path: root/src/chameleon/kafka.clj
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1 files changed, 97 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/chameleon/kafka.clj b/src/chameleon/kafka.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca730a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/chameleon/kafka.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+(ns chameleon.kafka
+ (:refer-clojure :exclude [send])
+ (:require [clojure.core.async :as ca])
+ (:import [java.util Properties]
+ [org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer KafkaConsumer]
+ [org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer ConsumerRecord]
+ [org.apache.kafka.common.serialization StringDeserializer StringSerializer Serdes]))
+(declare consume run-away)
+(defrecord CljKafkaConsumer [config topic])
+;; Public
+(def deser StringDeserializer)
+(def ser StringSerializer)
+(defmacro run-away
+ [name & body]
+ `(try (.start (Thread. (fn [] ~@body) ~name))
+ (catch OutOfMemoryError e#
+ (throw (ex-info {:error "Could not allocate resources for asynchronous execution"})))))
+(defn clj-kafka-consumer
+ "Given a config, group-id, and a topic, return a CljKafkaConsumer"
+ [config group-id topic]
+ (CljKafkaConsumer. (assoc config "" group-id) topic))
+(defn subscribe
+ "Given a CljKafkaConsumer, a channel, and a session timeout (in
+ ms), return a channel. The input channel is where the messages will
+ be published."
+ ([{:keys [config topic] :as conf} channel session-timeout]
+ (subscribe conf channel session-timeout "Kafka-Subscriber-Thread"))
+ ([{:keys [config topic]} channel session-timeout thread-name]
+ (let [control-channel (ca/chan (ca/dropping-buffer 1))]
+ (run-away thread-name (consume config topic channel session-timeout control-channel))
+ control-channel)))
+;; Private
+(defn- consumer-record->clojure
+ [consumer-record]
+ {:topic (.topic ^ConsumerRecord consumer-record)
+ :partition (.partition ^ConsumerRecord consumer-record)
+ :offset (.offset ^ConsumerRecord consumer-record)
+ :key (.key ^ConsumerRecord consumer-record)
+ :value (.value ^ConsumerRecord consumer-record)})
+(defn- send-with-sla-timeout
+ "Consumer Records will always be a sequence. Try to put a message on
+ the channel before the sla-timeout. Return true if a message was put
+ on the channel or when there were no messages to put on the
+ channel. Return false if there is a timeout."
+ [chan sla-timeout messages]
+ (if (seq messages)
+ (let [sent? (ca/alt!! [[chan messages]] :sent
+ (ca/timeout sla-timeout) :timeout)]
+ (if (= sent? :timeout)
+ false
+ true))
+ true))
+(defn- as-properties
+ [m]
+ (reduce (fn [props [k v]]
+ (.setProperty ^Properties props k v)
+ props)
+ (Properties.) m))
+(defn- consume
+ "Consume elements from a topic and put it on the given
+ channel. Block until a given timeout to put messages on the channel
+ or put sla-exception on the control channel (channel returned by
+ this function). Once the message is put on the channel, it is
+ considered safe to update the offset of the kafka consumer. The
+ `sla-timeout` is an agreement such that the data has to be taken off
+ the channel within the given timeout. If failed to take the data,
+ kaka consumer will be disconnected and an exception will be put on
+ the control channel."
+ [config topic chan sla-timeout control-channel]
+ (let [consumer (KafkaConsumer. ^Properties (as-properties config))]
+ (.subscribe ^KafkaConsumer consumer (list topic))
+ (loop []
+ (let [consumer-records (.poll consumer 0)]
+ (when (and (->> consumer-records
+ (map consumer-record->clojure)
+ (send-with-sla-timeout chan sla-timeout))
+ (try (.commitSync consumer)
+ true
+ (catch Exception e
+ (ca/>!! control-channel (.getMessage e))
+ false)))
+ (recur))))
+ (ca/>!! control-channel :sla-timeout)
+ (.unsubscribe consumer)
+ (.close consumer)))