############################################################################## # Copyright 2018 EuropeanSoftwareMarketingLtd. # =================================================================== # Licensed under the ApacheLicense, Version2.0 (the"License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under # the License ############################################################################## # vnftest comment: this is a modified copy of # rally/rally/step/runners/dynamictp.py """A runner that searches for the max throughput with binary search """ import logging import multiprocessing import time import traceback import os from vnftest.runners import base LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) def _worker_process(queue, cls, method_name, step_cfg, context_cfg, aborted): # pragma: no cover runner_cfg = step_cfg['runner'] iterations = runner_cfg.get("iterations", 1) interval = runner_cfg.get("interval", 1) run_step = runner_cfg.get("run_step", "setup,run,teardown") delta = runner_cfg.get("delta", 1000) options_cfg = step_cfg['options'] initial_rate = options_cfg.get("pps", 1000000) LOG.info("worker START, class %s", cls) runner_cfg['runner_id'] = os.getpid() step = cls(step_cfg, context_cfg) if "setup" in run_step: step.setup() method = getattr(step, method_name) queue.put({'runner_id': runner_cfg['runner_id'], 'step_cfg': step_cfg, 'context_cfg': context_cfg}) if "run" in run_step: iterator = 0 search_max = initial_rate search_min = 0 while iterator < iterations: search_min = int(search_min / 2) step_cfg['options']['pps'] = search_max search_max_found = False max_throuput_found = False sequence = 0 last_min_data = {'packets_per_second': 0} while True: sequence += 1 data = {} errors = "" too_high = False LOG.debug("sequence: %s search_min: %s search_max: %s", sequence, search_min, search_max) try: method(data) except AssertionError as assertion: LOG.warning("SLA validation failed: %s" % assertion.args) too_high = True except Exception as e: errors = traceback.format_exc() LOG.exception(e) actual_pps = data['packets_per_second'] if too_high: search_max = actual_pps if not search_max_found: search_max_found = True else: last_min_data = data search_min = actual_pps # Check if the actual rate is well below the asked rate if step_cfg['options']['pps'] > actual_pps * 1.5: search_max = actual_pps LOG.debug("Sender reached max tput: %s", search_max) elif not search_max_found: search_max = int(actual_pps * 1.5) if ((search_max - search_min) < delta) or \ (search_max <= search_min) or (10 <= sequence): if last_min_data['packets_per_second'] > 0: data = last_min_data step_output = { 'timestamp': time.time(), 'sequence': sequence, 'data': data, 'errors': errors } record = { 'runner_id': runner_cfg['runner_id'], 'step': step_output } queue.put(record) max_throuput_found = True if errors or aborted.is_set() or max_throuput_found: LOG.info("worker END") break if not search_max_found: step_cfg['options']['pps'] = search_max else: step_cfg['options']['pps'] = \ (search_max - search_min) / 2 + search_min time.sleep(interval) iterator += 1 LOG.debug("iterator: %s iterations: %s", iterator, iterations) if "teardown" in run_step: try: step.teardown() except Exception: # catch any exception in teardown and convert to simple exception # never pass exceptions back to multiprocessing, because some exceptions can # be unpicklable # https://bugs.python.org/issue9400 LOG.exception("") raise SystemExit(1) LOG.debug("queue.qsize() = %s", queue.qsize()) class IterationRunner(base.Runner): """Run a step several times in a loop If the step ends before the time has elapsed, it will be started again. Parameters interval - time to wait between each step invocation type: int unit: seconds default: 1 sec delta - stop condition for the search. type: int unit: pps default: 1000 pps """ __execution_type__ = 'Dynamictp' def _run_step(self, cls, method, step_cfg, context_cfg): name = "{}-{}-{}".format(self.__execution_type__, step_cfg.get("type"), os.getpid()) self.process = multiprocessing.Process( name=name, target=_worker_process, args=(self.result_queue, cls, method, step_cfg, context_cfg, self.aborted)) self.process.start()