.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 .. Copyright 2018 Orange Labs. ICE validation scripts ====================== The ICE validation scripts are based on the python ``pytest`` tool. These scripts check that the Heat Templates are compliant with the ONAP Heat Template Guidelines. Installation ------------ This software is not platform dependent and can be run in a Windows, Unix or OS X environment. - Install python 2.7 or python 3 - Install pip In addition to python, this project requires the following packages: - pytest - PyYAML Depending on the desired output format, you should add the following optional packages: - pytest-tap - pytest-html These can be installed using pip (assuming pip is installed) with the command: ``$ pip install pytest PyYAML pytest-tap pytest-html`` Usage ----- Retrieve the ICE scripts, by cloning the sources: ``$ git clone https://git.onap.org/vnfsdk/ice`` Go into the ice_validator directory: ``$ cd ice/validation-scripts/ice_validator`` The Heat templates validation may generate different output format (plain, tap, html): - plain format ``$ pytest --template-directory=`` - tap format ``$ pytest --tap-stream --template-directory=`` - html format ``$ pytest --html=/path/to/report.html --template-directory=`` NB: ```` is the absolute path of the folder containing the Heat Templates to be verified. .. image:: ./ice-report.png Figure 1: example of html report generated by ICE scripts