.. Modifications Copyright © 2017-2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. .. Licensed under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the "License"); you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at .. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ .. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Requirement Changes Introduced in Honolulu ------------------------------------------ This document summarizes the requirement changes by section that were introduced between the Guilin release and Honolulu release. Click on the requirement number to navigate to the .. contents:: :depth: 2 Summary of Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * **Requirements Added:** 0 * **Requirements Changed:** 16 * **Requirements Removed:** 7 Configuration Management > NETCONF Standards and Capabilities > VNF or PNF Configuration via NETCONF Requirements > NETCONF Server Requirements ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Requirements Changed ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. container:: note :need:`R-58358` The VNF or PNF **MAY** implement the ``:with-defaults`` capability [RFC6243]. .. container:: note :need:`R-20353` The VNF or PNF **MUST** implement at least one of ``:candidate`` and ``:writable-running`` capabilities. When both ``:candidate`` and ``:writable-running`` are provided then two locks should be supported. .. container:: note :need:`R-03465` The VNF or PNF **MUST** release locks to prevent permanent lock-outs when the corresponding operation succeeds if ":partial-lock" is supported. .. container:: note :need:`R-83790` The VNF or PNF **MAY** implement the ``:validate`` capability. .. container:: note :need:`R-01334` The VNF or PNF **MAY** conform to the NETCONF RFC 5717, "Partial Lock Remote Procedure Call". .. container:: note :need:`R-68990` The VNF or PNF **MAY** support the ``:startup`` capability. It will allow the running configuration to be copied to this special database. It can also be locked and unlocked. .. container:: note :need:`R-41829` The VNF or PNF **MUST** be able to specify the granularity of the lock via a restricted or full XPath expression if ":partial-lock" is supported. .. container:: note :need:`R-70496` The VNF or PNF **MUST** implement the protocol operation: ``commit(confirmed, confirm-timeout)`` - Commit candidate configuration data store to the running configuration if ":candidate" is supported. .. container:: note :need:`R-73468` The VNF **MUST** allow the NETCONF server connection parameters to be configurable during virtual machine instantiation through Heat templates where SSH keys, usernames, passwords, SSH service and SSH port numbers are Heat template parameters if VNF is heat based. .. container:: note :need:`R-25238` The VNF or PNF PACKAGE **MUST** validated YANG code using the open source pyang [#7.3.1]_ program using the following commands: .. code-block:: text $ pyang --verbose --strict $ echo $! The VNF or PNF **MUST** have the echo command return a zero value otherwise the validation has failed. .. container:: note :need:`R-53317` The VNF or PNF **SHOULD** conform its YANG model to RFC 8407, "Guidelines for Authors and Reviewers of YANG Data Model specification". .. container:: note :need:`R-11499` The VNF or PNF **MAY** fully support the XPath 1.0 specification for filtered retrieval of configuration and other database contents. The 'type' attribute within the parameter for and operations may be set to 'xpath'. The 'select' attribute (which contains the XPath expression) will also be supported by the server. A server may support partial XPath retrieval filtering, but it cannot advertise the ``:xpath`` capability unless the entire XPath 1.0 specification is supported. .. container:: note :need:`R-22946` The VNF or PNF **SHOULD** conform its YANG model to RFC 8341, "NETCONF Access Control Model". .. container:: note :need:`R-28756` The VNF or PNF **MAY** support ``:partial-lock`` and ``:partial-unlock`` capabilities, defined in RFC 5717. This allows multiple independent clients to each write to a different part of the configuration at the same time. .. container:: note :need:`R-68200` The VNF or PNF **MAY** support the ``:url`` value to specify protocol operation source and target parameters. The capability URI for this feature will indicate which schemes (e.g., file, https, sftp) that the server supports within a particular URL value. The 'file' scheme allows for editable local configuration databases. The other schemes allow for remote storage of configuration databases. .. container:: note :need:`R-18733` The VNF or PNF **MUST** implement the protocol operation: ``discard-changes()`` - Revert the candidate configuration data store to the running configuration if ":candidate" is supported. Requirements Removed ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. container:: note R-02616 The VNF or PNF **MUST** permit locking at the finest granularity if a VNF or PNF needs to lock an object for configuration to avoid blocking simultaneous configuration operations on unrelated objects (e.g., BGP configuration should not be locked out if an interface is being configured or entire Interface configuration should not be locked out if a non-overlapping parameter on the interface is being configured). .. container:: note R-08134 The VNF or PNF **MUST** conform to the NETCONF RFC 6241, "NETCONF Configuration Protocol". .. container:: note R-10716 The VNF or PNF **MUST** support parallel and simultaneous configuration of separate objects within itself. .. container:: note R-13800 The VNF or PNF **MUST** conform to the NETCONF RFC 5277, "NETCONF Event Notification". .. container:: note R-22700 The VNF or PNF **MUST** conform its YANG model to RFC 6470, "NETCONF Base Notifications". .. container:: note R-63953 The VNF or PNF **MUST** have the echo command return a zero value otherwise the validation has failed. .. container:: note R-88899 The VNF or PNF **MUST** support simultaneous operations within the context of this locking requirements framework.