# ============LICENSE_START========================================== # org.onap.vvp/test-engine # =================================================================== # Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. # =================================================================== # # Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed # under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); # you may not use this software except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # # # Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed # under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”); # you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # ============LICENSE_END============================================ # # ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property. from django.conf import settings class ServiceProvider: PROGRAM_NAME = "VVP" MainServiceProvider = "ServiceProvider" email = "example-domain.com" class Constants: class FEGeneral: class CSS: H2 = 'h2' class Paths: class SSH: PATH = "/root/.ssh/" class LocalGitFolder: PATH = "/tmp/git_work/" class DBConstants: RETRIES_NUMBER = 120 class Engagement: AIC = 'aic_instantiation_time' class Queries: COUNT = "COUNT(*)" class IceTables: NOTIFICATION = "ice_notification" USER_PROFILE = "ice_user_profile" ENGAGEMENT = "ice_engagement" CHECKLIST = "ice_checklist" RECENT = "ice_recent_engagement" NEXT_STEP = "ice_next_step" class ChecklistStates: class Pending: TEXT = "pending" class Automation: TEXT = "automation" class Review: TEXT = "review" class PeerReview: TEXT = "peer_review" class Approval: TEXT = "approval" class Handoff: TEXT = "handoff" class Archive: TEXT = "archive" class Closed: TEXT = "closed" class FEConstants: RETRIES_NUMBER = 120 class GitLabConstants: RETRIES_NUMBER = 60 class RGWAConstants: RETRIES_NUMBER = 100 BUCKET_RETRIES_NUMBER = 180 class ChecklistSignalsConstants: RETRIES_NUMBER = 10 class Users: class Admin: EMAIL = "admin@" + ServiceProvider.email FULLNAME = "admin bogus user" class AdminRO: EMAIL = "admin_ro@" + ServiceProvider.email class LongEmailLengthStandardUser: EMAIL = "50charslengthemailofstandardus@" + \ ServiceProvider.email class Toast: ID = "toast-successfully-message" CMS_ID = "announcement-successfully-message" CSS = "html.ng-scope" class Cms: Toast_title_id = "toast-title-id" Toast_description = "toast-description" Test_addDT_close_modal_button = "close-modal-button" Documentation = "documentation" Tooltip_title = "tooltip-title" Tooltip_description = "tooltip-description" SearchDocumentation = "search-doc" DocumentationPageContent = ".page-content > p" class Template: class Heat: TEXT = "Heat Templates" class Subtitle: class SelectTemplateTitle: TEXT = "please-select" class SubmitButton: CSS = "button.btn.btn-primary" ID = "submit-modal" class Home: class Logo: ID = "logo" class Title: ID = "home-heading" TEXT = "Welcome to " + ServiceProvider.PROGRAM_NAME class GetStarted: LINK_TEXT = "Get Started" TEXT = "Get Started" class Collaborate: ID = "collaborate" XPATH = "//div[3]/div/h3" TEXT = "Collaborate" class Validate: XPATH = "//div[2]/div/h3" # FIXME: change xpath TEXT = "Validate" class Incubate: # FIXME: change xpath XPATH = "//section[@id='boxes']/div/div/div/h3" TEXT = "Incubate" class Login: class Signup: LINK_TEXT = "Sign Up" class Title: CSS = "h1.ng-binding" TEXT = "Login" class SubTitle: CSS = "h2.ng-binding" TEXT = "Please use the form below to login" class Email: NAME = "email" class Password: NAME = "password" class Error: CSS = "div.form-group.has-error > div.ice-form-error > span" TEXT = "Password is a required field." class ResetPassword: LINK_TEXT = "Reset your password?" TEXT = "Reset your password?" class DontHaveAccount: ID = "id-dont-have-an-account" TEXT = "Don't have an account?" class Toast: TEXT = "User or Password does not match" class Signup: class Title: CSS = "h1.ng-binding" TEXT = "Sign Up" class SubTitle: CSS = "h2.ng-binding" TEXT = "Please use the form to Sign Up to " + \ ServiceProvider.PROGRAM_NAME class Company: NAME = "company" class FullName: NAME = "fullname" class Email: NAME = "email" class Phone: NAME = "phone" class Password: NAME = "password" class RegularEmail: XPATH = "//input[@type='checkbox']" # FIXME: Change XPath class AcceptTerms: XPATH = "(//input[@type='checkbox'])[2]" # FIXME: Change XPath class Toast: class Captcha: TEXT = "Please fill CAPTCHA!" class NotMainVendor: TEXT = "Email address should be with service provider domain for signees that their company =" \ + ServiceProvider.MainServiceProvider class HaveAccount: LINK_TEXT = "Already have an account?" TEXT = "Already have an account?" class ActivateAccount: class Title: CSS = "h1.ng-binding" TEXT = "Activate Your Account" class SubTitle: CSS = "h2.ng-binding" TEXT = "Please follow the instructions below to activate your account." class Toast: TEXT = "Please activate your account first" class ResetPassword: class Toast: class Success: TEXT = "An email with detailed instructions on how to reset your password was sent to your Email." class Title: CSS = "h1.ng-binding" TEXT = "Reset Your Password" class SubTitle: CSS = "h2.ng-binding" TEXT = "Please follow the instructions below to reset your password" class Button: TEXT = "Send Instructions" class Email: NAME = "email" class UpdatePassword: class Title: CSS = "h1.ng-binding" TEXT = "Update Your Password" class SubTitle: CSS = "h2.ng-binding" TEXT = "Please follow the instructions below to update your password" class Password: NAME = "password" class ConfirmPassword: NAME = "confirm_password" class Button: TEXT = "Update Password" class Toast: TEXT = "Password was updated Successfully!" class Dashboard: class Modal: TITLE_ID = "modal-title" CLOSE_BUTTON_ID = "close-modal-button" class Default: DASHBOARD_ID = "dashboard" STATISTICS = "statistics" class Checklist: TITLE = "Checklist:" class ChecklistDefaultNames: HEAT_TEMPLATES = "Heat Templates" IMAGE_VALIDATION = "Image Validation" AIC_INSTANTIATION = "AIC Instantiation" ASDC_ONBOARDING = "ASDC Onboarding" class Name: ID = "cl-name-id" class AuditLog: ID = "audit-log" class LastLocalAuditLog: CSS = "#audit-log-list > li:last-child p" class AuditLogList: ID = "audit-log-list" class JenkinsLog: ID = "jenkins-log" class Modal: class Title: ID = "general-log-modal-title-id" TEXT = "Jenkins log" class Body: ID = 'general-log-modal-body-id' TEXT_SAMPLE = 'Started by user admin' BUILD_IDENTIFIER = '/bin/sh /tmp/' class LineItem: class Approve: CSS = "li.approved-cl-btn" class Deny: CSS = "li.denied-cl-btn" class Approve: pass class Reject: ID = "state-actions-btn-reject" class Modal: class Button: ID = "reject-state" TEXT = "Reject" class Comment: NAME = "entry_comment" class AddNS: TITLE = "Add Next Steps" ID = "state-actions-btn-add-next-steps" CSS = "span.font_header" class GeneralPrompt: class UpperTitle: ID = "general-prompt-upper-headline" class Title: ID = "general-prompt-title" class ApproveButton: ID = "general-prompt-approve-btn" class CancelButton: ID = "general-prompt-cancel-btn" class Wizard: class Open: CSS = "div[modal-animation='true']" CLASS_NAME = "getting-started-wizard" class Title: CSS = "h2.modal-title.ng-binding" class CloseButton: ID = "close-wizard-button" class AddVF: class Title: TEXT = "Add a VF" class AIC_Version: TEXT = "aic-version" class ECOMP_Release: TEXT = "ecomp-release" class AddVendorContact: class Title: TEXT = "Add Vendor Contact" class InviteTeamMembers: class Title: NAME = "Invite Team Members" TEXT = "Invite Team Members" class Button: TEXT = "Send invitations" class AddSSHKey: class Title: NAME = "Add SSH Key" TEXT = "Add SSH Key" class TextBox: NAME = "key" class ActivateMsg: class Success: TEXT = "You have successfully activated your account!" class Fail: TEXT = "Please activate your account first" class Avatar: ID = "avatar" class Account: LINK_TEXT = "Account" class Title: CSS = "h2.ng-scope" TEXT = "Account" class FullName: NAME = "fullname" class Email: NAME = "email" class Phone: NAME = "phone" class Company: NAME = "company" class SSHKey: NAME = "ssh_key" class UpdateFailed: # TEXT = "Something went wrong while trying to update user account" TEXT = "Updating SSH Key failed due to invalid key." class Update: class Success: TEXT = "Account was updated successfully!" class RGWA: class Key: TITLE_ID = "access-key-title" KEY_ID = "access-key-value" class Secret: TITLE_ID = "access-secret-title" SECRET_ID = "access-secret-value" BUTTON_ID = "show-access-secret" SECRET_TEXT = "•••••••••••••••" class UserProfileSettings: ID = 'user-profile-settings' TitleID = 'user-profile-settings-title' TitleText = 'Settings' ReceiveEmailsID = 'receive-emails' ReceiveNotificationsID = 'receive-notifications' ReceiveEmailEveryTimeID = 'receive-emails-every-time' ReceiveDigestEmailID = 'receive-digest-emails' UpdateButtonID = 'update-account-user-profile-settings' class Notifications: LINK_TEXT = "Notifications" class NotificationColumn: ID = "table-col-" class DeleteNotification: ID = "del-notification-" class Count: ID = "notifications-count" RETRIES_NUMBER = 20 class Title: ID = "notifications" TEXT = "Notifications" class Admin: LINK_TEXT = "Admin" class Title: CSS = "h1.caption" TEXT = "Admin" ID = "admin-toolbar-link" class Logout: LINK_TEXT = "Logout" class Feedback: ID = "feedback-toolbar-link" class FeedbackModal: SAVE_BTN_ID = "add-feedback-save-button" class Statuses: ID = "logo" class Body: ID = "search-results" TEXT = "Export to Excel >>" class Title: ID = "dashboard-title" TEXT = "Statuses" class FilterDropdown: ID = "search-filter-stage" class SearchBox: ID = "search-filter-keyword" class SearchFilters: ID = "search-filters" class AssignedNS: ID = "next-steps-header" class Statistics: class Title: ID = "statistics-header" TEXT = "Statistics" class FilterDropdown: CSS = "#statistics-header > .search-filters > .search-filter-stage" class ValidationsNumber: ID = "id-validations-num" class EngagementsNumber: ID = "id-engagements-num" class News: class Title: ID = "news-and-announcements-header" TEXT = "News & Announcements" class List: ID = "news-and-announcements-list" TEXT = "There are no posts." class ExportExcel: ID = "export-to-csv" TEXT = "Export to Excel >>" class Overview: class AdminDropdown: ID = "admin-actions-dropdown" class ArchiveEngagement: LINK_TEXT = "Archive" class Wizard: class Title: ID = "archive-engagement-title" TEXT = "Archive Engagement" class Reason: NAME = "reason" class ChangeReviewer: LINK_TEXT = "Change Reviewer" class Wizard: class Title: ID = "archive-engagement-title" TEXT = "Select Engagement Lead" class Select: NAME = "selected-user" class Toast: TEXT = "Reviewer updated successfully." class ChangePeerReviewer: LINK_TEXT = "Change Peer Reviewer" class Wizard: class Title: ID = "archive-engagement-title" TEXT = "Select Engagement Lead" class Toast: TEXT = "Peer reviewer updated successfully." class UpdateStatus: LINK_TEXT = "Update Status" PROGRESS = "progress" PROGRESS_CSS = 'input[name="progress"]' TARGET = 'vm.engagement.target_completion_date' HEAT = 'vm.engagement.heat_validated_time' IMAGE_SACN = 'vm.engagement.image_scan_time' AIC = 'vm.engagement.aic_instantiation_time' ASDC = 'vm.engagement.asdc_onboarding_time' STATUS = "status" SUBMIT = 'button[type="submit"]' SUCCESS_MSG = 'Engagement status updated successfully.' class BucketURL: ID = "bucket-url" TEXT = "STORAGE BUCKET: " class GitURL: ID = "git-url" class Title: ID = "engagement-title" class Star: ID = "star-engagement-action" class Stage: class Approve: XPATH = "//button[@type='submit']" # FIXME: Change XPath class Deny: # FIXME: Change XPath XPATH = "(//button[@type='submit'])[2]" class Set: ID = "set-stage-" class Progress: class ValidationsDates: AIC_ID = 'aic-instantiation-time' HEAT_ID = 'heat-validated-time' IMAGE_ID = 'image-scan-time' ASDC_ID = 'asdc-onboarding-time' VALIDATION_DATES_ARRAY = [ AIC_ID, HEAT_ID, IMAGE_ID, ASDC_ID] class VnfVersion: CLASS = "vnf_version_value" class Percent: ID = "progress-percentage" TEXT = "0 %" class Change: ID = "edit-change-progress" NUMBER = "55" TEXT = "55 %" class Wizard: NAME = "progress" class Title: TEXT = "Specify Progress in %" class Button: TEXT = "Save" class Status: class Header: ID = "#engagement-status-header > span" class Add: CSS = "i.add-engagement-status" class Edit: CSS = "i.edit-engagement-status" class Description: ID = "status-description" class LastUpdated: ID = "status-update-details" class TeamMember: ID = "team-members-plus-button-id" MEMBER_ID = "team-member-%s" class Title: ID = "team-member-title" class RemoveUser: ID = "remove-member" class Title: TEXT = "Remove user from engagement team: %s" class Message: TEXT = "Are you sure you would like to remove the user out of the team members?" class NextSteps: class FilterByFileDropDown: ID = "selected-file-filter-dropdown" ANY_FILE_LINK_TEXT = "Any file" FILE0_LINK_TEXT = "file0" FILE1_LINK_TEXT = "file1" FILE2_LINK_TEXT = "file2" class StateDropDown: ID = "selected-state-filter-dropdown" INCOMPLETE_LINK_TEXT = "Incomplete" COMPLETED_LINK_TEXT = "Completed" class Add: TITLE = "Engagement:" ID = "add-next-step-button" class Title: CSS = "h2" TEXT = "Add Next Steps" class Description: ID = "description" STEP_DESC_ID = "step-description-" class Button: TEXT = "Submit Next Steps" class AssociatedFiles: ID = "associated-files-list" ALL_FILES_SELECTED = "3 files selected" SELECT_ALL_FILES_NAME = "Select All" class AssociatedFiles: ID = "associated-files" EmptyMsgID = "associated-files-empty-msg" EmptyMsg = "There are no files for this next step" FileId = "file0" class DetailedView: ID = "detailed-view-" class DeploymentTarget: ID = "deployment-targets" TEXT = "Deployment Targets" TITLE = "Add Deployment Target" SAVE = "add-dt-save-button" CSS = "span.col-md-10.ng-binding" ID_REMOVE_DTS = "remove-dts-" class AddDeploymentTargetButton: ID = "add-dt" class VirtualFunctionComponents: ID = "virtual-function-components" TEXT = "Virtual Function Components" class ValidationDetails: PLUS = "update-validation-details" TITLE = "Validation Details (ECOMP, AIC, VF Version)" SAVE = "edit-validation-setails-save-button" ID = "vd-title" TEXT = "Validation Details" class TargetAICVersion: ID = "target-aic-version-headline" TEXT = "Target AIC Version:" AIC3 = "AIC 3.0" class ECOMPRelease: ID = "ecomp-release-headline" TEXT = "ECOMP Release:" ID_ECOMP = "ecomp-select-options-" UNKNOW = "Unknown" class VFVersion: ID = "vf-version-headline" TEXT = "VF Version:" ID_VERSION = "id-vf-version" VF_VERSION_ID = "vf_version_" class TargetLabEntry: ID = "target-lab-entry" TEXT = "Target Lab Entry" CSS = "#target-lab-entry-header > span" CHANGE = "change-lab-entry-date" INPUT_CSS = '.md-datepicker-input' CONTENT_CSS = "h4.target-lab-entry-content" class Add: ID = "add-dt" class VFC: TEXT = "Virtual Function Components" ID = "visible-dts-" class Add: ID = "add-vfc" class Remove: ID = "remove-vfc-" class Save_button: ID = "add-vfc-save-button" class Choose_Company: ID = "add-vfc-choose-company" class AIC: TEXT = "Target AIC Version" ID = "aic_version_" class Edit: ID = "test_AIC_Version_Edit" class Confirm: ID = "test_AIC_Version_Update" class Decline: ID = "test_AIC_Version_Remove" class Dropdown: ID = "aic-version-select" class TwoPointFive: ID = "aic_select_options_2.5" TEXT = "2.5" class Three: ID = "aic_select_options_3.0" TEXT = "3.0" class ThreePointFive: ID = "aic_select_options_3.5" TEXT = "3.5" class Four: ID = "aic_select_options_4.0" TEXT = "4.0" class UniversalVersion: ID = "aic_select_options_%s" class NoVersion: ID = "aic_select_options_No version number available" TEXT = "No version number available" class ECOMP: ID = "ecomp_version_" class Edit: ID = "test_ECOMP_Release_Edit" class Confirm: ID = "test_ECOMP_Release_Update" class Decline: ID = "test_ECOMP_Release_Remove" class Dropdown: ID = "ecomp-release-select" class Unknown: ID = "ecomp-select-options-Unknown" class UniversalRelease: ID = "ecomp-select-options-%s" class LeftPanel: class Title: CSS = "h1.caption" TEXT = "Engagements" class AddEngagement: ID = "add-engagement" class SearchBox: ID = "search-eng" class Results: ID = "search-%s" # %s --> VF name CSS = "span.search-engagement-name.ng-binding" XPATH = "//input[@type='text']" class NoResults: ID = "search-no-results" class CreateChecklist: ID = "btn-create-checklist" # "btn-modal-update-checklist" class EditChecklistTemplate: SUCCESS_SAVE_MSG = "Template was saved successfully." SAVE_BTN = "Save" HEAT = "Editing Heat" SAVE_BTN_ID = "save-button" APPROVE_BTN_ID = "general-prompt-approve-btn" SUCCESS_ID = "toast-successfully-message" APPROVE_BTN_TITLE_ID = "general-prompt-title" APPROVE_BTN_TITLE_TEXT = "Are you done editing?" CL_TEMPLATE_SAVED_TXT = "Template was saved successfully." FIRST_SECTION_ID = "edit-section-btn-0" FIRST_SECTION_INPUT_ID = "edit-section-input-0" REJECT_BTN_ID = "state-actions-btn-reject" ADD_LINE_ITEM_BTN = "add-lineitem-btn" EDIT_LINE_ITEM_BTN = "edit-lineitem-btn" EDIT_LINE_ITEM_NAME = "edit-line-item-name-input" LINE_ITEM_DESC_TEXT_BOX = "edit-lineitem-description" EDIT_LINE_ITEM_DESC = "edit-lineitem-description-input" FIRST_LINE_ITEM_ID = "select-lineitem-btn-0.0" WYSIWYG_BUTTON_BOLD = "//button[@type='button']" DASHBOARD_ID = "dashboard" SEARCH_ENG_ID = "search-eng" DELETE_LINE_ITEM = "delete-lineitem-btn" class DefaultChecklistTemplateParametrs: DEFAULT_FIRST_SECTION_VALUE = "External References" class EngagementStages: INTAKE = "Intake" ACTIVE = "Active" VALIDATED = "Validated" COMPLETED = "Completed" ALL = "All" class Default: class TestPrefix: Test = "test_" Center = "center-" class Password: TEXT = "iceusers" class NewPass: TEXT = "1234" class Phone: TEXT = "+972-50-555-5555" class LoginURL: TEXT = settings.ICE_PORTAL_URL + "/#/login" class DashbaordURL: TEXT = settings.ICE_PORTAL_URL + "/#/dashboard/dashboard" class OverviewURL: TEXT = settings.ICE_PORTAL_URL + "/#/dashboard/overview" class InviteURL: class Login: TEXT = settings.ICE_PORTAL_URL + "/#/login?invitation=" class Signup: TEXT = settings.ICE_PORTAL_URL + "/#/signUp?eng_uuid=" class URL: class Engagement: class EngagementOperations: TEXT = settings.ICE_EM_URL + '/v1/engmgr/engagement/' class SingleEngagement: TEXT = settings.ICE_EM_URL + \ '/v1/engmgr/single-engagement/' class Checklist: TEXT = settings.ICE_EM_URL + '/v1/engmgr/engagement/' class Get: TEXT = settings.ICE_EM_URL + '/v1/engmgr/checklist/' class Create: TEXT = settings.ICE_EM_URL + '/v1/engmgr/checklist/' class Update: TEXT = settings.ICE_EM_URL + '/v1/engmgr/checklist/' class Rest: TEXT = settings.EM_REST_URL + "checklist/" class GitLab: class Projects: TEXT = settings.GITLAB_URL + "api/v3/projects/" class Users: TEXT = settings.GITLAB_URL + "api/v3/users/" class BlockUI: CSS = "div.block-ui-message.ng-binding"