path: root/server/resty/openssl/x509/revoked.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'server/resty/openssl/x509/revoked.lua')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 108 deletions
diff --git a/server/resty/openssl/x509/revoked.lua b/server/resty/openssl/x509/revoked.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 9762200..0000000
--- a/server/resty/openssl/x509/revoked.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-local ffi = require "ffi"
-local C = ffi.C
-local ffi_gc = ffi.gc
-require "resty.openssl.include.x509.crl"
-require "resty.openssl.include.x509.revoked"
-local bn_lib = require("resty.openssl.bn")
-local format_error = require("resty.openssl.err").format_error
-local _M = {}
-local mt = { __index = _M }
-local x509_revoked_ptr_ct = ffi.typeof('X509_REVOKED*')
-local NID_crl_reason = C.OBJ_txt2nid("CRLReason")
-assert(NID_crl_reason > 0)
---- Creates new instance of X509_REVOKED data
--- @tparam bn|number sn Serial number as number or bn instance
--- @tparam number time Revocation time
--- @tparam number reason Revocation reason
--- @treturn table instance of the module or nil
--- @treturn[opt] string Returns optional error message in case of error
-function _M.new(sn, time, reason)
- --- only convert to bn if it is number
- if type(sn) == "number"then
- sn = bn_lib.new(sn)
- end
- if not bn_lib.istype(sn) then
- return nil, "x509.revoked.new: sn should be number or a bn instance"
- end
- if type(time) ~= "number" then
- return nil, "x509.revoked.new: expect a number at #2"
- end
- if type(reason) ~= "number" then
- return nil, "x509.revoked.new: expect a number at #3"
- end
- local ctx = C.X509_REVOKED_new()
- ffi_gc(ctx, C.X509_REVOKED_free)
- -- serial number
- local sn_asn1 = C.BN_to_ASN1_INTEGER(sn.ctx, nil)
- if sn_asn1 == nil then
- return nil, "x509.revoked.new: BN_to_ASN1_INTEGER() failed"
- end
- ffi_gc(sn_asn1, C.ASN1_INTEGER_free)
- if C.X509_REVOKED_set_serialNumber(ctx, sn_asn1) == 0 then
- return nil, format_error("x509.revoked.new: X509_REVOKED_set_serialNumber()")
- end
- -- time
- time = C.ASN1_TIME_set(nil, time)
- if time == nil then
- return nil, format_error("x509.revoked.new: ASN1_TIME_set()")
- end
- ffi_gc(time, C.ASN1_STRING_free)
- if C.X509_REVOKED_set_revocationDate(ctx, time) == 0 then
- return nil, format_error("x509.revoked.new: X509_REVOKED_set_revocationDate()")
- end
- -- reason
- local reason_asn1 = C.ASN1_ENUMERATED_new()
- if reason_asn1 == nil then
- return nil, "x509.revoked.new: ASN1_ENUMERATED_new() failed"
- end
- ffi_gc(reason_asn1, C.ASN1_ENUMERATED_free)
- local reason_ext = C.X509_EXTENSION_new()
- if reason_ext == nil then
- return nil, "x509.revoked.new: X509_EXTENSION_new() failed"
- end
- ffi_gc(reason_ext, C.X509_EXTENSION_free)
- if C.ASN1_ENUMERATED_set(reason_asn1, reason) == 0 then
- return nil, format_error("x509.revoked.new: ASN1_ENUMERATED_set()")
- end
- if C.X509_EXTENSION_set_data(reason_ext, reason_asn1) == 0 then
- return nil, format_error("x509.revoked.new: X509_EXTENSION_set_data()")
- end
- if C.X509_EXTENSION_set_object(reason_ext, C.OBJ_nid2obj(NID_crl_reason)) == 0 then
- return nil, format_error("x509.revoked.new: X509_EXTENSION_set_object()")
- end
- if C.X509_REVOKED_add_ext(ctx, reason_ext, 0) == 0 then
- return nil, format_error("x509.revoked.new: X509_EXTENSION_set_object()")
- end
- local self = setmetatable({
- ctx = ctx,
- }, mt)
- return self, nil
---- Type check
--- @tparam table Instance of revoked module
--- @treturn boolean true if instance is instance of revoked module false otherwise
-function _M.istype(l)
- return l and l.ctx and ffi.istype(x509_revoked_ptr_ct, l.ctx)
-return _M