path: root/test-apis-ci/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/ci/tests/utils/ToscaParserUtils.java
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Diffstat (limited to 'test-apis-ci/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/ci/tests/utils/ToscaParserUtils.java')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 227 deletions
diff --git a/test-apis-ci/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/ci/tests/utils/ToscaParserUtils.java b/test-apis-ci/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/ci/tests/utils/ToscaParserUtils.java
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+++ /dev/null
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- * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
- * SDC
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- * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
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- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
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- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
- */
-package org.openecomp.sdc.ci.tests.utils;
-import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertNotNull;
-import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertTrue;
-import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.fail;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
-import java.nio.file.Files;
-import java.nio.file.Path;
-import java.util.Map;
-import org.apache.commons.collections4.MapUtils;
-import org.openecomp.sdc.ci.tests.datatypes.enums.UserRoleEnum;
-import org.openecomp.sdc.ci.tests.tosca.datatypes.ToscaDefinition;
-import org.openecomp.sdc.ci.tests.tosca.datatypes.ToscaGroupsTopologyTemplateDefinition;
-import org.openecomp.sdc.ci.tests.tosca.datatypes.ToscaImportsDefinition;
-import org.openecomp.sdc.ci.tests.tosca.datatypes.ToscaInputsTopologyTemplateDefinition;
-import org.openecomp.sdc.ci.tests.tosca.datatypes.ToscaMetadataDefinition;
-import org.openecomp.sdc.ci.tests.tosca.datatypes.ToscaNodeTemplatesTopologyTemplateDefinition;
-import org.openecomp.sdc.ci.tests.tosca.datatypes.ToscaParameterConstants;
-import org.openecomp.sdc.ci.tests.tosca.datatypes.ToscaSubstitutionMappingsDefinition;
-import org.openecomp.sdc.ci.tests.tosca.datatypes.ToscaTopologyTemplateDefinition;
-import org.openecomp.sdc.ci.tests.utils.general.ElementFactory;
-import org.openecomp.sdc.ci.tests.utils.rest.BaseRestUtils;
-import org.openecomp.sdc.ci.tests.utils.rest.ImportRestUtils;
-import org.openecomp.sdc.common.http.client.api.HttpResponse;
-import org.openecomp.sdc.common.zip.ZipUtils;
-import org.openecomp.sdc.common.zip.exception.ZipException;
-import org.slf4j.Logger;
-import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
-import org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml;
-import org.yaml.snakeyaml.constructor.Constructor;
-import org.yaml.snakeyaml.introspector.PropertyUtils;
-public class ToscaParserUtils {
- private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ToscaParserUtils.class.getName());
- /**method get csarUUID and send GET API request toward BE
- * @param csarUUID
- * @return
- * @throws Exception
- */
- public static ToscaDefinition parseToscaYamlToJavaObjectByCsarUuid(String csarUUID) throws Exception {
- ToscaDefinition toscaDefinition = null;
- String TOSCAMetaLocation = ToscaParameterConstants.TOSCA_META_PATH;
- Map<?, ?> map = getToscaYamlMap(csarUUID, TOSCAMetaLocation);
- assertNotNull("Tosca Entry-Definitions is null", map);
- if (map != null) {
- File definitionYamlLocation = (File) map.get(ToscaParameterConstants.ENTRY_DEFINITION);
- toscaDefinition = parseToscaYamlToJavaObject(definitionYamlLocation);
- }
- return toscaDefinition;
- }
- /**method read csar from location
- * @param csarNameLocation - full path with csar name
- * @return
- * @throws Exception
- */
- public static ToscaDefinition parseToscaMainYamlToJavaObjectByCsarLocation(File csarNameLocation) throws Exception {
- ToscaDefinition toscaDefinition = null;
- String TOSCAMetaLocation = ToscaParameterConstants.TOSCA_META_PATH;
-// read file location of main yaml file(location+name) from TOSCA.meta file by
- Map<?, ?> map = getToscaYamlMap(csarNameLocation, TOSCAMetaLocation);
- assertNotNull("Tosca Entry-Definitions is null", map);
- String definitionYamlLocation = (String) map.get(ToscaParameterConstants.ENTRY_DEFINITION);
- String csarPayload = getYamlPayloadFromCsar(csarNameLocation, definitionYamlLocation);
- toscaDefinition = parseToscaYamlPayloadToJavaObject(csarPayload);
- return toscaDefinition;
- }
- public static ToscaDefinition parseToscaAnyYamlToJavaObjectByCsarLocation(File csarNameLocation, String yamlLocation) throws Exception {
- ToscaDefinition toscaDefinition = null;
- String csarPayload = getYamlPayloadFromCsar(csarNameLocation, yamlLocation);
- toscaDefinition = parseToscaYamlPayloadToJavaObject(csarPayload);
- return toscaDefinition;
- }
- public static ToscaDefinition parseToscaYamlToJavaObject(File path) throws Exception {
- ToscaDefinition toscaDefinition = null;
-// File path = new File("C:/Data/D2.0/TOSCA_Ex/Definitions/tosca_definition_version.yaml");
- FileInputStream fis = null;
- try {
- try (FileInputStream fileInputStream = fis = new FileInputStream(path)) {
- }
- } catch (Exception e) {
- System.out.println("Exception: " + e);
- }
- Constructor constructor = initToscaDefinitionObject();
- Yaml yaml = new Yaml(constructor);
- try {
- toscaDefinition = (ToscaDefinition) yaml.load(fis);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- log.debug("Failed to parse tosca yaml file");
- System.out.println("Exception: " + e);
- } finally {
- fis.close();
- }
- return toscaDefinition;
- }
- public static ToscaDefinition parseToscaYamlPayloadToJavaObject(String payload){
- ToscaDefinition toscaDefinition = null;
- Constructor constructor = initToscaDefinitionObject();
- Yaml yaml = new Yaml(constructor);
- try {
- toscaDefinition = (ToscaDefinition) yaml.load(payload);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- log.debug("Failed to parse tosca yaml file", e);
- fail("Exception: " + e);
- }
- return toscaDefinition;
- }
- public static Constructor initToscaDefinitionObject() {
- Constructor toscaStructure = new Constructor(ToscaDefinition.class);
- toscaStructure.addTypeDescription(ToscaDefinition.getTypeDescription());
- toscaStructure.addTypeDescription(ToscaTopologyTemplateDefinition.getTypeDescription());
- toscaStructure.addTypeDescription(ToscaNodeTemplatesTopologyTemplateDefinition.getTypeDescription());
- toscaStructure.addTypeDescription(ToscaGroupsTopologyTemplateDefinition.getTypeDescription());
- toscaStructure.addTypeDescription(ToscaSubstitutionMappingsDefinition.getTypeDescription());
- toscaStructure.addTypeDescription(ToscaImportsDefinition.getTypeDescription());
- toscaStructure.addTypeDescription(ToscaMetadataDefinition.getTypeDescription());
- toscaStructure.addTypeDescription(ToscaInputsTopologyTemplateDefinition.getTypeDescription());
-// Skip properties which are found in YAML, but not found in POJO
- PropertyUtils propertyUtils = new PropertyUtils();
- propertyUtils.setSkipMissingProperties(true);
- toscaStructure.setPropertyUtils(propertyUtils);
- return toscaStructure;
- }
- public static Map<?, ?> getToscaYamlMap(String csarUUID, String yamlFileLocation) throws Exception {
- String csarPayload = getCsarPayload(csarUUID, yamlFileLocation);
- if (csarPayload != null) {
- Yaml yaml = new Yaml();
- Map<?, ?> map = (Map<?, ?>) yaml.load(csarPayload);
- return map;
- }
- return null;
- }
- public static Map<?, ?> getToscaYamlMap(File csarPath, String yamlFileLocation) throws Exception {
- String csarPayload = getYamlPayloadFromCsar(csarPath, yamlFileLocation);
- if (csarPayload != null) {
- Yaml yaml = new Yaml();
- Map<?, ?> map = (Map<?, ?>) yaml.load(csarPayload);
- return map;
- }
- return null;
- }
- public static String getCsarPayload(String csarName, String yamlFileLocation) throws Exception {
- HttpResponse<byte []> csar = ImportRestUtils.getCsar(csarName, ElementFactory.getDefaultUser(UserRoleEnum.DESIGNER));
- assertTrue("Return response code different from 200", csar.getStatusCode() == BaseRestUtils.STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS);
- byte[] data = csar.getResponse();
- return getDataFromZipFileByBytes(yamlFileLocation, data);
- }
- public static String getYamlPayloadFromCsar(File csarName, String fileLocation) throws IOException, ZipException {
- Path path = csarName.toPath();
- byte[] data = Files.readAllBytes(path);
- return getDataFromZipFileByBytes(fileLocation, data);
- }
- /** method get file data from zip data by file location in the zip structure
- * @param fileLocation
- * @param data
- * @return
- */
- public static String getDataFromZipFileByBytes(String fileLocation, byte[] data) throws ZipException {
- if (data == null || data.length == 0) {
- return null;
- }
- final Map<String, byte[]> readZip = ZipUtils.readZip(data, false);
- if (MapUtils.isEmpty(readZip)) {
- return null;
- }
- byte[] artifactsBytes = readZip.get(fileLocation);
- return new String(artifactsBytes, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
- }