path: root/ajsc-aai/src/main/java/org/openecomp/aai/dbgen/DbSearchWithTags.java
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diff --git a/ajsc-aai/src/main/java/org/openecomp/aai/dbgen/DbSearchWithTags.java b/ajsc-aai/src/main/java/org/openecomp/aai/dbgen/DbSearchWithTags.java
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+++ b/ajsc-aai/src/main/java/org/openecomp/aai/dbgen/DbSearchWithTags.java
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+ * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+ * org.openecomp.aai
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ */
+package org.openecomp.aai.dbgen;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.ListIterator;
+import java.util.Map;
+import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Direction;
+import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.VertexProperty;
+import org.openecomp.aai.exceptions.AAIException;
+import org.openecomp.aai.logging.AAILogger;
+import org.openecomp.aai.logging.LogLine;
+import org.openecomp.aai.util.AAIConfig;
+import com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.TitanTransaction;
+import com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.TitanVertex;
+ * Database-level Search-Utility class that uses edge-tags to help it navigate the graph.
+ */
+public class DbSearchWithTags{
+ private static AAILogger aaiLogger = new AAILogger(DbSearchWithTags.class.getName());
+ /**
+ * Identify top node set.
+ *
+ * @param transId the trans id
+ * @param fromAppId the from app id
+ * @param graph the graph
+ * @param edgeTag the edge tag
+ * @param topNodeType the top node type
+ * @param initialFilterHash the initial filter hash
+ * @param maxLevels the max levels
+ * @return List<titanVertex>
+ * @throws AAIException the AAI exception
+ */
+ public static HashMap <String, TitanVertex> identifyTopNodeSet( String transId, String fromAppId, TitanTransaction graph,
+ String edgeTag, String topNodeType, HashMap <String,Object> initialFilterHash, int maxLevels )
+ throws AAIException {
+ LogLine logline = new LogLine();
+ logline.init("aaidbgen", transId, fromAppId, "identifyInitialNodeSet");
+ HashMap <String, TitanVertex> topVertHash = new HashMap <String, TitanVertex>();
+ if( graph == null ){
+ String emsg = "null graph object passed to identifyInitialNodeSet()\n";
+ logline.add("emsg", emsg);
+ aaiLogger.info(logline, false, "AAI_6101");
+ throw new AAIException("AAI_6101", emsg);
+ }
+ // Given the filter, we want to select all the nodes of the type the filter tells us that have the
+ // property they gave us.
+ // Then looping through those start points, we will look "up" and then "down" to find the set of target/top nodes.
+ if( initialFilterHash == null || initialFilterHash.isEmpty() ){
+ String emsg = " initialFilterHash is required for identifyInitialNodeSet() call. \n";
+ logline.add("emsg", emsg);
+ aaiLogger.info(logline, false, "AAI_6118");
+ throw new AAIException("AAI_6118", emsg);
+ }
+ // NOTE: we're expecting the filter to have a format like this: "nodeType.parameterName:parameterValue"
+ Iterator <?> it = initialFilterHash.entrySet().iterator();
+ // -- DEBUG -- for now we only deal with ONE initial filter parameter
+ // it would be easy enough to deal with multiple parameters if they all
+ // applied to the same nodeType.
+ String propNodeTypeDotName = "";
+ String initNodeType = "";
+ String initPropName = "";
+ HashMap <String,Object> initFilterTweakedHash = new HashMap <String,Object>();
+ HashMap <String,Object> initFilterHashUpper = new HashMap <String,Object>();
+ HashMap <String,Object> initFilterHashLower = new HashMap <String,Object>();
+ Boolean isKludgeCase = false;
+ String extraChecks = "";
+ String propVal = "";
+ if( it.hasNext() ){
+ Map.Entry<?,?> propEntry = (Map.Entry<?,?>) it.next();
+ propNodeTypeDotName = (propEntry.getKey()).toString();
+ propVal = (propEntry.getValue()).toString();
+ }
+ int periodLoc = propNodeTypeDotName.indexOf(".");
+ if( periodLoc <= 0 ){
+ String emsg = "Bad filter param key passed in: [" + propNodeTypeDotName + "]. Expected format = [nodeName.paramName]\n";
+ logline.add("emsg", emsg);
+ aaiLogger.info(logline, false, "AAI_6120");
+ throw new AAIException("AAI_6120", emsg);
+ }
+ else {
+ initNodeType = propNodeTypeDotName.substring(0,periodLoc);
+ initPropName = propNodeTypeDotName.substring(periodLoc + 1);
+ initFilterTweakedHash.put(initPropName, propVal);
+ if( (initNodeType.equals("generic-vnf") && initPropName.equals("vnf-name"))
+ || (initNodeType.equals("vserver") && initPropName.equals("vserver-name")) ){
+ isKludgeCase = true;
+ String propValUpper = propVal.toUpperCase();
+ initFilterHashUpper.put(initPropName, propValUpper);
+ String propValLower = propVal.toLowerCase();
+ initFilterHashLower.put(initPropName, propValLower);
+ extraChecks = ", " + initFilterHashUpper.toString() + ", " + initFilterHashLower.toString();
+ }
+ }
+ ArrayList <TitanVertex> startVList = DbMeth.getNodes( transId, fromAppId, graph, initNodeType, initFilterTweakedHash, true, "v?");
+ if( startVList.isEmpty() && isKludgeCase ){
+ // We couldn't find any start nodes, but for two kludged cases, we will look again with all upper case
+ // and then again with all Lower case if needed.
+ startVList = DbMeth.getNodes( transId, fromAppId, graph, initNodeType, initFilterHashUpper, true, "v?");
+ if( startVList.isEmpty() ){
+ // Still have no results, but since we're in the kludge case, we'll try again.
+ startVList = DbMeth.getNodes( transId, fromAppId, graph, initNodeType, initFilterHashLower, true, "v?");
+ }
+ }
+ // To make sure we don't have duplicates, create a hash of the resulting vertices using their vertexId as the key
+ HashMap<String, TitanVertex> startVertHash = new HashMap<String, TitanVertex>();
+ Iterator<TitanVertex> iter = startVList.iterator();
+ while( iter.hasNext() ){
+ TitanVertex tvx = iter.next();
+ String vid = tvx.id().toString();
+ startVertHash.put(vid,tvx);
+ }
+ if( startVertHash.isEmpty() ){
+ System.out.println("Probably want to log this -- but, No vertices found for inital search conditions: [ " +
+ initialFilterHash.toString() + "]" + extraChecks );
+ }
+ else {
+ for( Map.Entry<String, TitanVertex> entry : startVertHash.entrySet() ){
+ // For each starting point vertex found, we need to look for 'top-level' vertices that correspond to it
+ TitanVertex tv = entry.getValue();
+ HashMap <String,TitanVertex> targVHash = lookForTargetsUsingStartNodes( transId, fromAppId, graph,
+ edgeTag, topNodeType, tv, maxLevels );
+ Iterator <?> vit = targVHash.entrySet().iterator();
+ while( vit.hasNext() ){
+ Map.Entry<?,?> propEntry = (Map.Entry<?,?>) vit.next();
+ String foundVid = (propEntry.getKey()).toString();
+ TitanVertex foundVtx = (TitanVertex) (propEntry.getValue());
+ topVertHash.put(foundVid, foundVtx);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( topVertHash.isEmpty() ){
+ // No Vertex was found - throw a not-found exception
+ String msg = "No Node of type " + topNodeType + " found for properties: " + initialFilterHash.toString() + extraChecks;
+ logline.add("msg", msg);
+ aaiLogger.info(logline, false, "AAI_6114");
+ throw new AAIException("AAI_6114", msg);
+ }
+ else {
+ return topVertHash;
+ }
+ }// End identifyInitialNodeSet()
+ /**
+ * Look for targets using start nodes.
+ *
+ * @param transId the trans id
+ * @param fromAppId the from app id
+ * @param graph the graph
+ * @param edgeTag the edge tag
+ * @param topNodeType the top node type
+ * @param startVtx the start vtx
+ * @param maxLevels the max levels
+ * @return HashMap<vtxId,titanVertex>
+ * @throws AAIException the AAI exception
+ */
+ public static HashMap <String, TitanVertex> lookForTargetsUsingStartNodes( String transId, String fromAppId, TitanTransaction graph,
+ String edgeTag, String topNodeType, TitanVertex startVtx, int maxLevels )
+ throws AAIException {
+ LogLine logline = new LogLine();
+ logline.init("aaidbgen", transId, fromAppId, "lookForTargetsUsingStartNodes");
+ if( graph == null ){
+ String emsg = "null graph object passed to lookForTargetsUsingStartNodes()\n";
+ logline.add("emsg", emsg);
+ aaiLogger.info(logline, false, "AAI_6101");
+ throw new AAIException("AAI_6101", emsg);
+ }
+ // Walk the graph using tagged "IN" edges to try to find topNodeType vertices
+ HashMap <String, TitanVertex> targetVertHash = lookForTargetsInOneDirection( transId, fromAppId, graph,
+ edgeTag, topNodeType, startVtx, Direction.IN, 0, maxLevels );
+ // Walk the graph using tagged "OUT" edges to find vertices of the topNodeType
+ HashMap <String, TitanVertex> foundOutVtxHash = lookForTargetsInOneDirection( transId, fromAppId, graph,
+ edgeTag, topNodeType, startVtx, Direction.OUT, 0, maxLevels );
+ // Add the targetVertHash that was found for IN edges with the foundOutVtxHash
+ if( !foundOutVtxHash.isEmpty() ){
+ Iterator <?> vit = foundOutVtxHash.entrySet().iterator();
+ while( vit.hasNext() ){
+ Map.Entry<?,?> propEntry = (Map.Entry<?,?>) vit.next();
+ String foundVid = (propEntry.getKey()).toString();
+ TitanVertex foundVtx = (TitanVertex) (propEntry.getValue());
+ targetVertHash.put(foundVid, foundVtx);
+ }
+ }
+ return targetVertHash;
+ } // End of lookForTargetsUsingStartNodes()
+ /**
+ * Look for targets in one direction.
+ *
+ * @param transId the trans id
+ * @param fromAppId the from app id
+ * @param graph the graph
+ * @param edgeTag the edge tag
+ * @param topNodeType the top node type
+ * @param startVtx the start vtx
+ * @param dir the dir
+ * @param levelCounter the level counter
+ * @param maxLevels the max levels
+ * @return HashMap<vtxId,titanVertex>
+ * @throws AAIException the AAI exception
+ */
+ public static HashMap <String, TitanVertex> lookForTargetsInOneDirection( String transId, String fromAppId, TitanTransaction graph,
+ String edgeTag, String topNodeType, TitanVertex startVtx, Direction dir, int levelCounter, int maxLevels )
+ throws AAIException {
+ LogLine logline = new LogLine();
+ logline.init("aaidbgen", transId, fromAppId, "lookForTargetsInOneDirection");
+ levelCounter++;
+ //System.out.println(" DEBUG -- levelcount in lookForTargetsInOneDirection = " + levelCounter);
+ if( levelCounter > maxLevels ) {
+ String emsg = "lookForTargetsInOneDirection() has looped across more levels than allowed: " + maxLevels + ". ";
+ logline.add("emsg", emsg);
+ aaiLogger.info(logline, false, "AAI_6125");
+ throw new AAIException("AAI_6125", emsg);
+ }
+ HashMap <String, TitanVertex> targetVertHash = new HashMap <String, TitanVertex>();
+ if( startVtx.property("aai-node-type").orElse(null).equals(topNodeType) ){
+ // We're starting on the kind of node we were looking for - so just return it, don't keep looking
+ // NOTE - this assumes that we will not find layers of the target-type node --
+ String vid = startVtx.id().toString();
+ targetVertHash.put(vid, startVtx);
+ return targetVertHash;
+ }
+ //System.out.println("DEBUG -- about to run the actual edge query (dir = " + dir + ", tag = " + edgeTag + ", level = " + levelCounter );
+ // Look for target nodes using results we got looking at normal edges in the "normal" direction
+ Iterable <?> verts = startVtx.query().direction(dir).has(edgeTag,true).vertices();
+ Iterator <?> vertI = verts.iterator();
+ while( vertI != null && vertI.hasNext() ){
+ TitanVertex tmpVert = (TitanVertex) vertI.next();
+ String vid = tmpVert.id().toString();
+ String nType = tmpVert.<String>property("aai-node-type").orElse(null);
+ //System.out.println("DEBUG -- going " + dir + ", found a node [" + nType + "], id = " + vid + " -- ");
+ if( nType.equals(topNodeType) ){
+ // We found a vertex that meets the input criteria - put it on our output hash.
+ targetVertHash.put(vid, tmpVert);
+ }
+ else {
+ // keep looking in the same direction
+ //System.out.println("DEBUG1 -- do the actual recursive call staring from this node (vid = " + vid + "), direction = " + dir);
+ HashMap <String, TitanVertex> tmpHash = lookForTargetsInOneDirection( transId, fromAppId, graph,
+ edgeTag, topNodeType, tmpVert, dir, levelCounter, maxLevels );
+ if( !tmpHash.isEmpty() ){
+ // We found more vertexes to add to the return Hash
+ Iterator <?> vit = tmpHash.entrySet().iterator();
+ while( vit.hasNext() ){
+ Map.Entry<?,?> propEntry = (Map.Entry<?,?>) vit.next();
+ String foundVid = (propEntry.getKey()).toString();
+ TitanVertex foundVtx = (TitanVertex) (propEntry.getValue());
+ targetVertHash.put(foundVid, foundVtx);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Also walk the graph with "-REV" tags for edges that are opposite of the direction asked for
+ String revEdgeTag = edgeTag + "-REV";
+ Direction revDir = Direction.IN;
+ if( dir.equals(Direction.IN) ){
+ revDir = Direction.OUT;
+ }
+ //System.out.println("DEBUG -- about to run the REVERSE edge query (dir = " + revDir + ", tag = " + revEdgeTag + ", level = " + levelCounter );
+ Iterable <?> vertsRev = startVtx.query().direction(revDir).has(revEdgeTag,true).vertices();
+ Iterator <?> vertIRev = vertsRev.iterator();
+ while( vertIRev != null && vertIRev.hasNext() ){
+ TitanVertex tmpVertRev = (TitanVertex) vertIRev.next();
+ String vid = tmpVertRev.id().toString();
+ String nType = tmpVertRev.<String>property("aai-node-type").orElse(null);
+ //System.out.println("DEBUG -- going REV: " + revDir + ", found a node [" + nType + "], id = " + vid + ")");
+ if( nType.equals(topNodeType) ){
+ // We found a vertex that meets the input criteria - put it on our output hash.
+ targetVertHash.put(vid, tmpVertRev);
+ }
+ else {
+ // keep looking in the same direction -- Ie. the same direction that this method was called with
+ //System.out.println("DEBUG2 -- do the actual recursive call staring from this node (vid = " + vid + "), direction = " + dir + "----");
+ HashMap <String, TitanVertex> tmpHash = lookForTargetsInOneDirection( transId, fromAppId, graph,
+ edgeTag, topNodeType, tmpVertRev, dir, levelCounter, maxLevels );
+ if( !tmpHash.isEmpty() ){
+ // We found more vertexes to add to the return Hash
+ Iterator <?> vit = tmpHash.entrySet().iterator();
+ while( vit.hasNext() ){
+ Map.Entry<?,?> propEntry = (Map.Entry<?,?>) vit.next();
+ String foundVid = (propEntry.getKey()).toString();
+ TitanVertex foundVtx = (TitanVertex) (propEntry.getValue());
+ targetVertHash.put(foundVid, foundVtx);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return targetVertHash;
+ }// End lookForTargetsInOneDirection()
+ /**
+ * Collect result set.
+ *
+ * @param transId the trans id
+ * @param fromAppId the from app id
+ * @param graph the graph
+ * @param edgeTag the edge tag
+ * @param thisLevelVertex the this level vertex
+ * @param secFilterHash the sec filter hash
+ * @param retNodeType the ret node type
+ * @param levelCounter the level counter
+ * @param maxLevels the max levels
+ * @return resultSet
+ * @throws AAIException the AAI exception
+ */
+ public static ResultSet collectResultSet( String transId, String fromAppId, TitanTransaction graph,
+ String edgeTag, TitanVertex thisLevelVertex, HashMap <String,Object> secFilterHash,
+ String retNodeType, int levelCounter, int maxLevels )
+ throws AAIException {
+ // Note: our return data set is everything on the OUT-edge side of the topVertex - or following
+ // an IN-edge but with a "-REV" tagged edge
+ levelCounter++;
+ LogLine logline = new LogLine();
+ logline.init("aaidbgen", transId, fromAppId, "collectResultSet");
+ if( graph == null ){
+ String emsg = "null graph object passed to collectResultSet()\n";
+ logline.add("emsg", emsg);
+ aaiLogger.info(logline, false, "AAI_6101");
+ throw new AAIException("AAI_6101", emsg);
+ }
+ //String thisVid = thisLevelVertex.id().toString();
+ //String thisNt = thisLevelVertex.<String>property("aai-node-type").orElse(null);
+ //System.out.println(" DEBUG -- level counter in collectResultSet = " + levelCounter + " thisNodeType = " + thisNt + " this vid = " + thisVid);
+ if( levelCounter > maxLevels ) {
+ String emsg = "collectResultSet() has looped across more levels than allowed: " + maxLevels + ". ";
+ logline.add("emsg", emsg);
+ aaiLogger.info(logline, false, "AAI_6125");
+ throw new AAIException("AAI_6125", emsg);
+ }
+ ResultSet rs = new ResultSet();
+ rs.vert = thisLevelVertex;
+ // Look at the tagged "OUT" edges for this node
+ //System.out.println("DEBUG -- about to run the collectResult query at level = " + levelCounter );
+ Iterable <?> verts = thisLevelVertex.query().direction(Direction.OUT).has(edgeTag,true).vertices();
+ Iterator <?> vertI = verts.iterator();
+ ArrayList <TitanVertex> nodeList = new <TitanVertex> ArrayList ();
+ while( vertI != null && vertI.hasNext() ){
+ TitanVertex tmpVert = (TitanVertex) vertI.next();
+ nodeList.add(tmpVert);
+ }
+ // Look at the reverse-tagged "IN" edges for this node
+ String reverseEdgeTag = edgeTag + "-REV";
+ Iterable <?> vertsRev = thisLevelVertex.query().direction(Direction.IN).has(reverseEdgeTag,true).vertices();
+ Iterator <?> vertIRev = vertsRev.iterator();
+ while( vertIRev != null && vertIRev.hasNext() ){
+ TitanVertex tmpVert = (TitanVertex) vertIRev.next();
+ nodeList.add(tmpVert);
+ }
+ if( nodeList.isEmpty() ){
+ // There were no sub-vertices, so we can return this result set
+ //System.out.println("DEBUG -- no subVert found here - we will return the resultSet with no sub dudes. ");
+ }
+ else {
+ // For each sub-vertex found, need to get it's result set (recursively)
+ Iterator<?> nodeIter = nodeList.iterator();
+ while( nodeIter.hasNext() ){
+ TitanVertex tmpVert = (TitanVertex) nodeIter.next();
+ ResultSet tmpResSet = collectResultSet( transId, fromAppId, graph, edgeTag, tmpVert,
+ secFilterHash, retNodeType, levelCounter, maxLevels );
+ rs.subResultSet.add(tmpResSet);
+ //System.out.println("DEBUG -- found this guy at level " + levelCounter + ", nodeType = " + tmpVert.property("aai-node-type").orElse(null));
+ }
+ }
+ //System.out.println("DEBUG -- returning from a call to collectResultSet() ");
+ return rs;
+ } // End of collectResultSet()
+ /**
+ * Collect result set.
+ *
+ * @param transId the trans id
+ * @param fromAppId the from app id
+ * @param graph the graph
+ * @param edgeTag the edge tag
+ * @param thisLevelVertex the this level vertex
+ * @param secFilterHash the sec filter hash
+ * @param retNodeType the ret node type
+ * @param levelCounter the level counter
+ * @param fwdSearchDirection the fwd search direction
+ * @param revSearchDirection the rev search direction
+ * @param doPruning the do pruning
+ * @param pruneNodeType -- nodeType of nodes we want to stop collecting at
+ * @param pruneKeepId -- vertexId of a pruneType node that we DO want to keep
+ * @param trimList the trim list
+ * @param maxLevels the max levels
+ * @return resultSet
+ * @throws AAIException the AAI exception
+ */
+ public static ResultSet collectResultSet( String transId, String fromAppId, TitanTransaction graph,
+ String edgeTag,
+ TitanVertex thisLevelVertex,
+ HashMap <String,Object> secFilterHash,
+ String retNodeType,
+ int levelCounter,
+ Direction fwdSearchDirection,
+ Direction revSearchDirection,
+ Boolean doPruning,
+ String pruneNodeType,
+ String pruneKeepId,
+ ArrayList trimList,
+ int maxLevels )
+ throws AAIException {
+ // Note - our return data set is everything found starting at this vertex and found
+ // following edges that are either a) in the search-direction, or b) tagged the opposite of the
+ // search-Direction, but tagged to be followed in "-REV" direction.
+ // Note - when pruning, if we hit a node of type pruneNodeType that does Not have the ID matching
+ // pruneKeepId, then we do NOT add that vertex to our result set
+ levelCounter++;
+ LogLine logline = new LogLine();
+ logline.init("aaidbgen", transId, fromAppId, "collectResultSet");
+ boolean needToDoPruning = false;
+ if( doPruning && pruneKeepId != null && !pruneKeepId.equals("") && pruneNodeType != null && !pruneNodeType.equals("") ){
+ needToDoPruning = true;
+ }
+ if( graph == null ){
+ String emsg = "null graph object passed to collectResultSet()\n";
+ logline.add("emsg", emsg);
+ aaiLogger.info(logline, false, "AAI_6101");
+ throw new AAIException("AAI_6101", emsg);
+ }
+ //String thisVid = thisLevelVertex.id().toString();
+ //String thisNt = thisLevelVertex.<String>property("aai-node-type").orElse(null);
+ //System.out.println(" DEBUG -- level counter in collectResultSet = " + levelCounter + " thisNodeType = " + thisNt + " this vid = " + thisVid);
+ if( levelCounter > maxLevels ) {
+ String emsg = "collectResultSet() has looped across more levels than allowed: " + maxLevels + ". ";
+ logline.add("emsg", emsg);
+ aaiLogger.info(logline, false, "AAI_6125");
+ throw new AAIException("AAI_6125", emsg);
+ }
+ ResultSet rs = new ResultSet();
+ rs.vert = thisLevelVertex;
+ // Look at the FWD edges for this node
+ //System.out.println("DEBUG -- about to run the collectResult query at level = " + levelCounter );
+ Iterable <?> verts = thisLevelVertex.query().direction(fwdSearchDirection).has(edgeTag,true).vertices();
+ Iterator <?> vertI = verts.iterator();
+ //int levelNodeCount = 0;
+ ArrayList <TitanVertex> nodeList = new <TitanVertex> ArrayList ();
+ while( vertI != null && vertI.hasNext() ){
+ TitanVertex tmpVert = (TitanVertex) vertI.next();
+ String nodeType = tmpVert.<String>property("aai-node-type").orElse(null);
+ if( needToDoPruning ){
+ if( nodeType.equals(pruneNodeType) &&
+ !tmpVert.id().toString().equals(pruneKeepId) ){
+ // This node is the type we're pruning and it is not the ONE that we want to keep - so
+ // do not put it into the resultSet
+ }
+ else {
+ // Don't need to prune this one
+ if( ! trimList.contains(nodeType) ){
+ // They're not trimming or pruning this kind of thing - so keep it.
+ nodeList.add(tmpVert);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if( ! trimList.contains(nodeType) ){
+ // They're not trimming or pruning this kind of thing - so keep it.
+ nodeList.add(tmpVert);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Look at the reverse-tagged edges that are in the rev-direction for this node
+ String reverseEdgeTag = edgeTag + "-REV";
+ Iterable <?> vertsRev = thisLevelVertex.query().direction(revSearchDirection).has(reverseEdgeTag,true).vertices();
+ Iterator <?> vertIRev = vertsRev.iterator();
+ while( vertIRev != null && vertIRev.hasNext() ){
+ TitanVertex tmpVert = (TitanVertex) vertIRev.next();
+ String nodeType = tmpVert.<String>property("aai-node-type").orElse(null);
+ if( needToDoPruning ){
+ if( nodeType.equals(pruneNodeType) &&
+ !tmpVert.id().toString().equals(pruneKeepId) ){
+ // This node is the type we're pruning and it is not the ONE that we want to keep - so
+ // do not put it into the resultSet
+ }
+ else {
+ if( ! trimList.contains(nodeType) ){
+ // They're not trimming or pruning this kind of thing - so keep it.
+ nodeList.add(tmpVert);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if( ! trimList.contains(nodeType) ){
+ // They're not trimming or pruning this kind of thing - so keep it.
+ nodeList.add(tmpVert);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( nodeList.isEmpty() ){
+ // There were no sub-vertices, so we can return this result set
+ //System.out.println("DEBUG -- no subVert found here - we will return the resultSet with no sub dudes. ");
+ }
+ else {
+ // For each sub-vertex found, need to get it's result set (recursively)
+ Iterator<?> nodeIter = nodeList.iterator();
+ while( nodeIter.hasNext() ){
+ TitanVertex tmpVert = (TitanVertex) nodeIter.next();
+ ResultSet tmpResSet = collectResultSet( transId, fromAppId, graph, edgeTag, tmpVert,
+ secFilterHash, retNodeType, levelCounter,
+ fwdSearchDirection, revSearchDirection, doPruning,
+ pruneNodeType, pruneKeepId, trimList, maxLevels );
+ rs.subResultSet.add(tmpResSet);
+ //System.out.println("DEBUG -- found this guy at level " + levelCounter + ", nodeType = " + tmpVert.property("aai-node-type").orElse(null));
+ }
+ }
+ //System.out.println("DEBUG -- returning from a call to collectResultSet() ");
+ return rs;
+ } // End of collectResultSet()
+ /**
+ * Prints the out result set.
+ *
+ * @param resSet the res set
+ * @param levelCount the level count
+ */
+ public static void printOutResultSet( ResultSet resSet, int levelCount ) {
+ levelCount++;
+ for( int i= 1; i <= levelCount; i++ ){
+ System.out.print("-");
+ }
+ String nt = resSet.vert.<String>property("aai-node-type").orElse(null);
+ Iterator<VertexProperty<Object>> pI = resSet.vert.properties();
+ String propsStr = "";
+ while( pI.hasNext() ){
+ VertexProperty<Object> tp = pI.next();
+ String pkTop = tp.key();
+ /***
+ if( ! pkTop.toString().startsWith("aai")
+ && ! pkTop.toString().equals("source-of-truth")
+ && ! pkTop.toString().equals("resource-version")
+ && ! pkTop.toString().startsWith("last-mod")
+ ){
+ ****/
+ // For my testing - just want to see these:
+ if( pkTop.equals("vserver-id")
+ || pkTop.toString().equals("vnf-name")
+ || pkTop.toString().equals("vnf-id")
+ || pkTop.toString().equals("vserver-name")
+ || pkTop.toString().equals("hostname")
+ ){
+ propsStr = propsStr + " [" + tp.key() + " = " + tp.value() + "]";
+ }
+ }
+ System.out.println( levelCount + " " + nt + ", " + propsStr );
+ if( !resSet.subResultSet.isEmpty() ){
+ ListIterator<ResultSet> listItr = resSet.subResultSet.listIterator();
+ while( listItr.hasNext() ){
+ printOutResultSet( listItr.next(), levelCount );
+ }
+ }
+ }// end of printOutResultSet()
+ /**
+ * Satisfies hash of filters.
+ *
+ * @param transId the trans id
+ * @param fromAppId the from app id
+ * @param resSet the res set
+ * @param filterHash the filter hash
+ * @return true, if successful
+ * @throws AAIException the AAI exception
+ */
+ public static boolean satisfiesHashOfFilters( String transId, String fromAppId,
+ ResultSet resSet, HashMap <String,Object> filterHash ) throws AAIException {
+ LogLine logline = new LogLine();
+ logline.init("aaidbgen", transId, fromAppId, "satisfiesHashOfFilters");
+ if( filterHash.isEmpty() ){
+ // Nothing to match - so we're OK
+ //System.out.println("DEBUG ----- nothing to match for sec. filters - so we're ok ");
+ return true;
+ }
+ Iterator <?> it = filterHash.entrySet().iterator();
+ while( it.hasNext() ){
+ Map.Entry<?,?> filtEntry = (Map.Entry<?,?>) it.next();
+ String propNodeTypeDotName = (filtEntry.getKey()).toString();
+ String fpv = (filtEntry.getValue()).toString();
+ int periodLoc = propNodeTypeDotName.indexOf(".");
+ if( periodLoc <= 0 ){
+ String emsg = "Bad filter param key passed in: [" + propNodeTypeDotName + "]. Expected format = [nodeName.paramName]\n";
+ logline.add("emsg", emsg);
+ aaiLogger.info(logline, false, "AAI_6120");
+ throw new AAIException("AAI_6120", emsg);
+ }
+ else {
+ String fnt = propNodeTypeDotName.substring(0,periodLoc);
+ String fpn = propNodeTypeDotName.substring(periodLoc + 1);
+ if( !filterMetByThisSet( resSet, fnt, fpn, fpv ) ){
+ //System.out.println(" DEBUG -- FAILED to satisfy filter: [" + fnt + "|" + fpn + "|" + fpv + "].");
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //System.out.println("DEBUG ----- Made it PAST all sec. filters - so we're ok ");
+ // Made it through all the filters -- must be good to go.
+ return true;
+ }// end of satisfiesHashOfFilters()
+ /**
+ * Filter met by this set.
+ *
+ * @param resSet the res set
+ * @param filtNodeType the filt node type
+ * @param filtPropName the filt prop name
+ * @param filtPropVal the filt prop val
+ * @return true, if successful
+ */
+ public static boolean filterMetByThisSet( ResultSet resSet, String filtNodeType, String filtPropName, String filtPropVal ) {
+ // Note - we are just looking for a positive match for one filter for this resultSet
+ // NOTE: we're expecting the filter to have a format like this: "nodeType.parameterName:parameterValue"
+ TitanVertex vert = resSet.vert;
+ if( vert == null ){
+ return false;
+ }
+ else {
+ String nt = resSet.vert.<String>property("aai-node-type").orElse(null);
+ if( nt.equals( filtNodeType ) ){
+ if( filtPropName.equals("vertex-id") ){
+ // vertex-id can't be gotten the same way as other properties
+ String thisVtxId = vert.id().toString();
+ if( thisVtxId.equals(filtPropVal) ){
+ //System.out.println(" DEBUG -- filter [" + filtNodeType + "|" + filtPropName + "|" + filtPropVal + "] has been met.");
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ Object thisValObj = vert.property(filtPropName).orElse(null);
+ if( thisValObj != null ){
+ String thisVal = thisValObj.toString();
+ if( thisVal.equals(filtPropVal) ){
+ //System.out.println(" DEBUG -- filter [" + filtNodeType + "|" + filtPropName + "|" + filtPropVal + "] has been met.");
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Didn't find a match at the this level, so check the sets below it meet the criteria
+ if( !resSet.subResultSet.isEmpty() ){
+ ListIterator<ResultSet> listItr = resSet.subResultSet.listIterator();
+ while( listItr.hasNext() ){
+ if( filterMetByThisSet(listItr.next(), filtNodeType, filtPropName, filtPropVal) ){
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }// end of filterMetByThisSet()