidB = new Long(vtxB.id().toString());
+ String vtxANodeType = "";
+ String vtxBNodeType = "";
+ Object obj = vtxA.<Object>property("aai-node-type").orElse(null);
+ if (obj != null) {
+ vtxANodeType = obj.toString();
+ }
+ obj = vtxB.<Object>property("aai-node-type").orElse(null);
+ if (obj != null) {
+ vtxBNodeType = obj.toString();
+ }
+ if (vtxANodeType.equals("") || (!vtxANodeType.equals(vtxBNodeType))) {
+ // Either they're not really dupes or there's some bad data - so
+ // don't pick one
+ return nullVtx;
+ }
+ // Check that node A and B both have the same key values (or else they
+ // are not dupes)
+ // (We'll check dep-node later)
+ Collection<String> keyProps = loader.introspectorFromName(vtxANodeType).getKeys();
+ Iterator<String> keyPropI = keyProps.iterator();
+ while (keyPropI.hasNext()) {
+ String propName = keyPropI.next();
+ String vtxAKeyPropVal = "";
+ obj = vtxA.<Object>property(propName).orElse(null);
+ if (obj != null) {
+ vtxAKeyPropVal = obj.toString();
+ }
+ String vtxBKeyPropVal = "";
+ obj = vtxB.<Object>property(propName).orElse(null);
+ if (obj != null) {
+ vtxBKeyPropVal = obj.toString();
+ }
+ if (vtxAKeyPropVal.equals("")
+ || (!vtxAKeyPropVal.equals(vtxBKeyPropVal))) {
+ // Either they're not really dupes or they are missing some key
+ // data - so don't pick one
+ return nullVtx;
+ }
+ }
+ // Collect the vid's and aai-node-types of the vertices that each vertex
+ // (A and B) is connected to.
+ ArrayList<String> vtxIdsConn2A = new ArrayList<String>();
+ ArrayList<String> vtxIdsConn2B = new ArrayList<String>();
+ HashMap<String, String> nodeTypesConn2A = new HashMap<String, String>();
+ HashMap<String, String> nodeTypesConn2B = new HashMap<String, String>();
+ ArrayList<String> retArr = new ArrayList<String>();
+ Iterator<Edge> eAI = vtxA.edges(Direction.BOTH);
+ while (eAI.hasNext()) {
+ Edge ed = eAI.next();
+ Vertex tmpVtx;
+ if (vtxA.equals(ed.inVertex())) {
+ tmpVtx = ed.outVertex();
+ } else {
+ tmpVtx = ed.inVertex();
+ }
+ if (tmpVtx == null) {
+ retArr.add(" >>> COULD NOT FIND VERTEX on the other side of this edge edgeId = " + ed.id() + " <<< ");
+ } else {
+ String conVid = tmpVtx.id().toString();
+ String nt = "";
+ obj = tmpVtx.<Object>property("aai-node-type").orElse(null);
+ if (obj != null) {
+ nt = obj.toString();
+ }
+ nodeTypesConn2A.put(nt, conVid);
+ vtxIdsConn2A.add(conVid);
+ }
+ }
+ Iterator<Edge> eBI = vtxB.edges(Direction.BOTH);
+ while (eBI.hasNext()) {
+ Edge ed = eBI.next();
+ Vertex tmpVtx;
+ if (vtxB.equals(ed.inVertex())) {
+ tmpVtx = ed.outVertex();
+ } else {
+ tmpVtx = ed.inVertex();
+ }
+ if (tmpVtx == null) {
+ retArr.add(" >>> COULD NOT FIND VERTEX on the other side of this edge edgeId = " + ed.id() + " <<< ");
+ } else {
+ String conVid = tmpVtx.id().toString();
+ String nt = "";
+ obj = tmpVtx.<Object>property("aai-node-type").orElse(null);
+ if (obj != null) {
+ nt = obj.toString();
+ }
+ nodeTypesConn2B.put(nt, conVid);
+ vtxIdsConn2B.add(conVid);
+ }
+ }
+ // 1 - If this kind of node needs a dependent node for uniqueness, then
+ // verify that they both nodes point to the same dependent
+ // node (otherwise they're not really duplicates)
+ // Note - there are sometimes more than one dependent node type since
+ // one nodeType can be used in different ways. But for a
+ // particular node, it will only have one dependent node that
+ // it's connected to.
+ Collection<String> depNodeTypes = loader.introspectorFromName(vtxANodeType).getDependentOn();
+ if (depNodeTypes.isEmpty()) {
+ // This kind of node is not dependent on any other. That is ok.
+ } else {
+ String depNodeVtxId4A = "";
+ String depNodeVtxId4B = "";
+ Iterator<String> iter = depNodeTypes.iterator();
+ while (iter.hasNext()) {
+ String depNodeType = iter.next();
+ if (nodeTypesConn2A.containsKey(depNodeType)) {
+ // This is the dependent node type that vertex A is using
+ depNodeVtxId4A = nodeTypesConn2A.get(depNodeType);
+ }
+ if (nodeTypesConn2B.containsKey(depNodeType)) {
+ // This is the dependent node type that vertex B is using
+ depNodeVtxId4B = nodeTypesConn2B.get(depNodeType);
+ }
+ }
+ if (depNodeVtxId4A.equals("")
+ || (!depNodeVtxId4A.equals(depNodeVtxId4B))) {
+ // Either they're not really dupes or there's some bad data - so
+ // don't pick either one
+ return nullVtx;
+ }
+ }
+ if (vtxIdsConn2A.size() == vtxIdsConn2B.size()) {
+ // 2 - If they both have edges to all the same vertices, then return
+ // the one with the lower vertexId.
+ // OR (2b)-- if this is the SPECIAL case -- of
+ // "tenant|vserver vs. tenant|service-subscription"
+ // then we pick/prefer the one that's connected to
+ // the service-subscription. AAI-8172
+ boolean allTheSame = true;
+ Iterator<String> iter = vtxIdsConn2A.iterator();
+ while (iter.hasNext()) {
+ String vtxIdConn2A = iter.next();
+ if (!vtxIdsConn2B.contains(vtxIdConn2A)) {
+ allTheSame = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (allTheSame) {
+ if (vidA < vidB) {
+ preferredVtx = vtxA;
+ } else {
+ preferredVtx = vtxB;
+ }
+ } else if (specialTenantRule) {
+ // They asked us to apply a special rule if it applies
+ if (vtxIdsConn2A.size() == 2 && vtxANodeType.equals("tenant")) {
+ // We're dealing with two tenant nodes which each just have
+ // two connections. One must be the parent (cloud-region)
+ // which we check in step 1 above. If one connects to
+ // a vserver and the other connects to a service-subscription,
+ // our special rule is to keep the one connected
+ // to the
+ if (nodeTypesConn2A.containsKey("vserver") && nodeTypesConn2B.containsKey("service-subscription")) {
+ String infMsg = " WARNING >>> we are using the special tenant rule to choose to " +
+ " delete tenant vtxId = " + vidA + ", and keep tenant vtxId = " + vidB;
+ System.out.println(infMsg);
+ logger.info(infMsg);
+ preferredVtx = vtxB;
+ } else if (nodeTypesConn2B.containsKey("vserver") && nodeTypesConn2A.containsKey("service-subscription")) {
+ String infMsg = " WARNING >>> we are using the special tenant rule to choose to " +
+ " delete tenant vtxId = " + vidB + ", and keep tenant vtxId = " + vidA;
+ System.out.println(infMsg);
+ logger.info(infMsg);
+ preferredVtx = vtxA;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (vtxIdsConn2A.size() > vtxIdsConn2B.size()) {
+ // 3 - VertexA is connected to more things than vtxB.
+ // We'll pick VtxA if its edges are a superset of vtxB's edges.
+ boolean missingOne = false;
+ Iterator<String> iter = vtxIdsConn2B.iterator();
+ while (iter.hasNext()) {
+ String vtxIdConn2B = iter.next();
+ if (!vtxIdsConn2A.contains(vtxIdConn2B)) {
+ missingOne = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!missingOne) {
+ preferredVtx = vtxA;
+ }
+ } else if (vtxIdsConn2B.size() > vtxIdsConn2A.size()) {
+ // 4 - VertexB is connected to more things than vtxA.
+ // We'll pick VtxB if its edges are a superset of vtxA's edges.
+ boolean missingOne = false;
+ Iterator<String> iter = vtxIdsConn2A.iterator();
+ while (iter.hasNext()) {
+ String vtxIdConn2A = iter.next();
+ if (!vtxIdsConn2B.contains(vtxIdConn2A)) {
+ missingOne = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!missingOne) {
+ preferredVtx = vtxB;
+ }
+ } else {
+ preferredVtx = nullVtx;
+ }
+ return (preferredVtx);
+ } // end of pickOneOfTwoDupes()
+ /**
+ * Group verts by dep nodes.
+ *
+ * @param transId the trans id
+ * @param fromAppId the from app id
+ * @param g the g
+ * @param version the version
+ * @param nType the n type
+ * @param passedVertList the passed vert list
+ * @param dbMaps the db maps
+ * @return the hash map
+ * @throws AAIException the AAI exception
+ */
+ private HashMap<String, ArrayList<Vertex>> groupVertsByDepNodes(
+ String transId, String fromAppId, Graph g, String version,
+ String nType, ArrayList<Vertex> passedVertList, Loader loader)
+ throws AAIException {
+ // Given a list of JanusGraph Vertices, group them together by dependent
+ // nodes. Ie. if given a list of ip address nodes (assumed to all
+ // have the same key info) they might sit under several different
+ // parent vertices.
+ // Under Normal conditions, there would only be one per parent -- but
+ // we're trying to find duplicates - so we allow for the case
+ // where more than one is under the same parent node.
+ HashMap<String, ArrayList<Vertex>> retHash = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<Vertex>>();
+ GraphTraversalSource gts = g.traversal();
+ if (passedVertList != null) {
+ Iterator<Vertex> iter = passedVertList.iterator();
+ while (iter.hasNext()) {
+ Vertex thisVert = iter.next();
+ Vertex parentVtx = getConnectedParent(gts, thisVert);
+ if (parentVtx != null) {
+ String parentVid = parentVtx.id().toString();
+ if (retHash.containsKey(parentVid)) {
+ // add this vert to the list for this parent key
+ retHash.get(parentVid).add(thisVert);
+ } else {
+ // This is the first one we found on this parent
+ ArrayList<Vertex> vList = new ArrayList<Vertex>();
+ vList.add(thisVert);
+ retHash.put(parentVid, vList);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return retHash;
+ }// end of groupVertsByDepNodes()
+ private Vertex getConnectedParent(GraphTraversalSource g,
+ Vertex startVtx) throws AAIException {
+ Vertex parentVtx = null;
+ // This traversal does not assume a parent/child edge direction
+ Iterator<Vertex> vertI = g.V(startVtx).union(__.inE().has(EdgeProperty.CONTAINS.toString(), AAIDirection.OUT.toString()).outV(), __.outE().has(EdgeProperty.CONTAINS.toString(), AAIDirection.IN.toString()).inV());
+ while (vertI != null && vertI.hasNext()) {
+ // Note - there better only be one!
+ parentVtx = vertI.next();
+ }
+ return parentVtx;
+ }// End of getConnectedParent()
+ /**
+ * Delete non keepers if appropriate.
+ *
+ * @param g the g
+ * @param dupeInfoList the dupe info string
+ * @param logger the EELFLogger
+ * @return the boolean
+ */
+ private Boolean deleteNonKeepers(Graph g,
+ ArrayList<String> dupeInfoList, EELFLogger logger) {
+ // This assumes that each dupeInfoString is in the format of
+ // pipe-delimited vid's followed by either "keepVid=xyz" or "keepVid=UNDETERMINED"
+ // ie. "3456|9880|keepVid=3456"
+ boolean didADelFlag = false;
+ for (int n = 0; n < dupeInfoList.size(); n++) {
+ String dupeInfoString = dupeInfoList.get(n);
+ boolean tmpFlag = deleteNonKeeperForOneSet(g, dupeInfoString, logger);
+ didADelFlag = tmpFlag | didADelFlag;
+ }
+ return didADelFlag;
+ }// end of deleteNonKeepers()
+ /**
+ * Delete non keepers if appropriate.
+ *
+ * @param g the g
+ * @param dupeSetStr the dupe string
+ * @param logger the EELFLogger
+ * @return the boolean
+ */
+ private Boolean deleteNonKeeperForOneSet(Graph g,
+ String dupeInfoString, EELFLogger logger) {
+ Boolean deletedSomething = false;
+ // This assumes that each dupeInfoString is in the format of
+ // pipe-delimited vid's followed by either "keepVid=xyz" or "keepVid=UNDETERMINED"
+ // ie. "3456|9880|keepVid=3456"
+ String[] dupeArr = dupeInfoString.split("\\|");
+ ArrayList<String> idArr = new ArrayList<String>();
+ int lastIndex = dupeArr.length - 1;
+ for (int i = 0; i <= lastIndex; i++) {
+ if (i < lastIndex) {
+ // This is not the last entry, it is one of the dupes,
+ String vidString = dupeArr[i];
+ idArr.add(vidString);
+ } else {
+ // This is the last entry which should tell us if we have a
+ // preferred keeper
+ String prefString = dupeArr[i];
+ if (prefString.equals("KeepVid=UNDETERMINED")) {
+ // They sent us a bad string -- nothing should be deleted if
+ // no dupe could be tagged as preferred.
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ // If we know which to keep, then the prefString should look
+ // like, "KeepVid=12345"
+ String[] prefArr = prefString.split("=");
+ if (prefArr.length != 2 || (!prefArr[0].equals("KeepVid"))) {
+ String emsg = "Bad format. Expecting KeepVid=999999";
+ System.out.println(emsg);
+ LoggingContext.statusCode(StatusCode.ERROR);
+ LoggingContext.responseCode(LoggingContext.DATA_ERROR);
+ logger.error(emsg);
+ LoggingContext.statusCode(StatusCode.COMPLETE);
+ LoggingContext.responseCode(LoggingContext.SUCCESS);
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ String keepVidStr = prefArr[1];
+ if (idArr.contains(keepVidStr)) {
+ idArr.remove(keepVidStr);
+ // So now, the idArr should just contain the vid's
+ // that we want to remove.
+ for (int x = 0; x < idArr.size(); x++) {
+ boolean okFlag = true;
+ String thisVid = idArr.get(x);
+ try {
+ long longVertId = Long.parseLong(thisVid);
+ Vertex vtx = g.traversal().V(longVertId).next();
+ String msg = "--->>> We will delete node with VID = " + thisVid + " <<<---";
+ System.out.println(msg);
+ logger.info(msg);
+ vtx.remove();
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ okFlag = false;
+ String emsg = "ERROR trying to delete VID = " + thisVid + ", [" + e + "]";
+ System.out.println(emsg);
+ LoggingContext.statusCode(StatusCode.ERROR);
+ LoggingContext.responseCode(LoggingContext.DATA_ERROR);
+ logger.error(emsg);
+ LoggingContext.statusCode(StatusCode.COMPLETE);
+ LoggingContext.responseCode(LoggingContext.SUCCESS);
+ }
+ if (okFlag) {
+ String infMsg = " DELETED VID = " + thisVid;
+ logger.info(infMsg);
+ System.out.println(infMsg);
+ deletedSomething = true;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ String emsg = "ERROR - Vertex Id to keep not found in list of dupes. dupeInfoString = ["
+ + dupeInfoString + "]";
+ LoggingContext.statusCode(StatusCode.ERROR);
+ LoggingContext.responseCode(LoggingContext.DATA_ERROR);
+ logger.error(emsg);
+ LoggingContext.statusCode(StatusCode.COMPLETE);
+ LoggingContext.responseCode(LoggingContext.SUCCESS);
+ System.out.println(emsg);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }// else we know which one to keep
+ }// else last entry
+ }// for each vertex in a group
+ return deletedSomething;
+ }// end of deleteNonKeeperForOneSet()
+ /**
+ * Get values of the key properties for a node.
+ *
+ * @param tvx the vertex to pull the properties from
+ * @param keyPropertyNames ArrayList (ordered) of key prop names
+ * @param logger the EELFLogger
+ * @return a hashMap of the propertyNames/values
+ */
+ private HashMap<String, Object> getNodeKeyVals(Vertex tvx,
+ ArrayList<String> keyPropNamesArr, EELFLogger logger) {
+ HashMap<String, Object> retHash = new HashMap<String, Object>();
+ Iterator<String> propItr = keyPropNamesArr.iterator();
+ while (propItr.hasNext()) {
+ String propName = propItr.next();
+ if (tvx != null) {
+ Object propValObj = tvx.property(propName).orElse(null);
+ retHash.put(propName, propValObj);
+ }
+ }
+ return retHash;
+ }// End of getNodeKeyVals()
+ /**
+ * Get values of the key properties for a node as a single string
+ *
+ * @param tvx the vertex to pull the properties from
+ * @param keyPropertyNames collection of key prop names
+ * @param logger the EELFLogger
+ * @return a String of concatenated values
+ */
+ private String getNodeKeyValString(Vertex tvx,
+ ArrayList<String> keyPropNamesArr, EELFLogger logger) {
+ // -- NOTE -- for what we're using this for, we would need to
+ // guarantee that the properties are always in the same order
+ String retString = "";
+ Iterator<String> propItr = keyPropNamesArr.iterator();
+ while (propItr.hasNext()) {
+ String propName = propItr.next();
+ if (tvx != null) {
+ Object propValObj = tvx.property(propName).orElse(null);
+ retString = " " + retString + propValObj.toString();
+ }
+ }
+ return retString;
+ }// End of getNodeKeyValString()
+ /**
+ * Find duplicate sets from two dupe runs.
+ *
+ * @param firstPassDupeSets from the first pass
+ * @param secondPassDupeSets from the second pass
+ * @param EELFLogger logger
+ * @return commonDupeSets that are common to both passes and have a determined keeper
+ */
+ private ArrayList<String> figureWhichDupesStillNeedFixing(ArrayList<String> firstPassDupeSets,
+ ArrayList<String> secondPassDupeSets, EELFLogger logger) {
+ ArrayList<String> common2BothSet = new ArrayList<String>();
+ // We just want to look for entries from the first set which have identical (almost)
+ // entries in the secondary set. I say "almost" because the order of the
+ // vid's to delete may be in a different order, but we only want to use it if
+ // they have all the same values. Note also - we're just looking for
+ // the sets where we have a candidate to delete.
+ // The duplicate-set Strings are in this format:
+ // "1234|5678|keepVid=UNDETERMINED" (if there were 2 dupes, and we
+ // couldn't figure out which one to keep)
+ // or, "100017|200027|30037|keepVid=30037" (if there were 3 dupes and we
+ // thought the third one was the one that should survive)
+ if (firstPassDupeSets == null || firstPassDupeSets.isEmpty()
+ || secondPassDupeSets == null || secondPassDupeSets.isEmpty()) {
+ // If either set is empty, then our return list has to be empty too
+ return common2BothSet;
+ }
+ boolean needToParse = false;
+ for (int x = 0; x < secondPassDupeSets.size(); x++) {
+ String secPassDupeSetStr = secondPassDupeSets.get(x);
+ if (secPassDupeSetStr.endsWith("UNDETERMINED")) {
+ // This is a set of dupes where we could not pick one
+ // to delete - so don't include it on our list for
+ // fixing.
+ } else if (firstPassDupeSets.contains(secPassDupeSetStr)) {
+ // We have lucked out and do not even need to parse this since
+ // it was in the other array with any dupes listed in the same order
+ // This is actually the most common scenario since there is
+ // usually only one dupe, so order doesn't matter.
+ common2BothSet.add(secPassDupeSetStr);
+ } else {
+ // We'll need to do some parsing to check this one
+ needToParse = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (needToParse) {
+ // Make a hash from the first and second Pass data
+ // where the key is the vid to KEEP and the value is an
+ // array of (String) vids that would get deleted.
+ HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> firstPassHash = makeKeeperHashOfDupeStrings(firstPassDupeSets, common2BothSet, logger);
+ HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> secPassHash = makeKeeperHashOfDupeStrings(secondPassDupeSets, common2BothSet, logger);
+ // Loop through the secondPass data and keep the ones
+ // that check out against the firstPass set.
+ for (Map.Entry<String, ArrayList<String>> entry : secPassHash.entrySet()) {
+ boolean skipThisOne = false;
+ String secKey = entry.getKey();
+ ArrayList<String> secList = entry.getValue();
+ if (!firstPassHash.containsKey(secKey)) {
+ // The second pass found this delete candidate, but not the first pass
+ skipThisOne = true;
+ } else {
+ // They both think they should keep this VID, check the associated deletes for it.
+ ArrayList<String> firstList = firstPassHash.get(secKey);
+ for (int z = 0; z < secList.size(); z++) {
+ if (!firstList.contains(secList.get(z))) {
+ // The first pass did not think this needed to be deleted
+ skipThisOne = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!skipThisOne) {
+ // Put the string back together and pass it back
+ // Not beautiful, but no time to make it nice right now...
+ // Put it back in the format: "3456|9880|keepVid=3456"
+ String thisDelSetStr = "";
+ for (int z = 0; z < secList.size(); z++) {
+ if (z == 0) {
+ thisDelSetStr = secList.get(z);
+ } else {
+ thisDelSetStr = thisDelSetStr + "|" + secList.get(z);
+ }
+ }
+ thisDelSetStr = thisDelSetStr + "|keepVid=" + secKey;
+ common2BothSet.add(thisDelSetStr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return common2BothSet;
+ }// figureWhichDupesStillNeedFixing
+ private HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> makeKeeperHashOfDupeStrings(ArrayList<String> dupeSets,
+ ArrayList<String> excludeSets, EELFLogger logger) {
+ HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> keeperHash = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>();
+ for (int x = 0; x < dupeSets.size(); x++) {
+ String tmpSetStr = dupeSets.get(x);
+ if (excludeSets.contains(tmpSetStr)) {
+ // This isn't one of the ones we needed to parse.
+ continue;
+ }
+ String[] dupeArr = tmpSetStr.split("\\|");
+ ArrayList<String> delIdArr = new ArrayList<String>();
+ int lastIndex = dupeArr.length - 1;
+ for (int i = 0; i <= lastIndex; i++) {
+ if (i < lastIndex) {
+ // This is not the last entry, it is one of the dupes
+ delIdArr.add(dupeArr[i]);
+ } else {
+ // This is the last entry which should tell us if we
+ // have a preferred keeper and how many dupes we had
+ String prefString = dupeArr[i];
+ if (i == 1) {
+ // There was only one dupe, so if we were gonna find
+ // it, we would have found it above with no parsing.
+ } else if (prefString.equals("KeepVid=UNDETERMINED")) {
+ // This one had no determined keeper, so we don't
+ // want it.
+ } else {
+ // If we know which to keep, then the prefString
+ // should look like, "KeepVid=12345"
+ String[] prefArr = prefString.split("=");
+ if (prefArr.length != 2
+ || (!prefArr[0].equals("KeepVid"))) {
+ String infMsg = "Bad format in figureWhichDupesStillNeedFixing(). Expecting " +
+ " KeepVid=999999 but string looks like: [" + tmpSetStr + "]";
+ System.out.println(infMsg);
+ logger.info(infMsg);
+ } else {
+ keeperHash.put(prefArr[0], delIdArr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return keeperHash;
+ }// End makeHashOfDupeStrings()
+ /**
+ * Get values of the key properties for a node.
+ *
+ * @param g the g
+ * @param dupeInfoString
+ * @param logger the EELFLogger
+ * @return void
+ */
+ private void showNodeDetailsForADupeSet(Graph g, String dupeInfoString, EELFLogger logger) {
+ // dang... parsing this string once again...
+ String[] dupeArr = dupeInfoString.split("\\|");
+ int lastIndex = dupeArr.length - 1;
+ for (int i = 0; i <= lastIndex; i++) {
+ if (i < lastIndex) {
+ // This is not the last entry, it is one of the dupes,
+ String vidString = dupeArr[i];
+ long longVertId = Long.parseLong(vidString);
+ Vertex vtx = g.traversal().V(longVertId).next();
+ showNodeInfo(logger, vtx, false);
+ } else {
+ // This is the last entry which should tell us if we have a
+ // preferred keeper
+ String prefString = dupeArr[i];
+ if (prefString.equals("KeepVid=UNDETERMINED")) {
+ String msg = " Our algorithm cannot choose from among these, so they will all be kept. -------\n";
+ System.out.println(msg);
+ logger.info(msg);
+ } else {
+ // If we know which to keep, then the prefString should look
+ // like, "KeepVid=12345"
+ String[] prefArr = prefString.split("=");
+ if (prefArr.length != 2 || (!prefArr[0].equals("KeepVid"))) {
+ String emsg = "Bad format. Expecting KeepVid=999999";
+ System.out.println(emsg);
+ LoggingContext.statusCode(StatusCode.ERROR);
+ LoggingContext.responseCode(LoggingContext.DATA_ERROR);
+ logger.error(emsg);
+ LoggingContext.statusCode(StatusCode.COMPLETE);
+ LoggingContext.responseCode(LoggingContext.SUCCESS);
+ } else {
+ String keepVidStr = prefArr[1];
+ String msg = " vid = " + keepVidStr + " is the one that we would KEEP. ------\n";
+ System.out.println(msg);
+ logger.info(msg);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }// End of showNodeDetailsForADupeSet()
+ private int graphIndex = 1;
+ public JanusGraph setupGraph(EELFLogger logger) {
+ JanusGraph JanusGraph = null;
+ try (InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(AAIConstants.REALTIME_DB_CONFIG);) {
+ Properties properties = new Properties();
+ properties.load(inputStream);
+ if ("inmemory".equals(properties.get("storage.backend"))) {
+ JanusGraph = AAIGraph.getInstance().getGraph();
+ graphType = "inmemory";
+ } else {
+ JanusGraph = JanusGraphFactory.open(new AAIGraphConfig.Builder(AAIConstants.REALTIME_DB_CONFIG).forService(DupeTool.class.getSimpleName()).withGraphType("realtime" + graphIndex).buildConfiguration());
+ graphIndex++;
+ }
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ logger.error("Unable to open the graph", e);
+ }
+ return JanusGraph;
+ }
+ public void closeGraph(JanusGraph graph, EELFLogger logger) {
+ try {
+ if ("inmemory".equals(graphType)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (graph != null && graph.isOpen()) {
+ graph.tx().close();
+ graph.close();
+ }
+ } catch (Exception ex) {
+ // Don't throw anything because JanusGraph sometimes is just saying that the graph is already closed{
+ logger.warn("WARNING from final graph.shutdown()", ex);
+ }
+ }