From 1248f5ddbb10f614c20ba85f2a91f3b8caefc11a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "Lovett, Trevor" Date: Wed, 7 Nov 2018 13:35:30 -0600 Subject: VNFRQTS Linking to VNFSDK Testing Mapping Change-Id: Ia994ba66cac48895037bfc30005e103178f72689 Issue-ID: VNFRQTS-475 Signed-off-by: Lovett, Trevor --- .gitignore | 2 + | 493 ------------------------------------------------------ docs/Chapter2.rst | 48 +++--- docs/ReqTable.csv | 301 --------------------------------- 4 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 820 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 delete mode 100644 docs/ReqTable.csv diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index a4d22a5..ad947e5 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -104,3 +104,5 @@ Makefile # Mac *DS_Store* + +.idea/ diff --git a/ b/ deleted file mode 100644 index fc96b8b..0000000 --- a/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,493 +0,0 @@ -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# -# ONAP documentation build configuration file, created by -# sphinx-quickstart on Wed Jul 19 16:25:31 2017. -# -# This file is execfile()d with the current directory set to its -# containing dir. -# -# Note that not all possible configuration values are present in this -# autogenerated file. -# -# All configuration values have a default; values that are commented out -# serve to show the default. - -import sys -import os -import shlex -#import sphinx_bootstrap_theme - -# If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory, -# add these directories to sys.path here. 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It includes TOSCA or CSAR -artifact information as well as how it is testable (VNFSDK/VVP/SDC). -These requirements are mainly from -:doc:`Chapter 5 <../../../../vnfrqts/requirements.git/docs/Chapter5/index>` -and the table has been generated manually to show users what specific -artifact is being tested by a specific requirement to make mapping possible -and to show coverage. - -.. csv-table:: **Test Descriptions** - :file: ReqTable.csv - :header-rows: 1 - :align: center - :widths: auto - - List of Requirements with associated Tests ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -You can download the table -:download:`here` +Currently, there VNFs can be packaged as HEAT templates or in a CSAR file +using TOSCA. At this stage, there are two different tools used for +validating the packages based on the package type: -This table shows all the requirements within the VNF Requirements project with -the section they are in, associated test names and modules. This is generated +* CSAR/TOSCA packages leverage VNFSDK +* HEAT packages leverage VVP + +HEAT Package Validations +------------------------ + +This table shows all the requirements within the VNF Requirements project and +if they are validated by VVP. If they are validated by VVP, then +the test module and test method is provided. This is generated dynamically within the VVP project, where it pulls down the latest JSON from :doc:`Req List <../../../../vnfrqts/requirements.git/docs/Chapter9/index>` and maps the requirements to the tests in VVP to output this table. +You can download the table +:download:`here` + **Note: Tests on the bottom do not map to any requirements.** **Note: VVP only validates Heat for Requirements in Chapter 5.** @@ -64,6 +53,13 @@ and maps the requirements to the tests in VVP to output this table. .. _info-elements-range-limits: +CSAR/TOSCA Package Validations +------------------------------ + +Please refer to the VNFSDK project's `list of verified requirements `__ +for the current coverage for CSAR and TOSCA. + + VNF Requirements corresponding Information Elements w/Range limits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ diff --git a/docs/ReqTable.csv b/docs/ReqTable.csv deleted file mode 100644 index a30c56f..0000000 --- a/docs/ReqTable.csv +++ /dev/null @@ -1,301 +0,0 @@ -Requirements #,Visible in VNF package,TOSCA Resource Data Model element or CSAR artifact,"Testable by VNFSDK, VVP or SDC for Beijing release" -R-01478,Y,"**tosca.capabilities.nfv.Metric** - type for monitoring - -**monitoring_parameter** of above type per VNF/VDU/Vlink - -- Note: currently the Metric node definition is empty. Need more discussion in modeling team",N -R-04298,Y,Testing directory in CSAR supported by ETSI SOL004,Y -R-07879,Y,"The playbooks should be located in a dedicated CSAR directory and may be referred in VNF-D LCM constructs - -- Note: if VNF vendor support this,VNF Package/Descriptor should contain this, otherwise, VNF vendor could ignore this",N -R-13390,Y-cond.,"The cookbooks should be located in a dedicated CSAR directory and may be referred in VNF-D LCM. - -- Note: if VNF vendor support this, VNF Package/Descriptor should contain this, otherwise,VNF vendor could ignore this. constructs",N -R-16065,Y,"**tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfcConfigurableProperties** - -**tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfConfigurableProperties**",N -R-16777,Y,The JSON files should be located in a dedicated CSAR directory and should be referred by VNF-D LCM actions,N -R-18525,Y,Same as R-16777,N -R-22888,Y,"This should be handled in conjunction with TOSCA policy constructs in VNF-D (element group, affinity/anti-affinity etc.) - TBD in ETSI SOL001",N -R-23823,Y,"The credentials should be located in a dedicated CSAR directory and their content may be encrypted using a symmetric encryption approach as specified in ETSI SOL004 - -- Note: if VNF vendor support this,VNF Package/Descriptor should contain this, otherwise, VNF vendor could ignore this",N -R-25238,Y,The YANG code should be located in a dedicated CSAR directory for YANG code and may be referred by TOSCA LCM constructs in VNF-D,N -R-26567,Y,"All run-time scripts should be located in a dedicated CSAR directory for YANG code and should be referred by TOSCA LCM within  VNF-D when VNF action is required  - -- Note: if VNF vendor support this, VNF Package/Descriptor should contain this, otherwise, VNF vendor could ignore this",N -R-26881,Y,"Local artifact in CSAR: - -ROOT\\Artifacts\\ **VNF_Image.bin** -or external referred in Manifest file/VNF Descriptor - -- Note: Currently, ONAP doesn't have the capability of Image management, we upload the image into VIM/VNFM manually.",N -R-27310,Y,Similar to R-26567,N -R-27711,Y,The XML file should be located in a CSAR directory dedicated to the run-time VNF actions the errors correspond to,N -R-30278,Y,The YANG model should be located in a dedicated CSAR directory for YANG configuration code,N -R-30654,Y,"Interface construct -**tosca.interfaces.nfv.vnf.lifecycle.Nfv** with a list of standard LCM operations described in CSAR directory for example ROOT\\Artifacts\\Informational*Install.csh*",N -R-35851,Y,"**tosca.nodes.nfv.VNF** - -**tosca.nodes.nfv.VduCp** - -**tosca.nodes.nfv.VnfExtCp** - -**tosca.nodes.nfv.VnfVirtualLink** - -in YAML files as part of CSAR - -- Note: tosca.nodes.nfv.VnfExtCp doesn't exist in ONAP DM.","PartialCurrently,VNF Package already have the topology of basic network and CP (both internal and external)." -R-37028,Y,"If ""one base module"" means a TOSCA main service template so the CSAR includes a **MainSreviceTemplate.yaml** file that is actually a VNF descriptor",N -R-40293,Y,The Ansible playbooks should be located in a dedicated CSAR directory,N -R-40827,Y,CSAR License directory as per ETSI SOL004for example ROOT\\Licenses\\ **License_term.txt**,N -R-46567,Y,The scripts should be located in the predefined directory in CSAR and be in sync with **boot_order** property in **tosca.nodes.nfv.Vdu.Compute**,N -R-58775,Y,The software components needed for testing should be located in the Testing directory within CSAR,N -R-66070,Y,Meta-data section in CSAR Manifest fie and the Meta-data section in VNF-D,Y -R-72184,Y,tosca.nodes.nfv.VduCp node type for connection points bind with VDU's should include all relevant properties such as **protocol_data etc.**,N -R-77707,Y,CSAR Manifest file as per SOL004for example ROOT\\ ****,Y -R-77786,Y,The cookbooks should be located in a predefined directory within a CSAR,N -R-86758,Y,Testing directory in CSARsupported by ETSI SOL004,N -R-96634,Y,"**tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfConfigurableProperties** - -**tosca.datatypes.nfv.ScaleInfo**",N -R-97102,Y,More discussions needed if and how the VM requirements should be reflected in VDU template (HPA?),N -R-98617,Y,Policy scripts as part of a dedicated directory within a CSAR,N -R-43125,Y,,VVP -R-67888,Y,,VVP -R-39402,Y,description section.,VVP -R-35414,Y,parameter section.,VVP -R-90279,Y,,VVP -R-28657,Y,attribute 'type' on parameters,VVP -R-44001,Y,attribute 'description' on parameters.,VVP -R-90526,Y,attribute 'default'.,VVP -R-88863,Y,allowed_values for a parameter type 'number'.,VVP -R-23664,Y,resources: section,VVP -R-16447,Y,resource IDs,VVP -R-97199,Y,metadata property for OS::Nova::Server resource type.,VVP -R-03324,Y,,VVP -R-19473,Y,filename,VVP -R-81339,Y,filename,VVP -R-91342,Y,filename,VVP -R-87247,Y,module name,VVP -R-94509,Y,module name,VVP -R-82732,Y,module name,VVP -R-31141,Y,module name,VVP -R-76057,Y,filename,VVP -R-18224,Y,,VVP -R-07443,Y,Output parameter name,VVP -R-23983,Y,external networks,VVP -R-63345,Y,external network IDs,VVP -R-35666,Y,,VVP -R-86972,Y,,VVP -R-68936,Y,{network-role},VVP -R-01455,Y,{vm-type},VVP -R-82481,Y,{vm-type},VVP -R-66729,Y,{vm-type},VVP -R-32394,Y,{vm-type},VVP -R-46839,Y,{vm-type},VVP -R-05008,Y,"Metadata parameters vnf_name, vnf_id, vf_module_id, vf_module_name, vm_role.",VVP -R-15422,Y,OS::Nova::Server property availability_zone,VVP -R-21330,Y,{network-role},VVP -R-11168,Y,{network-role},VVP -R-84322,Y,int_{network-role},VVP -R-96983,Y,int_{network-role},VVP -R-58424,Y,{network-role},VVP -R-21511,Y,{network-role},VVP -R-59629,Y,resource IDs,VVP -R-43319,Y,resource IDs,VVP -R-54517,Y,resource ID,VVP -R-96482,Y,resource ID,VVP -R-98138,Y,resource ID,VVP -R-82115,Y,resource ID,VVP -R-82551,Y,resource ID,VVP -R-69287,Y,resource ID,VVP -R-71152,Y,property image,VVP -R-91125,Y,property image,VVP -R-57282,Y,image,VVP -R-50436,Y,parameter property for flavor,VVP -R-69431,Y,parameter property for flavor,VVP -R-40499,Y,parameter property for flavor,VVP -R-22838,Y,parameter property name,VVP -R-51430,Y,parameter property name,VVP -R-98450,Y,parameter availability_zone_{index},VVP -R-13561,Y,{index},VVP -R-60204,Y,{index},VVP -R-36887,Y,parameter name,VVP -R-17020,Y,OS::Nova::Server resource,VVP -R-55218,Y,OS::Nova::Server metadata parameter,VVP -R-20856,Y,OS::Nova::Server metadata parameter vnf_id in environment,VVP -R-98374,Y,OS::Nova::Server metadata parameter   vf_module_id.,VVP -R-72871,Y,OS::Nova::Server metadata parameter vf_module_id in environment file.,VVP -R-44318,Y,OS::Nova::Server metadata parameter   vnf_name,VVP -R-36542,Y,OS::Nova::Server metadata parameter vnf_name in the   environment file.,VVP -R-72050,Y,contain  {network-role} in the parameter name,VVP -R-57576,Y,contain   int_{network-role} in the parameter name.,VVP -R-93272,Y,{network-role}_net_id for the Neutron network ID {network-role}_net_name for the network name in OpenStack,VVP -R-65373,Y,int_{network-role}net_id for the Neutron network ID int{network-role}_net_name for the network name in OpenStack,VVP -R-47716,Y,{network-role}_subnet_id if the subnet is an IPv4 subnet {network-role}_v6_subnet_id if the subnet is an IPv6 subnet,VVP -R-20106,Y,fixed_ips and Map Property subnet_id parameter,VVP -R-41177,Y,include   {vm-type} and {network-role} in the parameter name,VVP -R-84898,Y,property fixed_ips and Map Property ip_address is declared type: comma_delimited_list: {vm-type}{network-role}_ips for IPv4 address {vm-type}{network-role}_v6_ips for IPv6 address,VVP -R-34960,Y,property fixed_ips and Map Property ip_address is declared type: string: {vm-type}{network-role}_ip{index} for an IPv4 address {vm-type}{network-role}_v6_ip{index} for an IPv6 address,VVP -R-62584,Y,property fixed_ips and Map Property ip_address is declared type: comma_delimited_list: {vm-type}int{network-role}ips for IPv4 address {vm-type}_int{network-role}_v6_ips for IPv6 address,VVP -R-29256,Y,property fixed_ips and Map Property ip_address is declared type: string: {vm-type}int{network-role}ip{index} for an IPv4 address {vm-type}int{network-role}v6_ip{index} for an IPv6 address,VVP -R-61282,Y,"allowed_address_pairs and Map Property ip_address parameter, when the parameter is referencing an “external” network: {vm-type}{network-role}_floating_ip for an IPv4 address {vm-type}{network-role}_floating_v6_ip for an IPv6 address",VVP -R-16805,Y,allowed_address_pairs and Map Property ip_address parameter when the parameter is referencing an “internal” network. {vm-type}int{network-role}floating_ip for an IPv4 address {vm-type}_int{network-role}_floating_v6_ip for an IPv6 address,VVP -R-85734,Y,,VVP -R-47788,Y,module names,VVP -R-79531,Y,volume template,VVP -R-86285,Y,environment file,VVP -R-67205,Y,environment file,VVP -R-35727,Y,environment file,VVP -R-22656,Y,environment file,VVP -R-89868,Y,filename,VVP -R-52530,Y,templates,VVP -R-11041,Y,nested yaml file,VVP -R-61183,Y,OS::Nova::Server metadata parameters,VVP -R-76718,Y,,VVP -R-41888,Y,,VVP -R-62177,Y,file names,VVP -R-87848,Y,VNF Package,VVP -R-95303,Y,yaml file,VVP -R-27078,Y,heat_template_version section,VVP -R-91273,Y,OS::Nova::Server resource property availability_zone,VVP -R-25877,Y,parameter name,VVP -R-36772,Y,parameter section.,VVP -R-11441,Y,parameter section.,VVP -R-32094,Y,parameter section.,VVP -R-26124,Y,environment file/parameter section,VVP -R-32557,Y,parameter section,VVP -R-40518,Y,parameter section,VVP -R-96227,Y,parameter section,VVP -R-79817,Y,parameter section,VVP -R-06613,Y,parameter section,VVP -R-00011,Y,parameter section,VVP -R-22589,Y,parameter section,VVP -R-90152,Y,resources: section,VVP -R-40551,Y,resources: section,VVP -R-75141,Y,resource name,VVP -R-53952,Y,resource type,VVP -R-71699,Y,resource type,VVP -R-10834,Y,nested resource,VVP -R-46968,Y,resource definition,VVP -R-63137,Y,resource definition,VVP -R-43740,Y,resource definition,VVP -R-78569,Y,resource definition,VVP -R-36982,Y,resource section,VVP -R-68198,Y,environment file,VVP -R-59930,Y,environment file,VVP -R-46096,Y,environment file,VVP -R-24893,Y,environment file,VVP -R-42685,Y,environment file,VVP -R-67231,Y,environment file,VVP -R-69663,Y,VNF Package,VVP -R-33132,Y,VNF Package,VVP -R-11200,Y,base module/cinder module,VVP -R-38474,Y,yaml/environment pair,VVP -R-81725,Y,yaml/environment pair,VVP -R-53433,Y,yaml/environment pair,VVP -R-87485,Y,yaml filename,VVP -R-56438,Y,yaml filename,VVP -R-74304,Y,environment filename,VVP -R-52753,Y,output parameter,VVP -R-22608,Y,incremental parameter definition,VVP -R-89913,Y,volume output parameters,VVP -R-20547,Y,volume input parameters,VVP -R-56750,Y,parameter definition,VVP -R-01896,Y,parameter definition,VVP -R-16968,Y,resource definition,VVP -R-57424,Y,resource definition,VVP -R-29865,Y,resource definition,VVP -R-69014,Y,network parameter name,VVP -R-05201,Y,network parameter name,VVP -R-83015,Y,network parameter name,VVP -R-52425,Y,resource definition,VVP -R-46461,Y,resource definition,VVP -R-32025,Y,network resource name,VVP -R-69874,Y,network resource name,VVP -R-34726,Y,port definition,VVP -R-22688,Y,port definition,VVP -R-98407,Y,resource name,VVP -R-48067,Y,resource name,VVP -R-36687,Y,parameter names,VVP -R-26506,Y,resource name,VVP -R-00977,Y,resource name,VVP -R-86588,Y,parameter names,VVP -R-67793,Y,resource name,VVP -R-27970,Y,resource name,VVP -R-11690,Y,resource name,VVP -R-58670,Y,parameter name,VVP -R-45188,Y,parameter name,VVP -R-54171,Y,parameter name,VVP -R-40899,Y,parameter name,VVP -R-87817,Y,parameter name,VVP -R-85800,Y,parameter name,VVP -R-44271,Y,parameter name,VVP -R-23311,Y,parameter definition,VVP -R-59568,Y,environment file,VVP -R-69588,Y,resource definition,VVP -R-37437,Y,resource definition,VVP -R-07507,Y,parameter definition,VVP -R-44491,Y,parameter definition,VVP -R-71493,Y,resource definition,VVP -R-82134,Y,parameter definition,VVP -R-86237,Y,parameter definition,VVP -R-72483,Y,resource definition,VVP -R-62428,Y,parameter definition,VVP -R-16576,Y,parameter definition,VVP -R-39067,Y,parameter definition,VVP -R-15480,Y,parameter definition,VVP -R-80374,Y,environment file,VVP -R-49177,Y,parameter definition,VVP -R-95430,Y,parameter definition,VVP -R-67597,Y,parameter definition,VVP -R-46823,Y,environment/yaml file,VVP -R-86476,Y,resource name,VVP -R-70757,Y,parameter definition,VVP -R-54340,Y,parameter definition,VVP -R-09811,Y,parameter definition,VVP -R-37039,Y,environment file,VVP -R-22441,Y,parameter definition,VVP -R-55306,Y,parameter definition,VVP -R-74978,Y,parameter definition,VVP -R-34055,Y,parameter definition,VVP -R-02691,Y,environment file,VVP -R-75202,Y,parameter definition,VVP -R-20308,Y,parameter definition,VVP -R-56183,Y,parameter definition,VVP -R-13194,Y,environment file,VVP -R-62954,Y,parameter definition,VVP -R-18008,Y,parameter definition,VVP -R-62983,Y,parameter name,VVP -R-86182,Y,parameter name,VVP -R-93177,Y,resource definition,VVP -R-29872,Y,environment file,VVP -R-34037,Y,parameter definition,VVP -R-40971,Y,parameter name,VVP -R-39841,Y,environment file,VVP -R-04697,Y,parameter name,VVP -R-98905,Y,environment file,VVP -R-71577,Y,parameter name,VVP -R-87123,Y,environment file,VVP -R-23503,Y,parameter name,VVP -R-93030,Y,environment file,VVP -R-78380,Y,parameter name,VVP -R-28795,Y,environment file,VVP -R-85235,Y,parameter name,VVP -R-90206,Y,environment file,VVP -R-27818,Y,parameter name,VVP -R-97201,Y,environment file,VVP -R-29765,Y,parameter name,VVP -R-98569,Y,environment file,VVP -R-62590,Y,environment file,VVP -R-93496,Y,environment file,VVP -R-38236,Y,parameter definition,VVP -R-62802,Y,parameter name,VVP -R-83677,Y,environment file,VVP -R-15287,Y,parameter name,VVP -R-80829,Y,environment file,VVP -R-84123,Y,parameter name,VVP -R-69634,Y,environment file,VVP -R-76160,Y,parameter name,VVP -R-22288,Y,environment file,VVP \ No newline at end of file -- cgit 1.2.3-korg