
CRUD Microservice (Gizmo)


The CRUD microservice implements a set of RESTful APIs which allow a client to perform CREATE, UPDATE, GET, and DELETE operations on verticies and edges within the A&AI graph database.

Getting Started

Building The Microservice

After cloning the project, execute the following Maven command from the project's top level directory to build the project:

> mvn clean install

Now, you can build your Docker image:

> docker build -t onap/crud-service target

Deploying The Microservice

Push the Docker image that you have built to your Docker repository and pull it down to the location from which you will be running the service.

Create the following directories on the host machine:


You will be mounting these as data volumes when you start the Docker container.

Configuring the Microservice

Create configuration file ../appconfig/crud-api.properties

# List of hostnames/addresses of the graph database

# Port on which to connect to the graph database

# Name of the graph on which this service will operate

# Backend storage type for the graph.  Types currently supported:
#  - cassandra
#  - hbase

# List of hostnames/addresses of the DMaaP/Kafka cluster on which to post notification events

# Number of events to bath up before posting to DMaaP/Kafka

# Amount of time (in ms) to wait before sending batch of events (when batch does not reach batch-size)

Create configuration file ../appconfig/auth/crud-policy.json

This policy file defines which client certificates are authorized to use the service's APIs. An example policy file follows:

    "roles": [
            "name": "admin",
            "functions": [
                    "name": "search", "methods": [ { "name": "GET" },{ "name": "DELETE" }, { "name": "PUT" }, { "name": "POST" } ]
            "users": [
                    "username": "CN=admin, OU=My Organization Unit, O=, L=Sometown, ST=SomeProvince, C=CA"

Create keystore file ../appconfig/auth/tomcat_keystore tomcat_keystore

Create a keystore with this name containing whatever CA certificates that you want your instance of the CRUD service to accept for HTTPS traffic.

Start the service

You can now start the Docker container in the following manner:

docker run -d \
    -p 9520:9520 \
    -e CONFIG_HOME=/opt/app/crud-service/config/ \
    -e KEY_STORE_PASSWORD={{obfuscated password}} \
    -e KEY_MANAGER_PASSWORD=OBF:{{obfuscated password}} \
    -v /<path>/logs:/opt/aai/logroot/AAI-CRUD \
    -v /<path>/appconfig:/opt/app/crud-service/config \
    --name crud-service \
    {{your docker repo}}/crud-service


{{your docker repo}} = The Docker repository you have published your CRUD Service image to.
{{obfuscated password}} = The password for your key store/key manager after running it through the Jetty obfuscation tool.

API Definitions

Echo API

URL: https://<host>:9520/services/crud-api/v1/echo-service/echo/<input>
Method: GET
Success Response: 200

Vertex APIs

Gizmo exposes a set of APIs to operate on verticies within the graph. Vertex APIs

Edge APIs

Gizmo exposes a set of APIs to operate on edges within the graph. Edge APIs

Bulk API

Gizmo exposes a bulk API to operate on multiple graph entities within a single request. Bulk API


Gizmo is capable of working Synchronously and Asynchronously. Asynchronous Pipeline is explained here: Async Pipeline