
Overview[ depends on jquery.ztree.excheck js ]

When the parent node's 'chkDisabled' attribute is true, set the child nodes automatically inherit the 'chkDisabled' attribute. It is valid when [setting.check.enable = true]

1. Only be used to initialize the nodes, easy batch operations. Please use the 'updateNode' method modify existing node.

Default: false

Boolean Format

true means: When add new child nodes, if parent node's 'chkDisabled' attribute is true, the child nodes automatically inherit the 'chkDisabled' attribute.

false means: When add new child nodes, the child nodes don't inherit the 'chkDisabled' attribute from parent node.

Examples of setting

1. When add new child nodes, the child nodes automatically inherit the 'chkDisabled' attribute from parent node.

var setting = {
	check: {
		enable: true,
		chkDisabledInherit: true