# ============LICENSE_START========================================== # org.onap.vvp/test-engine # =================================================================== # Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. # =================================================================== # # Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed # under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); # you may not use this software except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # # # Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed # under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”); # you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # ============LICENSE_END============================================ # # ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property. import uuid from django.conf import settings import psycopg2 from services.constants import Constants from services.database.db_bridge import DBBridge from services.database.db_general import DBGeneral from services.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger() class DBVirtualFunction: @staticmethod def insert_ecomp_release(uuid, name, ui_visibility="TRUE"): try: queryTableName = "ice_ecomp_release" # Connect to General 'default'. dbConn = psycopg2.connect( DBGeneral.return_db_native_connection("em_db")) dbConn = dbConn cur = dbConn.cursor() logger.debug("DATABASE_TYPE: " + settings.DATABASE_TYPE) except Exception as e: errorMsg = "Failed to create connection to General: " + str(e) raise Exception(errorMsg) try: logger.debug("DATABASE_TYPE: " + settings.DATABASE_TYPE) # Create INSERT query. queryStr = "INSERT INTO %s (""uuid, name, weight, ui_visibility"") VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s');" % ( queryTableName, uuid, name, 0, ui_visibility) logger.debug("Query: " + queryStr) cur.execute(queryStr) # Execute query. dbConn.commit() logger.debug("Test results are in General now.") except Exception as e: errorMsg = "Failed to insert ECOMP release to General:" + str(e) raise Exception(errorMsg) dbConn.close() @staticmethod def delete_ecomp_release(uuid, name): try: queryTableName = "ice_ecomp_release" # Connect to General 'default'. dbConn = psycopg2.connect( DBGeneral.return_db_native_connection("em_db")) dbConn = dbConn cur = dbConn.cursor() except Exception as e: errorMsg = "Failed to create connection to DBGeneral.because :" + \ str(e) raise Exception(errorMsg) try: # Create INSERT query. queryStr = "DELETE FROM %s WHERE uuid = '%s';" % ( queryTableName, uuid) logger.debug("Query: " + queryStr) cur.execute(queryStr) # Execute query. dbConn.commit() logger.debug("Test results are in General now.") except Exception as e: errorMsg = "Failed to delete ECOMP release from General . because :" + \ str(e) raise Exception(errorMsg) raise dbConn.close() @staticmethod def select_next_steps_ids(engagement_uuid): ice_next_steps = DBGeneral.select_where( "uuid", "ice_next_step", "engagement_id", engagement_uuid, 0) return ice_next_steps @staticmethod def select_next_steps_uuids_by_stage(engagement_uuid, engagement_stage): query = "SELECT uuid FROM %s WHERE engagement_id='%s' AND engagement_stage='%s' ORDER BY position;" % ( Constants.DBConstants.IceTables.NEXT_STEP, engagement_uuid, engagement_stage) return DBGeneral.select_query(query, "list", 0) @staticmethod def update_next_step_position(next_step_uuid, new_index): DBGeneral.update_where( "ice_next_step", "position", new_index, "uuid", next_step_uuid) @staticmethod def select_next_step_description(next_step_uuid): return DBGeneral.select_where("description", "ice_next_step", "uuid", next_step_uuid, 1) @staticmethod def select_eng_uuid(vf_name): return DBGeneral.select_where("engagement_id", "ice_vf", "name", vf_name, 1) @staticmethod def select_engagment_uuid_by_vf_name(vfName): engagement_id = DBGeneral.select_where( "engagement_id", "ice_vf", "name", vfName, 1) engagement_manual_id = DBGeneral.select_where( "engagement_manual_id", "ice_engagement", "uuid", engagement_id, 1) enguuid = DBGeneral.select_where( "uuid", "ice_engagement", "engagement_manual_id", engagement_manual_id, 1) return enguuid @staticmethod def select_vf_version_by_vf_name(vfName): queryStr = "SELECT version FROM ice_vf WHERE name= '%s';" % vfName version_name = str(DBGeneral.select_query(queryStr)) return version_name @staticmethod def select_vf_name_by_vf_version(version_name): queryofname = "SELECT name FROM ice_vf WHERE version= '%s';" % version_name vfNameDb = str(DBGeneral.select_query(queryofname)) return vfNameDb @staticmethod def return_expected_steps(engagement_uuid, stage, user_email): steps_uuids = DBVirtualFunction.select_next_steps_uuids_by_stage( engagement_uuid, stage) personal_step_uuid = DBBridge.select_personal_next_step(user_email) DBVirtualFunction.update_next_step_position(personal_step_uuid, 1) steps_uuids.insert(0, personal_step_uuid) return steps_uuids @staticmethod def get_engagement(): """Use this function instead of creating a new engagement where no need to""" queryStr = "SELECT DISTINCT ice_engagement.uuid, engagement_manual_id, ice_vf.name, ice_user_profile.full_name, \ ice_user_profile.email, reviewer_table.full_name, reviewer_table.email, \ ice_deployment_target.version, ice_ecomp_release.name \ FROM ice_engagement LEFT JOIN ice_vf ON engagement_id = ice_engagement.uuid \ LEFT JOIN ice_user_profile reviewer_table ON reviewer_table.id = ice_engagement.reviewer_id \ LEFT JOIN ice_user_profile ON ice_user_profile.id = ice_engagement.peer_reviewer_id \ LEFT JOIN ice_deployment_target ON ice_deployment_target.uuid = ice_vf.deployment_target_id \ LEFT JOIN ice_ecomp_release ON ice_ecomp_release.uuid = ice_vf.ecomp_release_id \ WHERE ice_user_profile.id IS NOT NULL LIMIT 1;" list_of_values = DBGeneral.select_query(queryStr, return_type="list") list_of_keys = ["engagement_uuid", "engagement_manual_id", "vfName", "pr_name", "pr_email", "el_name", "el_email", "target_aic", "ecomp_release"] return dict(zip(list_of_keys, list_of_values)) @staticmethod def insert_aic_version(ui_visibility="TRUE"): new_aic_version = { "uuid": str(uuid.uuid4()), "name": "AIC", "version": DBBridge.helper_rand_string("randomNumber", 2), "ui_visibility": ui_visibility, "weight": 0} queryStr = "INSERT INTO public.ice_deployment_target( \ uuid, name, version, ui_visibility, weight) \ VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', %s);" % (new_aic_version['uuid'], new_aic_version['name'], new_aic_version['version'], new_aic_version['ui_visibility'], new_aic_version['weight']) DBGeneral.insert_query(queryStr) return new_aic_version @staticmethod def delete_aic_version(aic_uuid): DBGeneral.insert_query( "DELETE FROM public.ice_deployment_target WHERE uuid='%s';" % aic_uuid) @staticmethod def change_aic_version_weight(new_weight, old_weight): DBGeneral.insert_query( "UPDATE public.ice_deployment_target SET weight=%s WHERE weight=%s" % (new_weight, old_weight)) @staticmethod def change_ecomp_release_weight(new_weight, old_weight): DBGeneral.insert_query( "UPDATE public.ice_ecomp_release SET weight=%s WHERE weight=%s" % (new_weight, old_weight)) @staticmethod def select_aic_version_uuid(aic_version): return DBGeneral.select_where("uuid", "ice_deployment_target", "version", aic_version, 1) @staticmethod def select_ecomp_release_uuid(ecomp_release): return DBGeneral.select_where("uuid", "ice_ecomp_release", "name", ecomp_release, 1) @staticmethod def add_admin_to_eng_team(eng_uuid): admin_db_id = DBGeneral.select_where( 'id', Constants.DBConstants.IceTables.USER_PROFILE, 'email', Constants.Users.Admin.EMAIL, 1) queryStr = "INSERT INTO public.ice_engagement_engagement_team(engagement_id, iceuserprofile_id) VALUES ('%s', '%s');" % ( eng_uuid, admin_db_id) logger.debug("add_admin_to_eng_team Query: %s" % queryStr) DBGeneral.insert_query(queryStr) @staticmethod def remove_engagement_from_recent(vf_uuid): DBGeneral.insert_query( "DELETE FROM %s WHERE vf_id='%s'" % (Constants.DBConstants.IceTables.RECENT, vf_uuid))