path: root/src/gallifrey/store.clj
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/gallifrey/store.clj')
1 files changed, 197 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/gallifrey/store.clj b/src/gallifrey/store.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85a17d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gallifrey/store.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+(ns gallifrey.store
+ (:require [utilis.map :refer [compact map-keys map-vals]]
+ [utilis.types.keyword :refer [->keyword]]
+ [rethinkdb.query :as r]
+ [inflections.core :refer [hyphenate underscore]]
+ [clj-time.core :as t]
+ [integrant.core :as ig])
+ (:import [clojure.lang ExceptionInfo]))
+(declare ensure-db ensure-table ensure-index)
+(defmethod ig/init-key :gallifrey/store [_ {:keys [db-server db-name]}]
+ (let [{:keys [host port] :or {host "localhost" port 28015}} db-server
+ connection (r/connect :host host :port port :db db-name)
+ assertions-table "assertions"
+ lifecycle-table "lifecycle"
+ entity-id-index "entity-id-index"]
+ (ensure-db connection db-name)
+ (ensure-table connection db-name assertions-table)
+ (ensure-index connection db-name assertions-table entity-id-index :entity-id)
+ (ensure-table connection db-name lifecycle-table)
+ {:db-server db-server
+ :db-name db-name
+ :assertions-table assertions-table
+ :lifecycle-table lifecycle-table
+ :entity-id-index entity-id-index
+ :connection connection
+ :entity-locks (atom {})}))
+(defmethod ig/halt-key! :gallifrey/store [_ {:keys [connection subscriptions]}]
+ (.close connection)
+ nil)
+(declare entity-lock entity-lifecycle update-lifecycle entity-assertions)
+(defn get-entity
+ "Get all the non-retracted attributes associated with an entity referenced by
+ entity-id at time 't-k'. 't-k' defaults to 'now' if it is not provided."
+ [store entity-id & {:keys [t-k]}]
+ (let [t-k (or t-k (t/now))]
+ (->> (entity-assertions store entity-id :t-k t-k)
+ (reduce (fn [doc {:keys [attribute value] :as a}]
+ (-> doc
+ (assoc (keyword attribute) value)
+ (assoc-in [:_meta (keyword attribute)]
+ (dissoc a :id :attribute :value :entity-id))))
+ {})
+ not-empty)))
+(defn entity-existed?
+ "Return a boolean indicating whether an entity referenced by entity-id
+ ever existed prior to 't-k'. 't-k' defaults to 'now' if it is not provided."
+ [store entity-id & {:keys [t-k]}]
+ (let [t-k (or t-k (t/now))
+ deleted (:deleted (entity-lifecycle store entity-id))]
+ (boolean (some #(t/before? % t-k) deleted))))
+(defn entity-lifespan
+ "Return a collection of hash map containing the :created, :updated and
+ :deleted timestamps for the entity as a whole."
+ [store entity-id]
+ (let [lifecycle (entity-lifecycle store entity-id)
+ ranges (map (fn [c d] [c d])
+ (:created lifecycle)
+ (concat (:deleted lifecycle) (repeat nil)))
+ lifespans (group-by (fn [u]
+ (reduce (fn [u [c d]]
+ (if (and (t/before? c u)
+ (or (nil? d)
+ (t/before? u d)))
+ (reduced [c d])
+ u)) u ranges))
+ (:updated lifecycle))]
+ (mapv (fn [[c d]]
+ (compact {:created c :deleted d
+ :updated (get lifespans [c d])})) ranges)))
+(defn put-entity
+ "Stores the assertions included in 'doc' and automatically retracts any prior
+ assertions against the attributes in 'doc'. If 'changes-only' is set to true,
+ only attributes included in 'doc' that are asserting new values are captured.
+ The 'actor' making the assertions must be provided as a string."
+ [store actor entity-id doc & {:keys [changes-only]
+ :or {changes-only true}}]
+ (locking (entity-lock store entity-id)
+ (let [entity (entity-lifecycle store entity-id)
+ now (t/now)
+ doc (map-keys name doc)
+ attributes (->> doc keys set)
+ assertions (->> (dissoc doc "id")
+ (map (fn [[k v]]
+ (compact
+ {:entity-id (str entity-id)
+ :attribute k
+ :value v
+ :k-start now
+ :k-start-actor actor})))
+ (remove nil?))
+ write-assertions (fn [assertions]
+ (-> (r/db (:db-name store)) (r/table (:assertions-table store))
+ (r/insert assertions {:conflict :replace})
+ (r/run (:connection store))))]
+ (if (or (not entity)
+ (and (not-empty (:deleted entity))
+ (t/before? (last (:created entity)) (last (:deleted entity)))
+ (t/before? (last (:deleted entity)) now)))
+ (do (write-assertions assertions)
+ (update-lifecycle store (-> entity (assoc :id entity-id)
+ (update :created conj now)))
+ {:created? true})
+ (let [existing-assertions (entity-assertions store entity-id :t-k now)
+ duplicates (set
+ (when changes-only
+ (->> existing-assertions
+ (filter (fn [{:keys [attribute value]}]
+ (= value (get doc attribute))))
+ (map :attribute))))
+ attributes (->> attributes (remove duplicates) set)
+ retractions (->> existing-assertions
+ (filter #(attributes (:attribute %)))
+ (map #(assoc % :k-end now :k-end-actor actor)))
+ assertions (remove #(duplicates (:attribute %)) assertions)]
+ (when (not-empty assertions)
+ (write-assertions (concat retractions assertions))
+ (update-lifecycle store (update entity :updated conj now)))
+ (merge
+ {:updated (mapv :attribute assertions)}
+ (when (not-empty duplicates)
+ {:ignored (vec duplicates)})))))))
+(defn delete-entity
+ "Automatically retracts all the assertions made against the entity referenced
+ by 'entity-id'"
+ [store actor entity-id]
+ (let [now (t/now)
+ retractions (->> (entity-assertions store entity-id :t-k now)
+ (map #(assoc % :k-end now :k-end-actor actor)))]
+ (update-lifecycle store (update (entity-lifecycle store entity-id) :deleted conj now))
+ (-> (r/db (:db-name store)) (r/table (:assertions-table store))
+ (r/insert retractions {:conflict :replace})
+ (r/run (:connection store)))))
+;;; Implementation
+(defn- entity-lock
+ [store entity-id]
+ (locking (:entity-locks store)
+ (if-let [l (get @(:entity-locks store) entity-id)]
+ l
+ (let [l (Object.)]
+ (swap! (:entity-locks store) assoc entity-id l)
+ l))))
+(defn- entity-lifecycle
+ [store entity-id]
+ (-> (r/db (:db-name store)) (r/table (:lifecycle-table store))
+ (r/get entity-id)
+ (r/run (:connection store))))
+(defn- update-lifecycle
+ [store lifecycle-record]
+ (-> (r/db (:db-name store)) (r/table (:lifecycle-table store))
+ (r/insert lifecycle-record {:conflict :update})
+ (r/run (:connection store))))
+(defn entity-assertions
+ [store entity-id & {:keys [t-k]}]
+ (-> (r/db (:db-name store)) (r/table (:assertions-table store))
+ (r/get-all [entity-id] {:index (:entity-id-index store)})
+ (cond-> t-k (r/filter (r/fn [row]
+ (r/and
+ (r/le (r/get-field row "k-start") t-k)
+ (r/or (r/not (r/has-fields row "k-end"))
+ (r/gt (r/get-field row "k-end") t-k))))))
+ (r/run (:connection store))))
+(defn- ensure-db
+ [conn db-name]
+ (when-not ((set (r/run (r/db-list) conn)) db-name)
+ (r/run (r/db-create db-name) conn)))
+(defn- ensure-table
+ [conn db-name assertions-table & {:keys [init-fn]}]
+ (when-not ((set (r/run (r/table-list (r/db db-name)) conn)) assertions-table)
+ (-> (r/db db-name) (r/table-create assertions-table) (r/run conn))))
+(defn- ensure-index
+ [conn db-name assertions-table index-name field]
+ (when-not ((set (-> (r/db db-name) (r/table assertions-table)
+ (r/index-list) (r/run conn))) index-name)
+ (-> (r/db db-name)
+ (r/table assertions-table)
+ (r/index-create index-name (r/fn [row]
+ (r/get-field row (->keyword field))))
+ (r/run conn))))