path: root/common/src/main/webapp/usageguide/appserver/node_modules/mongodb/node_modules/mongodb-core/lib/topologies
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'common/src/main/webapp/usageguide/appserver/node_modules/mongodb/node_modules/mongodb-core/lib/topologies')
6 files changed, 4706 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/common/src/main/webapp/usageguide/appserver/node_modules/mongodb/node_modules/mongodb-core/lib/topologies/mongos.js b/common/src/main/webapp/usageguide/appserver/node_modules/mongodb/node_modules/mongodb-core/lib/topologies/mongos.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0ffcff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/src/main/webapp/usageguide/appserver/node_modules/mongodb/node_modules/mongodb-core/lib/topologies/mongos.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1133 @@
+"use strict"
+var inherits = require('util').inherits,
+ f = require('util').format,
+ EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter,
+ BasicCursor = require('../cursor'),
+ Logger = require('../connection/logger'),
+ retrieveBSON = require('../connection/utils').retrieveBSON,
+ MongoError = require('../error'),
+ Server = require('./server'),
+ assign = require('./shared').assign,
+ clone = require('./shared').clone,
+ createClientInfo = require('./shared').createClientInfo;
+var BSON = retrieveBSON();
+ * @fileOverview The **Mongos** class is a class that represents a Mongos Proxy topology and is
+ * used to construct connections.
+ *
+ * @example
+ * var Mongos = require('mongodb-core').Mongos
+ * , ReadPreference = require('mongodb-core').ReadPreference
+ * , assert = require('assert');
+ *
+ * var server = new Mongos([{host: 'localhost', port: 30000}]);
+ * // Wait for the connection event
+ * server.on('connect', function(server) {
+ * server.destroy();
+ * });
+ *
+ * // Start connecting
+ * server.connect();
+ */
+var MongoCR = require('../auth/mongocr')
+ , X509 = require('../auth/x509')
+ , Plain = require('../auth/plain')
+ , GSSAPI = require('../auth/gssapi')
+ , SSPI = require('../auth/sspi')
+ , ScramSHA1 = require('../auth/scram');
+// States
+var DISCONNECTED = 'disconnected';
+var CONNECTING = 'connecting';
+var CONNECTED = 'connected';
+var DESTROYED = 'destroyed';
+function stateTransition(self, newState) {
+ var legalTransitions = {
+ 'destroyed': [DESTROYED]
+ }
+ // Get current state
+ var legalStates = legalTransitions[self.state];
+ if(legalStates && legalStates.indexOf(newState) != -1) {
+ self.state = newState;
+ } else {
+ self.logger.error(f('Pool with id [%s] failed attempted illegal state transition from [%s] to [%s] only following state allowed [%s]'
+ ,, self.state, newState, legalStates));
+ }
+// ReplSet instance id
+var id = 1;
+var handlers = ['connect', 'close', 'error', 'timeout', 'parseError'];
+ * Creates a new Mongos instance
+ * @class
+ * @param {array} seedlist A list of seeds for the replicaset
+ * @param {number} [options.haInterval=5000] The High availability period for replicaset inquiry
+ * @param {Cursor} [options.cursorFactory=Cursor] The cursor factory class used for all query cursors
+ * @param {number} [options.size=5] Server connection pool size
+ * @param {boolean} [options.keepAlive=true] TCP Connection keep alive enabled
+ * @param {number} [options.keepAliveInitialDelay=0] Initial delay before TCP keep alive enabled
+ * @param {number} [options.localThresholdMS=15] Cutoff latency point in MS for MongoS proxy selection
+ * @param {boolean} [options.noDelay=true] TCP Connection no delay
+ * @param {number} [options.connectionTimeout=1000] TCP Connection timeout setting
+ * @param {number} [options.socketTimeout=0] TCP Socket timeout setting
+ * @param {boolean} [options.singleBufferSerializtion=true] Serialize into single buffer, trade of peak memory for serialization speed
+ * @param {boolean} [options.ssl=false] Use SSL for connection
+ * @param {boolean|function} [options.checkServerIdentity=true] Ensure we check server identify during SSL, set to false to disable checking. Only works for Node 0.12.x or higher. You can pass in a boolean or your own checkServerIdentity override function.
+ * @param {Buffer} [] SSL Certificate store binary buffer
+ * @param {Buffer} [options.cert] SSL Certificate binary buffer
+ * @param {Buffer} [options.key] SSL Key file binary buffer
+ * @param {string} [options.passphrase] SSL Certificate pass phrase
+ * @param {string} [options.servername=null] String containing the server name requested via TLS SNI.
+ * @param {boolean} [options.rejectUnauthorized=true] Reject unauthorized server certificates
+ * @param {boolean} [options.promoteLongs=true] Convert Long values from the db into Numbers if they fit into 53 bits
+ * @param {boolean} [options.promoteValues=true] Promotes BSON values to native types where possible, set to false to only receive wrapper types.
+ * @param {boolean} [options.promoteBuffers=false] Promotes Binary BSON values to native Node Buffers.
+ * @param {boolean} [options.domainsEnabled=false] Enable the wrapping of the callback in the current domain, disabled by default to avoid perf hit.
+ * @return {Mongos} A cursor instance
+ * @fires Mongos#connect
+ * @fires Mongos#reconnect
+ * @fires Mongos#joined
+ * @fires Mongos#left
+ * @fires Mongos#failed
+ * @fires Mongos#fullsetup
+ * @fires Mongos#all
+ * @fires Mongos#serverHeartbeatStarted
+ * @fires Mongos#serverHeartbeatSucceeded
+ * @fires Mongos#serverHeartbeatFailed
+ * @fires Mongos#topologyOpening
+ * @fires Mongos#topologyClosed
+ * @fires Mongos#topologyDescriptionChanged
+ * @property {string} type the topology type.
+ * @property {string} parserType the parser type used (c++ or js).
+ */
+var Mongos = function(seedlist, options) {
+ options = options || {};
+ // Get replSet Id
+ = id++;
+ // Internal state
+ this.s = {
+ options: assign({}, options),
+ // BSON instance
+ bson: options.bson || new BSON([BSON.Binary, BSON.Code, BSON.DBRef, BSON.Decimal128,
+ BSON.Double, BSON.Int32, BSON.Long, BSON.Map, BSON.MaxKey, BSON.MinKey,
+ BSON.ObjectId, BSON.BSONRegExp, BSON.Symbol, BSON.Timestamp]),
+ // Factory overrides
+ Cursor: options.cursorFactory || BasicCursor,
+ // Logger instance
+ logger: Logger('Mongos', options),
+ // Seedlist
+ seedlist: seedlist,
+ // Ha interval
+ haInterval: options.haInterval ? options.haInterval : 10000,
+ // Disconnect handler
+ disconnectHandler: options.disconnectHandler,
+ // Server selection index
+ index: 0,
+ // Connect function options passed in
+ connectOptions: {},
+ // Are we running in debug mode
+ debug: typeof options.debug == 'boolean' ? options.debug : false,
+ // localThresholdMS
+ localThresholdMS: options.localThresholdMS || 15,
+ // Client info
+ clientInfo: createClientInfo(options)
+ }
+ // Set the client info
+ this.s.options.clientInfo = createClientInfo(options);
+ // Log info warning if the socketTimeout < haInterval as it will cause
+ // a lot of recycled connections to happen.
+ if(this.s.logger.isWarn()
+ && this.s.options.socketTimeout != 0
+ && this.s.options.socketTimeout < this.s.haInterval) {
+ this.s.logger.warn(f('warning socketTimeout %s is less than haInterval %s. This might cause unnecessary server reconnections due to socket timeouts'
+ , this.s.options.socketTimeout, this.s.haInterval));
+ }
+ // All the authProviders
+ this.authProviders = options.authProviders || {
+ 'mongocr': new MongoCR(this.s.bson), 'x509': new X509(this.s.bson)
+ , 'plain': new Plain(this.s.bson), 'gssapi': new GSSAPI(this.s.bson)
+ , 'sspi': new SSPI(this.s.bson), 'scram-sha-1': new ScramSHA1(this.s.bson)
+ }
+ // Disconnected state
+ this.state = DISCONNECTED;
+ // Current proxies we are connecting to
+ this.connectingProxies = [];
+ // Currently connected proxies
+ this.connectedProxies = [];
+ // Disconnected proxies
+ this.disconnectedProxies = [];
+ // Are we authenticating
+ this.authenticating = false;
+ // Index of proxy to run operations against
+ this.index = 0;
+ // High availability timeout id
+ this.haTimeoutId = null;
+ // Last ismaster
+ this.ismaster = null;
+ // Add event listener
+inherits(Mongos, EventEmitter);
+Object.defineProperty(Mongos.prototype, 'type', {
+ enumerable:true, get: function() { return 'mongos'; }
+Object.defineProperty(Mongos.prototype, 'parserType', {
+ enumerable:true, get: function() {
+ return BSON.native ? "c++" : "js";
+ }
+ * Emit event if it exists
+ * @method
+ */
+function emitSDAMEvent(self, event, description) {
+ if(self.listeners(event).length > 0) {
+ self.emit(event, description);
+ }
+ * Initiate server connect
+ * @method
+ * @param {array} [options.auth=null] Array of auth options to apply on connect
+ */
+Mongos.prototype.connect = function(options) {
+ var self = this;
+ // Add any connect level options to the internal state
+ this.s.connectOptions = options || {};
+ // Set connecting state
+ stateTransition(this, CONNECTING);
+ // Create server instances
+ var servers = {
+ return new Server(assign({}, self.s.options, x, {
+ authProviders: self.authProviders, reconnect:false, monitoring:false, inTopology: true
+ }, {
+ clientInfo: clone(self.s.clientInfo)
+ }));
+ });
+ // Emit the topology opening event
+ emitSDAMEvent(this, 'topologyOpening', { topologyId: });
+ // Start all server connections
+ connectProxies(self, servers);
+function handleEvent(self) {
+ return function() {
+ if(self.state == DESTROYED) return;
+ // Move to list of disconnectedProxies
+ moveServerFrom(self.connectedProxies, self.disconnectedProxies, this);
+ // Emit the left signal
+ self.emit('left', 'mongos', this);
+ }
+function handleInitialConnectEvent(self, event) {
+ return function() {
+ // Destroy the instance
+ if(self.state == DESTROYED) {
+ // Move from connectingProxies
+ moveServerFrom(self.connectingProxies, self.disconnectedProxies, this);
+ return this.destroy();
+ }
+ // Check the type of server
+ if(event == 'connect') {
+ // Get last known ismaster
+ self.ismaster = this.lastIsMaster();
+ // Is this not a proxy, remove t
+ if(self.ismaster.msg == 'isdbgrid') {
+ // Add to the connectd list
+ for(var i = 0; i < self.connectedProxies.length; i++) {
+ if(self.connectedProxies[i].name == {
+ // Move from connectingProxies
+ moveServerFrom(self.connectingProxies, self.disconnectedProxies, this);
+ this.destroy();
+ return self.emit('failed', this);
+ }
+ }
+ // Remove the handlers
+ for(i = 0; i < handlers.length; i++) {
+ this.removeAllListeners(handlers[i]);
+ }
+ // Add stable state handlers
+ this.on('error', handleEvent(self, 'error'));
+ this.on('close', handleEvent(self, 'close'));
+ this.on('timeout', handleEvent(self, 'timeout'));
+ this.on('parseError', handleEvent(self, 'parseError'));
+ // Move from connecting proxies connected
+ moveServerFrom(self.connectingProxies, self.connectedProxies, this);
+ // Emit the joined event
+ self.emit('joined', 'mongos', this);
+ } else {
+ // Print warning if we did not find a mongos proxy
+ if(self.s.logger.isWarn()) {
+ var message = 'expected mongos proxy, but found replicaset member mongod for server %s';
+ // We have a standalone server
+ if(!self.ismaster.hosts) {
+ message = 'expected mongos proxy, but found standalone mongod for server %s';
+ }
+ self.s.logger.warn(f(message,;
+ }
+ // This is not a mongos proxy, remove it completely
+ removeProxyFrom(self.connectingProxies, this);
+ // Emit the left event
+ self.emit('left', 'server', this);
+ // Emit failed event
+ self.emit('failed', this);
+ }
+ } else {
+ moveServerFrom(self.connectingProxies, self.disconnectedProxies, this);
+ // Emit the left event
+ self.emit('left', 'mongos', this);
+ // Emit failed event
+ self.emit('failed', this);
+ }
+ // Trigger topologyMonitor
+ if(self.connectingProxies.length == 0) {
+ // Emit connected if we are connected
+ if(self.connectedProxies.length > 0) {
+ // Set the state to connected
+ stateTransition(self, CONNECTED);
+ // Emit the connect event
+ self.emit('connect', self);
+ self.emit('fullsetup', self);
+ self.emit('all', self);
+ } else if(self.disconnectedProxies.length == 0) {
+ // Print warning if we did not find a mongos proxy
+ if(self.s.logger.isWarn()) {
+ self.s.logger.warn(f('no mongos proxies found in seed list, did you mean to connect to a replicaset'));
+ }
+ // Emit the error that no proxies were found
+ return self.emit('error', new MongoError('no mongos proxies found in seed list'));
+ }
+ // Topology monitor
+ topologyMonitor(self, {firstConnect:true});
+ }
+ };
+function connectProxies(self, servers) {
+ // Update connectingProxies
+ self.connectingProxies = self.connectingProxies.concat(servers);
+ // Index used to interleaf the server connects, avoiding
+ // runtime issues on io constrained vm's
+ var timeoutInterval = 0;
+ function connect(server, timeoutInterval) {
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ // Add event handlers
+ server.once('close', handleInitialConnectEvent(self, 'close'));
+ server.once('timeout', handleInitialConnectEvent(self, 'timeout'));
+ server.once('parseError', handleInitialConnectEvent(self, 'parseError'));
+ server.once('error', handleInitialConnectEvent(self, 'error'));
+ server.once('connect', handleInitialConnectEvent(self, 'connect'));
+ // SDAM Monitoring events
+ server.on('serverOpening', function(e) { self.emit('serverOpening', e); });
+ server.on('serverDescriptionChanged', function(e) { self.emit('serverDescriptionChanged', e); });
+ server.on('serverClosed', function(e) { self.emit('serverClosed', e); });
+ // Start connection
+ server.connect(self.s.connectOptions);
+ }, timeoutInterval);
+ }
+ // Start all the servers
+ while(servers.length > 0) {
+ connect(servers.shift(), timeoutInterval++);
+ }
+function pickProxy(self) {
+ // Get the currently connected Proxies
+ var connectedProxies = self.connectedProxies.slice(0);
+ // Set lower bound
+ var lowerBoundLatency = Number.MAX_VALUE;
+ // Determine the lower bound for the Proxies
+ for(var i = 0; i < connectedProxies.length; i++) {
+ if(connectedProxies[i].lastIsMasterMS < lowerBoundLatency) {
+ lowerBoundLatency = connectedProxies[i].lastIsMasterMS;
+ }
+ }
+ // Filter out the possible servers
+ connectedProxies = connectedProxies.filter(function(server) {
+ if((server.lastIsMasterMS <= (lowerBoundLatency + self.s.localThresholdMS))
+ && server.isConnected()) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ });
+ // We have no connectedProxies pick first of the connected ones
+ if(connectedProxies.length == 0) {
+ return self.connectedProxies[0];
+ }
+ // Get proxy
+ var proxy = connectedProxies[self.index % connectedProxies.length];
+ // Update the index
+ self.index = (self.index + 1) % connectedProxies.length;
+ // Return the proxy
+ return proxy;
+function moveServerFrom(from, to, proxy) {
+ for(var i = 0; i < from.length; i++) {
+ if(from[i].name == {
+ from.splice(i, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ for(i = 0; i < to.length; i++) {
+ if(to[i].name == {
+ to.splice(i, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ to.push(proxy);
+function removeProxyFrom(from, proxy) {
+ for(var i = 0; i < from.length; i++) {
+ if(from[i].name == {
+ from.splice(i, 1);
+ }
+ }
+function reconnectProxies(self, proxies, callback) {
+ // Count lefts
+ var count = proxies.length;
+ // Handle events
+ var _handleEvent = function(self, event) {
+ return function() {
+ var _self = this;
+ count = count - 1;
+ // Destroyed
+ if(self.state == DESTROYED) {
+ moveServerFrom(self.connectingProxies, self.disconnectedProxies, _self);
+ return this.destroy();
+ }
+ if(event == 'connect' && !self.authenticating) {
+ // Destroyed
+ if(self.state == DESTROYED) {
+ moveServerFrom(self.connectingProxies, self.disconnectedProxies, _self);
+ return _self.destroy();
+ }
+ // Remove the handlers
+ for(var i = 0; i < handlers.length; i++) {
+ _self.removeAllListeners(handlers[i]);
+ }
+ // Add stable state handlers
+ _self.on('error', handleEvent(self, 'error'));
+ _self.on('close', handleEvent(self, 'close'));
+ _self.on('timeout', handleEvent(self, 'timeout'));
+ _self.on('parseError', handleEvent(self, 'parseError'));
+ // Move to the connected servers
+ moveServerFrom(self.disconnectedProxies, self.connectedProxies, _self);
+ // Emit joined event
+ self.emit('joined', 'mongos', _self);
+ } else if(event == 'connect' && self.authenticating) {
+ // Move from connectingProxies
+ moveServerFrom(self.connectingProxies, self.disconnectedProxies, _self);
+ this.destroy();
+ }
+ // Are we done finish up callback
+ if(count == 0) {
+ callback();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // No new servers
+ if(count == 0) {
+ return callback();
+ }
+ // Execute method
+ function execute(_server, i) {
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ // Destroyed
+ if(self.state == DESTROYED) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Create a new server instance
+ var server = new Server(assign({}, self.s.options, {
+ host:':')[0],
+ port: parseInt(':')[1], 10)
+ }, {
+ authProviders: self.authProviders, reconnect:false, monitoring: false, inTopology: true
+ }, {
+ clientInfo: clone(self.s.clientInfo)
+ }));
+ // Add temp handlers
+ server.once('connect', _handleEvent(self, 'connect'));
+ server.once('close', _handleEvent(self, 'close'));
+ server.once('timeout', _handleEvent(self, 'timeout'));
+ server.once('error', _handleEvent(self, 'error'));
+ server.once('parseError', _handleEvent(self, 'parseError'));
+ // SDAM Monitoring events
+ server.on('serverOpening', function(e) { self.emit('serverOpening', e); });
+ server.on('serverDescriptionChanged', function(e) { self.emit('serverDescriptionChanged', e); });
+ server.on('serverClosed', function(e) { self.emit('serverClosed', e); });
+ server.connect(self.s.connectOptions);
+ }, i);
+ }
+ // Create new instances
+ for(var i = 0; i < proxies.length; i++) {
+ execute(proxies[i], i);
+ }
+function topologyMonitor(self, options) {
+ options = options || {};
+ // Set momitoring timeout
+ self.haTimeoutId = setTimeout(function() {
+ if(self.state == DESTROYED) return;
+ // If we have a primary and a disconnect handler, execute
+ // buffered operations
+ if(self.isConnected() && self.s.disconnectHandler) {
+ self.s.disconnectHandler.execute();
+ }
+ // Get the connectingServers
+ var proxies = self.connectedProxies.slice(0);
+ // Get the count
+ var count = proxies.length;
+ // If the count is zero schedule a new fast
+ function pingServer(_self, _server, cb) {
+ // Measure running time
+ var start = new Date().getTime();
+ // Emit the server heartbeat start
+ emitSDAMEvent(self, 'serverHeartbeatStarted', { connectionId: });
+ // Execute ismaster
+ _server.command('admin.$cmd', {
+ ismaster:true
+ }, {
+ monitoring: true,
+ socketTimeout: self.s.options.connectionTimeout || 2000,
+ }, function(err, r) {
+ if(self.state == DESTROYED) {
+ // Move from connectingProxies
+ moveServerFrom(self.connectedProxies, self.disconnectedProxies, _server);
+ _server.destroy();
+ return cb(err, r);
+ }
+ // Calculate latency
+ var latencyMS = new Date().getTime() - start;
+ // We had an error, remove it from the state
+ if(err) {
+ // Emit the server heartbeat failure
+ emitSDAMEvent(self, 'serverHeartbeatFailed', { durationMS: latencyMS, failure: err, connectionId: });
+ // Move from connected proxies to disconnected proxies
+ moveServerFrom(self.connectedProxies, self.disconnectedProxies, _server);
+ } else {
+ // Update the server ismaster
+ _server.ismaster = r.result;
+ _server.lastIsMasterMS = latencyMS;
+ // Server heart beat event
+ emitSDAMEvent(self, 'serverHeartbeatSucceeded', { durationMS: latencyMS, reply: r.result, connectionId: });
+ }
+ cb(err, r);
+ });
+ }
+ // No proxies initiate monitor again
+ if(proxies.length == 0) {
+ // Emit close event if any listeners registered
+ if(self.listeners("close").length > 0 && self.state == CONNECTING) {
+ self.emit('error', new MongoError('no mongos proxy available'));
+ } else {
+ self.emit('close', self);
+ }
+ // Attempt to connect to any unknown servers
+ return reconnectProxies(self, self.disconnectedProxies, function() {
+ if(self.state == DESTROYED) return;
+ // Are we connected ? emit connect event
+ if(self.state == CONNECTING && options.firstConnect) {
+ self.emit('connect', self);
+ self.emit('fullsetup', self);
+ self.emit('all', self);
+ } else if(self.isConnected()) {
+ self.emit('reconnect', self);
+ } else if(!self.isConnected() && self.listeners("close").length > 0) {
+ self.emit('close', self);
+ }
+ // Perform topology monitor
+ topologyMonitor(self);
+ });
+ }
+ // Ping all servers
+ for(var i = 0; i < proxies.length; i++) {
+ pingServer(self, proxies[i], function() {
+ count = count - 1;
+ if(count == 0) {
+ if(self.state == DESTROYED) return;
+ // Attempt to connect to any unknown servers
+ reconnectProxies(self, self.disconnectedProxies, function() {
+ if(self.state == DESTROYED) return;
+ // Perform topology monitor
+ topologyMonitor(self);
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }, self.s.haInterval);
+ * Returns the last known ismaster document for this server
+ * @method
+ * @return {object}
+ */
+Mongos.prototype.lastIsMaster = function() {
+ return this.ismaster;
+ * Unref all connections belong to this server
+ * @method
+ */
+Mongos.prototype.unref = function() {
+ // Transition state
+ stateTransition(this, DISCONNECTED);
+ // Get all proxies
+ var proxies = this.connectedProxies.concat(this.connectingProxies);
+ proxies.forEach(function(x) {
+ x.unref();
+ });
+ clearTimeout(this.haTimeoutId);
+ * Destroy the server connection
+ * @param {boolean} [options.force=false] Force destroy the pool
+ * @method
+ */
+Mongos.prototype.destroy = function(options) {
+ // Transition state
+ stateTransition(this, DESTROYED);
+ // Get all proxies
+ var proxies = this.connectedProxies.concat(this.connectingProxies);
+ // Clear out any monitoring process
+ if(this.haTimeoutId) clearTimeout(this.haTimeoutId);
+ // Destroy all connecting servers
+ proxies.forEach(function(x) {
+ x.destroy(options);
+ });
+ // Emit toplogy closing event
+ emitSDAMEvent(this, 'topologyClosed', { topologyId: });
+ * Figure out if the server is connected
+ * @method
+ * @return {boolean}
+ */
+Mongos.prototype.isConnected = function() {
+ return this.connectedProxies.length > 0;
+ * Figure out if the server instance was destroyed by calling destroy
+ * @method
+ * @return {boolean}
+ */
+Mongos.prototype.isDestroyed = function() {
+ return this.state == DESTROYED;
+// Operations
+// Execute write operation
+var executeWriteOperation = function(self, op, ns, ops, options, callback) {
+ if(typeof options == 'function') callback = options, options = {}, options = options || {};
+ // Ensure we have no options
+ options = options || {};
+ // Pick a server
+ var server = pickProxy(self);
+ // No server found error out
+ if(!server) return callback(new MongoError('no mongos proxy available'));
+ // Execute the command
+ server[op](ns, ops, options, callback);
+ * Insert one or more documents
+ * @method
+ * @param {string} ns The MongoDB fully qualified namespace (ex: db1.collection1)
+ * @param {array} ops An array of documents to insert
+ * @param {boolean} [options.ordered=true] Execute in order or out of order
+ * @param {object} [options.writeConcern={}] Write concern for the operation
+ * @param {Boolean} [options.serializeFunctions=false] Specify if functions on an object should be serialized.
+ * @param {Boolean} [options.ignoreUndefined=false] Specify if the BSON serializer should ignore undefined fields.
+ * @param {opResultCallback} callback A callback function
+ */
+Mongos.prototype.insert = function(ns, ops, options, callback) {
+ if(typeof options == 'function') callback = options, options = {}, options = options || {};
+ if(this.state == DESTROYED) return callback(new MongoError(f('topology was destroyed')));
+ // Not connected but we have a disconnecthandler
+ if(!this.isConnected() && this.s.disconnectHandler != null) {
+ return this.s.disconnectHandler.add('insert', ns, ops, options, callback);
+ }
+ // No mongos proxy available
+ if(!this.isConnected()) {
+ return callback(new MongoError('no mongos proxy available'));
+ }
+ // Execute write operation
+ executeWriteOperation(this, 'insert', ns, ops, options, callback);
+ * Perform one or more update operations
+ * @method
+ * @param {string} ns The MongoDB fully qualified namespace (ex: db1.collection1)
+ * @param {array} ops An array of updates
+ * @param {boolean} [options.ordered=true] Execute in order or out of order
+ * @param {object} [options.writeConcern={}] Write concern for the operation
+ * @param {Boolean} [options.serializeFunctions=false] Specify if functions on an object should be serialized.
+ * @param {Boolean} [options.ignoreUndefined=false] Specify if the BSON serializer should ignore undefined fields.
+ * @param {opResultCallback} callback A callback function
+ */
+Mongos.prototype.update = function(ns, ops, options, callback) {
+ if(typeof options == 'function') callback = options, options = {}, options = options || {};
+ if(this.state == DESTROYED) return callback(new MongoError(f('topology was destroyed')));
+ // Not connected but we have a disconnecthandler
+ if(!this.isConnected() && this.s.disconnectHandler != null) {
+ return this.s.disconnectHandler.add('update', ns, ops, options, callback);
+ }
+ // No mongos proxy available
+ if(!this.isConnected()) {
+ return callback(new MongoError('no mongos proxy available'));
+ }
+ // Execute write operation
+ executeWriteOperation(this, 'update', ns, ops, options, callback);
+ * Perform one or more remove operations
+ * @method
+ * @param {string} ns The MongoDB fully qualified namespace (ex: db1.collection1)
+ * @param {array} ops An array of removes
+ * @param {boolean} [options.ordered=true] Execute in order or out of order
+ * @param {object} [options.writeConcern={}] Write concern for the operation
+ * @param {Boolean} [options.serializeFunctions=false] Specify if functions on an object should be serialized.
+ * @param {Boolean} [options.ignoreUndefined=false] Specify if the BSON serializer should ignore undefined fields.
+ * @param {opResultCallback} callback A callback function
+ */
+Mongos.prototype.remove = function(ns, ops, options, callback) {
+ if(typeof options == 'function') callback = options, options = {}, options = options || {};
+ if(this.state == DESTROYED) return callback(new MongoError(f('topology was destroyed')));
+ // Not connected but we have a disconnecthandler
+ if(!this.isConnected() && this.s.disconnectHandler != null) {
+ return this.s.disconnectHandler.add('remove', ns, ops, options, callback);
+ }
+ // No mongos proxy available
+ if(!this.isConnected()) {
+ return callback(new MongoError('no mongos proxy available'));
+ }
+ // Execute write operation
+ executeWriteOperation(this, 'remove', ns, ops, options, callback);
+ * Execute a command
+ * @method
+ * @param {string} ns The MongoDB fully qualified namespace (ex: db1.collection1)
+ * @param {object} cmd The command hash
+ * @param {ReadPreference} [options.readPreference] Specify read preference if command supports it
+ * @param {Connection} [options.connection] Specify connection object to execute command against
+ * @param {Boolean} [options.serializeFunctions=false] Specify if functions on an object should be serialized.
+ * @param {Boolean} [options.ignoreUndefined=false] Specify if the BSON serializer should ignore undefined fields.
+ * @param {opResultCallback} callback A callback function
+ */
+Mongos.prototype.command = function(ns, cmd, options, callback) {
+ if(typeof options == 'function') callback = options, options = {}, options = options || {};
+ if(this.state == DESTROYED) return callback(new MongoError(f('topology was destroyed')));
+ var self = this;
+ // Pick a proxy
+ var server = pickProxy(self);
+ // Topology is not connected, save the call in the provided store to be
+ // Executed at some point when the handler deems it's reconnected
+ if((server == null || !server.isConnected()) && this.s.disconnectHandler != null) {
+ return this.s.disconnectHandler.add('command', ns, cmd, options, callback);
+ }
+ // No server returned we had an error
+ if(server == null) {
+ return callback(new MongoError('no mongos proxy available'));
+ }
+ // Execute the command
+ server.command(ns, cmd, options, callback);
+ * Perform one or more remove operations
+ * @method
+ * @param {string} ns The MongoDB fully qualified namespace (ex: db1.collection1)
+ * @param {{object}|{Long}} cmd Can be either a command returning a cursor or a cursorId
+ * @param {object} [options.batchSize=0] Batchsize for the operation
+ * @param {array} [options.documents=[]] Initial documents list for cursor
+ * @param {ReadPreference} [options.readPreference] Specify read preference if command supports it
+ * @param {Boolean} [options.serializeFunctions=false] Specify if functions on an object should be serialized.
+ * @param {Boolean} [options.ignoreUndefined=false] Specify if the BSON serializer should ignore undefined fields.
+ * @param {opResultCallback} callback A callback function
+ */
+Mongos.prototype.cursor = function(ns, cmd, cursorOptions) {
+ cursorOptions = cursorOptions || {};
+ var FinalCursor = cursorOptions.cursorFactory || this.s.Cursor;
+ return new FinalCursor(this.s.bson, ns, cmd, cursorOptions, this, this.s.options);
+ * Authenticate using a specified mechanism
+ * @method
+ * @param {string} mechanism The Auth mechanism we are invoking
+ * @param {string} db The db we are invoking the mechanism against
+ * @param {...object} param Parameters for the specific mechanism
+ * @param {authResultCallback} callback A callback function
+ */
+Mongos.prototype.auth = function(mechanism, db) {
+ var allArgs =, 0).slice(0);
+ var self = this;
+ var args =, 2);
+ var callback = args.pop();
+ // If we don't have the mechanism fail
+ if(this.authProviders[mechanism] == null && mechanism != 'default') {
+ return callback(new MongoError(f("auth provider %s does not exist", mechanism)));
+ }
+ // Are we already authenticating, throw
+ if(this.authenticating) {
+ return callback(new MongoError('authentication or logout allready in process'));
+ }
+ // Topology is not connected, save the call in the provided store to be
+ // Executed at some point when the handler deems it's reconnected
+ if(!self.isConnected() && self.s.disconnectHandler != null) {
+ return self.s.disconnectHandler.add('auth', db, allArgs, {}, callback);
+ }
+ // Set to authenticating
+ this.authenticating = true;
+ // All errors
+ var errors = [];
+ // Get all the servers
+ var servers = this.connectedProxies.slice(0);
+ // No servers return
+ if(servers.length == 0) {
+ this.authenticating = false;
+ callback(null, true);
+ }
+ // Authenticate
+ function auth(server) {
+ // Arguments without a callback
+ var argsWithoutCallback = [mechanism, db].concat(args.slice(0));
+ // Create arguments
+ var finalArguments = argsWithoutCallback.concat([function(err) {
+ count = count - 1;
+ // Save all the errors
+ if(err) errors.push({name:, err: err});
+ // We are done
+ if(count == 0) {
+ // Auth is done
+ self.authenticating = false;
+ // Return the auth error
+ if(errors.length) return callback(MongoError.create({
+ message: 'authentication fail', errors: errors
+ }), false);
+ // Successfully authenticated session
+ callback(null, self);
+ }
+ }]);
+ // Execute the auth only against non arbiter servers
+ if(!server.lastIsMaster().arbiterOnly) {
+ server.auth.apply(server, finalArguments);
+ }
+ }
+ // Get total count
+ var count = servers.length;
+ // Authenticate against all servers
+ while(servers.length > 0) {
+ auth(servers.shift());
+ }
+ * Logout from a database
+ * @method
+ * @param {string} db The db we are logging out from
+ * @param {authResultCallback} callback A callback function
+ */
+Mongos.prototype.logout = function(dbName, callback) {
+ var self = this;
+ // Are we authenticating or logging out, throw
+ if(this.authenticating) {
+ throw new MongoError('authentication or logout allready in process');
+ }
+ // Ensure no new members are processed while logging out
+ this.authenticating = true;
+ // Remove from all auth providers (avoid any reaplication of the auth details)
+ var providers = Object.keys(this.authProviders);
+ for(var i = 0; i < providers.length; i++) {
+ this.authProviders[providers[i]].logout(dbName);
+ }
+ // Now logout all the servers
+ var servers = this.connectedProxies.slice(0);
+ var count = servers.length;
+ if(count == 0) return callback();
+ var errors = [];
+ function logoutServer(_server, cb) {
+ _server.logout(dbName, function(err) {
+ if(err) errors.push({name:, err: err});
+ cb();
+ });
+ }
+ // Execute logout on all server instances
+ for(i = 0; i < servers.length; i++) {
+ logoutServer(servers[i], function() {
+ count = count - 1;
+ if(count == 0) {
+ // Do not block new operations
+ self.authenticating = false;
+ // If we have one or more errors
+ if(errors.length) return callback(MongoError.create({
+ message: f('logout failed against db %s', dbName), errors: errors
+ }), false);
+ // No errors
+ callback();
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ * Get server
+ * @method
+ * @param {ReadPreference} [options.readPreference] Specify read preference if command supports it
+ * @return {Server}
+ */
+Mongos.prototype.getServer = function() {
+ var server = pickProxy(this);
+ if(this.s.debug) this.emit('pickedServer', null, server);
+ return server;
+ * All raw connections
+ * @method
+ * @return {Connection[]}
+ */
+Mongos.prototype.connections = function() {
+ var connections = [];
+ for(var i = 0; i < this.connectedProxies.length; i++) {
+ connections = connections.concat(this.connectedProxies[i].connections());
+ }
+ return connections;
+ * A mongos connect event, used to verify that the connection is up and running
+ *
+ * @event Mongos#connect
+ * @type {Mongos}
+ */
+ * A mongos reconnect event, used to verify that the mongos topology has reconnected
+ *
+ * @event Mongos#reconnect
+ * @type {Mongos}
+ */
+ * A mongos fullsetup event, used to signal that all topology members have been contacted.
+ *
+ * @event Mongos#fullsetup
+ * @type {Mongos}
+ */
+ * A mongos all event, used to signal that all topology members have been contacted.
+ *
+ * @event Mongos#all
+ * @type {Mongos}
+ */
+ * A server member left the mongos list
+ *
+ * @event Mongos#left
+ * @type {Mongos}
+ * @param {string} type The type of member that left (mongos)
+ * @param {Server} server The server object that left
+ */
+ * A server member joined the mongos list
+ *
+ * @event Mongos#joined
+ * @type {Mongos}
+ * @param {string} type The type of member that left (mongos)
+ * @param {Server} server The server object that joined
+ */
+ * A server opening SDAM monitoring event
+ *
+ * @event Mongos#serverOpening
+ * @type {object}
+ */
+ * A server closed SDAM monitoring event
+ *
+ * @event Mongos#serverClosed
+ * @type {object}
+ */
+ * A server description SDAM change monitoring event
+ *
+ * @event Mongos#serverDescriptionChanged
+ * @type {object}
+ */
+ * A topology open SDAM event
+ *
+ * @event Mongos#topologyOpening
+ * @type {object}
+ */
+ * A topology closed SDAM event
+ *
+ * @event Mongos#topologyClosed
+ * @type {object}
+ */
+ * A topology structure SDAM change event
+ *
+ * @event Mongos#topologyDescriptionChanged
+ * @type {object}
+ */
+ * A topology serverHeartbeatStarted SDAM event
+ *
+ * @event Mongos#serverHeartbeatStarted
+ * @type {object}
+ */
+ * A topology serverHeartbeatFailed SDAM event
+ *
+ * @event Mongos#serverHeartbeatFailed
+ * @type {object}
+ */
+ * A topology serverHeartbeatSucceeded SDAM change event
+ *
+ * @event Mongos#serverHeartbeatSucceeded
+ * @type {object}
+ */
+module.exports = Mongos;
diff --git a/common/src/main/webapp/usageguide/appserver/node_modules/mongodb/node_modules/mongodb-core/lib/topologies/read_preference.js b/common/src/main/webapp/usageguide/appserver/node_modules/mongodb/node_modules/mongodb-core/lib/topologies/read_preference.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f10dd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/src/main/webapp/usageguide/appserver/node_modules/mongodb/node_modules/mongodb-core/lib/topologies/read_preference.js
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+"use strict";
+var needSlaveOk = ['primaryPreferred', 'secondary', 'secondaryPreferred', 'nearest'];
+ * @fileOverview The **ReadPreference** class is a class that represents a MongoDB ReadPreference and is
+ * used to construct connections.
+ *
+ * @example
+ * var ReplSet = require('mongodb-core').ReplSet
+ * , ReadPreference = require('mongodb-core').ReadPreference
+ * , assert = require('assert');
+ *
+ * var server = new ReplSet([{host: 'localhost', port: 30000}], {setName: 'rs'});
+ * // Wait for the connection event
+ * server.on('connect', function(server) {
+ * var cursor = server.cursor('db.test'
+ * , {find: 'db.test', query: {}}
+ * , {readPreference: new ReadPreference('secondary')});
+ *, doc) {
+ * server.destroy();
+ * });
+ * });
+ *
+ * // Start connecting
+ * server.connect();
+ */
+ * Creates a new Pool instance
+ * @class
+ * @param {string} preference A string describing the preference (primary|primaryPreferred|secondary|secondaryPreferred|nearest)
+ * @param {array} tags The tags object
+ * @param {object} [options] Additional read preference options
+ * @param {number} [options.maxStalenessSeconds] Max Secondary Read Stalleness in Seconds, Minimum value is 90 seconds.
+ * @property {string} preference The preference string (primary|primaryPreferred|secondary|secondaryPreferred|nearest)
+ * @property {array} tags The tags object
+ * @property {object} options Additional read preference options
+ * @property {number} maxStalenessSeconds MaxStalenessSeconds value for the read preference
+ * @return {ReadPreference}
+ */
+var ReadPreference = function(preference, tags, options) {
+ this.preference = preference;
+ this.tags = tags;
+ this.options = options;
+ // Add the maxStalenessSeconds value to the read Preference
+ if(this.options && this.options.maxStalenessSeconds != null) {
+ this.options = options;
+ this.maxStalenessSeconds = this.options.maxStalenessSeconds >= 0
+ ? this.options.maxStalenessSeconds : null;
+ } else if(tags && typeof tags == 'object') {
+ this.options = tags, tags = null;
+ }
+ * This needs slaveOk bit set
+ * @method
+ * @return {boolean}
+ */
+ReadPreference.prototype.slaveOk = function() {
+ return needSlaveOk.indexOf(this.preference) != -1;
+ * Are the two read preference equal
+ * @method
+ * @return {boolean}
+ */
+ReadPreference.prototype.equals = function(readPreference) {
+ return readPreference.preference == this.preference;
+ * Return JSON representation
+ * @method
+ * @return {Object}
+ */
+ReadPreference.prototype.toJSON = function() {
+ var readPreference = {mode: this.preference};
+ if(Array.isArray(this.tags)) readPreference.tags = this.tags;
+ if(this.maxStalenessSeconds) readPreference.maxStalenessSeconds = this.maxStalenessSeconds;
+ return readPreference;
+ * Primary read preference
+ * @method
+ * @return {ReadPreference}
+ */
+ReadPreference.primary = new ReadPreference('primary');
+ * Primary Preferred read preference
+ * @method
+ * @return {ReadPreference}
+ */
+ReadPreference.primaryPreferred = new ReadPreference('primaryPreferred');
+ * Secondary read preference
+ * @method
+ * @return {ReadPreference}
+ */
+ReadPreference.secondary = new ReadPreference('secondary');
+ * Secondary Preferred read preference
+ * @method
+ * @return {ReadPreference}
+ */
+ReadPreference.secondaryPreferred = new ReadPreference('secondaryPreferred');
+ * Nearest read preference
+ * @method
+ * @return {ReadPreference}
+ */
+ReadPreference.nearest = new ReadPreference('nearest');
+module.exports = ReadPreference;
diff --git a/common/src/main/webapp/usageguide/appserver/node_modules/mongodb/node_modules/mongodb-core/lib/topologies/replset.js b/common/src/main/webapp/usageguide/appserver/node_modules/mongodb/node_modules/mongodb-core/lib/topologies/replset.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0082da8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/src/main/webapp/usageguide/appserver/node_modules/mongodb/node_modules/mongodb-core/lib/topologies/replset.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1403 @@
+"use strict"
+var inherits = require('util').inherits,
+ f = require('util').format,
+ EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter,
+ ReadPreference = require('./read_preference'),
+ BasicCursor = require('../cursor'),
+ retrieveBSON = require('../connection/utils').retrieveBSON,
+ Logger = require('../connection/logger'),
+ MongoError = require('../error'),
+ Server = require('./server'),
+ ReplSetState = require('./replset_state'),
+ assign = require('./shared').assign,
+ clone = require('./shared').clone,
+ createClientInfo = require('./shared').createClientInfo;
+var MongoCR = require('../auth/mongocr')
+ , X509 = require('../auth/x509')
+ , Plain = require('../auth/plain')
+ , GSSAPI = require('../auth/gssapi')
+ , SSPI = require('../auth/sspi')
+ , ScramSHA1 = require('../auth/scram');
+var BSON = retrieveBSON();
+// States
+var DISCONNECTED = 'disconnected';
+var CONNECTING = 'connecting';
+var CONNECTED = 'connected';
+var DESTROYED = 'destroyed';
+function stateTransition(self, newState) {
+ var legalTransitions = {
+ 'destroyed': [DESTROYED]
+ }
+ // Get current state
+ var legalStates = legalTransitions[self.state];
+ if(legalStates && legalStates.indexOf(newState) != -1) {
+ self.state = newState;
+ } else {
+ self.logger.error(f('Pool with id [%s] failed attempted illegal state transition from [%s] to [%s] only following state allowed [%s]'
+ ,, self.state, newState, legalStates));
+ }
+// ReplSet instance id
+var id = 1;
+var handlers = ['connect', 'close', 'error', 'timeout', 'parseError'];
+ * Creates a new Replset instance
+ * @class
+ * @param {array} seedlist A list of seeds for the replicaset
+ * @param {boolean} options.setName The Replicaset set name
+ * @param {boolean} [options.secondaryOnlyConnectionAllowed=false] Allow connection to a secondary only replicaset
+ * @param {number} [options.haInterval=10000] The High availability period for replicaset inquiry
+ * @param {boolean} [options.emitError=false] Server will emit errors events
+ * @param {Cursor} [options.cursorFactory=Cursor] The cursor factory class used for all query cursors
+ * @param {number} [options.size=5] Server connection pool size
+ * @param {boolean} [options.keepAlive=true] TCP Connection keep alive enabled
+ * @param {number} [options.keepAliveInitialDelay=0] Initial delay before TCP keep alive enabled
+ * @param {boolean} [options.noDelay=true] TCP Connection no delay
+ * @param {number} [options.connectionTimeout=10000] TCP Connection timeout setting
+ * @param {number} [options.socketTimeout=0] TCP Socket timeout setting
+ * @param {boolean} [options.singleBufferSerializtion=true] Serialize into single buffer, trade of peak memory for serialization speed
+ * @param {boolean} [options.ssl=false] Use SSL for connection
+ * @param {boolean|function} [options.checkServerIdentity=true] Ensure we check server identify during SSL, set to false to disable checking. Only works for Node 0.12.x or higher. You can pass in a boolean or your own checkServerIdentity override function.
+ * @param {Buffer} [] SSL Certificate store binary buffer
+ * @param {Buffer} [options.cert] SSL Certificate binary buffer
+ * @param {Buffer} [options.key] SSL Key file binary buffer
+ * @param {string} [options.passphrase] SSL Certificate pass phrase
+ * @param {string} [options.servername=null] String containing the server name requested via TLS SNI.
+ * @param {boolean} [options.rejectUnauthorized=true] Reject unauthorized server certificates
+ * @param {boolean} [options.promoteLongs=true] Convert Long values from the db into Numbers if they fit into 53 bits
+ * @param {boolean} [options.promoteValues=true] Promotes BSON values to native types where possible, set to false to only receive wrapper types.
+ * @param {boolean} [options.promoteBuffers=false] Promotes Binary BSON values to native Node Buffers.
+ * @param {number} [options.pingInterval=5000] Ping interval to check the response time to the different servers
+ * @param {number} [options.localThresholdMS=15] Cutoff latency point in MS for MongoS proxy selection
+ * @param {boolean} [options.domainsEnabled=false] Enable the wrapping of the callback in the current domain, disabled by default to avoid perf hit.
+ * @return {ReplSet} A cursor instance
+ * @fires ReplSet#connect
+ * @fires ReplSet#ha
+ * @fires ReplSet#joined
+ * @fires ReplSet#left
+ * @fires ReplSet#failed
+ * @fires ReplSet#fullsetup
+ * @fires ReplSet#all
+ * @fires ReplSet#error
+ * @fires ReplSet#serverHeartbeatStarted
+ * @fires ReplSet#serverHeartbeatSucceeded
+ * @fires ReplSet#serverHeartbeatFailed
+ * @fires ReplSet#topologyOpening
+ * @fires ReplSet#topologyClosed
+ * @fires ReplSet#topologyDescriptionChanged
+ * @property {string} type the topology type.
+ * @property {string} parserType the parser type used (c++ or js).
+ */
+var ReplSet = function(seedlist, options) {
+ var self = this;
+ options = options || {};
+ // Validate seedlist
+ if(!Array.isArray(seedlist)) throw new MongoError("seedlist must be an array");
+ // Validate list
+ if(seedlist.length == 0) throw new MongoError("seedlist must contain at least one entry");
+ // Validate entries
+ seedlist.forEach(function(e) {
+ if(typeof != 'string' || typeof e.port != 'number')
+ throw new MongoError("seedlist entry must contain a host and port");
+ });
+ // Add event listener
+ // Get replSet Id
+ = id++;
+ // Get the localThresholdMS
+ var localThresholdMS = options.localThresholdMS || 15;
+ // Backward compatibility
+ if(options.acceptableLatency) localThresholdMS = options.acceptableLatency;
+ // Create a logger
+ var logger = Logger('ReplSet', options);
+ // Internal state
+ this.s = {
+ options: assign({}, options),
+ // BSON instance
+ bson: options.bson || new BSON([BSON.Binary, BSON.Code, BSON.DBRef, BSON.Decimal128,
+ BSON.Double, BSON.Int32, BSON.Long, BSON.Map, BSON.MaxKey, BSON.MinKey,
+ BSON.ObjectId, BSON.BSONRegExp, BSON.Symbol, BSON.Timestamp]),
+ // Factory overrides
+ Cursor: options.cursorFactory || BasicCursor,
+ // Logger instance
+ logger: logger,
+ // Seedlist
+ seedlist: seedlist,
+ // Replicaset state
+ replicaSetState: new ReplSetState({
+ id:, setName: options.setName,
+ acceptableLatency: localThresholdMS,
+ heartbeatFrequencyMS: options.haInterval ? options.haInterval : 10000,
+ logger: logger
+ }),
+ // Current servers we are connecting to
+ connectingServers: [],
+ // Ha interval
+ haInterval: options.haInterval ? options.haInterval : 10000,
+ // Minimum heartbeat frequency used if we detect a server close
+ minHeartbeatFrequencyMS: 500,
+ // Disconnect handler
+ disconnectHandler: options.disconnectHandler,
+ // Server selection index
+ index: 0,
+ // Connect function options passed in
+ connectOptions: {},
+ // Are we running in debug mode
+ debug: typeof options.debug == 'boolean' ? options.debug : false,
+ // Client info
+ clientInfo: createClientInfo(options)
+ }
+ // Add handler for topology change
+ this.s.replicaSetState.on('topologyDescriptionChanged', function(r) { self.emit('topologyDescriptionChanged', r); });
+ // Log info warning if the socketTimeout < haInterval as it will cause
+ // a lot of recycled connections to happen.
+ if(this.s.logger.isWarn()
+ && this.s.options.socketTimeout != 0
+ && this.s.options.socketTimeout < this.s.haInterval) {
+ this.s.logger.warn(f('warning socketTimeout %s is less than haInterval %s. This might cause unnecessary server reconnections due to socket timeouts'
+ , this.s.options.socketTimeout, this.s.haInterval));
+ }
+ // All the authProviders
+ this.authProviders = options.authProviders || {
+ 'mongocr': new MongoCR(this.s.bson), 'x509': new X509(this.s.bson)
+ , 'plain': new Plain(this.s.bson), 'gssapi': new GSSAPI(this.s.bson)
+ , 'sspi': new SSPI(this.s.bson), 'scram-sha-1': new ScramSHA1(this.s.bson)
+ }
+ // Add forwarding of events from state handler
+ var types = ['joined', 'left'];
+ types.forEach(function(x) {
+ self.s.replicaSetState.on(x, function(t, s) {
+ if(self.state === CONNECTED && x === 'joined' && t == 'primary') {
+ self.emit('reconnect', self);
+ }
+ self.emit(x, t, s);
+ });
+ });
+ // Connect stat
+ this.initialConnectState = {
+ connect: false, fullsetup: false, all: false
+ }
+ // Disconnected state
+ this.state = DISCONNECTED;
+ this.haTimeoutId = null;
+ // Are we authenticating
+ this.authenticating = false;
+ // Last ismaster
+ this.ismaster = null;
+inherits(ReplSet, EventEmitter);
+Object.defineProperty(ReplSet.prototype, 'type', {
+ enumerable:true, get: function() { return 'replset'; }
+Object.defineProperty(ReplSet.prototype, 'parserType', {
+ enumerable:true, get: function() {
+ return BSON.native ? "c++" : "js";
+ }
+function attemptReconnect(self) {
+ if(self.runningAttempReconnect) return;
+ // Set as running
+ self.runningAttempReconnect = true;
+ // Wait before execute
+ self.haTimeoutId = setTimeout(function() {
+ if(self.state == DESTROYED) return;
+ // Debug log
+ if(self.s.logger.isDebug()) {
+ self.s.logger.debug(f('attemptReconnect for replset with id %s',;
+ }
+ // Get all known hosts
+ var keys = Object.keys(self.s.replicaSetState.set);
+ var servers = {
+ return new Server(assign({}, self.s.options, {
+ host: x.split(':')[0], port: parseInt(x.split(':')[1], 10)
+ }, {
+ authProviders: self.authProviders, reconnect:false, monitoring: false, inTopology: true
+ }, {
+ clientInfo: clone(self.s.clientInfo)
+ }));
+ });
+ // Create the list of servers
+ self.s.connectingServers = servers.slice(0);
+ // Handle all events coming from servers
+ function _handleEvent(self, event) {
+ return function() {
+ // Destroy the instance
+ if(self.state == DESTROYED) {
+ return this.destroy();
+ }
+ // Debug log
+ if(self.s.logger.isDebug()) {
+ self.s.logger.debug(f('attemptReconnect for replset with id %s using server %s ended with event %s',,, event));
+ }
+ // Check if we are done
+ function done() {
+ // Done with the reconnection attempt
+ if(self.s.connectingServers.length == 0) {
+ if(self.state == DESTROYED) return;
+ // If we have a primary and a disconnect handler, execute
+ // buffered operations
+ if(self.s.replicaSetState.hasPrimaryAndSecondary() && self.s.disconnectHandler) {
+ self.s.disconnectHandler.execute();
+ } else if(self.s.replicaSetState.hasPrimary() && self.s.disconnectHandler) {
+ self.s.disconnectHandler.execute({ executePrimary:true });
+ } else if(self.s.replicaSetState.hasSecondary() && self.s.disconnectHandler) {
+ self.s.disconnectHandler.execute({ executeSecondary:true });
+ }
+ // Do we have a primary
+ if(self.s.replicaSetState.hasPrimary()) {
+ // Emit reconnect as new primary was discovered
+ self.emit('reconnect', self);
+ // Connect any missing servers
+ connectNewServers(self, self.s.replicaSetState.unknownServers, function() {
+ // Debug log
+ if(self.s.logger.isDebug()) {
+ self.s.logger.debug(f('attemptReconnect for replset with id successful resuming topologyMonitor',;
+ }
+ // Reset the running
+ self.runningAttempReconnect = false;
+ // Go back to normal topology monitoring
+ // Schedule a topology monitoring sweep
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ topologyMonitor(self);
+ }, self.s.haInterval);
+ });
+ } else {
+ if(self.listeners("close").length > 0) {
+ self.emit('close', self);
+ }
+ // Reset the running
+ self.runningAttempReconnect = false;
+ // Attempt a new reconnect
+ attemptReconnect(self);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Remove the server from our list
+ for(var i = 0; i < self.s.connectingServers.length; i++) {
+ if(self.s.connectingServers[i].equals(this)) {
+ self.s.connectingServers.splice(i, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ // Keep reference to server
+ var _self = this;
+ // Debug log
+ if(self.s.logger.isDebug()) {
+ self.s.logger.debug(f('attemptReconnect in replset with id %s for',;
+ }
+ // Connect and not authenticating
+ if(event == 'connect' && !self.authenticating) {
+ if(self.state == DESTROYED) {
+ return _self.destroy();
+ }
+ // Update the replicaset state
+ if(self.s.replicaSetState.update(_self)) {
+ // Primary lastIsMaster store it
+ if(_self.lastIsMaster() && _self.lastIsMaster().ismaster) {
+ self.ismaster = _self.lastIsMaster();
+ }
+ // Remove the handlers
+ for(i = 0; i < handlers.length; i++) {
+ _self.removeAllListeners(handlers[i]);
+ }
+ // Add stable state handlers
+ _self.on('error', handleEvent(self, 'error'));
+ _self.on('close', handleEvent(self, 'close'));
+ _self.on('timeout', handleEvent(self, 'timeout'));
+ _self.on('parseError', handleEvent(self, 'parseError'));
+ } else {
+ _self.destroy();
+ }
+ } else if(event == 'connect' && self.authenticating) {
+ this.destroy();
+ }
+ done();
+ }
+ }
+ // Index used to interleaf the server connects, avoiding
+ // runtime issues on io constrained vm's
+ var timeoutInterval = 0;
+ function connect(server, timeoutInterval) {
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ server.once('connect', _handleEvent(self, 'connect'));
+ server.once('close', _handleEvent(self, 'close'));
+ server.once('timeout', _handleEvent(self, 'timeout'));
+ server.once('error', _handleEvent(self, 'error'));
+ server.once('parseError', _handleEvent(self, 'parseError'));
+ // SDAM Monitoring events
+ server.on('serverOpening', function(e) { self.emit('serverOpening', e); });
+ server.on('serverDescriptionChanged', function(e) { self.emit('serverDescriptionChanged', e); });
+ server.on('serverClosed', function(e) { self.emit('serverClosed', e); });
+ server.connect(self.s.connectOptions);
+ }, timeoutInterval);
+ }
+ // Connect all servers
+ while(servers.length > 0) {
+ connect(servers.shift(), timeoutInterval++);
+ }
+ }, self.s.minHeartbeatFrequencyMS);
+function connectNewServers(self, servers, callback) {
+ // Count lefts
+ var count = servers.length;
+ // Handle events
+ var _handleEvent = function(self, event) {
+ return function() {
+ var _self = this;
+ count = count - 1;
+ // Destroyed
+ if(self.state == DESTROYED) {
+ return this.destroy();
+ }
+ if(event == 'connect' && !self.authenticating) {
+ // Destroyed
+ if(self.state == DESTROYED) {
+ return _self.destroy();
+ }
+ var result = self.s.replicaSetState.update(_self);
+ // Update the state with the new server
+ if(result) {
+ // Primary lastIsMaster store it
+ if(_self.lastIsMaster() && _self.lastIsMaster().ismaster) {
+ self.ismaster = _self.lastIsMaster();
+ }
+ // Remove the handlers
+ for(var i = 0; i < handlers.length; i++) {
+ _self.removeAllListeners(handlers[i]);
+ }
+ // Add stable state handlers
+ _self.on('error', handleEvent(self, 'error'));
+ _self.on('close', handleEvent(self, 'close'));
+ _self.on('timeout', handleEvent(self, 'timeout'));
+ _self.on('parseError', handleEvent(self, 'parseError'));
+ } else {
+ _self.destroy();
+ }
+ } else if(event == 'connect' && self.authenticating) {
+ this.destroy();
+ }
+ // Are we done finish up callback
+ if(count == 0) { callback(); }
+ }
+ }
+ // No new servers
+ if(count == 0) return callback();
+ // Execute method
+ function execute(_server, i) {
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ // Destroyed
+ if(self.state == DESTROYED) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Create a new server instance
+ var server = new Server(assign({}, self.s.options, {
+ host: _server.split(':')[0],
+ port: parseInt(_server.split(':')[1], 10)
+ }, {
+ authProviders: self.authProviders, reconnect:false, monitoring: false, inTopology: true
+ }, {
+ clientInfo: clone(self.s.clientInfo)
+ }));
+ // Add temp handlers
+ server.once('connect', _handleEvent(self, 'connect'));
+ server.once('close', _handleEvent(self, 'close'));
+ server.once('timeout', _handleEvent(self, 'timeout'));
+ server.once('error', _handleEvent(self, 'error'));
+ server.once('parseError', _handleEvent(self, 'parseError'));
+ // SDAM Monitoring events
+ server.on('serverOpening', function(e) { self.emit('serverOpening', e); });
+ server.on('serverDescriptionChanged', function(e) { self.emit('serverDescriptionChanged', e); });
+ server.on('serverClosed', function(e) { self.emit('serverClosed', e); });
+ server.connect(self.s.connectOptions);
+ }, i);
+ }
+ // Create new instances
+ for(var i = 0; i < servers.length; i++) {
+ execute(servers[i], i);
+ }
+function topologyMonitor(self, options) {
+ options = options || {};
+ // Set momitoring timeout
+ self.haTimeoutId = setTimeout(function() {
+ if(self.state == DESTROYED) return;
+ // Is this a on connect topology discovery
+ // Schedule a proper topology monitoring to happen
+ // To ensure any discovered servers do not timeout
+ // while waiting for the initial discovery to happen.
+ if(options.haInterval) {
+ topologyMonitor(self);
+ }
+ // If we have a primary and a disconnect handler, execute
+ // buffered operations
+ if(self.s.replicaSetState.hasPrimaryAndSecondary() && self.s.disconnectHandler) {
+ self.s.disconnectHandler.execute();
+ } else if(self.s.replicaSetState.hasPrimary() && self.s.disconnectHandler) {
+ self.s.disconnectHandler.execute({ executePrimary:true });
+ } else if(self.s.replicaSetState.hasSecondary() && self.s.disconnectHandler) {
+ self.s.disconnectHandler.execute({ executeSecondary:true });
+ }
+ // Get the connectingServers
+ var connectingServers = self.s.replicaSetState.allServers();
+ // Debug log
+ if(self.s.logger.isDebug()) {
+ self.s.logger.debug(f('topologyMonitor in replset with id %s connected servers [%s]'
+ ,
+ , {
+ return;
+ })));
+ }
+ // Get the count
+ var count = connectingServers.length;
+ // If we have no servers connected
+ if(count == 0 && !options.haInterval) {
+ if(self.listeners("close").length > 0) {
+ self.emit('close', self);
+ }
+ return attemptReconnect(self);
+ }
+ // If the count is zero schedule a new fast
+ function pingServer(_self, _server, cb) {
+ // Measure running time
+ var start = new Date().getTime();
+ // Emit the server heartbeat start
+ emitSDAMEvent(self, 'serverHeartbeatStarted', { connectionId: });
+ // Execute ismaster
+ // Set the socketTimeout for a monitoring message to a low number
+ // Ensuring ismaster calls are timed out quickly
+ _server.command('admin.$cmd', {
+ ismaster:true
+ }, {
+ monitoring: true,
+ socketTimeout: self.s.options.connectionTimeout || 2000,
+ }, function(err, r) {
+ if(self.state == DESTROYED) {
+ _server.destroy();
+ return cb(err, r);
+ }
+ // Calculate latency
+ var latencyMS = new Date().getTime() - start;
+ // Set the last updatedTime
+ var hrTime = process.hrtime();
+ // Calculate the last update time
+ _server.lastUpdateTime = hrTime[0] * 1000 + Math.round(hrTime[1]/1000);
+ // We had an error, remove it from the state
+ if(err) {
+ // Emit the server heartbeat failure
+ emitSDAMEvent(self, 'serverHeartbeatFailed', { durationMS: latencyMS, failure: err, connectionId: });
+ // Remove server from the state
+ _self.s.replicaSetState.remove(_server);
+ } else {
+ // Update the server ismaster
+ _server.ismaster = r.result;
+ // Check if we have a lastWriteDate convert it to MS
+ // and store on the server instance for later use
+ if(_server.ismaster.lastWrite && _server.ismaster.lastWrite.lastWriteDate) {
+ _server.lastWriteDate = _server.ismaster.lastWrite.lastWriteDate.getTime();
+ }
+ // Do we have a brand new server
+ if(_server.lastIsMasterMS == -1) {
+ _server.lastIsMasterMS = latencyMS;
+ } else if(_server.lastIsMasterMS) {
+ // After the first measurement, average RTT MUST be computed using an
+ // exponentially-weighted moving average formula, with a weighting factor (alpha) of 0.2.
+ // If the prior average is denoted old_rtt, then the new average (new_rtt) is
+ // computed from a new RTT measurement (x) using the following formula:
+ // alpha = 0.2
+ // new_rtt = alpha * x + (1 - alpha) * old_rtt
+ _server.lastIsMasterMS = 0.2 * latencyMS + (1 - 0.2) * _server.lastIsMasterMS;
+ }
+ if(_self.s.replicaSetState.update(_server)) {
+ // Primary lastIsMaster store it
+ if(_server.lastIsMaster() && _server.lastIsMaster().ismaster) {
+ self.ismaster = _server.lastIsMaster();
+ }
+ }
+ // Server heart beat event
+ emitSDAMEvent(self, 'serverHeartbeatSucceeded', { durationMS: latencyMS, reply: r.result, connectionId: });
+ }
+ // Calculate the stalness for this server
+ self.s.replicaSetState.updateServerMaxStaleness(_server, self.s.haInterval);
+ // Callback
+ cb(err, r);
+ });
+ }
+ // Connect any missing servers
+ function connectMissingServers() {
+ if(self.state == DESTROYED) return;
+ // Attempt to connect to any unknown servers
+ connectNewServers(self, self.s.replicaSetState.unknownServers, function() {
+ if(self.state == DESTROYED) return;
+ // Check if we have an options.haInterval (meaning it was triggered from connect)
+ if(options.haInterval) {
+ // Do we have a primary and secondary
+ if(self.state == CONNECTING
+ && self.s.replicaSetState.hasPrimaryAndSecondary()) {
+ // Transition to connected
+ stateTransition(self, CONNECTED);
+ // Update initial state
+ self.initialConnectState.connect = true;
+ self.initialConnectState.fullsetup = true;
+ self.initialConnectState.all = true;
+ // Emit fullsetup and all events
+ process.nextTick(function() {
+ self.emit('connect', self);
+ self.emit('fullsetup', self);
+ self.emit('all', self);
+ });
+ } else if(self.state == CONNECTING
+ && self.s.replicaSetState.hasPrimary()) {
+ // Transition to connected
+ stateTransition(self, CONNECTED);
+ // Update initial state
+ self.initialConnectState.connect = true;
+ // Emit connected sign
+ process.nextTick(function() {
+ self.emit('connect', self);
+ });
+ } else if(self.state == CONNECTING
+ && self.s.replicaSetState.hasSecondary()
+ && self.s.options.secondaryOnlyConnectionAllowed) {
+ // Transition to connected
+ stateTransition(self, CONNECTED);
+ // Update initial state
+ self.initialConnectState.connect = true;
+ // Emit connected sign
+ process.nextTick(function() {
+ self.emit('connect', self);
+ });
+ } else if(self.state == CONNECTING) {
+ self.emit('error', new MongoError('no primary found in replicaset'));
+ // Destroy the topology
+ return self.destroy();
+ } else if(self.state == CONNECTED
+ && self.s.replicaSetState.hasPrimaryAndSecondary()
+ && !self.initialConnectState.fullsetup) {
+ self.initialConnectState.fullsetup = true;
+ // Emit fullsetup and all events
+ process.nextTick(function() {
+ self.emit('fullsetup', self);
+ self.emit('all', self);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ if(!options.haInterval) topologyMonitor(self);
+ });
+ }
+ // No connectingServers but unknown servers
+ if(connectingServers.length == 0
+ && self.s.replicaSetState.unknownServers.length > 0 && options.haInterval) {
+ return connectMissingServers();
+ } else if(connectingServers.length == 0 && options.haInterval) {
+ self.destroy();
+ return self.emit('error', new MongoError('no valid replicaset members found'));
+ }
+ // Ping all servers
+ for(var i = 0; i < connectingServers.length; i++) {
+ pingServer(self, connectingServers[i], function() {
+ count = count - 1;
+ if(count == 0) {
+ connectMissingServers();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }, options.haInterval || self.s.haInterval)
+function handleEvent(self, event) {
+ return function() {
+ if(self.state == DESTROYED) return;
+ // Debug log
+ if(self.s.logger.isDebug()) {
+ self.s.logger.debug(f('handleEvent %s from server %s in replset with id %s', event,,;
+ }
+ self.s.replicaSetState.remove(this);
+ }
+function handleInitialConnectEvent(self, event) {
+ return function() {
+ // Debug log
+ if(self.s.logger.isDebug()) {
+ self.s.logger.debug(f('handleInitialConnectEvent %s from server %s in replset with id %s', event,,;
+ }
+ // Destroy the instance
+ if(self.state == DESTROYED) {
+ return this.destroy();
+ }
+ // Check the type of server
+ if(event == 'connect') {
+ // Update the state
+ var result = self.s.replicaSetState.update(this);
+ if(result == true) {
+ // Primary lastIsMaster store it
+ if(this.lastIsMaster() && this.lastIsMaster().ismaster) {
+ self.ismaster = this.lastIsMaster();
+ }
+ // Debug log
+ if(self.s.logger.isDebug()) {
+ self.s.logger.debug(f('handleInitialConnectEvent %s from server %s in replset with id %s has state [%s]', event,,, JSON.stringify(self.s.replicaSetState.set)));
+ }
+ // Remove the handlers
+ for(var i = 0; i < handlers.length; i++) {
+ this.removeAllListeners(handlers[i]);
+ }
+ // Add stable state handlers
+ this.on('error', handleEvent(self, 'error'));
+ this.on('close', handleEvent(self, 'close'));
+ this.on('timeout', handleEvent(self, 'timeout'));
+ this.on('parseError', handleEvent(self, 'parseError'));
+ } else if(result instanceof MongoError) {
+ this.destroy();
+ self.destroy();
+ return self.emit('error', result);
+ } else {
+ this.destroy();
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Emit failure to connect
+ self.emit('failed', this);
+ // Remove from the state
+ self.s.replicaSetState.remove(this);
+ }
+ // Remove from the list from connectingServers
+ for(i = 0; i < self.s.connectingServers.length; i++) {
+ if(self.s.connectingServers[i].equals(this)) {
+ self.s.connectingServers.splice(i, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ // Trigger topologyMonitor
+ if(self.s.connectingServers.length == 0) {
+ topologyMonitor(self, {haInterval: 1});
+ }
+ };
+function connectServers(self, servers) {
+ // Update connectingServers
+ self.s.connectingServers = self.s.connectingServers.concat(servers);
+ // Index used to interleaf the server connects, avoiding
+ // runtime issues on io constrained vm's
+ var timeoutInterval = 0;
+ function connect(server, timeoutInterval) {
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ // Add the server to the state
+ if(self.s.replicaSetState.update(server)) {
+ // Primary lastIsMaster store it
+ if(server.lastIsMaster() && server.lastIsMaster().ismaster) {
+ self.ismaster = server.lastIsMaster();
+ }
+ }
+ // Add event handlers
+ server.once('close', handleInitialConnectEvent(self, 'close'));
+ server.once('timeout', handleInitialConnectEvent(self, 'timeout'));
+ server.once('parseError', handleInitialConnectEvent(self, 'parseError'));
+ server.once('error', handleInitialConnectEvent(self, 'error'));
+ server.once('connect', handleInitialConnectEvent(self, 'connect'));
+ // SDAM Monitoring events
+ server.on('serverOpening', function(e) { self.emit('serverOpening', e); });
+ server.on('serverDescriptionChanged', function(e) { self.emit('serverDescriptionChanged', e); });
+ server.on('serverClosed', function(e) { self.emit('serverClosed', e); });
+ // Start connection
+ server.connect(self.s.connectOptions);
+ }, timeoutInterval);
+ }
+ // Start all the servers
+ while(servers.length > 0) {
+ connect(servers.shift(), timeoutInterval++);
+ }
+ * Emit event if it exists
+ * @method
+ */
+function emitSDAMEvent(self, event, description) {
+ if(self.listeners(event).length > 0) {
+ self.emit(event, description);
+ }
+ * Initiate server connect
+ * @method
+ * @param {array} [options.auth=null] Array of auth options to apply on connect
+ */
+ReplSet.prototype.connect = function(options) {
+ var self = this;
+ // Add any connect level options to the internal state
+ this.s.connectOptions = options || {};
+ // Set connecting state
+ stateTransition(this, CONNECTING);
+ // Create server instances
+ var servers = {
+ return new Server(assign({}, self.s.options, x, {
+ authProviders: self.authProviders, reconnect:false, monitoring:false, inTopology: true
+ }, {
+ clientInfo: clone(self.s.clientInfo)
+ }));
+ });
+ // Error out as high availbility interval must be < than socketTimeout
+ if(this.s.options.socketTimeout > 0 && this.s.options.socketTimeout <= this.s.options.haInterval) {
+ return self.emit('error', new MongoError(f("haInterval [%s] MS must be set to less than socketTimeout [%s] MS"
+ , this.s.options.haInterval, this.s.options.socketTimeout)));
+ }
+ // Emit the topology opening event
+ emitSDAMEvent(this, 'topologyOpening', { topologyId: });
+ // Start all server connections
+ connectServers(self, servers);
+ * Destroy the server connection
+ * @param {boolean} [options.force=false] Force destroy the pool
+ * @method
+ */
+ReplSet.prototype.destroy = function(options) {
+ options = options || {};
+ // Transition state
+ stateTransition(this, DESTROYED);
+ // Clear out any monitoring process
+ if(this.haTimeoutId) clearTimeout(this.haTimeoutId);
+ // Destroy the replicaset
+ this.s.replicaSetState.destroy(options);
+ // Destroy all connecting servers
+ this.s.connectingServers.forEach(function(x) {
+ x.destroy(options);
+ });
+ // Emit toplogy closing event
+ emitSDAMEvent(this, 'topologyClosed', { topologyId: });
+ * Unref all connections belong to this server
+ * @method
+ */
+ReplSet.prototype.unref = function() {
+ // Transition state
+ stateTransition(this, DISCONNECTED);
+ this.s.replicaSetState.allServers().forEach(function(x) {
+ x.unref();
+ });
+ clearTimeout(this.haTimeoutId);
+ * Returns the last known ismaster document for this server
+ * @method
+ * @return {object}
+ */
+ReplSet.prototype.lastIsMaster = function() {
+ return this.s.replicaSetState.primary
+ ? this.s.replicaSetState.primary.lastIsMaster() : this.ismaster;
+ * All raw connections
+ * @method
+ * @return {Connection[]}
+ */
+ReplSet.prototype.connections = function() {
+ var servers = this.s.replicaSetState.allServers();
+ var connections = [];
+ for(var i = 0; i < servers.length; i++) {
+ connections = connections.concat(servers[i].connections());
+ }
+ return connections;
+ * Figure out if the server is connected
+ * @method
+ * @param {ReadPreference} [options.readPreference] Specify read preference if command supports it
+ * @return {boolean}
+ */
+ReplSet.prototype.isConnected = function(options) {
+ options = options || {};
+ // If we are authenticating signal not connected
+ // To avoid interleaving of operations
+ if(this.authenticating) return false;
+ // If we specified a read preference check if we are connected to something
+ // than can satisfy this
+ if(options.readPreference
+ && options.readPreference.equals(ReadPreference.secondary)) {
+ return this.s.replicaSetState.hasSecondary();
+ }
+ if(options.readPreference
+ && options.readPreference.equals(ReadPreference.primary)) {
+ return this.s.replicaSetState.hasPrimary();
+ }
+ if(options.readPreference
+ && options.readPreference.equals(ReadPreference.primaryPreferred)) {
+ return this.s.replicaSetState.hasSecondary() || this.s.replicaSetState.hasPrimary();
+ }
+ if(options.readPreference
+ && options.readPreference.equals(ReadPreference.secondaryPreferred)) {
+ return this.s.replicaSetState.hasSecondary() || this.s.replicaSetState.hasPrimary();
+ }
+ if(this.s.secondaryOnlyConnectionAllowed
+ && this.s.replicaSetState.hasSecondary()) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return this.s.replicaSetState.hasPrimary();
+ * Figure out if the replicaset instance was destroyed by calling destroy
+ * @method
+ * @return {boolean}
+ */
+ReplSet.prototype.isDestroyed = function() {
+ return this.state == DESTROYED;
+ * Get server
+ * @method
+ * @param {ReadPreference} [options.readPreference] Specify read preference if command supports it
+ * @return {Server}
+ */
+ReplSet.prototype.getServer = function(options) {
+ // Ensure we have no options
+ options = options || {};
+ // Pick the right server baspickServerd on readPreference
+ var server = this.s.replicaSetState.pickServer(options.readPreference);
+ if(this.s.debug) this.emit('pickedServer', options.readPreference, server);
+ return server;
+ * Get all connected servers
+ * @method
+ * @return {Server[]}
+ */
+ReplSet.prototype.getServers = function() {
+ return this.s.replicaSetState.allServers();
+// Execute write operation
+var executeWriteOperation = function(self, op, ns, ops, options, callback) {
+ if(typeof options == 'function') callback = options, options = {}, options = options || {};
+ // Ensure we have no options
+ options = options || {};
+ // No server returned we had an error
+ if(self.s.replicaSetState.primary == null) {
+ return callback(new MongoError("no primary server found"));
+ }
+ // Execute the command
+ self.s.replicaSetState.primary[op](ns, ops, options, callback);
+ * Insert one or more documents
+ * @method
+ * @param {string} ns The MongoDB fully qualified namespace (ex: db1.collection1)
+ * @param {array} ops An array of documents to insert
+ * @param {boolean} [options.ordered=true] Execute in order or out of order
+ * @param {object} [options.writeConcern={}] Write concern for the operation
+ * @param {Boolean} [options.serializeFunctions=false] Specify if functions on an object should be serialized.
+ * @param {Boolean} [options.ignoreUndefined=false] Specify if the BSON serializer should ignore undefined fields.
+ * @param {opResultCallback} callback A callback function
+ */
+ReplSet.prototype.insert = function(ns, ops, options, callback) {
+ if(typeof options == 'function') callback = options, options = {}, options = options || {};
+ if(this.state == DESTROYED) return callback(new MongoError(f('topology was destroyed')));
+ // Not connected but we have a disconnecthandler
+ if(!this.s.replicaSetState.hasPrimary() && this.s.disconnectHandler != null) {
+ return this.s.disconnectHandler.add('insert', ns, ops, options, callback);
+ }
+ // Execute write operation
+ executeWriteOperation(this, 'insert', ns, ops, options, callback);
+ * Perform one or more update operations
+ * @method
+ * @param {string} ns The MongoDB fully qualified namespace (ex: db1.collection1)
+ * @param {array} ops An array of updates
+ * @param {boolean} [options.ordered=true] Execute in order or out of order
+ * @param {object} [options.writeConcern={}] Write concern for the operation
+ * @param {Boolean} [options.serializeFunctions=false] Specify if functions on an object should be serialized.
+ * @param {Boolean} [options.ignoreUndefined=false] Specify if the BSON serializer should ignore undefined fields.
+ * @param {opResultCallback} callback A callback function
+ */
+ReplSet.prototype.update = function(ns, ops, options, callback) {
+ if(typeof options == 'function') callback = options, options = {}, options = options || {};
+ if(this.state == DESTROYED) return callback(new MongoError(f('topology was destroyed')));
+ // Not connected but we have a disconnecthandler
+ if(!this.s.replicaSetState.hasPrimary() && this.s.disconnectHandler != null) {
+ return this.s.disconnectHandler.add('update', ns, ops, options, callback);
+ }
+ // Execute write operation
+ executeWriteOperation(this, 'update', ns, ops, options, callback);
+ * Perform one or more remove operations
+ * @method
+ * @param {string} ns The MongoDB fully qualified namespace (ex: db1.collection1)
+ * @param {array} ops An array of removes
+ * @param {boolean} [options.ordered=true] Execute in order or out of order
+ * @param {object} [options.writeConcern={}] Write concern for the operation
+ * @param {Boolean} [options.serializeFunctions=false] Specify if functions on an object should be serialized.
+ * @param {Boolean} [options.ignoreUndefined=false] Specify if the BSON serializer should ignore undefined fields.
+ * @param {opResultCallback} callback A callback function
+ */
+ReplSet.prototype.remove = function(ns, ops, options, callback) {
+ if(typeof options == 'function') callback = options, options = {}, options = options || {};
+ if(this.state == DESTROYED) return callback(new MongoError(f('topology was destroyed')));
+ // Not connected but we have a disconnecthandler
+ if(!this.s.replicaSetState.hasPrimary() && this.s.disconnectHandler != null) {
+ return this.s.disconnectHandler.add('remove', ns, ops, options, callback);
+ }
+ // Execute write operation
+ executeWriteOperation(this, 'remove', ns, ops, options, callback);
+ * Execute a command
+ * @method
+ * @param {string} ns The MongoDB fully qualified namespace (ex: db1.collection1)
+ * @param {object} cmd The command hash
+ * @param {ReadPreference} [options.readPreference] Specify read preference if command supports it
+ * @param {Connection} [options.connection] Specify connection object to execute command against
+ * @param {Boolean} [options.serializeFunctions=false] Specify if functions on an object should be serialized.
+ * @param {Boolean} [options.ignoreUndefined=false] Specify if the BSON serializer should ignore undefined fields.
+ * @param {opResultCallback} callback A callback function
+ */
+ReplSet.prototype.command = function(ns, cmd, options, callback) {
+ if(typeof options == 'function') callback = options, options = {}, options = options || {};
+ if(this.state == DESTROYED) return callback(new MongoError(f('topology was destroyed')));
+ var self = this;
+ // Establish readPreference
+ var readPreference = options.readPreference ? options.readPreference : ReadPreference.primary;
+ // If the readPreference is primary and we have no primary, store it
+ if(readPreference.preference == 'primary' && !this.s.replicaSetState.hasPrimary() && this.s.disconnectHandler != null) {
+ return this.s.disconnectHandler.add('command', ns, cmd, options, callback);
+ } else if(readPreference.preference == 'secondary' && !this.s.replicaSetState.hasSecondary() && this.s.disconnectHandler != null) {
+ return this.s.disconnectHandler.add('command', ns, cmd, options, callback);
+ } else if(readPreference.preference != 'primary' && !this.s.replicaSetState.hasSecondary() && !this.s.replicaSetState.hasPrimary() && this.s.disconnectHandler != null) {
+ return this.s.disconnectHandler.add('command', ns, cmd, options, callback);
+ }
+ // Pick a server
+ var server = this.s.replicaSetState.pickServer(readPreference);
+ // We received an error, return it
+ if(!(server instanceof Server)) return callback(server);
+ // Emit debug event
+ if(self.s.debug) self.emit('pickedServer', ReadPreference.primary, server);
+ // No server returned we had an error
+ if(server == null) {
+ return callback(new MongoError(f("no server found that matches the provided readPreference %s", readPreference)));
+ }
+ // Execute the command
+ server.command(ns, cmd, options, callback);
+ * Authenticate using a specified mechanism
+ * @method
+ * @param {string} mechanism The Auth mechanism we are invoking
+ * @param {string} db The db we are invoking the mechanism against
+ * @param {...object} param Parameters for the specific mechanism
+ * @param {authResultCallback} callback A callback function
+ */
+ReplSet.prototype.auth = function(mechanism, db) {
+ var allArgs =, 0).slice(0);
+ var self = this;
+ var args =, 2);
+ var callback = args.pop();
+ // If we don't have the mechanism fail
+ if(this.authProviders[mechanism] == null && mechanism != 'default') {
+ return callback(new MongoError(f("auth provider %s does not exist", mechanism)));
+ }
+ // Are we already authenticating, throw
+ if(this.authenticating) {
+ return callback(new MongoError('authentication or logout allready in process'));
+ }
+ // Topology is not connected, save the call in the provided store to be
+ // Executed at some point when the handler deems it's reconnected
+ if(!self.s.replicaSetState.hasPrimary() && self.s.disconnectHandler != null) {
+ return self.s.disconnectHandler.add('auth', db, allArgs, {}, callback);
+ }
+ // Set to authenticating
+ this.authenticating = true;
+ // All errors
+ var errors = [];
+ // Get all the servers
+ var servers = this.s.replicaSetState.allServers();
+ // No servers return
+ if(servers.length == 0) {
+ this.authenticating = false;
+ callback(null, true);
+ }
+ // Authenticate
+ function auth(server) {
+ // Arguments without a callback
+ var argsWithoutCallback = [mechanism, db].concat(args.slice(0));
+ // Create arguments
+ var finalArguments = argsWithoutCallback.concat([function(err) {
+ count = count - 1;
+ // Save all the errors
+ if(err) errors.push({name:, err: err});
+ // We are done
+ if(count == 0) {
+ // Auth is done
+ self.authenticating = false;
+ // Return the auth error
+ if(errors.length) return callback(MongoError.create({
+ message: 'authentication fail', errors: errors
+ }), false);
+ // Successfully authenticated session
+ callback(null, self);
+ }
+ }]);
+ if(!server.lastIsMaster().arbiterOnly) {
+ // Execute the auth only against non arbiter servers
+ server.auth.apply(server, finalArguments);
+ } else {
+ // If we are authenticating against an arbiter just ignore it
+ finalArguments.pop()(null);
+ }
+ }
+ // Get total count
+ var count = servers.length;
+ // Authenticate against all servers
+ while(servers.length > 0) {
+ auth(servers.shift());
+ }
+ * Logout from a database
+ * @method
+ * @param {string} db The db we are logging out from
+ * @param {authResultCallback} callback A callback function
+ */
+ReplSet.prototype.logout = function(dbName, callback) {
+ var self = this;
+ // Are we authenticating or logging out, throw
+ if(this.authenticating) {
+ throw new MongoError('authentication or logout allready in process');
+ }
+ // Ensure no new members are processed while logging out
+ this.authenticating = true;
+ // Remove from all auth providers (avoid any reaplication of the auth details)
+ var providers = Object.keys(this.authProviders);
+ for(var i = 0; i < providers.length; i++) {
+ this.authProviders[providers[i]].logout(dbName);
+ }
+ // Now logout all the servers
+ var servers = this.s.replicaSetState.allServers();
+ var count = servers.length;
+ if(count == 0) return callback();
+ var errors = [];
+ function logoutServer(_server, cb) {
+ _server.logout(dbName, function(err) {
+ if(err) errors.push({name:, err: err});
+ cb();
+ });
+ }
+ // Execute logout on all server instances
+ for(i = 0; i < servers.length; i++) {
+ logoutServer(servers[i], function() {
+ count = count - 1;
+ if(count == 0) {
+ // Do not block new operations
+ self.authenticating = false;
+ // If we have one or more errors
+ if(errors.length) return callback(MongoError.create({
+ message: f('logout failed against db %s', dbName), errors: errors
+ }), false);
+ // No errors
+ callback();
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ * Perform one or more remove operations
+ * @method
+ * @param {string} ns The MongoDB fully qualified namespace (ex: db1.collection1)
+ * @param {{object}|{Long}} cmd Can be either a command returning a cursor or a cursorId
+ * @param {object} [options.batchSize=0] Batchsize for the operation
+ * @param {array} [options.documents=[]] Initial documents list for cursor
+ * @param {ReadPreference} [options.readPreference] Specify read preference if command supports it
+ * @param {Boolean} [options.serializeFunctions=false] Specify if functions on an object should be serialized.
+ * @param {Boolean} [options.ignoreUndefined=false] Specify if the BSON serializer should ignore undefined fields.
+ * @param {opResultCallback} callback A callback function
+ */
+ReplSet.prototype.cursor = function(ns, cmd, cursorOptions) {
+ cursorOptions = cursorOptions || {};
+ var FinalCursor = cursorOptions.cursorFactory || this.s.Cursor;
+ return new FinalCursor(this.s.bson, ns, cmd, cursorOptions, this, this.s.options);
+ * A replset connect event, used to verify that the connection is up and running
+ *
+ * @event ReplSet#connect
+ * @type {ReplSet}
+ */
+ * A replset reconnect event, used to verify that the topology reconnected
+ *
+ * @event ReplSet#reconnect
+ * @type {ReplSet}
+ */
+ * A replset fullsetup event, used to signal that all topology members have been contacted.
+ *
+ * @event ReplSet#fullsetup
+ * @type {ReplSet}
+ */
+ * A replset all event, used to signal that all topology members have been contacted.
+ *
+ * @event ReplSet#all
+ * @type {ReplSet}
+ */
+ * A replset failed event, used to signal that initial replset connection failed.
+ *
+ * @event ReplSet#failed
+ * @type {ReplSet}
+ */
+ * A server member left the replicaset
+ *
+ * @event ReplSet#left
+ * @type {function}
+ * @param {string} type The type of member that left (primary|secondary|arbiter)
+ * @param {Server} server The server object that left
+ */
+ * A server member joined the replicaset
+ *
+ * @event ReplSet#joined
+ * @type {function}
+ * @param {string} type The type of member that joined (primary|secondary|arbiter)
+ * @param {Server} server The server object that joined
+ */
+ * A server opening SDAM monitoring event
+ *
+ * @event ReplSet#serverOpening
+ * @type {object}
+ */
+ * A server closed SDAM monitoring event
+ *
+ * @event ReplSet#serverClosed
+ * @type {object}
+ */
+ * A server description SDAM change monitoring event
+ *
+ * @event ReplSet#serverDescriptionChanged
+ * @type {object}
+ */
+ * A topology open SDAM event
+ *
+ * @event ReplSet#topologyOpening
+ * @type {object}
+ */
+ * A topology closed SDAM event
+ *
+ * @event ReplSet#topologyClosed
+ * @type {object}
+ */
+ * A topology structure SDAM change event
+ *
+ * @event ReplSet#topologyDescriptionChanged
+ * @type {object}
+ */
+ * A topology serverHeartbeatStarted SDAM event
+ *
+ * @event ReplSet#serverHeartbeatStarted
+ * @type {object}
+ */
+ * A topology serverHeartbeatFailed SDAM event
+ *
+ * @event ReplSet#serverHeartbeatFailed
+ * @type {object}
+ */
+ * A topology serverHeartbeatSucceeded SDAM change event
+ *
+ * @event ReplSet#serverHeartbeatSucceeded
+ * @type {object}
+ */
+module.exports = ReplSet;
diff --git a/common/src/main/webapp/usageguide/appserver/node_modules/mongodb/node_modules/mongodb-core/lib/topologies/replset_state.js b/common/src/main/webapp/usageguide/appserver/node_modules/mongodb/node_modules/mongodb-core/lib/topologies/replset_state.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4fb1d4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/src/main/webapp/usageguide/appserver/node_modules/mongodb/node_modules/mongodb-core/lib/topologies/replset_state.js
@@ -0,0 +1,972 @@
+"use strict"
+var inherits = require('util').inherits,
+ f = require('util').format,
+ EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter,
+ Logger = require('../connection/logger'),
+ ReadPreference = require('./read_preference'),
+ MongoError = require('../error');
+var TopologyType = {
+ 'Single': 'Single', 'ReplicaSetNoPrimary': 'ReplicaSetNoPrimary',
+ 'ReplicaSetWithPrimary': 'ReplicaSetWithPrimary', 'Sharded': 'Sharded',
+ 'Unknown': 'Unknown'
+var ServerType = {
+ 'Standalone': 'Standalone', 'Mongos': 'Mongos', 'PossiblePrimary': 'PossiblePrimary',
+ 'RSPrimary': 'RSPrimary', 'RSSecondary': 'RSSecondary', 'RSArbiter': 'RSArbiter',
+ 'RSOther': 'RSOther', 'RSGhost': 'RSGhost', 'Unknown': 'Unknown'
+var ReplSetState = function(options) {
+ options = options || {};
+ // Add event listener
+ // Topology state
+ this.topologyType = TopologyType.ReplicaSetNoPrimary;
+ this.setName = options.setName;
+ // Server set
+ this.set = {};
+ // Unpacked options
+ =;
+ this.setName = options.setName;
+ // Replicaset logger
+ this.logger = options.logger || Logger('ReplSet', options);
+ // Server selection index
+ this.index = 0;
+ // Acceptable latency
+ this.acceptableLatency = options.acceptableLatency || 15;
+ // heartbeatFrequencyMS
+ this.heartbeatFrequencyMS = options.heartbeatFrequencyMS || 10000;
+ // Server side
+ this.primary = null;
+ this.secondaries = [];
+ this.arbiters = [];
+ this.passives = [];
+ this.ghosts = [];
+ // Current unknown hosts
+ this.unknownServers = [];
+ // In set status
+ this.set = {};
+ // Status
+ this.maxElectionId = null;
+ this.maxSetVersion = 0;
+ // Description of the Replicaset
+ this.replicasetDescription = {
+ "topologyType": "Unknown", "servers": []
+ };
+inherits(ReplSetState, EventEmitter);
+ReplSetState.prototype.hasPrimaryAndSecondary = function() {
+ return this.primary != null && this.secondaries.length > 0;
+ReplSetState.prototype.hasPrimary = function() {
+ return this.primary != null;
+ReplSetState.prototype.hasSecondary = function() {
+ return this.secondaries.length > 0;
+ReplSetState.prototype.allServers = function(options) {
+ options = options || {};
+ var servers = this.primary ? [this.primary] : [];
+ servers = servers.concat(this.secondaries);
+ if(!options.ignoreArbiters) servers = servers.concat(this.arbiters);
+ servers = servers.concat(this.passives);
+ return servers;
+ReplSetState.prototype.destroy = function(options) {
+ // Destroy all sockets
+ if(this.primary) this.primary.destroy(options);
+ this.secondaries.forEach(function(x) { x.destroy(options); });
+ this.arbiters.forEach(function(x) { x.destroy(options); });
+ this.passives.forEach(function(x) { x.destroy(options); });
+ this.ghosts.forEach(function(x) { x.destroy(options); });
+ // Clear out the complete state
+ this.secondaries = [];
+ this.arbiters = [];
+ this.passives = [];
+ this.ghosts = [];
+ this.unknownServers = [];
+ this.set = {};
+ReplSetState.prototype.remove = function(server, options) {
+ options = options || {};
+ // Only remove if the current server is not connected
+ var servers = this.primary ? [this.primary] : [];
+ servers = servers.concat(this.secondaries);
+ servers = servers.concat(this.arbiters);
+ servers = servers.concat(this.passives);
+ // Check if it's active and this is just a failed connection attempt
+ for(var i = 0; i < servers.length; i++) {
+ if(!options.force && servers[i].equals(server) && servers[i].isConnected && servers[i].isConnected()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // If we have it in the set remove it
+ if(this.set[]) {
+ this.set[].type = ServerType.Unknown;
+ this.set[].electionId = null;
+ this.set[].setName = null;
+ this.set[].setVersion = null;
+ }
+ // Remove type
+ var removeType = null;
+ // Remove from any lists
+ if(this.primary && this.primary.equals(server)) {
+ this.primary = null;
+ this.topologyType = TopologyType.ReplicaSetNoPrimary;
+ removeType = 'primary';
+ }
+ // Remove from any other server lists
+ removeType = removeFrom(server, this.secondaries) ? 'secondary' : removeType;
+ removeType = removeFrom(server, this.arbiters) ? 'arbiter' : removeType;
+ removeType = removeFrom(server, this.passives) ? 'secondary' : removeType;
+ removeFrom(server, this.ghosts);
+ removeFrom(server, this.unknownServers);
+ // Do we have a removeType
+ if(removeType) {
+ this.emit('left', removeType, server);
+ }
+ReplSetState.prototype.update = function(server) {
+ var self = this;
+ // Get the current ismaster
+ var ismaster = server.lastIsMaster();
+ //
+ // Add any hosts
+ //
+ if(ismaster) {
+ // Join all the possible new hosts
+ var hosts = Array.isArray(ismaster.hosts) ? ismaster.hosts : [];
+ hosts = hosts.concat(Array.isArray(ismaster.arbiters) ? ismaster.arbiters : []);
+ hosts = hosts.concat(Array.isArray(ismaster.passives) ? ismaster.passives : []);
+ // Add all hosts as unknownServers
+ for(var i = 0; i < hosts.length; i++) {
+ // Add to the list of unknown server
+ if(this.unknownServers.indexOf(hosts[i]) == -1
+ && (!this.set[hosts[i].toLowerCase()] || this.set[hosts[i].toLowerCase()].type == ServerType.Unknown)) {
+ this.unknownServers.push(hosts[i]);
+ }
+ if(!this.set[hosts[i].toLowerCase()]) {
+ this.set[hosts[i].toLowerCase()] = {
+ type: ServerType.Unknown,
+ electionId: null,
+ setName: null,
+ setVersion: null
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // Unknown server
+ //
+ if(!ismaster && !inList(ismaster, server, this.unknownServers)) {
+ self.set[] = {
+ type: ServerType.Unknown, setVersion: null, electionId: null, setName: null
+ }
+ // Update set information about the server instance
+ self.set[].type = ServerType.Unknown;
+ self.set[].electionId = ismaster ? ismaster.electionId : ismaster;
+ self.set[].setName = ismaster ? ismaster.setName : ismaster;
+ self.set[].setVersion = ismaster ? ismaster.setVersion : ismaster;
+ if(self.unknownServers.indexOf( == -1) {
+ self.unknownServers.push(;
+ }
+ // Set the topology
+ return false;
+ }
+ //
+ // Is this a mongos
+ //
+ if(ismaster && ismaster.msg == 'isdbgrid') {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // A RSOther instance
+ if((ismaster.setName && ismaster.hidden)
+ || (ismaster.setName && !ismaster.ismaster && !ismaster.secondary && !ismaster.arbiterOnly && !ismaster.passive)) {
+ self.set[] = {
+ type: ServerType.RSOther, setVersion: null,
+ electionId: null, setName: ismaster.setName
+ }
+ // Set the topology
+ this.topologyType = this.primary ? TopologyType.ReplicaSetWithPrimary : TopologyType.ReplicaSetNoPrimary;
+ if(ismaster.setName) this.setName = ismaster.setName;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // A RSGhost instance
+ if(ismaster.isreplicaset) {
+ self.set[] = {
+ type: ServerType.RSGhost, setVersion: null,
+ electionId: null, setName: null
+ }
+ // Set the topology
+ this.topologyType = this.primary ? TopologyType.ReplicaSetWithPrimary : TopologyType.ReplicaSetNoPrimary;
+ if(ismaster.setName) this.setName = ismaster.setName;
+ // Set the topology
+ return false;
+ }
+ //
+ // Standalone server, destroy and return
+ //
+ if(ismaster && ismaster.ismaster && !ismaster.setName) {
+ this.topologyType = this.primary ? TopologyType.ReplicaSetWithPrimary : TopologyType.Unknown;
+ this.remove(server, {force:true});
+ return false;
+ }
+ //
+ // Server in maintanance mode
+ //
+ if(ismaster && !ismaster.ismaster && !ismaster.secondary && !ismaster.arbiterOnly) {
+ this.remove(server, {force:true});
+ return false;
+ }
+ //
+ // If the .me field does not match the passed in server
+ //
+ if( && != {
+ if(this.logger.isWarn()) {
+ this.logger.warn(f('the seedlist server was removed due to its address %s not matching its address %s',,;
+ }
+ // Delete from the set
+ delete this.set[];
+ // Set the type of topology we have
+ if(this.primary && !this.primary.equals(server)) {
+ this.topologyType = TopologyType.ReplicaSetWithPrimary;
+ } else {
+ this.topologyType = TopologyType.ReplicaSetNoPrimary;
+ }
+ //
+ // We have a potential primary
+ //
+ if(!this.primary && ismaster.primary) {
+ this.set[ismaster.primary.toLowerCase()] = {
+ type: ServerType.PossiblePrimary,
+ setName: null,
+ electionId: null,
+ setVersion: null,
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ //
+ // Primary handling
+ //
+ if(!this.primary && ismaster.ismaster && ismaster.setName) {
+ var ismasterElectionId = server.lastIsMaster().electionId;
+ if(this.setName && this.setName != ismaster.setName) {
+ this.topologyType = TopologyType.ReplicaSetNoPrimary;
+ return new MongoError(f('setName from ismaster does not match provided connection setName [%s] != [%s]', ismaster.setName, this.setName));
+ }
+ if(!this.maxElectionId && ismasterElectionId) {
+ this.maxElectionId = ismasterElectionId;
+ } else if(this.maxElectionId && ismasterElectionId) {
+ var result = compareObjectIds(this.maxElectionId, ismasterElectionId);
+ // Get the electionIds
+ var ismasterSetVersion = server.lastIsMaster().setVersion;
+ // if(result == 1 || result == 0) {
+ if(result == 1) {
+ this.topologyType = TopologyType.ReplicaSetNoPrimary;
+ return false;
+ } else if(result == 0 && ismasterSetVersion) {
+ if(ismasterSetVersion < this.maxSetVersion) {
+ this.topologyType = TopologyType.ReplicaSetNoPrimary;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ this.maxSetVersion = ismasterSetVersion;
+ this.maxElectionId = ismasterElectionId;
+ }
+ // Hande normalization of server names
+ var normalizedHosts = { return x.toLowerCase() });
+ var locationIndex = normalizedHosts.indexOf(;
+ // Validate that the server exists in the host list
+ if(locationIndex != -1) {
+ self.primary = server;
+ self.set[] = {
+ type: ServerType.RSPrimary,
+ setVersion: ismaster.setVersion,
+ electionId: ismaster.electionId,
+ setName: ismaster.setName
+ }
+ // Set the topology
+ this.topologyType = TopologyType.ReplicaSetWithPrimary;
+ if(ismaster.setName) this.setName = ismaster.setName;
+ removeFrom(server, self.unknownServers);
+ removeFrom(server, self.secondaries);
+ removeFrom(server, self.passives);
+ self.emit('joined', 'primary', server);
+ } else {
+ this.topologyType = TopologyType.ReplicaSetNoPrimary;
+ }
+ emitTopologyDescriptionChanged(self);
+ return true;
+ } else if(ismaster.ismaster && ismaster.setName) {
+ // Get the electionIds
+ var currentElectionId = self.set[].electionId;
+ var currentSetVersion = self.set[].setVersion;
+ var currentSetName = self.set[].setName;
+ ismasterElectionId = server.lastIsMaster().electionId;
+ ismasterSetVersion = server.lastIsMaster().setVersion;
+ var ismasterSetName = server.lastIsMaster().setName;
+ // Is it the same server instance
+ if(this.primary.equals(server)
+ && currentSetName == ismasterSetName) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // If we do not have the same rs name
+ if(currentSetName && currentSetName != ismasterSetName) {
+ if(!this.primary.equals(server)) {
+ this.topologyType = TopologyType.ReplicaSetWithPrimary;
+ } else {
+ this.topologyType = TopologyType.ReplicaSetNoPrimary;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Check if we need to replace the server
+ if(currentElectionId && ismasterElectionId) {
+ result = compareObjectIds(currentElectionId, ismasterElectionId);
+ if(result == 1) {
+ return false;
+ } else if(result == 0 && (currentSetVersion > ismasterSetVersion)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else if(!currentElectionId && ismasterElectionId
+ && ismasterSetVersion) {
+ if(ismasterSetVersion < this.maxSetVersion) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!this.maxElectionId && ismasterElectionId) {
+ this.maxElectionId = ismasterElectionId;
+ } else if(this.maxElectionId && ismasterElectionId) {
+ result = compareObjectIds(this.maxElectionId, ismasterElectionId);
+ if(result == 1) {
+ return false;
+ } else if(result == 0 && currentSetVersion && ismasterSetVersion) {
+ if(ismasterSetVersion < this.maxSetVersion) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if(ismasterSetVersion < this.maxSetVersion) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ this.maxElectionId = ismasterElectionId;
+ this.maxSetVersion = ismasterSetVersion;
+ } else {
+ this.maxSetVersion = ismasterSetVersion;
+ }
+ // Modify the entry to unknown
+ self.set[] = {
+ type: ServerType.Unknown, setVersion: null,
+ electionId: null, setName: null
+ }
+ // Signal primary left
+ self.emit('left', 'primary', this.primary);
+ // Destroy the instance
+ self.primary.destroy();
+ // Set the new instance
+ self.primary = server;
+ // Set the set information
+ self.set[] = {
+ type: ServerType.RSPrimary, setVersion: ismaster.setVersion,
+ electionId: ismaster.electionId, setName: ismaster.setName
+ }
+ // Set the topology
+ this.topologyType = TopologyType.ReplicaSetWithPrimary;
+ if(ismaster.setName) this.setName = ismaster.setName;
+ removeFrom(server, self.unknownServers);
+ removeFrom(server, self.secondaries);
+ removeFrom(server, self.passives);
+ self.emit('joined', 'primary', server);
+ emitTopologyDescriptionChanged(self);
+ return true;
+ }
+ // A possible instance
+ if(!this.primary && ismaster.primary) {
+ self.set[ismaster.primary.toLowerCase()] = {
+ type: ServerType.PossiblePrimary, setVersion: null,
+ electionId: null, setName: null
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // Secondary handling
+ //
+ if(ismaster.secondary && ismaster.setName
+ && !inList(ismaster, server, this.secondaries)
+ && this.setName && this.setName == ismaster.setName) {
+ addToList(self, ServerType.RSSecondary, ismaster, server, this.secondaries);
+ // Set the topology
+ this.topologyType = this.primary ? TopologyType.ReplicaSetWithPrimary : TopologyType.ReplicaSetNoPrimary;
+ if(ismaster.setName) this.setName = ismaster.setName;
+ removeFrom(server, self.unknownServers);
+ // Remove primary
+ if(this.primary && == {
+ server.destroy();
+ this.primary = null;
+ self.emit('left', 'primary', server);
+ }
+ self.emit('joined', 'secondary', server);
+ emitTopologyDescriptionChanged(self);
+ return true;
+ }
+ //
+ // Arbiter handling
+ //
+ if(ismaster.arbiterOnly && ismaster.setName
+ && !inList(ismaster, server, this.arbiters)
+ && this.setName && this.setName == ismaster.setName) {
+ addToList(self, ServerType.RSArbiter, ismaster, server, this.arbiters);
+ // Set the topology
+ this.topologyType = this.primary ? TopologyType.ReplicaSetWithPrimary : TopologyType.ReplicaSetNoPrimary;
+ if(ismaster.setName) this.setName = ismaster.setName;
+ removeFrom(server, self.unknownServers);
+ self.emit('joined', 'arbiter', server);
+ emitTopologyDescriptionChanged(self);
+ return true;
+ }
+ //
+ // Passive handling
+ //
+ if(ismaster.passive && ismaster.setName
+ && !inList(ismaster, server, this.passives)
+ && this.setName && this.setName == ismaster.setName) {
+ addToList(self, ServerType.RSSecondary, ismaster, server, this.passives);
+ // Set the topology
+ this.topologyType = this.primary ? TopologyType.ReplicaSetWithPrimary : TopologyType.ReplicaSetNoPrimary;
+ if(ismaster.setName) this.setName = ismaster.setName;
+ removeFrom(server, self.unknownServers);
+ // Remove primary
+ if(this.primary && == {
+ server.destroy();
+ this.primary = null;
+ self.emit('left', 'primary', server);
+ }
+ self.emit('joined', 'secondary', server);
+ emitTopologyDescriptionChanged(self);
+ return true;
+ }
+ //
+ // Remove the primary
+ //
+ if(this.set[] && this.set[].type == ServerType.RSPrimary) {
+ self.emit('left', 'primary', this.primary);
+ this.primary.destroy();
+ this.primary = null;
+ this.topologyType = TopologyType.ReplicaSetNoPrimary;
+ return false;
+ }
+ this.topologyType = this.primary ? TopologyType.ReplicaSetWithPrimary : TopologyType.ReplicaSetNoPrimary;
+ return false;
+ * Recalculate single server max staleness
+ * @method
+ */
+ReplSetState.prototype.updateServerMaxStaleness = function(server, haInterval) {
+ // Locate the max secondary lastwrite
+ var max = 0;
+ // Go over all secondaries
+ for(var i = 0; i < this.secondaries.length; i++) {
+ max = Math.max(max, this.secondaries[i].lastWriteDate);
+ }
+ // Perform this servers staleness calculation
+ if(server.ismaster.maxWireVersion >= 5
+ && server.ismaster.secondary
+ && this.hasPrimary()) {
+ server.staleness = (server.lastUpdateTime - server.lastWriteDate)
+ - (this.primary.lastUpdateTime - this.primary.lastWriteDate)
+ + haInterval;
+ } else if(server.ismaster.maxWireVersion >= 5
+ && server.ismaster.secondary){
+ server.staleness = max - server.lastWriteDate + haInterval;
+ }
+ * Recalculate all the stalness values for secodaries
+ * @method
+ */
+ReplSetState.prototype.updateSecondariesMaxStaleness = function(haInterval) {
+ for(var i = 0; i < this.secondaries.length; i++) {
+ this.updateServerMaxStaleness(this.secondaries[i], haInterval);
+ }
+ * Pick a server by the passed in ReadPreference
+ * @method
+ * @param {ReadPreference} readPreference The ReadPreference instance to use
+ */
+ReplSetState.prototype.pickServer = function(readPreference) {
+ // If no read Preference set to primary by default
+ readPreference = readPreference || ReadPreference.primary;
+ // maxStalenessSeconds is not allowed with a primary read
+ if(readPreference.preference == 'primary' && readPreference.maxStalenessSeconds != null) {
+ return new MongoError('primary readPreference incompatible with maxStalenessSeconds');
+ }
+ // Check if we have any non compatible servers for maxStalenessSeconds
+ var allservers = this.primary ? [this.primary] : [];
+ allservers = allservers.concat(this.secondaries);
+ // Does any of the servers not support the right wire protocol version
+ // for maxStalenessSeconds when maxStalenessSeconds specified on readPreference. Then error out
+ if(readPreference.maxStalenessSeconds != null) {
+ for(var i = 0; i < allservers.length; i++) {
+ if(allservers[i].ismaster.maxWireVersion < 5) {
+ return new MongoError('maxStalenessSeconds not supported by at least one of the replicaset members');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Do we have the nearest readPreference
+ if(readPreference.preference == 'nearest' && readPreference.maxStalenessSeconds == null) {
+ return pickNearest(this, readPreference);
+ } else if(readPreference.preference == 'nearest' && readPreference.maxStalenessSeconds != null) {
+ return pickNearestMaxStalenessSeconds(this, readPreference);
+ }
+ // Get all the secondaries
+ var secondaries = this.secondaries;
+ // Check if we can satisfy and of the basic read Preferences
+ if(readPreference.equals(ReadPreference.secondary)
+ && secondaries.length == 0) {
+ return new MongoError("no secondary server available");
+ }
+ if(readPreference.equals(ReadPreference.secondaryPreferred)
+ && secondaries.length == 0
+ && this.primary == null) {
+ return new MongoError("no secondary or primary server available");
+ }
+ if(readPreference.equals(ReadPreference.primary)
+ && this.primary == null) {
+ return new MongoError("no primary server available");
+ }
+ // Secondary preferred or just secondaries
+ if(readPreference.equals(ReadPreference.secondaryPreferred)
+ || readPreference.equals(ReadPreference.secondary)) {
+ if(secondaries.length > 0 && readPreference.maxStalenessSeconds == null) {
+ // Pick nearest of any other servers available
+ var server = pickNearest(this, readPreference);
+ // No server in the window return primary
+ if(server) {
+ return server;
+ }
+ } else if(secondaries.length > 0 && readPreference.maxStalenessSeconds != null) {
+ // Pick nearest of any other servers available
+ server = pickNearestMaxStalenessSeconds(this, readPreference);
+ // No server in the window return primary
+ if(server) {
+ return server;
+ }
+ }
+ if(readPreference.equals(ReadPreference.secondaryPreferred)){
+ return this.primary;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ // Primary preferred
+ if(readPreference.equals(ReadPreference.primaryPreferred)) {
+ server = null;
+ // We prefer the primary if it's available
+ if(this.primary) {
+ return this.primary;
+ }
+ // Pick a secondary
+ if(secondaries.length > 0 && readPreference.maxStalenessSeconds == null) {
+ server = pickNearest(this, readPreference);
+ } else if(secondaries.length > 0 && readPreference.maxStalenessSeconds != null) {
+ server = pickNearestMaxStalenessSeconds(this, readPreference);
+ }
+ // Did we find a server
+ if(server) return server;
+ }
+ // Return the primary
+ return this.primary;
+// Filter serves by tags
+var filterByTags = function(readPreference, servers) {
+ if(readPreference.tags == null) return servers;
+ var filteredServers = [];
+ var tagsArray = Array.isArray(readPreference.tags) ? readPreference.tags : [readPreference.tags];
+ // Iterate over the tags
+ for(var j = 0; j < tagsArray.length; j++) {
+ var tags = tagsArray[j];
+ // Iterate over all the servers
+ for(var i = 0; i < servers.length; i++) {
+ var serverTag = servers[i].lastIsMaster().tags || {};
+ // Did we find the a matching server
+ var found = true;
+ // Check if the server is valid
+ for(var name in tags) {
+ if(serverTag[name] != tags[name]) {
+ found = false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Add to candidate list
+ if(found) {
+ filteredServers.push(servers[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Returned filtered servers
+ return filteredServers;
+function pickNearestMaxStalenessSeconds(self, readPreference) {
+ // Only get primary and secondaries as seeds
+ var servers = [];
+ var heartbeatFrequencyMS = self.heartbeatFrequencyMS;
+ // Get the maxStalenessMS
+ var maxStalenessMS = readPreference.maxStalenessSeconds * 1000;
+ // Check if the maxStalenessMS > 90 seconds
+ if(maxStalenessMS < 90 * 1000) {
+ return new MongoError('maxStalenessSeconds must be set to at least 90 seconds');
+ }
+ // Add primary to list if not a secondary read preference
+ if(self.primary && readPreference.preference != 'secondary') {
+ servers.push(self.primary);
+ }
+ // Add all the secondaries
+ for(var i = 0; i < self.secondaries.length; i++) {
+ servers.push(self.secondaries[i]);
+ }
+ // Filter by tags
+ servers = filterByTags(readPreference, servers);
+ //
+ // Locate lowest time (picked servers are lowest time + acceptable Latency margin)
+ // var lowest = servers.length > 0 ? servers[0].lastIsMasterMS : 0;
+ // Filter by latency
+ servers = servers.filter(function(s) {
+ return s.staleness <= maxStalenessMS;
+ });
+ // Sort by time
+ servers.sort(function(a, b) {
+ // return a.time > b.time;
+ return a.lastIsMasterMS > b.lastIsMasterMS
+ });
+ // No servers, default to primary
+ if(servers.length == 0) {
+ return null
+ }
+ // Ensure index does not overflow the number of available servers
+ self.index = self.index % servers.length;
+ // Get the server
+ var server = servers[self.index];
+ // Add to the index
+ self.index = self.index + 1;
+ // Return the first server of the sorted and filtered list
+ return server;
+function pickNearest(self, readPreference) {
+ // Only get primary and secondaries as seeds
+ var servers = [];
+ // Add primary to list if not a secondary read preference
+ if(self.primary && readPreference.preference != 'secondary') {
+ servers.push(self.primary);
+ }
+ // Add all the secondaries
+ for(var i = 0; i < self.secondaries.length; i++) {
+ servers.push(self.secondaries[i]);
+ }
+ // Filter by tags
+ servers = filterByTags(readPreference, servers);
+ // Sort by time
+ servers.sort(function(a, b) {
+ // return a.time > b.time;
+ return a.lastIsMasterMS > b.lastIsMasterMS
+ });
+ // Locate lowest time (picked servers are lowest time + acceptable Latency margin)
+ var lowest = servers.length > 0 ? servers[0].lastIsMasterMS : 0;
+ // Filter by latency
+ servers = servers.filter(function(s) {
+ return s.lastIsMasterMS <= lowest + self.acceptableLatency;
+ });
+ // No servers, default to primary
+ if(servers.length == 0) {
+ return null
+ }
+ // Ensure index does not overflow the number of available servers
+ self.index = self.index % servers.length;
+ // Get the server
+ var server = servers[self.index];
+ // Add to the index
+ self.index = self.index + 1;
+ // Return the first server of the sorted and filtered list
+ return server;
+function inList(ismaster, server, list) {
+ for(var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
+ if(list[i].name == return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+function addToList(self, type, ismaster, server, list) {
+ // Update set information about the server instance
+ self.set[].type = type;
+ self.set[].electionId = ismaster ? ismaster.electionId : ismaster;
+ self.set[].setName = ismaster ? ismaster.setName : ismaster;
+ self.set[].setVersion = ismaster ? ismaster.setVersion : ismaster;
+ // Add to the list
+ list.push(server);
+function compareObjectIds(id1, id2) {
+ var a = new Buffer(id1.toHexString(), 'hex');
+ var b = new Buffer(id2.toHexString(), 'hex');
+ if(a === b) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if(typeof === 'function') {
+ return, b);
+ }
+ var x = a.length;
+ var y = b.length;
+ var len = Math.min(x, y);
+ for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ if (a[i] !== b[i]) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (i !== len) {
+ x = a[i];
+ y = b[i];
+ }
+ return x < y ? -1 : y < x ? 1 : 0;
+function removeFrom(server, list) {
+ for(var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
+ if(list[i].equals && list[i].equals(server)) {
+ list.splice(i, 1);
+ return true;
+ } else if(typeof list[i] == 'string' && list[i] == {
+ list.splice(i, 1);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+function emitTopologyDescriptionChanged(self) {
+ if(self.listeners('topologyDescriptionChanged').length > 0) {
+ var topology = 'Unknown';
+ var setName = self.setName;
+ if(self.hasPrimaryAndSecondary()) {
+ topology = 'ReplicaSetWithPrimary';
+ } else if(!self.hasPrimary() && self.hasSecondary()) {
+ topology = 'ReplicaSetNoPrimary';
+ }
+ // Generate description
+ var description = {
+ topologyType: topology,
+ setName: setName,
+ servers: []
+ }
+ // Add the primary to the list
+ if(self.hasPrimary()) {
+ var desc = self.primary.getDescription();
+ desc.type = 'RSPrimary';
+ description.servers.push(desc);
+ }
+ // Add all the secondaries
+ description.servers = description.servers.concat( {
+ var description = x.getDescription();
+ description.type = 'RSSecondary';
+ return description;
+ }));
+ // Add all the arbiters
+ description.servers = description.servers.concat( {
+ var description = x.getDescription();
+ description.type = 'RSArbiter';
+ return description;
+ }));
+ // Add all the passives
+ description.servers = description.servers.concat( {
+ var description = x.getDescription();
+ description.type = 'RSSecondary';
+ return description;
+ }));
+ // Create the result
+ var result = {
+ topologyId:,
+ previousDescription: self.replicasetDescription,
+ newDescription: description,
+ diff: diff(self.replicasetDescription, description)
+ };
+ // Emit the topologyDescription change
+ self.emit('topologyDescriptionChanged', result);
+ // Set the new description
+ self.replicasetDescription = description;
+ }
+function diff(previous, current) {
+ // Difference document
+ var diff = {
+ servers: []
+ }
+ // Previous entry
+ if(!previous) {
+ previous = { servers: [] };
+ }
+ // Got through all the servers
+ for(var i = 0; i < previous.servers.length; i++) {
+ var prevServer = previous.servers[i];
+ // Go through all current servers
+ for(var j = 0; j < current.servers.length; j++) {
+ var currServer = current.servers[j];
+ // Matching server
+ if(prevServer.address === currServer.address) {
+ // We had a change in state
+ if(prevServer.type != currServer.type) {
+ diff.servers.push({
+ address: prevServer.address,
+ from: prevServer.type,
+ to: currServer.type
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Return difference
+ return diff;
+module.exports = ReplSetState;
diff --git a/common/src/main/webapp/usageguide/appserver/node_modules/mongodb/node_modules/mongodb-core/lib/topologies/server.js b/common/src/main/webapp/usageguide/appserver/node_modules/mongodb/node_modules/mongodb-core/lib/topologies/server.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fac82b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/src/main/webapp/usageguide/appserver/node_modules/mongodb/node_modules/mongodb-core/lib/topologies/server.js
@@ -0,0 +1,855 @@
+"use strict"
+var inherits = require('util').inherits,
+ require_optional = require('require_optional'),
+ f = require('util').format,
+ EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter,
+ ReadPreference = require('./read_preference'),
+ Logger = require('../connection/logger'),
+ debugOptions = require('../connection/utils').debugOptions,
+ retrieveBSON = require('../connection/utils').retrieveBSON,
+ Pool = require('../connection/pool'),
+ Query = require('../connection/commands').Query,
+ MongoError = require('../error'),
+ PreTwoSixWireProtocolSupport = require('../wireprotocol/2_4_support'),
+ TwoSixWireProtocolSupport = require('../wireprotocol/2_6_support'),
+ ThreeTwoWireProtocolSupport = require('../wireprotocol/3_2_support'),
+ BasicCursor = require('../cursor'),
+ sdam = require('./shared'),
+ assign = require('./shared').assign,
+ createClientInfo = require('./shared').createClientInfo;
+// Used for filtering out fields for loggin
+var debugFields = ['reconnect', 'reconnectTries', 'reconnectInterval', 'emitError', 'cursorFactory', 'host'
+ , 'port', 'size', 'keepAlive', 'keepAliveInitialDelay', 'noDelay', 'connectionTimeout', 'checkServerIdentity'
+ , 'socketTimeout', 'singleBufferSerializtion', 'ssl', 'ca', 'cert', 'key', 'rejectUnauthorized', 'promoteLongs', 'promoteValues'
+ , 'promoteBuffers', 'servername'];
+// Server instance id
+var id = 0;
+var serverAccounting = false;
+var servers = {};
+var BSON = retrieveBSON();
+ * Creates a new Server instance
+ * @class
+ * @param {boolean} [options.reconnect=true] Server will attempt to reconnect on loss of connection
+ * @param {number} [options.reconnectTries=30] Server attempt to reconnect #times
+ * @param {number} [options.reconnectInterval=1000] Server will wait # milliseconds between retries
+ * @param {number} [options.monitoring=true] Enable the server state monitoring (calling ismaster at monitoringInterval)
+ * @param {number} [options.monitoringInterval=5000] The interval of calling ismaster when monitoring is enabled.
+ * @param {Cursor} [options.cursorFactory=Cursor] The cursor factory class used for all query cursors
+ * @param {string} The server host
+ * @param {number} options.port The server port
+ * @param {number} [options.size=5] Server connection pool size
+ * @param {boolean} [options.keepAlive=true] TCP Connection keep alive enabled
+ * @param {number} [options.keepAliveInitialDelay=0] Initial delay before TCP keep alive enabled
+ * @param {boolean} [options.noDelay=true] TCP Connection no delay
+ * @param {number} [options.connectionTimeout=0] TCP Connection timeout setting
+ * @param {number} [options.socketTimeout=0] TCP Socket timeout setting
+ * @param {boolean} [options.ssl=false] Use SSL for connection
+ * @param {boolean|function} [options.checkServerIdentity=true] Ensure we check server identify during SSL, set to false to disable checking. Only works for Node 0.12.x or higher. You can pass in a boolean or your own checkServerIdentity override function.
+ * @param {Buffer} [] SSL Certificate store binary buffer
+ * @param {Buffer} [options.cert] SSL Certificate binary buffer
+ * @param {Buffer} [options.key] SSL Key file binary buffer
+ * @param {string} [options.passphrase] SSL Certificate pass phrase
+ * @param {boolean} [options.rejectUnauthorized=true] Reject unauthorized server certificates
+ * @param {string} [options.servername=null] String containing the server name requested via TLS SNI.
+ * @param {boolean} [options.promoteLongs=true] Convert Long values from the db into Numbers if they fit into 53 bits
+ * @param {boolean} [options.promoteValues=true] Promotes BSON values to native types where possible, set to false to only receive wrapper types.
+ * @param {boolean} [options.promoteBuffers=false] Promotes Binary BSON values to native Node Buffers.
+ * @param {string} [options.appname=null] Application name, passed in on ismaster call and logged in mongod server logs. Maximum size 128 bytes.
+ * @param {boolean} [options.domainsEnabled=false] Enable the wrapping of the callback in the current domain, disabled by default to avoid perf hit.
+ * @return {Server} A cursor instance
+ * @fires Server#connect
+ * @fires Server#close
+ * @fires Server#error
+ * @fires Server#timeout
+ * @fires Server#parseError
+ * @fires Server#reconnect
+ * @fires Server#reconnectFailed
+ * @fires Server#serverHeartbeatStarted
+ * @fires Server#serverHeartbeatSucceeded
+ * @fires Server#serverHeartbeatFailed
+ * @fires Server#topologyOpening
+ * @fires Server#topologyClosed
+ * @fires Server#topologyDescriptionChanged
+ * @property {string} type the topology type.
+ * @property {string} parserType the parser type used (c++ or js).
+ */
+var Server = function(options) {
+ options = options || {};
+ // Add event listener
+ // Server instance id
+ = id++;
+ // Internal state
+ this.s = {
+ // Options
+ options: options,
+ // Logger
+ logger: Logger('Server', options),
+ // Factory overrides
+ Cursor: options.cursorFactory || BasicCursor,
+ // BSON instance
+ bson: options.bson || new BSON([BSON.Binary, BSON.Code, BSON.DBRef, BSON.Decimal128,
+ BSON.Double, BSON.Int32, BSON.Long, BSON.Map, BSON.MaxKey, BSON.MinKey,
+ BSON.ObjectId, BSON.BSONRegExp, BSON.Symbol, BSON.Timestamp]),
+ // Pool
+ pool: null,
+ // Disconnect handler
+ disconnectHandler: options.disconnectHandler,
+ // Monitor thread (keeps the connection alive)
+ monitoring: typeof options.monitoring == 'boolean' ? options.monitoring : true,
+ // Is the server in a topology
+ inTopology: typeof options.inTopology == 'boolean' ? options.inTopology : false,
+ // Monitoring timeout
+ monitoringInterval: typeof options.monitoringInterval == 'number'
+ ? options.monitoringInterval
+ : 5000,
+ // Topology id
+ topologyId: -1
+ }
+ // Curent ismaster
+ this.ismaster = null;
+ // Current ping time
+ this.lastIsMasterMS = -1;
+ // The monitoringProcessId
+ this.monitoringProcessId = null;
+ // Initial connection
+ this.initalConnect = true;
+ // Wire protocol handler, default to oldest known protocol handler
+ // this gets changed when the first ismaster is called.
+ this.wireProtocolHandler = new PreTwoSixWireProtocolSupport();
+ // Default type
+ this._type = 'server';
+ // Set the client info
+ this.clientInfo = createClientInfo(options);
+ // Max Stalleness values
+ // last time we updated the ismaster state
+ this.lastUpdateTime = 0;
+ // Last write time
+ this.lastWriteDate = 0;
+ // Stalleness
+ this.staleness = 0;
+inherits(Server, EventEmitter);
+Object.defineProperty(Server.prototype, 'type', {
+ enumerable:true, get: function() { return this._type; }
+Object.defineProperty(Server.prototype, 'parserType', {
+ enumerable:true, get: function() {
+ return BSON.native ? "c++" : "js";
+ }
+Server.enableServerAccounting = function() {
+ serverAccounting = true;
+ servers = {};
+Server.disableServerAccounting = function() {
+ serverAccounting = false;
+Server.servers = function() {
+ return servers;
+Object.defineProperty(Server.prototype, 'name', {
+ enumerable:true,
+ get: function() { return + ":" + this.s.options.port; }
+function configureWireProtocolHandler(self, ismaster) {
+ // 3.2 wire protocol handler
+ if(ismaster.maxWireVersion >= 4) {
+ return new ThreeTwoWireProtocolSupport(new TwoSixWireProtocolSupport());
+ }
+ // 2.6 wire protocol handler
+ if(ismaster.maxWireVersion >= 2) {
+ return new TwoSixWireProtocolSupport();
+ }
+ // 2.4 or earlier wire protocol handler
+ return new PreTwoSixWireProtocolSupport();
+function disconnectHandler(self, type, ns, cmd, options, callback) {
+ // Topology is not connected, save the call in the provided store to be
+ // Executed at some point when the handler deems it's reconnected
+ if(!self.s.pool.isConnected() && self.s.disconnectHandler != null && !options.monitoring) {
+ self.s.disconnectHandler.add(type, ns, cmd, options, callback);
+ return true;
+ }
+ // If we have no connection error
+ if(!self.s.pool.isConnected()) {
+ callback(MongoError.create(f("no connection available to server %s",;
+ return true;
+ }
+function monitoringProcess(self) {
+ return function() {
+ // Pool was destroyed do not continue process
+ if(self.s.pool.isDestroyed()) return;
+ // Emit monitoring Process event
+ self.emit('monitoring', self);
+ // Perform ismaster call
+ // Query options
+ var queryOptions = { numberToSkip: 0, numberToReturn: -1, checkKeys: false, slaveOk: true };
+ // Create a query instance
+ var query = new Query(self.s.bson, 'admin.$cmd', {ismaster:true}, queryOptions);
+ // Get start time
+ var start = new Date().getTime();
+ // Execute the ismaster query
+ self.s.pool.write(query, {
+ socketTimeout: self.s.options.connectionTimeout || 2000,
+ }, function(err, result) {
+ // Set initial lastIsMasterMS
+ self.lastIsMasterMS = new Date().getTime() - start;
+ if(self.s.pool.isDestroyed()) return;
+ // Update the ismaster view if we have a result
+ if(result) {
+ self.ismaster = result.result;
+ }
+ // Re-schedule the monitoring process
+ self.monitoringProcessId = setTimeout(monitoringProcess(self), self.s.monitoringInterval);
+ });
+ }
+var eventHandler = function(self, event) {
+ return function(err) {
+ // Log information of received information if in info mode
+ if(self.s.logger.isInfo()) {
+ var object = err instanceof MongoError ? JSON.stringify(err) : {}
+'server %s fired event %s out with message %s'
+ ,, event, object));
+ }
+ // Handle connect event
+ if(event == 'connect') {
+ // Issue an ismaster command at connect
+ // Query options
+ var queryOptions = { numberToSkip: 0, numberToReturn: -1, checkKeys: false, slaveOk: true };
+ // Create a query instance
+ var query = new Query(self.s.bson, 'admin.$cmd', {ismaster:true, client: self.clientInfo}, queryOptions);
+ // Get start time
+ var start = new Date().getTime();
+ // Execute the ismaster query
+ self.s.pool.write(query, {
+ socketTimeout: self.s.options.connectionTimeout || 2000,
+ }, function(err, result) {
+ // Set initial lastIsMasterMS
+ self.lastIsMasterMS = new Date().getTime() - start;
+ if(err) {
+ self.destroy();
+ if(self.listeners('error').length > 0) self.emit('error', err);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Ensure no error emitted after initial connect when reconnecting
+ self.initalConnect = false;
+ // Save the ismaster
+ self.ismaster = result.result;
+ // It's a proxy change the type so
+ // the wireprotocol will send $readPreference
+ if(self.ismaster.msg == 'isdbgrid') {
+ self._type = 'mongos';
+ }
+ // Add the correct wire protocol handler
+ self.wireProtocolHandler = configureWireProtocolHandler(self, self.ismaster);
+ // Have we defined self monitoring
+ if(self.s.monitoring) {
+ self.monitoringProcessId = setTimeout(monitoringProcess(self), self.s.monitoringInterval);
+ }
+ // Emit server description changed if something listening
+ sdam.emitServerDescriptionChanged(self, {
+ address:, arbiters: [], hosts: [], passives: [], type: !self.s.inTopology ? 'Standalone' : sdam.getTopologyType(self)
+ });
+ // Emit topology description changed if something listening
+ sdam.emitTopologyDescriptionChanged(self, {
+ topologyType: 'Single', servers: [{address:, arbiters: [], hosts: [], passives: [], type: 'Standalone'}]
+ });
+ // Log the ismaster if available
+ if(self.s.logger.isInfo()) {
+'server %s connected with ismaster [%s]',, JSON.stringify(self.ismaster)));
+ }
+ // Emit connect
+ self.emit('connect', self);
+ });
+ } else if(event == 'error' || event == 'parseError'
+ || event == 'close' || event == 'timeout' || event == 'reconnect'
+ || event == 'attemptReconnect' || 'reconnectFailed') {
+ // Remove server instance from accounting
+ if(serverAccounting && ['close', 'timeout', 'error', 'parseError', 'reconnectFailed'].indexOf(event) != -1) {
+ // Emit toplogy opening event if not in topology
+ if(!self.s.inTopology) {
+ self.emit('topologyOpening', { topologyId: });
+ }
+ delete servers[];
+ }
+ // Reconnect failed return error
+ if(event == 'reconnectFailed') {
+ self.emit('reconnectFailed', err);
+ // Emit error if any listeners
+ if(self.listeners('error').length > 0) {
+ self.emit('error', err);
+ }
+ // Terminate
+ return;
+ }
+ // On first connect fail
+ if(self.s.pool.state == 'disconnected' && self.initalConnect && ['close', 'timeout', 'error', 'parseError'].indexOf(event) != -1) {
+ self.initalConnect = false;
+ return self.emit('error', new MongoError(f('failed to connect to server [%s] on first connect',;
+ }
+ // Reconnect event, emit the server
+ if(event == 'reconnect') {
+ return self.emit(event, self);
+ }
+ // Emit the event
+ self.emit(event, err);
+ }
+ }
+ * Initiate server connect
+ * @method
+ * @param {array} [options.auth=null] Array of auth options to apply on connect
+ */
+Server.prototype.connect = function(options) {
+ var self = this;
+ options = options || {};
+ // Set the connections
+ if(serverAccounting) servers[] = this;
+ // Do not allow connect to be called on anything that's not disconnected
+ if(self.s.pool && !self.s.pool.isDisconnected() && !self.s.pool.isDestroyed()) {
+ throw MongoError.create(f('server instance in invalid state %s', self.s.state));
+ }
+ // Create a pool
+ self.s.pool = new Pool(assign(self.s.options, options, {bson: this.s.bson}));
+ // Set up listeners
+ self.s.pool.on('close', eventHandler(self, 'close'));
+ self.s.pool.on('error', eventHandler(self, 'error'));
+ self.s.pool.on('timeout', eventHandler(self, 'timeout'));
+ self.s.pool.on('parseError', eventHandler(self, 'parseError'));
+ self.s.pool.on('connect', eventHandler(self, 'connect'));
+ self.s.pool.on('reconnect', eventHandler(self, 'reconnect'));
+ self.s.pool.on('reconnectFailed', eventHandler(self, 'reconnectFailed'));
+ // Emit toplogy opening event if not in topology
+ if(!self.s.inTopology) {
+ this.emit('topologyOpening', { topologyId: });
+ }
+ // Emit opening server event
+ self.emit('serverOpening', {
+ topologyId: self.s.topologyId != -1 ? self.s.topologyId :,
+ address:
+ });
+ // Connect with optional auth settings
+ if(options.auth) {
+ self.s.pool.connect.apply(self.s.pool, options.auth);
+ } else {
+ self.s.pool.connect();
+ }
+ * Get the server description
+ * @method
+ * @return {object}
+Server.prototype.getDescription = function() {
+ var ismaster = this.ismaster || {};
+ var description = {
+ type: sdam.getTopologyType(this),
+ address:,
+ };
+ // Add fields if available
+ if(ismaster.hosts) description.hosts = ismaster.hosts;
+ if(ismaster.arbiters) description.arbiters = ismaster.arbiters;
+ if(ismaster.passives) description.passives = ismaster.passives;
+ if(ismaster.setName) description.setName = ismaster.setName;
+ return description;
+ * Returns the last known ismaster document for this server
+ * @method
+ * @return {object}
+ */
+Server.prototype.lastIsMaster = function() {
+ return this.ismaster;
+ * Unref all connections belong to this server
+ * @method
+ */
+Server.prototype.unref = function() {
+ this.s.pool.unref();
+ * Figure out if the server is connected
+ * @method
+ * @return {boolean}
+ */
+Server.prototype.isConnected = function() {
+ if(!this.s.pool) return false;
+ return this.s.pool.isConnected();
+ * Figure out if the server instance was destroyed by calling destroy
+ * @method
+ * @return {boolean}
+ */
+Server.prototype.isDestroyed = function() {
+ if(!this.s.pool) return false;
+ return this.s.pool.isDestroyed();
+function basicWriteValidations(self) {
+ if(!self.s.pool) return MongoError.create('server instance is not connected');
+ if(self.s.pool.isDestroyed()) return MongoError.create('server instance pool was destroyed');
+function basicReadValidations(self, options) {
+ basicWriteValidations(self, options);
+ if(options.readPreference && !(options.readPreference instanceof ReadPreference)) {
+ throw new Error("readPreference must be an instance of ReadPreference");
+ }
+ * Execute a command
+ * @method
+ * @param {string} ns The MongoDB fully qualified namespace (ex: db1.collection1)
+ * @param {object} cmd The command hash
+ * @param {ReadPreference} [options.readPreference] Specify read preference if command supports it
+ * @param {Boolean} [options.serializeFunctions=false] Specify if functions on an object should be serialized.
+ * @param {Boolean} [options.ignoreUndefined=false] Specify if the BSON serializer should ignore undefined fields.
+ * @param {Boolean} [options.fullResult=false] Return the full envelope instead of just the result document.
+ * @param {opResultCallback} callback A callback function
+ */
+Server.prototype.command = function(ns, cmd, options, callback) {
+ var self = this;
+ if(typeof options == 'function') callback = options, options = {}, options = options || {};
+ var result = basicReadValidations(self, options);
+ if(result) return callback(result);
+ // Debug log
+ if(self.s.logger.isDebug()) self.s.logger.debug(f('executing command [%s] against %s', JSON.stringify({
+ ns: ns, cmd: cmd, options: debugOptions(debugFields, options)
+ }),;
+ // If we are not connected or have a disconnectHandler specified
+ if(disconnectHandler(self, 'command', ns, cmd, options, callback)) return;
+ // Check if we have collation support
+ if(this.ismaster && this.ismaster.maxWireVersion < 5 && cmd.collation) {
+ return callback(new MongoError(f('server %s does not support collation',;
+ }
+ // Query options
+ var queryOptions = {
+ numberToSkip: 0,
+ numberToReturn: -1,
+ checkKeys: typeof options.checkKeys == 'boolean' ? options.checkKeys: false,
+ serializeFunctions: typeof options.serializeFunctions == 'boolean' ? options.serializeFunctions : false,
+ ignoreUndefined: typeof options.ignoreUndefined == 'boolean' ? options.ignoreUndefined : false
+ };
+ // Create a query instance
+ var query = new Query(self.s.bson, ns, cmd, queryOptions);
+ // Set slave OK of the query
+ query.slaveOk = options.readPreference ? options.readPreference.slaveOk() : false;
+ // Write options
+ var writeOptions = {
+ raw: typeof options.raw == 'boolean' ? options.raw : false,
+ promoteLongs: typeof options.promoteLongs == 'boolean' ? options.promoteLongs : true,
+ promoteValues: typeof options.promoteValues == 'boolean' ? options.promoteValues : true,
+ promoteBuffers: typeof options.promoteBuffers == 'boolean' ? options.promoteBuffers : false,
+ command: true,
+ monitoring: typeof options.monitoring == 'boolean' ? options.monitoring : false,
+ fullResult: typeof options.fullResult == 'boolean' ? options.fullResult : false,
+ requestId: query.requestId,
+ socketTimeout: typeof options.socketTimeout == 'number' ? options.socketTimeout : null,
+ };
+ // Write the operation to the pool
+ self.s.pool.write(query, writeOptions, callback);
+ * Insert one or more documents
+ * @method
+ * @param {string} ns The MongoDB fully qualified namespace (ex: db1.collection1)
+ * @param {array} ops An array of documents to insert
+ * @param {boolean} [options.ordered=true] Execute in order or out of order
+ * @param {object} [options.writeConcern={}] Write concern for the operation
+ * @param {Boolean} [options.serializeFunctions=false] Specify if functions on an object should be serialized.
+ * @param {Boolean} [options.ignoreUndefined=false] Specify if the BSON serializer should ignore undefined fields.
+ * @param {opResultCallback} callback A callback function
+ */
+Server.prototype.insert = function(ns, ops, options, callback) {
+ var self = this;
+ if(typeof options == 'function') callback = options, options = {}, options = options || {};
+ var result = basicWriteValidations(self, options);
+ if(result) return callback(result);
+ // If we are not connected or have a disconnectHandler specified
+ if(disconnectHandler(self, 'insert', ns, ops, options, callback)) return;
+ // Setup the docs as an array
+ ops = Array.isArray(ops) ? ops : [ops];
+ // Execute write
+ return self.wireProtocolHandler.insert(self.s.pool, self.ismaster, ns, self.s.bson, ops, options, callback);
+ * Perform one or more update operations
+ * @method
+ * @param {string} ns The MongoDB fully qualified namespace (ex: db1.collection1)
+ * @param {array} ops An array of updates
+ * @param {boolean} [options.ordered=true] Execute in order or out of order
+ * @param {object} [options.writeConcern={}] Write concern for the operation
+ * @param {Boolean} [options.serializeFunctions=false] Specify if functions on an object should be serialized.
+ * @param {Boolean} [options.ignoreUndefined=false] Specify if the BSON serializer should ignore undefined fields.
+ * @param {opResultCallback} callback A callback function
+ */
+Server.prototype.update = function(ns, ops, options, callback) {
+ var self = this;
+ if(typeof options == 'function') callback = options, options = {}, options = options || {};
+ var result = basicWriteValidations(self, options);
+ if(result) return callback(result);
+ // If we are not connected or have a disconnectHandler specified
+ if(disconnectHandler(self, 'update', ns, ops, options, callback)) return;
+ // Check if we have collation support
+ if(this.ismaster && this.ismaster.maxWireVersion < 5 && options.collation) {
+ return callback(new MongoError(f('server %s does not support collation',;
+ }
+ // Setup the docs as an array
+ ops = Array.isArray(ops) ? ops : [ops];
+ // Execute write
+ return self.wireProtocolHandler.update(self.s.pool, self.ismaster, ns, self.s.bson, ops, options, callback);
+ * Perform one or more remove operations
+ * @method
+ * @param {string} ns The MongoDB fully qualified namespace (ex: db1.collection1)
+ * @param {array} ops An array of removes
+ * @param {boolean} [options.ordered=true] Execute in order or out of order
+ * @param {object} [options.writeConcern={}] Write concern for the operation
+ * @param {Boolean} [options.serializeFunctions=false] Specify if functions on an object should be serialized.
+ * @param {Boolean} [options.ignoreUndefined=false] Specify if the BSON serializer should ignore undefined fields.
+ * @param {opResultCallback} callback A callback function
+ */
+Server.prototype.remove = function(ns, ops, options, callback) {
+ var self = this;
+ if(typeof options == 'function') callback = options, options = {}, options = options || {};
+ var result = basicWriteValidations(self, options);
+ if(result) return callback(result);
+ // If we are not connected or have a disconnectHandler specified
+ if(disconnectHandler(self, 'remove', ns, ops, options, callback)) return;
+ // Check if we have collation support
+ if(this.ismaster && this.ismaster.maxWireVersion < 5 && options.collation) {
+ return callback(new MongoError(f('server %s does not support collation',;
+ }
+ // Setup the docs as an array
+ ops = Array.isArray(ops) ? ops : [ops];
+ // Execute write
+ return self.wireProtocolHandler.remove(self.s.pool, self.ismaster, ns, self.s.bson, ops, options, callback);
+ * Get a new cursor
+ * @method
+ * @param {string} ns The MongoDB fully qualified namespace (ex: db1.collection1)
+ * @param {{object}|{Long}} cmd Can be either a command returning a cursor or a cursorId
+ * @param {object} [options.batchSize=0] Batchsize for the operation
+ * @param {array} [options.documents=[]] Initial documents list for cursor
+ * @param {ReadPreference} [options.readPreference] Specify read preference if command supports it
+ * @param {Boolean} [options.serializeFunctions=false] Specify if functions on an object should be serialized.
+ * @param {Boolean} [options.ignoreUndefined=false] Specify if the BSON serializer should ignore undefined fields.
+ * @param {opResultCallback} callback A callback function
+ */
+Server.prototype.cursor = function(ns, cmd, cursorOptions) {
+ var s = this.s;
+ cursorOptions = cursorOptions || {};
+ // Set up final cursor type
+ var FinalCursor = cursorOptions.cursorFactory || s.Cursor;
+ // Return the cursor
+ return new FinalCursor(s.bson, ns, cmd, cursorOptions, this, s.options);
+ * Logout from a database
+ * @method
+ * @param {string} db The db we are logging out from
+ * @param {authResultCallback} callback A callback function
+ */
+Server.prototype.logout = function(dbName, callback) {
+ this.s.pool.logout(dbName, callback);
+ * Authenticate using a specified mechanism
+ * @method
+ * @param {string} mechanism The Auth mechanism we are invoking
+ * @param {string} db The db we are invoking the mechanism against
+ * @param {...object} param Parameters for the specific mechanism
+ * @param {authResultCallback} callback A callback function
+ */
+Server.prototype.auth = function(mechanism, db) {
+ var self = this;
+ // If we have the default mechanism we pick mechanism based on the wire
+ // protocol max version. If it's >= 3 then scram-sha1 otherwise mongodb-cr
+ if(mechanism == 'default' && self.ismaster && self.ismaster.maxWireVersion >= 3) {
+ mechanism = 'scram-sha-1';
+ } else if(mechanism == 'default') {
+ mechanism = 'mongocr';
+ }
+ // Slice all the arguments off
+ var args =, 0);
+ // Set the mechanism
+ args[0] = mechanism;
+ // Get the callback
+ var callback = args[args.length - 1];
+ // If we are not connected or have a disconnectHandler specified
+ if(disconnectHandler(self, 'auth', db, args, {}, callback)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Do not authenticate if we are an arbiter
+ if(this.lastIsMaster() && this.lastIsMaster().arbiterOnly) {
+ return callback(null, true);
+ }
+ // Apply the arguments to the pool
+ self.s.pool.auth.apply(self.s.pool, args);
+ * Compare two server instances
+ * @method
+ * @param {Server} server Server to compare equality against
+ * @return {boolean}
+ */
+Server.prototype.equals = function(server) {
+ if(typeof server == 'string') return == server;
+ if( return ==;
+ return false;
+ * All raw connections
+ * @method
+ * @return {Connection[]}
+ */
+Server.prototype.connections = function() {
+ return this.s.pool.allConnections();
+ * Get server
+ * @method
+ * @return {Server}
+ */
+Server.prototype.getServer = function() {
+ return this;
+ * Get connection
+ * @method
+ * @return {Connection}
+ */
+Server.prototype.getConnection = function() {
+ return this.s.pool.get();
+var listeners = ['close', 'error', 'timeout', 'parseError', 'connect'];
+ * Destroy the server connection
+ * @method
+ * @param {boolean} [options.emitClose=false] Emit close event on destroy
+ * @param {boolean} [options.emitDestroy=false] Emit destroy event on destroy
+ * @param {boolean} [options.force=false] Force destroy the pool
+ */
+Server.prototype.destroy = function(options) {
+ options = options || {};
+ var self = this;
+ // Set the connections
+ if(serverAccounting) delete servers[];
+ // Destroy the monitoring process if any
+ if(this.monitoringProcessId) {
+ clearTimeout(this.monitoringProcessId);
+ }
+ // Emit close event
+ if(options.emitClose) {
+ self.emit('close', self);
+ }
+ // Emit destroy event
+ if(options.emitDestroy) {
+ self.emit('destroy', self);
+ }
+ // Remove all listeners
+ listeners.forEach(function(event) {
+ self.s.pool.removeAllListeners(event);
+ });
+ // Emit opening server event
+ if(self.listeners('serverClosed').length > 0) self.emit('serverClosed', {
+ topologyId: self.s.topologyId != -1 ? self.s.topologyId :, address:
+ });
+ // Emit toplogy opening event if not in topology
+ if(self.listeners('topologyClosed').length > 0 && !self.s.inTopology) {
+ self.emit('topologyClosed', { topologyId: });
+ }
+ if(self.s.logger.isDebug()) {
+ self.s.logger.debug(f('destroy called on server %s',;
+ }
+ // Destroy the pool
+ this.s.pool.destroy(options.force);
+ * A server connect event, used to verify that the connection is up and running
+ *
+ * @event Server#connect
+ * @type {Server}
+ */
+ * A server reconnect event, used to verify that the server topology has reconnected
+ *
+ * @event Server#reconnect
+ * @type {Server}
+ */
+ * A server opening SDAM monitoring event
+ *
+ * @event Server#serverOpening
+ * @type {object}
+ */
+ * A server closed SDAM monitoring event
+ *
+ * @event Server#serverClosed
+ * @type {object}
+ */
+ * A server description SDAM change monitoring event
+ *
+ * @event Server#serverDescriptionChanged
+ * @type {object}
+ */
+ * A topology open SDAM event
+ *
+ * @event Server#topologyOpening
+ * @type {object}
+ */
+ * A topology closed SDAM event
+ *
+ * @event Server#topologyClosed
+ * @type {object}
+ */
+ * A topology structure SDAM change event
+ *
+ * @event Server#topologyDescriptionChanged
+ * @type {object}
+ */
+ * Server reconnect failed
+ *
+ * @event Server#reconnectFailed
+ * @type {Error}
+ */
+ * Server connection pool closed
+ *
+ * @event Server#close
+ * @type {object}
+ */
+ * Server connection pool caused an error
+ *
+ * @event Server#error
+ * @type {Error}
+ */
+ * Server destroyed was called
+ *
+ * @event Server#destroy
+ * @type {Server}
+ */
+module.exports = Server;
diff --git a/common/src/main/webapp/usageguide/appserver/node_modules/mongodb/node_modules/mongodb-core/lib/topologies/shared.js b/common/src/main/webapp/usageguide/appserver/node_modules/mongodb/node_modules/mongodb-core/lib/topologies/shared.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8cc019c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/src/main/webapp/usageguide/appserver/node_modules/mongodb/node_modules/mongodb-core/lib/topologies/shared.js
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+"use strict"
+var os = require('os'),
+ f = require('util').format;
+ * Emit event if it exists
+ * @method
+ */
+function emitSDAMEvent(self, event, description) {
+ if(self.listeners(event).length > 0) {
+ self.emit(event, description);
+ }
+// Get package.json variable
+var driverVersion = require(__dirname + '/../../package.json').version;
+var nodejsversion = f('Node.js %s, %s', process.version, os.endianness());
+var type = os.type();
+var name = process.platform;
+var architecture = process.arch;
+var release = os.release();
+function createClientInfo(options) {
+ // Build default client information
+ var clientInfo = options.clientInfo ? clone(options.clientInfo) : {
+ driver: {
+ name: "nodejs-core",
+ version: driverVersion
+ },
+ os: {
+ type: type,
+ name: name,
+ architecture: architecture,
+ version: release
+ }
+ }
+ // Is platform specified
+ if(clientInfo.platform && clientInfo.platform.indexOf('mongodb-core') == -1) {
+ clientInfo.platform = f('%s, mongodb-core: %s', clientInfo.platform, driverVersion);
+ } else if(!clientInfo.platform){
+ clientInfo.platform = nodejsversion;
+ }
+ // Do we have an application specific string
+ if(options.appname) {
+ // Cut at 128 bytes
+ var buffer = new Buffer(options.appname);
+ // Return the truncated appname
+ var appname = buffer.length > 128 ? buffer.slice(0, 128).toString('utf8') : options.appname;
+ // Add to the clientInfo
+ clientInfo.application = { name: appname };
+ }
+ return clientInfo;
+function clone(object) {
+ return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(object));
+var getPreviousDescription = function(self) {
+ if(!self.s.serverDescription) {
+ self.s.serverDescription = {
+ address:,
+ arbiters: [], hosts: [], passives: [], type: 'Unknown'
+ }
+ }
+ return self.s.serverDescription;
+var emitServerDescriptionChanged = function(self, description) {
+ if(self.listeners('serverDescriptionChanged').length > 0) {
+ // Emit the server description changed events
+ self.emit('serverDescriptionChanged', {
+ topologyId: self.s.topologyId != -1 ? self.s.topologyId :, address:,
+ previousDescription: getPreviousDescription(self),
+ newDescription: description
+ });
+ self.s.serverDescription = description;
+ }
+var getPreviousTopologyDescription = function(self) {
+ if(!self.s.topologyDescription) {
+ self.s.topologyDescription = {
+ topologyType: 'Unknown',
+ servers: [{
+ address:, arbiters: [], hosts: [], passives: [], type: 'Unknown'
+ }]
+ }
+ }
+ return self.s.topologyDescription;
+var emitTopologyDescriptionChanged = function(self, description) {
+ if(self.listeners('topologyDescriptionChanged').length > 0) {
+ // Emit the server description changed events
+ self.emit('topologyDescriptionChanged', {
+ topologyId: self.s.topologyId != -1 ? self.s.topologyId :, address:,
+ previousDescription: getPreviousTopologyDescription(self),
+ newDescription: description
+ });
+ self.s.serverDescription = description;
+ }
+var changedIsMaster = function(self, currentIsmaster, ismaster) {
+ var currentType = getTopologyType(self, currentIsmaster);
+ var newType = getTopologyType(self, ismaster);
+ if(newType != currentType) return true;
+ return false;
+var getTopologyType = function(self, ismaster) {
+ if(!ismaster) {
+ ismaster = self.ismaster;
+ }
+ if(!ismaster) return 'Unknown';
+ if(ismaster.ismaster && !ismaster.hosts) return 'Standalone';
+ if(ismaster.ismaster && ismaster.msg == 'isdbgrid') return 'Mongos';
+ if(ismaster.ismaster) return 'RSPrimary';
+ if(ismaster.secondary) return 'RSSecondary';
+ if(ismaster.arbiterOnly) return 'RSArbiter';
+ return 'Unknown';
+var inquireServerState = function(self) {
+ return function(callback) {
+ if(self.s.state == 'destroyed') return;
+ // Record response time
+ var start = new Date().getTime();
+ // emitSDAMEvent
+ emitSDAMEvent(self, 'serverHeartbeatStarted', { connectionId: });
+ // Attempt to execute ismaster command
+ self.command('admin.$cmd', { ismaster:true }, { monitoring:true }, function(err, r) {
+ if(!err) {
+ // Legacy event sender
+ self.emit('ismaster', r, self);
+ // Calculate latencyMS
+ var latencyMS = new Date().getTime() - start;
+ // Server heart beat event
+ emitSDAMEvent(self, 'serverHeartbeatSucceeded', { durationMS: latencyMS, reply: r.result, connectionId: });
+ // Did the server change
+ if(changedIsMaster(self, self.s.ismaster, r.result)) {
+ // Emit server description changed if something listening
+ emitServerDescriptionChanged(self, {
+ address:, arbiters: [], hosts: [], passives: [], type: !self.s.inTopology ? 'Standalone' : getTopologyType(self)
+ });
+ }
+ // Updat ismaster view
+ self.s.ismaster = r.result;
+ // Set server response time
+ self.s.isMasterLatencyMS = latencyMS;
+ } else {
+ emitSDAMEvent(self, 'serverHeartbeatFailed', { durationMS: latencyMS, failure: err, connectionId: });
+ }
+ // Peforming an ismaster monitoring callback operation
+ if(typeof callback == 'function') {
+ return callback(err, r);
+ }
+ // Perform another sweep
+ self.s.inquireServerStateTimeout = setTimeout(inquireServerState(self), self.s.haInterval);
+ });
+ };
+// Object.assign method or polyfille
+var assign = Object.assign ? Object.assign : function assign(target) {
+ if (target === undefined || target === null) {
+ throw new TypeError('Cannot convert first argument to object');
+ }
+ var to = Object(target);
+ for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
+ var nextSource = arguments[i];
+ if (nextSource === undefined || nextSource === null) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ var keysArray = Object.keys(Object(nextSource));
+ for (var nextIndex = 0, len = keysArray.length; nextIndex < len; nextIndex++) {
+ var nextKey = keysArray[nextIndex];
+ var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(nextSource, nextKey);
+ if (desc !== undefined && desc.enumerable) {
+ to[nextKey] = nextSource[nextKey];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return to;
+// Clone the options
+var cloneOptions = function(options) {
+ var opts = {};
+ for(var name in options) {
+ opts[name] = options[name];
+ }
+ return opts;
+module.exports.inquireServerState = inquireServerState
+module.exports.getTopologyType = getTopologyType;
+module.exports.emitServerDescriptionChanged = emitServerDescriptionChanged;
+module.exports.emitTopologyDescriptionChanged = emitTopologyDescriptionChanged;
+module.exports.cloneOptions = cloneOptions;
+module.exports.assign = assign;
+module.exports.createClientInfo = createClientInfo;
+module.exports.clone = clone;