3.1.0 - Fix String#replace in Firefox up through 29 (#228) 3.0.2 - Fix `Function#bind` in IE 7 and 8 (#224, #225, #226) 3.0.1 - Version bump to ensure npm has newest minified assets 3.0.0 - es5-sham: fix `Object.getPrototypeOf` and `Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor` for Opera Mini - Better override noncompliant native ES5 methods: `Array#forEach`, `Array#map`, `Array#filter`, `Array#every`, `Array#some`, `Array#reduce`, `Date.parse`, `String#trim` - Added spec-compliant shim for `parseInt` - Ensure `Object.keys` handles more edge cases with `arguments` objects and boxed primitives - Improve minification of builds 2.3.0 - parseInt is now properly shimmed in ES3 browsers to default the radix - update URLs to point to the new organization 2.2.0 - Function.prototype.bind shim now reports correct length on a bound function - fix node 0.6.x v8 bug in Array#forEach - test improvements 2.1.0 - Object.create fixes - tweaks to the Object.defineProperties shim 2.0.0 - Separate reliable shims from dubious shims (shams). 1.2.10 - Group-effort Style Cleanup - Took a stab at fixing Object.defineProperty on IE8 without bad side-effects. (@hax) - Object.isExtensible no longer fakes it. (@xavierm) - Date.prototype.toISOString no longer deals with partial ISO dates, per spec (@kitcambridge) - More (mostly from @bryanforbes) 1.2.9 - Corrections to toISOString by @kitcambridge - Fixed three bugs in array methods revealed by Jasmine tests. - Cleaned up Function.prototype.bind with more fixes and tests from @bryanforbes. 1.2.8 - Actually fixed problems with Function.prototype.bind, and regressions from 1.2.7 (@bryanforbes, @jdalton #36) 1.2.7 - REGRESSED - Fixed problems with Function.prototype.bind when called as a constructor. (@jdalton #36) 1.2.6 - Revised Date.parse to match ES 5.1 (kitcambridge) 1.2.5 - Fixed a bug for padding it Date..toISOString (tadfisher issue #33) 1.2.4 - Fixed a descriptor bug in Object.defineProperty (raynos) 1.2.3 - Cleaned up RequireJS and