path: root/roles/xtesting-onap-security/tasks/main.yaml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'roles/xtesting-onap-security/tasks/main.yaml')
1 files changed, 88 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/roles/xtesting-onap-security/tasks/main.yaml b/roles/xtesting-onap-security/tasks/main.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8148010
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/xtesting-onap-security/tasks/main.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+# tasks file for functest (tests)
+- block:
+ - name: Create directory
+ ansible.builtin.file:
+ path: "{{ exec_local_path }}"
+ state: directory
+ mode: 0755
+ - name: Create env file
+ ansible.builtin.template:
+ src: env-os.j2
+ dest: "{{ exec_local_path }}/env"
+ mode: "0644"
+ - name: Delete old logs
+ become: yes
+ ansible.builtin.file:
+ state: absent
+ path: "{{ res_local_path }}/{{ run_tiers }}/{{ run_type }}"
+ - name: "clean {{ docker_onap_security_name }} docker"
+ community.general.docker_container:
+ name: "{{ docker_onap_security_name }}-{{ run_type }}"
+ state: absent
+ force_kill: yes
+ - name: generate pre command to run
+ ansible.builtin.set_fact:
+ command: "mkdir -p /var/lib/xtesting/results/{{ run_type }}"
+ - name: generate command to run
+ ansible.builtin.set_fact:
+ command: "{{ command }} && run_tests --test {{ run_type }} --report"
+ - name: add S3 upload to command
+ ansible.builtin.set_fact:
+ command: "{{ command }} --push"
+ when: use_s3 | bool
+ - name: "launch {{ docker_onap_security_name }} docker"
+ community.general.docker_container:
+ container_default_behavior: no_defaults
+ name: "{{ docker_onap_security_name }}-{{ run_type }}"
+ image: "{{ docker_onap_security_image }}:{{ docker_onap_security_version }}"
+ env_file: "{{ exec_local_path }}/env"
+ state: started
+ command: "/bin/bash -c '{{ command }}'"
+ recreate: yes
+ pid_mode: host
+ volumes: "{{ volumes_security }}"
+ detach: true
+ pull: yes
+ keep_volumes: no
+ - name: wait for test docker to be finished
+ community.docker.docker_container_info:
+ name: "{{ docker_onap_security_name }}-{{ run_type }}"
+ register: container_info
+ until: container_info.container.State.Status == "exited"
+ retries: "{{ run_timeout }}"
+ delay: 1
+ - name: "{{ docker_onap_security_name }} has failed"
+ ansible.builtin.fail:
+ msg: "The test {{ docker_onap_security_name }} has failed"
+ when: container_info.container.State.ExitCode != 0
+ always:
+ - name: retrieve container logs
+ shell: "docker logs {{ docker_onap_security_name }}-{{ run_type }}"
+ register: container_logs
+ ignore_errors: True
+ - name: display container logs
+ debug:
+ msg: "{{ container_logs.stdout }}"
+ ignore_errors: True
+ - name: "save {{ docker_onap_security_name }} results for artifacts"
+ ansible.posix.synchronize:
+ src: "{{ res_local_path }}/{{ run_tiers }}/{{ run_type }}"
+ dest: "./results/{{ run_tiers }}"
+ use_ssh_args: true
+ mode: pull
+ ignore_errors: True
+ when: not use_s3 | bool