# -*- coding: utf8 -*- # ============LICENSE_START======================================================= # org.onap.vvp/validation-scripts # =================================================================== # Copyright © 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. # =================================================================== # # Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed # under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this software except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # # # Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed # under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the "License"); # you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # ============LICENSE_END============================================ import csv import datetime import hashlib import io import json import os import re import time from preload.model import create_preloads from config import get_generator_plugin_names from tests.helpers import get_output_dir try: from html import escape except ImportError: from cgi import escape from collections import defaultdict import traceback import docutils.core import jinja2 import pytest from more_itertools import partition import xlsxwriter from six import string_types # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences import version import logging logging.basicConfig(format="%(levelname)s:%(message)s", level=logging.ERROR) __path__ = [os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))] DEFAULT_OUTPUT_DIR = "{}/../output".format(__path__[0]) HEAT_REQUIREMENTS_FILE = os.path.join(__path__[0], "..", "heat_requirements.json") TEST_SCRIPT_SITE = ( "https://github.com/onap/vvp-validation-scripts/blob/master/ice_validator/tests/" ) VNFRQTS_ID_URL = ( "https://docs.onap.org/en/latest/submodules/vnfrqts/requirements.git/docs/" ) REPORT_COLUMNS = [ ("Error #", "err_num"), ("Input File", "file"), ("Requirements", "req_description"), ("Error Message", "message"), ("Test", "test_file"), ] COLLECTION_FAILURE_WARNING = """WARNING: The following unexpected errors occurred while preparing to validate the the input files. Some validations may not have been executed. Please refer these issue to the VNF Validation Tool team. """ COLLECTION_FAILURES = [] # Captures the results of every test run ALL_RESULTS = [] def extract_error_msg(rep): """ If a custom error message was provided, then extract it otherwise just show the pytest assert message """ if rep.outcome != "failed": return "" try: full_msg = str(rep.longrepr.reprcrash.message) match = re.match( "AssertionError:(.*)^assert.*", full_msg, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL ) if match: # custom message was provided # Extract everything between AssertionError and the start # of the assert statement expansion in the pytest report msg = match.group(1) elif "AssertionError:" in full_msg: msg = full_msg.split("AssertionError:")[1] else: msg = full_msg except AttributeError: msg = str(rep) return msg class TestResult: """ Wraps the test case and result to extract necessary metadata for reporting purposes. """ RESULT_MAPPING = {"passed": "PASS", "failed": "FAIL", "skipped": "SKIP"} def __init__(self, item, outcome): self.item = item self.result = outcome.get_result() self.files = self._get_files() self.error_message = self._get_error_message() @property def requirement_ids(self): """ Returns list of requirement IDs mapped to the test case. :return: Returns a list of string requirement IDs the test was annotated with ``validates`` otherwise returns and empty list """ is_mapped = hasattr(self.item.function, "requirement_ids") return self.item.function.requirement_ids if is_mapped else [] @property def markers(self): """ :return: Returns a set of pytest marker names for the test or an empty set """ return set(m.name for m in self.item.iter_markers()) @property def is_base_test(self): """ :return: Returns True if the test is annotated with a pytest marker called base """ return "base" in self.markers @property def is_failed(self): """ :return: True if the test failed """ return self.outcome == "FAIL" @property def outcome(self): """ :return: Returns 'PASS', 'FAIL', or 'SKIP' """ return self.RESULT_MAPPING[self.result.outcome] @property def test_case(self): """ :return: Name of the test case method """ return self.item.function.__name__ @property def test_module(self): """ :return: Name of the file containing the test case """ return self.item.function.__module__.split(".")[-1] @property def test_id(self): """ :return: ID of the test (test_module + test_case) """ return "{}::{}".format(self.test_module, self.test_case) @property def raw_output(self): """ :return: Full output from pytest for the given test case """ return str(self.result.longrepr) def requirement_text(self, curr_reqs): """ Creates a text summary for the requirement IDs mapped to the test case. If no requirements are mapped, then it returns the empty string. :param curr_reqs: mapping of requirement IDs to requirement metadata loaded from the VNFRQTS projects needs.json output :return: ID and text of the requirements mapped to the test case """ text = ( "\n\n{}: \n{}".format(r_id, curr_reqs[r_id]["description"]) for r_id in self.requirement_ids if r_id in curr_reqs ) return "".join(text) def requirements_metadata(self, curr_reqs): """ Returns a list of dicts containing the following metadata for each requirement mapped: - id: Requirement ID - text: Full text of the requirement - keyword: MUST, MUST NOT, MAY, etc. :param curr_reqs: mapping of requirement IDs to requirement metadata loaded from the VNFRQTS projects needs.json output :return: List of requirement metadata """ data = [] for r_id in self.requirement_ids: if r_id not in curr_reqs: continue data.append( { "id": r_id, "text": curr_reqs[r_id]["description"], "keyword": curr_reqs[r_id]["keyword"], } ) return data def _get_files(self): """ Extracts the list of files passed into the test case. :return: List of absolute paths to files """ if "environment_pair" in self.item.fixturenames: return [ "{} environment pair".format( self.item.funcargs["environment_pair"]["name"] ) ] elif "heat_volume_pair" in self.item.fixturenames: return [ "{} volume pair".format(self.item.funcargs["heat_volume_pair"]["name"]) ] elif "heat_templates" in self.item.fixturenames: return [os.path.basename(f) for f in self.item.funcargs["heat_templates"]] elif "yaml_files" in self.item.fixturenames: return [os.path.basename(f) for f in self.item.funcargs["yaml_files"]] else: parts = self.result.nodeid.split("[") return [""] if len(parts) == 1 else [os.path.basename(parts[1][:-1])] def _get_error_message(self): """ :return: Error message or empty string if the test did not fail or error """ if self.is_failed: return extract_error_msg(self.result) else: return "" # noinspection PyUnusedLocal @pytest.hookimpl(tryfirst=True, hookwrapper=True) def pytest_runtest_makereport(item, call): """ Captures the test results for later reporting. This will also halt testing if a base failure is encountered (can be overridden with continue-on-failure) """ outcome = yield if outcome.get_result().when != "call": return # only capture results of test cases themselves result = TestResult(item, outcome) if ( not item.config.option.continue_on_failure and result.is_base_test and result.is_failed ): msg = "!!Base Test Failure!! Halting test suite execution...\n{}".format( result.error_message ) result.error_message = msg ALL_RESULTS.append(result) pytest.exit("{}\n{}\n{}".format(msg, result.files, result.test_case)) ALL_RESULTS.append(result) def make_timestamp(): """ :return: String make_iso_timestamp in format: 2019-01-19 10:18:49.865000 Central Standard Time """ timezone = time.tzname[time.localtime().tm_isdst] return "{} {}".format(str(datetime.datetime.now()), timezone) # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def pytest_sessionstart(session): ALL_RESULTS.clear() COLLECTION_FAILURES.clear() # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def pytest_sessionfinish(session, exitstatus): """ If not a self-test run, generate the output reports """ if not session.config.option.template_dir: return if session.config.option.template_source: template_source = session.config.option.template_source[0] else: template_source = os.path.abspath(session.config.option.template_dir[0]) categories_selected = session.config.option.test_categories or "" generate_report( get_output_dir(session.config), template_source, categories_selected, session.config.option.report_format, ) def pytest_terminal_summary(terminalreporter, exitstatus): # Ensures all preload information and warnings appear after # test results create_preloads(terminalreporter.config, exitstatus) # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def pytest_collection_modifyitems(session, config, items): """ Selects tests based on the categories requested. Tests without categories will always be executed. """ config.traceability_items = list(items) # save all items for traceability if not config.option.self_test: for item in items: # checking if test belongs to a category if hasattr(item.function, "categories"): if config.option.test_categories: test_categories = getattr(item.function, "categories") passed_categories = config.option.test_categories if not all( category in passed_categories for category in test_categories ): item.add_marker( pytest.mark.skip( reason=( "Test categories do not match " "all the passed categories" ) ) ) else: item.add_marker( pytest.mark.skip( reason=( "Test belongs to a category but " "no categories were passed" ) ) ) items.sort( key=lambda x: (0, x.name) if "base" in set(m.name for m in x.iter_markers()) else (1, x.name) ) def make_href(paths, base_dir=None): """ Create an anchor tag to link to the file paths provided. :param paths: string or list of file paths :param base_dir: If specified this is pre-pended to each path :return: String of hrefs - one for each path, each seperated by a line break (<br/). """ paths = [paths] if isinstance(paths, string_types) else paths if base_dir: paths = [os.path.join(base_dir, p) for p in paths] links = [] for p in paths: abs_path = os.path.abspath(p) name = abs_path if os.path.isdir(abs_path) else os.path.split(abs_path)[1] links.append( "<a href='file://{abs_path}' target='_blank'>{name}</a>".format( abs_path=abs_path, name=name ) ) return "<br/>".join(links) def generate_report(outpath, template_path, categories, output_format="html"): """ Generates the various output reports. :param outpath: destination directory for all reports :param template_path: directory containing the Heat templates validated :param categories: Optional categories selected :param output_format: One of "html", "excel", or "csv". Default is "html" :raises: ValueError if requested output format is unknown """ failures = [r for r in ALL_RESULTS if r.is_failed] generate_failure_file(outpath) output_format = output_format.lower().strip() if output_format else "html" generate_json(outpath, template_path, categories) if output_format == "html": generate_html_report(outpath, categories, template_path, failures) elif output_format == "excel": generate_excel_report(outpath, categories, template_path, failures) elif output_format == "json": return elif output_format == "csv": generate_csv_report(outpath, categories, template_path, failures) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported output format: " + output_format) def write_json(data, path): """ Pretty print data as JSON to the output path requested :param data: Data structure to be converted to JSON :param path: Where to write output """ with open(path, "w") as f: json.dump(data, f, indent=2) def generate_failure_file(outpath): """ Writes a summary of test failures to a file named failures. This is for backwards compatibility only. The report.json offers a more comprehensive output. """ failure_path = os.path.join(outpath, "failures") failures = [r for r in ALL_RESULTS if r.is_failed] data = {} for i, fail in enumerate(failures): data[str(i)] = { "file": fail.files[0] if len(fail.files) == 1 else fail.files, "vnfrqts": fail.requirement_ids, "test": fail.test_case, "test_file": fail.test_module, "raw_output": fail.raw_output, "message": fail.error_message, } write_json(data, failure_path) def generate_csv_report(output_dir, categories, template_path, failures): rows = [["Validation Failures"]] headers = [ ("Categories Selected:", categories), ("Tool Version:", version.VERSION), ("Report Generated At:", make_timestamp()), ("Directory Validated:", template_path), ("Checksum:", hash_directory(template_path)), ("Total Errors:", len(failures) + len(COLLECTION_FAILURES)), ] rows.append([]) for header in headers: rows.append(header) rows.append([]) if COLLECTION_FAILURES: rows.append([COLLECTION_FAILURE_WARNING]) rows.append(["Validation File", "Test", "Fixtures", "Error"]) for failure in COLLECTION_FAILURES: rows.append( [ failure["module"], failure["test"], ";".join(failure["fixtures"]), failure["error"], ] ) rows.append([]) # table header rows.append([col for col, _ in REPORT_COLUMNS]) reqs = load_current_requirements() # table content for i, failure in enumerate(failures, start=1): rows.append( [ i, "\n".join(failure.files), failure.requirement_text(reqs), failure.error_message, failure.test_id, ] ) output_path = os.path.join(output_dir, "report.csv") with open(output_path, "w", newline="") as f: writer = csv.writer(f) for row in rows: writer.writerow(row) def generate_excel_report(output_dir, categories, template_path, failures): output_path = os.path.join(output_dir, "report.xlsx") workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(output_path) bold = workbook.add_format({"bold": True, "align": "top"}) code = workbook.add_format( {"font_name": "Courier", "text_wrap": True, "align": "top"} ) normal = workbook.add_format({"text_wrap": True, "align": "top"}) heading = workbook.add_format({"bold": True, "font_size": 18}) worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet("failures") worksheet.write(0, 0, "Validation Failures", heading) headers = [ ("Categories Selected:", ",".join(categories)), ("Tool Version:", version.VERSION), ("Report Generated At:", make_timestamp()), ("Directory Validated:", template_path), ("Checksum:", hash_directory(template_path)), ("Total Errors:", len(failures) + len(COLLECTION_FAILURES)), ] for row, (header, value) in enumerate(headers, start=2): worksheet.write(row, 0, header, bold) worksheet.write(row, 1, value) worksheet.set_column(0, len(headers) - 1, 40) worksheet.set_column(len(headers), len(headers), 80) if COLLECTION_FAILURES: collection_failures_start = 2 + len(headers) + 2 worksheet.write(collection_failures_start, 0, COLLECTION_FAILURE_WARNING, bold) collection_failure_headers = ["Validation File", "Test", "Fixtures", "Error"] for col_num, col_name in enumerate(collection_failure_headers): worksheet.write(collection_failures_start + 1, col_num, col_name, bold) for row, data in enumerate(COLLECTION_FAILURES, collection_failures_start + 2): worksheet.write(row, 0, data["module"]) worksheet.write(row, 1, data["test"]) worksheet.write(row, 2, ",".join(data["fixtures"])) worksheet.write(row, 3, data["error"], code) # table header start_error_table_row = 2 + len(headers) + len(COLLECTION_FAILURES) + 4 worksheet.write(start_error_table_row, 0, "Validation Failures", bold) for col_num, (col_name, _) in enumerate(REPORT_COLUMNS): worksheet.write(start_error_table_row + 1, col_num, col_name, bold) reqs = load_current_requirements() # table content for col, width in enumerate((20, 30, 60, 60, 40)): worksheet.set_column(col, col, width) err_num = 1 for row, failure in enumerate(failures, start=start_error_table_row + 2): worksheet.write(row, 0, str(err_num), normal) worksheet.write(row, 1, "\n".join(failure.files), normal) worksheet.write(row, 2, failure.requirement_text(reqs), normal) worksheet.write(row, 3, failure.error_message.replace("\n", "\n\n"), normal) worksheet.write(row, 4, failure.test_id, normal) err_num += 1 worksheet.autofilter( start_error_table_row + 1, 0, start_error_table_row + 1 + err_num, len(REPORT_COLUMNS) - 1, ) workbook.close() def make_iso_timestamp(): """ Creates a timestamp in ISO 8601 format in UTC format. Used for JSON output. """ now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() now.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) return now.isoformat() def aggregate_results(outcomes, r_id=None): """ Determines the aggregate result for the conditions provided. Assumes the results have been filtered and collected for analysis. :param outcomes: set of outcomes from the TestResults :param r_id: Optional requirement ID if known :return: 'ERROR', 'PASS', 'FAIL', or 'SKIP' (see aggregate_requirement_adherence for more detail) """ if not outcomes: return "PASS" elif "ERROR" in outcomes: return "ERROR" elif "FAIL" in outcomes: return "FAIL" elif "PASS" in outcomes: return "PASS" elif {"SKIP"} == outcomes: return "SKIP" else: pytest.warns( "Unexpected error aggregating outcomes ({}) for requirement {}".format( outcomes, r_id ) ) return "ERROR" def aggregate_run_results(collection_failures, test_results): """ Determines overall status of run based on all failures and results. * 'ERROR' - At least one collection failure occurred during the run. * 'FAIL' - Template failed at least one test * 'PASS' - All tests executed properly and no failures were detected :param collection_failures: failures occuring during test setup :param test_results: list of all test executuion results :return: one of 'ERROR', 'FAIL', or 'PASS' """ if collection_failures: return "ERROR" elif any(r.is_failed for r in test_results): return "FAIL" else: return "PASS" def relative_paths(base_dir, paths): return [os.path.relpath(p, base_dir) for p in paths if p != ""] # noinspection PyTypeChecker def generate_json(outpath, template_path, categories): """ Creates a JSON summary of the entire test run. """ reqs = load_current_requirements() data = { "version": "dublin", "template_directory": os.path.splitdrive(template_path)[1].replace( os.path.sep, "/" ), "timestamp": make_iso_timestamp(), "checksum": hash_directory(template_path), "categories": categories, "outcome": aggregate_run_results(COLLECTION_FAILURES, ALL_RESULTS), "tests": [], "requirements": [], } results = data["tests"] for result in COLLECTION_FAILURES: results.append( { "files": [], "test_module": result["module"], "test_case": result["test"], "result": "ERROR", "error": result["error"], "requirements": result["requirements"], } ) for result in ALL_RESULTS: results.append( { "files": relative_paths(template_path, result.files), "test_module": result.test_module, "test_case": result.test_case, "result": result.outcome, "error": result.error_message if result.is_failed else "", "requirements": result.requirements_metadata(reqs), } ) # Build a mapping of requirement ID to the results r_id_results = defaultdict(lambda: {"errors": set(), "outcomes": set()}) for test_result in results: test_reqs = test_result["requirements"] r_ids = ( [r["id"] if isinstance(r, dict) else r for r in test_reqs] if test_reqs else ("",) ) for r_id in r_ids: item = r_id_results[r_id] item["outcomes"].add(test_result["result"]) if test_result["error"]: item["errors"].add(test_result["error"]) requirements = data["requirements"] for r_id, r_data in reqs.items(): requirements.append( { "id": r_id, "text": r_data["description"], "keyword": r_data["keyword"], "result": aggregate_results(r_id_results[r_id]["outcomes"]), "errors": list(r_id_results[r_id]["errors"]), } ) if r_id_results[""]["errors"] or r_id_results[""]["outcomes"]: requirements.append( { "id": "Unmapped", "text": "Tests not mapped to requirements (see tests)", "result": aggregate_results(r_id_results[""]["outcomes"]), "errors": list(r_id_results[""]["errors"]), } ) report_path = os.path.join(outpath, "report.json") write_json(data, report_path) def generate_html_report(outpath, categories, template_path, failures): reqs = load_current_requirements() fail_data = [] for failure in failures: fail_data.append( { "file_links": make_href(failure.files, template_path), "test_id": failure.test_id, "error_message": escape(failure.error_message).replace( "\n", "<br/><br/>" ), "raw_output": escape(failure.raw_output), "requirements": docutils.core.publish_parts( writer_name="html", source=failure.requirement_text(reqs) )["body"], } ) pkg_dir = os.path.split(__file__)[0] j2_template_path = os.path.join(pkg_dir, "report.html.jinja2") with open(j2_template_path, "r") as f: report_template = jinja2.Template(f.read()) contents = report_template.render( version=version.VERSION, num_failures=len(failures) + len(COLLECTION_FAILURES), categories=categories, template_dir=make_href(template_path), checksum=hash_directory(template_path), timestamp=make_timestamp(), failures=fail_data, collection_failures=COLLECTION_FAILURES, ) with open(os.path.join(outpath, "report.html"), "w") as f: f.write(contents) def pytest_addoption(parser): """ Add needed CLI arguments """ parser.addoption( "--template-directory", dest="template_dir", action="append", help="Directory which holds the templates for validation", ) parser.addoption( "--template-source", dest="template_source", action="append", help="Source Directory which holds the templates for validation", ) parser.addoption( "--self-test", dest="self_test", action="store_true", help="Test the unit tests against their fixtured data", ) parser.addoption( "--report-format", dest="report_format", action="store", help="Format of output report (html, csv, excel, json)", ) parser.addoption( "--continue-on-failure", dest="continue_on_failure", action="store_true", help="Continue validation even when structural errors exist in input files", ) parser.addoption( "--output-directory", dest="output_dir", action="store", default=None, help="Alternate ", ) parser.addoption( "--category", dest="test_categories", action="append", help="optional category of test to execute", ) parser.addoption( "--env-directory", dest="env_dir", action="store", help="optional directory of .env files for preload generation" ) parser.addoption( "--preload-format", dest="preload_formats", action="append", help=( "Preload format to create (multiple allowed). If not provided " "then all available formats will be created: {}" ).format(", ".join(get_generator_plugin_names())) ) def pytest_configure(config): """ Ensure that we are receive either `--self-test` or `--template-dir=<directory` as CLI arguments """ if config.getoption("template_dir") and config.getoption("self_test"): raise Exception('"--template-dir", and "--self-test"' " are mutually exclusive") if not ( config.getoption("template_dir") or config.getoption("self_test") or config.getoption("help") ): raise Exception('One of "--template-dir" or' ' "--self-test" must be specified') def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc): """ If a unit test requires an argument named 'filename' we generate a test for the filenames selected. Either the files contained in `template_dir` or if `template_dir` is not specified on the CLI, the fixtures associated with this test name. """ # noinspection PyBroadException try: if "filename" in metafunc.fixturenames: from .parametrizers import parametrize_filename parametrize_filename(metafunc) if "filenames" in metafunc.fixturenames: from .parametrizers import parametrize_filenames parametrize_filenames(metafunc) if "template_dir" in metafunc.fixturenames: from .parametrizers import parametrize_template_dir parametrize_template_dir(metafunc) if "environment_pair" in metafunc.fixturenames: from .parametrizers import parametrize_environment_pair parametrize_environment_pair(metafunc) if "heat_volume_pair" in metafunc.fixturenames: from .parametrizers import parametrize_heat_volume_pair parametrize_heat_volume_pair(metafunc) if "yaml_files" in metafunc.fixturenames: from .parametrizers import parametrize_yaml_files parametrize_yaml_files(metafunc) if "env_files" in metafunc.fixturenames: from .parametrizers import parametrize_environment_files parametrize_environment_files(metafunc) if "yaml_file" in metafunc.fixturenames: from .parametrizers import parametrize_yaml_file parametrize_yaml_file(metafunc) if "env_file" in metafunc.fixturenames: from .parametrizers import parametrize_environment_file parametrize_environment_file(metafunc) if "parsed_yaml_file" in metafunc.fixturenames: from .parametrizers import parametrize_parsed_yaml_file parametrize_parsed_yaml_file(metafunc) if "parsed_environment_file" in metafunc.fixturenames: from .parametrizers import parametrize_parsed_environment_file parametrize_parsed_environment_file(metafunc) if "heat_template" in metafunc.fixturenames: from .parametrizers import parametrize_heat_template parametrize_heat_template(metafunc) if "heat_templates" in metafunc.fixturenames: from .parametrizers import parametrize_heat_templates parametrize_heat_templates(metafunc) if "volume_template" in metafunc.fixturenames: from .parametrizers import parametrize_volume_template parametrize_volume_template(metafunc) if "volume_templates" in metafunc.fixturenames: from .parametrizers import parametrize_volume_templates parametrize_volume_templates(metafunc) if "template" in metafunc.fixturenames: from .parametrizers import parametrize_template parametrize_template(metafunc) if "templates" in metafunc.fixturenames: from .parametrizers import parametrize_templates parametrize_templates(metafunc) except Exception as e: # If an error occurs in the collection phase, then it won't be logged as a # normal test failure. This means that failures could occur, but not # be seen on the report resulting in a false positive success message. These # errors will be stored and reported separately on the report COLLECTION_FAILURES.append( { "module": metafunc.module.__name__, "test": metafunc.function.__name__, "fixtures": metafunc.fixturenames, "error": traceback.format_exc(), "requirements": getattr(metafunc.function, "requirement_ids", []), } ) raise e def hash_directory(path): """ Create md5 hash using the contents of all files under ``path`` :param path: string directory containing files :return: string MD5 hash code (hex) """ md5 = hashlib.md5() # nosec for dir_path, sub_dirs, filenames in os.walk(path): for filename in filenames: file_path = os.path.join(dir_path, filename) with open(file_path, "rb") as f: md5.update(f.read()) return md5.hexdigest() def load_current_requirements(): """Loads dict of current requirements or empty dict if file doesn't exist""" with io.open(HEAT_REQUIREMENTS_FILE, encoding="utf8", mode="r") as f: data = json.load(f) version = data["current_version"] return data["versions"][version]["needs"] def select_heat_requirements(reqs): """Filters dict requirements to only those requirements pertaining to Heat""" return {k: v for k, v in reqs.items() if "heat" in v["docname"].lower()} def is_testable(reqs): """Filters dict requirements to only those which are testable""" for key, values in reqs.items(): if ("MUST" in values.get("keyword", "").upper()) and ( "none" not in values.get("validation_mode", "").lower() ): reqs[key]["testable"] = True else: reqs[key]["testable"] = False return reqs def build_rst_json(reqs): """Takes requirements and returns list of only Heat requirements""" for key, values in list(reqs.items()): if values["testable"]: # Creates links in RST format to requirements and test cases if values["test_case"]: mod = values["test_case"].split(".")[-1] val = TEST_SCRIPT_SITE + mod + ".py" rst_value = "`" + mod + " <" + val + ">`_" title = ( "`" + values["id"] + " <" + VNFRQTS_ID_URL + values["docname"].replace(" ", "%20") + ".html#" + values["id"] + ">`_" ) reqs[key].update({"full_title": title, "test_case": rst_value}) else: title = ( "`" + values["id"] + " <" + VNFRQTS_ID_URL + values["docname"].replace(" ", "%20") + ".html#" + values["id"] + ">`_" ) reqs[key].update( { "full_title": title, "test_case": "No test for requirement", "validated_by": "static", } ) else: del reqs[key] return reqs def generate_rst_table(output_dir, data): """Generate a formatted csv to be used in RST""" rst_path = os.path.join(output_dir, "rst.csv") with open(rst_path, "w", newline="") as f: out = csv.writer(f) out.writerow(("Requirement ID", "Test Module", "Test Name")) for req_id, metadata in data.items(): out.writerow( ( metadata["full_title"], metadata["test_case"], metadata["validated_by"], ) ) # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def pytest_report_collectionfinish(config, startdir, items): """Generates a simple traceability report to output/traceability.csv""" traceability_path = os.path.join(get_output_dir(config), "traceability.csv") output_dir = os.path.split(traceability_path)[0] if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) reqs = load_current_requirements() requirements = select_heat_requirements(reqs) testable_requirements = is_testable(requirements) unmapped, mapped = partition( lambda i: hasattr(i.function, "requirement_ids"), items ) req_to_test = defaultdict(set) mapping_errors = set() for item in mapped: for req_id in item.function.requirement_ids: if req_id not in req_to_test: req_to_test[req_id].add(item) if req_id in requirements: reqs[req_id].update( { "test_case": item.function.__module__, "validated_by": item.function.__name__, } ) if req_id not in requirements: mapping_errors.add( (req_id, item.function.__module__, item.function.__name__) ) mapping_error_path = os.path.join(get_output_dir(config), "mapping_errors.csv") with open(mapping_error_path, "w", newline="") as f: writer = csv.writer(f) for err in mapping_errors: writer.writerow(err) with open(traceability_path, "w", newline="") as f: out = csv.writer(f) out.writerow( ( "Requirement ID", "Requirement", "Section", "Keyword", "Validation Mode", "Is Testable", "Test Module", "Test Name", ) ) for req_id, metadata in testable_requirements.items(): if req_to_test[req_id]: for item in req_to_test[req_id]: out.writerow( ( req_id, metadata["description"], metadata["section_name"], metadata["keyword"], metadata["validation_mode"], metadata["testable"], item.function.__module__, item.function.__name__, ) ) else: out.writerow( ( req_id, metadata["description"], metadata["section_name"], metadata["keyword"], metadata["validation_mode"], metadata["testable"], "", # test module "", ) # test function ) # now write out any test methods that weren't mapped to requirements unmapped_tests = { (item.function.__module__, item.function.__name__) for item in unmapped } for test_module, test_name in unmapped_tests: out.writerow( ( "", # req ID "", # description "", # section name "", # keyword "static", # validation mode "TRUE", # testable test_module, test_name, ) ) generate_rst_table(get_output_dir(config), build_rst_json(testable_requirements))