/* * Copyright 2017 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ (function() { 'use strict'; /** * @ngdoc function * @name app.test:homeTest * @description * # homeTest * Test of the app */ angular .module('vnfmarket') .constant("serviceDetails", { "csarId": "26b4d6c4-a157-43c0-8ebc-9d6af1d6c40c", "name": "clearwater_vnf", "downloadUri": "null/files/catalog-http/NFAR/Canonical/clearwater_vnf/v1.0/clearwater_vnf.csar", "report": "/Demo/reports/b3232e0c-3843-4df8-88e7-734cf2d7a97c/report.html", "size": "1.8 MB", "version": "v1.0", "provider": "Canonical", "type": "NFAR", "format": "yaml", "deletionPending": false, "createTime": "2017-02-22 08:59:06", "modifyTime": "2017-02-22 08:59:06", "shortDesc": "", "details": "", "remarks": "" }) describe('Home - serviceDeleteCtrl', function() { var controller = null, $scope = null, $location, service, httpBackend, config, state, blah; beforeEach(function() { module('vnfmarket'); }); beforeEach(module('ui.router')); beforeEach(module('md.data.table')); beforeEach(module('pascalprecht.translate')); beforeEach(inject(function($controller, $rootScope, serviceDeleteService, $httpBackend, vnfConfig, serviceDetails) { $scope = $rootScope.$new(); service = serviceDeleteService; httpBackend = $httpBackend; config = vnfConfig; blah = serviceDetails; controller = $controller('serviceDeleteCtrl', { $scope: $scope }); })); it('Should serviceDeleteCtrl must be defined', function() { expect(controller).toBeDefined(); }); it('Delete service for a valid scenario', function() { var csarId = "26b4d6c4-a157-43c0-8ebc-9d6af1d6c40c", url = config.common.baseUrl + config.api.home.serviceDelete.url; url = url.replace(":csarId", csarId); httpBackend.whenDELETE(url).respond(200, {}); var returnData = {}; httpBackend.expectDELETE(url).respond(returnData); service.serviceDelete(csarId).then(function(response) { expect(response.status).toBeDefined(); expect(response.status).toBe(200); }); httpBackend.flush(); }); // it('Delete service for a valid scenario', function() { // var csarId = "Test-26b4d6c4-a157-43c0-8ebc-9d6af1d6c40c-test", url = config.common.baseUrl + config.api.home.serviceDelete.url; // url = url.replace(":csarId", csarId); // httpBackend.whenDELETE(url).respond(500, { "errorText" : "Invalid"}); // var returnData = {}, code; // httpBackend.expectDELETE(url).respond(returnData); // service.serviceDelete(csarId).then(function(response) { // expect(response.data).toBeDefined(); // expect(response.data).toBe("Invalid"); // }); // httpBackend.flush(); // }); }); })();