.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 .. Copyright 2019 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. .. _vnf-test-platform: VNF Test Platform (VTP) ======================= Deploy VNF/PNF test cases once and trigger it safely from anywhere Objectives ---------- * LFN/ONAP wants test platform where VNF packages could be certified using ONAP requirements to drive industry adoption * Provide an platform where vendor/operator can develop, deploy, run test cases and query the results * Test cases, test results and VNF should be manageable .i,e with authorization, so only user with given roles is allowed to perform operation like VNF package upload/download, run compliance verification tests, allow only specific VIM for specific users, etc. * Test results should be persisted and should be available for human analysis later via LFN infrastructure. * Provides test flow where author make flow across different test cases for a given program like compliance verification and VNFREQS/SOL0004. * Provide integration with OPNFV dovetail to run test cases across dovetail and VNFSDK. * Deployable as docker container. |image0| .. |image0| image:: VTP.png :height: 600px :width: 900px Architecture ------------ |image1| .. |image1| image:: VTParch.png :height: 600px :width: 900px VTP deployment ---------------- Install VTP Backend ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ export NEXUS_DOCKER_REPO=nexus3.onap.org:10001 docker login $NEXUS_DOCKER_REPO -u docker -p docker export REFREPO_TAG=1.3.0 export POSTGRES_TAG=latest export MTU=1450 wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/onap/vnfsdk-refrepo/master/vnfmarket-be/deployment/install/docker-compose.yml docker-compose up -d run docker ps and following entries would be reported:: root@mrkanag:~# docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 4d42ef0bc1b3 nexus3.onap.org:10001/onap/vnfsdk/refrepo:1.3.0 "/service/docker-ent…" 2 days ago Up 2 days>8000/tcp,>8702-8703/tcp,>50051/tcp refrepo 25a86d9b0e81 nexus3.onap.org:10001/onap/vnfsdk/refrepo/postgres:latest "docker-entrypoint.s…" 2 days ago Up 2 days>5432/tcp postgres VTP usage guide --------------- **1. List scenario**:: GET {{vtp-host}}/onapapi/vnfsdk-marketplace/v1/vtp/scenarios [ { "name": "scenario-1", "description": "Test scenario 1 \n" }, { "name": "scenario-2", "description": "Test scenario 1 \n" }, { "name": "open-cli", "description": "OPEN CLI PLATFORM provides a dynamic platform to load and execute commands\nbased on the Open Command Specification (OCS) 1.0. \n" } ] **2. List Test suites**:: GET {{vtp-host}}/onapapi/vnfsdk-marketplace/v1/vtp/scenarios/scenario-1/testsuites [ { "name": "testsuite-1", "description": "testsuite 1" }, { "name": "testsuite-2", "description": "testsuite 2" } ] **3. List Test cases**:: GET {{vtp-host}}/onapapi/vnfsdk-marketplace/v1/vtp/scenarios/scenario-1/testcases [ { "testCaseName": "s1.ts1.testcase-1", "testSuiteName": "testsuite-1" }, { "testCaseName": "s1.ts1.testcase-2", "testSuiteName": "testsuite-1" }, { "testCaseName": "s1.ts1.testcase-3", "testSuiteName": "testsuite-1" }, { "testCaseName": "s1.ts2.testcase-1", "testSuiteName": "testsuite-2" }, { "testCaseName": "s1.ts2.testcase-2", "testSuiteName": "testsuite-2" } ] **4. Show Test case details**:: GET {{vtp-host}}/onapapi/vnfsdk-marketplace/v1/vtp/scenarios/scenario-1/testsuites/testsuite-1/testcases/s1.ts1.testcase-1 { "testCaseName": "s1.ts1.testcase-1", "testSuiteName": "testsuite-1", "descripton": "s1.ts1.testcase-1", "author": "Kanagaraj Manickam kanagaraj.manickam@huawei.com", "inputs": [ { "name": "input1", "description": "Input 1", "type": "string", "isOptional": false, "metadata": { "allowed_value": [ "a", "b", "c" ] } }, { "name": "input2", "description": "Input 2", "type": "string", "defaultValue": "v2", "isOptional": true } ], "outputs": [ { "name": "output1", "description": "output 1", "type": "string" } ] } **5. List Test cases in test suite**:: GET {{vtp-host}}/onapapi/vnfsdk-marketplace/v1/vtp/scenarios/scenario-2/testcases?testSuiteName=testsuite-1 [ { "testCaseName": "s2.ts1.testcase-1", "testSuiteName": "testsuite-1" } ] **6. Run a test case**:: GET {{vtp-host}}/onapapi/vnfsdk-marketplace/v1/vtp/executions [ { "scenario": "open-cli", "testCaseName": "schema-list", "testSuiteName": "schema", "executionId": "00dfda6c-df16-4c5b-a731-3d531a7aafa5-1550505316115", "requestId": "00dfda6c-df16-4c5b-a731-3d531a7aafa5", "status": "completed", "startTime": "2019-02-18T15:55:16.138", "endTime": "2019-02-18T15:55:16.220" } ] **7. Retrieve the execution result**:: GET {{vtp-host}}/onapapi/vnfsdk-marketplace/v1/vtp/executions/ebaa5f21-ed68-4098-97a9-775ac8800f09-1550575025614 { "scenario": "scenario-1", "testCaseName": "s1.ts2.testcase-1", "testSuiteName": "testsuite-2", "executionId": "ebaa5f21-ed68-4098-97a9-775ac8800f09-1550575025614", "parameters": { "input2": "v2", "input1": "v1" }, "results": { "output1": "v1=v2" }, "status": "completed", "startTime": "2019-02-19T11:17:05.670", "endTime": "2019-02-19T11:17:05.683" } **8. Execute test case without file content (across scenario, test suites)**:: POST {{vtp-host}}/onapapi/vnfsdk-marketplace/v1/vtp/executions?requestId=ebaa5f21-ed68-4098-97a9-775ac8800f09 content-type multipart/form-data BODY: executions: [{ "scenario": "scenario-1", "testSuiteName": "testsuite-1", "testCaseName": "s1.ts1.testcase-1", "parameters": { "input1": "v1", "input2": "v2" } },{ "scenario": "scenario-1", "testSuiteName": "testsuite-2", "testCaseName": "s1.ts2.testcase-1", "parameters": { "input1": "v1" } }, { "scenario": "open-cli", "testSuiteName": "schema", "testCaseName": "schema-validate", "parameters": { "schema-location": "file://s1.ts1.testcase-1.yaml" } }] RESPONSE: [ { "scenario": "scenario-1", "testCaseName": "s1.ts1.testcase-1", "testSuiteName": "testsuite-1", "executionId": "ebaa5f21-ed68-4098-97a9-775ac8800f09-1550575025516", "parameters": { "input1": "v1", "input2": "v2" }, "results": { "output1": "v1-v2" }, "status": "COMPLETED", "startTime": "2019-02-19T11:17:05.464", "endTime": "2019-02-19T11:17:05.579" }, { "scenario": "scenario-1", "testCaseName": "s1.ts2.testcase-1", "testSuiteName": "testsuite-2", "executionId": "ebaa5f21-ed68-4098-97a9-775ac8800f09-1550575025614", "parameters": { "input1": "v1" }, "results": { "output1": "v1=v2" }, "status": "COMPLETED", "startTime": "2019-02-19T11:17:05.579", "endTime": "2019-02-19T11:17:05.701" } ] **9. Execute test case with file content**:: POST {{vtp-host}}/onapapi/vnfsdk-marketplace/v1/vtp/executions?requestId=ebaa5f21-ed68-4098-97a9-775ac8800f07 content-type multipart/form-data BODY: file -- file s1.ts1.testcase-1.yaml content executions: [{ "scenario": "open-cli", "testSuiteName": "schema", "testCaseName": "schema-validate", "parameters": { "schema-location": "file://s1.ts1.testcase-1.yaml" } }] RESPONSE: [ { "scenario": "open-cli", "testCaseName": "schema-validate", "testSuiteName": "schema", "executionId": "ebaa5f21-ed68-4098-97a9-775ac8800f07-1550575843353", "parameters": { "schema-location": "d:/temp/vtp/temp-files/s1.ts1.testcase-1.yaml" }, "results": [ {} ], "status": "COMPLETED", "startTime": "2019-02-19T11:30:43.288", "endTime": "2019-02-19T11:30:43.672" } ] Reference ---------- ONAP VTP Wiki_. .. _Wiki: https://wiki.onap.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=43386304