.. Modifications Copyright © 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property. .. Licensed under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the "License"); you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at .. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ .. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. VNF Onboard and Instantiate Test Specification ============================================== .. contents:: :local: Scope ----- This specification defines the logical steps and activities required to implement a test case that validates that a arbitrary Virtual Network Function (VNF) that is packaged in compliance with the ONAP VNF Requirements can be successfully be onboarded into ONAP and instantiated. This specification only covers up to instantiation of the VNF and does not address the VNF's compliance with requirements governing other lifecycle functions controlled by ONAP (ex: Lifecycle Management, Monitoring, etc.) Two test cases will be defined based on the VNF package used: 1. ZIP file containing ONAP-compliant OpenStack Heat 2. Cloud Service Archive (CSAR) containing a Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications (TOSCA) VNF Descriptor .. _vnfrqts_tc_instantiate_references: References ---------- * :doc:`ONAP VNF Requirements ` * :doc:`Setting up ONAP ` * `OPNFV Verification Program for VNFs `__ Actors ------ The following defines the various actors that will be referenced within this specification. It is expected and permissable that a given user or entity can serve in multiple roles for the purposes of the test. * **VNF Provider** - Responsible for developing, packaging, and distributing a VNF that is compliant with ONAP VNF Requirements as well as providing any additional artifacts required to setup the **Test Lab** or **Test Engine**. * **Test Lab** - Hosts the ONAP and Cloud environment used to execute the test cases. The environment will host a deployed instance of ONAP using the official El Alto release of ONAP and a compatible OpenStack cloud instance. * **Test Lab Provider** - Responsible for establishing the **Test Lab** and supporting the **Tester** in the configuration of the **Test Lab** for any VNF specific requirements such as virtual machine images or networks. This will include providing the **Test Engine** access to the necessary ONAP APIs/GUIs as well as access to the OpenStack APIs. * **Tester** - Responsible for: 1. Ensuring the test lab is configured per the VNF's requirements and needs. 2. Configuring the **Test Engine** for execution. The artifacts required will be provided by the **VNF Provider**. 3. Executing the the test cases using the **Test Engine**. 4. Reporting the results of the test case to the **VNF Provider**. * **Test Engine** - Provides automation of the test execution and verification of the success or failure of the individual test cases. The **Test Engine** must also provide further documentation on how it and the **Test Lab** must be configured for successful execution and verification of the test cases. Test Case Description: VNF Onboarding and Instantiation using OpenStack Heat ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This test case is specific to executing and validating the onboarding of a VNF using OpenStack Heat. Assumptions ^^^^^^^^^^^ * The specific configuration of the Vendor License Model is not relevant to the successful execution of this test case. The **Test Engine** shall create a generic Vendor License Model to assign to the VNF for the purposes of this test. * Testing will support the instantiation of a SDC Service that is composed of a single VNF. The scope of this test is focused on the instantiation of a single VNF defined in a single Heat package. Testing services that comprise multiple VNFs is beyond the scope of this specification. * The **Test Engine** will have access to the ONAP APIs in terms of both network connectivity and API access. * All instantiations will use the ONAP Generic Resource API from SDNC instead of the legacy VNF API. Prerequisites ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * **VNF Provider** has: * Provided the **Tester** the VNF package containing OpenStack Heat that has been certified compliant by the OPNFV Verification Program for VNFs or validated by the El Alto release of the :doc:`ONAP VNF Validation Platform ` * Provided the **Tester** any custom virtual machine image required by the VNF * Provided the **Tester** network requirements for any ONAP external networks (i.e. networks not created in the Heat template itself) required by the VNF. * Provided the **Tester** with any additional artifacts required by the **Test Engine**. Additional artifacts required by the **Test Engine** are outside the scope of this document. Please refer to the **Test Engine** documentation for more details. * **Test Lab Provider** has: * Successfully deployed an OpenStack cloud instance for ONAP to deploy and instantiate the VNF. * Successfully deployed the certified El Alto release version of ONAP. * Configured the ONAP instance to work with the OpenStack instance. * **NOTE:** Documentation of OpenStack and ONAP setup are beyond the scope of this document. Please refer to the :ref:`vnfrqts_tc_instantiate_references` section for more information. * Provided the **Test Engine** network connectivity to both the ONAP and OpenStack control planes. * Provided the **Test Engine** permissions to invoke the required ONAP and OpenStack APIs. Full details to be provided in the **Test Engine** documentation. * The **Tester** has: * Created any external networks in ONAP and OpenStack cloud environment in compliance with the **VNF Providers** request and specification. * Registered any custom virtual machine images provided by the **VNF Provider** in the OpenStack Glance repository. * Configured the **Test Engine** with the necessary artifacts from the **VNF Provider** for successful test execution. The **Test Engine** must provide the full documentation on what is required to configure it for successful execution. * Ensured connectivity from the **Test Engine** to any Operations, Administration, and Management (OAM) interfaces provided by the VNF. This connectivity must allow PING requests which will be used as part of the validation process to ensure the VNF has been properly instantiated. Execution Steps ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following steps will all be executed by the **Test Engine**. The steps depicts the actions that will be taken and which ONAP component the **Test Engine** will interact with to perform the action. Failure encountered at any step will halt all subsequent steps and result in the overall failure of the test case. Any additional required fields that must be assigned or input within ONAP will be defined in a configuration file whose format will be defined in the documentation of the **Test Engine**. **Steps** 1. Create the generic Vendor License Model (VLM) in SDC 2. Create the Vendor Software Product (VSP) in SDC. The VSP will be auto-assigned a unique name to avoid collisions with other VSPs in the lab environment. 3. Upload the ONAP-compliant Heat archive (zip file) as an artifact of the VSP in SDC. 4. Assign any "Unassigned Files" in SDC to Artifacts 5. Validate the VSP and ensure no SDC **errors** are raised, but **warnings** are acceptable. If errors are reported, then halt the test and report a failure. 6. Assign the generic VLM to the VSP in SDC. 7. Create the Virtual Function (VF) in SD. The VF will be auto-assigned a unique name to avoid collisions with other VSPs in the lab environment. 8. Create the Service in SDC. The Service will be auto-assigned a unique name to avoid collisions with other VSPs in the lab environment. 9. Assign the VF/VNF to the Service Model in SDC. 10. Distribute the Service Model from SDC. 11. Register Preload (i.e. per instance configuration data) with SDNC 12. For each VF module in the VNF, starting with the base module, trigger instantiation from VID. **Pass/Fail Criteria** Following, or during, test execution the tests below will be executed to evaluate the success of the overall test case. As previously stated above, if any individual test step fails, then the test case will fail. In this scenario, some or all of the criteria below may not be executed. 1. The Heat stack has been successfully created in OpenStack without errors 2. If the VNF exposes Operations, Administration, and Management (OAM) interfaces on an OAM network, then each IP address address exposed by the VNF on the OAM network must respond to a PING command. The identification of the OAM network and IPs is left to the implementation and documentation of the **Test Engine**. 3. Each virtual machine in the OpenStack Heat stack must have a corresponding ``vserver`` ONAP's Available and Active Inventory (AAI) component with all required data elements 4. The VNF has a ``VNFC`` object recorded in AAI with all required data elements Test Case Description: VNF Onboarding and Instantiation using TOSCA ------------------------------------------------------------------- This test case is specific to executing and validating the onboarding of a VNF written in TOSCA and packaged in a CSAR. .. note:: Additional definition of the TOSCA-based flow is required, and will be provided at a later date.