.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 .. Copyright 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. **Appendix** =============== Chef JSON Key Value Description ------------------------------------- The following provides the key value pairs that must be contained in the JSON file supporting Chef action. Table A1. Chef JSON File key value description ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ +----------------+--------------------------+---------+----------------------+ | **Field Name** | **Description** | **Type**| **Comment** | +================+==========================+=========+======================+ | Environment | A JSON dictionary | Optional|Depends on VNF action.| | | representing a Chef | | | | | Environment object. If | | | | | the VNF action requires | | | | | loading or modifying Chef| | | | | environment attributes | | | | | associated with the VNF, | | | | | all the relevant | | | | | information must be | | | | | provided in this JSON | | | | | dictionary in a structure| | | | | that conforms to a Chef | | | | | Environment Object. | | | +----------------+--------------------------+---------+----------------------+ | Node | A JSON dictionary |Mandatory| | | | representing a Chef Node | | | | | Object. | | | | | | | | | | The Node JSON dictionary | | | | | must include the run list| | | | | to be triggered for the | | | | | desired VNF action by the| | | | | push job. It should also | | | | | include any attributes | | | | | that need to be | | | | | configured on the Node | | | | | Object as part of the VNF| | | | | action. | | | +----------------+--------------------------+---------+----------------------+ | NodeList | Array of FQDNs that |Mandatory| | | | correspond to the | | | | | endpoints (VMs) of a VNF | | | | | registered with the Chef | | | | | Server that need to | | | | | trigger a chef-client run| | | | | as part of the desired | | | | | VNF action. | | | +----------------+--------------------------+---------+----------------------+ | PushJobFlag | This field indicates |Mandatory| If set to “True”, | | | whether the VNF action | | ONAP will request a | | | requires a push Job. Push| | push job. Ignored | | | job object will be | | otherwise. | | | created by ONAP if | | | | | required. | | | +----------------+--------------------------+---------+----------------------+ | CallbackCapable| This field indicates if | Optional| If Chef cookbook is | | | the chef-client run | | callback capable, VNF| | | invoked by push job | | owner is required to | | | corresponding to the VNF | | set it to “True”. | | | action is capable of | | Ignored otherwise. | | | posting results on a | | | | | callback URL. | | | +----------------+--------------------------+---------+----------------------+ | GetOutputFlag | Flag which indicates |Mandatory| ONAP will retrieve | | | whether ONAP should | | output from | | | retrieve output generated| | NodeObject attributes| | | in a chef-client run from| | [‘PushJobOutput’] for| | | Node object attribute | | all nodes in NodeList| | | node[‘PushJobOutput’] for| | if set to “True”. | | | this VNF action (e.g., in| | Ignored otherwise. | | | Audit). | | | +----------------+--------------------------+---------+----------------------+ Chef Template example: .. code-block:: chef “Environment”:{ "name": "HAR", "description": "VNF Chef environment for HAR", "json\_class": "Chef::Environment", "chef\_type": "environment", "default\_attributes": { }, "override\_attributes": { “Retry\_Time”:”50”, “MemCache”: “1024”, “Database\_IP”:”” }, } } “Node”: { “name” : “signal.network.com “ "chef\_type": "node", "json\_class": "Chef::Node", "attributes": { “IPAddress1”: “”, “IPAddress2”:””, “MyRole”:”BE” }, "override": {}, "default": {}, “normal”:{}, “automatic”:{}, “chef\_environment” : “\_default” "run\_list": [ "configure\_signal" ] }, “NodeList”:[“node1.vnf\_a.onap.com”, “node2.vnf\_a.onap.com”], “PushJobFlag”: “True” “CallbackCapable”:True “GetOutputFlag” : “False” } The example JSON file provided by the VNF provider for each VNF action will be turned into a template by ONAP, that can be updated with instance specific values at run-time. Some points worth noting regarding the JSON fields: a. The JSON file must be created for each action for each VNF. b. If a VNF action involves multiple endpoints (VMs) of a VNF, ONAP will replicate the “Node” JSON dictionary in the template and post it to each FQDN (i.e., endpoint) in the NodeList after setting the “name” field in the Node object to be the respective FQDN [1]_. Hence, it is required that all end points (VMs) of a VNF involved in a VNF action support the same set of Node Object attributes. The following table describes the JSON dictionary to post in Callback. Table A2. JSON Dictionary to Post in Callback ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ +--------------+----------------------------+---------+-----------------------+ | **Key** | **Description** | **Type**| **Comment** | +==============+============================+=========+=======================+ | RequestId | A unique string associated |Mandatory| | | | with the original request | | | | | by ONAP. This key-value | | | | | pair will be provided by | | | | | ONAP in the environment of | | | | | the push job request and | | | | | must be returned as part of| | | | | the POST message. | | | +--------------+----------------------------+---------+-----------------------+ | StatusCode | An integer that must be set|Mandatory| | | | to 200 if chef-client run | | | | | on the node finished | | | | | successfully 500 otherwise.| | | +--------------+----------------------------+---------+-----------------------+ | StatusMessage| A string which must be set |Mandatory| | | | to ‘SUCCESS’ if StatusCode | | | | | was 200 | | | | | | | | | | Appropriate error message | | | | | otherwise. | | | +--------------+----------------------------+---------+-----------------------+ | Name | A string which corresponds |Mandatory| | | | to the name of the node | | | | | where push job is run. It | | | | | is required that the value | | | | | be retrieved from the node | | | | | object attributes (where it| | | | | is always defined). | | | +--------------+----------------------------+---------+-----------------------+ | PushJobOutput| Any output from the |Optional | Depends on VNF action.| | | chef-client run that needs | | If empty, it must not | | | to be returned to ONAP. | | be included. | +--------------+----------------------------+---------+-----------------------+ Ansible JSON Key Value Description ------------------------------------------------------------- The following provides the key value pairs that must be contained in the JSON file supporting Ansible action. Table B1. Ansible JSON File key value description ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ +---------------+----------------------+---------+----------------------------+ | **Field Name**| **Description** | **Type**| **Comment** | +===============+======================+=========+============================+ | PlaybookName | VNF providor must |Mandatory|Currently following | | | list name of the | |Ansible standard | | | playbook relative | |naming, where main | | | path used to | |playbook is always | | | execute the VNF | |named site.yml, and | | | action. | |directory name where | | | | |this main playbook resides, | | | | |is named after the | | | | |command/action playbook | | | | |performs, in lower case, | | | | |example, configure. | +---------------+----------------------+---------+----------------------------+ | Action | Name of VNF action. | Optional| | +---------------+----------------------+---------+----------------------------+ | EnvParameters | A JSON dictionary | Optional|Depends on the VNF action. | | | which should list key| | | | | value pairs to be | |Attribute names (variable | | | passed to the Ansible| |names) passed to Ansible | | | playbook. These | |shall follow Ansible valid | | | values would | |variable names: “Variable | | | correspond to | |names should be letters, | | | instance specific | |numbers, and underscores. | | | parameters that a | |Variables should always | | | playbook may need to | |start with a letter.” | | | execute an action. | | | +---------------+----------------------+---------+----------------------------+ | NodeList |Ansible inventory | Optional|If not provided, pre-loaded | | |hosts file with | |(VNF) inventory hosts | | |VNF groups and | |file must exist in the | | |respective IP | |Ansible Server otherwise | | |addresses or DNS | |request fails. | | |supported FQDNs | | | | |that the playbook must| | | | |be executed against. | | | +---------------+----------------------+---------+----------------------------+ | FileParameters| A JSON dictionary | Optional| Depends on the VNF action | | | where keys are | | and playbook design. | | | filenames and values | | | | | are contents of | | | | | files. The Ansible | | | | | Server will utilize | | | | | this feature to | | | | | generate files with | | | | | keys as filenames and| | | | | values as content. | | | | | This attribute can be| | | | | used to generate | | | | | files that a playbook| | | | | may require as part | | | | | of execution. | | | +---------------+----------------------+---------+----------------------------+ | Timeout | Time (in seconds) | Optional| | | | that a playbook is | | | | | expected to take to | | | | | finish execution for | | | | | the VNF. If playbook | | | | | execution time | | | | | exceeds this value, | | | | | Ansible Server will | | | | | terminate the | | | | | playbook process. | | | +---------------+----------------------+---------+----------------------------+ Ansible JSON file example: { “Action”:”Configure”, "PlaybookName": "//ansible/configure/site.yml", "NodeList": ["test1.vnf\_b.onap.com", “test2.vnf\_b.onap.com”], "Timeout": 60, "EnvParameters": {"Retry": 3, "Wait": 5, “ConfigFile”:”config.txt”}, “FileParameters”:{“config.txt”:”db\_ip=, sip\_timer=10000”} } In the above example, the Ansible Server will: a. Process the “FileParameters” dictionary and generate a file named ‘config.txt’ with contents set to the value of the ‘config.txt’ key. b. Execute the playbook named ‘//ansible/configure/site.yml’ on nodes with FQDNs test1.vnf\_b.onap.com and test2.vnf\_b.onap.com respectively while providing the following key value pairs to the playbook: Retry=3, Wait=5, ConfigFile=config.txt c. If execution time of the playbook exceeds 60 secs (across all hosts), it will be terminated. VNF License Information Guidelines ------------------------------------------------------------ This Appendix describes the metadata to be supplied for VNF licenses. 1. General Information Table C1 defines the required and optional fields for licenses. Table C1. Required Fields for General Information ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ +---------------+-----------------------------------+--------------+----------+ | **Field Name**| **Description** | **Data Type**| **Type** | +===============+===================================+==============+==========+ | VNF Provider | The name of the VNF provider. | String | Mandatory| | Name | | | | +---------------+-----------------------------------+--------------+----------+ | VNF Provider | The name of the product to which | String | Mandatory| | Product | this agreement applies. | | | | | | | | | | Note: a contract/agreement may | | | | | apply to more than one VNF | | | | | provider product. In that case, | | | | | provide the metadata for each | | | | | product separately. | | | +---------------+-----------------------------------+--------------+----------+ | VNF Provider | A general description of VNF | String | Optional | | Product | provider software product. | | | | Description | | | | +---------------+-----------------------------------+--------------+----------+ | Export Control| ECCNs are 5-character | String | Mandatory| | Classification| alpha-numeric designations used on| | | | Number (ECCN) | the Commerce Control List (CCL) to| | | | | identify dual-use items for export| | | | | control purposes. An ECCN | | | | | categorizes items based on the | | | | | nature of the product, i.e. type | | | | | of commodity, software, or | | | | | technology and its respective | | | | | technical parameters. | | | +---------------+-----------------------------------+--------------+----------+ | Reporting | A list of any reporting | List of | Optional | | Requirements | requirements on the usage of the | strings | | | | software product. | | | +---------------+-----------------------------------+--------------+----------+ 1. Entitlements Entitlements describe software license use rights. The use rights may be quantified by various metrics: # users, # software instances, # units. The use rights may be limited by various criteria: location (physical or logical), type of customer, type of device, time, etc. One or more entitlements can be defined; each one consists of the following fields: Table C2. Required Fields for Entitlements ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ +---------------+-----------------------------------+-------------+-----------+ | **Field Name**| **Description** |**Data Type**| **Type** | +===============+===================================+=============+===========+ | VNF Provider | Identifier for the entitlement as | String | Mandatory | | Part Number / | described by the VNF provider in | | | | Manufacture | their price list / catalog / | | | | Reference | contract. | | | | Number | | | | +---------------+-----------------------------------+-------------+-----------+ | Description | Verbiage that describes the | String | Optional | | | entitlement | | | +---------------+-----------------------------------+-------------+-----------+ | Entitlement | Each entitlement defined must be | String | Mandatory | | Identifier | identified by a unique value (e.g.| | | | | numbered 1, 2, 3….) | | | +---------------+-----------------------------------+-------------+-----------+ | Minimum Order | The minimum number of entitlements| Number | Mandatory | | Requirement | that need to be purchased. | | | | | For example, the entitlements must| | | | | be purchased in a block of 100. If| | | | | no minimum is required, the value | | | | | will be zero. | | | +---------------+-----------------------------------+-------------+-----------+ | Unique | A list of any reporting | List of | Optional | | Reporting | requirements on the usage of the | Strings | | | Requirements | software product. (e.g.: quarterly| | | | | usage reports are required) | | | +---------------+-----------------------------------+-------------+-----------+ | License Type | Type of license applicable to the | String | Mandatory | | | software product. (e.g.: | | | | | fixed-term, perpetual, trial, | | | | | subscription.) | | | +---------------+-----------------------------------+-------------+-----------+ | License | Valid values: | String |Conditional| | Duration | | | | | | **year**, **quarter**, **month**, | | | | | **day**. | | | | | | | | | | Not applicable when license type | | | | | is Perpetual. | | | +---------------+-----------------------------------+-------------+-----------+ | License | Number of years, quarters, months,| Number |Conditional| | Duration | or days for which the license is | | | | Quantification| valid. | | | | | | | | | | Not applicable when license type | | | | | is Perpetual. | | | +---------------+-----------------------------------+-------------+-----------+ | Limits | see section C.4 for possible | List | Optional | | | values | | | +---------------+-----------------------------------+-------------+-----------+ 1. License Keys This section defines information on any License Keys associated with the Software Product. A license key is a data string (or a file) providing a means to authorize the use of software. License key does not provide entitlement information. License Keys are not required. Optionally, one or more license keys can be defined; each one consists of the following fields: Table C3. Required Fields for License Keys ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ +---------------+-----------------------------------+--------------+----------+ | **Field Name**| **Description** | **Data Type**| **Type** | +===============+===================================+==============+==========+ | Description | Verbiage that describes the | String | Mandatory| | | license key | | | +---------------+-----------------------------------+--------------+----------+ | License Key | Each license key defined must be | String | Mandatory| | Identifier | identified by a unique value | | | | | (e.g., numbered 1, 2, 3….) | | | +---------------+-----------------------------------+--------------+----------+ | Key Function | Lifecycle stage (e.g., | String | Optional | | | Instantiation or Activation) at | | | | | which the license key is applied | | | | | to the software. | | | +---------------+-----------------------------------+--------------+----------+ | License Key | Valid values: | String | Mandatory| | Type | | | | | | **Universal, Unique** | | | | | | | | | | **Universal** - a single license | | | | | key value that may be used with | | | | | any number of instances of the | | | | | software. | | | | | | | | | | **Unique**- a unique license key | | | | | value is required for each | | | | | instance of the software. | | | +---------------+-----------------------------------+--------------+----------+ | Limits | see section C.4 for possible | List | Optional | | | values | | | +---------------+-----------------------------------+--------------+----------+ 1. Entitlement and License Key Limits Limitations on the use of software entitlements and license keys may be based on factors such as: features enabled in the product, the allowed capacity of the product, number of installations, etc... The limits may generally be categorized as: - where (location) - when (time) - how (usages) - who/what (entity) - amount (how much) Multiple limits may be applicable for an entitlement or license key. Each limit may further be described by limit behavior, duration, quantification, aggregation, aggregation interval, start date, end date, and threshold. When the limit is associated with a quantity, the quantity is relative to an instance of the entitlement or license key. For example: - Each entitlement grants the right to 50 concurrent users. If 10 entitlements are purchased, the total number of concurrent users permitted would be 500. In this example, the limit category is **amount**, the limit type is **users**, and the limit **quantification** is **50.** Each license key may be installed on 3 devices. If 5 license keys are acquired, the total number of devices allowed would be 15. In this example, the limit category is **usages**, the limit type is **device**, and the limit **quantification** is **3.** 1. Location Locations may be logical or physical location (e.g., site, country). For example: - use is allowed in Canada Table C4. Required Fields for Location ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ +------------------+--------------------------------+--------------+----------+ | **Field Name** | **Description** | **Data Type**| **Type** | +==================+================================+==============+==========+ | Limit Identifier | Each limit defined for an | String | Mandatory| | | entitlement or license key must| | | | | be identified by a unique value| | | | | (e.g., numbered 1,2,3…) | | | +------------------+--------------------------------+--------------+----------+ | Limit Description| Verbiage describing the limit. | String | Mandatory| +------------------+--------------------------------+--------------+----------+ | Limit Behavior | Description of the actions | String | Mandatory| | | taken when the limit boundaries| | | | | are reached. | | | +------------------+--------------------------------+--------------+----------+ | Limit Category | Valid value: **location** | String | Mandatory| +------------------+--------------------------------+--------------+----------+ | Limit Type | Valid values: **city, county, | String | Mandatory| | | state, country, region, MSA, | | | | | BTA, CLLI** | | | +------------------+--------------------------------+--------------+----------+ | Limit List | List of locations where the VNF| List of | Mandatory| | | provider Product can be used or| String | | | | needs to be restricted from use| | | +------------------+--------------------------------+--------------+----------+ | Limit Set Type | Indicates if the list is an | String | Mandatory| | | inclusion or exclusion. | | | | | | | | | | Valid Values: | | | | | | | | | | **Allowed** | | | | | | | | | | **Not allowed** | | | +------------------+--------------------------------+--------------+----------+ | Limit | The quantity (amount) the limit| Number | Optional | | Quantification | expresses. | | | +------------------+--------------------------------+--------------+----------+ 1. Time Limit on the length of time the software may be used. For example: - license key valid for 1 year from activation - entitlement valid from 15 May 2018 thru 30 June 2020 Table C5. Required Fields for Time ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ +------------------+-------------------------------+--------------+-----------+ | **Field Name** | **Description** | **Data Type**| **Type** | +==================+===============================+==============+===========+ | Limit Identifier | Each limit defined for an | String | Mandatory | | | entitlement or license key | | | | | must be identified by a unique| | | | | value (e.g., numbered) | | | +------------------+-------------------------------+--------------+-----------+ | Limit Description| Verbiage describing the limit.| String | Mandatory | +------------------+-------------------------------+--------------+-----------+ | Limit Behavior | Description of the actions | String | Mandatory | | | taken when the limit | | | | | boundaries are reached. | | | | | | | | | | The limit behavior may also | | | | | describe when a time limit | | | | | takes effect. (e.g., key is | | | | | valid for 1 year from date of | | | | | purchase). | | | +------------------+-------------------------------+--------------+-----------+ | Limit Category | Valid value: **time** | String | Mandatory | +------------------+-------------------------------+--------------+-----------+ | Limit Type | Valid values: | String | Mandatory | | | **duration, date** | | | +------------------+-------------------------------+--------------+-----------+ | Limit List | List of times for which the | List of | Mandatory | | | VNF Provider Product can be | String | | | | used or needs to be restricted| | | | | from use | | | +------------------+-------------------------------+--------------+-----------+ | Duration Units | Required when limit type is | String |Conditional| | | duration. Valid values: | | | | | **perpetual, year, quarter, | | | | | month, day, minute, second, | | | | | millisecond** | | | +------------------+-------------------------------+--------------+-----------+ | Limit | The quantity (amount) the | Number | Optional | | Quantification | limit expresses. | | | +------------------+-------------------------------+--------------+-----------+ | Start Date | Required when limit type is | Date | Optional | | | date. | | | +------------------+-------------------------------+--------------+-----------+ | End Date | May be used when limit type is| Date | Optional | | | date. | | | +------------------+-------------------------------+--------------+-----------+ 1. Usage Limits based on how the software is used. For example: - use is limited to a specific sub-set of the features/capabilities the software supports - use is limited to a certain environment (e.g., test, development, production…) - use is limited by processor (vm, cpu, core) - use is limited by software release Table C6. Required Fields for Usage ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ +------------------+-------------------------------+---------------+----------+ | **Field Name** | **Description** | **Data Type** | **Type** | +==================+===============================+===============+==========+ | Limit Identifier | Each limit defined for an | String | Mandatory| | | entitlement or license key | | | | | must be identified by a unique| | | | | value (e.g., numbered) | | | +------------------+-------------------------------+---------------+----------+ | Limit Description| Verbiage describing the limit.| String | Mandatory| +------------------+-------------------------------+---------------+----------+ | Limit Behavior | Description of the actions | String | Mandatory| | | taken when the limit | | | | | boundaries are reached. | | | +------------------+-------------------------------+---------------+----------+ | Limit Category | Valid value: **usages** | String | Mandatory| +------------------+-------------------------------+---------------+----------+ | Limit Type | Valid values: **feature, | String | Mandatory| | | environment, processor, | | | | | version** | | | +------------------+-------------------------------+---------------+----------+ | Limit List | List of usage limits (e.g., | List of String| Mandatory| | | test, development, vm, core, | | | | | R1.2.1, R1.3.5…) | | | +------------------+-------------------------------+---------------+----------+ | Limit Set Type | Indicates if the list is an | String | Mandatory| | | inclusion or exclusion. | | | | | | | | | | Valid Values: | | | | | | | | | | **Allowed** | | | | | | | | | | **Not allowed** | | | +------------------+-------------------------------+---------------+----------+ | Limit | The quantity (amount) the | Number | Optional | | Quantification | limit expresses. | | | +------------------+-------------------------------+---------------+----------+ 1. Entity Limit on the entity (product line, organization, customer) allowed to make use of the software. For example: - allowed to be used in support of wireless products - allowed to be used only for government entities Table C7. Required Fields for Entity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ +------------------+--------------------------------+--------------+----------+ | **Field Name** | **Description** |**Data Type** | **Type** | +==================+================================+==============+==========+ | Limit Identifier | Each limit defined for an | String | Mandatory| | | entitlement or license key must| | | | | be identified by a unique value| | | | | (e.g., numbered) | | | +------------------+--------------------------------+--------------+----------+ | Limit Description| Verbiage describing the limit. | String | Mandatory| +------------------+--------------------------------+--------------+----------+ | Limit Behavior | Description of the actions | String | Mandatory| | | taken when the limit boundaries| | | | | are reached. | | | +------------------+--------------------------------+--------------+----------+ | Limit Category | Valid value: **entity** | String | Mandatory| +------------------+--------------------------------+--------------+----------+ | Limit Type | Valid values: **product line, | String | Mandatory| | | organization, internal | | | | | customer, external customer** | | | +------------------+--------------------------------+--------------+----------+ | Limit List | List of entities for which the |List of String| Mandatory| | | VNF Provider Product can be | | | | | used or needs to be restricted | | | | | from use | | | +------------------+--------------------------------+--------------+----------+ | Limit Set Type | Indicates if the list is an | String | Mandatory| | | inclusion or exclusion. | | | | | | | | | | Valid Values: | | | | | | | | | | **Allowed** | | | | | | | | | | **Not allowed** | | | +------------------+--------------------------------+--------------+----------+ | Limit | The quantity (amount) the limit| Number | Optional | | Quantification | expresses. | | | +------------------+--------------------------------+--------------+----------+ 1. Amount These limits describe terms relative to utilization of the functions of the software (for example, number of named users permitted, throughput, or capacity). Limits of this type may also be relative to utilization of other resources (for example, a limit for firewall software is not based on use of the firewall software, but on the number of network subscribers). The metadata describing this type of limit includes the unit of measure (e.g., # users, # sessions, # MB, # TB, etc.), the quantity of units, any aggregation function (e.g., peak or average users), and aggregation interval (day, month, quarter, year, etc.). Table C8. Required Fields for Amount ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ +------------------+---------------------------------+-------------+----------+ | **Field Name** | **Description** |**Data Type**| **Type** | +==================+=================================+=============+==========+ | Limit Identifier | Each limit defined for an | String | Mandatory| | | entitlement or license key must | | | | | be identified by a unique value | | | | | (e.g., numbered) | | | +------------------+---------------------------------+-------------+----------+ | Limit Description| Verbiage describing the limit. | String | Mandatory| +------------------+---------------------------------+-------------+----------+ | Limit Behavior | Description of the actions taken| String | Mandatory| | | when the limit boundaries are | | | | | reached. | | | +------------------+---------------------------------+-------------+----------+ | Limit Category | Valid value: **amount** | String | Mandatory| +------------------+---------------------------------+-------------+----------+ | Limit Type | Valid values: **trunk, user, | String | Mandatory| | | subscriber, session, token, | | | | | transactions, seats, KB, MB, TB,| | | | | GB** | | | +------------------+---------------------------------+-------------+----------+ | Type of | Is the limit relative to | String | Mandatory| | Utilization | utilization of the functions of | | | | | the software or relative to | | | | | utilization of other resources? | | | | | | | | | | Valid values: | | | | | | | | | | - **software functions** | | | | | | | | | | - **other resources** | | | +------------------+---------------------------------+-------------+----------+ | Limit | The quantity (amount) the limit | Number | Optional | | Quantification | expresses. | | | +------------------+---------------------------------+-------------+----------+ | Aggregation | Valid values: **peak, average** | String | Optional | | Function | | | | +------------------+---------------------------------+-------------+----------+ | Aggregation | Time period over which the | String | Optional | | Interval | aggregation is done (e.g., | | | | | average sessions per quarter). | | | | | Required when an Aggregation | | | | | Function is specified. | | | | | | | | | | Valid values: **day, month, | | | | | quarter, year, minute, second, | | | | | millisecond** | | | +------------------+---------------------------------+-------------+----------+ | Aggregation | Is the limit quantity applicable| String | Optional | | Scope | to a single entitlement or | | | | | license key (each separately)? | | | | | Or may the limit quantity be | | | | | combined with others of the same| | | | | type (resulting in limit amount | | | | | that is the sum of all the | | | | | purchased entitlements or | | | | | license keys)? | | | | | | | | | | Valid values: | | | | | | | | | | - **single** | | | | | | | | | | - **combined** | | | +------------------+---------------------------------+-------------+----------+ | Type of User | Describes the types of users of | String | Optional | | | the functionality offered by the| | | | | software (e.g., authorized, | | | | | named). This field is included | | | | | when Limit Type is user. | | | +------------------+---------------------------------+-------------+----------+ TOSCA model ----------------------------- Table D1. ONAP Resource DM TOSCA/YAML constructs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Standard TOSCA/YAML definitions agreed by VNF SDK Modeling team to be used by VNF vendors to create a standard VNF descriptor. All definitions are summarized in the table below based on the agreed ONAP Resource DM TOSCA/YAML constructs for Beijing. Their syntax is specified in ETSI GS NFV-SOL001 stable draft for VNF-D. +------------+------------------------------+---------------------------------+ | Requirement| Resource IM Info Elements | TOSCA Constructs as per SOL001 | | Number | | | +============+==============================+=================================+ | R-02454 | VNFD.vnfSoftwareVersion | For VDU.Compute - | | | | tosca.artifacts.nfv.SwImage | | | | | | | SwImageDesc.Version | For Virtual Storage - | | | | tosca.artifacts.Deployment.Image| +------------+------------------------------+---------------------------------+ | R-03070 | vnfExtCpd's with virtual | tosca.nodes.nfv.VnfExtCp with a | | | NetworkInterfaceRequirements | property tosca.datatypes.nfv.\ | | | (vNIC) | VirtualNetworkInterface\ | | | | Requirements | +------------+------------------------------+---------------------------------+ | R-09467 | VDU.Compute descriptor | tosca.nodes.nfv.Vdu.Compute | +------------+------------------------------+---------------------------------+ | R-16065 | VDU.Compute. Configurable | tosca.datatypes.nfv.Vnfc | | | Properties | ConfigurableProperties | +------------+------------------------------+---------------------------------+ | R-30654 | VNFD.lifeCycleManagement | Interface construct tosca.\ | | | Script - IFA011 LifeCycle\ | interfaces.nfv.vnf.lifecycle.Nfv| | | ManagementScript | with a list of standard LCM | | | | operations | +------------+------------------------------+---------------------------------+ | R-35851 | CPD: VduCp, VnfExtCp, | tosca.nodes.nfv.VduCp, tosca.\ | | | VnfVirtualLinkDesc, QoS | nodes.nfv.VnfVirtualLink, | | | Monitoring info element - | tosca.nodes.nfv.VnfExtCp | | | TBD | | +------------+------------------------------+---------------------------------+ | R-41215 | VNFD/VDU Profile and scaling | tosca.datatypes.nfv.VduProfile | | | aspect | and tosca.datatypes.nfv.\ | | | | ScalingAspect | +------------+------------------------------+---------------------------------+ | R-66070 | VNFD meta data | tosca.datatypes.nfv. | | | | VnfInfoModifiableAttributes - | | | | metadata? | +------------+------------------------------+---------------------------------+ | R-96634 | VNFD.configurableProperties | tosca.datatypes.nfv.Vnf\ | | | describing scaling | ConfigurableProperties, | | | characteristics. VNFD.\ | tosca.datatypes.nfv.ScaleInfo | | | autoscale defines the rules | | | | for scaling based on specific| | | | VNF indications | | +------------+------------------------------+---------------------------------+ | ? | VDU Virtual Storage | tosca.nodes.nfv.Vdu.\ | | | | VirtualStorage | +------------+------------------------------+---------------------------------+ | R-01478 | Monitoring Info Element (TBD)| tosca.capabilities.nfv.Metric - | | | - SOL001 per VNF/VDU/VLink | type for monitoring | | R-01556 | memory-consumption, | | | | CPU-utilization, | monitoring_parameter of above | | | bandwidth-consumption, VNFC | type per VNF/VDU/VLink | | | downtime, etc. | | +------------+------------------------------+---------------------------------+ Table D2. TOSCA CSAR structure ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This section defines the requirements around the CSAR structure. The table below describes the numbered requirements for CSAR structure as agreed with SDC. The format of the CSAR is specified in SOL004. +------------+-------------------------------------+--------------------------+ | Requirement| Description | CSAR artifact directory | | Number | | | +============+=====================================+==========================+ | R-26881 | The VNF provider MUST provide the | ROOT\\Artifacts\ | | | binaries and images needed to | \\VNF_Image.bin | | | instantiate the VNF (VNF and VNFC | | | | images). | | +------------+-------------------------------------+--------------------------+ | R-30654 | VNFD.lifeCycleManagementScript that | ROOT\\Artifacts\ | | | includes a list of events and | \\Informational\ | | | corresponding management scripts | \\Install.csh | | | performed for the VNF - SOL001 | | +------------+-------------------------------------+--------------------------+ | R-35851 | All VNF topology related definitions| ROOT\\Definitions\ | | | in yaml files VNFD/Main Service | \\VNFC.yaml | | | template at the ROOT | | | | | ROOT\ | | | | \\MainService\ | | | | \\Template.yaml | +------------+-------------------------------------+--------------------------+ | R-40827 | CSAR License directory - SOL004 | ROOT\\Licenses\ | | | | \\License_term.txt | +------------+-------------------------------------+--------------------------+ | R-77707 | CSAR Manifest file - SOL004 | ROOT\ | | | | \\MainServiceTemplate.mf | +------------+-------------------------------------+--------------------------+ Requirement List -------------------------------- **VNF Development Requirements** ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ VNF Design ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ R-58421 The VNF **SHOULD** be decomposed into granular re-usable VNFCs. R-82223 The VNF **MUST** be decomposed if the functions have significantly different scaling characteristics (e.g., signaling versus media functions, control versus data plane functions). R-16496 The VNF **MUST** enable instantiating only the functionality that is needed for the decomposed VNF (e.g., if transcoding is not needed it should not be instantiated). R-02360 The VNFC **MUST** be designed as a standalone, executable process. R-34484 The VNF **SHOULD** create a single component VNF for VNFCs that can be used by other VNFs. R-23035 The VNF **MUST** be designed to scale horizontally (more instances of a VNF or VNFC) and not vertically (moving the existing instances to larger VMs or increasing the resources within a VM) to achieve effective utilization of cloud resources. R-30650 The VNF **MUST** utilize cloud provided infrastructure and VNFs (e.g., virtualized Local Load Balancer) as part of the VNF so that the cloud can manage and provide a consistent service resiliency and methods across all VNF's. R-12709 The VNFC **SHOULD** be independently deployed, configured, upgraded, scaled, monitored, and administered by ONAP. R-37692 The VNFC **MUST** provide API versioning to allow for independent upgrades of VNFC. R-86585 The VNFC **SHOULD** minimize the use of state within a VNFC to facilitate the movement of traffic from one instance to another. R-65134 The VNF **SHOULD** maintain state in a geographically redundant datastore that may, in fact, be its own VNFC. R-75850 The VNF **SHOULD** decouple persistent data from the VNFC and keep it in its own datastore that can be reached by all instances of the VNFC requiring the data. R-88199 The VNF **MUST** utilize a persistent datastore service that can meet the data performance/latency requirements. (For example: Datastore service could be a VNFC in VNF or a DBaaS in the Cloud execution environment) R-99656 The VNF **MUST** NOT terminate stable sessions if a VNFC instance fails. R-84473 The VNF **MUST** enable DPDK in the guest OS for VNF’s requiring high packets/sec performance. High packet throughput is defined as greater than 500K packets/sec. R-54430 The VNF **MUST** use the NCSP’s supported library and compute flavor that supports DPDK to optimize network efficiency if using DPDK. [5]_ R-18864 The VNF **MUST** NOT use technologies that bypass virtualization layers (such as SR-IOV) unless approved by the NCSP (e.g., if necessary to meet functional or performance requirements). R-64768 The VNF **MUST** limit the size of application data packets to no larger than 9000 bytes for SDN network-based tunneling when guest data packets are transported between tunnel endpoints that support guest logical networks. R-74481 The VNF **MUST** NOT require the use of a dynamic routing protocol unless necessary to meet functional requirements. VNF Resiliency ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ R-52499 The VNF **MUST** meet their own resiliency goals and not rely on the Network Cloud. R-42207 The VNF **MUST** design resiliency into a VNF such that the resiliency deployment model (e.g., active-active) can be chosen at run-time. R-03954 The VNF **MUST** survive any single points of failure within the Network Cloud (e.g., virtual NIC, VM, disk failure). R-89010 The VNF **MUST** survive any single points of software failure internal to the VNF (e.g., in memory structures, JMS message queues). R-67709 The VNF **MUST** be designed, built and packaged to enable deployment across multiple fault zones (e.g., VNFCs deployed in different servers, racks, OpenStack regions, geographies) so that in the event of a planned/unplanned downtime of a fault zone, the overall operation/throughput of the VNF is maintained. R-35291 The VNF **MUST** support the ability to failover a VNFC automatically to other geographically redundant sites if not deployed active-active to increase the overall resiliency of the VNF. R-36843 The VNF **MUST** support the ability of the VNFC to be deployable in multi-zoned cloud sites to allow for site support in the event of cloud zone failure or upgrades. R-00098 The VNF **MUST NOT** impact the ability of the VNF to provide service/function due to a single container restart. R-79952 The VNF **SHOULD** support container snapshots if not for rebuild and evacuate for rollback or back out mechanism. R-92935 The VNF **SHOULD** minimize the propagation of state information across multiple data centers to avoid cross data center traffic. R-26371 The VNF **MUST** detect communication failure for inter VNFC instance and intra/inter VNF and re-establish communication automatically to maintain the VNF without manual intervention to provide service continuity. R-18725 The VNF **MUST** handle the restart of a single VNFC instance without requiring all VNFC instances to be restarted. R-06668 The VNF **MUST** handle the start or restart of VNFC instances in any order with each VNFC instance establishing or re-establishing required connections or relationships with other VNFC instances and/or VNFs required to perform the VNF function/role without requiring VNFC instance(s) to be started/restarted in a particular order. R-80070 The VNF **MUST** handle errors and exceptions so that they do not interrupt processing of incoming VNF requests to maintain service continuity (where the error is not directly impacting the software handling the incoming request). R-32695 The VNF **MUST** provide the ability to modify the number of retries, the time between retries and the behavior/action taken after the retries have been exhausted for exception handling to allow the NCSP to control that behavior, where the interface and/or functional specification allows for altering behaviour. R-48356 The VNF **MUST** fully exploit exception handling to the extent that resources (e.g., threads and memory) are released when no longer needed regardless of programming language. R-67918 The VNF **MUST** handle replication race conditions both locally and geo-located in the event of a data base instance failure to maintain service continuity. R-36792 The VNF **MUST** automatically retry/resubmit failed requests made by the software to its downstream system to increase the success rate. R-70013 The VNF **MUST NOT** require any manual steps to get it ready for service after a container rebuild. R-65515 The VNF **MUST** provide a mechanism and tool to start VNF containers (VMs) without impacting service or service quality assuming another VNF in same or other geographical location is processing service requests. R-94978 The VNF **MUST** provide a mechanism and tool to perform a graceful shutdown of all the containers (VMs) in the VNF without impacting service or service quality assuming another VNF in same or other geographical location can take over traffic and process service requests. R-22059 The VNF **MUST NOT** execute long running tasks (e.g., IO, database, network operations, service calls) in a critical section of code, so as to minimize blocking of other operations and increase concurrent throughput. R-63473 The VNF **MUST** automatically advertise newly scaled components so there is no manual intervention required. R-74712 The VNF **MUST** utilize FQDNs (and not IP address) for both Service Chaining and scaling. R-41159 The VNF **MUST** deliver any and all functionality from any VNFC in the pool (where pooling is the most suitable solution). The VNFC pool member should be transparent to the client. Upstream and downstream clients should only recognize the function being performed, not the member performing it. R-85959 The VNF **SHOULD** automatically enable/disable added/removed sub-components or component so there is no manual intervention required. R-06885 The VNF **SHOULD** support the ability to scale down a VNFC pool without jeopardizing active sessions. Ideally, an active session should not be tied to any particular VNFC instance. R-12538 The VNF **SHOULD** support load balancing and discovery mechanisms in resource pools containing VNFC instances. R-98989 The VNF **SHOULD** utilize resource pooling (threads, connections, etc.) within the VNF application so that resources are not being created and destroyed resulting in resource management overhead. R-55345 The VNF **SHOULD** use techniques such as “lazy loading” when initialization includes loading catalogues and/or lists which can grow over time, so that the VNF startup time does not grow at a rate proportional to that of the list. R-35532 The VNF **SHOULD** release and clear all shared assets (memory, database operations, connections, locks, etc.) as soon as possible, especially before long running sync and asynchronous operations, so as to not prevent use of these assets by other entities. R-77334 The VNF **MUST** allow configurations and configuration parameters to be managed under version control to ensure consistent configuration deployment, traceability and rollback. R-99766 The VNF **MUST** allow configurations and configuration parameters to be managed under version control to ensure the ability to rollback to a known valid configuration. R-73583 The VNF **MUST** allow changes of configuration parameters to be consumed by the VNF without requiring the VNF or its sub-components to be bounced so that the VNF availability is not effected. R-21558 The VNF **SHOULD** use intelligent routing by having knowledge of multiple downstream/upstream endpoints that are exposed to it, to ensure there is no dependency on external services (such as load balancers) to switch to alternate endpoints. R-08315 The VNF **SHOULD** use redundant connection pooling to connect to any backend data source that can be switched between pools in an automated/scripted fashion to ensure high availability of the connection to the data source. R-27995 The VNF **SHOULD** include control loop mechanisms to notify the consumer of the VNF of their exceeding SLA thresholds so the consumer is able to control its load against the VNF. R-73364 The VNF **MUST** support at least two major versions of the VNF software and/or sub-components to co-exist within production environments at any time so that upgrades can be applied across multiple systems in a staggered manner. R-02454 The VNF **MUST** support the existence of multiple major/minor versions of the VNF software and/or sub-components and interfaces that support both forward and backward compatibility to be transparent to the Service Provider usage. R-57855 The VNF **MUST** support hitless staggered/rolling deployments between its redundant instances to allow "soak-time/burn in/slow roll" which can enable the support of low traffic loads to validate the deployment prior to supporting full traffic loads. R-64445 The VNF **MUST** support the ability of a requestor of the service to determine the version (and therefore capabilities) of the service so that Network Cloud Service Provider can understand the capabilities of the service. R-56793 The VNF **MUST** test for adherence to the defined performance budgets at each layer, during each delivery cycle with delivered results, so that the performance budget is measured and the code is adjusted to meet performance budget. R-77667 The VNF **MUST** test for adherence to the defined performance budget at each layer, during each delivery cycle so that the performance budget is measured and feedback is provided where the performance budget is not met. R-49308 The VNF **SHOULD** test for adherence to the defined resiliency rating recommendation at each layer, during each delivery cycle with delivered results, so that the resiliency rating is measured and the code is adjusted to meet software resiliency requirements. R-16039 The VNF **SHOULD** test for adherence to the defined resiliency rating recommendation at each layer, during each delivery cycle so that the resiliency rating is measured and feedback is provided where software resiliency requirements are not met. R-34957 The VNF **MUST** provide a method of metrics gathering for each layer's performance to identify/document variances in the allocations so they can be addressed. R-49224 The VNF **MUST** provide unique traceability of a transaction through its life cycle to ensure quick and efficient troubleshooting. R-52870 The VNF **MUST** provide a method of metrics gathering and analysis to evaluate the resiliency of the software from both a granular as well as a holistic standpoint. This includes, but is not limited to thread utilization, errors, timeouts, and retries. R-92571 The VNF **MUST** provide operational instrumentation such as logging, so as to facilitate quick resolution of issues with the VNF to provide service continuity. R-48917 The VNF **MUST** monitor for and alert on (both sender and receiver) errant, running longer than expected and missing file transfers, so as to minimize the impact due to file transfer errors. R-28168 The VNF **SHOULD** use an appropriately configured logging level that can be changed dynamically, so as to not cause performance degradation of the VNF due to excessive logging. R-87352 The VNF **SHOULD** utilize Cloud health checks, when available from the Network Cloud, from inside the application through APIs to check the network connectivity, dropped packets rate, injection, and auto failover to alternate sites if needed. R-16560 The VNF **SHOULD** conduct a resiliency impact assessment for all inter/intra-connectivity points in the VNF to provide an overall resiliency rating for the VNF to be incorporated into the software design and development of the VNF. VNF Security ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ R-23740 The VNF **MUST** accommodate the security principle of “least privilege” during development, implementation and operation. The importance of “least privilege” cannot be overstated and must be observed in all aspects of VNF development and not limited to security. This is applicable to all sections of this document. R-61354 The VNF **MUST** implement access control list for OA&M services (e.g., restricting access to certain ports or applications). R-85633 The VNF **MUST** implement Data Storage Encryption (database/disk encryption) for Sensitive Personal Information (SPI) and other subscriber identifiable data. Note: subscriber’s SPI/data must be encrypted at rest, and other subscriber identifiable data should be encrypted at rest. Other data protection requirements exist and should be well understood by the developer. R-92207 The VNF **SHOULD** implement a mechanism for automated and frequent "system configuration (automated provisioning / closed loop)" auditing. R-23882 The VNF **SHOULD** be scanned using both network scanning and application scanning security tools on all code, including underlying OS and related configuration. Scan reports shall be provided. Remediation roadmaps shall be made available for any findings. R-46986 The VNF **SHOULD** have source code scanned using scanning tools (e.g., Fortify) and provide reports. R-55830 The VNF **MUST** distribute all production code from NCSP internal sources only. No production code, libraries, OS images, etc. shall be distributed from publically accessible depots. R-99771 The VNF **MUST** provide all code/configuration files in a "Locked down" or hardened state or with documented recommendations for such hardening. All unnecessary services will be disabled. VNF provider default credentials, community strings and other such artifacts will be removed or disclosed so that they can be modified or removed during provisioning. R-19768 The VNF **SHOULD** support L3 VPNs that enable segregation of traffic by application (dropping packets not belonging to the VPN) (i.e., AVPN, IPSec VPN for Internet routes). R-33981 The VNF **SHOULD** interoperate with various access control mechanisms for the Network Cloud execution environment (e.g., Hypervisors, containers). R-40813 The VNF **SHOULD** support the use of virtual trusted platform module, hypervisor security testing and standards scanning tools. R-56904 The VNF **MUST** interoperate with the ONAP (SDN) Controller so that it can dynamically modify the firewall rules, ACL rules, QoS rules, virtual routing and forwarding rules. R-26586 The VNF **SHOULD** support the ability to work with aliases (e.g., gateways, proxies) to protect and encapsulate resources. R-49956 The VNF **MUST** pass all access to applications (Bearer, signaling and OA&M) through various security tools and platforms from ACLs, stateful firewalls and application layer gateways depending on manner of deployment. The application is expected to function (and in some cases, interwork) with these security tools. R-69649 The VNF **MUST** have all vulnerabilities patched as soon as possible. Patching shall be controlled via change control process with vulnerabilities disclosed along with mitigation recommendations. R-78010 The VNF **MUST** use the NCSP’s IDAM API for Identification, authentication and access control of customer or VNF application users. R-42681 The VNF **MUST** use the NCSP’s IDAM API or comply with the requirements if not using the NCSP’s IDAM API, for identification, authentication and access control of OA&M and other system level functions. R-68589 The VNF **MUST**, if not using the NCSP’s IDAM API, support User-IDs and passwords to uniquely identify the user/application. VNF needs to have appropriate connectors to the Identity, Authentication and Authorization systems that enables access at OS, Database and Application levels as appropriate. R-52085 The VNF **MUST**, if not using the NCSP’s IDAM API, provide the ability to support Multi-Factor Authentication (e.g., 1st factor = Software token on device (RSA SecureID); 2nd factor = User Name+Password, etc.) for the users. R-98391 The VNF **MUST**, if not using the NCSP’s IDAM API, support Role-Based Access Control to permit/limit the user/application to performing specific activities. R-63217 The VNF **MUST**, if not using the NCSP’s IDAM API, support logging via ONAP for a historical view of “who did what and when”. R-62498 The VNF **MUST**, if not using the NCSP’s IDAM API, encrypt OA&M access (e.g., SSH, SFTP). R-79107 The VNF **MUST**, if not using the NCSP’s IDAM API, enforce a configurable maximum number of Login attempts policy for the users. VNF provider must comply with "terminate idle sessions" policy. Interactive sessions must be terminated, or a secure, locking screensaver must be activated requiring authentication, after a configurable period of inactivity. The system-based inactivity timeout for the enterprise identity and access management system must also be configurable. R-35144 The VNF **MUST**, if not using the NCSP’s IDAM API, comply with the NCSP’s credential management policy. R-75041 The VNF **MUST**, if not using the NCSP’s IDAM API, expire passwords at regular configurable intervals. R-46908 The VNF **MUST**, if not using the NCSP’s IDAM API, comply with "password complexity" policy. When passwords are used, they shall be complex and shall at least meet the following password construction requirements: (1) be a minimum configurable number of characters in length, (2) include 3 of the 4 following types of characters: upper-case alphabetic, lower-case alphabetic, numeric, and special, (3) not be the same as the UserID with which they are associated or other common strings as specified by the environment, (4) not contain repeating or sequential characters or numbers, (5) not to use special characters that may have command functions, and (6) new passwords must not contain sequences of three or more characters from the previous password. R-39342 The VNF **MUST**, if not using the NCSP’s IDAM API, comply with "password changes (includes default passwords)" policy. Products will support password aging, syntax and other credential management practices on a configurable basis. R-40521 The VNF **MUST**, if not using the NCSP’s IDAM API, support use of common third party authentication and authorization tools such as TACACS+, RADIUS. R-41994 The VNF **MUST**, if not using the NCSP’s IDAM API, comply with "No Self-Signed Certificates" policy. Self-signed certificates must be used for encryption only, using specified and approved encryption protocols such as TLS 1.2 or higher or equivalent security protocols such as IPSec, AES. R-23135 The VNF **MUST**, if not using the NCSP’s IDAM API, authenticate system to system communications where one system accesses the resources of another system, and must never conceal individual accountability. R-95105 The VNF **MUST** host connectors for access to the application layer. R-45496 The VNF **MUST** host connectors for access to the OS (Operating System) layer. R-05470 The VNF **MUST** host connectors for access to the database layer. R-99174 The VNF **MUST** comply with Individual Accountability (each person must be assigned a unique ID) when persons or non-person entities access VNFs. R-42874 The VNF **MUST** comply with Least Privilege (no more privilege than required to perform job functions) when persons or non-person entities access VNFs. R-71787 The VNF **MUST** comply with Segregation of Duties (access to a single layer and no developer may access production without special oversight) when persons or non-person entities access VNFs. R-86261 The VNF **MUST NOT** allow VNF provider access to VNFs remotely. R-49945 The VNF **MUST** authorize VNF provider access through a client application API by the client application owner and the resource owner of the VNF before provisioning authorization through Role Based Access Control (RBAC), Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC), or other policy based mechanism. R-31751 The VNF **MUST** subject VNF provider access to privilege reconciliation tools to prevent access creep and ensure correct enforcement of access policies. R-34552 The VNF **MUST** provide or support the Identity and Access Management (IDAM) based threat detection data for OWASP Top 10. R-29301 The VNF **MUST** provide or support the Identity and Access Management (IDAM) based threat detection data for Password Attacks. R-72243 The VNF **MUST** provide or support the Identity and Access Management (IDAM) based threat detection data for Phishing / SMishing. R-58998 The VNF **MUST** provide or support the Identity and Access Management (IDAM) based threat detection data for Malware (Key Logger). R-14025 The VNF **MUST** provide or support the Identity and Access Management (IDAM) based threat detection data for Session Hijacking. R-31412 The VNF **MUST** provide or support the Identity and Access Management (IDAM) based threat detection data for XSS / CSRF. R-51883 The VNF **MUST** provide or support the Identity and Access Management (IDAM) based threat detection data for Replay. R-44032 The VNF **MUST** provide or support the Identity and Access Management (IDAM) based threat detection data for Man in the Middle (MITM). R-58977 The VNF **MUST** provide or support the Identity and Access Management (IDAM) based threat detection data for Eavesdropping. R-24825 The VNF **MUST** provide Context awareness data (device, location, time, etc.) and be able to integrate with threat detection system. R-59391 The VNF provider **MUST**, where a VNF provider requires the assumption of permissions, such as root or administrator, first log in under their individual user login ID then switch to the other higher level account; or where the individual user login is infeasible, must login with an account with admin privileges in a way that uniquely identifies the individual performing the function. R-85028 The VNF **MUST** authenticate system to system access and do not conceal a VNF provider user’s individual accountability for transactions. R-80335 The VNF **MUST** make visible a Warning Notice: A formal statement of resource intent, i.e., a warning notice, upon initial access to a VNF provider user who accesses private internal networks or Company computer resources, e.g., upon initial logon to an internal web site, system or application which requires authentication. R-73541 The VNF **MUST** use access controls for VNFs and their supporting computing systems at all times to restrict access to authorized personnel only, e.g., least privilege. These controls could include the use of system configuration or access control software. R-64503 The VNF **MUST** provide minimum privileges for initial and default settings for new user accounts. R-86835 The VNF **MUST** set the default settings for user access to sensitive commands and data to deny authorization. R-77157 The VNF **MUST** conform to approved request, workflow authorization, and authorization provisioning requirements when creating privileged users. R-81147 The VNF **MUST** have greater restrictions for access and execution, such as up to 3 factors of authentication and restricted authorization, for commands affecting network services, such as commands relating to VNFs. R-49109 The VNF **MUST** encrypt TCP/IP--HTTPS (e.g., TLS v1.2) transmission of data on internal and external networks. R-39562 The VNF **MUST** disable unnecessary or vulnerable cgi-bin programs. R-15671 The VNF **MUST NOT** provide public or unrestricted access to any data without the permission of the data owner. All data classification and access controls must be followed. R-89753 The VNF **MUST NOT** install or use systems, tools or utilities capable of capturing or logging data that was not created by them or sent specifically to them in production, without authorization of the VNF system owner. R-19082 The VNF **MUST NOT** run security testing tools and programs, e.g., password cracker, port scanners, hacking tools in production, without authorization of the VNF system owner. R-19790 The VNF **MUST NOT** include authentication credentials in security audit logs, even if encrypted. R-85419 The VNF **SHOULD** use REST APIs exposed to Client Applications for the implementation of OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Grant and Client Credentials Grant, as the standard interface for a VNF. R-86455 The VNF **SHOULD** support hosting connectors for OS Level and Application Access. R-48080 The VNF **SHOULD** support SCEP (Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol). R-37608 The VNF **MUST** provide a mechanism to restrict access based on the attributes of the VNF and the attributes of the subject. R-43884 The VNF **MUST** integrate with external authentication and authorization services (e.g., IDAM). R-25878 The VNF **MUST** use certificates issued from publicly recognized Certificate Authorities (CA) for the authentication process where PKI-based authentication is used. R-19804 The VNF **MUST** validate the CA signature on the certificate, ensure that the date is within the validity period of the certificate, check the Certificate Revocation List (CRL), and recognize the identity represented by the certificate where PKI-based authentication is used. R-47204 The VNF **MUST** protect the confidentiality and integrity of data at rest and in transit from unauthorized access and modification. R-33488 The VNF **MUST** protect against all denial of service attacks, both volumetric and non-volumetric, or integrate with external denial of service protection tools. R-21652 The VNF **MUST** implement the following input validation control: Check the size (length) of all input. Do not permit an amount of input so great that it would cause the VNF to fail. Where the input may be a file, the VNF API must enforce a size limit. R-54930 The VNF **MUST** implement the following input validation control: Do not permit input that contains content or characters inappropriate to the input expected by the design. Inappropriate input, such as SQL insertions, may cause the system to execute undesirable and unauthorized transactions against the database or allow other inappropriate access to the internal network. R-21210 The VNF **MUST** implement the following input validation control: Validate that any input file has a correct and valid Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) type. Input files should be tested for spoofed MIME types. R-23772 The VNF **MUST** validate input at all layers implementing VNF APIs. R-87135 The VNF **MUST** comply with NIST standards and industry best practices for all implementations of cryptography. R-02137 The VNF **MUST** implement all monitoring and logging as described in the Security Analytics section. R-15659 The VNF **MUST** restrict changing the criticality level of a system security alarm to administrator(s). R-19367 The VNF **MUST** monitor API invocation patterns to detect anomalous access patterns that may represent fraudulent access or other types of attacks, or integrate with tools that implement anomaly and abuse detection. R-78066 The VNF **MUST** support requests for information from law enforcement and government agencies. R-48470 The VNF **MUST** support Real-time detection and notification of security events. R-22286 The VNF **MUST** support Integration functionality via API/Syslog/SNMP to other functional modules in the network (e.g., PCRF, PCEF) that enable dynamic security control by blocking the malicious traffic or malicious end users. R-32636 The VNF **MUST** support API-based monitoring to take care of the scenarios where the control interfaces are not exposed, or are optimized and proprietary in nature. R-61648 The VNF **MUST** support event logging, formats, and delivery tools to provide the required degree of event data to ONAP. R-22367 The VNF **MUST** support detection of malformed packets due to software misconfiguration or software vulnerability. R-31961 The VNF **MUST** support integrated DPI/monitoring functionality as part of VNFs (e.g., PGW, MME). R-20912 The VNF **MUST** support alternative monitoring capabilities when VNFs do not expose data or control traffic or use proprietary and optimized protocols for inter VNF communication. R-73223 The VNF **MUST** support proactive monitoring to detect and report the attacks on resources so that the VNFs and associated VMs can be isolated, such as detection techniques for resource exhaustion, namely OS resource attacks, CPU attacks, consumption of kernel memory, local storage attacks. R-58370 The VNF **MUST** coexist and operate normally with commercial anti-virus software which shall produce alarms every time when there is a security incident. R-56920 The VNF **MUST** protect all security audit logs (including API, OS and application-generated logs), security audit software, data, and associated documentation from modification, or unauthorized viewing, by standard OS access control mechanisms, by sending to a remote system, or by encryption. R-54520 The VNF **MUST** log successful and unsuccessful login attempts. R-55478 The VNF **MUST** log logoffs. R-08598 The VNF **MUST** log successful and unsuccessful changes to a privilege level. R-13344 The VNF **MUST** log starting and stopping of security logging. R-07617 The VNF **MUST** log creating, removing, or changing the inherent privilege level of users. R-94525 The VNF **MUST** log connections to a network listener of the resource. R-31614 The VNF **MUST** log the field “event type” in the security audit logs. R-97445 The VNF **MUST** log the field “date/time” in the security audit logs. R-25547 The VNF **MUST** log the field “protocol” in the security audit logs. R-06413 The VNF **MUST** log the field “service or program used for access” in the security audit logs. R-15325 The VNF **MUST** log the field “success/failure” in the security audit logs. R-89474 The VNF **MUST** log the field “Login ID” in the security audit logs. R-04982 The VNF **MUST NOT** include an authentication credential, e.g., password, in the security audit logs, even if encrypted. R-63330 The VNF **MUST** detect when the security audit log storage medium is approaching capacity (configurable) and issue an alarm via SMS or equivalent as to allow time for proper actions to be taken to pre-empt loss of audit data. R-41252 The VNF **MUST** support the capability of online storage of security audit logs. R-41825 The VNF **MUST** activate security alarms automatically when the following event is detected: configurable number of consecutive unsuccessful login attempts R-43332 The VNF **MUST** activate security alarms automatically when the following event is detected: successful modification of critical system or application files R-74958 The VNF **MUST** activate security alarms automatically when the following event is detected: unsuccessful attempts to gain permissions or assume the identity of another user R-15884 The VNF **MUST** include the field “date” in the Security alarms (where applicable and technically feasible). R-23957 The VNF **MUST** include the field “time” in the Security alarms (where applicable and technically feasible). R-71842 The VNF **MUST** include the field “service or program used for access” in the Security alarms (where applicable and technically feasible). R-57617 The VNF **MUST** include the field “success/failure” in the Security alarms (where applicable and technically feasible). R-99730 The VNF **MUST** include the field “Login ID” in the Security alarms (where applicable and technically feasible). R-29705 The VNF **MUST** restrict changing the criticality level of a system security alarm to administrator(s). R-13627 The VNF **MUST** monitor API invocation patterns to detect anomalous access patterns that may represent fraudulent access or other types of attacks, or integrate with tools that implement anomaly and abuse detection. R-21819 The VNF **MUST** support requests for information from law enforcement and government agencies. R-56786 The VNF **MUST** implement “Closed Loop” automatic implementation (without human intervention) for Known Threats with detection rate in low false positives. R-25094 The VNF **MUST** perform data capture for security functions. R-04492 The VNF **MUST** generate security audit logs that must be sent to Security Analytics Tools for analysis. R-19219 The VNF **MUST** provide audit logs that include user ID, dates, times for log-on and log-off, and terminal location at minimum. R-30932 The VNF **MUST** provide security audit logs including records of successful and rejected system access data and other resource access attempts. R-54816 The VNF **MUST** support the storage of security audit logs for agreed period of time for forensic analysis. R-57271 The VNF **MUST** provide the capability of generating security audit logs by interacting with the operating system (OS) as appropriate. R-84160 The VNF **MUST** have security logging for VNFs and their OSs be active from initialization. Audit logging includes automatic routines to maintain activity records and cleanup programs to ensure the integrity of the audit/logging systems. R-58964 The VNF **MUST** provide the capability to restrict read and write access to data. R-99112 The VNF **MUST** provide the capability to restrict access to data to specific users. R-83227 The VNF **MUST** Provide the capability to encrypt data in transit on a physical or virtual network. R-32641 The VNF **MUST** provide the capability to encrypt data on non-volatile memory. R-13151 The VNF **SHOULD** disable the paging of the data requiring encryption, if possible, where the encryption of non-transient data is required on a device for which the operating system performs paging to virtual memory. If not possible to disable the paging of the data requiring encryption, the virtual memory should be encrypted. R-93860 The VNF **MUST** provide the capability to integrate with an external encryption service. R-73067 The VNF **MUST** use industry standard cryptographic algorithms and standard modes of operations when implementing cryptography. R-22645 The VNF **SHOULD** use commercial algorithms only when there are no applicable governmental standards for specific cryptographic functions, e.g., public key cryptography, message digests. R-12467 The VNF **MUST NOT** use the SHA, DSS, MD5, SHA-1 and Skipjack algorithms or other compromised encryption. R-02170 The VNF **MUST** use, whenever possible, standard implementations of security applications, protocols, and format, e.g., S/MIME, TLS, SSH, IPSec, X.509 digital certificates for cryptographic implementations. These implementations must be purchased from reputable vendors and must not be developed in-house. R-70933 The VNF **MUST** provide the ability to migrate to newer versions of cryptographic algorithms and protocols with no impact. R-44723 The VNF **MUST** use symmetric keys of at least 112 bits in length. R-25401 The VNF **MUST** use asymmetric keys of at least 2048 bits in length. R-95864 The VNF **MUST** use commercial tools that comply with X.509 standards and produce x.509 compliant keys for public/private key generation. R-12110 The VNF **MUST NOT** use keys generated or derived from predictable functions or values, e.g., values considered predictable include user identity information, time of day, stored/transmitted data. R-52060 The VNF **MUST** provide the capability to configure encryption algorithms or devices so that they comply with the laws of the jurisdiction in which there are plans to use data encryption. R-69610 The VNF **MUST** provide the capability of using certificates issued from a Certificate Authority not provided by the VNF provider. R-83500 The VNF **MUST** provide the capability of allowing certificate renewal and revocation. R-29977 The VNF **MUST** provide the capability of testing the validity of a digital certificate by validating the CA signature on the certificate. R-24359 The VNF **MUST** provide the capability of testing the validity of a digital certificate by validating the date the certificate is being used is within the validity period for the certificate. R-39604 The VNF **MUST** provide the capability of testing the validity of a digital certificate by checking the Certificate Revocation List (CRL) for the certificates of that type to ensure that the certificate has not been revoked. R-75343 The VNF **MUST** provide the capability of testing the validity of a digital certificate by recognizing the identity represented by the certificate — the "distinguished name". VNF Modularity ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ R-37028 The VNF **MUST** be composed of one “base” module. R-41215 The VNF **MAY** have zero to many “incremental” modules. R-20974 The VNF **MUST** deploy the base module first, prior to the incremental modules. R-11200 The VNF **MUST** keep the scope of a Cinder volume module, when it exists, to be 1:1 with the VNF Base Module or Incremental Module. R-38474 The VNF **MUST** have a corresponding environment file for a Base Module. R-81725 The VNF **MUST** have a corresponding environment file for an Incremental Module. R-53433 The VNF **MUST** have a corresponding environment file for a Cinder Volume Module. VNF Devops ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ R-46960 NCSPs **MAY** operate a limited set of Guest OS and CPU architectures and families, virtual machines, etc. R-23475 VNFCs **SHOULD** be agnostic to the details of the Network Cloud (such as hardware, host OS, Hypervisor or container technology) and must run on the Network Cloud with acknowledgement to the paradigm that the Network Cloud will continue to rapidly evolve and the underlying components of the platform will change regularly. R-33846 The VNF **MUST** install the NCSP required software on Guest OS images when not using the NCSP provided Guest OS images. [5]_ R-09467 The VNF **MUST** utilize only NCSP standard compute flavors. [5]_ R-02997 The VNF **MUST** preserve their persistent data. Running VMs will not be backed up in the Network Cloud infrastructure. R-29760 The VNFC **MUST** be installed on non-root file systems, unless software is specifically included with the operating system distribution of the guest image. R-20860 The VNF **MUST** be agnostic to the underlying infrastructure (such as hardware, host OS, Hypervisor), any requirements should be provided as specification to be fulfilled by any hardware. R-89800 The VNF **MUST NOT** require Hypervisor-level customization from the cloud provider. R-86758 The VNF **SHOULD** provide an automated test suite to validate every new version of the software on the target environment(s). The tests should be of sufficient granularity to independently test various representative VNF use cases throughout its lifecycle. Operations might choose to invoke these tests either on a scheduled basis or on demand to support various operations functions including test, turn-up and troubleshooting. R-39650 The VNF **SHOULD** provide the ability to test incremental growth of the VNF. R-14853 The VNF **MUST** respond to a "move traffic" [2]_ command against a specific VNFC, moving all existing session elsewhere with minimal disruption if a VNF provides a load balancing function across multiple instances of its VNFCs. Note: Individual VNF performance aspects (e.g., move duration or disruption scope) may require further constraints. R-06327 The VNF **MUST** respond to a "drain VNFC" [2]_ command against a specific VNFC, preventing new session from reaching the targeted VNFC, with no disruption to active sessions on the impacted VNFC, if a VNF provides a load balancing function across multiple instances of its VNFCs. This is used to support scenarios such as proactive maintenance with no user impact. R-64713 The VNF **SHOULD** support a software promotion methodology from dev/test -> pre-prod -> production in software, development & testing and operations. **VNF Modeling Requirements** ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Heat ~~~~~~ R-43125 The VNF Heat **MUST** indent properties and lists with 1 or more spaces. R-67888 The VNF Heat **MUST** contain the following sections: - heat\_template\_version: - description: - parameters: - resources: R-39402 The VNF Heat **MUST** contain the description section. R-35414 The VNF Heat **MUST** contain the parameter section. R-90279 The VNF Heat **MUST** use in a resource all parameters declared in a template except for the parameters for the OS::Nova::Server property availability\_zone. See Property: availability\_zone. for more details on availability\_zone. R-28657 The VNF Heat **MUST** provide the attribute 'type' on parameters per the OpenStack Heat Orchestration Template standard. R-44001 The VNF Heat **MUST** provide the attribute 'description' on parameters. (Note that this attribute is OpenStack optional.) R-90526 The VNF Heat **MUST NOT** use the attribute 'default'. If a parameter has a default value, it must be provided in the environment file. (Note that this attribute is OpenStack optional.) R-88863 The VNF Heat **MUST** have a constraint of range or allowed\_values for a parameter type 'number'. - range: The range constraint applies to parameters of type number. It defines a lower and upper limit for the numeric value of the parameter. The syntax of the range constraint is R-23664 The VNF Heat **MUST** have a resources: section with the declaration of at least one resource. R-16447 The VNF Heat **MUST** have unique resource IDs across all Heat Orchestration Templates that compose the VNF. This requirement also applies when a VNF is composed of more than one Heat Orchestration Template (see ONAP VNF Modularity Overview). R-97199 The VNF Heat **MUST** use the metadata property for OS::Nova::Server resource type. R-03324 The VNF Heat **MUST** contain the following sections in the environment file: - parameters: R-19473 The VNF Heat **MUST** include “base” in the filename for the base module. R-81339 The VNF Heat **MUST** match one of the following options for the base module file name: - base\_.y[a]ml - \_base.y[a]ml - base.y[a]ml - \_base\_.y[a]ml R-91342 The VNF Heat **MUST** name the base module’s corresponding environment file to be identical to the base module with “.y[a]ml” replaced with “.env”. R-87247 The VNF Heat **MUST NOT** use any special characters or the word “base” in the name of the incremental module. - .y[a]ml R-94509 The VNF Heat **MUST** name the incremental module’s corresponding environment file to be identical to the incremental module with “.y[a]ml” replaced with “.env”. R-82732 The VNF Heat **MUST** name the Cinder volume module file name to be the same as the corresponding module it is supporting (base module or incremental module) with “\_volume” appended. - \_volume.y[a]ml - \_volume.y[a]ml R-31141 The VNF Heat **MUST** name the volume module’s corresponding environment file to be identical to the volume module with “.y[a]ml” replaced with “.env”. R-76057 The VNF Heat **MUST NOT** use special characters or the word “base” in the file name for the nested template. R-18224 The VNF Heat **MUST** pass in as properties all parameter values associated with the nested heat file in the resource definition defined in the parent heat template. R-07443 The VNF Heat **MUST** match the Output parameter name and type with the input parameter name and type unless the Output parameter is of the type comma\_delimited\_list. R-23983 The VNF **MUST** pass the external networks into the VNF Heat Orchestration Templates as parameters. - Neutron Network-id (UUID) - Neutron Network subnet ID (UUID) - Contrail Network Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) R-63345 The VNF Heat **MUST** pass the appropriate external network IDs into nested VM templates when nested Heat is used. R-35666 The VNF Heat **MUST** include the resource(s) to create the internal network. The internal network must be either a Neutron Network or a Contrail Network. R-86972 The VNF Heat **MUST** create internal networks in the Base Module, in the modular approach, with their resource IDs exposed as outputs (i.e., ONAP Base Module Output Parameters) for use by all incremental modules. If the Network resource ID is required in the base template, then a get\_resource must be used. R-68936 The VNF Heat **SHOULD** assign a unique {network-role} in the context of the VNF, when the internal network is created. ONAP Resource ID and Parameter Naming Convention provides additional details. R-01455 The VNF Heat **MUST** assign a VNF unique {vm-type} for each Virtual Machine type (i.e., OS::Nova::Server) instantiated in the VNF. While the {vm-type} must be unique to the VNF, it does not have to be globally unique across all VNFs that ONAP supports. R-82481 The VNF Heat **MUST** include {vm-type} as part of the parameter name for any parameter that is associated with a unique Virtual Machine type. R-66729 The VNF Heat **MUST** include {vm-type} as part of the resource ID for any resource ID that is associated with a unique Virtual Machine type in the VNF. R-32394 The VNF Heat **MUST** use the same case for {vm-type} for all parameter names in the VNF. R-46839 The VNF Heat **MUST** use the same case for {vm-type} for all Resource IDs in the VNF. R-05008 The VNF Heat **MUST NOT** be prefixed with a common {vm-type} identifier for the six ONAP Metadata parameters. They are *vnf\_name*, *vnf\_id*, *vf\_module\_id*, *vf\_module\_name*, *vm\_role*. The ONAP Metadata parameters are described in Resource: OS::Nova::Server – Metadata Parameters. R-15422 The VNF Heat **MUST NOT** be prefixed with a common {vm-type} identifier the parameter referring to the OS::Nova::Server property availability\_zone. availability\_zone is described in Property: availability_zone. R-21330 The VNF Heat **MUST** include the {network-role} as part of the parameter name for any parameter that is associated with an external network. R-11168 The VNF Heat **MUST** include the {network-role} as part of the resource ID for any resource ID that is associated with an external network must. R-84322 The VNF Heat **MUST** include int\_{network-role} as part of the parameter name for any parameter that is associated with an internal network. R-96983 The VNF Heat **MUST** include int\_{network-role} as part of the resource ID for any resource ID that is associated with an internal network. R-58424 The VNF Heat **MUST** use the same case for {network-role} for all parameter names in the VNF. R-21511 The VNF Heat **MUST** use the same case for {network-role} for all Resource IDs in the VNF. R-59629 The VNF Heat **MUST** have unique resource IDs within the resources section of a Heat Orchestration Template. This is an OpenStack Requirement. R-43319 The VNF Heat **MUST** have unique resource IDs across all modules that compose the VNF, when a VNF is composed of more than one Heat Orchestration Template (i.e., modules). R-54517 The VNF Heat **MUST** include {vm-type} in the resource ID when a resource is associated with a single {vm-type}. R-96482 The VNF Heat **MUST** include {network-role} in the resource ID when a resource is associated with a single external network. R-98138 The VNF Heat **MUST** include int\_{network-role} in the resource ID when a resource is associated with a single internal network. R-82115 The VNF Heat **MUST** include both the {vm-type} and {network-role} in the resource ID, when a resource is associated with a single {vm-type} and a single external network. - The {vm-type} must appear before the {network-role} and must be separated by an underscore (i.e., {vm-type}\_{network-role}). - Note that an {index} value may separate the {vm-type} and the {network-role}. An underscore will separate the three values (i.e., {vm-type}\_{index}\_{network-role}). R-82551 The VNF Heat **MUST** include both the {vm-type} and int\_{network-role} in the resource ID, when a resource is associated with a single {vm-type} and a single internal network. - The {vm-type} must appear before the int\_{network-role} and must be separated by an underscore (i.e., {vm-type}\_int\_{network-role}). - Note that an {index} value may separate the {vm-type} and the int\_{network-role}. An underscore will separate the three values (i.e., {vm-type}\_{index}\_int\_{network-role}). R-69287 The VNF Heat **MUST** use only alphanumeric characters and “\_” underscores in the resource ID. Special characters must not be used. R-71152 The VNF Heat **MUST** declare as type: string the parameter for property image. R-91125 The VNF Heat **MUST** enumerate the parameter for property image in the Heat Orchestration Template environment file. R-57282 The VNF Heat **MUST** have a separate parameter for image for Each VM type (i.e., {vm-type}) even if more than one {vm-type} shares the same image. This provides maximum clarity and flexibility. R-50436 The VNF Heat **MUST** declare the parameter property for flavor as type: string. R-69431 The VNF Heat **MUST** enumerate the parameter for property flavor in the Heat Orchestration Template environment file. R-40499 The VNF Heat **MUST** have a separate parameter for flavor for each VM type (i.e., {vm-type}) even if more than one {vm-type} shares the same flavor. This provides maximum clarity and flexibility. R-22838 The VNF Heat **MUST NOT** enumerate the parameter for property name in the environment file. R-51430 The VNF Heat **MUST** declare the parameter for property name as type: string or type: comma\_delimited\_list R-98450 The VNF Heat **MUST** name the parameter availability\_zone\_{index} in the Heat Orchestration Template. R-13561 The VNF Heat **MUST** start the {index} at zero. R-60204 The VNF Heat **MUST** increment the {index} by one. R-36887 The VNF Heat **MUST NOT** include the {vm-type} in the parameter name. R-17020 The VNF Heat **MUST** include the following three mandatory metadata parameters for an OS::Nova::Server resource: - vnf\_id - vf\_module\_id - vnf\_name R-55218 The VNF Heat **MUST NOT** have parameter constraints defined for the OS::Nova::Server metadata parameter vnf\_id. R-20856 The VNF Heat **MUST NOT** enumerate the OS::Nova::Server metadata parameter vnf\_id in environment file. R-98374 The VNF Heat **MUST NOT** have parameter constraints defined for the OS::Nova::Server metadata parameter vf\_module\_id. R-72871 The VNF Heat **MUST NOT** enumerate the OS::Nova::Server metadata parameter vf\_module\_id in environment file. R-44318 The VNF Heat **MUST NOT** have parameter constraints defined for the OS::Nova::Server metadata parameter vnf\_name. R-36542 The VNF Heat **MUST NOT** enumerate the OS::Nova::Server metadata parameter vnf\_name in the environment file. R-72050 The VNF Heat **MUST** contain {network-role} in the parameter name R-57576 The VNF Heat **MUST** contain int\_{network-role} in the parameter name. R-93272 The VNF Heat **MUST** adhere to the following parameter naming convention in the Heat Orchestration Template, when the parameter associated with the property network is referencing an “external” network: - {network-role}\_net\_id for the Neutron network ID - {network-role}\_net\_name for the network name in OpenStack R-65373 The VNF Heat **MUST** adhere to the following parameter naming convention, when the parameter associated with the property network is referencing an “internal” network: - int\_{network-role}\_net\_id for the Neutron network ID - int\_{network-role}\_net\_name for the network name in OpenStack R-47716 The VNF Heat **MUST** adhere to the following parameter naming convention for the property fixed\_ips and Map Property subnet\_id parameter, when the parameter is referencing a subnet of an “external” network. - {network-role}\_subnet\_id if the subnet is an IPv4 subnet - {network-role}\_v6\_subnet\_id if the subnet is an IPv6 subnet R-20106 The VNF Heat **MUST** adhere to the following naming convention for the property fixed\_ips and Map Property subnet\_id parameter, when the parameter is referencing the subnet of an “internal” network: - int\_{network-role}\_subnet\_id if the subnet is an IPv4 subnet - int\_{network-role}\_v6\_subnet\_id if the subnet is an IPv6 subnet R-41177 The VNF Heat **MUST** include {vm-type} and {network-role} in the parameter name, when a SDN-C IP assignment is made to a port connected to an external network. R-84898 The VNF Heat **MUST** adhere to the following naming convention, when the parameter for property fixed\_ips and Map Property ip\_address is declared type: comma\_delimited\_list: - {vm-type}\_{network-role}\_ips for IPv4 address - {vm-type}\_{network-role}\_v6\_ips for IPv6 address R-34960 The VNF Heat **MUST** adhere to the following naming convention, when the parameter for property fixed\_ips and Map Property ip\_address is declared type: string: - {vm-type}\_{network-role}\_ip\_{index} for an IPv4 address - {vm-type}\_{network-role}\_v6\_ip\_{index} for an IPv6 address R-62584 The VNF Heat **MUST** adhere to the following naming convention, when the parameter for property fixed\_ips and Map Property ip\_address is declared type: comma\_delimited\_list: - {vm-type}\_int\_{network-role}\_ips for IPv4 address - {vm-type}\_int\_{network-role}\_v6\_ips for IPv6 address R-29256 The VNF Heat **MUST** must adhere to the following naming convention, when the parameter for property fixed\_ips and Map Property ip\_address is declared type: string: - {vm-type}\_int\_{network-role}\_ip\_{index} for an IPv4 address - {vm-type}\_int\_{network-role}\_v6\_ip\_{index} for an IPv6 address R-61282 The VNF Heat **MUST** adhere to the following naming convention for the property allowed\_address\_pairs and Map Property ip\_address parameter, when the parameter is referencing an “external” network: - {vm-type}\_{network-role}\_floating\_ip for an IPv4 address - {vm-type}\_{network-role}\_floating\_v6\_ip for an IPv6 address R-16805 The VNF Heat **MUST** adhere to the following naming convention for the property allowed\_address\_pairs and Map Property ip\_address parameter when the parameter is referencing an “internal” network. - {vm-type}\_int\_{network-role}\_floating\_ip for an IPv4 address - {vm-type}\_int\_{network-role}\_floating\_v6\_ip for an IPv6 address R-85734 The VNF Heat **MUST** use the intrinsic function str\_replace in conjunction with the ONAP supplied metadata parameter vnf\_name to generate a unique value, when the property name for a non OS::Nova::Server resources is defined in a Heat Orchestration Template. R-47788 The VNF Heat **MUST** have a 1:1 scope of a cinder volume module, when it exists, with the Base Module or Incremental Module R-79531 The VNF Heat **MUST** define “outputs” in the volume template for each Cinder volume resource universally unique identifier (UUID) (i.e. ONAP Volume Template Output Parameters). R-86285 The VNF Heat **MUST** have a corresponding environment file, even if no parameters are required to be enumerated. R-67205 The VNF Heat **MUST** have a corresponding environment file for a Base Module. R-35727 The VNF Heat **MUST** have a corresponding environment file for an Incremental module. R-22656 The VNF Heat **MUST** have a corresponding environment file for a Cinder Volume Module. R-89868 The VNF Heat **MUST** have unique file names within the scope of the VNF for a nested heat yaml file. R-52530 The VNF Heat **MUST NOT** use a directory hierarchy for nested templates. All templates must be in a single, flat directory (per VNF). R-11041 The VNF Heat **MUST** have the resource calling the nested yaml file pass in as properties all parameters defined in nested yaml file. R-61183 The VNF Heat **MUST NOT** change the parameter names, when OS::Nova::Server metadata parameters are past into a nested heat template. R-76718 The VNF Heat **MUST** reference the get\_files targets in Heat templates by file name, and the corresponding files should be delivered to ONAP along with the Heat templates. R-41888 The VNE Heat **MUST NOT** use URL-based file retrieval. R-62177 The VNF Heat **MUST** have unique file names for the included files within the scope of the VNF. R-87848 The VNF Heat **MUST** have all included files in a single, flat directory per VNF. ONAP does not support a directory hierarchy. - Included files may be used by all Modules within a given VNF. - get\_file directives may be used in both non-nested and nested templates **ONAP Management Requirements** ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ VNF On-boarding and package management ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ R-77707 The xNF provider **MUST** include a Manifest File that contains a list of all the components in the xNF package. R-66070 The xNF Package **MUST** include xNF Identification Data to uniquely identify the resource for a given xNF provider. The identification data must include: an identifier for the xNF, the name of the xNF as was given by the xNF provider, xNF description, xNF provider, and version. R-69565 The xNF Package **MUST** include documentation describing xNF Management APIs, which must include information and tools for ONAP to deploy and configure (initially and ongoing) the xNF application(s) (e.g., NETCONF APIs) which includes a description of configurable parameters for the xNF and whether the parameters can be configured after xNF instantiation. R-00156 The xNF Package **MUST** include documentation describing xNF Management APIs, which must include information and tools for ONAP to monitor the health of the xNF (conditions that require healing and/or scaling responses). R-00068 The xNF Package **MUST** include documentation which includes a description of parameters that can be monitored for the xNF and event records (status, fault, flow, session, call, control plane, etc.) generated by the xNF after instantiation. R-12678 The xNF Package **MUST** include documentation which includes a description of runtime lifecycle events and related actions (e.g., control responses, tests) which can be performed for the xNF. R-84366 The xNF Package **MUST** include documentation describing xNF Functional APIs that are utilized to build network and application services. This document describes the externally exposed functional inputs and outputs for the xNF, including interface format and protocols supported. R-36280 The xNF provider **MUST** provide documentation describing xNF Functional Capabilities that are utilized to operationalize the xNF and compose complex services. R-98617 The xNF provider **MUST** provide information regarding any dependency (e.g., affinity, anti-affinity) with other xNFs and resources. R-89571 The xNF **MUST** support and provide artifacts for configuration management using at least one of the following technologies; a) Netconf/YANG, b) Chef, or c) Ansible. R-30278 The xNF provider **MUST** provide a Resource/Device YANG model as a foundation for creating the YANG model for configuration. This will include xNF attributes/parameters and valid values/attributes configurable by policy. R-13390 The xNF provider **MUST** provide cookbooks to be loaded on the appropriate Chef Server. R-18525 The xNF provider **MUST** provide a JSON file for each supported action for the xNF. The JSON file must contain key value pairs with all relevant values populated with sample data that illustrates its usage. The fields and their description are defined in Appendix A. R-75608 The xNF provider **MUST** provide playbooks to be loaded on the appropriate Ansible Server. R-16777 The xNF provider **MUST** provide a JSON file for each supported action for the xNF. The JSON file must contain key value pairs with all relevant values populated with sample data that illustrates its usage. The fields and their description are defined in Appendix B. R-46567 The xNF Package **MUST** include configuration scripts for boot sequence and configuration. R-16065 The xNF provider **MUST** provide configurable parameters (if unable to conform to YANG model) including xNF attributes/parameters and valid values, dynamic attributes and cross parameter dependencies (e.g., customer provisioning data). R-22888 The xNF provider **MUST** provide documentation for the xNF Policy Description to manage the xNF runtime lifecycle. The document must include a description of how the policies (conditions and actions) are implemented in the xNF. R-01556 The xNF Package **MUST** include documentation describing the fault, performance, capacity events/alarms and other event records that are made available by the xNF. R-16875 The xNF Package **MUST** include documentation which must include a unique identification string for the specific xNF, a description of the problem that caused the error, and steps or procedures to perform Root Cause Analysis and resolve the issue. R-35960 The xNF Package **MUST** include documentation which must include all events, severity level (e.g., informational, warning, error) and descriptions including causes/fixes if applicable for the event. R-42018 The xNF Package **MUST** include documentation which must include all events (fault, measurement for xNF Scaling, Syslogs, State Change and Mobile Flow), that need to be collected at each VM, VNFC (defined in `VNF Guidelines `__ ) and for the overall xNF. R-27711 The xNF provider **MUST** provide an XML file that contains a list of xNF error codes, descriptions of the error, and possible causes/corrective action. R-01478 The xNF Package **MUST** include documentation describing all parameters that are available to monitor the xNF after instantiation (includes all counters, OIDs, PM data, KPIs, etc.) that must be collected for reporting purposes. R-73560 The xNF Package **MUST** include documentation about monitoring parameters/counters exposed for virtual resource management and xNF application management. R-90632 The xNF Package **MUST** include documentation about KPIs and metrics that need to be collected at each VM for capacity planning and performance management purposes. R-86235 The xNF Package **MUST** include documentation about the monitoring parameters that must include latencies, success rates, retry rates, load and quality (e.g., DPM) for the key transactions/functions supported by the xNF and those that must be exercised by the xNF in order to perform its function. R-33904 The xNF Package **MUST** include documentation for each KPI, provide lower and upper limits. R-53598 The xNF Package **MUST** include documentation to, when relevant, provide a threshold crossing alert point for each KPI and describe the significance of the threshold crossing. R-69877 The xNF Package **MUST** include documentation for each KPI, identify the suggested actions that need to be performed when a threshold crossing alert event is recorded. R-22680 The xNF Package **MUST** include documentation that describes any requirements for the monitoring component of tools for Network Cloud automation and management to provide these records to components of the xNF. R-33694 The xNF Package **MUST** include documentation to when applicable, provide calculators needed to convert raw data into appropriate reporting artifacts. R-56815 The xNF Package **MUST** include documentation describing supported xNF scaling capabilities and capacity limits (e.g., number of users, bandwidth, throughput, concurrent calls). R-48596 The xNF Package **MUST** include documentation describing the characteristics for the xNF reliability and high availability. R-74763 The xNF provider **MUST** provide an artifact per xNF that contains all of the xNF Event Records supported. The artifact should include reference to the specific release of the xNF Event Stream Common Event Data Model document it is based on. (e.g., `VES Event Listener `__) R-35851 The xNF Package **MUST** include xNF topology that describes basic network and application connectivity internal and external to the xNF including Link type, KPIs, Bandwidth, latency, jitter, QoS (if applicable) for each interface. R-97102 The VNF Package **MUST** include VM requirements via a Heat template that provides the necessary data for VM specifications for all VNF components - for hypervisor, CPU, memory, storage. R-20204 The VNF Package **MUST** include VM requirements via a Heat template that provides the necessary data for network connections, interface connections, internal and external to VNF. R-44896 The VNF Package **MUST** include VM requirements via a Heat template that provides the necessary data for high availability redundancy model. R-55802 The VNF Package **MUST** include VM requirements via a Heat template that provides the necessary data for scaling/growth VM specifications. R-26881 The xNF provider **MUST** provide the binaries and images needed to instantiate the xNF (xNF and VNFC images). R-96634 The xNF provider **MUST** describe scaling capabilities to manage scaling characteristics of the xNF. R-43958 The xNF Package **MUST** include documentation describing the tests that were conducted by the xNF providor and the test results. R-04298 The xNF provider **MUST** provide their testing scripts to support testing. R-58775 The xNF provider **MUST** provide software components that can be packaged with/near the xNF, if needed, to simulate any functions or systems that connect to the xNF system under test. This component is necessary only if the existing testing environment does not have the necessary simulators. R-85653 The xNF **MUST** provide metrics (e.g., number of sessions, number of subscribers, number of seats, etc.) to ONAP for tracking every license. R-44125 The xNF provider **MUST** agree to the process that can be met by Service Provider reporting infrastructure. The Contract shall define the reporting process and the available reporting tools. R-40827 The xNF provider **MUST** enumerate all of the open source licenses their xNF(s) incorporate. R-97293 The xNF provider **MUST NOT** require audits of Service Provider’s business. R-44569 The xNF provider **MUST NOT** require additional infrastructure such as a xNF provider license server for xNF provider functions and metrics. R-13613 The VNF **MUST** provide clear measurements for licensing purposes to allow automated scale up/down by the management system. R-27511 The VNF provider **MUST** provide the ability to scale up a VNF provider supplied product during growth and scale down a VNF provider supplied product during decline without “real-time” restrictions based upon VNF provider permissions. R-85991 The xNF provider **MUST** provide a universal license key per xNF to be used as needed by services (i.e., not tied to a VM instance) as the recommended solution. The xNF provider may provide pools of Unique xNF License Keys, where there is a unique key for each xNF instance as an alternate solution. Licensing issues should be resolved without interrupting in-service xNFs. R-47849 The xNF provider **MUST** support the metadata about licenses (and their applicable entitlements) as defined in this document for xNF software, and any license keys required to authorize use of the xNF software. This metadata will be used to facilitate onboarding the xNF into the ONAP environment and automating processes for putting the licenses into use and managing the full lifecycle of the licenses. The details of this license model are described in Appendix C. Note: License metadata support in ONAP is not currently available and planned for 1Q 2018. Configuration Management ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ R-20741 The xNF **MUST** support ONAP Controller’s **Configure** command. R-19366 The xNF **MUST** support ONAP Controller’s **ConfigModify** command. R-32981 The xNF **MUST** support ONAP Controller’s **ConfigBackup** command. R-48247 The xNF **MUST** support ONAP Controller’s **ConfigRestore** command. R-94084 The xNF **MUST** support ONAP Controller’s **ConfigScaleOut** command. R-56385 The xNF **MUST** support ONAP Controller’s **Audit** command. R-12706 The xNF **MUST** support ONAP Controller’s **QuiesceTraffic** command. R-07251 The xNF **MUST** support ONAP Controller’s **ResumeTraffic** command. R-83146 The xNF **MUST** support ONAP Controller’s **StopApplication** command. R-82811 The xNF **MUST** support ONAP Controller’s **StartApplication** command. R-19922 The xNF **MUST** support ONAP Controller’s **UpgradePrecheck** command. R-49466 The xNF **MUST** support ONAP Controller’s **UpgradeSoftware** command. R-45856 The xNF **MUST** support ONAP Controller’s **UpgradePostCheck** command. R-97343 The xNF **MUST** support ONAP Controller’s **UpgradeBackup** command. R-65641 The xNF **MUST** support ONAP Controller’s **UpgradeBackOut** command. R-11790 The VNF **MUST** support ONAP Controller’s **Restart (stop/start or reboot)** command. R-56218 The VNF **MUST** support ONAP Controller’s Migrate command that moves container (VM) from a live Physical Server / Compute Node to another live Physical Server / Compute Node. R-38001 The VNF MUST support ONAP Controller’s **Rebuild** command. R-76901 VNF MUST support a container rebuild mechanism based on existing image (e.g. Glance image in Openstack environment) or a snapshot. R-41430 The xNF **MUST** support ONAP Controller’s **HealthCheck** command. R-88026 The xNF **MUST** include a NETCONF server enabling runtime configuration and lifecycle management capabilities. R-95950 The xNF **MUST** provide a NETCONF interface fully defined by supplied YANG models for the embedded NETCONF server. R-73468 The xNF **MUST** allow the NETCONF server connection parameters to be configurable during virtual machine instantiation through Heat templates where SSH keys, usernames, passwords, SSH service and SSH port numbers are Heat template parameters. R-90007 The xNF **MUST** implement the protocol operation: **close-session()**- Gracefully close the current session. R-70496 The xNF **MUST** implement the protocol operation: **commit(confirmed, confirm-timeout)** - Commit candidate configuration datastore to the running configuration. R-18733 The xNF **MUST** implement the protocol operation: **discard-changes()** - Revert the candidate configuration datastore to the running configuration. R-44281 The xNF **MUST** implement the protocol operation: **edit-config(target, default-operation, test-option, error-option, config)** - Edit the target configuration datastore by merging, replacing, creating, or deleting new config elements. R-60106 The xNF **MUST** implement the protocol operation: **get(filter)** - Retrieve (a filtered subset of) the running configuration and device state information. This should include the list of xNF supported schemas. R-29488 The xNF **MUST** implement the protocol operation: **get-config(source, filter)** - Retrieve a (filtered subset of a) configuration from the configuration datastore source. R-11235 The xNF **MUST** implement the protocol operation: **kill-session(session)** - Force the termination of **session**. R-02597 The xNF **MUST** implement the protocol operation: **lock(target)** - Lock the configuration datastore target. R-96554 The xNF **MUST** implement the protocol operation: **unlock(target)** - Unlock the configuration datastore target. R-29324 The xNF **SHOULD** implement the protocol operation: **copy-config(target, source) -** Copy the content of the configuration datastore source to the configuration datastore target. R-88031 The xNF **SHOULD** implement the protocol operation: **delete-config(target) -** Delete the named configuration datastore target. R-97529 The xNF **SHOULD** implement the protocol operation: **get-schema(identifier, version, format) -** Retrieve the YANG schema. R-62468 The xNF **MUST** allow all configuration data to be edited through a NETCONF operation. Proprietary NETCONF RPCs that make configuration changes are not sufficient. R-01382 The xNF **MUST** allow the entire configuration of the xNF to be retrieved via NETCONF's and , independently of whether it was configured via NETCONF or other mechanisms. R-28756 The xNF **MUST** support **:partial-lock** and **:partial-unlock** capabilities, defined in RFC 5717. This allows multiple independent clients to each write to a different part of the configuration at the same time. R-83873 The xNF **MUST** support **:rollback-on-error** value for the parameter to the operation. If any error occurs during the requested edit operation, then the target database (usually the running configuration) will be left unaffected. This provides an 'all-or-nothing' edit mode for a single request. R-68990 The xNF **MUST** support the **:startup** capability. It will allow the running configuration to be copied to this special database. It can also be locked and unlocked. R-68200 The xNF **MUST** support the **:url** value to specify protocol operation source and target parameters. The capability URI for this feature will indicate which schemes (e.g., file, https, sftp) that the server supports within a particular URL value. The 'file' scheme allows for editable local configuration databases. The other schemes allow for remote storage of configuration databases. R-20353 The xNF **MUST** implement both **:candidate** and **:writable-running** capabilities. When both **:candidate** and **:writable-running** are provided then two locks should be supported. R-11499 The xNF **MUST** fully support the XPath 1.0 specification for filtered retrieval of configuration and other database contents. The 'type' attribute within the parameter for and operations may be set to 'xpath'. The 'select' attribute (which contains the XPath expression) will also be supported by the server. A server may support partial XPath retrieval filtering, but it cannot advertise the **:xpath** capability unless the entire XPath 1.0 specification is supported. R-83790 The xNF **MUST** implement the **:validate** capability R-49145 The xNF **MUST** implement **:confirmed-commit** If **:candidate** is supported. R-58358 The xNF **MUST** implement the **:with-defaults** capability [RFC6243]. R-59610 The xNF **MUST** implement the data model discovery and download as defined in [RFC6022]. R-87662 The xNF **SHOULD** implement the NETCONF Event Notifications [RFC5277]. R-93443 The xNF **MUST** define all data models in YANG [RFC6020], and the mapping to NETCONF shall follow the rules defined in this RFC. R-26115 The xNF **MUST** follow the data model upgrade rules defined in [RFC6020] section 10. All deviations from section 10 rules shall be handled by a built-in automatic upgrade mechanism. R-10716 The xNF **MUST** support parallel and simultaneous configuration of separate objects within itself. R-29495 The xNF **MUST** support locking if a common object is being manipulated by two simultaneous NETCONF configuration operations on the same xNF within the context of the same writable running data store (e.g., if an interface parameter is being configured then it should be locked out for configuration by a simultaneous configuration operation on that same interface parameter). R-53015 The xNF **MUST** apply locking based on the sequence of NETCONF operations, with the first configuration operation locking out all others until completed. R-02616 The xNF **MUST** permit locking at the finest granularity if a xNF needs to lock an object for configuration to avoid blocking simultaneous configuration operations on unrelated objects (e.g., BGP configuration should not be locked out if an interface is being configured or entire Interface configuration should not be locked out if a non-overlapping parameter on the interface is being configured). R-41829 The xNF **MUST** be able to specify the granularity of the lock via a restricted or full XPath expression. R-66793 The xNF **MUST** guarantee the xNF configuration integrity for all simultaneous configuration operations (e.g., if a change is attempted to the BUM filter rate from multiple interfaces on the same EVC, then they need to be sequenced in the xNF without locking either configuration method out). R-54190 The xNF **MUST** release locks to prevent permanent lock-outs when/if a session applying the lock is terminated (e.g., SSH session is terminated). R-03465 The xNF **MUST** release locks to prevent permanent lock-outs when the corresponding operation succeeds. R-63935 The xNF **MUST** release locks to prevent permanent lock-outs when a user configured timer has expired forcing the NETCONF SSH Session termination (i.e., product must expose a configuration knob for a user setting of a lock expiration timer) R-10173 The xNF **MUST** allow another NETCONF session to be able to initiate the release of the lock by killing the session owning the lock, using the operation to guard against hung NETCONF sessions. R-88899 The xNF **MUST** support simultaneous operations within the context of this locking requirements framework. R-07545 The xNF **MUST** support all operations, administration and management (OAM) functions available from the supplier for xNFs using the supplied YANG code and associated NETCONF servers. R-60656 The xNF **MUST** support sub tree filtering. R-80898 The xNF **MUST** support heartbeat via a with null filter. R-06617 The xNF **MUST** support get-schema (ietf-netconf-monitoring) to pull YANG model over session. R-25238 The xNF PACKAGE **MUST** validated YANG code using the open source pyang [3]_ program using the following commands: R-63953 The xNF **MUST** have the echo command return a zero value otherwise the validation has failed R-26508 The xNF **MUST** support a NETCONF server that can be mounted on OpenDaylight (client) and perform the operations of: modify, update, change, rollback configurations using each configuration data element, query each state (non-configuration) data element, execute each YANG RPC, and receive data through each notification statement. R-28545 The xNF **MUST** conform its YANG model to RFC 6020, “YANG - A Data Modeling Language for the Network Configuration Protocol (NETCONF)” R-29967 The xNF **MUST** conform its YANG model to RFC 6022, “YANG module for NETCONF monitoring”. R-22700 The xNF **MUST** conform its YANG model to RFC 6470, “NETCONF Base Notifications”. R-10353 The xNF **MUST** conform its YANG model to RFC 6244, “An Architecture for Network Management Using NETCONF and YANG”. R-53317 The xNF **MUST** conform its YANG model to RFC 6087, “Guidelines for Authors and Reviewers of YANG Data Model Documents”. R-33955 The xNF **SHOULD** conform its YANG model to RFC 6991, “Common YANG Data Types”. R-22946 The xNF **SHOULD** conform its YANG model to RFC 6536, “NETCONF Access Control Model”. R-10129 The xNF **SHOULD** conform its YANG model to RFC 7223, “A YANG Data Model for Interface Management”. R-12271 The xNF **SHOULD** conform its YANG model to RFC 7223, “IANA Interface Type YANG Module”. R-49036 The xNF **SHOULD** conform its YANG model to RFC 7277, “A YANG Data Model for IP Management”. R-87564 The xNF **SHOULD** conform its YANG model to RFC 7317, “A YANG Data Model for System Management”. R-24269 The xNF **SHOULD** conform its YANG model to RFC 7407, “A YANG Data Model for SNMP Configuration”. R-33946 The xNF **MUST** conform to the NETCONF RFC 4741, “NETCONF Configuration Protocol”. R-04158 The xNF **MUST** conform to the NETCONF RFC 4742, “Using the NETCONF Configuration Protocol over Secure Shell (SSH)”. R-13800 The xNF **MUST** conform to the NETCONF RFC 5277, “NETCONF Event Notification”. R-01334 The xNF **MUST** conform to the NETCONF RFC 5717, “Partial Lock Remote Procedure Call”. R-08134 The xNF **MUST** conform to the NETCONF RFC 6241, “NETCONF Configuration Protocol”. R-78282 The xNF **MUST** conform to the NETCONF RFC 6242, “Using the Network Configuration Protocol over Secure Shell”. R-31809 The xNF **MUST** support the HealthCheck RPC. The HealthCheck RPC executes a xNF Provider-defined xNF HealthCheck over the scope of the entire xNF (e.g., if there are multiple VNFCs, then run a health check, as appropriate, for all VNFCs). It returns a 200 OK if the test completes. A JSON object is returned indicating state (healthy, unhealthy), scope identifier, time-stamp and one or more blocks containing info and fault information. If the xNF is unable to run the HealthCheck, return a standard http error code and message. R-79224 The xNF **MUST** have the chef-client be preloaded with validator keys and configuration to register with the designated Chef Server as part of the installation process. R-72184 The xNF **MUST** have routable FQDNs for all the endpoints (VMs) of a xNF that contain chef-clients which are used to register with the Chef Server. As part of invoking xNF actions, ONAP will trigger push jobs against FQDNs of endpoints for a xNF, if required. R-47068 The xNF **MAY** expose a single endpoint that is responsible for all functionality. R-67114 The xNF **MUST** be installed with Chef-Client >= 12.0 and Chef push jobs client >= 2.0. R-27310 The xNF Package **MUST** include all relevant Chef artifacts (roles/cookbooks/recipes) required to execute xNF actions requested by ONAP for loading on appropriate Chef Server. R-26567 The xNF Package **MUST** include a run list of roles/cookbooks/recipes, for each supported xNF action, that will perform the desired xNF action in its entirety as specified by ONAP (see Section 7.c, ONAP Controller APIs and Behavior, for list of xNF actions and requirements), when triggered by a chef-client run list in JSON file. R-98911 The xNF **MUST NOT** use any instance specific parameters for the xNF in roles/cookbooks/recipes invoked for a xNF action. R-37929 The xNF **MUST** accept all necessary instance specific data from the environment or node object attributes for the xNF in roles/cookbooks/recipes invoked for a xNF action. R-62170 The xNF **MUST** over-ride any default values for configurable parameters that can be set by ONAP in the roles, cookbooks and recipes. R-78116 The xNF **MUST** update status on the Chef Server appropriately (e.g., via a fail or raise an exception) if the chef-client run encounters any critical errors/failures when executing a xNF action. R-44013 The xNF **MUST** populate an attribute, defined as node [‘PushJobOutput’] with the desired output on all nodes in the push job that execute chef-client run if the xNF action requires the output of a chef-client run be made available (e.g., get running configuration). R-30654 The xNF Package **MUST** have appropriate cookbooks that are designed to automatically ‘rollback’ to the original state in case of any errors for actions that change state of the xNF (e.g., configure). R-65755 The xNF **SHOULD** support callback URLs to return information to ONAP upon completion of the chef-client run for any chef-client run associated with a xNF action. R-15885 The xNF **MUST** Upon completion of the chef-client run, POST back on the callback URL, a JSON object as described in Table A2 if the chef-client run list includes a cookbook/recipe that is callback capable. Failure to POST on the Callback Url should not be considered a critical error. That is, if the chef-client successfully completes the xNF action, it should reflect this status on the Chef Server regardless of whether the Callback succeeded or not. R-32217 The xNF **MUST** have routable FQDNs that are reachable via the Ansible Server for the endpoints (VMs) of a xNF on which playbooks will be executed. ONAP will initiate requests to the Ansible Server for invocation of playbooks against these end points [4]_. R-54373 The xNF **MUST** have Python >= 2.6 on the endpoint VM(s) of a xNF on which an Ansible playbook will be executed. R-35401 The xNF **MUST** support SSH and allow SSH access by the Ansible server for the endpoint VM(s) and comply with the Network Cloud Service Provider guidelines for authentication and access. R-82018 The xNF **MUST** load the Ansible Server SSH public key onto xNF VM(s) as part of instantiation. This will allow the Ansible Server to authenticate to perform post-instantiation configuration without manual intervention and without requiring specific xNF login IDs and passwords. R-92866 The xNF **MUST** include as part of post-instantiation configuration done by Ansible Playbooks the removal/update of the SSH public key from /root/.ssh/authorized_keys, and update of SSH keys loaded through instantiation to support Ansible. This may include download and install of new SSH keys and new mechanized IDs. R-91745 The xNF **MUST** update the Ansible Server and other entities storing and using the SSH keys for authentication when the SSH keys used by Ansible are regenerated/updated. R-40293 The xNF **MUST** make available playbooks that conform to the ONAP requirement. R-49396 The xNF **MUST** support each ONAP (APPC) xNF action by invocation of **one** playbook [7]_. The playbook will be responsible for executing all necessary tasks (as well as calling other playbooks) to complete the request. R-33280 The xNF **MUST NOT** use any instance specific parameters in a playbook. R-48698 The xNF **MUST** utilize information from key value pairs that will be provided by the Ansible Server as "extra-vars" during invocation to execute the desired xNF action. If the playbook requires files, they must also be supplied using the methodology detailed in the Ansible Server API, unless they are bundled with playbooks, example, generic templates. R-43253 The xNF **MUST** use playbooks designed to allow Ansible Server to infer failure or success based on the “PLAY_RECAP” capability. NOTE: There are cases where playbooks need to interpret results of a task and then determine success or failure and return result accordingly (failure for failed tasks). R-50252 The xNF **MUST** write to a specific one text files that will be retrieved and made available by the Ansible Server if, as part of a xNF action (e.g., audit), a playbook is required to return any xNF information. The text files must be written in the same directory as the one from which the playbook is being executed. A text file must be created for the xNF playbook run targets/affects, with the name ‘_results.txt’ into which any desired output from each respective VM/xNF must be written. R-51442 The xNF **SHOULD** use playbooks that are designed to automatically ‘rollback’ to the original state in case of any errors for actions that change state of the xNF (e.g., configure). R-58301 The xNF **SHOULD NOT** use playbooks that make requests to Cloud resources e.g. Openstack (nova, neutron, glance, heat, etc.); therefore, there is no use for Cloud specific variables like Openstack UUIDs in Ansible Playbooks. R-02651 The xNF **SHOULD** use the Ansible backup feature to save a copy of configuration files before implementing changes to support operations such as backing out of software upgrades, configuration changes or other work as this will help backing out of configuration changes when needed. R-43353 The xNF **MUST** return control from Ansible Playbooks only after tasks are fully complete, signaling that the playbook completed all tasks. When starting services, return control only after all services are up. This is critical for workflows where the next steps are dependent R-51910 The xNF **MUST** provide all telemetry (e.g., fault event records, syslog records, performance records etc.) to ONAP using the model, format and mechanisms described in this section. R-19624 The xNF **MUST** encode and serialize content delivered to ONAP using JSON (RFC 7159) plain text format. High-volume data is to be encoded and serialized using `Avro `_, where the Avro [6]_ data format are described using JSON. Note: - JSON plain text format is preferred for moderate volume data sets (option 1), as JSON has the advantage of having well-understood simple processing and being human-readable without additional decoding. Examples of moderate volume data sets include the fault alarms and performance alerts, heartbeat messages, measurements used for xNF scaling and syslogs. - Binary format using Avro is preferred for high volume data sets (option 2) such as mobility flow measurements and other high-volume streaming events (such as mobility signaling events or SIP signaling) or bulk data, as this will significantly reduce the volume of data to be transmitted. As of the date of this document, all events are reported using plain text JSON and REST. - Avro content is self-documented, using a JSON schema. The JSON schema is delivered along with the data content (http://avro.apache.org/docs/current/ ). This means the presence and position of data fields can be recognized automatically, as well as the data format, definition and other attributes. Avro content can be serialized as JSON tagged text or as binary. In binary format, the JSON schema is included as a separate data block, so the content is not tagged, further compressing the volume. For streaming data, Avro will read the schema when the stream is established and apply the schema to the received content. R-98191 The xNF **MUST** vary the frequency that asynchronous data is delivered based on the content and how data may be aggregated or grouped together. Note: - For example, alarms and alerts are expected to be delivered as soon as they appear. In contrast, other content, such as performance measurements, KPIs or reported network signaling may have various ways of packaging and delivering content. Some content should be streamed immediately; or content may be monitored over a time interval, then packaged as collection of records and delivered as block; or data may be collected until a package of a certain size has been collected; or content may be summarized statistically over a time interval, or computed as a KPI, with the summary or KPI being delivered. - We expect the reporting frequency to be configurable depending on the virtual network function’s needs for management. For example, Service Provider may choose to vary the frequency of collection between normal and trouble-shooting scenarios. - Decisions about the frequency of data reporting will affect the size of delivered data sets, recommended delivery method, and how the data will be interpreted by ONAP. These considerations should not affect deserialization and decoding of the data, which will be guided by the accompanying JSON schema or GPB definition files. R-88482 The xNF **SHOULD** use REST using HTTPS delivery of plain text JSON for moderate sized asynchronous data sets, and for high volume data sets when feasible. R-84879 The xNF **MUST** have the capability of maintaining a primary and backup DNS name (URL) for connecting to ONAP collectors, with the ability to switch between addresses based on conditions defined by policy such as time-outs, and buffering to store messages until they can be delivered. At its discretion, the service provider may choose to populate only one collector address for a xNF. In this case, the network will promptly resolve connectivity problems caused by a collector or network failure transparently to the xNF. R-81777 The xNF **MUST** be configured with initial address(es) to use at deployment time. Subsequently, address(es) may be changed through ONAP-defined policies delivered from ONAP to the xNF using PUTs to a RESTful API, in the same manner that other controls over data reporting will be controlled by policy. R-08312 The xNF **MAY** use another option which is expected to include REST delivery of binary encoded data sets. R-79412 The xNF **MAY** use another option which is expected to include TCP for high volume streaming asynchronous data sets and for other high volume data sets. TCP delivery can be used for either JSON or binary encoded data sets. R-01033 The xNF **MAY** use another option which is expected to include SFTP for asynchronous bulk files, such as bulk files that contain large volumes of data collected over a long time interval or data collected across many xNFs. (Preferred is to reorganize the data into more frequent or more focused data sets, and deliver these by REST or TCP as appropriate.) R-63229 The xNF **MAY** use another option which is expected to include REST for synchronous data, using RESTCONF (e.g., for xNF state polling). R-03070 The xNF **MUST**, by ONAP Policy, provide the ONAP addresses as data destinations for each xNF, and may be changed by Policy while the xNF is in operation. We expect the xNF to be capable of redirecting traffic to changed destinations with no loss of data, for example from one REST URL to another, or from one TCP host and port to another. R-06924 The xNF **MUST** deliver asynchronous data as data becomes available, or according to the configured frequency. R-73285 The xNF **MUST** must encode, address and deliver the data as described in the previous paragraphs. R-42140 The xNF **MUST** respond to data requests from ONAP as soon as those requests are received, as a synchronous response. R-34660 The xNF **MUST** use the RESTCONF/NETCONF framework used by the ONAP configuration subsystem for synchronous communication. R-86586 The xNF **MUST** use the YANG configuration models and RESTCONF [RFC8040] (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8040). R-11240 The xNF **MUST** respond with content encoded in JSON, as described in the RESTCONF specification. This way the encoding of a synchronous communication will be consistent with Avro. R-70266 The xNF **MUST** respond to an ONAP request to deliver the current data for any of the record types defined in Event Records - Data Structure Description by returning the requested record, populated with the current field values. (Currently the defined record types include fault fields, mobile flow fields, measurements for xNF scaling fields, and syslog fields. Other record types will be added in the future as they become standardized and are made available.) R-46290 The xNF **MUST** respond to an ONAP request to deliver granular data on device or subsystem status or performance, referencing the YANG configuration model for the xNF by returning the requested data elements. R-43327 The xNF **SHOULD** use `Modeling JSON text with YANG `_, If YANG models need to be translated to and from JSON[RFC7951]. YANG configuration and content can be represented via JSON, consistent with Avro, as described in “Encoding and Serialization” section. R-42366 The xNF **MUST** support secure connections and transports such as Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol [`RFC5246 `_] and should adhere to the best current practices outlined in `RFC7525 `_. R-44290 The xNF **MUST** control access to ONAP and to xNFs, and creation of connections, through secure credentials, log-on and exchange mechanisms. R-47597 The xNF **MUST** carry data in motion only over secure connections. R-68165 The xNF **MUST** encrypt any content containing Sensitive Personal Information (SPI) or certain proprietary data, in addition to applying the regular procedures for securing access and delivery. Ansible Playbook Examples ----------------------------------------------- The following sections contain examples of Ansible playbooks which follow the guidelines. Guidelines for Playbooks to properly integrate with APPC ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ NOTE: To support concurrent requests to multiple VNF instances of same or different type, VNF hosts and other files with VNF specific default values are kept or created in separate directories. Example of an Ansible command (after pwd) to run playbook again vfdb9904v VNF instance: .. code-block:: none $ pwd /storage/vfdb/V16.1/ansible/configure $ ansible-playbook -i ../inventory/vfdb9904vhosts site.yml --extra-vars "vnf_instance=vfdb9904v" NOTE: To preserve Ansible inventory/group_vars capability, that makes group_vars contents global variables available to all playbooks, when they reside in the inventory directory, guidelines are being updated to name the VNF inventory hosts file as (a flat file) hosts, stored in the inventory directory, not a subdirectory under inventory. In the above example: vfdb9904vhosts (removed / VNF name and hosts vfdb9904/vhosts) Example of corresponding APPC API Call from ONAP – Ansible Server Specifications: An example of a curl request simulating a Rest API POST requesting execution of configure Playbook (using playbook relative path): .. code-block:: none curl -u APIUser:APIPassword -H "Content-type:application/json" -X POST -d '{"Id": "8412", "PlaybookName": "vfdb/V5.x.x/ansible/configure/site.yml", "Timeout":"600", "EnvParameters": { "vnf_instance": "vfdb9904v" }}' http://ansible.server.com:5000/Dispatch Rest API GET request to obtain response/results for prior request (same Id as POST request above): .. code-block:: none curl -u APIUser:APIPassword -H 'Content-type: application/json' -X GET 'http://ansible.server.com:5000/Dispatch/?Id=8412&Type=GetResult' Comments: - An ID number is assigned to each request. This ID number is used to track request down to completion and provide status to APPC when requested. - Playbook Name relative path provided in the request as PlaybookName - Ansible Server Rest API is aware of playbook’s root directory which may vary from instance to instance or Ansible Server cluster to cluster. Ansible Playbooks will use the VNF instance name (passed using --extra-vars "vnf\_instance=vfdb9904v") to identify other default values to run the playbook(s) against the target VNF instance. Same example as above: .. code-block:: none $ ansible-playbook -i ../inventory/vfdb9904vhosts site.yml --extra-vars "vnf_instance=vfdb9904v" Each Ansible Server or cluster is assigned its own identification to be used to authenticate to VNF VMs using Ansible Server or cluster specific set of SSH keys that may be rotated regularly. Here hosts file, no longer referencing file with SSH key credentials, to run ansible-playbook listed in this example above (IP addresses were scrubbed): .. code-block:: none $ more ../inventory/vfdb9904v/hosts [host] localhost ansible_connection=local [oam] 1xx.2yy.zzz.109 1xx.2yy.zzz.110 [rdb] 1xx.2yy.zzz.105 1xx.2yy.zzz.106 NOTE: APPC requests to run Playbooks/Cookbooks are specific to a VNF, but could be more limited to one VM or one type of VM by the request parameters. Actions that may impact a site (LCP), a service, or an entire platform must be orchestrated by MSO in order to execute requests via APPC which then invoke VNF level playbooks. Playbooks that impact more than a single VNF are not the current focus of these guidelines. Since last release of these guidelines, based on recent learnings, moving VNF Type global variables under inventory/group_vars files, this way variables and respective values are available to all playbooks without being explicitly referenced though an include statement. Also creating templates that are VNF Type specific, but moving away from static files that are VNF instance specific, working to obtain VNF instance specific from other sources, inventory database, etc. And here the scrubbed default arguments for this VNF instance(originated from previously re-factored playbooks now being phased out): .. code-block:: none vnf_instance=vfdb9904v $ more ../vars/vfdb9904v/default_args.yml vm_config_oam_vnfc_name: vfdb9904vm001oam001 vm_config_oam_hostname: vfdb9904vm001 vm_config_oam_provider_ip_address: 1xx.2yy.zzz.109 … IMPORTANT: The APPC and default file attribute name for vm\_config\_oam\_vnfc\_name, as an example, is derived from vm\_config array structure (list) in the CSAR package ENV file, with dots replaced by underscore: .. code-block:: none vm_config: oam: {vnfc_name: {{ vm_config_oam_vnfc_name }}, hostname: {{ vm_config_oam_hostname }}, provider_ip_address: {{ vm_config_oam_provider_ip_address } }, … Parameters like VNF names, VNFC names, OA&M IP addresses, after February, 2018 ONAP release, will be extracted from A&AI by APPC and then passed down to Ansible Server, as part of APPC request through REST API. In the meantime, VNF instance specific required values, will be stored on VNF instance directory, default arguments file and will be used as defaults. For parameterized playbooks attribute-value pairs passed down by APPC to Ansible Server always take precedence over template or VNF instance specific defaults stored in defaults file(s). .. code-block:: none $ pwd /storage/vfdb/latest/ansible Again, originated from previously re-factored playbooks now being phased out: $ more vars/vfdb9904v/default_args.yml vm_config_oam1_vnfc_name: vfdb9904vm001oam001 vm_config_oam1_hostname: vfdb9904vm001 vm_config_oam1_provider_ip_address: 1xx.2yy.zzz.109 vm_config_oam2_vnfc_name: vfdb9904vm002oam001 vm_config_oam2_hostname: vfdb9904vm002 vm_config_oam2_provider_ip_address: 1xx.2yy.zzz.110 vm_config_rdb1_vnfc_name: vfdb9904vm003rdb001 vm_config_rdb1_hostname: vfdb9904vm003 vm_config_rdb1_provider_ip_address: 1xx.2yy.zzz.105 vm_config_rdb2_vnfc_name: vfdb9904vm004rdb001 vm_config_rdb2_hostname: vfdb9904vm004 vm_config_rdb2_provider_ip_address: 1xx.2yy.zzz.106 vm_config_rdb3_vnfc_name: vfdb9904vm005rdb001 vm_config_rdb3_hostname: vfdb9904vm005 vm_config_rdb3_provider_ip_address: 1xx.2yy.zzz.xxx vm_config_rdb4_vnfc_name: vfdb9904vm006rdb001 vm_config_rdb4_hostname: vfdb9904vm006 vm_config_rdb4_provider_ip_address: 1xx.2yy.zzz.yyy One of the first tasks on the Ansible Playbooks is to combine the VNF type generic template, derived from ENV files in CSAR or other files, with these default values stored on the Ansible Server, together with the overriding parameters passed down from APPC, to create the VNF instance specific set of attribute-value pairs to be used for the run, in INI format. Here is an excerpt from such a file that should look somewhat similar to ENV files: .. code-block:: none $ more tmp/vfdb9904v/all.yml deployment_prefix: vfdb9904v … timezone: Etc/UTC … template_version: '2014-10-16' stack_name: vfdb9904v c3dbtype: OAM stackName: vfdb9904v juno_base: true … # logins list contain 'login name', 'login group', 'login password' .. code-block:: none logins: - { name: 'm99999', group: 'm99999', password: 'abcdefgha' } - { name: 'gsuser', group: 'gsuser', password: ' abcdefgha' } - { name: 'peruser', group: 'peruser', password: ' abcdefgha' } - { name: 'dbuser', group: 'dbuser', password: ' abcdefgha' } NOTE: Arguments passed by APPC to Ansible Server to run a playbook take precedence over any defaults stored in Ansible Server. Ansible Playbooks – Notes On Artifacts Required to Run Playbooks ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Inventory hosts file: should be VNF instance specific. Default variables: should be VNF instance specific. NOTE: Some playbooks may rely on inventory directory contents to target the collection of VNFs in the Services Platform supported through Ansible. Playbooks and paths to referenced files: Playbooks shall not use absolute paths in include or import entries (variables or playbooks) or other types of references. For this to work properly, when running playbooks, the directory where the main playbook resides shall be the current directory. Playbook imports, when used, shall use paths relative to the main playbook directory. Root directory named ansible - Any files provided with playbooks, included, imported, or referenced by playbooks, shall reside under the ansible playbooks (root) directory, containing all playbook subdirectories, or below that ansible root directory, in other subdirectories to support on-boarding and portability of VNF collection of playbooks and related artifacts. Designing for a shared environment, concurrently running playbooks, targeting multiple VNF instances – inventory hosts file: To avoid inventory hosts file overwrites or collisions between multiple concurrently running VNF instance requests, chosen approach is for each VNF instance hosts file, to be stored under the Ansible Server Playbooks root directory, under the inventory subdirectory, and under a directory for each VNF instance, named after the VNF instance, as follows: ansible/inventory//hosts Example of inventory hosts file path, relative to ansible playbooks root directory (playbooks\_dir): ansible/inventory/vnfx0001v/hosts **Designing for a shared environment, concurrently running multiple playbooks, targeting multiple VNF instances – default argument variables for specific VNF instances:** Files containing attribute name value pairs (variable name and default values), referenced/included by playbooks – Files containing VNF instance specific default values – in a later APPC release, some or all the default attribute value pairs contained in the defaults file, may be passed down by APPC, to the Ansible Server, overriding these defaults: VNF instance specific files referenced/included by playbooks, containing default values, example, default\_args.yml, shall be stored under a directory with VNF instance name on the path. Example: ansible/vars//default\_args.yml Example of include statement: - include_vars: ../vars/{{ vnf_instance }}/default_args.yml Again, this was originated from previously re-factored playbooks, now being phased out, to move away from having to create VNF instance specific files with VNF instance default variables. Moving to extract these values from inventory databases and provide them to Ansible Server as part of the APPC request, but may be used in a transition from having everything stored in the Ansible Server to APPC extracting and providing VNF instance specific attribute-value pairs to the Ansible Server as part of the request. Files containing attribute name value pairs (variable name and default values), referenced/included by playbooks – created dynamically by playbooks: To avoid overwrites or collisions of multiple concurrently running VNF instance requests, files created dynamically by playbooks, based on VNF generic templates, combined with default values and arguments passed down by APPC (as part of the request), shall be stored under a directory with VNF instance name on the path. Example: tmp//all.yml Files containing site specific (Openstack location non-instance specific) attribute name value pairs, like NTP server and DNS server’s IP addresses and other parameters, referenced/included by playbooks, not VNF specific – Could/should be stored under inventory/group_vars directory, in a subdirectory named after the string used to identify the site (nyc1, lax2,…). Examples: ansible/inventory/group_vars/ ansible/inventory/group_vars/nyc1 ansible/inventory/group_vars/lax2 \ **Ansible Server Design - Directory Structure** To help understanding the contents of this section, here are few basic definitions: **VNF type a.k.a VNF Function Code** - Based on current Services Platform naming convention, each Virtual Network Function is assigned a 4 character string (example vfdb), these are 4 characters in the VNF instance name, followed by (4) numbers, ending in a "v", but the naming convention is evolving. VNF instance name in some cases corresponds to the stack name for the VNF when VNF instance is built based on a single module, single stack. Example of VNF instance name: vfdb9904v. All VNF performing this function, running the same software, coming from the same VNF provider will have the same 4 characters in the VNF instance name, in this example, vfdb. NOTE: New naming convention includes a prefix indicating geographical location where VNF is instantiated. VNF type, determined through these 4 characters, is also known as VNF Function Code and is assigned by inventory team. All Services Platform VNF Function Codes can be found in inventory database and/or A&AI as well as Services Platform Network Design Documents. Version – As in VNF software version is the release of the software running on the VNF for which the playbooks were developed. VNF configuration steps may change from release to release and this in the path will allow the Ansible Server to host playbooks associated with each software release. And run the playbooks that match the software release running on each VNF instance. APPC initially will not support playbook versioning only latest playbook is supported or a hard coded version that later should become a variable to allow multiple actively in use playbook versions according to VNF release. Playbook Function - Is a name associated with a life cycle management task(s) performed by the playbook(s) stored in this directory. It should clearly identify the type of action(s) performed by the main playbook and possibly other playbooks stored in this same directory. Ideally, playbook function would match APPC corresponding command or function that is performed by the main playbook in this directory. Following Ansible naming standards main playbook is usually named site.yml. There can be other playbooks on the same directory that use a subset of the roles used by the main playbook site.yml. Examples of Playbook Function directory names: - configure – Contains post-instantiation (bulk) configuration playbooks, roles,… - healthcheck – Contains VNF health check playbook(s), roles,… - stop – Contains VNF application stop (stopApplication) playbook(s), roles,… - start – Contains VNF application start (startApplication) playbook(s), roles,… Directory structure to allow hosting multiple version sets of playbooks, for the same VNF type, to be hosted in the runtime environment on the Ansible Servers. Generic directory structure: Ansible Playbooks – Function directory and main playbook: .. code-block:: none //ansible//site.yml Example – Post-instantiation (bulk) configuration –APPC Function - Configure: .. code-block:: none //ansible/configure/site.yml Example – Post-instantiation (bulk) configuration –APPC Function – Configure – VNF software version 16.1: .. code-block:: none vfdb/V16.1/ansible/configure/site.yml Example – Health-check –APPC Function - HealthCheck: .. code-block:: none //ansible/healthcheck/site.yml OR (Function directory name does not need to match APPC function name) .. code-block:: none //ansible/check/site.yml Ansible Directories for other artifacts – VNF inventory hosts file - Required: .. code-block:: none //ansible/inventory/hosts Ansible Directories for other artifacts – VNF instance specific default arguments – Optional: .. code-block:: none //ansible/group_vars/ NOTE: This requirement is expected to be deprecated all or in part in the future, for automated actions, once APPC can pass down all VNF specific arguments for each action. Requirement remains while manual actions are to be supported. Other automated inventory management mechanisms may be considered in the future, Ansible supports many automated inventory management mechanisms/tools/solutions. Ansible Directories for other artifacts – VNF (special) groups – Optional: .. code-block:: none //ansible/inventory/group_vars/ NOTE: Default groups will be created based on VNFC type, 3 characters, on VNFC name. Example: “oam”, “rdb”, “dbs”, “man”, “iox”, “app”,… Ansible Directories for other artifacts – VNF (special) other files – Optional – Example – License file: .. code-block:: none //ansible/ CAUTION: On referenced files used/required by playbooks. - To avoid missing files, during on-boarding or uploading of Ansible Playbooks and related artifacts, all permanent files (not generated by playbooks as part of execution), required to run any playbook, shall reside under the ansible root directory or below on other subdirectories. - Any references to files, on includes or other playbook entries, shall use relative paths. - This is the ansible (root) directory referenced on this note (Ansible Server mount point not included): .. code-block:: none //ansible/ There will be a soft link to the latest set of Ansible Playbooks for each VNF type. VNF type directories use A&AI inventory VNF function code. Ansible Playbooks will be stored on a Cinder Volume mounted on the Ansible Servers as /storage. Example: /storage/vfdb/latest/ansible – This soft link point to the latest set of playbooks (or the only set) /storage/vfdb/V16.1/ansible – Root directory for database VNF Ansible Playbooks for release 16.1 CAUTION: To support this directory structure as the repository to store Ansible Playbooks run by APPC, APPC API in the Ansible Server side needs to be configured to run playbooks from directory, not MySQL database. Ansible Server HTTP will be configured to support APPC REST API requests to run playbooks as needed, against specific VNF instances, or specific VM(s) as specified in the request. ONAP APPC REST API to Ansible Server is documented separately and can be found under ONAP (onap.org). **Ansible Server – On-boarding Ansible Playbooks** Once playbooks are developed following the guidelines listed in prior section(s), playbooks need to be on-boarded onto Ansible Server(s). In the future, they’ll be on-boarded and distributed through ONAP, at least that is the proposed plan, but for now they need to be uploaded manually. There is work in progress to use a Git as the playbook repository to store and track playbooks by version, version control. These are the basic steps to on-board playbooks manually onto the Ansible Server. 1. Upload CSAR, zip, or tar file containing VNF playbooks and related artifacts. 2. Create full directory (using –p option below) to store Ansible Playbooks and other artifacts under /storage (or other configured) file system. a. Includes VNF type using VNF function code 4 characters under /storage. b. Includes VNF “Version” directory as part of the path to store playbooks for this VNF version. c. Include generic ansible root directory. Creating full directory path as an example: .. code-block:: none $ mkdir –p /storage/vfdb/V16.1/ansible**/** 3. Make this directory (VNF ansible root directory) current directory for next few steps: .. code-block:: none cd /storage/vfdb/V16.1/ansible/ 4. Extract Ansible Playbooks and other Ansible artifacts associated with the playbooks onto the ansible directory. Command depends on the type of file uploaded, examples would be: .. code-block:: none tar xvf .. unzip … bunzip .. 5. Create VNF inventory hosts file with all VMs and OA&M IP addresses for all VNF instances with known OA&M IP addresses for respective VMs, example: .. code-block:: none $ mkdir inventory $ touch inventory/vfdb9904vhosts $ cat inventory/vfdb9904vhosts [host] localhost ansible\_connection=local [oam] 1xx.2yy.zzz.109 1xx.2yy.zzz.110 [rdb] 1xx.2yy.zzz.105 1xx.2yy.zzz.106 6. (Optional, being deprecated) Create directory to hold default arguments for each VNF instance, example: .. code-block:: none $ mkdir –p vars/vfdb9904v $ touch vars/vfdb9904v/default\_args.yml $ cat vars/vfdb9904v/default\_args.yml vm\_config\_oam1\_vnfc\_name: vfdb9904vm001oam001 vm\_config\_oam1\_hostname: vfdb9904vm001 vm\_config\_oam1\_provider\_ip\_address: 1xx.2yy.zzz.109 vm\_config\_oam2\_vnfc\_name: vfdb9904vm002oam001 vm\_config\_oam2\_hostname: vfdb9904vm002 vm\_config\_oam2\_provider\_ip\_address: 1xx.2yy.zzz.110 vm\_config\_rdb1\_vnfc\_name: vfdb9904vm003rdb001 vm\_config\_rdb1\_hostname: vfdb9904vm003 vm\_config\_rdb1\_provider\_ip\_address: 1xx.2yy.zzz.105 vm\_config\_rdb2\_vnfc\_name: vfdb9904vm004rdb001 vm\_config\_rdb2\_hostname: vfdb9904vm004 vm\_config\_rdb2\_provider\_ip\_address: 1xx.2yy.zzz.106 vm\_config\_rdb3\_vnfc\_name: vfdb9904vm005rdb001 vm\_config\_rdb3\_hostname: vfdb9904vm005 vm\_config\_rdb3\_provider\_ip\_address: 1xx.2yy.zzz.xxx vm\_config\_rdb4\_vnfc\_name: vfdb9904vm006rdb001 vm\_config\_rdb4\_hostname: vfdb9904vm006 vm\_config\_rdb4\_provider\_ip\_address: 1xx.2yy.zzz.yyy NOTE: Please note names in this file shall use underscore “\_” not dots “.” or dashes “-“. 7. Perform some basic playbook validation running with “--check” option, running dummy playbooks or other. NOTE: Each Ansible Server or cluster of Ansible Server will have its own credentials to authenticate to VNF VMs. Ansible Server SSH public key(s) have to be loaded onto VNF VMs during instantiation or other way before Ansible Server can access VNF VMs and run playbooks. HOT templates used by heat to instantiate VNFs to be configured by these Ansible Servers running playbooks shall include the same SSH public key and load them onto VNF VM(s) as part of instantiation. Other non-vendor specific playbook tasks need to be incorporated in overall post-instantiation configuration playbook. Alternative is for company developed playbooks to be uploaded and executed, after VNF vendor provided playbooks are run. **A couple of playbooks used for proof-of-concept testing as examples:** UpgradePreCheck: .. code-block:: none $ pwd /storage/comx/V5.3.1.3/ansible/upgradeprecheck $ more site.yml --- - import_playbook: ../common/create_vars.yml - import_playbook: ../common/create_hosts.yml - name: upgrade software pre check hosts: oam,dbs,cpm gather_facts: no become: true become_method: sudo become_user: root max_fail_percentage: 0 any_errors_fatal: True roles: - precheck tags: precheck $ more roles/precheck/tasks/main.yml --- - include_vars: /tmp/{{ vnf_instance }}/all.yml - name: get software version installed on vnf shell: grep "^SW_VERSION =" /vendor/software/config/param_common.cfg | grep -c "{{ existing_software_version }}" register: version_line ignore_errors: yes - name: send msg when matches expected version debug: msg="*** OK *** VNF software release matches (old) release to be upgraded." verbosity=1 when: version_line.stdout.find('1') != -1 # send warning message and failure when release is not a match - fail: msg="*** WARNING *** VNF software release does not match expected (pre-upgrade) release." when: (version_line | failed) or version_line.stdout.find('1') == -1 UpgradePostCheck: .. code-block:: none $ pwd /storage/comx/V5.3.1.3/ansible/upgradepostcheck $ more site.yml --- - import_playbook: ../common/create_vars.yml - import_playbook: ../common/create_hosts.yml - name: upgrade software post check hosts: oam,dbs,cpm gather_facts: no become: true become_method: sudo become_user: root max_fail_percentage: 0 any_errors_fatal: True roles: - postcheck tags: postcheck $ more roles/postcheck/tasks/main.yml --- - include_vars: /tmp/{{ vnf_instance }}/all.yml - name: get post upgrade software version installed on vnf shell: grep "^SW_VERSION =" /vendor/software/config/param_common.cfg | grep -c "{{ new_software_version }}" register: version_line ignore_errors: yes - name: send msg when matches expected version debug: msg="*** OK *** VNF software release matches new release." verbosity=1 when: version_line.stdout.find('1') != -1 # send warning message and failure when release is not a match - fail: msg="*** WARNING *** VNF software release does not match expected new (post-upgrade) release." when: (version_line | failed) or version_line.stdout.find('1') == -1 .. [1] The “name” field is a mandatory field in a valid Chef Node Object JSON dictionary. .. [2] Not currently supported in ONAP release 1 .. [3] https://github.com/mbj4668/pyang .. [4] Upstream elements must provide the appropriate FQDN in the request to ONAP for the desired action. .. [5] Refer to NCSP’s Network Cloud specification .. [6] This option is not currently supported in ONAP and it is currently under consideration. .. [7] Multiple ONAP actions may map to one playbook.