path: root/src/main/java/org/onap/aai/datasnapshot/PartialPropAndEdgeLoader.java
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diff --git a/src/main/java/org/onap/aai/datasnapshot/PartialPropAndEdgeLoader.java b/src/main/java/org/onap/aai/datasnapshot/PartialPropAndEdgeLoader.java
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/src/main/java/org/onap/aai/datasnapshot/PartialPropAndEdgeLoader.java
@@ -0,0 +1,421 @@
+ * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+ * org.onap.aai
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Copyright © 2017-2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ */
+package org.onap.aai.datasnapshot;
+import java.io.BufferedReader;
+import java.io.FileReader;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
+import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Vertex;
+import org.janusgraph.core.JanusGraph;
+import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Edge;
+import org.json.JSONArray;
+import org.json.JSONObject;
+import com.att.eelf.configuration.EELFLogger;
+public class PartialPropAndEdgeLoader implements Callable <ArrayList<String>>{
+ private EELFLogger LOGGER;
+ private JanusGraph jg;
+ private String fName;
+ private Long edgeAddDelayMs;
+ private Long retryDelayMs;
+ private Long failureDelayMs;
+ private HashMap<String,String> old2NewVidMap;
+ private int maxAllowedErrors;
+ public PartialPropAndEdgeLoader (JanusGraph graph, String fn, Long edgeDelay, Long failureDelay, Long retryDelay,
+ HashMap<String,String> vidMap, int maxErrors, EELFLogger elfLog ){
+ jg = graph;
+ fName = fn;
+ edgeAddDelayMs = edgeDelay;
+ failureDelayMs = failureDelay;
+ retryDelayMs = retryDelay;
+ old2NewVidMap = vidMap;
+ maxAllowedErrors = maxErrors;
+ LOGGER = elfLog;
+ }
+ public ArrayList<String> call() throws Exception {
+ // This is a partner to the "PartialVertexLoader" code.
+ // That code loads in vertex-id's/vertex-label's for a
+ // multi-file data snapshot.
+ // This code assumes that the all vertex-id's are now in the target db.
+ // This code loads vertex properties and edges for a
+ // multi-file data snapshot (the same one that loaded
+ // the vertex-ids).
+ //
+ // NOTE - We will be loading parameters and edges for one node at a time so that problems can be
+ // identified or ignored or re-tried instead of causing the entire load to fail.
+ //
+ // Return an arrayList of Strings to give info on what nodes encountered problems
+ int entryCount = 0;
+ int retryCount = 0;
+ int failureCount = 0;
+ int retryFailureCount = 0;
+ HashMap <String,String> failedAttemptHash = new HashMap <String,String> ();
+ ArrayList <String> failedAttemptInfo = new ArrayList <String> ();
+ int passNum = 1;
+ try( BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fName))) {
+ // loop through the file lines and do PUT for each vertex or the edges depending on what the loadtype is
+ for(String origLine; (origLine = br.readLine()) != null; ) {
+ entryCount++;
+ Thread.sleep(edgeAddDelayMs); // Space the edge requests out a little
+ String errInfoStr = processThisLine(origLine, passNum);
+ if( !errInfoStr.equals("") ){
+ // There was a problem with this line
+ String vidStr = getTheVidForThisLine(origLine);
+ // We'll use the failedAttemptHash to reTry this item
+ failedAttemptHash.put(vidStr,origLine);
+ failedAttemptInfo.add(errInfoStr);
+ failureCount++;
+ if( failureCount > maxAllowedErrors ) {
+ LOGGER.debug(">>> Abandoning PartialPropAndEdgeLoader() because " +
+ "Max Allowed Error count was exceeded for this thread. (max = " +
+ maxAllowedErrors + ". ");
+ throw new Exception(" ERROR - Max Allowed Error count exceeded for this thread. (max = " + maxAllowedErrors + ". ");
+ }
+ Thread.sleep(failureDelayMs); // take a little nap if it failed
+ }
+ } // End of looping over each line
+ if( br != null ){
+ br.close();
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Exception e) {
+ LOGGER.debug(" --- Failed in the main loop for Buffered-Reader item # " + entryCount +
+ ", fName = " + fName );
+ LOGGER.debug(" --- msg = " + e.getMessage() );
+ throw e;
+ }
+ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Now Re-Try any failed requests that might have Failed on the first pass.
+ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ passNum++;
+ try {
+ for (String failedVidStr : failedAttemptHash.keySet()) {
+ // Take a little nap, and retry this failed attempt
+ LOGGER.debug("DEBUG >> We will sleep for " + retryDelayMs + " and then RETRY any failed edge/property ADDs. ");
+ Thread.sleep(retryDelayMs);
+ retryCount++;
+ Long failedVidL = Long.parseLong(failedVidStr);
+ // When an Edge/Property Add fails, we store the whole (translated) graphSON line as the data in the failedAttemptHash
+ // We're really just doing a GET of this one vertex here...
+ String jsonLineToRetry = failedAttemptHash.get(failedVidStr);
+ String errInfoStr = processThisLine(jsonLineToRetry, passNum);
+ if( !errInfoStr.equals("") ){
+ // There was a problem with this line
+ String translatedVidStr = getTheVidForThisLine(jsonLineToRetry);
+ failedAttemptHash.put(translatedVidStr,jsonLineToRetry);
+ failedAttemptInfo.add(errInfoStr);
+ retryFailureCount++;
+ if( retryFailureCount > maxAllowedErrors ) {
+ LOGGER.debug(">>> Abandoning PartialPropAndEdgeLoader() because " +
+ "Max Allowed Error count was exceeded while doing retries for this thread. (max = " +
+ maxAllowedErrors + ". ");
+ throw new Exception(" ERROR - Max Allowed Error count exceeded for this thread. (max = " + maxAllowedErrors + ". ");
+ }
+ Thread.sleep(failureDelayMs); // take a little nap if it failed
+ }
+ } // End of looping over each failed line
+ }
+ catch (Exception e) {
+ LOGGER.debug(" -- error in RETRY block. ErrorMsg = [" + e.getMessage() + "]" );
+ throw e;
+ }
+ LOGGER.debug(">>> After Processing in PartialPropAndEdgeLoader() " +
+ entryCount + " records processed. " + failureCount + " records failed. " +
+ retryCount + " RETRYs processed. " + retryFailureCount + " RETRYs failed. ");
+ return failedAttemptInfo;
+ }// end of call()
+ private String translateThisVid(String oldVid) throws Exception {
+ if( old2NewVidMap == null ){
+ throw new Exception(" ERROR - null old2NewVidMap found in translateThisVid. ");
+ }
+ if( old2NewVidMap.containsKey(oldVid) ){
+ return old2NewVidMap.get(oldVid);
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new Exception(" ERROR - could not find VID translation for original VID = " + oldVid );
+ }
+ }
+ private String getTheVidForThisLine(String graphSonLine) throws Exception {
+ if( graphSonLine == null ){
+ throw new Exception(" ERROR - null graphSonLine passed to getTheVidForThisLine. ");
+ }
+ // We are assuming that the graphSonLine has the vertexId as the first ID:
+ // {"id":100995128,"label":"vertex","inE":{"hasPinterface":[{"id":"7lgg0e-2... etc...
+ // The vertexId for this line is the numeric part after the initial {"id":xxxxx up to the first comma
+ int x = graphSonLine.indexOf(':') + 1;
+ int y = graphSonLine.indexOf(',');
+ String initialVid = graphSonLine.substring(x,y);
+ if( initialVid != null && !initialVid.isEmpty() && initialVid.matches("^[0-9]+$") ){
+ return initialVid;
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new Exception(" ERROR - could not determine initial VID for graphSonLine: " + graphSonLine );
+ }
+ }
+ private String processThisLine(String graphSonLine, int passNum){
+ String passInfo = "";
+ if( passNum > 1 ) {
+ passInfo = " >> RETRY << pass # " + passNum + " ";
+ }
+ JSONObject jObj = new JSONObject();
+ String originalVid = "";
+ try{
+ jObj = new JSONObject(graphSonLine);
+ originalVid = jObj.get("id").toString();
+ }
+ catch ( Exception e ){
+ LOGGER.debug(" -- Could not convert line to JsonObject [ " + graphSonLine + "]" );
+ LOGGER.debug(" -- ErrorMsg = [" +e.getMessage() + "]");
+ return(" DEBUG -a- JSON translation exception when processing this line ---");
+ //xxxxxDEBUGxxxxx I think we put some info on the return String and then return?
+ }
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Note - this assumes that any vertices referred to by an edge will already be in the DB.
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Vertex dbVtx = null;
+ String newVidStr = "";
+ Long newVidL = 0L;
+ try {
+ newVidStr = translateThisVid(originalVid);
+ newVidL = Long.parseLong(newVidStr);
+ }
+ catch ( Exception e ){
+ LOGGER.debug(" -- " + passInfo + " translate VertexId before adding edges failed for this: vtxId = "
+ + originalVid + ". ErrorMsg = [" +e.getMessage() + "]");
+ return(" DEBUG -b- there VID-translation error when processing this line ---");
+ //xxxxxDEBUGxxxxx I think we put some info on the return String and then return?
+ }
+ try {
+ dbVtx = getVertexFromDbForVid(newVidStr);
+ }
+ catch ( Exception e ){
+ LOGGER.debug(" -- " + passInfo + " READ Vertex from DB before adding edges failed for this: vtxId = " + originalVid
+ + ", newVidId = " + newVidL + ". ErrorMsg = [" +e.getMessage() + "]");
+ return(" -- there was an error processing this line --- Line = [" + graphSonLine + "]");
+ //xxxxxxDEBUGxxxx I think we put some info on the return String and then return?
+ }
+ String edResStr = processEdgesForVtx( jObj, dbVtx, passInfo, originalVid );
+ if( edResStr.equals("") ){
+ // We will commit the edges by themselves in case the properties stuff below fails
+ try {
+ jg.tx().commit();
+ }
+ catch ( Exception e ){
+ LOGGER.debug(" -- " + passInfo + " COMMIT FAILED adding EDGES for this vertex: vtxId = "
+ + originalVid + ". ErrorMsg = [" +e.getMessage() + "]");
+ //xxxxxxxxxx I think we put some info on the return String and then return?
+ return(" DEBUG -d- there was an error doing the commit while processing edges for this line ---");
+ }
+ }
+ // Add the properties that we didn't have when we added the 'bare-bones' vertex
+ String pResStr = processPropertiesForVtx( jObj, dbVtx, passInfo, originalVid );
+ if( pResStr.equals("") ){
+ try {
+ jg.tx().commit();
+ return "";
+ }
+ catch ( Exception e ){
+ LOGGER.debug(" -- " + passInfo + " COMMIT FAILED adding Properties for this vertex: vtxId = "
+ + originalVid + ". ErrorMsg = [" +e.getMessage() + "]");
+ //xxxxxxxxxx I think we put some info on the return String and then return?
+ return(" DEBUG -e- there was an error doing the commit while processing Properties for this line ---");
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ LOGGER.debug("DEBUG " + passInfo + " Error processing Properties for this vertex: vtxId = " + originalVid );
+ //xxxxxxxxxx I think we put some info on the return String and then return?
+ return(" DEBUG -f- there was an error while processing Properties for this line ---");
+ }
+ }
+ private String processPropertiesForVtx( JSONObject jObj, Vertex dbVtx, String passInfo, String originalVid ){
+ try {
+ JSONObject propsOb = (JSONObject) jObj.get("properties");
+ Iterator <String> propsItr = propsOb.keys();
+ while( propsItr.hasNext() ){
+ String pKey = propsItr.next();
+ JSONArray propsDetArr = propsOb.getJSONArray(pKey);
+ for( int i=0; i< propsDetArr.length(); i++ ){
+ JSONObject prop = propsDetArr.getJSONObject(i);
+ String val = prop.getString("value");
+ dbVtx.property(pKey, val); //DEBUGjojo -- val is always String here.. which is not right -------------------DEBUG
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch ( Exception e ){
+ LOGGER.debug(" -- " + passInfo + " failure getting/setting properties for: vtxId = "
+ + originalVid + ". ErrorMsg = [" + e.getMessage() + "]");
+ //xxxDEBUGxxxxxxx I think we put some info on the return String and then return?
+ return(" DEBUG -g- there was an error adding properties while processing this line ---");
+ }
+ return "";
+ }
+ private Vertex getVertexFromDbForVid( String vtxIdStr ) throws Exception {
+ Vertex thisVertex = null;
+ Long vtxIdL = 0L;
+ try {
+ vtxIdL = Long.parseLong(vtxIdStr);
+ Iterator <Vertex> vItr = jg.vertices(vtxIdL);
+ // Note - we only expect to find one vertex found for this ID.
+ while( vItr.hasNext() ){
+ thisVertex = vItr.next();
+ }
+ }
+ catch ( Exception e ){
+ String emsg = "Error finding vertex for vid = " + vtxIdStr + "[" + e.getMessage() + "]";
+ throw new Exception ( emsg );
+ }
+ if( thisVertex == null ){
+ String emsg = "Could not find vertex for passed vid = " + vtxIdStr;
+ throw new Exception ( emsg );
+ }
+ return thisVertex;
+ }
+ private String processEdgesForVtx( JSONObject jObj, Vertex dbVtx, String passInfo, String originalVid ){
+ // Process the edges for this vertex -- but, just the "OUT" ones so edges don't get added twice (once from
+ // each side of the edge).
+ JSONObject edOb = null;
+ try {
+ edOb = (JSONObject) jObj.get("outE");
+ }
+ catch (Exception e){
+ // There were no OUT edges. This is OK.
+ return "";
+ }
+ try {
+ if( edOb == null ){
+ // There were no OUT edges. This is OK. Not all nodes have out edges.
+ return "";
+ }
+ Iterator <String> edItr = edOb.keys();
+ while( edItr.hasNext() ){
+ String eLabel = edItr.next();
+ String inVid = ""; // Note - this should really be a Long?
+ JSONArray edArr = edOb.getJSONArray(eLabel);
+ for( int i=0; i< edArr.length(); i++ ){
+ JSONObject eObj = edArr.getJSONObject(i);
+ String inVidStr = eObj.get("inV").toString();
+ String translatedInVidStr = translateThisVid(inVidStr);
+ Vertex newInVertex = getVertexFromDbForVid(translatedInVidStr);
+ // Note - addEdge automatically adds the edge in the OUT direction from the
+ // 'anchor' node that the call is being made from.
+ Edge tmpE = dbVtx.addEdge(eLabel, newInVertex);
+ JSONObject ePropsOb = null;
+ try {
+ ePropsOb = (JSONObject) eObj.get("properties");
+ }
+ catch (Exception e){
+ // NOTE - model definition related edges do not have edge properties. That is OK.
+ // Ie. when a model-element node has an "isA" edge to a "model-ver" node, that edge does
+ // not have edge properties on it.
+ }
+ if( ePropsOb != null ){
+ Iterator <String> ePropsItr = ePropsOb.keys();
+ while( ePropsItr.hasNext() ){
+ String pKey = ePropsItr.next();
+ tmpE.property(pKey, ePropsOb.getString(pKey));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch ( Exception e ){
+ String msg = " -- " + passInfo + " failure adding edge for: original vtxId = "
+ + originalVid + ". ErrorMsg = [" +e.getMessage() + "]";
+ LOGGER.debug( " -- " + msg );
+ //xxxxxxDEBUGxxxx I think we might need some better info on the return String to return?
+ LOGGER.debug(" -- now going to return/bail out of processEdgesForVtx" );
+ return(" >> " + msg );
+ }
+ return "";
+ }