<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Copyright (c) 2016 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
<target name="runLocal">
<java dir="${basedir}" fork="yes" newenvironment="true"
failonerror="true" classname="com.att.ajsc.runner.Runner">
path="${classpath}:${basedir}/ajsc-shared-config/etc:${runAjscHome}/lib/ajsc-runner-${ajscRuntimeVersion}.jar" />
<!-- Windows Users may need to add a jvmarg arg to create a temp directory
properly. -->
<!-- <jvmarg value="-Djava.io.tmpdir=C:/yourTempDirectory"/> -->
<!-- Uncomment the following 2 jvmarg values to enable Remote Debugging.
<!-- <jvmarg value="-Xdebug" /> -->
<!-- <jvmarg value="-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=5432"
/> -->
<jvmarg value="-XX:MaxPermSize=512m" />
<jvmarg value="-Xmx1024m" />
<!-- Main ajsc Variables below (Variables necessary for proper startup
of AJSC) -->
<env key="AJSC_HOME" value="${runAjscHome}" />
<sysproperty key="AJSC_HOME" value="${runAjscHome}" />
<!-- you may specify any external location for AJSC_CONF_HOME where etc
folder & all other configs can be found under it. If not specified, it will
default to AJSC_HOME -->
<sysproperty key="AJSC_CONF_HOME" value="${basedir}/bundleconfig-local" />
<sysproperty key="AJSC_SHARED_CONFIG" value="${basedir}/ajsc-shared-config" />
<!-- Location of logback.xml file used for logging configurations. Please,
note, when deploying a service to either CSI or NON-CSI environment, this
system property will be set in sys-props.properties file. We are setting
it here for running locally due to the ease of use of maven variable for
basedir. -->
<sysproperty key="logback.configurationFile"
value="${basedir}/ajsc-shared-config/etc/logback.xml" />
<!-- Setting system properties for the AJSC external libs and properties
folders below. When deploying to a node, these properties will be set within
the bundleconfig/etc/sysprops/sys-props.properties file. However, when running
locally, the ${basedir} substitution works more efficiently in this manner. -->
<sysproperty key="AJSC_EXTERNAL_LIB_FOLDERS" value="${basedir}/target/commonLibs" />
value="${basedir}/ajsc-shared-config/etc" />
<!-- End of Main ajsc Variables below (Variables necessary for proper
startup of AJSC) -->
<!-- Uncomment the following line to add oauthentication to your Service -->
<!-- <sysproperty key="spring.profiles.active" value="oauth" /> -->
<!-- If using Cassandra as Database, Enter the ip/host and port below
based on your known configuration -->
<!-- <sysproperty key="cassandra.ip" value="hostname" /> -->
<!-- <sysproperty key="cassandra.port" value="9042" /> -->
<!-- The APP_SERVLET_URL_PATTERN variable is defaulted to "/services"
within the initial configuration of the AJSC. If you are changing the CamelServlet
Filter within the ajsc-override-web.xml, you should use that url-pattern
here. This is necessary to properly register your service with dme2. An empty
value, "", is used when NO value is wanted (url-pattern would be /* for CamelServlet
Filter) -->
<!-- As of 4.5.1, this property is no longer needed -->
<!-- <sysproperty key="APP_SERVLET_URL_PATTERN" value="/services" /> -->
<!-- GRM/DME2 System Properties below -->
<sysproperty key="AJSC_SERVICE_NAMESPACE" value="${module.ajsc.namespace.name}" />
<sysproperty key="AJSC_SERVICE_VERSION" value="${module.ajsc.namespace.version}" />
<sysproperty key="SOACLOUD_SERVICE_VERSION" value="${project.version}" />
<!-- End of GRM/DME2 System Property Variables -->
<!-- The following server.port variable was necessary for the proper registration
of the AJSC to dme2. This value may still need to be used if the Developer
is hardcoding their port (example: 8080). Then, the server.port value="8080".
The default functionality for the AJSC is to use EPHEMERAL ports. In this
case, you do NOT need to set the server.port value. The AJSC will find the
proper port value and register to dme2 correctly -->
<!-- <sysproperty key="server.port" value="${serverPort}" /> -->
<!-- Command Line Arguments to add to the java command. Here, you can
specify the port as well as the Context you want your service to run in.
Use context=/ to run in an unnamed Context (Root Context). The default configuration
of the AJSC is to run under the /ajsc Context. Setting the port here can
aid during the development phase of your service. However, you can leave
this argument out entirely, and the AJSC will default to using an Ephemeral
port. -->
<arg line="context=/ port=${serverPort} sslport=${sslport}" />
<target name="prep_home_directory_for_swm_pkgcreate">
Uncomment the following if your cadi key get corrupted , It would
generate the Cadi key and password in the package phase and keep the key
in the 'src/main/config/ajscKey' and password in the bottom of cadi.properties(you
need to modify the 'aaf_pass' variable with this value . Plese modify the
template.cadi.properties as well before uploading to SOA node
<java jar="${basedir}/target/userjars/cadi-core-1.2.5.jar" fork="true">
<arg value="keygen" /> <arg value="src/main/config/ajscKey" />
<echo>***Cadi Key file generated ****</echo>
<java jar="${basedir}/target/userjars/cadi-core-1.2.5.jar"
fork="true" append="true" output="${basedir}/src/main/config/cadi.properties">
<arg value="digest" /> <arg value="ajscRocks!" /> <arg value="src/main/config/ajscKey"
<!-- These tasks are copying contents from the installHomeDirectory into
the eventual $AJSC_HOME directory for running locally and soa cloud installation -->
<echo message="ENTERING 'prep_home_directory_for_swm_pkgcreate' ant tasks" />
<!-- Please, NOTE: The ajsc-archetype is setup for a default CSI Env deployment.
If you are deploying to a CSI Env, you should NOT have to change anything
within this build file. However, if you are NOT deploying to a CSI Env, you
should comment OUT the CSI related portion of this build.xml. -->
<!-- The following code snippet is copying the bundleconfig-csi directory
to the proper installation/bundleconfig directory used in CSI envs. If you
are NOT installing to a CSI node, you should comment out (or delete) the
following snippet, and uncomment the NON-CSI copy task to copy EVERYTHING
to the installation/bundleconfig directory. -->
<!-- CSI related bundleconfig copy task. If you are NOT deploying to a
CSI Env, please COMMENT OUT or delete the following copy task code snippet. -->
<!--<copy toDir="${basedir}/target/swm/package/nix/dist_files${distFilesRoot}/bundleconfig"
failonerror="true"> <fileset dir="${basedir}/bundleconfig-csi" /> </copy> -->
<!-- End of CSI related bundleconfig copy task -->
<!-- NOTE: If you are NOT deploying to CSI environment, and you are NOT
using an AJSC_SHARED_CONFIG location on a node, you should go ahead and copy
EVERYTHING from bundleconfig and ajsc-shared-config (logback.xml) directory
to utilize proper logging from logback.xml. Simply, uncomment the following
code snippet below to copy EVERYTHING and comment out the CSI related build
script above. -->
<!-- NON-CSI related build copy task. Please, uncomment the following code
snippet to deploy the proper artifacts to a NON-CSI Env. -->
<fileset dir="${basedir}/bundleconfig-local" includes="**/**" />
<fileset dir="${basedir}/ajsc-shared-config/etc" includes="**/**" />
<!-- End of NON-CSI related build copy task. -->
<!-- Copying any zips (deployment packages) to $AJSC_HOME/services for
auto-deployment -->
<fileset dir="${basedir}/services" includes="*.zip" />
<!-- Copying runtimeEnvironment zip file to $AJSC_HOME/runtime and renaming
runtimeEnvironment.zip for proper auto-deployment of ajsc services.
<fileset dir="target" includes="*-runtimeEnvironment.zip" />
<!-- Copying dependencies from the service project (not provided by AJSC
Container) to the $AJSC_HOME/extJars folder to be accessible on the classpath -->
<fileset dir="target/userjars" includes="*" />
<!-- extApps directory MUST be created for ajsc-runner to run correctly,
even if empty. DO NOT REMOVE!!! -->
<!-- extApps directory created to deploy other war files on startup or
hot deploy War files after ajsc starts up. -->
dir="${basedir}/target/swm/package/nix/dist_files${distFilesRoot}/extApps" />
<!-- Copying any extra wars to $AJSC_HOME/extApps to be deployed within
AJSC -->
<fileset dir="${basedir}/src/main/resources/extApps"
includes="*" />
<!-- staticContent folder is for serving static content within an ajsc
service. Any static content to be served will be copyied to the ultimate
$AJSC_HOME/staticContent folder and can be served with the att-static-content
camel component. -->
<!-- Uncomment the following snippet to copy items from staticContent folder
to ultimate $AJSC_HOME/staticConent -->
<!-- <copy toDir="${basedir}/target/swm/package/nix/dist_files${distFilesRoot}/staticContent"
failonerror="false"> <fileset dir="${basedir}/staticContent" includes="**/**"
/> </copy> -->
<!-- Copying extra jar files that have been labeled as dependencies in
service project to /extJars folder to be made available on the classpath
for your service -->
<fileset dir="target" includes="*.jar" />
<!-- Copying deployment packages created within the project to the $AJSC_HOME/services
folder to be auto deployed. -->
<fileset dir="target" includes="*.zip" excludes="*-runtimeEnvironment.zip" />
<echo message="EXITING 'prep_assembly_output_for_swm_plugin' ant tasks" />