# ============LICENSE_START========================================== # org.onap.vvp/test-engine # =================================================================== # Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. # =================================================================== # # Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed # under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); # you may not use this software except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # # # Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed # under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”); # you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # ============LICENSE_END============================================ # # ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property. import time from django.conf import settings import psycopg2 from services.constants import Constants from services.database.db_bridge import DBBridge from services.database.db_general import DBGeneral from services.database.db_virtual_function import DBVirtualFunction from services.frontend.base_actions.wait import Wait from services.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory from services.session import session logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger() class DBUser: @staticmethod def get_activation_url(email): # Fetch one user ID. uuid = DBUser.select_user_uuid(email) # Fetch one user ID. index = DBGeneral.select_where_email("id", "auth_user", email) activation_token = DBGeneral.select_where( "activation_token", "ice_custom_user", "user_ptr_id", index, 1) # / activate /:userID /:token activationUrl = settings.ICE_PORTAL_URL + '/#/activate/' + \ str(uuid) + '/' + str(activation_token) logger.debug("activationUrl :" + activationUrl) return activationUrl @staticmethod def get_contact_signup_url( invite_token, uuid, email, fullName, phoneNum, companyName): companyId = DBGeneral.select_where( "uuid", "ice_vendor", "name", companyName, 1) signUpURLforContact = settings.ICE_PORTAL_URL + \ "#/signUp?invitation=" + invite_token + \ "&email=" + email + "&full_name=" + fullName + \ "&phone_number=" + phoneNum + "&company=" + companyId logger.debug("SignUpURLforContact :" + signUpURLforContact) return signUpURLforContact @staticmethod def select_invitation_token( queryColumnName, queryTableName, whereParametrType, whereParametrValue, email, fetchNum): try: dbConn = psycopg2.connect( DBGeneral.return_db_native_connection('em_db')) dbConn = dbConn cur = dbConn.cursor() queryStr = \ "select %s from %s Where %s = '%s' and email = '%s' ;" % ( queryColumnName, queryTableName, whereParametrType, whereParametrValue, email) logger.debug("Query : " + queryStr) cur.execute(queryStr) if (fetchNum == 0): result = str(cur.fetchall()) elif (fetchNum == 1): result = str(cur.fetchone()) if(result.find("',)") != -1): # formatting strings e.g uuid result = result.partition('\'')[-1].rpartition('\'')[0] elif(result.find(",)") != -1): # formatting ints e.g id result = result.partition('(')[-1].rpartition(',')[0] dbConn.close() if result is None: errorMsg = "select_where_pr_state FAILED " logger.error(errorMsg) raise logger.debug("Query result: " + str(result)) return result # If failed - count the failure and add the error to list of errors. except BaseException: errorMsg = "select_where FAILED " raise Exception(errorMsg, "select_where") @staticmethod def get_el_name(vfName): try: # Fetch one AT&T user ID. engagement_id = DBVirtualFunction.select_eng_uuid(vfName) engagement_manual_id = DBGeneral.select_where( "engagement_manual_id", "ice_engagement", "uuid", engagement_id, 1) reviewer_id = DBGeneral.select_where( "reviewer_id", "ice_engagement", "engagement_manual_id", engagement_manual_id, 1) engLeadFullName = DBGeneral.select_where_and( "full_name", "ice_user_profile", "id", reviewer_id, "role_id", "2", 1) return engLeadFullName # If failed - count the failure and add the error to list of errors. except BaseException: errorMsg = "get_el_name FAILED " raise Exception(errorMsg, "get_el_name") @staticmethod def get_email_by_full_name(fullname): # try: query_str = "select email from ice_user_profile where " +\ "full_name = '%s';" % (fullname) user_email = DBGeneral.select_query(query_str) return user_email @staticmethod def select_recent_vf_of_user(user_uuid, fetchNum): try: dbConn = psycopg2.connect( DBGeneral.return_db_native_connection('em_db')) dbConn = dbConn cur = dbConn.cursor() queryStr = "SELECT vf_id FROM public.ice_recent_engagement " +\ "where user_uuid = '%s' order by last_update " % user_uuid +\ "desc limit 20;" logger.debug("Query : " + queryStr) cur.execute(queryStr) if (fetchNum == 0): result = str(cur.fetchall()) elif (fetchNum == 1): result = str(cur.fetchone()) if(result.find("',)") != -1): # formatting strings e.g uuid result = result.partition('\'')[-1].rpartition('\'')[0] elif(result.find(",)") != -1): # formatting ints e.g id result = result.partition('(')[-1].rpartition(',')[0] dbConn.close() logger.debug("Query result: " + str(result)) return result # If failed - count the failure and add the error to list of errors. except BaseException: errorMsg = "select_where FAILED " raise Exception(errorMsg, "select_where") @staticmethod def select_el_email(vfName): try: # Fetch one AT&T user ID. engagement_id = DBVirtualFunction.select_eng_uuid(vfName) engagement_manual_id = DBGeneral.select_where( "engagement_manual_id", "ice_engagement", "uuid", engagement_id, 1) reviewer_id = DBGeneral.select_where( "reviewer_id", "ice_engagement", "engagement_manual_id", engagement_manual_id, 1) engLeadEmail = DBGeneral.select_where_and( "email", "ice_user_profile", "id", reviewer_id, "role_id", "2", 1) return engLeadEmail # If failed - count the failure and add the error to list of errors. except BaseException: errorMsg = "select_el_email FAILED " raise Exception(errorMsg, "select_el_email") @staticmethod def select_user_native_id(email): try: # Fetch one AT&T user ID. engLeadId = DBUser.select_user_profile_property(email, "id") return engLeadId # If failed - count the failure and add the error to list of errors. except BaseException: errorMsg = "select_user_native_id FAILED " raise Exception(errorMsg, "select_user_native_id") @staticmethod def select_personal_next_step(email): user_id = DBUser.select_user_native_id(email) return DBGeneral.select_where( "uuid", "ice_next_step", "owner_id", user_id, 1) @staticmethod def select_pr_email(vfName): try: # Fetch one AT&T user ID. engagement_id = DBVirtualFunction.select_eng_uuid(vfName) engagement_manual_id = DBGeneral.select_where( "engagement_manual_id", "ice_engagement", "uuid", engagement_id, 1) reviewer_id = DBGeneral.select_where( "peer_reviewer_id", "ice_engagement", "engagement_manual_id", engagement_manual_id, 1) engLeadEmail = DBGeneral.select_where( "email", "ice_user_profile", "id", reviewer_id, 1) return engLeadEmail # If failed - count the failure and add the error to list of errors. except BaseException: errorMsg = "select_el_email FAILED " raise Exception(errorMsg, "select_el_email") @staticmethod def get_notification_id_by_email(userEmail): uuid = DBGeneral.select_where_email( "id", "ice_user_profile", userEmail) notifIDs = DBGeneral.select_where( "uuid", "ice_notification", "user_id", uuid, 0) return notifIDs @staticmethod def get_not_seen_notifications_number_by_email( user_email, is_negative=False): user_id = DBGeneral.select_where_email( "id", Constants.DBConstants.IceTables.USER_PROFILE, user_email) notifications_number = DBGeneral.select_where_and( Constants.DBConstants.Queries.COUNT, Constants.DBConstants.IceTables.NOTIFICATION, "user_id", user_id, "is_read", "False", 1) if is_negative: counter = 0 while notifications_number != "0" and counter <= Constants.\ Dashboard.Avatar.Notifications.Count.RETRIES_NUMBER: notifications_number = DBGeneral.select_where_and( Constants.DBConstants.Queries.COUNT, Constants.DBConstants.IceTables.NOTIFICATION, "user_id", user_id, "is_read", "False", 1) time.sleep(1) counter += 1 return notifications_number @staticmethod def get_eng_lead_email_per_enguuid(enguuid): reviewer_id = DBGeneral.select_where( "reviewer_id", Constants.DBConstants.IceTables.ENGAGEMENT, "uuid", enguuid, 1) engLeadEmail = DBGeneral.select_where( "email", Constants.DBConstants.IceTables.USER_PROFILE, "id", reviewer_id, 1) return engLeadEmail @staticmethod def select_all_user_engagements(engLeadID): try: dbConn = psycopg2.connect( DBGeneral.return_db_native_connection('em_db')) dbConn = dbConn cur = dbConn.cursor() queryStr = "select COUNT(*) from ice_engagement_engagement_team" +\ " Where iceuserprofile_id = %s" % engLeadID +\ " and (select " +\ "engagement_stage from public.ice_engagement " +\ "where uuid = engagement_id LIMIT 1) != 'Archived';" logger.debug("Query : " + queryStr) cur.execute(queryStr) result = cur.fetchall() dbConn.close() logger.debug("Query result: " + str(result)) logger.debug(result[0][0]) return result[0][0] # If failed - count the failure and add the error to list of errors. except BaseException: errorMsg = "select_user_engagements_by_stage FAILED " raise Exception(errorMsg, "select_user_engagements_by_stage") @staticmethod def select_user_engagements_by_stage(stage, engLeadID): try: dbConn = psycopg2.connect( DBGeneral.return_db_native_connection('em_db')) dbConn = dbConn cur = dbConn.cursor() queryStr = "select count(*) from ice_engagement INNER JOIN " +\ "ice_engagement_engagement_team ON " +\ "ice_engagement_engagement_team.engagement_id= " +\ "ice_engagement.uuid Where " +\ "(ice_engagement.engagement_stage " +\ "= '%s') and " % stage +\ "(ice_engagement_engagement_team.iceuserprofile_id = " +\ "%s );" % engLeadID logger.debug("Query : " + queryStr) cur.execute(queryStr) result = cur.fetchall() dbConn.close() logger.debug("Query result: " + str(result)) logger.debug(result[0][0]) return result[0][0] # If failed - count the failure and add the error to list of errors. except BaseException: errorMsg = "select_user_engagements_by_stage FAILED " raise Exception(errorMsg, "select_user_engagements_by_stage") @staticmethod def set_new_temp_password(email): encodePass = DBGeneral.select_where_email( "password", "auth_user", Constants.Users.Admin.EMAIL) # Fetch one user ID. index = DBGeneral.select_where_email("id", "auth_user", email) DBGeneral.update_where( "ice_custom_user", "temp_password", encodePass, "user_ptr_id", index) @staticmethod def set_password_to_default(email): encodePass = DBGeneral.select_where_email( "password", "auth_user", Constants.Users.Admin.EMAIL) DBGeneral.update_where( "auth_user", "password", encodePass, "email", email) @staticmethod def select_el_not_in_engagement(el_name, pr_name): query_str = "select full_name from ice_user_profile where " +\ "role_id = 2 and full_name != '%s' and full_name != '%s';" % ( el_name, pr_name) new_user = DBGeneral.select_query(query_str) if new_user == 'None': new_user = DBUser.update_to_el_not_in_engagement() return new_user @staticmethod def select_user_uuid(email): user_uuid = DBUser.select_user_profile_property(email, "uuid") return user_uuid @staticmethod def select_access_key(email): access_key = DBUser.select_user_profile_property( email, "rgwa_access_key") return access_key @staticmethod def select_secret_key(email): secret_key = DBUser.select_user_profile_property( email, "rgwa_secret_key") return secret_key @staticmethod def update_to_el_not_in_engagement(): query_str = "select uuid from ice_user_profile where role_id = 1 ;" user_uuid = DBGeneral.select_query(query_str) updatequery = "UPDATE ice_user_profile SET role_id=2 ,full_name" +\ " = 'el_for_test' WHERE uuid = '%s' ;" % ( user_uuid) DBGeneral.update_query(updatequery) updatequery = "UPDATE ice_user_profile SET role_id=2 WHERE " +\ "full_name = '%s' ;" % ( 'el_for_test') DBGeneral.update_query(updatequery) return 'el_for_test' @staticmethod def rollback_for_el_not_in_engagement(): query_str = "select uuid from ice_user_profile where full_name = " +\ "'el_for_test';" user_uuid = DBGeneral.select_query(query_str) fullName = DBBridge.helper_rand_string("randomString") updatequery = "UPDATE ice_user_profile SET role_id=1,full_name " +\ "= '%s' WHERE uuid = '%s' ;" % (fullName, user_uuid) DBGeneral.update_query(updatequery) @staticmethod def set_engagement_peer_reviewer(engagement_uuid, email): user_uuid = DBUser.select_user_uuid(email) update_query = "UPDATE ice_user_profile SET role_id=2 WHERE " +\ "uuid = '%s';" % user_uuid DBGeneral.update_query(update_query) user_id = DBGeneral.select_query( "SELECT id FROM ice_user_profile WHERE uuid = '%s';" % user_uuid) update_query = "UPDATE ice_engagement SET peer_reviewer_id=%s " +\ "WHERE uuid = '%s';" % ( user_id, engagement_uuid) DBGeneral.update_query(update_query) @staticmethod def select_user_profile_property(user_email, property_name): return DBGeneral.select_where( property_name, "ice_user_profile", "email", user_email, 1) @staticmethod def validate_user_profile_settings_in_db(user_email, checked): Wait.page_has_loaded() regular_email_updates = DBUser.select_user_profile_property( user_email, 'regular_email_updates') DBBridge.helper_internal_assert(regular_email_updates, checked) email_updates_on_every_notification = \ DBUser.select_user_profile_property( user_email, 'email_updates_on_every_notification') DBBridge.helper_internal_assert( email_updates_on_every_notification, checked) email_updates_daily_digest = DBUser.select_user_profile_property( user_email, 'email_updates_daily_digest') DBBridge.helper_internal_assert( email_updates_daily_digest, not checked) @staticmethod def retrieve_admin_ssh_from_db(): ssh_key = DBGeneral.select_where( 'ssh_public_key', Constants.DBConstants.IceTables.USER_PROFILE, 'email', Constants.Users.Admin.EMAIL, 1) return ssh_key @staticmethod def get_access_key(user_uuid): counter = 0 access_key = DBGeneral.select_where( "rgwa_access_key", Constants.DBConstants.IceTables.USER_PROFILE, "uuid", user_uuid, 1) while access_key == "None" and counter <= \ Constants.RGWAConstants.RETRIES_NUMBER: time.sleep(session.wait_until_time_pause) logger.debug( "rgwa_access_key are not ready yet, trying again (%s of 20)" % counter) access_key = DBGeneral.select_where( "rgwa_access_key", Constants.DBConstants.IceTables.USER_PROFILE, "uuid", user_uuid, 1) counter += 1 return access_key @staticmethod def get_access_secret(user_uuid): counter = 0 access_secret = DBGeneral.select_where( "rgwa_secret_key", Constants.DBConstants.IceTables.USER_PROFILE, "uuid", user_uuid, 1) while access_secret == "None" and counter <= Constants.\ RGWAConstants.RETRIES_NUMBER: time.sleep(session.wait_until_time_pause) logger.debug( "rgwa_secret_key are not ready yet, trying again (%s of 100)" % counter) access_secret = DBGeneral.select_where( "rgwa_secret_key", Constants.DBConstants.IceTables.USER_PROFILE, "uuid", user_uuid, 1) counter += 1 return access_secret