{ "common" : { "actions" : { "save" : "Save", "upload":"Upload", "delete" : "Delete", "close" : "Close", "search" : "Search", "download" :"Download", "yes" : "Yes", "no" : "No", "update" :"Update", "clickHere" : "Click Here", "getApp" : "get_app", "fileUpload" : "file_upload", "ok" : "Ok" }, "message" : { "statusTitle" : "Status : ", "statusText" : "Status text : " } }, "module" : { "marketplace" : { "serviceDelete" : { "title" : "Delete Service", "confirmationMesaage" : "Are you sure that you want to delete " }, "serviceUpload" : { "title" : "Upload Service", "fields" : { "fileUpload" : { "label" : "Select File" }, "shortDescription" : { "placeholder" : "Short Description" }, "details" : { "placeholder" : "Details" }, "remarks" : { "placeholder" : "Remarks" }, "funcTestReport" : { "label":"Function Test Report: " } }, "messages" : { "onUploading" : "Please wait, Upload is in progress", "onSuccessful" : "Service upload successful" } }, "serviceDetails" : { "title" : "Service Name : ", "info" : { "details" : "Details", "remarks" : "Remarks", "provider" : "Provider", "serviceType" : "Service Type", "csarId" : "CSAR Id", "fileSize" : "File Size", "funcTestReport" :"Function Test Report" } }, "sideNav" : { "title" : "VNF Marketplace", "marketplaceNav" : "Marketplace" }, "main" : { "headerTitle" : "Welcome to VNF Marketplace", "description" : "Market place for VNF-SDK does the following task:", "pointOne" : "Upload and download of VNF products and offerings", "pointTwo" : "Show the interface about other component in VNF-SDK", "sortBy" : { "title" : "Sort By", "options" : { "name" : { "key" :"Name", "value" :"name" }, "dateModified" : { "key" :"Data Modified", "value" : "date" }, "downloads" : { "key":"Downloads", "value" : "downloads" } } }, "search" :{ "label" : "Search", "placeholder" : "Search keyword", "close" : "Close" }, "upload" : { "label" : "Upload Service" }, "gridView" : { "label" : "Grid View", "serviceType" : { "label" : "Service Type", "value": "description" }, "downloads" : { "label" : "Number of Downloads", "value":"get_app", "tooltip" : "Download history", "buttonLabel" :"Downloads" }, "upload" : { "tooltip" : "Uploads history", "buttonLabel" : "Uploads" }, "moreDetails" : { "label" : "More details" } }, "listView" : { "label" : "List View", "headers" : { "name" : "Name", "provider" : "Provider", "description" : "Description", "type" : "Type", "size" : "Size", "createdAt" : "Created at", "lastModified" : "Last Modified at", "donwloads" : "Downloads", "actions" : "Actions" } }, "refresh" : { "label" : "Refresh" }, "emptyList" : { "label" : "Service list is empty. Would you like to upload one? If yes,", "anchor" : "Click here", "labelContinued" : "to upload a new service" } } } } }