path: root/auth/auth-oauth/src/main/java/org/onap/aaf/auth/oauth/facade/
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+ * ============LICENSE_START====================================================
+ * org.onap.aaf
+ * ===========================================================================
+ * Copyright (c) 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ * ===========================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * ============LICENSE_END====================================================
+ *
+ */
+package org.onap.aaf.auth.oauth.facade;
+import static org.onap.aaf.auth.layer.Result.ERR_ActionNotCompleted;
+import static org.onap.aaf.auth.layer.Result.ERR_BadData;
+import static org.onap.aaf.auth.layer.Result.ERR_ConflictAlreadyExists;
+import static org.onap.aaf.auth.layer.Result.ERR_Denied;
+import static org.onap.aaf.auth.layer.Result.ERR_NotFound;
+import static org.onap.aaf.auth.layer.Result.ERR_NotImplemented;
+import static org.onap.aaf.auth.layer.Result.ERR_Policy;
+import static org.onap.aaf.auth.layer.Result.ERR_Security;
+import static org.onap.aaf.auth.layer.Result.OK;
+import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
+import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
+import org.onap.aaf.auth.dao.cass.OAuthTokenDAO;
+import org.onap.aaf.auth.dao.cass.Status;
+import org.onap.aaf.auth.dao.hl.Question;
+import org.onap.aaf.auth.env.AuthzEnv;
+import org.onap.aaf.auth.env.AuthzTrans;
+import org.onap.aaf.auth.layer.Result;
+import org.onap.aaf.auth.oauth.AAF_OAuth;
+import org.onap.aaf.auth.oauth.mapper.Mapper;
+import org.onap.aaf.auth.oauth.mapper.Mapper.API;
+import org.onap.aaf.auth.oauth.service.OAuthService;
+import org.onap.aaf.auth.oauth.service.OAuthService.GRANT_TYPE;
+import org.onap.aaf.cadi.client.Holder;
+import org.onap.aaf.cadi.oauth.OAuth2Principal;
+import org.onap.aaf.cadi.principal.OAuth2FormPrincipal;
+import org.onap.aaf.misc.env.APIException;
+import org.onap.aaf.misc.env.Data;
+import org.onap.aaf.misc.env.Env;
+import org.onap.aaf.misc.env.TimeTaken;
+import org.onap.aaf.misc.rosetta.env.RosettaDF;
+import org.onap.aaf.misc.rosetta.env.RosettaData;
+import aaf.v2_0.Perms;
+ * AuthzFacade
+ *
+ * This Service Facade encapsulates the essence of the API Service can do, and provides
+ * a single created object for elements such as RosettaDF.
+ *
+ * The Responsibilities of this class are to:
+ * 1) Interact with the Service Implementation (which might be supported by various kinds of Backend Storage)
+ * 2) Validate incoming data (if applicable)
+ * 3) Convert the Service response into the right Format, and mark the Content Type
+ * a) In the future, we may support multiple Response Formats, aka JSON or XML, based on User Request.
+ * 4) Log Service info, warnings and exceptions as necessary
+ * 5) When asked by the API layer, this will create and write Error content to the OutputStream
+ *
+ * Note: This Class does NOT set the HTTP Status Code. That is up to the API layer, so that it can be
+ * clearly coordinated with the API Documentation
+ *
+ * @author Jonathan
+ *
+ */
+public abstract class OAFacadeImpl<TOKEN_REQ,TOKEN,INTROSPECT,ERROR>
+ extends DirectIntrospectImpl<INTROSPECT> implements OAFacade<INTROSPECT> {
+ private static final String INVALID_INPUT = "Invalid Input";
+ private final RosettaDF<TOKEN> tokenDF;
+ private final RosettaDF<TOKEN_REQ> tokenReqDF;
+ private final RosettaDF<INTROSPECT> introspectDF;
+ private final RosettaDF<ERROR> errDF;
+ public final RosettaDF<Perms> permsDF;
+ private final Mapper<TOKEN_REQ, TOKEN, INTROSPECT, ERROR> mapper;
+ public OAFacadeImpl(AAF_OAuth api,
+ OAuthService service,
+ Data.TYPE dataType) throws APIException {
+ super(service, mapper);
+ this.mapper = mapper;
+ AuthzEnv env = api.env;
+ (tokenReqDF = env.newDataFactory(mapper.getClass(API.TOKEN_REQ))).in(dataType).out(dataType);
+ (tokenDF = env.newDataFactory(mapper.getClass(API.TOKEN))).in(dataType).out(dataType);
+ (introspectDF = env.newDataFactory(mapper.getClass(API.INTROSPECT))).in(dataType).out(dataType);
+ (permsDF = env.newDataFactory(Perms.class)).in(dataType).out(dataType);
+ (errDF = env.newDataFactory(mapper.getClass(API.ERROR))).in(dataType).out(dataType);
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////
+ // Tokens
+ ///////////////////////////
+ public static final String CREATE_TOKEN = "createToken";
+ public static final String INTROSPECT = "introspect";
+ /* (non-Javadoc)
+ * @see org.onap.aaf.auth.oauth.facade.OAFacade#getToken(org.onap.aaf.auth.env.test.AuthzTrans, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse, org.onap.aaf.auth.oauth.service.OAuthAPI)
+ */
+ @Override
+ public Result<Void> createBearerToken(AuthzTrans trans, HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) {
+ TimeTaken tt = trans.start(CREATE_TOKEN, Env.SUB|Env.ALWAYS);
+ try {
+ TOKEN_REQ request;
+ try {
+ request = mapper.tokenReqFromParams(req);
+ if(request==null) {
+ Data<TOKEN_REQ> rd = tokenReqDF.newData().load(req.getInputStream());
+ if(Question.willSpecialLog(trans, trans.user())) {
+ Question.logEncryptTrace(trans,rd.asString());
+ }
+ request = rd.asObject();
+ }
+ } catch(APIException e) {
+ trans.error().log(INVALID_INPUT,IN,CREATE_TOKEN);
+ return Result.err(Status.ERR_BadData,INVALID_INPUT);
+ }
+ // Already validated for Oauth2FormPrincipal
+// Result<Void> rv = service.validate(trans,mapper.credsFromReq(request));
+// if(rv.notOK()) {
+// return rv;
+// }
+ Holder<GRANT_TYPE> hgt = new Holder<GRANT_TYPE>(GRANT_TYPE.unknown);
+ Result<OAuthTokenDAO.Data> rs = service.createToken(trans,req,mapper.clientTokenReq(request,hgt),hgt);
+ Result<TOKEN> rp;
+ if(rs.isOKhasData()) {
+ rp = mapper.tokenFromData(rs);
+ } else {
+ rp = Result.err(rs);
+ }
+ switch(rp.status) {
+ case OK:
+ RosettaData<TOKEN> data = tokenDF.newData(trans).load(rp.value);
+ if(Question.willSpecialLog(trans, trans.user())) {
+ Question.logEncryptTrace(trans,data.asString());
+ }
+ resp.getOutputStream().print('\n');
+ setContentType(resp,tokenDF.getOutType());
+ return Result.ok();
+ default:
+ return Result.err(rp);
+ }
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ trans.error().log(e,IN,CREATE_TOKEN);
+ return Result.err(e);
+ } finally {
+ tt.done();
+ }
+ }
+/* (non-Javadoc)
+ * @see org.onap.aaf.auth.oauth.facade.OAFacade#Introspect(org.onap.aaf.auth.env.test.AuthzTrans, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse)
+ */
+ @Override
+ public Result<Void> introspect(AuthzTrans trans, HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) {
+ TimeTaken tt = trans.start(INTROSPECT, Env.SUB|Env.ALWAYS);
+ try {
+ Principal p = req.getUserPrincipal();
+ String token=null;
+ if(p != null) {
+ if(p instanceof OAuth2Principal) {
+ RosettaData<INTROSPECT> data = introspectDF.newData(trans).load(mapper.fromPrincipal((OAuth2Principal)p));
+ if(Question.willSpecialLog(trans, trans.user())) {
+ Question.logEncryptTrace(trans,data.asString());
+ }
+ resp.getOutputStream().print('\n');
+ setContentType(resp,tokenDF.getOutType());
+ return Result.ok();
+ } else if(p instanceof OAuth2FormPrincipal) {
+ token = req.getParameter("token");
+ }
+ }
+ if(token==null) {
+ token = req.getParameter("access_token");
+ if(token==null || token.isEmpty()) {
+ token = req.getHeader("Authorization");
+ if(token != null && token.startsWith("Bearer ")) {
+ token = token.substring(7);
+ } else {
+ token = req.getParameter("token");
+ if(token==null) {
+ return Result.err(Result.ERR_Security,"token is required");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Result<INTROSPECT> rti = mappedIntrospect(trans,token);
+ switch(rti.status) {
+ case OK:
+ RosettaData<INTROSPECT> data = introspectDF.newData(trans).load(rti.value);
+ if(Question.willSpecialLog(trans, trans.user())) {
+ Question.logEncryptTrace(trans,data.asString());
+ }
+ resp.getOutputStream().print('\n');
+ setContentType(resp,tokenDF.getOutType());
+ return Result.ok();
+ default:
+ return Result.err(rti);
+ }
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ trans.error().log(e,IN,INTROSPECT);
+ return Result.err(e);
+ } finally {
+ tt.done();
+ }
+ }
+ /* (non-Javadoc)
+ * @see com.att.authz.facade.AuthzFacade#error(org.onap.aaf.auth.env.test.AuthzTrans, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse, int)
+ *
+ * Note: Conforms to AT&T TSS RESTful Error Structure
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void error(AuthzTrans trans, HttpServletResponse response, Result<?> result) {
+ error(trans, response, result.status,
+ result.details==null?"":result.details.trim(),
+ result.variables==null?new String[0]:result.variables);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void error(AuthzTrans trans, HttpServletResponse response, int status, final String _msg, final String ... _detail) {
+ String msgId;
+ String prefix;
+ boolean hidemsg=false;
+ switch(status) {
+ case 202:
+ case ERR_ActionNotCompleted:
+ msgId = "SVC1202";
+ prefix = "Accepted, Action not complete";
+ response.setStatus(/*httpstatus=*/202);
+ break;
+ case 403:
+ case ERR_Policy:
+ case ERR_Security:
+ case ERR_Denied:
+ msgId = "SVC1403";
+ prefix = "Forbidden";
+ response.setStatus(/*httpstatus=*/403);
+ break;
+ case 404:
+ case ERR_NotFound:
+ msgId = "SVC1404";
+ prefix = "Not Found";
+ response.setStatus(/*httpstatus=*/404);
+ break;
+ case 406:
+ case ERR_BadData:
+ msgId="SVC1406";
+ prefix = "Not Acceptable";
+ response.setStatus(/*httpstatus=*/406);
+ break;
+ case 409:
+ case ERR_ConflictAlreadyExists:
+ msgId = "SVC1409";
+ prefix = "Conflict Already Exists";
+ response.setStatus(/*httpstatus=*/409);
+ break;
+ case 501:
+ case ERR_NotImplemented:
+ msgId = "SVC1501";
+ prefix = "Not Implemented";
+ response.setStatus(/*httpstatus=*/501);
+ break;
+ default:
+ msgId = "SVC1500";
+ prefix = "General Service Error";
+ response.setStatus(/*httpstatus=*/500);
+ hidemsg=true;
+ break;
+ }
+ try {
+ StringBuilder holder = new StringBuilder();
+ ERROR em = mapper.errorFromMessage(holder, msgId,prefix + ": " + _msg,_detail);
+ trans.checkpoint(
+ "ErrResp [" +
+ msgId +
+ "] " +
+ holder.toString(),
+ Env.ALWAYS);
+ if(hidemsg) {
+ holder.setLength(0);
+ em = mapper.errorFromMessage(holder, msgId, "Server had an issue processing this request");
+ }
+ errDF.newData(trans).load(em).to(response.getOutputStream());
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ trans.error().log(e,"unable to send response for",_msg);
+ }
+ }
+ public Mapper<TOKEN_REQ,TOKEN,INTROSPECT,ERROR> mapper() {
+ return mapper;
+ }
+ /* (non-Javadoc)
+ * @see org.onap.aaf.auth.oauth.facade.OAFacade#service()
+ */
+ @Override
+ public OAuthService service() {
+ return service;
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file