############################################################################## # Copyright 2018 EuropeanSoftwareMarketingLtd. # =================================================================== # Licensed under the ApacheLicense, Version2.0 (the"License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under # the License ############################################################################## # vnftest comment: this is a modified copy of # yardstick/benchmark/core/task.py """ Handler for vnftest command 'task' """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import print_function import atexit import collections import copy import logging import sys import time import uuid from collections import OrderedDict import ipaddress import os import yaml from jinja2 import Environment from six.moves import filter from vnftest.runners import base as base_runner from vnftest.contexts.base import Context from vnftest.contexts.csar import CSARContext from vnftest.runners import base as base_runner from vnftest.runners.duration import DurationRunner from vnftest.runners.iteration import IterationRunner from vnftest.common.constants import CONF_FILE from vnftest.common.html_template import report_template from vnftest.common.task_template import TaskTemplate from vnftest.common.yaml_loader import yaml_load from vnftest.contexts.base import Context from vnftest.dispatcher.base import Base as DispatcherBase from vnftest.common.task_template import TaskTemplate from vnftest.common import utils from vnftest.common import constants from vnftest.common.html_template import report_template output_file_default = "/tmp/vnftest.out" test_cases_dir_default = "tests/onap/test_cases/" LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Task(object): # pragma: no cover """Task commands. Set of commands to manage benchmark tasks. """ def __init__(self): self.context = None self.outputs = {} def _set_dispatchers(self, output_config): dispatchers = output_config.get('DEFAULT', {}).get('dispatcher', 'file') out_types = [s.strip() for s in dispatchers.split(',')] output_config['DEFAULT']['dispatcher'] = out_types def start(self, args, **kwargs): Context.load_vnf_descriptor(args.vnfdescriptor) atexit.register(self.atexit_handler) task_id = getattr(args, 'task_id') self.task_id = task_id if task_id else str(uuid.uuid4()) self._set_log() try: output_config = utils.parse_ini_file(CONF_FILE) except Exception: # all error will be ignore, the default value is {} output_config = {} self._init_output_config(output_config) self._set_output_config(output_config, args.output_file) LOG.debug('Output configuration is: %s', output_config) self._set_dispatchers(output_config) # update dispatcher list if 'file' in output_config['DEFAULT']['dispatcher']: result = {'status': 0, 'result': {}} utils.write_json_to_file(args.output_file, result) total_start_time = time.time() parser = TaskParser(args.inputfile) if args.suite: # 1.parse suite, return suite_params info task_files, task_args, task_args_fnames = \ parser.parse_suite() else: task_files = [parser.path] task_args = [args.task_args] task_args_fnames = [args.task_args_file] LOG.debug("task_files:%s, task_args:%s, task_args_fnames:%s", task_files, task_args, task_args_fnames) if args.parse_only: sys.exit(0) testcases = {} # parse task_files for i in range(0, len(task_files)): one_task_start_time = time.time() parser.path = task_files[i] steps, run_in_parallel, meet_precondition, ret_context = \ parser.parse_task(self.task_id, task_args[i], task_args_fnames[i]) self.context = ret_context if not meet_precondition: LOG.info("meet_precondition is %s, please check envrionment", meet_precondition) continue case_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(task_files[i]))[0] try: data = self._run(steps, run_in_parallel, args.output_file) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except Exception: LOG.error('Testcase: "%s" FAILED!!!', case_name, exc_info=True) testcases[case_name] = {'criteria': 'FAIL', 'tc_data': []} else: criteria = self.evaluate_task_criteria(data) testcases[case_name] = {'criteria': criteria, 'tc_data': data, 'output': self.outputs} if args.keep_deploy: # keep deployment, forget about stack # (hide it for exit handler) self.context = None else: self.context.undeploy() self.context = None one_task_end_time = time.time() LOG.info("Task %s finished in %d secs", task_files[i], one_task_end_time - one_task_start_time) result = self._get_format_result(testcases) self._do_output(output_config, result) self._generate_reporting(result) total_end_time = time.time() LOG.info("Total finished in %d secs", total_end_time - total_start_time) step = steps[0] LOG.info("To generate report, execute command " "'vnftest report generate %(task_id)s %(tc)s'", step) LOG.info("Task ALL DONE, exiting") return result def _generate_reporting(self, result): env = Environment() with open(constants.REPORTING_FILE, 'w') as f: f.write(env.from_string(report_template).render(result)) LOG.info("Report can be found in '%s'", constants.REPORTING_FILE) def _set_log(self): log_format = '%(asctime)s %(name)s %(filename)s:%(lineno)d %(levelname)s %(message)s' log_formatter = logging.Formatter(log_format) utils.makedirs(constants.TASK_LOG_DIR) log_path = os.path.join(constants.TASK_LOG_DIR, '{}.log'.format(self.task_id)) log_handler = logging.FileHandler(log_path) log_handler.setFormatter(log_formatter) log_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logging.root.addHandler(log_handler) def _init_output_config(self, output_config): output_config.setdefault('DEFAULT', {}) output_config.setdefault('dispatcher_http', {}) output_config.setdefault('dispatcher_file', {}) output_config.setdefault('dispatcher_influxdb', {}) output_config.setdefault('nsb', {}) def _set_output_config(self, output_config, file_path): try: out_type = os.environ['DISPATCHER'] except KeyError: output_config['DEFAULT'].setdefault('dispatcher', 'file') else: output_config['DEFAULT']['dispatcher'] = out_type output_config['dispatcher_file']['file_path'] = file_path try: target = os.environ['TARGET'] except KeyError: pass else: k = 'dispatcher_{}'.format(output_config['DEFAULT']['dispatcher']) output_config[k]['target'] = target def _get_format_result(self, testcases): criteria = self._get_task_criteria(testcases) info = { 'deploy_step': os.environ.get('DEPLOY_STEP', 'unknown'), 'installer': os.environ.get('INSTALLER_TYPE', 'unknown'), 'pod_name': os.environ.get('NODE_NAME', 'unknown'), 'version': os.environ.get('VNFTEST_BRANCH', 'unknown') } result = { 'status': 1, 'result': { 'criteria': criteria, 'task_id': self.task_id, 'info': info, 'testcases': testcases } } return result def _get_task_criteria(self, testcases): criteria = any(t.get('criteria') != 'PASS' for t in testcases.values()) if criteria: return 'FAIL' else: return 'PASS' def evaluate_task_criteria(self, steps_result_list): for step_result in steps_result_list: errors_list = step_result['errors'] if errors_list is not None and len(errors_list) > 0: return 'FAIL' return 'PASS' def _do_output(self, output_config, result): dispatchers = DispatcherBase.get(output_config) for dispatcher in dispatchers: dispatcher.flush_result_data(result) def _run(self, steps, run_in_parallel, output_file): """Deploys context and calls runners""" if self.context: self.context.deploy() background_runners = [] result = [] # Start all background steps for step in filter(_is_background_step, steps): step["runner"] = dict(type="Duration", duration=1000000000) runner = self.run_one_step(step, output_file) background_runners.append(runner) runners = [] if run_in_parallel: for step in steps: if not _is_background_step(step): runner = self.run_one_step(step, output_file) runners.append(runner) # Wait for runners to finish for runner in runners: status = runner_join(runner, background_runners, self.outputs, result) if status != 0: raise RuntimeError( "{0} runner status {1}".format(runner.__execution_type__, status)) LOG.info("Runner ended, output in %s", output_file) else: # run serially for step in steps: if not _is_background_step(step): runner = self.run_one_step(step, output_file) status = runner_join(runner, background_runners, self.outputs, result) if status != 0: LOG.error('Step NO.%s: "%s" ERROR!', steps.index(step) + 1, step.get('type')) raise RuntimeError( "{0} runner status {1}".format(runner.__execution_type__, status)) LOG.info("Runner ended, output in %s", output_file) # Abort background runners for runner in background_runners: runner.abort() # Wait for background runners to finish for runner in background_runners: status = runner.join(self.outputs, result) if status is None: # Nuke if it did not stop nicely base_runner.Runner.terminate(runner) runner.join(self.outputs, result) base_runner.Runner.release(runner) print("Background task ended") return result def atexit_handler(self): """handler for process termination""" base_runner.Runner.terminate_all() if self.context: LOG.info("Undeploying context") self.context.undeploy() def _parse_options(self, op): if isinstance(op, dict): return {k: self._parse_options(v) for k, v in op.items()} elif isinstance(op, list): return [self._parse_options(v) for v in op] elif isinstance(op, str): return self.outputs.get(op[1:]) if op.startswith('$') else op else: return op def run_one_step(self, step_cfg, output_file): """run one step using context""" # default runner is Iteration if 'runner' not in step_cfg: step_cfg['runner'] = dict(type="Iteration", iterations=1) runner_cfg = step_cfg['runner'] runner_cfg['output_filename'] = output_file options = step_cfg.get('options', {}) step_cfg['options'] = self._parse_options(options) runner = base_runner.Runner.get(runner_cfg) LOG.info("Starting runner of type '%s'", runner_cfg["type"]) # Previous steps output is the input of the next step. input_params = copy.deepcopy(self.outputs) runner.run(step_cfg, self.context, input_params) return runner class TaskParser(object): # pragma: no cover """Parser for task config files in yaml format""" def __init__(self, path): self.path = path def _meet_constraint(self, task, cur_pod, cur_installer): if "constraint" in task: constraint = task.get('constraint', None) if constraint is not None: tc_fit_pod = constraint.get('pod', None) tc_fit_installer = constraint.get('installer', None) LOG.info("cur_pod:%s, cur_installer:%s,tc_constraints:%s", cur_pod, cur_installer, constraint) if (cur_pod is None) or (tc_fit_pod and cur_pod not in tc_fit_pod): return False if (cur_installer is None) or (tc_fit_installer and cur_installer not in tc_fit_installer): return False return True def _get_task_para(self, task, cur_pod): task_args = task.get('task_args', None) if task_args is not None: task_args = task_args.get(cur_pod, task_args.get('default')) task_args_fnames = task.get('task_args_fnames', None) if task_args_fnames is not None: task_args_fnames = task_args_fnames.get(cur_pod, None) return task_args, task_args_fnames def parse_suite(self): """parse the suite file and return a list of task config file paths and lists of optional parameters if present""" LOG.info("\nParsing suite file:%s", self.path) try: with open(self.path) as stream: cfg = yaml_load(stream) except IOError as ioerror: sys.exit(ioerror) self._check_schema(cfg["schema"], "suite") LOG.info("\nStarting step:%s", cfg["name"]) test_cases_dir = cfg.get("test_cases_dir", test_cases_dir_default) test_cases_dir = os.path.join(constants.VNFTEST_ROOT_PATH, test_cases_dir) if test_cases_dir[-1] != os.sep: test_cases_dir += os.sep cur_pod = os.environ.get('NODE_NAME', None) cur_installer = os.environ.get('INSTALLER_TYPE', None) valid_task_files = [] valid_task_args = [] valid_task_args_fnames = [] for task in cfg["test_cases"]: # 1.check file_name if "file_name" in task: task_fname = task.get('file_name', None) if task_fname is None: continue else: continue # 2.check constraint if self._meet_constraint(task, cur_pod, cur_installer): valid_task_files.append(test_cases_dir + task_fname) else: continue # 3.fetch task parameters task_args, task_args_fnames = self._get_task_para(task, cur_pod) valid_task_args.append(task_args) valid_task_args_fnames.append(task_args_fnames) return valid_task_files, valid_task_args, valid_task_args_fnames def parse_task(self, task_id, task_args=None, task_args_file=None): """parses the task file and return an context and step instances""" LOG.info("Parsing task config: %s", self.path) try: kw = {} if task_args_file: with open(task_args_file) as f: kw.update(parse_task_args("task_args_file", f.read())) kw.update(parse_task_args("task_args", task_args)) except TypeError: raise TypeError() try: with open(self.path) as f: try: input_task = f.read() rendered_task = TaskTemplate.render(input_task, **kw) except Exception as e: LOG.exception('Failed to render template:\n%s\n', input_task) raise e LOG.debug("Input task is:\n%s\n", rendered_task) cfg = yaml_load(rendered_task) except IOError as ioerror: sys.exit(ioerror) self._check_schema(cfg["schema"], "task") meet_precondition = self._check_precondition(cfg) if "context" in cfg: context_cfg = cfg["context"] else: context_cfg = {"type": "Dummy"} name_suffix = '-{}'.format(task_id[:8]) try: context_cfg['name'] = '{}{}'.format(context_cfg['name'], name_suffix) except KeyError: pass # default to CSAR context context_type = context_cfg.get("type", "CSAR") context = Context.get(context_type) context.init(context_cfg) run_in_parallel = cfg.get("run_in_parallel", False) # add tc and task id for influxdb extended tags for step in cfg["steps"]: task_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.path))[0] step["tc"] = task_name step["task_id"] = task_id # embed task path into step so we can load other files # relative to task path step["task_path"] = os.path.dirname(self.path) # TODO we need something better here, a class that represent the file return cfg["steps"], run_in_parallel, meet_precondition, context def _check_schema(self, cfg_schema, schema_type): """Check if config file is using the correct schema type""" if cfg_schema != "vnftest:" + schema_type + ":0.1": sys.exit("error: file %s has unknown schema %s" % (self.path, cfg_schema)) def _check_precondition(self, cfg): """Check if the environment meet the precondition""" if "precondition" in cfg: precondition = cfg["precondition"] installer_type = precondition.get("installer_type", None) deploy_steps = precondition.get("deploy_steps", None) tc_fit_pods = precondition.get("pod_name", None) installer_type_env = os.environ.get('INSTALL_TYPE', None) deploy_step_env = os.environ.get('DEPLOY_STEP', None) pod_name_env = os.environ.get('NODE_NAME', None) LOG.info("installer_type: %s, installer_type_env: %s", installer_type, installer_type_env) LOG.info("deploy_steps: %s, deploy_step_env: %s", deploy_steps, deploy_step_env) LOG.info("tc_fit_pods: %s, pod_name_env: %s", tc_fit_pods, pod_name_env) if installer_type and installer_type_env: if installer_type_env not in installer_type: return False if deploy_steps and deploy_step_env: deploy_steps_list = deploy_steps.split(',') for deploy_step in deploy_steps_list: if deploy_step_env.startswith(deploy_step): return True return False if tc_fit_pods and pod_name_env: if pod_name_env not in tc_fit_pods: return False return True def is_ip_addr(addr): """check if string addr is an IP address""" try: addr = addr.get('public_ip_attr', addr.get('private_ip_attr')) except AttributeError: pass try: ipaddress.ip_address(addr.encode('utf-8')) except ValueError: return False else: return True def _is_background_step(step): if "run_in_background" in step: return step["run_in_background"] else: return False def runner_join(runner, background_runners, outputs, result): """join (wait for) a runner, exit process at runner failure :param background_runners: :type background_runners: :param outputs: :type outputs: dict :param result: :type result: list """ while runner.poll() is None: outputs.update(runner.get_output()) result.extend(runner.get_result()) # drain all the background runner queues for background in background_runners: outputs.update(background.get_output()) result.extend(background.get_result()) status = runner.join(outputs, result) base_runner.Runner.release(runner) return status def print_invalid_header(source_name, args): print("Invalid %(source)s passed:\n\n %(args)s\n" % {"source": source_name, "args": args}) def parse_task_args(src_name, args): if isinstance(args, collections.Mapping): return args try: kw = args and yaml_load(args) kw = {} if kw is None else kw except yaml.parser.ParserError as e: print_invalid_header(src_name, args) print("%(source)s has to be YAML. Details:\n\n%(err)s\n" % {"source": src_name, "err": e}) raise TypeError() if not isinstance(kw, dict): print_invalid_header(src_name, args) print("%(src)s had to be dict, actually %(src_type)s\n" % {"src": src_name, "src_type": type(kw)}) raise TypeError() return kw