/* * Copyright (C) 2015 ZTE, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. (ZTE) * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ var cpuLine = function(){ var chartCPU = echarts.init(document.getElementById('cpuUsage')); var optionCpu = { title : { text: 'CPU使用率', subtext: '' }, tooltip : { trigger: 'axis' }, legend: { data:['CPU'] }, toolbox: { show : true, feature : { mark : {show: true}, dataView : {show: true, readOnly: false}, magicType : {show: true, type: ['line', 'bar']}, restore : {show: true}, saveAsImage : {show: true} } }, calculable : true, xAxis : [ { type : 'category', boundaryGap : false, /* data : ['周一','周二','周三','周四','周五','周六','周日'] */ data:[(new Date()).toLocaleTimeString()] } ], yAxis : [ { type : 'value', axisLabel : { formatter: '{value} %' } } ], series : [ { name:'CPU', type:'line', //data:[11, 31, 45, 13, 22, 13, 60], data:[], /* markPoint : { data : [ {type : 'max', name: '最大值'}, {type : 'min', name: '最小值'} ] }, */ markLine : { data : [ {type : 'average', name: '平均值'} ] } } ] }; chartCPU.setOption(optionCpu); var timeTicket; clearInterval(timeTicket); timeTicket = setInterval(function (){ optionCpu.xAxis[0].data.push((new Date()).toLocaleTimeString()); if(optionCpu.xAxis[0].data.length>7){ optionCpu.xAxis[0].data.shift(); } optionCpu.series[0].data.push(Math.random()*100); if(optionCpu.series[0].data.length>7){ optionCpu.series[0].data.shift(); } chartCPU.setOption(optionCpu, true); }, 2000); }(); var memLine = function(){ var chartMem = echarts.init(document.getElementById('memUsage')); var optionMem = { title : { text: '内存使用率', subtext: '' }, tooltip : { trigger: 'axis' }, legend: { data:['内存'] }, toolbox: { show : true, feature : { mark : {show: true}, dataView : {show: true, readOnly: false}, magicType : {show: true, type: ['line', 'bar']}, restore : {show: true}, saveAsImage : {show: true} } }, calculable : true, xAxis : [ { type : 'category', boundaryGap : false, /* data : ['周一','周二','周三','周四','周五','周六','周日'] */ data:[(new Date()).toLocaleTimeString()] } ], yAxis : [ { type : 'value', axisLabel : { formatter: '{value} %' } } ], series : [ { name:'内存', type:'line', //data:[11, 31, 45, 13, 22, 13, 60], data:[], /* markPoint : { data : [ {type : 'max', name: '最大值'}, {type : 'min', name: '最小值'} ] }, */ itemStyle: { normal: { /* lineStyle: { color: '#79D6CE' } */ color: '#79D6CE' } }, markLine : { data : [ {type : 'average', name: '平均值'} ] } } ] }; chartMem.setOption(optionMem); var timeTicket; clearInterval(timeTicket); timeTicket = setInterval(function (){ optionMem.xAxis[0].data.push((new Date()).toLocaleTimeString()); if(optionMem.xAxis[0].data.length>7){ optionMem.xAxis[0].data.shift(); } optionMem.series[0].data.push(Math.random()*100); if(optionMem.series[0].data.length>7){ optionMem.series[0].data.shift(); } chartMem.setOption(optionMem, true); }, 3000); }(); /* var networkFlow = function(){ var chartNetFlow = echarts.init(document.getElementById('networkFlow')); var optionNetFlow = { title : { text: '网络信息', subtext: '' }, tooltip : { trigger: 'axis' }, legend: { data:['eht-0','eht-1','eht-2','eht-3','eht-4'] }, toolbox: { show : true, orient: 'vertical', feature : { mark : {show: true}, dataView : {show: true, readOnly: false}, magicType : {show: true, type: ['line', 'bar', 'stack', 'tiled']}, restore : {show: true}, saveAsImage : {show: true} } }, calculable : true, xAxis : [ { type : 'category', boundaryGap : false, data:[(new Date()).toLocaleTimeString()] } ], yAxis : [ { type : 'value', axisLabel : { formatter: '{value} MB' } } ], series : [ { name:'eht-0', type:'line', stack: '总量', data:[0] }, { name:'eht-1', type:'line', stack: '总量', data:[0] }, { name:'eht-2', type:'line', stack: '总量', data:[0] }, { name:'eht-3', type:'line', stack: '总量', data:[0] }, { name:'eht-4', type:'line', stack: '总量', data:[0] } ] }; chartNetFlow.setOption(optionNetFlow); var timeTicket; clearInterval(timeTicket); timeTicket = setInterval(function (){ optionNetFlow.xAxis[0].data.push((new Date()).toLocaleTimeString()); if(optionNetFlow.xAxis[0].data.length>7){ optionNetFlow.xAxis[0].data.shift(); } for(var i=0;i7){ optionNetFlow.series[i].data.shift(); } } chartNetFlow.setOption(optionNetFlow, true); }, 3000); }(); */ var networkFlow = function(){ var chartNetFlow = echarts.init(document.getElementById('networkFlow')); var placeHoledStyle = { normal:{ barBorderColor:'rgba(0,0,0,0)', color:'rgba(0,0,0,0)' }, emphasis:{ barBorderColor:'rgba(0,0,0,0)', color:'rgba(0,0,0,0)' } }; var dataStyle = { normal: { label : { show: true, position: 'insideLeft', formatter: '{c}%' } } }; var optionNetFlow = { title: { text: '网络信息', subtext: '', /* sublink: 'http://e.weibo.com/1341556070/AiEscco0H' */ }, tooltip : { trigger: 'axis', axisPointer : { // 坐标轴指示器,坐标轴触发有效 type : 'shadow' // 默认为直线,可选为:'line' | 'shadow' }, formatter : '{b}
{a6}:{c6}%' }, legend: { y: 55, itemGap : document.getElementById('networkFlow').offsetWidth / 8, data:['流入带宽使用率', '流出带宽使用率','收到的错误包率', '发送的错误包率'] }, toolbox: { show : true, feature : { mark : {show: true}, dataView : {show: true, readOnly: false}, restore : {show: true}, saveAsImage : {show: true} } }, grid: { y: 80, y2: 30 }, xAxis : [ { type : 'value', position: 'top', splitLine: {show: false}, axisLabel: {show: false} } ], yAxis : [ { type : 'category', splitLine: {show: false}, data : ['eht-0', 'eht-1', 'eht-2', 'eht-3'] } ], series : [ { name:'流入带宽使用率', type:'bar', stack: '总量', itemStyle : dataStyle, data:[38, 50, 33, 72] }, { name:'流入带宽使用率', type:'bar', stack: '总量', itemStyle: placeHoledStyle, data:[62, 50, 67, 28] }, { name:'流出带宽使用率', type:'bar', stack: '总量', itemStyle : dataStyle, data:[61, 41, 42, 30] }, { name:'流出带宽使用率', type:'bar', stack: '总量', itemStyle: placeHoledStyle, data:[39, 59, 58, 70] }, { name:'收到的错误包率', type:'bar', stack: '总量', itemStyle : dataStyle, data:[37, 35, 44, 60] }, { name:'收到的错误包率', type:'bar', stack: '总量', itemStyle: placeHoledStyle, data:[63, 65, 56, 40] }, { name:'发送的错误包率', type:'bar', stack: '总量', itemStyle : dataStyle, data:[71, 50, 31, 39] }, { name:'发送的错误包率', type:'bar', stack: '总量', itemStyle: placeHoledStyle, data:[29, 50, 69, 61] } ] }; chartNetFlow.setOption(optionNetFlow); var timeTicket; clearInterval(timeTicket); timeTicket = setInterval(function (){ /* optionNetFlow.xAxis[0].data.push((new Date()).toLocaleTimeString()); if(optionNetFlow.xAxis[0].data.length>7){ optionNetFlow.xAxis[0].data.shift(); } */ for(var i=0;i4){ optionNetFlow.series[i].data.shift(); } } chartNetFlow.setOption(optionNetFlow, true); }, 3000); }(); var diskUsage = function(){ var chartDiskUsage = echarts.init(document.getElementById('diskUsage')); var optionDiskUsage = { title : { text: '磁盘使用情况', subtext: '' }, tooltip : { trigger: 'axis', axisPointer : { // 坐标轴指示器,坐标轴触发有效 type : 'shadow' // 默认为直线,可选为:'line' | 'shadow' } }, legend: { data:['已使用', '未使用'] }, toolbox: { show : true, orient: 'vertical', feature : { mark : {show: true}, dataView : {show: true, readOnly: false}, magicType : {show: true, type: ['line', 'bar', 'stack', 'tiled']}, restore : {show: true}, saveAsImage : {show: true} } }, calculable : true, xAxis : [ { type : 'value', axisLabel : { formatter: '{value} GB' } } ], yAxis : [ { type : 'category', data : ['C:','D:','E:','F:','G:'] } ], series : [ { name:'已使用', type:'bar', stack: '总量', itemStyle : { normal: {label : {show: true, position: 'insideRight'}}}, data:[320, 302, 301, 334, 390] }, { name:'未使用', type:'bar', stack: '总量', itemStyle : { normal: {label : {show: true, position: 'insideRight'}}}, data:[820, 832, 901, 934, 1290] } ] }; chartDiskUsage.setOption(optionDiskUsage); }();