# -*- coding: utf8 -*- # ============LICENSE_START======================================================= # org.onap.vvp/validation-scripts # =================================================================== # Copyright © 2020 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. # =================================================================== # # Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed # under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this software except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # # # Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed # under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the "License"); # you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # ============LICENSE_END============================================ import responses from onap_client.tests.utils import mockup_catalog_item from onap_client.client.clients import Client from onap_client.sdc.vnf import VNF from onap_client.sdc.vnf import ( instance_ids_for_property, network_role_property_for_instance, ) @responses.activate def test_vnf_create(): oc = Client() SOFTWARE_PRODUCT_NAME = "software_product_name" SOFTWARE_PRODUCT_ID = "software_product_id" SOFTWARE_PRODUCT_VERSION_ID = "software_product_version_id" VNF_NAME = "vnf_name" RESOURCE_TYPE = "VF" CATALOG_RESOURCE_ID = "catalog_resource_id" return_data = { "uniqueId": CATALOG_RESOURCE_ID, "componentInstancesInputs": { "instance_id1": [ {"name": "vm_type_tag", "value": "red"}, {"name": "nf_role", "value": "dfankafd"}, ] }, "name": VNF_NAME, } mockup_catalog_item( oc.sdc.vsp.catalog_items["GET_SOFTWARE_PRODUCTS"], override_return_data={ "results": [{"name": SOFTWARE_PRODUCT_NAME, "id": SOFTWARE_PRODUCT_ID}] }, ) mockup_catalog_item( oc.sdc.vsp.catalog_items["GET_SOFTWARE_PRODUCT_VERSIONS"], override_return_data={ "results": [ {"name": SOFTWARE_PRODUCT_NAME, "id": SOFTWARE_PRODUCT_VERSION_ID} ] }, override_uri_params={"software_product_id": SOFTWARE_PRODUCT_ID}, ) mockup_catalog_item( oc.sdc.vsp.catalog_items["GET_SOFTWARE_PRODUCT"], override_return_data={ "vendorName": "vendor_name", "category": "resourceNewCategory.application l4+", "subCategory": "resourceNewCategory.application l4+.web server", }, override_uri_params={ "software_product_id": SOFTWARE_PRODUCT_ID, "software_product_version_id": SOFTWARE_PRODUCT_VERSION_ID, }, ) mockup_catalog_item( oc.sdc.vnf.catalog_items["GET_RESOURCES"], override_return_data={"resources": []}, ) mockup_catalog_item( oc.sdc.vnf.catalog_items["ADD_CATALOG_RESOURCE"], override_return_data=return_data, ) mockup_catalog_item( oc.sdc.vnf.catalog_items["GET_CATALOG_RESOURCE"], override_return_data=return_data, override_uri_params={"catalog_resource_id": CATALOG_RESOURCE_ID}, ) mockup_catalog_item( oc.sdc.vnf.catalog_items["CERTIFY_CATALOG_RESOURCE"], override_return_data=return_data, override_uri_params={"catalog_resource_id": CATALOG_RESOURCE_ID}, ) mockup_catalog_item( oc.sdc.vnf.catalog_items["ADD_CATALOG_RESOURCE_PROPERTY"], override_uri_params={ "catalog_resource_id": CATALOG_RESOURCE_ID, "catalog_resource_instance_id": "instance_id1", }, ) mockup_catalog_item( oc.sdc.catalog_items["GET_RESOURCE_CATEGORIES"], override_return_data=[ { "name": "Application L4+", "normalizedName": "application l4+", "uniqueId": "resourceNewCategory.application l4+", "icons": False, "subcategories": [ { "name": "Call Control", "normalizedName": "call control", "uniqueId": "resourceNewCategory.application l4+.call control", "icons": ["call_controll"], "groupings": False, "version": False, "ownerId": False, "empty": False, "type": False } ] } ], ) vnf = VNF( software_product_name=SOFTWARE_PRODUCT_NAME, vnf_name=VNF_NAME, resource_type=RESOURCE_TYPE, vm_types=[{"vm_type": "red", "properties": {"nf_role": "blue"}}], ) vnf.create() vnf._submit() assert "componentInstancesInputs" in vnf.tosca def test_instance_ids_for_property(): vnf_model = { "componentInstancesInputs": { "item1id": [ {"name": "vm_type", "value": "db"}, {"name": "otherprop", "value": "otherval"}, ], "item2id": [ {"name": "vm_type", "value": "db"}, {"name": "otherprop", "value": "otherval"}, ], } } ids = instance_ids_for_property(vnf_model, "vm_type", "db") assert "item1id" in ids and "item2id" in ids def test_network_role_property_for_instance(): vnf_model = { "componentInstancesInputs": { "item1id": [ {"name": "vm_type", "value": "db"}, {"name": "item1id.port123.oam.network_role_tag", "value": "oam"}, { "name": "item1id.port123.oam.network_role", "value": "ACTUALNETWORKROLE", }, ], "item2id": [ {"name": "vm_type", "value": "db"}, {"name": "otherprop", "value": "otherval"}, ], } } prop = network_role_property_for_instance("oam", vnf_model, "item1id") assert "item1id.port123.oam.network_role" in prop