/* * Copyright (C) 2015 ZTE, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. (ZTE) * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ var breadcrumbEle; if(window.parent.ZteFrameWork) { breadcrumbEle = window.parent.ZteFrameWork.getBreadcrumbEle(); } /* var vnfnodeDetail = [ { name:"名称", value:"moc_name" }, { name:"状态", value:"status" }, { name:"网络服务提供商", value:"vendor" }, { name:"归属VNFM", value:"vnfm_name" } ]; */ var i18nTages = function(){ var i18nItems = $("span[name_i18n=com_zte_umc_monitor]"); for(var i=0;i0){ vmVNF.parent = resJson.parents; if(vmVNF.parent.length==1 && vmVNF.parent[0].id=="root"){ $(".row-fluid.parents").hide(); 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$("#contianAreaSun").animate({"margin-bottom":"0px"}, 1000); } } }); /* avalon.config({ interpolate: [""] }) */ avalon.scan(); var rootData = function(){ var resJson; var getData = []; $.ajax( { async:false, "dataType": 'json', "type": "GET", "url": "/api/umcdrill/v1/layer/ns", "data": getData, "contentType": 'application/json; charset=utf-8', "success": function(res, textStatus, jqXHR) { resJson = res; if(resJson.operationresult=="FAIL"){ alert(resJson.errorinfo); return; } if(resJson.parents && resJson.parents.length>0){ vmVNF.parent = resJson.parents; $(".row-fluid.parents").show(); $("#arrowParent").show(); $(".parentWrapper").show(); }else{ vmVNF.parent = []; $(".row-fluid.parents").hide(); $("#arrowParent").hide(); $(".parentWrapper").hide(); } vmVNF.self = resJson.self; if(resJson.childs && resJson.childs.length>0){ vmVNF.sun = transformDataByType(resJson.childs); $(".row-fluid.suns").show(); $("#arrowSun").show(); }else{ vmVNF.sun = []; $(".row-fluid.suns").hide(); $("#arrowSun").hide(); } vmVNF.selfdetail = resJson.self; $(breadcrumbEle).append("" + vmVNF.self.name + ""); //生成详细信息 /* vmVNF.selfDetail = []; var obj = resJson.self; for(var p in obj){ if(typeof(obj[p])!="function" && nodeDetailMap[p]){ if(p=="name"){ vmVNF.detailTitle = obj[p]; }else{ vmVNF.selfDetail.push({ name:nodeDetailMap[p], value:obj[p] }); } } } */ generateDetailInfo(resJson.self); }, "error": function() { alert("Communication Error!"); } } ); return resJson; }(); //侧栏跟随浏览器 $(function () { setTimeout(function(){ if ($(".fixed_side").length > 0) { var offset = $(".fixed_side").offset(); var width = $(".fixed_side").width(); var height = $("#mainContent").height(); $(".fixed_side").height(height + 20); $(window).scroll(function () { var scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(); //如果距离顶部的距离小于浏览器滚动的距离,则添加fixed属性。 if (offset.top < scrollTop) { $(".fixed_side").addClass("fixed"); $(".fixed_side").width(width); $(".fixed_side").height(height + 40); } else { //否则清除fixed属性 $(".fixed_side").removeClass("fixed"); 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}); */ /* var resJson = { "parents" : [{ "id":"02000026", "name" : "VNF 2G 语音交换", "status" : "acitve", "vendor" : "ZTE Corp", "vnfm_info":"VNFM no.1", "rendertype":"vnf" }], "self" : { "id":"03000042", "name" : "VNFC实例", "vdu_info" : "04000112", "rendertype":"vnfc" }, "selfdetail" : { "id":"03000026", "name" : "VNFC实例", "vdu_info" : "04000112", "type":"type1" }, "childs" : [ { "id":"044000058", "vdu_image" : " vdu映像1", "vim_info" : "vim 1号", "ip_addresses" : "", "rendertype":"vdu" } ], "operationresult" : " SUCCESS " }; */