path: root/authz-cass/src/main/cql
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'authz-cass/src/main/cql')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 330 deletions
diff --git a/authz-cass/src/main/cql/ecomp.cql b/authz-cass/src/main/cql/ecomp.cql
deleted file mode 100644
index 967d6daf..00000000
--- a/authz-cass/src/main/cql/ecomp.cql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2016 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
-USE authz;
-// Create Root pass
-INSERT INTO cred (id,ns,type,cred,expires)
- VALUES ('','org.openecomp',1,0xab3831f27b39d7a039f9a92aa2bbfe51,'2020-12-31');
-// Create 'com' root NS
-INSERT INTO ns (name,scope,description,parent,type)
- VALUES('com',1,'Root Namespace',null,1);
-INSERT INTO role(ns, name, perms, description)
- VALUES('com','admin',{'com.access|*|*'},'Com Admins');
-INSERT INTO role(ns, name, perms, description)
- VALUES('com','owner',{'com.access|*|read'},'Com Owners');
-INSERT INTO perm(ns, type, instance, action, roles, description)
- VALUES ('com','access','*','read',{'com.owner'},'Com Read Access');
-INSERT INTO perm(ns, type, instance, action, roles, description)
- VALUES ('com','access','*','*',{'com.admin'},'Com Write Access');
-INSERT INTO user_role(user,role,expires,ns,rname)
- VALUES ('','com.owner','2020-12-31','com','owner');
-INSERT INTO user_role(user,role,expires,ns,rname)
- VALUES ('','com.admin','2020-12-31','com','admin');
-// Create org root NS
-INSERT INTO ns (name,scope,description,parent,type)
- VALUES('org',1,'Root Namespace Org',null,1);
-INSERT INTO role(ns, name, perms, description)
- VALUES('org','admin',{'org.access|*|*'},'Com Admins');
-INSERT INTO role(ns, name, perms, description)
- VALUES('org','owner',{'org.access|*|read'},'Com Owners');
-INSERT INTO perm(ns, type, instance, action, roles, description)
- VALUES ('org','access','*','read',{'org.owner'},'Com Read Access');
-INSERT INTO perm(ns, type, instance, action, roles, description)
- VALUES ('org','access','*','*',{'org.admin'},'Com Write Access');
-INSERT INTO user_role(user,role,expires,ns,rname)
- VALUES ('','org.owner','2020-12-31','org','owner');
-INSERT INTO user_role(user,role,expires,ns,rname)
- VALUES ('','org.admin','2020-12-31','org','admin');
-// Create com.att
-INSERT INTO ns (name,scope,description,parent,type)
- VALUES('com.att',2,'AT&T Namespace','com',2);
-INSERT INTO role(ns, name, perms,description)
- VALUES('com.att','admin',{'com.att.access|*|*'},'AT&T Admins');
-INSERT INTO role(ns, name, perms,description)
- VALUES('com.att','owner',{'com.att.access|*|read'},'AT&T Owners');
-INSERT INTO perm(ns, type, instance, action, roles,description)
- VALUES ('com.att','access','*','read',{'com.att.owner'},'AT&T Read Access');
-INSERT INTO perm(ns, type, instance, action, roles,description)
- VALUES ('com.att','access','*','*',{'com.att.admin'},'AT&T Write Access');
-INSERT INTO user_role(user,role,expires,ns,rname)
- VALUES ('','com.att.owner','2020-12-31','com.att','owner');
-INSERT INTO user_role(user,role,expires,ns,rname)
- VALUES ('','com.att.admin','2020-12-31','com.att','admin');
-// Create com.att.aaf
-INSERT INTO ns (name,scope,description,parent,type)
- VALUES('com.att.aaf',3,'Application Authorization Framework','com.att',3);
-INSERT INTO role(ns, name, perms, description)
- VALUES('com.att.aaf','admin',{'com.att.aaf.access|*|*'},'AAF Admins');
-INSERT INTO role(ns, name, perms, description)
- VALUES('com.att.aaf','owner',{'com.att.aaf.access|*|read'},'AAF Owners');
-INSERT INTO perm(ns, type, instance, action, roles, description)
- VALUES ('com.att.aaf','access','*','read',{'com.att.aaf.owner'},'AAF Read Access');
-INSERT INTO perm(ns, type, instance, action, roles, description)
- VALUES ('com.att.aaf','access','*','*',{'com.att.aaf.admin'},'AAF Write Access');
-INSERT INTO user_role(user,role,expires,ns,rname)
- VALUES ('','com.att.aaf.admin','2020-12-31','com.att.aaf','admin');
-INSERT INTO user_role(user,role,expires,ns,rname)
- VALUES ('','com.att.aaf.owner','2020-12-31','com.att.aaf','owner');
-// Create org.openecomp
-INSERT INTO ns (name,scope,description,parent,type)
- VALUES('org.openecomp',2,'Open EComp NS','com.att',2);
-INSERT INTO role(ns, name, perms, description)
- VALUES('org.openecomp','admin',{'org.openecomp.access|*|*'},'OpenEcomp Admins');
-INSERT INTO role(ns, name, perms, description)
- VALUES('org.openecomp','owner',{'org.openecomp.access|*|read'},'OpenEcomp Owners');
-INSERT INTO perm(ns, type, instance, action, roles, description)
- VALUES ('org.openecomp','access','*','read',{'org.openecomp.owner'},'OpenEcomp Read Access');
-INSERT INTO perm(ns, type, instance, action, roles, description)
- VALUES ('org.openecomp','access','*','*',{'org.openecomp.admin'},'OpenEcomp Write Access');
-INSERT INTO user_role(user,role,expires,ns,rname)
- VALUES ('','org.openecomp.admin','2020-12-31','org.openecomp','admin');
diff --git a/authz-cass/src/main/cql/init.cql b/authz-cass/src/main/cql/init.cql
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b2688a6..00000000
--- a/authz-cass/src/main/cql/init.cql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2016 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
-// For Developer Machine single instance
- WITH REPLICATION = {'class' : 'SimpleStrategy','replication_factor':1};
-USE authz;
-// CORE Table function
-// Namespace - establish hierarchical authority to modify
-// Permissions and Roles
-// "scope" is flag to determine Policy. Typical important scope
-// is "company" (1)
- name varchar,
- scope int, // deprecated 2.0.11
- description varchar,
- parent varchar,
- type int,
- PRIMARY KEY (name)
-CREATE INDEX ns_parent on ns(parent);
-CREATE TABLE ns_attrib (
- ns varchar,
- key varchar,
- value varchar,
- PRIMARY KEY (ns,key)
-create index ns_attrib_key on ns_attrib(key);
-// Will be cached
- ns varchar,
- name varchar,
- perms set<varchar>, // Use "Key" of "name|type|action"
- description varchar,
- PRIMARY KEY (ns,name)
-CREATE INDEX role_name ON role(name);
-// Will be cached
- ns varchar,
- type varchar,
- instance varchar,
- action varchar,
- roles set<varchar>, // Need to find Roles given Permissions
- description varchar,
- PRIMARY KEY (ns,type,instance,action)
-// This table is user for Authorization
-CREATE TABLE user_role (
- user varchar,
- role varchar, // deprecated: change to ns/rname after 2.0.11
- ns varchar,
- rname varchar,
- expires timestamp,
- PRIMARY KEY(user,role)
- );
-CREATE INDEX user_role_ns ON user_role(ns);
-CREATE INDEX user_role_role ON user_role(role);
-// This table is only for the case where return User Credential (MechID) Authentication
- id varchar,
- type int,
- expires timestamp,
- ns varchar,
- other int,
- notes varchar,
- cred blob,
- prev blob,
- PRIMARY KEY (id,type,expires)
- );
-CREATE INDEX cred_ns ON cred(ns);
-// Certificate Cross Table
-// coordinated with CRED type 2
- fingerprint blob,
- id varchar,
- x500 varchar,
- expires timestamp,
- PRIMARY KEY (fingerprint)
- );
-CREATE INDEX cert_id ON cert(id);
-CREATE INDEX cert_x500 ON cert(x500);
-CREATE TABLE notify (
- user text,
- type int,
- last timestamp,
- checksum int,
- PRIMARY KEY (user,type)
- ca text,
- serial blob,
- id text,
- x500 text,
- x509 text,
- PRIMARY KEY (ca,serial)
-CREATE INDEX x509_id ON x509 (id);
-CREATE INDEX x509_x500 ON x509 (x500);
-// Deployment Artifact (for Certman)
-CREATE TABLE artifact (
- mechid text,
- machine text,
- type Set<text>,
- sponsor text,
- ca text,
- dir text,
- appName text,
- os_user text,
- notify text,
- expires timestamp,
- renewDays int,
- PRIMARY KEY (mechid,machine)
-CREATE INDEX artifact_machine ON artifact(machine);
-// Non-Critical Table functions
-// Table Info - for Caching
- name varchar,
- seg int, // cache Segment
- touched timestamp,
- PRIMARY KEY(name,seg)
-CREATE TABLE history (
- id timeuuid,
- yr_mon int,
- user varchar,
- action varchar,
- target varchar, // user, user_role,
- subject varchar, // field for searching main portion of target key
- memo varchar, //description of the action
- reconstruct blob, //serialized form of the target
- // detail Map<varchar, varchar>, // additional information
-CREATE INDEX history_yr_mon ON history(yr_mon);
-CREATE INDEX history_user ON history(user);
-CREATE INDEX history_subject ON history(subject);
-// A place to hold objects to be created at a future time.
-CREATE TABLE future (
- id uuid, // uniquify
- target varchar, // Target Table
- memo varchar, // Description
- start timestamp, // When it should take effect
- expires timestamp, // When not longer valid
- construct blob, // How to construct this object (like History)
-CREATE INDEX future_idx ON future(target);
-CREATE INDEX future_start_idx ON future(start);
-CREATE TABLE approval (
- id timeuuid, // unique Key
- ticket uuid, // Link to Future Record
- user varchar, // the user who needs to be approved
- approver varchar, // user approving
- type varchar, // approver types i.e. Supervisor, Owner
- status varchar, // approval status. pending, approved, denied
- memo varchar, // Text for Approval to know what's going on
- operation varchar, // List operation to perform
- );
-CREATE INDEX appr_approver_idx ON approval(approver);
-CREATE INDEX appr_user_idx ON approval(user);
-CREATE INDEX appr_ticket_idx ON approval(ticket);
-CREATE INDEX appr_status_idx ON approval(status);
-CREATE TABLE delegate (
- user varchar,
- delegate varchar,
- expires timestamp,
- PRIMARY KEY (user)
-CREATE INDEX delg_delg_idx ON delegate(delegate);
-// Used by authz-batch processes to ensure only 1 runs at a time
-CREATE TABLE run_lock (
- class text,
- host text,
- start timestamp,
- PRIMARY KEY ((class))