path: root/docs/Getting Started
diff options
authorjimmy <jf2512@att.com>2017-10-25 17:11:04 -0400
committerjimmy <jf2512@att.com>2017-10-25 17:11:12 -0400
commit38b2b514cde92be5e213089a9b8bb3713ef6f074 (patch)
treecba3c1cee5c3f86d6012ba9029baae60b2248638 /docs/Getting Started
parent4c5692dc381f6538bd18ed33e87d27c3b506766b (diff)
Moved docs to correct location
Issue-ID: AAI-255 Change-Id: I9c542dcd99d30cf0d13c81866d86231b6e36f4c7 Signed-off-by: jimmy <jf2512@att.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/Getting Started')
-rw-r--r--docs/Getting Started/AAI_Developer_Environment_Setup.rst265
-rw-r--r--docs/Getting Started/Edge_Rules.rst161
-rw-r--r--docs/Getting Started/How_to_AAI_data_snapshot_and_restore_in_ONAP_1_1.rst46
-rw-r--r--docs/Getting Started/How_to_Docker_setup_on_Single_VM.rst56
-rw-r--r--docs/Getting Started/Queries/Policy_Named_Query.rst182
-rw-r--r--docs/Getting Started/Queries/vnf_to_esr_system_info_Named_Query.rst368
6 files changed, 0 insertions, 1078 deletions
diff --git a/docs/Getting Started/AAI_Developer_Environment_Setup.rst b/docs/Getting Started/AAI_Developer_Environment_Setup.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 10f45dfa..00000000
--- a/docs/Getting Started/AAI_Developer_Environment_Setup.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,265 +0,0 @@
-.. contents::
- :depth: 3
-.. _dev-setup:
-A&AI Developer Environment Setup
-This guide will illustrate setting up an A&AI development environment in
-Ubuntu 16.04.  
-For this exercise, I set up a new instance of Ubuntu in Virtualbox and
-gave it 16G RAM, 200GB dynamically allocated storage, and 3 processors.
-1. install openjdk 8
- 1. sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk
-2. Install single node hadoop/titan
- 1. $ wget
- http://s3.thinkaurelius.com/downloads/titan/titan-1.0.0-hadoop1.zip
- 2. $ unzip titan-1.0.0-hadoop1.zip
- 3. $ cd titan-1.0.0-hadoop1
- 4. $ sudo ./bin/titan.sh start
-3. Install haproxy
- 1. $ sudo apt-get -y install haproxy
- 2. | $ haproxy -v
- | HA-Proxy version 1.6.3 2015/12/25
- | Copyright 2000-2015 Willy Tarreau
- <willy@`haproxy.org <http://haproxy.org/>`__>
- 3. Install this haproxy.cfg file in /etc/haproxy
- `haproxy.cfg <file:///C:\download\attachments\10782088\haproxy.cfg%3fversion=2&modificationDate=1501018863000&api=v2>`__
-1. $ sudo cp aai.pem /etc/ssl/private/aai.pem
-2. $ sudo chmod 640 /etc/ssl/private/aai.pem
-3. | $ sudo chown root:ssl-cert /etc/ssl/private/aai.pem
- | `aai.pem <file:///C:\download\attachments\10782088\aai.pem%3fversion=1&modificationDate=1501019585000&api=v2>`__
-4. sudo mkdir /usr/local/etc/haproxy
-5. Add these hostnames to the loopback interface in /etc/hosts: 
- 1. localhost
- `aai-traversal.api.simpledemo.openecomp.org <http://aai-traversal.api.simpledemo.openecomp.org>`__
- aai-resour\ `ces.api.simpledemo.openecomp.or <http://ces.api.simpledemo.openecomp.org>`__\ g
-6. $ sudo service haproxy restart
-1. Set up repos. First, follow the initial setup instructions
- in \ `Setting Up Your Development
- Environment <file:///C:\display\DW\Setting+Up+Your+Development+Environment>`__
- 1. $ mkdir -p ~/LF/AAI
- 2. $ cd ~/LF/AAI
- 3. $ git clone
- ssh://%3Cusername%3E@gerrit.onap.org:29418/aai/aai-common
- 4. $ git
- clone \ `ssh://<username>@gerrit.onap.org:29418/aai/traversal <ssh://%253Cusername%253E@gerrit.onap.org:29418/aai/traversal>`__
- 5. $ git
- clone \ `ssh://<username>@gerrit.onap.org:29418/aai/resources <ssh://%25253Cusername%25253E@gerrit.onap.org:29418/aai/resources>`__
- 6. $ git clone
- ssh://%3Cusername%3E@gerrit.onap.org:29418/aai/logging-service
- 7. If you did not originally create a settings.xml file when setting
- up the dev environment, you may get an error on some of the repos
- saying that oparent is unresolvable.  Using the example
- settings.xml file should solve this problem: \ `Setting Up Your
- Development
- Environment#MavenExamplesettings.xml <file:///C:\display\DW\Setting+Up+Your+Development+Environment#SettingUpYourDevelopmentEnvironment-MavenExamplesettings.xml>`__
-2. Build aai-common, traversal, and resources
- 1. $ cd ~/LF/AAI/aai-common
- 2. | $ mvn clean install
- | Should result in BUILD SUCCESS
- 3. $ cd ~/LF/AAI/resources
- 4. | $ mvn clean install
- | Should result in BUILD SUCCESS
- 5. $ cd ~/LF/AAI/logging-service
- 6. | $ mvn clean install
- | Should result in BUILD SUCCESS
- 7. | $ cd ~/LF/AAI/traversal
- | I had to add the following to traversal/pom.xml to get
- traversal to build: 
- 8. <repositories>
- 9. <repository>
- 10. <id>maven-restlet</id>
- 11. <name>Restlet repository</name>
- 12. <url>https://maven.restlet.com</url>
- 13. </repository>
- </repositories>
-1. | mvn clean install
- | Should result in BUILD SUCCESS
-1. Titan setup
- 1. | Modify both titan-cached.properties and
- titan-realtime.properties to the following (for all MS’s that
- will connect to the local Cassandra backend)
- | storage.backend=\ *cassandra*
- | storage.hostname=\ *localhost*
- 2. update
- ~/LF/AAI/resources/aai-resources/bundleconfig-local/etc/appprops/titan-cached.properties
- 3. update
- ~/LF/AAI/resources/aai-resources/bundleconfig-local/etc/appprops/titan-realtime.properties
- 4. update
- ~/LF/AAI/traversal/aai-traversal/bundleconfig-local/etc/appprops/titan-cached.properties
- 5. update
- ~/LF/AAI/traversal/aai-traversal/bundleconfig-local/etc/appprops/titan-realtime.properties
- 6. | The following property can be added to specify the keyspace
- name, each time you do this step (g) should be done. If not
- specified Titan will try to create/use a defaulted keyspace
- named titan.
- | storage.cassandra.keyspace=<keyspace name>
- 7. From the resources MS run the create db schema standalone program.
- 8. ***NOTE***: The first thing that would need to be done is adding
- the schema to the local instance. (this will need to be done
- whenever using a new keyspace or after wiping the data).
- Runnable class com.att.aai.dbgen.GenTester with the following vm
- args.
-                 -DAJSC\_HOME=~/LF/AAI/resources
- -DBUNDLECONFIG\_DIR="bundleconfig-local"
-1. | Here's the command I used, and it worked:
- | $ cd ~/LF/AAI; java
- -DAJSC\_HOME=/home/jimmy/LF/AAI/resources/aai-resources
- -DBUNDLECONFIG\_DIR="bundleconfig-local" -cp
- aai-common/aai-core/target/aai-core-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:resources/aai-resources/target/aai-resources.jar:resources/aai-resources/target/userjars/\*
- org.openecomp.aai.dbgen.GenTester
-1. Start the "resources" microservice
- 1. | Resources runs on port 8446.  Go to the resources directory
- | $ cd ~/LF/AAI/resources
- 2. | Set the debug port to 9446
- | $ export MAVEN\_OPTS="-Xms1024m -Xmx5120m -XX:PermSize=2024m
- -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE
- -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt\_socket,address=9446,server=y,suspend=n"
- 3. | Start the microservice
- | $ mvn -P runAjsc
-2. Verify the resources microservice (this example uses Postman utility
- for Google Chrome)
- 1. Use basic auth, user = AAI, pw = AAI
- 2. Set the X-TransactionId header (in the example below, the value is
- 9999)
- 3. Set the X-FromAppId header (in the example below, the value is
- jimmy-postman)
- 4. Perform a GET of
- 5. You should see an error as below, 404 Not Found, ERR.5.4.6114. 
- This indicates that the service is functioning normally:
-| |C:\\9cb03b5a507d917b3f460df1c1d95eea| |
-2. Start the "traversal" microservice
- 1. | Traversal runs on port 8447.  Go to the traversal directory
- | $ cd ~/LF/AAI/traversal
- 2. | Set the debug port to 9447
- | $ export MAVEN\_OPTS="-Xms1024m -Xmx5120m -XX:PermSize=2024m
- -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE
- -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt\_socket,address=9447,server=y,suspend=n"
- 3. | Start the microservice
- | $ mvn -P runAjsc 
- | Should see something like this: 2017-07-26
- 12:46:35.524:INFO:oejs.Server:com.att.ajsc.runner.Runner.main():
- Started @25827ms
-3. Verify the traversal microservice
- 1. | Set up the widget models
- | This will set up the postman to add widget models: \ `Add Widget
- Models.postman\_collection.json <file:///C:\download\attachments\10782088\Add%20Widget%20Models.postman_collection.json%3fversion=2&modificationDate=1501102559000&api=v2>`__\ `NamedQuery.postman\_collection.json <file:///C:\download\attachments\10782088\NamedQuery.postman_collection.json%3fversion=2&modificationDate=1501102582000&api=v2>`__
- 2. Create a runner using this
- file: \ `models.csv <file:///C:\download\attachments\10782088\models.csv%3fversion=1&modificationDate=1501100140000&api=v2>`__
- 3. | Run the test runner
- | |C:\\de01805e8408f48478705feb59a27e02|
- 4. | Add a named query called "getComponentList" (this named query is
- used by
- VID): \ `NamedQuery.postman\_collection.json <file:///C:\download\attachments\10782088\NamedQuery.postman_collection.json%3fversion=2&modificationDate=1501102582000&api=v2>`__
- | |C:\\5cdb29c4d0655cf5ede2011736938e58|
- 5. Add objects: \ `Add Instances for Named
- Query.postman\_collection.json <file:///C:\download\attachments\10782088\Add%20Instances%20for%20Named%20Query.postman_collection.json%3fversion=1&modificationDate=1501102617000&api=v2>`__ (replacing
- the xmlns "http://org.openecomp.aai.inventory/v11" with
- "http://org.onap.aai.inventory/v11" in the Body of the PUT
- request)
- 6. | Execute named-query: \ `Execute Named
- Query.postman\_collection.json <file:///C:\download\attachments\10782088\Execute%20Named%20Query.postman_collection.json%3fversion=1&modificationDate=1501102658000&api=v2>`__
- | You should see something like the following:
- | |C:\\a67954cfbcfebb8d7a7f48bba2a26195|
-4. Your A&AI instance is now running, both the resources and traversal
- microservices are working properly with a local titan graph. 
-5. Next: \ `Tutorial: Making and Testing a Schema Change in
- A&AI <file:///C:\pages\viewpage.action%3fpageId=10783023>`__
-.. |C:\\9cb03b5a507d917b3f460df1c1d95eea| image:: media/image1.png
- :width: 4.87500in
- :height: 2.87500in
-.. |C:\\de01805e8408f48478705feb59a27e02| image:: media/image2.tmp
- :width: 4.87500in
- :height: 3.75000in
-.. |C:\\5cdb29c4d0655cf5ede2011736938e58| image:: media/image3.png
- :width: 4.87500in
- :height: 4.15000in
-.. |C:\\a67954cfbcfebb8d7a7f48bba2a26195| image:: media/image4.png
- :width: 4.87500in
- :height: 4.15000in
diff --git a/docs/Getting Started/Edge_Rules.rst b/docs/Getting Started/Edge_Rules.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 8950d3eb..00000000
--- a/docs/Getting Started/Edge_Rules.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-.. contents::
- :depth: 3
-Edge Rules
-- `Edge Rules Location <#EdgeRules-EdgeRulesLocation>`__
-- `How to Interpret an Edge
- Rule <#EdgeRules-HowtoInterpretanEdgeRule>`__
- - `Mentally Constructing an
- Edge <#EdgeRules-MentallyConstructinganEdge>`__
- - `Quick guide for which is your in node and which is your out
- node <#EdgeRules-Quickguideforwhichisyourinnod>`__
-- `How to Read Multiplicity <#EdgeRules-HowtoReadMultiplicity>`__
-- `Internal Edge Properties <#EdgeRules-InternalEdgeProperties>`__
- - `Quick guide to our direction
- syntax: <#EdgeRules-Quickguidetoourdirectionsynta>`__
-Edge Rules Location
-The edge rules json files are located in
-How to Interpret an Edge Rule
-Mentally Constructing an Edge
-Read the from/to/direction as a recipe for how to construct the edge.
- | "from": "tenant",
- | "to": "vserver",
- | "label": "owns",
- | "direction": "OUT",
- | "multiplicity": "One2Many",
- | "contains-other-v": "${direction}",
- | "delete-other-v": "NONE",
- | "SVC-INFRA": "!${direction}",
- | "prevent-delete": "${direction}"
-1. Start by drawing the "from" node.
-2. Draw an edge off this node in the specified. So if it's OUT, point
- the edge out away from the from node, if it's IN, point it into the
- node.
-3. Draw the "to" node on the empty end of that edge.
-Essentially, "from" and "to" do not imply direction. Think of them as
-more like "NodeA" and "NodeB".
-Quick guide for which is your in node and which is your out node
-| **direction** | **in node** | **out node** |
-| OUT | to | from |
-| IN | from | to |
-How to Read Multiplicity
-Multiplicity, by itself, has nothing to do with the edge direction or
-the from/to nodes. Think of it as a property of the edge label. It
-defines how many IN edges of this label and how many OUT edges of this
-label are allowed. The format we use is defined by Titan to be In2Out.
-Ex: One2Many means on a node, there may be only one IN edge, and many
-OUT edges.
-The from and to node types come in on top of this at the A&AI layer.
-A&AI's code defines which node types may have those IN and OUT edges of
-this label.
- | "from": "tenant",
- | "to": "vserver",
- | "label": "owns",
- | "direction": "OUT",
- | "multiplicity": "One2Many",
- | "contains-other-v": "${direction}",
- | "delete-other-v": "NONE",
- | "SVC-INFRA": "!${direction}",
- | "prevent-delete": "${direction}"
-In this example, the vserver gets the IN edge, so it may have only one
-edge from a tenant. The tenant gets the OUT edge, so it may get many
-edges to vservers.
-Internal Edge Properties
-A&AI uses the following edge properties for internal processing.
-- contains-other-v
- - This property defines whether or not the other vertex is contained
- within another when rendering the resources view
- - This property was previously known as isParent
- - If contains-other-v=OUT, this means that the outVertex contains
- the inVertex
- - Or in other words, you can read contains-other-v=OUT as "I am an
- edge, my OUT vertex contains my IN vertex"
-- delete-other-v
- - defines whether or not the other vertex is automatically included
- in delete processing
- - this property was previously known as hasDelTarget
- - if delete-other-v=IN, this means that when deleting the inVertex
- also delete the outVertex
- - what direction should the traverser continue in when running
- edge-tag-query
- - if SVC-INFRA=OUT, when on the outVertex traverse to the inVertex
- and continue
-- prevent-delete
- - defines whether or not this edge can be deleted from a particular
- direction
- - if prevent-delete=IN, prevent the deletion of the inVertex of the
- edge, allow the outVertex to be deleted.
- - Or in other words, you can read it as "I am an edge, my IN vertex
- cannot be deleted"
-Quick guide to our direction syntax:
-${direction} = same as value of "direction" property
-!${direction} = opposite
diff --git a/docs/Getting Started/How_to_AAI_data_snapshot_and_restore_in_ONAP_1_1.rst b/docs/Getting Started/How_to_AAI_data_snapshot_and_restore_in_ONAP_1_1.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 004a0c98..00000000
--- a/docs/Getting Started/How_to_AAI_data_snapshot_and_restore_in_ONAP_1_1.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-.. contents::
- :depth: 3
-How to A&AI data snapshot and restore in ONAP 1.1
-1. Check the containers that are running and get the container name for
- resources micro service as this container contains both dataSnapshot
- and restore scripts
-2. If the deployment was followed properly, then the container name
- would have been
- testconfig\_aai-resources.api.simpledemo.openecomp.org\_1
-3. Run the following command to save the current snapshot of your data:
- docker exec -u aaiadmin -it
- testconfig\_aai-resources.api.simpledemo.openecomp.org\_1
- /opt/app/aai-resources/bin/dataSnapshot.sh
-1. After running that command, you should see the following line in the
- standard output:
- Snapshot written to
- /opt/app/aai-resources/logs/data/dataSnapshots/dataSnapshot.graphSON.201709221713
-1. This file dataSnapshot.graphSON.201709221713 can be found in
- /opt/aai/logroot/AAI-RESOURCES/data/dataSnapshots on the host vm
-2. If you want to restore the data from the snapshot, then you would run
- this command:
- docker exec -u aaiadmin -it
- testconfig\_aai-resources.api.simpledemo.openecomp.org\_1
- /opt/app/aai-resources/bin/dataRestoreFromSnapshot.sh
- dataSnapshot.graphSON.201709221713
-1. The argument to the dataRestoreFromSnapshot.sh is the dataSnapshot
- graphson file and it only needs the base name and expects to be found
- in the host vm /opt/aai/logroot/AAI-RESOURCES/data/dataSnapshots.
-2. Once that command is run, you will be given a warning of 5 seconds to
- quit the process as it will replace whatever you have in your A&AI
- data with that snapshot and any current data thats not saved into a
- snapshot will be lost.
diff --git a/docs/Getting Started/How_to_Docker_setup_on_Single_VM.rst b/docs/Getting Started/How_to_Docker_setup_on_Single_VM.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 7776ebdb..00000000
--- a/docs/Getting Started/How_to_Docker_setup_on_Single_VM.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-.. contents::
- :depth: 3
-How to Docker setup on Single VM
-Step-by-step guide
-1. You would need to have root access to the vm
-2. sudo su - root
-3. cd /opt
-4. git clone http://gerrit.onap.org/r/aai/test-config
-5. cd test-config
-6. In deploy\_vm1.sh comment out the lines 89-94 which should be an if
- statement checking for the /opt/message-router folder
-7. Create a directory called /opt/config
- 1. mkdir /opt/config/
-8. Create a file called /opt/config/nexus\_username.txt containing the
- text: docker
- 1. echo "docker" > /opt/config/nexus\_username.txt
-9. Create a file called /opt/config/nexus\_password.txt containing the
- text: docker
- 1. echo "docker" > /opt/config/nexus\_password.txt
-10. Create a file called /opt/config/dmaap\_topic.txt containing the
- text: AAI-EVENT
- 1. echo " AAI-EVENT" > /opt/config/dmaap\_topic.txt
-11. Create a file called /opt/config/nexus\_docker\_repo.txt containing
- text: nexus3.onap.org:10001
- echo "nexus3.onap.org:10001" > /opt/config/nexus\_docker\_repo.txt
-1. Create a file called /opt/config/docker\_version.txt containing text:
- 1.1-STAGING-latest
- echo "1.1-STAGING-latest" > /opt/config/docker\_version.txt
-1. Please note that in the previous step, docker version is currently
- 1.1-STAGING-latest and this will be changed later
- ./deploy\_vm2.sh && ./deploy\_vm1.sh
diff --git a/docs/Getting Started/Queries/Policy_Named_Query.rst b/docs/Getting Started/Queries/Policy_Named_Query.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 0dd004d0..00000000
--- a/docs/Getting Started/Queries/Policy_Named_Query.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-.. contents::
- :depth: 3
-Policy Named Query
-**Example Request**
-POST /aai/search/named-query
-"query-parameters": {
-"named-query": {
-"named-query-uuid": "a93ac487-409c-4e8c-9e5f-334ae8f99087"
-"instance-filter":[ {
-"generic-vnf": {
-"vnf-id": "de7cc3ab-0212-47df-9e64-da1c79234deb"
-} ] }
-**Example Response**
-"inventory-response-item": [
-"model-name": "service-instance",
-"generic-vnf": {
-"vnf-id": "de7cc3ab-0212-47df-9e64-da1c79234deb",
-"vnf-name": "ZRDM2MMEX39",
-"vnf-type": "vMME Svc Jul 14/vMME VF Jul 14 1",
-"service-id": "a9a77d5a-123e-4ca2-9eb9-0b015d2ee0fb",
-"orchestration-status": "active",
-"in-maint": false,
-"is-closed-loop-disabled": false,
-"resource-version": "1503082370097",
-"model-invariant-id": "82194af1-3c2c-485a-8f44-420e22a9eaa4",
-"model-version-id": "46b92144-923a-4d20-b85a-3cbd847668a9"
-"extra-properties": {},
-"inventory-response-items": {
-"inventory-response-item": [
-"model-name": "service-instance",
-"service-instance": {
-"service-instance-id": "37b8cdb7-94eb-468f-a0c2-4e3c3546578e",
-"service-instance-name": "Changed Service Instance NAME",
-"model-invariant-id": "82194af1-3c2c-485a-8f44-420e22a9eaa4",
-"model-version-id": "46b92144-923a-4d20-b85a-3cbd847668a9",
-"resource-version": "1503082993532",
-"orchestration-status": "Active"
-"extra-properties": {},
-"inventory-response-items": {
-"inventory-response-item": [
-"model-name": "pnf",
-"generic-vnf": {
-"vnf-id": "jimmy-test",
-"vnf-name": "jimmy-test-vnf",
-"vnf-type": "vMME Svc Jul 14/vMME VF Jul 14 1",
-"service-id": "a9a77d5a-123e-4ca2-9eb9-0b015d2ee0fb",
-"orchestration-status": "active",
-"in-maint": false,
-"is-closed-loop-disabled": false,
-"resource-version": "1504013830207",
-"model-invariant-id": "862b25a1-262a-4961-bdaa-cdc55d69785a",
-"model-version-id": "e9f1fa7d-c839-418a-9601-03dc0d2ad687"
-"extra-properties": {}
-"model-name": "service-instance",
-"generic-vnf": {
-"vnf-id": "jimmy-test-vnf2",
-"vnf-name": "jimmy-test-vnf2-named",
-"vnf-type": "vMME Svc Jul 14/vMME VF Jul 14 1",
-"service-id": "a9a77d5a-123e-4ca2-9eb9-0b015d2ee0fb",
-"orchestration-status": "active",
-"in-maint": false,
-"is-closed-loop-disabled": false,
-"resource-version": "1504014833841",
-"model-invariant-id": "82194af1-3c2c-485a-8f44-420e22a9eaa4",
-"model-version-id": "46b92144-923a-4d20-b85a-3cbd847668a9"
-"extra-properties": {}
diff --git a/docs/Getting Started/Queries/vnf_to_esr_system_info_Named_Query.rst b/docs/Getting Started/Queries/vnf_to_esr_system_info_Named_Query.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ad412a9..00000000
--- a/docs/Getting Started/Queries/vnf_to_esr_system_info_Named_Query.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,368 +0,0 @@
-.. contents::
- :depth: 3
-vnf to esr-system-info Named Query
-**Example Request**
-"query-parameters": {
-"named-query": {
-"named-query-uuid": "037eb932-edac-48f5-9782-c19c0aa5a031"
-"instance-filter":[ {
-"generic-vnf": {
-"vnf-id": "de7cc3ab-0212-47df-9e64-da1c79234deb"
-} ]
-**Example Response**
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-"vnf-name": "ZRDM2MMEX39",
-"vnf-type": "vMME Svc Jul 14/vMME VF Jul 14 1",
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-"model-version-id": "46b92144-923a-4d20-b85a-3cbd847668a9"
-"extra-properties": {},
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-"is-closed-loop-disabled": true,
-"resource-version": "1504808495581"
-"extra-properties": {},
-"inventory-response-items": {
-"inventory-response-item": [
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-"resource-version": "1504808495527"
-"extra-properties": {},
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-"extra-properties": {},
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-"resource-version": "1504817435574"
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-"inventory-response-items": {
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-"extra-properties": {}