path: root/deployment/noheat/infra-openstack/ansible/create.yml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'deployment/noheat/infra-openstack/ansible/create.yml')
1 files changed, 84 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/deployment/noheat/infra-openstack/ansible/create.yml b/deployment/noheat/infra-openstack/ansible/create.yml
index 825bee3a4..73830663c 100644
--- a/deployment/noheat/infra-openstack/ansible/create.yml
+++ b/deployment/noheat/infra-openstack/ansible/create.yml
@@ -10,6 +10,21 @@
- role: create_hosts
hosts: "{{ operation.hosts }}"
operator_key: "dummy"
+ tasks:
+ - name: Get operator Openstack info
+ openstack.cloud.server_info:
+ server: "operator0"
+ register: operator_info
+ - name: Create directory for artifacts
+ ansible.builtin.file:
+ name: "artifacts"
+ state: directory
+ mode: '0755'
+ - name: Save operator access information
+ ansible.builtin.copy:
+ content: "{{ operator_info['openstack_servers'][0]['public_v4'] }},{{ image['user'] }},~/.ssh/{{ keypair['key']['name'] }}"
+ dest: "artifacts/operator.csv"
+ mode: "0644"
- name: Create cluster operator access keypair
hosts: "operator0"
gather_facts: False
@@ -21,10 +36,18 @@
path: "~/.ssh/{{ keypair.name }}"
register: key
- name: Add operator0 public key to it's authorized keys
- authorized_key:
+ ansible.posix.authorized_key:
key: "{{ key['public_key'] }}"
state: present
user: "{{ ansible_user }}"
+- name: Create OpenStack instances
+ hosts: localhost
+ connection: local
+ gather_facts: False
+ roles:
+ - role: create_hosts
+ hosts: "{{ openstack.hosts }}"
+ operator_key: "{{ hostvars['operator0']['key']['public_key'] }}"
- name: Create cluster instances
hosts: localhost
connection: local
@@ -35,9 +58,8 @@
operator_key: "{{ hostvars['operator0']['key']['public_key'] }}"
- name: Create cluster operator access information
hosts: "operator0"
- roles:
- - role: geerlingguy.ansible
- become: yes
+ vars_files:
+ - ../../common-vars.yml
- name: Add cluster hostnames to /etc/hosts file
@@ -52,25 +74,63 @@
hosts: "{{ lookup('dict', hostvars['localhost']['hosts_dict']) }}"
- name: Push in-cluster deployment stage description to the next Ansible control host
- ansible.posix.synchronize:
+ copy:
src: ../../cluster-rke
dest: ~/deploy
- - name: Install python dependencies
- become: yes
- package:
- name:
- - python3-pip
- - python3-setuptools
- state: present
- - name: Install community.kubernetes.k8s Ansible collection dependencies
- pip:
- name:
- - openshift
- - pyyaml
- - kubernetes
- executable: pip3
- become: yes
- - name: Add Ansible collection dependencies
- command: "ansible-galaxy collection install ansible.posix"
- - name: Add community.kubernetes Ansible collection
- command: "ansible-galaxy collection install community.kubernetes"
+ - name: Push Devstack deployment stage description to the next Ansible control host
+ copy:
+ src: ../../devstack
+ dest: ~/
+ - name: Push common variables to the next Ansible control host
+ copy:
+ src: ../../common-vars.yml
+ dest: ~/
+ - name: Push Devstack vars to the next Ansible control host (for Devstack stage)
+ template:
+ src: "templates/openstack.yml.j2"
+ dest: ~/devstack/ansible/group_vars/all/openstack.yml
+ mode: '0644'
+ - name: Push Devstack vars to the next Ansible control host (for cluster-rke stage)
+ template:
+ src: "templates/openstack.yml.j2"
+ dest: ~/deploy/cluster-rke/ansible/group_vars/all/openstack.yml
+ mode: '0644'
+ - name: Create Devstack config directory
+ file:
+ path: ~/.config/openstack/
+ state: directory
+ mode: '0755'
+ - name: Generate Devstack clouds.yml file
+ template:
+ src: "templates/clouds.yaml.j2"
+ dest: ~/.config/openstack/clouds.yml
+ mode: '0644'
+ - block:
+ - name: Install python dependencies
+ become: yes
+ apt:
+ name:
+ - python3-pip
+ - python3-setuptools
+ - default-jdk-headless
+ state: present
+ update_cache: true
+ - name: Install community.kubernetes.k8s Ansible collection dependencies
+ pip:
+ name:
+ - ansible-core==2.13.5
+ - openshift==0.13.1
+ - pyyaml==6.0
+ # Major version of Python k8s libraty matches minor version of k8s.
+ - kubernetes~={{ k8s_version | regex_search("[^^.][0-9]+[^$]") ~ "0" }}
+ executable: pip3
+ become: yes
+ - name: Copy ansible-galaxy requirements file
+ copy:
+ src: operator-requirements.yml
+ dest: ~/requirements.yml
+ mode: '0444'
+ - name: Install ansible-galaxy collections
+ community.general.ansible_galaxy_install:
+ requirements_file: ~/requirements.yml
+ type: both